Jonah 2 ISV

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Jonah’s Prayer for Deliverance

1a Then Jonah prayed to the LORD his God from inside the sea creature. 2He said:

“I called out to the LORD from the midst of affliction directed at me,b

and he answered me.

From the depthsc of deathd I cried out for help;

and you heard my cry.e

3You cast me into the deep—

into the heart of the sea.

Flood waters engulfed me.

All your breakers and your waves swirled over me.

4So I told myself,f ‘I have been driven away from you.g

Howh will I again gaze on your holy Temple?’

5Flood waters encompassed me,

the deep surrounded me

while seaweed wrapped around my head.

6I sank to the roots of the mountains;

the earth’s prisoni bars closedj around me forever.

Yet you resurrect the deadk from the Pit,l LORD my God!

7“As my life was fading away,

I remembered the LORD;

and my prayer came to you in your holy Temple.

8Those who cling to vain idols

leave behind the gracious love that could have been theirs.m

9But as for me, with a voice of thanksgiving I will sacrifice to you;

what I have vowed I will pay.

Deliverancen is the LORD’s!”

10Then the LORD spoke to the sea creature, and it spewed Jonah onto the dry land.

a 2:1 2:1 is 2:2 in MT, 2:2 is 2:3 in MT, and so through vs. 10
b 2:2 Lit. affliction to me
c 2:2 Lit. belly
d 2:2 Heb. Sheol; i.e. the realm of the dead
e 2:2 Or voice
f 2:4 Or I thought
g 2:4 Lit. from your attention
h 2:4 Lit. Indeed, surely
i 2:6 The Heb. lacks prison
j 2:6 The Heb. lacks closed
k 2:6 Lit. you bring life up
l 2:6 i.e. the place of punishment in the afterlife
m 2:8 Or leave behind their gracious love
n 2:9 Or Salvation

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