1 Thessalonians 1 HCSB

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Holman Christian Standard Bible  Par ▾ 


1Paul, Silvanus,a, b and Timothy:c

To the church of the Thessaloniansd in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace to you and peace.e


2We always thank God for all of you, remembering you constantly in our prayers. 3We recall, in the presence of our God and Father,f your work of faith,g labor of love, and endurance of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ,h 4knowing your election,i brothers lovedj by God.k 5For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, in the Holy Spirit,l and with much assurance. You know what kind of men we were among youm for your benefit, 6and you became imitators of us and of the Lord when, in spite of severe persecution, you welcomed the messagen with joy from the Holy Spirit. 7As a result, you became an example to all the believers in Macedoniao and Achaia.p 8For the Lord’s message rang out from you, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but in every place that your faithq, r in God has gone out. Therefore, we don’t need to say anything, 9for they themselves reports what kind of receptiont we had from you: how you turnedu to God from idolsv to serve the livingw and truex God 10and to waity for His Sonz from heaven, whom He raised from the deadaa — Jesus, who rescues usab from the coming wrath.ac

a. 1:1 Or Silas ; Ac 15:22-32; 16:19-40; 17:1-16
b. 1:1 Ac 15:22; 2Co 1:19; 2Th 1:1; 1Pt 5:12
c. 1:1 Ac 16:1; 1Tm 1:2
d. 1:1 Ac 17:1
e. 1:1 Other mss add from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
f. 1:3 Php 4:20
g. 1:3 Rm 3:28; 9:32; Gl 2:16; 5:6; 2Th 1:11; Heb 6:1; Jms 2:14-26; Rv 2:19
h. 1:3 Ac 15:26
i. 1:4 Mt 24:22; Eph 1:4
j. 1:4 Jn 3:16; Rv 12:11
k. 1:4 Dt 33:12; 2Th 2:13
l. 1:5 Jn 1:33; Ac 2:4; Rm 8:9; 1Co 2:4; Gl 5:25; Ti 3:5; Rv 3:22
m. 1:5 Ac 20:18; 1Th 2:10
n. 1:6 Heb 4:12
o. 1:7 Ac 16:9
p. 1:7 Ac 18:12
q. 1:8 Or in every place news of your faith
r. 1:8 Gl 2:16
s. 1:9 Lit report about us
t. 1:9 Ac 17:1-9
u. 1:9 1Pt 2:25
v. 1:9 Gn 31:19; 1Co 8:4
w. 1:9 Dt 5:26
x. 1:9 Jn 4:23; 1Jn 5:20
y. 1:10 Jd 21
z. 1:10 Heb 1:2
aa. 1:10 Mt 17:9; Jn 5:25
ab. 1:10 Mt 27:43
ac. 1:10 Rm 2:5; 1Th 5:9; Rv 6:16

Colossians 4

1 Thessalonians 2

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