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One Jenet's trash is another Jenet's treasure.Old saying

The Jenets, or Jenet, were a species of sentient, humanoid rodents, best known for their exceptional memories and scavenger nature. Other species often regarded Jenets as ugly and quarrelsome. They had pink skin, red eyes, and wiry fur, which grew sparsely on the body but more thickly on their heads. Their prominent whiskers twitched as they spoke. As adaptations to aid scavenging, they could digest almost any form of organic matter, and could rely upon keen eyesight, hearing, and smell. The species were excellent runners, climbers, and swimmers, and their flexible bodies allowed them to squeeze through openings as narrow as twelve centimeters by disjointing their long limbs and separating their cranial plates. Jenet reproductive biology encouraged rapid population growth, as both gestation and maturation occurred rapidly in comparison to those processes in many other species.

Originally from the planet Garban in the Tau Sakar system, the Jenets evolved into cunning survivalists who systematically drove into extinction those species that preyed upon them, an event they remembered as the Great Conquest. The exception was the danchaf, a clever arboreal species whose presence in Garban's forests prevented the Jenets from fully dominating such areas. As their technology progressed, the Jenets colonized the six other habitable planets that orbited Tau Sakar to ameliorate conditions on their increasingly overcrowded homeworld. Their communities across the system were distinguished by the species' tortuous bureaucracy, made up of Jenets whose jobs were simply to commit to memory as many facts about their fellows as possible. Jenet eidetic recall influenced social relations, as a Jenet's name contained a long list of his or her deeds and accomplishments and informed others of that individual's status in Jenet society. The rulers of the species were the Council of 127 and the premier. Jenet populations maintained Community Heaps, cooperatively owned landfills replete with scavenged and discarded items. With the ascension of Galactic Emperor Palpatine and the institution of the New Order, the Galactic Empire found the Jenets to be useful as slaves, because the rodents' high reproductive rate allowed their masters to pay little attention to the detrimental effects of poor labor and living conditions.

Those Jenets who migrated beyond the Tau Sakar system often found employment in fields that made use of their infallible memories, such as government, administration, and business. For example, a Jenet named Losh worked in the civil service divisions on Coruscant and helped Captain Gregar Typho of Naboo investigate the death of Padmé Amidala. However, other Jenets ventured into the galaxy's criminal element. The Invisible Shell, for instance, was a crime ring operated by a clan of Jenets on the planet Pavo Prime under the leadership of a male named Lorimar Lebauer. The species' ability to remember even minor details of things they had seen or heard also made them excellent spies. Despite their mistreatment by the Empire, few Jenets supported the Alliance to Restore the Republic or joined its successor state, the New Republic. After the Republic transitioned to the Galactic Alliance, at least some Jenets allied with the government; two such were Thorsh, a Jenet espionage agent during the Yuuzhan Vong War, and Reeqo Swen, a Jenet Jedi-in-training.

You must have a hard head.Han Solo, to Thorsh

Jenet 2
Some Jenets were quite bulky.

Jenets, or Jenet,[9] were a species regarded as unattractive[10]—if not repulsive—by Humans.[11] They were sentient rodents[1] who stood between 1.4 and 1.6 meters tall.[2] Although a few individuals exhibited a highly muscled or corpulent physique,[11][1] the average Jenet had a gaunt build characterized by long, thin limbs.[6] Jenet locomotion involved a bipedal gait[10] whereby they walked on their toes, with the long, wedge-shaped feet[8] jutting upward at an angle. Their forelimbs terminated in four attenuated fingers and an opposable thumb,[6] and their hindpaws in four elongated toes. All of these digits ended in sharp claws.[1] Although Jenet physiology made them adept at running, jumping, swimming and climbing,[6] their general form of movement was to scurry from place to place.[12] They also exhibited extreme flexibility: a Jenet could fit through an opening as small as twelve centimeters across by dislocating his or her limbs and separating the individual bones of the cranium to squeeze through.[6]

A Jenet's pale,[7] oily,[11] pink skin[13] was covered in coarse,[8] thin fur.[13] It grew more thickly on the top of the head, where a mass of hair of a different color from the main coat might have manifested. Fur colors ranged from white[10] or gray[4] to red.[5] Some individuals sported a short beard as well.[8]

The rounded[11] Jenet muzzle could grow quite long,[14] terminating in a wet nose[15] surrounded by stiff whiskers[1] that grew to a length equal to the smallest opening through which a Jenet could fit.[7] The beings had a keen sense of smell, developed to help them find food.[6] A cleft upper lip lay below the nostrils,[6] only partially covering a pronounced set[15][16] of sharp,[15] yellowish teeth. Jenets had small, red eyes[1] set under thick brow ridges. The rodents were noted for their keen eyesight, another food-finding adaptation;[6] they could see well even in low-light conditions.[1] Their pointed ears lay flat against the head, providing most members of the species acute hearing[10]—although not all Jenet shared this trait.[11]

Jenets were omnivorous. They were able to digest virtually any organic matter,[6] and their diet ranged from wild fruit to necrotic flesh.[7] At least some members of the species slept with their arms and legs held tight to the body and the muzzle nestled near the hindlimbs.[15]

Jenets had two sexes and reproduced sexually. Pregnant females carried their offspring in the womb for ninety standard days before bearing a litter of typically four to six young. Jenets matured rapidly; they learned to walk by two months of age[6] and entered adolescence at four standard years. Jenets reached sexual maturity at nine and had a life expectancy of seventy standard years.[1] Jenets were particularly fecund, so that a female rarely went more than a standard year before giving birth to another litter.[7][10]

Say, do you remember Als Somda?A Jenet

Despite their fur, Jenets wore clothing as a marker of status.

Jenets were temperamental and obsessed with trivialities,[6][10] which led many other species to regard them as irksome and obnoxious.[1] Despite their dominance over their homeworld both politically and technologically,[7] Jenets were unabashed scavengers by nature. They never discarded anything: whatever they acquired was kept in their homes or in large piles in their community's warrens. These Community Heaps, filled with broken tools, leftover food, empty containers, and the like, were common property, and Jenets enjoyed rummaging through them to find items of use.[10] Although they were omnivores, they did not hunt or raise animals; rather, they ate only meat they found from an animal that had already died. The species practiced animal husbandry to ensure that the wild creatures of their worlds did not overpopulate. The Jenets themselves had to contend with creatures that might try to eat them, so they kept an ear out for such attacks while working. The sentient rodents were adept at fleeing in an emergency, running and leaping to safety.[7]

A notable Jenet trait was their extraordinarily accurate and detailed memories;[13] members of the species never forgot even the most trivial datum.[10] One manifestation of this characteristic was a tradition of ballad singing about ancient heroes, poems beloved by the rodents but considered doggerel by non-Jenets.[17] This infallible memory also meant that Jenets never forgot slights and insults, and therefore could hold grudges indefinitely. In Jenet society, rumors and reputation were of paramount importance: Jenets could hold actions against even people whom they had never met, based merely on hearsay.[10] Jenets cared little for what other species considered tact,[1] so they were not shy about airing these opinions and grievances in public.[7] Since they could easily recall any bit of information about another person, Jenets freely insulted each other, even when among close friends and family. Exchanges of excoriation were so common as to be a form of greeting,[16] since an upbraided Jenet could usually recall some embarrassing fact about his or her interlocutor. Jenets took pride in being denigrated, for it proved they had gained enough notoriety to be worth the effort. However, few non-Jenets found such treatment enjoyable. Members of other species usually considered the Jenets' temperament to be argumentative, pedantic, dull, and uncouth.[10][13] Some non-Jenets even accursed the rodents of fabricating memories so as to influence others. These widely held beliefs meant that many species simply chose to avoid Jenets when possible.[7] Nevertheless, the Jenets had no tolerance for ignorance or duplicity.[1]

The Jenets had access to all aspects of galactic technology, including hyperspace-capable starships.[10] Nevertheless, their homeworld of Garban boasted only a limited-service spaceport.[18] Most Jenets had a healthy work ethic,[16] and their obsessive attention to detail made them useful employees.[1] However, they tended not to learn technological skills[6] and preferred to automate as much of their production as possible in lieu of mass labor.[10] Members of the species particularly hated working as miners.[7] Despite their fur, Jenets tended to wear clothing. The style of this varied with the individual; some males preferred loose-fitting tunics with trousers,[6][7] while others sported a more militaristic look, with button-down jacket and epaulettes.[1] Each member of a group led by Ludlo Lebauer wore an elaborate and expensive noron doublet and tunic suit with a blaster sidearm. Some females wore backless blouses with shorts that reached the knees and were slitted up the hip, a look considered provocative by male members of the species. Others had clingsilk skirts.[11]


I am Losh. I have seen pictures of your homeworld. Unsightly, water-ridden place."
Perhaps so, but for sheer global repulsiveness little can compare to Garban."
You are familiar with Jenet society?"
With the basics. As a security officer I have to know galactic protocol. It wouldn't do to greet someone from the Tau Sakar system, much less Garban itself, with a flowery compliment."
Indeed it would not.Losh and Gregar Typho

The species' native language, also called Jenet,[1] consisted of soft, short bursts[16] of high-pitched chittering, squeaking, squealing, and barking.[1] Different sounds indicated different concepts; one type of squeak showed approval, for example,[16] and a certain sniff showed scorn.[8] Due to the species' long memories, there was no written form of the language; things that other species might write down were simply committed to memory.[1] Some Jenets learned Basic, but this was not a species-wide skill.[1] Rodent-like mannerisms accompanied Jenet speech. A Jenet's nose,[7] whiskers,[16] and snout[8] could twitch and jerk[16] to convey emotions such as amusement, condescension,[19] concern,[15] disgust,[12] or unease.[15] This was accompanied by expressive movements of the ears,[14] eyes, lips,[11] and head.[12] Jenets laughed to show that they found something funny.[11] Others developed habits of caressing[16] or pulling on their whiskers while communicating.[12] Males and females flirted with one another.[11]

At their core, Jenet names generally consisted of one or two segments, such as Shan'Gredor Chirr't Ferr, Rhet H'rrr, and Ch'irrk Felt.[17] However, over time, Jenets expected others to recognize them with longer appellations that recounted their accomplishments and exploits. For example, a Jenet named Channik might eventually be known as Channik Who Built a starfighter and Flew to Ryloth, a member of the species called Lezarn might be called Lezarn Who Deals in Spice, while a third named Rish might come to be known as Rish Who Slew Vahgar the Drunken Houk.[1] When Jenets were introduced to each other, a complete record of their achievements was given as part of their names. With this information, Jenets could tell where another Jenet was placed in their complex social hierarchy. Accomplishments that increased status required two other Jenets as witnesses. To avoid conflicts of interest, Jenets were never allowed to introduce themselves. Pairs of Jenets could work together for years without knowing each other's name, simply because a third Jenet acquainted with them both was unavailable.[6] This did not entirely prevent Jenets from dishonesty, as they frequently exaggerated the accomplishments of their friends and downplayed the exploits of Jenets they disliked. This complex system of requesting and giving names sometimes led to confusion when Jenets dealt with members of other species, whom the rodents might have expected to also follow this custom.[10]

Government and demographics

The Jenet Premier ruled the species' homeworld, Garban.

The Jenets lived on Garban and six other habitable planets in the Tau Sakar system[3] of the Outer Rim Territories.[20] They were divided into clans[11] and tended to live only among their own kind.[10] Female Jenets had little role in society other than to bear young.[10] Due to their rapid reproduction, however, their enclaves could easily lead to all members being related to one another and the introduction of genetic defects from inbreeding. Jenets thus set up ties with other Jenet groups to exchange children—whom they called "sub-adults"[14]—and thus increase the gene pool.[10] Jenet children could walk and scavenge their own meals at two months of age.[7] Jenets put their children in schools to educate them.[14]

The Jenets shared Garban with the danchaf, or tree goblins, a creature they held to be highly intelligent but which many scientists considered non-sentient. Still, the Jenets claimed that the danchaf were simply too intelligent—and dangerous—to be observed by scientists in the field. Jenet oral histories spoke of the danchaf with great trepidation, and the Jenets avoided the tree goblin's forest habitat.[17] Instead, their communities were subterranean warrens dug deep into the surface of their worlds.[1] Such burrows were cramped and claustrophobic, but to Jenets, they were normal—although the conditions caused Jenets to misunderstand the importance of personal space to members of other species.[10] Life in such enclosed spaces led to generalized acrophobia; Jenets much preferred subterranean environments to elevated ones.[1] They exhibited utmost cooperation with one another due to the exacting social stratification that their photographic memories afforded. Another practical application of their recitation of names and histories upon meeting one another was that when a Jenet heard the background of another Jenet, it allowed him or her to gauge whether the new acquaintance was a social superior or inferior, and thus whether or not he or she was worth dealing with. Despite the social stratification this system engendered and upheld, deeds were the ultimate determiner of status, so Jenet society allowed for social mobility.[7]

The Jenets were ruled by a premier[6] or premiere, assisted in his or her duties by the Council of 127. These positions were selected via an opaque process poorly understood among non-Jenets, although all members of the species knew who their rulers were based on the accomplishments listed in their names.[10] The council oversaw a huge, byzantine bureaucracy, which they ran like a corporation.[1] The bureaucracy's job was to oversee resources and secure the homeland. Millions of Jenets served as functionaries in the government, their task to memorize details about as many other Jenets as they could. This information was then used to assign jobs, resolve disputes, and distribute resources. Group deposits of goods known as Community Heaps fell under the bureaucracy's administration.[10] The prevalence of red tape in Jenet society meant that members of the species were seldom bothered by such matters even when dealing with the bureaucracies of other cultures.[1]

Ch'irrk Felt's cry of battle rallied / Our hearts to the heroic slaughter, / When it was over, the dead were tallied; / Three cousins dead, one my daughter.
"My heart was rent, but the treasure was great, / Twenty goblins, whom we hate, / Lie dead upon the soggy earth, / So let us rejoice, and emerge with mirth!Excerpt from The Ballad of Shan'Gredor

The Jenets evolved from rodent prey animals on Garban. Using the remains of ancient trash piles, archaeologists hypothesized that after the species had developed sentience, early Jenets lived in caves underground. They stayed in such cramped confines for much of their day, only stepping out to the surface to scavenge for food.[10] Experts agreed that thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin, ancient Jenets organized against their predators and began an onslaught against the species they had once feared.[1] Jenet legend revered this period, which they called the Great Conquest, as a time of heroes and warriors, immortalized in epic poetry. According to such tales, the danchaf of Garban were once a sophisticated and cunning species who ruled Garban's woodlands in packs and prevented the Jenets from penetrating the forests. The Jenet rulers Chirr't Ferr and Rhet H'rrr formed armies to drive back the danchaf hordes. H'rrr, according to legend, developed attacks to target camale danchaf—one of the species' four genders—and thus disturb the tree goblins' reproductive abilities. An epic titled The Ballad of Shan'Gredor told of the Jenet Ch'irrk Felt, who created a giant trap of pots, pans, and bright phospowder; the noise and blinding lights dazzled the danchaf and allowed the Jenet soldiers to slay them. Although such wars were unsuccessful in eradicating the danchaf from the planet, legend claimed that the Jenet attacks forced the danchaf to devolve into a primitive state and allowed the Jenets to spread out and dominate Garban. With the exception of a xenobiologist named Xemlorn, scientists dismissed any notion of a more sophisticated past for the danchaf, thus doubting the veracity of the Jenets' heroic tales. To the Jenets, however, the legends were key elements of oral history.[17]

Jenet lore told of the Great Conquest, a war in which the Jenets defeated the danchaf, or tree goblins, and claimed domain over the surface of Garban.

Jenet society came to be organized into clans and oriented around life in warrens. The Jenet bureaucracy developed, as did the positions of premier and the Council of 127. Jenets also learned to manage the animals on their world without resorting to widespread eradication. The species advanced technologically, eventually reaching spaceflight by their own innovation or scavenging a stardrive from another source.[6][7]

Over time, Jenet fecundity and lack of predators caused the species to overpopulate Garban. The Jenets sent settlers to the other worlds of the Tau Sakar system, where they found conditions very similar to those on Garban—a fact that led scholars to postulate that an unknown intelligence once terraformed the planets.[10] The Jenets eventually founded colonies outside the Tau Sakar system as well,[1] and over time they reached technological parity with other advanced worlds in the galaxy.[10] Their system became part of the Abrion sector[21] in the Outer Rim Territories.[22]

The Jenets' spread to other worlds inevitably brought them into contact with pan-galactic government. During the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire took over the Tau Sakar system.[7] Imperial sentientologist and propagandist Obo Rin included the Jenets in his Catalog of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy, a project commissioned by Lord Darth Vader to detail those sentient species of most interest to the Empire.[7] Rin claimed that the galactic regime protected the Jenets from marauding members of the Rebel Alliance; in exchange, the Jenets gladly served the Emperor as laborers,[10] mining ore from the planets of their home system.[20] In the Jenets' view, however, they were mere slaves, forced to live in labor camps[13] and undertake a task that they collectively deplored.[7] The Empire found the Jenets to be useful workers on other planets as well due to their high reproductive rate, which rendered any worries about mortality levels moot. Accordingly, enslaved Jenets often operated in perilous work conditions.[1] The Empire set up breeding facilities for the species in an effort to select for traits that increased their pacifist tendencies and compliance and decreased their intellects.[1] Jenets willing to fight back against the Empire were rare, and few members of the species joined the Rebel Alliance.[10]

After the collapse of the Empire in 4 ABY, the Jenets still had to contend with the after-effects of a generation of Imperial breeding programs and enslavement. The species never joined the New Republic, the successor state of the Rebel Alliance, due to their preference for being among only their own kind,[1] although individual Jenets did serve in various capacities in the new government and its successor, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.[5] The Shi'ido anthropologist Mammon Hoole included an entry on the Jenets in his publication The Essential Guide to Alien Species.[6]

The Jenet my servant Lotkha brought me … has proven profitable. I keep him present at all my meetings, and he remembers the proceedings in astounding detail. He watches for responses I cannot watch and reports them to me. Through him, I learn their weaknesses, their fears, and their needs. These Jenet make efficient, vindictive spies, who are judicial with the knowledge they retain.Bwahl the Hutt, on his Jenet slave, "Jen"

TUF1 cover JP
The Jenet Thorsh worked for the Galactic Alliance.

Jenets away from the Tau Sakar system preferred to live in Jenet-only colonies, isolated from any further integration with other species.[1] Due to their species' prolific reproductive rate, such an arrangement was easily achieved. However, to prevent inbreeding, even Jenet communities away from their home system maintained the tradition of swapping children with other groups to widen the available gene pool.[10] The preference for other Jenets encouraged the species to travel in groups; when an outsider encountered a Jenet, he or she could expect other Jenets to be nearby.[1] The Dark Jedi Alema Rar encountered two Jenets sleeping in a private chamber in the lower levels of Coruscant in 40 ABY, for example.[15]

For income, many Jenets capitalized on their memories to work as administrators, bureaucrats, and merchants.[10] For instance, in 19 BBY, a middle-aged Jenet named Losh was employed at the headquarters of the civil service divisions on Coruscant. When a Human named Gregar Typho came looking for information about Human Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and the mysterious death of the Human Senator Padmé Amidala, his knowledge of Jenet customs endeared him to the bureaucrat and prompted Losh to set him on the correct trail.[16] The Jenets had established an embassy to the Uvena system, home of the Shistavanen species, by the Galactic Civil War. During that period, the Shistavanens Yurdak Fav and Lak Sivrak found their species' Alpha Premier, Korta Sarc, dead at the embassy.[23] Under the tyrannical regime of Emperor Palpatine, many Jenets in administrative positions were forced to work as slaves of the Empire.[10]

After the New Republic and its successor, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliance, rose to prominence, some Jenets found work for the latter government in bureaucratic and administrative occupations. During the Swarm War, the Human Chief of State Cal Omas employed a Jenet personal assistant named Salla at Unity Green;[19] one of her tasks was to refuse to schedule meetings with individuals whom Omas did not wish to see.[24] Other Jenets sided against the New Republic and Galactic Alliance; during the Yuuzhan Vong War, a Jenet joined the Peace Brigade, an organization that supported the invading Yuuzhan Vong and fought against the galactic government. He attacked the Jedi Knights Jaina Solo and Lowbacca when they penetrated a bunker used by Peace Brigade members of the Ylesian Senate during a battle on the planet Ylesia, but Solo dispatched him with a kick to the face.[25] During the later Second Galactic Civil War, the Human Sith Lord and Galactic Alliance Chief of State Darth Caedus employed a Jenet administrative aide and lieutenant named Orlopp.[15][12]

Tols Vengra worked for the crime lord Opun Mcgrrrr.

Other Jenets operated within the galactic underworld as criminals[10] and scoundrels.[1] For instance, Tols Vengra had cyborg surgery to implant a Borg Construct Aj^6 implant to enhance his memory even beyond Jenet standards. Despite earlier ambitions to enter his species' bureaucracy and serve in government, the surgery removed all desire to help others. Vengra eventually found work with Opun Mcgrrrr, a Human crime lord. Vengra ascended to become Mcgrrrr's personal assistant, but in reality, the Jenet had control of most of the organization's affairs. Rather than challenge his nominal boss's leadership, however, Vengra siphoned off funds to prepare for his retirement at a later date. In 0 BBY, Mcgrrr ordered Vengra to track down CZ-3, a wayward CZ-series communications/business droid on the planet Tatooine. The assignment brought Vengra into conflict with the Snivvian bounty hunter Snaggletooth—after the same droid for its owner, Jabba Desilijic Tiure—and his brother Takeel and brought about the destruction of the droid. Snaggletooth then used the droid's photoreceptor recording to show Vengra's involvement in the incident and thus implicate Mcgrrrr's organization.[14]

The Lebauer clan of Jenets was involved in the gambling industry on the planet Pavo Prime, with investments in the Seahorse Casino and ownership of the Pearl Island Casino. Jenets served the Pearl Island as clerks, overseers, security guards bartenders, porters, and pit bosses. However, these gaming interests were simply cover for the Invisible Shell, a criminal organization run by Lorimar Lebauer and other elders of the clan; the various Jenets employed there were also trained as brawlers who could be called upon to defend the organization's interests if the need arose. After Lorimar Lebauer was arrested by the Thyferrans for selling counterfeit bacta—a product over which they controlled supply and distribution—Lebauer's organization fell under the nominal control of his nephew, Ludlo Lebauer. In 8 ABY, a New Republic delegation consisting of the Humans Leia Organa Solo and Han Solo, the Wookiee Chewbacca, and the protocol droid C-3PO visited Pavo Prime to bargain with Ludlo Lebauer for boasa statues from the planet Alderaan that he had in his possession. Although Lebauer tried to squeeze the New Republic delegation for lucrative salvaging contracts, two other Jenets—whom Organa Solo dubbed Moonface and Tall—seemed more willing to part with the artwork. Organa Solo eventually offered to have Lorimar Lebauer freed from jail in exchange for the statues, something she knew Ludlo Lebauer did not want—but which he could not refuse without revealing his animosity for his imprisoned uncle. After a heated standoff with Lebauer and his assistant, a Jenet named Verm, the Solos talked their way out of danger by revealing that they had recorded Ludlo Lebauer speaking favorably about his uncle's incarceration, and in exchange for burying that information, the younger Lebauer allowed the New Republic representatives to depart with the boasas.[11]

Eight Jenet guards protected a factory that manufactured Human replica droids on the planet Onadax in 28 ABY. When Jedi Knight Jaina Solo arrived there, she used the Force to cloud the guards' perception and pass herself off as a mynock. When she later escaped, the perception had faded, and the Jenets tried to shoot her; nevertheless, she made it out of the compound.[26] Another Jenet criminal received visitors in a cantina near the Killik Lizil nest in 35 ABY, during the Dark Nest Crisis.[27] Other Jenets operated as fringers.[1] For instance, Jenets sometimes patronized the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine; in 5 ABY, Zorba the Hutt learned that Leia Organa had killed his son, Jabba, from one of these Jenets.[28]

Jedi Grand Master Fae Coven helped write The Jedi Path.

Jenets made excellent spies. One, a slave who had been named "Jen" by his master, Bwahl the Hutt, observed the Hutt's meetings and remembered the goings on, thus providing Bwahl insight into details that the Hutt may have missed.[6] The Twi'lek Tavri caught a Jenet spying on him in a Mos Eisley docking bay during the Galactic Civil War. Before Tavri could discover who the Jenet worked for, the spy went for a weapon, and Tavri was forced to kill him.[29] In 29 ABY, during the Yuuzhan Vong War, a Jenet named Thorsh—short for his full Jenet name—worked as a New Republic reconnaissance and espionage expert. He was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong at Bilbringi and incarcerated in a Yuuzhan Vong prison camp on the planet Selvaris. Thorsh became the de facto leader of a group of prisoners who planned and dug a tunnel to escape; he went by the codename "Garban." Fellow prisoners, Humans Pash Cracken and Judder Page, had Thorsh and three Bith inmates memorize a mathematical equation on a holowafer so that the non-Humans could smuggle the information out past the guards. During the escape attempt, Thorsh reached freedom and fled on a swoop, but the Bith were killed. Thorsh rendezvoused with the New Republic freighter Millennium Falcon and escaped to the planet Contruum to debrief General Airen Cracken on the information from the holowafer.[8]

Some Jenets could manipulate the Force. One of these was the Jedi Grand Master Fae Coven, who lived during the New Sith Wars and helped write The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.[4][30] Centuries later, the Jenet Reeqo Swen also studied to be a Jedi. While still an apprentice in 43 ABY, Swen served as a guard at the New Jedi Temple on Coruscant, when Han Solo turned over the prisoner Yaqeel Saav'etu to the Jedi.The Jenet and his partner, the Duros Melari Ruxon, both resigned from the Jedi Order in protest over the political policies of Natasi Daala, the Galactic Alliance Chief of State. The move spooked Daala, who feared the consequences of allowing Jedi—or former Jedi—to become independent of the central government.[5]

Author Troy Denning introduced the Jenets in the book Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, published in 1989 as part of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game from West End Games. The book provides statistics to allow players to portray Jenet characters; they are described as more dexterous and perceptive than Humans, but deficient in intelligence, piloting potential, physical strength, and technical prowess.[7] The species' background was later expanded slightly by Chuck Truett for the book's second edition, published in 1994. Their revised statistics bring them more into line with other species, with only a deficit in technical aptitude. They receive bonuses when climbing, listening, and swimming, and they gain extra skills due to their eidetic memories. They can also fit through small openings.[10] An entry in the 1994 gaming supplement Creatures of the Galaxy details another chapter of the Jenets' history—their early battles and conquest of the danchaf. The danchaf creature and its relationship to Garban's sentient rodents was designed by Phil Brucato.[17] Jenets have since featured in various minor roles in Star Wars fiction.

With the release of Ultimate Alien Anthology in 2003, the species was adapted to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game from Wizards of the Coast. Their statistics for this system make Jenets deficient in their physical power, agility, and intelligence, and much lower in their likability in comparison to Humans. However, they receive the ability to remember everything they see or hear, as well as bonuses to climbing, escaping bonds, jumping, and swimming.[1]

Sources disagree about the age of maturity for the species. According to both editions of Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races,[31] and The Essential Guide to Alien Species, Jenets are mature at one standard year of age.[6] However, Ultimate Alien Anthology makes this nine standard years.[1] This article follows the more recent source, as it was published last.

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  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 Ultimate Alien Anthology
  2. 2.0 2.1 Sources disagree about the average Jenet's height. Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, p. 49, says they range from 1.4 to 1.5 meters tall. However, Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, Second Edition, p. 60, lists a range form 1.4 to 1.6 meters. The Essential Guide to Alien Species, p. 66, says that 1.4 meters is considered tall for a Jenet. Still, Ultimate Alien Anthology, p. 81, makes 1.5 meters their average height.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Star Wars Encyclopedia
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Fate of the Jedi: Abyss
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 The Essential Guide to Alien Species
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force
  9. Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races and Second Edition use "Jenet" for both the singular and plural name of the species, while Ultimate Alien Anthology uses "Jenets" as the plural form.
  10. 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 10.21 10.22 10.23 10.24 10.25 10.26 10.27 10.28 Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, Second Edition
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 HyperspaceIcon The Trouble with Squibs on Hyperspace (content obsolete and backup link not available)
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Legacy of the Force: Inferno
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II, p. 155 ("Jenet").
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 SWAJsmall "Spare Parts" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 11
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 Legacy of the Force: Tempest
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Creatures of the Galaxy
  18. SWAJsmall "A Free-Trader's Guide to the Planets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 10
  19. 19.0 19.1 Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen
  20. 20.0 20.1 The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 322 ("Garban").
  21. Star Wars: Rebellion.
  22. StarWars Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link).
  23. Alliance Intelligence Reports
  24. Dark Nest III: The Swarm War.
  25. The New Jedi Order: Ylesia
  26. SWInsider "Or Die Trying" — Star Wars Insider 75
  27. Dark Nest I: The Joiner King
  28. Zorba the Hutt's Revenge
  29. SWAJsmall "Droid Trouble" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3
  30. The Jedi Path. (Now you too can actually pretend with slightly more accuracy that you're a Jedi!) on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by Dan_Wallace on 10/25/10 1:50pm) (backup link)
  31. Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races; Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, Second Edition