DAFYDD Y COED (fl. 1380). One of the later poets of the older tradition.

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Name: Dafydd Y Coed
Gender: Male
Occupation: poets
Area of activity: Poetry
Author: Evan David Jones

Four substantial awdlau by him and smaller poems of a satirical nature have been preserved in the ' Red Book of Hergest.' He sang to Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd of Glyn Aeron (fl. 1386-97), Hopkin ap Thomas of Ynysdawe (fl. 1360-90), and Gruffudd ap Llywelyn from Uwch Aeron. Moses Williams's estimate in his Repertorium Poeticum that he flourished about 1380 is confirmed. The above awdlau and the minor poems prove him to have been a resident of South Wales. One of his poems is a satire upon Rhayader (now in Radnorshire), and in an anonymous lampoon upon him in the ' Red Book ' (col. 1361) Llandovery is named.


  • Evan David Jones, (1903 - 1987)


  • Moses Williams, Mosis Gulielmii … Repertorium Poeticum, sive poematum Wallicorum, quot, hactenus videre contigit quot Index Alphabeticus, primam singulorum lineam, et loca ubi inveniantur, exhibens. Accedunt poetarum nomina, et quando plerique omnes floruerint (London 1726)
  • J. Gwenogvryn Evans, The Poetry in the Red Book of Hergest (Llanbedrog 1911)
  • J. Lloyd-Jones, Geirfa Barddoniaeth Gynnar Gymraeg (1931)

Published date: 1959

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