List of Andalusians

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The following table groups the list of notable Andalusians listed in alphabetical order within categories:

Name Occupation Place of birth Date of birth Date of death
Juan Belmonte Bullfighter Seville 1892 1962
Manuel Benítez, a.k.a. El Cordobés Bullfighter Palma del Río 1936 -
Jose Gomez, a.k.a. Joselito Bullfighter Gelves 1895 1920
Rafael Guerra, a.k.a. Guerrita Bullfighter Córdoba 1862 1941
Rafael Molina, a.k.a. Lagartijo Bullfighter Córdoba 1841 1900
Francisco Montes, a.k.a. Paquiro Bullfighter Chiclana de la Frontera 1804 1851
Antonio Ordóñez Bullfighter Ronda 1932 1998
Cayetano Ordóñez, a.k.a. El Niño de La Palma Bullfighter Ronda 1904 1961
Manuel Laureano Rodríguez, a.k.a. Manolete Bullfighter Córdoba 1917 1947
Francisco Rivera Pérez, a.k.a. Paquirri Bullfighter Cadiz 1948 1984
Curro Romero Bullfighter Camas 1933 -

Explorers and Conquistadors


Name Occupation Place of birth Date of birth Date of death
Juan Díaz de Solís Navigator and explorer Lebrija 1470 1516
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca First European to explore the southwestern of United States Jerez de la Frontera 1490 1559
Juan Rodrigo Bermejo, a.k.a. Rodrigo de Triana Sailor, the first to see America's coast in the Columbus' first expedition Seville 1469 ??
Pedro Alonso Niño Navigator and explorer Moguer 1468 1505
Juan de Padilla[1] Missionary and protomartyr of United States unknown 1492 1544
Martín Alonso Pinzón Navigator and explorer. He participated in Columbus' first expedition as captain of the Pinta Palos de la Frontera 1441 1495
Vicente Yáñez Pinzón Navigator, explorer and conquistador. He participated in Columbus' first expedition as captain of the Niña Palos de la Frontera 1460 1523

Leaders and politicians


Name Occupation Place of birth Date of birth Date of death
Abd-ar-Rahman III Emir and first Caliph of Córdoba Córdoba 891 961
Niceto Alcalá-Zamora First Prime Minister and first President of the Second Spanish Republic Priego de Córdoba 1877 1949
Al-Mansur aka Almanzor Muslim general and statesman Algeciras 940 1002
Javier Arenas Former deputy Prime Minister (Vicepresidente) of Spain Seville 1957 -
Arganthonios King of Tartessia Tartessos 670 BC 550 BC
Alvaro de Bazan Admiral Granada 1526 1588
Boabdil Last Muslim king of Granada Granada 1452 1528
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo Historian, Prime Minister of Spain and creator of the Restoration of the Spanish Bourbon monarchy Málaga 1828 1897
Emilio Castelar Writer and politician, fourth and last President of the First Spanish Republic Cadiz 1832 1899
Manuel Chaves González President of the Autonomous Community of Andalucía Ceuta 1945 -
Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba aka El Gran Capitan General and statesman, the Father of trench warfare Montilla 1453 1515
Bernardo de Gálvez General and governor of Louisiana, aided the United States in the American Revolutionary War Málaga 1758 1852
Felipe González Former Prime Minister of Spain Seville 1942 -
Alfonso Guerra Former deputy Prime Minister (Vicepresidente) of Spain Seville 1940 -
Hadrian Roman emperor Italica 76 138
Blas Infante Politician and writer, leading exponent of Andalusian nationalism Casares 1885 1936
Luisa of Medina-Sidonia Queen-consort of Portugal Sanlúcar de Barrameda 1613 1666
Antonio (Lopez) de Mendoza First viceroy of New Spain and third viceroy of Peru Granada 1495 1552
Ramón Maria Narvaez General and Prime Minister of Spain Loja 1800 1868
Aguas Santas Ocaña Navarro First Lady of Honduras Brenes 1963 -
Miguel Primo de Rivera General and dictator of Spain Jerez de la Frontera 1870 1930
Nicolás Salmerón Politician and philosopher, third President of the First Spanish Republic Alhama de Almería 1838 1908
Trajan Roman emperor Italica 53 117
Antonio de Ulloa General, explorer, writer and first Spanish governor of Louisiana Seville 1716 1795
José Cobo Cano Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Madrid Sabiote 1965 -
Name Occupation Place of birth Date of birth Date of death
Sara Baras Flamenco dancer Cádiz 1971 -
David Bisbal Pop singer Almería 1979 -
Joaquín Cortés Flamenco dancer Córdoba 1969 -
Vicente Espinel Writer and musician of the Spanish Golden Age. Added the fifth string to the guitar Ronda 1550 1624
Manuel de Falla Composer of classical music Cádiz 1876 1946
José Fernández Torres, aka Tomatito Flamenco guitarist Almería 1958 -
Lola Flores Singer, dancer and actress Jerez de la Frontera 1923 1995
Rosa María García García, aka Niña Pastori Flamenco singer San Fernando 1978 -
Manuel García Escobar, aka Manolo Escobar Pop Singer El Ejido 1931 -
Rocío Jurado Singer and actress Chipiona 1944 2006
Las Ketchup Singers Córdoba N/A -
Alonso Lobo Composer of the late Renaissance Osuna 1555 1617
Los del Río Singers Dos Hermanas N/A -
Rafael Martos, aka Raphael Singer Linares 1945 -
Ana Mena Singer Málaga 1997 -
José Monje Cruz aka Camarón de la Isla Flamenco singer Cadiz 1950 1992
Cristóbal de Morales Composer of the Renaissance Seville 1500 1553
Isabel Pantoja Singer and actress Seville 1952 -
Manuel del Pópulo Vicente García Opera tenor Seville 1775 1832
Miguel Ríos Singer Chauchina 1944 -
Joaquín Sabina Singer-songwriter Úbeda 1949 -
Francisco Sánchez, aka Paco de Lucía Flamenco guitarist, Prince of Asturias Prize Algeciras 1947 2014
Andrés Segovia Classical guitarist Linares 1893 1987
Joaquín Turina Composer of classical music Seville 1882 1949
Eva Yerbabuena Flamenco dancer Granada 1970 -
Vicente Amigo Flamenco guitarist Seville 1967

Sculptors and painters


Name Occupation Place of birth Date of birth Date of death
Alonso Cano Painter, architect and sculptor Granada 1601 1667
Juan Martínez Montañés Sculptor Alcalá la Real 1568 1649
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Painter Seville 1618 1682
Antonio León Ortega Sculptor Ayamonte 1907 1991
Francisco Pacheco Painter, teacher of Diego Velázquez and Alonzo Cano Sanlucar de Barrameda 1564 1664
Pablo Picasso Painter and sculptor Málaga 1881 1972
Daniel Vázquez Díaz Painter Nerva 1882 1969
Diego Velázquez Painter Seville 1599 1660

Philosophers and humanists


Name Occupation Place of birth Date of birth Date of death
Averroes Philosopher and physician Córdoba 1126 1198
Bartolome de las Casas Advocate of the rights of Native Americans Seville 1484 1566
Antonio de Nebrija Published the first grammar of the Spanish language in 1492 Lebrija 1441 1522
Maimonides Jewish rabbi, physician and philosopher Córdoba 1135 1204
Seneca Roman stoic philosopher and statesman Córdoba 4 BC 65 AC
Ibn Arabi Arab Muslim mystic and philosopher Murcia 1165 1240
Ibn Hazm Philosopher, littérateur, historian, jurist and theologian Córdoba 994 1064
Qadi Iyad Islamic jurist and theologian Ceuta 1083 1149
Francisco Suarez Philosopher and theologian, the greatest scholastic after Thomas Aquinas Granada 1548 1617
María Zambrano Philosopher and writer, Miguel de Cervantes Prize, Prince of Asturias Prize Vélez-Málaga 1904 1991
Jesús Padilla Gálvez Philosopher and writer Almería 1959
Name Occupation Place of birth Date of birth Date of death
Diego Capel Football player Albox 1988 -
Pedro Carrasco Boxer Alosno 1943 2001
Manu del Moral Footballer Jaén 1986 -
Paquillo Fernández Athletics Guadix 1977 -
Luis Fernandez Former French international football player Tarifa 1959 -
Daniel Güiza European Championship winning football player Jerez de la Frontera 1980 -
Juanito Gómez Former football player and coach Fuengirola 1954 1992
Juanito Gutiérrez European Championship winning football player Cadiz 1976 -
Fernando Hierro Former football player and captain of Real Madrid Vélez-Málaga 1968 -
Miguel Ángel Jiménez Golfer Málaga 1964 -
José Manuel Jurado Footballer Sanlúcar de Barrameda 1986 -
Juan Ramón López Caro Former coach of Real Madrid Lebrija 1969 -
Antonio Maeso Motorcycling Almería 1979 -
Carlos Marchena World Cup and European Championship winning Football player Seville 1979 -
Kiko Former football player Jerez de la Frontera 1972 -
Jesús Navas World Cup winning football player Los Palacios y Villafranca 1985 -
Manuel Orantes Tennis player Granada 1949 -
Miguel Pardeza Former football player, part of La Quinta del Buitre La Palma del Condado 1965 -
Antonio Puerta Former football player Seville 1984 2007
Sergio Ramos World Cup and European Championship winning Football player Camas 1986 -
Felipe Reyes 2006 FIBA World Championship winning basketball player Córdoba 1980 -
José Antonio Reyes Football player Utrera 1983 2019
Joaquín Sánchez Football player El Puerto de Santa María 1981 -
Diego Tristán Football player La Algaba 1976 -
Name Occupation Place of birth Date of birth Date of death
Pedro Antonio de Alarcón Novelist and politician Guadix 1833 1891
Rafael Ábalos Novelist, children's fantasy Archidona 1956
Rafael Alberti Poet and Miguel de Cervantes Prize El Puerto de Santa María 1902 1999
Vicente Aleixandre Poet, Nobel Prize in Literature Seville 1898 1984
Mateo Alemán Novelist Seville 1547 1609
Manuel Altolaguirre Poet, a member of Generation of '27 Málaga 1905 1959
Francisco Ayala Novelist, Miguel de Cervantes Prize, Prince of Asturias Prize Granada 1906 2009
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer Romantic poet and tale writer Seville 1836 1870
Luis Cernuda Poet Seville 1902 1963
Abd Al Munim Al Gilyani Physician, writer, and poet given the nickname "The wise man of time" Galiana 531 603
Federico García Lorca Poet and playwright Granada 1898 1936
Luis de Góngora Poet during the Spanish Golden Age Córdoba 1561 1627
Juan Ramón Jiménez Poet and Nobel Prize in Literature Moguer 1881 1958
Lucan Roman poet Córdoba 39 65
Antonio Machado Poet, one of the leading exponents of the Generation of '98 Seville 1875 1939
Manuel Machado Poet and figure of the Modernism, brother of Antonio Machado Seville 1874 1947
Emilio Prados Poet, member of Generation of '27 Málaga 1899 1962
Luis Rosales Poet, Miguel de Cervantes Prize Granada 1910 1992
Lope de Rueda Playwright Seville 1510 1565
Seneca the Elder Roman rhetorician and writer Córdoba 54 BC 39 AC
Manuel Andújar Novelist, poet, playwright and essayist La Carolina 1913 1994
  1. ^ Who Was Who in America, Historical Volume, 1607–1896. Chicago: Marquis Who's Who. 1963.