As the Ocean Lures by aurelim

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As the Ocean Lures is an interactive novel about being a Merfolk. You will go on hunts, learn more about humans, and perhaps explore the land above.

As the Ocean Lures is a 16+ game with themes that may be triggering to audiences. This includes drowning, murder, death, body horror, dark humor towards death, potential transphobia, and the MC will exhibit sadistic traits with certain choices. This will be updated as the game goes on.

This game is loosely inspired by the Little Mermaid, and has taken inspiration from games like Beyond The Waves and Abysm's Veil

Basically a rip off version of the Little Mermaid but darker.

For updates, you should check out my tumblr, posted right here!

storyEveryone has heard of sirens. Mysterious humanlike beasts who use their powerful singing voice to lure sailors to their untimely death. However, the only thing modern mythology mistaked was the fact that sirens retained bird-like features rather than fish tails. 

You, on the other hand, are a Merfolk. As a Merfolk, you maintain most of the qualities often associated with mermaids and "sirens". With your family, you work to bring down sailors using your voice and abilities under the sea.

But do you actually want this fate? Is this what you want for the rest of your life? 

It was. 

At least, that was what you had always thought.

When you meet a captain who is dead set on showing you everything about the surface, you are quite literally pushed into a whole new world.  And you discover that perhaps the human not as bad as you were told.

But now you have a dilemma. Will you question everything you know? Or will you remain a part of the ocean?

  • Customize who you are as a Merfolk, from gender, pronouns, looks and personality.
  • Helping your family to sink ships full of sailors (or not...)
  • Watch a captain drown or save them from certain death.
  • Maintain your relationships with your family—follow what you have been told your whole life or go against everything they have taught you.
  • Romance one of four characters: your best merfriend, the strange siren who assists your family on their hunts, the human captain you saved(?) or that royal who seems to love spending time by the sea...or no one since being a Merfolk is already hard as it is.
  • Will you live out of the sea or under the sea? The choice is yours.

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Kai/Kaia (He/him or She/her): The Best Merfriend

Your, merfriend. You have known them your entire life and they remain a constant in your life. K has always been interested in the surface, whether you agreed with them or not. If given an opportunity—any, really—to go on land, they would jump at the chance. Friendly and caring, K is loyal to a fault, never-ending when it comes to you and your family. But is there something underlying your friendship? Guess you'll have to find out.

Echo (They/them): The Siren

Echo short terms, a mystery. They first came to your family's rescue during one of the worst hunts of your life, and has stuck around ever since.  Your mother treats them like her sixth child, though you are sure the sentiment is not reciprocated. Despite knowing Echo for almost eight months, you have yet to learn anything about them beyond their name and pronouns. It seems like they don't want to get attached to you or your family.  They are professional, keeping away from personal questions. Will you be able to break down their walls?

Louis/Eloise (He/him or She/her): The Royal

You don't know much about them, besides knowing they are the heir to the throne of Oceanic. They can sometimes be found standing by the ocean on their private beach, eyes closed as if they are in another world. They address the world with such maturity, garnering them fans across the kingdom. And it certainly helps that they are attractive. Many look forward to the day they take the throne from their father.

Anthony/Anne Maddox (He/him or She/her): The Captain

The captain who you (or someone else) saved from certain death. They once claimed mermaids existed, which brought a reputation that preceded them.  To prove it, they recruited a group of sailors to join them. The day they sailed out was the day you found them, the only survivor. A has a knack for getting into trouble, as well as a sense for adventure. Now knowing you exist, they want to show you the human world. Will you let them?


This game takes inspiration from two games: Beyond The Waves and Abysm's Veil, both of which inspired the creation of merfolk. They are amazing and contain two different species: mermaids and the rusalka. Go check them out!

This game would not have been possible without the help of the Internet. Thanks to people like idrellegames who gives how-to guides on a lot of things like creating stat bars! You should check out their game, Wayfarer. Also a great game.

The notifications were created by Chapel. Here is the github where I got it! It's an incredible piece of code and it has greatly helped me with the codex.

The banners and icon were made on Canva. The images on the UI bar and side of the game page come from Unsplash.

And of course, big thanks to The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen and Disney's animated version. The whole reason why I decided to make this. There are a lot of references you may find within the narrative. 

Hope you enjoy!