পাতা পর্যালোচনা পরিসংখ্যান - উইকিপিডিয়া

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উইকিপিডিয়া currently has user with Editor rights.

Editors are established users that can spot-check revisions to pages.

The following data was last updated on ২৭ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ at ০০:০৮.

Edits that have been checked by established users are considered পর্যালোচিত.

The average review delay for pages with edits currently pending review is ৩৩ ঘ ৪২ মি; the delay measures how long the oldest pending edit has gone unreviewed.

Page review statistics for each namespace are shown below, excluding redirect pages. Pages are treated as Outdated if they have edits pending review; pages are considered Synced if there are no edits pending review.

(প্রধান) ১,৫৮,৭৬১ ৩৩৯‎ (০.২১%) ৩৩৮‎ (০.২১%) ৯৯.৭১%
উইকিপিডিয়া ৭,৩৫৮ ৭১‎ (০.৯৬%) ৭১‎ (০.৯৬%) ১০০.০০%