Wikipedia:Wikimania 2023/Dokumentation – Wikipedia

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Wikimania 2023
Was läuft da in Südostasien ab?
Was gibt es auf der Wikimania zu tun?
(Erscheint in angemessenem zeitlichen Abstand zur Wikimania)
Wer möchte teilnehmen?
Mit wem kann ich zusammen reisen?
Wie erhalte ich finanzielle Unterstützung
für die Teilnahme?
Was wird rund um die Wikimania berichtet?
Wo und wie wird mir bei Fragen
zur Teilnahme, Bewerbung usw. geholfen?


Gedanken und Planungen zur Wikimania können hier genauso dargestellt werden wie aktuelle Berichte von vor Ort. Hauptaugenmerk ist aber die Weitergabe von spannenden Eindrücken und tollen Ideen, die im deutschsprachigen Raum hilfreich ebenfalls ausprobiert werden könnten.

1. Planungen zur Wikimania, mitzunehmende Fragen und vieles Andere kann hier schon vor der Veranstaltung selbst notiert/diskutiert werden.
2. Berichte aus der Vorbereitungszeit und Eindrücke direkt aus Singapur können hier niedergeschrieben oder verlinkt werden.

Alle Teilnehmenden der Wikimania haben Neues erfahren, Kenntnisse geteilt, Personen getroffen und viel mehr. Hier kann anderen Aktiven der Wikipedia davon berichtet werden.


a. Online-Teilnahme
Kein Bericht, nur mein persönliches Highlight: die Session mit zwei ukrainischen Wikipedianern, die die sprachliche Kolonisierung und Dekolonisierung ihres Landes im enwiki beschreiben, anhand der Beispiele en:Ukrainian dancers, en:Kazimir Malevich, und der erfolgreichen [1] Umbenennungskampagne en:KyivNotKiev. Auch die krimtatarische Sprachversion der Wikipedia crh:Baş_Saife sei im Zuge einer Emanzipationsbewegung entstanden. (Video, ca. 20 min). - Unter den wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen interessierte mich besonders der Lightning talk einer amerikanischen PhD-Studentin [2] über die Korrumpierung der kroatischen Wikipedia (siehe „Signpost“ 6/2021), und warum die serbischen, serbokroatischen, und bosnischen Sprachversionen demgegenüber weniger vulnerabel waren (Video, ca. 10 min). - Insgesamt eine schöne Veranstaltung mit stabilen Streams, für Sehr-Früh-Aufsteher in Europa günstiger Zeitplanung, natürlich aus den üblichen fensterlosen Räumen, deren Zuschauerbereiche in den Randzeiten manchmal recht leer wirkten. Gruss, –MBq Disk 12:52, 19. Aug. 2023 (CEST)[Beantworten]

b. Vor-Ort-Teilnahme

b. On-site participation

Report on an individual event.

I was happy to join the Movement Strategy and Governance Discussion session on the "Tour of Hubs." This interactive and relaxed session allowed participants to exchange insights about hubs, what strategies have proven effective, and the next steps. Two intriguing highlights emerged from the discussion.

First, an analogy was drawn to the Marvel heroes, such as Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, and Black Panther, who operated individually in their respective contexts but united as the Justice League to tackle more significant challenges with greater impact. This metaphor illustrated the essence of a hub perfectly.

Another participant likened a hub to a sweet table at Wikimania. Just as attendees bring diverse sweets from their countries to share, hubs gather different perspectives and ideas. An insightful comment by Pru stressed the importance of knowing where the "sweets table" is, which resonates with the idea that understanding a hub's purpose, location, and involvement avenues is crucial.

The session also discussed the MCDC's need to adopt a flexible approach, avoiding rigid guidelines for "hubbers." I endorse this notion. A balanced mix of both approaches would be valuable. Providing newcomers with guidelines they can follow while allowing flexibility for adaptation to their unique situations is ideal. This comparison aligns with the activity checklist offered by Wikimania organisers. For newcomers, the checklist serves as a helpful guide to enhance their experience. However, experienced Wikimedians, whether new or returning attendees, know how to optimise their participation beyond solely relying on the checklist.

The session concluded with an agreement to establish a shared space for ongoing hub-related conversations, led by key hub leaders. Through the diverse opinions shared, I grasped that a successful hub should possess a shared vision be it short term or long term, ensure communication, offer support or even embrace diverse interests, finding a harmonious synergy.)

How my attendance pushed me forward and have I been able to share something with others afterwards?

Attending Wikimania was incredibly enriching for me, as it exposed me to a wide range of individuals, communities, initiatives and made me realise that we do face similar challenges as wikimedians and leaders of communities. This experience reinforced the importance of undertaking some new activities and continuing with activities such as our monthly community calls outlined in our annual plan. Notably, I got to know about the Wiki Library, Wikimedia and Libraries User Group, Wikisource, and even had a try at Mix'n'match. These initiatives have the potential to attract diverse participants when shared with others. I found Mix and Match particularly valuable as it offers a platform for librarians and individuals with limited computer literacy to contribute. Consequently, I plan to introduce it to our community and partners.

Throughout the event, I shared my experience during discussions at sessions and conversations with other Wikimedian. With this, I established new connections and reconnected with fellow Wikimedians. This has expanded my network within the movement. I learned about Suyash's efforts to address the issue of inadequate technological devices and I hope to try it. Additionally, I have also gained a contact for Wikimedia Commons-related queries. Moreover, by sharing my planned session with others, I identified individuals who share an interest in our proposed media literacy project with Matti. These contacts could serve as potential collaborators for further discussions. Furthermore, I acquired valuable skills in structured data on commons, Wikisource, and leadership-related tasks, such as communication.

I've shared some of my learnings through Twitter and with the project lead of our community, Global Open Initiative. In mid-September, I plan to present my experience during our monthly community calls. Additionally, I intend to share my insights at upcoming wiki-related events, both online and offline.--Mwintirew (Diskussion) 16:42, 31. Aug. 2023 (CEST)[Beantworten]

Report on an individual event.

I was happily surprised by the Let's Connect Learning Clinic Series. While of course Wikimania is mainly driven by talks related to various projects on the wiki universe, I love it when we have talks and workshop not necessarily related to Wikimedia on a "ground level", let's say, but nonetheless they help us become better Wikimedians, better leaders, and even better persons. Not only I was able to meet new persons (although I'm still struggling with some kind of introvertness) but I was able to enhance friendships of some friends who also assisted the clinics, and I was able to introduce my former tandem partner to fellow colleagues from Argentina.

Although I was expecting that the session dedicated to "networking for introverts" would be the most helpful for me, in the end I learned more with the session "Communication skills for collaborative leadership" as I was able to notice some mistakes I usually make in my chapter related volunteer hours, and also how to avoid them and improve my relations with fellow workers. As I said before, I was also able to meet and know some new people, and introduce my fellow Argentine wikimedians to new people.

How my attendance pushed me forward and have I been able to share something with others afterwards?

I think Wikimania it's a great event to reward the common volunteer and thank him for his dedication to this (various) projects. Not only you get to learn a lot about what's happening on the other half of the world, but you get to meet new people, or even meet that "username" who is been helping you since a long time ago. Although this happen naturally over the course of the event, I want to make emphasis on the new friendship I made thanks to the tandem scholarship. Not only I was able befriend Wuselig, but thanks to him I was able to realize the extend of my work. We did a lightning talk comparing how GLAM projects work in Argentina and Germany, and initially, I was not so sure about doing it, as I don't usually work in those kinds of projects, but when I started writing the talk, it made me realize that in fact, I'm building right now a GLAM project (that hopefully I would be able to tell everyone by next year Wikimania) and the audience noticed that. So thanks to all of this, I was able to realize the extent of my actual work as a volunteer.

Beyond this, I of course attended multiple sessions of topics from my interest, as well supporting the presentations from my friends. This helped me learn some new things that are revolving on the wikiverse, as well improve my knowledge and skills on things I already knew, as stated on my previous question. I've already started sharing my experiences with some talks and calls I had with my fellow colleagues, and I will probably share even more in some future in person meeting, as well next week on WECUDI.--BugWarp (Diskussion) 20:28, 7. Sep. 2023 (CEST)[Beantworten]

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