ATANDA, Chief (Dr.) Oluremi Ademola


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OFR, B.Sc. Ph.D.. agriculturist, administrator, b: September 22, 1939; ht: Iwo; so: Osun; m: Chief (Mrs) Felicia Abolaji Atanda; nc: five, ed: Baptist Day School. Iwo Mission, 1946-52; Molusi College. Ijebu-Igbo. 1953-56; Government College. Ibadan, 1957-58; School of Agriculture, University of Nottingham, 1961-64; University of Newcastle Upon- Tyne Enaland, 1965-68. cr: Teacher, Molusi College. Ijebu-Igbo 1959-60;"Dcmonstrator, Plant Science Department, University of Newcastle Upon-Tync. 1965-68; Research Officcr-in-Tra.ning. Genetics and Plant Breeding Division, defunct West African Cocoa Research Institute. Ibadan, 1964-69; snr. Research Officer, West African Cocoa Research Institute, Ibadan, 1969-72; Principal Scientific Officer Agriculture Research Council of Nigeria. 1972-74; snr. Principal Scientific Officer. Agriculture Research Council of N.ger.a, January 1975; dir/chief execu. Federal Department of Agriculture Research, 1975-76; National Cereals Research Institute (formerly FDAR), 1976-1979; dir. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, 1979- 80- Project dir./e-e, Agricultural Diploma Students (now Institute of Research and Training, University of Ife) (now Obafemi Awolowo University); ch. Oyo State Civil Service Commission, 1980-83; Osun State College of Education, 1991; ch/md. Jadeyin Nigeria Ltd; ch/ ceo. Agro Promotion and Consultancy Nigeria Ltd; Proprietor/ch. Governing Board, Atanda Group of Schools, Oluyole Estate, Ibadan; dir. Lower Benue River Basin Development Authority; Nigerian National Agricultural Development Committee, 1972-80; World Coor dinator, Cocoa Genetics and Breeder Working Group, 1975-77; chief editor, 5th International Cocoa Research Conference, Ibadan,'1975; National Council for Agriculture; Board of Trustees, International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, 1976-78; Consultant, West African Rice Development Association; World Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, 1977-79; World Consultant (NARP), 1997-98; ch: Scientific and Technical Committee, 1976-79; Consultant, UN Food and Agricultural Organisation, Rome, 1977-79; Consultant, International Rice Research Centre, Los Banos, Philippines, 1977- 80; International Maize Research Centre, Mexico, 1978-80; Agricultural Research/Science, World Bank, since 1991; co-ordinator! National Accelerated Food Production Project for Rice and Maize, 1976-79; sec, Osun South Business Enterprises, 1972-79, 1977-79; sec/Liaison Officer, International Seminars and Conferences,' Agricultural Research Council ofNigeria, 1972-75; former Board mem! Ogun/Osun River Basin and Rural Development Authority; Institute Research Committee; Institute's Publication Committee; National presd/ch. Governing Council, Osun State College of Education, 1991; Technical Committee, Agriculture and Allied Trade Group Committee, Ibadan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ibadan, 1991-93; ch: Ambassadorial Committee, 1991-93, Education Liaison Committee! 1991-93; Association of Proprietors of Continuing Education Centres of Old and Present Oyo State, since 1990; Osun Divisional Schools Board, 1972-79; Education Committee, Iwo Progressive Group/Iwo Board ofTrustees; ch. Oluwo Palace Building Committee, since 1992; mm: National Committee on commer-cialization of Research findings, 1972-79; Advisory Committee, National Agricultural Land Development Authority, Oyo State, 1991; Governing Council, Obafemi Awolowo University, 1997-99; Horticultural Society of Nigeria; Nigerian Society for Plant Protection; Genetics Society of Nigeria, 1972-79; Genetics Society of Great Britain; Agricultural Society of Nigeria; Science Society of Nigeria; National Constitutional Conference; Life mem., Forestry Association of Nigeria; Federal Government Panel onsupport (Subsidy) for Nigeria Agricultural Sector, 1987; Osun State Forum, 1998-99; Central Laboratory Committee; Cocoa Products Committee; presd. Cassava Growers Association, 1986-96; African Nutrition Congress; Chemical Society of Great Britain, Bristol, since 1968; publ: General problem of Cocoa Growing in Nigeria. Nigeria Agric Journal, 1969; Comparative Field - Pod Value of West African Amalonado and F3Amazon Cocoa in Nigeria, Ghana J.Science, 1973; Crop Improvement in Relation to Seed Production - Invited paper at the Natioanl Seed Service, 1976; with about 51 publications, award: Federal Scholarship Award to study Agricultural Science, University of Nottingham, 1961; British Technical Aid Scholarship, 1965-68; Certificate of World Leadership and International Leaders, International Biographical Centre, England, 1987; Constitutional Conference Award, 1995; h: Listed in Who's Who in Nigeria, published by News Watch Communications, 1999; Africa's Who's Who, published by African Books Ltd., Hammersmith, London, 2001; Who's Who in Nigeria, published by Nigerian Internaionai Biographical Centre, 2003; nh: Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic, 2003; tt: Eketa Oba of Iwo, Ekerin of Ikire-Ile; pp: ch. United Nigerian Congress Party (UNCP), Osun State, 1996- 98; off: SW8/1856C,Anfani Road, off Ring Road by Shodeinde,GPO Box 12933, Dugbe, Ibadan. tel: 022-316154, 313580, 3135679. res: 16, Olubadan Avenue (7Up Road) Oluyole Estate, Ibadan, Oyo State. tel: 022-2013580, 2311558, 2316241, 08023306668?