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romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex

Italiano: Per una galleria ordinata cronologicamente sull'omosessualità al di fuori della cultura Occidentale si veda Omosessualità (non-Occidentale). Per un elenco d'immagini non ordinate cronologicamente si veda la Category:LGBT.

Polski: Posortowane zdjęcia i obrazki przedstawiające homoseksualizm w innych kulturach niż kultura zachodnia możesz zobaczyć tutaj Homoseksualizm (non-Western). Nieposortowane zdjęcia i obrazki są tu Kategoria LGBT.

English: For pre-modern homosexuality in Western culture, look at: Homosexuality (pre-modern). (The file had to be split due to its excessive size).

Italiano: Per l'omosessualità premoderna nella cultura Occidentale, si veda Homosexuality (pre-modern). (Il file è stato suddiviso a causa delle dimensioni eccessive).

Polski: Homoseksualizm w dawniejszej kulturze zachodu zobacz tu: Homosexuality (pre-modern). (Plik został podzielony z uwagi na zbyt dużą objętość).

Modern & contemporary Era (1800 ca. on) / Age moderne et contemporaire (de 1800 environs) / Età moderna e contemporanea (dal 1800 ca.)


Portraits: Other countries / Ritratti: Altre nazione / Portraits: Autres nations


  • Greek poet Constantinos Cavafy around 1900.

  • Selim Ahmed, nicknamed Dahoum Friend and lover of T. E. Lawrence Photo taken by T. E. Lawrence.

  • Roger Casement, Grave in Glasnevin. His secret homosexuality was used against him to cut off support against his capital sentence.

History / Historia / Histoire / Storia


categoria principale: LGBT history

  • Greek philosopher Plato and his Academy, by Carl Johan Wahlbom.

  • Socratic love. French 19th century erotic drawing.

  • After Andrea Appiani, The death of Hyacinthus.

  • Jean Broc, The death of Hyacinthos.

  • Méry-Joseph Blondel, "The Death of Hyacinthus"

  • Hans von Marées (1837-1887), Entführung des Ganymed.

  • Benczúr Gyula (1844-1920), Narcissus (1881), Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest.

  • Simeon Solomon (1840-1905), Socrates & Agathodemos.

  • Frederick Rolfe (1860-1913) a.k.a "Baron Corvo", portrait of Tito Biondi, Rome, circa 1890.

  • Frederick Rolfe (1860-1913), male nude, 1891.

  • Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1898), The platonic lament (1894). Drawing for Oscar Wilde's Salome. "Platonic" is a code-word for "homosexual".

  • Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1898), Bathyllus taking the pose (1896).

  • Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1898), Bathyllus' swan dance (1896).

  • Frontispice of the "Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen". First issue, 1899.

  • Soap Ad

  • Soap Ad

  • Frontispice of the issue #1 (1896) of the first homosexual periodical in the world, "Der Eigene" published by Adolf Brand.

  • Cover of 1906 issue of "Der Eigene".

  • Christian Wilhelm Allers (1857-1915), Selbstportrait.

  • Frontispice of the "Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen", 1914.

  • 1919 poster for the first film about homosexuality, Anders als die Andern.

  • "Wilhem II in Greece", "L’Asino", 1907.

  • "All’hotel Guglielmo II" - "L’Asino", Oct. 20, 1907.

  • "The new prussian" coat of arms, ("Jugend", 28 ottobre 1907).

  • Wife and husband. ("Ulk", Nov. 1, 1907).

  • "A soldier's duty in Germany -- Turning his back to the enemy" - L’Asino, Nov. 17, 1907.

  • "Confessions" - "L’Asino", Nov. 17, 1907.

  • "Auguste lamentazioni" - "L’Asino, Jan. 12, 1908.

  • VI. "Non fornicare" - "L’Asino", Feb. 23, 1908. Further images are here copia archiviata at the Wayback Machine.

Nazis and the "Gay holocaust" / Nazisme et "holocauste homosexuel" / Nazismo ed "omocausto" (1933-1945)


  • The mark used by Nazis for gay people. See also: Nazi concentration camp badges.

  • Mark for a Jewish "pink triangle".

  • Mark for a penal "pink triangle".

  • Mark for a "repeater" "pink triangle".

  • Gestapo anti-gay telex.

  • The "Homomonument" in Amsterdam.

  • Monument in Berlin, Nollendorfplatz.

Français : Pour images de femmes voir Lesbian history (Histoire lesbienne).

Español: Para imágenes de mujeres, vea Lesbian history (Historia lésbica).

Italiano: Per immagini di donne si veda Lesbian history (Storia lesbica).

Polski: Obrazki z zdjęcia kobiet możesz zobaczyć tu Lesbian history.

Gayness and homoeroticism in 19th century art


A few examples of the male nude in photography


  • Hippolyte Bayard (1801-1887), Selfportrait as a drowned man, 1840.

  • Jean Louis Marie Eugène Durieu (1800-1874), Élément d'une série de nus réalisée avec Eugène Delacroix.

  • Jean Louis Marie Eugène Durieu (1800-1874), Nu masculin - ca. 1855.

  • Jean Louis Marie Eugène Durieu (1800-1874), Nu masculin assis - ca. 1855.

  • Pierre-Charles Simart (1806-1857), Nu masculin, 1856 ca.

  • Gaudenzio Marconi (1841-1885), Nudo maschile, 1865 ca.

  • Gaudenzio Marconi (1841-1885), Nudo maschile, 1865 ca.

  • Gaudenzio Marconi (1841-1885), Il modello per il San Giovanni Battista di Auguste Rodin.

  • Gaudenzio Marconi (1841-1885), Nudo di spalle, 1870 ca.

  • Gaudenzio Marconi (1841-1885), Auguste Neyt, modello di L'age d'arain di Auguste Rodin, 1877.

  • Gaudenzio Marconi (1841-1885), Auguste Neyt, modello di L'age d'arain di Auguste Rodin, 1877.

  • Louis Jean-Baptiste Igout, Studies in the male nude, 1870/80 ca.

  • Eadweard Muybridge: selfportrait while ascending stairs.

  • Eadweard Muybridge: Man ascending stairs (1884-85).

  • Napoleon Sarony (1821-1896), Lionel Strongfort (Max Unger) in 1900.

  • Napoleon Sarony (1821-1896), Lionel Strongfort (Max Unger) in 1900.

  • Eugene Sandow preparing for moulding a cast.

  • Napoleon Sarony (1821-1896), Eugen Sandow (1867-1925) in 1893.

  • Napoleon Sarony (1821-1896), Eugen Sandow (1867-1925) in 1893.

  • Napoleon Sarony (1821-1896), Eugen Sandow (1867-1925) in 1896.

  • Benjamin J. Falk (1853-1925), Eugen Sandow (1867-1925) in 1894.

  • Benjamin J. Falk (1853-1925), Eugen Sandow (1867-1925).

  • Benjamin J. Falk (1853-1925), Eugen Sandow (1867-1925) in 1894.

  • Benjamin J. Falk (1853-1925), Eugen Sandow (1867-1925) in 1894.

  • Benjamin J. Falk (1853-1925), Eugen Sandow (1867-1925).

  • Benjamin J. Falk (1853-1925), Eugen Sandow (1867-1925).

  • Eakin's art studens bathing (1883).

  • Eakin's art studens bathing (1883).

  • The swimming hole.

  • Eakin's art studens wrestling (1883).

  • Eakin's art studens playing (1883).

  • Selfportrait with John Laurie Wallace, 1883 ca.

  • Male nude crouching in sunlit rectangle, 1885 ca.

  • Male nude, 1889 ca.

  • Wrestlers.

  • Wrestlers.

  • Wrestlers.

  • Study in the human motion.

  • Nude study for Arcadia, 1883.

  • Arcadia, ca. 1883.

  • Old man, said to be Walt Whitman.

  • Rowers.

  • Male nudes wrestling

  • Nicola D'Inverno

  • Mario Mancini

  • Young man in reverie - Capri, 1878

  • Turkish bath (1915).

  • Turkish bath (1916).

  • Thee sailors (1917).

  • Turkish bath with self portrait, (1918).

  • Dancing sailors (1918).

  • A distinguished air (1930).

  • Four male figures (1930 ca.).

  • Three sailors urinating (1930 ca.).

  • Two sailors urinating (1930 ca.).

Homosexuality and homoeroticism in 20th century art (now in the Public Domain)


Carl Van Vechten (1880-1964)'s nudes (1940?-1948)


categoria principale: Carl Van Vechten

  • Carl Van Vechten, Leo Coleman, 1945.

  • Carl Van Vechten, Francisco Moncion, 1946.

  • Carl Van Vechten, Shirtless man (1947).

  • 1948 photo of dancer Bill Earl by Carl Van Vechten.

  • A shirtless Marlon Brando, 1948, by Carl Van Vechten.

  • Carl van Vechten, Joe Louis.

  • Carl van Vechten, Archie Savage.

  • Carl van Vechten, Archie Savage.

  • Carl van Vechten, dancer Harold Horn in 1956.

21st century - Maps / 21me siècle - Plans / 21mo secolo - Mappe


  • World homosexuality laws (including recognition of same-sex relationships)

  • Homosexuality laws: Africa

  • Homosexuality laws: Asia

  • State recognition of same-sex relationships in Europe

  • State recognition of same-sex relationships in North America (from Mexico north)

  • State recognition of same-sex relationships in South America

  • Recognition of same-sex relationships in the United States

  • Gay Adoption Map: Europe

  • Gay Adoption Map: North America

21st century - Facts and people / 21me siècle - Factes et personnes / 21mo secolo - Fatti e persone


  • The en:Stonewall Inn in New York today.

  • Rainbow flag.

  • Rainbow flag.

  • Bisexual flag.

  • The nazi "pink triangle" adopted as a gay pride symbol.

  • Pink triangle upside-down adopted as a gay pride symbol.

  • Civil marriage is a civil right.

  • The Journal officiel de la République Française, publishing the anti-dscrimination law.

  • Canadian marriage.

  • "No to gay marriages" Italian political poster, 9 april 2006.

21st century - Drag queens & more


  • Drag queens Luc D'Arcy and Carbonera and friend at the 2003 Divers-Cité pride parade in Montreal.

  • Drag queen Dominique Foxx.

  • Two drag queens.

  • An adult male (black) being spanked by a drag queen.

  • Drag queen performer Monet Dupree as Tina Turner.

  • Sharette, a Gay NYC Drag Queen.

  • Olivia Chow with Drag queens

  • Klaus Wowereit with Drag queen (2001)

  • A group of drag queens from Brazil.

  • Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

  • Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

  • Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

  • Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

  • Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence