The Dust of the Violet Crystals- Progress Update

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The Dust of the Violet Crystals - Update!

I have been hard at work almost every day getting closer to marking this game 'complete'. Here is a list of what I have been up to and what I have yet to do:

* Backdrops for chapter five complete
* Script for chapter five complete

* More backdrops for chapter six required
* Finish coding chapter six and pretesting all possible branches
* Edit a few art assets to reflect the script more accurately
* Edit all 'phone' backdrops to allow for *yay* an Android version on release
* Dig into script for bugs mentioned in feedback and edit as needed

As you can see I have still been working hard on this! It just isn't quite ready, as I predicted. I do still hope to have it complete by the end of next week, or at least very close to that date if it is not right on the mark.

Thank you for your patience, and I hope to be posting an update marking it complete very soon!

~ Corvaena