User:Gerda Arendt/Stories - Wikipedia

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story on 4 October 2024:

This is the 2024 archive of my daily stories which began in January 2023, with an overview at User:Gerda Arendt/Story list that also features example stories. This archive has daily entries up to the day of the year while those following may be overwritten by new ones. --Gerda Arendt (talk) 10:48, 1 January 2024 (UTC)

see 7 January 2023: Concentricities
see 12 January 2023: Volodymyr Kozhukhar, Galina Pisarenko

Romuald Twardowski,
a prolific Polish composer
who studied in Vilnius, Warsaw and Paris,
composed operas such as Maria Stuart,
a Violin Concerto,
and sacred music for both Catholic use
and the Orthodox Church including the
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.

19 January 2024

see 20 January 2023: Mother and Child
see 21 January 2023: Elisabeth Waterhouse
see 23 January 2023: [[Messe in A (Tambling)
see 27 January 2023: Elena Manistina, Clytus Gottwald
see 27 January 2023: St. Peter, Syburg
see 30 January 2023: Kreuzschule
see 1 February 2023: Lobt Gott, ihr Christen alle gleich
see 2 February 2023: Melitta Muszely, Ich habe genug, BWV 82
see 3 February 2023: August Röckel
see 5 February 2023: Hans Krieger
see 6 February 2023: Nicolas Joel
see 7 February 2023: Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe, BWV 22
see 8 February 2023: Domen Križaj
see 9 February 2023: Der Kontrabaß
see 10 February 2023: Oksana Shvets
see 11 February 2023: Heinz Winbeck
see 12 February 2023: Da pacem Domine (Pärt), Responsories (Reger)
see 13 February 2023: Helene Wildbrunn

Helga Paris
photographed people and streetscapes
in East Germany,
Garbage Collectors, Berliner Kneipen,
Leipzig Hauptbahnhof, self portraits,
and houses and faces from Halle over three years,
and then the exhibition was cancelled.

13 February 2024


see 14 February 2023: Alte Liebe
see 15 February 2023: George Alexander Albrecht
see 18 February 2023: Robert Hammerstiel
see 19 February 2023: Geh aus, mein Herz, und suche Freud
see 20 February 2023: Johann Georg Reißmüller
see 21 February 2023: John Bröcheler
see 22 February 2023: Olivier Latry
see 23 February 2023: Nele Hertling
see 24 February 2023: Artemy Vedel, Prayer for Ukraine
see 23 February 2023: Selva morale e spirituale
see 23 February 2023: Piano Concerto (Reger)
see 23 February 2023: Doris Stockhausen
see 1 March 2023: Krzysztof Penderecki
see 2 March 2023: Herr Christ, der einig Gotts Sohn, Erfurt Enchiridion
see 2 March 2023: Opernhaus Dortmund, Liselotte Hammes
see 4 March 2023: F. W. Bernstein
see 4 March 2023: Elisabeth Schärtel
see 6 March 2023: Siegfried Vogel
see 7 March 2023: Willigis Jäger
see 8 March 2023: Hana Blažíková
see 9 March 2023: Azio Corghi

The titular character of
Verdi's Nabucco,
the opera that established his fame
when it premiered on 9 March 1842
at La Scala in Milan,
is a combination
of three historic rulers.

15 April 2022

see 10 March 2023: Delores Ziegler
see 11 March 2023: The Lord is my Shepherd (Rutter)

German stage director
Tobias Kratzer
nominated two versions of
Verdi's Rigoletto
(premiered 11 March 1851)
for an international competition,
pretending to be an American woman
in the first instance,
and a Bulgarian in the second.
10 May 2018

see 13 March 2023: Hans Krieger
see 14 March 2023: Ludwig Finscher
see 15 March 2023: Lorenzo Viotti
see 15 March 2023: Volodymyr Kozhukhar

Christa Wolf
(18 March 1929 – 1 December 2011)
wrote Der geteilte Himmel
in a "quest for personal integrity
within a flawed system",
published in East Germany in 1963
and called a "socialist bestseller".

1 May 2019

see 20 March 2023: Stefan Keil
see 21 March 2023: Gloria in excelsis Deo, BWV 191, Gächinger Kantorei
see 22 March 2023: Margit Bokor
see 23 March 2023: Maria Friesenhausen
see 24 March 2023: Annette Dasch
see 26 March 2023: Jörg Streli
see 27 March 2023: Klassische Philharmonie Bonn
see 28 March 2023: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083
see 29 March 2023: Leonore Kirschstein
see 30 March 2023: Jan Müller-Wieland
see 31 March 2023: Munich Biennale
see 1 April 2023: Rotraud Hansmann
see 2 April 2023: Alchymic Quartet
see 3 April 2023: Renate Behle
see 4 April 2023: Hans-Karl von Kupsch, Karlheinz Oswald
see 5 April 2023: Marjon Lambriks
see 6 April 2023: Tristis est anima mea
see 7 April 2023: Passions (Homilius)
see 8 April 2023: O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß
see 9 April 2023: Messe solennelle (Vierne), Surrexit a mortuis
see 10 April 2023: [[Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen, BWV 66
see 11 April 2023: Heinz Hennig
see 12 April 2023: Günther Leib
see 14 April 2023: Eleonore Schönborn
see 15 April 2023: Ik sta voor U in leegte en gemis
see 16 April 2023: Johanna Geisler
see 17 April 2023: Lichtental Church
see 18 April 2023: Herr, unser Herr, wie bist du zugegen
see 19 April 2023: Zeichenstaub
see 21 April 2023: Anna and Bernhard Blume

The first choral section
from the 1714 Bach cantata for Jubilate Sunday,
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV 12
(Weeping, lamenting, worrying, fearing),
described as a "deeply affecting" tombeau,
became the Crucifixus of the Mass in B minor.


29 April 2012

see 22 April 2023: Passions (Homilius) · Hans Uwe Hielscher
see 23 April 2023: Erhard Egidi · Martin Petzold
see 24 April 2023: Matti Lehtinen
see 25 April 2023: Schiersteiner Kantorei
see 27 April 2023: Poèmes pour Mi
see 28 April 2023: Quattro pezzi sacri
see 29 April 2023: Hana Blažíková
see 30 April 2023: Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4
see 1 May 2023: Litanies à la Vierge Noire: Lance Ryan
see 2 May 2023: Manfred Weiss
see 4 May 2023: Kurt Huber
see 5 May 2023: Wie als een God wil leven, Solang es Menschen gibt auf Erden
see 6 May 2023: Te Deum
see 7 May 2023: Te Deum (Reulein)
see 8 May 2023: Philipp Wolfrum
see 9 May 2023: Colin Mawby
see 10 May 2023: Bernd Redmann, Jörg Duda, Bassoon Quintet (Waterhouse)
see 12 May 2023: Raimund Hoghe
see 13 May 2023: Kari Løvaas
see 14 May 2023: Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch, BWV 86
see 15 May 2023: Zofia Kilanowicz
see 15 May 2023: Faustas Latėnas
see 17 May 2023: Günter Wewel
see 19 May 2023: Stephen Varcoe
see 20 May 2023: Christiana Mariana von Ziegler
see 21 May 2023: Irma Blank
see 22 May 2023: Maria Mies
see 23 May 2023: Mass in B minor structure
see 24 May 2023: Cathinka Buchwieser
see 25 May 2023: Services in B-flat major
see 26 May 2023: Es ist ein trotzig und verzagt Ding, BWV 176
see 27 May 2023: Surrexit a mortuis

the setting of a poem by A. F. v. Schack
by Richard Strauss,
begins with an appeal to creep out quietly
and ends with a climax of expecting
a rose to glow from the rapture of the night.


27 May 2016

see 28 May 2023: Erschallet, ihr Lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten! BWV 172
see 29 May 2023: Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, BWV 68
see 30 May 2023: Die Elenden sollen essen, BWV 75
see 31 May 2023: Eva Randová
see 1 June 2023: Javier Álvarez (composer)
see 2 June 2023: Kölner Domchor
see 3 June 2023: Michael Hampe
see 4 June 2023: Erasmus Schöfer
see 5 June 2023: Aile Asszonyi

Peter Demetz,
who taught German literature
at Yale University
from 1956 to 1991,
was born in Prague
where he was persecuted under the Nazis
and escaped the Communist regime in 1949.

5 June 2024

see 6 June 2023: Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes, BWV 76
see 7 June 2023: Kurt Widmer
see 8 June 2023: St. Stephan, Baden
see 9 June 2023: Haroun and the Sea of Stories, Die Schöpfung
see 10 June 2023: Hanns-Martin Schneidt
see 11 June 2023: Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227, Mass in B minor structure
see 12 June 2023: Geh aus, mein Herz, und suche Freud
see 13 June 2023: Kurt Equiluz
see 14 June 2023: Hedwig Fassbender
same as 2023
see 16 June 2023: Pascal Rophé (Henri Dutilleux)
see 17 June 2023: Albert Dohmen
see 18 June 2023: Jörg Faerber
see 19 June 2023: Jörg Widmann
see 20 June 2023: Sonata ebraica
see 21 June 2023: Gabriele Schnaut
see 22 June 2023: Cornel Țăranu
see 23 June 2023: Josef Protschka
see 24 June 2023: Rheingau Musik Festival
see 25 June 2023: The Company of Heaven
see 26 June 2023: Alte Liebe
see 27 June 2023: Doris Stockhausen
see 28 June 2023: Mass in B minor structure
see 29 June 2023: Soňa Červená
see 30 June 2023: Peter Brötzmann
see 1 July 2023: Cantata academica
see 2 July 2023: Missa brevis in B-flat
see 3 July 2023: Rachel Yakar
see 4 July 2023: Christopher Lowrey
see 7 July 2023: Wolkentanz
see 8 July 2023: Twelve Fantasias for Viola da Gamba solo
see 9 July 2023: ensemble amarcord
see 11 July 2023: Frank Beermann
see 12 July 2023: Frank Stähle
see 13 July 2023: Anthony Gilbert (composer)
see 14 July 2023: Graham Clark (tenor)
see 15 July 2023: Violeta Hemsy de Gainza
see 16 July 2023: Requiem (Reger)
see 17 July 2023: Yvonne, Prinzessin von Burgund
see 18 July 2023: Erforsche mich, Gott, und erfahre mein Herz, BWV 136
see 19 July 2023: Martin Janus
see 20 July 2023: Heide Simonis
see 21 July 2023: Casals Forum
see 22 July 2023: Empress Elisabeth Bridge
see 23 July 2023: Valentin Gheorghiu
see 24 July 2023: Christian Gerhaher
see 25 July 2023: Tenebrae (choir)
see 26 July 2023: Cornel Țăranu
see 27 July 2023: Luten Petrowsky
see 28 July 2023: Silvana Lattmann
see 29 July 2023: Rhythm Is It!
see 30 July 2023: Nun danket all und bringet Ehr
see 31 July 2023: Jahrhundertring
see 1 August 2023: Martin Walser
see 2 August 2023: Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie
see 3 August 2023: Kurhaus, Wiesbaden
see 4 August 2023: Denn er hat seinen Engeln befohlen
see 5 August 2023: Nancy Van de Vate
see 6 August 2023: Olga Bezsmertna
see 7 August 2023: Yekaterina Stravinsky, The Firebird
see 8 August 2023: Mariana Sîrbu
see 9 August 2023: Leningrad premiere of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7
see 10 August 2023: Klesie Kelly
see 11 August 2023: Heidi Grant Murphy
see 12 August 2023: Überwasserkirche
see 13 August 2023: Michael McCown
see 16 August 2023: Hans-Jochen Jaschke
see 17 August 2023: Marie Lehmann (soprano)
see 18 August 2023: Rosa Lamoreaux
see 19 August 2023: Vilde Frang
see 20 August 2023: Renata Scotto
see 21 August 2023: Hans Stadlmair, Wilhelm Killmayer
see 22 August 2023: Cello Sonata (Debussy)
see 23 August 2023: Vera Nemirova
see 25 August 2023: Thomas Gabriel (composer)
see 26 August 2023: Gwendolyn Killebrew
see 27 August 2023: Gloria Coates
see 28 August 2023: Symphony No. 8 (Dvořák)
see 29 August 2023: Berit Lindholm
see 29 August 2023: Cello Sonata No. 3 (Beethoven)
see 1 September 2023: Le Vin herbé, Vespro della Beata Vergine
see 2 September 2023: Rheingau Musik Festival
see 3 September 2023: Inno delle nazioni
see 4 September 2023: This too shall pass
see 6 September 2023: Nerotalanlagen, Ich steh vor dir mit leeren Händen, Herr
see 7 September 2023: Milka Stojanović
see 8 September 2023: Spannungen
see 9 September 2023: Ute Vinzing
see 10 September 2023: Ursula Schröder-Feinen
see 11 September 2023: Walter Arlen
see 12 September 2023: Anatol Ugorski
see 13 September 2023: Clara Schumann
see 14 September 2023: Margherita Rinaldi
see 15 September 2023: Jessye Norman
see 16 September 2023: Wolfgang J. Fuchs
see 17 September 2023: Graham Clark (tenor)
see 18 September 2023: Grischa Huber
see 21 September 2023: Freuet euch der schönen Erde
see 22 September 2023: Elisabeth Rethberg
see 23 September 2023: Werl pilgrimage
see 25 September 2023: Stephen Gould (tenor)
see 27 September 2023: Kloster Gnadenthal, Hesse
see 28 September 2023: François Glorieux
see 29 September 2023: The Company of Heaven
see 30 September 2023: Kreuzkapelle, Bad Camberg
see 1 October 2023: Wir pflügen und wir streuen
see 2 October 2023: Dona nobis pacem (Vaughan Williams)
see 3 October 2023: The Creation (Haydn)
see 4 October 2023: Le Laudi

"Call it causelessly merry")
was one of about 40 poems
by Mascha Kaléko
set to music on a 2011 album.

26 December 2018

"Ich freu mich, daß am Himmel Wolken ziehen"

Zdeněk Mácal,
a promising Czech conductor,
left his home country in 1968
and was chief conductor of orchestras
in Germany, Australia and the United States,
returning to Prague to lead
the Czech Philharmonic from 2003.

3 November 2023

Conductor Dessauer and composer Mawby (r.), 2012

Rebekka Habermas,
a German historian
at the University of Göttingen,
who also taught
in Paris, Montreal and New York,
focused on people
in the social and cultural conditions
of 19th-century Germany.

29 December 2023