2 Chronicles 6 Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

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1Then Solomon said: ”LORD JEHOVAH, you have spoken, dwelling in darkness.

2And I have built a house for you, the place for your Shechinah glory for eternities.”

3And the King turned his face and he blessed all of the assembly of Israel, and all the assembly of Israel was standing 4And he said: “Blessed is LORD JEHOVAH, God of Israel, he who spoke by his mouth with David my father, and by his word he confirmed the thing that he said: 5‘From the day when I brought out my people Israel to build a house that my name would be there 6And I chose David that he would be King over my people Israel.’ 7And it was in the heart of David my father to build a house to the name of LORD JEHOVAH God of Israel. 8And LORD JEHOVAH said to David my father: ‘From the time that it has been in your heart to build a house to my name, you did good because it was in your heart 9But you shall not build a house, but your son who proceeds from your loins shall build a house for my name.’ 10And LORD JEHOVAH has confirmed his statement that he spoke, and I have arisen after David my father, and I sit on the throne of Israel, just as LORD JEHOVAH said to me, and I have built a house for the name of LORD JEHOVAH, God of Israel. 11And I have formed a place for the Ark in which is placed the Covenant of LORD JEHOVAH, which he gave our fathers when he brought them out from the land of Egypt.

12And Solomon stood in front of the altar of LORD JEHOVAH, before the assembly of all Israel, and spread his hands toward Heaven. 13And Solomon had made one pillar of brass and it stood in the midst of the courtyard, its height five cubits and its width two cubits, and he went up and stood upon it and he knelt on his knees, and all the people of Israel were looking at him, and he spread his hands in prayer before the eyes of the people of Israel toward Heaven. 14And he prayed and said: “LORD of LORDS of Israel, there is none like you. You are LORD JEHOVAH who are dwelling in Heaven from above, and your desires are done on the Earth from beneath, for you keep the covenant and mercy with your Servants who walk before you justly with all their heart! 15You have kept for David my father the thing that you said to him, and you have spoken by your mouth, and in your pleasure you have fulfilled it as today! 16Also now, LORD of LORDS of Israel, keep for your servant David my father the thing that you said to him: ‘You shall not lack a son before me who sits on the throne of Israel, only if your sons will keep their ways to walk before me in my Law, just as you walked before me.’ 17And from now on, LORD JEHOVAH, God of Israel, your words that you have spoken to David my father your Servant shall be believed

18Because in faith LORD JEHOVAH made his Shechinah glory to dwell with his people Israel on the Earth. Behold Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens do not contain you, does now this house that I have built? 19And be turned to the prayer of your Servant and to his request, LORD JEHOVAH my God, to hear the prayer and the request that your Servant prays before you today 20Behold, to be before you, know to hear the voice of the prayer of him who will come and will pray before you in this house by night and by day; this is the place that you spoke to cause your Shechinah Presence to dwell there. 21To listen to the prayer of your Servant and of your people Israel that prays before you in this place, and you will listen from the place of your seat from Heaven, and you will hear, and you will forgive.

22If it is that a son of man will do wrong against his fellow man and he would decree oaths upon him for his oaths, and he would come and would swear before your altar in this house 23And you will hear the voice of their prayer from your place from Heaven, and you will work and you will judge your Servants to condemn the guilty and to put his way on his head, and to vindicate the righteous and to give to him according to his righteousness

24And if it is that your people Israel will be defeated before an enemy when they sin before you, and they return to you and shall confess your great name, and they will pray and they will seek from before you in this house 25Also you will hear from Heaven and you will forgive the sins of your people Israel, and you shall return them to the land that you have given to them and to their fathers.

26And when Heaven will be restrained and there will be no rain when they would sin before you, and they will pray before you in this place, and shall confess your great name, and they will turn from their sins so that you will answer them 27And you will hear the voice of their prayer from Heaven and you will forgive the sins of your Servants and of your people Israel, because you will teach them your beautiful way so that they will go in it, and you shall give the rain of blessing on the land which you have given as the inheritance of your people,

28And when famine shall be in the earth and when there shall be plague and abscess and torment and flying locust and the crawling locust, when it shall be that enemies will distress them in their land, and all troubles and all ailments in their cities 29All the prayer and begging that all children of men have with all your people Israel, who endure, each man, the sorrow of his heart, and will come and will spread his hands in this house 30And you will listen to the voice of their prayer from Heaven and you will forgive their debts and you will pay a man according to all his ways, because you know his heart, for you know, you alone, the heart of all of the children of men; 31Because of this, they will stand in awe of you to walk before you in your ways all the days that they live on the land that you have given to their fathers.

32Also, concerning the foreigner that is not of your people Israel and will come from a distant city, because of your name, so that he will hear the fame of your great name, and your mighty hand and your high arm, and they will come and they will pray before you on that day in this house 33And you will hear from your place from Heaven, and you will do just as the foreigner will pray before you, because all the nations of the Earth will know your Name so as to be in awe before you, as your people Israel, and to know that your name is called on this house that you have built.

34And when they will come forth with you for battle against their enemies, in the way that you send them out, and they pray before you in the way in the land that you have given to their fathers, the city that you have chosen for yourself and the house that you have built for your name 35And you shall hear their prayer and their cry from Heaven, and you shall perform their judgment

36Because they sinned before you, because there is not a son of man who does not sin, and you are angry against them, and you hand them over before their enemies, and their captors will take them captive to a land distant or near 37And they will pray before you and they will return, and in the cities of their captivity they will say: ‘We have sinned and we have angered and we have done evil.’ 38And they will return to you with all their heart and with all their soul in the city of their captivity where they took them captive, and they will pray in the road of the land that you have given to their fathers, the city that you have chosen for yourself and the house that I have built for your name. 39And hear from your place their prayer and their cry from Heaven, and perform their judgment and forgive your people who sinned before you.

40And from now on, my God, let your eyes be opened and your ears listen for us to the prayer of this place.

41And from now, arise, LORD of LORDS, to your rest, you and the Ark of your might! You shall clothe your Priests with salvation, LORD of LORDS, and your righteous ones will rejoice in your goodness.

42LORD OF LORDS, do not turn away the face of your Anointed! Remember the favors of your Servant David.