Time is Solid Here by AlgebraFalcon, h3ming

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A long, yellow hallway. A floating head who talks of monster trucks and places in-between. A painting, three a plenty, each with someone in need of moving on.

Such is the horror puzzle game, Time is Solid Here, recently selected for the Goethe-Institut's Stillstand/Standstill Project Exhibition.

NOTICE: The AI art in this game does not represent my current views on the subject. Please read this blog post for more details.


  • Surreal paintings and puzzles ripe for exploration.
  • Friend and foe alike brought to life through OpenGAN-generated pieces and custom artwork.
  • A unique soundtrack produced for the game, consisting of an odd blend of industrial, psychadelic, and classical tunes. A remaster of the soundtrack, created by Nolan Alighieri of the Nephilim Novel, is available here, and can be downloaded below!
  • Hidden secrets which change the way you see its world.
  • A life-affirming game experience.
русский Язык (Russian)Nuruto
Português Brasileiro (Brazilian Portuguese)Bruna Carvalho
Italiano (Italian)Bakasara and DomLerrys
Türkçe (Turkish)mavi
Polsku (Polish)kxndera


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