730. ἄῤῥην (arrén) -- male, man.

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Strong's Concordance

arrén: male, man.

Original Word: ἄρσην, ενος, εν
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: arrén
Phonetic Spelling: (ar'-hrane)
Definition: male, man
Usage: male.

NAS Exhaustive Concordance

Word Origin
variant reading for arsén, q.v.

Thayer's Greek Lexicon

STRONGS NT 730: ἄρρην

ἄρρην, see ἄρσην.

STRONGS NT 730: ἄρσηνἄρσην, ἄρσενος, , ἄρσεν, τό, also (according to R G in Revelation 12:5, 13, and in many editions, that of Tischendorf included, in Romans 1:27a; cf. Fritzsche on Romans, vol. i., p. 78; (Winer's Grammar, 22)) ἄρρην, ἀρρενος, , ἀρρεν, τό (from Homer down), male: Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6; Luke 2:23; Romans 1:27; Galatians 3:28; Revelation 12:5, 13 (where Lachmann reads ἀρσεναν; on which Alex. form of the accusative cf. Winers Grammar, 48 (47f); 66 (64); Mullach, p. 22 (cf. p. 162); Buttmann, 13 (12); (Sophocles Lexicon, Introduction, p. 36; Tdf. Proleg., p. 118; Müller's note on the Epistle of Barnabas 6, 2 [ET], p. 158; WHs Appendix, p. 157 L Scrivener, Collation etc., p. liv.)).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance

male, man.

Arsen (ar'-sane) probably from airo; male (as stronger for lifting) -- male, man.

see GREEK airo

Forms and Transliterations

άρρενα άρρενες αρσεν άρσεν ἄρσεν αρσενα άρσενα ἄρσενα αρσενες άρσενες ἄρσενες άρσενι άρσενος άρσεσι αρσεσιν ἄρσεσιν άρσην arsen ársen arsena ársena arsenes ársenes arsesin ársesin


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