The violence of the wicked shall sweep them away; because they refuse to do judgment.

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King James Bible
The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them; because they refuse to do judgment.Darby Bible Translation
The devastation of the wicked sweepeth them away, because they refuse to do what is right.English Revised Version
The violence of the wicked shall sweep them away; because they refuse to do judgment.World English Bible
The violence of the wicked will drive them away, because they refuse to do what is right.Young's Literal Translation
The spoil of the wicked catcheth them, Because they have refused to do judgment.

Fjalët e urta 21:7 Albanian
Dhuna e të pabesëve merr tutje, sepse ata nuk pranojnë të zbatojnë drejtësinë.

D Sprüch 21:7 Bavarian
Schaach schwaibt d Fräfler wögghin, weil s nix Rechts nit tuen wollnd.

Притчи 21:7 Bulgarian
Грабителството на нечестивите ще ги отвлече, Защото отказват да вършат това, което е право.

現代標點和合本 (CUVMP Traditional)

现代标点和合本 (CUVMP Simplified)

箴 言 21:7 Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
惡 人 的 強 暴 必 將 自 己 掃 除 , 因 他 們 不 肯 按 公 平 行 事 。

箴 言 21:7 Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
恶 人 的 强 暴 必 将 自 己 扫 除 , 因 他 们 不 肯 按 公 平 行 事 。

Proverbs 21:7 Croatian Bible
Opake će odnijeti nasilje njihovo jer ne žele činiti pravice.

Přísloví 21:7 Czech BKR
Zhouba, kterouž činí bezbožníci, bydliti bude u nich; nebo se zpěčují činiti soudu.

Ordsprogene 21:7 Danish
Gudløses Voldsfærd bortriver dem selv, thi de vægrer sig ved at øve Ret.

Spreuken 21:7 Dutch Staten Vertaling
De verwoesting der goddelozen zal hen doorsnijden, omdat zij weigeren recht te doen.

Példabeszédek 21:7 Hungarian: Karoli
Az istentelenek pusztítása magával ragadja õket; mert nem akartak igazságot cselekedni.

La sentencoj de Salomono 21:7 Esperanto
La rabo de malvirtuloj atakos ilin mem; CXar ili ne volis fari justajxon.

SANANLASKUT 21:7 Finnish: Bible (1776)
Jumalattomain raatelemus pitää heitä peljättämän; sillä ei he tahtoneet tehdä, mitä oikia on.

Proverbes 21:7 French: Darby
La devastation des mechants les emporte, car ils refusent de pratiquer ce qui est droit.

Proverbes 21:7 French: Louis Segond (1910)
La violence des méchants les emporte, Parce qu'ils refusent de faire ce qui est juste.

Proverbes 21:7 French: Martin (1744)
Le fourragement des méchants les abattra, parce qu'ils auront refusé de faire ce qui est droit.

Sprueche 21:7 German: Modernized
Der Gottlosen Rauben wird sie schrecken; denn sie wollten nicht tun, was recht war.

Sprueche 21:7 German: Luther (1912)
Der Gottlosen Rauben wird sie erschrecken; denn sie wollten nicht tun, was recht war.

Sprueche 21:7 German: Textbibel (1899)
Die Gewaltthätigkeit der Gottlosen zieht sie sich nach, denn sie weigern sich, Recht zu üben.

Proverbi 21:7 Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927)
La violenza degli empi li porta via, perché rifiutano di praticare l’equità.

Proverbi 21:7 Italian: Giovanni Diodati Bible (1649)
Il predar degli empi li trarrà in giù; Perciocchè hanno rifiutato di far ciò che è diritto.

AMSAL 21:7 Indonesian - Terjemahan Lama (TL)
Kerusakan orang jahat akan makan terus ke dalamnya, sebab engganlah mereka itu akan berbuat benar.

Proverbia 21:7 Latin: Vulgata Clementina
Rapinæ impiorum detrahent eos, quia noluerunt facere judicium.

Proverbs 21:7 Maori
Ma te pahua a te hunga kino e tahi atu ratou; mo ratou kahore e pai ki te whakawa.

Salomos Ordsprog 21:7 Norwegian: Det Norsk Bibelselskap (1930)
De ugudeliges vold skal rykke dem selv bort, fordi de ikke vilde gjøre det som rett er.