Isaiah 25 Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

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1LORD JEHOVAH, you are my God! I shall bless you and I shall confess your name, for you have performed a wonder and trustworthy counsel from afar! Amen!

2Because you have made the city a heap of stones, and the mighty city into a ruin! A shrine of foreigners from the city shall never be built again!

3Because of this, the many nations shall praise you, and the city of the strong nations shall be in awe of you!

4Because you have been the protector to the poor and the helper to the afflicted in affliction, a refuge from the storm and shade from the heat

5Because The Spirit of The Mighty One is like a storm on a wall, and like shade in parching heat. The pride of foreigners will be humbled, and parching heat in the shadow of cloud; the vine shoot of the mighty ones shall be laid low

6And for all the nations, in this mountain, LORD JEHOVAH of Hosts shall make a heavenly feast, even a guarded and heavenly feast of our heavenly and mighty Life giver

7And in this mountain, the face of the Ruler that was authorized over all the nations shall be wounded, and the sacrifice that was slain for the sake of all the nations

8And death shall be swallowed by victory for eternities, and LORD JEHOVAH God of Hosts shall remove the tears from every face, and the reproach of his people he shall remove from all the Earth, for LORD JEHOVAH has spoken

9And you shall say in that day: "This is LORD JEHOVAH our God for whom we wait! He will save us! This is LORD JEHOVAH our God for whom we wait! We shall leap for joy and we shall rejoice in his salvation!

10Because the hand of LORD JEHOVAH shall rest in this mountain, and he shall tread Moab under him as straw is trodden with a thresher

11And he shall spread out his hands widely within it, as a swimmer spreads out swimming, and he shall lay low its strength with the spreading out of his hands

12And he shall lay low the house of the powerful rebellion of your arrogant ones, and he shall cast down, and he shall bring the land unto the dust