List of national independence days

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For patriotic days not necessarily linked to independence, see National day.

An independence day is an annual event commemorating the anniversary of a nation's independence or statehood, usually after ceasing to be a group or part of another nation or state, or after the end of a military occupation, or after a major change in government. Many countries commemorate their independence from a colonial empire.

  Unification/revolution-related national day

  Other reasons for national day

  No official national day

Not all countries mark independence as a national holiday. Many, such as Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, New Zealand, Ireland, Luxembourg, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Turkey mark other dates of significance.

List of independence days of countries around the world
Country Name of holiday Date of holiday Year of event Independence from Event commemorated and notes
  Afghanistan Independence Day 19 August 1919   United Kingdom Anglo-Afghan Treaty of 1919 or Treaty of Rawalpindi, an armistice between the United Kingdom and Afghanistan during the Third Anglo-Afghan War.[1]
Liberation Day 15 February 1989   Soviet Union Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan
  Albania Independence Day 28 November 1912   Ottoman Empire Albanian Declaration of Independence. The following day, 3 September 1943, 29 November, is celebrated as the Liberation Day and commemorates the end of the German occupation in 1944.[2]
  Algeria Independence Day 5 July 1962   France Algeria gained independence following the Algerian War and the Algerian independence referendum. France officially recognized independent Algeria on 3 July, but the Independence Day is celebrated on 5 July, the day of the fall of Algiers in 1830 and the beginning of French Algeria.[3][4]
  Angola Independence Day 11 November 1975   Portugal The Alvor Agreement, signed on 15 January 1975, granted Angola independence from Portugal on 11 November, ending the Angolan War of Independence.[5]
  Antigua and Barbuda Independence Day 1 November 1981   United Kingdom The effective date of the Antigua Termination of Association Order passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom in July.[6][7]
  Argentina Independence Day 9 July 1816[8]   Spanish Empire Argentine Declaration of Independence.
  Armenia Republic Day 28 May 1918[9]   Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic Declaration of Independence of Armenia (1918).
Independence Day 21 September 1991   Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic 1991 Armenian independence referendum.
  Azerbaijan Independence Day 28 May 1918   Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Declaration of Independence of Azerbaijan
Day of Restoration of Independence 18 October 1991[10]   Soviet Union Adoption of the constitutional act "On the State Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan"[10]
  The Bahamas Independence Day 10 July 1973   United Kingdom Effective date of The Bahamas Independence Order 1973[11]
  Bahrain Independence Day 16 December 1971   United Kingdom Ascension of Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa to the throne.[12]
  Bangladesh Independence Day 26 March 1971   Pakistan Proclamation of Bangladeshi Independence
Victory Day 16 December 1971 Victory over Pakistan Armed Forces in the Bangladesh Liberation War
  Barbados Independence Day 30 November 1966   United Kingdom Effective date of the Barbados Independence Act 1966. Also the anniversary of the formal proclamation of Barbados as a Republic in the Commonwealth in 2021.
  Belarus Independence Day 3 July 1944   Nazi Germany The liberation of Minsk after several years of German occupation in 1944. Two other independence days – 25 March (proclamation of the Belarusian People's Republic in 1918) and 27 July (independence from the Soviet Union in 1990) – are commemorated unofficially.[13]
  Belgium National Day 21 July 1831   Netherlands Ascension of Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld to the throne.[14]
  Belize Independence Day 21 September 1981   United Kingdom Effective day of the Belize Act 1981.[15]
  Benin Independence Day 1 August 1960   France Effective date of the agreement with France signed on 11 July creating the independent Republic of Dahomey.[16]
  Bhutan National Day 17 December 1907
  Bolivia Independence Day 6 August 1825   Spain Bolivian Declaration of Independence.
  Bosnia and Herzegovina Independence Day 1 March 1992   Yugoslavia 1992 Bosnian independence referendum.
  Botswana Independence Day 30 September 1966   United Kingdom Effective date of the Botswana Independence Act 1966.[17]
  Brazil Independence Day (Dia da Independência) 7 September 1822   Portugal Declaration of independence by Pedro I of Brazil (see Independence of Brazil).[18]
  Brunei National Day 23 February 1984   United Kingdom Brunei gained full independence effective 1 January 1984 under the Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation of 7 January 1979 between United Kingdom and Brunei.[19] However, the celebrations of the first National Day were delayed until 23 February and that day continues to be celebrated since.[20]
  Bulgaria Liberation Day 3 March 1878   Ottoman Empire Treaty of San Stefano which created the autonomous Principality of Bulgaria.[21]
Independence Day 22 September 1908[22] Bulgarian Declaration of Independence.[22]
  Burkina Faso Proclamation of Independence Day 11 December 1958   France Effective date when French Upper Volta became an autonomous republic in the French Community.
Independence Day 5 August 1960[23] Effective date of the agreement with France signed on 11 July and creation of the independent Republic of Upper Volta.[16]
  Burundi Independence Day 1 July 1962   Belgium Effective date of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1746 terminating the Ruanda-Urundi Trusteeship.[24][25]
  Cambodia Independence Day 9 November 1953   France Ceremony transferring military from French to Cambodian officials based on a military hand-over agreement reached on 17 October 1953.[26][27]
  Cameroon National Day 20 May 1960   United Kingdom
Cameroon gained independence on 1 January 1960, but does not celebrate that date. Instead, it celebrates the National Day on 20 May commemorating the 1972 Cameroonian constitutional referendum.[28]
  Canada Canada Day 1 July 1867   United Kingdom Canada Day on 1 July commemorates the establishment of the Dominion of Canada in 1867.[29]
  Cape Verde Independence Day 5 July 1975   Portugal Effective date of the Agreement Between Portugal and Partido Africano para a Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde (PAIGC) signed on 18 December 1974.[30]
  Central African Republic National Day 1 December 1958   France Effective date when Central African Republic became an autonomous republic of the French Community.[31]
Independence Day 13 August 1960[32] Effective date of the agreement with France signed on 12 July.[16]
  Chad Republic Day 28 November 1958[33] Effective date when Chad became an autonomous republic in the French Community.[34]
Independence Day 11 August 1960 Effective date of the agreement with France signed on 12 July.[16]
  Chile Independence Day (part of Fiestas Patrias) 18 September 1810   Spanish Empire Establishment of the Government Junta of Chile.[35] The following day, 19 September, is celebrated as the Army Day.[36] The two holidays collectively are known as Fiestas Patrias.[37]
  China National Day 1 October 1949   Republic of China Mao Zedong's formal proclamation of the establishment of the People's Republic of China
  Colombia Independence Day 20 July 1810   Spanish Empire Colombian Declaration of Independence
  Comoros Independence Day 6 July 1975   France Unilateral declaration of independence by the Chamber of Deputies of Comoros following the 1974 Comorian independence referendum.[38]
  Congo, Democratic Republic of the Independence Day 30 June 1960   Belgium Effective date of the Treaty of Friendship, Assistance and Co-operation between Belgium and the Congo concluded on 29 June 1960.[39]
  Congo, Republic of the Republic Day 28 November 1958[40]   France Effective date when Congo became an autonomous republic in the French Community.[40]
Independence Day 15 August 1960   France
  Costa Rica Independence Day 15 September 1821   Spanish Empire Act of Independence of Central America.[citation needed]
  Croatia National Day 30 May[41] 1990[42]   Yugoslavia First session of the Croatian Parliament following the 1990 Croatian parliamentary election.[42] 8 October (when the parliament adopted a decision to sever constitutional relations with Yugoslavia in 1991) and 25 June (when the parliament voted for independence in 1991) were also celebrated as independence days. After the 2019 changes to the law on public holidays, 8 October is the Parliament Day and 25 June is the Independence Day, but they are memorial days and not public holidays.[41]
  Cuba Independence Day[43] 10 October 1868[44]   Spanish Empire Call to rebellion (known as Grito de Yara) by sugar planter Carlos Manuel de Cespedes that led to the Ten Years' War for independence.[45]
  Cyprus Independence Day 1 October 1960   United Kingdom Effective date of the London-Zürich Agreements was 16 August 1960, but the public holiday was moved to 1 October to avoid summer heat and tourist season.[46]
  Czech Republic Independence 28 October 1918   Austria-Hungary Independence declaration by the Czechoslovak National Council.[47] Official day of independence of the Czech Republic
Restoration Day 1 January 1993[48]   Czechoslovakia Effective date of the Peaceful Dissolution of Czechoslovakia into Czech Republic and Slovakia.[49]
  Djibouti Independence Day 27 June 1977   France
  Dominica Independence Day 3 November 1978   United Kingdom
  Dominican Republic Independence Day 30 November 1821   Spanish Empire Independence from Spain in November 1821.[50]
27 February 1844   Haiti Independence re-declared from Haiti in 1844, after a 22-year occupation. Start of the Dominican War of Independence.
Restoration Day 16 August 1863   Spanish Empire Day of Grito del Capotillo on August 16, 1863. Independence officially restored from Spain on July 11, 1865 after victory in the Dominican Restoration War.
  East Timor Proclamation of Independence Day 28 November 1975   Portugal East Timor Unilateral Declaration of Independence from the Portuguese rule in 1975.
  Ecuador Independence Day 10 August 1809   Spanish Empire Proclaimed independence on 10 August 1809, but failed with the execution of all the conspirators of the movement on 2 August 1810.
  Egypt Revolution Day 23 July 1952   United Kingdom
  El Salvador Independence Day 15 September 1821   Spanish Empire Act of Independence of Central America.[citation needed]
  Equatorial Guinea Independence Day 12 October 1968   Spain
  Eritrea Independence Day 24 May 1991   Ethiopia Eritrean War of Independence.
  Estonia Independence Day 24 February 1918   Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Estonian Declaration of Independence.
Day of Restoration of Independence[51] 20 August 1991   Soviet Union[51] Estonian Restoration of Independence.
  Eswatini Independence Day (Somhlolo Day) 6 September 1968   United Kingdom Commemorates independence.[52] Also called Somhlolo Day or Subhuza Day, after the 19th-century leader Sobhuza I.[53]
  Fiji Fiji Day 10 October 1970   United Kingdom Instruments of Independence
  Finland Independence Day 6 December 1917   Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Finnish Declaration of Independence
  Gabon Independence Day 16–17 August 1960   France Effective date of the agreement with France signed on 15 July.[16]
  Gambia, The Independence Day 18 February 1965   United Kingdom Effective date of the Gambia Independence Act 1964.
  Georgia Independence Day 26 May 1918   Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Day of the proclamation of the Democratic Republic of Georgia in 1918.
National Unity Day 9 April 1991   Soviet Union
  Germany German Unity Day 3 October 1990   West Germany
  East Germany
  Soviet Union
It commemorates German reunification in 1990 when the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) were unified.
  Ghana Independence Day 6 March 1957   United Kingdom
  Greece Independence Day 25 March 1821   Ottoman Empire Declaration of independence 1821. Start of the Greek War of Independence.
  Grenada Independence Day 7 February 1974   United Kingdom
  Guatemala Independence Day 15 September 1821   Spanish Empire Act of Independence of Central America.[citation needed]
  Guinea Independence Day 2 October 1958   France
  Guinea-Bissau Independence Day 24 September 1973   Portugal
  Guyana Independence Day 26 May 1966   United Kingdom
  Haiti Independence Day 1 January 1804   France
Haitian Declaration of Independence.
  Honduras Independence Day 15 September 1821   Spanish Empire Act of Independence of Central America.[citation needed]
  Hungary Day of Hungarian Freedom (A magyar szabadság napja) Last Saturday of June 1991   Hungarian People's Republic
  Soviet Union
Restoration of Hungary's sovereignty after the withdrawal of Soviet troops in June 1991.[54][55]
  Iceland National Day 17 June 1944   Denmark Effective date of the dissolution of the Danish–Icelandic Act of Union following the 1944 Icelandic constitutional referendum.[56]
  India Independence Day (Swatantra Diwas) 15 August 1947   United Kingdom Effective date of the Indian Independence Act 1947.[a]
  Indonesia Independence Day (Hari Kemerdekaan) 17 August 1945   Empire of Japan
Proclamation of Indonesian Independence.
  Iran Iranian Islamic Republic Day 1 April 1979   Imperial State of Persia After holding a referendum, Iran officially became an Islamic republic in April 1979.[57]
  Iraq Independence Day 3 October 1932   United Kingdom
  Israel Independence Day (Yom Ha'atzmaut) Iyar 5 (On or between 15 April and 15 May, depending on the Hebrew calendar). 1948   United Kingdom
  Mandatory Palestine
  British Mandate for Palestine
Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708 in the Hebrew calendar). Yom Ha'atzmaut is celebrated on the Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday nearest to 5 Iyar, so it occurs between 3 and 6 Iyar each year; this means that the holiday can fall any time between and including 15 April and 15 May, according to the Gregorian calendar.
  Ivory Coast Independence Day 7 August 1960   France Effective date of the agreement with France signed on 11 July.[16]
  Jamaica Independence Day 6 August 1962   United Kingdom Independence of Jamaica.
  Japan National Foundation Day 11 February 660 BCE
  Jordan Independence Day 25 May 1946   United Kingdom
  Emirate of Transjordan
  Mandate for Palestine
Ascension of Abdullah I of Jordan to the throne.[56]
  Kazakhstan Independence Day 16 December 1991   Soviet Union
  Kenya Jamhuri Day 12 December 1963   United Kingdom
  Kiribati Independence Day 12 July 1979   United Kingdom Kiribati gained its independence from the United Kingdom, becoming a sovereign state in 1979.
  North Korea National Liberation Day of Korea (Chogukhaebangŭi nal) 15 August 1945   Empire of Japan Liberation from the Empire of Japan in 1945. See Japanese Occupation of Korea. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea was founded in 1948.
  South Korea March 1st Movement (Samiljeol) 1 March 1919 Korean Declaration of Independence in 1919. This day is celebrated as Samiljeol, or Independence Proclamation Day.
National Liberation Day of Korea (Gwangbokjeol) 15 August 1945 Liberation from the Empire of Japan in 1945. See Japanese Occupation of Korea. The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea was founded in 1919.
  Kosovo Independence Day 17 February 2008   Serbia February 17th is celebrated as Independence Day in Kosovo, commemorating the declaration of independence from Serbia in 2008, marking a significant milestone in the nation's history.
  Kuwait National Day 25 February 1961   United Kingdom Independence actually occurred on 19 June 1961, but celebrate on 25 February each year to honor Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salim, who is credited with ending the treaties with Britain and instigating democratic life in Kuwait.
  Kyrgyzstan Independence Day 31 August 1991   Soviet Union
  Latvia Proclamation Day of the Republic of Latvia 18 November 1918   Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
  German Empire
Proclamation of independence on 18 November 1918. Latvia was part of Russian Empire prior to World War I, but its territory had been ceded to German Empire in March 1918.
Day of Restoration of Independence 4 May 1990   Soviet Union On the Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia.
  Lebanon Independence Day 22 November 1943   Vichy France
  Lesotho Independence Day 4 October 1966   United Kingdom
  Liberia Independence Day 26 July 1847   American Colonization Society Liberian Declaration of Independence.
  Libya Independence Day 24 December 1951   United Kingdom
Independence from Italy on 10 February 1947, released from British and French on 24 December 1951.
  Liechtenstein National Day 15 August 1866   German Confederation
  Lithuania Statehood Restoration Day 16 February 1918   Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
  German Empire
Act of Independence of Lithuania.
Independence Restoration Day 11 March 1990   Soviet Union Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania.
  Madagascar Independence Day 26 June 1960   France
  Malawi Independence Day 6 July 1964   United Kingdom
  Malaysia Independence Day/National Day (Hari Kemerdekaan/Hari Kebangsaan) 31 August 1957 Malayan Declaration of Independence.
Malaysia Day (Hari Malaysia) 16 September 1965 Malaysia Agreement
  Maldives Independence Day 26 July 1965   United Kingdom
  Mali Independence Day 22 September 1960   France
  Malta Independence Day 21 September 1964   United Kingdom
  Marshall Islands Constitution Day 1 May 1979   United States
  Mauritania Independence Day 28 November 1960   France Effective date of the agreement with France signed on 19 October.[16]
  Mauritius Independence Day 12 March 1968   United Kingdom
  Mexico Independence Day (Día de la Independéncia)
Cry of Dolores (Grito de Dolores)
16 September 1810   Spanish Empire Start of the Mexican War of Independence.
  Micronesia Independence Day 3 November 1986   United States Effective date of the Compact of Free Association.
  Moldova Independence Day 27 August 1991   Soviet Union Moldovan Declaration of Independence.
  Mongolia Independence Day 29 December[58] 1911   Qing dynasty[59][60] Independence declared in 1911 during the Xinhai Revolution. However, Mongolian independence was neither recognized by Qing China nor its successor state, the Republic of China. The Imperial Edict of the Abdication of the Qing Emperor issued in 1912 provided the legal basis for the Republic of China to inherit all Qing territories, including Mongolia.[61][62][63] The Republic of China later established de facto control over Mongolia in 1919. Mongolia subsequently re-asserted its independence in 1921.
  Montenegro Independence Day 21 May 2006   Serbia and Montenegro 2006 Montenegrin independence referendum.
  Morocco Proclamation of Independence Day 11 January 1944   France
Proclamation of Independence.
Independence Day 18 November 1955 Return of Mohammed V of Morocco from exile.
  Mozambique Independence Day
Dia da Independência Nacional
25 June 1975   Portugal In September 1964 the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO) began an armed guerilla campaign against the Portuguese. FRELIMO took control of Maputo in April 1974 in a coup. Independence for Mozambique was officially declared a year later on 25 June 1975.[64]
  Myanmar Independence Day 4 January 1948   United Kingdom Burmese Declaration of Independence.
  Namibia Independence Day 21 March 1990   South Africa
  Nauru Independence Day 31 January 1968   United Kingdom
  New Zealand
End of Nauru's status as a United Nations trust territory. Also marks the date of the return of the Nauruans from Truk island after the Japanese occupation of Nauru during World War II.[65]
  Nicaragua Independence Day 15 September 1821   Spain Act of Independence of Central America.[citation needed]
  Niger Independence Day 3 August 1960   France Effective date of the agreement with France signed on 11 July.[16]
  Nigeria Independence Day 1 October 1960   United Kingdom
  North Macedonia Republic Day 2 August 1903   Ottoman Empire Republic Day: Recognition of the establishment of the short-lived Kruševo Republic during the Ilinden Uprising.
Independence Day (Den na nezavisnosta) 8 September 1991   Yugoslavia
  Norway Constitution Day 17 May 1814   Denmark National Day: Independence and the Constitution of Norway (17 May 1814).
Independence Day 7 June 1905   Sweden Union Dissolution and Independence Day (7 June 1905).
  Oman National Day 18 November 1650   Portugal
  Pakistan Independence Day (Youm-e-Azadi) 14 August 1947   United Kingdom Effective date of the Indian Independence Act 1947;[b][66] see also: Pakistan Day (23 March).
  Palau Independence Day 1 October 1994   United States 9 July (1980) is Palau's Constitution Day usually commemorated with formal events. Independence Day celebrations are more elaborate and last several days.
  Panama Independence Day 28 November 1821   Spanish Empire Independence Act of Panama
Separation Day 3 November 1903   Colombia Panama was member of Gran Colombia until 1903. The 1903 separation from Colombia is celebrated as an official holiday day on 3 November.
  Papua New Guinea Independence Day 16 September 1975   Australia
  Papua and New Guinea
  Paraguay Independence Day 14 and 15 May 1811   Spanish Empire[67]
  Peru Independence Day 28 July 1821   Spanish Empire
  Philippines Independence Day (Araw ng Kalayaan or Araw ng Kasarinlan) 12 June 1898 Philippine Declaration of Independence by Emilio Aguinaldo during the Philippine Revolution against Spain. The Philippines achieved self-rule from the United States on 4 July 1946, and celebrated 4 July as Independence Day until 1964.[70]
Republic Day 4 July 1946   United States
  Poland Independence Day (Święto Niepodległości) 11 November 1918   Russian Republic
  German Empire
Restoration of Poland's independence in 1918 after 123 years of partitions by Russia, Prussia, and Austria.
  Portugal Restoration of Independence Day 1 December 1640   Spanish Empire Portugal was officially an autonomous state, but the country was in a personal union with the Spanish crown from 1580 to 1640 – date of the restoration of full Portuguese autonomy from Iberian Union with Spain.[71]
  Qatar National Day 18 December 1878   Ottoman Empire
  Romania National Independence Day
(Ziua Independenței Naționale)
10 May 1876   Ottoman Empire Romania's declaration of its independence and subsequent victory in the Romanian War of Independence, part of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878, against the Ottoman Empire.[72]
Great Union Day

(Ziua Unirii Mare)

1 December 1918 Unification of Romania on 1 December 1918
  Rwanda Independence Day 1 July 1962   Belgium Effective date of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1746 terminating the Rwanda-Urundi Trusteeship.[24][25]
  Saint Kitts and Nevis Independence Day 19 September 1983   United Kingdom
  Saint Lucia Independence Day 22 February 1979
  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Independence Day 27 October 1979
  Samoa Independence Day 1 June 1962   New Zealand
  São Tomé and Príncipe Independence Day 12 July 1975   Portugal Effective date of the agreement with Portugal reached on 26 November 1974.[73][74]
  Senegal Independence Day 4 April 1960   France
  Serbia Statehood Day 15 February 1804 and 1835   Ottoman Empire Outbreak of the First Serbian Uprising in 1804, which evolved into a Serbian Revolution; the adoption of the first modern constitution in 1835.
  Seychelles Independence Day 29 June 1976   United Kingdom
  Sierra Leone Independence Day 27 April 1961
  Singapore National Day 9 August 1965   Malaysia Proclamation of Singapore.
  Slovakia Independence Day 28 October 1918   Austria-Hungary Independence declaration by the Czechoslovak National Council.[75]
Independence Day 17 July 1992   Czechoslovakia Declaration of Independence in 1992 (only a remembrance day), de jure independence came on 1 January 1993, after the division of Czechoslovakia (public holiday).
Restoration Day 1 January 1993   Czechoslovakia Effective date of the Dissolution of Czechoslovakia into Czech Republic and Slovakia.[76]
  Slovenia Statehood Day 25 June 1991   Yugoslavia Date of Slovenia's declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in 1991.
Independence and Unity Day 26 December 1990   Yugoslavia Date of the release of the official results of the independence plebiscite in 1990, confirming secession from Yugoslavia.
  Solomon Islands Independence Day 7 July 1978   United Kingdom
  Somalia Independence Day 26 June 1960   United Kingdom
  Somaliland Independence Day 26 June 1960   United Kingdom
Independence Day 18 May 1990   Somalia
  Sri Lanka Independence Day 4 February 1948   United Kingdom Celebrates to commemorate the country’s political independence from British rule in 1948.[77] Event celebrated annually.
  Sudan Independence Day 1 January 1956   United Kingdom
  South Sudan Independence Day 9 July 2011   Sudan
  Suriname Independence Day 25 November 1975   Netherlands
   Switzerland Swiss National Day 1 August 1291   Holy Roman Empire Alliance against the Holy Roman Empire in 1291.
  Syria Evacuation Day 17 April 1946   France End of the French Mandate of Syria in 1946.
  Tajikistan Independence Day 9 September 1991   Soviet Union
  Tanzania Independence Day 9 December 1961   United Kingdom Independence as Tanganyika.
  Togo Independence Day 27 April 1960   France
  Tonga Emancipation Day 4 June 1970   United Kingdom Termination of protectorate status in 1970.
  Trinidad and Tobago Independence Day 31 August 1962 Effective date of the Trinidad and Tobago Independence Act 1962.
  Tunisia Independence Day 20 March 1956   France
  Turkmenistan Independence Day 27 September 1991   Soviet Union[78]
  Tuvalu Independence Day 1 October 1978   United Kingdom
  Uganda Independence Day 9 October 1962   United Kingdom
  Ukraine Independence Day 24 August 1991   Soviet Union Declaration of Independence of Ukraine
Day of Unity 22 January 1919   Russian SFSR
Unification of Ukraine on 22 January 1919.[79]
  United Arab Emirates National Day 2 December 1971   United Kingdom
  United States Independence Day or Fourth of July 4 July 1776   Kingdom of Great Britain United States Declaration of Independence
  Uruguay Independence Day 25 August 1825   Empire of Brazil Declaration of independence and union with the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata
  Uzbekistan Independence Day 1 September 1991   Soviet Union
  Vanuatu Independence Day 30 July 1980   United Kingdom
  Venezuela Independence Day 5 July 1811   Spanish Empire Venezuelan Declaration of Independence.
  Vietnam National Day 2 September 1945   Empire of Japan
Proclamation of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
  Yemen Independence Day 30 November 1967   United Kingdom Declaration of independence as Kingdom of Yemen
  Zambia Independence Day 24 October 1964   United Kingdom Effective date of the Zambia Independence Act 1964.
  Zimbabwe Independence Day 18 April 1980   United Kingdom Granting of independence by the United Kingdom in 1980
  1. ^ Ahmed, Faiz (13 November 2019). "Learning from Afghanistan's Independence". Perspectives on History. American Historical Association. Retrieved 9 March 2020.
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  1. ^ Independence was at midnight on the 14/15 August, Pakistan chose to celebrate independence on the 14th and India on the 15th.
  2. ^ Independence was at midnight on the 14/15 August, Pakistan chose to celebrate independence on the 14th and India on the 15th.