User:Rbraunwa - Wikipedia

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Rbraunwa (real name Robert Braunwart) died on Oct. 14, 2007. See Deceased Wikipedians for further information. His user page is preserved here.

Robert Braunwart, 1999

My name is Robert Braunwart. I was born in Richland, Wash. in 1948 and grew up in Moses Lake, Wash. I currently live in Oaxaca, México and Los Angeles, California. I read and write Spanish fairly well, but slowly. For nearly twenty years I have been compiling a database of world history dates — birth and death dates of famous people, dates of historical events, scientific and artistic events, popular culture events, etc. This unpublished database now contains over 500,000 entries.

On Wikipedia I am a supporter of inclusionism and eventualism.

I underwent cancer surgery in December 2006.

Robert Braunwart passed away on October 14, 2007, at the age of 59 in Los Angeles. He had been living in Oaxaca, Mexico, for 15 years prior to returning to the US for medical treatment in 2006. His death from a rare form of melanoma followed a long and unsuccessful battle with his HMO, whose doctors refused to authorize treatment by a melanoma specialist. A profit-driven HMO system and incompetent oncologists denied Robert a chance to fight his disease. Authorization denials and deliberate delaying tactics by the HMO group resulted in his dying without receiving the treatment recommended by two melanoma specialists in second opinions.

Robert grew up in Moses Lake, Washington, and attended Reed College as a National Merit Scholar before transferring to the University of Washington. During his life, Robert worked as an administrative assistant, editor, small business owner, and online math tutor, but his major interests and activities centered on political activities and a variety of personal projects, ranging from co-founding the Professional Football Researchers Association to contributing hundreds of articles to Wikipedia, primarily on the viceroys of New Spain. While living in Oaxaca, Robert took an active interest in helping children from needy families continue their education through friendship, encouragement, tutoring, and financial assistance.

Throughout his life, Robert had a major influence on the people close to him by encouraging intellectual development and political awareness. He urged people to become informed and involved and to keep up the fight for a better, more just world. Robert will be missed by those he left behind in many ways, but he will continue to live in their memories as an inspiration to fight complacency and make a difference.

My major contributions

Aztec rulers

  1. Acamapichtli
  2. Huitzilíhuitl
  3. Chimalpopoca

Figures from New Spain before the virreinato

  1. Marcos de Aguilar (new)
  2. Rodrigo de Albornoz (new)
  3. Pedro Almíndez Chirino (new)
  4. Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán
  5. Francisco Ceinos (new)
  6. Diego Delgadillo (new)
  7. Alonso de Estrada (new)
  8. Luis de la Torre (new)
  9. Alonso de Maldonado (new)
  10. Pedro Malo de Villavicencio (new)
  11. Pánfilo de Narváez
  12. Cristóbal de Oñate (new)
  13. Juan Ortiz de Matienzo (new)
  14. Luis Ponce de León (new)
  15. Vasco de Quiroga
  16. Sebastián Ramírez de Fuenleal (new)
  17. Gonzalo de Salazar (new)
  18. Juan de Salmerón (new)
  19. Gonzalo de Sandoval (new)
  20. Cristóbal de Tapia (new)
  21. Alonso de Zuazo (new)

Viceroys of New Spain

  1. Antonio de Mendoza
  2. Luis de Velasco
  3. Gastón de Peralta
  4. Martín Enríquez de Almanza
  5. Lorenzo Suárez de Mendoza (new)
  6. Pedro Moya de Contreras (new)
  7. Álvaro Manrique de Zúñiga (new)
  8. Luis de Velasco (hijo) (new)
  9. Gaspar de Zúñiga y Acevedo (new)
  10. Juan de Mendoza y Luna (new)
  11. García Guerra (new)
  12. Diego Fernández de Córdoba
  13. Diego Carrillo de Mendoza y Pimentel (new)
  14. Rodrigo Pacheco y Osorio (new)
  15. Lope Díez de Armendáriz (new)
  16. Diego López Pacheco Cabrera y Bobadilla (new)
  17. Juan de Palafox y Mendoza
  18. García Sarmiento de Sotomayor (new)
  19. Marcos de Torres y Rueda (new)
  20. Luis Enríquez de Guzmán (new)
  21. Francisco Fernández de la Cueva (new)
  22. Juan de Leyva de la Cerda (new)
  23. Diego Osorio de Escobar y Llamas (new)
  24. Antonio Sebastián de Toledo (new)
  25. Pedro Nuño Colón de Portugal (new)
  26. Payo Enríquez de Rivera (new)
  27. Tomás Antonio de la Cerda y Aragón (new)
  28. Melchor Portocarrero y Lasso de la Vega (new)
  29. Gaspar de la Cerda Sandoval Silva y Mendoza (new)
  30. Juan Ortega y Montañés (new)
  31. José Sarmiento y Valladares (new)
  32. Francisco Fernández de la Cueva Enríquez (new)
  33. Fernando de Alencastre Noroña y Silva (new)
  34. Baltasar de Zúñiga y Guzmán (new)
  35. Juan de Acuña y Manrique (new)
  36. Juan Antonio de Vizarrón y Eguiarreta (new)
  37. Pedro de Castro y Figueroa (new)
  38. Pedro Cebrián y Agustín (new)
  39. Juan Francisco de Güemes y Horcasitas
  40. Agustín de Ahumada y Villalón (new)
  41. Francisco Cajigal de la Vega (new)
  42. Joaquín de Montserrat (new)
  43. Carlos Francisco de Croix (new)
  44. Antonio María de Bucareli y Ursúa (new)
  45. Martín de Mayorga (new)
  46. Matías de Gálvez y Gallardo
  47. Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid
  48. Alonso Núñez de Haro y Peralta (new)
  49. Manuel Antonio Flores (new)
  50. Juan Vicente de Güemes Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo
  51. Miguel de la Grúa Talamanca y Branciforte (new)
  52. Miguel José de Azanza (new)
  53. Félix Berenguer de Marquina (new)
  54. José de Iturrigaray
  55. Pedro de Garibay (new)
  56. Francisco Javier de Lizana y Beaumont (new)
  57. Francisco Javier Venegas (new)
  58. Félix María Calleja del Rey (new)
  59. Juan Ruiz de Apodaca
  60. Francisco Novella Azabal Pérez y Sicardo (new)
  61. Juan O'Donojú

Other figures from colonial New Spain

  1. Diego José Abad y García (new)
  2. Manuel Abad y Queipo (new)
  3. Fernando de Alva Cortés Ixtlilxochitl
  4. Dionisio Alcalá Galiano (new)
  5. Francisco Javier Alegre (new)
  6. Juan Francisco Azcárate y Ledesma (new)
  7. Francisco Javier de Balmis (new)
  8. Gertrudis Bocanegra
  9. Lorenzo Boturini Bernaducci (new)
  10. Jacinto Canek
  11. Luis de Carabajal the younger (new)
  12. Luis de Carabajal y Cueva (new)
  13. Luis Carrillo (new)
  14. Andrés Cavo (new)
  15. Chimalpahin
  16. Francisco Javier Clavijero
  17. Francisco Antonio de Echávarri (new)
  18. José de Escandón
  19. José de Gálvez (new)
  20. Martín Garatuza (new)
  21. Indio Mariano (new)
  22. Servando Teresa de Mier (new)
  23. José María Morelos DYK
  24. Alonso Muñoz (new)
  25. Francisca Nuñez de Carabajal (new)
  26. Francisco Primo de Verdad y Ramos (new)
  27. Pedro de la Portilla (new)
  28. Andrés Manuel del Río
  29. Diego Rodríguez (new)
  30. María Ignacia Rodríguez de Velasco y Osorio Barba (new)
  31. Francisco Romá y Rosell (new)
  32. Eusebio Sánchez Pareja (new)
  33. Martín Sessé y Lacasta
  34. Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora (new)
  35. Melchor de Talamantes (new)
  36. El Tapado (new)
  37. Manuel Tolsá (new)
  38. Fray Juan de Torquemada
  39. Francisco Eduardo Tresguerras (new)
  40. Luis de Villanueva y Zapata (new)
  41. José Antonio Villaseñor y Sánchez (new)
  42. Gabriel J. de Yermo (new
  43. Felipe de Zúñiga y Ontiveros (new)

Presidents of Mexico

  1. José María Bocanegra
  2. Pedro Vélez
  3. Luis de Quintanar (new)
  4. Anastasio Bustamante
  5. Melchor Múzquiz
  6. Manuel Gómez Pedraza
  7. Miguel Barragán
  8. José Justo Corro
  9. Francisco Javier Echeverría
  10. Valentín Canalizo
  11. José Joaquín de Herrera
  12. Gabriel Valencia (new)
  13. Mariano Paredes
  14. José Mariano Salas
  15. Manuel de la Peña y Peña
  16. Juan Bautista Ceballos
  17. Manuel María Lombardini
  18. Martín Carrera
  19. Juan Álvarez
  20. Félix María Zuloaga
  21. José Ignacio Pavón (new) *
  22. Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada
  23. José María Iglesias (new) *
  24. Juan N. Méndez (new) DYK
  25. Manuel González *
  26. Francisco León de la Barra
  27. Pedro Lascuráin *
  28. Francisco S. Carvajal *
  29. Roque González Garza *
  30. Francisco Lagos Cházaro *

Other figures from independent Mexico

  1. Luis Abadiano (new) *
  2. Macedonio Alcalá (new) *
  3. Francisco R. Almada (new)
  4. Isidro Barradas (new) *
  5. Nelson Barrera (new) *
  6. Peter Ellis Bean (new) DYK
  7. Miguel Domínguez (new) *
  8. Héctor Espino (new) *
  9. Manuel Gamio (new) DYK
  10. Francisco Gómez Palacio y Bravo (new)
  11. Pelagio Antonio de Labastida y Dávalos (new) *
  12. José Mariano Michelena (new) *
  13. Margarita Michelena (new)
  14. Ricardo Pozas Arciniega (new) *
  15. Guillermo Prieto (new) DYK
  16. Rodolfo Valdés Osuna (new) *

Presidents of Central America

  1. Gabino Gaínza (new) *
  2. Pedro Molina Mazariegos (new) *
  3. Antonio Rivera Cabezas (new) *
  4. Juan Vicente Villacorta Díaz (new) *
  5. Manuel José Arce *
  6. José Francisco Barrundia *
  7. José Gregorio Salazar (new) *
  8. Diego Vigil Cocaña (new) *

Presidents of Guatemala

  1. Mariano Gálvez (new) *

Presidents of El Salvador

  1. Pedro Barriere (new) *
  2. José Matías Delgado (new)
  3. Felipe Codallos (new)
  4. Mariano Prado (new) *
  5. Juan Manuel Rodríguez (new) *
  6. José María Cornejo (new)
  7. José Damián Villacorta (new) *
  8. Joaquín de San Martín (new) *
  9. Carlos Salazar Castro (new) *
  10. Joaquín Escolán y Balibrera (new) *
  11. José María Silva (new) *
  12. Nicolás Espinoza (new) *
  13. Francisco Gómez (new) *
  14. Timoteo Menéndez (new) *
  15. Antonio José Cañas (new)
  16. Norberto Ramírez *
  17. Juan Lindo *

Other figures from independent El Salvador

  1. Anastasio Aquino (new) DYK

Presidents of Honduras

  1. Dionisio de Herrera (new) *

Viceroys of Peru

  1. Blasco Núñez Vela *
  2. Pedro de la Gasca (new) *
  3. Melchor Bravo de Saravia *
  4. Andrés Hurtado de Mendoza (new) *
  5. Diego López de Zúñiga y Velasco (new)
  6. Juan de Saavedra (new) *
  7. Lope García de Castro (new) *
  8. Francisco de Toledo *
  9. Cristóbal Ramírez de Cartagena (new)
  10. Fernando Torres de Portugal y Mesía (new)
  11. García Hurtado de Mendoza *
  12. Diego Núñez de Avendaño (new)
  13. Francisco de Borja y Aragón (new) *
  14. Juan Jiménez de Montalvo (new)
  15. Luis Jerónimo Fernández de Cabrera (new) *
  16. Pedro Álvarez de Toledo y Leiva (new)
  17. Diego de Benavides y de la Cueva (new)
  18. Bernardo de Iturriaza (new)
  19. Pedro Antonio Fernández de Castro (new) *
  20. Baltasar de la Cueva Enríquez (new) *
  21. Melchor Liñán y Cisneros (new) *
  22. Melchor de Navarra y Rocafull (new) *
  23. Miguel Núñez de Sanabria (new)
  24. Manuel de Oms y de Santa Pau (new) *
  25. Diego Ladrón de Guevara (new) *
  26. Mateo de la Mata Ponce de León (new)
  27. Diego Morcillo Rubio de Auñón (new)
  28. Carmine Nicolao Caracciolo (new)
  29. José de Armendáriz (new) *
  30. José Antonio de Mendoza (new) *
  31. Manuel de Amat y Juniet (new) *
  32. Manuel de Guirior (new)
  33. Agustín de Jáuregui *
  34. Teodoro de Croix (new) *
  35. Francisco Gil de Taboada (new) *
  36. Manuel Arredondo y Pelegrín (new) *
  37. Gabriel de Avilés y del Fierro (new) *
  38. José Fernando de Abascal y Sousa *
  39. Joaquín de la Pezuela (new) *
  40. José de la Serna (new) *
  41. Pío de Tristán (new) *

Other figures from colonial Peru

  1. José de Antequera y Castro (new) *
  2. José Antonio de Areche (new) *
  3. José Baquíjano (new)
  4. Pedro Bohórquez (new) *
  5. Ana Francisca de Borja y Doria (new) *
  6. Ana de Castro (new) *
  7. Catalina de Erauso, La Monja Alférez
  8. Hipólito Ruiz López *
  9. Francisco Ruiz Lozano (new) *
  10. Sayri Tupac *
  11. Cristóbal Vaca de Castro *

Figures from independent Peru

  1. José Bernardo Alcedo (new) *
  2. Conchita Cintrón (new)

Spanish governors of Chile

  1. Alonso de Ribera *

Other figures from colonial Chile

  1. Clemente de Lantaño (new) *

Figures from independent Chile

  1. Pedro Félix Vicuña (new) *

Viceroys of New Granada

  1. Antonio de la Pedrosa y Guerrero (new)
  2. Jorge de Villalonga (new) *
  3. Sebastián de Eslava (new) *
  4. José Alfonso Pizarro (new) *
  5. José Solís Folch de Cardona (new) *
  6. Pedro Messía de la Cerda (new) *
  7. Juan de Torrezar Díaz Pimienta (new) *
  8. Antonio Caballero y Góngora (new)
  9. José Manuel de Ezpeleta (new) *
  10. Pedro Mendinueta y Múzquiz (new) *
  11. Antonio José Amar y Borbón (new) *
  12. Benito Pérez Brito (new) *
  13. Francisco Montalvo y Ambulodi (new) *
  14. Juan José de Sámano y Uribarri (new) *
  15. Juan de la Cruz Mourgeón (new) *

Other figures from colonial New Granada

  1. Manuel de Bernardo Álvarez del Casal (new) *
  2. José Celestino Mutis (new) *
  3. José Miguel Pey de Andrade (new) *
  4. Diego de Villalba y Toledo (new) *

Spanish governors of the Philippines

  1. Gómez Pérez Dasmariñas
  2. Pedro de Rojas *
  3. Luis Pérez Dasmariñas
  4. Francisco de Tello de Guzmán (new)
  5. Pedro Bravo de Acuña (new)
  6. Juan de Silva (new)
  7. Alonso Fajardo y Tenza (new) *
  8. Fernándo de Silva (new)
  9. Juan Niño de Tabora (new)
  10. Juan Cerezo de Salamanca (new)
  11. Sebastián Hurtado de Corcuera (new)
  12. Diego Fajardo Chacón (new)

Other figures from colonial Philippines

  1. Juan de Cuéllar (new) *
  2. Antonio de Morga (new)

Figures from Canada

  1. Claude Aveneau (new)
  2. Bonnie Baker (new) *
  3. Helen Callaghan (new) *
  4. Jean-Baptiste Chardon (new) *
  5. François Crépieul (new) *
  6. Denis Jamet
  7. Pierre de Lauzon (new)
  8. Pierre de Lagrené (new)
  9. Jean-Nicolas Laverlochère (new) *
  10. Joseph Le Caron (new) DYK
  11. Constant Le Marchand de Lignery (new)
  12. Pierre-Gabriel Marest (new)
  13. Peter Pitseolak (new) *

Figures from the Jewish Encyclopedia, #1

  1. Moses Belmonte (new)
  2. Caceres family (new) *
  3. Albert Cahen (new)
  4. Samuel Cahen (new) *
  5. David Léon Cahun (new) *
  6. Simchah ben Abraham Calimani (new) *
  7. Johann Heinrich Callenberg (new) *
  8. Marie Calm (new)
  9. Liefmann Calmer (new) *
  10. Emanuel Calvo (new)
  11. Isaac ben Saul Chmelniker Candia (new)
  12. Cansino family (new)
  13. Abraham ben Jacob Cansino (new) *
  14. Isaac ben Chayyim Cansino (new) *
  15. Jacob Cansino (new)
  16. Karl Friedrich Canstatt (new) *
  17. Chayyim Moses ben Isaiah Azriel Cantarini (new)
  18. Isaac Chayyim Cantarini (new)
  19. Judah ben Samuel ha-Kohen Cantarini (new)
  20. Lelio Cantoni (new) *
  21. Joshua dei Cantori (new) *
  22. Abraham Capadoce (new) *
  23. Joseph Çapateiro (new)
  24. David Samuel Carasso (new)
  25. Victor of Carben (new) *
  26. Adolphe Joseph Carcassonne (new)
  27. David Carcassonne (new) *
  28. Léon Carcassonne (new)
  29. Elijah Aboab Cardoso (new)
  30. Isaac Cardoso (new) *
  31. Aaron Cardoza (new) *
  32. David de Jahacob Lopez Cardozo (new)
  33. Eliakim Carmoly (new) *
  34. Isaachar bär ben Judah Carmoly (new) *
  35. Abraham ben Raphael Caro (new)
  36. David Caro (new) *
  37. Isaac ben Joseph Caro (new)
  38. Jacob Caro (new) *
  39. Joseph Chayyim ben Isaac Selig Caro (new)
  40. Leone Carpi (new) *
  41. Zachariah Carpi (new)
  42. Johann Gottlob Carpzov (new) *
  43. Raphael Chayyim Isaac Carregal (new) *
  44. Ludovicus Carretus (new)
  45. Corsono Carsono (new)
  46. Mordecai Baruch Carvalho (new) *
  47. Jules Carvallo (new) *
  48. Caslari family (new)
  49. Abraham ben David Caslari (new) *
  50. Israel ben Joseph Halevi Caslari (new) *
  51. Joshua Caslari (new)
  52. Charles Paul Caspari (new) *
  53. Joseph ben Abba Mari ben Joseph ben Jacob Caspi (new) *
  54. Nathanael ben Nehemiah Caspi (new) *
  55. Hartwig Cassel (new)
  56. Paulus Stephanus Cassel (new) *
  57. Judah Cassuto (new) *
  58. Abraham Castanho (new)
  59. Juan Rodrigo de Castel-Branco (new) *
  60. Castellazzo family (new) *

Figures from the Jewish Encyclopedia, #2

  1. David Castelli (new)
  2. Abraham Isaac Castello (new) *
  3. Joseph Castello (new)
  4. Samuel di Castelnuovo (new)
  5. Adolf de Castro (new) *
  6. Jacob de Castro Sarmento (new) *
  7. Isaac de Castro Tartas (new) *
  8. Abraham Solomon ben Isaac ben Samuel Catalan (new)
  9. Gerson ben Solomon Catalan (new)
  10. David Cazès (new) *
  11. Moses Chayyim Catalan (new)
  12. Shemariah Catarivas (new)
  13. Karl Friedrich Cerf (new)
  14. Herz Cerfbeer of Medelsheim (new)
  15. Max-Théodore Cerfbeer (new)
  16. Maximilien Charles Alphonse Cerfberr of Medelsheim (new)
  17. Anatole Cerfberr (new)
  18. Auguste Édouard Cerfberr (new)
  19. Frédéric Cerfberr (new)
  20. Aron Mendes Chumaceiro (new) *
  21. Jacob ben Abraham Faitusi (new) *
  22. Moses M. Haarbleicher (new) *
  23. John of Capua (new)
  24. Judah Kalaẓ (new)
  25. Kalonymus ben Todors (new)
  26. Frat Maimon (new)
  27. Joseph ben Nathan Official (new) *
  28. Julius Leopold Pagel (new) *
  29. Herman Rosenthal (new) *
  30. Zhao Yingcheng (new) DYK
  31. Paul Zweifel (new) DYK

Figures from the Catholic Encyclopedia

  1. Casto Innocenzio Ansaldi (new) *
  2. Anselmo Banduri (new) *
  3. Giuseppe Bianchini (new) *
  4. Marcin Bielski (new) *
  5. Joseph Biner (new) *
  6. Severin Binius (new) *
  7. Peter van der Bosch (new)
  8. Guillaume-Hyacinthe Bougeant (new) *
  9. Jacques Bouillart (new) *
  10. Jean-Jacques Bourassé (new) *
  11. Placidus Braun (new) *
  12. Michael John Brenan (new) *
  13. Heinrich Brewer (new) *
  14. Johann Nepomuk Brischar (new) *
  15. John Brignon (new) *
  16. Francis Britius (new) *
  17. Auguste-Théodore-Paul de Broglie (new)
  18. Richard Broughton (new) *
  19. Christoph Brouwer (new) *
  20. Joachim Bruel (new) *
  21. Louis-Frédéric Brugère (new) *
  22. Ugolino Brunforte
  23. Gabriel Bucelin (new)
  24. Victor de Buck (new) *
  25. Daniel William Cahill (new) *
  26. Constantino Cajetan (new) *
  27. Candidus of Fulda (new) *
  28. Louis de Carrières (new)
  29. Claude Chantelou (new) *
  30. Cuthbert Constable (new) *
  31. Adam Contzen (new) *
  32. Joseph Galien (new) *
  33. Helmold of Bosau *

Other sports figures

  1. Bob Alexander *
  2. Suzy Chaffee *
  3. Millie Deegan
  4. Tommy Dowd (new) *
  5. Maddy English (new) *
  6. Frank Filchock
  7. Ángel Guzmán *
  8. Dave Heaverlo *
  9. Jimmy Johnston (new) *
  10. Takao Kajimoto (new) *
  11. Manabu Kitabeppu *
  12. Rick Krivda (new) *
  13. Frank Leland (new) *
  14. Sam Leslie (new) *
  15. Reggie Otero (new) *
  16. Tom Qualters (new) *
  17. Francis Richter (new)
  18. Ignacio Sánchez Mejías (new)
  19. Sibby Sisti (new) *
  20. Robert Skene (new) *
  21. George Stovey (new) *
  22. Bob Thurman (new) *
  23. Jim Tobin (new) *
  24. Johnny Tobin (new)
  25. Frank Tripucka
  26. Kazuhiro Wada (new) *
  27. Zip Zabel (new)
  28. Fritzie Zivic

Other figures

  1. Gregorio Conrado Álvarez *
  2. Joseph Louis Anne Avenol
  3. Herbert R. Axelrod (new)
  4. Nigel Barley *
  5. Charles H. Bell (naval officer)
  6. Emma Helen Blair (new)
  7. Sarah Gibson Blanding (new) *
  8. Luis Brión (new) *
  9. Robert A. Bruce (new)
  10. Alfonso de Cartagena (new) *
  11. Chief Moses (new)
  12. Paul Cuffe *
  13. Martin Czechowic (new) DYK
  14. H. L. Davis
  15. Gabriel Fielding *
  16. Harry Lawrence Freeman (new) *
  17. Ruth Hurmence Green *
  18. Jerónimo Grimaldi (new) *
  19. Franklin Henry Hooper (new) *
  20. Sam Hughes (musician) (new)
  21. Joseph Stevens Jones (new) *
  22. Andrew N. Meltzoff (new) DYK
  23. Joseph Monier (new) DYK
  24. Milton Murayama (new) *
  25. Ethan Nadelmann
  26. Constant Nieuwenhuys *
  27. Moll Pitcher (new) DYK *
  28. Warren E. Preece (new)
  29. Franciscus Raphelengius
  30. Marta Rivera de la Cruz (new) *
  31. Carl Keenan Seyfert *
  32. William V. Shannon *
  33. Jean-Joseph Surin (new) *
  34. Pedro de Torres Rámila (new) *
  35. Tula (Curaçao) (new) *
  36. Robert H. Wentorf, Jr. (new) *
  37. Ron Williamson *

Other topics

  1. Autobuses de Oriente (new)
  2. Battle of Sipe-Sipe (new)
  3. Chicago Columbia Giants (new)
  4. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
  5. Cleveland Giants (new)
  6. Conspiracy of the Machetes (new)
  7. Cuban X-Giants (new)
  8. Detroit Wolves (new)
  9. Duchy of Veragua (new) DYK
  10. Fossil Cycad National Monument (new) DYK
  11. Hakham
  12. Jardín Botánico Chagual (new)
  13. José Matías Delgado University (new)
  14. Juicio de residencia (new)
  15. Leavenworth Soldiers (new)
  16. Leland Giants (new)
  17. Lethbridge Expos (new)
  18. List of Viceroys of New Granada (new)
  19. Lou Dillon (new)
  20. Me'assefim (new)
  21. Mexico City Aztecas (new)
  22. National Colored Base Ball League (new)
  23. Nuevo Cartago y Costa Rica (new)
  24. Page Fence Giants (new)
  25. Revue des Études Juives (new)
  26. Royal Veragua (new)
  27. Sabine Free State DYK
  28. Soconusco
  29. Veragua (new)
  30. Verendrye National Monument (new)
  31. Viña del Mar University (new)
  32. War of the Supremes (new)
  33. Yucuita (new)

My barnstars, etc.

  Estrella de granjero de diligencia
Le concedo esta estrella por su trabajo diligente en el sujeto de Presidentes de México. Tubezone 21:25, 2 December 2006 (UTC)
File:Orden of guadalupe.jpg Order of the Third Mexican Empire
Just wanted to say thanks for your brilliant work updating the articles of important Mexican and Latin American figures. As a token of recognition I present you with the (spurious, of course) Order of the Third Mexican Empire. Welsh 21:11, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  The Original Barnstar
I saw the Manuel Gamio page come through while monitoring New Pages. It looks like you consistently make significant meaningful contributions and I wanted to give you this barnstar for that. Gaff ταλκ 19:19, 20 May 2007 (UTC)
  The Original Barnstar
For your contributions to biographies of minor historical figures on Wikipedia, your new article additions, your research, your editing, and your ability to work with others--everything Wikipedia needs in its editors. KP Botany 20:01, 21 July 2007 (UTC)

Some other wikis I have contributed to

  1. Italian Wikipedia
  2. Spanish Wikipedia
  3. Mersennewiki
  4. Worldwidewiki
  5. German Wikipedia
  6. Dutch Wikipedia
  7. Esperanto Wikipedia
  8. French Wikipedia
  9. Baseball-Reference Bullpen


Images I have uploaded to at least one of the Wikipedias I edit (English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Esperanto).

Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3 | Gallery 4 | Gallery 5 | Gallery 6 | Gallery 7 | Gallery 8 | Gallery 9 | Gallery 10

New Spain Viceroys | New Spain Intendentes | Mexican Presidents | Central American Presidents | Peruvian Viceroys | Cuban Governors | Chilean Governors | New Granada Viceroys | Philippine Governors | Vicente Guerrero

Citations needed, etc.: Philip I of France | 'Adud al-Daula | Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Archives/Language/2007_May_26

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