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スブリミス・デウス』(ラテン語Sublimis Deus、またはSic Dilexit[1] )は、1537年6月2日教皇パウルス3世が公布した勅令。西と南のインディアンと呼ばれるアメリカ大陸の先住民と将来出会うすべての人々[2][3][4][5]を奴隷にすることを禁じている[2][6]。アメリカ先住民は、たとえ異教徒であっても、自由私有財産の権利を持つ完全に理性的な人間であると述べている[5][2]

教皇 パウルス3世 による 教皇勅書
Coat of arms of Pope パウルス3世
発令日 1537年6月2日


それら先住民は真の人間であり、キリストの信仰を受容できるだけでなく、現に信仰に近づきつつあることを考慮し、適切な手段を講じるため、以下のように宣言する。先住民をはじめ、将来キリスト教徒が知ることになる人々は例外なく、たとえ信仰の外にいようとも、自由や所有権を奪われず、むしろその自由や所有権を、自由かつ正当に享受できる。また、彼らを奴隷とするのも許されない[7][4][8][注 1] — パウルス3世『スブリミス・デウス』

教皇パウルス3世はバルトロメ・デ・ラス・カサスの著作『布教論』(De unico vocationis modo)を参考とし[9]、『スブリミス・デウス』において『布教論』の主張を反映させたと考えられている[3][2]

全てのキリスト教徒宛てに書かれた教皇勅書『スブリミス・デウス』(1537年6月2日)は一度も取り消されたことはないが[10][11]、よく似た内容でトレドの枢機卿宛ての教皇短信『パストラーレ・オフィキウム』(Pastorale Officium)が1537年5月29日に発布された。パストラーレ・オフィキウムは誤った情報に基づいており混乱をもたらした。教皇短信はスペイン国王が1530年奴隷制を禁止したことを肯定的に評価していたが、スペイン国王が1534年にこの禁止令を撤回したという事実を知らぬまま、このスペイン国王の奴隷禁止令に違反した者は破門されると発表し、当然のごとくスペイン国王を苛立たせた。パウルス3世はスペイン国王が1534年に奴隷禁止令を撤回していたことを知ると、1538年にこの教皇短信『パストラーレ・オフィキウム』を撤回した。奇妙なことにパウルス3世以降の歴代教皇らは、誤った情報に基づいて撤回された教皇短信『パストラーレ・オフィキウム』をパウルス3世に言及する際にはほとんどの場合に引用、さらに短信を罰則とともに承認し更新までしている[10][11]



1591年4月付けの教皇勅書(Bulla Cum Sicuti)において、ローマ教皇グレゴリウス14世は奴隷にされたフィリピンの先住民[注 2]に可能な限り賠償を行うよう命じ、また奴隷の所有者には破門の罰則を課して、島内のすべての先住民奴隷を解放するよう命じている[14]1542年インディアス新法によると、いかなる理由においても先住民を奴隷とすることを禁じており[16]ヌエバ・エスパーニャではインディオス・チーノスと分類されていたフィリピン人日本人中国人朝鮮人[注 3]東洋における先住民であることを根拠に自由を主張できた[18][19]

  1. ^ https://www.cbu.ca/indigenous-affairs/mikmaq-resource-centre/mikmaq-resource-guide/mikmaw-timeline/
  2. ^ a b c d e f BARTOLOMÉ DE LAS CASAS AND THE QUESTION OF EVANGELIZATION, Hartono Budi, Jurnal Teologi, Vol. 02, No. 01, Mei 2013, hlm. 49-57, The Only Way was so convincing that even Pope Paul III was encouraged to issue a papal bull Sublimis Deus in 1537 which was adopting deliberately all principles of the The Only Way, not just for the Indians of the New World, but for all the peoples to be discovered in the future.(新世界のインディアンだけでなく、将来発見されるすべての人々のため)
  3. ^ a b c d Bartolomé de Las Casas’ The Only Way: A Postcolonial Reading of At-One-Ment for Mission, Dale Ann Gray, 2018, Phd Thesis, p.136, p.147, p.153 "Sublimis Deus was Pope Paul III’s declaration of the full humanity of all peoples of the world(世界のすべての人々の完全な人間性の宣言). It was his response to the first edition of The Only Way, carried to Rome by Minaya in 1537, and according to Parish, was chapter and verse delineated by Las Casas (Parish, “Introduction” in TOW)."
  4. ^ a b Paul III: Sublimis Deus, June 2, 1537. Found in Las Casas En Mexico:Historia y obras desconocidas, by Helen-Rand Parish and Harold E. Weidman,Mexico City: Fondo De Cultura Economica, 1992, pp. 310-311.
  5. ^ a b c The Popes and Slavery, Panzer, Joel S., Homiletic and pastoral review Year: 1996, Volume: 97, Issue: 3, Pages: 22-29, "Paul states that the Indians are "true men" who are able to accept the Faith, and in fact do so eagerly. Thus, "the same Indians and all other peoples—even though they are outside the faith", [10] are not to have their possessions taken or their lives reduced to slavery. This teaching is not to be limited to Christians or Indians only, and is to be applied to any and all peoples who may be encountered in the future. Anything done or taught contrary to this universal Bull is null and void. The conversion, not the domination, of the Indians is to be the goal of the Europeans; this goal is not to be attained by violence, but rather "by preaching and the example of a good life." [11]"
  6. ^ Joel S. Panzer: The Popes and Slavery (New York: Alba House, 1996), pp. 79-81 "Sublimis Deus sic delexit humanum genus" (崇高なる神は人類を愛された)
  7. ^ a b 『スブリミス・デウス』原文の日本語訳、染田秀藤・篠原愛人監修『ラテンアメリカの歴史』90-91頁
  8. ^ a b c The Popes and Slavery, Panzer, Joel S., Homiletic and pastoral review Year: 1996, Volume: 97, Issue: 3, Pages: 22-29, "The second core teaching of Sublimis Deus which follows from this is the necessity of restoring and maintaining the liberty of the Indians: (スブリミス・デウスの条文引用の開始)Therefore, We.... noting that the Indians themselves indeed are true men and are not only capable of the Christian faith, but, as has been made known to us, promptly hasten to the faith, and wishing to provide suitable remedies for them, by our Apostolic Authority decree and declare by these present letters that the same Indians and all other peoples—even though they are outside the faith who shall hereafter come to the knowledge of Christians have not been deprived or should not be deprived of their liberty or of their possessions (sua libertate ac serum suarum dominio privatos seu privandos non esse). Rather they are to be able to use and enjoy this liberty and this ownership of property freely and licitly, and are not to be reduced to slavery (nec in servitutem redigi debere), and that whatever happens to the contrary is to be considered null and void. These same Indians and other peoples are to be invited to the said faith in Christ by preaching and the example of a good life. [9](スブリミス・デウスの条文引用の終わり) Paul states that the Indians are "true men" who are able to accept the Faith, and in fact do so eagerly. Thus, "the same Indians and all other peoples—even though they are outside the faith" (emphasis added), [10] are not to have their possessions taken or their lives reduced to slavery. This teaching is not to be limited to Christians or Indians only, and is to be applied to any and all peoples who may be encountered in the future."
  9. ^ Giménez Fernández (1971:89)
  10. ^ a b Gustavio Gutierrez, Las Casas: In Search of the Poor of Jesus Christ (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2003), 308-312
  11. ^ a b Michael Stogre, That the World May Believe: The Development of Papal Social Thought on Aboriginal Rights (Sherbrooke, QC: Éditions Paulines, 1992), 77-93
  12. ^ Thornberry 2002, p. 65.
  13. ^ Lampe 2001, p. 17.
  14. ^ a b   この記述にはパブリックドメインである次の百科事典本文を含む: Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1910). "Pope Gregory XIV". Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 7. New York: Robert Appleton Company., "In a decree, dated 18 April, 1591, he ordered reparation to be made to the Indians of the Philippines by their conquerors wherever it was possible, and commanded under pain of excommunication that all Indian slaves in the islands should be set free. "
  15. ^ a b The Popes and Slavery, Panzer, Joel S., Homiletic and pastoral review Year: 1996, Volume: 97, Issue: 3, Pages: 22-29, "Thus we see that Eugene IV and Paul III did not hesitate to condemn the forced servitude of Blacks and Indians, and they did so once such practices became known to the Holy See. Their teaching was continued by Gregory XIV in 1591 and by Urban VIII in 1639. Indeed Urban in his document Commisum Nobis appeals to the teaching of his predecessors, particularly Paul III. The pontifical teaching was continued by the response of the Holy Office on March 20, 1686 under Innocent XI, and by the encyclical of Benedict XIV, Inmensa Pastorum on December 20, 1741."
  16. ^ Déborah Oropeza Keresey, Los “indios chinos” en la Nueva España: la inmigración de la nao de China, 1565-1700, PhD Tesis, 2007, pp. 132-133 p.28, "Al iniciarse la colonización del archipiélago, la Corona, al igual que en sus otros territorios, tuvo que enfrentar la cuestión de la esclavitud indígena. Nuevamente la experiencia americana sirvió como precedente para definir el curso a seguir. Recordemos que las Leyes Nuevas de 1542 promulgadas por Carlos V, ordenaban que por ninguna causa se podía esclavizar a los indios y que se les tratara como vasallos de la Corona de Castilla. También disponían que los indios que ya se hubieren hecho esclavos se liberaran en caso de que sus dueños no mostrasen títulos legítimos de posesión; asimismo, las Leyes ordenaban que las Audiencias nombraran personas encargadas de asistir a los indios en su liberación.61"
  17. ^ Déborah Oropeza Keresey, Los “indios chinos” en la Nueva España: la inmigración de la nao de China, 1565-1700, PhD Tesis, 2007, pp.138-139, "El “indio chino” ocupó un lugar ambiguo en la sociedad novohispana. El hecho de que era originario de las Indias, y por lo tanto indio, pero no natural del suelo americano, creó confusión en la sociedad y en las autoridades novohispanas....En ocasiones quedaba claro que jurídicamente hablando el oriental era considerado indio."
  18. ^ Déborah Oropeza Keresey, Los “indios chinos” en la Nueva España: la inmigración de la nao de China, 1565-1700, PhD Tesis, 2007, p.131, "Por otro lado, entraron también a la Nueva España algunos esclavos indios de Filipinas, pero como vasallos de la Corona, no debió permitirse dicha condición."
  19. ^ Déborah Oropeza Keresey, Los “indios chinos” en la Nueva España: la inmigración de la nao de China, 1565-1700, PhD Tesis, 2007, pp.138-139, "El “indio chino” ocupó un lugar ambiguo en la sociedad novohispana. El hecho de que era originario de las Indias, y por lo tanto indio, pero no natural del suelo americano, creó confusión en la sociedad y en las autoridades novohispanas....En ocasiones quedaba claro que jurídicamente hablando el oriental era considerado indio."
  1. ^ 二次資料で引用[8]、解釈[2][3]している箇所です。

    Therefore, We.... noting that the Indians themselves indeed are true men and are not only capable of the Christian faith, but, as has been made known to us, promptly hasten to the faith, and wishing to provide suitable remedies for them, by our Apostolic Authority decree and declare by these present letters that the same Indians and all other peoples—even though they are outside the faith who shall hereafter come to the knowledge of Christians have not been deprived or should not be deprived of their liberty or of their possessions (sua libertate ac serum suarum dominio privatos seu privandos non esse). Rather they are to be able to use and enjoy this liberty and this ownership of property freely and licitly, and are not to be reduced to slavery (nec in servitutem redigi debere), and that whatever happens to the contrary is to be considered null and void. These same Indians and other peoples are to be invited to the said faith in Christ by preaching and the example of a good life.[8]

  2. ^ フィリピンのインディオ(the Indians of the Philippines)をフィリピンの先住民として記載
  3. ^ 日本人中国人等の東洋人は法的にはインディオ先住民)と見なされていた[17]