Brugerdiskussion:Palnatoke: Forskelle mellem versioner - Wikimedia Danmark

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Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 3. maj 2013, 13:02 (UTC)Svar

Dear Palnatoke, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.

As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.

Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.

The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.

Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.

In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.

Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.

Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 25. aug 2014, 18:24 (UTC)

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Kære Ole! Jeg skriver til dig her som repræsentant/formand for Wikimedia Danmark, og dermed denne wiki, da jeg ikke umiddelbart kan finde noget andet sted her, hvor der foregår nogle diskussioner.

Ved et kig på Seneste ændringer ser det mest ud som om dette website bliver brugt til hærværk og jeg kan se i Sletningsloggen at det er et tilbagevendende problem. Da formålet med dette website vel ikke er at få oprettet ret meget nyt (bortset fra nye bestyrelsesmøder f.eks.), vil det problem så ikke kunne løses ved at det kun er brugere med visse rettigheder der kan oprette nye sider? Vil det være at gå for langt fra Wikimedias/Wikipedias grundtanke? Mit bud er at det vil det ikke være, da anonyme og "nye" brugere laver mere ballede end gavn, hvis de overhovedet bidrager med noget konstruktivt.

/PatrikN (diskussion) 27. okt 2016, 10:21 (UTC)

Det kunne man overveje, men jeg er ikke overbevist om at det er et stort problem. --Palnatoke (diskussion) 27. okt 2016, 10:29 (UTC)
Tak for svar, som jeg først har set nu. Det er måske ikke så stort i antal, det var mere set som et "relativt problem" i forhold til antallet normale/gyldige ændringer, så på et tidspunkt synes jeg da det skulle overvejes/diskuteres et eller andet sted. /PatrikN (diskussion) 5. nov 2016, 13:54 (UTC)
Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hei medlem i Wikimedia Norge og bidragsytere, her er Wikimedia Norges nyhetsbrev for fjerde kvartal 2016.

  • Tilgang til Retriever: Fra 7. november 2016 er 6 Retriever-tilganger tilgjengelige for bidragsytere. Tilgangene fordeles til bidragsytere for 6 måneder av gangen og etter førstemann til mølla-prinsippet etter onsdag 2. november kl 18 på denne siden. Fra 7. mai 2017 fordeles tilgangene til 6 nye bidragsytere. Vi håper dette kan være et nyttig verktøy!
  • Girl Geek Dinners Trondheim: Girl Geek Dinners Trondheim har ny skrivekveld 3. november på Work-Work i Trondheim. Påmelding på Facebook.
  • Armenia-skrivekonkurranse: I uke 46–49 blir det en skrivekonkurranse om Armenia hvor premien er en reise til Armenia (fly + hotell) for én person. Wikimedia Armenia kjører samme konkurranse om Norge. Konkurransesiden finner du her fra uke 45.
  • Spørreundersøkelse: Wikimedia Norge vil gjerne undersøke hva som motiverer aktive bidragsytere på Wikimedia-prosjektene. I november gjennomfører vi derfor en spørreundersøkelse som det blir lenket til fra CentralNotice. Vi håper du vil ta deg tid til å svare, og gi oss innsikt i hvordan vi i Wikimedia Norge enda bedre kan støtte opp om bidragsytere!
  • Ny hjemmeside: Wikimedia Norge har fått ny hjemmeside som supplerer wikien. Ta en titt!

Ønsker du å melde deg inn i Wikimedia Norge og støtte vårt arbeid, så kan du gjøre det her, eller du kan støtte oss ved å vippse til 10386 – Wikimedia Norge.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 1. nov 2016, 17:04 (UTC)

Vil det ikke være en god idé at have en landsbybrønd til generelle diskussioner/emner på Wikimedia Danmarks side også, ligesom på Wikipedia og andre Wikimedia sider (f.eks. Sverige, Norge og Meta)? Lige nu har jeg blot skrevet her på din side, hvilket jeg vil undskylde for, da det ikke er noget personligt ift. dig, men det er fordi jeg ikke har kunnet finde noget andet relevant sted. /PatrikN (diskussion) 5. nov 2016, 16:27 (UTC)

(CC: Palnatoke i tilfælde af at han ikke har set beskeden.) Det lyder som en fornuftig idé. Jeg tror der ikke er nogen fordi generalforsamlingen og andre Wikimedia-tiltag typisk bliver annonceret på den danske Wikipedias landsbybrønd, muligvis for at få mere opmærksomhed fra folk som ikke vanligt tjekker denne portal. InsaneHacker (diskussion) 9. nov 2016, 10:16 (UTC)
Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here is our newsletter for the end of the year 2016.

We wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

  • Wiki Loves Monuments: The results from this year's edition of Wiki Loves Monuments are summarized on our blog. You can see the winners of the international part of the contest here. In 2017 we will be arranging Wiki Loves Earth instead of Wiki Loves Monuments. Please get in touch with us if you want to help organize it!
  • Weekly contest: Join the weekly contests on Christmas or 2016–2017!
  • #1lib1ref: With the Citation Hunt tool you will get suggestions about Wikipedia paragraphs in need of references, and in January we will be organizing #faktajakt as part of the international 1Lib1Ref project to get librarians to add references to Wikipedia. If you have any questions or ideas, please contact
  • Meetup: There will be a wiki meetup at Litteraturhuset, Oslo, on January 17. You can register here.
  • General assembly: Keep the dates! On March 24 and 25 Wikimedia Norge's general assembly and corresponding meetups will be held in Trondheim.

If you wish to become a Wikimedia Norge member and support our work, you can do so here, or support us by transfering money via Vipps to 10386 – Wikimedia Norge.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 20. dec 2016, 16:48 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here is our newsletter for February 2017.

Wikidays in Trondheim March 24–25

On March 24–25 Wikimedia Norge's office (temporarily) moves to Trondheim!

  • On Friday, March 24, there will be a tour for Wikipedians at the Norwegian National Museum of Justice, followed by a wiki meetup with food and the announcement of the winner of Wikipedian of the Year at Work-Work. All Wikipedians and other interested parties are very welcome!
  • On Saturday, March 25, Wikimedia Norge holds its general assembly, this too at Work-Work. Suggestions for the board can be sent to until 23 February 2017. Remember that you have to be a registered member to be allowed to vote at the general assembly and to get travel expenses reimbursed by Wikimedia Norge.
  • You can read the agenda for the general assembly here.

You can find information about the agenda and how to sign up here. We hope to see many of you in Trondheim!

Wikigrants and travel grants
User survey
  • In November/December 2016 Wikimedia Norge held a user survey, thank you to everyone who participated! The results have been published on Meta.
Website translated

If you wish to become a Wikimedia Norge member and support our work, you can do so here, or support us by transfering money via Vipps to 10386 – Wikimedia Norge.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 10. feb 2017, 16:32 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here is our newsletter with activities during spring 2017.

  • On May 8th we will disperse six new accesses for Retriever. Are you interested? The first ones to sign up will get them; sign up on this page.
  • On May 9th there's a wiki meetup at Litteraturhuset (the House of Literature) in Oslo. The theme this time will be Wikipedia at its best – cooperation on good articles. The introduction will be held by Morten Olsen Haugen (known as Orland on-wiki). Sign up here, or just show up! Wikimedia Norge can cover travel expenses if you get in touch with
  • On May 15th Wiki Loves Earth starts. This photo contest is about taking the best pictures of protected nature in Norway. The comtest page can be found here.
  • Wikimedia Norge participates in a theme contest organized by Europeana about the 1914–1918 time period. Follow the development on this page!
  • Wikimania will be held in Montréal from August 9th to 13th. All information on Wikimania can be found here.
  • Are you interested in taking photos using a drone? Check out this post on Torget.
  • Wikimedia Norge has changed its logo to a new all-black version (see logo at the right). Wikimedia Foundation is in a process of changing their logo, and Wikimedia Deutschland has already changed to this new version.
  • Wikipedia was blocked in Turkey on April 29th. The Wikimedia Foundation has made a statement about the block on their blog.

If you wish to become a Wikimedia Norge member and support our work, you can do so here, or support us by transfering money via Vipps to 10386 – Wikimedia Norge.

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 3. maj 2017, 16:07 (UTC)Svar

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here's our newsletter with activities for the upcoming weeks.

  • Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 has started! The world's largest photo contest runs from September 1 through September 30, where the goal is to upload photos of monuments in Norway. There will also be a concurrent writing competition on the Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk and Northern Sami Wikipedias during weeks 37 and 38.
  • September 12: There will be a wiki meetup about references, with Ole Bjørn Rekdal as guest lecturer. The meetup will be held at the House of Literature in Oslo, and starts at 17:00.
  • September 15: This is the deadline to apply for this round of wikigrants from Wikimedia Norge. Everyone can apply (you don't have to be a member), so if you have a project or an idea that you would like to see through, but could use some money to achieve it, apply now!
  • September 16: Wiki-LAN, an editathon to increase the coverage of–and participation from–women in Wikipedia, will be organized at Musikkonservatoriet in Tromsø. Even though there's a focus on women, everyone is welcome!
  • September 21: During the Oslo Science Days Wikimedia Norge invites you to the event Writing women into history, where the Director of research and dissemination at the National Library of Norway, Hege Høsøien, and artist and curator, Merete Røstad, will introduce the subject, followed by a conversation with Jorid Martinsen from Wikimedia Norge.
  • October 6: During the announcement of who will be this year's Nobel Peace Prize laureate, a group of Wikipedians will be present at the Nobel Peace Center for #wikinobel in order to cover the prize and the laureate(s) in a good way. Get in touch with Jon Harald if you want to participate!

If you wish to become a Wikimedia Norge member and support our work, you can do so here, or support us by transfering money via Vipps to 10386 – Wikimedia Norge.

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 1. sep 2017, 15:49 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, this is the last newsletter of the year from us. We wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year! 🎅

Meet-up on January 16th
On Tuesday the 16th of January at 17.00 there will be a wiki meet-up in the Amalie Skram room in Litteraturhuset, Oslo. There will be a presentation from Thomas Hylland Eriksen, who describes the theme of the meeting like this:
"Wikipedia can be used as an example of many things, including humans' exceptional lust for knowledge and insight. There are, however, stumbling blocks along the way, including them monopolization, relevance and knowledge aversity. In a world like this, an institution like Wikipedia is more important than ever."
Please do sign up on this page! The meet-up is free and open to all. Travel expenses can be covered by Wikimedia Norge (get in touch with
The 15th of February is the deadline for applying for wikigrants. We're looking forward to seeing many exciting applications!
General assembly
Wikimedia Norge's general assembly will be held at Samisk hus, Oslo, on the 3rd of March 2018 at 11.00. We're planning a wiki meet-up, drone safari and a Wikidata workshop this weekend, so keep the dates March 2–4. Members' travel expenses can be covered. We'll return with more information in the next newsletter.
Northern Sami Wikipedia
This fall, Wikimedia Norge has started a project to improve the Northern Sami Wikipedia. During the fall we have translated our website into Northern Sami, held a survey among current and former contributors to the wiki, planned cooperations with various institutions and participation to Márkomeannu and Riddu Riđđu. This work will continue in 2018, and those who are interested in ollowing it can sign up for updates on the project here.
This project is also the first one where we use Phabricator for project management. The project can be followed here.
Retriever and
Accesses to Retriever were dispersed again on the 20th of November, 2017, and a new dispertion will happen on the 20th of May, 2018. We remind you that we can also help get access to for Wikipedians with foreign IP addresses. More information about this can be found on this page.
Wiki Loves Earth
The international winners of Wiki Loves Earth were announced on the 11th of December! We especially congratulate the Norwegian photographer who came in 5th.

If you wish to become a Wikimedia Norge member and support our work, you can do so here, or support us by transfering money via Vipps to 10386 – Wikimedia Norge.

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 20. dec 2017, 22:29 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here's our newsletter with some info on what happening in the upcoming months.

Membership fees due
The membership can be paid by using Vipps (to 10386 – Wikimedia Norge) or by transferring the money into account no. 1503 08 00866. The fee is normally 200 NOK, but 100 NOK for students and retirees and those on welfare.
Thank you to everyone who has already paid their membership fees for 2018 and support our work!
Still not a member? Become one on!
February 15th is the deadline for applying for wikigrants. We're hoping to see many interesting applications!
Wiki meet-up March 2nd
On Friday March 2nd there'll be a wiki meet-up in Samisk hus, Oslo. There will be wikiwars, food and drinks, and the board of WMNO will award the Wikipedian of the Year. Everyone is welcome, but kindly register on this page so we'll know how much food to order.
General assembly March 2rd
Wikimedia Norge's general assembly will be held at Samisk hus, Oslo, on March 3rd starting 11.00. Everyone is welcome, but only members have the right to vote. The assembly will also be streamed on our YouTube channel.
The agenda for the general assembly has been published here, and proposals for the assembly can be sent to the board until February 15th to this address: Register here.
Drone safary March 3rd
Do you want to learn how to use a drone? Join our drone safare and learn how to use Wikimedia Norge's drone! Starting at Samisk hus at 14.00. Register here.
Wikidata workshop March 4th
On Sunday March 4th from 12.00 to 16.00, we will host a Wikidata workshop at Samisk hus, Oslo. This will be a workshop aimed at Wikipedians on how to use the many available Wikidata tools; how to use them to edit Wikidata and how they can be used on Wikipedia. Register here.
Wikimedia Norge awarded funding from Arts Council
Wikimedia Norge has been awarded 100.000 NOK to make an image collection by Bodil Biørn available on Wikimedia Commons. Bodil Catharina Biørn (1871–1960) was a Norwegian missionary, nurse and midwife who was a missionary in eastern Turkey (Ottomon Empire). Biørn was an eyewitness to what has later been called the first genocide of the 20th century, the Armenian Genocide. She documented this by taking photographs and writing detailed image descriptions. In May Wikimedia Norge and the National Archive invite Wikipedians to help work on these image descriptions. Read more here..

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 7. feb 2018, 08:39 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here's our newsletter with some info on what's happening in the upcoming weeks and months.

Meet-up at Litteraturhuset, May 15th
The introduction this evening is Silvija Seres¸who will talk about how the fourth industrial revolution changes business models, markets, how we work, and how we are. The meetup is free and open to everyone! Welcome! More info in the Facebook event.
Dispersion of Retriever accesses, May 20th
The accesses for Retriever will be dispersed again after May 20th. Sign up here if you're interested.
Oslo Freedom Forum, May 28th
Wikimedia Norge is participating in the Tech Lab during Oslo Freedom Forum with a full-day editathon. Do you want to join us? Get in touch with Lunch and travel expenses can be reimbursed. This is the invitation from the Human Rights Foundation, which organizes the Oslo Freedom Forum: As a member of Norway's Wikipedia community, you are invited to spend May 28 with hundreds of human rights activists and technologists at the 2018 Oslo Freedom Forum. Wikimedia will have an area inside the venue at Sentralen in downtown Oslo to encourage participants to edit various human-rights related entries in Norwegian, English, and other languages. A key goal will be to get the dissidents, activists, journalists, and netizen and OFF attendees from more than 50 countries to get involved in editing their own country's important pages, such as country page, leader (or dictator), top activists, and any key human rights or corruption issues. Working together, we can expose the crimes of corrupt governments while also shining a light on those who are working to make the world a better place.
Bodil Biørn event at the National Archive, May 30th
200 photographies from Bodil Biørn's collection are kept at the National Archive. With support from the Arts Council, the National Archive is digitizing these photos, and Wikimedia Norge is transcribing them and making the content available in cooperation with Wikimedia Armenia. This afternoon we invite everyone to get more acquainted with Bodil Biørn and the National Archive's collections. More info in the Facebook event.
Conferences and festivals
The employees of Wikimedia Norge are participating in several conferences and festivals this summer to promote the Northern Sami Wikipedia. If you are going to any of them, we would love to get in touch! Reach out to
We are part of the program at Celtic Knot in Wales and Wikimania in South Africa. We will also be present at the festivals Riddu Riđđu and Márkomeannu.

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 14. maj 2018, 23:43 (UTC)Svar

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here's our newsletter with some info on what's happening in the upcoming weeks and months.

Wiki Loves Monuments: photo and writing contests
During September, the annual international photo contest on cultural heritage, Wiki Loves Monuments, will be held. There will also be a 2-week long Wikipedia writing contest about cultural heritage.
Meet-up at Litteraturhuset, September 4th
For this meet-up, Anine Kierulf has been invited to talk about Wikipedia and the Constitution of Norway – about article 100. "Wikipedia is decidedly the largest and most used encyclopedia in Norway, while it also has many shortcomnigs. Article 100 of the Constitution says The authorities of the state shall create conditions that facilitate open

and enlightened public discourse, so is this a challenge for the authorities?" The event is free and open to everyone. You can register on-wiki or in the Facebook event.

Wikigrants, deadline September 15th
All contributors to the various Wikimedia projects can apply for our wikigrants. The maximum amount is 8 000 NOK. The wikigrant must be used for activities that support one or more Wikimedia projects.
Researchers' Days, September 26th
During this year's Researchers' Days, we will discuss what can be done to make women's contributions to culture and the arts as publicly visible as men's contributions. We are inviting organizations and people who have worked on the subject to talk about why it is important to do something about this, to share the good methods and not least to inspire to action. See the Facebook event.
#wikinobel, September 27th
A #wikinobel event will be held at the Nobel Peace Center on this date. More information is coming on
Workshop: Wikidata, November 10th
A new workshop on Wikidata! There will be merch from Wikimedia Deutschland to celebrate that Wikidata is turning 6. Feel free to suggest topics on the registration page.

There are many round numbers this fall. The Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia is getting close to half a million articles, Wikidata is about to surpass 50 million items, and is also turning 6. Congratulations! Please get in touch with us if you have ideas about how to celebrate all of this!

Did you forget to pay your membership fees for 2018? You can always re-register on this page.

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 27. aug 2018, 11:33 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, this is the last newsletter of the year from us. We wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year! 🎄❄🎅☃

UN International Year of Indigenous Languages
2019 is the UN's International Year of Indigenous Languages, and Wikimedia Norge has been recognized by UNESCO as a Civil Society Partner. Throughout 2019 we will hold a series of events connected to indigenous languages and Sami content online. The first event is an international writing contest in February of 2019. Read more on this page
General assembly in Tromsø, 9 March 2019
Wikimedia Norge's general assembly for 2019 will be held in Tromsø.
As usual we will hold a wiki meetup the day before the general assembly. The meetup on 8 March will begin with a tour of Perspektivet Museum from 17:00 to 18:00, after which we will meet at Casa Inferno.
The general assembly will be held on 9 March from 12:00 to 14:00 at Skansen.

We have been given a new grant from Arts Council Norway to continue the Bodil Biørn project. The project is a cooperation with Wikimedia Armenia and the National Archive of Norway, centered around transcribing and digitizing Biørn's letters from Armenia. You can read an article about the project written by Wikimedia Norge and the National Archive here.

On 12 December 2018, Wikimedia Norge moved its office to Schweigaards gate 34C ( We're hoping to organize a wiki meetup here in the spring.

Did you forget to pay your membership fees for 2018? You can always re-register on this page.

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 17. dec 2018, 23:16 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here is an overview of goings-on organized by Wikimedia Norge this spring.

Wikipedia editing workshop in Trondheim
Litteratur for inkludering are organizing a Wikipedia editing workshop at Litteraturhuset in Trondheim in cooperation with Wikimedia Norge on May 14th. The event is free and open to everyone. Welcome! Facebook event
Travel scholarship for Wikimania
The annual Wikimania conference, which is for anyone interested in the Wikimedia projects, will be held in Stockholm on August 14th–18th. Wikimedia Norge is offering travel scholarships of 3,000 NOK to volunteers who wish to go. You can apply for a scholarship by May 15th on this page.
Retriever access
Every six months Wikimedia Norge are disseminating 6 accesses for Retriever to active Wikipedia contributors. If you are interested in obtaining an access, please add yourself to the list of interested users on this page by May 20th.
Wiki meetup in Oslo
The next wiki meetup in Litteraturhuset will be on May 23rd. Wikimedia Norge has invited for a wiki meetup in Litteraturhuset to talk about fact-checking, and what fact-checkers think about Wikipedia as a project. The event is free and open to anyone. Welcome! Facebook event. Registration page on Wikipedia

Employees and volunteers from Wikimedia Norge will be present at the Oslo Freedom Forum (May 27th–28th), the Celtic Knot Conference in Cornwall (July 4th–5th), Riddu Riđđu (July 10th–14th) and Márkomeannu (July 25th–28th). Please get in touch with us if you are planning to attend any of these events!

2019 is the Year of Indigenous Languages, and Wikimedia Norge has received a grant of 140.000 NOK from UNESCO Norway for our work with Sami knowledge online.

Did you forget to pay your membership fees for 2019? You can always re-register on this page.

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 7. maj 2019, 14:18 (UTC)Svar

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here is our newsletter for August 2019.

Wikimania 2019 in Stockholm
This week, volunteers, employees and board members of Wikimedia Norge will be participating in the international Wikimania conference, which will be held in Stockholm this year. We will participate with a series of presentations, and one of the keynote speakers, Liv Inger Somby, is invited by Wikimedia Norge. You can read more about her in this blog post (also in Northern Sami).
Wiki Loves Monuments
This year the international photo contest Wiki Loves Monuments will be organized in Norway for the ninth time. What's new this year is that there will be an extra category for photos of Sámi monuments. The criteria for the contest are simple – the photos need to be of registered monuments in Norway, and must be uploaded during September 2019, but can be taken whenever. In September the monthly writing contest will also be about monuments in Norway.
During the Márkomeannu festival in July, Wikimedia Norge and Várdobáiki Sámi Centre started the wikiproject Hålogalandsvegen. The wikiproject focuses on improving articles related to the new road Hålogalandsvegen and nearby places in Norwegian Bokmål and Nynorsk and Northern Sami. The project page and the lists of relevant articles will be updated during fall. Feel free to sign up if you are interested in contributing!
Researchers' Days 2019
Wikimedia Norge will again take part in the Researchers' Days (Forskningsdagene) organized by the Research Council of Norway. On September 24th at 17:30 we will hold a seminar on Decolonizing knowledge online at Kulturhuset in Oslo. Welcome!

Keep the dates! October 11th is #wikinobel, and November 27th there will be a meetup at Litteraturhuset. Mer information on these events will come on a later date.

Did you forget to pay your membership fees for 2019? You can always re-register on this page.

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 12. aug 2019, 15:10 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here is our newsletter for November 2019.

During one week of October, Giellavahkku, the UN International Year of Indigenous Languages was celebrated all over the country. Wikimedia Norge was recently granted money from the Sámi Parliament's language funds to create an education program in cooperation with the Sámi University of Appliec Sciences and the University of Tromsø for students to contribute to the Wikipedia in Northern Sámi, or to contribute Sámi content to other Wikimedia projects in general. We have also been granted money from Fritt Ord to put Sámi place names in Wikidata, in cooperation with the Norwegian Mapping Authority. You can read more about this work on our blog.

The jury has finished its task for this year's Wiki Loves Monuments, and the 10 winning photos that go on to the international part of the contest have been announced on the winners page on Commons. Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks a lot to all contestants and jurors!

Here's an overview of Wikimedia Norge events happening in the next few months:

Bodil Biørn and women's invisibility in history
On the 11th of November, Wikimedia Norge and the National Archives of Norway invites you to an event at the National Archive from 17:00 till 19:00. History has often been written by and for men. This is reflected in archives, history books, and on Wikipedia. Why is it important to make source material showing women's perspective on history available? The event is free and open to all. Welcome!
Meet-up at Litteraturhuset
On the 28th of November, Wikimedia Norge invites you to a meet-up at Litteraturhuset in Oslo from 18:00 till 19:00. Ruth Vatvedt Fjell will be presenting.
Fjell, who is quite interested in curse words, is a professor of lexicography and cares about how language can maintain unbalanced gender patterns. Wikipedia is a huge knowledge base where anyone can contribute. Therefore it's right to ask what the type of language we use means for how knowledge is disseminated?
The event is free and open to all. Welcome! Tables in the bar have been reserved from 19:00 for those who wish to continue the discussion there.
Deadline for applying for wikigrants
The 20th of November is the deadline for applying for wikigrants. You can apply for getting expenses related to contributing to Wikimedia projects covered.
Dissemination of Retriever accesses
Also on the 20th of November, 6 accesses to Retriever will be disseminated to active Wikipedia contributors who could use this tool to write articles.

Did you forget to pay your membership fees for 2019? You can always re-register on this page.

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 6. nov 2019, 14:16 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here is our newsletter for January.

Wiki meet-up
During the spring of 2020, we will test out monthly wiki meet-ups at Kulturhuset in Oslo for all wiki people. No set agenda, just bring what you're working on and get help or just have a chat. Jon Harald will be there from at least 17 till 19.
General assembly March 14th
Wikimedia Norge's general assembly will be held on March 14th at noon in the Interkulturelt museum, Tøyenbekken 5, 0188 Oslo. The general assembly documents will be published before the meeting on this page. After the general assembly, everyone is invited for lunch and a tour of the exhibition Typisk dem.
Membership fees due
Wi are grateful for everyone who supports our work! The membership fees for 2020 can be paid via Vipps to 10386 – Wikimedia Norge, or via bank transfer to account no. 1503 08 00866. The fee is normally NOK 200, or NOK 100 for students and others.
Community survey about Wikimedia Diversity Conference in Oslo
Wikimedia Norge is planning a Wikimedia Diversity Conference in 2020, and would love it if you could answer a short survey. You can read more about planning the conference and do the survey on our blog.
Are you a student and interested in freelancing?
Some times Wikimedia Norge needs help with mass uploads to Wikimedia Commons or Wikidata. Would you be able to help with some of this? We imagine it would be a nice freelance job for a student who knows Wikidata and/or Wikipedia. Email if you're interested or have any questions.
Snøhetta to create new visual profile for Wikimedia
Last week two workshops were held in Oslo, after Snøhetta was chosen as a partner by the Wikimedia Foundation to make a new visual profile for Wikimedia. You can read more about that work on this page!

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 21. jan 2020, 12:01 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors.

Wikimedia Norge's general assembly on March 14th at 12:00 will be held purely online, because of the coronavirus situation. The agenda for the general assembly and related documents can be found here.

We're hoping many of you will be able to participate by video or by telephone. On our blog (in Norwegian), you can read about how to join the meeting.

Did you remember to pay your membership fees for 2020? Everyone who paid their membership fees for 2020 has the right to vote at the general assembly. The mebership fees for 2020 (NOK 200, 100 for students and others) can be paid by Vipps to 10386 – Wikimedia Norge, or to account number 1503 08 00866.

We wish all the best for our members!

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 12. mar 2020, 12:31 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors.

Online wiki meetup April 29th, 17:00–18:00
Jon Harald Søby from Wikimedia Norge will explain how to help translating MediaWiki and other software on You can join the meetup by using the same link as the previous online meetup, which is, either via computer or with a smartphone. You don't need a Google account to join. Everyone is welcome to join, and we would like to remind you of Wikimedia Norge's safe space policy. The next meetup after this one will be on May 27th. We have created a page for meetup notifications, so you can be notified on your favourite wiki whenever a new meetup is announced. The link to add yourself to that list is on the top of the meetups page.
The next deadline for wikigrants will be on May 22nd. All Wikimedia contributors can apply for wikigrants. The maximum amount you can apply for is 8 000 NOK. The wikigrant must be used for activities that support one or more Wikimedia projects.
The Wikipedia Library
On May 22nd, accesses to Retriever will be redispersed to active Wikimedians. Access to Sámi newspapers for contributors to the Northern Sámi Wikipedia will also be dispersed for the first time on the same date.
Monthly contest
In June, Iran will be the subject for the monthly contest. In parallel with this, there will be a contest about Norway in the Persian Wikipedia organized by Iranian Wikipedians.

Those who are interested in the ongoing rebranding process can check out for updates.

Did you forget to pay your membership fees for 2020? You can always re-register on this page.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 28. apr 2020, 17:22 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors.

Here is an overview of some of Wikimedia Norge's activities for the next few weeks:

Wiki Loves Monuments
Wiki Loves Monuments is starting today, and will last through all of September. All photos of registered cultural heritage in Norway is eligible for the contest – and as usual, there is a writing contest on the Norwegian Bokmål and Nynorsk and Northern Sámi Wikipedias in conjunction with the photo contest. Good luck!
Virtual wiki meetup
The next virtual wiki meetup will be on Thursday, October 1st. This time the board chair of Wikimedia Norge, Sigrun Espe, will join us as a guest, and the subject will be the cooperative climate on-wiki. The meet-up will take place on Google Meet as usual, from 17.00 CEST at You don't need a Google login to participate. Everyone is welcome and we would like to remind everyone of Wikimedia Norge's safe space policy. See you there!
Arctic Knot, Wikimedia language conference in Norway
In the summer of 2021, Wikimedia Norge will organize Arctic Knot 2021. The conference is a continuation of the Celtic Knot series of conferences organized by Wikimedia UK. We are planning for both an in-person and digital conference. The theme will be small languages and the wiki projects.
For the planning of the conference, we are holding a survey. It's rather short, and we would really appreciate if you would answer it. Thank you!
Wikipedia turns 20 on January 15th, 2021
Wikipedia is turning 20! How should it be celebrated? Wikimedia Norge wants to commemorate the occasion in a good way, and we appreciate all ideas related to the celebration! Feel free to write to Mali if you have any good ideas!

Did you forget to pay your membership fees for 2020? You can always re-register on this page.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 1. sep 2020, 12:50 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

(That's Northern Sámi for "Newsletter from Wikimedia Norge")
Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors.

Here is an overview of some of Wikimedia Norge's activities for the next few weeks:

Virtual meet-up
The next virtual meet-up is on Wednesday, October 29th. Infoboxes are this month's theme. The meet-up will, as usual, take place on Google Meet from 17:00 CET, You don't need to have/use a Google account to participate, and there is no requirement for having a camera or microphone. Everyone is welcome to join, and we would like to remind you of Wikimedia Norge's safe space policy.
In the daytime on November 19th, there will be a small event at the Swedish embassy in Oslo. WikiGap is about minimizing the gender imbalance on Wikipedia. The event will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the UN Security Council's Resolution 1325. Due to infection control, only a small number of participants may join. Send an email to if you wish to participate!
The next deadline for wikigrants is on November 20th. All contributors to the various Wikimedia projects can apply for our wikigrants. The maximum amount is 8 000 NOK. The wikigrant must be used for activities that support one or more Wikimedia projects.
The Wikipedia Library
On November 22nd, accesses to Retriever will again be dispersed to active Wikipedians. Access to Sámi newspapers for contributors to the Northern Sámi Wikipedia will also be dispersed on the same date.
Giellavahkku, Sámi Language Week
This week, the Sámi Language Week is organized all over Norway. We are marking the language week by launching a cooperation with the National Library and Giellatekno at UiT The Arctic University of Norway about placenames. We have written about it on our blog!

Have you remembered to pay your membership dues for 2020? If not, you can always re-register on this page.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO 20. okt 2020, 09:56 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Godt nytt jubileumsår og gratulerer med 20 år med kunnskapsdugnad!

15. januar 2001 ble Wikipedia på engelsk lansert. Temaet for 20-årsmarkeringen er å feire menneskene bak Wikipedia. Alle dere som på en eller annen måte har bidratt til at vi nå kan feire 20 år med fri kunnskap. På grunn av koronasituasjonen kan vi dessverre ikke invitere til noen fysisk feiring nå, men vi håper å kunne invitere til et jubileumsarrangement i løpet av året.

Send en gratulasjon
Vi har laget en gratulasjonsside hvor alle kan sende en gratulasjon til Wikipedia. Vi håper det kan bli en fin side som viser hvorfor Wikipedia fortsatt er like viktig, eller kanskje enda viktigere, enn for 20 år siden. Send inn ditt gratulasjonskort!
Neste wikitreff er 27. januar. Da deltar Karl Wettin fra Wikimedia Sverige, og vil snakke om prosjektet Wikispeech. Dette er et spennende åpent kildekode-prosjekt som handler om brukergenerert stemmesyntetisering. Dette har også bruksområder langt utenfor Wikimedia-prosjektene. Forslag til temaer for senere wikitreff er hjertelig velkomne nederst på wikitreffsiden!
Arrangementer å se fram til i 2021
  • Årsmøte for Wikimedia Norge blir den 6. mars. Møtet vil også i år være digitalt. Mer informasjon kommer.
  • Vi planlegger et virtuelt administratortreff for administratorene på Wikipedia-utgavene på bokmål og nynorsk, trolig i mars. Hvis du er interessert i å bidra til organiseringen av dette, kontakt gjerne Jon Harald.
  • Arctic Art+Feminism: Vi vil organisere fire skriveverksted i løpet av 2021, tema vil være kvinnelige kunstnere og urfolkskunst. Mer informasjon kommer.
  • WikiGap: Dersom smittesituasjonen tillater det blir det WikiGap-arrangement på Den svenske ambassaden i Oslo. Vi håper å se dere der. Tema i år er kvinnelige aktivister fra Sør-Amerika.
  • Arctic Knot: I juni arrangerer vi for første gang språkkonferansen Arctic Knot. Det er en videreføring av konferanseserien Celtic knot. Mer informasjon vil komme om ikke lenge!
Nytt medlemssystem
Vi tar i bruk et nytt medlemssystem. Hva betyr dette for deg? Minst mulig, håper vi. Men for oss vil det føre til en enda bedre oppfølging av dere medlemmer. I neste uke sender vi et nyhetsbrev med bl.a. informasjon om medlemskontingent for 2021. Den kan betales via AvtaleGiro eller Vipps. Har du allerede betalt medlemsavgiften for 2021, så kan du se bort fra denne informasjonen.
Spørreundersøkelse fra Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia Foundation ønsker svar på denne undersøkelsen fra Wikimedia-medlemmer fra hele verden. Wikimedia Foundation har laget en norsk oversettelse av undersøkelsen. Man kan ta undersøkelsen anonymt uten å dele epostadresse, men merk at man da ikke bør lukke nettleseren før man er ferdig med undersøkelsen.

Har du allerede betalt medlemsavgift for 2021? Hvis ikke kan du registrere deg som fortsatt medlem på denne siden.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 15. jan 2021, 14:11 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Here are the latest news from Wikimedia Norge!

General assembly
This year's general assembly was held on March 6th, and the minutes are available here. Amongst other things, it was decided to give Wikimedia Norge an official name in Southern Sámi, Lule Sámi and Kven. That means that we now have 6 official names: Wikimedia Norge (Norwegian Bokmål), Wikimedia Noreg (Norwegian Nynorsk), Wikimedia Norga (Northern Sámi), Wikimedia Vuodna (Lule Sámi), Wikimedia Nöörje (Southern Sámi) and Wikimedia Norja (Kven).
New board
Hogne Neteland exited the board after many years of service, we would like to thank him for his efforts! Sigrun Espe continues as board chair. The board has two new board members:
  • Fredrik Ljone, Bergen. Board member, elected for the 2021–2023 term. Ljone is dedicated to sharing knowledge, open data and rule of law. He has taken the initiative to make the law more accessible for everyone through and
  • Stian Amadeus Antonsen, Oslo. Deputy board member, elected for the 2021–2022 term. Antonsen has a lot of experience from different civil society organizations, and works as a political advisor in the Norwegian Students' and Academics' International Assistance Fund (SAIH). He is dedicated to diversity and inclusion, and wants everyone to be able to share in the production and dissemination of knowledge.
Welcome to them both!
Arctic Knot
On June 24–25, Wikimedia Norge will organize the digital Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference.
Wikipedia is a cornerstone of the digital age, but the knowledge you'll find isn't evenly distributed across languages. The Wikimedia movement is about to implement its 2030 strategy, while UNESCO is working on the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL), which starts in 2022. IDIL shows the potential that technology has in supporting and maintaining indigenous languages. These milestones form a frame for the conference, where we will discuss linguistic diversity in the Wikimedia projects, and how to build good linguistic environments for the users of indigenous and underrepresented language communities.
Arctic Knot is a conference for all Wikipedians and Wikimedians who are interested in indigenous languages, and also for organizations and institutions working in this field. This year's special focus will be on the Sámi languages. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Jon Harald Søby at
Administrator meetup
On Saturday, March 20, we held a administrator meetup for the Norwegian-language Wikimedia projects. There were 10 participants, of which one is a Wiktionary administrator, and the rest are administrators on the Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia. The meetup was initiated by Wikimedia Norge on request from the community.
During the meetup there was a walkthrough of "hidden" or little-known administrator tools, like mass deletion, new blocking options and patrolling tools. There was also broad agreement that there is a need to update and centralize rules and guidelines on-wiki.
Wikimedia Enterprise
With its new project Wikimedia Enterprise, the Wikimedia Foundation is working on a way to cooperate with commercial actors like Google and Amazon. A lot of commercial actors are already using Wikimedia content, but without any formal agreements or financial compensation. Wikimedia Enterprise is meant to be a service that will improve the user experience of Wikimedia outside of the Wikimedia platforms, and also be financially self-sustaining.
According to an article in Wired, the Wikimedia Foundation wants to make the effort of the volunteers more visible, and stimulate the tech giants to help contribute to the volunteer community.
Wikipedia 20 years
The Norwegian minister of education, Guri Melby, has sent a video message to all Wikipedians in connection with the 20th anniversary! Go have a look! Remember that you too can send a message!

Have you already paid your membership fees for 2021? If not, you can always do so by re-registering on this page.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 20. apr 2021, 14:40 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, here are the latest news from Wikimedia Norge!

Arctic Knot
On June 24–25, the Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference is finally under way! The conference is fully digital, and we hope you'll find the program interesting! There will be exciting talks and panel debates, and an opportunity to get to know projects like Abstract Wikipedia and Wikisource.
The full program is now available on Meta-Wiki, and you can read more about the conference on our blog.
Registration for the conference has opened, and participation is free of charge.
You can register all the way up until the conference starts, but if you wish to participate in the Unlocking the potential of digital language archives session, you need to register by June 20th in order to be able to use the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) as the session is happening.
The program is varied and exciting, and we think everyone will find something interesting in the program.
Du you wish to contribute to the conference as a volunteer? All participation is very welcome!
Maybe you'd like to help test the platform we'll be using beforehand? Or do you have any questions you think should be raised during the panel debate? Maybe you'd like to contribute with entertainment of some sort? Get in touch on!
The monthly contest on Wikipedia
The subject of June's monthly contest will be artists. Edits to all articles on artists will yield points, but we hope many would like to write about Sámi and other indigenous artists!
This year's Wikimania will also be fully digital, enabling even more people to participate. The theme will be 20 years of Wikipedia, so it is a time to celebrate what the Wikimedia movement has achieved, and look back on the journey that led us here. You can now propose sessions for Wikimania. If you have an idea for a session, but are not sure about how to angle it, feel free to get in touch with us. We can help with brainstorming and whatever else you need!
Wiki meet-ups
It's not long before we can hold in-person meet-ups again, and some plans are already under way. It would be great for more people to be able to join meet-ups. Wikimedia Norge can help financially if you wish to organize a meet-up where you live.
We will still be organizing meet-ups, workshops and admin meet-ups at (ir)regular intervals, either digitally or in-person. If you have any ideas for topics, feel free to get in touch with Jon Harald (!

Have you already paid your membership fees for 2021? If not, you can always do so by re-registering on this page.

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Jon Harald Søby 28. maj 2021, 12:40 (UTC)Svar

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, here are the latest news from Wikimedia Norge!

Arctic Knot – a big success
The final thing we did before the summer holidays was to hold the Arctic Knot Conference. We spent most of 2021 preparing the conference, and the conference lasted for two days with a lot of participation. Most of the videos from the conference are available in this playlist on YouTube.
13–17 August
Wikimania starts tomorrow, and the deadline for registering is midnight UTC tonight. Wikimania lasts for 5 days, and the program is adapted to multiple timezones, so it will take place at various parts of the day. There are plenty of interesting submissions!
Wikimedia Norge is participating with a workshop. The workshop's goal is to further develop the idea of a Wikimedia hub for underrepresented language communities. Everyone is welcome to participate!
Next wiki meet-up
25 August
The first meet-up of the fall will be about Abstract Wikipedia. We will watch Denny Vrandečić's presentation from Arctic Knot together, and discuss afterwards. The meet-up will take place on Google Meet, and start at 17.00 CEST. Simply explained, Abstract Wikipedia is about writing articles as functions in order to make them language-independent.
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
9 August marks the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, and we wrote a blog post based on some of the presentations from the Arctic Knot Conference.
Wikipedia 20 years
Due to Wikipedia's 20 year anniversary, we have received video greetings from government ministers and the President of the Sámi Parliament. You can watch the videos here. The greetings are for everyone who has contributed to Wikipedia during its 20 years of existence – thank you very much for your efforts!
Wikipedia in Norwegian turns 20 in November. This will be celebrated at the November meet-up; further information will come later.

Have you already paid your membership fees for 2021? If not, you can always do so by re-registering on this page.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 12. aug 2021, 13:59 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, here are the latest news from Wikimedia Norge!

Wikipedia in Norwegian Bokmål is turning 20!
The Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia turns 20 on November 26, and this will be celebrated during the December 1 wiki meet-up. That will be a virtual meet-up with a quiz and other fun. Do you wish to receive a 20th anniversary T-shirt? Send us your address and size (S–XL) to!
Here's more information about the meet-up.
Giellavahkku and Sámi work
Maybe you've been wondering why there's been so much Sámi stuff in social media lately? The reason is the Sámi language week, Giellavahkku, which aims to make the Sámi languages more visible. The Sámi languages, culture and history are an important part of the diversity of knowledge. We have summarized the work we're doing with regards to Sámi languages in this blog post.
The Lapp Codicil was repatriated to the Sámi Archives this month, after a long process. The Lapp Codicil is still the base of the laws for borders in the North of Scandinavia. It will soon also be available on Wikimedia Commons.
Queer culture year 2022
Througout 2022, the queer culture year (Skeivt kulturår) will be marked in Norway. In preparation for this, we have uploaded 139 interviews by the Queer Archive to Wikimedia Commons. We also have several other projects planned for next year.
– The fact that queer experiences, history and culture aren't reflected online is a blank spot in our common history, says Heide Rohde Rafto, acting academic director of the Queer Archive of Norway. She adds that queer history is not only the history of LGBT+ people, but of the whole of society.
By engaging in the queer cultural year, we are hoping to fill in these blank spots. And we're doing this from a diversity point of view – it's not all about gender and sexuality, but also about individuality and the people who have made an effort to effect change.
Language Diversity Hub
Diversity of knowledge shouldn't just be limited to Norway. Through international cooperations, we are hoping to create a gathering point for those who are working on indigenous and underrepresented languages. In this project we are joined by several participants of the Arctic Knot Conference this summer. You can read more about this work on this page.
It will soon be time to disperse access tokens for Retriever again. You can sign up from November 15. Reminders will be posted on Torget and Samfunnshuset when the sign-up opens.
Wikimedia Sverige have a separate deal with the Swedish Retriever. They have many access tokens available, and can share them with Norwegian volunteers as well. Only Swedish media is available through their deal. Sign up on this list on the Swedish Wikipedia if you're interested in getting access to the Swedish Retriever.
Now that society has reopened, there are more opportunities to go out and about! There are several activities you can apply for a wikigrant for. All Wikimedia contributors can apply for a grant of up to 8,000 NOK. The grant must be used for activities that support one or more Wikimedia projects, and the application deadline is November 20.

Have you already paid your membership fees for 2021? If not, you can always do so by re-registering on this page.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 3. nov. 2021, 15:16 (UTC)Svar

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, here are the latest news from Wikimedia Norge!

English Wikipedia most visited
Statistics for pageviews to encyclopedias in Norway in 2021 were recently shared on Torget. Not surprisingly, Wikipedia is the most-visited encyclopedia; the English-language edition is slightly ahead of the Norwegian Bokmål and Nynorsk editions (combined), with 348 and 325 million pageviews, respectively. In comparison, the next encyclopedia on the list, Store norske leksikon, had 112 million pageviews. The numbers speak for themselves: Wikipedia is where people go to learn.
It is also a reminder that Wikipedians' efforts are incredibly important. We hope these numbers can help motivate both new and experienced contributors.
Thanks to H@r@ld for sharing this information.
Bot workshop
On Sunday 27 February from 12:00–16:00, we will hold a bot workshop! We will go through how to set up and run the most common bot framework, Pywikibot, on PAWS, and show some of the most common standard scripts in Pywikibot.
Maximum 10 participants! Sign up on the meet-up page or via e-mail to
Year of Queer Culture
panel debate in Bergen
On Thursday 24 March, Wikimedia Norge and the National Archive for Queer History will hold a panel debate at Litteraturhuset, Bergen. The theme for the debate is how archives, museums and Wikipedia can make queer history, art and culture more visible. IT will also examine how we use contemporary labels for the past. A common understanding of what queer history is will help us to make queer history more visible.
The event is part of the Year of Queer Culture 2022.
Wiki meet-up and general assembly in Bergen
Wikimedia Norge will host a wiki meet-up with pizza and something to drink at Villa Paradiso Ole Bull on 25 March, starting 18:30. Register on the wiki meet-up page or by e-mail to
The next day, on 26 March from 12–14, we will hold our general assembly, taking place at Litteraturhuset, Bergenː All members are welcome! The general assembly will also be streamed for those who can't be there in person, and voting will happen digitally.
Active contributors can get a travel stipend. Send an e-mail to in order to apply.
Remember membership fees before the general assembly!
You can finally use Vipps to set up a regular, annual payment of your membership. We have updated our website and hope even more people will use a recurring payment. If you wish to use AvtaleGiro, that is also still possible.
Remember that you must have paid your membership fee for 2022 in order to vote at the general assembly.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 3. feb. 2022, 15:03 (UTC)Svar

Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Norge

Hello, here are the latest news from Wikimedia Norge!

Wikigrants and news archive access
December 1st is the deadline to apply for wikigrants from Wikimedia Norge. If you have an idea for a wiki-related project you'd like to do, but need some extra money to do it, you should apply! Anything goes as long as the end result benefits the Wikimedia projects.
On the same date we will be dispersing access to the news archive Retriever for the period until May 20th, 2023. In Retriever, you can search the archives of 2,916 Norwegian news sources. Sign up on the list on Wikipedia if you're interested.
Committee being put together
How should we increase the number of members of Wikimedia Norge? We hope you would like to give us some input.
The 2022 general assembly decided that a committee should be put together to find out how to incentivize members to join. The board of Wikimedia Norge has written a mandate to give the committee a good frame of reference. The committee will consist of members and other Wikimedians, as well as a representative from the administration, and will deliver a report to the board on January 15th, 2023.
We encourage anyone who wants more info or wants to join the committee to get in touch with board chair Marie Nicolaisen by November 27th on
Start-up help
Do you know someone who wants to contribute to Wikipedia, but doesn't know where to start?
On Wikipedia they can get a mentor, and there is a forum for new users. Now they can also meet an experienced Wikipedian "face-to-face" in an online event to get help live. Wikimedia Norge's start-up help will happen on the first Wednesday of every month. The first opportunity is December 7th, 19–20 CET.
This is happening before Christmas
Wiki meet-up: Tuesday November 22nd, 17:00–22:00 at Deichman Bjørvika, Oslo. Active contributors will meet up for a workshop and exchange of experiences. After the meet-up there will be a social meeting at nearby Døgnvill Burger.
Start-up help: Wednesday December 7th, 19:00–20:00. Digital meet-up for new Wikipedians to get started.
Christmas meet-up: Thursday December 8th we will meet at Dattera til Hagen in Oslo. Those who want to eat will meet at 17:00; there will be a quiz from 19:00 onwards.

Have you already paid your membership fees for 2022? If not, you can always do so by re-registering on this page.

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Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 22. nov. 2022, 13:51 (UTC)Svar

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 5. apr. 2023, 13:38 (UTC)Svar

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 18. sep. 2023, 07:21 (UTC)Svar

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 6. mar. 2024, 07:39 (UTC)Svar