Proverbs 27 ISV

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General Counsel

1Never brag about the day to come,

because you don’t know what ita might bring.

2Let someone else praise you,

not your own mouth;

a stranger, and never your own lips.

3Rocks are heavy,

and sand is weighty,

but a fool’s provocation outweighs them both.

4Wrath can be fierce and anger overwhelms

but who can stand up to jealousy?

5An open rebuke is better

than unspoken love.

6Wounds from someone who loves are trustworthy,

but kisses from an enemy speak volumes.b

7The personc who is full spurns honey,

but to a hungry person even the bitter seems sweet.

8Like a bird that strays from its nest

is a man who wanders away from his home.d

9Ointments and perfume encourage the heart;

in a similar way, a friend’s advice is sweet to the soul.e

10Never abandon your friend nor your father’s friend,

and don’t go to your brother’s house in times of trouble.

A neighbor who is near is better

than a brother who lives far away.

11Be wise, my son, and make me happy,

so I can reply to anyone who insults me.

12Those who are prudent see danger and take refuge,

but the naïve continue on and suffer the consequences.

13Take the coat of anyone who puts up security for a stranger;

hold it in pledge if he cosigns for an immoral woman.

14A friend’s loud blessing early in the morning

will be thought of as a curse.

15A continual dripping on a rainy day

and a contentious wife are alike.

16Trying to keep her in check is like stopping a wind storm

or grabbing oil with your right hand.

17Iron sharpens iron;

so a man sharpens a friend’s character.f

18Whoever nurtures the fig tree will eat its fruit,

and whoever obeysg his master will be honored.

19Just as water reflects the face,

so the heart reflects the person.

20Sheolh and Abaddoni are never satiated,

and neither are human eyes.

21As the crucible testsj silver,

and the furnace assaysk gold;

so praise received testsl a man.

22Though you crush a fool in a mortar and pestle

as someone might crush grain,

his stupidity still won’t leave him.

23Keep well informed of the condition of your flocks

and pay attention to your herds,

24because riches don’t endure forever,

and crowns don’t last from one generation to the next.

25When the grass disappears,

and new growth appears,

the mountain spices will be harvested,

26the lambs will supply your clothing,

and your goats the price of a field.

27You will have enough goat’s milk to drink

and to supply your household needs,

as well as sustenance for your servant girls.

a 27:1 Lit. what a day
b 27:6 Lit. enemy are profuse
c 27:7 Lit. soul
d 27:8 Lit. place
e 27:9 So MT; LXX reads heart; but through misfortune the soul is torn apart
f 27:17 Lit. countenance
g 27:18 Lit. guards
h 27:20 i.e. the realm of the dead
i 27:20 i.e. the realm of destruction in the afterlife
j 27:21 The Heb. lacks tests
k 27:21 The Heb. lacks assays
l 27:21 The Heb. lacks tests

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