Wedderburn's little theorem

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In mathematics, Wedderburn's little theorem states that every finite division ring is a field. In other words, for finite rings, there is no distinction between domains, division rings and fields.

The Artin–Zorn theorem generalizes the theorem to alternative rings: every finite alternative division ring is a field.[1]

The original proof was given by Joseph Wedderburn in 1905,[2] who went on to prove the theorem in two other ways. Another proof was given by Leonard Eugene Dickson shortly after Wedderburn's original proof, and Dickson acknowledged Wedderburn's priority. However, as noted in (Parshall 1983), Wedderburn's first proof was incorrect – it had a gap – and his subsequent proofs appeared only after he had read Dickson's correct proof. On this basis, Parshall argues that Dickson should be credited with the first correct proof.

A simplified version of the proof was later given by Ernst Witt.[2] Witt's proof is sketched below. Alternatively, the theorem is a consequence of the Skolem–Noether theorem by the following argument.[3] Let   be a finite division algebra with center  . Let   and   denote the cardinality of  . Every maximal subfield of   has   elements; so they are isomorphic and thus are conjugate by Skolem–Noether. But a finite group (the multiplicative group of   in our case) cannot be a union of conjugates of a proper subgroup; hence,  .

A later "group-theoretic" proof was given by Ted Kaczynski in 1964.[4] This proof, Kaczynski's first published piece of mathematical writing, was a short, two-page note which also acknowledged the earlier historical proofs.

Relationship to the Brauer group of a finite field


The theorem is essentially equivalent to saying that the Brauer group of a finite field is trivial. In fact, this characterization immediately yields a proof of the theorem as follows: let K be a finite field. Since the Herbrand quotient vanishes by finiteness,   coincides with  , which in turn vanishes by Hilbert 90.

The triviality of the Brauer group can also be obtained by direct computation, as follows. Let   and let   be a finite extension of degree   so that   Then   is a cyclic group of order   and the standard method of computing cohomology of finite cyclic groups shows that   where the norm map   is given by   Taking   to be a generator of the cyclic group   we find that   has order   and therefore it must be a generator of  . This implies that   is surjective, and therefore   is trivial.

Let A be a finite domain. For each nonzero x in A, the two maps


are injective by the cancellation property, and thus, surjective by counting. It follows from elementary group theory[5] that the nonzero elements of   form a group under multiplication. Thus,   is a skew-field.

To prove that every finite skew-field is a field, we use strong induction on the size of the skew-field. Thus, let   be a skew-field, and assume that all skew-fields that are proper subsets of   are fields. Since the center   of   is a field,   is a vector space over   with finite dimension  . Our objective is then to show  . If   is the order of  , then   has order  . Note that because   contains the distinct elements   and  ,  . For each   in   that is not in the center, the centralizer   of   is clearly a skew-field and thus a field, by the induction hypothesis, and because   can be viewed as a vector space over   and   can be viewed as a vector space over  , we have that   has order   where   divides   and is less than  . Viewing  ,  , and   as groups under multiplication, we can write the class equation


where the sum is taken over the conjugacy classes not contained within  , and the   are defined so that for each conjugacy class, the order of   for any   in the class is  .   and   both admit polynomial factorization in terms of cyclotomic polynomials


The cyclotomic polynomials on   are in   and respect the following identities:

  and  .

Because each   is a proper divisor of  ,

  divides both   and each   in  ,

so by the above class equation,   must divide  , and therefore by taking the norms


To see that this forces   to be  , we will show


for   using factorization over the complex numbers. In the polynomial identity


where   runs over the primitive  -th roots of unity, set   to be   and then take absolute values


For  , we see that for each primitive  -th root of unity  ,


because of the location of  ,  , and   in the complex plane. Thus

  1. ^ Shult, Ernest E. (2011). Points and lines. Characterizing the classical geometries. Universitext. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. p. 123. ISBN 978-3-642-15626-7. Zbl 1213.51001.
  2. ^ a b Lam (2001), p. 204
  3. ^ Theorem 4.1 in Ch. IV of Milne, class field theory,
  4. ^ Kaczynski, T.J. (June–July 1964). "Another Proof of Wedderburn's Theorem". American Mathematical Monthly. 71 (6): 652–653. doi:10.2307/2312328. JSTOR 2312328. (Jstor link, requires login)
  5. ^ e.g., Exercise 1-9 in Milne, group theory,
  • Parshall, K. H. (1983). "In pursuit of the finite division algebra theorem and beyond: Joseph H M Wedderburn, Leonard Dickson, and Oswald Veblen". Archives of International History of Science. 33: 274–99.
  • Lam, Tsit-Yuen (2001). A first course in noncommutative rings. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Vol. 131 (2 ed.). Springer. ISBN 0-387-95183-0.