List of Presbyterian and Reformed denominations in Australia

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A number of Presbyterian and Reformed denominations exist in Australia.

Name Number of congregations Bible translation Singing Origin Notes
Evangelical Presbyterian Church 3 [1] KJV only Exclusive psalmody 1961 Formed in Tasmania by members who left other non-reformed denominations. Various Schisms. Denies free offer of the gospel. [2]
Free Presbyterian Church (Ulster) 4 [3] KJV only [4] 1970s Independent churches approached and joined the Ulster FPC.
Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland 2 [5] KJV only [6] Exclusive psalmody [7] 1970s Two churches created from Scottish preachers.
Presbyterian Church of Australia 546 [8] 1901 Formed in 1901 by a union of state Presbyterian churches. In 1977, two-thirds of the PCA amalgamated with other denominations to form the Uniting Church in Australia.
Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia 14 [9] Exclusive psalmody [10] 1843 The PCEA formed as a result of the Disruption of 1843 in Scotland.
Presbyterian Reformed Church 3 + 4 others in South Pacific [11] 1967 Originally PCA. Broke away over theological liberalism.
Reformed Presbyterian Church 3 [12] Exclusive psalmody [13] 19th century Formed by migrant Irish Covenanters. Part of the Reformed Presbyterian Global Alliance
Southern Presbyterian Church 2 [14] KJV only [15] Exclusive psalmody [16] 1986 Originally EPC.
Westminster Presbyterian Church 15 [17] 1970 Began with support from the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod.
Australian Free Church 2 [18] KJV only [19] Exclusive psalmody [20] 1979 Originally PCEA. Broke away over King James Bible.
Christian Reformed Churches 60 [21] 1951 Formed by Dutch migrants who were associated with the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands.
Free Reformed Churches 19 [22] 1951 Formed by Dutch migrants who were associated with the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated).
Hungarian Reformed Church 2 After World War II Formed by Hungarian migrants.
Reformation Presbyterian Church 4 + 1 in USA [23] Masoretic Text and Textus Receptus [24] Exclusive Psalmody [25] 2010 [26]


  • "Bible translation" column refers to versions of the Bible accepted. See also: King James Only movement
  • "Singing" column refers to the manner in which songs are sung during public worship. See also: Exclusive psalmody
  • Free Presbyterian Church of Victoria, formerly the Free Presbyterian Church of Australia Felix, based in Melbourne 1846–1953 (joined Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia)
  • Free Presbyterian Church of South Australia, originated 1850, joined union which formed Presbyterian Church of South Australia in 1865, but minority led by Rev James Benny continued until the 1920s
  • Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), one congregation in Adelaide, South Australia 2003–2010, now Gospel Presbyterian Church
Timeline showing the various Presbyterian denominations in Australia