List of Rees's Cyclopædia articles

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The Cyclopædia; or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature is an important 19th century British encyclopaedia edited by Rev. Abraham Rees (1743–1825), a Presbyterian minister and scholar who had edited previous editions of Chambers's Cyclopædia. Many major scholars of the day contributed. Scientific theorising about the atomic system, geological succession, and earth origins; natural history (botany, entomology, ornithology and zoology); and developments In technology, particularly In textiles manufacture, are all reflected in the Cyclopædia.[1] Serially published from 1802 to 1820, the Cyclopædia was criticised for its idiosyncratic topic selection and alphabetization standards. Hostile reviews in the Anti-Jacobin Review (1802–1805) complained about its supposed anti-religious aspects and radical standpoints attributed to its editor and contributors, and cited lack of article balance, confusing alphabetization, and cross-references to then-unpublished volumes. The British Critic less stridently criticised lack of balance and confusion. The Quarterly Review[2] commented in 1863, "Rees is the most extensive cyclopædia in English with many excellent articles it has generally been condemned as on the whole too diffuse and too commonplace." In 1948 Percy Scholes published his biography The Great Dr Burney, 2 vol., and devoted a chapter to Charles Burney's work for Rees, discussing in some detail the faults of the work, in particular, the way the serial production caused major problems when editors were faced with new knowledge that appeared after the volume containing the appropriate section had been issued.[3] They addressed this partially with an appendix in the last volume.

Abraham Rees (1743–1825), compiler of Rees's Cyclopædia.
Jedediah Strutt, North Mill at Belper, Derbyshire. Rees's Cyclopædia, 1802–1819. Drawn by John Farey, jr, and engraved by Wilson Lowry.

The Rees Project, was instigated by Professor June Zimmerman Fullmer, who independently indexed the Cyclopædia. After tapping the invisible college[4][5] of scholars who knew of Rees, she convened a summer 1986 meeting in London, following which she wrote a proposal[6] to the American Foundation for the Humanities for funding to the project, setting out the object of producing a printed concordance to the contents of the Cyclopædia. This was intended to make Rees much more widely accessible to the modern reader. Funding was not forthcoming, and the matter lapsed.

The Cyclopædia lacks a classified index volume. In 1820, Philosophical Magazine analysed the work's contents by half-volume publication dates, as proper priority had not been given to serially published scientific discoveries.[7] The following are notable topics covered by the Cyclopædia (containing over 15 columns).

Notes: In the original Cyclopædia, the letters I and J are treated as identical, as are U and V, following ancient Latin conventions; each pair forms one sequence in the alphabetical order of the articles. Two-year dating of volumes indicates separate publication dates for half-volumes. Contributors' names have been attributed based on the 1820 analysis.[7]


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

A – Amaranthides Vol 1, 1802
The title page from the work, issued 1919.
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Abyssinia Geography 23.3
Academy Miscellaneous 17.5
Aerostation Natural Philosophy 27.2
Aetna Geography 26.2
Affinity Chemistry 26.9
Africa Geography 18.3
Air Physics 19.4
Alexander the Great Biography 23.4
Algebra Algebra 22.8
Algiers Geography 23.0
Alleppo Geography 19.5
Allium Botany 18.6 William Wood[8]
Amarantus – Arteriotomy Vol 2, 1802/3
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
America History 30.7
Amphitheatre Architecture 15.0
Amputation Surgery 31.2
Anatomy, veterinary Comparative anatomy 35.0
Anatomy Anatomy 29.0
Aneurism Surgery 18.9
Annuities Annuities 16.0 William Morgan
Antimony Chemistry 21.0
Arabia Geography 27.3
Arsenic Chemistry 20.6
Artery – Battersea Vol 3, 1803/4
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Asia Geography 25.1
Astronomy Astronomy 18.3
Athens Geography 80.5
Atmosphere Natural Philosophy 38.1 Abraham Rees
Banks Commerce 24.3
Barometer Meteorology 68.2
Basso-Relievo Sculpture 15.6 John Flaxman[9]
Battalion War 64.2
Battery – Bookbinding Vol 4, 1804/5
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Battle War 22.2
Bees Natural History 26.3
Bible Scripture 78.5
Bird Ornithology 125.8 Edward Donovan
Birman Empire Geography 23.3
Bishop Ecclesiastical History 21.3
Bleaching Technology 25.4 Charles Taylor
Blindness Medicine 17.3
Blowing & Blastfurnaces Technology 45.2 David Mushet
Blowing Machine Machine 29.1 David Mushet
Boat Naval & Marine 23.6 George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10]
Book Misc 25.2
Book-keeping – Calvart Vol 5, 1805
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Book-keeping Business 50.8
Bounty Commerce 15.8
Brain Anatomy 18.9
Bridge Architecture 23.0
Calculus Mathematics 24.6
Calvary – Castra Vol 6, 1806
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Camelus Zoology 18.6
Camp War 18.2
Campanula Botany 18.7
Canal Civil Engineering 289.0 John Farey, Sr.; the longest article in the work
Cancer Zoology 32.0
Cannon Artillery - War 60.4
Canon Religion 21.8
Carabus Entomology 22.0 Edward Donovan
Carduus Botany 19.7 William Wood[8]
Carex Botany 37.1 William Wood[8]
Carbon Chemistry 18.5
Carriage Artillery - War 26.6 James Glenie
Carthaginian Ancient history 36.7
Castramentation – Chronology Vol 7, 1806/7
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Castrametation War 18.6 James Glenie?
Cataract Surgery 23.5
Catherine II Biography 28.0
Cattle Agriculture 38.9 Richard Watson Dickson
Cause Philosophy 15.1
Center Mechanics 49.1
Centaurea Botany 20.5 William Wood[8]
Cerambyx Entomology 37.2 Edward Donovan
Cervix Zoology 16.0
Ceylon Geography 33.6
Chance Probabilities 44.0
Chimney Architecture 14.8
China Geography 65.0
Chronology Chronology 110.0
Chronometer – Colliseum Vol 8, 1807
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Chronometer Horology 112.7 William Pearson[11]
Church Religion 38.0
Cicero Biography 20.6
Cimex Entomology 15.5 Edward Donovan
Cipher Cryptography 59.9 William Blair
Circle Astronomy 70.5 William Pearson[11]
Circulation of the blood Anatomy 24.2
Cistus Botany 20.2 William Wood[8]
Classification Natural history 75.0
Climate Geography 26.6
Clock Horology 118.6 William Pearson[11]
Clover Agriculture 19.0 Richard Watson Dickson
Coal Natural history 75.0 John Farey, Sr.
Coast Geography 15.2
Cochin China Geography 16.1
Coin Commerce 23. Patrick Kelly
Cold Physiology 25.0
Collision – Corne Vol 9, 1807/8
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Colony Government 29.4
Colour-making in Calico Printing Natural Philosophy 30.7 James Thomson
Coluber Zoology 36.7
Columba Orinithology 14.9 Edward Donovan
Comet Astronomy 35.8
Commerce Commerce 25.1
Common Agriculture 27.3
Compass Natural Philosophy 16.9
Compensation-Balance Horology 31.1 William Pearson[11]
Composition in painting Painting 15.6 John Flaxman[9]
Conchology Conchology 64.1 Edward Donovan
Concord Music 16.9 John Farey, Sr.
Conferva Botany 16.8 William Wood[8]
Conic Sections Mathematics 32.0 James Ivory
Construction Military 65.3 James Glenie
Convolvulus Botany 28.0 William Wood[8]
Conyza Botany 15.5 William Wood[8]
Cook, James Biography 43.9
Copper Mineralogy 29.7
Corn Laws Rural Economy 63.1 Richard Watson Dickson?
Cornea – Czyrcassy Vol 10, 1808
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Cottage farm Rural Economy 15.0 Richard Watson Dickson?
Cottage Rural economy 18.7 Richard Watson Dickson?
Cotton manufacture Commerce 35.2 James Thomson; revisited in 1812 as "Manufacture of cotton"[3]
Court Law 37.2
Cranium Anatomy 83.7
Croisade (Crusade) History 15.0
Crops, course of Agriculture 50.0 Richard Watson Dickson
Croton Botany 17.6 William Wood[8]
Crystals Chemistry 16.0
Cucumis Gardening 15.2 Richard Watson Dickson?
Curculio Entomology 19.2 Edward Donovan
Curve Geometry 16.2 James Ivory
Cutlery Technology 15.4 Charles Sylvester
Cutting-engine Mechanics 18.4 William Pearson[11]
Cycle Miscellaneous 21.8
D – Dissimilitude Vol 11, 1808
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Daemon Antiquity 12.5
Dairying Rural economy 38.6 Richard Watson Dickson?
David Biography 18.0
Death Physiology 18.6
Declination of a Compass Natural philosophy 14.5
Declination Astronomy 85.0
Degeneration Physiology 35.9
Degree Astronomy 118.2
Deluge Natural history 24.8
Denmark Geography 23.2
Diagonal motion Technology 21.7 John Duncan[12]
Dial Horology 30.4 William Pearson[11]
Digestion Physiology 28.2
Diophantine Algebra 18.8 John Pond
Dipping in Calico Printing Dyeing 17.5 James Thomson
Dissimulation – Eloane Vol 12, 1809
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Dog Zoology 26.3
Dramatic machinery Theatre 15.0
Dropsy Medicine 17.6
Druids Miscellaneous 18.6
Drunkenness Physiology 15.2
Dublin Geography 16.0
Duck Ornithology 21.0 Edward Donovan
Dyeing Dyeing (history of) 15.9 Charles Taylor
Dynamics Physics 19.4 Tiberius Cavallo
Ear Anatomy 43.8
Earth Astronomy 71.0
Earthquake Natural history 28.4
Eclipse Astronomy 57.9
Egypt Geography 33.0
Electrical experiments Electricity 35.9
Electrical machine Electricity 16.2
Elocution – Extremities Vol 13, 1809
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Embankment Agriculture 26.0 Richard Watson Dickson
Embryo Anatomy 23.0
Enamelling Arts - Technological 15.8 Edmund Turrell
England Geography 38.8
Engraving Arts - Technological 48.0
Entomology Entomology 116.0 Signed D, for Donovan
Equations Algebra 51.0
Equatorial instrument Astronomy 68.0 William Pearson[11]
Escapement Horology 47.7 William Pearson[11]
Exchange Commerce 29.5 Patrick Kelly
Extremities Anatomy 79.0
Extrinsic – Food Vol 14, 1810
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Eye Anatomy 67.6
Falco Ornithology 15.0 Edward Donovan
Falling stones Natural history 16.0
Fallowing of land Agriculture 16.9 Richard Watson Dickson
Farm Agriculture 40.0 Richard Watson Dickson
Felis Zoology 27.8
Fence Agriculture 54.0 Richard Watson Dickson
Fever Medicine 120.8
Ficus Botany 17.7 James Edward Smith
Fish, anatomy of Comparative anatomy 136.5
Fishery Miscellaneous 32.4
Fistula Surgery 31.6
Fluxions & methods of fluxions Analysis 26.9
Food – Generation Vol 15, 1810
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Force Mechanics 39.7 John Pond
Foundry Technology 16.3
Fracture Surgery 71.2
Fragaria Botany 15.5 James Edward Smith
France History 42.6
French school of engraving Arts 224.7 John Landseer
Function Analysis 51.5
Fungus Surgery 18.8
Furnace Technology 16.2
Furs Commerce 26.3
Galvanism Electricity 17.2 Charles Sylvester
Gangrene Medicine 16.1
Gate Rural Economy 18.9 Richard Watson Dickson
Gems, engraving of Arts 24.7 Charles Konig
John Flaxman?[9]
Gems Miscellaneous 18.6 Charles Konig
Generation – Gretna Green Vol 16, 1810–11
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Generation (Reproduction) Physiology 131.5
Geometry Geometry 26.0
Georgian planet (Uranus) Astronomy 33.3
German School of Engraving Arts 68.2 John Landseer
Germany Geography 24.6
Gland Anatomy 32.5
Glass Chemistry 43.0
Gonorrhoea Surgery 22.9
Gout Medicine 24.0
Graduation of instruments Astronomy 34.2
Graecia Ancient geography 18.4
Grammar Grammar 59.0
Grass Agriculture 20.0 Richard Watson Dickson
Grassland Rural Economy 19.4 Richard Watson Dickson?
Gravitation Natural Philosophy 29.0
Grazing Agriculture 25.4 Richard Watson Dickson
Greek language Language 22.0
Gretry – Hibe Vol 17, 1811
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Gryllus Entomology 25.1
Gun-shot wounds Surgery 24.3
Gunnery Warfare 19.4 James Glenie
Gunpowder Manufactures 18.2
Gutta Serena Surgery 24.0
Haemorrhage Surgery 26.0
Heart Anatomy 87.0
Heat Natural philosophy 22.4
Helix Conchology 24.8 Edward Donovan
Hernia Surgery 81.6
Heron Ornithology 15.0 Edward Donovan
Hibiscus – Increment Vol 18, 1811
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Hindoostan Geography 23.0
History History 16.3
Hop Agriculture 17.3
Horse Menage 31.0
Hospital Miscellaneous 27.6
Hunting Sports & Games 25.6 Delabere Pritchett Blaine
Husbandry Rural economy 38.1 Richard Watson Dickson?
Hydrocele Surgery 22.8
Hydrocephalus Medicine 17.4
Hygrometry Natural philosophy 16.0
Hydrophobia Medicine 17.4
Hyperbolic logarithms Mathematics 45.0
Jews History 17.8
Imagination, Influence of, on the corporeal Frame Medicine 20.9 Thomas Bateman
Increments – Kilmes Vol 19, 1811
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Increments, Method of Analysis 20.5
Incubation Comparative anatomy 43.0
Infants, diseases of Medicine 26.0
Inoculation Surgery 23.4
Insects Entomology 67.1 Edward Donovan
Insurance on lives Insurance 15.1
Integuments Anatomy 39.5
Intellectual education Education 47.2
Interest Commerce 21.3
Jones, Sir W. Biography 15.3
Ireland Geography 31.0
Iron Technology 38.8 David Mushet
Isoperimetry Mathematics 18.4
Italian school of engraving Arts 127 John Landseer
Kidney Anatomy 25.5
Kiln – Light Vol 20, 1812
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Labour Mid-wifery 16.5 Robert Bland
Lacedaeminians Antiquity 22.8
Language Miscellaneous 39.2
Larynx Anatomy 24.2
Latitude Astronomy 22.7
Lava Mineralogy 16.3
Laying-down to Grass Agriculture 16.6 Richard Watson Dickson
Leaf Botany 15.9 James Edward Smith
Leprosy Medicine 22.7
Lichenes Botany 16.5 James Edward Smith
Life-annuities Insurance 38.9 William Morgan
Life Physiology 32.0
Light, exhibition of by living animals Zoology 22.6
Light Natural philosophy 40.8
Light-house – Machinery Vol 21, 1812
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Lime Mineralogy 47.2
Linen Manufactures 24.1
Lithotomy Medicine 33.7
Liver Anatomy 26.0
Lizard Natural History 20.1
Logarithms Mathematics 53.0
London Geography 62.9
Longitude Geography 111.7
Low countries, engraving of Art 191.8 John Landseer
Lues Veneria Medicine 54.7
Lungs Anatomy 48.1
Luxation Medicine 44.6
Machine Mechanics 15.7
Machinery Mechanics 43.3
Machinery – Mattheson Vol 22, 1812
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Machinery for manufacturing ships' blocks Manufactures 36.1 John Farey, Jr.
Magnet Natural philosophy 28.1
Mammalia, anatomy of Comparative anatomy 171.9
Man Natural History 111.7
Manufacture of cotton Manufactures 54.7 James Thomson and John Farey, Jr.;
revisiting 1808's "Cotton manufacture"[3]
Manure Agriculture 47.2 Richard Watson Dickson
Marble Mineralogy 30.5
Mars Astronomy 55.0
Materia Medica Materia Medica 46.6
Mathematics Mathematics 20.1
Matthew – Monsoon Vol 23, 1812/3
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Medals Commerce 43.6
Medicine Medicine 43.6
Membrane Anatomy 35.5
Mercury Astronomy 26.0
Mercury Chemistry 21.0
Meridional parts Navigation 16.4 Andrew Mackay
Metastasio Biography 17.8 Charles Burney
Mexico Geography 31.7
Microscope Miscellaneous 29.9
Mill-work Technology 16.8 John Farey, Jr.
Mill Technology 15.0 John Farey, Jr.
Milton, J. Biography 15.0
Mineralogy Mineralogy 16.8
Mining, history of Technology 24.8 John Taylor
Money Commerce 35.5
Monster – Newton-in-the-Willows Vol 24, 1813
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Monster Anatomy 28.9
Moon Astronomy 40.4
Moory Earth Agriculture 18.8 Richard Watson Dickson
Moral Education Education 65.9
Morocco Geography 21.5
Mortality, bill of Law 16.0
Mossy Land Agriculture 16.1 Richard Watson Dickson
Motacilla Ornithology 18.7
Motion Physics 15.7
Mountain Geography 22.6
Musca Entomology 28.6
Muscle Anatomy 80.6
Nervous system Anatomy 106.2
Newtonian Philosophy – Ozunusze Vol 25, 1813
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Norfolk Geography 20.0
Norwich Geography 19.1
Notation Arithmetic 19.1
Number Arithmetic 18.0
Numbers, planetary Astronomy 40.3 William Pearson[11]
Oak-tree Agriculture 16.1 Richard Watson Dickson
Observatory Astronomy 22.6 William Pearson[11]
Ogham characters Cryptology 16.2 William Blair
Ophthalmy Medicine 20.6
Organ Music 22.1
Orkney Islands Geography 15.5
Orrery Astronomy 63.3 William Pearson[11]
Ossian Poetry 16.8
Otaheite Geography 15.8
Oxford Geography 42.8
P – Perturbation Vol 26, 1813/4
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Painting, the art of Art 69.2
Paper Manufactures 47.0
Papilio Entomology 53.8 Edward Donovan
Paring & Burning Agriculture 22.7 Richard Watson Dickson
Paris Geography 15.3
Passiflora Botany 16.5 James Edward Smith
Passion Philosophy 17.3
Pelargonium Botany 15.5 James Edward Smith
Pendulum Dynamics 25.2
Persia Geography 20.7
Perspective Art 56.3 Peter Nicholson
Pertussis – Poetics Vol 27, 1814
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Peru Geography 22.8
Petrifications Natural history 16.5
Phalaena Entomology 26.8
Philosophy Philosophy 215.7
Phosphorus Chemistry 25.9
Physical education Education 44.5
Picture Arts 15.8
Plague Medicine 24.0
Planetarium Astronomy 28.3 William Pearson
Planetary machines, an historical account of Astronomy 30.2 William Pearson
Planet Astronomy 19.5
Plantation Rural economy 15.5 Richard Watson Dickson?
Plants Botany 71.2 James Edward Smith
Platonism Philosophy 17.8
Plough Agriculture 20.5 Richard Watson Dickson
Poetry – Punjoor Vol 28, 1814
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Poetry Poetry 16.9
Political economy Political economy 35.5
Pond Agriculture 16.3 Richard Watson Dickson
Poor Miscellaneous 18.6
Pope Religion 15.8
Population Political economy 18.5
Porcelain Miscellaneous 29.0 Charles Sylvester
Potato Agriculture 40.7 Richard Watson Dickson
Prime number Arithmetic 51.0
Printing Printing 35.5
Projection Mathematics 42.2 Peter Nicholson
Prunus Gardening 24.9 Richard Watson Dickson?
Punishment – Repton Vol 29, 1814/5
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Punishment Law 17.5
Putrefaction Chemistry 16.0
Pyrus Gardening 34.8 Richard Watson Dickson
Pytrotechny Manufactures 16.8
Quadrant Astronomy 25.0
Quantity Grammar 48.2
Quarry Agriculture 22.4 Richard Watson Dickson?
Quinces Botany 27.0 James Edward Smith
Ranunculus Botany 23.9 James Edward Smith
Ratio Arithmetic 19.5
Refraction Optics 37.4
Religion Religion 16.4
Reptiles Comparative anatomy 154.5
Republic – Rzemien Vol 30, 1815
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Resistance of fluids Mechanics 16.0
Respiration Physiology 43.6
Revenue Government 18.4
Revolution Politics 21.9
Rigging Naval matters 28.7 George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10]
Road Rural Economy 31.6 Richard Watson Dickson?
Rock Geology 17.6
Rome, Roman Empire, etc History 43.3
Roof Architecture 24.1
Root Arithmetic 27.9
Rope-making Manufactures 35.4 George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10]
Rosa Botany 21.9 James Edward Smith
Rotation Mechanics 18.1
Rubus Botany 17.5 James Edward Smith
Russia Geography 56.7
S – Scotium Vol 31, 1815
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Sail and sail-making Naval affairs 51.3 George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10]
Sailing Naval affairs 27.2 George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10]
Salix Botany 43.1 James Edward Smith
Salt Manufactures 27.7
Salt-Brine Springs Rural economy 15.5 Richard Watson Dickson?
Salt, as manure Agriculture 18.7 Richard Watson Dickson
Salts Chemistry 30.3
Satellites Astronomy 157.2 William Pearson
Saturn Astronomy 46.1
Saxifraga Botany 16.2 James Edward Smith
Saxons History 16.4
Scarabaeus Entomology 20.8 Edward Donovan
Schools Education 22.0
Scotland – Sindy Vol 32, 1815/6
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Scotland Geology 60.8
Sculpture Arts 74.8
Scurvy Medicine 16.8
Series Analysis 32.5
Shakespeare, Wm Biography 20.5
Sheep Agriculture 119.2 Robert Bakewell
Ship-building Naval affairs 161.3 George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10]
Silene Botany 16.1 James Edward Smith
Silver Mining 18.5
Sines – Starboard Vol 33, 1816
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Sines Mathematics 81.0
Slave trade Miscellaneous 36.1
Small-pox Medicine 26.0
Soil Agriculture 41.2 Richard Watson Dickson
Spain Geography 26.1
Speculum Astronomy 14.9 William Pearson[11]
Spine Anatomy 21.9
Springs Natural History 48.0
Standard Commerce 15.6 Patrick Kelly
Star Astronomy 65.4
Starch – Szydlow Vol 34, 1816
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Steam engine Technology 175.2 John Farey, Jr.
Stone Natural history 28.6
Stove Building 16.2
Strata Geology 36.8
Strength of materials Mechanics 36.9 Peter Barlow
Sugar-cane Miscellaneous 32.0
Surface-Drain Agriculture 25.4 Richard Watson Dickson?
Surgery Surgery 28.5
Survivorship Annuities 23.6
Swine Agriculture 19.6 Richard Watson Dickson
System Mineralogy 22.0
T – Toleration Vol 35, 1817
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Tax Government 15.0
Teeth, diseases of Physiology 20.0
Telegraph Miscellaneous 22.2
Telescope Astronomy 161.8 William Pearson[11]
Theodolite Surveying 16.1 William Pearson.[11] Plate X for "Surveying - Theodolite" is an 1811 survey of Pearson's estate in Mortlake, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, which became Temple Grove School.[13]
Thermometer Natural philosophy 42.8
Tides Natural philosophy 24.1
Timber Rural economy 34.8 Richard Watson Dickson
Tithes, as Obstructions to Agriculture Agriculture 17.0 Richard Watson Dickson?
Tolerium – Vermelho Vol 36, 1817
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Trifolium Botany 28.5 James Edward Smith
Trigonometry Triginometry 27.4
Tumours Surgery 18.6
Turning Manufactures 19.6
Turnip Agriculture 26.9 Richard Watson Dickson
Variation of magnetic needle Naval affairs 25.0
Veins, metallic and mineral Geology 16.1
Venus Astronomer 23.7
Vermes – Waterloo Vol 37, 1817/8
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Vermes Anatomy 87.5
Veronica Botany 25.0 James Edward Smith
Versification Poetry 53.5 Henry Parker
Viola Botany 24.0 James Edward Smith
Vitis Gardening 24.4 Richard Watson Dickson?
Ulcer Surgery 30.5
Union Government 32.3
United States Geography 23.5
Volcano Geology 51.0
Urethra, strictures Medicine 20.0
Urinary calculi Surgery 15.0
Urine, incontinence Surgery 32.0
Urtica Botany 18.4 James Edward Smith
Watches Horology 33.8 William Pearson
Water Geography 20.7
Water – Wzetin Vol 38, 1818
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Waters, Natural Chemistry 17.2
Water, Raising of Manufactures 201.5 John Farey, Jr.
Watering of land Agriculture 22.4 Richard Watson Dickson
Watson, Richard Biography 18.3
Weaving Manufactures 28.0 John Duncan
Weed Agriculture 27.9 Richard Watson Dickson
Weight Physics 21.3
Westminster Geography 21.7
Wheat Agriculture 25.6 Richard Watson Dickson
Wheel Manufactures 29.2
White-swelling Surgery 15.4
Wind-mill Manufactures 14.6 John Farey, Jr.
Wind Meteorology 20.3
Wine Manufactures 28.9
Wollen manufacture Manufactures 75.8 Robert Bakewell
Wool Manufactures 30.7 Robert Bakewell
Worsted manufacture Manufactures 20.1 Robert Bakewell
Wounds Surgery 98.7
X – Zytomiers with Addenda and Corrigenda Vol 39, 1818–20
Article Classification Columns Contributor/Notes
Zenith Astronomy 21.1
Anemone Botany 17.0 James Edward Smith
Crystallography Crystallography 23.0
Mineralogy Mineralogy 74.4
Printing, Calico Manufactures 18.7 James Thomson
Quarantine Medicine 20.0
  1. ^ 4C87E781D6416E8CC65F252635C086.ashx "The subversive encyclopedia" by John Underwood in Science Museum Library & Archives Newsletter, Spring/Summer 2010.
  2. ^ "Encyclopædias". Quarterly Review. 113: 367. 1863.
  3. ^ a b c Scholes, Percy A. (1948). "LVIII: Virtues and vagaries of a septuagenarian encyclopædist". The Great Dr Burney. Vol. 2. pp. 184–201.
  4. ^ "The Newcomen Bulletin [of the Newcomen Society of London]". 136. December 1986: 1–2.
  5. ^ "Rees's Cyclopædia". Archives of Natural History. 14: 112. 1987. doi:10.3366/anh.1987.14.1.103.
  6. ^ Fullmer, June (1987). Proposal for the creation of "The Readers' Guide to Rees's Cyclopædia". Self-published in limited-circulation typescript.
  7. ^ a b Anonymous (1820). "Notices of New Books: The Cyclopædia ...". Philosophical Magazine. 1st series. Vol. 56, no. 269. pp. 218–24. doi:10.1080/14786442008652396.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i Lee, Sidney, ed. (1900). "Wood, William (1745-1808)" . Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. 62. London: Smith, Elder & Co. pp. 379–80.
  9. ^ a b c Bentley, G. E. (1 January 1999). A Blake Bibliography. University of Minnesota Press. p. 147. ISBN 9781452912103.
  10. ^ a b c d e f "George Glover". Retrieved 4 April 2012.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Gurman, S. J. & Harratt, S. R. (1994). "Revd Dr William Pearson (1767–1847): a Founder of the Royal Astronomical Society". Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society. 35 (3): 271–292. Bibcode:1994QJRAS..35..271G. Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  12. ^ The article text cites "the author" as having invented the machine shown in the relevant illustration plates; said plates attribute it to John Duncan, who was a contributor to other articles.
  13. ^ The cyclopædia; or, Universal dictionary of arts, ... v.4 plates. Rees, Abraham, 1743-1825.