Mission to Malastare (Anakin Skywalker)

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This article is about the mission undertaken by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. You may be looking for another mission to Malastare.

We know you're holding Master Plo hostage. We won't leave without him."
Assuming I have this Jedi—and I'm not saying I do—why would I give him to you?"
Because… you have two other hostages to gain. I challenge you to a race.Anakin Skywalker and Drez Unlin

During the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano went on a mission to the planet Malastare in order to investigate the disappearance of Jedi Master Plo Koon.


Notes and references

  1. "Labyrinth" — Star Wars Comic 2
  2. "Under the Hammer" — Star Wars Comic 6
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 "The Masked Racer" — Star Wars Comic 3
  4. This event is set after "Bounty" (20 BBY), as "Mandalorian Memories" serves as a prequel to the episode. Considering that the comics featured in Star Wars Comic UK are published in chronological order, it can be concluded that "The Masked Racer" takes place in 20 BBY.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK
(22 BBY20 BBY)
Galactic timeline

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Concurrent: Clone Wars

Next: Great Jedi Purge

Battles featured in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK
27 BBY Coruscant
23 BBY Coruscant
22 BBY Gall · Taronda · Coruscant (I) · Tambor Deep Space Centre
Unstable nebula · Maarka system · Core World planet · Belgaroth
Hakara · Techno Union planet · Coruscant (II) · Katalla
Nar Hekka · Mirial system · Tatooine (I) · Asuin
21 BBY Makem Te · Twilight · Malastare (I) · Sullust system
Felacat · Coruscant (III) · Themis · Unidentified planet
Zeenada · Coruscant (IV) · Unidentified planet · M'Bardi
Coruscant (V) · Gyndine moon · Biitu · Hoth
Medica · Unidentified ark · Kashyyyk · Coruscant (VI)
Bandomeer · Hypermatter refinery · Tempestuous
20 BBY Kamino · Abandoned planetoid · Felucia
Blayne's asteroid base · Gus Talon · Duro · Mon Calamari
Kashyyyk moon · Nothoiin (I) · Nothoiin (II) · Antolus I
Phorose · Outer Rim planet · Enoth system
Besieged moon · Malastare (II) · Callos · Tatooine (II)
19 BBY Sundered Heart
0 BBY Unidentified planet · Tatooine
0 ABY Deserted moon · Coruscant · Redemption
3 ABY Drone vessel 171
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