Numbers 1 Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

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1And LORD JEHOVAH spoke with Moshe in the wilderness of Sinai in the Time Tabernacle, in the first day, in the second month, in the second year when the children of Israel went out from the land of Egypt, and he said to him: 2“And take the count of the number of the leaders of all of the assembly of the children of Israel for their tribes to the house of their fathers in the number of their names, every male for their leaders. 3From a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel, you shall number them in their armies, you and Ahron your brother. 4And each head man from the tribe of the house of his father shall be with you.

5And these are the names of the men who will stand with you: of Rubil: Elitsur son of Shedaur. 6Of Shemon: Shelamwayel, son of Shurishaday. 7Of Yehuda: Nahshon, son of Aminadab. 8Of Issakar: Nathaniel, son of Tsuar. 9Of Zebulun: Elyab, son of Khelon. 10Of the sons of Yoseph: of Aphreim: Elishma, son of Amihud of Menasheh: Gamaliel, son of Partsur. 11Of Benyamin: Abidan, son of Geduni. 12Of Dan: Akhiazar, son of Amishaday. 13Of Ashayr: Pagayel, son of Akran. 14Of Gad: Eliasaph, son of Rawayel. 15Of Naphtali: Akhida, son of Aynan. 16These are the prominent of the assembly, Princes of the tribes of the house of their fathers; they are the Heads of the thousands of Israel.”

17And Moshe and Ahron took these men who were separated by names. 18And they gathered all of the assembly on the first in the second month and they were numbered for their tribes with the house of their fathers in the number of the names of a son of twenty years and above for their Leaders. 19As LORD JEHOVAH commanded Moshe and he numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai.

20And there were the children of Rubil, the firstborn of Israel in their families, for their tribes, for the house of their fathers, in the number of the names, every male for their Leaders, from a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel. 21The number of them of the tribe of Rubil: forty and six thousand five hundred.

22And the sons of Shemon in their families for their tribes, for the house of their fathers in the number of the names, every male for their Leaders, of a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel. 23The number of them of the tribe of Shemon: fifty and nine thousand and three hundred.

24And the sons of Gad in their families, for their tribes for the house of their fathers, in the number of the names, every male for their Leaders, from a son of twenty years and above, everyone who proceeds in the army in Israel. 25The number of them of the tribe of Gad: forty and five thousand and six hundred and fifty.

26And the sons of Yehuda in their families, for their tribes for the house of their fathers, in the number of the names of a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel. 27The number of them of the tribe of Yehuda: seventy and four thousand and six hundred.

28And the sons of Issakar in their families for their tribes for the house of their fathers, in the number of the names of a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel. 29The number of them of the tribe of Issakar: fifty and four thousand and four hundred.

30And the sons of Zebulon in their families, for their tribes for the house of their fathers, in the number of the names of a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel. 31The number of them of the tribe of Zebulon: fifty and seven thousand and four hundred.

32And the sons of Yoseph the sons of Aphreim in their families for their tribes to the house their fathers, in the number of the names of a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel. 33The number of them of the tribe of Aphreim: forty thousand and five hundred.

34And the sons of Menasheh in their families for their tribes, for the house of their fathers, in the number of the names of a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel. 35The number of them of the tribe of Menasheh: thirty and two thousand and two hundred.

36And the sons of Benyamin in their families for their tribes for the house of their fathers, in the number of the names of a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel. 37The number of them of the tribe of Benyamin: thirty and five thousand and four hundred.

38And the sons of Dan in their families, for their tribes to the house of their fathers, in the number of the names of a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel. 39The number of them of the tribe of Dan: sixty and two thousand and seven hundred.

40And the sons of Ashir in their families, for their tribes for the house of their fathers, in the number of the names of a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel. 41The number of them of the tribe of Ashayr: forty and one thousand and five hundred.

42And the sons of Naphtali in their families, for their tribes for the house of their fathers, in the number of the names of a son of twenty years and above, every who goes out in the army in Israel. 43The number of them of the tribe of Naphtali: fifty and three thousand and four hundred.

44These are the numbers that Moshe and Ahron numbered and the Princes of Israel, twelve men, one man from the house of his father. 45And all of them of the number of the sons of Israel for the house of their fathers, of a son of twenty years and above, everyone who goes out in the army in Israel. 46And all of them the number of the sons of Israel were six hundred and three thousand and five hundred and fifty.

47And the Levites and the tribe of their fathers were not numbered among them. 48And LORD JEHOVAH spoke with Moshe and said to him: 49The tribe of Levi you shall not number and their computation you shall not take among the sons of Israel. 50But authorize Levi over the Tabernacle of the Testimony and over all of its implements and over everything that is in it, those shall carry his tabernacle and all its implements and those shall serve it who shall be camping around the Tabernacle. 51And whenever the Tabernacle picks up, the Levites shall take it down, and whenever the Tabernacle sets up, the Levites shall erect it and a stranger who approaches it shall be killed. 52And the sons of Israel shall pitch, each man in his camp and each man in his troop in their armies. 53And Levites shall be setting up around the Tabernacle of the Testimony and there shall not be wrath on the assembly of the children of Israel and the Levites shall keep watch of the Tabernacle of the Testimony." 54And the children of Israel did as LORD JEHOVAH commanded Moshe; in this way they did.