Psalm 143 ISV

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A Davidic Song

Longing for God

1LORD, hear my prayer;

pay attention to my request, because you are faithful;

answer me in your righteousness.

2Do not enter into judgment with your servant,

for no living person is righteous in your sight.

3For those who oppose me are pursuing my life,

crushing me to the ground,

making me sit in darkness

like those who died long ago.

4As a result, my spirit is desolate within me,

and my mind within me is appalled.

5I remember the former times,

meditating on everything you have done.

I think about the worka of your hands.

6I stretch out my hands toward you,

longing for you like a parched land.


7Answer me quickly, LORD;

my spirit is failing.

Do not hide your face from me;

otherwise, I will become like those who descend to the Pit,b

8In the morning let me hear of your gracious love,

for in you I trust.

Cause me to know the way I should take,

because I have set my hope on you.

9Deliver me from my enemies, LORD.

I have taken refuge in you.

10Teach me to do your will,

for you are my God.

Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

11For the sake of your name, LORD,

preserve my life.

Because you are righteous,

bring me out of trouble.

12Because of your gracious love,

you will cut off my enemies.

You will destroy all who oppose me,

for I am your servant.

a 143:5 So MT; LXX DSS 11QPs read works
b 143:7 i.e. the place of punishment in the afterlife

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