Separatist probe droid

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The Separatist probe droid was a model of probe droid used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.


Recon droid walk
A recon droid walking on its appendages

These droids were roughly the size of a Human torso and consisted of a central body with a number of small limbs hanging from the underside. They floated across their environment allowing them a great degree of mobility and were small enough to remain somewhat hidden from enemies.[1] The aforementioned limbs could be used to grasp onto surfaces such as roof tops.[3]


At least one Separatist probe droid was deployed onto the planet of Maridun by forces under Neimoidian General Lok Durd. This droid discovered the presence of clone troopers and Jedi on the planet whereupon it was located by Ahsoka Tano. The droid attempted to flee and warn the Separatist Droid Army but its communications were being jammed by the clones and it was ultimately destroyed by Aayla Secura.[1]

At least three of these units were deployed on the Separatist-controlled planet of Ryloth during the Battle of Ryloth[3][4] by Tactical droids TX-20[3] and TA-175,[4] in order to spy on Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi[3] and Mace Windu[4] and their troops.[3][4] Recon droids were also present guarding the Citadel on Lola Sayu.[2]

Two recon droids were used during the Separatist invasion of Naboo. They pursued Anakin Skywalker while he was chasing Separatist spy Rish Loo. These recon droids were equipped with blaster cannons.[5]

Serenno flying droid

Droids using the same chases were used in the Box on Serenno. The droids' legs were replaced with four blasters and their visual sensors were modified to glow red. They attacked Rako HardeenObi-Wan Kenobi in disguise—while he fought Moralo Eval.[6]

Behind the scenes

According to concept art published on, the "Serenno Flying Droid's" rendering was sourced from the Separatist probe droid. This statement does not indicate whether, in canon, this droid was a modified recon droid or a new droid entirely.



Notes and references