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Chalactans believe that all the natural laws of the universe also exist within us.Prithi

The Chalactans were a very peaceful and spiritual Near-Human species[4] native to the planet Chalacta.[1][2][3][4] They were universally respected,[4] and famous for their spiritual order, the Chalactan Adepts.[3][5] On Chalacta, Chalactans lived in small farms and cities.[4]

On the Mid Rim world of Chalacta, Senator Yudrish Sedran has consulted the Chalactan Temple of Illumination for direction, adopting a strong anti-Military Creation Act stance that has been anecdotally supported by Chalactan Jedi Depa Billaba and Sar Labooda.HoloNet News

Chalacta was once an uninhabited planet until it was colonized by the Chalactan Adepts.[5]

There were at least four prominent Chalactan Force-sensitives during the waning years of the Galactic Republic: Jedi High Councilor Depa Billaba who fell to the dark side,[1] Jedi Master Simms,[8] Jedi Knight Sar Labooda,[2] and Padawan Klossi Anno.[9] Circa 22 BBY, the Chalactans were represented in the Galactic Senate by Senator Yudrish Sedran, who opposed the Military Creation Act after consulting the wisdom of the Chalactan Temple of Illumination.[7][3]

Chalactans attire and look seem to take heavy influence from Indian culture. In Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary, it is stated that another Jedi, Barriss Offee, has "Chalactan tattoos" on her face. In the MedStar Duology, however, this fact has been corrected. Officially, Offee's tattoos are traditionally Mirialan. It was also corrected when the contents of Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary were reprinted in Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary.

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