Talk:Jesus/Related articles - Wikipedia

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This is my outline of articles related to Jesus and a proposal to Wikipedia:WikiProject Jesus.


I. New Testament view on Jesus' life


A. Chronology of Jesus


  1. Genealogy of Jesus
  2. Nativity of Jesus
  3. Child Jesus
  4. Finding in the Temple
  5. Baptism of Jesus
  6. Temptation of Christ
  7. Transfiguration of Jesus
  8. The Last Supper
  9. Passion and Stations of the Cross
  1. Arrest of Jesus
  2. Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus
  1. Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
  2. Harrowing of Hell (this is really from the Acts of Pilate, rather than the Gospels) (But see Matthew 27:52–53)
  3. Resurrection of Jesus
    1. Empty tomb
    2. Resurrection appearances of Jesus
  4. Ascension

B. Ministry of Jesus


Ministry of Jesus
  1. Miracles of Jesus
  2. Jesus' sayings according to the Christian Bible and Category:Doctrines and teachings of Jesus
    1. Parables of Jesus and Category:Parables of Jesus
      1. Fatted calf
      2. Parable of the Sower
      3. Parable of the Growing Seed
      4. Parable of the Good Shepherd
      5. Parable of the Mustard Seed
      6. The Wicked Husbandmen
      7. Parable of the Good Samaritan
      8. Parable of the Prodigal Son
      9. Parable of the Talents
      10. Parable of the Lost Coin
      11. Parable of the Lost Sheep
      12. Parable of the Ten Virgins
      13. Other parables
    2. Sermon on the Mount
      1. Beatitudes
      2. "Turn the other cheek"
      3. Salt of the earth
      4. Expounding of the Law
      5. Discourse on ostentation
      6. Discourse on judgementalism
      7. Lord's Prayer
    3. Sermon on the Plain
    4. Sayings of Jesus on the cross
  3. Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament

II. Religious perspectives on Jesus


A. Christian views of Jesus




a. New Testament (see above)
b. Genesis through Malachi
i. Tanakh
ii. Old Testament
iii. Hebrew Bible
iv. Christianity and Biblical prophecy.
c. Apocrypha
d. Other texts (Josephus and Taciticus mentioned below).

2. Christology


a. Christ
i. Messiah
ii. Jewish Messiah (which is different!)
b. Son of God
c. Son of Man
d. LDS views
i. Jesus in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
ii. The Living Christ
e. Jehovah's Witnesses and Jesus
f. Gnostic views
i. Gnostic Gospels (Category:Gnostic Apocrypha)
ii. Gnosticism and the New Testament
see also Category:Apocryphal Collections of Logia and Category:Secret Gospels

3. Relics attributed to Jesus


a. Shroud of Turin
b. True Cross
c. Calvary
d. Iron Crown of Lombardy
e. Bridle of Constantine
f. Nail (relic)
g. Holy Prepuce
h. Spear of Destiny
i. Spear of Destiny in popular culture (?)
i. Holy Lance
j. Crown of Thorns
k. Holy Chalice
l. Holy Grail
m. Veil of Veronica
n. Seamless robe of Jesus
o. Image of Edessa
p. Sudarium of Oviedo
q. Holy Sponge
r. Holy Umbilical Cord
s. James Ossuary

4. Reactions & alternative interpretations


a. Criticism of Christianity
b. Anti-Christian prejudice
c. Ressurection
i. swoon hypothesis
ii. vision hypothesis
iii. stolen body hypothesis
d. Jesus-Myth

B. Muslim views


1. Isa (mainstream Muslim views)
2. Ahmadi views

C. Judaism's view of Jesus


  1. Messianic Judaism
  2. Jewish Christianity

D. Other religions


1. Hinduism
2. Buddhism
3. New Age and A Course in Miracles

III. Jesus and history


A. Historicity of Jesus
B. Historical Jesus
C. Cultural and historical background of Jesus
D. Jesus as myth
E. Josephus on Jesus
F. Tacitus on Jesus

IV. Artistic Portrayals


A. Dramatic portrayals of Jesus
B. Jesus in Pop culture
C. Images of Jesus

V. Misc


A. Language
1. Aramaic of Jesus
2. Discovering the Language of Jesus
3. Hebrew/Aramaic names of Jesus
a. Yeshua
b. Yehoshua
c. Yeshu
B. Race of Jesus
C. Sexuality of Jesus(?)
D. Jesus Seminar