Galatians 2 YLT

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The Council at Jerusalem

1Then, after fourteen years again I went up to Jerusalem with Barnabas, having taken with me also Titus; 2and I went up by revelation, and did submit to them the good news that I preach among the nations, and privately to those esteemed, lest in vain I might run or did run; 3but not even Titus, who [is] with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised — 4and [that] because of the false brethren brought in unawares, who did come in privily to spy out our liberty that we have in Christ Jesus, that us they might bring under bondage, 5to whom not even for an hour we gave place by subjection, that the truth of the good news might remain to you. 6And from those who were esteemed to be something — whatever they were then, it maketh no difference to me — the face of man God accepteth not, for — to me those esteemed did add nothing, 7but, on the contrary, having seen that I have been entrusted with the good news of the uncircumcision, as Peter with [that] of the circumcision, 8for He who did work with Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, did work also in me in regard to the nations, 9and having known the grace that was given to me, James, and Cephas, and John, who were esteemed to be pillars, a right hand of fellowship they did give to me, and to Barnabas, that we to the nations, and they to the circumcision [may go], 10only, of the poor that we should be mindful, which also I was diligent — this very thing — to do.

Paul Confronts Peter

11And when Peter came to Antioch, to the face I stood up against him, because he was blameworthy, 12for before the coming of certain from James, with the nations he was eating, and when they came, he was withdrawing and separating himself, fearing those of the circumcision, 13and dissemble with him also did the other Jews, so that also Barnabas was carried away by their dissimulation. 14But when I saw that they are not walking uprightly to the truth of the good news, I said to Peter before all, ‘If thou, being a Jew, in the manner of the nations dost live, and not in the manner of the Jews, how the nations dost thou compel to Judaize?

15we by nature Jews, and not sinners of the nations, 16having known also that a man is not declared righteous by works of law, if not through the faith of Jesus Christ, also we in Christ Jesus did believe, that we might be declared righteous by the faith of Christ, and not by works of law, wherefore declared righteous by works of law shall be no flesh.’ 17And if, seeking to be declared righteous in Christ, we ourselves also were found sinners, [is] then Christ a ministrant of sin? let it not be! 18for if the things I threw down, these again I build up, a transgressor I set myself forth; 19for I through law, did die, that to God I may live; 20with Christ I have been crucified, and live no more do I, and Christ doth live in me; and that which I now live in the flesh — in the faith I live of the Son of God, who did love me and did give himself for me; 21I do not make void the grace of God, for if righteousness [be] through law — then Christ died in vain.