A Fourtunate Anniversary Sale!

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A few years ago, I was struck with inspiration to try and make my own game.  I had played others and seen that maybe it wasn't impossible for me to make something that was decent, enjoyable, and fun.  I wanted to make a branching mystery game with intertwining characters plots and incorporate a bunch of mini-games to explore some fun game ideas.  Tie it up with a simple theme that revolved around the number 4, and the little darling that I ended up making, The Game of Fourtune, was born.

It's been a year since its initial release, and the journey of the game's development and the love and support it's gotten since it's release has given me boundless happiness.  I've met and worked with amazing people, seen other creative works using the characters from The Game of Fourtune, and enjoyed seeing some reactions to various playthroughs.  Though, what gives me great joy is hearing from time to time that some people were even inspired to try their hand at game dev because of The Game of Fourtune and I can want no greater honor than that.

To celebrate this wonderful occasion, The Game of Fourtune will be on discount for 44% off until April 11th.  If you haven't had the chance to buy and check out the game.  If you already have bought the game, thank you for your support.

As always,

Good luck and good fortune!


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