He measured it on the four sides. It had a wall around it, 500 cubits long and 500 cubits broad, to make a separation between the holy and the common.

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New International Version
So he measured the area on all four sides. It had a wall around it, five hundred cubits long and five hundred cubits wide, to separate the holy from the common.New Living Translation
So the area was 875 feet on each side with a wall all around it to separate what was holy from what was common.English Standard Version
He measured it on the four sides. It had a wall around it, 500 cubits long and 500 cubits broad, to make a separation between the holy and the common.Berean Study Bible
So he measured the area on all four sides. It had a wall all around, five hundred cubits long and five hundred cubits wide, to separate the holy from the common.New American Standard Bible
He measured it on the four sides; it had a wall all around, the length five hundred and the width five hundred, to divide between the holy and the profane.King James Bible
He measured it by the four sides: it had a wall round about, five hundred reeds long, and five hundred broad, to make a separation between the sanctuary and the profane place.Holman Christian Standard Bible
He measured the temple complex on all four sides. It had a wall all around it, 875 feet long and 875 feet wide, to separate the holy from the common. International Standard Version
He measured a wall that encompassed all four sides, 500 hundred long and 500 wide, dividing between the sacred and common areas.NET Bible
He measured it on all four sides. It had a wall around it, 875 feet long and 875 feet wide, to separate the holy and common places. GOD'S WORD® Translation
So he measured all four sides. There was a wall all around it. The wall was 875 feet long and 875 feet wide. It separated what was holy from what was unholy.Jubilee Bible 2000
He measured it by the four sides: it had a wall round about, five hundred reeds long, and five hundred broad, to make a separation between the sanctuary and the profane place.King James 2000 Bible
He measured it on the four sides: it had a wall all around, five hundred rods long, and five hundred wide, to make a separation between the sanctuary and the common place.American King James Version
He measured it by the four sides: it had a wall round about, five hundred reeds long, and five hundred broad, to make a separation between the sanctuary and the profane place.American Standard Version
He measured it on the four sides: it had a wall round about, the length five hundred, and the breadth five hundred, to make a separation between that which was holy and that which was common.Douay-Rheims Bible
By the four winds he measured the wall thereof on every side round about, five hundred cubits long and five hundred cubits broad, making a separation between the sanctuary and the place of the people. Darby Bible Translation
He measured it on the four sides; it had a wall round about, five hundred long, and five hundred broad, to make a separation between that which was holy and that which was common.English Revised Version
He measured it on the four sides: it had a wall round about, the length five hundred, and the breadth five hundred, to make a separation between that which was holy and that which was common.Webster's Bible Translation
He measured it by the four sides: it had a wall around, five hundred reeds long, and five hundred broad, to make a separation between the sanctuary and the profane place.World English Bible
He measured it on the four sides: it had a wall around it, the length five hundred, and the breadth five hundred, to make a separation between that which was holy and that which was common.Young's Literal Translation
At the four sides he hath measured it, a wall is to it all round about, the length five hundred, and the breadth five hundred, to separate between the holy and the profane place.

Esegiël 42:20 Afrikaans PWL
Hy het dit aan al vier kante gemeet; dit het ’n muur reg rondom gehad; die lengte was vyf honderd en die breedte vyf honderd, om skeiding te maak tussen wat afgesonderd en wat onrein is.

Ezekieli 42:20 Albanian
Mati sipërfaqen nga të katër anët: kishte rreth e qark një mur që ishte i gjatë pesëqind kubitë dhe i gjërë pesëqind kubitë, për të ndarë vendin e shenjtë nga ai profan.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 42:20 Arabic: Smith & Van Dyke
قاسه من الجوانب الاربعة. له سور حواليه خمس مئة طولا وخمس مئة عرضا للفصل بين المقدس والمحلل

Dyr Heskiheel 42:20 Bavarian
dyr unweihen Welt.

Езекил 42:20 Bulgarian
Измери го от четирите страни. Имаше и стена околовръст, дълга петстотин [тръстики] и широка петстотин [тръстики], за да отделя светото от несветото [място].

現代標點和合本 (CUVMP Traditional)

现代标点和合本 (CUVMP Simplified)

以 西 結 書 42:20 Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
他 量 四 面 , 四 圍 有 牆 , 長 五 百 肘 , 寬 五 百 肘 , 為 要 分 別 聖 地 與 俗 地 。

以 西 結 書 42:20 Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
他 量 四 面 , 四 围 有 墙 , 长 五 百 肘 , 宽 五 百 肘 , 为 要 分 别 圣 地 与 俗 地 。

Ezekiel 42:20 Croatian Bible
On izmjeri zid na sve četiri strane uokolo: bijaše pet stotina trska dugačak i pet stotina širok. Odvajao je sveto mjesto od nesvetoga.

Ezechiele 42:20 Czech BKR
Na čtyři strany změřil to, totiž zed vůkol a vůkol, zdélí pěti set, a zšíří pěti set, aby dělila svaté místo od obecného.

Ezekiel 42:20 Danish
Til alle fire Sider maalte han Pladsen; og der var en Mur rundt om, 500 Alen lang og 500 Alen bred, til at sætte Skel mellem det, som er helligt, og det, som ikke er helligt.

Ezechiël 42:20 Dutch Staten Vertaling
Hij mat het aan de vier zijden; het had een muur rondom henen, de lengte was vijfhonderd rieten, en de breedte vijfhonderd, om onderscheid te maken tussen het heilige en onheilige.

Swete's Septuagint
τὰ τέσσερα μέρη τοῦ αὐτοῦ καλάμου· καὶ διέταξεν αὐτὸν καὶ περίβολον αὐτῶν κύκλῳ, πεντακοσίων πρὸς ἀνατολὰς καὶ πεντακοσίων πηχῶν εὖρος, τοῦ διαστέλλειν ἀνὰ μέσον τῶν ἁγίων καὶ ἀνὰ μέσον τοῦ προτειχίσματος τοῦ ἐν διατάξει τοῦ οἴκου.

Westminster Leningrad Codex
לְאַרְבַּ֨ע רוּחֹ֜ות מְדָדֹ֗ו חֹ֤ומָה לֹו֙ סָבִ֣יב ׀ סָבִ֔יב אֹ֚רֶךְ חֲמֵ֣שׁ מֵאֹ֔ות וְרֹ֖חַב חֲמֵ֣שׁ מֵאֹ֑ות לְהַבְדִּ֕יל בֵּ֥ין הַקֹּ֖דֶשׁ לְחֹֽל׃

WLC (Consonants Only)
לארבע רוחות מדדו חומה לו סביב ׀ סביב ארך חמש מאות ורחב חמש מאות להבדיל בין הקדש לחל׃

Aleppo Codex
כ לארבע רוחות מדדו חומה לו סביב סביב--ארך חמש מאות ורחב חמש מאות  להבדיל בין הקדש לחל

Ezékiel 42:20 Hungarian: Karoli
Mind a négy szél irányában méré azt. Kõfala vala köröskörül, hosszúsága ötszáz, szélessége is ötszáz sing, hogy elválaszsza a szentet a köztõl.

Jeĥezkel 42:20 Esperanto
De kvar flankoj li mezuris; la muro cxirkauxe havis kvincent stangojn da longo kaj kvincent stangojn da largxo, por apartigi la sanktajxon de la nesanktajxo.

HESEKIEL 42:20 Finnish: Bible (1776)
Näin oli muuri, jonka hän mittasi, joka neljältä taholta viisisataa riukumittaa pituudelta ja viisisataa leveydeltä, kaikki ympäri; että pyhä piti oleman eroitettu pyhättömästä.

Ézéchiel 42:20 French: Darby
Il la mesura des quatre cotes. Elle avait un mur tout à l'entour: la longueur, cinq cents, et la largeur, cinq cents, pour separer ce qui est saint et ce qui etait profane.

Ézéchiel 42:20 French: Louis Segond (1910)
Il mesura des quatre côtés le mur formant l'enceinte de la maison; la longueur était de cinq cents cannes, et la largeur de cinq cents cannes; ce mur marquait la séparation entre le saint et le profane.

Ézéchiel 42:20 French: Martin (1744)
Il mesura donc [cet enclos] à [ses] quatre côtés, dans lesquels il y avait une muraille tout à l'entour, et cette muraille avait à l'endroit de la longueur cinq cents [cannes], et à l'endroit de la largeur cinq cents [cannes], et [elle servait à] séparer le lieu saint d'avec le lieu profane.

Hesekiel 42:20 German: Modernized
Also hatte die Mauer, die er gemessen, ins Gevierte auf jeder Seite herum fünfhundert Ruten, damit das Heilige von dem Unheiligen unterschieden wäre.

Hesekiel 42:20 German: Luther (1912)
Also hatte die Mauer, die er gemessen, ins Gevierte auf jeder Seite herum fünfhundert Ruten, damit das Heilige von dem Unheiligen unterschieden wäre. {~}

Hesekiel 42:20 German: Textbibel (1899)
nach allen vier Seiten maß er ihn. Ringsum hatte er eine Mauer: 500 Ruten lang und 500 Ruten breit, um das Heiligtum vom Gemeinen zu sondern

Ezechiele 42:20 Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927)
Misurò dai quattro lati il muro che formava il recinto: tutt’attorno la lunghezza era di cinquecento e la larghezza di cinquecento; il muro faceva la separazione fra il sacro e il profano.

Ezechiele 42:20 Italian: Giovanni Diodati Bible (1649)
Egli misurò la casa da’ quattro venti; ed ella avea un muro d’ogn’intorno, di lunghezza di cinquecento cubiti, e di larghezza di cinquecento cubiti: per separare il luogo santo dal profano.

YEHEZKIEL 42:20 Indonesian - Terjemahan Lama (TL)
Pada keempat pihaknya diukurnya pagar tembok yang keliling, pada pihak panjangnya lima ratus hasta, lebarnyapun lima ratus hasta, akan menceraikan yang suci itu dari pada yang tiada suci adanya.

에스겔 42:20 Korean
그가 이와 같이 그 사방을 척량하니 그 사방 담 안 마당의 장과 광이 오백척씩이라 그 담은 거룩한 것과 속된 것을 구별하는 것이더라

Ezechiel 42:20 Latin: Vulgata Clementina
Per quatuor ventos mensus est murum ejus undique per circuitum, longitudinem quingentorum cubitorum, et latitudinem quingentorum cubitorum, dividentem inter sanctuarium et vulgi locum.

Ezechielio knyga 42:20 Lithuanian
Jis išmatavo iš visų keturių pusių. Siena, penkių šimtų nendrių ilgio ir pločio, skyrė šventą vietą nuo nešventos.

Ezekiel 42:20 Maori
Whanganga ana a reira e ia i nga taha e wha: he taiepa tona a tawhio noa, e rima rau kakaho te roa, e rima rau te whanui, hei wehe i te wahi tapu i te wahi noa.

Esekiel 42:20 Norwegian: Det Norsk Bibelselskap (1930)
På alle fire sider målte han det; det hadde en mur rundt omkring, fem hundre stenger lang og fem hundre bred, til å skille mellem det hellige og det som ikke var hellig.

Ezequiel 42:20 Spanish: La Biblia de las Américas
Por los cuatro lados lo midió; tenía un muro todo alrededor de quinientas cañas de largo y quinientas de ancho, para dividir entre lo sagrado y lo profano.

Ezequiel 42:20 Spanish: La Nueva Biblia de los Hispanos
Por los cuatro lados lo midió; tenía un muro todo alrededor de 262.5 metros de largo y 262.5 metros de ancho, para dividir entre lo sagrado y lo profano.

Ezequiel 42:20 Spanish: Reina Valera Gómez
A los cuatro lados lo midió; tenía un muro todo alrededor de quinientas cañas de longitud, y quinientas cañas de anchura, para hacer separación entre el santuario y el lugar profano.

Ezequiel 42:20 Spanish: Reina Valera 1909
A los cuatro lados lo midió: tuvo el muro todo alrededor quinientas cañas de longitud, y quinientas cañas de anchura, para hacer separación entre el santuario y el lugar profano.

Ezequiel 42:20 Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras 1569
A los cuatro lados lo midió; tuvo el muro todo alrededor quinientas cañas de longitud, y quinientas cañas de anchura, para hacer separación entre el Santuario y el lugar profano.

Ezequiel 42:20 Bíblia King James Atualizada Português
E deste modo ele concluiu a medição dos quatro lados. E havia um grande muro em torno da área com quinhentas varas de medição de comprimento e quinhentas de largura. E este muro servia para fazer separação entre o que era santo e o que não era.

Ezequiel 42:20 Portugese Bible
Mediu-o pelos quatro lados. Havia um muro em redor, de quinhentas canas de comprimento, e quinhentas de largura, para fazer separação entre o santo e o profano.   

Ezechiel 42:20 Romanian: Cornilescu
A măsurat astfel în cele patru laturi zidul de jur împrejurul casei; lungimea era de cinci sute de prăjini, şi lăţimea de cinci sute de prăjini; zidul acesta despărţea locul sfînt de cel nesfînt.

Иезекииль 42:20 Russian: Synodal Translation (1876)
Со всех четырех сторон он измерил его; кругом него была стена длиною в пятьсот тростей и в пятьсот тростей шириною, чтобы отделить святоеместо от несвятого.

Иезекииль 42:20 Russian koi8r
Со всех четырех сторон он измерил его; кругом него была стена длиною в пятьсот [тростей] и в пятьсот [тростей] шириною, чтобы отделить святое место от несвятого.

Hesekiel 42:20 Swedish (1917)
Åt alla fyra sidorna mätte han platsen. Den var omgiven av en mur, som utefter platsens längd höll fem hundra stänger och utefter dess bredd fem hundra stänger. Och den skulle skilja det heliga från det som icke var heligt.

Ezekiel 42:20 Tagalog: Ang Dating Biblia (1905)
Sinukat niya sa apat na sulok: may pader sa palibot, ang haba'y limang daan, at ang luwang ay limang daan, upang igawa ng pagkakahiwalay ang banal at ang karaniwan.

เอเสเคียล 42:20 Thai: from KJV
ท่านวัดทั้งสี่ด้าน มีกำแพงล้อมรอบยาวห้าร้อยศอก กว้างห้าร้อยศอก เป็นที่แบ่งระหว่างสถานบริสุทธิ์กับสถานที่สามัญ

Hezekiel 42:20 Turkish
Böylece alanın dört yanını ölçtü. Kutsal olanı kutsal olmayandan ayırmak için alanın çevresinde bir duvar vardı; uzunluğu ve genişliği beşer yüz arşındı. değneği››.

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 42:20 Vietnamese (1934)
Người đo bốn phía tường bao chung quanh nhà, bề dài là năm trăm cần, bề rộng là năm trăm. Tường nầy dùng để phân biệt nơi thánh với nơi tục.