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LLCInvest (LLC Invest) is a large conglomerate of companies with assets worth tens of billions of dollars. Almost all organizations included in LLCInvest do not have public activities.[1] The company became widely known on June 20, 2022, after the publication of a journalistic investigation by Meduza and OCCRP.[2] Most of the organizations are tied to Rossiya Bank,[3] often described as Vladimr Putin’s personal cashbox.[4]

The domain is owned by Moskomsvyaz,[1] that is closely linked to Bank Rossiya.[3]

Closely affiliated assets


In total, there are more than 85 companies and organizations, that use mail from the domain (use as its official email or by directors or shareholders). They own monetary assets in the amount at least 4.5 billion dollars.[1][5] Among them:

  • Joint Stock Company "Altituda" (owns 51 % share in RusGazDobycha)[1]
  • Russair[1]
  • Shellest ($23,145,000)[3]
  • Nega (~ $10,000,000)[3]
  • Aldoga (~ $9,000,000)[3]
  • Brizo 46 (~ $1,200,000)[1]
RA-09009, October 2017

Other affiliated assets


Companies Delta and Ena-Invest did not use llcinvest domains, but do have visible connections to LLCInvest companies.[3] Delta owns 17 % share in Sibur, Ena-Invest owns 19 % share in Novatek. These assets have value almost 12 billion dollars.[3]

  • Ozero (LLCInvest is often referred to as "digital consumer cooperative Ozero"[6]).