καλῶς (kalōs) -- 37 Occurrences

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καλῶς (kalōs) — 37 Occurrences

Matthew 5:44 Adv
GRK: καταρωμένους ὑμᾶς καλῶς ποιεῖτε τοὺς
KJV: you, do good to them that hate you,
INT: curse you good do to those who

Matthew 12:12 Adv
GRK: τοῖς σάββασιν καλῶς ποιεῖν
NAS: to do good on the Sabbath.
KJV: to do well on the sabbath days.
INT: on the Sabbath good to do

Matthew 15:7 Adv
GRK: ὑποκριταί καλῶς ἐπροφήτευσεν περὶ
NAS: You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah
KJV: [Ye] hypocrites, well did Esaias
INT: Hypocrites rightly prophesied concerning

Mark 7:6 Adv
GRK: εἶπεν αὐτοῖς Καλῶς ἐπροφήτευσεν Ἠσαίας
NAS: And He said to them, Rightly did Isaiah
KJV: unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied
INT: he said to them Rightly prophesied Isaiah

Mark 7:9 Adv
GRK: ἔλεγεν αὐτοῖς Καλῶς ἀθετεῖτε τὴν
NAS: saying to them, You are experts at setting aside
KJV: unto them, Full well ye reject
INT: he said to them Well do you set aside the

Mark 7:37 Adv
GRK: ἐξεπλήσσοντο λέγοντες Καλῶς πάντα πεποίηκεν
NAS: all things well; He makes
KJV: all things well: he maketh
INT: they were astonished saying Well all things he has done

Mark 12:28 Adv
GRK: ἰδὼν ὅτι καλῶς ἀπεκρίθη αὐτοῖς
NAS: that He had answered them well, asked
KJV: he had answered them well, asked him,
INT: having seen that well he answered them

Mark 12:32 Adv
GRK: ὁ γραμματεύς Καλῶς διδάσκαλε ἐπ'
NAS: said to Him, Right, Teacher;
KJV: unto him, Well, Master,
INT: the scribe Right teacher according to

Mark 16:18 Adv
GRK: ἐπιθήσουσιν καὶ καλῶς ἕξουσιν
KJV: and they shall recover.
INT: they will lay and well they will be

Luke 6:26 Adv
GRK: οὐαὶ ὅταν καλῶς ὑμᾶς εἴπωσιν
KJV: men shall speak well of you! for
INT: Woe to you when well of you speak

Luke 6:27 Adv
GRK: ἐχθροὺς ὑμῶν καλῶς ποιεῖτε τοῖς
NAS: do good to those
KJV: enemies, do good to them which hate
INT: enemies of you well do to those who

Luke 6:48 Adv
GRK: διὰ τὸ καλῶς οἰκοδομῆσθαι αὐτήν
INT: because well had been built it

Luke 20:39 Adv
GRK: εἶπαν Διδάσκαλε καλῶς εἶπας
NAS: Teacher, You have spoken well.
KJV: said, Master, thou hast well said.
INT: said Teacher well you have spoken

John 4:17 Adv
GRK: ὁ Ἰησοῦς Καλῶς εἶπας ὅτι
NAS: said to her, You have correctly said,
KJV: unto her, Thou hast well said,
INT: Jesus correctly did you say

John 8:48 Adv
GRK: αὐτῷ Οὐ καλῶς λέγομεν ἡμεῖς
NAS: to Him, Do we not say rightly that You are a Samaritan
KJV: we not well that thou
INT: to him Not rightly say we

John 13:13 Adv
GRK: κύριος καὶ καλῶς λέγετε εἰμὶ
NAS: and Lord; and you are right, for [so] I am.
KJV: and ye say well; for [so] I am.
INT: Lord and rightly you say I am [so]

John 18:23 Adv
GRK: εἰ δὲ καλῶς τί με
NAS: but if rightly, why
KJV: but if well, why smitest
INT: if however well why me

Acts 10:33 Adv
GRK: σύ τε καλῶς ἐποίησας παραγενόμενος
NAS: for you immediately, and you have been kind enough to come.
KJV: thou hast well done
INT: you moreover well did having come

Acts 28:25 Adv
GRK: ἓν ὅτι Καλῶς τὸ πνεῦμα
NAS: The Holy Spirit rightly spoke through
KJV: word, Well spake the Holy
INT: one Rightly the Spirit

Romans 11:20 Adv
GRK: καλῶς τῇ ἀπιστίᾳ
NAS: Quite right, they were broken off
KJV: Well; because of unbelief
INT: Well by the unbelief

1 Corinthians 7:37 Adv
GRK: ἑαυτοῦ παρθένον καλῶς ποιήσει
NAS: virgin [daughter], he will do well.
KJV: virgin, doeth well.
INT: of himself virginity well he does

1 Corinthians 7:38 Adv
GRK: ἑαυτοῦ παρθένον καλῶς ποιεῖ καὶ
NAS: does well, and he who does not give her in marriage
KJV: doeth well; but
INT: own virgin well does and

1 Corinthians 14:17 Adv
GRK: μὲν γὰρ καλῶς εὐχαριστεῖς ἀλλ'
NAS: For you are giving thanks well enough, but the other person
KJV: givest thanks well, but
INT: truly indeed well give thanks but

2 Corinthians 11:4 Adv
GRK: οὐκ ἐδέξασθε καλῶς ἀνέχεσθε
NAS: you bear [this] beautifully.
KJV: ye might well bear with
INT: not you did accept well are you bearing with [it]

Galatians 4:17 Adv
GRK: ὑμᾶς οὐ καλῶς ἀλλὰ ἐκκλεῖσαι
NAS: seek you, not commendably, but they wish
KJV: you, [but] not well; yea, they would
INT: you not rightly but to exclude

Galatians 5:7 Adv
GRK: Ἐτρέχετε καλῶς τίς ὑμᾶς
NAS: You were running well; who hindered
KJV: Ye did run well; who did hinder
INT: You were running well who you

Philippians 4:14 Adv
GRK: πλὴν καλῶς ἐποιήσατε συνκοινωνήσαντές
NAS: you have done well to share
KJV: Notwithstanding ye have well done,
INT: But well you did having fellowship in

1 Timothy 3:4 Adv
GRK: ἰδίου οἴκου καλῶς προϊστάμενον τέκνα
NAS: household well, keeping
KJV: One that ruleth well his own house,
INT: own house well ruling children

1 Timothy 3:12 Adv
GRK: ἄνδρες τέκνων καλῶς προϊστάμενοι καὶ
NAS: wife, [and] good managers
KJV: their own houses well.
INT: husbands [their] children well ruling and

1 Timothy 3:13 Adv
GRK: οἱ γὰρ καλῶς διακονήσαντες βαθμὸν
NAS: who have served well as deacons
KJV: they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase
INT: those indeed well having served a degree

1 Timothy 5:17 Adv
GRK: Οἱ καλῶς προεστῶτες πρεσβύτεροι
NAS: who rule well are to be considered worthy
KJV: that rule well be counted worthy
INT: The well who take the lead elders

Hebrews 13:18 Adv
GRK: ἐν πᾶσιν καλῶς θέλοντες ἀναστρέφεσθαι
NAS: to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.
KJV: willing to live honestly.
INT: in all things well wishing to conduct ourselves

James 2:3 Adv
GRK: κάθου ὧδε καλῶς καὶ τῷ
NAS: here in a good place, and you say
KJV: thou here in a good place; and say
INT: sit you here well and to the

James 2:8 Adv
GRK: ὡς σεαυτόν καλῶς ποιεῖτε
NAS: AS YOURSELF, you are doing well.
KJV: thyself, ye do well:
INT: as yourself well you do

James 2:19 Adv
GRK: θεὸς ἔστιν καλῶς ποιεῖς καὶ
NAS: is one. You do well; the demons also
KJV: God; thou doest well: the devils also
INT: God is Well you do even

2 Peter 1:19 Adv
GRK: λόγον ᾧ καλῶς ποιεῖτε προσέχοντες
NAS: you do well to pay attention
KJV: ye do well that ye take heed,
INT: word to which well you do taking heed

3 John 1:6 Adv
GRK: ἐκκλησίας οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας
NAS: You will do well to send them on their way
KJV: sort, thou shalt do well:
INT: [the] church who well you will do having set forward

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