Yea, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul.

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King James Bible
Yea, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul.Darby Bible Translation
And I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them in this land with my whole heart and with my whole soul.English Revised Version
Yea, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul.World English Bible
Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul.Young's Literal Translation
and I have rejoiced over them to do them good, and have planted them in this land in truth, with all my heart, and with all My soul.

Jeremia 32:41 Albanian
Do të ndjej gëzim duke u bërë të mirë dhe do t'i vendos në mënyrë të qëndrueshme në këtë vend me gjithë zemrën time dhe me gjithë shpirtin tim".

Dyr Ierymies 32:41 Bavarian
Für mi gaat dös ayn recht ayn Freud sein, wenn i ien öbbs Guets tuen derf. In meiner Huld schaug i, däß s in dönn Land einwurtznd; daa ligt myr wirlich närrisch vil dran.

Еремия 32:41 Bulgarian
дори ще се радвам над тях да им правя добро, и ще ги насадя с вярност в тая земя, с цялото Си сърце и с цялата Си душа.

現代標點和合本 (CUVMP Traditional)

现代标点和合本 (CUVMP Simplified)

耶 利 米 書 32:41 Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
我 必 歡 喜 施 恩 與 他 們 , 要 盡 心 盡 意 、 誠 誠 實 實 將 他 們 栽 於 此 地 。

耶 利 米 書 32:41 Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
我 必 欢 喜 施 恩 与 他 们 , 要 尽 心 尽 意 、 诚 诚 实 实 将 他 们 栽 於 此 地 。

Jeremiah 32:41 Croatian Bible
I radovat ću se čineći im dobro; i čvrsto ću ih zasaditi u ovoj zemlji, svim srcem svojim, svom dušom svojom.

Jermiáše 32:41 Czech BKR
I veseliti se budu z nich, dobře jim čině, když je štípím v zemi této pevně, celým srdcem svým a vší duší svou.

Jeremias 32:41 Danish
Jeg vil glæde mig over dem og gøre vel imod dem; og jeg planter dem i dette Land i Trofasthed af hele mit Hjerte og hele min Sjæl.

Jeremia 32:41 Dutch Staten Vertaling
En Ik zal Mij over hen verblijden, dat Ik hun weldoe; en Ik zal hen getrouwelijk in dat land planten, met Mijn ganse hart en met Mijn ganse ziel.

Jeremiás 32:41 Hungarian: Karoli
És örvendezek bennök, ha jót cselekedhetem velök és biztosan beplántálhatom õket e földbe, teljes szívvel és teljes lélekkel.

Jeremia 32:41 Esperanto
Kaj Mi gxojos pri ili, bonfarante al ili, kaj Mi plantos ilin en cxi tiu lando fidele, per Mia tuta koro kaj per Mia tuta animo.

JEREMIA 32:41 Finnish: Bible (1776)
Ja se pitää minun iloni oleman, että heille hyvää teen; ja tahdon heitä tähän maahan istuttaa uskollisesti, kaikesta minun sydämestäni ja kaikesta sielustani.

Jérémie 32:41 French: Darby
Et je me rejouirai en eux pour leur faire du bien, et je les planterai dans ce pays, en verite, de tout mon coeur et de toute mon ame.

Jérémie 32:41 French: Louis Segond (1910)
Je prendrai plaisir à leur faire du bien, Et je les planterai véritablement dans ce pays, De tout mon coeur et de toute mon âme.

Jérémie 32:41 French: Martin (1744)
Et je prendrai plaisir à leur faire du bien, et je les planterai dans ce pays-ci solidement, de tout mon cœur, et de toute mon âme.

Jeremia 32:41 German: Modernized
Und soll meine Lust sein, daß ich ihnen Gutes tun soll; und ich will sie in diesem Lande pflanzen, treulich, von ganzem Herzen und von ganzer Seele.

Jeremia 32:41 German: Luther (1912)
und soll meine Lust sein, daß ich ihnen Gutes tue; und ich will sie in diesem Lande pflanzen treulich, von ganzem Herzen und von ganzer Seele.

Jeremia 32:41 German: Textbibel (1899)
Vielmehr werde ich meine Wonne an ihnen haben, daß ich ihnen Gutes thue, und will sie einpflanzen in dieses Land in Treue, von ganzem Herzen und von ganzer Seele.

Geremia 32:41 Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927)
E metterò la mia gioia nel far loro del bene e li pianterò in questo paese con fedeltà, con tutto il mio cuore, con tutta l’anima mia.

Geremia 32:41 Italian: Giovanni Diodati Bible (1649)
E mi rallegrerò di loro, facendo loro bene; e li pianterò in questo paese stabilmente, di tutto il mio cuore, e di tutta l’anima mia.

YEREMIA 32:41 Indonesian - Terjemahan Lama (TL)
Dan Akupun akan bergemar dalam berbuat baik akan mereka itu dan Aku akan menetapkan mereka itu di dalam negeri ini dengan sebenarnya dan dengan segenap hati-Ku dan dengan segenap jiwa-Ku.

Ieremias 32:41 Latin: Vulgata Clementina
Et lætabor super eis, cum bene eis fecero : et plantabo eos in terra ista in veritate, in toto corde meo et in tota anima mea.

Jeremiah 32:41 Maori
Ae ra, ka koa ahau ki a ratou hei mea i te pai ki a ratou, a he pono ka whakapaua toku ngakau, ka whakapaua hoki toku wairua ki te whakato i a ratou ki tenei whenua i runga i te pono.

Jeremias 32:41 Norwegian: Det Norsk Bibelselskap (1930)
Og jeg vil glede mig over dem og gjøre vel imot dem, og jeg vil plante dem i dette land i trofasthet, av hele mitt hjerte og av hele min sjel.

Jeremías 32:41 Spanish: Reina Valera 1909
Y alegraréme con ellos haciéndoles bien, y los plantaré en esta tierra en verdad, de todo mi corazón y de toda mi alma.

Jeremías 32:41 Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras 1569
Y me alegraré con ellos haciéndoles bien, y los plantaré en esta tierra con verdad, de todo mi corazón y de toda mi alma.

Jeremias 32:41 Portuguese: Bíblia King James Atualizada
Eu me alegrarei, fazendo-lhes o bem. E os plantarei com firmeza nesta terra, com toda a minha fidelidade e carinho.

Jeremias 32:41 Portuguese: João Ferreira de Almeida Atualizada
E alegrar-me-ei por causa deles, fazendo-lhes o bem; e os plantarei nesta terra, com toda a fidelidade do meu coração e da minha alma.   

Ieremia 32:41 Romanian: Cornilescu
Mă voi bucura să le fac bine, îi voi sădi cu adevărat în ţara aceasta, din toată inima şi din tot sufletul Meu.``

Иеремия 32:41 Russian: Synodal Translation (1876)
И буду радоваться о них, благотворя им, и насажду их на земле сей твердо, от всего сердца Моего и от всей души Моей.

Иеремия 32:41 Russian koi8r
И буду радоваться о них, благотворя им, и насажду их на земле сей твердо, от всего сердца Моего и от всей души Моей.[]

Jeremia 32:41 Swedish (1917)
Och jag skall hava min fröjd i att göra dem gott, och skall plantera dem i detta land med trofasthet, av allt mitt hjärta och all min själ.

Jeremiah 32:41 Tagalog: Ang Dating Biblia (1905)
Oo, ako'y magagalak sa kanila upang gawan ko sila ng mabuti, at aking tunay na itatatag sila sa lupaing ito ng aking buong puso at ng aking buong kaluluwa.

เยเรมีย์ 32:41 Thai: from KJV
เออ เราจะเปรมปรีดิ์ในการที่จะกระทำความดีแก่เขา และเราจะปลูกเขาไว้ในแผ่นดินนี้ด้วยความหมั่นมั่น ด้วยสุดใจของเราและสุดจิตของเรา

Yeremya 32:41 Turkish
Onlara iyilik etmekten sevinç duyacağım; gerçekten bütün yüreğimle, bütün canımla onları bu ülkede dikeceğim.

Gieâ-reâ-mi 32:41 Vietnamese (1934)
Ta sẽ lấy làm vui mà làm phước cho, và chắc hết lòng hết linh hồn trồng chúng nó trong đất nầy.