Galatians 1 Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

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1Paulus an Apostle, not by the children of men, neither by a son of man, but by Yeshua The Messiah and God his Father, he who raised him from among the dead, 2And all the brethren who are with me, to the assembly that is in Galatia.

3Grace be with you and peace from God The Father and from our Lord Yeshua The Messiah, 4He who gave himself for the sake of our sins to set us free from this evil world, according to the will of God Our Father, 5To whom be glory to the eternity of eternities. Amen.

6I marvel how quickly you have been turned away from The Messiah, he who called you by his grace, unto another gospel 7Which does not exist, but there are some who trouble you and wish to change The Gospel of The Messiah. 8But even if we or an Angel from Heaven should evangelize you outside of that which we have evangelized you, we or he would be damned; 9Just as I said to you from the first and now again I say to you, that if anyone evangelizes you outside of what you have received, he shall be damned.

10Do I plead now before the children of men or before God, or do I seek to please the children of men? For if until now I have been pleasing men, I have not been a Servant of The Messiah.

11But I notify you my brethren, that The Gospel that was preached by me was not from a human; 12For I neither received nor learned it from a man, but by the revelation of Yeshua The Messiah.

13For you have heard of my way of life, which from the first was in Judaism, that I was greatly persecuting the Church of God and destroying it. 14And I was greatly surpassing many associates in Judaism who were of my people, and I was very zealous in the teaching of my ancestors; 15But when he who separated me from my mother's womb chose and called me by his grace 16To reveal his Son in me, that I would proclaim him among the Gentiles, immediately, I did not reveal it to flesh and blood, 17Neither did I go to Jerusalem to the Apostles who were before me, but I went to Arabia and returned again to Dramsuq.

18And after three years I went to Jerusalem to see Kaypha, and I stayed with him 15 days. 19But I saw none of the other Apostles except Jacob, the brother of Our Lord. 20But these things that I write to you, behold, before God, I do not lie. 21After these things I came to the regions of Syria and Qiliqia. 22And the churches in Judea, these who are in The Messiah, did not know me by face, 23But they had heard only this: “He who from the first persecuted us, now, behold, he preaches that faith which from earlier times he had overthrown.” 24And they were praising God for me.