2 Chronicles 3 ISV

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Temple Construction

(1 Kings 6:1-22)

1So Solomon began construction of the LORD’s Temple in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah where the LORDa had appeared to his father David, that is, where David had prepared Ornan the Jebusite’s threshing floor. 2He began construction on the second dayb of the second month of the fourth year of his reign.

Dimensions of the Temple

3These are the foundations that Solomon set in place for God’s Temple. The length in terms of the former standard measurements: 60 cubits;c its width: 20 cubits.d 4A portico extended in front of the Temple for its entire width of 20 cubits,e and wasf 120 cubitsg high. Inside he had it overlaid with pure gold. 5The main room of the Temple was trimmed with a wainscoting composed of cypress wood, overlaid with fine gold ornamented with palm trees and chains. 6The Temple was adorned with precious stones, including gold from the Orient.h 7The Temple was overlaid with gold, including the beams, thresholds, walls, and doors. Cherubim were engraved on the walls. 8With respect to the Most Holy Place in the Temple, its length across the width of the Temple was 20 cubits,i and its width extended 20 cubits.j

Materials of the Temple

Solomonk overlaid it with 600 talentsl of pure gold. 9The gold nails weighed 50 shekels.m He also overlaid the upper rooms with gold. 10He crafted two cherubim from wood, overlaid them with gold, and placed them in the Most Holy Place in the Temple. 11The wingspan of the cherubim was 20 cubits;n the wing of one, five cubitso long, touched the wall of the Temple, and its other wing, five cubitsp long, touched the wing of the other cherub. 12The wing of the other cherub, five cubitsq long, touched the oppositer wall of the Temple and its other wing, five cubitss long, touched the wing of the firstt cherub. 13The wings of these cherubim extended for 20 cubitsu as they stood on their feet and faced the front ofv the Temple. 14He constructed the veil from blue,w purple, crimson, and fine linen, embroidering cherubim on it. 15He also made two pillars 35 cubitsx high for the front of the Temple, topped by a capital that was five cubitsy high. 16He crafted chains for the inner sanctuary and placed them on top of the pillars, attaching 100 pomegranates to each of the chains. 17He set up the pillars at the front of the Temple, one on the south side of the entrancez and the other on the north side of the entrance.aa He named the south pillar Jachinbb and the north pillar Boaz.cc

a 3:1 The Heb. lacks the LORD
b 3:2 The Heb. lacks day
c 3:3 i.e. about 90 feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
d 3:3 i.e. about 30 feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
e 3:4 i.e. about 30 feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
f 3:4The Heb. lacks was
g 3:4 i.e. about 180 feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
h 3:6 Lit. from Parvaim
i 3:8 i.e. about 30 feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
j 3:8 i.e. about 30 feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
k 3:8 Lit. He
l 3:8 i.e. about 45,000 pounds; a talent weighed about 75 pounds
m 3:9 i.e. about 20 ounces; a shekel weighed about 0.4 ounces
n 3:11 i.e. about 30 feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
o 3:11 i.e. about seven and a half feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
p 3:11 i.e. about seven and a half feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
q 3:12 i.e. about seven and a half feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
r 3:12 The Heb. lacks opposite
s 3:12 i.e. about seven and a half feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
t 3:12 Lit. other
u 3:13 i.e. about 30 feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
v 3:13 The Heb. lacks the front of
w 3:14 Or violet
x 3:15 i.e. about 52 and a half feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
y 3:15 i.e. about seven and a half feet; a cubit was about eighteen inches
z 3:17 The Heb. lacks of the entrance
aa 3:17 The Heb. lacks of the entrance
bb 3:17 The Heb. name means He will establish
cc 3:17 The Heb. name means In him is strength

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