Mirad Grammar/Word Families - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

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Words in Mirad can be grouped into families. By "family" is meant a group of words derived from the same root morpheme. This chapter explains that process.
All native words in Mirad are formed from a combination of some 500 root morphemes. (A morpheme is a word or word root that cannot be further divided. Think of it as a "word atom". Listed below is an alphabetical list of those root morphemes in mirad. Some of the roots are base words with an underlined ordinal vowel o, which means that they represent the top-level member of a scalar list of words where the ordinal vowel changes. For example, mor (universe) is the top-level member of a related hierarchy of words: mar (star), mer (planet), etc. This list does not include shortened "stub roots" like -il (< mil....water), which are listed separately in the next section.
  1. -a....adjective suffix
  2. -a....past tense inflection
  3. a....the letter a
  4. a....the number one
  5. ab....on/put on
  6. af....permission
  7. ag-....big, size
  8. aj....past
  9. ak....gain, win
  10. am....heat
  11. as-....become
  12. at....I, me
  13. av....for
  14. ax-....render
  15. ay....and
  16. -ay-....full of, -ful, -some, -ous
  17. -ay-....perfect aspect inflection
  18. -ay....adverb suffix, -ly
  19. az-....strong
  20. b-....put, set, transitive verb formant of gesturing
  21. bok....illness
  22. ba....the letter b
  23. ba-....lean on/press/crush/budge/stir
  24. bay....with
  25. be-....at/have/carry/stay/hold
  26. bey....by, via
  27. bi-....from/take/withdraw/pull
  28. bo-....prop up/be still/quieten
  29. boy....without
  30. bu-....to/give/grant/yield/head for/push
  31. bya-....lift/stand/erect
  32. bye-....tap
  33. byen....manner
  34. byi-....since/emanate/derive
  35. byo-....hang/drop
  36. byu-....up to/reach/contact/touch
  37. ca....the letter c
  38. d-....say, tell, communicate, language
  39. da....the letter d
  40. dal-....speak
  41. daz....dance
  42. del-....declare
  43. dez....theater
  44. di-....ask/request/demand
  45. did....question
  46. din....story
  47. diz....comedy
  48. dob....state
  49. dom....city/airport/park/fountain
  50. dop....military
  51. dot....society, social
  52. dol-....be quiet
  53. dr-....write
  54. draf....card
  55. dras....document
  56. dref....paper
  57. dres....note
  58. drev....page
  59. drez....poetry
  60. dro-....erase
  61. drof....board
  62. drov....cardboard
  63. du-....suggest/insist/order
  64. dud....answer
  65. dun....word
  66. duz....music
  67. dyan....sentence
  68. dyaz....ballet
  69. dye-....read
  70. dyez....cinema
  71. dyu-....call/name
  72. dyuz....opera
  73. -e....present tense inflection
  74. e....the letter e
  75. e....the number two
  76. eb....between, block
  77. ef....need, necessity
  78. eg-....normal
  79. ej....present
  80. ek....play, risk
  81. -er....infinitive inflection
  82. es-....exist
  83. -es....inanimate diminutive suffix
  84. -et....animate diminutive suffix
  85. et....you
  86. ev-....neutral
  87. ex-....operate
  88. -ey-....progressive aspect inflection
  89. ey....or
  90. f-....want
  91. fob....plant
  92. fe....the letter f
  93. fi-....good, well/honor/virtue
  94. fu-....bad, ill/shame/vice
  95. fya-....holy, sacred, hiero-, sancti-/grace
  96. fye-....mystical, mythical, fanciful/fantasy
  97. fyi-....useful/reward/worth
  98. fyo-....profane, unholy, evil/spell
  99. fyu-....harmful, damaging/penalty
  100. ga-....more/plus/times/to the power of
  101. ge....the letter g
  102. ge-....equal, as/equate/like
  103. gi-....sharp/tip
  104. go-....less/minus/divide/raised to the minus power
  105. gu-....angle
  106. gya-....fat
  107. gyi-....solid, compact, tenacious
  108. gyo-....thin, slim
  109. gyu-....fragile, delicate
  110. ho-....deictic prefixes
  111. hay....hello
  112. he....the letter h
  113. hey....hey, oh, yoohoo
  114. hiy....here is, voici
  115. hoy....goodbye
  116. huy....there is, voilà
  117. hway....thank-you
  118. hwey....you're welcome
  119. hwoy....I'm sorry
  120. hyay....hurrah, congratulations, cheers
  121. hyey....please
  122. hyoy....boo, sorry, too bad
  123. -i-....infix acting as a subject-directed verb formant
  124. -i....suffix for pluralizing a noun
  125. i....the letter i
  126. i....the number three
  127. ib-....away/receive/collect
  128. if-....pleasure, love/adore
  129. ig-....fast
  130. ij....beginning
  131. ik-....full
  132. im-....wet
  133. is-....start out
  134. is....it
  135. it....he, him, she, her
  136. iv-....happy
  137. ix-....result
  138. iz....straight
  139. job....time
  140. ja....before
  141. jag....old, age
  142. je-....while, during/continue
  143. ji....since
  144. ji....the letter j
  145. jo....after
  146. jod....occasion, time
  147. jog-....young, new
  148. ju....until
  149. jud....date
  150. jwa-....early
  151. jwe-....on time
  152. jwo-....late
  153. ka-....find
  154. kaz....treasure
  155. ke-....seek
  156. ki-....oblique
  157. ki....the letter k
  158. ko-....hidden/hide
  159. ku-....lateral, side
  160. kya-....variable/change/change
  161. kye-....haphazard, random/happen/cause
  162. kyi-....heavy/weigh/weigh
  163. kyo-....fixed, stationary/stay/fix
  164. kyu-....light, levity/float/float
  165. -l-....infix for the decades
  166. -l-....semantic intensifier
  167. li....the letter l
  168. -lk....suffix for chemicals
  169. lo-....prefix that reverses the semantics of the stem
  170. lyo-....prefix that strongly reverses the semantics of the stem
  171. -lz ....suffix for colors
  172. mol....nature/air/water/soil...
  173. mom....outer space/sky/land/sea...
  174. mop....orbit/wind/path/river...
  175. mor....universe/sun/planet/world...
  176. mos....floor/wall/door/window...
  177. ma-....bright/light/white
  178. maf....cloud
  179. mag....fire
  180. maj....daytime
  181. mak....electricity
  182. mav....flame
  183. maz....glow
  184. mef....brick
  185. meg....stone
  186. mek....powder
  187. mel....soil
  188. mev....porcelain
  189. mez....crystal
  190. mi....the letter m
  191. -ml-....infix for the millions
  192. mo-....dark/black
  193. mog....ash
  194. moj....nighttime
  195. mov....smoke
  196. -mr-....infix for the billions
  197. (m)uf....stick, rod
  198. mug....metal
  199. muk....mineral
  200. mul....substance
  201. muv....pin
  202. muz....precious ore
  203. -n....nominalizing suffix
  204. nof....cloth
  205. nom....situation, place
  206. nov....linen
  207. na-....money/price/value/store
  208. nab....row, rank
  209. nad....line
  210. nag....dimension
  211. nak....measurement
  212. nap....order
  213. ne-....stock/save
  214. ned....surface
  215. neg....level
  216. ni....the letter n
  217. ni-....consume/earn
  218. nid....volume
  219. nig....space
  220. no-....spend
  221. nod....point
  222. nog....degree
  223. nu-....furnish/pay
  224. nuz....jewel
  225. nya-....stack/wealth/pile up/accumulate
  226. nyab....pile
  227. nyad....list
  228. nyaz....wealth
  229. nye-....container/box/storage
  230. nyeb....container
  231. nyed....grid
  232. nyem....box
  233. nyi-....order, requisition
  234. nyo-....spoil/waste
  235. nyoz....poverty
  236. nyu--....package/ship, deliver
  237. o-....negative prefix
  238. -o....future tense inflection
  239. o....the letter o
  240. o....the number zero
  241. ob....off/remove
  242. of-....prohibition
  243. og-....little
  244. oj....future
  245. ok....loss
  246. ol-....negative prefix variant
  247. om....cold
  248. -on....abstract noun suffix
  249. os-....cease to be
  250. ot....generic pronoun one
  251. ov....against
  252. ox-....be idle
  253. oy....conjunction but
  254. -oy-....without, -less
  255. -oy-....imminent aspect inflection
  256. oz-....weak
  257. p-....go
  258. pot....animal
  259. pop- .... travel/fly/ride/swim/burrow
  260. pa-....move, motion
  261. pe-....wait/trap
  262. pi-....depart/withdraw/catch
  263. po....the letter p
  264. po-....rest/stop
  265. pu-....arrive/jump/throw
  266. pya-....hover/jump/launch
  267. pye-....strike
  268. pyi-....spring from/derive
  269. pyo-....fall/drop
  270. pyu-....reach/impact/collide
  271. qo....the letter q
  272. -r-....infix for the thousands
  273. -r-....semantic intensifier
  274. ro....the letter r
  275. s-....be, become/stative verb formant
  276. -s....thing suffix
  277. -s-....numeric infix for hundreds
  278. som....furniture/table/chair...
  279. sa-....form/comprise/evolve/make
  280. sag....number
  281. sav....reason
  282. saz....sculpture
  283. sez....chisel
  284. si-....image/sign/symbol
  285. siz....painting
  286. so....the letter s
  287. son....affair
  288. sor....instrument/machine/engine
  289. su-....provide
  290. suan....element
  291. sun....thing
  292. syab....summit
  293. syan....class
  294. syem....establishment
  295. syen....style
  296. syin....subject
  297. syob....base
  298. syuf....effects
  299. syun....object
  300. t-....know
  301. -t....person suffix
  302. tob....human, man, person/body/head...
  303. tod....family/spouse/parent/sibling...
  304. tof....clothing, apparel/suit/hat...
  305. tol....nutrition/food/drink...
  306. tom....building/house/gallery/room...
  307. tot....god/angel
  308. taj....birth
  309. tap....physique
  310. tax....memory
  311. taz....statue
  312. tej....life
  313. tep....mind
  314. tes....meaning
  315. tex....thought
  316. tez....culture
  317. ti-....find out/learn/study/doctrine, -ism
  318. tij....wake state
  319. tip....sentiment
  320. to....the letter t
  321. toj....death
  322. top....soul
  323. tos....feeling
  324. tot....god
  325. tox-....forget
  326. toz....complexion
  327. tr-....recognize
  328. tu-....inform/teach/science, -ology
  329. tuj....sleep
  330. tup....limb
  331. ty-....know how
  332. tyan....class
  333. tyen....skill, technique
  334. tyez....magic
  335. tyun....concept, idea
  336. -u-....object-oriented verb formant
  337. -u....hypothetical mood inflection
  338. u....the letter u
  339. u....the number four
  340. ub-....toward/send
  341. uf-....hate
  342. ug-....slow
  343. uj....end/finish
  344. uk....vacuum, empty
  345. um-....dry
  346. -us....inanimate agent suffix
  347. us-....end up
  348. ux....cause
  349. -ut....animate agent suffix
  350. ut....self
  351. uv-....sad
  352. -uy-....infix inflection denoting the potential aspect
  353. uz....curve, arc
  354. vob....crops
  355. vol....vegetables
  356. vos....flowers
  357. va....yes/really/sure/safe
  358. ve....maybe/maybe/risk
  359. vi-....beautiful
  360. vo....no/not/danger
  361. volz....color
  362. vu....the letter v
  363. vu-....ugly
  364. vya-....true, correct
  365. vye-....relative
  366. vyi-....clean
  367. vyo-....wrong, mis-
  368. vyu-....dirty
  369. -w-....masculine gender infix
  370. -w-....passive voice infix
  371. -w-....unit number infix
  372. -w-....alternative to -y-
  373. wu....the letter w
  374. x-....do, make, -ify/factive verb formant
  375. xob....organization
  376. xa-....execute/accomplish
  377. xag....occasion/frequency
  378. xe--....act/celebrate
  379. xi-....result in/undertake
  380. xo-....undergo/fail
  381. xu....the letter x
  382. xu-....bring about/incite
  383. -y-....infix denoting female/feminine gender
  384. -y-....semantic deintensifier after stem vowel
  385. -y-....semantic intensifier before stem vowel
  386. ya....the number six
  387. yab-....up
  388. yaf-....ability/can
  389. yag-....long
  390. yak-....expectation/expect
  391. yam....fire
  392. ya(n)....together
  393. yank....joint
  394. yat....we, us
  395. yav-....innocent/proud
  396. yax-....be busy
  397. yaz....convexity
  398. ye....the number seven
  399. yeb-....in
  400. yef-....obligation/must/should
  401. yek....attempt
  402. yet....you (pl.)
  403. yev-....just, fair
  404. yex....work
  405. yez....along, flush
  406. yi....the number eight
  407. yib....far
  408. yif....courage/dare
  409. yig-....hard, tough
  410. yij....opening/open
  411. yik-....difficult/complex
  412. yim....flood
  413. yit....they, them
  414. yiv-....free, right
  415. yix....use, hire, exploit
  416. yiz....beyond, meta-
  417. yo-....intense semantic inverter
  418. yo....the number five
  419. yob-....down/lower
  420. yof....unable/cannot/impossible
  421. yog-....short
  422. yok....surprise/be surprised/sudden
  423. yom....ice/frozen
  424. yo(n)....apart
  425. yot....they, people
  426. yov-....guilty/ashamed
  427. yox....inaction/be idle
  428. yoz....concavity
  429. yu....the letter y
  430. yu....the number nine
  431. yub....near
  432. yuf-....fear/be afraid
  433. yug-....soft
  434. yuj-....closed/close
  435. yuk-....easy, simple
  436. yum....drought
  437. yuv....bond, bound/be bound to
  438. yux....help/help
  439. yuz....around
  440. za(y)....front/ahead/pre-
  441. ze(y)....middle/across/trans-
  442. zi....right
  443. zo(y)....behind/back/re-
  444. zu....left
  445. zu....the letter z
  446. zya....throughout/wide
  447. zye....through
  448. zyeg....hole
  449. zyek....pore
  450. zyi-....flat/lay
  451. zyo-....narrow
  452. zyu-....round
  453. zyug....tire
  454. zyuk....wheel
Stubs are abbreviated pieces of a root word that are often used as suffixes and sometimes as prefixes or infixes. Here is an alphabetical list:
-ab....government, staff dab....government fyaantinab....abbey
-al....gaseous substance mal....air, gas upetayal....suet
-am....house tam....house tilam....bar
-ar....instrument sar....tool belar....wagon, cart
bil....milk tilabil...milk bilyig....cheese
do-....public dosyena....official doyiv....right
-eb....leader deb....leader xeb....boss
-el....food tel....food yepetel....dogfood
-em....place nem....place ekem....playing field
-fil....alcohol levafil....alcohol vafil....wine
-fyel....wax dyofyel....chocolate vafyel....jam
-i-....self-directed verb formant bier....take tier....to learn
-ib....administration dib....administration doyevib....judiciary
-if....endearing term ifer....to love petif....pet
-il....liquid substance mil....water vafil....wine
-im....room tim....room efim....w.c.
-ir....machine sir....machine syaagir....computer
-j....time job....time hij....now
-lk....chemical mul?....substance solk....sulfur
-lz....color volz....color malz....white
-m....place nem....place hum....there
-of....material nof....tissue misof....curtain
-om....situation or furniture nom....situation yukom....comfort
-or....device in general sor....device enzyukpor....motorcycle
-ov....cloth nov....linen suemov....sheet
-pib....tooth, cog, tine teupib....tooth pibar....fork
-s....thing sun....thing zyus....circle
-t....person from aot/tob....person Usot....an American
-u-....other-directed verb formant buer....give tuer....to inform
-ud....descendant tud....child apetud....foal
-ul....substance mul....substance bekul....medecine
-um....cell, compartment tum....compartment yibdalirum....telephone booth
-un....thing sun....thing zyiun....plaque
-ur....motorized device sur....motor pur....vehicle
-ut....agent, one who aot....person dalut....speaker
-uz....piece of jewelry nuz....jewel tuyubuz....ring
-yeb....container nyeb....container tilyeb....drinking glass
-yeg....hole zyeg....hole mumilyeg....well
-yel....gel, oil myel....viscous substance arvobyel....peanut oil
-yem....enclose space nyem....enclosed space veebyem....pod
-yen....manner, kind byen/syen....manner, style dalyen....idiom
zil....acid yigzil....acid hesolka zil....hydrosulfuric acid
Here is a chart showing the morphemes of Mirad in the form of templates.
Word Templates
o 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...
a 1,2,3,4...
-a derivational suffix that forms an adjective
-(a / e / o / u)- perfect / progressive / imminent / potential aspect
-(a / e / o) past / present / future tense inflection
a the letter a
(a / e / o)b on / between / off
(a / e / o)f permission / necessity / prohibition
(a / e / o)g- big / medium / little
(a / e / o)j past / present / future
(a / e / o)k win / play / lose
(a / o)m hot / cold
(a / e / o)s- become / exist / cease to be
(a / e / i / o / u)t I / you / (s)he / one / self
(ya / ye / yi / yo)t we / you (pl.) / they / people
(a / e / o)v for / neutral / against
(a / e / o)y and / or / but
-ay derivational suffix denoting adverb
-(a / o)y- infix meaning full of / without
(a / e / o)z- strong / medium / weak
(- / a / o)yeb in / in / out
b- put, set, transitive verb formant of gesturing
ba the letter b
ba(l / r / s / x)- lean on / press / crush / stir / shake
bya(- / l / r / s / x)- “hover / hang up / arouse / stand / erect”
b(a / e / o)y with / by / without
b(i / e / u) from / at / to
be(- / l / s / x)- have / carry / stay / hold
bye(m / n / x)- position / manner / tap
bi(- / l / r / s / x)- take / fetch / seize / withdraw / pull
bo(- / l / s / x) prop up / be still / calm down
byo(l / s / x) suppress / stoop / hand
bok illness / health / treatment / care / injury / cure / pain / agony
bu(- / l / r / s / x)- give / grant / yield / head for / push
by(i / u) since / up to
byi(m / p / s / x)- origin / originate / emanate / derive
byu(m / n / p / s / x)- destination / aim / be destined for / contact / touch
ca the letter c
da the letter d
d(a / e / o)l- speak / declare / be silent
d(a / e / i / u / ya / ye)z dance / theater / comedy / music / ballet / cinema
(d / t / x / s)eu(d / s / z / x) shout / call / song / voice / noise / accent / beat / sound)
d(i / u)- ask / suggest
doab fatherland / state / county / nation
dom city / airport / park / fountain
dop military / air force / army / navy
dot society / friend / comrade / citizen / mister
d(- / r / ro / ya / ye / i / u / yu)- say / write / erase / read / ask / suggest / call
dr(af / as / ef / es / ev / ez / o / of / ov) card / document / paper / note / page / board / cardboard)
-e- infix inflection denoting progressive aspect
-e suffix inflection denoting present tense
e the letter e
-en suffix inflection denoting a gerund
-er suffix inflection denoting verbal infinitive
-e(s / t) inanimate / animate diminutive suffix
(a / e / o / i / u)x- act / operate / fail / effect / cause
f(- / l / r)- want / yearn / crave
fe the letter f
f(i / u)- good / bad
fob plant / tree / fruit / trunk / branch / root
fy(a / e / o / i / u)- holy / mystical / evil / useful / harmful
g(a / e / o) more / equal / less
ge the letter g
g(i / u)n point / angle
gl(a / e / o) very much / quite / very little
gr(a / e / o) too much / enough / not enough
gy(a / o)- fat / thin
gy(i / u) solid / fragile
gw(a / e / o) most / just / least
ho- deictic prefix
h(a / e / o)y hello / hey / goodbye
he the letter h
h(i / u)y here is / there is
hw(a / e / o)y Thank-you / You're welcome / I'm sorry
hy(a / e / o)y hurrah / please / boo
-i suffix for pluralizing a noun
i the letter i
(i / u)b away / toward
(i / u)f love / hate
(i / u)g- fast / slow
(i / u)j begin / end
(i / u)k- full / empty
(i / u)m- wet / dry
(i / u)s- start out / end up
(i / u)v- happy / sad
(i / u)x- result / cause
(i / u)z straight / curved
j(a / e / o) before / during / after
j(i / u) since / until
j(a / o)g- old / young
job time / year / month / season / day / hour / minute
jiab the months
j(o / u)d occasion, date
jw(a / e / o)- early / on time / late
k(a / e / o)x- find / seek / hide
k(i / u)- oblique / lateral
ki the letter k
ky(a / e / o)- variable / random / fixed
ky(i / u)- heavy / light
-l- infix for the decades
-l- infix that intensifies the semantics of the stem
li the letter l
lo- prefix that reverses the semantics of the stem
lyo- prefix that strongly reverses the semantics of the stem
m(a / o)(- / n / v / j / f / g / j / lz) bright / dim / light / dark / flame / ash / cloud / fire / daytime / nighttime / black / white)
mak electricity
ma(- / a)l air / atmosphere / troposphere / stratosphere / ionosphere
maar star / sun
muar satellite / moon
me(l / b / p / f / g / k / r / v / z) soil / mountain / road / brick / stone / powder / planet / porcelain / crystal
amer planet / venus, mercury...
meaz gems / diamond...
mi the letter m
mi(l / p / m / f) water / river / sea / mist
mi(a)m sea / lake / lagoon / marsh / pond / pool / puddle
-ml- infix for the millions
mo(- / a)b abyss / gulch / ravine / cave / scarp / ditch
me(a)b mountain / hill / knob / mound / ridge
mol nature / air / water / soil / mineral...
mom outer space / sky / land / sea / underground...
mop orbit / wind / road / river / tunnel
mor universe / star / planet / world / satellite...
mos floor / wall / door / window / stairs
me(a)p road / lane / trail
mi(a)b river / stream / brook / creek / tributary
amer north / south / east / west
-mr- infix for the billions
amez crystal (diamond / topaz / ruby / emerald / sapphire / lapis lazuli / amethyst / amber / topaz)
mu(f / g / k / l / z / b) rod / metal / mineral / substance / ore / promontory
-n nominalizing suffix
na(b / d / g / p) row / line / dimension / order
(- /n / s / x / j)ag size / dimension / number / frequency / age
ne(d / g) surface / level
ni the letter n
n(a)(s / x / m / z)- money / price / store / earn / save / pay / spend /value / jewel / gem
no(d / g) point / degree
neaf type of woven materials
n(o / e / u)m situation / place / cell
no(f / v) cloth / linen
ny(a / e / i / o / u)x- accumulate / stock / order / waste / deliver
nye(b / m) container / box
o(l / y)- prefix that reverses semantics of the stem, -un, -in, non-, -less
-o suffix inflection denoting the future tense
o the number zero
o the letter o
(a / e / o / i / u)j past / present / future / beginning / end
p- go, verb formant for motion
pa(s / x)- move / move
pe(s / x-) wait / trap
pi(- / x / l / r- depart / catch / flee / escape
po the letter p
po(s / x)- stop / stop
opot animal
pu(- / s / x)- arrive / jump / throw
pya(- / s / x) hover / jump / launch
pyex- strike
pyi(s / x)- emanate / derive
pyo(s / x)- fall / drop
pyu(- / s / x) reach / impact / hit
qo the letter q
-r- infix for the thousands
-r- infix that intensifies the semantics of the stem
ro the letter r
s- be, become
-s- numeric infix for hundreds (like aso, meaning one hundred)
sa /n / s /x- form / comprise / make
sag number
s(a / i / o / u)r tool / machine / device / engine
s(a / i)z sculpture / painting
seu(s / z / x) sound / tone / sound
s(a / i / o / u)n form / image / matter / thing
so the letter s
som furniture / cabinet / table / chair / bed
su- provide
sy(a / o)b summit / base
sy(a / e)n kind / style
sy(i / u)n subject / object
t(- /r / y)- know / recognize / know how
t(a / e / o / i / u)j birth / life / death / wake / sleep
t(a / e / o / i / u)p physique / mind / spirit / sentiment / member
t(a / e / o / i / u)x- remember / think / forget / learn / teach
tes- mean
teu(b / s / t / v / d / z mouth / taste / taste / mask / call / voice
t(a / e / u)z portrait / culture / art
t(i / u)- find out / inform
(t / ty)(i / u / a / e / u)(n / z) doctrine / science / knowledge, class, skill, concept / art / magic
to the letter t
tob human, man, person / body / head...
tod family / spouse / parent / sibling...
tof / v clothing, apparel / suit / hat...
tol nutrition / food / drink...
tom building / house / gallery / room...
tos feeling
tot god / angel / saint...
-(i / u)- infix denoting an action toward / away from the subject
-u- infix inflection denoting the potential aspect
-u suffix inflection denoting the hypothetical mood
u the letter u
ut self
v(a / e / o) yes / maybe / no
v(a / e / o)y really / maybe / not
v(i / u)- beautiful / ugly
ovob crops
ovol vegetables
ovos flowers
(v / m (o)lz color, black, white, red...
vu the letter v
vy(a / e / o)- true / relative / false
vy(i / u)- clean / dirty
-w- infix denoting male gender
-w- infix denoting passive voice
-w- infix for the numeric units
-w- substitute for intensifying infix -y- when pronunciation would be difficult
wu the letter w
x- do, make, cause, -ify
x(a / e / o / i / u)(l)- execute / celebrate / miss / undertake / cause
xob organization
xu the letter x
-y- infix denoting active voice in complex tenses
-y- infix denoting feminine gender
y(a / o)b up / down
y(a / e / o)f- ability / obligation / inability
y(a / o)g- long / short
y(a / e / o)k- expect / attempt / surprise
y(a / o)m fire / ice
y(a / o)n together / apart
y(a / e / o)v- innocent / fair / guilty
y(a / e / o)x- be busy / work / idle
y(a / e / o)z convexity / flush / concavity
y(i / u)b far / near
y(i / u)f courage / fear
y(i / u)g- hard / soft
y(i / u)j- open / closed
y(i / u)k- difficult / easy
y(i / u)m flood / drought
y(i / u)v- free / bound
y(i / u)x- use / help
y(i / u)z beyond
yo- prefix that intensely negates the semantics of the stem
yu the letter y
z(a / e / o) front / middle / behind
z(a / e / o)y ahead / across / back
z(i / u) right / left
zu the letter z
zy(a / e / o) wide / through / narrow
zy(i / u)- flat / round

Mnemonics and Analogy


This is a language where phonetics is used to present mnemonic relationships and analogy among words as in the following example, based on the word teub....mouth:
Mnemonic Family
Here are some other examples where analogy and mnemonics are used to the maximum:
Analogy and Mnemonics
-eb teb
tuft, cob
gang leader
-ub tub
-eub teub
beak, bill
-ayeb tayeb
blade of grass
-ayob tayob
peel, husk
-yob tyob
plant root, tuber
-ib tib
tree trunk
-ulob tulob
pin, prick
-uf tiibuf
stick, rod
axis, axle
-il til

Base Words and their Principal Derivatives


The following is a list of base words with their principal derivatives
The verb xer means to do. Many words are built from this base word using the postional/directional vowel coding rule. Words ending in xer contrast with those ending in ser, in that the former are transitive (taking an object), as opposed to intransitive (taking no object).
This chart shows the core verbs in the xer....do family:
Xer Family Core Words
xer....do axer....render exer....function loxer....undo ixer....effect uxer....cause
axler....act, behave exler....process ixler....react uxler....influence
xrer....execute axrer....carry out uxrer....provoke
xier....result xuer....bring about
xaler....accomplish xeler....practice xoler....undergo xiler....undertake xuler....foment
yaxer....be busy yexer....work yoxer....be idle yixer....use yuxer....help
yexler....labor yoxler....resign yixler....hire, employ
yexrer....toil yixrer....exploit yuxrer....slave

Creating Derived xer Words with Prefixes


Using prefixation, many other words can be built from these core words:
Keep in mind that xer can mean do, make, or cause in the following derived terms:
Prefixing Xer Words
ana....single xer....make anaxer....unify
an-....one- xer....make anxer....unite
ayn-....whole xer....make aynxer....integrate
yan....together exer....operate yanexer....cooperate
yan....together yexer....work yanyexer....collaborate
yon....apart xer....make yonxer....separate
ge....equal xer....make gexer....equal
ja....before xer....make jaxer....prepare
je....while xer....do jexer....continue
ig-....fast xer....do igxer....rush
ug-....slow xer....do ugxer....delay
oj....future xer....do ojxer....plan
zoy-....re-, back- xer....do zoyxer....redo
sa(n)....shape xer....make saxer....create
se(n)....being xer....make sexer....build
lo-....un- sexer....build losexer....destroy
mel....soil yexer....work melyexer....plough
tea(b)....eye xer....do teaxer....look
lo-....un- yixler....hire loyixler....fire
mag....fire xer....cause magxer....burn
yuf....fear xer....cause yufxer....frighten
dofun....crime xer....do dofunxer....commit a crime
gra....too much xer....do graxer....overdo
voy-....re- axler....act voyaxler....react
fu-....bad exner....behave fuexner....misbehave

Using xer to Build Verbs from Adjectives


Unlimited transitive verbs can be created with adjectives and xer as a suffix like -ify, -ate, -ize in English.
Building Verbs from Adjectives
aga....big agaxer....magnify
vyoka....false vyokaxer....falsify
fia....good fiaxer....fix
fixer....to do good
yiva....free yivaxer....free up
yaga....long yagaxer....lengthen
zyia....flat zyiaxer....flatten
zyixer....lay out
nyana....collective nyanaxer....collectivize
Note: Sometimes, the adjectival ending -a is dropped. This often produces a difference nuance. For example, agaxer means to magnify, make bigger, but agxer is more idiomatic and means to grow.
The passive of xer, xwer....to be done can be used to mean to happen or to become. For example:
  • Duhoj hus xwa?....When did that happen?
  • At uvaxwa hoj at teata ha tud.....I became sad (=was saddened) when I saw the child.

Using xer to Build Verbs from Nouns


The use of -xer to form factive verbs from nouns is extremely common. They are like verbs in English that end in -ify, -ate, -ize and mean to make x or to render x, etc. These types of verbs are transitive and commonly take an object. Here are some examples:
Building Verbs from Nouns
dyun....name dyunxer....to name, denominate
tex....thought texer....to think
aonab....column aonabxer....to columnarize
tot....god totxer....to deify
calilk....cholorine calilkxer....to cholorinate
gimuf....skewer gimufxer....to skewer

Using xer for All-Purpose Idioms


The verb xer can be used as an all-purpose verb for actions which in English are expressed with a variety of idiomatic verbs, for example:
  • xer deuz....to perform a song
  • xer ifpop....to take a cruise
  • xer ebdid....to conduct an interview
  • xer yagigpek....to run a marathon
  • xer dazun....to do a dance number
  • xer dezekgon....to play a role
  • xer dovyabdras....to enact a piece of legislation

Using axer with Adjectives


The verb axer can be used as a standalone word to form expressions with adjectives, such as to make/render someone happy, eg.:
  • Hua deuz axa at uva.....That song made me sad.
  • Et axeye yat gla oyukoma.....You are making us very uncomfortable.
  • Hia apyex axa at teptuja.....This attack rendered me unconcious.

Using uxer for Causative Constructions


The verb uxer is used in the meaning cause/make/get/force someone do something, eg.:
  • Ha teyd uxa ha tud doler.....The mother got the child to be silent.
  • At uxwa simper boy der hyes.....I was made to sit without saying anything.
  • Iyt uxa iyta tayeb goblwer.'....She got her hair cut. (Same as: Iyt gobluxa iyta tayeb.)

Using oxer for Failing to Do Something


The verb oxer is used in the meaning fail (to do something), eg.:
  • Ven et oxo puer gwe, et loyixlo.....If you fail to arrive on time, you will be fired.
  • At oxa tester hos at yakweya xer.....I failed to understand what I was supposed to do.
The base word ser means to be and is the base for many verbs having to do with being and becoming. Verbs ending in ser are intransitive (taking no object) and contrast with those ending in xer, which are transitive (taking an object). Verbs in ser often are stative, i.e. linking verbs.
Core Ser Verbs
eser....exist, there to be oser....cease to be
iser....start out user....end up

Expressing "there is" and "there are"


The expressions there is and there are are constructed with the verb eser....to exist, eg:
  • Ese bun av et oyb ha sem.....There is a gift for you under the table.
  • Ese hegla vyoki be eta dyes.....There are some mistakes in your book.
  • Voy ese tot.....There is no god.
  • Voy eso yaniv himoj.....There will be no party this evening.

Creating Stative Verbs from Adjectives


The core verb ser can be postfixed to adjectives to form a class of verbs called stative, which have the meaning become X, and which contrast with parallel transitive verbs in xer. If the adjectival ending a is dropped, then the resulting stative verb has a more idiomatic sense.
Stative Verbs
aga....big agaser....get big
aga....big agser....grow
uza....curved uzaser....curve, bend, bow
kyaa....mobile kyaser....change, vary
mayna....clear maynaser....clear up
iga....fast igaser....become fast, accelerate
iga....fast igser....rush, hurry
Stative verbs in -ser are most often intransitive and contrast with dynamic, transitive verbs in -xer. Here are some comparative examples:
  • It agxe vafyabi.....He grows grapes. (TRANSITIVE/DYNAMIC)
  • Vafyabi voy agse fiay him.....Grapes do not grow well here. (INTRANSITIVE/STATIVE)

  • His kyaxa yata teji.....This changed our lives.
  • Yata teji kyasa hujub.....Our lives changed on that day.

  • Ha mapi uzaxa ha fabi.....The winds bent the trees.
  • Ha fabi uzasa je ha mapilag.....The trees bowed during the storm.

  • Von igxu at.....Don't rush me. (TRANSITIVE/DYNAMIC)
  • Igsu!....Hurry up! (INTRANSITIVE/STATIVE)

Creating Stative Verbs from Nouns


The above stative verbs were created from adjectives, but such verbs can also be formed from nouns and have the meaning to become (something):
Creating Stative Verbs from Adjectives
meg....stone megser....petrify, become rock
abnod....peak abnodser....peak, climax
fub....branch fubser....branch out, ramify
yom....ice yomser....freeze
maf....cloud mafser....cloud over
il....liquid ilser....liquefy, melt
Note: The ending is usually -aser if the adjective the verb is formed from ends in -z, r, l, or s. For example, tepuzra....crazy yields tepuzraser....to go crazy. Also, the ending -aser is used for verbs that are more literal than their counterpart in -ser, for example: agser....grow up vs. agaser....magnify, become big.

Using aser as a Standalone Verb Meaning become


The verb aser can mean "to become (something or some way), eg.:
  • Ha graotyan aseye paaxwa.....The crowd is becoming agitated.
  • At fe aser dovakdibut haj at agso.....I want to become a policeman when I grow up.
Mirad has two interchangeable ways to express the verb to have, own, possess:
  • bayser (At bayse aga tod.....I have a big family.)
  • bexer (Yit bexe oga melyexem yub bi him.....They have a small farm near here.)
These verbs play a part in the formation of other related words:
  • bayswer....to belong (to)
  • bexwer....to belong (to)
  • baysyafwa....available
  • baysyofwa....unavailable
  • bexyafwa....available
  • bexyofwa....unavailable
  • bayswa....own, proper, proprietary (adj.)
  • bexwa....own, proper, proprietary (adj.)
  • Hua tam bayswe at.....That house belongs to me.
The opposite of bayser is boyser....to lack.
Similarly, the opposite of bexer is obexer....to lack.
  • Hia siz boyse fyaz.....This painting lacks charm.

BER to put, PER to go


The base words ber....to put and per....to go, combined with positional/directional prefixes and various other word prefixes, form many words having to do with positions, bodily gestures, and directional motions. Those ending in ber are transitive verbs, while those ending in per are mostly intransitive.

Common ber/per Verbs Built from Prefixes


(Bear in mind that a b at the end of a prepositional or adverbial prefix is dropped before per or ber)
Building Verbs with Positional/Directional Prefixes and Vowels
ab....on aber....put on aper....get on
eb....between eber....block eper....intervene
ob....off ober....remove oper....dismount
ib....away iber....receive iper....go away
ub....toward uber....send uper....come
bi....from bier....take pier....leave
bu....to buer....give puer....arrive
ayb....over ayber...put over ayper....go over
oyb....under oyber...put under oyper....go under
bay....with bayber....impart bayper....accompany
boy....without boyber....deprive boyper....go without
byi....since byier....emanate pyier....originate
byu....up to byuer....touch pyuer....reach
yab....up yaber....raise yaper....rise
yeb....in yeber....insert yeper....enter
yob....down yober....lower yoper....descend
yib....far yiber....take away yiper....move far away
yub....near yuber....bring yuper....approach
oyeb....out oyeber....expose oyeper....exit
za....front zaber....advance zaper....advance
ze....middle zeber....balance zeper....mediate
zo....behind zober....put behind zoper....follow
zi....right ziber....put to the right ziper....go right
zu....left zuber....put to the left zuper....go left
iz....straight izber....guide izper....head
uz....curve uzber....turn uzper....turn
zay....forward zayber....promote zayper....proceed
zey....across zeyber....transfer zeyper....cross
zoy....back zoyber....put back zayper....return
zya....all over zyaber....spread zyaper....disperse
zye....through zyeber....pass through zyeper....penetrate
zyi....flat zyiber....lay zyiper....lie
zyu....round zyuber....rotate zyuper....roll
yiz....beyond yizber....take beyond yizper....surpass
yuz....around yuzber....turn yuzper....circulate
zyag....stretched out zyagber....stretch zyagper....stretch out
ja....before jaber....prepare japer....precede
je....during jeber....continue jeper....continue
jo....after jober....delay joper....follow
aj....past ajber....pass ajper....pass
ej....present ejber....present ejper....present oneself
jwo....late jwober....delay jwoper....go late
yan....together yanber....assemble yanper....join
yon....apart yonber....take apart yonper....separate
ko-....hidden kober....hide koper....hide
ki-....oblique kiber....bend kiper....slant, slide, incline
ku-....lateral kuber....set aside kuper....avoid, sidestep
ik-....full ikber....fill ikper....become full
uk-....empty ukber....empty ukper....become empty
Note also, the following special derivatives:
paper, peper, etc.
paper....fly, go by plane
peper....ride, go by car
piper....sail, swim
puper....go by subway

Common Verb Derivatives


The following chart shows a number of verb derivatives of ber and per formed by:
  • augmenting the b or p with a vowel having a general sense of direction relative to the speaker (vectorial vowel);
  • bier....take vs. buer....give
  • adding a verb formant at the end of the stem:
  • -l- (strong transitive) or -r (stronger transitive);
  • -s (intransitive) or -x (transitive), );
  • -sl- (stronger intransitive) or -xl- (stronger transitive);
  • -sr- (even stronger intransitive) or -xr- (even stronger transitive);
  • intensifying or changing the meaning of the word by prefixing the stem ordinal vowel with -y-;
  • bexer....hold -> byexer....hit
  • sometimes prefixing the stem with one or more prepositions or other semantic morphemes;
  • bier....take -> ojbier....borrow
In these words, stems beginning with p- are more intense than those in b-;
The general formula for these verbs is "(PREFIX +)?[bp][y]?[aeoiu][sx]?[lr]?er".
The following is a small list of b(y)[aeoiu]- and p(y)[aeoiu]- derivatives which are formed by prefixing a preposition or some other element.
B(y)[aeoiu]- and P(y)[aeoiu]- derivatives
Pattern A-stem (up) E-stem (middle) O-stem (down) I-stem (away) U-stem (toward)
b_er baer....lean
  • abaer....lean on
  • aybaer....lean over
  • ibaer....lean away
  • oyebaer....lean out
  • ubaer....lean toward
  • yebaer....lean in
  • yuzbaer....hug
-- -- bier....take
  • ibier....obtain
  • gonbier....partake
  • kebier....choose
  • kobier....steal
  • nuxbier....buy
  • obier....leave, give up
  • ojbier....borrow
  • oyebier....exclude
  • vabier....accept
  • vobier....refuse
  • yebier....include
  • yembier....replace
  • yibier....take away
  • yobier....take down
  • zoybier....take back
  • gonbuer....share
  • fyabuer....dedicate
  • grobuer....shortchange
  • ifbuer....offer
  • jabuer....ante up
  • kobuer....bribe
  • lobuer....deprive
  • nixbuer....sell
  • obuer....withhold
  • okbuer....sacrifice
  • ojbuer....lend
  • tuyabuer....hand over
  • yembuer....assign
  • zaybuer....present
  • zeybuer....transfer
  • zoybuer....give back, return
  • zyabuer....distribute
b_l/rer baler....press
  • abaler....stamp, impress
  • abarer....squash
  • aybarer....run over
  • barer....crush
  • gibarer....stab
  • ilbaler....squirt
  • kyibaler....stress
  • lokyibaler....relax
  • obaler....decompress
  • oyebaler....express
  • tyoyibaler....trample
  • tyoyibarer....stomp
  • yanbaler....compress
  • yanbarer....crunch
  • yebaler....imprint
  • yobaler....suppress
  • yuzbaler....squeeze
  • yuzbarer....choke, strangle
  • zoybaler....squelch, repress
  • zyobaler....constrict
  • zyobarer....cramp
  • oyebeler....export
  • yebeler....import
  • zaobeler....ferry
  • zeybeler....transport
  • zoybeler....report
  • zyabeler....propagate, broadcast
  • avboler....endorse
  • kuboler....abut
  • nasboler....underwrite
  • oyboler....underpin
  • utboler....support oneself
  • yaboler....prop up
  • yanboler....co-support
biler....fetch, obtain
  • birer....seize, grab
  • azbirer....commandeer
  • igbirer....snag
  • kobirer....loot
  • obirer....lose grip of
  • teyobirer....collar
  • tuyafyembirer....pickpocket
  • vyobirer....bribe
  • vyotexbirer....inveigle
  • yafbirer....seize power
  • yivbirer....loot
  • yokbirer....overwhelm, ransack
  • yufbirer....extort
  • ifbuler....dedicate
  • tojbuler....bequeath
  • burer....yield
  • ifburer....volunteer
  • nigbuer....accommodate
  • bas/xler....budge
  • bas/xrer....shake, agitate
  • abaxer....pat, pet
  • abaxler....stroke
  • abaxrer....rub, massage
  • baosler....shivver
  • baosrer....quiver, shudder
  • baoxer....vibrate
  • bas/xler....shake/shake
  • ibabas/xrer....corrode/abrade
  • ifabaxer....fondle
  • izbaxer....point
  • kubas/xer....slide
  • kyabas/xer....shift/shift
  • kyaobaser....fluctuate, waver
  • obabas/xrer....rub off/rub off
  • oyebabaxrer....rub out
  • tayibabaxrer....irritate
  • teabaxer....wink
  • tebaxer....nod
  • teibaxer....nuzzle
  • teubabaxer....lick
  • tuyabaxer....wave
  • tuyubaxer....finger, fiddle
  • uizbas/xer....swag
  • yobas/xer....turn over
  • yokbaxer....startle
  • yuzbaxer....stir
  • yuzbaxler....whip
  • zaobas/xer....rock/rock
  • zaobas/xler....shake back and forth
  • bexler....keep
  • bexrer....hold tight, grip
  • izbexer....control
  • kyobes/xer....stay put/hold steady
  • lobexer....let go
  • oyebes/xer....stay out/exclude
  • vakbes/xer....stay safe/keep safe
  • yagbes/xer....stay long/conserve
  • yanbes/xer....adhere/hold together
  • yagbexer....preserve
  • yebes/xer....stay in/include
  • yibes/xer....shun/hold off
  • yubes/xer....stay near/hold near
  • yuzbes/xer....cuddle/hug
  • zebes/xer....balance/balance
  • zobexer....lag/delay
  • zoybes/xer....stay back/retain
  • bes/xler....remain/keep
  • fyabexler....enshrine
  • kobes/xler....keep hidden/keep secret
  • kyobes/xler....keep still
  • obexler....discard
  • teabexler....monitor
  • vakbexler....safeguard
  • yagbexler....maintain
  • yanbexler....keep together
  • yonbexler....keep apart, seclude
  • yibes/xler....avoid/keep at bay
  • yubes/xler....keep close/keep close
  • zoybes/xler....keep back/retain
bos/xer....be quiet/quieten
  • jexoboxer....nag
  • loboxer....disquiet, annoy
  • obos/xer....worry/bother
  • tepoboxer....worry, concern
  • boxler....squelch
  • oboxler....vex, bedevil
  • abixer....pull on
  • aoyebixer....pump
  • aybixer....pull over
  • ibis/xer....avoid/detract
  • obixer....pull off, subtract
  • oybixer....pull under
  • oyebixer....extract
  • ubixer....attract, lure
  • yabixer....pull up, hoise
  • yagbis/xer....stretch/stretch
  • yanbis/xer....contract/contract
  • yebis/xer....get sucked in/pull in
  • yibixer....detract
  • yobis/xer....sink/pull down
  • yogbis/xer....shrink/shrink
  • yonbis/xer....draw apart/distract
  • yovbixer....seduce
  • yubis/xer....draw near/attract
  • zaybis/xer....protract/protract
  • zobixer....drag
  • zoybis/xer....retract/retract
  • zyabis/xer....extend/extend
  • bixler....yank, drag
  • oyebixler....extirpate, rip out, drag out
  • yabixler....dredge up
  • yebixler....drag in
  • yibixler....yank away
  • yobixler....drag down
bus/xer....head for/push
  • buxler....shove, drive
  • buxrer....kick, force
  • abuxer....foist
  • abuxrer....stomp on
  • aybuxer....push over
  • obuxer....repel
  • obuxrer....kick off
  • ovbuxer....oppose
  • oybuxer....push under
  • oyebuxer....expel
  • yabuxer....push up
  • yanbuxer....push together
  • yebuxer....impel
  • yobuxer....push down
  • yonbuxer....dispel
  • yovbuxer....sanction
  • zaobuxer....jostle
  • zaybus/xer....head forward/propel
  • zoybus/xer....head back/repel
  • zyobuxer....strain
  • obuxler....shove off, drive off
  • oyebuxler....shove out, expel, drive out
  • oyebuxrer....pump out, force out
  • yebus/xler....intrude/shove in/drive in
  • yobuxler....shove down, drive down
  • zyebus/xler....shove oneself though/shove through, drive through
  • yabuxrer....kick up
  • yebus/xrer....penetrate/pump in, force in
  • yibuxrer....kick away
  • yobuxrer....force down
  • yubuxrer....force near
byas/xer....stand up/erect
  • kyobyaser....stand still
  • yagbyaser....stand tall
  • zoybyas/xer....stand back up/stand back up
  • byes/xler....knock
  • byes/xrer....whack
  • abyexer....attack, offend
  • axbyexer....slam
  • ebyexer....clash, fight
  • ebyexler....squabble, skirmish
  • igbyexer....swat
  • ifekbyexer....bop
  • igyonbyexer....snap
  • ilbyexer....splash
  • kyibyexer....thump
  • ilzyabyexer....bespatter
  • kyuigbyexer....click
  • obyexer....protect
  • ovbyexer....resist
  • obyonbyexer....break off
  • seuxbyexer....bang
  • tujbyexer....knock out cold
  • tojbyexer....strike dead
  • tuyabyexer....applaud, clap, slap
  • tuyubyexer....rap, tap, strum
  • tyobyexer....kick
  • yobyexer....knock down
  • yanbyes/xer....clash/clash
  • yonbyes/xer....break/break
  • yonbyes/xler....smash/smash
  • yonbyes/xrer....shatter/shatter
  • zaobyexer....swat, bat
  • zotiubyexer....spank
  • zyibyexer....smack, slap
  • ikbyexrer....obliterate
  • abyos/xer....depend on/hang on
  • obyos/xer....hang off/hang off
  • teyopyoxer....hang by the neck
  • tojpyoxer....execute by hanging
  • yivpyoser....dangle, hang loose
  • yobyos/xer....hang down/hang down
byis/xer....originate/derive byus/xer....reach toward/touch
  • yanbyus/xer....contact/contact
  • byuxrer....kick, force
p_er paer....hover
  • aypaer....hover above
-- poer....rest
  • zepoer....take a break
  • boypier....forego
  • kopier....elude, elope
  • mempier....take off
  • tampier....leave home
  • dompier....leave town
  • melpier....take off
  • mempier....emigrate
  • pipier....set sail
  • papier....take off
  • pepier....drive off
  • popier....set out on a trip
  • yexpier....retire
  • sempier....get up from the table
  • sumpier....get up out of bed
  • simpier....get up from the chair
  • yanavpier....defect
  • yempier....resign
  • mimpier....disembark
  • yanavpier....defect
  • yovpier....abscond
  • kopier....elope
  • igpier....bolt
  • yokpier....suddenly leave
  • zopier....abandon
  • japuer....arrive ahead of
  • jwapuer....arrive early
  • jwepuer....arrive on time
  • jwopuer....arrive late
  • melpuer....land
  • mempuer....immigrate
  • tampuer....arrive home
  • yempuer....accede, access
  • yokpuer....suddenly show up
p_l/rer -- -- -- piler....flee, evade
  • mempiler....flee the country, emigrate as a refugee
  • yufpiler....flee in fear
  • jwapiler....drop out
  • kopiler....sneak away
  • zyompiler....evade a tight spot
  • pirer....escape
  • apaxer....wipe
  • apaxler....sweep
  • apaxrer....scrub, rub
  • buipas/xer....move to and fro
  • ibapaxer....wipe away, erase
  • ibapaxler....sweep away
  • igpaser....hurry, hasten
  • kopaser....sneak
  • kupaser....skate
  • kyepaser....wander, roam
  • obapaxer....wipe off
  • oyebapaxer....wipe out
  • oyebapaxler....sweep out
  • oyepas/xer....move out/move out
  • paoser....stop and go, lurch
  • pas/xler....shake/shake
  • pasrer....tremble/quake
  • tapas/xer....exercise/exercise
  • teppaxer....motivate
  • tyoipaser....crawl on one's keels
  • ugpaser....dawdle
  • uizpaser....stagger, swerve, yaw
  • yabapasler....get swept up
  • yaopaser....fluctuate
  • yepas/xer....move in/move in
  • yezapaxler....sweep along
  • yipas/xer....move away/remove
  • yupas/xer....move near/approach
  • yuzpaser....circulate, move around
  • yuzyupaser....spiral around
  • zaopaser....swing
  • zaypas/xer....progress, move on/promote
  • zoypas/xer....regress/move back
  • zuipas/xer....move left and right
  • zyupaser....rotate, spin
  • potpexer....go trapping
  • pexler....capture
  • dovakpoxer....arrest
  • japoxer....forestall
  • kyopos/xer....stop still/stop
  • pos/xler....sink/plunge
  • pos/xrer....drown/drown
  • poys/xer....pause, rest/pause, stall
  • yopos/xer....anquish/cause anxiety
  • zepoxer....interrupt
  • pis/xler..../abduct
  • pitpixer....fish
  • pixrer..../rape
  • purpixler....carjack, hijack
  • tobpixler....kidnap
  • pus/xler....lunge/thrust
  • apus/xer....hop on/hop off
  • apuxrer....fire at
  • aypus/xer....jump over/throw over
  • fupuxrer....misfire
  • igpus/xer....fling onself/fling
  • ililpus/xer....spurt/spurt
  • ilpus/xer....spew/spew
  • ilzyapus/xer....spray
  • ilzyopus/xer....squirt
  • ipus/xer....jump away/discard, jettison
  • kupus/xer....jump aside/cast aside
  • opus/xer....jump off/throw off
  • oyepus/xer....jump out/throw out
  • oypus/xer....jump under/throw under
  • puxrer..../shoot, fire
  • puys/xer....skip/toss
  • teipuxler....sneeze
  • teubilpuxer....spit
  • tojpuxrer....shoot dead
  • yepus/xer....jump in, throw in, inject
  • yepus/xler....intrude/jab, stick in, stab
  • yopuxrer....shoot down
  • zaypus/xer....jump ahead/project
  • zoypus/xer....jump back/reject
pyas/xer....jump, surge/launch, shoot
  • apyaser....pounce on
  • aypyas/xer....leap over/shoot over
  • opyas/xer....leap off/throw off
  • oyepyas/xer....leap out/shoot out
  • pyaoser....undulate, vaccilate
  • uzpyaser....vault
  • yaopyas/xer....bounce/bounce
pyexer....strike, hit
  • apyexer....attack, assail
  • dalexpyexer....argue, debate
  • epyexer....fight, combat, battle
  • epyexler....struggle
  • ilzyapyexer....splatter
  • ilzyopyexer....squirt
  • izapyexer....attack head on
  • koapyexer....mug
  • ovapyexer....counterattack
  • ovepyexer....fight against
  • ovpyexer....defend
  • pyexler....beat, batter, beat up
  • pyexrer....pound, whack
  • tojpyexler....beat to death
  • voyepyexer....fight back
  • voypyexer....strike back, retaliate
  • yanpyes/xrer....implode
  • yokapyexer'....surprise attack
  • yonpyes/xer....shatter/shatter
  • yonpyes/xler....burst/burst
  • yonpyes/xrer....explode/explode
  • yopyexer....knock down, defeat
pyos/xer....fall/drop, fell
  • apyoser....fall on top of
  • aypyoser....fall over
  • dobpyoxer....topple a regime
  • igpyoser....plummet
  • ilpyoxer....pour
  • kipyoser....slip
  • kupyoser....fall aside
  • kyipyoser....plop
  • mampyoser....skydive
  • milpyoser....rain
  • opyoser....fall off
  • oyepyoser....fall out
  • oypyoser....fall under
  • pyosler....dive
  • pyoys/xer....trip/trip
  • teipyoser....do a nose dive
  • tojpyos/xer....fall dead/knock dead
  • yanpyoser....collapse
  • yepyos/xer....fall in/plunge
  • yivpyoser....free-fall
  • yonpyoser....fall apart, decay, crumble
  • yopyos/xer....fall down, dive/topple, dunk
  • zaypyoser....fall forward
  • zopyoser....fall behind
  • zoypyoser....fall backward
  • zyupyoser....tumble
pyis/xer....originate/derive pyuer....reach
  • pyus/xer....encounter, run into/bump, hit
  • izpyuxer....hit head on
  • kupyuxer....sideswipe
  • pyuxler....crash into
  • pyuxrer....shock
  • yanpyuxer....collide with

Using Ber and Per to Form Dynamic Verbs


Some verbs with stems ending in -j are inherently stative. Their dynamic counterparts end in -ber for transitive verbs and in -per for intransitive verbs. There is a table showing this:
Using Ber and Per with J Verbs
tojer....die tojber....kill tojper....drop dead
tajer....be born tajber....give birth (to), bear tajper....spring up
tejer....live tejber....bring to life tejper....come to life
tijer....be awake tijber....awaken tijper....wake up
tujer....sleep tujber....put to sleep tujper....fall asleep
ijer....begin ijber....begin (something) ijper....start up
ujer....end ujber....finish, put an end to ujper....come to an end
yijer....open up yijber....open up (something) yijper....come open
yujer....close yujber....close, bring to a close yujper....come to a close
ejer....be present ejber....present show up
ajer....be past ajber....pass on ajper...pass up
Words using the root d- have to do with communicating, thus saying, talking, writing, reading.
Der Core Words
doler....be silent dier....ask
din....story dun....word
diz....comedy duz....music
Many verbs of communication are created by prefixing elements to der (to say, tell) as in the following chart:
Building Verbs of Communication with Der
Prefixed Word New Verb
va....yes vader....affirm
vo....no voder....deny
ve....maybe veder....guess
vyaa....true vyader....swear
vyoa....false vyoder....lie
fyaa....holy fyader....bless
fyoa....profane fyoder....curse
oza....weak ozder....hint
voy-....re- voyder....repeat, echo
ve....maybe + yova....guilty veyovder....indict
va....yes + yova....guility vayovder....convict
ja....before jader....predict
vao....yes/no vaoder....decide
yev....justice yevder....judge
fia....good fider....praise
fua....bad fuder....disparage
af....permission afder....authorize
of....prohibition ofder....ban
naz....value nazder....evaluate
yov....guilt yovder....blame
zyaa....wide zyader....broadcast
yaga....long yagder....elaborate
vyoa....wrong + via....beautiful vyovider....flatter
vyea....relative vyeder....relate
va....yes + oj....future vaojder....promise
ut....self + fia....good utfider....boast
uv....sorrow + tax....memory uvtaxder....regret
tes....meaning tesder....mean
ov....against ovder....object
kyia....heavy kyider....emphasize
jwa....early jwader....warn
ja....before + vo....no javoder....preclude
yuj....close yujder....conclude
ja....before + nap....order janapder....preordain
hyay....hurrah hyayder....congratulate
hyey....thanks hyeyder....thank
gra....too much grader....exaggerate
diz....comedy dizder....joke
dre-....write dreder....spell
eb....between ebder....communicate
eb....between + di-....ask ebdider....interview
eb....between + tes....meaning ebtesder....interpret
eb....between + tex....thought ebtexder....decide
ek-....play ekder....pretend
There are over 700 der verbs in Mirad, too many to list here.
Animal noise verbs are created by replacing the final -t of an animal name with der:
Building Animal Sound Verbs
Animal Sound Verb
kapet....dog kapeder....bark
fepet....cat fepeder....mew
bopeyt....cow bopeyder....moo
anpiat....duck anpiader....quack
mefapat....turkey mefapader....gobble

Speaking in Languages


Names of languages can be verbalized by replaced the d at the end of the language name with -der or -daler, or -dxer:
Language Speaking Verbs
Enid....English Enider....say in English Enidaler....speak in English Enidxer....Anglicize
Ferod....French Feroder....say in French Ferodaler....speak French Ferodxer....Gallicize
The name of the language discussed in this book is Mirad, which comes from mira, meaning global, world. Thus, say in Mirad is Mirader and speak Mirad is Miradaler. A speaker of Mirad is a Miradut or Miradalut. Duven et Miradale?....Do you speak Mirad?. Hey Mirad(al)uti, ansu!....Hey, speakers of Mirad, unite!
  • Duven et Miradale?....Do you speak Mirad?
  • Diwe Enidu has.....Please say it in English.
  • Voy ese gaj gla Liadaluti.....There are no longer many Latin-speakers.
Note: Liadalut can be shortened to Liadut.
Similarly, to write in Mirad and to read in Mirad would be Miradrer and Miradyeer, respectively. So, a person who can read Mirad is called a Miradyeut.
Base words for various communication art forms begin d- and end in -z, eg:
Communications Art Words with D-Z
dazun....a dance dazut....dancer
dazutyan....dance troupe
dyazim....ballet studio
dez....theater dezun....a play dezut....stage actor
diz....comedy dizun....a sketch dizut....comedian
dizutyan....comedy cast
dizam....comedy club
drezun....a poem drezut....poet drezim....poetry salon
dyuzog....operetta, musical
duzun....a musical piece duzut....musician
duzam....music arena
dyuzam....opera house
duzar....musical instrument
dyez....cinema dyezun....a movie dyezut....screen actor
dyezam....movie theater
dyezim....movie salon
dyezmis....silver screen
deuz....song deuzun....a song deuzut....singer deuzam....auditorium



  • dr-....to write
  • dro-....to erase
  • dred-....to spell
  • drez-....poetry
  • druz-....lyrics
Here are verbs derived from dr-:
  • aagteyxdrer....editorialize
  • abdrer....label, title
  • afdrer....authorize in writing, license
  • agabdrer....headline
  • ajdindrer....record history
  • naudyibdrer....radioteletype
  • aottuunyandrer....profile
  • Aradrer....write in Arabic
  • avdyundrer....endorse
  • aybdrer....superscribe
  • aybtaxdrer....overwrite
  • buidrer....correspond
  • dazdrer....choreograph
  • dedrer....report
  • deldrer....advertise
  • dezdrer....write a play
  • dildrer....postulate
  • dodildrer....petition
  • dodrer....publicize, put out a bulletin, report
  • dodyundrer....impanel
  • dovyabdrer....draft a law, draft legislation, legislate, write into law
  • drer....notate, record, write
  • drezdrer....compose poetry, write poetry
  • druzdrer....write song lyrics
  • droer....erase
  • duldrer....prescribe
  • duzardrer....orchestrate
  • duzdrer....compose, write music
  • dyundrer....sign
  • dyunnyadrer....put on a roster, register
  • dyunyandrer....enroll in, sign up
  • ebdrer....text
  • ebvadrer....contract, sign a contract
  • Enidrer....write in English
  • exdrer....plan
  • extuundrer....code, program
  • fidrer....write well
  • gaabdrer....re-inscribe, re-label, re-title, relabel
  • gabaldrer....re-print
  • gabsiyndrer....cross out
  • gawdrer....re-write, recopy, redraft, revise, rewrite
  • gawdyudrer....re-title, retitle
  • gawextuundrer....reprogram
  • gawjudrer....reschedule
  • gawoybdrer....resubscribe
  • gawsandrer....reformulate
  • gawtaxdrer....rerecord
  • gawujnadrer....redefine
  • geldrer....copy
  • grabekuldrer....over-prescribe
  • gradrer....overwrite
  • haydrer....log in, log on, login, logon
  • hoydrer....log off, logoff
  • hyudyundrer....ghostwrite
  • igdrer....jot, scrawl, scribble
  • ikdrer....write up
  • izdrer....print, write in block script
  • jadrer....program, script
  • jadyunnadrer....preregister
  • jaexdrer....draft a plan
  • jajudrer....ante-date, antedate, predate
  • jalojudrer....precancel
  • janyadrer....prelist
  • jataxdrer....pre-record, pre-tape, prerecord
  • jatexdrer....draft
  • jejobdrer....chronicle
  • jojudrer....post-date, postpone
  • jotaxdrer....post-record
  • jubdyesdrer....journalize
  • judrer....date
  • jwadrer....draft, script
  • kodrer....encipher, encode
  • koexdrer....machinate
  • kojadrer....plot, scheme
  • kyesdrer....log
  • kyesindrer....doodle
  • lodrer....delete, erase, rub out, scratch out
  • loextuundrer....deprogram
  • lojadrer....deprogram
  • lojudrer....cancel, nix
  • lokodrer....decipher, decode
  • lonyadrer....cross off the list, de-list
  • lonyandrer....de-list
  • makebdrer....email, text
  • mepsagdrer....address
  • nadrer....delineate, draw a line, score
  • noddrer....write in Braille
  • nodrer....dot, punctuate
  • nogdrer....grade
  • nunyandrer....inventory
  • nyadrer....list, table, tabulate
  • nyexundrer....catalog, inventory
  • nyifdrer....cable, telegram, telegraph
  • obyexardrer....emblazon
  • odrer....efface, erase
  • ofdrer....prohibit in writing
  • ogdrer....sum up
  • okvakdrer....underwrite
  • ovdyundrer....countersign
  • oybdrer....caption, subtitle
  • oybnadrer....underline
  • oybsadrer....engrave
  • oyebnadrer....outline
  • padrer....tweet
  • sandrer....formulate
  • seuxdrer....record
  • sindrer....depict, describe, draw, illustrate, limn
  • singondrer....describe, feature
  • siyndrer....jot down, notate, note
  • taxdrer....record, tape
  • Tayadrer....write in Thai
  • teedrer....report
  • tuyadrer....write by hand
  • uizdrer....squiggle
  • ujnadrer....define, delineate, limn
  • uzdrer....write in cursive script, write in longhand
  • vadyundrer....enroll, sign up
  • vasiyndrer....check
  • vidrer....write beautifully
  • vladrer....certify, guarantee in writing, warrant
  • volzdrer....color, draw color
  • vyadrer....dictate
  • vyedrer....correspond
  • vyoabdrer....mislabel
  • vyoextuundrer....misprogram
  • vyogeldrer....plagiarize
  • vyojobdrer....mistime
  • vyomepsagdrer....misaddress
  • xwadrer....write up a report on
  • yandyundrer....cosign
  • yebdrer....inscribe
  • yebdyundrer....enlist
  • yibdrer....telegraph, wire
  • yiklay drer....overwrite
  • yogdrer....abbreviate, write in shorthand
  • yogsindrer....encapsulate
  • yuzdrer....circumscribe, outline
  • yuznadrer....circumscribe, draw a border around, outline
  • zeydrer....transcribe
  • zeykodrer....transcode
  • zonaadrer....trace, track
  • zoyjudrer....backdate
  • zyadrer....post
  • zyenadrer....cross through, draw a line through
  • zyesindrer....draw a line through
  • zyunadrer....circle
Here are words derived from dred-:
  • dreder....spell
  • dredvyayekus....spellchecker
  • dredyen....orthography, spelling
  • geldredun....homograph
  • vyadreden ebek....spelling bee
  • vyakdreden....orthography
  • vyokdreder....misspell, spell wrong
Here are words derived from drez (poetry):
  • aagdrezea....headlining
  • aagdrezer....headline
  • aagdrezut....headliner
  • antosdrezun....sonnet
  • dabdrezut....poet laureate
  • dizdrezun....Limerick
  • drez....poetry, verse
  • dreza....poetic, poetical
  • drezden....poetry recital, recitation of poetry
  • drezdeup....scansion
  • drezdeupyontixen....scansion
  • drezdren....composing poetry
  • drezdrer....compose poetry, write poetry
  • drezdut....poetry reciter
  • drezduzun....ode
  • drezen....versification, versing
  • drezer....poeticize, poetize, versify
  • drezeyn....graphic medium
  • dreznad....line of poetry, verse
  • dreznadeon....couplet
  • dreznaduon....quatrain
  • dreznadxen....versification
  • dreznadyan....stanza
  • dreznadyaon....sestina
  • dreztun....poetics
  • dreztuna....poetics-related
  • dreztunay....poetically
  • dreztut....poetics scholar
  • drezun....piece of poetry, poem
  • drezunyan....poetics, poetry
  • drezut....poet, versifier
  • drezutyan....poet community
  • drezuyt....poetess
  • drezwa....versified
  • drezyan....anthology, collection of poetry
  • drezyanxer....anthologize
  • drezyanxut....anthologist
  • drezyen....poesy
  • drezyena....poetic, poetical
  • drezyenan....poeticality
  • fudrezut....poetaster
  • Iema dizdrezun....limerick
  • jipodrezun....haiku
  • Limerik dizdrezun....limerick
  • odreza....prosy
  • odreznadxwa....unversed
  • ogelseuxwa drez....blank verse
  • petyanuta drezun....eclogue
  • popdrez....minstrelsy
  • popdrezut....minstrel
  • popdrezutyan....minstrelsy
  • seuz drezun....tone poem
  • taxdrezun....epitaph
  • unkyiddreznad....tetrameter
  • uvdrezun....elegy
  • uvdrezuna....elegiac, elegiacal
  • vitepdrez....epigram
  • vitepdreza....epigrammatic
  • yanber drez....compose poetry
  • yaznodrezeyn....Braille script, braille
  • yiva drez....free verse
  • yoonkyib drez....pentameter
  • yoonkyib dreznad....pentameter
Here are words derived from druz (lyrics):
  • druz....lyrics, musical poetry
  • druza....lyrical
  • druzay....cantabile, lyrically
  • druzdyes....songbook
  • druzun....lyric
  • druzut....lyricist
  • druzyen....lyricism
  • dal-....to speak
  • del-....to declare, state
  • dol-....to be silent
Here are words derived from dal-:
  • abdoebdalim....senate, upper chamber, upper house
  • abdoebdalut....senator
  • abdoebdalutyan....senate
  • agavdaler....champion
  • agdal....bombast
  • andalzeyna....monolingual
  • anotdal....monolog, soliloquy
  • anyendal....idioglossia, lingo, slang
  • anyendalzeyn....ideolect
  • aovdaler....argue
  • aovdalson....controversy
  • apyexdaler....fulminate
  • apyexer dalay....impugn
  • avdal....defense, pitch
  • aza dalzeynes....brogue
  • azpyexdaler....caterwaul
  • be avdal bi....in defense of
  • be dalbyen....in a manner of speaking
  • daba dal....governmentese
  • dizdaler....wag
  • dobyendal....officialese
  • dodaler....orate, prelect, speak in public, stump
  • dodalnyem....soapbox
  • dodalseym....dais, pulpit, rostrum, speaker's platform
  • dodaltyen....oratory
  • dodaluj....peroration
  • dodalyen....rhetoric, rhetorical
  • doebdal....conference, consultation, public dialog, symposium
  • doebdalam....conference center
  • doebdalem....forum
  • doebdalen....conferencing, deliberating, deliberation
  • doebdaler....confer, consult, deliberate, dialog
  • doebdalim....conference room, parliamentary chamber
  • doebdalut....conferee, conference attendee, conferencee, congressman, congressperson, deliberator, parliamentarian
  • doebdalutam....congress building
  • doebdalutim....congress chamber
  • doebdalutyan tom....congress building, parliament building
  • doebdalutyan....congress, parliament
  • doebdalutyana....congressional, parliamentary
  • doebdaluyt....congresswoman
  • doebdalwa....deliberated
  • doebdalyea....deliberative
  • doebdalzem....conference center
  • dofiddalun....panegyric
  • doobdalzeyn....vernacular
  • douta dalen....public speaking
  • douta dalun....public speech
  • douta dalut....public speaker
  • dovyabdal....legalese
  • doybyena dal....bluster
  • doyiv bi yiva dal....right of free speech
  • ebdalar....intercom
  • ebdaleker....debate, contend
  • ebdalekyujben....cloture
  • ebdaler....converse, dialog, discuss, dissert, exchange words, interview, talk
  • ebdaloger....chat, chitchat, confabulate
  • ebdalogim....chat forum
  • ebdaluer....interview
  • ebdalutam....forum
  • ebdalutyan....board, cabinet, commission, committee, council, panel
  • ebdalyanuper....huddle
  • ebdalzeyn....interlanguage, pidgin
  • ebekdaler....discourse
  • ebodatdaler....parley
  • ebtexdaler....debate
  • ebyandaler....intercommunicate
  • endalzeyna....bilingual
  • eondal....doublespeak, double-talk, deviousness
  • epyexdaler....argue, squabble
  • eyntijdalen....glossolalia
  • fidaler....adulate, articulate, speak well
  • fiodaler....be discrete
  • fudalapyex....obloquy
  • fufyidaluwa....ill-advised
  • fuyixdal....obloquy
  • fuyixyea dalyen....vitriol
  • fyadal....homily, preachment, sermon
  • fyadaler....preach, sermonize
  • fyadalseym....pulpit
  • fyidalier....consult with, take counsel
  • fyidaluer....counsel, give pointers to
  • fyodal....profanity, billingsgate
  • gidal....wit
  • gidalun....witticism
  • gladaligut....motormouth
  • gladalut....chatterbox
  • gladalyea....loquacious
  • gladalzeyna....multilingual, polyglot, polylingual
  • glodalyea....laconic
  • godaler....pipe down, speak less
  • gradaler....harangue, talk too much, yammer
  • gratipdal....treacle
  • hoydalut....valedictorian
  • hyudalzeynxer....translate
  • hyuitdaler....converse, dialog, talk to one another
  • ifdaler....engage in chitchat, engage in smalltalk, josher
  • ifebdaler....chitchat, converse pleasantly, engage in smalltalk
  • igdaler....burble
  • igoxdaler....gabble
  • ijdaler....broach
  • imdaler....splutter
  • indalzyeyena....trilingual
  • izdalea....frank, honest
  • izdalun....demarche
  • jadal....prolegomenon, prolog
  • jedaler....blab
  • jwoxdal....filibuster
  • kodal....cant
  • kodaler....speak in secrecy, confide
  • kofudaler....backbite
  • kovyodalzeyn....pseudolanguage
  • kyedaler....ramble
  • kyudal....persiflage
  • kyudaleger....smatter
  • leveldaler....schmooze
  • meamdalyen....regionalism
  • meima dodalen....barnstorming
  • naxyobdaler....chaffer
  • oanyendaluna....unidiomatic
  • obdalyen....cant
  • odalfea....cagey
  • odalwa....unspoken
  • odalyafwa....unspeakable
  • ofidalea....inarticulate
  • ogdalegen....prate
  • oizdaler....dissemble
  • oiztexa dalen....blithering
  • okkad dodalun....concession speech
  • olefwa dal....palaver
  • otesdal....balderdash, claptrap, pap, piffle, razzmatazz, twaddle
  • otesdaleger....chaffer
  • otesdaler....footle, maunder
  • ovabiwa dal....guff
  • ovdaler....argue against, condemn, impugn, oppose, protest, speak out against
  • ovdalyofwa....incontrovertible
  • ovebdaler....quarrel verbally
  • ovyenxwa dalbyen....asyndesis
  • oxdaler....gab
  • oybdalzeyn....sublanguage
  • oyeybdalzeyntuna....extralinguistic
  • oyijdalea....closeted
  • ozdaler....mumble, murmur, mutter
  • pansinyibdalir....videophone
  • paosdaler....stammer, stutter
  • pyexdaler....contend. squabble
  • sagzyiuner yibdalir....dial a phone, dial a telephone
  • sana dodal....allocution
  • siundalzeyn....sign language
  • tayibdalzeyntun....neurolinguistics
  • teazdalea....grandiloquent
  • teibdaler....snuffle
  • teptundal....psychobabble
  • tepuka dal....blarney
  • tesin bi dal....figure of speech
  • testyika dal....gobbledegook, gobbledygook
  • tesuka dal....buncombe, bunkum, hogwash, hooey, jargon
  • tindalen....preaching dogma
  • tiubdalut....ventriloquist
  • tobetdaler....prattle
  • tudaler....expound
  • tujdalut....somniloquist
  • tuyab yibdalir....hand phone, handset, cellphone
  • tyendalyen....jargon
  • tyodalzyen....vernacular
  • uijdaler....stutter
  • ukdalut....rattlehead
  • uvodaler....pout
  • uygdaler....drawl
  • uygdalyen....drawl
  • uzigdaler....splutter
  • vaodaler....waffle
  • vidaler....smooth-talk, speak eloquently
  • vidalyen....eloquence
  • vyedaler....talk about
  • vyodal....bullshit
  • vyodalek....sophism
  • vyodaler....misspeak, palter
  • vyudaler....besmirch, talk dirty
  • xabdalyen....bureaucratese, bureaucratic language, officialese
  • yadal....dialogue
  • yagavdal....spiel
  • yagdaler....expatiate, gab, ramble on, speak at length
  • yagdodaler....harangue
  • yagebdaler....descant
  • yandaler....converse, discuss
  • yandalog....powwow
  • yandalutyan....commission, convention
  • yankdalzeyn....creole
  • yansauna dal....lingua franca
  • yansaundala....colloquial
  • yaxdal....shoptalk
  • yexemovdaler....picket
  • yeybdalzeyna....intralingual
  • yibdal kyaxarmes....switchboard
  • yibdaler....call, speak by phone
  • yibdalibar....telephone receiver
  • yibdalir dyes....phone book
  • yibdalir ebexut....phone operator, telephone operator
  • yibdalir emdyundyes....phone book, telephone book
  • yibdalir izbar....phone directory
  • yibdalir izbus....telephone directory
  • yibdalir izebnad....hotline
  • yibdalir nasyankex....telethon
  • yibdalir nundetyan....phone company, telephone company
  • yibdalir sagzyiun....phone dial, telephone dial
  • yibdalir yuijbarzen....telephone switchboard
  • yibdalir....phone, telephone set
  • yibdalirer....phone, telephone, use the telephone
  • yibdalirum....telephone booth, phone booth
  • yibdalirun....phone call, telephone call
  • yibdaltyen....telephony
  • yibdaluibar....telephone receiver-transmitter, telephone set
  • yibdrir dalyen....telegraphese
  • yibyandal....teleconference
  • yibyandalen....teleconferencing
  • yijdaler....blab
  • yivdal....banter
  • yivdaler....banter, talk loosely
  • yizdalzeyn....metalanguage
  • yizfidaler....rave
  • yoigdalwa....terse
  • yokdaler....wing it, improvise
  • yondaler....argue
  • yondalzeyn....argot
  • yoxdaler....natter
  • yugdaler....whisper
  • yugfadalea....glib
  • yugfadalut....smooth-talker
  • yukdale....flippant
  • yukdalwa....plainspoken
  • yukla dal....yap
  • yuzdalen....crosstalk
  • zaodal....chat, conversation, dialog, dialogue
  • zaodaler....chat, converse, dialog, talk back-and-forth
  • zedalut....go-between, intermediary
  • zevyeson dodal....keynote address
  • zeynada dal....lingua franca
  • zoydaler....sass, talk back
  • zyadaler....preach, propagandize
  • zyadalseym....pulpit
  • zyadalut....preacher
  • zyadodal....propaganda
  • zyua sem ebdal....round table discussion
Here are words derived from del-
  • afyaxeba dodel....encyclical
  • budeler....propose
  • chandelier....candelabrum
  • dodeler....announce, pronounce
  • dodelwo....to be announced, TBA
  • dovadeler....profess, ratify
  • doyovdeler....reprimand
  • dropek del....declaration of war
  • fideler....approve
  • fudeler....condemn, denounce, disapprove of, excoriate, reprove
  • fudelyag....diatribe, invective, tirade
  • fuvyedelen....miscommunication
  • fyadeler....profess
  • fyavyadwa del....sworn statement
  • gadelen....redeclaring, restatement, restating
  • gawdeler....redeclare, restate
  • gradeler....overstate
  • ibdeler....absolve
  • jadel....preamble
  • jadeler....pre-declare
  • lodeler....recant, retract, unstate
  • lofideler....disapprove of
  • lovadeler....apostatize
  • lovadelut....apostate
  • nundeldrof....billboard
  • nundeldrut....copywriter
  • nundeler....advertise, post
  • nundelsiun....billboard, commercial sign board
  • nundelyag....infomercial
  • nuxyofdel....declaration of bankruptcy, declaration of insolvency
  • odelwa....undeclared
  • ofdeler....banish
  • ogeandel....inequation
  • olovdelwa....uncontested
  • ondeler....invalidate, quash
  • ovdeler....confute, contest
  • taj del....birth notice
  • tapifek dodelut....sports announcer
  • toj dodel....death announcement, obit, obituary
  • toj del....death notice
  • tyodeler....advertise, publicize
  • ujdeler....determine
  • ujpon dodel....death announcement, obituary
  • vadeler....adjudge, confirm
  • vatexdel....credo
  • vodeler....deny, disproof
  • vyadel....theorem
  • vyayuvdel....statement of loyalty
  • vyodeler....disprove, misstate
  • vyodelm....misstatement
  • vyodelwa....disproved, misstated
  • vyodelyafwa....disprovable
  • vyokdeler....refute
  • vyovyedeler....mis-communicate
  • yaodel....proposition
  • yavdeler....declare innocent, exculpate, exonerate
  • yibnundelen....telemarketing
  • yibsin nundel....t.v. commercial, television commercial
  • yovdeler....convict
  • yovdelwat....convict
  • yuvdeler....profess
  • zyadeler....broadcast
Here are words derived from dol-:
  • eber dol....break silence
  • fidoler....be discrete
  • fudoler....sulk
  • fudolyea....sulky
  • ikdoler....swipe clean
  • lodoluer....unsilence
  • nasdoluer....silence with money
  • odoler....blab
  • odolfivadwa....uncondoned
  • odolut....blabbermouth
  • ofidoler....be indiscrete
  • texdolea....reticent
  • uvdoler....sulk
  • yokdola....dumb-struck, dumbstruck


These rootwords express various intensities of asking and suggesting:
DI-, DU-
dier...ask duer....suggest
dider....question duder....answer
diler....beg duler....insist, urge
direr....demand durer....order
Here are some verbs derived from dier, dider, diler, diler:
  • aybteasdidier....take a survey
  • azdier....beseech
  • dier....ask for, request
  • dizeudier....get a laugh
  • ebdidier....interview with
  • ebtadier....intermarry
  • exdier....be a candidate, run for office
  • fiupdier....usher, welcome, greet
  • fizupdier....court
  • fyaojvadier....take an oath
  • fyidier....confer, seek advice, take advice, take counsel
  • gatadier....get remarried, marry again, re-wed, remarry, rewed
  • hihidier....amuse oneself
  • hotandier....card, i.d.
  • jwatadier....marry early
  • jwotadier....marry late
  • kadier....investigate, listen to confession
  • kebidier....poll
  • kexdier....question
  • loupdier....disinvite
  • nasdier....panhandle
  • otadier....get divorced
  • tadier....espouse, get married, marry, wed
  • taydier....wive
  • tesdier....seek an explanation
  • tundier....consult
  • ubdier....send for
  • updier....invite, welcome
  • uvdier....lament, moan, mourn
  • vadier....claim
  • vudizeudier....make fun of
  • yavadier....claim innocence
  • yuxdier....consult, seek help
  • zoyvadier....reclaim
  • aybteasdider....conduct a survey, do a survey
  • azdiler....beg, beseech, entreat, implore, supplicate
  • dider....enquire, interrogate, query, question
  • diler....beg, beseech, entreat, plead
  • direr....demand, elicit, exact, mandate, require, take
  • dodider....inquire
  • dodirer....mandate
  • fyadiler....pray
  • fyodiler....conjure, pray to the devil
  • gadider....requestion
  • gidider....snipe
  • gosdiler....beg, panhandle
  • gradiler....grovel
  • jodider....debrief
  • losexdirer....scuttle
  • nasdiler....beg, mooch
  • updirer....take hostage
  • utdider....wonder
  • utdirer....claim
  • vyandider....inquire, interrogate, question
  • vyaodider....proposition
  • yagdider....interrogate at length, question at length
Here are the verbs of the other direction ending in duer, duder, duler, or durer:
  • aybteasdider....conduct a survey, do a survey
  • aybteasdidier....take a survey
  • azdier....beseech
  • azdiler....beg, beseech, entreat, implore, supplicate
  • dider....enquire, interrogate, query, question
  • dier....ask for, request
  • diler....beg, beseech, entreat, plead
  • direr....demand, elicit, exact, mandate, require, take
  • dizeudier....get a laugh
  • dodider....inquire
  • dodirer....mandate
  • ebdidier....interview with
  • ebtadier....intermarry
  • exdier....be a candidate, run for office
  • fiupdier....usher, welcome, greet
  • fizupdier....court
  • fyadiler....pray
  • fyaojvadier....take an oath
  • fyidier....confer, seek advice, take advice, take counsel
  • fyodiler....conjure, pray to the devil
  • gadider....requestion
  • gatadier....get remarried, marry again, re-wed, remarry, rewed
  • gidider....snipe
  • gosdiler....beg, panhandle
  • gradiler....grovel
  • hihidier....amuse oneself
  • hotandier....card, i.d.
  • jodider....debrief
  • jwatadier....marry early
  • jwotadier....marry late
  • kadier....investigate, listen to confession
  • kebidier....poll
  • kexdier....question
  • losexdirer....scuttle
  • loupdier....disinvite
  • nasdier....panhandle
  • nasdiler....beg, mooch
  • otadier....get divorced
  • tadier....espouse, get married, marry, wed
  • taydier....wive
  • tesdier....seek an explanation
  • tundier....consult
  • ubdier....send for
  • updier....invite, welcome
  • updirer....take hostage
  • utdider....wonder
  • utdirer....claim
  • uvdier....lament, moan, mourn
  • vadier....claim
  • vudizeudier....make fun of
  • vyandider....inquire, interrogate, question
  • vyaodider....proposition
  • yagdider....interrogate at length, question at length
  • yavadier....claim innocence
  • yuxdier....consult, seek help
  • zoyvadier....reclaim



  • din....story, tale, account
  • dun....word
  • dyan....phrase
  • dyun....name
Here are some words derived from din:
  • agdin....legend
  • agfizdin....legend
  • aguvdin....tale of woe, tragedy
  • ajdin....history, record
  • ajtezdin....legend
  • ajutbyendin....lore, tale of tradition
  • antadin....monogamy
  • azhuhudin....sob story
  • din....lowdown, story
  • dizdin....funny story, joke
  • dodin....history, public record, report
  • dofindin....fable, moral, morality tale, parable
  • douta taxdin....public record
  • doyovdin....caper
  • duzdin....musical story
  • ejdin....current event, current events, news item, news story
  • ejkyesdin....breaking news item
  • entadin....bigamy
  • eynvyodin....fib, white lie
  • fitoypdin....fairy tale
  • frizdin....hero story
  • fuifdin....bad joke, prank
  • futujdin....bad dream, nightmare
  • fuzdin....scandal
  • fyadin....evangel, gospel tale, parable
  • fyedin....fairytale, fantasy, myth, tall tale
  • geldin....analogy
  • geylxdin....similitude
  • glatadin....polygamy
  • glonaxa tosaga yagdin....yellowback
  • hihidin....farce, joke
  • hyumdin....alibi
  • hyutesdin....allegory
  • iber dodin....receive a report
  • ifdin....comedy, funny story, joke
  • ifon din....love story
  • ifondin....romance
  • igdodin....quick report
  • igzyadin....bulletin, flash report, quick report
  • ika yogdin....summa
  • iondin....trilogy
  • ivdin....comedy
  • izdin....prose
  • jaajdin....prehistory
  • jadin....forward, preface, proem
  • jodin....sequel
  • jubdin....news account, news item, news story
  • jwaajdin....protohistory
  • jwadodin....protohistory
  • kadin....exposé
  • kodin....mystery story
  • kotesdin....parable
  • kudin....sidebar
  • kyadin....version
  • ojdin....tale of the future
  • omolaytdin....fairy tale
  • podin....fable, tale of animals
  • taxdin....memoir
  • huhudin....sob story, tearjerker
  • tejdin....bio, biography, life story
  • tejtaxdin....bio, life story
  • tezdin....legend
  • tijdin....day-dream
  • tojdin....obit, obituary
  • tooda din....ethnic story
  • totdin....myth, tale of the gods
  • tujdin....dream
  • tujjobdin....bedtime story
  • tyoddin....saga
  • tyoyda din....folktale
  • uivdin....tragicomedy
  • ujpondin....obituary
  • uttejdin....autobiography
  • uvdin....dirge, sad story, tale of woe
  • uvlandin....sob story, tale of woe
  • uvra din....tragic story
  • vyadin....non-fiction, true story
  • vyamdin....factual story, non-fiction, nonfiction, true story, true-to-life story, drama
  • vyaodin....mystery story
  • vyatejdin....autobiography, biopic, true-to-life story
  • vyodin....calumny, canard, fabrication, fake news, false narrative, false story, lie, tall story, tall tale
  • vyomdin....fantasy, fiction, fictional story
  • vyudin....porn, porno, smut
  • yagdin....novel
  • yevson ajdin....case history
  • yibaja ajdin....ancient history
  • yifrandin....hero story
  • yogdin....novella, rundown, short story, tale
  • yubajdin....recent history
  • yuzdin....gossip, rumor, story circulating, story going around, rumor
  • zyadin....broadcast, report
Here are some words derived from dun:
  • abdun....headword
  • adun....adjective
  • afdun....license
  • ajdun....adage, proverb, saying
  • ajutvyandun....adage
  • ajuvtosdun....expression of regret, expression of remorse
  • akaxwa dun....nonce word
  • alzabdun....rubric
  • amlodun....megaword
  • anyendun....byword
  • aota avdun....personal pronoun
  • aotsiyndun....byword
  • apyexlea dun....abusive comment, fighting word, insult
  • asaundun....determiner
  • avdun....pronoun
  • aydun....adverb
  • beaxdun....watchword
  • bikdun....caveat
  • debdun....command, mandate, order, ruling
  • dindun....narrative
  • doyevdun....judgment
  • dun....utterance, vocable, word
  • dyedun....lecture
  • eadun....participle
  • ebdun....preposition
  • ejnadun....neologism
  • endun....gerund
  • erdun....verb
  • erduna adun....verbal adjective
  • exdun....functor
  • exkodun....opcode
  • eyndun....halfword
  • frudun....anathema
  • fudun....bad word, curse word, cuss word, dirty word, epithet, invective
  • fuldun....insult
  • furdun....blaspheme
  • fyadun....benediction, blessing
  • fyaojvadun....votary
  • fyodun....blasphemy, curse word, cuss word, profanity, swear word, swearword
  • geldredun....homograph
  • gelseuxdun....homonym
  • geltesdun....synonym
  • gitepdun....wisecrack
  • haydren kodun....login password
  • ifdun....pleasantry, word of appreciation
  • ifuundun....joke, pleasantry
  • ijdresiyndun....initialism
  • ijdun....introduction, prologue
  • jadun....foreword, preamble
  • jodun....after-word, afterword
  • kodun....code word, codeword, password, secret word
  • kudun....comment, remark
  • kyodun....decision
  • memvyidun....thwaite
  • nundun....catchword, slogan
  • ogandun....diminutive
  • ojbiwa dun....loanword
  • ojdun....forecast
  • ojfondun....expression of hope
  • oyebdun....expression
  • sindrea adun....descriptive adjective
  • sindun....character, pictogram, pictograph
  • siyndun....remark
  • sundun....noun
  • syobdun....root word
  • teadun....testimony
  • tepdun....mantra
  • tepiga dun....bon mot
  • tesdun....gloss
  • tesuyea ebdun....overtone
  • texdun....mention, note, remark
  • totdun....gospel, hadith, word of God
  • ufdun....groan, moan, unpleasantness, word of displeasure
  • ujdun....conclusion, epilogue, final word
  • ukdun....buzzword, vacuity
  • uvdun....complaint
  • vabiwa ujdun....forgone conclusion
  • vatexdun....credo
  • veondun....hypothesis
  • vidun....euphemism
  • vladun....assertion, claim
  • vudun....dirty word, obscenity, ugly word, vile expression, vulgarity
  • vusyendun....expletive, vulgar word, vulgarity
  • vyabdun....lemma
  • vyandun....dictum, proverb, saying, truism
  • vyegedun....analogy
  • vyoa vyegedun....false analogy
  • vyonapdun....anagram
  • vyondun....lie
  • vyoseuxdun....mispronunciation, pronunciation error
  • vyoxyendun....malapropism
  • vyoyndun....fib
  • vyudun....curse word, dirty word, foul word, four-letter word
  • xwadun....testimonial
  • yanbwa dun....compound word
  • yandalwa dun....collocate, collocation
  • yandun....enclitic
  • yanxdun....conjunction, joinder
  • yanxwa bey yanxdun....syndetic
  • yaovdun....settlement, verdict
  • yevdun....critique, judgment
  • yibajdun....archaism
  • yijlardun....keyword
  • yika yevdun....potshot
  • yiztesdun....trope
  • yogvyandun....apothegm
  • yokdun....interjection
  • yovbyokdun....sentence
  • zadun....foreword
  • zedun....headword
  • zexdun....rheme
  • zuidun....palindrome
  • zyadun....broadcast, report
  • zyakadun....broadcast, report
Here are some words derived from dyan:
  • anyendyan....idiom, locution
  • dyanyan....paragraph
  • drezdyan....verse
  • dyan....phrase, expression
  • geldyan....simile
  • ikdyangon....clause
  • ikdyan....sentence
  • uzdyan....paraphrase
  • olizdyan....periphrase
  • poysuka dyan....enjambment
  • visaundyan....classicism
  • vyandyan....motto
Here are some words derived from dyun:
  • aa dyun....first name, given name
  • abdyun....caption, surname, title
  • abdyunxer....caption, title
  • aota dyun....person's name, proper name
  • aota sundyun....proper noun
  • avdyundrer....endorse
  • be dyun bi....in the name of
  • buwa dyun....first name, given name
  • dezdyun....stage name
  • dodyun....moniker, official name, proper name, public name
  • dodyundrer....impanel
  • dodyunier....assume a title
  • dodyunuer....appoint, assign a title
  • donabdyun....title
  • donabdyunuen....titling
  • donabdyunuer....title
  • donabdyunuwa....titled
  • douta dyun....public name
  • dredyunber....entitle
  • dredyunier....take on the title
  • dredyunober....strip a title
  • dredyunuer....entitle
  • druta dyun....nom de plume, pen name
  • drutdyunnad....byline
  • Duhos se eta dyun?....What's your name?
  • Duhoyen et dyunxwe?....What's your name?
  • duyn jo dyun....termwise
  • dyes abdyun....book title
  • dyes dredyun....book label
  • dyun dresiyni....call sign, call-letters
  • dyun nyadrun....names list, rostrum
  • dyun....appellation, moniker, name, sobriquet
  • dyunaber....assign a name, designate
  • dyunder....address, cite
  • dyundraf....badge, i.d., id, identification card, identity card, name badge, name card, nametag
  • dyundras....signature
  • dyundren drayef....signup sheet
  • dyundrer....sign
  • dyunier....adopt a name, call oneself, go by the name, sign in, sign up, take on a name, take on the name
  • dyunif....nickname, pet name
  • dyunifier....take on a nickname
  • dyunifuer....give a nickname to, nickname
  • dyunnadram....registrar
  • dyunnadrut....registrar
  • dyunnyad....name list, roster
  • dyunnyadawat....registree
  • dyunnyadrer....put on a roster, register
  • dyunoya....anonymous, nameless, unnamed
  • dyunsanxer....decline
  • dyunser....be called, be named
  • dyunsin....logo, logogram, logotype
  • dyuntoxen....anomie
  • dyuntun....onomatology
  • dyunuen vyayab....nomenclature
  • dyunuer....assign a name, call, christen, denominate, designate, give a name, nominate
  • dyunuka sun....doodad, doohickey, widget
  • dyunuka....anonymous, nameless, unnamed
  • dyunuutnyan....rostrum, sign up list
  • dyunxer....nominate
  • dyunyan....roster, set of names
  • dyunyandrer....enroll in, sign up
  • dyunyaner....list
  • dyunyuznad....cartouche
  • dyunzyiun....name plate
  • ebdyunuer....interpellate
  • ebyondyunena....interdenominational
  • ejdyun....nom du jour
  • emdyun....place name
  • enapa dyun....by-name, cognomen, secondary name
  • endyuna....binomial
  • fizdyun....honorific, title
  • fizdyunbexut....titleholder
  • fizdyunuer....title
  • fudyun....bad name, epithet, foul name
  • fudyunuer....call a bad name
  • fudyunyan....blacklist
  • fudyunyanuer....blacklist
  • funundyunuer....misbrand
  • fyindyuna....titular
  • fyodyun....epithet, insulting name, nasty name
  • fyodyunuer....call an insulting name
  • gabdyun....agnomen, appellative, nickname
  • gawdodyunuer....reappoint, reappointment
  • gawdyunaber....re-designate, redesignate
  • gawdyunder....recite
  • gawdyunuer....re-designate, re-name, rechristen, redesignate, rename
  • gawdyunxer....renominate, rename
  • gaemdyunber....readdress
  • gedyunat....namesake
  • haydren dyun....login name
  • hyidyunat....namesake
  • hyudyun....alias, allonym, alternate name, by-name, handle
  • hyudyundrer....ghostwrite
  • ifdyun....nickname, pet name
  • ijna dyun....first name, given name
  • ika dyun....full name
  • jadyunnadrer....preregister
  • kebiwa dyun....assumed name, chosen name
  • kodyun....code name, cover name, cover term, cryptonym, hidden name, secret name
  • kodyunier....take on a cover name
  • kodyunuer....assign a cover name to
  • kovyodyun....fake name, pseudonym
  • loabdyunuer....disentitle
  • lodyunyaner....de-list
  • naabdyun....filename
  • nabdyun....rank
  • nabdyunier....assume a title
  • nixwatdyunyan....payroll
  • nundyun....brand, commercial label, product name, trade name, trademark
  • oybdyun....signature
  • oybdyundrer....sign
  • odyuna....anonymous
  • odyundrawa....unsigned
  • odyunuwat....nameless person
  • ovdyun....antonym
  • ovdyundrer....countersign
  • oybdyundren....undersigning
  • oybdyundrer....undersign
  • oybnapdyun....hyponym
  • sagdyun....numeral
  • sandyun....substantive
  • sindrea dyun....appellative, descriptive name
  • taddyun....married name
  • tajdyun....birth name, first name, given name, maiden name, nee
  • tama emdyun....home address
  • todana dyun....familiar name, nickname, sobriquet
  • toddyun....family name, last name, surname
  • tudet dyun....baby name, pet name
  • ujna dyun....family name, last name, surname
  • utdyun....moniker, nickname, sobriquet
  • utsiyndyun....epithet, sobriquet
  • vadyundrer....enroll, sign up
  • vudyun....caconym
  • vyadyun....actual name, real name
  • vyodyun....anonym, fake name, false name, misnomer
  • vyodyunier....take a fake name
  • vyodyunuer....assign a fake name, misname
  • vyoemdyunuer....misaddress
  • vyonundyunuer....misbrand
  • yandyundrer....cosign
  • yansauna sundyun....common noun
  • yebdyundrer....enlist
  • yogdyun....abbreviated name, metonymy, metonym, nickname, short name
  • yogjoba dyun....temporary name
  • yondyuner....denominate
  • yondyunuus....denominator
  • zadyun....first name, forename, given name
  • zedyun....middle name
  • zedyunij....middle initial
  • zodyun....family name, last name, surname
The root dye- has to do with reading. The verb dyeer means to read, while dyes means something that is read, i.e. book.
Here are some words that incorporate the root dye-:
  • Aradyeer....read in Arabic
  • dodyeer....lecture
  • dyeer....read
  • dyeyafa....able to read, literate
  • dyeyofa....unable to read, illiterate
  • dyeyafwa....legible
  • dyeyofwa....illegible
  • ebdyeer....read between the lines
  • gawdyeer....reread, run over
  • igdyeer....fast read
  • jadyeer....preread
  • odyewa....unread
  • teasdyeer....sightread
  • tepdyeer....divine, read minds
  • teubobdyeer....lipread
  • teuzdyeer....read aloud
  • tuyibdyeer....read palms
  • vyodyeer....misread
  • zyedyeer....peruse
Following is a list of different types of books:
  • ajdindyes....history book
  • andrayefdyes....chapbook
  • anyendal dundyes....idioticon
  • bekuldyes....pharmacopeia, pharmacopoeia
  • dezdyes....playbill
  • dindyes....novel, story book, storybook
  • diyndyes....casebook
  • dodindyes....history book
  • dovyab tisundyes....hornbook
  • dovyayabdyes....codex
  • drebyendyes....stylebook
  • drefabun dyes....paperback book
  • drevyabdyes....grammar book
  • druzdyes....songbook
  • dundyes....dictionary, lexicon, wordbook
  • dunnyexdyes....thesaurus
  • duz uzyiun dyes....record album
  • dyanesdyes....phrase book
  • dyes....book
  • extuundyes....instruction book
  • fyadeuzundyes....hymnal, hymnbook
  • fyadil dyes....prayer book
  • fyadildyes....breviary, missal
  • fyadyes....bible
  • Fyadyes....Bible
  • fyavyader be ha Fyadyes....swear on the Bible
  • genegatdyes....peerage
  • gyodyes....brochure
  • hyastundyes....encyclopedia
  • Islama fyadyes....Koran, koran
  • iztuundyes....guidebook
  • jabdyes....almanac, yearbook
  • jubtaxdyes....diary
  • kodrendyes....codebook
  • Kristina fyadyes....bible
  • kyasaundyes....variorum
  • kyesdyes....logbook
  • magelen dyes....cookbook
  • memdyes....terrier
  • napdyes....rulebook
  • nasamdyes....bankbook, passbook
  • nasdrefdyes....checkbook
  • nuixdyes....cashbook
  • odyes....nonbook
  • potdyes....bestiary
  • tedpet dyes....stud book, studbook
  • teexdyes....audiobook
  • tipaxlea dyes....thriller
  • tistam dyes....schoolbook, textbook
  • tisun dyes....lesson book
  • tixundyes....lesson book
  • todtaxyandyes....scrapbook
  • totinduidyes....catechism
  • tudet dyes....baby book
  • tuyadyes....handbook
  • tyenuen tuyxdyes....training manual
  • tyuendyes....training manual
  • vyadreden dyes....spelling manual
  • vyaoyek dyes....bluebook
  • vyomdyes....book of fiction
  • yadrevdrayefdyes....sexto
  • yexdyes....workbook
  • yibdalir dyes....phone book
  • yibdalir emdyundyes....phone book, telephone book
  • yigabun dyes....hardbound book, hardcover book
  • yigzon dyes....hardback book
  • yogdrarundyes....sketchbook
  • yogdyes....brochure
  • yugabun dyes....softbound book, softcover book
The root word drof means board while drov means cardboard, carton. These are the root of the following words:
  • aber sindrof....put up a poster
  • angonxwa yuzmep drof....integrated circuit
  • aoksagdrof....scoreboard
  • byaxer siundrof....stick up a sign
  • cekerekdrof....checkerboard
  • cekerekdrofen....checkerboarding
  • cekerekdrofyena....checkerboarded
  • deldrof....ad, banner, billboard, sign
  • dindrof....storyboard
  • dodres drof....bulletin board
  • drasin drof....drawing board
  • drof....board, cardboard, carton
  • drofxer....bind in boards
  • drofyan....boarding
  • dyesdrofxen....bookbinding
  • dyesdrofxut....bookbinder
  • endrof....binder
  • faogonesdrof....particle board, particleboard
  • faogosdrof....chipboard
  • gyodrof....paperboard
  • ifek drof....game board
  • jobdrof....schedule, timetable
  • jobdrofxen....scheduling
  • jobdrofxer....schedule
  • jobdrofxut....scheduler
  • jobdrofxwa....scheduled
  • jobdrofxyafwa....schedulable
  • maka siundrof....electronic signboard
  • malza drof....whiteboard
  • malzdrof....whiteboard
  • mas drof....blackboard, wallboard
  • meyagdrof....chalkboard
  • molza drof....blackboard
  • molzdrof....blackboard
  • mufesdrof....pegboard
  • muyvdrof....pinboard
  • nundeldrof....billboard
  • nyifujdrof....plugboard
  • ober sindrof....take down a poster
  • purilp izeadrof....traffic sign
  • sindren drof....drawing board
  • sindrof....picture board, poster
  • siundrof....billboard, poster, sign board, signboard
  • soilkgos drof....circuit board
  • tuloxdrof....scratchboard
  • tuundrof....data panel, information board. bulletin board
  • tuwasdrof....bulletin board
  • uijbar drof....switch board
  • xahmatek drof....chessboard
  • yivbyasea tejnaga sindrof....standee
  • yobix drof....blackboard, chart, pull-down chart, whiteboard
  • yuzbarar drof....clipboard

  • drov....board, cardboard, pasteboard, poster board
  • drova....made of cardboard
  • drovnyem....cardboard box, carton
  • drovxam....cardboard factory
  • drovxer....cardboard
  • drovxut....cardboard binder
  • drovyan....cardboard
The root word draf means chart, card while drav means ledger, notebook, account.
The following words are derived from these roots:
  • aga draf....magna carta
  • aladraf....jack of cards
  • aoksagdraf....scorecard
  • bixpur jobdraf....train schedule
  • domepdraf....street map
  • draf belar....card holder, card wallet
  • draf bi doyivi....bill of rights
  • draf ifek....card game
  • draf vyoek....card trick
  • draf....card, chart
  • drafdyeys....chartulary
  • drafnaab....card file
  • drafnyan....card deck
  • drafxer....chart, map out, plot, plan
  • duhotandraf....identity card
  • dyundraf....badge, i.d., id, identification card, identity card, name badge, name card, nametag
  • ebnapxer ekdrafi....shuffle cards
  • ekdraf fuzekut....cardsharp
  • ekdraf gitepat....macer
  • ekdraf....playing card
  • ekdrafnyan....deck of cards
  • eker drafi....play cards
  • nogsiyndraf....report card
  • gadrafxer....remap
  • gawyivdrafuer....recharter
  • getandraf....identification badge, identification card, identity card
  • gonutan draf....membership card
  • haydraf....greeting card
  • heydraf....calling card
  • hotandraf....i.d., identification badge, identification card
  • hyaydraf....thank-you card
  • hwaydraf....congratulatory card
  • hyesundraf....wildcard
  • hyetesa draf....wild card
  • hyoydraf....sympathy card
  • ifek bi drafi....game of cards
  • ifekdraf....playing card
  • igapaxler draf....swipe a card
  • igdraf....flashcard
  • ivtajjub draf....happy birthday card
  • joibdrafika....testate
  • jonixdraf....debit card
  • judraf....calendar, date chart
  • jwobdir draf....clock card
  • jwobdraf....hourly schedule
  • kebuer ekdrafi....deal cards
  • kyanapxer ekdrafi....shuffle cards
  • mardraf....star chart, star map
  • melnigdraf....plat
  • melpaslundraf....seismograph
  • mepdraf....map, road map, roadmap, route map, street map
  • mepdrafxer....map, route
  • mersindraf izdar....gazetteer
  • mersindraf....atlas, geographic map of the world map
  • mersindrafxen....cartography, map-making, mapping
  • mersindrafxer....map
  • naabdraf....file card
  • naabdrafsam....file cabinet, filing cabinet
  • naabdrafyan....filesystem
  • naapdraf....schema
  • naapdrafi....schemata
  • naapdraf....schematic, scheme
  • naapdrafay....schematically
  • nab bi ekdrafi....suit of cards
  • nabyantuundraf....tableau, spreadsheet
  • nasamdraf....bankcard
  • naznemdraf....cartogram
  • nogsiyn draf....report card
  • nuxyef draf....tariff schedule
  • nyan bi drafi....deck of cards, deck of cards, stack of cards
  • odrafxwa....uncharted
  • ogladraf....microcard
  • ojdraf....timetable
  • ojdrafewa....being scheduled
  • ojdrafober....call off, cancel, remove from the schedule
  • ojnux draf....credit card
  • ojnuxdraf....credit card
  • olojdrafbwa....unscheduled
  • popdraf....travel map
  • popmepdraf....travel map
  • popsindraf....picture postcard
  • purexuta afdraf....driver's license
  • sindraf....chart, visual chart
  • suandraf....chart of elements
  • updiendraf....invitation card
  • utandraf....i.d.
  • vatexdraf....credential, credentials
  • yanjobdraf....synchronism
  • yantosdraf....sympathy card
  • yanuvtos draf....condolence card
  • yibnyuxdraf....postcard
  • yibsin jwobdraf....t.v. guide, t.v. schedule
  • yivyandraf....charter
  • yivyandrafxer....charter

  • drav....ledger, notebook
  • dravag....ledger, register, registry
  • dravagbam....registrar
  • dravagber....register
  • dravagut....accountant
  • draves bi bak....health record
  • draves bi drurunesi....book of tickets
  • draves bi emtuuni....address book
  • draves bi nogsigni....report card
  • draves bi pop....travel diary
  • draves....book, log, logbook, record, small notebook
  • jonix syagdrav....debit account
  • napxer ota syagdrav....square one's account
  • nasam syagdrav....bank account, bank ledger
  • neafdraves....blog
  • nexun syagdrav....savings account, thrift savings account
  • ojnux syagdrav....credit account
  • syagdrav....account, ledger
  • syagdraver....keep the books
  • syagdravtyen....accountancy, accounting, bookkeeping
  • syagdravyan....accounts
  • yemben syagdrav....deposit account
  • yembuix syagdrav....checking account, current account
  • yizpendrav....passbook
The root word dref means paper, draft, bill while drev means page.
Here are words derived from these roots:
  • abdrefxen....papering over
  • abdrefxer....paper over
  • abdrefxut....paperer
  • abdrefxwa....papered over
  • afdref....license
  • afdrefbeut....licentiate
  • axlafdref....authorization papers, written mandate, written order
  • boy drefgos....chadless
  • ditandref....citizenship papers
  • dobnix didref....tax form
  • dodildref....petition
  • dodirdref....written mandate
  • dopox vladref....arrest warrant
  • doteuzdref nyem....ballot box
  • doteuzdref....ballot
  • dovafdref....manifesto
  • doyevam updiendref....subpoena
  • dref balar....paper weight
  • dref bi apeyef....tissue paper
  • dref goblar....paper cutter
  • dref goblir....burster
  • dref goflun....scrap of paper
  • dref goflunyan....confetti
  • dref gyoflar....paper shredder
  • dref gyoflun....paper shred of paper
  • dref kiduzar....paperclip
  • dref kyis....paper weight
  • dref kyis....paperweight
  • dref mek....paper pulp
  • dref mug movuf....stovepipe
  • dref yugglal....pulp
  • dref yuzyun bi dref....roll of paper
  • dref zyunog....spitball
  • dref....paper
  • drefa....made of paper
  • drefabun dyes....paperback book
  • drefes....bill, billet, piece of paper, scrap of paper, slip of paper, sticker
  • drefesuen....billeting
  • drefesuka....untagged
  • drefgoblar....guillotine, paper cutter
  • drefgoblunsizen....decoupage
  • drefgobluntuz....decoupage
  • drefgorf....scrip
  • drefgos....chad
  • drefgran....red-tape
  • drefnag....demy
  • drefnam....stationery
  • drefnamut....stationer
  • drefnas....paper money
  • drefnyafar....brad
  • drefnyan....ream of paper, stack of paper
  • drefnyef....paper bag, paper sack
  • drefnyem....briefcase
  • drefoya....paperless
  • drefpat....kite
  • drefsaxam....paper factory, paper mill
  • drefsaxen....paper manufacture
  • drefsaxut....paper manufacturer
  • drefuka....paperless
  • drefyan....paperwork, red-tape, stationery
  • drefyena....papery
  • drefyugfaxir....calender
  • drefyugfaxirxwa....supercalendered
  • drefyugfaxwa....calendered
  • drer nasdref....write a check
  • dropek exdref....war plan
  • drur dref....printer paper
  • dyesabaundref....millboard
  • dyundrer nasdref....sign a check
  • ebexdrefgon....intermodule
  • ejdindref....gazette, journal, newspaper
  • ejdindrefsyen....journalese
  • ejdindreftyen....journalism
  • ejdindrefut....journalist, newspaperman
  • ejdindrefuyt....newspaperwoman
  • ejkyesdref....bulletin
  • exdref....plan
  • fevolayobdref....onionskin
  • fin jubdindref....broadsheet
  • fyudref....wastepaper
  • gabdref....allonge
  • geldrefunyan....quart
  • ikxer ukundref....complete a form, fill out a form
  • ilpdref....flow chart, flowchart
  • ilpdrefxen....flowcharting
  • jadref....slate
  • jadrefwa....slated
  • jobnixendref....lease
  • joibendref....testament
  • joibendrefa....testamentary
  • jonasdref dyundrut....comaker
  • jubdindref nixbuut....newsdealer
  • jubdindref....journal, newspaper
  • jubdindrefbelut....newsboy
  • jubdindrefbeluyt....newsgirl
  • jubdindrefnamut....newsvendor
  • jubdindrefnum....newsstand
  • jubdindrefsyen....journalese
  • jubdindreftyen....journalism
  • jubdindrefut....paperboy
  • jubdindrefuyt....papergirl
  • kebidref nyem....ballot box
  • kebidref....ballot
  • kexafdref....search warrant
  • koda doteuzdref....secret ballot
  • koda kebidref....secret ballot
  • kyodrefes....sticker
  • loxer nasdref....cancel a check
  • masdref....wallpaper
  • masdrefben....paperhanging
  • masdrefbut....paperhanger
  • meigdref....granite paper
  • meilza dref....manila paper
  • mialamdref....hygrothermograph
  • mialdref....hygrograph
  • mialdrefa....hygrographic
  • milnagdref....hydrograph
  • milnagdrefa....hydrographic
  • milufdref....toilet paper
  • naif bi dref....strip of paper
  • nasdref gobruj....check stub
  • nasdref....banknote, bill, monetary note, paper bill, paper money
  • nasdref....check
  • nasdrefdyes....checkbook
  • nasdreftaxgon....counterfoil
  • nasdrefyan....set of checks
  • nax drefes yokran....sticker shock
  • nax drefes....price tag, sticker
  • naxdref....bill of fare
  • nazdrefi....securities
  • nidrefdren....papyrography
  • nildref....papyrus
  • nildrefdrir....papyrograph
  • nildreftun....papyrology
  • nildreftut....papyrologist
  • nixdref....pay check
  • nundoyivdref....patent
  • nundoyivdrefuen....patenting
  • nundoyivdrefuer....patent
  • nundoyivdrefuwa....patented
  • nundoyivdrefuwat....patentee
  • nundoyivdrefuyafwa....patentable
  • nundoyivdrefuyafwan....patentability
  • nuxdref....paycheck, payslip
  • nuxer ha naxdref....pay the bill, settle the bill
  • nuxer ha ujna naxdref....pick up the tab
  • nyan bi dref....stack of paper
  • nyixdref....check, order form
  • nyixen sandref....order form, requisition form
  • nyuvdref....wrapping paper
  • nyuxdref....shipping invoice
  • odrefesbwa....untagged
  • ojnasdref....draft, money order
  • ovxer vaknasdref....jump bail
  • pergama dref....parchment
  • popdref balsiyn....passport stamp
  • popdref....passport, travel document
  • popdrefdib....passport office
  • poput nasdref....traveler's check
  • sandref....form
  • sopyepea dref....streamer
  • sunyandref....program
  • syagnasiuta nasdref....cashier's check
  • syagnasuer nasdref....cash a check
  • taj vladref....birth certificate
  • tajnaddref....pedigree
  • tayodref....parchment
  • teubixwa dref....papier mache, papier mâché
  • tixujakdref....diploma
  • toj vladref....death certificate, death warrant
  • tulnaxdref....bill of fare, check, food bill, restaurant bill
  • tuundref....bulletin, notification
  • ujna naxdref....tab
  • uka nasdref....blank check
  • ukundref....form
  • upetayodref....vellum
  • vadref....voucher
  • vaknasdref....bail bond
  • veeybxwa dref....grained paper
  • vladref....certificate, warrantee, warranty, writ of guarantee, claim
  • vladrefuer....serve a warrant, issue a warrant
  • vladrefuut....warrant issuing officer
  • vobier nasdref....bounce a check
  • vobiwa nasdref....bad check, bounced check
  • vyaba jubdindrefut....columnist
  • vyodrefxen....forgery
  • vyodrefxut....forger
  • xaer exdref....carry out a plan
  • xwadref....bulletin
  • xwosdref....agenda
  • yantexdref....pact, charter
  • yeber doteuzdref....cast a ballot, cast a vote
  • yebewasdref....manifest
  • yefobdref....quittance
  • yember nasdref....deposit a check
  • yija nasdref....open check
  • yogdraren drefnyan....sketchpad
  • yugfa melza yuznovabea dref....kraft
  • yugglalxwa dref....paper mulch, pulp
  • yuxyuvdref....indenture
  • yuznovabea dref....wrapping paper
  • zyunog bi dref....wad of paper

  • abdrev....header
  • abdrun drev....title page
  • alo Usodan nasdrev....ten dollar bill
  • aso Usodan nasdrev....hundred dollar bill
  • drev....page
  • elo dolar nasdrev....twenty dollar bill
  • gyodrev....crape
  • hihidrasin drev....cartoon page
  • miekdrev....sandpaper
  • pandrev....ticker
  • tamdrev....homepage
  • ujdrev....end paper, end sheet
  • uka drev....flyleaf
  • upelatdrev....flypaper
  • Usodan nasdrev....dollar bill
  • vyosauna nasdrev....counterfeit note, fake bill
  • yebwa drev....fold-out, foldout
  • yowa dolar nasdrev....five dollar bill
  • zadrev....front page
  • zedrev....middle page
  • zodrev....back page
This word is a composite of dr- (write) and (f)ayeb (leaf) and means sheet, page. It is incorporated in the followings words:
  • drayef....folio, leaf of paper, sheet
  • duz drayef....music sheet, score, sheet of music
  • dyes beut drayef....bookplate
  • dyundren drayef....signup sheet
  • ebdrayef....glassine, interleaf
  • ejtuun drayef....bulletin, newsletter, update sheet
  • extuun drayef....instruction sheet
  • gonekutxen drayef....enrollment sheet
  • igtuen drayef....brief sheet
  • kyosaun drayef....stencil
  • ogladrayef....microsheet
  • syagdrayef....account sheet, invoice
  • tuundrayef....fact sheet, notice, poop sheet, tip sheet
  • twasdrayef....fact sheet
  • vyakxen drayef....proof sheet, proofsheet
  • yexdrayef....worksheet
  • yidrayef....octavo
  • yilodrayef....octodecimo
  • zedrayef....centerfold
The stems of the words in this family begin with t, meaning human and mental states and activities like knowing, thinking, understanding, etc.:
  • t-....to know (a fact)
  • ty-....to know how
  • tr-....to be familiar with, recognize, to know (a person)
Here are some common derivatives of these roots:
  • ter....to know
  • tun....knowledge, science, -ology
  • vyatun....orthodoxy
  • vyaten....reason
  • tea....aware
  • tean....awareness
  • otea....unaware, ignorant
  • twas....fact, something known
  • tez....culture
  • teyen....idea
  • teyentun....philosophy
  • teyenyan....ideology
  • tier....learn
  • tixer....study
  • tuer....inform
  • tuxer....teach
  • tyer....to know how
  • tyen....skill, technique, familiarity, know-how
  • tyenyan....technology, skillset
  • tyun...concept
  • tyunxer...to conceptualize
  • tyez....magic
  • tyier....to get trained
  • tyuer....to train
  • tyaf....cognizance, consciousness, intellect
  • tyafa....cognizant
  • trer....to be familiar with, recognize
  • trier....to become acquainted with
  • truer....to acquaint with
  • trawa....known, recognized, familiar
  • trawat....acquaintance
  • fitrawa....well-known
  • yibtrawa....famous
Many verbs are built off the root word ter (to know). Here are some:
  • avejter....stand-in, substitute
  • dreter....have the impression
  • fiter....be expert, be familiar with, know well
  • fitester....understand well
  • fyinter....consider useful, value
  • glanazter....prize highly, appreciate
  • glater....know a lot
  • glonazter....disesteem
  • hyaster....be omniscient, know everything
  • iztester....directly apprehend, get it off the bat, intuit
  • jater....be prescient, forebode, have advance knowledge of, have foreknowledge of, know in advance, presage
  • kater....come to know, find out, realize
  • koter....know without telling, secretly know
  • kyeojter....know one's destiny, know one's fortune, presage, see the future
  • naxter....be thankful, prize
  • nazter....appreciate, esteem, estimate, value
  • obiter....obiter
  • ojter....foresee, project, have foreknowledge of
  • onazter....fail to appreciate
  • oter....be unaware, ignore, not know
  • otester....fail to understand
  • otijter....be unaware
  • tayoter....feel, physically feel
  • ter....be aware, know
  • tester....apprehend, comprehend, fathom, know the meaning of, understand
  • tijter....be aware, be conscious, know consciously
  • vater....be certain, be sure, know for sure
  • vekter....surmise
  • vlater....know for sure, be certain, resolve
  • vuyateater....be repulsed, consider vile
  • vyaoter....be wise, discern, know right from wrong
  • vyater....be wise, know to be true, possess insight, see through things
  • vyatester....understand properly
  • vyotester....misapprehend, misconstrue, misunderstand
  • yangronaster....commiserate
  • yobnazter....discountenance



  • ti-....to find out, become aware
  • tis-....to learn
  • tix-....to study
  • tri-....become familiar with, recognize
  • tyi-....know how to
  • tu-....to inform, make aware
  • tux-....to teach
  • tru-....to acquaint
  • tyu-....to train
Here are some derivatives:
  • tier....to find out
  • tiyaf....intelligence
  • tiyafa....intelligent
  • otiyafa....unintelligent
  • fitiyafa....clever
  • futiyafa....stupid
  • tin....doctrine, -ism
  • tiser....to learn
  • tistam....school
  • tixer....to study
  • tixut....student
  • tixam....school
  • tyer....to recognize
  • trier....to become acquainted with
  • tyier....to know how to
  • tuer....to inform
  • tuxer....to teach
  • tuxun....lesson
  • tuuxer....to educate
  • tuun....datum
  • tuunyan....information
  • truer....to acquaint with
  • truwa....acquainted
  • tyuer....to train
  • tyen....skill
  • vyotuer....to misinform, deceive, fool
  • vyatuer....to counsel
  • vyatuwa....wise

TAX- TEX- TOX- Words


  • taxer....to remember
  • texer....to think
  • toxer....to forget
Here are some derivatives of these:
  • tax....memory
  • taxer....to remember
  • taxier....to memorize, take note of
  • taxuer....to remind
  • tex....thought, cognition
  • texer....to think
  • jatexer....to plan
  • ajtexer....to reminisce, reflect on
  • vatexer....to believe, think so, suppose
  • vatexuer....to persuade
  • votexer....to doubt, discount, think not
  • votexuer....to dissuade
  • vyotexuer....to deceive
  • vetexer....to guess
  • vaotexer....to wonder, vacillate
  • vaotexder....to decide
  • vyatexer....to reckon
  • vyatexuer....to convince
  • yantexer....to agree
  • yontexer....to disagree
  • ebtexer....to decide, deliberate
  • vaebtexer....to decide yes
  • voebteser....to decide no
  • yevtexer....to judge
  • veyovtexer....to suspect
  • vyotexer....to doubt
  • vyotexuer....to trick
  • ovtexer....to oppose
  • avtexer....to favor
  • geltexer....to think alike
  • kyotexer....to obsess about
  • kyitexer....to ponder
  • vaktexer....to trust
  • vektexer....to doubt
  • voktexer....to distrust
  • fyetexer....to phantacize
  • iztex....logic, rationale
  • iztexer....to reason, rationalize
  • uztex....irrationality
  • tox....oblivion
  • toxer....to forget



  • teser....to mean
  • toser....to feel (emotionally)
  • toos....instinct
Here are some derivatives of these:
  • tes....meaning
  • teser....to mean, matter
  • tesier....to infer
  • tesuer....to imply, suggest
  • izteser....denote
  • uzteser....connote
  • tester....to understand
  • testier....to realize
  • testuer....to make realize, explain
  • tesder....to explain
  • tos....feeling
  • toser....to feel
  • tosier....to get the feeling
  • tosuer....to make feel
  • oktoser....to miss
  • taamoktoser....to be nostalgic
  • uftoser....to scorn
  • futoser....to resent
  • yanuvtoser....to commiserate, pity
  • zoyuvtoser....to regret
  • yovtoser....to feel ashamed
  • iztos....gut feeling
  • toos....instinct
    • toosa....instinctual
Suffixing -tun....science to words forms many -ology terms. An -ologist is rendered with -tut, eg:
tep....mind teptun....psychology teptut....psychologist
tieb....lung tiebtun....pneumology tiebtut....pneumologist
toj....death tejtun....thanatology tejtut....thanatologist
pat....bird pattun....ornithology pattut....ornithologist
pit....fish pittun....ichthyology pittut....ichthyologist
pot....animal pottun....zoology pottut....zoologist
mul....matter multun....chemistry ("materiology?") multut....chemist
ko-....hidden, dren....writing kodrentun....cryptology kodrentut....cryptologist
Some -ology words in English refer to theories or pseudo-science and are translated into Mirad with the ending -tuin:
-Tuin Suffix Words
mar....star martuin....astrology (cf. martun....astronomy) martuit....astrologist
sag....number sagtuin....numerology (cf. sagtun....mathematics) sagtuit....numerologist
nif....string niftuin....string theory niftuit....string theoretician
Words in English referring to doctrines, dogmas, or -isms are translated into Mirad with the ending -tin or its stub, -in, eg:
Ism Words
dot....society dotin....socialism
Buda....Buddha Budatin....Bhuddism
gwa....most, fis....good thing gwafistin....optimism
vyaa....true vyatin....orthodoxy, truism
an-....one, tot....god antotin....monotheism

TUIN (theory) and TUYN (Pseudo-science) Words


There are some words that refer to pseudoscience or theories, which use the -tuyn suffix.
  • martuyn....astrology
  • niftuin....string theory
  • vyelantuin....theory of relativity
The general word for school is tistam (house of learning). The various levels of schools are translated with this word scalarized numerically.
jatixam pre-school, kindergarten
atixam primary school
etixam secondary school, high school, lycee
itixam college
utixam university
joutixam post-graduate school
The word pre-school, kindergarten is represented with jatixam (lit. pre-school), while post-graduate school is rendered with joutixam (lit. post-university).
Some other, related terms:
  • enjab itixam....two-year college
  • dovyab tixam....law school
  • tyena tixam....trade school, vocational school
  • zetixam....middle school
  • tutam....academy
  • tiut....pupil
  • tixut....student
  • tixamutyan....student body
  • tuxut....teacher
  • tuxnead....course (of study)
  • tuxneadyan....curriculum
  • tuuxut....educator
  • tuuxen....education
  • tut....professor, scholar
  • tit....disciple, learner
  • tixameb....principal
  • itixameb....college dean
  • tuxutyan....faculty
  • tuxim....lecture hall, classroom
  • tixim....study hall
  • tixutyan....class
  • tisun....lesson
  • tisundyes....lesson book
  • aa tixnog....first grade
  • ea tixnog....second grade
Here are the most important words derived from job....time. Bear in mind that, in English, there are two meanings for time. One refers to time as it passes, which is translated by job in Mirad, and the other refers to a point in time, an instance or occasion, i.e. a countable noun concerning frequency, translated by jod in Mirad.
Calendar Time Units
job....time joab....eon jeab....spring jiab....January juab....Monday
jab....year joeb....era jeeb....summer jieb....February jueb....Tuesday
jeb....season joib....period jeib....autumn jiib....March juib....Wednesday
jib....month joub....epoch jeub....winter jiub....April juub....Thursday
jub....day joyob....age jiyob....May juyob....Friday
jwob* hour joyab....chron jiyab....June yuyab....Saturday
jwab* minute
joyeb....term jiyeb....July juyeb....Sunday
jweb* second
yejub....week sojab....century rojab....millennium hyajob....eternity oyujan....infinity

* These would normally be jyob, jyab, and jyeb, but there are hard to pronounce and difficult to hear, so the y is replaced by a w.

The following examples show how to express clock time:
  • Se duhojwab?....What time is it?
  • Se alo jwabi JaZ (=jazemaj).....It is ten o'clock A.M.
  • Se uwa jwabi JoZ (=jozemaj).....It is four o'clock P.M.
  • Se yawa jwabi gab ilo.....It is six thirty. (= plus thirty)
  • Se alo (jwebi) ju yiwa.....It is ten (minutes) til eight. (or:)
  • Se yiwa (jwabi) gab alo..... " " "
  • Se uyn ji awa.....It is a quarter past ( = since) one.
  • Se uyn ju ewa.....It is a quarter til ( = until) two.
  • Se go jo ewa.....It is a little past ( = after) two.
  • Se jubay uwa jwabi.....It is almost 4 o'clock.
  • Se gwe zemaj.....It is exactly (= just) noon.
  • Se go yiz zemoj.....It was slightly past (= beyond) midnight.
  • At so hum ojo ale jwebi.....I'll be there in (= not-after) twelve minutes.
  • Su him jwa / jwe!....Be here early / on time!
  • Von su jwo!....Don't be late!
  • Su him ojo zemoj.....Be here by (= not-after) midnight.
General Time Words
job....time job bi uvan....a time of sadness
Job pape.....Time flies.
jod....time, instance, occasion awa jod....once
ewa jodi....two times
gajod...again, another time
xag....frequency Duhoxag?....How often?
glaxag....very often
jud....date Be duhoa jud?....On what date?
be ga jwoa jud....at a later date
jag....age Et se duhojaga?....How old are you?
At se ulo jaga.....I am forty years old.

Some Parallel Time Terms


Parallel Time Words
former, old
on time
mature, ripe
early times
fresh, vibrant
latter days
tired, jaded
The base word job means time (the kind of time that passes). Here are some words derived from it:
  • ajnoda job....preterit, preterite
  • ajob....times past
  • av hyajob....for eternity
  • av job....pro-tem
  • be glojob....in a short while
  • be ponjob....on leave
  • be yanjob....in sync
  • bi job bu job....from time to time
  • dezun ebjob....entr'acte
  • dopa ponjob....furlough, military leave
  • dropek job....wartime
  • duz job....musical time, tempo
  • ebedabjob....interregnum
  • ebekjob....halftime, intermission
  • ebjob....interim, intermission, interval, lapse, meantime
  • efronjob....critical time, crisis
  • ejob....modern era, modern times
  • ekjob....inning
  • erdunjob....tense, verb tense
  • etyaljob....lunchtime
  • exenjob....uptime
  • fyadil job....prayer session
  • fyuzam job....jail time
  • gaikta job....pluperfect tense
  • gajob....further, longer, more time, still, yet
  • glajob....a lot of time, long time, much time
  • glojob....little time, short while
  • gojob....less time
  • gupjob....turning point
  • gwafijob....heyday
  • ifek ebjob....halftime
  • ifekjob....playtime, recess
  • igefjob....critical time
  • ijob....early days
  • ikta job....perfect tense
  • ityaljob....dinnertime
  • ivjob....recreation
  • ja duhagla job....how long ago
  • ja gla job....a long time ago
  • ja glo job....a short while ago, not long ago
  • ja yogjob....a short while ago
  • je hujob....during that time
  • jeubjob....wintertime
  • ji duhagla job....for how long
  • job....time
  • jwamojjob....evening time, soiree
  • kyajob....phase
  • majob....daytime
  • mojob....nighttime, soiree
  • oejob....time off, leave of absence
  • ojob....future tense, future times
  • okwa job....downtrain
  • ponjob....leave, leisure time, vacation
  • popjob....travel time
  • poynjob....break time
  • poysjob....downtime
  • puix ekjob....baseball inning
  • teabexlun job....vigil, watch
  • tejjob....lifetime
  • tisjob....internship
  • tyemjob....residency
  • ujob....latter days
  • utyaanjob....session
  • utyaljob....suppertime
  • vabiblen job....vintage, harvest time
  • yagafjob....sabbatical
  • yagjob....a long time, for a long time, long time, long while
  • yeb gla yoga job....in a trice
  • yeker aker job....stall for time
  • yex ponjob....work break
  • yivjob....leisure time, vacation
  • yogjob....short time, short while
The root word jab means year. Here are some words derived from it:
  • awa jod hyajab....once a year
  • dobnix jab....tax year
  • ewa jodi hyajab....twice a year, two times a year
  • eynjab....half a year
  • hijab....this year
  • hujab....that year
  • huujab....such a year
  • hya yea jab....septennial
  • hyajab....every year
  • ijab....triennial
  • jab....annum, twelvemonth, year
  • je ha jab....during the year
  • je hujab....during that year
  • ji hujab....since that year
  • ju hujab....until that year
  • lojab....decade
  • rojab....millennium
  • sojab....century
  • tistam jab....school year
  • ujab....quadrennium
  • uynjab....fourth of a year, quarter
  • vijab....vintage year
  • Yejab....Sabbath
  • yojab....lustrum
  • yolojab....jubilee
  • zajab....next year
  • zejab....midyear
  • zojab....last year, yesteryear
The root word jeb means season. The four seasons are:
  • jeab....spring
  • jeeb....summer
  • jeib....autumn
  • jeub....winter
Here are some derivations:
  • fijeba....seasonable
  • iblen jeb....picking season
  • ivjeb....honeymoon
  • jeb....season
  • jeba....seasonal
  • jebmaalyen....climate
  • jebmaalyentun....climatology
  • jebmamil....monsoon
  • jebmamyenxer....acclimatize
  • jebtam....lodge
  • jebyuxut....seasoner
  • ojeba....nonseasonal
  • taadxen jeb....mating season
  • Teloxenjeb....Lent
  • vobiblun jeb....crop season, harvest season
  • vyojeba....unseasonable
  • zajeb....next season
  • zojeb....last season
  • jeab....spring, springtime
  • jeaba....vernal
  • jeabyim....freshet
  • jeeb ifpopem....summer resort
  • jeeb maar yibnod....summer solstice
  • jeeb tistam....summer school
  • jeeb....summer, summertime
  • jeeba teaput....summer visitor
  • jeeba....estival, summertime
  • jeeber....estivate
  • jeebfabyan....greenwood
  • jeebtam....dacha, summerhouse
  • jeebyena....summery
  • jeib....autumn, fall
  • jeiba....autumnal
  • jeper ha jeub....overwinter
  • jeub maar yibnod....winter solstice
  • jeub....winter
  • jeuba....hibernal, wintry
  • jeuber....winter
  • jeubjob....wintertime
  • jeubtuj....dormancy, hibernation, torpor, winter sleep
  • jeubtujer....hibernate
  • jeubtujut....hibernator
  • jeubxer....winterize
  • jeubyena....wintery, wintry, hibernal
  • zejeeb....midsummer
  • zejeub....midwinter
The root word jib means month. Some derived words follow:
  • enjiba....bimonthly
  • eynjiba....semimonthly
  • hyajib....monthly
  • injib....trimester
  • injiba....trimonthly
  • jajibilena....premenstrual
  • jib....month
  • jiba....mensual, monthly
  • jibdren....monthly magazine
  • jibdrurun....monthly review
  • jibilen....menstruation
  • jibilena....menstrual
  • jibiler....menstruate
  • jibjesea....month-long
  • poteotef jib....rutting season
  • sinjibdren....illustrated review, magazine
  • tistam yajib....school semester
  • vabiblenjib....vintage, harvest season
  • vafiljib....vintage
  • yaonjib....semester
  • zajib....next month
  • zojib....last month
  • jiab....January
  • jieb....February
  • jiib....March
  • jilab....November
  • jileb....December
  • jilob....October
  • jiub....April
  • jiyab....June
  • jiyeb....July
  • jiyib....August
  • jiyob....May
  • jiyub....September
The root word jub means day. Some words derived from it include:
  • av yagjub....for a long stretch, for a long time
  • be hajub bi....on the day of
  • be hajub van....on the day that
  • be hujub....on that day
  • be hya ea yejub....fortnightly
  • Byoykien Ulojub....Lent
  • enyejuba....biweekly
  • ewa jodi hyajub....twice a day, two times a day
  • ewa yejubi....fortnight
  • eynyejubay....semiweekly
  • Fijub!....Good day!
  • fijubder....say good day
  • fyajub ivxelen....holiday celebration
  • fyajub....feast day, festival, holiday, holy day
  • gwajub bi....next to
  • hejub....some day, someday
  • hia jubi....nowadays, these days
  • hijub....today
  • hijuba tul....blue plate special, dish of the day, today's special dish
  • hujub....that day
  • huujub....such a day
  • huujubi....in such days
  • hyaha jub....all day, all the day, the entire day, the whole day
  • hyajub....every day
  • hyajuba....daily, everyday, mundane, quotidian
  • hyajubyena....workaday
  • Hyaydenjub....Thanksgiving Day
  • hyejub....any day, whatever day
  • hyijub....the same day
  • hyujub....another day, some other day, the other day
  • ifponjub....holiday, vacation day
  • ifpoysjub....leisure day
  • inyejubay....triweekly
  • ivjub....feast day, festival, festivity
  • ivra....enchanted, delighted, beatific, enthusiastic, gleeful, jolly, jubilant, upbeat
  • jazojub....day before last, the day before yesterday
  • ji hujub....from that day on, since that day
  • jozajub....the day after tomorrow
  • ju hujub....until that day
  • jub....day
  • juba....daily, diurnal
  • jubdin....news account, news item, news story
  • jubdinam....news station
  • jubdindodras....news bulletin
  • jubdindref....journal, newspaper
  • jubdindrefnum....newsstand
  • jubdindrefsyen....journalese
  • jubdindreyf....tabloid
  • jubdindrurun....newsprint
  • jubdindyezun....newsreel
  • jubdinim....newsroom
  • jubdintyena....journalistic
  • jubdinubun....newscast
  • jubdinubut....newscaster
  • jubdinut....journalist, news reporter, newsagent, newsman, newspaperman, reporter
  • jubdinyeyfwa....newsworthy
  • jubdrurun....daily press
  • jubkyesyan....current events, news, the day's happenings
  • jubtaxdyes....diary
  • jubtaxdyesut....diarist
  • jubtwasyan....daily news
  • jubyen....daily routine, habit
  • jubyena....habitual, run of the mill, usual
  • jubyenier....accustom oneself, get used to, grow accustomed
  • jubyujber....adjourn
  • Juda Yejub....Sabbath
  • Kristajjub....Noel, Christmas, Yule
  • Kristajjub dafab....Christmas tree
  • Kristajjub deuz....yuletide carol
  • Kristajjub Maj....Christmas Day
  • Kristajjub Zomoj....Christmas Eve
  • kyeujjub....doomsday
  • nuxjub....payday
  • ojubyena....unhabitual, unusual, unwonted
  • ojubyenuwa....unaccustomed
  • tajjub ivxel....birthday party
  • tajjub leovol....birthday cake
  • tajjub xel....birthday celebration
  • tajjub....birthday
  • tosifla....gleeful, jubilant, rhapsodic, rhapsodical, thrilled
  • tosiflaser....be thrilled, feel jubilant
  • tosiflaxen....making jubilant, thrilling
  • tosiflaxer....make jubilant, thrill
  • unjubambok....quartan
  • yejub....week
  • yejuba....weekly
  • yejubdren....weekly magazine, weekly review
  • yejubdrurun....review, weekly magazine
  • yejubmoj....weeknight
  • yejubuj....weekend
  • yexjub....weekday, workday
  • yexyejub....workweek
  • yivjub....holiday, day off
  • yujuba fyadilen....novena
  • yulojubyonxer....quarantine
  • yuzjuba....circadian
  • zajub jwamaj....tomorrow morning
  • zajub jwamoj....tomorrow evening
  • zajub maj....tomorrow during the day
  • zajub moj....tomorrow night
  • zajub....tomorrow
  • zajuber....procrastinate
  • zayejub....next week
  • zayejubuj....next weekend
  • zayjub....the day after
  • zejub....midday
  • zejubtuj....midday nap, siesta
  • zeyejub....mid-week, midweek, weekday
  • zeyejuba....midweek
  • zojub jwamaj....yesterday morning
  • zojub jwamoj....yesterday evening
  • zojub maj....yesterday during the day
  • zojub moj....yesterday night
  • zojub....yesterday
  • zojuba....of yesterday's
  • zoyejub....last week
  • zoyejubuj....last weekend
  • ajna juab....the past Monday
  • be juab....on Monday
  • be juyeb....on Sunday
  • ha ea jona juab....the second Monday from now, two Mondays from now
  • ha jana juab....the previous Monday
  • ha jona juab....the following Monday
  • hea joa juab....some future Monday
  • hejuab....some Monday
  • hijuab....this Monday
  • hujuab....that Monday
  • hya ea juab....every other Monday, every second Monday
  • hya juyeb....every Sunday
  • hyajuab....Mondays, every Monday
  • hyejuab....any Monday
  • hyijuab....the same Monday
  • hyuawa juab....another Monday, some other Monday
  • ja juab....before Monday, by Monday
  • ji juab....since Monday
  • jo juab....after Monday
  • ju juab....until Monday
  • juab....Monday
  • jueb....Tuesday
  • juib....Wednesday
  • juub....Thursday
  • juyab....Saturday
  • juyeb....Sunday
  • juyob....Friday
  • ojo juab....by monday
  • zajuab....next Monday
  • zojuab....last Monday
The root word jwob meaning hour should be spelled jyob, but the distinction between job and jyob is difficult to hear. Here are some derived words:
  • ber jwobir....set a clock
  • eynjwob yiz bi yawa jwobi ay eyn....half past six
  • eynjwob....half-hour
  • ginod jwob....peak hour, rush hour
  • Cahema jwobur....Swiss clock, cuckoo clock
  • hya elu jwobi....around the clock
  • jojwobi....after-hours
  • jwatuar jwobir....alarm clock
  • jwob balsiyn....timestamp
  • jwob bi taj....hour of birth, time of birth
  • jwob bi toj....hour of death, time of death
  • jwob....clock time, hour, time of day
  • jwobar neyef....watchband
  • jwobar....time piece, timepiece, watch
  • jwobarsaxut....watchmaker
  • jwobarseux....tick tock, ticktock
  • jwobder....clock, tell time
  • jwobdir....clock punch
  • jwobdraf....hourly schedule
  • jwobir izdar....clock hand
  • jwobir sirunyan....clockwork
  • jwobir yabtom....clock tower
  • jwobir zaned....clock face
  • jwobir zyutom....clock tower
  • jwobir....clock
  • jwobirizona....clockwise
  • jwobirnam....clock shop
  • jwobirsaxut....clockmaker
  • jwobirteaxut....clock-watcher, clockwatcher
  • jwobirtun....horology
  • jwobnagut....timekeeper
  • jwobur....grandfather clock
  • jwobyixwa....timeworn
  • jwobyuxlus....timeserver
  • kyajwoba naab....flexitime, flextime
  • manyujben jwob....curfew
  • mapad jwobir....cuckoo clock
  • mas jwobir....wall clock
  • miekjwobar....hourglass
  • nagen jwobar....stopwatch
  • nazdwa jwob bi puen....ETA, estimated time of arrival
  • ogeljwoba....asynchronous
  • ogeljwoban....asynchronism, asynchrony
  • ogeljwobay....asynchronously
  • ov ha jwobir....counterclockwise
  • ovjwobirizona....anticlockwise, counterclockwise
  • oyanjwobxwa....unsynchronized
  • pien jwob....departure time, hour of departure
  • pon jwobi....leisure hours
  • puen jwob....arrival time, hour of arrival
  • Se awa jwob.....It's one o'clock.
  • Se duhojwob?....What time is it?
  • Se ewa jwobi.....It's two o'clock.
  • tojjwob....time of death
  • tuyafyem jwobar....pocket watch
  • tuyob jwobar....wrist watch, wristwatch
  • tyaljwob....mealtime
  • vyafan bi jwobir....clockwork precision
  • yanjwoba....synchronic, synchronical, synchronous
  • yanjwobxer....synchronize
  • yanupjwob....appointment, engagement, meet-up time, rendez-vous
  • yex jwobdraf....work schedule
  • yibsin jwobdraf....t.v. guide, t.v. schedule
  • yigtuzyuber jwobar....wind up a watch
  • yizjwob nux....overtime pay
  • yox jwobi....leisure hours
  • yuxlen jwobi....service hours
The root word jwab means minute. The variant jwap means moment. Here are some derivatives:
  • hijwap....at this moment
  • hujwap....at that moment
  • huujwap....at such a moment
  • duhojwap?....at what moment?
  • hejwapi....at certain moments
  • hyawa jwap....at each moment
  • hyejwap....at any moment
  • igefjwap....critical moment
  • iz ja jwap ajay....just a moment ago
  • jwab....minute
  • jwabdar....minute hand
  • jwabsager....clock, count the minutes, time
  • jwap....moment
  • jwapa ifron....craze
  • jwapa....momentary
  • tuxyafwa jwap....teachable moment
  • vaodjwap....critical moment
  • zyupi gol jwab....rpm
The root word jweb means second, a second of time. The variant jwep means instant. Here are some derivatives:
  • amloynjweb....microsecond
  • arominaki gol jweb....kilometers per second, km/s
  • aroynjweb....millisecond
  • be jwep....in an instant
  • goralyujweb....attosecond
  • gorawa jweb....jiffy
  • goryujweb....nanosecond
  • jweb....second
  • jwebdar....second hand
  • jwep....instant, jiff, jiffy
  • jwepa ikxen....instant gratification
  • jwepa kafeyl....instant coffee
  • jwepa ubun....instant message
  • jwepa yegekun....instant replay
  • jwepa....instant, instantaneous
  • jwepay....instantaneously, instanter, instantly

JOD (occasion) Words


The root word jod means occasion, instance, (point in) time. Here are some derivatives:
  • aajoda....first-time
  • aajodat....first-timer
  • ajod zyetejwa....first-experienced
  • aso jodi....hundred times
  • awa ga jod....another time, once again, one more time
  • awa jod hyajab....once a year
  • awa jod....on one instance, once, one time
  • be awa ga jod....at one more point in time
  • be awa jod....at one time
  • be ewa jodi....on two occasions
  • be hea jodi....at certain times, at times, on occasion
  • be hia jod....on this occasion
  • be hojod....on no occasion
  • be hyajod....at every occasion
  • be hyejod....at any point in time
  • be jodi....at times
  • duhood?....on what occasion, at which point?
  • duhogla jodi....how frequently, how many times, how often
  • duhojodi....at which times, on what occasions, on which occasions
  • ea jod....a second time, again
  • eiwa jodi....two or three times
  • ewa ga jodi....twice more, two more times
  • ewa jodi hyajab....twice a year, two times a year
  • ewa jodi hyajub....twice a day, two times a day
  • ewa jodi....on two occasions, twice, two times
  • ga awa jod....again
  • ga jodi vyel et....more often than you, more times than you
  • ga jodi....more often
  • gajod ay gajod....over and over, time and time again
  • gajod gajod....again and again
  • gajod....again, another time
  • gajodi vyel....more often than, more times than
  • ge jodi ho et fu....as frequently as you would like
  • ge jodi vyel....as often as
  • ge jodi....the same number of times
  • gejodi vyel....as many times as
  • gla jodi hyajub....many times a day
  • gla jodi....frequently, many times, oft, often, on many occasions
  • glajodi hyajub....many times a day
  • glajodi....many times, on many occasions
  • gle jodi....now and then, on some occasions, rather often
  • glejoda....severalfold
  • glejodi....now and then, on some occasions
  • glo jodi....on few occasions, rarely, seldom
  • glojoda....infrequent, rare
  • glojodan....infrequence, infrequency
  • glojodas....rare thing, rarity
  • glojoday....infrequently, rarely, seldom
  • glojodi....on few occasions, seldom
  • go jodi vyel....less often than
  • go jodi....less often
  • gojoday....rarely
  • gojodi....less often
  • gra jodi....on too many occasions, too often
  • grajodi....on too many occasions, too often
  • gre jodi....often enough, quite a few times, quite often
  • gro jodi....not often enough, on too few occasions, too seldom, two seldom
  • gwa jodi....as frequently as possible, as often as possible, the most times
  • gwo jodi....as seldom as possible, the least number of times
  • hagla jodi....the number of times
  • hajod ho....on the occasion that, the time that
  • hajod....on the occasion
  • hajodi ho....on the occasions that, on the occasions when
  • hajodi....at the times, at the times that, on the occasions
  • hawajod ho....the only time that
  • hawajod....the only time
  • hegla jodi....on some occasions, some number of times, sometimes
  • hejod ho....at a certain point when
  • hejod....at a certain time, at some point, on some occasion, sometime
  • hejoday....occasionally
  • hejodi ho....at times when
  • hejodi....at some points, at times, on occasion, on some occasions
  • hesag jodi....on some occasions, some number of times, sometimes
  • higla jodi....so many times, this many times, this often
  • hijod....this time
  • hijodi....at these times, on these occasions
  • hugla jodi....so many times, that many times, that often
  • huijoda....sporadic
  • huijoday....sporadically
  • hujod....on that occasion, that time
  • hujodi....at those times, on those occasions
  • huujod....at such a time
  • huujodi....at such times
  • huyena jodi....at such times
  • huyengla jodi....so many times, so often
  • huyenjod....at such a time, on such an occasion
  • huyenjodi....at such times, on such occasions
  • hyaewa jodi....all two times, both times, on both instances
  • hyagla jodi....all the time, always, at all times
  • hyajod....always, at every instance, each time, every time
  • hyajodi....all the time, always, at all times, in all cases, on all occasions
  • hyawa jod ho....each time that, every time
  • hyawa jod....each time, every time, on each occasion
  • hyegla jodi....any number of times, however often, on any number of occasions
  • hyejod ho....any time that, anytime that, on any occasion when, whenever
  • hyejod....any time, anytime, at any point, on any occasion, on whatever occasion
  • hyejodi....any time, at whatever times, on any occasions, whenever
  • hyigla jodi vyel....as many times as
  • hyigla jodi....as often, the same number of times
  • hyijod....at the same time, on the same occasion
  • hyijodi....at the same times, on the same occasions
  • hyo ea jod....never again
  • hyoawa jod....never, not a single time, not one time, on no occasion
  • hyogla jodi....as often as, never, zero times
  • hyojod....at no point in time, at no time, never, not once
  • hyojodi....at no times, never, not ever
  • hyua jodi....on other occasions
  • hyuawa jod....one more time, again
  • hyugla jodi....a different number of times
  • hyujod drurunes....rain check
  • hyujod....again, another time
  • iwa jodi....three times, thrice
  • jod....instance, occasion, occurrence, point in time
  • joda....occasional
  • jodsag....frequency
  • oge jodi vyel....not as often as
  • owa ga jod....never again
  • owa jod....never, not a single time
  • vaodjod....crisis, critical time, decision point, turning point
  • vaodjoda....critical
The root word jud means date (on a calendar). Here are some derivatives:
  • balsiyner ha jud....stamp the date
  • gajudrer....reschedule
  • jabjud....anniversary
  • jajudrer....ante-date, antedate, predate
  • jojuder....postdate, prorogue
  • jojudrer....post-date, postpone
  • jud....date
  • judar....calendar
  • judarer....put on the calendar, schedule
  • judarober....call off, cancel
  • judnabyan....date range
  • judnad....dateline
  • judraf....calendar, date chart
  • judrawa....dated
  • judrer....date
  • judroer....erase from the calendar, cancel
  • lojudrer....cancel, nix
  • nyuxen jud....delivery date, delivery date
  • ojudarwa....nonscheduled
  • ojudrawa....undated
  • tajjud....date of birth
  • ujjud....deadline, end date
  • zoyjudrer....backdate
These are represented by JaK (Ja Krist) and JoK (Jo Krist), respectively. For example:
  • His xwa be 52 JaK.....This happened in 52 BC.
  • Ha mir ujo be 3000 JoK.....The world will end in 3000 AD.

SAG number, XAG frequency, JAG age


The words in this family have to do with number, frequency, and age.
  • sag....number
  • syag....count
  • syaag....calculation, computation
Here are some principal derivatives:
  • sag....number
  • sagdyun ....numeral
  • sagsiyn....figure
  • sagun....digit
  • saguna....digital
  • sagunxer....to digit(al)ize
  • ansaguna....single-digit
  • ensaguna....double-digit
  • sagunigan....bitrate
  • aynsag....whole number, integer
  • golsag....fraction
  • ensagvyen....fraction
  • sagder....to count, tally
  • sagdyofwa....innumerable, uncountable, countless
  • sagar....counter
  • zesag....average, mean
  • vyesag....proportion, quota, rate, ratio
  • vyayeksag....checksum
  • veksag....odds
  • sagvekek....lottery
  • sagvekeker....to play the lottery
  • sagvekier....to gamble
  • sagvekiam....gambling casino
  • agsagvekek....sweepstakes
  • sagtuun....statistic
  • sagtuin....numerology
  • yizsager....to outnumber
  • yosaga....octal
  • alosaga....decimal
  • alyusaga....hexadecimal
  • sagzyiun....dial
  • sagzyiuner....to dial
  • maar sagzyiun....sundial
  • sagmus....index, numeric scale
  • sagmusber....to index
  • sagnapa....in numeric order
  • sagnapxer....to arrange in numeric order
  • sagier....to count on, reckon, figure
  • sagon....byte
  • sagones....bit
  • sagonesa....bitwise
  • mepsag....address
  • sagtyofa....innumerate
  • kosag....cypher
  • kosaga....cryptic
  • kosagxer....encipher, encrypt
  • lokosagxer....decipher, decrypt
  • kosagtun....cryptology
  • asagtun....mathematics
  • esagtun....algebra
  • isagtun....trigonometry
  • usagtun....calculus
  • kyensag....odds
  • eker ha kyensagi...to play the odds
  • oleuna sag....odd number
  • euna sag....even number
  • glasaga....plural
  • glasagxer....to pluralize
  • ansaga....singular
  • ansagan....singularity
  • eksag....score
  • eksagder....to keep score
  • eksagdrof....scoreboard
  • eksaguka uj....shutout
  • geeksag....tie, even score
  • geeksaga....even, tied up
  • geeksager....to tie
  • loxer geeksag....to break a tie
  • geeksagloxea ifek....a tiebreaker
  • drevsag....page number
  • drevsagber....to paginate
  • dresager....to canvass
  • amansag....temperature
  • aogsag....ordinate
  • aybsag....numerator
  • syag....count
  • ujea syag....countdown
  • syagder...to count, tally
  • syagar....tabulator
  • syagir....calculator
  • syagder....to calculate
  • vyosagder....to miscalculate
  • syagseem....counter
  • syagseemut....counter clerk
  • syagtun....calculus
  • syagnas....cash
  • syagnasir....cash machine
  • syagnas ibdres....cash receipt
  • syagnas nyem....cash box
  • syagnas nyeyf....purse
  • syagnas samnyeb....cash drawer
  • syagnas vyayeker....cash out
  • syagnasier....to cashier
  • syagnasiut....cashier
  • syagnasuer....to cash, convert to cash
  • syagnasuer nasdref...to cash a check
  • syagnasxer....to liquidate
  • ebkyaxer av syagnas....to cash out, exchange for cash
  • yiga syagnas....hard cash
  • nuxer be syagnas....to pay in cash
  • syagdrav....account
  • jonix syagdrav....debit account
  • nexen syagdrav....savings account
  • yemben syagdrav....deposit account
  • yembuix syagdrav....checking account
  • syagdravtyen....accountancy
  • syagdrayef....invoice
  • syagyofwa....incalculable
  • dosyag....census
  • teb syag....head count
  • tab syag....body count
  • tiibil syag....blood count
  • veksyagtun....actuaries
  • veksyagut....actuary
  • syaag....computation, calculus
  • syaager....to compute, calculate, figure out
  • gasyaager....to recompute, to recalculate
  • syaagir....computer
  • tuunsyaagir....data processor, computer
  • sem syaagir....desktop computer
  • belyafwa syaagir....portable computer
  • zeysyaagir....transputer
  • yizsyaagir....supercomputer
  • oglasyaagir....microcomputer
  • gwosyaagir....minicomputer
  • goryusyaagir...nanocomputer
  • aota syaagir....personal computer
  • maka syaagir....electronic computer
  • obzatib syaagir....laptop computer
  • syaagirxer....to computerize
  • syaagir extuunyan....computer program
  • extuundrer syaagir....to program/code a computer
  • syaagirtun....cybernetics
  • syaagirnig....cyberspace
  • syaagirtob....cyborg
  • syaagnyed....spreadsheet
  • syaagyofwa....incalculable

XAG (frequency) Words


The morpheme xag means frequency and is used in the following ways:
  • As a frequency enumerator adverb:
  • axag....once
  • exag....twice
  • ixag....thrice
  • As an adverb with the ga-/ge-/go- multiplicator prefixes:
  • glaxag....often, multiple times
  • gloxag....seldom
  • gaxag vyel.......more often than...
  • graxag....too often
  • gwaxag....as often as possible
  • gexag vyel.......as often as...
  • As an adverb with the ho- deictic prefixes:
  • duhoxag?....how often?
  • hixag....this often
  • huxag....that often
  • huuxag van.......so often that...
  • hyixag vyel.......as often as...
  • hyoxag....never
  • As an adjective:
  • glaxaga....frequent
  • xaga....frequentative
  • As a verb:
  • xagper....to frequent
  • As a noun:
  • ha xag....the frequency
The morpheme jag means age. From this are derived the two main adjectives, jaga....old and joga....young. These words contain aga and oga plus the time element j. So, old means big in terms of time and young means little in terms of time. Here are some derived words:
  • jag....age
  • jaga....old
  • jagser....get old, grow older
  • jagsea....getting old
  • jagat....old person, elder
  • jagwat....old man
  • jagayt....old woman
  • zejaga....middle-aged
  • zejagat....middle-aged person
  • gajaga....elder, older, senior
  • gajagat....elder
  • gwajaga....eldest
  • gwajagat....eldest
  • grajaga....too old
  • grejagat, jwot....adult
  • grejagseat, jwotseat, agseat, jwet....adolescent
  • grojaga....too young, minor, not old enough
  • grojagat, jwat....minor, underaged person
  • aloynjagat....teenager
  • elojagat....twenty-year-old
  • eloynjagat....a twenty-something-year-old
  • joga....young
  • jogxer....rejuvenate
  • jogat....youth, youngster, juvenile
  • jogwat....male youth, boy, lad
  • jogayt....female youth, girl
  • gwajoga....youngest
  • gwajogat....cadet, youngest one
  • grajoga....too young
Age Classes
awajag(w)at....one-year-old (boy) awajagayt....one-year-old girl
alojag(w)at....ten-year-old (boy) alojagayt....ten-year-old girl
jog(w)at....youngster, youth, (boy) jogayt....girl, damsel
gwajog(w)at....youngest person/(boy) gwajogayt....youngest girl
gojag(w)at....younger person/(boy), cadet gojagayt....younger girl
aloyjag(w)at....teenager, (teenaged boy) aloyjagayt....teenaged girl
grajog(w)at....minor, (under-aged boy) grajogayt....minor female, girl too young
grojag(w)at / jwot....minor, immature person/(boy) grojagayt / jwoyt....minor girl
grejagseat / jwet....adolescent (boy) grejagseayt / jweyt....adolescent (girl)
grejag(w)at / jwat....adult male, (boy of age) grejagayt / jwayt....adult female, girl of age
zejag(w)at....middle-aged person/(man) zejagayt....middle-aged female/woman
gajag(w)at....older person/(man), elder, superior gajagayt....older female/woman, elder, superior
grajag(w)at....over-aged person/(man), person/(man too old) grajagayt....over-aged female/woman, woman too old
jayg(w)at....youngish individual, youngish (man) jaygayt....youngish female, youngish woman
yilojag(w)at....octogenarian yilojagayt....octogenarian woman, woman in her eighties
yulojag(w)at....nonagenarian yulojagayt....nonagenarian woman, woman in her nineties
asojag(w)at....centenarian asojagayt....centenarian woman, 100-year-old woman
jag(w)at....oldster, veteran, old person, (old man), elder jagayt....old woman, old lady
jayg(w)at....oldish person jaygayt....oldish woman
gwajag(w)at....oldest/senior-most/eldest person/(man) gwajagayt....oldest/senior-most/eldest woman
gwojag(w)at....the least old person/(man) gwojagayt....the least old woman

Age Questions and Answers


The usual question about age is Duhojaga et se?....How old are you?
Some usual responses are:
  • At se elo jaga.....I am twenty years old.  (Lit: I am twenty of age.)
  • At se ili (jabi jaga).....I am thirty-three(years old).
  • Hia tamaz se asoni bi jabi jaga.....This castle is hundreds of years old.
  • Hua tajyat se anay ewa jubi jaga.....That baby is only two days old.
  • Iyt voy se ga jaba vyel at.....She is not older than I.
  • At se gwajagat bi ata tod.....I am the eldest of my family.
  • Hya aloynjagati aso grejagseati.....All teenagers will become adolescents.
  • Duhogla jubi jaga se hia tud?....How many days old is this child?
The morpheme nog is a base word meaning degree, grade and is at the top of a series of subordinal words.
NOG words
nog degree, grade
measure, dimension
unit of measure
neg level
nig space
The morpheme nog means degree, grade. Here are some derivatives:
  • nog....degree, grade
  • aa tisnog.... first grade
  • aa tisnogat.... first-grader
  • abnogat.... super grade
  • abnogier.... get upgraded, graduate
  • abnoguen.... graduation, upgrading
  • abnoguer.... graduate, upgrade
  • abnoguwa.... graduated, upgraded
  • agnog.... to a large extent
  • annoga yexnad.... primary line of business
  • anoga aomeryuznad.... prime meridian
  • anoga nyun.... primary product
  • anoga ojduut.... prime lender
  • anoga sag.... prime number
  • anoga tes.... primary meaning
  • anoga tesagan.... prime importance
  • anoga tuxen.... primary education
  • anoga tyun.... primary concept
  • anoga volz.... primary color
  • anoga xuun.... primary factor
  • anoga.... first-degree, primary
  • anogaa erdunjob.... primary tense
  • anogaa kyid.... primary stress
  • anogaa tes.... primary sense
  • anogaa vyesag.... prime rate
  • anogan.... primacy, primeness
  • anogay.... primarily
  • aybnog.... super-grade
  • aybnoga.... super-grade, superior in degree
  • aybnogser.... stride
  • aybnogyana.... superscalar
  • be yokxea nog.... staggeringly
  • bekul zyunog.... capsule, tablet, pill
  • dota musnog.... social rung
  • dota yabnogpen.... social climbing
  • dota yabnogput.... social climber
  • duhonog.... how, to what extent, to what degree, to what extent
  • duz nogyan.... musical range
  • duzunyanog.... sonatina
  • ea tisnog.... second grade
  • ea tisnogat.... second-grader
  • enoga.... backbench, second-degree, secondary
  • enogat.... backbencher
  • enogay.... secondarily
  • epetob goblunog.... veal cutlet
  • finnog.... grade
  • finnogien.... being graded
  • finnogier.... be graded
  • finnoguen.... grading
  • finnoguer.... grade
  • finnoguwa.... graded
  • finogsiyn.... good grade, good mark
  • finogsiyndraf.... report card
  • finogsiynien.... getting good grades, getting good marks
  • finogsiynier.... get good grades, get good marks
  • funogsiynien.... getting bad grades, getting bad marks
  • funogsiynier.... get bad grades, get bad marks
  • fyinog.... poor rating
  • fyinoga.... of low value, poorly rated, worth little
  • ganogxer.... regrade
  • gelnog.... as
  • genog ho.... just as
  • genog molza ho yafwe.... as black as can be
  • genoga.... equal in degree
  • genogay.... equally
  • ginogser.... get steeper
  • glanog.... driblet, to a great degree, very
  • gonog.... driblet, small part
  • gonogsea.... digressing
  • gonogsen.... degradation, digression
  • gonogser.... degrade, digress
  • gonogsyea.... digressive
  • gonogxea.... degrading, digressive
  • gonogxen.... degradation, digression
  • gonogxer.... degrade
  • gonogxus.... sliding scale
  • gounog.... tiny piece
  • granog.... excess, extreme
  • granoga .... drastic
  • granoga.... excessive, exorbitanant, exorbitant, extreme
  • granogan.... excessiveness, exorbitance, exorbitancy, extremeness
  • granogay.... drastically, excessively, exorbitantly, extremely
  • granogin.... extremism, fanaticism
  • granogina.... extremist, fanatical
  • granoginay.... fanatically
  • granoginut.... extremist, fanatic
  • gunnog.... angle, degree of angularity
  • gwanog.... maximum
  • gwanoga.... maximal, maximum, superlative
  • gwanogay.... maximally, superlatively
  • gwanogi.... maxima
  • gwanogin.... maximalism
  • gwanogina.... maximalist, maximalistic
  • gwanoginut.... maximalist
  • gwanogsen.... graduation, maxing out
  • gwanogsut.... graduate
  • gwanogxea.... maximizing
  • gwanogxen.... maximization, maximizing
  • gwanogxer.... graduate, maximize
  • gwanogxus.... maximizer
  • gwanogxwa.... graduated, maximized
  • gwe genog ho.... just as much as
  • gwonog.... minimum
  • gwonoga.... minimal, minimum
  • gwonogay.... minimally
  • gwonogin.... minimalism
  • gwonogina.... minimalist, minimalistic
  • gwonoginut.... minimalist
  • gwonogxea.... minimizing
  • gwonogxen.... minimization, minimizing
  • gwonogxer.... minimize
  • gwonogxwa.... minimized
  • hanog.... to the degree
  • henog.... somewhat, to a certain extent, to some degree
  • hinog.... so, this, to this degree, to this extent
  • honog.... to the degree that
  • hunog.... so, that, to that degree, to that extent
  • huunog.... so, to such a degree, to such an extent
  • huyennog.... so, to a degree like that
  • hyanog.... completely, totally
  • hyenog ho.... to any extent that, to whatever degree
  • hyenog.... however, in any degree, to any extent, to whatever extent
  • hyinog ho.... as much as, just as, to the same degree that
  • hyinog.... as, to the same degree, to the same extent
  • hyonog.... in no way, in no wise, to no extent, not at all, not at all
  • hyunog.... to a different degree, to a different extent
  • ia tisnog.... third grade
  • ia tisnogat.... third-grader
  • iber fia nogdruni.... get good grades
  • ika duz nogyan.... gamut
  • iknogay.... fully
  • inoga.... tertiary, third-degree
  • kinnog.... pitch
  • kinnoga.... cliometric
  • kinnogar.... clinometer
  • kinnogut.... cliometrician
  • kodinog.... anecdote
  • kodinoga.... anecdotal, anecdotic
  • loginoga.... gradual
  • mesnog.... doorstep
  • miilzyunog.... dew drop
  • mukibler bay nogmemi.... stope
  • musnog.... grade, rime, rung, stair rung, step
  • musnoga.... gradual
  • musnogar.... ladder
  • musnogay.... gradually
  • musnogser.... graduate, step along
  • musnogxen.... stepping
  • musnogxer.... step
  • musnogxwa.... staged, stepped
  • nog.... degree, grade
  • noga.... gradual
  • nog-agcanak.... degree Celsius
  • nog-agfenak.... degree Fahrenheit
  • nog-agkinak.... degree Kelvin
  • nogar.... gradient
  • nogay ga yugay.... decrescendo
  • nogay.... by degrees, gradatim, gradually, stepwise
  • nogbyofwa.... unscalable
  • nogdrawa.... graded
  • nogdref.... report card
  • nogdren.... grading
  • nogdrer.... to grade
  • nogdreut.... grader
  • nogdrun.... grade
  • nogmem mukiblen....stope, stoping
  • nogmus.... degree scale
  • nogsar.... stepper
  • nogsea sir.... stepper
  • nogsiun.... degree sign
  • nogsiyn dref.... report card
  • nogsiyn.... grade, mark
  • nogsiynier.... to get a grade, get a mark
  • nogsiynuen.... giving marks, grade assignment
  • nogsiynuer.... give a mark
  • nogsiynuut.... grader
  • nogsiynuwa.... graded
  • nogsiynxen.... grading
  • nogsiynxer.... grade
  • nogxen.... gradation, grading, pacing
  • nogxer.... gradate, grade, pace
  • nogxwa zyuk.... ratchet
  • nogxwa.... gradated, graded, paced
  • nogxwat.... grad
  • nogxyafwa.... scalable
  • nogyan.... scale
  • nogyana.... scalar
  • nogyanser.... to escalate
  • nogyanxen.... escalation, scaling
  • nogyanxer.... escalate
  • nogyanxwa.... escalated, scaled
  • nogyena.... gradual
  • nogyenay.... gradually
  • nogyenin.... gradualness
  • obnogxea.... abating
  • obnogxen.... abatement
  • obnogxer.... to abate
  • obnogxwa.... abated
  • ognog.... in a small degree
  • ognogyana.... small-time, smalltime
  • onogsiynuwa.... ungraded, unmarked
  • otejyobnogxyafwa.... nonbiodegradable
  • sonog.... trifling matter
  • sonogpexwen.... pettifogging
  • sonogpexwer.... to pettifog
  • sonogpexwut.... pettifogger
  • tejyobnogxyafwa.... biodegradable
  • tejyobnogxyafwan.... biodegradability
  • tisnog.... grade, mark
  • tobetifek zyunog.... pewee
  • tuj bekzyunog.... sleeping pill, soporific
  • tyennog.... degree
  • tyennogien.... graduation
  • tyennogier.... to get one's degree, get ones degree, graduate
  • tyennogiwat.... graduate
  • tyennoguer.... to give out a degree, graduate
  • tyonog.... pace
  • tyonogen.... pacing
  • tyonoger.... to pace
  • tyonogxen meg.... stepping stone, steppingstone
  • tyonogxen.... stepping
  • tyonogxut.... pacemaker, pacesetter
  • tyonogxwa.... paced
  • tyoyab nog.... footstep
  • tyoyanogem.... stoop
  • ua tisnog.... fourth grade
  • ua tisnogat.... fourth-grader
  • ugnoga.... gradual
  • ugnogay.... gradually
  • unoga.... fourth-degree, quaternary
  • utistam anog.... baccalaureate
  • uzunog.... ringlet
  • uzyiunog.... diskette
  • volznogyan.... chromatic scale
  • volznogyana.... chromatic
  • volznogyanay.... chromatically
  • vyonog.... minor fault, misstep
  • vyonogper.... misstep
  • xer gla zaynogi.... make great strides
  • yaa tisnog.... sixth grade
  • yaa tisnogat.... sixth-grader
  • yaba nog.... high grade
  • yabmusnogxen.... stepping up
  • yabmusnogxer.... to step up
  • yabmusnogxwa.... stepped up
  • yabnog.... upgrade, upper rung
  • yabnoga.... high-grade, upscale
  • yabnogat.... grandee
  • yabnogpen.... climbing, graduating, graduation, upgrading
  • yabnogper.... climb, graduate, upgrade
  • yabnogput.... climber, graduate
  • yabnogser.... to ascend, ramp up, upgrade
  • yabnogxen.... ramping up, upgrade, upgrading, upscaling
  • yabnogxer.... to notch up, ramp up, upgrade, upscale
  • yabnogxwa.... ramped up, upgraded, upscaled
  • yabnogxyafwa.... scalable
  • yabnogyansea.... scaling up
  • yabnogyanxen.... scaling up
  • yabnogyanxer.... scale up
  • yabnogyanxwa.... scaled up
  • yanapa tisnog.... sixth grade
  • yazyunogdopar.... six-gun, sixgun, sixshooter
  • yea tisnog.... seventh grade
  • yea tisnogat.... seventh-grader
  • yia tisnog.... eighth grade
  • yia tisnogat.... eighth-grader
  • yiga nogsiynuut.... tough grader
  • yiznoga.... extreme
  • yiznogan.... extremeness
  • yiznogay.... extremely
  • yiznogin.... extremism
  • yiznogina.... extremist
  • yiznoginut.... extremist
  • yiznogpan.... transcendency
  • yiznogpea.... transcendent, transcending
  • yiznogpen.... transcendence, transcending
  • yiznogpena.... transcendental
  • yiznogpenay.... transcendentally
  • yiznogper.... to transcend
  • yiznogpin.... transcendentalism
  • yiznogpinut.... transcendentalist
  • yiznogpya.... transcended
  • yiztyonoger.... to outstep
  • yoa tisnog.... fifth grade
  • yoa tisnogat.... fifth-grader
  • yobmusnogxen.... stepping down
  • yobmusnogxer.... to step down
  • yobmusnogxwa.... stepped down
  • yobnoga.... downscale, low-grade
  • yobnogbea.... de-escalating
  • yobnogben.... de-escalating, de-escalation, deescalation
  • yobnogber.... to de-escalate, deescalate
  • yobnogpea.... descendant
  • yobnogpen.... descent, downscaling
  • yobnogper.... climb down, descend, downscale
  • yobnogser.... to become degraded, degrade, downgrade, downscale
  • yobnogxea.... degrading
  • yobnogxen.... commutation, commuting, degradation, degrading, downgrading, downscaling
  • yobnogxer.... commute, degrade, downgrade, downscale
  • yobnogxwa.... commuted, degraded, downgraded, downscaled
  • yobnogxyafwa.... commutable, degradable
  • yobnogxyofwa.... incommutable
  • yobnogyanxea.... scaling down
  • yobnogyanxen.... scale-down, scaling down
  • yobnogyanxer.... to scale down
  • yobnogyanxwa.... scaled down
  • yonog.... sol
  • yonsaunog.... nuance
  • yonsaunoguer.... to nuance
  • yonsaunoguwa.... nuanced
  • yuga nogsiynuut.... easy grader
  • yugzyunog.... pastille
  • yuigof zyunog.... wad of gum
  • yuka zyunog.... caplet
  • zanogen.... advancement, graduation
  • zanoger.... to advance, graduate
  • zanogut.... graduate
  • zaymusnogxer.... step forward
  • zaynog.... progress
  • zenoga.... medium
  • zoynogsea.... regressing, retrogressive
  • zoynogsen.... regressing, regression, retrogression
  • zoynogser.... to regress, retrogress
  • zoynogsya.... regressed
  • zoynogsyea.... regressive
  • zoyyabnogper.... to re-climb
  • nag....dimension, measure
  • nak....unit of measure
Here are words derived from nag:
  • nag....dimension, measurement, size
  • naga....dimensional
  • agnaga....uppercase
  • ognaga....lowercase
  • annaga....one-dimensional
  • ennaga....two-dimensional, stereo
  • innaga....three-dimensional
  • gelnaga....symmetrical
  • logenaga....unsymmetrical
  • glanaga....multi-dimensional
  • granaga....oversized
  • gronaga....undersized
  • gwenaga....sized just right
  • gwenagwa....perfectly sized
  • iknaga....full-size
  • ognagyana....small-scale
  • agnagyana....large-scale
  • nagder....to measure, size up
  • nagdyofwa....immeasurable, unsizeable
  • nagdyofway....immeasurably, unsizeably
  • amnag....temperature
  • amnak....degree of temperature
  • amnagar....thermometer
  • amonnak....calory
  • amonnagar....calorimeter
  • balnag....barometry
  • balnagar....barometer
  • bixfeelknagar....magnetometer
  • dobnastunnaga....econometric
  • drefnag....demy
  • duz nag....measure, bar (in music)
  • ebnag....median
  • ebnaga nix....median income
  • egnag....norm
  • ennagsin....stereograph
  • ennagseuxar....stereo phonograph
  • ennagteaxar....stereoscope
  • ennagteexa....stereophonic
  • eznaga....moderate-sized
  • finagxer....adapt, adjust, fit
  • finagser....fit, suit (intrans.)
  • funagser....ill fit
  • funagxwa....ill-suited, ill-fitted, maladjusted
  • funagxwat....a misfit
  • nagader....metricate
  • nagar....gauge, meter, -stat
  • ignagar....speedometer, accelerometer
  • ilbalnagar....manometer
  • ilpanebennagar....interferometer
  • imagar....hygrometer
  • innagsinuar....shadowbox
  • yiznagxer....outsize
  • deupnagar....metronome
  • jwobnagar....chronometer
  • kyiazonnagar....gravimeter
  • kyinag....weight
  • kyoemben nagar....parking meter
  • maalnagar....radiosonde
  • maarnagar....heliometer
  • maegil nagar....gas meter
  • makilpnagar....ammeter
  • maknagar....electrometer
  • mamilnagar....rain gauge
  • mannagar....light meter
  • manubennagar....fluoroscope
  • mapnagar....anemometer
  • marnagar....astrolabe
  • meirnaga....geodetic
  • melpaslunnagar....seismometer
  • mepignagar....odometer
  • mialnagar....hygrometer
  • milnagar....hydrometer, hydrostat
  • milnagdref....hydrograph
  • milnaknagar....mileometer
  • mimuipnagar....tide gauge
  • nabyanmannagar....spectrophotometer
  • nabyannagar....spectrometer
  • teesnagar....audiometer
  • yabnannagar....hypsometer
  • yabnaynanagar....altimeter
  • yibanjobnagar....taximeter
  • yobnagar....bathometer
  • zyimnagar....level, leveling device
  • zyuknagar....cyclometer
  • nagaraber....to instrument
  • nagarer....to gauge, meter
  • nagarwa....metered
  • nagegon....yardstick, standard of measurement
  • nagen jwobar....stopwatch
  • naggoxer....to downsize
  • naggaxer....to upsizde
  • nagmuf....dipstick
  • nagmus....scale, metric scale
  • nagonxer....to modulate
  • nagsaxwa....made-to-order
  • naguer....to mete out
  • nagwas....measurand
  • nagyafwa....measurable
  • nagyofwa....immeasurable
  • nagyofway....immeasurably
  • nidnag....volume, dosage
  • nidnagar....dosimeter, volumeter
  • ofinaga....inapt, unsuitable
  • finagxer....to adjust
  • finagxyofwa....adjustable
  • ovbexnag....impedence
  • ovgenaga....antisymmetric
  • nagpan....rhythm
  • ovnagpan....counter-rhythm
  • ozenaga....immoderate, intemperate
  • tapnag....analog
  • tapnaga....analogical
  • tepnaga....psychometric
  • tujnagdrar....hypnograph
  • vyanag....true measure
  • vyenaga....commensurate
  • vyenagay....commensurately
  • vyenagyafwa....commensurable
  • vyonaga....wrong-sized
  • yabnag....altitude, height, stature
  • yoynaga....quintic
  • yubfinagsea....snug, snug-fitting
  • yuznag....circumference, girth
  • zenag....average, mean
  • zenagxer....to average out, moderate
The related morpheme nak means unit of measure, metric unit. Here is a list of metric and other units of measure:
  • aganak.... amp, amperage, ampere, A
  • aganak-gol-minak.... ampere per meter
  • agbadenak.... baud
  • agbakonak.... Bq, becquerel
  • agbanak.... byte
  • agcainak.... curie
  • agcanak.... coulomb, C
  • ageagbanak.... EB, exabyte
  • agebanak.... Eb, exabit
  • agfenak.... farad
  • aggebanak.... Gb, gigabyte
  • aggegenak.... gigagram, Gg
  • aggeyunak.... gray, Gy
  • aghelonak.... ohm
  • aghenak.... henry, H
  • aghezunak.... Hz, hertz
  • agjinak.... joule, J
  • agkinak.... kelvin, K
  • aglamigenak.... macrogram, Mg
  • aglinak.... lambert
  • aglonak.... liter, litre
  • agmibanak.... Mb
  • agmivunak.... Mv.
  • agni-gol-minak.... N/m, surface tension
  • agniminak.... N-m, moment of force
  • agninak.... newton, unit of force, N
  • agpoanak.... pascal, Pa
  • agpoasonak.... Pa-s, dynamic viscosity
  • agponak.... poise, P
  • agsonak.... Siemens
  • agsovunak.... sievert, Sv
  • agtoagbanak.... TB, terabyte
  • agtobanak.... Tb, terabit
  • agtogenak.... teragram, Tg
  • agtonak.... tesla
  • agvunak.... volt
  • agwubanak.... Wb, weber
  • agwu-gol-migarenak.... W/m2 heat flux density, irradiance
  • agwunak.... watt, W
  • agyuagbanak.... YB, yottabyte, yobibyte, zebibyte
  • agyubanak.... Yb, yottabit
  • agyugenak.... yottagram, Yg
  • agzegenak.... zettagram, Zg
  • agzuagbanak.... ZB, zettabyte, zebitye, exbibyte
  • agzubanak.... Zb, zettabit, zebibit, exbibit
  • alogenak.... decagram
  • alolinak.... deciliter
  • alominak.... decameter
  • amloagbadenak.... megabaud
  • amloagbanak.... meg, megabyte
  • amloaghenak.... megahertz
  • amloagvunak.... megavolt
  • amloagwunak.... megawatt
  • amlobanak.... megabit
  • amlocanak.... megacycle
  • amloomeganak.... megohm
  • amloronak.... milliradian
  • amlotonak.... megaton
  • amloynminak.... micrometer, micron
  • amloynsonak.... microsecond
  • amnak.... degree of temperature
  • amroagbanak.... gigabyte
  • amroagvunak.... gigavolt, gV
  • amroagwunak.... gigawatt, gW
  • amroahezunak.... gigahertz, gH
  • amrobanak.... gigabit
  • amrobanak.... gigabit
  • aroagbanak.... kilobyte
  • aroaghelonak.... kilohm
  • aroaghenak.... kilohertz
  • arobanak arobanak.... kb
  • arobanak.... kilobit
  • arocanak.... kilocycle
  • arogenak.... kg, kilo, kilogram
  • arojinak.... kilojoule
  • arolinak.... kiloliter
  • arominak.... kilometer, kilometre, km
  • arominak.... km
  • aroomeganak.... kilohm
  • arotonak.... kiloton
  • arovunak.... kilovolt
  • arowunak.... kilowatt
  • aroynaganak.... milliampere
  • aroyn-aganak.... milliampere
  • aroynagbanak.... millibyte
  • aroynbalnak.... millibar
  • aroyngenak.... milligram
  • aroynjinak.... millijoule
  • aroynlinak.... milliliter, millilitre
  • aroynminak.... millimeter, millimetre
  • aroynronak.... milliradian
  • aroynsonak.... millisecond, ms
  • aroynvunak.... millivolt
  • aroynwunak.... milliwatt
  • asogenak.... hectogram
  • asolinak.... hectolitre
  • asominak.... hectometer
  • asoycanak.... centigrade
  • asoygenak.... centigram
  • asoylinak.... centiliter
  • asoyminak.... centimeter
  • asoyn-anak.... centigrade
  • aunak.... angstrom
  • ayoynminak.... millimeter
  • banak.... bit
  • baposonak.... bawd
  • cadanak.... candela, cd
  • cagenak.... centigram, cg
  • caminak.... cm
  • canak.... calorie
  • cawutonak.... hundredweight, cwt
  • daagbanak.... dB, decibel
  • daagenak.... decagram, dag
  • dagenak.... decigram, dg
  • daminak.... decimeter, dm
  • dayuninak.... dyne
  • Enida minak.... mile
  • faobnak.... rick
  • fetonak.... foot
  • gahenak.... gigahertz
  • garaleagbanak.... Tb, terabyte
  • garalyiagbanak.... exabyte
  • garalyigegenak.... exagram, Eg
  • garalyoagbanak.... petabyte
  • garalyobanak.... petabit
  • garelaagbanak.... zettabyte
  • gareluagbanak.... yottabyte
  • garyuagbanak.... gigabyte
  • garyubanak.... gigabit
  • garyubanak.... gigabit, gb
  • garyugenak.... gigagram, Gg
  • genak.... gram
  • gol sonak.... per minute
  • goraleagfenak.... picofarad
  • goralesonak.... picosecond
  • goralyigenak.... attogram, ag
  • goralyusonak.... attosecond
  • gorelasonak.... zeptosecond
  • gorelugenak.... yoctogram, yg
  • gorelusonak.... yoctosecond
  • goryuminak.... nanometer
  • goryusonak.... nanosecond
  • hartleynak.... hartley
  • heanak.... hectare, ha
  • hegenak.... nectogram, hg
  • helmigenak.... microgram
  • iber finak.... receive an award
  • ingarwa minak.... cubic meter
  • inonak.... inch
  • kapetnak.... mickey
  • kiatonak.... katal
  • kigenak.... kilogram
  • kogenak.... kilogram, kg
  • kyinak.... weight gain
  • libanak.... pound
  • liminak.... lm, lumen
  • lixunak.... lux, lx
  • mannak.... photon
  • melnak.... acre
  • mianak.... ma
  • migenak.... mg, milligram, mg
  • milnak.... mile
  • miminak.... mm
  • minak.... meter
  • minak-gol-sonak.... meter per second
  • miolinak.... Mole, mole
  • mufzyegnak.... caliber, calibre
  • nasyanak.... capital gain
  • naudnak.... rad
  • nifnak.... sett
  • nigenak.... nanogram, ng
  • nignak.... stere
  • niminak.... nm
  • nog-agcanak.... degree Celsius
  • nog-agfenak.... degree Fahrenheit
  • nog-agkinak.... degree Kelvin
  • ozunak.... ounce
  • poagfenak.... picofarad
  • poagjinak.... picojoule
  • pogenak.... picagram, pg
  • posonak.... parsec, picosecond, ps
  • powunak.... pennyweight
  • roadanak.... plane angle unit, rad
  • ro-gol-sogarenak.... rad/s2, angular acceleration
  • ro-gol-sonak.... rad/s, angular velocity, angular frequency
  • ronak.... radian, roentgen
  • seuxignak.... mach
  • sonak.... quintal, second
  • soronak.... solid angle unit, sr, steradian, sr
  • tonak.... ton, t
  • tuubnak.... cubit
  • unak.... quarto
  • vunak.... unit of voltage
  • yafonak.... power gain
  • yanak.... hexameter
  • yudanak.... yard
  • yusonak.... ys
  • zegenak.... zeptogram, zg
  • zu-a-jinak.... rpm
  • zusonak.... zs
  • zyefnak.... diopter
The morpheme neg means level. Here are some derived words:
  • aa neg.... first level, level one, first floor
  • abdoneg.... top social class, top social stratum, upper class
  • abdonega.... upper-class
  • abdonegat.... member of the upper class, sociocrat
  • abneg.... top level, upper level
  • abnega.... top-level
  • aglaneg.... macrolevel
  • aneg.... first level
  • anega.... first level, first-level
  • annega.... single-level
  • ayba neg.... superior echelon, superior level
  • aybneg.... superstratum
  • be ijduzneg bi.... in the key of
  • be neg bi ha domep.... at street level
  • doneg axlen yevson.... class action suit
  • doneg teptijan.... class consciousness
  • doneg.... class, social class, social level, social stratum
  • donega.... class-related
  • donegin.... classism
  • donegina.... classist
  • doneginut.... classist
  • donegoya.... class-less, classless
  • donegoyan.... classlessness
  • donegteptija.... class-conscious
  • doneguka.... class-less, classless
  • donegukan.... classlessness
  • dota neg.... social level
  • duzneg yabar.... capo
  • duzneg.... pitch, tune
  • duznegsiyn.... clef
  • duznegxar.... tuner
  • ebneg.... in-between level, inter-level
  • ebnega.... inter-level
  • ebtajnega.... intergenerational
  • ebtajnegay.... intergenerationally
  • ennega.... bi-level, double-layered, split-level, two-level
  • ennegmimofag.... galleon
  • euxneg.... volume
  • eynegon.... gauge
  • eynyabwa duzneg.... sharp
  • eynyobwa duzneg.... flat
  • fiduznega.... in key, on pitch
  • fika duzneg.... perfect pitch
  • fuduznega.... off-key, off-pitch, off-tune, pitchy
  • gatajnegxea.... regenerative
  • gatajnegxen.... regenerating, regeneration
  • gatajnegxer.... regenerate
  • gatajnegxus.... regenerator
  • gatajnegxwa.... regenerated
  • gatajnegxwan.... regeneracy
  • genega.... coplanar, levigate, level, smooth, even
  • genegat.... peer
  • genegatan.... peerage
  • genegatdyes.... peerage
  • genegatoya.... peerless
  • genegatuka.... peerless
  • genegatyan.... peerage
  • genegtadiwayt.... peeress
  • genegxer.... levigate
  • genegxwa.... levigate
  • getajnega.... co-generational, of the same generation
  • getajnegat.... co-generational
  • glanega.... multi-level, multilevel
  • glasuexnega.... multivolume
  • greneg.... break-even, breakeven
  • gwafiduznega.... pitch-perfect
  • ijduzneg.... key
  • ilneg.... pond, stretch of water
  • kyodoneg.... caste
  • manegsea.... aglitter, glittering
  • milneg.... body of water
  • naxneggox.... deflation
  • naxneggoxea.... deflationary
  • neg bi tiibil level.... blood sugar level
  • neg.... echelon, layer, level, stratum, tier
  • nega zeymep.... grade crossing
  • nega.... even, level
  • negar.... level
  • negay.... evenly
  • negi.... strata
  • negika.... tiered
  • negser.... level out
  • negxar.... leveler
  • negxen.... leveling, smoothing, stratification
  • negxer.... level, smooth out, stratify
  • negxwa.... even, leveled out, smoothed, stratified
  • ob duzneg.... off-key
  • obdonega.... of the lower class
  • obdonegat.... member of the lower class
  • obneg.... inferior echelon, sublevel
  • odonega.... class-free
  • ogenega.... not level, uneven
  • ogenegan.... unevenness
  • ogetajnega.... allo-generational, of a different generation
  • ogetajnegat.... allo-generational
  • oglaneg.... microlevel
  • oktajnegser.... degenerate
  • oktajnegsoa.... degenerative
  • oktajnegxer.... degenerate
  • oktajnegxwa.... degenerated
  • oneg.... ground level
  • onega.... uneven
  • onegan.... unevenness
  • onegay.... unevenly
  • onegxwa.... unstratified
  • oyba doneg.... lower social class
  • oybneg.... substratum
  • oybnegi.... substrata
  • oyegtajnegxer.... unregenerate
  • seuxneg.... sound level
  • tajneg.... generation
  • tajnega.... generational
  • tajnegay.... generationally
  • tiibil levafil neg.... blood-alcohol level
  • tiibil neg.... blood level
  • tisneg.... grade, grade level
  • tisnegyaper.... advance scholastically, move up a grade in school
  • tistam neg.... school grade
  • vyaduznega.... in tune, on-pitch
  • vyaduznegxer.... tune
  • vyaduznegxwa.... tuned
  • vyanegdwas.... aphorism, catchword, dictum, maxim, saw, saying
  • vyoduznega.... off-pitch, out of tune, pitchy
  • vyoduznegser.... get out of tune
  • yaba doneg.... high social status, higher social class
  • yaba duzneg.... high pitch
  • yaba neg.... high level
  • yabdoneg.... higher social class, upper class
  • yabdonega.... classy, high class, high-class, upper class
  • yabdonegat.... high-class person, member of the upper class
  • yabduzneg.... high pitch, treble
  • yabduznega.... high-pitch, high-pitched, treble
  • yabnega.... high-echelon, high-level, top echelon
  • yabnegser.... go up a level
  • yabnegxea.... uplifting
  • yabnegxen.... raising the level, ratcheting up
  • yabnegxer.... raise the level, ratchet up, uplift, upshift
  • yabnegxwa.... ratcheted up
  • yabzedoneg.... upper middle class
  • yabzedonega.... upper middle class
  • yeduznega.... diatonic
  • yexuta doneg.... working class
  • yeybtajnega.... intragenerational
  • yoba doneg.... low social class, low social stratum
  • yoba neg.... lower level
  • yobdoneg yuxlut.... scullion
  • yobdoneg.... lower class
  • yobdonega.... low class, low-class, lower class, lower-class
  • yobdonegat.... guttersnipe, lower-class person, member of the lower class
  • yobduznega.... low-pitched
  • yober ha seuzneg.... lower the volume
  • yobnega.... bottom echelon, bottom-level, low-echelon, low-level, lower-level
  • yobzedoneg.... lower middle class
  • yobzedonega.... lower middle class
  • yomneg.... ice floe, ice sheet
  • zea doneg.... middle class
  • zedoneg.... middle class
  • zedonega.... middle class, middle-class, middlebrow, of the middle class
  • zedonegat.... member of the middle class, middle-class person, middlebrow
  • zenega.... mid-level
The morpheme nig means space. Here are some derived words:
  • abnig.... plenum, upper space
  • annigxer.... monospace
  • annigxwa.... monospaced
  • At voy yafe nigafxer hia nusbiun..... I cannot afford this purchase.
  • avyuzniga.... pro-environmental
  • azon exnig.... force field
  • be kunig bi.... on the margins of
  • be nig bi.... in the space of
  • bixfeelka exnig.... magnetic field
  • doivakdibut exnig.... sheriffwick
  • dozyinig.... esplanade
  • ebnig.... elbowroom, gap, headspace, interspace, interstice, interval, leeway, play, room in-between, space in-between
  • ebniga.... interstitial
  • ebnigxer.... create leeway, make some space in-between, space out
  • ebuknig.... cofferdam
  • exnig.... area of operations, compound, field, operational terrain
  • geniga.... coextensive
  • glamepnig.... concourse
  • glaniga.... palatial, roomy, spacious
  • glanigan.... roominess, spaciousness
  • glanigay.... palatially
  • gloniga.... cramped, poky
  • glonigxen.... cramping
  • glonigxer.... cramp
  • glonigxwa.... cramped
  • ifeknig.... arena
  • ijkuniggaxen.... indentation, indenting, indention
  • ijkuniggaxer.... indent
  • ijkuniggaxwa.... indented
  • inigan.... triplex
  • izbexnig.... purview
  • jubdinig.... newsflash
  • keaxnig.... scope
  • kunig.... latitude, margin, side space
  • kuniga.... marginal
  • kunigay.... marginally
  • kunigdren.... marginalia
  • kunigxen.... marginalization
  • kunigxer.... marginalize
  • kunigxwa.... marginalized
  • kyoemben nig.... parking space
  • maegmemnig.... coalfield
  • magyel memnig.... oilfield
  • malnig.... aerospace, airspace
  • malyom memnig.... snowfield
  • malza nig.... white space, whitespace
  • melnig.... plat
  • melnigdraf.... plat
  • memnig.... expanse of land, field, patch, plot, territory, tract, turf
  • mimpurnig.... berth
  • mulikxwa nig.... plenum
  • mulunigxur.... cyclotron
  • nelnig.... buffer
  • nelnigen ebemben.... buffering
  • nelniger.... buffer
  • nelnigwa.... buffered
  • nig.... bulk, capacity, confines, expanse, field, range, room, space
  • niga.... expansive, spacial, spatial
  • nigafxea.... accommodating
  • nigafxen.... accommodation, affording
  • nigafxer.... accommodate, afford space
  • nigafxwa.... accommodated, afforded
  • nigafxyafwa.... affordable
  • nigamxar.... space heater
  • nigaxway.... turgidly
  • nigay.... spaciously, spatially
  • nigaya.... capacious, roomy, spacious, vast
  • nigayan.... capaciousness, roominess, spaciousness, vastness
  • nigbuer.... accommodate, allot room for
  • nigenak.... nanogram, ng
  • nigika.... capacious, roomy, spacious, vast
  • nigikan.... capaciousness, roominess, spaciousness, vastness
  • nigikay.... capaciously, spaciously, vastly
  • nigikxar.... quadrat
  • nignagar.... stereometer
  • nignak.... stere
  • nignoyx.... groundage
  • nignyox.... waste of space
  • nigog.... cranny, niche, nook, tiny space
  • nigogika.... crannied
  • nigser.... expand, space out
  • nigxar.... spacer
  • nigxen.... expansion, spacing out
  • nigxer.... expand, make room for, space out
  • nigxwa.... expanded, spaced out
  • nigyanxea.... overlapping
  • nigyanxer.... overlap
  • nigyanxwa.... overlapped
  • nyadrunig.... handlist
  • nyexen nig.... storage space
  • onelnigwa.... unbuffered
  • onigaya.... cramped, unspacious
  • onigika.... cramped, unspacious
  • onigxwa.... cramped, crowded
  • ovunigpem.... steeplechase
  • oybkuniga.... submarginal
  • oybnig.... subspace
  • oyebnig.... exterior space, outer space
  • oyebvyifxer nig.... clear out a space
  • oyeybkuniga.... extramarginal
  • purkyoemben nig.... parking space
  • puxrunigseux.... zing, zip
  • sagunigan.... bitrate
  • tamnig.... houseroom
  • tapsexnig.... workout space, workout space
  • teatnig.... eyeshot, field of view, viewing range
  • tebnig.... head room, headroom
  • tejennig.... Lebensraum, living space
  • tesnig.... scope
  • testnig.... purview
  • tyennig.... bailiwick
  • tyobnig.... legroom
  • uka nig.... blank space, empty space
  • uknig.... blank space, vacuity, vacuum
  • ukniges.... vacuole
  • ungunnig.... quod
  • unkunnig.... quad, quadrat
  • xeunnig.... business turf
  • yafon niguk.... power vacuum
  • yanbyuxboknig.... contagion
  • yanigper.... run together
  • yaynebnig.... quint
  • yeba nig.... inner space
  • yebnig.... court, courtyard, interior
  • yexnig.... work space, workspace
  • yeybkuniga.... intramarginal
  • yijnig.... loft
  • yijniga toames.... loft apartment
  • yinig.... octave
  • yomnig.... ice cap, icecap
  • yonigper.... run apart
  • yonnigwa.... spaced apart
  • yonnigxer.... space apart
  • yonnigxwa.... spaced apart
  • yonota nig.... private space
  • yujmelnig.... croft
  • yujmelnigut.... crofter
  • yuznig-.... eco-
  • yuznig.... environ, environment, environs, surroundings
  • yuzniga.... ecologic, environmental
  • yuznigay.... ecologically, environmentally
  • yuznigdata.... eco-friendly
  • yuznigin.... environmentalism
  • yuznigina.... environmentalist
  • yuzniginut.... environmentalist
  • yuznignaab.... ecosystem
  • yuznigovdata.... eco-hostile
  • yuznigtojben.... ecocide
  • yuznigtun.... ecology
  • yuznigtuna.... ecological
  • yuznigtunay.... ecologically
  • yuznigtut.... ecologist
  • zanig.... forecourt, foreground, frontage, headway
  • zenig.... midst, nave
  • zonig.... background
  • zoynig.... backspace
  • zoynigxen.... backspacing
  • zoynigxer.... backspace
  • zoynigxwa.... backspaced
  • zyanig.... stretch, expanse
  • zyaniga.... extensive, expansive
  • zyanigay.... extensively, expansively
  • zyanigxer.... space out
  • zyanigxwa.... broad-gauge, wide-spaced
  • zyomamnig.... corridor
  • zyonig.... close quarters, confines, narrow space, tight-fitting space
  • zyoniga.... cramped
  • zyonigxwa.... cramped, narrow-gauge, narrow-spaced
The base word nod means point, dot and is the top-level word of a scalar series.
NOD words
nod point, dot
nad line
ned plane
nid volume
The morpheme nod means point, dot and has the following derivatives:
  • abennod siyn.... dieresis, tréma, umlaut
  • abfin nod.... break point
  • abnod.... apex, peak, summit, summum, tip, tiptop, top, vertex, zenith
  • abnodser.... peak, top out
  • abnodsiyn.... dot above
  • abnoduper.... culminate
  • adjnoda.... preterite
  • aker eknod.... win a point
  • alonsuna nod.... decimal point
  • alyaynduznod.... semiquaver
  • alznodbok.... measles
  • ama nod.... hot spot, hotspot
  • Amernod.... North Pole
  • ankyiba duznod.... crotchet
  • anmernoda.... unipolar
  • annod siyn.... period
  • axlea nod.... hyperlink
  • aynduznod.... semibreve
  • be gunod bi.... on the verge of
  • be hinod.... at this juncture, at this point
  • be nod bi.... on the point of
  • be yabnod bi.... at the peak of
  • bu nod bi.... to the point of
  • byinod.... point of origin
  • byunod.... aim, bull's eye, target
  • dalnod.... issue, point, talking point, theme
  • debea duznodyan.... canto
  • deuznod.... note
  • dobnix oznod.... tax loophole
  • domep zyenod.... street intersection
  • drenod.... dot
  • duz nod.... musical note
  • duz nodren.... musical notation
  • duznodyan.... chord, melody
  • duznodyana vyeson.... leitmotif, leitmotiv
  • ebnod.... connection, junction, juncture, node
  • ebnoddunek.... cross-word puzzle
  • ebnodxer.... connect
  • ebnodyan.... grid, matrix
  • ebujnoda.... interterminal
  • eknod zesag.... point average
  • eknod.... point
  • emnod.... location
  • emnodxer.... locate
  • ennod aybsiyn.... diaeresis, double dot sign above, two dots above accent, two dots above diacritic, umlaut
  • ennod siyn.... colon
  • ennodas.... bicuspid
  • enod.... deuce
  • enujnoda.... bipolar
  • eynduznod.... minim
  • fiteas nod.... vantage point
  • fiznod.... point of honor
  • gabsinod.... crossing
  • gimel abnod.... mountain summit, mountaintop
  • ginod jwob.... peak hour, rush hour
  • ginod.... acme, apex, peak, sharp point, summit, summum, tip, vertex
  • glaebnoda.... multinode
  • glanoda.... multipoint
  • glaujnoda.... multipolar, multiterminal
  • gupnod.... cusp, turning point
  • gwanod.... maximal point, maximum, peak, summit, summum
  • gyanod.... hump
  • gyanodzon.... humpback
  • igan gwanod.... speed limit
  • ijnod.... square one, starting point
  • ikraxen nod.... saturation point
  • ilxen nod.... melting point
  • innod aybsiyn.... three dots above accent, three dots above diacritic
  • iznod puxren.... trapshooting
  • iznod.... aim, bull's eye
  • iznodarzyun.... trackball
  • iznodnyed.... crosshair
  • iznodxer.... aim
  • jeeb amar yibnod.... summer solstice
  • jeub amar yibnod.... winter solstice
  • jobnod.... point in time
  • jobnoda.... punctual
  • kaxnod.... provenience
  • kexnod.... bull's eye
  • kyanod.... moving target, variable point
  • kyaxnod.... breakpoint
  • kyonod.... fixed point
  • amaryibnod.... solstice
  • amaryubnod.... perihelion
  • magilen nod.... boiling point
  • magnod.... burn point, focus
  • maknod.... blip
  • mannod.... pip
  • mepnod.... mile marker, mile-marker, route point
  • mernod.... cardinal point, compass point, pole
  • mernodmar.... polestar
  • mernodxer.... polarize
  • mernodzuber.... levogyrate
  • meryubnod.... perigee
  • mimkum ijnod.... beachhead
  • molznod.... blackhead
  • moylza nod.... blotch
  • mugabnodmuf.... tipstaff
  • mupyubnod.... perigee
  • musabnod.... climax, peak, top of the ladder, top of the scale
  • musabnodxer.... climax
  • musobnod.... bottom of the scale, nadir
  • musobnodxer.... bottom out
  • muyvabnod.... pinhead
  • neafnod.... website
  • nivarabnod.... pinhead
  • nod aybsiyn.... dot above accent, dot above diacritic
  • nod bi merizondar.... compass point
  • nod bi ozoyp.... point of no return
  • nod bi vyelean.... point of reference
  • nod bu nod.... point-to-point
  • nod oybsiyn.... dot under diacritic
  • nod.... dot, peak, period, point, tip
  • noddrer.... write in Braille
  • nodeaxer.... aim, demonstrate, show
  • nodgrun siyn.... semi-colon, semicolon
  • nodig.... blip
  • nodkyoxer.... pinpoint
  • nodog.... iota, little dot, speck, speckle
  • nodogsizin.... pointillism
  • nodogxer.... speckle
  • nodrawa nad.... dotted line
  • nodren siyn.... punctuation mark
  • nodren.... dotting, punctuation
  • nodrer.... dot, punctuate
  • nodsindruren.... halftone
  • nodxer.... check off, dot, mark off, plot, prick off, punctuate, stipple, tick off
  • nodyan.... cluster
  • nodyanser.... cluster
  • nodyena.... persnickety
  • nodyig.... callus
  • nodzyuper.... swivel
  • obnod.... bottom, nadir
  • obnodser.... bottom out
  • obosnod.... flashpoint, hot spot
  • oegla volznod.... blotch
  • ogladrenod.... microdot
  • oglanod.... micro-point, nadir, minimum
  • oker eknod.... lose a point
  • omernod.... south pole
  • ovduznodyan.... counterpoint
  • ovmernod.... antipode
  • ovmusabnoda.... anticlimactic
  • ovnod.... counterpoint
  • oyvnod.... pole, antipode, opposite point
  • oyvnoda.... contrapuntal
  • ozenodxwa.... unfocused
  • oznod.... loophole
  • pansinujnod.... videoterminal
  • pasea kexnod.... moving target
  • pyan zenod.... wave node
  • pyos nod.... landing point
  • sinnod.... pixel
  • sinnodxer.... pixilate
  • tayibujnod.... synapse
  • teasnod.... standpoint
  • teatnod.... perspective
  • teaxnod.... outlook
  • teazena nod.... focal point
  • tesnod.... keypoint
  • toja nod.... standstill
  • ujnod.... cutoff, end point, endpoint, extreme, extremity, extremum, tail end, terminal, terminus, tip
  • ujnodan.... polarity
  • ujnodxer.... polarize
  • ujnodyagxwa.... prolate
  • uknod.... hole, puncture
  • uknodxer.... create a hole, puncture
  • unmernodar.... quadrupole
  • uznod.... bending point, crux, turning point
  • uznoda.... crucial
  • volznod.... freckle, spot
  • vyaleax nod.... checkpoint
  • vyunod.... fleck
  • vyunodxer.... fleck
  • yaba duznod.... high note
  • yabnod.... acme, apogee, climax, highpoint, meridian, peak, summit, summum, tip, top, vertex, zenith
  • yabnodser.... climax, peak, top out
  • yannapnod.... coordinate
  • yannapnoda ned.... coordinate plan, Cartesian plane
  • yannapnoder....to plot
  • yannod.... junction, juncture, point of convergence
  • yannodxer....to slur
  • yanupnod.... meeting point
  • yaonnodek.... touchdown
  • yaznodrezeyn.... Braille script, braille
  • yemnod.... locus
  • yempuem nod.... access point
  • yepnod.... portal
  • yexnod.... post
  • yibamarnod.... aphelia
  • yibarmarnod.... aphelion
  • yibnod.... apogee, extremity
  • yibnodan.... polarity
  • yibnodxer.... polarize
  • yijlar duznod.... keynote
  • yiksonnod.... point of difficulty, sticking point
  • yinod drursiyn.... brevier
  • yinodyan.... diapason
  • yobnod.... bottom, dip, ebb, low point, nadir
  • yobnodxer.... bottom out, ebb
  • yomxen nod.... freezing point
  • yonbyex nod.... breaking point
  • yonbyexlea nod.... bursting point
  • yonnod.... point of divergence
  • yoymilnod.... dew point
  • yugnod.... fontanel
  • yuzmaaryubnod.... perihelion
  • yuzmernoda.... circumpolar
  • zateabmafnod.... leucoma
  • zenod.... bull's eye, bullseye, center-point, focal point, hub, mid-point, midpoint, node, nucleus, mean point
  • zenoda.... focal, nuclear
  • zenodxer.... aim, zero-in
  • zeymernoda.... transpolar
  • zeynod.... cross point, crossover point, crosspoint
  • zoypen nod.... turning point
  • zyenod.... intersection, through-point
  • zyenodxer.... intersect
  • zyiabnodmuyv.... tack
  • zyubolnod.... hinge, pivot
  • zyubolnoda.... pivotal
  • zyubolnodxer....to pivot
  • zyubolnodxwa.... pivoted
  • zyunod.... cycloid
  • zyupnod.... hub, pivot
  • zyupnoda.... pivotal
  • zyupnodxer.... pivot

NAD, NAAD, and NYAD Words


The morpheme nad means line and has the following derivatives:
  • aagnad.... mainline
  • aagnada.... mainline
  • ab nad.... on line, on-line, online
  • abdrenad.... heading, headline
  • abdrenadxer.... headline
  • abzemernad.... Tropic of Capricorn
  • abnad.... maximum, upper limit
  • abnadsiyn.... macron
  • Zamergonad.... Norse
  • Zmernad.... Arctic Circle
  • anadab.... dictatorship
  • anadeb.... dictator
  • anadeber.... dictate
  • anduznada.... monophonic
  • aniznad.... one-way, single direction
  • annada.... inline, single-file, unilinear
  • annadeuz.... monody
  • annadser.... line up
  • anoga zaomeryuznad.... prime meridian
  • antobnad.... single file
  • zaomernad.... longitude
  • zaomeryuznad.... meridian
  • aonab....column
  • aonad.... vertical line
  • aonada.... sheer, vertical
  • aonadser.... become vertical
  • aotnad.... cortege, line of people, queue, retinue
  • aotnadser.... queue up
  • aotyuznad.... cordon
  • apyexnad.... line of assault
  • axlen nad.... line of action
  • be ha zanad.... on the front lines
  • be iznad.... in a straight line
  • be kinad bi.... on a slope with
  • be kunad bi.... bordering on the edge of
  • be kunadi bi.... on the fringes of
  • be nad bay.... in line with
  • be nad bi yef.... in the line of duty
  • be nad.... tandem
  • be pesnad.... in a queue, in line
  • be uvnad bi.... on a curve with
  • be yigkunad bi.... on the brink of
  • be yonkunadi bi.... on the fringes of
  • be yuznad bi.... con the periphery of, on the border of, on the periphery of
  • be zakumnad bi.... on the front edge of
  • be zyokunad bi.... on the brink of, on the verge of
  • byusnad.... tangent
  • caosonad.... cosine
  • casocanad....tangent
  • catogenad.... cotangent
  • deuznad.... verse
  • didnad.... inquiry, line of questioning
  • dinnad.... narrative thread, plot, scenario, storyline
  • dobnad.... border, frontier
  • dobnadib.... customhouse, customs office
  • dobnadut.... frontiersman
  • dopa zanad.... battle front, military front
  • dopanadab.... junta
  • dopek nad.... battle line
  • dopek zanad.... battlefront
  • dotoj pesnad.... death row
  • drenadyan.... paragraph
  • drenivnad.... line of text
  • dreznad.... line of poetry, verse
  • dreznadeon.... couplet
  • dreznaduon.... quatrain
  • dreznadxen.... versification
  • dreznadyan.... stanza
  • dreznadyaon.... sestina
  • dropek zanad.... war front
  • drursiynnad.... line of type
  • drursiynnadbar.... linotype, typesetter
  • drursiynnadber.... set type
  • drutdyunnad.... byline
  • dunnadyan.... text
  • duz nadyan.... musical score
  • duznad.... line of music, melody
  • duznada.... melodic
  • dyesnadrun.... bibliography
  • dyunnadram.... registrar
  • dyunnadrun.... register, registration list
  • dyunnadrut.... registrar
  • dyunyuznad.... cartouche
  • ebdrenad.... crosshead
  • ebnad.... dividing line, interline, perineum
  • ebnada.... interline, interlinear
  • ebtajnadxer.... interbreed
  • ebtyennada.... interdisciplinary
  • ebyuznad.... interframe
  • zemernad.... equator, meridian
  • enkunada.... double-edged
  • ennada.... bilinear
  • enuzgolnad.... secant
  • eona nadsiyn.... double dash
  • exujnad.... operating limit
  • eymmernad.... meridian
  • eynkinad.... radius, ray
  • eynkinada.... radial
  • eynkinadxea.... radiating
  • eynkinadxen.... radiation
  • eynkinadxer.... radiate
  • eynobemernada.... semitropical, subtorrid
  • eynyexnadujbwa.... semiretired
  • eynzyenad.... radius
  • fabagxennad.... timberline
  • fabnad.... tree line, treeline
  • fabnadxwa.... tree-lined
  • feelknad.... iron rail line, railway, track
  • feelknadoper.... derail, go off the rails, jump the tracks
  • fitajnadxen.... eugenics
  • fiujnadrawa.... well-defined
  • fuujnadrawa.... ill-defined
  • fuybnad.... hedgerow
  • fyadrenad.... verse of scripture
  • gawnadber.... realign
  • gebalnad.... isobar
  • gebalnada.... isobaric
  • gikunad.... rim, sharp edge
  • gladuznada.... polyphonic
  • glanad.... polyline
  • glayexnada.... multi-track, multidisciplinary
  • golnad.... dividing line, sagittal
  • gumkunad.... bevel
  • gumkunadxer....to bevel
  • gwa fua kyeon dinnad.... worst case scenario
  • gwonad.... minimum
  • gyonad.... thin line
  • ifpipnad.... cruise line
  • ijnad.... starting line, threshold
  • ijtuxnada.... propaedeutic
  • imkunnad.... shoreline
  • izdyea nad.... directrix
  • iznad aybsiyn.... macron
  • iznad.... bee-line, direction, straight line, vector
  • iznadmapil.... derecho
  • iznadrar.... straightedge
  • iztodnad....lineage
  • jadyunnadrer....to preregister
  • jaijnada.... preliminary
  • jajoupnadxer....to presequence
  • jobnad.... timeline
  • jobujnad.... deadline, time limit
  • joibnad.... line of inheritance, lineage
  • jopnad.... line of succession, lineup, sequence
  • joupnad.... sequence
  • judnad.... dateline
  • kikunad.... bezel
  • kinad.... diagonal line
  • kunad.... border, borderline, brim, brink, edge, margin,frontier, limit, rand, sideline
  • kunadayber.... spill
  • kunadbar.... delimiter
  • kunadber.... delimit, limit, put a limit on
  • kunadeken.... brinkmanship
  • kunadgoblar.... trimmer
  • kunadgobler.... trim
  • kunadmem.... borderland
  • kunadnav.... fringe, ruffle
  • kunadser.... abut, border, flank
  • kunadyig.... flange
  • kunadyuban.... brinkmanship, brinksmanship
  • kyatajnad.... crossbreed
  • kyatajnadxer.... crossbreed
  • logikunada.... blunt-edged, dull-edged
  • loyanarnadxer.... unchain
  • malyomkunad.... snowbank
  • mamnad.... horizon
  • mamnaduz.... azimuth
  • mampurnad.... airline
  • manad.... beam of light, horizon, light beam, ray of light, skyline
  • manadxer.... effulge, irradiate
  • mebnadag.... cordillera
  • meluknad.... ditch, furrow, groove, trench
  • meluknadxer....to furrow
  • melyaznad....ridge
  • memnad.... landline
  • mepkunad.... curb, kerb
  • mepnad.... trend
  • mes yuzkunad.... door frame, doorframe
  • mesnad.... enfilade
  • milnad.... waterline
  • mimkunad.... beach, coast, coastline, sea coast, seaboard
  • mimof aonad.... luff
  • mipkunad.... river bank, river's edge
  • mis obkunad.... window sill, windowsill
  • mis yuzkunad.... window frame
  • misebnad.... spandrel
  • mufyegnad.... pipeline
  • nad bi dreniv.... line of text
  • nad bi drirsiyn.... line of type
  • nad siyn.... dash
  • nad.... line
  • nada.... lineal, linear
  • nadan.... linearity
  • nadxer.... linearize
  • nadber.... line up
  • nadbwas.... lineup, set
  • nadgobler.... cut a line
  • nadika.... lineal
  • nadpen.... cortege, getting in line, lining up
  • nadper.... get in line, get into line up
  • nadrer.... delineate, draw a line, score
  • nadser.... line up, align
  • nadsiyn.... dash
  • nadxer.... align, line up
  • nadyog.... serif
  • nadyogukas.... sans serif, sanserif
  • nafebnad.... seam
  • nafebnaduka.... seamless
  • nafkunad.... hem
  • nidijsanxea uznad.... generatrix
  • nodrawa nad.... dotted line
  • nunnad.... brand, commercial brand, line of products, make, product line
  • nyux nad.... supply line
  • ob nad.... off line
  • obzemernad.... tropic, Tropic of Cancer
  • obzemernada vabmem.... savanna, savannah
  • obxemernada.... torrid, tropical
  • obkunad.... sill
  • obnad.... minimum
  • Zomernad.... Antarctic Circle
  • onada.... non-linear, nonlinear
  • onadben.... nonalignment
  • opyexnad.... line of defense
  • oujnadwxa.... unlimited, absolute
  • oybabdrenad.... subheader, subheading
  • oybdinnad.... subplot, underplot
  • oybnad.... underline
  • oybnadrer.... underline
  • oybnadyan.... subrange
  • oybyexnad.... subfield
  • oyebujnad.... outer limit
  • oyebkunad.... outer edge
  • oyebnad.... outline, profile
  • oyebnadrer.... outline
  • oyebnadrun.... outline
  • oyebtiisnada.... extracurricular
  • oyebtisnada.... extra-curricular
  • oyebujnada.... outlying
  • oyva byuxnad.... arctangent
  • oyva uznad.... arcsine
  • pesnad.... line of people waiting, queue, row, wait line, waiting line
  • pesnadser.... queue up, get in line, line up
  • popnad.... trajectory
  • puxnad.... trajectory
  • pyosnad.... downswing
  • pyoxlennad.... plumb line
  • pyuxnad.... touchline
  • sanyuznad.... silhouette
  • sanyuznadxwa.... silhouetted
  • sindrer nad.... draw a line
  • soininad pyaon.... sine wave
  • soininad.... sine
  • syobnad.... baseline, bottom line
  • tadnadxem.... breeding ground
  • tafoybnadar.... hemmer
  • tajnad.... breed, brood, pedigree
  • tajnaddref.... pedigree
  • tajnadxer.... breed
  • tajnadxowa apeyt .... broodmare
  • tajnadxwa.... bred, pedigreed
  • tayeb yonkunad.... hair fringe
  • tayebnad yonbyexun.... hairline fracture, tiny crack
  • tayebnad.... hairline
  • tayoybnad.... hemline
  • teabkunad.... conjunctiva
  • teabkunadbok.... conjunctivitis
  • teatnad.... line of sight, vista
  • tebzan yuznad.... silhouette
  • tef yazkunad.... hat brim
  • tejnad.... curriculum vitae, life line
  • teubiba funadxen.... malocclusion
  • texnad.... line of thought, train of thought
  • teyobnad.... neckline
  • tiibilnad.... blood line, bloodline, ethnicity, heritage, lineage, strain
  • tisnad.... curriculum
  • tixnad.... discipline
  • todnad.... family line
  • todnadanyan.... genome
  • todnadaun.... gene
  • todnadkyaxus.... mutagen
  • todnadtun.... genetics
  • togenad.... tangent
  • toj pesnad.... death row
  • tuxnad.... line of study, course of study
  • tyennad.... profession, career
  • tyodnad.... lineage
  • uimernad.... latitude
  • uinad.... east-west line, horizontal line
  • uiznad....zigzag
  • uiznadar.... rudder
  • uja iza nad.... final stretch
  • ujbwa nofkunad .... selvage
  • ujnad.... boundary, confines, finish line, limit, mere
  • ujnadber.... confine, determine, impose a limit
  • ujnadoya.... boundless, infinite, limitless
  • ujnadrer.... define, delineate, delimit, limn
  • ujnadrut.... limner
  • ujnaduka.... boundless, infinite, limitless
  • uka nad.... blank line
  • unkyiddreznad.... tetrameter
  • unnad.... quatrain
  • uzbyuxnad.... tangent
  • uzkunad.... rim
  • uznad aybsiyn.... breve
  • uznad manar.... klieglight
  • uznad oybsiyn.... cedilla
  • uznad.... arc, azimuth, bend, bow, crooked line, curve, curved line, wimple
  • uznadmep.... archway
  • uznadxer.... arc, arch, curve
  • vixkunad.... matte
  • viyuzkunad.... decorative frame
  • vosaonad.... raceme
  • vyanad.... guideline
  • vyanadxer.... align, guide
  • vyiztajnadxwa.... purebred
  • vyonadber.... maladjust, misalign
  • xetyen tixnad.... practicum
  • yabujnad.... upper limit
  • yagzyonad.... stripe
  • yagzyonadxwa.... striped
  • yanarnad bi kyesi.... sequence of events
  • yanarnad.... sequence
  • yanarnadxer.... catenate, sequentialize
  • yanifnad.... scar, seam
  • yanifnadxer.... seam
  • yanizona nad.... parallel line
  • yanizonad.... parallel line
  • yanmulxwa todnad yepet.... mutt
  • yanuzbyuxnad.... cotangent
  • yanxnad.... ligature, vinculum
  • yaoznad.... tilde
  • yebnada.... inline
  • yebtajnadxer.... inbreed
  • yexnad.... career, discipline, field of work, line of business, line of work, occupation, profession
  • yexnadij.... career's start
  • yexnadijat.... career freshman, rookie
  • yexnadtut.... maven
  • yeybnada.... intraline
  • yeyvnad.... line of duty
  • yez bi kunad.... edgewise
  • yez bi mimkunad.... coastwise
  • yeznad.... parallel line
  • yeznada mor.... parallel universe
  • yeznada.... parallel
  • yibdrursiynnadbar.... teletypesetter
  • yibkunad.... fringe
  • yibnad.... edge, extremity
  • yibtuxnad.... telecourse
  • yiznada.... exorbitanant, exorbitant
  • yizobzemernada.... subtropic, subtropical
  • yoba ujnad.... lower limit
  • yobteyobnad.... decolletage
  • yonkunad.... fringe
  • yoonkyib dreznad.... pentameter
  • yuzkunad.... frame
  • yuzkunadber....to frame
  • yuzmamnada.... circumhorizontal
  • yuznad.... border, boundary, circumference, contour, frontier, limit, lip, outline, perimeter, periphery, ring
  • yuznada.... circumferential, peripheral
  • yuznadrer.... circumscribe, draw a border around, outline
  • yuznadrun.... synopsis
  • yuznadser.... border on
  • yuznadxer.... border, bound, contour, limit, ring, delimit, limit
  • yuzujnad.... ambit
  • zakunad.... front edge
  • zanad.... fore-line, front, frontier, frontline
  • zenad.... center line, median, midline
  • zenades.... dash
  • zetibnad.... waistline
  • zeydobnada.... transborder
  • zeynad.... transverse line
  • zeynada dal.... lingua franca
  • zeynada pyaon.... transverse wave
  • zeynadxer.... cut across, transverse
  • zoa mamnaduz.... backazimuth, back azimuth
  • zokunad.... back edge
  • zonad.... rear line
  • zoypnad.... line of retreat
  • zyagnad.... radius, ray
  • zyagnada.... radial
  • zyagnadxer.... radiate
  • zyanad.... latitude
  • zyenad.... diameter, perpendicular line
  • zyenada.... diametric, diametrical, transverse, perpendicular
  • zyenadber.... cross out, put a line through
  • zyenadrer.... cross through, draw a line through
  • zyinad.... flat line, horizon
  • zyinada.... flat-lined, horizontal
  • zyokunad.... brink, narrow edge, verge
  • zyonad.... groove
  • zyug uzkunad.... tire rim
  • zyukoyebkunad.... felloe, felly
  • zyunad.... circle
  • zyunadrer.... circle
The morpheme nad is expanded into other related words with the addition of a 2nd tier ordinal vowel:
naad rail, track
naed lane
naid stripe, strip, streak
naud ray, beam, spoke
nyad list, sequence, chain
Here are some words that are derived from the above roots:
  • naad....rail, track
  • annaad.... monorail
  • annaada.... monorail
  • annaadpur.... monorail train
  • belun naadpur.... freight train
  • daztuyabnaad.... barre
  • domnaadpur.... tram, tramcar, tramway
  • dovyaba naad.... legal framework
  • iga naadpur.... high-speed train
  • iza naadpur.... express train
  • mumpur naad.... subway track
  • musnaad.... banister
  • naadkyaxar.... shunt
  • naadkyaxen.... shunting
  • naadkyaxer.... shunter
  • naadkyaxut.... shunter
  • naadoben.... derailment
  • naadober.... derail
  • naadobwa.... derailed
  • naadopen.... derailment
  • naadoper.... derail
  • naadopya.... derailed
  • naadpur zyined.... train platform
  • naadpur.... rail vehicle, train
  • naadpures.... wagon, train car
  • nyuxnaadpur.... freight train
  • tuyanaad.... banister, handrail
  • vaknaad.... guardrail
  • zonaad.... trace, track
  • zonaadren.... tracing, tracking
  • zonaadrer.... trace, track
  • zyug zonaad.... tire track
  • naed....lane
  • annaeda.... single-lane, single-track
  • ennaeda agmep.... two-lane highway
  • ennaeda domep.... two-lane street
  • ennaeda mep.... two-lane road
  • ennaeda.... two-lane, two-track
  • glanaeda.... multi-laned, multitrack
  • glanaedxer.... multitrack
  • seuxnaed.... soundtrack
  • zenaed.... median, middle lane
  • zinaed.... right lane
  • zunaed.... left lane
  • naid....stripe, strain, streak, stria
  • gyonaid.... pinstripe
  • gyonaida.... pinstriped
  • gyonaidnof.... pinstripe
  • gyonaidtaf.... pinstripe
  • manignaid.... streak of light
  • maolznaidxwa.... grizzled
  • naid.... strain, streak, stria, stripe
  • naidaya.... streaky, striped, stripy
  • naidber.... stripe, streak, striate
  • naidbut.... striper, streaker
  • naidbwa.... striped, streaked
  • naidgoflawa.... rent
  • naidgoflen.... rending
  • naidgofler.... rend
  • naidi.... striae, streaks
  • naidika.... streaky, striped, stripy
  • naidser.... streak
  • naidxen.... streaking, striation, striping
  • naidxer.... streak, stripe, striate
  • naidxwa.... streaked, striated, striped, stripy
  • naidyena.... streaky
  • naidyenan.... streakiness
  • oyonxwa naid.... streak
  • volznaid.... smear, streak
  • volznaidaya.... brindled, smeary
  • volznaider.... bedaub, besmear, smear, streak
  • volznaidika.... brindled, smeary
  • volznaidwa.... bedaubed, smeared, streaked
  • volznaidyan.... brindle
  • naud....beam, radius, ray
  • amnaudxar.... radiator
  • helge naud.... gamma ray
  • maarnaud.... sun ray, sunbeam, sunray
  • maarnaudsan.... sunburst
  • maknaud.... electric beam, electric ray
  • man naud.... light ray
  • man naudxen.... light radiation
  • manaudsea.... radiating
  • manaudser.... eradiate
  • manaudxen.... radiation
  • manaudxer.... radiate light
  • manaudxwa.... radiated
  • marnaud.... star beam, star ray, stellar beam
  • muarnaud.... moonbeam
  • naud pyaon.... radio wave
  • nauda.... radial
  • naudaxlea.... radioactive
  • naudaxlean nagar.... geiger counter
  • naudaxlean.... radioactivity
  • naudaxleay.... radioactively
  • naudaxlentun.... radiology
  • naudaxlentut.... radiologist
  • nauday.... radially
  • naudazon.... radiation
  • naudazonxen.... irradiation
  • naudazonxer.... irradiate
  • naudazonxwa.... irradiated
  • naudben.... irradiation, radiation
  • naudber.... irradiate
  • naudbwa.... irradiated
  • naudbyek.... radiotherapy
  • naudbyekut.... radiotherapist
  • naudcalk.... radiocarbon
  • nauddras.... radiogram
  • naudgeyemsuan.... radioisotope
  • naudmomtun.... radioastronomy
  • naudnagar.... radiometer
  • naudnagen.... radiometry
  • naudnagena.... radiometric
  • naudnak.... rad
  • naudsen.... beaming
  • naudser bay ivran.... beam with joy, radiate with joy
  • naudser.... beam, fluoresce, radiate
  • naudxag.... radio frequency
  • naudxea.... radiant, radiating
  • naudxean.... radiance
  • naudxeay.... radiantly
  • naudxen.... beaming, radiation
  • naudxendras.... radiograph
  • naudxendren.... radiography
  • naudxendrut.... radiographer
  • naudxer.... beam, effulge, radiate
  • naudxwa.... beamed, radiated
  • naudxyea.... effulgent
  • naudxyean.... effulgence
  • onaudaxlea.... nonradioactive
  • xunaud.... xray
  • xunaudrar.... X-ray
  • xunaudraren.... X-raying
  • xunaudrarer.... X-ray
  • xunaudrarut.... X-ray technician
  • xunaudrarwa.... X-rayed
  • xunaudras.... xray
  • xunaudteaxen.... radioscopy
  • yebilier maarnaudi.... soak up sun rays
  • zyuknaud.... spoke, wheel spoke
  • zyuknaudxwa.... spoked
  • akpasnyad....tactic
  • apetnyad....cavalcade
  • bekulnyadrun....dispensatory
  • dalsonnyad....syllabus
  • dun nyadrun....word list
  • dunnyad....lexicon, word list
  • dunnyadrawa....glossed
  • dunnyadrun....glossary, list of words
  • duzun nyadrun....discography
  • dyes nyadrun....booklist
  • dyesnyad....bibliography
  • dyesnyada....bibliographical
  • dyesnyadxen....bibliography
  • dyesnyadxut....bibliographer
  • dyun nyadrun....names list, rostrum
  • dyunnyad bi updiwati....invitation roster
  • dyunnyad....name list, roster
  • dyunnyadawat....registree
  • dyunnyadram....registry
  • dyunnyadrawa....put on a roster, registered
  • dyunnyadren....putting on a roster, registering, registration
  • dyunnyadrer....put on a roster, register
  • dyunnyadrun bi oybdyundruti....list of sign-ins
  • dyunnyadrun....list of names, roster
  • dyunnyadrut....registrant
  • fyadeuz zyunesnyad....psalter
  • gimelnyad....mountain range
  • gonut dyunnyad....roster
  • gonut nyad....roster
  • ivxelnyadpen....parade
  • ivxelnyadtyop....parade
  • janyadren....prelisting
  • janyadrer....prelist
  • jesea nyad....continuum
  • lonyadrawa....crossed off the list, de-listed
  • lonyadren....crossing off the list, de-listing
  • lonyadrer....cross off the list, de-list
  • mebnyad....mountain chain, mountain range
  • nyad aotglal....chain gang
  • nyad bi kyesi....chain of events
  • nyad bi vyakxeni....corrigendum
  • nyad....chain, list, sequence
  • nyadben....catenation, putting in chains
  • nyadber....catenate, chain up, put in chains
  • nyadbwa....put in chains
  • nyadgaber....enqueue
  • nyadgabwa....enqueued
  • nyadpen....parade, parading, procession
  • nyadpena....processional
  • nyadper....parade
  • nyadput....parader
  • nyadrawa....listed, tabulated
  • nyadrea....tabulating
  • nyadren bi yebexuni....table of contents
  • nyadren....index, listing, table, tabulating, tabulation
  • nyadrer....list, table, tabulate
  • nyadrun bi dyuni....list of names
  • nyadrun bi gonuti....list of members
  • nyadrun....list
  • nyadrunig....handlist
  • nyadtyop....march, parade, procession
  • nyadtyopea duzutyan....marching band
  • nyadtyopen....marching, parading
  • nyadtyopena....processional
  • nyadtyoper....march, parade
  • nyadtyopuen....parading
  • nyadtyopuer....parade
  • nyadtyoput....marcher, parader
  • nyadtyopuut....parader
  • nyadxen....chaining, concatenating, concatenation
  • nyadxer....chain, concatenate, enchain
  • nyadxwa....chained together, concatenated
  • oybnyad....sublist
  • pesnyad....waitlist
  • purnyad....motorcade
  • suzyan nyadrun....museography, museology
  • tolnyad....food chain
  • ujponxel nyadpen....funeral procession
  • ujponxel nyadtyop....funeral march
  • ujponxel purnyad....funeral motorcade
  • volz nyadras....colormap
  • yaga nyad bi yexesi....razzmatazz
  • yevson nyadrun....docket
  • zaynyadtyoper....march on
  • zoynyadpen....recession
  • zoynyadpena....recessional
There is one other word derived by adding the diminutive-producing y:
  • nayd....dash
  • naydsiyn....hyphen
  • naydsiynxer....hyphenate
The morpheme ned means plane and has the derivatives nead meaning course and nyed meaning net, retina, grid.
  • abned.... surface, top, upper plane, upper surface
  • abneda.... superficial, top
  • abnedan.... superficiality
  • abneday.... superficially
  • abtomasned.... rooftop
  • anneda.... monoplane, uniplanar
  • aopen zyined.... running board
  • be teabned.... at eye level
  • bixpur zyined.... train platform
  • byunedgoblawa.... razed
  • byunedgoblen.... razing
  • byunedgobler.... raze
  • domned.... place, public square
  • ebdoneda.... connecting
  • ebned.... interface
  • ebneda.... inter-planar
  • ebnedgun.... dihedral
  • ebnedxar.... interfacer
  • ebnedxea.... interfacing
  • ebnedxen.... interfacing
  • ebnedxwa.... interfaced
  • enkined.... wedge
  • enkinedsana.... cuneiform
  • enkinedxen.... wedging
  • enkinedxer.... wedge
  • enkinedxwa.... wedged
  • enneda.... bi-planar, dihedral
  • ganedvixer.... refinish
  • ganedxer.... reface
  • gazyugnedxer.... retread
  • geneda.... even, level, smooth
  • genedan.... evenness, levelness, smoothness
  • genedxen.... evening out, leveling, smoothing
  • genedxer.... even out, level out, smooth out, smooth over
  • genedxwa.... evened out, leveled, smoothed over
  • glaneda.... multi-layered, multi-level, multi-planar
  • glanedesa.... multifaceted
  • gyaned.... bed, layer, stratum
  • gyanedxwa.... layered
  • inneda.... trihedral, triplane
  • jwobir zaned.... clock face
  • kined.... inclined plane, slope, sloped plane
  • kuned.... face, flank, lateral surface, side, wall
  • kuneda.... lateral
  • kunedxer.... flank
  • makned.... electrotype
  • maknedxen.... electroplating
  • maknedxer.... electroplate
  • mayneda.... sleek
  • maynedan.... sleekness
  • mayneday.... sleekly
  • melned.... flat, meadow, plain
  • mepned.... macadam
  • mepnedxer.... macadamize
  • milnedpar.... hydroplane
  • milnedper.... hydroplane
  • naadpur zyined.... train platform
  • ned pyaon.... plane wave
  • ned.... pane, plane, surface
  • neda.... planar
  • nedaber.... revet
  • nedabyexen.... incidence
  • nedan.... planarity
  • nedar.... squeegee
  • nedes.... facet, pane
  • nedgoblar.... scraper
  • nedgoblawa.... scraped
  • nedgoblen.... scraping
  • nedgobler.... scrape
  • nedgoblun.... scrape
  • nedgoybler.... knick
  • nedgoyblun.... knick
  • nedmagxar.... scorcher
  • nedmagxen.... scorching, singing
  • nedmagxer.... scorch, singe
  • nedmagxwa.... scorched, singed
  • nedmayn.... gloss
  • nedmaynayan.... glossiness
  • nedmaynikan.... glossiness
  • nedmaynikay.... glossily
  • nedmeg.... outcrop, outcropping
  • nedmul.... surfacing
  • nedrut.... etcher
  • nedvixer.... finish
  • nedvyaa.... specious
  • nedvyaan.... speciousness
  • nedvyaay.... speciously
  • nedxar.... strickle
  • nedxwa.... graticulated
  • nedyaz.... bump
  • nedyazaya.... bumpy
  • nedyazayan.... bumpiness
  • nedyazika.... bumpy
  • nedyazikan.... bumpiness
  • nedyebwa.... inlaid
  • nedyoz.... depression, hole, pit
  • nedyugfir.... trowel
  • obned.... base, bottom, floor, foundation
  • obneda.... basic, bottom, fundamental
  • ogeneda.... lopsided
  • ogenedan.... lopsidedness
  • ogeneday.... lopsidedly
  • oybned.... substrate, subsurface
  • oybneda.... subsurface
  • oyebned.... exterior surface, outer plane
  • teabneda.... eye-level
  • unnednid.... tetrahedron
  • unnednida.... tetrahedral
  • yabned.... plateau, platform, raised surface
  • yabzyined.... maintop
  • yanizoned.... parallelepiped
  • yannapnoda ned.... coordinate plan, Cartesian plane
  • yaozned.... knur, knurl, knurr
  • yeba ned.... inner plane
  • yigfa nedvixul.... roughcast
  • yimmelned.... flood plain
  • yoba abned.... lower surface
  • yoba ned.... lower plane
  • yoymned.... rime
  • yugfanedfaob.... puncheon
  • yugnedoya.... napless
  • yugneduka.... napless
  • zaned.... anterior plane, face, front, frontal plane
  • zaneda.... anterior, frontal
  • zoned.... back plane, back side, dorsal plane, rear
  • zoneda.... back, dorsal, rear
  • zoneday.... dorsally
  • zoynedser.... resurface
  • zyaned.... area, expanse, span, stretch
  • zyined.... flat surface, platform
Words using the root word nead (course) include the following:
  • igpek nead....race course, race track, racecourse, racetrack
  • igpekpur nead....race car track
  • nead bi xwasi....course of events
  • nead....course
  • neader....course
  • popnead....course
  • yubneada....bordering
  • zoyneadpen....backtracking
  • zoyneadper....backtrack
The root word nyed is used in the following expressions:
  • bay nyedwul bilyig....au gratin
  • domnyed....urban grid
  • ebnyed....web, internet
  • ebnyeda....interconnected, interlaced, interwoven
  • iznodnyed....crosshair
  • magelnyed....griddle
  • maka nyed....electric grid, electrical grid
  • nyed....criss-cross, crisscross, grate, grid, raster, reticle
  • nyeda....gridded, reticular
  • nyedovol amxar....waffle iron
  • nyedser....reticulate
  • nyedwul....gratin
  • nyedxea....criss-crossing
  • nyedxen....criss-crossing, crisscrossing, graticulation, reticulating, reticulation
  • nyedxer....criss-cross, crisscross, graticule, reticulate
  • nyedxwa....criss-crossed, crisscrossed, gridded, reticulated
  • nyedyan....grating, grid work, network
  • nyedyena....reticulate
  • nyedyenay....reticulately
  • ob ha nyed....off the grid
  • oybnyed....subgraph, subnet
  • sagunnyed....bitmap
  • syaagnyed....spreadsheet
  • teabnyed....retina
  • teabnyeda....retinal
  • teabnyedbok....retinopathy
  • yeybnyed....intranet
The root word nid means volume. Three-dimensional shapes use this root. Here are some derivatives:
  • azaxen ha nid.... turning up the volume
  • azaxer ha seuxnid.... turn up the volume
  • bekul nid.... drug dose, drug volume
  • cauzunidresizen.... chalcography
  • defebnida.... conical
  • dofebnid.... cone
  • Egema ginnid.... Egyptian pyramid
  • ekyagunid.... die
  • ekyagunidi.... dice
  • elokunid.... icosahedron
  • elokunida.... icosahedral
  • eynzyunid.... hemisphere
  • eynzyunida.... hemispheric
  • gimufyegnid.... cone
  • gimufyegnida.... conical
  • gimufyegnidsana.... cone-shaped
  • ginid.... cone
  • ginnida.... conical
  • ginnidsan.... cone shape
  • ginnidsana.... cone-shaped
  • ginnidtam.... teepee
  • glakunid.... polyhedron
  • glakunida.... polyhedral
  • gunnid.... wedge
  • gunnidxen.... wedging
  • gunnidxer.... wedge
  • gunnidxwa.... wedged
  • ha Agta Ginnidi.... the Great Pyramids
  • ifbekul nid.... drug dose
  • ignidgaser.... expand quickly
  • ignidgaxer.... expand quickly
  • inguginid.... pyramid
  • inguginidsan.... pyramid shape
  • inguginidsana.... pyramid-shaped
  • mufyegnid.... cylinder
  • mufyegnida.... cylindrical
  • mugvunid.... quoin
  • mulunkunid.... block of matter
  • nid bi bekul.... dose of drugs, dose of medicine
  • nid.... dosage, dose, volume
  • nidak.... volume gain
  • nidakea.... gaining volume
  • nidaker.... gain volume
  • nidalk.... neodymium, Nd
  • niday.... voluminously
  • nidaya.... voluminous
  • nidayan.... voluminosity, voluminousness
  • nidgasea.... expanding
  • nidgaser.... balloon, expand, swell
  • nidgax.... ballooning, expansion, swelling
  • nidgaxen.... ballooning, expansion, swelling
  • nidgaxer.... balloon, expand, swell
  • nidgaxwa.... ballooned, expanded, swollen
  • nidgaxwan.... turgidity, swollenness
  • nidgoser.... contract, shrink
  • nidgox.... contraction, shrinkage
  • nidgoxen.... contraction, shrinkage, shrinking
  • nidgoxer.... contract, preshrink, shrink
  • nidgoxwa.... contracted, preshrunk, shrunk, shrunken
  • nidgoxyafwa.... contractible, contractile, shrinkable
  • nidgyaxwa.... turgid, shrunken
  • nidijsanxea uznad.... generatrix
  • nidika.... voluminous
  • nidikan.... voluminosity, voluminousness
  • nidikay.... voluminously
  • nidnag.... dosage
  • nidnaga.... volumetric
  • nidnagar.... dosimeter, volumeter
  • nidnagen.... volumetry
  • nidog.... dram
  • nidoga.... pokey
  • nidok.... loss of volume
  • nidokea.... losing volume
  • nidoker.... lose volume
  • niduen.... dosing
  • niduer.... dose
  • nidyaber.... raise the volume, turn the volume up
  • nidyaobar.... volume control, volume tuner
  • nidyezen.... envelopment
  • nidyober.... turn the volume down
  • nidyuz.... envelope
  • nidyuzbea.... enveloping
  • nidyuzber.... envelop, enwrap
  • nidyuzbwa.... enveloped
  • nidyuzyig.... coquille, shell
  • nidzyasea.... expanding
  • nidzyaser.... blow up, expand, swell
  • nidzyaxer.... blow up, expand, swell
  • nidzyaxwa.... blown up, expanded, swollen
  • nidzyoxyofwa.... unshrinkable
  • ogranidzyaxwa.... unexploded
  • onidzyosea.... unshrinking
  • ozaxer ha nid.... turn down the volume
  • seuxnid izbexar.... volume control
  • seuxnid.... volume
  • tebosa eynzyunid.... cerebral hemisphere
  • teibginid.... nose cone, nosecone
  • unnednid.... tetrahedron
  • unnednida.... tetrahedral
  • utgunnidxer.... wedge oneself
  • vyanabxer ha seuxnid.... adjust the volume
  • yaber ha nid.... raise the volume, turn the volume up
  • yaber ha seuxnid.... turn the volume up
  • yabnida.... high-volume
  • yabseuxnida.... forte, high-volume, loud
  • yagekunid.... cube
  • yagekunida.... cubic
  • yagekunidxen.... cubing, dicing
  • yagekunnidxen.... dicing, cubing
  • yagekunnidxer.... cube, dice
  • yagekunnidxwa.... cubed, diced
  • yakunid.... cube, hexahedron
  • yakunida.... cubic, cubical
  • yakunidin.... cubism
  • yakunidina.... cubist
  • yakunidinut.... cubist
  • yakunidum.... cubicle
  • yakunidxar.... cuber
  • yaonkunid.... cube
  • yikunid.... octahedron
  • yikunida.... octahedral
  • yingunid.... octagon
  • yingunida.... octagonal
  • yober ha nid.... turn the volume down
  • yober ha seuxnid.... turn the volume down
  • yobnida.... low-volume
  • yobseuxnida.... low-volume, piano, soft
  • yungunid.... nonagon
  • yungunida.... nonagonal
  • yunkunid.... nonahedron
  • zyefnid.... prism
  • zyefnida.... prismatic
  • zyunid.... ball, orb, sphere
  • zyunida.... orbicular, spherical
  • zyuniday.... spherically
  • zyunidog.... bead, globule
  • zyunidoga.... globular
  • zyunidogan.... globularity
  • zyunidsan.... ball shape, globe shape, sphere shape
  • zyunidsana.... ball-shaped, globe-shaped, sphere-shaped, spherical
The morpheme nab means row, rank, while nap means order. Related to these, are the words naab meaning file, nabyan meaning range, and naap meaning system. Here are some derivatives of these words:
Here are derivatives of nab (row, rank):
  • aa donabwa.... top brass, top-ranked
  • aa donabwat.... top brass officer
  • aa donabwatyan.... top brass officer class
  • aa nab sim.... front row seat
  • aa nab.... first rank, first row
  • aadonaba.... first-ranked
  • abdonab.... upper class
  • abdonaba.... of superior rank, senior-ranking
  • abdonabat.... senior
  • abdonaben.... being superior in rank
  • abdonaber.... be superior in rank
  • abdonabsen.... ranking above
  • abdonabser.... rank above
  • abdonabxer.... rank above
  • abdonabxwa.... ranked above
  • abdrenabof.... marquee
  • abnab.... top grade, upper rank
  • abnaba.... ranking
  • abnabier.... advance, go up in rank, graduate
  • adonabwa.... number-one-ranking
  • anab.... first rank, first row
  • anaba.... first rank, first row, first-ranking, first-row, paramount, premier, top
  • anaban.... paramountcy
  • Anabaptism.... Kyafyamilbutin
  • Anabaptist.... Kyafyamilbut, Yegfyamilbuta
  • Anabaptistical.... Kyafyamilbutina
  • anabser.... rank first
  • anabwa.... first-ranked, number-one-ranking, top-ranked
  • anabwer.... be ranked first
  • anabxen.... ranking first
  • anabxer.... rank first
  • aonab bi dreniv aonad.... column of text
  • aonab bi mov.... column of smoke
  • aonab.... column, y-axis
  • aonaba.... columnar
  • aonabdun ifek.... crossword
  • aonabxen.... columnarization, columnizing
  • aonabxer.... columnarize, columnize
  • aonabxwa.... columnarized, columnized
  • aonabyan.... columnade
  • ayba nab.... superior rank
  • aybnaba.... superior in rank
  • azonaben.... application of force, coercing, coercion, duress
  • azonaber.... apply force, coerce, dragoon
  • azonabwa.... coerced, dragooned
  • azonabyea.... coercive
  • be aa nab.... in the first row
  • belunaben.... loading
  • belunaber.... load
  • belunabwa.... loaded
  • bixfeelka nabyan.... electromagnetic spectrum
  • dapa nab.... air force rank
  • donab dyun.... rank name
  • donab.... civil service rank
  • donabdyun.... title
  • donabdyunuen.... titling
  • donabdyunuer.... title
  • donabdyunuwa.... titled
  • donabser.... rank
  • donabxen.... ranking
  • donabxer.... rank
  • donabxwa.... ranked
  • dopa nab.... military rank
  • dopa nabyan.... military hierarchy
  • dota nab.... social rank
  • dotnab.... social rank, social standing, social stratum
  • duz nabyan.... musical range of music
  • dyunaben.... designation, name assignment
  • dyunaber.... assign a name, designate
  • dyunabwa.... designated
  • dyunabwat.... designee
  • edonabwa.... second-ranking
  • enaba.... ancillary, second-ranking
  • enabat.... runner-up
  • eyjnaba.... semiannual
  • eynabaxrea yujteuzun.... affricative consonant
  • eynabaxrea.... affricate
  • eynabdrun.... half title
  • fayebnab.... windrow
  • funabxwat.... misfit
  • fuvyanabxwa.... maladjusted
  • fuvyanabxwat.... misfit
  • fyaantinab.... abbey, monastic hierarchy
  • fyaxinab.... church hierarchy, clergy, ecclesiastical chain of command, religious hierarchy
  • fyaxinaba.... church-related, churchly, clerical, ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical
  • fyaxinaban.... ecclesiastically
  • fyaxinabifa.... churchly
  • gabelunaben.... reloading
  • gabelunaber.... reload
  • gabelunabwa.... reloaded
  • gadyunaben.... re-designation, redesignation
  • gadyunaber.... re-designate, redesignate
  • gadyunabwa.... re-designated, redesignated
  • gakyiunabar.... reloader
  • gakyiunaben.... reloading
  • gakyiunaber.... recharge, reload
  • gakyiunabut.... reloader
  • gakyiunabwa.... reloaded
  • gakyiunabyafwa.... rechargeable
  • gavayanabxen.... retuning
  • gavyanabxen.... re-tuning, readjustment, recalibrating, tune-up, tuneup
  • gavyanabxer.... re-tune, readjust, recalibrate, retool, retune
  • gavyanabxwa.... re-tuned, readjusted, recalibrated, retuned
  • gavyanabxyafwa.... re-adjustable, re-tunable
  • genaba.... equal in rank
  • gimelnab.... mountain chain, mountain range
  • glanabyana.... multirange
  • glatuunnabyana.... multidatabase
  • grakyiunaben.... overloading
  • grakyiunaber.... overfreight, overload
  • grakyiunabwa.... overladen, overloaded
  • granabdwa.... over-ranked
  • grokyiunabwa.... underloaded
  • gronabdwa.... under-ranked
  • gwa vyanaba.... fittest
  • gyuvyanabxer.... fine-tune
  • ika nabyan.... gamut
  • jabelunaber.... preload
  • jabelunabwa.... preloaded
  • jakyiunaber.... preload
  • jakyiunabwa.... preloaded
  • janabxen.... prearrangement
  • janabxer.... prearrange
  • janabxwa.... prearranged
  • Judinab.... rabbinate
  • judnabyan.... date range
  • kiunabwa bay yexnyan.... backlogged
  • kyenabyanxwa.... scattershot
  • kyidsiynaben.... accenting, stressing
  • kyidsiynaber.... accent, apply a stress mark, apply an accent
  • kyidsiynabwa.... accented, stressed
  • kyinabut.... stevedore
  • kyiunabem.... loading dock, loading zone
  • kyiunaben.... burdening, charging, lading, loading
  • kyiunaber.... burden, charge, lade, load
  • kyiunabun.... burden, charge
  • kyiunabwa.... burdened, charged, fraught, laden, loaded
  • kyiunabyafwa.... chargeable
  • kyiunabyea.... burdensome, cumbersome
  • kyiunabyean.... burdensomeness, cumbersomeness
  • lonab.... disarray
  • lonabaxer.... de-serialize
  • lonaben.... overturning, reversal, upset
  • lonaber.... overturn, reverse, upset
  • lonabwa.... overturned, reversed, upset
  • lonabxen.... derangement, disarrangement
  • lonabxer.... derange, disarrange
  • lonabxwa.... deranged, disarrayed
  • mamyomnab.... windrow
  • man nabyan.... light spectrum
  • man nabyan.... light spectrum
  • mapebea fabnab.... windbreak
  • mebnab.... mountain range
  • megyognab.... windrow
  • movaonab.... plume of smoke
  • moynabof.... bowery
  • nab bi ekdrafi.... suit of cards
  • nab.... rank, row, suit
  • naba tam.... row house
  • nabagat.... magnate
  • nabalwa.... serried
  • nabden.... ranking
  • nabder.... rank
  • nabdwa.... ranked
  • nabdyun.... rank
  • nabdyuna.... titular
  • nabdyunier.... assume a title
  • nabier.... take on a rank
  • nabob.... nabob
  • nabon.... row
  • nabper.... line up
  • nabsea.... adapting, ranging
  • nabsen.... adapting, deployment, getting in order, lining up
  • nabser.... adapt, get in line up, range
  • nabsyaf.... ability to adapt
  • nabsyea.... adaptive
  • nabsyeay.... adaptively
  • nabtam.... row house
  • nabuer.... assign a rank
  • nabxar.... adapter
  • nabxen.... adaptation, adaption, arrangement, deployment, lineup, orchestration
  • nabxer.... adapt, arrange, deploy, line up, orchestrate, put in order
  • nabxut.... arranger
  • nabxwa.... arranged, deployed, lined up, orchestrated, ranked
  • nabxyafa.... adaptable
  • nabxyafan.... adaptability
  • nabxyafwa.... adaptable
  • nabxyafwan.... adaptability
  • nabyan.... array, grid, matrix, pattern, range, selection, spectrum, table, web
  • nabyana.... gridded, tabular
  • nabyandrar.... spectrograph
  • nabyandras.... spectrogram
  • nabyandren.... spectrography
  • nabyandrena.... spectrographic
  • nabyanmannagar.... spectrophotometer
  • nabyanmannagen.... spectrophotometry
  • nabyannagar.... spectrometer
  • nabyansan.... table
  • nabyanser.... range
  • nabyanteaxar.... spectroscope
  • nabyanteaxara.... spectroscopic
  • nabyanteaxaren.... spectroscopy
  • nabyantuundraf.... tableau
  • nabyanxea.... tabulating
  • nabyanxen.... gridding, layout, tabulating, tabulation, arrangement
  • nabyanxer.... array, grid, lay out, tabulate, arrange
  • nabyanxer.... tabulate
  • nabyanxwa.... gridded, laid out, tabulated, arranged
  • nabyem.... array, disposition, layout
  • nabyemxen.... disposal
  • nabyemxer.... array, dispose, lay out
  • nabyemxun.... device, mechanism, thing at one's disposal
  • nabyemxwa.... arrayed, disposed
  • nunaben.... shelving
  • nunabwa.... on the shelf
  • obdonabat.... member of the lower class
  • obnab.... bottom grade, inferior rank
  • obnaba.... ancillary, inferior in rank
  • obnabier.... be demoted, go down in rank
  • odonabwa.... unranked, zero-ranking
  • odunnyanabwa.... unregistered
  • ogenaba.... unequal in rank
  • oloybnabsea.... insubordinate
  • oloybnabsen.... insubordination
  • oloybnabser.... be insubordinate
  • onaba.... out of order
  • onabwa.... messed up, unranked, zero-ranking
  • onabxwa.... deranged, messed up
  • ovyanaba.... nonaligned, out of order, unaligned
  • oybnaba dyangon.... subordinate clause
  • oybnaba.... inferior in rank, subaltern, subordinate
  • oybnabat.... inferior
  • oybnabser.... become subordinate
  • oybnabxen.... subordination
  • oybnabxer.... subordinate
  • oybnabxwa.... subordinated
  • sarnab.... toolbar
  • saunaber.... assign to a type
  • seux nabyan.... sound spectrum
  • sumnabyan.... bleacher
  • tamsonabteaxut.... chamberlain
  • teasnabyan.... visual spectrum
  • teesnabyan.... sound spectrum
  • tex nabyan.... thought pattern
  • tomnab.... row of buildings
  • totinab.... the church
  • tuunnab.... tuple
  • tuunnabyan.... database
  • uinab bi dreniv.... row of text
  • uinab.... row, x-axis
  • uinaba.... arrayed, in a row
  • uinabser.... get into rows
  • uinabxen.... lining up, making a row
  • uinabxer.... array, lay out in rows, line up, make a row, put into a row
  • uinabxwa.... arrayed, lined up
  • umvabnab.... windrow
  • vibaonab.... pilaster
  • volz nabyan.... range of colors
  • volznabyan.... array of colors, color spectrum, rainbow
  • voyabunaber.... recap
  • voyabunabun.... recap
  • voyvyanabser.... get readjusted, readjust
  • voyvyanabxer.... ha seuxnid retune the volume
  • vyanaba.... just so, lined-up, fit
  • vyanaban.... fitness
  • vyanabay.... fittingly
  • vyanabsea.... condign
  • vyanabser.... adjust, fit, get adjusted
  • vyanabwa.... properly aligned, adjusted
  • vyanabxen.... adjustment, calibration, tuning
  • vyanabxer ha seuxnid.... adjust the volume
  • vyanabxer.... adjust, calibrate, tune, tweak
  • vyanabxut.... adjustor
  • vyanabxwa.... adjusted, attuned, calibrated, fitted, tuned
  • vyanabxyafwa.... adjustable
  • vyonaba.... misaligned, off-base, unfit, unfitting
  • vyonaban.... maladjustment, misalignment, unfitness
  • xagnabyana.... spectral
  • yaba donab.... high rank
  • yaba nab.... high rank
  • yabdonaba.... of high social status
  • yabnaba.... high-ranked, high-ranking, higher-ranking
  • yabnabat.... muckamuck
  • yabnabi.... upper ranks
  • yabnabser.... rank high
  • yabnabxen.... ranking high
  • yabnabxer.... rank high
  • yabnabxwa.... high-ranked, high-ranking, ranked high
  • yabnabxwer.... get promoted
  • yabwasinabar.... embosser
  • yabwasinaben.... embossing
  • yabwasinaber.... emboss
  • yabwasinabun.... embossment
  • yabwasinabwa.... embossed
  • yafon nabyan.... power grid
  • yagnabyana.... long-range
  • yannabxen.... marshaling, racking
  • yannabxer.... marshal, rack
  • yannabxwa.... marshaled
  • yebbelunabar.... reloader
  • yenaba.... septenary
  • yexunab.... task force
  • yinaba.... octonary
  • yiznaber.... outrank, trump
  • yiznabus.... trump
  • yiznabwa.... trumped, outranked
  • yoba nab.... lower rank
  • yobdonaba.... lower-ranking
  • yobdonabat.... lower-ranking person
  • yobdotnaba.... of low social standing
  • yobnaba.... low-ranked, low-ranking, lower-ranking
  • yobnaban.... peonage
  • yobnabat.... lower-ranking person, peon
  • yobnabxen.... abasement
  • yobnabxer.... abase
  • yobnabxwa.... abased
  • yognabyana.... short-range
  • yonabea.... overturning, overwhelming
  • yonaben.... overwhelming, overturning
  • yonaber.... overwhelm, turn upside down
  • yonabwa.... overwhelmed, turned upside down
  • yonabxea.... overwhelming, disrupting, overwhelming
  • yonabxen.... overturning, overwhelming, disruption
  • yonabxer.... disrupt, overturn, overwhelm
  • yonabxwa.... overturned, overwhelmed, disrupted
  • yujunaben.... corking, capping
  • yujunaber.... apply the stopper to, cap, cork, plug up, put on the lid
  • yujunabut.... corker
  • yujunabwa.... capped, corked, plugged
  • yuzaonabyan.... peristyle
  • yuznab bi fyon.... axis of evil
  • yuznab.... axis, axle
  • yuznaba.... axial
  • zaynabxea.... promoting
  • zaynabxen.... promoting, promotion
  • zaynabxer.... promote
  • zaynabxwa.... promoted
  • zedonaba.... mid-ranking
  • zenaba.... mesne, mid-ranking
  • zenabyan.... midrange
  • zogunab.... shogunate
  • zoynabxen.... demotion, retrofitting
  • zoynabxer.... demote, retrofit
  • zoynabxwa.... demoted
  • zyanabyan.... panoply
  • zyanabyana.... wide-ranging
  • zyonabyana.... narrow band
  • zyovyanabxwa.... finely-tuned
Here are derivatives of naab (file, class):
  • drafnaab.... card file
  • finaabxwa.... well-organized
  • funaabxwa.... disorganized, poorly organized
  • gabyuxea taxdren naab.... swapfile
  • ganaaben.... reclassification, reclassifying
  • ganaaber.... reclassify, refile
  • ganaabwa.... reclassified
  • ganaabxen.... reorganization
  • ganaabxer.... reorganize
  • ganaabxwa.... reorganized
  • glanaaba.... multifile
  • kyajwoba naab.... flexitime, flextime
  • lonaabxen.... declassification, disorganization
  • lonaabxer.... declassify, disorganize
  • lonaabxwa.... declassified, disorganized
  • naab.... class, file
  • naaba.... organizational
  • naaban.... organization
  • naabanay.... organizationally
  • naabdref.... file card
  • naabdrefsam.... file cabinet, filing cabinet
  • naabdrefyan.... filesystem
  • naabdyun.... filename
  • naaben.... classification, filing
  • naaber.... classify, file
  • naabsam.... filing cabinet
  • naabtun.... taxonomy
  • naabtuna.... taxonomic, taxonomical
  • naabtunay.... taxonomically
  • naabtut.... taxonomist
  • naabuka.... out of order, unorganized
  • naabus.... classificator, classifier
  • naabut.... classifier, filer
  • naabwa.... classified, filed
  • naabxea.... organizing
  • naabxen.... organization
  • naabxer yaxutyan.... organize a union
  • naabxer.... organize, file, classify
  • naabxut.... organizer, filer, classifier
  • naabxwa.... organized, filed, classified
  • naabxyafwa.... organizable, filable
  • naabyafwa.... classifiable
  • oglanaab.... microfiche, microfile
  • ognaab.... minifile
  • ojbuen naab.... lend-lease
  • onaabxwa.... unorganized
  • oybnaab.... subfile
  • vyonaaben.... misfiling
  • vyonaaber.... misfile, wrongly classify
  • vyonaabwa.... misfiled, wrongly classified
  • yiznaab.... metafile
  • yizogranaab.... ultrafiche
  • zonaab.... backfile
Here are derivatives of nabyan (range, array)
  • aonabyan.... columnade
  • bixfeelka nabyan.... electromagnetic spectrum
  • dopa nabyan.... military hierarchy
  • duz nabyan.... musical range of music
  • glanabyana.... multirange
  • glatuunnabyana.... multidatabase
  • ika nabyan.... gamut
  • judnabyan.... date range
  • kyenabyanxwa.... scattershot
  • man nabyan.... light spectrum
  • man nabyan.... light spectrum
  • nabyan.... array, grid, matrix, pattern, range, selection, spectrum, table, web
  • nabyana.... gridded, tabular
  • nabyandrar.... spectrograph
  • nabyandras.... spectrogram
  • nabyandren.... spectrography
  • nabyandrena.... spectrographic
  • nabyanmannagar.... spectrophotometer
  • nabyanmannagen.... spectrophotometry
  • nabyannagar.... spectrometer
  • nabyansan.... table
  • nabyanser.... range
  • nabyanteaxar.... spectroscope
  • nabyanteaxara.... spectroscopic
  • nabyanteaxaren.... spectroscopy
  • nabyantuundraf.... tableau
  • nabyanxea.... tabulating
  • nabyanxen.... gridding, layout, tabulating, tabulation, arrangement
  • nabyanxer.... array, grid, lay out, tabulate, arrange
  • nabyanxer.... tabulate
  • nabyanxwa.... gridded, laid out, tabulated, arranged
  • seux nabyan.... sound spectrum
  • sumnabyan.... bleacher
  • teasnabyan.... visual spectrum
  • teesnabyan.... sound spectrum
  • tex nabyan.... thought pattern
  • tuunnabyan.... database
  • volz nabyan.... range of colors
  • volznabyan.... array of colors, color spectrum, rainbow
  • xagnabyana.... spectral
  • yafon nabyan.... power grid
  • yagnabyana.... long-range
  • yognabyana.... short-range
  • yuzaonabyan.... peristyle
  • zenabyan.... midrange
  • zyanabyan.... panoply
  • zyanabyana.... wide-ranging
  • zyonabyana.... narrow band
The morpheme nap means order, while naap means system, regime.
Here are some derivatives of nap:
  • alanapa.... eleventh
  • alanapas.... twelfth thing
  • alanapat.... twelfth person
  • alenapa.... dozenth, twelfth
  • alinapa.... thirteenth
  • alo napdeni.... decalogue
  • alonapa.... tenth
  • alunapa.... fourteenth
  • alyanapa.... sixteenth
  • alyenapa.... seventeenth
  • alyinapa.... eighteenth
  • alyonapa.... fifteenth
  • alyunapa.... nineteenth
  • anap.... primacy
  • anapa.... first-order, primary, prime
  • anapan.... primacy
  • anapas.... first-of-its-kind
  • anapat.... chief, primate
  • anapay.... firstly, primarily
  • anapelt.... body louse
  • anapen.... going first, precedence
  • anaper.... go first, precede
  • anaput.... person going first
  • anapxer.... put in first place
  • aronapa.... thousandth
  • aybnap.... superorder
  • aybnapa.... superordinate
  • aybnapxen.... superordination
  • be nap bi.... in order of
  • benapxen.... interspersion
  • Biu ha zanapa bixpur..... Take the next train.
  • dab bi onaptyoyd.... mob rule
  • donap.... civil order, public order, social order
  • donapden.... public mandate, public ordinance
  • donapdib.... police administration
  • donapdiba.... police-related
  • donapdiben.... policing
  • donapdiber.... police
  • donapdibut.... cop, policeman, police officer
  • dopa napden.... military order
  • dopnap.... phalanx
  • dopnapen.... military parade, military review
  • dota nap.... social order
  • dota napden.... social ordinance
  • douta nap.... public order
  • douta napden.... public mandate, public ordinance
  • dunapyex.... verbal offense
  • dunnap.... syntax, word order
  • dunnapa.... syntactic, syntactical
  • dunnapay.... syntactically
  • dunnapxun.... syntagma
  • dunnapxuna.... syntagmatic
  • duz napxun.... musical arrangement
  • duz napxut.... musical arranger
  • ebnapxar.... mixer
  • ebnapxen.... interspersing, mix-up, mixing up, mixup, shuffling
  • ebnapxer ekdrafi.... shuffle cards
  • ebnapxer.... intersperse, mix up, shuffle
  • ebnapxut.... shuffler
  • ebnapxwa.... interspersed, mixed up, shuffled
  • ebnapxyafwa.... mixable
  • elonapa.... twentieth
  • enapa dyun.... by-name, cognomen, secondary name
  • enapa.... second, secondary
  • enapay.... secondly
  • enapelt.... head louse
  • enapetbixwa belir.... curricle
  • eonapxen.... gemination
  • eonapxer.... geminate
  • finap.... good order, kilter, neatness, order, tidiness
  • finapa.... in good order, neat, shipshape, tidy
  • finapan.... neatness, tidiness
  • finapay.... neatly
  • finapser.... get in order, straighten up, tidy up
  • finapxen.... neatening up, straightening up, tidying up
  • finapxer.... neaten up, put in good order, straighten up, tidy up
  • finapxwa.... tidied, well-ordered
  • funap.... disorder, mayhem, mess
  • funapa.... disordered, messy, out of order, untidy
  • funapan.... messiness, untidiness
  • funapay.... messily, rowdily, untidily
  • funapaya.... rowdy
  • funapika.... rowdy
  • funapikan.... rowdiness, rowdyism
  • funapser.... become disordered, become untidy, get messed up, get out of order
  • funapxen.... bungling, disordering, foul-up, messing up, mix-up, mixing up, screwing up, screwing up
  • funapxer.... bungle, bungler, foul up, mess up, mix up
  • funapxwa.... bungled, disordered, disorderly, messed up, mixed up, ragtag, screwed up
  • funapxwan.... disorderliness
  • funapyena.... disorderly
  • galosaunnapxen.... reshuffling
  • galosaunnapxer.... reshuffle
  • galosaunnapxwa.... reshuffled
  • ganapkyaxen.... reshuffling
  • ganapkyaxer.... reshuffle
  • ganapkyaxwa.... reshuffled
  • ganapxea.... rearranging
  • ganapxen.... rearrangement, rearranging, redressing, rejigging
  • ganapxer.... re-dress, rearrange, redress, rejig
  • ganapxwa.... rearranged, redressed
  • ganapxyafwa.... rearrangeable
  • gonnapyanx.... scheme
  • hyenapa.... umpteenth
  • ijnapa.... first, primary
  • ijnaper.... come in first
  • ilonapa.... thirtieth
  • inapa.... tertiary
  • inapelt.... woodlouse
  • inapetpir.... troika
  • janapa.... last, previous, prior
  • janapan.... priority
  • janapay.... previously
  • janapden.... preordaining, preordination
  • janapder.... prearrange, preordain
  • janapdwa tojben.... hit job, pre-arranged killing
  • janapdwa.... pre-arranged, pre-arrranged, preordained
  • janapxen.... prearrangement, prioritization
  • janapxer.... prearrange, prioritize
  • janapxwa.... prioritized
  • jasaunapxen.... presorting
  • jasaunapxer.... presort
  • jayannapxen.... precoordination
  • jonap.... sequence
  • jonapa dyuen.... roll call
  • jonapa.... following, next, postorder, sequential, successive, subsequent
  • jonapan.... sequentiality
  • jonapas.... next one
  • jonapat.... next one
  • jonapaxen.... sequentializing
  • jonapaxer.... sequentialize
  • jonapaxwa.... sequentialized
  • jonapen.... succession
  • jonaper.... follow, succeed
  • jonaput.... successor
  • jonapxen.... sequencing, sequentialization
  • jonapxwa.... sequenced
  • kaxontexnap.... algorithm
  • kaxontexnapa.... algorithmic
  • kaxontexnapay.... algorithmically
  • kovyoanapa.... pseudoprimary
  • kyanapxen.... shuffling
  • kyanapxer ekdrafi.... shuffle cards
  • kyanapxer.... shuffle
  • kyanapxut.... shuffler
  • kyanapxwa.... shuffled
  • kyenapxar.... scrambler
  • kyenapxen.... scrambling
  • kyenapxer.... scramble
  • kyenapxwa.... scrambled
  • lokyenapxer.... unscramble
  • lonap.... mess
  • lonapan.... entropy
  • lonapaya.... messy
  • lonapder.... countermand
  • lonapfaof.... shuffleboard
  • lonapika.... messy
  • lonapxar.... scrambler
  • lonapxea.... disconcerting
  • lonapxeay.... disconcertingly
  • lonapxen.... bothering, derangement, disordering, disturbance, messing up, scrambling, shuffling, tousle
  • lonapxer.... bother, derange, discompose, disconcert, disturb, mess up, muss, scramble, tousle
  • lonapxut.... shuffler
  • lonapxwa tayebsyen.... shag
  • lonapxwa.... bothered, deranged, disconcerted, disordered, disorderly, disturbed, messed up, messy, mixed, mussy, scrambled, tousled
  • lonapxwan.... discomposure, disorderliness
  • lonapxyea.... bothersome, messy
  • lonapxyean.... messiness
  • maalyenapat.... weathercock, weathervane
  • nap.... order
  • napa yexun.... chore
  • napa.... ordinal
  • napayan.... orderliness
  • napdea.... ordaining
  • napden bi nagi.... assize
  • napden.... commandment, decree, decreeing, dictat, enjoining, ordainment, order, ordnance
  • napder.... command, decree, dictate, enjoin, ordain, order
  • napdras.... prescription, recipe
  • napdrea.... prescriptive
  • napdreay.... prescriptively
  • napdwa.... commanded, decreed, enjoined, ordained, ordered
  • napdwas.... decree
  • napdyes.... rulebook
  • napeden.... grunting
  • napeder.... grunt
  • napelt.... louse
  • napelta.... formic
  • napeltam.... anthill, formicary
  • napeltyan.... swarm of ants, ant colony
  • napeltyanea.... swarming
  • napeltyaner.... swarm
  • napeltyansea.... teeming
  • napeltyanser.... teem
  • napeltyanxwa.... teemed
  • napiat.... heron, egret
  • napika.... orderly, spick, trig
  • napikan.... orderliness
  • napiza.... in order, neat, tidy
  • napizaser.... neaten up
  • napizaxer.... neaten, straighten up, tidy up
  • napizaxwa.... neatened, straightened up, tidied up
  • napizra.... in perfect order, neat and tidy
  • napkyaxea.... overwhelming, upsetting
  • napkyaxen.... bowling over, interspersing, interspersion, mixing up, overthrowing, overturning, overwhelming, permutation, permuting, turning upside down, upsetting
  • napkyaxena.... permutational
  • napkyaxer.... bowl over, change the order of, intersperse, mix up, overthrow, overturn, overwhelm, permute, turn upside down, upset
  • napkyaxwa.... bowled over, interspersed, mixed up, overthrown, overturned, overwhelmed, permuted, turned upside down, upset
  • napkyaxyafwa.... permutable
  • napot.... armadillo
  • nappax.... maneuver
  • nappaxen.... maneuvering
  • nappaxer.... maneuver
  • nappaxwa.... maneuvered
  • nappaxyafwa.... maneuverable
  • nappaxyafwan.... maneuverability
  • napsana testien.... commonsense
  • napsana.... banal, ordinary, run-of-the-mill
  • napsanan.... banality, ordinariness
  • napsanay.... ordinarily
  • napsauna.... unprepossessing
  • naptyop.... cortege, parade
  • naptyopen.... parading
  • naptyoper.... parade
  • naptyoputyan.... retinue
  • napuka.... unorderly, messy
  • napukan.... unorderliness, messiness
  • napukay.... messily
  • napuzra.... convoluted, discombobulated, haywire, messed up, messy, screwed up, scruffy
  • napuzran.... convolutedness, discombobulation, messiness, scruffiness
  • napuzraser.... become convoluted, become discombobulated
  • napuzraxen.... convolution, discombobulation, messing up, mixing up, screwing up
  • napuzraxer.... discombobulate, mess up, mix up, screw up
  • napuzraxwa.... convoluted, discombobulated, messed up, mixed up, screwed up
  • napuzray.... messily, scruffily
  • napxar.... concordance, index
  • napxara.... indexical
  • napxaren.... indexation, indexing
  • napxarer.... index
  • napxarwa.... indexed
  • napxaryafwa.... indexable
  • napxen.... arraying, ordering, putting in order
  • napxer ota syagdrav.... square one's account
  • napxer.... array, put in order
  • napxwa.... arrayed, ordered, orderly, put in order
  • napxwas.... array, set
  • napyeit.... octopus
  • napyen.... discipline, rule of law
  • napyenan.... state of discipline
  • napyenxen.... disciplining
  • napyenxer.... discipline
  • napyenxwa.... disciplined
  • nyanapyex doputi.... storm troops
  • nyanapyexer.... storm
  • nyanapyexwa.... stormed
  • obler donap.... upend public order
  • ojonapa.... non-sequential, nonsequential
  • ojonapas.... non-sequitur
  • olonapxen.... cleaning up, figuring out, putting back in order, reordering, tidying up
  • olonapxer.... clean up, figure out, put back in order, reorder, tidy up
  • olonapxwa.... cleaned up, figured out, put back in order, reordered, tidied up, uncluttered, unperturbed
  • onap.... ataxia, clutter, disorder, melee, mess, muss, welter
  • onapa gonut.... floater
  • onapa nyan.... tumble
  • onapa yigbalwa aotyan.... scrum
  • onapa.... ataxic, haywire, irregular, messy, out of order, seedy, sloppy, zeroth
  • onapag.... pandemonium
  • onapan.... irregularity, seediness, sloppiness
  • onapas.... zeroth thing
  • onapat.... zeroth person
  • onapay.... irregularly, out of order, sloppily
  • onapaya.... unorderly
  • onapika.... unorderly
  • onapiza.... out of order, untidy
  • onapsana.... extraordinary, inordinate, irregular
  • onapsanay.... extraordinarily, inordinately
  • onaptyod.... mob
  • onaptyodxen.... mobbing
  • onaptyodxwa.... mobbed
  • onaputyan.... unruly group
  • onapxen.... cluttering, messing up
  • onapxer.... clutter, mess up
  • onapxwa paax.... donnybrook
  • onapxwa.... cluttered, deranged, messed up, messy, random, unordered
  • onapyena.... messy
  • onapyenxwa.... undisciplined
  • otayebnapxwa.... uncombed
  • otexnapa.... nonstrategic, unmethodical
  • ovdal naptyop.... protest march
  • ovnap.... mayhem
  • oybnap.... suborder
  • oybnapdyun.... hyponym
  • oyegnapxwa.... unredressed
  • oyeybnapsana.... extraordinary
  • oyeybnapsanan.... extraordinariness
  • oyeybnapsanay.... extraordinarily
  • sagnapa.... in numerical order
  • sagnapxer.... arrange in numerical order
  • sagnapxwa.... arranged in numerical order
  • saunapxar.... sorter
  • saunapxen.... sorting
  • saunapxer ha nyan.... sort the deck
  • saunapxer yonibler.... sort out
  • saunapxer.... sort
  • saunapxut.... sorter
  • saunapxwa.... sorted out
  • saunnapxen.... triage
  • taponapay.... manically
  • tayebonapa.... uncombed, with messy hair
  • tayebonapxen.... dishevelment
  • tayebonapxer.... dishevel, mess up the hair
  • tayebonapxwa.... disheveled
  • teponap.... mania, mental disorder
  • teponapa.... crazy, deranged, maniacal, manic, mentally deranged, mentally disordered, psychotic
  • teponapan.... craziness, mental disturbance
  • teponapay.... crazily, maniacally, psychotically
  • teponapsea.... become mentally disturbed, going crazy
  • teponapser.... become mentally disturbed, go crazy
  • teponapxen.... making crazy, mental disturbance
  • teponapxer.... make crazy
  • teponapxwa.... crazed, deranged, mentally disturbed
  • tepyufonap.... paranoia
  • tepyufonapa.... paranoid
  • tepyufonapat.... paranoiac
  • texnap.... method, stratagem, strategy
  • texnapa.... methodical, strategic, strategical
  • texnapan.... methodicalness
  • texnapay.... methodically, strategically
  • texnapina.... methodist
  • texnapinut.... methodist
  • texnapxen.... strategizing
  • texnapxer.... strategize
  • texnapxut.... strategist
  • texnapxwa.... strategized
  • tulxuta napdras.... recipe
  • ujnapa.... last in order
  • ujnapen.... coming in last
  • ujnaper.... come in last
  • ulonapa.... fortieth
  • unapa.... fourth, in fourth place
  • unapay.... fourthly
  • unapetpar.... phaeton
  • utnapyen.... self-discipline
  • utnapyena.... disciplinary
  • utnapyenuut.... disciplinarian
  • vabijnapxen.... gemmation
  • vinapa.... spiffy
  • voa lonapan.... negentropy
  • vyaknapxwa.... correctly ordered
  • vyanap.... order, proper order, right order, proper arrangement
  • vyanapa.... appropriate, in the right order, rightly arrayed, seemly, properly arranged
  • vyanapan.... appropriateness, seemliness, proper arrangement
  • vyanapay.... appropriately
  • vyanapser.... get adjusted, get in the right order
  • vyanapxen.... adjustment, ordering correctly, proper arrangement, putting in the right order
  • vyanapxer.... adjust, arrange correctly, put in the right order
  • vyanapxwa.... adjusted, properly arranged, properly ordered
  • vyonap.... bumble, jumble, mess
  • vyonapa.... confused, deranged, jumbled up, messy, mixed up
  • vyonapdun.... anagram
  • vyonapser.... become disarrayed, get messed up, get out of order
  • vyonapxen.... confusion, derangement, jumbling, mix-up
  • vyonapxer.... confuse, flummox, garble, jumble, mess up, missort, mix up
  • vyonapxwa.... confused, deranged, garbled, jumbled, messed up, mixed up
  • vyonapyena.... hugger-mugger, huggermugger
  • vyoynapa.... prim
  • xer jonapa dyuen.... do a roll call
  • yalonapa.... sixtieth
  • yanapa tisnog.... sixth grade
  • yanapa.... quinary, sixth
  • yanapaxlarer.... raff
  • yanjonapxen.... collating, collation
  • yanjonapxer.... collate
  • yannapnod.... coordinate
  • yannapnoda ned.... coordinate plan, Cartesian plane
  • yannapnoda.... coordinate
  • yannapnoden.... plotting
  • yannapnoder.... plot
  • yannapnodwa.... plotted
  • yannapxea.... coordinating
  • yannapxen.... collocation, coordinating, coordination
  • yannapxer.... collocate, coordinate
  • yannapxut.... coordinator
  • yannapxwa.... coordinated
  • yelonapa.... seventieth
  • yenapa.... septenary, seventh
  • yinapa.... eighth
  • yisonapa.... eight hundredth
  • yiznap.... superorder
  • yonapa.... out of control
  • yonapaya.... messy
  • yonapika.... messy
  • yonapsen.... getting out of control, going haywire
  • yonapser.... get out of control, go haywire
  • yonapxea.... disrupting
  • yonapxen.... disrupting, disruption
  • yonapxer.... make go haywire
  • yonapxwa.... disrupted, gone haywire
  • yonapxyea.... disruptive
  • yonapxyeay.... disruptively
  • yunapa.... ninth in order, nonary
  • zanapa.... next
  • zonapa.... previous, last
  • zonapay.... previously
  • zoynapa.... retrograde
  • zoynaptyop.... countermarch
  • zoynaptyoper.... countermarch
  • zoysyemxer donap.... restore public order
Here are some derivatives of naap:
  • ebnaapa.... intersystem
  • gimel naap.... mountain system
  • glanaapa.... multisystem
  • maarnaap.... solar system
  • marnaap.... star system
  • meb naap.... mountain system
  • naap.... regime, regimen, system
  • naapa.... regimental, systematical, systemic
  • naapay.... systemically
  • naapdraf.... schematic, scheme
  • naapdrafay.... schematically
  • naapoya.... systemless
  • naapuka.... systemless
  • naapxea.... systematizing
  • naapxen.... regimentation, systematization, systematizing, systemization
  • naapxer.... regiment, systematize
  • naapxwa.... regimented, systematized
  • naapyena.... systematic
  • naapyenan.... systematicity
  • naapyenay.... systematically
  • onaapa.... unsystemic
  • onaapxwa.... unsystematized
  • onaapyena.... unsystematic
  • onaapyenay.... unsystematically
  • oybnaap.... subsystem
  • tayiba naap.... nervous system
  • yuzilpa naap.... circulatory system
  • zyanaapa.... systemwide
The base word son means (abstract) thing, matter and is the top-level word in a scalar series.
son matter, issue
san shape, form
sin picture, image
sun thing (concrete)
syen style, mode, fashion
syin subject
syun object
The root word son means (abstract) thing, matter, issue. Here are some words derived from this root:
  • aaga son.... main thing
  • aovdalson.... controversy
  • avson.... case, cause, sake, subject
  • kyeson....circumstance
  • venson.... condition
  • be venson bi.... in the event of, on condition that
  • be venson van.... contingent on the fact that, contingent that, on the condition that, provided that, provided that
  • be vensonxwa van.... conditioned on the fact that
  • be vyeson bi.... about, concerning, on the subject of, re
  • ber yikson av.... pose a problem for
  • ber yikson.... pose a problem
  • beson.... stance, state
  • bukwat bi kyeson.... victim of circumstance
  • dalson.... issue, subject, topic
  • dalsonnyad.... syllabus
  • dolson.... hush-hush affair
  • doyevson.... case, court case, law case, lawsuit, suit
  • dub bi oyebmema soni.... foreign minister of foreign affairs, secretary of state
  • Duhos se ha teson?.... What's the matter?
  • Duhos se ha yikson?.... What's the matter?
  • duznodyana vyeson.... leitmotif, leitmotiv
  • efrawa son.... critical matter, crucial matter
  • efson....crisis
  • ejna kyos bi soni.... current state of affairs
  • eson.... entity
  • glazesona.... polytopical
  • gyuson.... delicate matter, subtle matter
  • hason.... it, the matter, the thing
  • ifson.... fun, pleasure
  • igefson....emergency
  • ivson.... diversion, good time, happy affair
  • javenson.... precondition
  • jayufson.... menace, threat
  • jesea yikson.... bugbear
  • jeson.... conjuncture
  • jovenson.... postcondition
  • kason dizun.... sitcom
  • kason.... location, plight, situation, station, status, whereabouts, situation
  • keson.... experience
  • koson.... mystery, secret
  • kyeson.... circumstance, wildcard, case
  • kyison.... encumbrance, grave issue, grave matter, important issue, important matter, problem, weighty matter
  • kyos bi soni.... state of affairs
  • kyoson.... status quo
  • kyuson.... trivial matter
  • kyutesa soni.... trivia
  • lokosoner.... debunk
  • lokyisonxer.... downplay
  • nyafson.... entanglement, knotty problem, tangled mess
  • ogson.... quiddity, trivium, minor matter
  • ogteson.... trifling matter
  • okyisonxer.... downplay the importance of
  • okyusona.... nontrivial
  • ovson.... object, suit
  • ovyesona.... athematic, immaterial, irrelevant
  • oybyikson.... subproblem
  • oybzeson.... subtopic
  • yuzkason.... context
  • oyebsona.... spurious
  • oyiksonxer.... clear up, simplify, uncomplicate
  • ozesonwa.... unfocused
  • son.... affair, issue, matter, thing
  • sonog.... trifling matter
  • sonogpexwer.... pettifog
  • sonyan.... affairs
  • sonyev.... critique
  • teojson.... matter of life and death, matter of life or death
  • teson.... implication, issue
  • uvson.... sad state of affairs, tragedy
  • uvsona.... tragic
  • venson.... condition, contingency, proviso
  • vison.... object of beauty
  • vyaoson.... mystery
  • vyeson.... concern, issue, shebang, subject, theme, topic
  • yanson.... domain
  • yevson.... case, court case, suit
  • yevsonuer.... bring to trial, litigate, sue
  • yevsonut.... lawyer
  • yikkyeson.... predicament
  • yikla kason.... complicated situation
  • yikson.... difficult issue, difficult matter, difficulty, hard issue, problem
  • yiksonober.... resolve
  • yokson.... sensation
  • yontexson.... controversy
  • yukson.... levity
  • zeson.... central issue, nub, subject, topic
  • zevyeson.... keynote
  • zeysona.... crucial



  • san....form, shape
  • saun....kind, type
  • sax-....make, create
  • saz....sculpture
Here are some words derived from the above roots:
  • aajsan.... primitive form
  • aajsana.... primordial
  • aajsanay.... primordially
  • aajtejsantun.... paleontology
  • aajtejsantuna.... paleontological
  • aajtejsantut.... paleontologist
  • aglasan.... macroform
  • agvusan.... big ugly shape, blob
  • ajsan.... decrepitude
  • alekunsan.... dodecahedron
  • alekunsana.... dodecahedral
  • alogunsan.... decagon
  • amezsan.... diamond shape, fusil, rhomb, rhomboid, rhombus
  • amezsana.... diamond-shaped, rhomboidal
  • amola san.... primitive form
  • ansana.... monomorphic, singular, uniform
  • ansanan.... uniformity
  • ansanay.... singularly, uniformly
  • ansandea.... specifying
  • ansantof.... uniform
  • ansantofwa.... uniformed
  • ansanxen.... making uniform, singularization, uniformization
  • ansanxer.... make uniform, uniformalize, uniformize
  • ansanxwa.... uniformized
  • anyensana.... idiomorphic
  • asanxen.... casting
  • asanxer.... cast
  • asanxwa.... cast
  • asanxwas.... casting
  • aybtomsan.... superstructure
  • aybtomsana.... superstructural
  • aynsan.... gestalt
  • aynsana.... holomorphic
  • azfuteisan.... rancidity, rancidness
  • azonijsanxar.... generator
  • baysan.... property
  • be yansansen bay.... in conformance with
  • bilyigsanxwas.... ramekin, ramequin
  • bisana.... genitive
  • bookteasan.... haggardness
  • boosan.... tranquility
  • bosan.... calmness, litheness, quiescence, quiet, quietness, quietude, stillness
  • boysan .... penuriousness
  • boysan.... dearth, penury, wantage
  • buobsana.... dative
  • calilksan.... chloroform
  • defebsana.... conic, conical
  • defebsanay.... conically
  • dobsan.... regime
  • dofebsan.... cone shape
  • dofebsana.... cone-shaped
  • dosana ovden.... remonstrance, remonstrating, remonstration
  • dosana ovdut.... remonstrant
  • dosana.... formal
  • dosanan.... formality
  • dosanaxen.... formalizing
  • dosanaxer.... formalize
  • dosanaxwa.... formalized
  • dosanay ovdyea.... remonstrative
  • dosanay.... formally
  • drevsan.... layout, page layout
  • duhosan.... quiddity
  • dunsan.... morpheme
  • dunsana.... morphemic
  • dunsantun.... morphology
  • dunsantuna.... morphological
  • dunsantunay.... morphologically
  • dunsantut.... morphologist
  • dyesanxam.... bookbindery
  • dyesanxen.... bookbinding
  • dyesanxer.... bind
  • dyesanxut.... bookbinder
  • dyessannyem.... solander
  • dyunsanxyofwa.... indeclinable
  • ejsan.... novelness
  • enfubsan.... wishbone
  • enkinedsana.... cuneiform
  • ensana.... bimorphic
  • ensanan.... bimorphism
  • ensanas.... bimorph
  • entesan.... ambiguity
  • eontesan.... ambiguity
  • ersan.... infinitive
  • ersana.... infinitival
  • esan.... state
  • esana.... static
  • eymmuarsan.... meniscum
  • eynmuarsan.... crescent shape
  • faosyebteisan.... fustiness
  • faybsanxen.... topiary
  • faybsanxena.... topiary
  • fayebsana.... foliate
  • feelksanxam.... blacksmith shop, blacksmith's shop
  • feelksanxen.... blacksmithing
  • feelksanxer.... forge
  • feelksanxut.... blacksmith, farrier, forger, ironsmith
  • feelksanxwa.... blacksmithed, forged
  • fisan.... good figure, good form, good shape
  • fisana.... hunky
  • fisanika.... in good form, nicely-shaped
  • fisansa.... reformed
  • fisansam.... reformatory
  • fisanser.... get into better shape, reconfigure, reform
  • fisanxen.... reconfiguration, reformation
  • fisanxer.... reconfigure, reform, reshape
  • fisanxut.... reconfigurer, reformer
  • fisanxwa.... pert, reconfigured, reformed, well-formed
  • fiteisan.... redolence
  • fiteusan.... deliciousness, lushness, sapidity
  • fubsana.... branch-shaped, ramiform
  • fusan.... bad form, deformation, deformity, malformation
  • fusana.... deformed, malformed, misshapen, ratty
  • fusansea.... retrograde
  • fusanser.... become malformed, become misshapen
  • fusanuzben.... bending out of shape
  • fusanuzber.... bend out of shape
  • fusanuzbwa.... bent out of shape
  • fusanuzraxen.... twisting out of shape
  • fusanuzraxer.... twist out of shape
  • fusanxea.... disfiguring
  • fusanxen.... deformation, disfigurement, malformation, mis-shaping, misshaping
  • fusanxer.... deform, disfigure, misshape
  • fusanxun.... deformation, deformity, malformation
  • fusanxwa.... deformed, disfigured, malformed, misshapen, poorly-formed, unshapely
  • fusanxwat.... deformed person
  • futeasan.... obscurity
  • futeisan.... fetidness, rankness
  • futeusan.... brackishness, foul taste, unsavoriness
  • futoleusan.... rankness
  • fuvyafsanxwa.... maladjusted, poorly fitted
  • fuyesan.... adversity
  • fyuzam ansantof.... prison uniform
  • gaasanxen.... remodeling
  • gaasanxer.... remodel, remold
  • gaasanxwa.... remodeled
  • gabsinsana.... cross-shaped
  • gabzyupsan.... helix
  • gabzyupsana.... helical
  • gadyesanxen.... rebinding
  • gadyesanxer.... rebind
  • gagasanser.... redevelop
  • gagasanxen.... redevelopment
  • gagasanxer.... redevelop
  • gagasanxut.... redeveloper
  • gagasanxwa.... redeveloped
  • gagelsanxen.... readaption
  • gagelsanxer.... readapt
  • gagelsanxwa.... readapted
  • gagelsanxyafwa.... readaptable
  • gakyosanxen.... reformatting
  • gakyosanxer.... reformat
  • gakyosanxwa.... reformatted
  • gasandrawa.... reformulated
  • gasandren.... reformulating, reformulation
  • gasandrer.... reformulate
  • gasansea.... developing, reforming, reshaping, shaping up
  • gasansen.... development, mutation, reforming
  • gasanser.... change shape, morph, mutate, re-shape, reform, develop, get into shape up, take on a new shape
  • gasanxea.... modifying, transfiguring
  • gasanxen.... built, development, modification, modifying, morphing, re-shaping, reformation, reforming, transfiguration, re-casting
  • gasanxena.... developmental, reformational, transformational
  • gasanxenay.... developmentally
  • gasanxer.... develop, modify, morph, re-shape, reform, reformat, transform, re-cast
  • gasanxus.... modifier, transformer
  • gasanxut.... re-shaper, reformer
  • gasanxwa.... developed, modified, morphed, re-shaped, reformed, transformed
  • gasanxyafwa.... modifiable, mutable, reformable, transformable
  • gasanxyafwan.... modifiability, mutability, reformability, transformability
  • gasanxyafway.... modifiably, transformably
  • gasanxyea.... reformative, transformative
  • gasanxyof.... immutability, unmodifiability, untransformability
  • gasanxyofwa.... immutable, inalterable, unmodifiable, untransformable
  • gasanxyofwan.... immutability, untransformability, inalterability
  • gasanxyofway.... immutably, unmodifiably, untransformably, inalterably
  • gasanyan.... hodgepodge, potpourri
  • gasanyanxea.... reconfiguring
  • gasanyanxen.... reconfiguration, reconfiguring
  • gasanyanxer.... reconfigure
  • gasanyanxut.... reconfigurer
  • gasanyanxwa.... reconfigured
  • gasanyanxyafwa.... reconfigurable
  • gauksanxer.... remold
  • gayansanxen.... reconstitution
  • gayansanxer.... reconstitute
  • gayansanxwa.... reconstituted
  • gekyisan.... counterpoise
  • gelsan.... replica
  • gelsana.... homeomorphic, homomorphic
  • gelsanin.... homomorphism
  • gelsansea.... acclimating, adapting, conforming, consistent
  • gelsansean.... consistency
  • gelsanseay.... consistently
  • gelsansen.... conformance, conformation, conformity
  • gelsanser.... acclimate, adapt, conform
  • gelsanxar.... adapter
  • gelsanxen.... acclimation, adaptation, adapting, adaption, conforming, replicating
  • gelsanxer.... acclimate, adapt, make conform, replicate
  • gelsanxwa.... acclimated, adapted, made to conform, replicated
  • gelsanxyafwa.... adaptable
  • gelsanxyafwan.... adaptability
  • gelsanxyoftwa.... impossible to adapt
  • gelsanxyofwa.... unadaptable
  • geltesan.... synonymy
  • gesan.... clone
  • gesana.... isomorphic
  • gesanay.... isomorphically
  • gesanin.... isomorphism
  • gesanxen.... cloning
  • gesanxer.... clone
  • gesanxwa.... cloned
  • gimufyegnidsana.... cone-shaped
  • ginnidsan.... cone shape
  • ginnidsana.... cone-shaped
  • gintomsana.... pyramid-shaped
  • gisan.... extremity
  • giteusan.... zestfulness
  • glasana.... diverse, multiform, polymorphic, varied
  • glasanan.... diverseness, diversity, variety
  • glasanay.... diversely, polymorphously
  • glasanaya.... polymorphous
  • glasanika.... polymorphous
  • glasanikay.... polymorphously
  • glasankyaxyafa.... protean
  • glasansea.... diversifying
  • glasanser.... diversity
  • glasanxen.... diversification
  • glasanxer.... diversify
  • glasanxwa.... diversified
  • glasanyafwa.... diversifiable
  • glatesan.... importance, polysemy, significance
  • glonasan.... pauperism
  • glotesan.... insignificance, unimportance
  • gosansea.... degenerating
  • gosansen.... devolution
  • gosanser.... degenerate, devolve
  • gosanxen.... degeneration
  • gosanxer.... degenerate
  • gosanxwa.... degenerate, degenerated
  • gragasanxer.... overdevelop
  • grasan.... excessiveness, extremeness, superfluity
  • gronasan.... misery
  • groteusan.... insipidity, insipidness
  • gwa vyatsana.... fittest
  • gyanodsana.... hump-shaped
  • gyusan.... subtlety
  • gyuysan.... daintiness
  • hesana.... a certain form of, some form of
  • hosana.... hosanna
  • hyaewatesan.... ambiguity
  • hyagekunsan.... rhomboid, rhombus
  • hyagekunsana.... rhomboidal
  • hyisandyofwa.... unidentifiable
  • hyusan.... allomorph
  • hyusana.... allomorphic
  • hyusanxer.... estrange
  • hyusanxwa.... estranged
  • hyusanxwen.... estrangement
  • iftayosan.... sensuality, sensuousness
  • ijna san.... initial shape
  • ijsan.... initial shape, rudiment
  • ijsana.... formative, rudimentary
  • ijsanay.... formatively
  • ijsanxea.... generative
  • ijsanxen.... begetting, breeding, engendering, generation
  • ijsanxer.... beget, breed, engender, generate
  • ijsanxwa.... begotten, bred, engendered, generated
  • iksankyaxen.... transmogrification
  • iksankyaxer.... transmogrify
  • iksankyaxwa.... transmogrified
  • ilsan.... iodoform
  • incsana.... unciform
  • infayebsan.... trefoil
  • inguginidsan.... pyramid shape
  • inguginidsana.... pyramid-shaped
  • ingusan.... triangle
  • ingusana.... triangular
  • isanxen.... engendering
  • isanxer.... engender
  • isanxwa.... engendered
  • ivsan.... droleness, drollery, drollness, funniness
  • izmufsan.... arrow shape
  • jasan.... forerunner, precursor, preform
  • jasana.... precursory
  • jasanxer.... preform
  • jogsanxwa.... newly-shaped
  • jwasan.... prematurity, proto-form
  • jwesan.... newness, novelty
  • jwofteisan.... fustiness, mustiness
  • kosan.... cover, reconditeness, stealthiness
  • kyasan.... mutation, variant
  • kyasana.... diversiform
  • kyasansat.... mutant
  • kyesan.... happenstance
  • kyesana.... incidental
  • kyesanay.... incidentally
  • kyesanyangon.... episode
  • kyesanyangona.... episodic
  • kyitesan.... gravity, ponderousness, seriousness, solemness, solemnity, solemnness, somberness
  • kyosan.... format
  • kyosanxar.... formatter
  • kyosanxen.... formatting
  • kyosanxer.... format
  • kyosanxwa.... formatted
  • kyutesan.... frivolousness, silliness, tomfoolery, triviality
  • lasanya.... lasagna
  • lisan.... ell
  • maarnaudsan.... sunburst
  • maparsana.... fanfold
  • marsan.... aster, star shape
  • marsana.... star-shaped
  • mefsan.... slab
  • megvusan.... chockstone
  • mepsosan.... chicane
  • mepvusan.... fork in the road, where the road comes to a V
  • mezsan.... crystal shape
  • monsan ektobet.... shadow-puppet
  • monsan.... shadow
  • monsanaya.... shadowy
  • monsanayan.... shadowiness
  • monsanika.... shadowy
  • monsanikan.... shadowiness
  • monsanxen.... shadowing
  • monsanxer.... shadow
  • monsanxwa.... shadowed
  • monsanyena.... shadow-like
  • mufsanun.... bacillary
  • mufsanuni.... bacilli
  • mufyegsan.... cylinder
  • mufyegsana.... cylindrical
  • mugsanxar.... swage
  • mugsanxen.... swaging
  • mulsana.... hylomorphic
  • mulsanin.... hylomorphism
  • mulsanina.... hylomorphic
  • mulsaninut.... hylomorphist
  • nabyansan.... table
  • napsana testien.... commonsense
  • napsana.... banal, ordinary, run-of-the-mill
  • napsanan.... banality, ordinariness
  • napsanay.... ordinarily
  • neefsanxer.... gauffer
  • nidijsanxea uznad.... generatrix
  • nyixen sandraf.... order form, requisition form
  • oansana.... disparate, non-uniform, nonuniform
  • oansanan.... disparity, nonuniformity
  • oansanay.... disparately
  • oaynsan.... decadency
  • oboosan.... restlessness
  • obosan.... disquietude
  • obsan.... case
  • ogasanxwa.... undeveloped
  • ogasanxwam.... backwater
  • ogelsansea.... discrepancy, discrepant, nonadaptive
  • ogelsanxyafwa.... nonadaptable
  • oglasan.... microform
  • ohyisandwa.... unidentified
  • okosan.... overtness
  • okyosanxwa.... unformatted
  • ololtejsan.... anaerobe
  • onapsana.... extraordinary, inordinate, irregular
  • onapsanay.... extraordinarily, inordinately
  • osana.... informal
  • osanan.... informality
  • osanay.... informally
  • osandrawa.... unformulated
  • osangeyben.... maladaption
  • osankyaxwa.... unmutated
  • osanxwa.... unformed, unshaped
  • ovaotosan.... unambivalence
  • ovaysan.... lack of security
  • ovder dosanay.... remonstrate
  • ovyisan.... crudeness
  • ovyosanxwa.... undistorted
  • oyansanin.... non-conformism
  • oyansanina.... non-conformist
  • oyansaninut.... non-conformist, nonconformist
  • oyansansea.... disagreeable, incompliant, non-compliant, non-conformant, non-conforming, noncomplying, nonconforming, out of the ordinary
  • oyansansean.... disagreeableness, nonconformity
  • oyansanseay.... disagreeably
  • oyansansut.... freak
  • oyansansyea.... non-compliant
  • oybtepsan.... subschema
  • oybtomsan.... infrastructure, substructure
  • oybtomsana.... infrastructural
  • oyebsan.... appearance, aspect, contour, outer form, outward appearance
  • oyebsana.... aspectual, freak, freakish, queer, unwonted
  • oyebsanan.... freakishness, queerness
  • oyebsanay.... freakishly, queerly
  • oyegsanxwa.... unreformed
  • oyeybnapsana.... extraordinary
  • oyeybnapsanan.... extraordinariness
  • oyeybnapsanay.... extraordinarily
  • oytebosan.... brainlessness, imbecility
  • patijsan.... egg-shape, ellipse, oval
  • patijsana.... egg-shaped, oval, ovate, ovoid, ovular
  • peltjasan.... larva, nymph
  • peltjasana.... larval
  • peyetsana.... vermiform
  • piramidsana.... pyramid-shaped
  • pitsana.... pisciform
  • poosan.... placidity, placidness, sereneness
  • puxuyzsana.... paraboloidal
  • puxuzsan.... parabola shape
  • puxuzsana.... parabola-shaped, parabolic
  • pyaonsan.... ogee, waveform, wave form
  • san.... figure, form, gestalt, semblance, shape
  • -san.... -form, -shape
  • sana dodal.... allocution
  • sana.... formal
  • sanan.... formality
  • sananyanden.... declining
  • sananyander.... decline a noun
  • sananyandwa.... declined
  • sanaun.... moneme
  • sanaxea.... formalizing
  • sanaxen.... formalization, formalizing
  • sanaxer.... formalize
  • sanaxwa.... formalized
  • sanay.... formally
  • sanaya.... intact, shapely
  • sanayan.... intactness, shapeliness
  • sandraf.... form
  • sandras.... formula
  • sandrasa.... formulaic
  • sandrasyena.... formulaic
  • sandrawa.... formulated
  • sandrea.... formulating
  • sandren.... formulating, formulation
  • sandrena.... formulaic
  • sandrer.... formulate
  • sandrun.... formula
  • sandruna.... formulaic
  • sandrunxen.... formulation
  • sandrunxer.... formulate
  • sandrut.... formulator
  • sandyun.... substantive
  • sandyunan.... substantivity
  • sandyunay.... substantively
  • sangela.... conformant
  • sangelay.... in conformance
  • sangelea.... conforming
  • sangelen.... conformance
  • sangeler.... conform
  • sangeybwa.... adapted
  • sangeybyafwa.... adaptable
  • sangoblar.... carving knife
  • sangoblawa.... carved, sculpted
  • sangoblen.... carving
  • sangobler.... carve, cut to a form, sculpt
  • sangoblun.... carving, sculpture
  • sangoblut.... carver, sculptor
  • sangobluyt.... sculptress
  • sangunxwaot.... avatar
  • sanien.... formation, taking shape
  • sanier.... endue, form, take shape
  • sanika.... intact, shapely
  • sanikan.... intactness, shapeliness
  • sanin.... formalism, morphism
  • sanina.... formalistic
  • saninut.... formalist
  • sanizbar.... template
  • sankyasea.... evolving
  • sankyaser.... evolve, metamorphose, mutate, transform
  • sankyaxea.... mutating, transforming
  • sankyaxen.... evolution, evolving, metamorphism, metamorphosing, mutating, mutation, transformation, transforming
  • sankyaxena meg.... metamorphic rock
  • sankyaxena.... evolutionary, metamorphic, mutational, mutative, transformational
  • sankyaxenay.... metamorphically, mutationally, transformationally
  • sankyaxer.... evolve, metamorphose, mutate, transform
  • sankyaxina.... evolutionist
  • sankyaxinut.... evolutionist
  • sankyaxir.... transformer
  • sankyaxtuin.... theory of evolution
  • sankyaxwa.... evolved, metamorphosed, mutated, transformed
  • sankyaxyafwa.... transformable
  • sankyaxyea.... transformative
  • sankyos.... sediment
  • sankyosea meg.... sedimentary rock
  • sankyosea.... sedimentary
  • sankyosen.... sedimentation, settling
  • sankyoser.... sediment, settle
  • sankyoxea.... determinant, determining
  • sankyoxer.... determine
  • sankyoxwa.... determined
  • sankyoxyafwa.... determinable
  • sanokay.... flabbily
  • sanokea.... going flabby, losing shape
  • sanoker.... go flabby, lose shape
  • sanokya.... flabby, flaccid
  • sanokyan.... flabbiness, flaccidity
  • sanoya.... amorphous, formless, hyaline, shapeless
  • sanoyan.... amorphousness, formlessness, shapelessness
  • sansea.... formative, forming
  • sanser.... constitute, figure, form, take shape
  • sansiyn.... impression, imprint
  • sansiynxen.... imprinting
  • sansiynxer.... imprint
  • sansiynxwa.... imprinted
  • santim.... centime
  • santun.... morphology
  • santuna.... morphological
  • santunay.... morphologically
  • santut.... morphologist
  • sanuen.... formation, forming, giving shape to
  • sanuer.... form, give shape to, lend shape to
  • sanuka drilun.... inkblot
  • sanuka.... amorphous, formless, hyaline, shapeless
  • sanukan.... amorphousness, formlessness, shapelessness
  • sanukay.... amorphously, shapelessly
  • sanuwa.... formed, shaped
  • sanuzben.... warping
  • sanuzber.... warp
  • sanuzbwa.... warped
  • sanxar.... shaper
  • sanxea goypur.... fretsaw
  • sanxea.... shaping
  • sanxen.... constitution, formation, shaping
  • sanxena.... formational
  • sanxenay.... formationally
  • sanxer.... constitute, form, shape
  • sanxir.... lathe
  • sanxus.... formant, shaper
  • sanxwa.... formed, shaped
  • sanxyea.... formative
  • sanxyeay.... formatively
  • sanyan.... composite, composition, configuration, format
  • sanyanxen.... configuration, configuring, formatting
  • sanyanxer.... configure, format
  • sanyanxwa.... configured, formatted
  • sanyanxyafwa.... configurable
  • sanyeven.... criticism, critiquing
  • sanyever.... criticize, critique
  • sanyevwa.... critiqued
  • sanyuznad.... silhouette
  • sanyuznadxwa.... silhouetted
  • semsan.... trapezoid
  • semsana.... trapezoidal
  • seusarsan.... cloche
  • sosan.... ogee
  • tabsan.... body shape
  • tabyigsan.... catatonia
  • taebsansen.... muscling
  • tebnyemsantun.... phrenology
  • tebnyemsantut.... phrenologist
  • tebsan.... profile
  • tejsan.... bioform, life form
  • tejsana.... biotic
  • tejsani.... biota
  • teloysan.... dearth
  • tepsan.... schema, scheme
  • tepsana.... schematic
  • tepsanay.... schematically
  • tepsani.... schemata
  • teubobsan.... labrum
  • teyubsana.... horn-shaped
  • tilsyebsan.... cupola
  • tilsyebsanika.... cupolaed
  • tilsyebsanxen.... cupping
  • tilsyebsanxer.... cup
  • tilsyebsanxwa.... cupped
  • tobsan.... manikin, mannikin
  • tobsana.... anthropomorphic
  • tobsanan.... anthropomorphism
  • tobsanay.... anthropomorphically
  • tomsan.... structure
  • tomsana.... structural
  • tomsanokea.... breaking down
  • tomsanoken.... breakdown, breaking down, dilapidation
  • tomsanoker.... break down, dilapidate, waste away
  • tomsanokya pur.... jalopy
  • tomsanokya.... broken down, dilapidated
  • tomsanxen.... structuring
  • tomsanxut.... structurer
  • tomsanxwa.... structured
  • toybtwobsana.... gynandromorphous
  • tuzika ogelsansut.... bohemian
  • twooybsana.... gynandromorph
  • twooybsanat.... gynandromorph
  • tyoyab sansiyn.... footprint
  • tyoyasan.... socle
  • tyugsan.... agility, nimbleness, spriteliness
  • uggasansea.... gestating
  • uggasanser.... gestate
  • uggasanxen.... gestation
  • uggasanxer.... gestate
  • uggasanxwa.... gestated
  • uksan.... mold
  • uksanxar.... molder
  • uksanxen.... molding
  • uksanxer.... mold
  • uksanxwa.... molded
  • uksanxyafwa.... moldable
  • uksanxyafwan.... moldability
  • unfayebsan.... quatrefoil
  • ungegunsan.... rectangle
  • ungegunsana.... rectangular
  • ungekunsan.... rhomb
  • ungekunsana.... quadratic, rhombic, square-shaped
  • ungekunsanxen.... quadrature
  • ungunsan.... quadrangle, tetragon
  • ungunsana.... quadrangular, tetragonal
  • unizgunsan.... rectangle
  • unizgunsana.... rectangular
  • usanfaof.... oxbow
  • utsiynesan.... idiosyncrasy
  • utzeysanxar.... autotransformer
  • uvossan.... rosette
  • uzsan.... volute
  • uzuzsan.... curlicue
  • uzuzsanser.... curlicue
  • uzuzsanxer.... curlicue
  • uzvusan.... cam
  • uzvusanmuf.... camshaft
  • uzyiunsana.... disk-shaped
  • uzyufsan.... coil-shape
  • uzyufsana.... coil-shaped
  • uzyusan.... spiral shape
  • vaotosan.... ambivalence
  • viteasan.... picturesqueness
  • vobsanxar.... espalier
  • vobsanxer.... espalier
  • vusan.... chevron, shim, v shape, wedge
  • vusana.... cuneiform, grotesque
  • vusanan.... grotesqueness
  • vusanay.... grotesquely
  • vusandreyen.... cuneiform
  • vusanser.... wedge
  • vusanxen.... wedging
  • vusanxer.... wedge
  • vusanxwa.... wedged
  • vyafsan.... fitness
  • vyafsansea.... fitting
  • vyafsanser.... fit, match
  • vyafsanxen.... adjustment, fitting
  • vyafsanxer.... fit, match
  • vyafsanxut.... fitter
  • vyafsanxwa.... adjusted, fitted
  • vyakxam ansantof.... prison uniform
  • vyamsan.... substantiality, tenuousness
  • vyasan.... original
  • vyatsanser.... adjust, fit
  • vyatsanxen.... adjusting, adjustment
  • vyatsanxer.... adjust, fit
  • vyatsanxut.... adjuster
  • vyatsanxwa.... adjusted
  • vyegesan.... analog, analogon, analogue
  • vyegesana.... analogous
  • vyegesanan.... analogousness
  • vyegesanay.... analogously
  • vyegesanxer.... analogize
  • vyisan.... sheerness
  • vyisansiyn.... hallmark, plate mark
  • vyomira sankyasut.... changeling
  • vyosan.... peccancy
  • vyosanxea.... distorting
  • vyosanxen.... distorting, distortion, mis-shaping
  • vyosanxer.... distort
  • vyosanxut.... distortionist
  • vyosanxwa.... distorted
  • vyuteasan.... slovenliness
  • xusan.... cross shape, cruciform, x shape
  • xusana.... cross-shaped, cruciform, decussate
  • yagisan.... hexagram
  • yanizonsan.... parallelogram
  • yankyesan.... synchronism
  • yansana.... common
  • yansanan.... commonality
  • yansanay.... commonly
  • yansanin.... conformism
  • yansanina.... conformist
  • yansaninut.... conformist
  • yansansea.... complying, conforming, conformant
  • yansansean.... compliancy
  • yansanseay.... compliantly
  • yansansen.... compliance, complying, conformance, conformation
  • yansanser.... comply, conform
  • yansansyea.... compliant, conformant
  • yansansyean.... compliancy
  • yansanus.... constituent
  • yansanut.... constituent
  • yaongunsan.... hexagon
  • yaongunsana.... hexagonal
  • yazsan.... convex form, hump, swollen shape
  • yazsana.... hump-shaped
  • yeongunsan.... heptagon
  • yeongunsana.... heptagonal
  • yezsan.... parallelogram
  • yezsantosea.... parasympathetic
  • yibtosan.... aloofness, telepathy
  • yigrivsan.... wryness
  • yigsan.... rigidity, rigidness, ruggedness, starkness, stiffness
  • yigseusan.... huskiness
  • yingusan.... octagon
  • yingusana.... octagonal
  • yivsana.... free-form
  • yonsana.... alien, different, diverse
  • yonsanan.... difference, diverseness, diversity
  • yonsanay.... diversely
  • yonsansea.... diversifying
  • yonsanser.... diversify
  • yonsanxen.... alienation, diversification, diversifying, estrangement
  • yonsanxer.... alienate, diversify, estrange
  • yonsanxwa.... alienated, diversified, estranged
  • yonsanyafwa.... diversifiable
  • yontosan.... aloofness
  • yoongunmarsan.... pentagram
  • yoongunsan.... pentagonal shape
  • yoongunsana.... pentagon-shaped, pentagonal
  • yugsan.... floppiness, limberness, litheness, plasticity, pliancy, suppleness
  • yuzsan.... circular shape, contour, ring
  • yuzsana.... circle-shaped, circular, rotund
  • yuzsanser.... circularize, take on a round shape
  • yuzsanxen.... circularization, making round-shaped
  • yuzsanxer.... circularize, give a round shape to
  • yuzsanxwa.... circularized
  • zesanat.... mesomorph
  • zeysana.... cross-shaped
  • zeysansen.... metabolism
  • zeysansena.... metabolic
  • zeysansenay.... metabolically
  • zeysanser.... metabolize
  • zeysansul.... metabolite
  • zeysanxer.... metabolize
  • zoysansea.... regressive
  • zoysansen.... regression
  • zoysanser.... regress
  • zoysansya.... regressed
  • zyefsana.... vitriform
  • zyeteasan.... limpidity, limpidness, transparence, transparency
  • zyuabtamassana.... domed
  • zyubsanxem.... turnery
  • zyubsanxen.... turnery
  • zyuessana.... annulate
  • zyuisan.... oval shape, ellipse, oblong shape
  • zyuisana.... oval-shaped, elliptical, oblong
  • zyuksan.... wheel shape
  • zyuksana.... wheel-shaped
  • zyumufsan.... cylinder
  • zyumufsana.... cylindrical
  • zyunidsan.... ball shape, globe shape, sphere shape
  • zyunidsana.... ball-shaped, globe-shaped, sphere-shaped, spherical
  • zyunsan.... ball-shape, sphere
  • zyunsana.... ball-shaped, orbicular, spherical
  • zyusan.... circularity, round shape
  • zyusana.... round-shaped, tubby

  • aasaun....prototype, archetype
  • aasauna....prototypical, archetypical
  • afebsaun....pome
  • afebsauntun....pomology
  • amezasauna....argyle
  • anasauna....unique
  • anasaunan....uniqueness
  • anasaunay....uniquely
  • ansaun....species
  • ansauna kyin....specific weight
  • ansauna....specific
  • ansaunan....specificity
  • ansaunay....specifically
  • ansaunden....specification, specifying
  • ansaunder....specify
  • ansaundwa....specified
  • ansaundyafwa....specifiable
  • asaun mampur....model airplane
  • asaun....exemplar, model, original, paradigm, paragon, pattern, specialty
  • asauna....exemplary, model, original, paradigmatic, special
  • asaunan....specialness
  • asaunar....matrix
  • asaunas....firstling
  • asaunay....especially, in particular, specially
  • asaundun....determiner
  • asaunser....be a model oneself after
  • asauntob....mannequin
  • asauntoyb....female mannequin
  • asauntwob....male mannequin
  • asaunuklun....matrix
  • asaunxen....exemplification, modeling after, specialization
  • asaunxer....exemplify, model after, originate, specialize
  • asaunxut....model
  • asaunxuyt....female model
  • asaunxwa....exemplified, modeled after, specialized
  • asaunxwn....specializing
  • av asaun....e.g.
  • av saungon....for example
  • aynsaun....holotype
  • balsiyn ijsaunar....stamper
  • bey saungon....by example
  • bi hisaun....of this sort
  • bi hisauni....of these types
  • bi husaun....of that sort
  • bi husauni....of those types
  • bi hyasauni....of all types
  • bi hyusauni....of different types, of various kinds
  • bier saungoyn....take a sample
  • daz pasaun....dance move, dance step
  • duhohyusauna?....what other kind of?
  • duhosaun?....what kind?
  • duhosauna?....what kind of?, what manner of?
  • duhosaunas?....what kind of thing?, what sort of thing?
  • duhosaunasi?....what kind of things?, what sort of things?
  • duhosaunat?....what kind of person?
  • duhosaunati?....what kind of people?
  • duhosaunayt?....what kind of girl?
  • duhosaunayti?....what kind of girls?
  • duhosaunwat?....what kind of guy?
  • duhosaunwati?....what kind of guys?
  • egsauna....average, banal, normal, ordinary, regular, typical
  • egsaunan....ordinariness, typicality, typicalness
  • egsaunay....normally, on average, ordinarily, typically
  • egsaunxen....normalization
  • egsaunxer....normalize
  • egsaunxwa....normalized
  • ejnavisauna....neoclassic, neoclassical
  • ejnavisaunin....neoclassicism
  • ensaun....duplicate
  • ensauna....duplicate
  • ensaunxar....duplicator
  • ensaunxen....duplicating, duplication
  • ensaunxer....duplicate
  • ensaunxwa....duplicated
  • ensaunyafwa....duplicable
  • esaun....kingdom
  • exgon asaun....role model
  • fika saungon....perfect specimen
  • fiksaun....epitome, paragon, perfect specimen
  • fiksaunser....epitomize, be a model for
  • fiksaunxer....epitomize
  • fiksaunxwa....epitomized
  • gel saungon....as an example
  • gelsaun....copy, counterpart, duplicate
  • gelsaunas....copy
  • gelsaunay....homogeneously
  • gelsaunser....be alike, be congruent, to be of like kind
  • gelsaunxar....duplicator
  • gelsaunxen....copying, duplicating, duplication, homogenization
  • gelsaunxer....copy, duplicate, homogenize
  • gelsaunxwa....copied, duplicated, homogenized
  • gelsaunyafwa....duplicable, copiable
  • gelsaunyofwa....unduplicable, uncopiable
  • gesaun....the same kind
  • gesauna....the same kind of, of the same kind
  • gesaunxer....inosculate, reproduce, copy
  • gesaunxyafwa....reproducible, copyiable
  • gesaunxyafwan....reproducibility, copiability
  • gesaunxyofwa....irreproducible, uncopiable
  • gesaunxyofwan....irreproducibility, uncopiability
  • glasauna....diverse, heterogeneous, multitype, of many types, various
  • glasaunan....diversity, heterogeneity, heterogeneousness, variety
  • glasaunay....diversely, heterogeneously, variously
  • glasaunser....diversify, vary
  • glasaunxen....diversification, variation, varying
  • glasaunxer....diversify, vary
  • glasaunxwa....diversified, varied
  • glasaunyafwa....diversifiable
  • glausaunan....diverseness
  • glosauna....rare
  • glosaunan....rarity
  • glosaunas....rare item
  • glosaunsea....becoming rare
  • glosaunser....become rare
  • glosaunxen....rarefication
  • glosaunxwa....rarefied
  • gosaunan....rarity
  • grazyasaunder....overgeneralize
  • grazyosaunxen....overspecialization
  • grazyosaunxer....overspecialize
  • gwafisaun bi fiin....paragon of virtue
  • gwafisaun....ideal, model, paragon
  • gwafisauna....ideal
  • hahyusauna....the other kind of, this same kind of
  • hasauna ho....the kind that
  • hasauna....the kind of
  • hasaunas ho....the kind of thing that
  • hasaunas....the kind of thing
  • hasaunasi....the kinds of things
  • hasaunat ho....the kind of person who
  • hasaunat....the kind of person
  • hasaunati ho....the kind of people who
  • hasaunati....the kind of people
  • hasaunayti ho....the kind of women who
  • hasaunayti....the kind of women
  • hasaunwat ho....the kind of man who
  • hasaunwat....the kind of man
  • hasaunwati ho....the kind of men who
  • hasaunwati....the kind of men
  • hehyusauna....some other kind of
  • hesauna....a certain kind of, some kind of, some type of
  • hihyusauna....that other kind of, this same kind of
  • hisaun....this kind
  • hisauna....such, this kind of
  • hisaunas....such a thing, this kind of thing
  • hisaunat....such a person, this kind of person
  • hisaunati....such people, these kind of people
  • hisaunayt....this kind of girl
  • hisaunayti....these kinds of girls
  • hisaunwat....this kind of guy
  • hisaunwati....these kinds of guys
  • hiusauna....this or that kind of, various kinds of
  • huhyusauna....that other kind of, that same kind of
  • husaun....that kind
  • husauna....such, that kind of
  • husaunas....such a thing, that kind of thing
  • husaunasi....such things, those kinds of things
  • husaunat....such a person, that kind of person
  • husaunati....those kind of people
  • huusauna....such a, such a kind of
  • hyasauna....every kind of, generic
  • hyehyusauna....any other kind of
  • hyesaun....any kind, genre, whatever kind
  • hyesauna....any kind of, whatever kind of
  • hyesaunas....any kind of thing, whatever kind of thing
  • hyesaunasi....whatever kinds of things
  • hyesaunat....any kind of person, whatever kind of person
  • hyesaunati....any kind of people, whatever kind of people, whatever kinds of people
  • hyesaunayt....any kind of woman
  • hyesaunayta....any kind of woman's
  • hyesaunayti....whatever kind of women
  • hyesaunwat....any kind of man
  • hyesaunwata....any kind of man's
  • hyesaunwati....whatever kind of men
  • hyisaun....the same kind
  • hyisauna....homogeneous, the same kind of
  • hyisaunan....homogeneity, homogeneousness
  • hyisaunay....homogeneously
  • hyisaunxen....homogenization
  • hyisaunxer....homogenize
  • hyisaunxwa....homogenized
  • hyosaun....no kind
  • hyosauna....no kind of
  • hyosaunas....no kind of thing
  • hyosaunasi....no kind of things
  • hyusaun....another kind
  • hyusauna....a different kind of, allogenic, another kind of, heterogeneous, strange
  • hyusaunan....heterogeneity, heterogeneousness, strangeness
  • hyusaunas....strange thing
  • hyusaunat....stranger
  • hyusaunay....curiously, heterogeneously, strangely
  • hyusaunxen....making heterogeneous, variegation
  • hyusaunxer....make heterogeneous, variegate
  • hyusaunxwa....made to be heterogeneous, variegated
  • ijjsauna....archetypical
  • ijsaun....archetype, original specimen, pattern
  • ijsauna....archetypal, original
  • ijsaunan....originality
  • ijsaunay....originally
  • ijsaunser....originate
  • ijsaunxen....derivation, originating, origination, patterning
  • ijsaunxer....derive, originate, pattern
  • ijsaunxut....originator
  • ijsaunxwa....derived, originated, patterned
  • ijsaunxwas....derivative, pattern
  • insauna....triplicate
  • insaunan....triplicity
  • insaunxen....tripling
  • insaunxer....triple
  • insaunxwa....tripled
  • isaun....phyllum, phylum
  • isaunsasen....phylogeny
  • jasaun....pattern
  • jasaunapxen....presorting
  • jasaunapxer....presort
  • jasaunxen....patterning, prefiguring
  • jasaunxer....pattern, prefigure, pretypify
  • jasaunxwa....patterned, prefigured
  • javisauna....pre-classical
  • jovisauna....postclassical
  • jwasaun....early model, mock-up, mockup, prototype
  • jwasauna....early model, prototypical
  • jwasaunay....prototypically
  • jwasaunxen....prototyping
  • jwasaunxer....prototype
  • jwasaunxwa....prototyped
  • jwosaun....late model
  • jwosauna....late model
  • kyasaun....variety
  • kyasauna....diverse, eclectic, miscellaneous, sundry, varied, varietal, various
  • kyasaunan....diverseness, diversity, miscellaneousness, variety
  • kyasaunasi....miscellany
  • kyasaunasyan....mishmash
  • kyasaunay....diversely, eclectically, miscellaneously
  • kyasaundyes....variorum
  • kyasaunin....eclecticism
  • kyasaunsea....diversifying, varying
  • kyasaunser....diversify, vary
  • kyasaunxen....diversification, diversifying, variation, varying
  • kyasaunxer....diversify, vary
  • kyasaunxwa....diversified, varied
  • kyasaunxyafwa....variable
  • kyasaunxyafwan....variability, variableness
  • kyasaunxyafway....variably
  • kyasaunxyofwa....invariable
  • kyasaunxyofwan....invariability
  • kyasaunxyofway....invariably
  • kyasaunyafwa....diversifiable
  • kyesauna....of a random type
  • kyosaun drayef....stencil
  • kyosaun....boilerplate, convention, formula, mold, pattern, pigeonhole, stereotype, template
  • kyosauna....boilerplate, conventional, formulaic, patterned, stereotypical
  • kyosaunan....conventionality
  • kyosaunay....stereotypically
  • kyosaunxen....pigeonholing, stereotyping
  • kyosaunxer....conventionalize, pigeonhole, stereotype
  • kyosaunxwa....pigeonholed, stereotyped
  • logelsauna....heterogeneous
  • logelsaunan....heterogeneity
  • logesaunaxyafwa....uncopiable, unreplicatable
  • napsauna....unprepossessing
  • oansauna....generic, not special
  • oansaunay....generically
  • oasaunxea....nonspecializing
  • oegsauna....abnormal, atypical, bizarre, untypical
  • oegsaunan....abnormality, bizarreness
  • oegsaunay....abnormally, atypically, bizarrely, untypically
  • ogesaun....another kind
  • ogesauna....heterogeneous
  • ogesaunan....heterogeneity, heterogeneousness, inhomogeneity
  • ogesaunay....heterogeneously
  • oglasauna....undiverse
  • okyasauna....undiverse, unvaried
  • okyasaunsea....unvarying
  • olansaunxwa....unspecialized
  • olegsauna....irregular
  • olegsaunay....irregularly
  • osaunxwa....unclassified
  • ovsaungon....counterexample
  • ovyasauna....unoriginal
  • oyebsauna....alien, bizarre, odd, outlandish, quirky, strange
  • oyebsaunan....bizarreness, oddness, outlandishness, quirkiness, strangeness
  • oyebsaunas anyenas....foible
  • oyebsaunas....oddity, quirk, strange thing
  • oyebsaunat....oddball, stranger
  • oyebsaunay....bizarrely, oddly, outlandishly
  • oyebsaunxer....estrange
  • oyebsaunxwa....estranged
  • oyonsauna....indistinct
  • oyonsaunan....indistinctness
  • oyonsaunay....indistinctly
  • oyonsaunxwa....undistinguished
  • saun....embodiment, genre, ilk, kind, sort, type, caliber
  • sauna....generic
  • saunaber....assign to a type
  • saunan....banality
  • saunapxar....sorter
  • saunapxen....sorting
  • saunapxer ha nyan....sort the deck
  • saunapxer yonibler....sort out
  • saunapxer....sort
  • saunapxut....sorter
  • saunapxwa....sorted out
  • saunay....generically
  • saunes....sample, specimen
  • saunesien....sampling
  • saunesier....sample
  • saunesiun....sampler
  • saunesiwa....sampled
  • saunesyan....assortment
  • saungon....example, sample
  • saungona....exemplary
  • saungonsea....exemplifying
  • saungonser....exemplify
  • saungonuka....unexampled
  • saungonxen....exemplification
  • saungonxer....exemplify
  • saungonyan....sample set
  • saungos....swatch
  • saungoynier....take a sample
  • saungoynuen....giving to sample, offering a sample
  • saungoynuer....give to sample, offer a sample
  • saungoynuwa....offered as a sample
  • saunkyoxen....typecasting, classification, stereotyping
  • saunkyoxer....typecast, classify, stereotype
  • saunkyoxwa....typecast, classified, stereotyped
  • saunnapxen....triage
  • saunsea....typifying
  • saunser....be modeled after, typify
  • sauntun....typology
  • sauntuna....typological
  • sauntunay....typologically
  • sauntut....typologist
  • saunxea....typifying, classifying
  • saunxen....typification, classification
  • saunxer....typify, classify
  • saunxus....classificator, classifier
  • saunxut....classifier
  • saunxwa....classified, typified
  • saunxyafwa....classifiable
  • tabsaun....body type
  • tejglasaunan....biodiversity
  • tesaun....semanteme, sememe, unit of meaning
  • tiibil saun....blood type
  • tobsaun....humankind, mankind
  • tooday gelsauna....racially homogeneous
  • usaun....class
  • visaun....classic, model, standard
  • visauna duz....classical music
  • Visauna Elid....Classical Greek
  • visauna leduzar....classical guitar
  • visauna leduzarut....classical guitarist
  • visauna Liad....classical Latin
  • visauna....classic, classical
  • visaunay....classically
  • visaundyan....classicism
  • visauntun....classics
  • visauntut....classicist
  • visaunyena....classical
  • vusauna....base, degenerate
  • vusaunan....degeneracy
  • vusaunsea....degenerative
  • vusaunser....degenerate
  • vusaunxwa....degenerate
  • vusaunxwat....degenerate
  • vyasaun....archetype, genuine article, original specimen, original
  • vyasauna....archetypal, archetypical, genuine, original
  • vyasaunas....genuine article
  • vyasaunay....genuinely
  • vyosaun....counterfeit, dummy, fake, phony, sham
  • vyosauna nasdrev....counterfeit note, fake bill
  • vyosauna....counterfeit, fake, phony
  • vyosaunan....phoniness
  • vyosaunxut....shammer
  • yansaun....common form
  • yansauna dal....lingua franca
  • yansauna fisen....commonweal
  • yansauna niv....leitmotif, leitmotiv
  • yansauna sundyun....common noun
  • yansauna tyod....common people, ordinary people
  • yansauna....common, commonplace, ordinary, usual
  • yansaunan....commonality, commonness
  • yansaunat....commoner
  • yansaunay....commonly, usually
  • yansaundala....colloquial
  • yansaundalay....colloquially
  • yansaundalun....colloquialism
  • yansaunxen....making common
  • yansaunxer....make common
  • yansaunxwa....made common
  • yasaun....family
  • yesaun....genus
  • yesauna....generic
  • yeybansauna....intraspecies, intraspecific
  • yisaun....species
  • yizasaunxut....supermodel
  • yonsaun....distinction, oddity, peculiarity, specialty
  • yonsauna....distinctive, odd, oddball, particular, peculiar, special
  • yonsaunan....distinctiveness, oddness, particularity, peculiarity, specialness
  • yonsaunas....oddity, particularity, peculiarity
  • yonsaunat....oddball, stranger
  • yonsaunay....distinctively, especially, oddly, particularly, peculiarly, specially
  • yonsaunog....nuance
  • yonsaunoguer....nuance
  • yonsaunoguwa....nuanced
  • yonsaunxen....distinction, distinguishing, particularization, specialization, specializing
  • yonsaunxer....distinquish, particularize, specialize
  • yonsaunxwa....distinguished, specialized
  • yonsaunxyofwa....indistinguishable
  • yonsaunxyofway....indistinguishably
  • yosaun....order
  • yuxler gel asaun....serve as an example
  • zesauna....average, typical
  • zesaunan....typicality
  • zoykyosaunxen....reformulating, reformulation
  • zoykyosaunxer....reformulate
  • zoykyosaunxwa....reformulated
  • zoylosaunnapxen....reshuffling
  • zoylosaunnapxer....reshuffle
  • zoylosaunnapxwa....reshuffled
  • zoylsaunxen....replication
  • zoysaunxen....reclassification, reclassifying
  • zoysaunxer....reclassify
  • zyasaun....genre
  • zyasauna zoyxelen....dress rehearsal
  • zyasauna....broadly-typed, general
  • zyasaunan....generality
  • zyasaunay....generally
  • zyasaundea....generalizing
  • zyasaunden....expressing in broad terms, generalization, generalizing
  • zyasaunder....express in broad terms, generalize
  • zyasaundut....generalizer
  • zyasaundwa....broadly speaking, expressed broadly, generalized
  • zyasauninut....generalist
  • zyasaunxen....generalization
  • zyasaunxer....generalize
  • zyasaunxwa....generalized
  • zyosaun....speciality, specialty
  • zyosauna....narrowly-typed, special, specific
  • zyosaunan....specialness, specificity
  • zyosaunay....specially, specifically
  • zyosaunden....specification
  • zyosaunder....say specifically
  • zyosaundwa....specified, stated narrowly
  • zyosaunin....specialism
  • zyosauninut....specialist
  • zyosaunxea....specializing, specifying
  • zyosaunxen....specialization, specializing, specification, specifying
  • zyosaunxer....specialize, specify
  • zyosaunxus....specifier
  • zyosaunxut....specifier
  • zyosaunxwa....specialized, specified
  • zyosaunxyafwa....specifiable

  • amsaxer....forge
  • asaxer....author, coin, create
  • ensaxer....couple
  • gelsaxer....clone
  • ijsaxer....concoct, create from scratch, innovate, instrument, invent
  • jasaxer....prefabricate
  • kyesaxer....cobble
  • losaxer....unmake
  • masofsaxer....make carpets
  • ojsaxer....procreate
  • sarsaxer....make a tool
  • saxer....craft, create, fabricate, make, manufacture
  • sirsaxer....machine
  • somsaxer....do carpentry, make furniture
  • tepsaxer....devise
  • tofsaxer....make clothes, tailor
  • tuyasaxer....make by hand, craft
  • tyoyafsaxer....cobble
  • uzunsaxer....crape
  • vyosaxer....fabricate, fake, make up, wangle
  • yansaxer....concoct
  • zoyamsaxer....reforge
  • zoyijsaxer....recreate
  • zoysaxer....re-make, recreate, remake
  • zoytomsaxer....reconstruct

  • amsazula....thermoplastic
  • asazul....polyester, PET
  • esazul....polyethylene, HDPE
  • isazul....vinyl, polyvinyl chloride, PVC
  • jwasazul....protoplasm
  • jwasazula....protoplasmic
  • masaz....breastwork
  • masazul....daub, gypsum, plaster of Paris, poultice
  • masazulben....daubing, plastering
  • masazulber....parget, plaster daub
  • masazulbut....dauber, plasterer
  • masazulbwa....daubed, plastered
  • masazulfaof....plasterboard
  • mieksazun....sand sculpture
  • saz....sculpture
  • saza....sculptural
  • sazan....sculpting
  • sazer....sculpt
  • sazul....plastic
  • sazula milbelar....plastic bucket, plastic pail
  • sazula....made of plastic
  • sazulabaun....boot
  • sazulaben....plasticization
  • sazulaber....apply plastic, plasticize
  • sazulabut....plasticizer
  • sazulabwa....plasticized
  • sazulan....plasticity
  • sazulayefben....lamination
  • sazulayefber....laminate
  • sazulayefbwa....laminated
  • sazulnyef....plastic bag
  • sazulnyuv....plastic wrap
  • sazulnyuvben....plasti-wrapping
  • sazulnyuvber....wrap in plastic
  • sazulnyuvbwa....plasti-wrapped in plastic-wrapped
  • sazulxen....plasticization, plying
  • sazulxer....plasticize, ply
  • sazulxut....plasticizer
  • sazulxwa....plasticized, plied
  • sazulxyafwa....malleable, pliable
  • sazulyena....pliant, resilient, supple
  • sazulzyun....balloon, plastic ball
  • sazun....piece of sculpture
  • sazut....sculptor
  • sazwa....sculpted
  • tebosazon....brainpower
  • teesaza....loud, noisy
  • teesazan....loudness, noisiness
  • teesazay....loudly, noisily
  • usazul....low-density polyethylene, LDPE
  • yasazul....polystyrene, PS, styrofoam
  • yesazul....bisphenol A plastic
  • zoysazen....re-sculpting
  • zoysazer....re-sculpt
  • zoysazwa....re-sculpted
Here is a table of shapes:
san....shape, figure
nid....volume, solid
nod....point, dot
gin....point, tip
kin....slope, diagonal
ginnid (or: defebnid)....cone
gimufnid (or: nifarnid)....obelisk
Flaminio obelisk
uznad....arc, curve
gunnid (or vunid)....wedge
marsan....star shape
yoz....concavity, depression
yaz....convexity, bulge
The root word sez means sculpture and is incorporated in the following derived words:
  • fisezwa....finely-sculptured, well-sculpted
  • iluarsezun....gargoyle
  • jaajdina sezgoblar....celt
  • sez....sculpture
  • seza....sculptural
  • sezen....carving, sculpting
  • sezer....carve, sculpt
  • sezesiut....medal recipient
  • sezeyef....frieze
  • sezgoblar....chisel
  • sezgoblawa....chiseled
  • sezgoblen....chiseling
  • sezgobler....chisel
  • sezgoblut....chiseler
  • sezim....sculpture studio
  • sezun....carving, sculpture
  • sezunog....figurine
  • sezut....carver, sculptor
  • sezuyt....sculptress
  • sezwa....carved, sculpted, sculptured
  • sezyonar....chisel
  • sezyonaren....chiseling
  • sezyonarer....chisel
  • sezyonarut....chiseler
  • sezyonarwa....chiseled
  • teibsez....scrimshaw
  • teibsezer....scrimshaw
  • teibsezun....scrimshaw

SIN, SIYN, SIUN, and SIZ words


  • sin....picture, image
  • siyn....mark, sign
  • siun....symbol
  • siz....painting
The morpheme sin means picture, image and has the following derivatives:
  • aber sindrof.... put up a poster
  • abmefsin.... mosaic
  • aglamansin.... macrophotograph
  • alpkazar sinuar.... radarscope
  • arodresin.... arabesque
  • aynsin.... hologram
  • balsiyner dresin abu mug.... stamp a design onto metal
  • dezsin.... scene
  • dezzomassin.... backcloth, backdrop, scenery, theatrical scenery
  • dinsin.... vignette
  • dinsinxut.... vignettist
  • dinsinxwa.... historiated
  • domdresin.... urban design
  • domsin.... cityscape, townscape, urban scene
  • dotsinen.... salutation, saluting
  • dotsiner.... salute
  • dotsinwa.... saluted
  • drasin drof.... drawing board
  • drasin.... depiction, drawing, illustration
  • drasinea.... illustrating
  • drasinen.... drawing, illustrating, illustration
  • drasiner.... depict, draw, illustrate
  • drasintem.... art gallery
  • drasinut.... illustrator
  • drasinwa.... designed, drawn, illustrated
  • dresin.... design, draft
  • dresinam.... design studio, drafting studio
  • dresinen.... designing, drafting
  • dresiner.... design, draft, draw up
  • dresinut.... designer, drafter, draftsman
  • dresinuyt.... draftswoman
  • dresinwa.... designed, drafted, drawn up
  • dresinyyen.... draftsmanship
  • drilsin.... inkblot
  • dunsinyan.... character set
  • dyezun sinuar.... motion picture screen
  • dyunsin.... logo, logogram, logotype
  • dyunsina.... logographic
  • ebsinber.... tween
  • ebtabif mansin.... sex photo
  • ennagsin.... stereograph
  • ennagsinxer.... stereographic
  • exdrasin.... diagram, diagraph
  • exdrasina.... diagrammatic
  • exdrasinay.... diagrammatically
  • exdrasinen.... diagramming
  • exdrasiner.... diagram
  • exdrasinut.... diagrammer
  • exdrasinwa.... diagrammable, diagrammed
  • fayebsinvib.... vignette
  • fyasin yonpyexin.... iconoclasm
  • fyasin yonpyexina.... iconoclastic, iconoslastic
  • fyasin yonpyexinut.... iconoclast
  • fyasin.... icon
  • fyasina.... iconic
  • fyasindren.... iconography
  • fyasindrena.... iconographic
  • fyasinifren.... paganism, idol-worship, heathenism
  • fyasinifrut.... pagan, idol-worshipper, heathen
  • fyasinxen.... iconification
  • fyasinxer.... iconify
  • fyasinxwa.... iconified
  • fyelsinar.... signet
  • fyosin.... dirty picture, porno, profane image
  • fyosina.... pornographic
  • fyosinay.... pornographically
  • fyosinut.... pornographer
  • fyosinyan.... porn, porno, pornography
  • gabsinod.... crossing
  • gabsinsana.... cross-shaped
  • gabsinxen.... making a cross
  • gabsinxer.... make a cross
  • gadrasinen.... re-drawing
  • gadrasiner.... re-draw, redraw
  • gadrasinwa.... re-drawn, redrawn
  • gadresinen.... redesigning
  • gadresiner.... re-design, redesign
  • gadresinwa.... re-designed, redesigned
  • gamansinier.... rephotograph
  • gapensinen.... retracing
  • gapensiner.... retrace
  • gapensinwa.... retraced
  • gasindrura.... reprographic
  • gasindruren.... reprography
  • gasinua.... redisplayed
  • gasinuen.... redisplaying
  • gasinuer.... redisplay
  • gasinyubwa.... re-framed
  • gasinyuzber.... re-frame
  • gelsin.... facsimile, fax
  • gelsinar.... facsimile, fax
  • gelsinxen.... facsimile
  • gelsinxer.... facsimile, fax
  • glamansin.... photomontage
  • glamansinxen.... photomontage
  • glasinuara.... multiscreen
  • goynsinuen.... tomography
  • goynsinuena.... tomographic
  • gyanyif yibsiniar.... cable t.v.
  • hihidrasin drev.... cartoon page
  • hihidrasin.... cartoon
  • hihidrasinut.... cartoonist
  • hihidrasinyena.... cartoonish
  • hihisin.... caricature, comic, cartoon
  • hihisinut.... caricaturist, cartoonist
  • hihisinxen.... caricaturing
  • hihisinxer.... caricature
  • hihisinxwa.... caricatured
  • ibtebsinea.... facing away
  • ibtebsinen.... facing away
  • ibtebsiner.... face away
  • iftayosinut.... sensualist
  • iksin.... tableau
  • ikteasa sin.... panoramic view
  • ila mez sinuar.... LCD, liquid crystal display
  • innagsinuar.... shadowbox
  • insin.... triptych
  • insinuar.... triniscope
  • ivteubsin.... smiley
  • iza yibsin.... direct t.v.
  • joibmanigsin.... stroboscope
  • josin.... afterimage
  • kyesindrer.... doodle
  • kyesindrun.... doodle
  • kyesindut.... doodler
  • lokosagsinxar.... decipherment device, decryption machine
  • lokosagsinxen.... deciphering, decipherment, decryption
  • lokosagsinxer.... decipher, decrypt
  • lokosagsinxut.... decipherer, decryptor
  • lokosagsinxwa.... deciphered, decrypted
  • lokosagsinxyafwa.... decipherable, possible to decode
  • lokosagsinxyafwaxer.... render undecipherable
  • lokosagsinxyofwa.... impossible to decode, undecipherable
  • malza-molza mansin.... black-and-white photo
  • mammansinen.... aerophotography
  • mansin bi dager.... daguerreotype
  • mansin gwogteaxaren.... photomicrography
  • mansin.... flick, photo, photograph, still shot
  • mansina.... photographic
  • mansinar ifyexut.... shutterbug
  • mansinar.... camera, still camera
  • mansinarut.... cameraman
  • mansinaruyt.... camerawoman
  • mansinay.... photographically
  • mansindinden.... photojournalism
  • mansindindut.... photojournalist
  • mansindrirsiynben.... photocomposition
  • mansindruren.... photofinishing
  • mansingedrun.... photostat
  • mansingedruna.... photostatic
  • mansingelxar.... photocopier, photoduplicator
  • mansingelxer.... photoduplicate
  • mansingelxun.... photocopy, photocopying
  • mansingelxwa.... photocopied
  • mansinig.... snapshot
  • mansinmegdriren.... lithophotography
  • mansinsira.... photomechanical
  • mansinsizen.... photogravure
  • mansinteesdrar.... camcorder
  • mansinteesdrarer.... camcorder
  • mansinuar.... projector
  • mansinuer.... project an image
  • mansinuut.... projectionist
  • mansinvia.... photogenic
  • mansinviay.... photogenically
  • mansinvolza.... photochromic
  • mansinxar.... camera, still camera
  • mansinxen.... photographing, photography
  • mansinxer.... photograph, take a picture
  • mansinxut.... photographer
  • mansinxwa.... photographed
  • mansinyanben.... photosetting
  • mansinyanber.... photoset
  • mansinzaypuxar.... epidiascope
  • massin.... mural
  • massinut.... muralist
  • mays sin.... screen image
  • melpaslunsinuar.... seismoscope
  • memdresinen.... landscaping
  • memdresinwa.... landscaped
  • memsin.... countryside, landscape, scene
  • memsina.... scenic
  • memsinay.... scenically
  • memsingondren.... topography
  • memsingondrena.... topographic, topographical
  • memsingondrenay.... topographically
  • memsingondrut.... topographer
  • memsingoni.... topography
  • memsinyan.... scenery
  • memvdresinut.... landscaper
  • mersindraf izdar.... gazetteer
  • mersindraf.... atlas, geographic map of the world map
  • mersindrafxen.... cartography, map-making, mapping
  • mersindrafxer.... map
  • mersindrafxut.... cartographer, map-maker, mapmaker
  • mersingontun.... geography
  • mersingontuna.... geographic, geographical
  • mersingontunay.... geographically
  • mersingontut.... geographer
  • mimsin.... seascape
  • molza pansin.... film noir
  • nasin.... monetarism
  • nasinut.... monetarist
  • neafmansinuar.... webcam
  • nemsindren.... topography
  • nodsindruren.... halftone
  • nofsin.... embroidery
  • nofsinen.... embroidery
  • nofsiner.... embroider
  • novsinen.... embroidering
  • novsiner.... embroider
  • novsinut.... embroiderer
  • novsinwa.... embroidered
  • nunsin.... logo
  • ober sindrof.... take down a poster
  • oega singon.... quiddity
  • ogesinbok.... aniseikonic
  • oglamansinxen.... microphotography
  • oglasin.... microimage
  • oglateaxarwa mansin.... photomicrograph
  • ogmansinar.... minicam
  • opansin.... still
  • osingondrawa.... unfeatured
  • osinuarwa.... unscreened
  • otepsinyafwa.... unimaginable
  • otujsiniwa.... undreamed, undreamt
  • otujsinwa.... undreamed of
  • ovtebsiner.... confront
  • pansin ekut.... movie actor
  • pansin goyblun.... video clip
  • pansin izbut.... movie director
  • pansin jateax.... trailer
  • pansin mays.... video screen
  • pansin neyef.... filmstrip
  • pansin nyof.... celluloid, film, motion picture film, motion picture film, movie film
  • pansin yaniblun.... filmography
  • pansin.... cinema, motion picture, movie, video
  • pansina.... cinematic
  • pansinam.... cinema, movie house, movie theater, movie theatre
  • pansinar.... movie camera
  • pansinarut.... cameraman
  • pansinaruyt.... camerawoman
  • pansindreniv.... videotex
  • pansinekut.... movie star
  • pansiniar.... cinemascope, videorecorder
  • pansinien.... filming, recording, video-recording, videography
  • pansinier.... capture on film, get on film, record, video-record
  • pansinifek.... videogame
  • pansinifut.... cinephile
  • pansinim.... movie auditorium, movie salon
  • pansiniun.... videogram, videograph
  • pansiniwa.... captured on film, filmed, recorded, video-recorded
  • pansinmays.... motion picture screen
  • pansinnyem.... videocassette
  • pansinnyov.... videotape
  • pansinput.... movie-goer, moviegoer
  • pansinsaxen.... movie-making
  • pansinsaxut.... movie maker
  • pansintuz.... cinema
  • pansintuza.... cinematic
  • pansintuzut.... cinematographer
  • pansinuar.... videoplayer
  • pansinuer.... make a video of, put on film
  • pansinujnod.... videoterminal
  • pansinutyan.... motion picture cast
  • pansinuwa.... filmed, recorded on film
  • pansinxam.... motion picture studio
  • pansinxen.... filming
  • pansinxer.... film
  • pansinxut.... filmmaker
  • pansinyanup.... videoconference
  • pansinyanupen.... videoconferencing
  • pansinyanuper.... videoconference
  • pansinyibdalir.... videophone, videotelephone
  • pansinyibdaliren.... videotelephony
  • pansinzyiun.... videodisc, videodisk
  • poosin.... pacifism
  • poosina.... pacifistic
  • poosinut.... pacifist
  • popsindraf.... picture postcard
  • popsindren.... travelogue
  • sagsin.... figure
  • sin tepyek.... jigsaw puzzle
  • sin.... image, picture
  • sina.... figurative, pictorial
  • sinaogxer.... zoom
  • sinar.... camera
  • sinarzev.... focus mechanism, lens
  • sinay.... pictorially
  • sindraf bi ha amuli.... chart of the elements
  • sindraf.... chart, visual chart
  • sindrawa.... depicted, described, drawn, illustrated
  • sindrawas.... depiction, description
  • sindrea adun.... descriptive adjective
  • sindrea dyun.... appellative, descriptive name
  • sindrea.... depicting, describing, descriptive, illustrating, illustrative
  • sindrean.... descriptiveness
  • sindreay.... descriptively, illustratively
  • sindren drof.... drawing board
  • sindren nad yuz.... drawing a line around
  • sindren.... depiction, description, drawing, illustrating, illustration
  • sindrena.... descriptive
  • sindrer bi tej.... draw from life
  • sindrer gasin.... draw an x
  • sindrer nad.... draw a line
  • sindrer zyus.... draw a circle
  • sindrer.... depict, describe, draw, illustrate, limn
  • sindresiyn.... ideogram, ideograph
  • sindresiyna.... ideographic
  • sindrof.... picture board, poster
  • sindrun.... drawing
  • sindrus.... descriptor
  • sindrut.... describer, illustrator, limner
  • sindryafwa.... describable
  • sindryofwa.... indescribable
  • sindryofway.... indescribably
  • sindun.... character, pictogram, pictograph
  • sindundren.... pictography
  • sindundrena.... pictographic
  • sineyef.... frieze
  • singon.... feature
  • singondrawa.... described, featured
  • singondrea.... featuring
  • singondren.... describing, description, featuring
  • singondrer.... describe, feature
  • singonoya.... featureless
  • singonuka.... featureless
  • siniar.... viewer, viewing device, visualizer
  • sinien.... picturing, viewing, visualization, visualizing
  • sinier.... picture, visualize
  • siniun.... view
  • siniwa.... pictured, visualized
  • siniyafwa.... imaginable, viewable
  • siniyafway.... imaginably
  • sinjibdren.... illustrated review, magazine
  • sinkyaxen.... transfiguration
  • sinkyaxena.... transfigurational
  • sinkyaxer.... transfigure
  • sinkyaxwa.... transfigured
  • sinmis.... picture window
  • sinnod.... pixel
  • sinnodxen.... pixilation
  • sinnodxer.... pixilate
  • sinnodxwa.... pixilated
  • sintem.... picture gallery
  • sinuam.... showplace
  • sinuar.... displayer, readout, screen
  • sinuaren.... screening
  • sinuarer.... screen
  • sinuarim.... screening room
  • sinuarwa.... screened
  • sinuem.... display site, exhibition site, scene
  • sinuen.... depicting, displaying, exhibiting, imaging, picturing, showing
  • sinuer nunyan.... display merchandise
  • sinuer.... depict, display, exhibit, show
  • sinuim.... showroom
  • sinuun.... depiction, display, exhibit, show, simulacrum
  • sinuut.... display artist, exhibitioner, exhibitor
  • sinuwa.... depicted, displayed, exhibited, pictured
  • sinuyafwa.... displayable
  • sinwa balsyin.... puncheon
  • sinxea.... depicting, descriptive
  • sinxen.... depiction, description, figuration
  • sinxer.... depict, describe
  • sinxun.... depiction, description
  • sinxwa opyexar.... scutcheon
  • sinyan.... imagery
  • sinyeber.... inlay
  • sinyebut.... inlayer
  • sinyena.... idyll, picturesque
  • sinyenan.... picturesqueness
  • sinyenay.... picturesquely
  • sinyuz.... frame, picture frame
  • sinyuzben.... framing
  • sinyuzber.... frame
  • sinyuzbut.... framer
  • sinyuzbwa.... framed
  • sinyuzoben.... unframing
  • sinyuzober.... unframe
  • sinyuzobwa.... unframed
  • sinzyef yilomil.... quicksilver
  • sinzyef.... looking glass, mirror, speculum
  • sinzyefen.... mirroring
  • sinzyefer.... mirror
  • sinzyefifran.... narcissism
  • sinzyefifrea.... narcissistic
  • sinzyefifrut.... narcissist
  • sinzyefnam.... mirror shop
  • sinzyefnamut.... mirror retailer
  • sinzyefut.... mirror-maker
  • sinzyefwa.... mirrored
  • sonilkmansin.... tintype
  • taadxen mansin.... sex photo
  • tab utsinyen.... body image
  • tabsin.... figure
  • tabsina.... figurative
  • tabsindras.... figure drawing
  • tabsindrun.... figure drawing
  • tabsindrut.... figure drawer
  • talobsin.... angiogram
  • talobsinxen.... angiography
  • tapifek yibsinuun.... sports telecast
  • teabsinukay.... glassily
  • teasin.... scene, sight, view, vista
  • teasina.... scenic
  • teasinay.... scenically
  • teasinyan.... scenery
  • teaxer yibsin.... watch t.v.
  • tebsin.... countenance, face
  • tebsina.... facial
  • tebsinay.... facially
  • tebsinea.... facing
  • tebsinen.... facing
  • tebsiner.... face
  • tebsintun.... physiognomy
  • tebsintuna.... physiognomic, physiognomical
  • tebsintunay.... physiognomically
  • tebsintut.... physiognomist
  • tebzansin.... face image, head shot, mugshot
  • tejdrasin.... life drawing
  • tejdrasinam.... life drawing studio
  • tejdrasinen.... life drawing
  • tejdrasinwat.... life drawing model
  • tepsin.... imagination, mental image
  • tepsina.... imaginary
  • tepsinien.... imagination, imagining
  • tepsinier.... imagine
  • tepsiniwa yuf.... bug-a-boo, bugaboo
  • tepsiniwa.... imaginary, imagined
  • tepsiniyafwa.... imaginable
  • tepsiniyafway.... imaginably
  • tepsiniyea.... imaginative
  • tepsiniyean.... imaginativeness
  • tepsiniyeay.... imaginatively
  • tepsiniyofwa.... ludicrous, unimaginable
  • tepsiniyofwan.... ludicrousness
  • tepsiniyofway.... ludicrously, unimaginably
  • tepsinuer.... make see in the mind
  • tepsinuka.... unimaginative
  • tepsinuyea.... lysergic
  • tesdrasin.... explanatory drawing
  • tesin bi dal.... figure of speech
  • tesin.... figure
  • tesina.... figurative
  • tesinay.... figuratively
  • tesinwer.... figure
  • teubsin.... expression
  • teubsinen.... making an expression
  • teubsiner.... make an expression
  • teubsinoya.... deadpan, expressionless, glassy
  • teubsinuka.... deadpan, expressionless, glassy
  • tijsin.... vision
  • totsin.... idol
  • totsinifrawa.... idolized
  • totsinifren.... idol worship, idolatry, idolization, idol-worship
  • totsinifrer.... idolize
  • totsinifrut.... idol worshiper, idol-worshiper
  • ufsin.... effigy
  • ufteubsin.... glower, hateful expression
  • ujber ha yibsinibar.... turn off the television
  • uka sinuun.... empty display
  • uksinuen.... pageantry
  • utsinar.... cachet
  • uttesinea.... self-evident
  • uvteubsin.... sad expression, sad face
  • uvteubsinea.... making a sad face, pouting
  • uvteubsinen.... making a sad face, pouting
  • uvteubsiner.... make a sad face, pout
  • visinuen.... panoply
  • vitebsinea.... grinning
  • vitebsinen.... grinning
  • vitebsiner.... grin, put on a pretty face
  • vitosin.... aestheticism, aesthetics
  • volzmansintyen.... chromophotography
  • vosin.... matte
  • vrisinuen.... pomp
  • vrisinuun.... pageant
  • vrisinuunyan.... pageantry, pomp and circumstance
  • vutebsin.... grimace, sneer, ugly mug
  • vutebsiner.... grimace, sneer
  • vyogelsinxen.... travesty
  • vyomsin.... illusion, mirage, optical illusion
  • vyomsina.... illusional
  • vyomsiner.... have illusions
  • vyomsinien.... getting illusions
  • vyomsinier.... get illusions
  • vyomsinuen.... giving the illusion
  • vyomsinuer.... give the illusion
  • vyotepsin.... hallucination, illusion
  • vyotepsina.... hallucinatory, illusory
  • vyotepsinen.... hallucination
  • vyotepsiner.... hallucinate
  • vyotepsinier.... imagine wrongly
  • vyotepsinuer.... give the illusion
  • vyotepsinwa.... hallucinatory, illusory
  • vyotepsinxea.... hallucinogenic
  • vyotepsinxul.... hallucinogen
  • vyototsin.... idol
  • xer mansin.... take a photo, take a picture
  • yabwasinabar.... embosser
  • yabwasinaben.... embossing
  • yabwasinaber.... emboss
  • yabwasinabun.... embossment
  • yabwasinabwa.... embossed
  • yibmansin kyazyef.... telephoto lens
  • yibmansin.... telephoto
  • yibmansinar.... telephoto camera
  • yibmansinaren.... telephotography
  • yibsin aaggekut.... t.v. star
  • yibsin anyan.... t.v. series
  • yibsin ebtunuien.... television communications
  • yibsin jwobdraf.... t.v. guide, t.v. schedule
  • yibsin mays.... t.v. screen
  • yibsin meypyan.... t.v. network
  • yibsin moup.... t.v. channel, television channel
  • yibsin moupyan.... t.v. channel lineup
  • yibsin nundel.... t.v. commercial, television commercial
  • yibsin sinuar.... t.v. screen
  • yibsin siunar.... television signal
  • yibsin teaxutyan.... t.v. audience
  • yibsin teaz.... t.v. show, television show
  • yibsin.... t.v., t.v. image, television image, telly
  • yibsindras.... telex
  • yibsindrirtyen.... telex
  • yibsiniar.... t.v. camera, television camera
  • yibsinibar muyfyeg.... television tube
  • yibsinibar.... t.v., t.v. receiver, television receiver, television set, telly
  • yibsiniben.... television reception
  • yibsinibun.... t.v. signal
  • yibsinien.... televising, television
  • yibsinier.... televise
  • yibsiniwa.... televised
  • yibsinteaxer.... teleview
  • yibsinteaxut.... televiewer
  • yibsintyen.... television technology
  • yibsinuar fyadinzyaben.... televangelism
  • yibsinuar fyadinzyabut.... televangelist
  • yibsinuar.... telescreen
  • yibsinuben.... television transmission
  • yibsinubun.... t.v. broadcast, t.v. program, t.v. show, television broadcast, television program, telecast
  • yibsinubut.... telecaster, televisor
  • yibsinvia.... telegenic
  • yibteasintyenut.... veejay
  • yijber ha yibsinibar.... turn on the television
  • yinsindrir.... telex
  • yivbyasea tejnaga sindrof.... standee
  • yoga sindren.... blurb
  • yogsindrawa.... encapsulated
  • yogsindren.... encapsulating, encapsulation
  • yogsindrer.... encapsulate
  • yoneatyafwa singon.... lineament
  • yonsinuar.... parameter
  • yonsinuara.... parametric
  • yonsinuaren.... parameterization, parameterizing
  • yonsinuarer.... parameterize
  • yonsinuaroya.... parameterless
  • yonsinuaruka.... parameterless
  • yonsinuarwa.... parameterized, parametrized
  • yonsinuaryafwa.... parameterizable
  • yujbwa yuzmep yibsin.... cctv, closed circuit t.v.
  • zaypasin.... progressivism
  • zaypasina.... progressive, progressivist
  • zaypasinan.... progressiveness
  • zaypasinut.... progressivist
  • zaytebsinea.... facing ahead, facing forward
  • zaytebsinen.... facing ahead, facing forward
  • zaytebsiner.... face ahead, face forward
  • zomassin.... backdrop, scenery
  • zosinmays.... backcloth
  • zotiubsinuen.... mooning
  • zotiubsinuer.... moon
  • zotiubsinuwa.... mooned
  • zoypasin.... regressivism
  • zoypasina.... regressivistic
  • zoypasinut.... regressivist
  • zoysin.... mirror image, reflection
  • zoysinar.... mirror, reflector
  • zoysinea.... reflective
  • zoysinen.... mirroring, reflection
  • zoysiner.... mirror, reflect
  • zoysinwa.... mirrored, reflected
  • zoysinyea.... reflective
  • zoysinyean.... reflectivity
  • zoysinyeay.... reflectively
  • zoyteas sinzyef.... rear-view mirror
  • zoytebsinea.... facing backwards
  • zoytebsinen.... facing backwards
  • zoytebsiner.... face backwards
  • zyapansin.... cinerama
  • zyateasin.... panorama
  • zyateasina.... panoramic
  • zyesindrer.... draw a line through
The root word siyn means mark and is featured in the following words:
  • aajsiyn....fossil
  • abdresiyn....accent mark above, diacritic
  • abennod siyn....dieresis, tréma, umlaut
  • abgrun siyn....hacek
  • abnadsiyn....macron
  • abnodsiyn....dot above
  • agdresiyn....capital letter, majuscule, uppercase letter
  • ajpensiyn....trace, track
  • ajsiyn....vestige
  • ana gedsiyn....single quotation mark, single quote
  • andresiyn....monograph
  • annod siyn....period
  • aotsiyn....trait
  • aybsiyn....above-the-line mark, accent
  • ayna ged siyn....single quotation mark, single quote
  • balsiyn....impression, stamp
  • boksiyn....stigma
  • boysunsiyn....apostrophe
  • byemsiyn....cursor
  • didsiyn....question mark
  • drarsiyn....cursive letter, handwritten character
  • dresiyn....cipher, glyph, grapheme, letter of the alphabet
  • drirsiyn....block character, type, typewritten character
  • drursiyn....character, font character, glyph, grapheme, print character, printed character, type
  • dunsiyn....diacritic, diacritical mark
  • duznegsiyn....clef
  • dyessiyn....bookmark
  • ebdras balsiyn....postage stamp
  • ebdungonsiyn....hyphen
  • endresiyn....digraph
  • ennod aybsiyn....diaeresis, double dot sign above, two dots above accent, two dots above diacritic, umlaut
  • ennod siyn....colon
  • eona gedsiyn....double quotation mark, double quote
  • eona kinsiyn....double slash
  • eona nadsiyn....double dash
  • exsiyn....badge, emblem, insignia
  • feelk gasiyn....iron cross
  • finogsiyn....good grade, good mark
  • finsiyn....grade, hallmark, mark, sign of quality
  • fizsiyn....badge of honor, mark of honor
  • fuzsiyn....gussy, stigma
  • fyadresiyn....hieroglyph
  • fyasiyn....emblem, hierogram, holy pictograph, sacred symbol
  • fyel vaksiyn....wax seal
  • gabsiyn....cross, plus sign
  • galsiyn....times sign
  • garsiyn....exponent sign
  • gedsiyn....quotation mark, quote mark
  • gesiyn....equal sign
  • gia kyid siyn....acute accent, acute stress mark
  • gla yuga duzigan siyn....lento
  • gobsiyn....dash, minus sign
  • golsiyn....division sign
  • gorsiyn....radical sign
  • grun siyn....comma
  • hyaysiyn....high-five
  • ifonsiyn....hickey
  • ijdresiyn....first letter, initial
  • ilpan aybsiyn....tilde
  • indresiyn....trigram, trigraph
  • innod aybsiyn....three dots above accent, three dots above diacritic
  • izdresiyn....block script letter
  • izkusiyn....bracket
  • iznad aybsiyn....macron
  • izonsiyn....arrow sign
  • jobsiyn....time mark
  • jobuksiyn....cicatrice, cicatrix
  • jopensiyn....track, trail
  • josiyn....trace, track
  • jwasiyn....remarque
  • jwob balsiyn....timestamp
  • kinsiyn....slash
  • kosagsiyn....code, cipher
  • kyebuksiyn....monition
  • kyidsiyn....accent mark, stress mark
  • logia kyid siyn....grave stress mark
  • marsiyn....asterisk
  • memsiyn....dole, landmark
  • milsiyn....watermark
  • mimuipsiyn....tidemark
  • nad bi drirsiyn....line of type
  • nad siyn....dash
  • nadsiyn....dash
  • naydsiyn....hyphen
  • nod aybsiyn....dot above accent, dot above diacritic
  • nod oybsiyn....dot under diacritic
  • nodgrun siyn....semi-colon, semicolon
  • nodren siyn....punctuation mark
  • nodsiyn....punctuation
  • nogsiyn....grade, mark
  • nunsiyn....brand, label
  • obdunsiyn....accent mark underneath a word
  • ogdresiyn....lower case letter, miniscule, small letter
  • ojsiyn....herald
  • oybsiyn....below-the-line mark, descending diacritic
  • pensiyn....trace
  • petyoyasiyn....pug
  • popdref balsiyn....passport stamp
  • sagdresiyn....cipher
  • sagsiyn....number sign
  • sansiyn....impression, imprint
  • seuxsiyn....phonogram
  • sindresiyn....ideogram, ideograph
  • siyn....mark
  • taja siyn....birthmark
  • tebsiyn....physionomy
  • tesiyn....mental note
  • teuzdrirsiyn....phonotype
  • tibuj oybsiyn....cedilla
  • tijsiyn....stigma
  • toj jwasiyn....death knell
  • tosiyn....cross
  • tuafvisiyn....epaulette
  • tuyajosiyn....handprint
  • tyoyab josiyn....footprint, footrace
  • tyoyab sansiyn....footprint
  • ugaren siyn....skid mark
  • ujsiyn....boundary, delimiter, demarcation
  • utsiyn....character trait
  • uzkusiyn....parenthesis
  • uznad aybsiyn....breve
  • uznad oybsiyn....cedilla
  • vakan siyn....safety sign
  • vaksiyn....seal
  • vasiyn....check mark, checkmark
  • vidresiyn....dingbat
  • vyisansiyn....hallmark, plate mark
  • vyusiyn....smirch
  • xusiyn....cross, x sign
  • yaba finsiyn....high mark
  • yagzyosiyn....smear, streak
  • yanulsiyn....sticker
  • yazgrun aybsiyn....circumflex
  • yibnyux balsiyn....postage stamp, postmark
  • yifla drursiyn....boldface
  • yijea aona ged siyn....opening single quote
  • yijea ged siyn....left quote, opening quotation mark, opening quote
  • yinod drursiyn....brevier
  • yoga kyidsiyn....micron
  • yokteuda siyn....exclamation mark, exclamation point
  • yonsiyn....character
  • yujea aona ged siyn....closing single quote
  • yujea ged siyn....closing quotation mark, closing quote, right quote
  • yujea yegdal siyn....closing quotation mark
  • yuzsiyn....circumfixed diacritic
  • zea ijdresiyn....middle initial
  • zia izkusiyn....left bracket
  • zia uzkusiyn....right parenthesis
  • zika kisiyn....forward slash
  • zikina aybsiyn....grave accent
  • zoya kisiyn....backslash, backward slash
  • zua izkusiyn....right bracket
  • zua uzkusiyn....left parenthesis
  • zukina aybsiyn....acute accent
  • zyagxen siyn....stria
  • zyeygsiyn....pockmark
The word siun means sign and is featured in the following words:
  • alpkaxar jwadsiun....radar beacon
  • aysiun....ampersand
  • boksiun....symptom
  • domep siun....street sign
  • dropek jwasiun....war cloud
  • embesiun....settlement
  • fikyentesiun....mascot
  • iber siun....pick up a signal
  • izonsiun....direction sign
  • jasiun....forerunner, harbinger
  • jwad siun....warning sign
  • jwasiun....early sign, knell
  • kyasiun....variable
  • kyatesiun....variable
  • kyoemben siun....parking sign
  • kyotesiun....constant
  • malzsiun....ratch
  • mansiun....stop light, stoplight
  • mepsiun....road sign
  • mugsiun....token
  • niemal siun....neon sign
  • nixmugsiun....scrip
  • nogsiun....degree sign
  • nundelsiun....billboard, commercial sign board
  • nunsiun....trademark
  • ojbuk siun....omen
  • ojfun siun....omen
  • possiun....stop sign
  • purkyoemben siun....parking sign
  • sagtuna kyasiun....mathematical variable
  • saunesiun....sampler
  • siun....sign, token
  • tejsiun....life sign of life
  • tesiun....denotation, educt, siglum, symbol
  • tosiun....sensation
  • tuyasiun....hand gesture, hand signal
  • ujukan tesiun....lemniscate
  • uzmep siun....detour sign
  • vatebsiun....affirmative nod
  • voksiun....danger sign
  • votebsiun....negative nod, negative sign
  • yansiun....description, symptom
  • yizkyasiun....metavariable
  • yizper mansiun....run a stoplight
  • zoysiun....feedback
  • zyusiun....roundel
The morpheme siz means painting and has the following derivatives:
  • cauzunidresizen....chalcography
  • drefgoblunsizen....decoupage
  • dresiz....engraving
  • dresizar....burin, chisel, graver
  • dresizen....engraving
  • dresizer....engrave
  • dresizmef....stele
  • dresizun....engraving, graving
  • dresizut....engraver
  • dresizwa....engraved, graven
  • faodresizen....xylography
  • faodresizena....xylographic
  • faodresizun....xylograph
  • faodresizut....xylographer
  • faofsiz....quadrature
  • faosizen....woodcarving
  • faosizut....woodcarver
  • fevofyelsiz....linocut
  • finsiz....award, merit badge
  • finsizag....big award, trophy
  • finsizakea....award-winning
  • finsizakut....award-winner
  • finsizier....receive an award
  • finsizuen....award presentation, award-giving, awarding
  • finsizuer....award a medal, bestow an award
  • finsizuut....award-giver, awarder
  • finsizuwa....awarded
  • finsizuwat....award recipient, awardee
  • jwefsiz....fresco
  • kyoa tej sizun....still life painting
  • mandresizen....photoengraving
  • mandresizer....photoengrave
  • mandresizut....photoengraver
  • mansinsizen....photogravure
  • memsizen....landscape painting
  • memsizun....landscape painting
  • memsizut....landscape painter
  • milvolz siz....aquarelle
  • mimsizun....seascape
  • mugdresiz....metallography
  • myaozasiz....chiaroscuro
  • nodogsizin....pointillism
  • nodogsizina....pointillist
  • nodogsizinut....pointillist
  • seuz sizun....tone painting
  • siz....painting
  • sizam....painting gallery
  • sizar pyex....brush stroke
  • sizar....brush, paintbrush
  • sizaren....brushing
  • sizarer....brush
  • sizarwa....brushed
  • sizaryen....brushwork
  • sizer....paint
  • sizes....medal
  • sizesien....winning a medal
  • sizesier....win a medal
  • sizesuen....awarding a medal
  • sizesuer....award a medal
  • sizfaof....palette
  • sizil....paint
  • sizilnyeb....paintbox
  • sizim....painting studio
  • sizkebiar....palette
  • sizmuf....maulstick
  • siztayefar....paintbrush
  • sizun....painting
  • sizut....graver, painter
  • sizutbut....poser
  • sizuyt....paintress
  • sizwa mays....tafferel, taffrail
  • sizwa....painted
  • volzyanxuulsiz....tempera
  • zasiz....frontispiece
  • zoysizer....repaint
  • zoysizwa....repainted
  • zyumufdresiz....rotogravure
  • zyumufdresizen....rotogravure
  • zyumufdresizun....rotogravure
  • zyumufdresizut....rotogravurer
The morpheme sun means thing. The suffix -un is just a stub of this word. Here are some derived words:
  • absun.... coat, layer, stratum
  • absunaya.... layered
  • absunika.... layered
  • absunxen.... coating, layering
  • absunxer.... coat, layer
  • absunxwa.... coated, layered
  • agelksunyan.... silverware
  • ajbesun.... legacy
  • alonsuna nod.... decimal point
  • alonsuna.... decimal
  • alonsunxen.... decimalization
  • alyensuna.... hexadecimal
  • amensun.... thermocouple
  • ansun.... singleton
  • ansuna.... simple, simplex
  • ansunan.... simpleness, simplicity
  • ansunay.... simply
  • ansunser.... simplify
  • ansunxen.... simplification
  • ansunxer.... simplify
  • ansunxus.... simplifier
  • ansunxut.... simplifier
  • ansunxwa.... simplified
  • ansunxyofwa.... irreducible
  • ansunxyofway.... irreducibly
  • ansunyena.... haploid
  • aota sundyun.... proper noun
  • aotsunyan.... kit
  • asuna.... singular
  • asunan.... singularity
  • asunaxen.... singularization
  • asunaxer.... singularize
  • asunaxwa.... singularized
  • asunay.... singularly
  • asunden.... selection, specification
  • asunder.... select, specify
  • asundwa.... selected, specified
  • aybsun.... layer, stratum
  • baosun.... shake
  • baysun.... belongings, possession
  • baysuna.... possessional
  • baysuni.... belongings, possessions
  • besun.... remainder, residue
  • bi joesun.... a posteriori
  • boysun.... lack, lacuna, something missing
  • boysuni.... lacunae
  • byosun.... tailpiece
  • dovyab tisundyes.... hornbook
  • duhosun?.... what thing?, what?
  • duhosuni?.... what things?, what?
  • dyunuka sun.... doodad, doohickey, widget
  • ejobsun.... modern contraption
  • ejsun.... novelty
  • elonsuna.... vigesimal
  • esun.... entity
  • esuna.... paired
  • feelksunyan.... ironware
  • fikyensun.... talisman
  • fisun.... goody, something good
  • fusun.... handicap, something bad
  • fusunyan.... malware
  • fyasun.... idol
  • fyasunam.... shrine
  • fyasunbeaxut.... sacrist
  • fyasunifrawa.... idolized
  • fyasunifren.... idol worship, idolatry, idolization
  • fyasunifrer.... idolize
  • fyasunifrut.... idol worshiper
  • fyasunnuien.... simony
  • fyasunxen.... idolization
  • fyasunxer.... idolize
  • fyasunxut.... idolater
  • fyasunxuyt.... idolatress
  • fyasunxwa.... idolized
  • fyesun.... talisman
  • fyisun.... vademecum
  • fyosun.... taboo
  • fyosuna.... taboo
  • gaasunden.... re-specification
  • gaasunder.... re-specify
  • gaasundwa.... re-specified
  • gelsunxen.... doing the same thing
  • gelsunxer.... do the same thing
  • gelsunxun.... knockoff
  • gelteesun.... homophone
  • glaalonsuna.... polydecimal
  • glafisun.... screamer
  • glasuna.... manifold, plural
  • glasunan.... plurality
  • glasunaxen.... pluralization
  • glasunaxer.... pluralize
  • glasunxen.... pluralization
  • glasunxer.... pluralize
  • glasunxwa.... pluralized
  • graansuna.... oversimple
  • graansunxea.... oversimplifying
  • graansunxen.... oversimplification
  • graansunxer.... oversimplify
  • graansunxwa.... oversimplified
  • ha aa sun ho.... the first thing that
  • ha aa sun.... the first thing
  • ha ana sun ho.... the only thing that
  • ha ana sun.... the only thing
  • ha ana suni ho.... the only things that
  • ha ana suni.... the only things
  • ha zoybesun bi.... the rest of
  • habyena suni ho.... the kind of things that
  • hasun.... it, the thing
  • hasuni ho.... the things that
  • hasuni.... the things, them, they
  • hea suni ho.... some things that
  • heawa sun.... a certain thing
  • hesun ho.... something which
  • hesun.... something
  • hesuni.... some things
  • hisun.... it, this thing
  • hisuni.... these things
  • hyasun.... everything
  • hyasuni.... all things
  • hyasunxut.... factotum
  • hyesun ho.... anything that
  • hyesun.... anything, whatever
  • hyesundraf.... wildcard
  • hyesuni.... any, whatever things
  • hyisun.... the same, the same thing
  • hyisuni.... the same things
  • hyisunxen.... copying
  • hyisunxwa.... copied
  • hyosun.... nihil, nothing
  • hyosunxen.... annihilation
  • hyosunxer.... annihilate, nix, raze
  • hyosunxwa.... annihilated
  • hyusun.... alternate, another thing, something else
  • hyusuna.... alternate, alternative
  • hyusunay.... alternately, alternatively
  • ifsunog.... bibelot
  • ikxer tisunyan.... complete a course of study
  • iluksun.... drainage, flush
  • insuna.... ternary, trinary
  • jaabsun.... pre-coat, primer
  • jaabsunen.... pre-coating, priming
  • jaabsuner.... pre-coat, prime
  • jaabsunwa.... pre-coated, primed
  • jesun.... continuation
  • jobesun.... residuum
  • jobesuna.... residuary
  • jobesuni.... residua
  • josun.... aftermath, succession, suite, followup
  • jwesun.... novelty
  • kisun.... bend, incline
  • kusun.... sidepiece
  • kyasunyan.... compendium
  • kyea sun.... doodad, doohickey
  • kyesun.... event, happening, occurrence
  • kyisun.... encumbrance, burden
  • kyisunaya.... burdensome, cumbersome
  • kyisunier.... take on a burden, encumber oneself
  • kyisunika.... burdensome, cumbersome
  • kyisunikan.... cumbersomeness
  • kyisunoben.... disencumbering, unburdening
  • kyisunober.... disencumber, unburden
  • kyisunobwa.... disencumbered, unburdened
  • kyisunser.... get in the way
  • kyisunuer.... encumber, burden
  • kyisunuwa.... encumbered, burdened
  • kyisunuyea.... encumbering, burdensome
  • kyisunyablen.... weightlifting
  • kyisunyablut.... weightlifter
  • loabsunxen.... stripping
  • loabsunxer.... strip
  • loabsunxwa.... stripped
  • logela sun.... different thing
  • magelim sunyan.... kitchenware
  • magsun.... burn
  • mailpusun.... spout
  • melpaosun.... tremor
  • mukzoybesun.... fossil
  • mukzoybesun-maolza.... fossil gray
  • mukzoybesunxen.... fossilization
  • mukzoybesunxer.... fossilize
  • nefsunyen.... mesh
  • oasundwa.... unspecified
  • ofyisun.... deadwood
  • oglasun.... microscopic thing, particle, speck, tiny thing, whit
  • ogsun.... minor thing, tidbit, detail
  • ogsunden.... detailing
  • ogsunder.... detail
  • ogsundwa.... detailed
  • ogsunuen.... detailing
  • ogsunuer.... detail
  • ogsunuwa.... detailed
  • olesuna.... uneven, odd
  • olesunat.... odd man out
  • olesuntyoyuba.... odd-toed, perrisodaktylos
  • osun.... nihil, nil, non-entity, nothing
  • osuna.... unreal
  • osunan.... irreality, nothingness
  • osunxwa.... unrealized
  • osunxyafwa.... unrealizable
  • osunxyafwan.... unrealizability
  • osunyanesbwa.... unsorted
  • osunyantixwa.... unparsed
  • oteeper tisun.... miss a class
  • oyasuna.... atypical, ungeneric
  • oybsunyan.... subcategory
  • oysunsiyn.... apostrophe
  • oysunsiynder.... apostrophize
  • paosun.... tremor
  • pyosun.... fallout
  • sun.... thing
  • suna.... real
  • sunam.... bazaar
  • sunan.... reality
  • sundae.... sundae, yomyel tilsyeb
  • sundun.... noun
  • sunduna.... nominal
  • sundunxen.... nominalization
  • sundunxer.... nominalize
  • sundunxwa.... nominalized
  • sunemben.... putting away
  • sunember.... put away
  • sunembwa.... put away
  • sunog.... trifle
  • sunsen.... materialization
  • sunser.... materialize
  • sunuar.... display device
  • sunxen. tiea.... realizing
  • sunxen.... realization
  • sunxer.... realize
  • sunxwa.... realized
  • sunyan.... category, paraphernalia
  • sunyana.... categorical
  • sunyanag.... caboodle
  • sunyandraf.... program
  • sunyandrawa.... programmed
  • sunyandren.... programming
  • sunyandrut.... programmer
  • sunyanes.... item
  • sunyanesben.... assortment, itemization, itemizing
  • sunyanesber.... assort, itemize
  • sunyanesbwa.... assorted, itemized
  • sunyantixar.... parser
  • sunyantixen.... parsing
  • sunyantixer.... parse
  • sunyantixwa.... parsed
  • sunyanxen.... categorization
  • sunyanxer.... categorize
  • sunyanxwa.... categorized
  • sunyenin.... structuralism
  • tayobosun.... skin irritation
  • tebbaoxbaosun.... confusion
  • teubsun.... mouthpiece
  • tisun dyes.... lesson book
  • tisun jadrun.... lesson plan
  • tisun joib.... class period, lesson period
  • tisun.... lesson, session
  • tisunyan kyiun.... course load
  • tisunyan.... course of study
  • tojbesuntuxut.... coroner
  • tosun.... feeling, sensation, something felt
  • tuxun jadrun.... lesson plan
  • ulzasunyan.... greenery
  • unsuna.... quaternary
  • utbaysun.... own thing
  • uzpyasun.... vault
  • viysun.... piece of finery
  • vyoafyasunifuyt.... idolatress
  • vyofyasun.... false image, idol
  • vyofyasunif.... idolatry
  • vyofyasunifut.... idolater
  • vyogelfinsun.... mismatch
  • vyomsun.... artifice
  • yabler kyisuni.... lift weights
  • yanesun.... liaison
  • yansauna sundyun.... common noun
  • yansunan.... complexity
  • yansunay.... complexly
  • yansunes.... accessory
  • yansunesuen.... accessorizing
  • yansunesuer.... accessorize
  • yansunesuwa.... accessorized
  • yansunser.... become complex
  • yebaysun.... content
  • yigsunyan.... hardware
  • yisuna.... octonary
  • yogiksunyan.... compendium
  • yonsunxer.... hypostatize
  • yoonsuna.... quinary
  • yosunin.... nihilism
  • yosunina.... nihilistic
  • yosuninut.... nihilist
  • yosunxen.... obliterating, obliteration, wiping out
  • yosunxer.... obliterate, wipe out
  • yosunxwa.... obliterated, wiped out
  • yovsun.... offense
  • yovsuna.... offensive
  • yugsunyan.... software
  • yuzsun.... belt, cincture, girdle, wrap
  • yuzsunen.... belting, girding, ringing, wrapping around
  • yuzsuner.... gird, wrap around belt
  • yuzsunwa.... belted, girded, rung, wrapped
  • zobesun.... rump
  • zoybesun.... leftover, relic, relict, remains, residual
  • zoyjesun.... leftover
  • zyepusun.... hoop
  • zyeyazasun.... hernia
  • zyeyazasuna.... hernial
  • zyubaosun.... maelstrom
  • zyulsun.... whirr, twirl, twist
  • zyungyasun.... swelling, tumor
The stub suffix -un is used to form a word meaning the result of an action, eg.:
  • der....to say
  • dun....word
  • tuer....to inform
  • tuun....datum, piece of information
The morpheme syen means style and is used in the following derivatives:
  • apetibuj tayebsyen.... ponytail
  • azta syen.... panache
  • be syen bi.... a la, in the style of, in the style of
  • be visyen.... a la mode, in fashion
  • datiber fisyenay.... graciously host
  • ditsyen.... civility
  • dotsyen.... civilization
  • dotsyena.... civilized
  • dotsyenser.... civilize
  • dotsyenxen.... civilizing
  • dotsyenxer.... civilize
  • dotsyenxwa.... civilized
  • dresyen.... script, style of writing style
  • drirsyen.... type face, typeface
  • duz utsyen.... music genre, style of music
  • dyesyena.... bookish, nerdy
  • dyesyenat.... bookworm, nerd
  • ejdindrefsyen.... journalese
  • ejesyen.... status quo
  • ejsyen.... fashion
  • ejsyena aloyjagat.... teenybopper
  • ensyena.... bimodal
  • esyen bi tep.... state of mind
  • fisyen.... courtesy, gallantry, good manners, grace, properness, propriety, suitability
  • fisyena.... courteous, gallant, proper, suitable, tasteful, well-mannered
  • fisyenan.... suitableness, tastefulness
  • fisyenay.... courteously, gallantly, gracefully, graciously, properly, suitably, tastefully
  • fisyenaya.... graceful, gracious
  • fisyenayan.... gracefulness, graciousness
  • fisyenika.... graceful, gracious
  • fisyenikan.... gracefulness, graciousness
  • fisyenikay.... gracefully, graciously
  • fisyenoya.... graceless
  • fisyenoyan.... gracelessness
  • fisyenuer.... be proper for, grace, suit
  • fisyenuka.... graceless
  • fisyenukan.... gracelessness
  • fisyenukay.... gracelessly
  • fisyenuwa.... becoming, becomingly, graced, well-suited
  • fisyenxen.... sprucing up
  • fisyenxer.... spruce up
  • fisyenxwa.... spruced up
  • fitofsyena.... fashionable, nicely-dressed, stylishly-dressed
  • fusyen.... impoliteness, impropriety
  • fusyena.... crude, impolite, improper, tasteless
  • fusyenan.... tastelessness
  • fusyenay.... tastelessly
  • futofsyena.... poorly-dressed, unfashionable, unstylishly-dressed
  • gasyenxer.... restyle
  • ifsyenuer.... ingratiate
  • ifsyenuwa.... ingratiated
  • igtyodifwasyena.... faddish, faddy
  • igtyodifwasyenut.... faddist
  • jubdindrefsyen.... journalese
  • kisyen.... trend
  • kisyena.... trendy
  • kisyenea.... trending
  • kisyenen.... trending
  • kisyener.... trend
  • koteasyen.... guise
  • kyua drirsyen.... lightface
  • kyua drirsyena.... lightfaced
  • kyusyena.... wispy
  • lonapxwa tayebsyen.... shag
    • odosyena.... uncool
  • odotsyenxwa.... uncivilized
  • ofisyena.... inappropriate, ungallant
  • ofisyenan.... inappropriateness
  • ofisyenay.... inappropriately
  • ofisyenuwa.... unbecoming
  • ofisyenuway.... unbecomingly
  • osyenyena.... unstylish
  • ovisyena.... inelegant, unfashionable, unrefined
  • ovisyenan.... inelegance, unfashionableness
  • ovisyenay.... inelegantly, unfashionably
  • oybsyen.... submode
  • sibarisyena.... sybaritic
  • syen.... fashion, guise, mode, style
  • syena.... fashion-related, modish, stylistic
  • syenan.... modishness
  • syenaxer.... stylize
  • syenaxwa.... stylized
  • syenay.... modishly, stylistically
  • syenin.... mannerism
  • syenizon.... trend
  • syenizona.... trendily, trendy
  • syenizonan.... trendiness
  • syenizonsea.... trending
  • syentun.... manners
  • syenxen.... fashioning, styling
  • syenxer.... fashion, style
  • syenxut.... fashionista, styler, stylist
  • syenxwa.... fashioned, styled
  • syenyan.... fashions, manners
  • syenyena.... fashionable, stylish
  • syenyenay.... stylishly
  • taba basyen.... body language
  • tayebsyen.... coif, coiffure, hairdo, hairstyle
  • tayebsyenam.... hair salon
  • tayebsyenut.... coiffeur, hair stylist, hairdresser
  • tayebsyenuyt.... coiffeuse, hair stylist, hairdresser
  • tayebsyenx.... hairdo
  • tayebsyenxen.... coiffing, hairdressing
  • tayebsyenxer.... coiff, get a hairdo, get one's hair styled
  • tayebsyenxwa.... coiffed
  • tayobzyigosyena.... scurfy
  • tejsyen.... lifestyle
  • teuztisyen.... phonics
  • tofsyen.... fashion, style of dress
  • utsyen.... genre
  • visyen.... class, elegance, fashion, flair, high fashion, la mode, nattiness, vogue
  • visyena.... a la mode, chic, classy, dressy, elegant, fashionable, in vogue, natty, refined, smart, soigné, swank, swanky, trendy, voguish
  • visyenan.... dressiness, swankiness
  • visyenay.... elegantly, fashionably, nattily, swankily
  • vivisyena.... chichi
  • vusyen.... bad form, bad style, inelegance, poor form
  • vusyena.... dowdy, in bad form, inelegant, rough-hewn, unfashionable, unstylish, vulgar
  • vusyenan.... dowdiness, vulgarity
  • vusyenay.... dowdily, vulgarly
  • vusyendun.... expletive, vulgar word, vulgarity
  • vusyenxen.... vulgarization
  • vusyenxer.... vulgarize
  • vusyenxut.... vulgarizer
  • vusyenxwa.... vulgarized
  • vyasyena.... pukka
  • vyosyen.... artifice
  • vyoyfisyena.... prissy
  • vyoyfisyenan.... prissiness
  • vyoyfisyenay.... prissily
  • yabsyena.... tony
  • yagsyena.... stodgy
  • yagsyenan.... stodginess
  • yagsyenay.... stodgily
  • yivsyena.... freestyle
  • yizfisyen.... prudery
  • yizfisyena.... prudish
  • yizfisyenan.... prudishness
  • yizfisyenat.... prude
  • yizfisyenay.... prudishly
The morpheme syin means subject and is featured in the following derived words:
  • be syin bi.... about, concerning, on the subject of, pertaining to, re, regarding
  • gasyin.... motif
  • gla vyesyina.... gonzo
  • osyina.... unsubjective
  • osyinan.... unsubjectivity
  • osyinay.... unsubjectively
  • pensyinwa.... traced
  • sinwa balsyin.... puncheon
  • syin.... subject
  • syina.... subjective
  • syinan.... subjectivity
  • syinay.... subjectively
  • syin-izonbwa.... subject-oriented
  • syinxen.... subjectification
  • syinxer.... subjectify
  • syinxwa.... subjectified
  • syinzoyubea.... reflexive
  • syinzoyubean.... reflexiveness, reflexivity
  • syinzoyubeay.... reflexively
  • vyesyina.... subjective
  • vyesyinan.... subjectivity
  • vyesyinay.... subjectively
  • vyesyinxen.... subjectification
  • vyesyinxer.... subjectify
The morpheme syun means object and figures in the following derived words:
  • aota syuni.... personal effects
  • dresimsyunam.... stationery shop
  • dresimsyunamut.... stationer
  • dresimsyunesyan.... stationery
  • exsyun.... functor
  • ifek syun.... game object, game piece
  • ifonsyun.... heartthrob, love object
  • izsyuna.... accusative
  • kyoa tej syun.... still life object
  • osyuna.... nonclinical, nonobjective, unobjective
  • osyunan.... unobjectivity
  • osyunay.... unobjectively
  • ovsyun.... blockade, impediment, obstacle
  • ovsyunxen.... blocking, getting in the way of, impeding
  • ovsyunxer.... block, get in the way of, impede
  • ovsyunxwa.... blocked, impeded
  • syun.... object
  • syuna.... objective
  • syunan.... objectiveness, objectivity
  • syunay.... objectively, transitively
  • syundabea.... intransitive
  • syundabean.... intransivity
  • syundabeay.... intransitively
  • syunes.... article
  • syunika.... transitive
  • syunikan.... transitiveness, transitivity
  • syunin.... objectivism
  • syun-izonbwa.... object-oriented
  • syunxen.... objectification
  • syunxer.... objectify
  • syunxwa.... objectified
  • syunyena.... objective
  • syunyenan.... objectivity
  • syunyenay.... objectively
  • vyesyuna.... objective
  • vyesyunan.... objectivity
  • vyesyunay.... objectively
  • vyesyunxen.... objectification
  • vyesyunxer.... objectify
  • vyesyunxwa.... objectified
  • zagyosyun.... headpin
The stems in this family end in -m, with the general meaning of place, or -yeb meaning container. The family includes areas, places, locations, buildings, houses, rooms, spaces, and containers.
The base word nom, which means situation, is the top element of a scalar series of words. It is also the base for several stub suffixes as seen in the chart below:
nom....situation -om....situation
nam....store -am....indoor place, building, house
nem....place -(e)m....open space
num....cell -um....cell, booth, stall, compartment
nyem....box -yem....closed space
The morpheme nam means store. Here are some derived words that use this root:
  • aglanam....superstore
  • ajnunam....antique shop, antique store
  • ajnunamut....antiquarian, antiquary
  • ajnunamutin....antiquarianism
  • ameznam....diamond shop
  • ameznamut....diamond dealer, diamond-cutter, diamond-seller
  • apelatyanam....apiary
  • apetsimnam....saddlery
  • aybilnam....creamery
  • bekulnam....druggist, drugstore, pharmacy
  • bekulnama....pharmaceutical
  • bekulnamut....druggist, pharmacist
  • bilyignamut....cheesemonger
  • dopnam....commissary
  • drefnam....stationery
  • drefnamut....stationer
  • dresimsyunam....stationery shop
  • dresimsyunamut....stationer
  • dyesnam....book mart, bookshop, bookstore
  • dyesnamut....bookseller
  • ejnaunnam....novelty shop
  • ejnaunnamut....novelty shop owner
  • ekarnam....toyshop
  • faofunam....carpenter shop
  • filnam....dramshop, packaged alcohol store
  • filnamut....liqueur salesman
  • givobnam....tobacco store, tobacconist
  • givobnamut....tobacconist
  • granampea....shopaholic
  • granampen....shop-aholism, shopaholism
  • granamput....shop-aholic
  • ifpopnam....tourist bureau
  • iznunuen nam....retail store
  • jubdindrefnamut....newsvendor
  • jwobirnam....clock shop
  • levafil nam....liquor store
  • masofnam....carpet store
  • masofnamut....carpet merchant, carpet salesman, carpet seller
  • nam mis....shop window
  • nam....retail establishment, shop, shoppe, store
  • namag....department store
  • namagbikuut....floor-walker, floorwalker
  • namagyan....mall
  • nambelar....shopping cart
  • nambeut....shop owner
  • nambexut....shopkeeper
  • nameb....store manager
  • namkobien....shoplifting
  • namkobier....shoplift
  • namkobiut....shoplifter
  • nammis....shop window
  • namnyef....shopping bag
  • namog....small shop, boutique
  • nampen....shopping
  • namper....go shopping, shop
  • namput....shopper
  • namut....shop clerk, store clerk, storekeeper
  • namutyanup....fair
  • namutyanupem....fairground
  • namyan....collection of shops, shopping center, shopping complex
  • namzam....store front, storefront
  • namzen....mall, shopping center, shopping mall
  • naxgox nam....discount store
  • naxgox nunam....discount store
  • nunam mis....shop window
  • nunam....emporium, mart, shoppe, store
  • nunamag....hypermarket
  • nunamben....shelving, storage, storing, warehousing
  • nunamber....put into store, shelve, stock up, store, warehouse
  • nunambwa....shelved, stocked, stored, warehoused
  • nunampen....shopping
  • nunamper....shop
  • nunamput....shopper
  • nunamut....retailer, shop owner
  • nunamzen....shopping center
  • oyebnam....outdoor store, market
  • patnam....bird shop
  • patnamut....bird seller
  • petifnam....pet store
  • pitnam....fish shop, fishmonger's
  • pitnamut....fish merchant, fishmonger
  • purnam....car dealership
  • purnamut....car dealer, car salesman
  • sinzyefnam....mirror shop
  • sinzyefnamut....mirror retailer
  • suemnam....mattress retailer, mattress store
  • suemnamut....mattress dealer, mattress seller
  • tayebsyenam....hair salon
  • teabarnam....eyeglasses store, optical store
  • tefnam....haberdashery, hat shop, hat store
  • tefnamut....haberdasher, hat seller, hatter
  • teiznam....perfumery
  • teiznamut....perfumer
  • teyfnam....millinery
  • todnam....mom-and-pop store
  • tofnam....clothes store
  • tofnamut....clothes salesperson
  • tolnam....grocery store
  • tolnamag....supermarket
  • tolnamog....corner grocery store
  • tolnamogut....greengrocer
  • tolnampen....grocery shopping
  • tolnamper....go grocery shopping
  • tolnamput....grocery shopper
  • tolnamut....grocer, grocery clerk
  • tolyanamut....grocer
  • tyoyafnam....shoe shop, shoe store
  • tyoyafnamut....shoe salesman
  • aotxwa tafnam....outfitter
  • vafil nunam....wine seller, wine store
  • vafilnam....wine store
  • vafilnamut....vintner, wine merchant, wine seller
  • vosnam....florist shop
  • vosnamut....florist
  • yigvafilnam....vinegar store
  • yigvafilnamut....vinegar merchant
  • yomaybilnam....ice cream store
  • yuzovolnam....pita shop, taco shop
  • zanam....shop front
  • zanunam....shop front, window display

NEM, -EM, and -M Words


The morpheme nem means place, location. From this word comes the stub suffix -em referring usually to an open space.
Here are some words incorporating the root nem:
  • be nem bi hus....instead of that
  • be nem bi....in lieu of, in place of, instead of
  • be ujponem....graveside
  • du hoa nem?....where?
  • gelnema....homotopic
  • hyinema....homotopic
  • naznemdraf....cartogram
  • nem....locale, location, place, site, stead
  • nema bixpur....local train
  • nema nad....local line
  • nema yuzpur....local bus
  • nema....local
  • nemat....local person
  • nemaxea....localizing
  • nemaxen....localization, localizing
  • nemaxer....localize
  • nemaxwa....localized
  • nemay....locally
  • nemben....installation, placement, putting in place, setting
  • nember....install, place, put in place, set
  • nembun....installation, placement, setting
  • nembwa....installed, placed, put in place, set
  • nemoyg....cozy place
  • nemsindren....topography
  • nemtun....topology
  • nemtuna....topological
  • nemxea....localizing
  • nemxen....localizing
  • onemat....non-local person
  • ponem....getaway, rest area, rest stop
Here are words incorporating the stub suffix -em, meaning open place, area.
  • abawa yepem....covered entryway, porch, portico
  • abefyaxem....archdiocese
  • abem....surface, top
  • abtam zyiyujem....terrace
  • abtamas zyiyujem....rooftop terrace
  • adopar vyanyekem....gunnery
  • adoparen vyaoyekem....test-firing range
  • adoparenem....firing range, shooting range
  • agelk mukiblem....silver mine
  • ajpem....passage, passageway
  • amerem....north, northern region
  • amez mukiblem....diamond mine
  • anpopur pesem....taxi stand, taxicab stand
  • anpopur posem....cabstand, taxi stand, taxicab stand
  • apaxlawem....swept area
  • apem....embarkation area
  • apet igekpem....hippodrome, horse race track
  • apetvabem....paddock
  • aulk mukiblem....gold mine, goldmine
  • axlem....sphere of activity
  • axlen gonem....zone of activity
  • aypem....overpass
  • azaxwem....garrison
  • azem....bastion, stronghold
  • be abem....atop
  • be oyebem....alfresco, on the outside, out of doors, outdoors
  • be ujponem....graveside
  • be yabem....on high, up above, upstairs
  • be yebem....indoors, inside, on the inside
  • be yibem....in the distance
  • be yigrem....in the wild
  • be yijem....in the open
  • be yobem....down below, downstairs
  • be yubem....in the vicinity
  • belyafwa fyasem....viaticum
  • bem....locale, location, locus, post, seat, site, stead
  • besem....board, lodging
  • bewem....grounds
  • bi abem bu obem....from top to bottom
  • bi oyebem....from outside
  • bi yabem....from up above
  • bi yebem....from inside
  • bi yibem....from afar
  • bi yobem....from down below
  • bi yubem....from the vicinity
  • bixpur posem....train station, train stop
  • bu hem....hither, to here
  • bu oyebem....outdoors, to the outside
  • bu yabem....to the upstairs
  • bu yebem....indoors, to the inside
  • bu yibem....far away, to a distant place
  • bu yobem....downstairs, to the downstairs
  • buiem....market, marketplace
  • bukzem....trauma center
  • byupem....direction
  • caulk mukiblem....copper-mine
  • daba zem....government center
  • dabzem....seat of government
  • dalsem....tribune
  • dalufekem....debate forum
  • damem....metropolis
  • dapzem....airbase
  • datibem....reception area, reception hall
  • dazem....dance floor
  • debelem....realm
  • debzem....headquarters
  • dibzem....admin, administrative center
  • dobem....home country, metropolis
  • dobnad bem....border post, frontier station
  • dobnix vakem....tax haven
  • dodem....public arena
  • doebdalem....forum
  • doebdalzem....conference center
  • doem....village
  • dokebien debzem....election headquarters
  • dom yijem....urban open space
  • doma dem....city park, municipal park
  • domabem....municipality
  • domdem....city park, municipal park
  • domeba debzem....mayor's headquarters
  • domeem....department
  • dompur posem....bus stop
  • domyijem....piazza, plaza, square, urban open space
  • domzem....city center, midtown
  • doobem....fatherland
  • dopa debzem....military headquarters
  • dopa posem....military post
  • dopa syobem....military base
  • dopa tomofem....encampment
  • dopat azaxwem....garrison
  • dopek gonem....combat zone
  • dopek posem....battle station
  • dopekem....battlefield, battleground, fight arena
  • doptelem....mess hall, mess hall canteen
  • dopzem....military headquarters
  • doteuziem....poll, polling site
  • doteuzuem....poll, voting place
  • douta zyidem....public plaza
  • dovyabmeem....jurisdiction
  • doyevyekem....trial venue
  • dresem....desk
  • dropek gonem....war zone
  • dropekem....war arena, war zone
  • dunuibem....newsgroup
  • dyezem....movie set
  • dyezunxem....movie set
  • ebdalekem....debate forum
  • ebem....area between, area in between, buffer, gap, interstice
  • ebgonem....buffer zone
  • ebkyaxem....marketplace
  • ebmimuipa gonem....foreshore
  • ebposem....station, stop
  • ebtexdalem....debate forum
  • ebuienem....exchange, market
  • ebvyifem....clearance
  • efyaxem....diocese
  • ekem....court, paddock, playground, playing court, playing field
  • -em....-ary, -atory, -torium, open space, open-air space, place, area
  • emaegem....muskeg
  • embesem....habitat
  • embesiem....settlement
  • emupem....settlement
  • eopetyanem....stockyard
  • epetekem....bullring
  • epyexem....fight arena
  • eymaegem....coking works
  • fabagxem....wood lot, woodlot
  • fabogem....bush, bushland
  • fabukzyiem....tundra
  • fabyanem....timberland, woods
  • fabyexem....tree farm
  • fabyijem....glade
  • faufyanem....lumberyard
  • faybem....chaparral
  • faybesem....moor
  • feelknadpur posem....train station
  • feelkyig saxem....steel mill
  • feelkyigem....steelyard
  • fitapasem....fitness center, gym
  • fitapaxem....fitness center, gym
  • fobdem....botanical garden, orchard
  • fobyexem....farm
  • fuagxem....hotbed
  • fuhobyena yexem....sweatshop
  • fyakosem....hermitage, sacred retreat
  • fyameem....glebe
  • fyasem....altar
  • fyaxelem....ceremonial ground, worship site
  • fyaxem....holy ground, holy site, sacred ground, sacred site
  • fyozsem....pillory
  • gem....isotope
  • gevob vabem....cornfield
  • givob melyexem....tobacco farm
  • givobem....tobacco plantation
  • gloxem....cubbyhole
  • gonem....zone
  • goynem....sector
  • gwonayxa gonem....steerage
  • gyifobem....jungle
  • gyosuem....pad
  • hem....somewhere, where
  • ibem....reception area
  • ifekem....arena, playground, playing court, playing field, yard
  • ifiendem....amusement park
  • ifponem....holiday site, vacation destination
  • ifpopem....resort
  • ifyaxem....parish
  • igef oyepem....emergency exit
  • igef yepem....emergency exit
  • igoyepem....emergency exit, escape
  • igpekem....raceway
  • igtyopem....running path, running track
  • ijem....cradle, starting point
  • ikfluxwem....wasteland
  • imera gonem....eastern zone
  • imerem....east, eastern zone
  • ingonem....trizone
  • ivob vabem....barley field
  • iza yubem....doorstep
  • izonkyaxem....turnout
  • jatixem....practice venue
  • jayekem....proving ground, testbed
  • jeeb ifpopem....summer resort
  • Jiem....Jersey
  • job gonem....time zone
  • kebidem....voting station
  • kebidiem....polling station
  • kevyaxem....proving ground, testing grounds
  • kexem....search zone
  • kexer vakem....seek asylum, seek refuge, seek sanctuary, seek shelter
  • kiem....incline
  • kipasem....skating rink
  • kobem....cache
  • kodem....hideout, secret hideout
  • koem....hideaway, hideout, hiding place, redoubt, refuge, shelter
  • kosem....hideaway, hideout, lair
  • koxem....hirn
  • koyanupem....conventicle
  • kua yepem....side exit
  • kuem....sidelines
  • kusem....credenza, sideboard
  • kuteax bem....observation post
  • kyesem....venue
  • kyiunabem....loading dock, loading zone
  • kyoejem....waiting area
  • kyoembem....car park, parking lot
  • kyoemben gonem....parking zone
  • kyoja yexbem....tenure
  • kyosem....settlement
  • lafebem....orangery
  • lobexwasem....junkyard
  • lodopxwa gonem....DMZ, demilitarized zone
  • maaryuzem....heliosphere
  • maeg mukibiem....coal mine, coal mining, coalmine, colliery
  • magelabem....hob
  • magvyifem....firebreak
  • magxyukwem....tinderbox
  • magyelkuem....tarmac
  • malsuem....air mattress
  • mampurem....aerodrome, airdrome
  • mamyenem....clime
  • meabem....hill site
  • meb abem....mountaintop
  • meebabem....hilltop
  • meeg mukibiem....slate quarry
  • meegem....slate quarry
  • mefxem....brickyard
  • megibiem....quarry, rock quarry, stone quarry
  • megyogbwem....pavement
  • mekuzlem....dust bowl
  • melpien gonem....departure zone
  • melukbem....tomb
  • melukbenem....burial site
  • melyexem....farm, farmstead
  • mempuen gonem....arrival zone
  • mepoyepem....turnout
  • mepyiklem....labyrinth
  • miekem....beach, sandy area
  • miekibiem....sand quarry
  • milikbwem....swampland
  • milyobyogem....shoal
  • milzyegem....oasis
  • mimgrunbem....anchorage
  • mimkum posem....quay
  • mimobem....seabed
  • mimolem....salt marsh
  • mimolibiem....salt mine
  • mimolxem....saltern, saltworks
  • mimpar nyanufbem....moorage
  • mimpar sexem....boatyard
  • mimparapem....embarkment zone
  • mimparpuem....embarcadero, landing stage, pier
  • mimpiem....disembarkation point, quay
  • mimpuem....embarcadero
  • mimpuim yubem....dockside
  • mimpur piem....embarcadero
  • mimpur puem....ship dock
  • mimpur telem....mess
  • mimpurapem....embarkation area, embarkation point
  • mimpurem....shipyard
  • mimpurpuem....roadstead
  • mimpuryexem....dockyard
  • mipijem....wellhead
  • mipuem....port, wharf
  • mipujem....downriver
  • mipyanupem....conflux
  • mipyepem....slew
  • mosoybem....spandrel
  • moylzem....murk
  • mukibiem....mine
  • mumben dem....burial ground
  • mumbenem....burial site
  • mumzyegabem....pithead
  • nagarwa kyoemben gonem....metered parking zone
  • namutyanupem....fairground
  • nasa buiem....money market
  • neafekem....tennis court
  • nem....locale, location, place, site, stead
  • nunem....market-place
  • nunteatuem....merchandise display
  • nunuiem....market
  • nuxpur posem....cabstand, taxicab stand
  • nuxwa kyoemben gonem....paid parking zone
  • nyanupem....assembly point
  • nyem abem....boxtop
  • nyexunem....storage site
  • nyifsaxem....ropewalk
  • ob igtyopem....off-track, offtrack
  • obdabem....colony
  • obem....base, bottom, foundation, underpinning
  • obemerem....torrid zone, tropical zone, tropics
  • ofwa kyoben gonem....no parking zone
  • ofxwa gonem....prohibited zone
  • omerem....south, southern region
  • onuxefwa kyoemben gonem....free parking zone
  • opem....disembarkation point
  • opusem....jumping off point
  • ovunigpem....steeplechase
  • ovunukem....fairway
  • oybdopyunem....minefield
  • oybebem....subinterval
  • oyebekem....outfield
  • oyebem....exterior, outer area, outside
  • oyebilpem....drain
  • oyepem....exit, way out
  • oytofmelyepem....skinning-dipping spot
  • oyugem....uncomfortable spot
  • patagxem....barnyard, farmyard
  • pattujem....perch, roost
  • pekem....combat zone
  • pelpem....crawl space, crawlspace
  • pem....walkway, way
  • pesem....waiting area
  • petagxem....breeding ground, cattle ranch, vivarium
  • piem....departure point of departure
  • pipuem....jetty, pier, quai, quay
  • pirem....refuge
  • podizekem....circus
  • ponem....getaway, rest area, rest stop
  • popem....travel location
  • posem....station, stop
  • potnyanizbem....cattle ranch
  • pottojbem....hunting ground
  • pottujem....roost
  • poysem....rest area, rest stop
  • puem....arrival point of arrival
  • puien gonem....kiss-and-ride zone
  • puix ifekem....baseball arena, baseball field, baseball yard
  • puix pesem....baseball dugout
  • purem....car lot
  • purfinyekem....skidpad
  • purilp yuzpem....traffic circle
  • purkyoembem....car park, parking lot, parking zone
  • puxrem....shooting range
  • puxrunxem....cartridge factory
  • pyaxem....launch pad, launch site, launchpad
  • pyuxem....range
  • saxem....plant
  • sexem....building site, construction site
  • sinuem....display site, exhibition site, scene
  • sonilk mukiblem....tinner
  • suzyanem....art gallery
  • syoba tomofem....base camp
  • syobem....base, post
  • syoibwa mes dresem....escritoire
  • tabmelukem....graveyard, saree
  • tabmelzyegem....graveyard
  • tadnadxem....breeding ground
  • tajem....birthplace, place of birth
  • tambesem....habitat, place of residence
  • tamem....messuage
  • tamkyoxem....settlement
  • tamofem....camp, campground
  • tapifekem....sports field
  • tapsexem....workout facility
  • taptyeniem....workout facility, workout space
  • tavyulobem....latrine
  • taxem....memorial grounds
  • taxxelem....commemorative site
  • tazem....portrait gallery
  • teapem....stopover
  • teatuem....exhibition site
  • teaxem....arena
  • telem....cafeteria, refectory
  • tepbakem....mental health ward
  • tepbekem....mental ward, psych ward
  • texyenxem....tribune
  • tistamem....schoolyard
  • tixem....study hall
  • tobetekem....sandlot
  • toem....domicile
  • toj tomofem....death camp
  • tojbyoxem....gallows
  • tojem....place of death
  • toluem....feedlot
  • tomsexem....construction site
  • totifrem....worship site
  • tudifekem....children’s playground
  • tujdinem....dream scape, dream world
  • tujeazem....dream scape
  • tunkexem....research site
  • tuxem....campus, place of learning
  • tuyabzyun ekem....handball court
  • tuzem....art exhibition, art fair
  • tyalagsem....banquet table
  • tyalem....dining hall
  • tyenyanem....industrial site
  • tyodikxwem....populated area
  • tyodukem....desert, no man's land, wasteland
  • tyopem....walkway
  • tyoputa gonem....pedestrian zone
  • tyoyabzyun ifekem....football field, soccer field
  • tyoyafsaxem....shoemaking factory
  • tyoyanogem....stoop
  • ub oyebem....outward
  • ub yabem....upward, upwardly
  • ub yebem....inward
  • ufekem....battlefield, combat zone
  • ufem....hellhole
  • ujem....dead end, endpoint, extremity, terminal
  • ujponem....grave site, final resting place
  • ujponuem....burial site, burying
  • ukem....empty space, gap, vacant lot
  • ukxwasem....dump, dumping ground
  • umerem....western region
  • umvabem....hayfield
  • umxem....drying plant
  • unkudem....public square
  • unkunem....place
  • uzpem....curve
  • uzyupatupurem....heliport
  • vabem....barnyard, field, grassy area, meadow, pasture, prairie
  • vafaybem....vineyard
  • vafilem....vinery
  • vafilxem....vineyard
  • vak gonem....safety zone, security zone
  • vakbexem....guard post, ward
  • vakem....haven, refuge, safe place, sanctuary, secure location
  • viltulem....brasserie
  • vobem....cropland, farmland, plantation
  • vobyexem....plantation
  • vok gonem....danger zone
  • vokem....danger zone
  • volem....market garden
  • vyakxam dem....prison yard
  • vyaleaxem....checkpoint
  • vyantixem....research site
  • vyayekem....proving ground, testing ground
  • vyifem....clear area, cleared zone, clearing
  • vyixarwem....swept area
  • vyizaxem....purgatory
  • xeem....agency
  • xelem....practice venue
  • xem....office, workplace
  • xemsem....desk
  • xetyenem....practice venue
  • xeunem....business place of business
  • xusiynpem....crossing
  • yaba fyasem....high altar
  • yabem....heights, upper area, upper reaches
  • yabkiem....uphill climb, upward slope
  • yabteasem....lookout
  • yaflem....seat of power
  • yafon saxem....power plant, utility
  • yanbem....joint, juncture
  • yanbyuxem....point of contact
  • yanem....junction, juncture
  • yanivem....hangout
  • yanotpur posem....bus stop
  • yanpem....juncture
  • yantaxem....commemorative site
  • yanupem....meeting place, meeting venue
  • yanuzpem....point of convergence
  • yanxem....connection point
  • yanzexen tomofem....concentration camp
  • yapetagxem....pig farm
  • yaxem....business place of business
  • yaxunyana xem....industrial plant
  • yaxunyanem....industrial site
  • yeba ifekem....infield
  • yebekem....infield
  • yebem....indoors, inside, interior
  • yebexem....enclosed area, enclosure
  • yedebem....demesne
  • yejubbesem....weekender
  • yeklem....fight arena
  • yekuem....testing ground, testing grounds
  • yelxem....oil refinery
  • yembem....depositary, depository, depot, site
  • yepem....entrance, entrepot, entry way, entryway, way in
  • yexem....business place, work site, workplace
  • yexlem....labor camp
  • yexsem....desk, work desk
  • yibdomukem....outback, boondocks
  • yibem....distance, exile, remote area
  • yiboyebem....outer depths
  • yibujem....far ends
  • yibyabem....far reaches, high up, heights
  • yibyebem....inner depths
  • yibyobem....depths, lower depths
  • yibyuzem....outer fringes
  • yigabem....hardtop
  • yigem....hard spot, tough spot
  • yigrem....wild area, wilderness
  • yigvafilxem....vinegar factory
  • yijem....clearing, open area, open space, public arena, space
  • yiklem....complex
  • yivob imem....paddy
  • yizem....extremity, outer reaches, place beyond
  • yizmolem....supernatural realm
  • yoba abem....lower surface
  • yobem....downstairs, lower area
  • yobkiem....downhill climb, downward slope
  • yobkiem....downward slope
  • yobkuem....down slope, embankment, ramp
  • yonem....cleavage
  • yopem....way down
  • yoplem....precipice, tilt, slant
  • yozaxwem....recess, scoop
  • yozpem....sinkhole
  • yubem....neighborhood, vicinity
  • yugayma nem....cozy place
  • yugem....soft spot
  • yujem....closed area, closed quarters, courtyard
  • yukom gonem....comfort zone
  • yupem....approach
  • yuvrat melyexem....slave plantation
  • yuvrat yexem....slave labor camp
  • yuzem....area around, environ, environs, purlieu, surroundings, zone
  • yuzmasbwem....enceinte
  • yuzpem....beltway, circuit, cycle, loop, rotary
  • yuzpur posem....bus stop
  • yuzyujbwem....enclosed area
  • yuzyujem....court, courtyard
  • zapem....foregather
  • zea bem....central post, headquarters
  • zea ifekem....center field
  • zeekem....midfield
  • zem....middle, milieu
  • zeymepujem....bridgehead
  • zeypem....crossing, crossroads
  • zia ifekem....right field
  • zoekem....backfield
  • zua ifekem....left field
  • zyateaxem....range, scan zone, scanning area
  • zyefsaxem....glass factory
  • zyefyenem....glaziery
  • zyegekem....golf course
  • zyep gonem....transit area
  • zyepem....thoroughfare, through-point, transit point
  • zyidem....plaza
  • zyiem....plain
  • zyisuem....futon
  • zyoafxwa gonem....restricted zone
  • zyubsanxem....turnery
  • zyupem....circle, rotary
  • zyusekem....rink, circus
The morpheme nyem means box, case and is used in the following words:
  • adopar nyem....guncase
  • apyot pexnyem....lion's cage
  • awapelatnyem....wasp nest
  • beaxnyem....phylactery
  • dodalnyem....soapbox
  • dopzyunyan nyem....ammo box, caisson, munitions caisson
  • doteuzdref nyem....ballot box
  • drefnyem....briefcase
  • drovnyem....cardboard box, carton
  • dyessannyem....solander
  • ebdras nyem....letter box
  • ebdrasnyem....letter drop
  • ekar nyem....toy box
  • ekar nyemag....toy chest
  • epyot pexnyem....tiger's cage
  • etyalnyem....lunchbox
  • givomuv mugnyem....cigarette case
  • givomuv nyem....cigarette case
  • ifekar nyem....toy box
  • ifekar nyemag....toy chest
  • ifeknyem....playpen
  • kaznyem....cache
  • kebidref nyem....ballot box
  • lipyetnyem....vipers nest
  • lobelunyem....doggy bag, take-away box
  • lobexun nyem....doggy bag, take-away box
  • magnyem....firebox
  • meknyem....dust bin
  • mieknyem....sandbox
  • milnyem....aquarium, fish tank
  • milnyemi....aquaria
  • mugnyem....metal box, metal case
  • myeknyem....compact, powder box, powder compact
  • nas nyem....money box
  • nasnyem....moneybox, piggy bank
  • nasyemben vaknyem....safe deposit box, safety deposit box
  • nazagnyem....treasure chest
  • noznyem....jewelry box
  • nunyem....case
  • nyem abem....boxtop
  • nyem bi givomuvi....carton of cigarettes
  • nyem bi volzyeldrari....box of crayons
  • nyem....box, case
  • nyemag....caisson, chest, coffer
  • nyemben....boxing
  • nyember....box up, put in a box
  • nyembwa....boxed
  • nyempur....van
  • nyempures....boxcar
  • nyemsam....chest of drawers, coffer
  • nyemsim....box seat
  • nyemyena....boxlike, boxy
  • nyemyikyijbut....yegg
  • nyuunyem....shipping box
  • nyuunyemben....boxing up
  • nyuunyember....box up
  • nyuunyembun....shipment
  • nyuunyembwa....boxed up
  • oteliwas nyem....doggy bag, take-away box
  • ovol nyem....breadbox
  • pansinnyem....videocassette
  • pat pexnyem....birdcage
  • patnyem....birdcage
  • pexnyember....encage
  • pexnyemwer....be caged
  • pibzyuknyem....gearbox
  • ponyem bexlim....checkroom, consignment
  • ponyem....trunk
  • pot pexnyem....animal cage
  • potnyem....animal cage
  • puxrun nyem....cartridge casing, shell casing
  • sarnyem....toolbox
  • saryanyem....gearbox, toolbox
  • syagnas nyem....cashbox
  • syagnasiut nyem....cashier box
  • tabnyem....casket
  • teatunyem....diorama
  • tebnyem....brain case, cranium, skull
  • tebnyema....cranial
  • tebnyemsantun....phrenology
  • tebnyemsantut....phrenologist
  • tefnyem....hatbox
  • teixgivobnyem....snuffbox
  • teuznyem....larynx, voice box
  • teuznyema....laryngeal
  • tobijnyem....womb
  • tobijnyema....uterine
  • tobijnyemoben....hysterectomy
  • tojyatnyem....casket
  • tuunyem....databank
  • tuyaf nyem....glove compartment
  • ujponyem sem....bier
  • ujponyem....casket, coffin, final resting place
  • utvixnyem....vanity case
  • vaknyem yijbut....safecracker
  • vaknyem....safe
  • yagnyem bi givomuvi....carton of cigarettes
  • yagnyem....carton, long box
  • yemben nyem....deposit box
  • yeybtobijnyema....intrauterine
  • yibnyuxnyem....mailbox, post box
  • yijnyem....slipcase
  • yonyem....compartment
  • yonyemxen....compartmentalization
  • yonyemxer....compartmentalize
  • yonyemxwa....compartmentalized
  • yujlarnyem....lock box, lockbox, strongbox
  • yupetnyem....rabbit cage
  • zyunog nyem....pill box, pillbox, shell box
The stub word yem is from nyem and means enclosed space. It is used to build many new words:
  • yem....container, enclosure, locus, place, seat, unenclosed place
  • yemaybea....consigning
  • yemayben....consignation, consigning, consignment
  • yemayber....consign
  • yemaybim....consignment room
  • yemaybut....consignor
  • yemaybwa....consigned
  • yemaybwat....consignee
  • yembea....depositing
  • yembem....depositary, depository, depot, site
  • yemben nyem....deposit box
  • yemben syagdrav....deposit account
  • yemben....deployment, depositing, deposition, emplacement, encasement, placement, seating, settlement, siting
  • yember nas....deposit money
  • yember nasdref....deposit a check
  • yember....deploy, deposit, encase, place, seat, settle
  • yembesea....resident, residing
  • yembesen....residence, residing
  • yembesena....residential
  • yembeser....reside in
  • yembesut....resident
  • yembesutyan....residency
  • yembesyofwa....unlivable
  • yembewyofwa....uninhabitable
  • yembiar....substitute, replacement
  • yembiea....replacing, substituting
  • yembien....lieutenancy, replacement, replacing, representation, standing in for, substituting, substitution, taking the place of
  • yembiena....representational
  • yembier....replace, represent, stand in for, substitute, take the place of
  • yembiut....deputy, lieutenant, replacer, representative, stand-in, sub, substitute, surrogate
  • yembiutan....surrogacy
  • yembiutyanim....chamber of deputies, house of representatives, the house
  • yembiwa....replaced, substituted
  • yembiwas....substitution
  • yembix....withdrawal
  • yembixen....taking out, withdrawal
  • yembixer....take out, withdraw
  • yembixwa....taken out, withdrawn
  • yembiyafwa....fungible, replaceable, representable, substitutable
  • yembiyafwan....replaceability, substitutability
  • yembuen....appointment, assignment, designation, settlement
  • yembuer....appoint, assign, designate, offer a seat, settle
  • yembun....deployment, deposition, emplacement, settlement
  • yembus....depositary
  • yembut....depositor
  • yembuwat....appointee, assignee, designated person
  • yembuxen....inserting, insertion, sticking in
  • yembuxer....insert, stick in
  • yembuxun....insertion
  • yembuxwa....inserted, stuck in
  • yembuxwas....insertion
  • yembwa....deployed, deposited, encased, placed, seated, settled, sited
  • yembwas....deployment, settlement
  • yemez....amethyst
  • yemika....occupied
  • yemikan....occupancy
  • yemikben....assignment, designation, filling a position
  • yemikber....assign, designate, fill a position
  • yemikbwa....assigned, designated
  • yemikser....become occupied
  • yemikxen....assignment, designation, filling a position, occupation
  • yemikxer....assign, designate, fill a position, occupy
  • yemikxwa....assigned, designated, occupied
  • yemipea....evacuating
  • yemipen mep....evacuation route
  • yemipen....evacuation
  • yemiper....evacuate
  • yemiput....evacuant
  • yemkuber....move out of the way
  • yemkuper....be displaced, get out of the way
  • yemnod....locus
  • yemoben....unseating
  • yemober....unseat
  • yemobwa....unseated
  • yemopen....desisting, quitting, vacating one's seat
  • yemoper....desist, vacate one's seat
  • yemper....accede, install oneself, seat oneself
  • yempiat....resignee
  • yempien....resignation
  • yempier....leave one's position, quit, resign, take a spot
  • yempiwa....resigned
  • yempuem nod....access point
  • yempuen....access, accession
  • yempuer....accede
  • yempuwa....acceded
  • yempuyafwa....accessible
  • yempuyafwan....accessibility
  • yempuyofwa....inaccessible
  • yempuyofwan....inaccessibility
  • yempuyofway....inaccessibly
  • yemuk....vacancy
  • yemuka....vacant
  • yemukan....vacancy
  • yemukay....vacantly
  • yemukser....go vacant, vacate
  • yemukxen....vacating
  • yemukxer....vacate
  • yemukxwa....vacated
  • aaga dezyem....main stage
  • ab bu ha dezyem....onto the stage
  • ab ha dezyem....on the stage
  • ajpyem....passage
  • ammilyepyem....spa
  • apetyem....corral
  • biwa yem....taken seat, taken spot
  • byem....position
  • dazyem....dance hall
  • dezyem....performance space, stage
  • diybena byem....managerial position
  • doparyem....warhead
  • dosyem....institute, institution, public institute
  • douta syem....public institute
  • duzarutyem....orchestra pit
  • duzyem....music hall, music venue
  • ebyem....posture, situation
  • efebyem....emergency, crisis
  • ega yikebyem....snafu
  • fiebyem....good situation
  • fuebyem....bad situation
  • fyufyem....metal cage
  • gorxyem....compartment
  • ika yem....occupied seat
  • kapotyem....rat's nest
  • kobien tuyafyem....picking pockets
  • kobier tuyafyem....pick a pocket
  • koyem....shelter
  • kuvabyem....side yard
  • kyoembyem....parking space, parking spot
  • maar pexyem....suntrap
  • magilbaryem....fusebox
  • magmufogyem....matchbox
  • milbyem....washtub
  • milneyem....reservoir
  • milyem....basin
  • milyepyem....bath tub
  • milzyepyem....swimming pool
  • mimpur yobyem....ship's hold
  • nabyem....array, disposition, layout
  • neufyem....wicker basket
  • nexun syem....thrift and savings bank
  • nunsyem....commercial firm, company
  • nyifujyem....socket
  • obdezyem....offstage
  • obyem....base, foundation
  • patyem....barnyard
  • pipyem....swimming pool
  • purkyoembyem....parking space, parking spot
  • saryem....binnacle
  • syem....establishment, foundation, setup, institution, firm
  • taibyem....ossuary
  • teasier be dezyem....appear on the stage
  • teaxzyefyem....showcase
  • titbul yansyem....scholarship foundation
  • tobijyem....ovary
  • tujyem....perch, roost
  • tuyafyem....pocket
  • ub yibdezyem....upstage
  • ub zadezyem....downstage
  • uka yem....empty seat, empty spot, vacancy
  • ukxwasyem....dumpster
  • ukyem....blank, empty space
  • utvyilxyem....washtub
  • uztubmufyem....crankcase
  • vabijyem....pod
  • vabyem....yard
  • veebyem....pod, seed vessel
  • veeybyem....anther
  • vobijyem....ovary
  • vosyem....flower bed, flowerbed
  • vyilxyem....washtub
  • xeyn ob dezyem....by-play, byplay
  • yansyem....corporation, firm
  • yebexyem....container
  • -yem....-ary, enclosed space, stub for nyem
  • yibdezyem....upstage
  • yija yem....open seat, open spot
  • yipet mekyem....cat litter
  • yiva yem....free seat, free spot
  • yomyem....ice box
  • yonar bi tuyafyem....pocket knife
  • yub bi ha dezzyem....ringside
  • yubyem....neighborhood, vicinity
  • yuzyem....perimeter
  • zabyem....forward position
  • zadezyem....forestage, front stage
  • zebyem....middle position
  • zobyem....rear position
  • zovabyem....backyard
  • zoylobexyem....junk box, trash can
  • zyem....pass, through-point, through-way, throughway
  • zyoyem....confines, narrow space
The morpheme nyeb means container, storage. The stub suffix -yeb has the same meaning. Here are the many derived words from these roots:
  • abnyeb....case, diaphragm, membrane, sheath, theca
  • abnyeba....diaphragmatic, thecal
  • abnyeben....sheathing
  • abnyeber....sheathe
  • abnyebwa....sheathed
  • amnyeb....hotbox
  • dreunyeb....file, portfolio
  • dreunyeben....filing
  • dreunyeber....file
  • dreunyebsam....filing cabinet
  • dreunyebwa....filed
  • dreunyebyan....set of files
  • ebdreunyeber....interfile
  • eynyeba....half-way in, part-way in
  • fyaxunyeb....reliquary
  • gyinyeb yijbut....peterman
  • ilnyeb....coop
  • ilnyebog....vesicle
  • ilnyeboga....vesicular
  • ilnyebogxer....vesiculate
  • kiyunier dreunyeb....download a file
  • kyiunuer dreunyeb....upload a file
  • loabnyeber....unsheathe
  • lobelunyeb....trash can
  • maeg nyeb....coal bin
  • magyelnyeb....oilcan
  • milnyeb....bucket, pail, water pail
  • milnyebik....pailful
  • mumilzyeg nyeb....well bucket
  • nunyeb....parcel
  • nyeb....container
  • nyebag mimpur....container ship
  • nyebag....bin, container, storage bin, storage container
  • nyebagxen....containerization
  • nyebagxer....containerize
  • nyebagxwa....containerized
  • nyebam....storage, store, storehouse
  • nyeben....containing
  • nyeber....contain
  • nyebim....storage room
  • nyebog....sporran, small container
  • nyebsom....chest, trunk
  • nyebum....storage closet
  • nyebwa....boxed, contained
  • nyebyofwa....uncontainable
  • nyexunyeb....storage bin
  • olk nyeb....oxygen tank
  • ponyeb....luggage, suitcase, valise
  • ponyebag....travel trunk
  • ponyebbelut....bellhop, bellman
  • samnyeb....drawer
  • samnyebyan....set of drawers
  • sizilnyeb....paintbox
  • syagnas samnyeb....cash drawer
  • tabmegnyeb....sarcophagus
  • teababnyeb....choroid
  • tebnyeb....bandbox
  • tobijabnyeb....amnion
  • tobijabnyeba....amniotic
  • tofnyeb....clothes hamper, laundry basket
  • tuyab ponyeb....valise
  • ujponyebelar....catafalque
  • ujponyebelut....pallbearer
  • vabijnyeb....seedcase
  • volzilnyeb....paintbox
  • yanyeb....mix, blend
  • yanyeben....blending, mixing up, tangling
  • yanyeber....blend, mix, tangle
  • yanyebun....blend, melange, mix-up, mixture, tangle
  • yanyebwa....blended, mixed up, tangled
  • yebabnyeber....recase
  • yijnyeb....scuttle
  • yipuxunyeb....trash can
  • agtaolilyeb....stockpot
  • ambokmulobyeb....autoclave
  • ammilyeb....hot-water bottle
  • bielyeb....creamer
  • bilyeb....milkpan
  • bu yibyeb....to deep inside
  • byeb....accumulation, pile
  • caulkayeb....copper foil
  • cina magelyeb....wok
  • dopyonaryeb....baldric
  • draryeb....pencil holder
  • dreyeb....folder, wallet
  • drilaryeb....penholder
  • drilyeb....ink well, inkwell
  • enuja ilyeb....jigger
  • feblevilyeb....fruit dish
  • fyamilyeb....stoup
  • fyaxilyeb....chalice, grail
  • fyumul mugyeb....garbage can, garbage pail, rubbish can
  • fyumulyeb....wastebasket
  • fyus mugyeb....litter can, trash can, waste can
  • fyusulyeb....waste receptacle
  • goblaryeb....knife holder
  • gyatilyeb....beaker
  • ibyeb....receptacle
  • ilneyeb....reservoir, tank
  • ilogukxyeb....colander, strainer
  • ilxyeb....crucible
  • ilyeb....bottle
  • ipuxwas mugyeb....trash can
  • kafeyl magilmugyeb....coffee kettle, coffee pot
  • kafeylmugyeb....coffee pot, coffee urn, coffeepot
  • kelupotayeb....sable
  • levelyeb....sugar basin, sugar bowl
  • levilyeb....rummer
  • lobexun mugyeb....trash can
  • maagil neyeb....fuel tank
  • maegil mugyeb....gas can, gas tank, gasoline can, petrol can
  • magilmugyeb....kettle, pot
  • magmufogyeb....matchbook
  • magyelwa be zyitolyeb....pan-fried
  • magyelyeb....grease can, oil can
  • manumugyeb....candlestick
  • mekyeb....dustbin
  • milmoyeb....water well
  • milmugyeb....canteen
  • milneyeb....reservoir
  • miluen mugyeb....watering can
  • mimpur tilyeb....scuttlebutt
  • mogyeb....ash tray, ashcan, ashtray
  • mufyeb....conduit
  • mugtilyeb....pannikin
  • nasdrevyeb....billfold
  • nasmugyeb....coin purse
  • safayeb....tea leaf
  • safeyl magilmugyeb....tea urn, teakettle
  • safeylmugyeb....tea kettle, teakettle, teapot
  • sonilkayeb....tin foil, tin plate, tin-plate, tinfoil, tin-foil, tinplate
  • sonilkyeb....tin can, tin, metal container, kettle
  • syafebyeb....punnet
  • taolilyeb....porringer, stewpot
  • tebzan tayeb....scruff
  • teilyeb....bowl, soup bowl
  • telilyeb....soup bowl
  • telsoniyeb....can of food tin can
  • telyeb....dinner plate
  • tilmugyeb....beverage can
  • tilyeb....glass, drinking glass
  • tiyabilyeb....bedpan
  • tiyuyb vyixmugyeb....bidet
  • tolar milyeb....dishpan
  • tolyeb....casserole, pan
  • tudet ilyeb....nursing bottle
  • tuilyeb....sauce pan, saucepan
  • tulyeb....food platter
  • tuyabilyeb....flask
  • tuyub milyeb....finger bowl
  • ukla telyeb....soup plate
  • uktelyeb....bowl
  • vavol yanmulyeb....salad bowl
  • vavolyeb....salad bowl
  • veebyeb....carpel, seedcase, seedpod
  • vyumulukxea amyeb....autoclave
  • vyumulukxer bey amyeb....autoclave
  • yagugmagelyeb....Dutch oven
  • yavil sonilkyeb....beer can
  • yavil tilyeb....beer glass
  • -yeb....container
  • yelyeb....cruit, oil and vinegar jar, oil can
  • yomaybilyeb....coupe
  • yomyeb....ice bucket
  • yuboyeb....a short way out
  • yubyeb....a short way in, close in
  • zajuyeb....next Sunday
  • zyimilyeb....basin, bowl, washbasin, washbowl
  • zyitolyeb....frying pan, skillet
The rootword NYEF is another container word meaning basket, bag, sack, pack, pouch. Here are words that use this root:
  • aayuxnyef....first aid kit
  • apetolnyef....feedbag
  • apetsimnyef....saddlebag
  • donasnyef....fisc
  • donasnyefa....fiscal
  • donasnyefay....fiscally
  • doparnyef....holster
  • drefnyef....paper bag, paper sack
  • dyes nyef....book bag
  • ennyef....pannier
  • fyumul nyef....garbage bag, garbage sack
  • fyus nyef....trash bag
  • fyus yignyef....waste basket
  • grana ponyefyan....excess baggage
  • hyasnyef....ragbag
  • ilnyef....bursa
  • ilnyefi....bursae
  • ilzilnyef....cholecyst
  • lobelunyef....trash bag
  • lobexun nyef....trash bag
  • malnyef....air sack, airbag
  • mapnyef....windbag
  • masofnyef....carpetbag
  • megnyef....gabion
  • mieknyef....sandbag
  • milnyef....bucket
  • namnyef....shopping bag
  • nasnyef....scrip
  • nofxenyef....workbasket
  • nyef....bag, basket, mesh, sack, pouch
  • nyefab....kola
  • nyefag....holdall
  • nyefben....bagging
  • nyefbut....bagger
  • nyefeb....kola nut
  • nyefel....cola
  • nyefes....utricle, utricular
  • nyefik....sackful
  • nyefikon....bagful
  • nyefog....small bag
  • nyefovol amxar....waffle iron
  • nyefovol....waffle
  • nyefpyexar....racket
  • nyefpyexarek....battledore
  • nyeftyen....basketry, basketwork
  • nyefyan....baggage
  • nyefyena....baggy
  • nyefyenan....bagginess
  • nyusber ha ponyefi....pack the bags
  • ovol yignyef....breadbasket
  • oyepuxun yignyef....trash basket
  • pitpexnyef....coop
  • pityignyef....creel
  • ponyef belar....baggage rack, luggage barrow, luggage cart, luggage rack
  • ponyef belut....porter, redcap
  • ponyef kaxim....baggage claim room
  • ponyef....travel bag
  • ponyefyan....baggage, luggage
  • poteub yignyef....muzzle
  • puxrun nyef....cartridge pouch
  • safeylnyef....teabag
  • sazulnyef....plastic bag
  • tabnyef....body bag, cyst
  • tabnyefa....cystic
  • tafnyef....portmanteau
  • tebnyef....skullcap
  • teibnyef....nosebag
  • tilutnyef....satchel
  • tistam nyef....schoolbag
  • tof yignyef....hamper, laundry basket
  • tolnyef....grocery bag, grocery sack
  • tuabnyef....satchel, shoulder bag
  • tuj nyef....sleeping bag
  • tujnyef....sleeping bag
  • tuyanyef....handbag, pocketbook
  • tuyepyex nyef....punching bag
  • twiyibnyef....scrotum
  • twiyibnyefa....scrotal
  • twiyibnyefi....scrota
  • uveb nyef sim....beanbag chair
  • uveb nyef....beanbag
  • veebnyef....seedlep, seedlip
  • veeybnyef....grain sack
  • yagnyef....flasket
  • yangonnyefxen....contexture
  • yebtabnyefben....encystment
  • yebtabnyefber....encyst
  • yejub ponyef....weekender
  • yibnyuxnyef....mail pouch, mailbag
  • yignyef....basket
  • yignyefik....basketful
  • yignyefzyun ekut....cager
  • yignyefzyun....basketball
  • zotib nyef....backpack, rucksack
  • zotib ponyef....travel backpack
  • zotibnyef....backpack, knapsack, rucksack
  • zotibnyefen....backpacking
  • zotibnyefut....backpacker
  • zyigiar abnyef....scabbard
The rootword zyeb is another container word meaning bottle, glass and is mnemonically reminiscent of the word zyef, meaning glass. Here are some words that use this root:
  • bekul zyeb....ampoule, ampule, medicine bottle, vial of medicine
  • elzyeb....jar
  • elzyeben....jarring
  • elzyeber....jar
  • elzyebik....jarful
  • elzyebwa....jarred
  • engarzyeb....magnum
  • fyavizyeb....monstrance
  • gabnas zyeb....tip jar, tipping jar
  • gabolzyeb....cruet
  • igzyeben....railroading
  • igzyeber....railroad
  • igzyebut....railroader
  • igzyebwa....railroaded
  • iluarzyeb....jug, pitcher
  • levafil zyeb....liquor bottle
  • manigzyeb....flashbulb, flashcube
  • meavzyebyan....crockery
  • megzyebag....crock
  • mogzyebag....urn of ashes
  • neufzyebag....demijohn
  • nifzyebar....threader
  • nifzyeben....threading
  • nifzyeber nifar....thread a needle
  • nifzyebwa....threaded
  • petogzyeb....terrarium
  • pyaon yuzyebeus....wave envelop
  • teizyeb....vial of perfume
  • tilzyeb bi vafil....glass of wine
  • tilzyeb bi yavil....glass of beer
  • tilzyeb....drinking glass
  • tilzyebik....glassful
  • vafil tilzyeb....wine glass, wineglass
  • vafil vizyeb....wine decanter
  • vafil zyeb....wine bottle
  • vafil zyebag....wine magnum
  • vafiluarzyeb....wine beaker, wine flask, wine jug
  • vibtilzyeb....goblet, stemmed glass
  • viiluarzyeb....decanter
  • vizyeb....vase
  • vizyebag....decorative urn
  • vobzyeb....terrarium
  • yavil zyeb....beer bottle
  • yelzyebog....cruse
  • yozyeb....bowl, vessel
  • zyailarzyeb....beaker
  • zyeb belar....bottle carrier, wine rack
  • zyeb bi vafil....bottle of wine
  • zyeb....bulb, glass container, jar, bottle, urn
  • zyebag bi mogi....urn of ashes
  • zyebag....amphora, glass jar
  • zyibzyebyan....stemware
  • zyunog zyeb....pill bottle
The rootword syeb is another container word meaning can. These are usually made of metal. Here are words that use this root:
  • absyeb....cover, lid, top
  • absyeber....cover, put a lid on
  • aluynfaosyeb....rundlet
  • amsyeb....thermos jar, thermos jug
  • aonfaosyeb....tun
  • bekul syebog....capsule, medicine capsule
  • efaosyeb....puncheon
  • elsyeb....pot
  • eynfaosyeb....butt
  • eynilsyeb....half carafe
  • eyntilsyeb....demitasse
  • faosyeb yijun....bung-hole, bunghole
  • faosyeb....barrel, thrall, tub
  • faosyebag....cask, cistern, tank
  • faosyeben....barrelling
  • faosyeber....barrel
  • faosyebog....drum, firkin
  • faosyebsaxam....cooperage
  • faosyebsaxut....cooper
  • faosyebsaxutan....cooperage
  • faosyebteisa....fusty
  • faosyebteisan....fustiness
  • faosyebut....barrel-maker
  • faosyebyena....tubby
  • fyasyeb....pyx
  • fyumul syebag....garbage bin, rubbish bin, trash bin
  • gyatilsyeb....tumbler
  • hyasyebexea....comprehensive
  • hyasyebexean....comprehensiveness
  • hyasyebexeay....comprehensively
  • ilsyeb....beaker, carafe, flask, jug
  • ilsyebag....pitcher
  • ilsyebik....jugful
  • iluarsyeb....pitcher
  • iynfaosyeb....tertian
  • kafeylsyeb....coffee cup
  • kixyafwa syeb....pessary
  • kyitilsyeb bi yavil....stein of beer
  • kyitilsyeb....mug, stein, tankard
  • loabsyebwa....uncovered
  • lobexun syebag....rubbish bin
  • maagilsyeb....fuel can
  • magyelsyeb....frying pan, skillet
  • meilza dresyeb....manila envelope
  • meksyeb....dustpan, urn
  • melsyeb....pipkin
  • mil faosyeb....water barrel
  • milsyeb....bucket, cistern, pail, reservoir, tank
  • milsyebikon....bucket-full, bucketful
  • mimol syeb....salt cellar
  • oyepuxun faosyeb....trash barrel
  • oyepuxun syeb....trash container
  • patij syeb....eggcup
  • pit milsyeb....aquarium, fish tank, fishbowl
  • pyexlen syeb....pounder
  • safeylsyeb....teacup
  • safeylsyebik....teacupful
  • sonilka syeb....tin can, tin container
  • syeb bi yavil....can of beer
  • syeb ijbar....can opener
  • syeb....container, receptacle, vessel
  • syebag....bin
  • syebog....capsule
  • syeboga....capsular
  • syebogben....encapsulating, encapsulation
  • syebogber....capsulize, encapsulate
  • syebogxbwa....encapsulated
  • teilsyeb....soup tureen
  • tilsyeb bi afeyl....cup of tea
  • tilsyeb bi kafeyl....cup of coffee
  • tilsyeb leovol....cupcake
  • tilsyeb....cup, drinking cup
  • tilsyebag....mug, stein
  • tilsyebik....cup-full
  • tilsyebsan....cupola
  • tilsyebsanika....cupolaed
  • tilsyebsanxen....cupping
  • tilsyebsanxer....cup
  • tilsyebsanxwa....cupped
  • toj tilsyeb....death cup
  • tolsyeb grun....pothook
  • tolsyeb....cooking pot, pan, pot
  • tolsyebbexar....potholder
  • tolsyebik....potful
  • tosyebix....compulsion
  • tosyebixwa....compulsive
  • tosyebixwan....compulsiveness
  • tosyebixway....compulsively
  • tosyebux....impulse
  • tosyebuxen....impulsion
  • tosyebuxwa....impulsive
  • tosyebuxwan....impulsiveness
  • tosyebuxway....impulsively
  • uynfaosyeb....hogshead
  • vafil faosyeb....wine barrel
  • vossyebkoxar....cachepot
  • vosyeb....flower pot, flowerpot, vase
  • vyixyel syeb....soap dish
  • vyusa syebag....septic tank
  • yavil faosyeb....beer barrel
  • yavil kyitilsyeb....beer mug, beer stein
  • yaynfaosyeb....tierce
  • yebyujbwa be dresyeb....enclosed in an envelope
  • yiynfaosyeb....barrel
  • yuxnas syeb....change jar
Related to nom is the base word tom meaning building, which is the top element of a series of spatially-ordered words.
tom building
tam house
tem hall, gallery
tim room
tum closet, cell, compartment
tyem residence
The derived word taam means home.

TOM and Subordinal Words


The base word tom means building. It is atop a series of 2nd tier words.
  • tom....building
  • toom....habitat, habitation, lodging
  • toam....apartment building, residence
  • toem....domicile
The following are some words derived from the base word tom:
  • abtomasned....rooftop
  • amtomekuwa....mulled
  • aybtomsan....superstructure
  • aybtomsana....superstructural
  • azaxwa tom....castle, keep
  • beaxyabtom....watchtower
  • bi dotom vyixut....janitorial
  • budatom....pagoda
  • byaxer tom....erect a building
  • diztomof....big top
  • doebdalutyan tom....congress building, parliament building
  • dopa tomofem....encampment
  • dopa tomofyan....bivouac, military encampment
  • dopartom....blockhouse
  • dotom vyixut....janitor
  • dotomdrawasi....graffiti
  • ebtexutyan tom....parliament building
  • ebtoma tyomep....breezeway
  • faotomxen....timbering
  • faotomxer....timber
  • faotomxwa....timbered
  • fitomxwa....well-built, well-constructed
  • futomxwa....ill-constructed
  • fyasem abtom....baldacchin, baldachin
  • gatomsaxen....reconstructing, reconstruction
  • gatomsaxer....reconstruct
  • gatomsaxwa....reconstructed
  • gatomxen....rebuilding, reconstructing, reconstruction
  • gatomxer....rebuild, reconstruct
  • gatomxwa....rebuilt, reconstructed
  • gintom....pyramid
  • gintoma....pyramidal
  • gintomsana....pyramid-shaped
  • glatomyan....multiplex
  • ha Baea Zyutom bi Pisa....the Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • ha Eona Zyutomi....the Twin Towers
  • ha Yabtom bi Babel....the Tower of Babel
  • ha Yabtom bi Eiffel....the Eiffel Tower
  • ha Yabtom bi London....the Tower of London
  • he Baea Yabtom bi Pisa....the Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • islama zyutom....minaret
  • izbex yabtom....control tower
  • jwobir yabtom....clock tower
  • jwobir zyutom....clock tower
  • kuteax yabtom....observation tower
  • kutom....annex
  • kwonsettom....quonset
  • litom....ell
  • lotomxea....ruining
  • lotomxen....destruction, ruination, ruining
  • lotomxer....destroy, ruin
  • lotomxun....ruin
  • lotomxuni....ruins
  • lotomxut....destroyer, ruin-maker
  • lotomxwa....destroyed, ruined
  • lotomxyafwa....destructible
  • lotomxyea....destructive, ruinous
  • lotomxyean....destructiveness
  • lotomxyeay....destructively, ruinously
  • lotomxyefwan....destructibility
  • mamyabtom....skyscraper
  • melpien ujtom....departures terminal
  • melpuen ujtom....arrivals terminal
  • mempuen tom....arrivals terminal
  • mil yabtom....water tower
  • mumtom....silo
  • num uiben yabtom....cell tower
  • num yabtom....cell tower
  • obtommas....foundation
  • ootomxen....demolition
  • otomxen....demolition, tearing down
  • otomxer....demolish, tear down
  • otomxwa....demolished, torn down
  • oybglatomyanxwa....submultiplexed
  • oybtomsan....infrastructure, substructure
  • oybtomsana....infrastructural
  • oyebtom....outbuilding
  • podiz tomof....circus tent
  • pyaxmufyeg mumtom....missile silo
  • seusar yabtom....belfry, bell tower
  • seusaryabtom....campanile
  • syoba tomofem....base camp
  • teabexlun yabtom....guard tower, watch tower
  • toj tomofem....death camp
  • tyem....residence
  • tyema....residential
  • tyemut....resident
  • tyemjob....residency
  • ujtom....terminal building
  • veeybtom....silo
  • vitom....showplace
  • vujagtom....flea pit, fleapit
  • xahmatek zyutom....chess rook
  • xamtom....office building
  • yabtom....high-rise building, tower
  • yabtomea....towering
  • yabtomer....tower over
  • yanzexen tomofem....concentration camp
  • yizaga tomyan....superblock
  • yobtom....low-rise building
  • yonpyosea vyua tom....rattrap
  • zatomof....awning, overhang, pavilion
  • zea tom....central block
  • zyuktom....wheelhouse
  • zyutom....chess rook, tower
The rootword tam means house. The stub suffix for this is -am. The derived word taam means home. Here are words formed from the root tam or -am.
  • abawam....covered shelter
  • abaxram....massage parlor
  • abtam zyiyujem....terrace
  • abtamas zyiyujem....rooftop terrace
  • abtamasgin....gable
  • abtamas....housetop, roof
  • abtamasoybun....eave
  • abtamasuka....roofless
  • abtameb....overlord
  • abzam....surface
  • adebam....imperial palace
  • adoba vitamag....imperial palace
  • afilam....cider factory
  • afyaxelam....cathedral
  • agalam....greatness
  • agdwutam....seraglio
  • aglanam....superstore
  • agtam....mansion
  • agvitam....chateau
  • ajnunam....antique shop, antique store
  • ajunbexlam....archive
  • alpa tam....chalet
  • -am....-ary, building, enclosed space, stub for tam
  • ameznam....diamond shop
  • amvobam....hothouse
  • anmostam....rambler, ranch home
  • apatam....chicken coop
  • apayetam....bat cave
  • apaytam....henhouse, chicken coop
  • apelatam....beehive, hive
  • apelatyanam....apiary
  • apetam....horse stable
  • apetapekam....hippodrome
  • apetsimnam....saddlery
  • apetyoyafam....blacksmith shop, blacksmith's shop
  • apyatam....eagle nest, eagle’s nest
  • apyotam....lion's den
  • atetam....papal see
  • atistam....grade school, primary school
  • awapeletam....vespiary
  • axram....ashram
  • aybilam....creamery
  • aybilnam....creamery
  • ayibdubetam....consulate general
  • azam....fort, fortress, stronghold
  • azaxwam....fortification, fortress, stronghold
  • azulam....energy plant
  • baakam....sanitarium
  • bakam....health facility, wellness center
  • bakdubam....health department, health ministry
  • be tam....home
  • beaxam....ward
  • beaxutam....guard post, guardhouse, watch post
  • beaxwam....protectorate
  • bekam....hospice, sanatorium, therapy center, treatment center
  • bekulam....apothecary
  • bekulnam....druggist, drugstore, pharmacy
  • bekulsaxam....pharmaceutical plant
  • besam....abode, dwelling, place to stay
  • bewam....estate, premises, property
  • bexlam....hold, keep
  • bikam....care facility, clinic
  • bikuam....care facility, nursery, nursing home
  • bilunxam....dairy farm
  • bokam....hospital, infirmary
  • buiam....exchange, trading house, trading post
  • bukyiplam....asylum, refuge, sanctuary
  • bukyofxwam....protectorate
  • buxram....pump station
  • byaxer tamof....pitch a tent
  • byekam....convalescence home
  • byimilbakam....spa
  • daba yuxlam....government agency
  • dabubwatam....house of parliament
  • dabxam....government office
  • datibam....hostel, hotel
  • dazam....dance club, dance hall
  • daztilam....dance bar, dance club
  • depa fyuzam....brig
  • deymtamog....gazebo
  • dezam....performance venue, theater, theatre
  • deztelam....dinner theater, supper club
  • deztilam....cabaret, nightclub
  • dita doyevam....civil court
  • dizam....circus arena, comedy stage, comic theater
  • dizekam....comedy club
  • doam....borough, township
  • dobyokam....gaol
  • dodalam....chamber of deputies, forum, house of representative
  • dodinuam....reporting station
  • dodruram....publishing firm
  • doebam....statehouse
  • doebdalam....conference center
  • doebdalutam....congress building
  • doebebam....governor's residence
  • dokebiam....polling station
  • domabam....town hall
  • domeam....county, province
  • domebam....city hall, mayor's office
  • domtam....brownstone, town house, townhouse
  • donasbex dubam....ministry of the treasury department
  • dopa vyakxam....military brig, stockade
  • doparam....emplacement
  • doparyanam....armory
  • dopmyekam....explosives factory, gunpowder factory
  • dopnam....commissary
  • doptam....barrack, barracks, quarters
  • dopyanam....arsenal
  • doublawatam....capitol
  • douta tilam....public house
  • dovyab tistam....law school
  • dovyabdram....legislature, statehouse
  • dovyakxam....slammer, prison, jail
  • doyevam....court of justice, court of law, courthouse, tribunal
  • doyevan dubam....department of justice, ministry of justice
  • doyevsonutam....law firm
  • vokpilam....asylum
  • doytam....clubhouse
  • dravagam....registry
  • dravagbam....registrar
  • drefnam....stationery
  • drefsaxam....paper factory, paper mill
  • dresimsyunam....stationery shop
  • dresinam....design studio, drafting studio
  • dreunyebsam....filing cabinet
  • opyex dubam....ministry of defense
  • dropek dubam....war department
  • drovxam....cardboard factory
  • drurunes nixam....ticket office
  • drurxam....print shop
  • dubam bi dropek....ministry of war
  • dubam....branch, cabinet post, department, ministry, subsidiary
  • Duhom et tambese?....Where do you live?
  • duzam....music hall, music venue
  • duzekam....concert hall
  • duztilam....cabaret, tavern
  • duztuxam....conservatoire
  • duzuzyiunekam....disco, discotheque
  • dyazam....ballet theater
  • dyes dodruram....book publishing firm, book publishing house
  • dyesam....bookcase
  • dyesanxam....bookbindery
  • dyesnam....book mart, bookshop, bookstore
  • dyesnexam....library
  • dyessaxam....bookbindery
  • dyesyuvxam....bindery
  • dyezam....film studio, movie house, movie theater
  • dyezamtelam....commissary
  • dyezunsaxam....motion picture studio
  • dyezunxam....movie studio
  • dyunnadram....registrar
  • dyunnyadram....registry
  • ebdalutam....forum
  • ebdrasuienam....post office
  • ebdrasyanam....post office
  • ebitistama....intercollegiate
  • ebkyaxam....trading house, trading post
  • ebnunekam....dealership
  • ebtabifam....brothel, hothouse
  • ebtabifyuxlam....whorehouse
  • ebtistama....interscholastic
  • edeba vitamag....royal palace
  • edebam....royal palace, royal court
  • efyaxelam....basilica
  • ejdinam....news station
  • ejnaunnam....novelty shop
  • ekam....arena
  • ekarnam....toyshop
  • ekliam....casino
  • ektobetam....dollhouse
  • embesam....abode, dwelling, living quarters
  • eontam....duplex
  • epetam....bull pen, cowshed
  • epetepyexam....bullfight arena
  • epetovekam....bullfight arena
  • epyotam....tiger's den
  • etistam....high school, lyceum, secondary school
  • etyalam....luncheonette
  • eymaegsaxam....coke plant
  • eynzyudezam....amphitheater, amphitheatre
  • fabtam....tree house
  • fabtixam....arboretum
  • fabyan tamog....cabin in the woods, forest cabin
  • faofam....woodshed
  • faofsaxam....joinery
  • faofunam....carpenter shop
  • faosyebsaxam....cooperage
  • fauftam....lodge
  • feelkmepur posam....railroad station
  • feelkmepuram....railroad station
  • feelknad posam....railroad station
  • feelksanxam....blacksmith shop, blacksmith's shop
  • feelktyenam....ironworks
  • feelkxam....ironworks, smithery, smithy
  • filnam....dramshop
  • filtam....alehouse
  • filvyunobam....distillery
  • fisansam....reformatory
  • fluustelam....delicatessen
  • fobam....greenhouse
  • fobyexunam....farmhouse, farmstead
  • funobam....repair shop
  • futam....house of ill repute
  • fyaantinam....abbey, cloister, monastery
  • fyabikam....chaplaincy
  • fyadilam....chapel
  • fyadoytuytam....convent, nunnery
  • fyaifram....church, house of worship
  • fyakosutam....hermitage, retreat
  • fyam....sanctuary
  • fyasunam....shrine
  • fyateyzam....church, place of worship, temple
  • fyatezam....church
  • fyatidam....friary
  • fyatiydam....priory
  • fyaublam....mission headquarters
  • fyautam....rectory
  • fyaxam....house of God, mosque, place of worship, temple
  • fyaxelam....church
  • fyaxinebam....rectory
  • fytezebam....rectory
  • fyuzam....calaboose, hoosegow, jail, jailhouse, penal institution, penitentiary, prison
  • gafiaxam....repair shop
  • gapyotam....bear cave, den
  • gatambier....resettle
  • ginnidtam....teepee
  • givobnam....tobacco store, tobacconist
  • glabikam....polyclinic
  • glajobnuxwam....tenement
  • glatoda melukbam....mausoleum
  • gonbewam....co-op
  • gonbiwa bewam....timeshare
  • gyataolgolam....chophouse
  • gyutelam....deli
  • ham....the place
  • hawam....the only place
  • hinda tam....bungalow
  • huum....such a place
  • hyam....allover, everyplace, everywhere
  • hyatama nunuut....door-to-door salesman, doorstep salesman
  • hyatama....door-to-door
  • ibentam....roadhouse
  • dizam....comedy club
  • ifekam....arena, stadium
  • ifpon tamog....vacation cabin
  • ifpon tamoyg....vacation cottage
  • ifyaxebam....rectory
  • igtelam....fast food outlet
  • igtulam....snack bar
  • ilyebxam....bottling plant
  • inmostam....triplex
  • Islama tistam....madrasa
  • itistam....college
  • iznunuam....retail establishment, retail store
  • iznunuen nam....retail store
  • jagatam....elder home
  • jagatbikam....convalescence home, elder care facility, nursing home
  • jatistam....kindergarten, pre-school, preschool
  • jebtam....lodge
  • jeeb tam....summer house
  • jeeb tistam....summer school
  • jeebtam....dacha, summerhouse
  • jobyixpuram....rental car agency
  • jogat datibam....youth hostel
  • jogatvyakxam....borstal
  • joutistam....post-graduate school
  • jubdinam....news station
  • jwajatistam....prekindergarten
  • jwayekam....lab, laboratory
  • jwobirnam....clock shop
  • kafeylam....café, coffee house, coffeehouse, café
  • kanseloram....chancellery
  • kaxwasam....lost-and-found
  • koam....hideaway, shelter
  • kotam....cloister, shelter
  • kotilam....hideaway, speakeasy
  • kua tamdeym....side yard
  • kutamdeym....side yard
  • kutam....shed
  • kyatambesut....scatterling
  • kyebuk yiplam....asylum, refuge, sanctuary
  • kyenekam....casino, gambling casino, gambling house
  • kyinaram....weigh station
  • kyinnagam....weigh station
  • kyobexam....detention center, detention facility
  • kyoembam....parking garage
  • kyotambier....settle down
  • leovolam....pastry shop, patisserie
  • levafil nam....liquor store
  • levafil vyusobam....distillery
  • levelam....confectionary, confectionery
  • levelyigam....candy store
  • lotajbam....abortion clinic
  • lotambien....uprooting
  • lotambier....uproot
  • lotambiwa....uprooted
  • maagiluam....filling station, fuel station, fueling station, gas station, , petrol station
  • maar abtamas....sun roof
  • maegil buxram....gas station
  • maegilam....gasoline station, petrol station, service station
  • maegilxam....gaswork
  • mageltam....cookhouse
  • magujbutam....fire station, firehouse
  • maka yafonuam....electric power plant
  • makifekam....arcade
  • makyafonuam....electric power plant
  • malyomkipam....snow ski lodge
  • malyomkiparam....ski lodge
  • malyomtam....igloo
  • marteaxam....observatory
  • masofnam....carpet store
  • maysam....cupboard
  • mebtamog....cabin
  • mebtamoyg....hut, mountain chalet
  • mefxam....brick factory
  • Megsexutam....Masonic lodge
  • meimpoptam....lodge
  • meimtamag....country estate, domain
  • meimtamoyg....lean-to
  • melyexam....farmhouse
  • melyexiram....barn, hangar
  • mempuram....carport
  • merteaxam....planetarium
  • meszam....stoop
  • meylzasam....tanning salon
  • meys beaxam....gatehouse
  • miektamaz....sandcastle
  • mila suzyanam....aquatic museum
  • milapyoxam....shower house
  • milbyekam....wellness spa
  • milmaka saxam....hydroelectric plant
  • milmakyaflam....hydroelectric power plant
  • milmeykam....watermill
  • milyepam....bathhouse
  • milzam....waterfront
  • milzyepam....natatorium
  • mimanurtam....lighthouse
  • mimkum tam....beach house, shore home
  • mimparam....boathouse
  • mimpurexutam....pilothouse, bridge
  • mimpurizbam....bridge
  • mimpurizbutam....pilothouse
  • mimzam....oceanfront, seafront
  • Minima tamof....yurt
  • mogxam....crematorium
  • mojam....nightspot
  • mojtilam....nightclub
  • mompurposam....spaceport
  • movuam....smokehouse
  • movyebam....columbarium
  • mugilxam....foundry
  • mugoyebixam....smelter, smeltery
  • mulvyixam....refinery
  • mumpur posam....metro station, subway station, u-bahn station, underground station
  • myekxam....mill
  • nabtam....row house
  • nam....retail establishment, shop, shoppe, store
  • namzam....store front, storefront
  • napeltam....anthill, formicary
  • nasam....bank
  • nasdubam....treasury department
  • nasefatam....almshouse
  • nasgon buiam....stock exchange
  • nasmugxam....mint
  • nasvekekam....casino
  • nasvekiam....gambling casino, gambling house
  • nasyefam....credit union
  • naxgox nam....discount store
  • nazagam....treasury
  • nefxam....spinnery
  • nexam....storehouse
  • nexun ay ojbuen nasam....savings and loan bank
  • nofnuiam....mercery
  • novsam....linen chest
  • novyilxam....launderette, laundry, laundromat
  • nozam....jewelry shop
  • nunam....emporium, mart, shoppe, store
  • nunpuranyanam....caravansary, caravanserai
  • nunuiam....trading house, trading post
  • nunuiendubam....trade ministry
  • nunutyanam....guildhall
  • nunuzam....goldsmith shop, silversmith ship, silversmith shop
  • nunyivxwam....franchise
  • nuxapetam....livery yard
  • nuzam....jeweler, jewelry shop
  • nyebam....storage, store, storehouse
  • nyemsam....chest of drawers, coffer
  • nyexam....storage place, storehouse
  • nyexunam....entrepot, godown, reconditory, storage facility, storehouse, warehouse
  • nyifsaxam....ropery
  • nyofam....film studio
  • nyufbam....packing house
  • nyusbam....packaging center, packaging firm
  • nyuxer tamtyal....deliver take-out
  • oafwa tilam....shebeen
  • obdubam....vice-ministry
  • obtammas....foundation
  • obtyodebam....vice-presidential residence
  • obzam....bottom
  • ogasanxwam....backwater
  • oglayavilxam....microbrewery
  • ogtames....hut, hutch, shed
  • ojnuxam....credit union
  • ojvadebkyaxam....pawn shop, pawnshop
  • opyexdubam....defense department, defense ministry
  • otambiwa....unoccupied, unsettled
  • otamkyoxwa....unsettled
  • otamxwa....undomesticated, untamed
  • ovolam....bakery
  • oybdubam....sub-ministry, undersecretariat
  • oybposam....substation
  • oybtameb....submaster
  • oyebmemdubam....foreign ministry of foreign affairs, state department
  • oyebtam....gung
  • oyebtyalam....cafe, café, outdoor restaurant
  • oyebvyifxer ha vabam....clear out the barn
  • oytampoput....hobo
  • oytofdazam....strip club
  • pansinam....cinema, movie house, movie theater, movie theatre
  • pansinxam....motion picture studio
  • pasyafwa tam....trailer
  • patam....birdhouse
  • patijbam....hatchery
  • patnam....bird shop
  • patyanam....aviary
  • paxyafwa tam....mobile home
  • pesam....wait station
  • petam....animal shelter, holt, hutch, lair, pen
  • petbekam....veterinary
  • petifbekam....pet care center
  • petifnam....pet store
  • piam....departure lounge
  • pipam....natatorium, swimming hall
  • pitam....fishery
  • pitnam....fish shop, fishmonger's
  • podizam....circus arena
  • ponjob tamog....vacation cabin
  • ponjob tamoyg....vacation cottage
  • pontam....hotel
  • pontamyog....flophouse
  • popyuxlam....travel agency, travel bureau
  • posam....station
  • potam....lair
  • potkextam....lodge
  • potojbam....slaughterhouse
  • pottojbam....abattoir
  • potyanam....menagerie
  • puenam....arrival terminal
  • puix ifekam....baseball stadium
  • puram....garage
  • purexen tistam....driving school
  • purkyoembam....parking garage
  • purnam....car dealership
  • purpuen dyezam....drive-in theater
  • purtabyexam....body shop
  • puxrun saxam....ammunition factory, cartridge factory
  • puxrunyam....ammo, firepower
  • pyexer tamigpen....hit a homerun
  • pyotam....den, lair
  • rusmeimtam....dacha
  • safeylam....teahouse, tearoom
  • sagvekiam....gambling casino, gambling house
  • saxam....factory, manufacturer
  • sinuam....showplace
  • sinzyefnam....mirror shop
  • sizam....painting gallery
  • somsaxam....carpenter's shop
  • sonilkyebam....cannery
  • sultanam....seraglio
  • sumtam....boarding house, boardinghouse, bunkhouse
  • sumtel poptam....B&B, bed-and-breakfast
  • sunam....bazaar
  • suzyanam....museum
  • taam....home, menage
  • tabnuniam....bordello
  • tam....abode, home, house
  • tamag....domain, manor, manse, mansion
  • tamaz....castle
  • tambeser....be lodged, dwell, live, lodge, reside in
  • tambier....occupy a dwelling, settle, take up residence
  • tambuer....house, lodge, provide housing, settle, shelter
  • tamdeym....yard
  • tamdomtwobet....homeboy
  • tamdrev....homepage
  • tameber....master
  • tameb....head of household, master
  • tamem....messuage
  • tameon....duplex
  • tames....maisonette
  • tameyb....mistress
  • tamfibexen....homemaking
  • tamfutop....poltergeist
  • tamien....settlement, taking up residence
  • tamigpen....home run
  • tamik....houseful
  • tamiper....leave home, resettle
  • tamkexer....house hunt
  • tamkoyepen....housebreaking
  • tamkoyeput....housebreaker
  • tamkum....side of the house
  • tamkyaxen....change of residence, relocating, relocation
  • tamkyaxer....change residence, move, relocate
  • tamkyaxwa....relocated
  • tamkyobeser....stay at home
  • tamkyoxer....domiciliate, move in, settle, take up residence
  • tammag....hearth
  • tammagmeg....hearthstone
  • tammem....estate
  • tammipar....houseboat
  • tamnefxwa....homespun
  • tamnig....houseroom
  • tamoben....uprooting
  • tamober....unhouse, uproot
  • tamofem....camp, campground
  • tamofempen....camping
  • tamofemper....camp out
  • tamofemput....camper
  • tamofen....tenting
  • tamofsum....sleeping bag, tent bed
  • tamoftem mag....campfire
  • tamof....tent
  • tamofum....campsite
  • tamofut....tenter
  • tamog....cabin, cottage
  • tamogut....cottager, cotter
  • tamoya....homeless
  • tamoyan....homelessness
  • tamoyat....homeless person, stumblebum
  • tamoyeba tulxun....cookout
  • tamoyeba tyal....outdoor meal
  • tamoyeba....outdoor, outdoors
  • tamoyebifa....outdoorsy
  • tamoyeper....go outdoors
  • tamoyg....hut
  • tamoysen....becoming homeless
  • tamoyser....become homeless
  • tamoyxen....depriving of housing, making homeless, uprooting
  • tamoyxer....deprive of housing, make homeless, uproot
  • tamoyxwa....deprived of housing, robbed of house and home, uprooted
  • tampen....going home
  • tamper....go home
  • tampeta....housebroken, tame
  • tampetan....tameness
  • tampet....domesticated animal, house animal, pet
  • tampettel....pet food
  • tampetxea....domesticating
  • tampetxen....domestication, housebreaking, taming
  • tampetxer....domesticate, housebreak, tame
  • tampetxut....tamer
  • tampetxwa....domesticated, housebroken, tamed
  • tampetxyofwa ....tameless
  • tampexwa....house-bound, housebound
  • tampiea....moving out
  • tampien....leaving home, moving out
  • tampier....leave home, strike out
  • tampuea....moving in
  • tampuen....arriving home arrival, moving in
  • tampuer....arrive home
  • tampya....gone home
  • tamsaxwa....domestically crafted, home-made, homegrown, homemade
  • tamsomyan....house furnishings
  • tamsonabteaxut....chamberlain
  • tamsyob....home base
  • tamtaf....housecoat
  • tamtayda....housewifely
  • tamtayd....housewife
  • tamted....houseparent
  • tamtef....tam
  • tamteyd....housemother
  • tamtim....homeroom
  • tamtix....home study
  • tamtixun....homework
  • tamtoyb....woman of the house
  • tamtujer....sleep in
  • tamtulxwa....home-cooked
  • tamtuxen....homeschooling
  • tamtuxuyt....governess
  • tamtwad....househusband
  • tamtwobet....houseboy
  • tamtwod....man of the house
  • tamtyaler....dine at home
  • tamtyal....frozen dinner, in-home meal, take-out
  • tamtyalien....eating in, having take-out at home
  • tamtyalier....eat in, have take-out at home
  • tamtyaluer....deliver take-out
  • tamtyaluut....meal deliverer, take-out deliverer
  • tamtyoyaf....house slipper
  • tamuen....housing, sheltering
  • tamuer....house, shelter
  • tamuka grafilut....stewbum
  • tamuka....homeless
  • tamukan....homelessness
  • tamukxer....deprive of housing, render homeless, uproot
  • tamukxwa....uprooted
  • tamup ivxel....homecoming celebration
  • tamupen....homecoming
  • tamuper....come home
  • tamutyan....household
  • tamuwa....housed, sheltered
  • tamvob....houseplant
  • tamvyixen....housecleaning
  • tamvyixut....housecleaner
  • tamvyixuyt....charlady, charwoman
  • tamwat....househusband, man of the house
  • tamwebea....dominating
  • tamweben....lording over
  • tamweber....dominate, lord over
  • tamweb....head of household, lord, male head of house, master of the house
  • tamwebwa....dominated, lorded over
  • tamyan....block of houses, compound, housing complex
  • tamyavla....house-proud, houseproud
  • tamyeba....indoors
  • tamyeper....go indoors
  • tamyex....domestic chores, house work, housework
  • tamyexen....telecommuting, working from home
  • tamyexer....do homework, telecommute, work at home, work domestically
  • tamyexun....telework, work from home
  • tamyexut....telecommuter, work-at-home
  • tamyipeyt....tabby cat
  • tamyogdom....favela, shantytown
  • tamyog....shack
  • tamyuxleb....butler
  • tamyuxlut....domestic servant
  • tamyuxlutyan....domestic staff
  • tamyuxluyt....maid
  • tamyuxtwobet....knave
  • tamyuxut....valet
  • tamyyixer....houseclean
  • taobif dezam....fleshpot, bordello, whorehouse
  • taogoblam....butcher shop, chop shop
  • taogyagolam....steakhouse
  • taolam....butcher shop
  • taolnyufbam....packinghouse
  • tapifek tilam....sports pub
  • tapifekam....sports arena, stadium
  • tapiflan dezam....fleshpot
  • tapsexam....workout gym
  • taptyeniam....workout gym
  • taptyenuam....gym, gymkhana, gymnasium
  • tayam....pavillion
  • tayebbikam....hair salon
  • tayebsyenam....hair salon
  • tayegoblam....barber shop, hair cuttery
  • tayofxam....tannery
  • teabarnam....eyeglasses store, optical store
  • teaxam....theater
  • tebokam....mental institution
  • tedokatam....orphanage
  • tedoyatam....orphanage
  • tefnam....haberdashery, hat shop, hat store
  • teiznam....perfumery
  • teizxam....perfume factory
  • tejam....abode
  • tejdrasinam....life drawing studio
  • tejsaxam....biofactory
  • telam....eatery, eating establishment, restaurant
  • teltilam....bar and restaurant, brasserie
  • tepbakam....mental health facility, mental institution
  • tepbekam....psychiatric clinic, psychiatric hospital
  • tepbokam....asylum, insane asylum, madhouse, mental hospital, mental institution
  • tepuzram....bedlam
  • tepuzratam....mental institution, nuthouse
  • tetam....parsonage, pastor's house
  • tettuxam....seminary
  • teupibbekam....dental clinic, dentist office
  • teupibutam....dentists office
  • tayegoblam....barbershop
  • teyfnam....millinery
  • tiavam....outfitters', shirt department
  • tiibil neunam....blood bank
  • tilam....bar, drinkery, drinking establishment, tavern, watering hole
  • tiltam....pub
  • tiltam....pub, bar, drinkery
  • tistam....school, schoolhouse
  • toda poptam....pension
  • todam....household
  • todnam....mom-and-pop store
  • tofnam....clothes store
  • tofsaxam....tailor shop
  • tojatam....morgue
  • tojxelam....mortuary
  • tolam....grocery store
  • tolnam....grocery store
  • tolneam....food storehouse
  • totifram....church, house of worship, mosque, temple
  • tudetbikam....infant care facility, nursery
  • tujam....dorm, dormitory
  • tulam....restaurant
  • tulobbekam....manicure salon, nail salon
  • tunkexam....research facility, research firm
  • tunvyankexam....research institute
  • tutam....academy, institute
  • tuuniblen yuxlam....intelligence service
  • tuuxam....educational institution
  • tuxam....school
  • tuyepyex ekam....boxing arena
  • tuyxam....training facility
  • tuzdyezam....cinematheque, art movie house
  • tuzun yaniblam....art museum
  • tuzunxam....art studio, atelier
  • tuzunyanam....art museum of art
  • tyen tistam....trade school
  • tyenam....studio
  • tyenaram....tool shop
  • tyenuam....training facility
  • tyenyanam....industrial plant
  • tyodebam....presidential residence of the president of the republic
  • tyoyabzyun ifekam....football arena, soccer arena
  • tyoyafnam....shoe shop, shoe store
  • tyoyafsaxam....shoemaker
  • tyuam....training facility
  • ub taam....homeward
  • ublam....legation, mission
  • ujponxelam....funeral parlor, mortuary
  • ukzam....poorhouse
  • ummagelam....bakeshop
  • umvab apelatam....skep
  • umvyixam....dry-cleaner's
  • updiwatam....guest house, guesthouse
  • upetam....sheepfold
  • upyotam....den, wolf den, wolf's lair, wolfs lair
  • utistam....university, varsity
  • utokyukam....warren
  • uzaybmam....welkin
  • uzipotam....pound
  • vabam....barn, grange
  • vafil nunam....wine seller, wine store
  • vafil tilam....wine bar
  • vafilam....enoteca, enotheque, wine bar
  • vafilnam....wine store
  • vafilxam....winery
  • vakbexam....guardhouse
  • vaybam....herbarium
  • veeybam....granary
  • veeybnyexam....granary, silo
  • veeybxam....granary
  • vekekam....casino, gambling hall
  • vidazam....ballroom
  • vinozam....gem shop
  • vinuzam....jewellery
  • vitamag....palace
  • vitamayg....villa
  • vitamaz....château
  • vitapyekam....gym
  • vituzyanam....fine arts museum
  • vituzyanibiam....fine arts museum
  • vixulam....beauty shop
  • vixutam....beautician shop
  • vobam....greenhouse, plantation house
  • vobbikam....nursery, plant care facility
  • vokam....deathtrap
  • vosnam....florist shop
  • voyaynxam....repair shop
  • voytamper....home, return home
  • vua yovbyokam....bughouse
  • vutam....dump, flophouse, hovel, pigpen, pigsty
  • vutamog....dump, ramshackle, shanty
  • vutamoyg....hovel
  • vutilam....dive, hole-in-the-wall bar
  • vyakxam....correctional facility, penitentiary, prison
  • vyamdezam....playhouse, theater
  • vyantixam....research facility, research firm, research institute
  • vyedam....relay station
  • xam....atelier, office, workshop
  • xeam....agency
  • yabmostames....penthouse
  • yabpatam....aerie
  • yabyagtam....hi-rise building
  • yabzam....level
  • yafonuam....power plant, power station
  • yafonuluam....fuel station
  • yafxwam....fortress
  • yagat bikam....elder care facility
  • yagbexam....conservatory
  • yanbewam....condo, condominium, timeshare
  • yanexam....co-operative, coop, cooperative
  • yanotpur posam....bus station, bus station
  • yanta tilam....pub, public house
  • yantambesea....cohabiting, living together
  • yantambesen....cohabitation, living together
  • yantambeser....cohabit, live together
  • yantambesut....cohabiter
  • yanupam....meetinghouse
  • yanuptam....lodge
  • yaozgobliram....sawmill
  • yapatam....dovecote, pigeon coop
  • yapaytam....columbarium
  • yapelam....pork butchery
  • yapetam....pigpen, pigsty, sty
  • yatetam....deaconate
  • yavilam....ale house, beer bar, beer house, brasserie, pub, saloon, taproom, tavern
  • yavilxam....brewerie, brewery
  • yavilxamog tilam....brewpub
  • yazzansam....breakfront
  • yeba yonutam....inner sanctum
  • yeba zetam....inner courtyard
  • yebam....inside, interior
  • yebmem dubam....department of the interior
  • yebtama....indoor
  • yebzetam....courtyard
  • yepetam....doghouse
  • yevdam....tribunal
  • yexam....shop, workplace, workshop
  • yextam....workhouse
  • yexyen tistam....vocational school
  • yibdubam....embassy
  • yibdubetam....consulate
  • yibnyux yuxlam....mail
  • yibnyuxam....post office
  • yibpoxam....outstation
  • yigvafilnam....vinegar store
  • yijmem dyezam....open-air cinema
  • yobam....downstairs, lower area
  • yobsam....lowboy
  • yokdezam....improv theater
  • yomaybilnam....ice cream store
  • yomkiparam....ice skating rink
  • yomsam....freezer, fridge, ice chest, refrigerator
  • yonota tilam....private saloon
  • yonpyexrar saxam....explosives factory
  • yonta tilam....saloon
  • yotetam....rectory
  • yovbyokam....calaboose, penal institution, penitentiary, slammer
  • yovnuxam....penal institution
  • yugtamulaben....topdressing
  • yupetam....hutch
  • yuvbexam....detention center, detention facility
  • yuxlam....agency, service
  • yuzbwam....enclave
  • yuzovolnam....pita shop, taco shop
  • yuzpur posam....bus station
  • yuztama....around-the-house
  • zam....forefront, front
  • zanam....shop front
  • zanunam....shop front, window display
  • zatam....facade, front of the house
  • zemulyaflaxam....nuclear power plant
  • zetam....courtyard
  • zotamdeym....back yard
  • zoybixam....recess
  • zoytamper....go back home, resettle, return home
  • zoytamput....returnee
  • zyabuam....dispensary
  • zyadinuam....reporting station
  • zyam....expanse
  • zyapopnam....tourist bureau
  • zyaubam....broadcast studio
  • zyefsam....vitrine
  • zyevtam....glasshouse
  • zyevxam....glass factory, glassworks
  • zyiovolam....pizzeria
  • zyuabtamas....dome
  • zyudezam....theater in the round, amphitheater, circus
  • zyuktam....house on wheels, mobile home, trailer
  • zyutam....roundhouse
  • zyuykkyuparam....rollerskating rink
The rootword tem means hall, hallway, gallery. Here are some words using this root:
  • aagtem....lobby, main hall
  • abtamasbwa yija yabtem....loggia
  • abtem....attic
  • bixpur pestem....train station
  • dezam zatem....theater lobby
  • deztem....performance hall
  • drasintem....art gallery
  • duztem....music hall
  • dyestem....book gallery
  • fyuzam tem....prison block, prison ward
  • kutem....side hall
  • melpien pontem....departure lounge
  • mempuen pontem....arrivals lounge
  • mempuen tem....arrivals lounge
  • nuntem....galleria, gallery
  • oyebtem....veranda
  • pontem....lounge
  • sintem....picture gallery
  • teetem....auditorium
  • teltem....cafeteria
  • tem....hall, gallery
  • tistem....lecture hall
  • tuztem....art gallery
  • vyakxam tem....prison block, prison ward
  • yabtem....loft
  • yabzyutem....gallery
  • yagtem....gallery
  • yagyijtem....gallery
  • zatem....foyer, lobby, vestibule
  • zetem....central hall, main hall
  • zyetem....hall, hallway
  • zyotem....corridor
  • zyutem....gallery
The rootword tim means room, chamber. The stub suffix -im is a shorting of tim. Words using these roots are listed here:
  • tim amnag....room temperature
  • tim ay tel....room and board
  • tim bi avembiuti....chamber of deputies, house of representatives, the house
  • tim bi yafuwati....chamber of deputies
  • tim duz....chamber music
  • tim duzarutyan....chamber music orchestra
  • tim golar....partition, room divider
  • tim jobnixen....rooming
  • tim jobnixut....roomer
  • tim yuxlen....room service
  • tim yuxlut....room servant
  • tim....chamber, quarters, room
  • timag....hall, large room, salon
  • timbesen....rooming
  • timbeser....room
  • timbesut....roomer
  • timdet....roommate
  • times....roomette
  • timik....roomful
  • timof....booth, lean-to, shelter, stall
  • timog....booth, cell, closet, cubby hole, cubicle, pod, small room
  • timuer....offer a room
  • timyan....quarters, suite
  • timyaneb....quartermaster
  • timyuxuyt....chambermaid
  • abdovyabxutim....senate chamber, upper chamber of congress
  • abmeltim....terrace
  • abtim....upstairs room
  • abyijtim....atrium
  • apetim....horse stall
  • avaxlutim....deptuy chamber
  • aybtim....garret, mansard
  • beaxutim....guardroom
  • bextim....holding cell
  • bokatim....sickbay, sickroom
  • dabubwatim....chamber of deputies, house of representatives
  • datim....living room, living-room, parlor, salon, sitting room
  • dezkutim....coulisse, theater wing
  • deztim....auditorium, theater salon
  • doebdalutim....congress chamber
  • doublawatim....chamber of congress, chamber of deputies
  • doublawatim....chamber of deputies, house of delegates
  • doyevdibutim....judge's chamber
  • doytim....clubroom
  • dreutim....secretary's office
  • dyestim....cabinet, den, library, office, studio, study
  • ebtim....hallway, room in between
  • eftim....bathroom, lady's room, lavatory, loo, rest room, toilet, w.c., washroom
  • entoba tim....double room
  • fyatim....sanctuary, sanctum
  • glasumtim....dormitory
  • kostim....closet
  • kotim....oubliette, secret chamber
  • kutim....adjoining room, side room, wing
  • mapil oybtim....storm cellar
  • meiltim....mud room, mudroom
  • miltim....restroom, washroom
  • mimpurtim....ship cabin
  • montim....darkroom
  • nunzotim....stockroom
  • oyboybtim....subbasement
  • oybtim....basement, cave, cellar, undercroft
  • oyeba eftim....port-a-potty
  • oyebtim....outhouse, outside room
  • pontim....w.c., w.c.
  • santim....centime
  • sartim....tool room, tool shed
  • sumtim....bedroom
  • tamtim....homeroom
  • teetim....sound studio
  • tetim....presbytery, rectory
  • tiltim....saloon
  • tim....chamber, quarters, room
  • tistim....classroom
  • toftim....vestry
  • toj tim....death chamber
  • tojtim....death chamber
  • tujamtim....dorm room
  • twoba eftim....men's room, men’s lavatory
  • tyal ay tim....board and bed, board and lodging
  • updiwatim....guest room, guestroom
  • vafil oybtim....wine cellar
  • vitamagyontim....stateroom
  • vitim....salon
  • yabdoublawatim....senate chamber, upper chamber of deputies
  • yagzyotim....couloir, hallway, lane, passage, passageway, thoroughfare
  • yantim....suite
  • yapetim....pigsty
  • yavil oybtim....ratskeller, beer cellar
  • yeba tim....inner room
  • yebtim....chamber, inner chamber
  • yepetim....kennel
  • yijebtim....dogtrot
  • yoba dovyabxutim....lower legislative chamber
  • yoba doyafbuwatim....lower house
  • yobdobubutim....house chamber
  • yonotim....privy, sanctum
  • yonottim....stateroom
  • yujlarumtim....locker room
  • zatim....antechamber, anteroom, forecastle, front room
  • zotim....back room, backroom
  • zyotim....hall, hallway
  • zyutim....rotunda
  • abdoebdalim....senate, upper chamber, upper house
  • abdovyabxim....senate, upper legislative chamber
  • afelayim....tearoom
  • axlim....activity room
  • azaxwim....strongroom
  • azla bikim....ICU, intensive care unit
  • baksim....convalescence ward
  • beaxim....ward
  • bekim....hospital room, treatment room
  • belunim....cargo bay
  • bikim....clinic
  • biwa sim....occupied chair, occupied seat, taken chair
  • brokuim....torture chamber
  • dalim....parlor
  • datibim....lobby, reception room, salon
  • dazim....ballroom
  • dibim....administrative office, chamber
  • dobtojbim....execution chamber
  • doebdalim....conference room, parliamentary chamber
  • doim....hamlet
  • domeim....canton
  • dovyab xim....law office
  • dovyabdrim....chamber of congress, legislative chamber
  • doyevim....courtroom
  • dresim....bureau, cabinet, den, library, office
  • drim....scriptorium
  • dunyim....flood of words, word stream
  • dyazim....ballet studio
  • dyezim....movie auditorium, movie salon
  • ebdalogim....chat forum
  • ebdaylim....chatroom
  • ebtexim....deliberation chamber, parliamentary chamber
  • ebzyim....layer
  • efim....comfort station, privy, restroom, the necessity, toilet
  • etyalim....lunchroom
  • fyadilim....oratory
  • fyaifrim....chapel
  • fyamilbim....baptistery, baptistry
  • fyaxelim....chapel
  • fyaxunim....sacristy
  • ifbuer sim....offer a seat
  • ifekim....game room, playroom
  • iftilim....refreshment area
  • igef bikim....emergency room
  • igefbikim....ICU, intensive care unit
  • ilyujarim....tap room
  • izbexim....control room
  • jatixim....rehearsal studio
  • jayekim....test lab
  • jubdinim....newsroom
  • kebidim....polling book, voting booth
  • kodrenyontixim....cryptocenter
  • kyitafim....cloakroom, coat check
  • kyiunim....hold
  • kyobexim....guardroom
  • kyoejim....waiting room
  • maarmanim....solarium
  • magbaxim....stokehold
  • magelim....kitchen
  • mampar magelim....galley
  • milim....water closet
  • milufim....restroom, tearoom, toilet, water closet
  • milyepim....bathroom
  • mimparim....cabin
  • mimpur magelim....galley, ship's galley
  • mimpurebim....captain's quarters, stateroom
  • mimpurim....ship compartment
  • mimpurizbim....berth, steerage
  • misoyebim....balcony
  • miyomim....poolroom
  • mogxim....cremation chamber
  • movim....smoking den, smoking room
  • nixbuim....salesroom
  • novim....linen room
  • novyilxim....laundry room
  • nyebim....storage room
  • nyexunim....stock room, storage room, store room
  • nyexuunim....consignment room
  • oa zyim....ground level
  • obdodalim....chamber of deputies
  • obdovyabxim....house of representatives
  • ofwim....harem
  • ovolim....pantry
  • oyebim....patio
  • oyixwa sim....unoccupied chair, unused chair
  • oymtelnyexim....larder
  • pansinim....movie auditorium, movie salon
  • parsim....shay
  • pesim....lounge, waiting room
  • ponsim....chaise
  • ponyef kaxim....baggage claim room
  • ponyem bexlim....checkroom, consignment
  • poysim....rest room
  • puim....kiss-and-ride zone
  • purexuta sim....driver's seat
  • purim....car, wagon
  • saxim....lab, studio
  • sezim....sculpture studio
  • simim....sitting room
  • sinuarim....screening room
  • sinuim....showroom
  • sizim....painting studio
  • tapifekim....locker room
  • tapyexim....exercise room
  • tayobiluim....sudatorium, sudatory
  • tazim....portrait studio
  • teapim....visiting room
  • teaxim....theater, viewing room
  • tejenim....wardroom
  • tijpim....recovery room
  • tildim....drinking fountain, water fountain
  • tilsemim....barroom
  • tistamim....schoolroom
  • tixim....atelier, studio
  • todim....living room, living-room, parlor, salon, sitting room
  • tofabim....dressing room
  • tofbexlim....coat check
  • tofim....closet, clothes closet
  • toj sim....death chair
  • tolarvyixim....scullery
  • totdilim....chapel
  • toxwasim....lost-and-found
  • toyb tofabim....boudoir
  • tudetsim....highchair
  • tujim....bedroom
  • tulim....kitchen
  • tunkexim....research lab, research laboratory
  • tuxim....lecture hall
  • tyalagim....banquet hall
  • tyalim....dinette, dining room
  • umvabim....hayloft
  • utifebim....asceticism
  • utvyilxim....washroom
  • uveb nyef sim....beanbag chair
  • uzraxim....torture chamber
  • vakbexim....ward
  • vaodutyanim....boardroom
  • vyandidim....interrogation room
  • vyantixim....research lab, research laboratory
  • vyaoyekim....test lab
  • vyilxim....washroom, lavatory
  • yaba dovyabdrim....senate, upper chamber
  • yabim....upper room, upstairs
  • yabzyim....platform
  • yagbexim....storage room, storeroom
  • yakim....green room, greenroom
  • yanupim....meeting room
  • yaovyekim....trial chamber
  • yekteexim....hearing chamber
  • yemaybim....consignment room
  • yembiutyanim....chamber of deputies, house of representatives, the house
  • yexim....bureau, den, lab, laboratory, office, workroom
  • yibnyuxunim....mail room
  • yixunim....tool shed
  • yoba dovyabdrim....chamber of deputies, house of representatives, lower chamber
  • yobdodalim....lower chamber
  • yofim....harem
  • zayijim....concourse
  • zikim....right bend
  • zoyteuzim....echo chamber
The rootword tum means cell, compartment, booth This and its stub suffix -um are used in the following words:
  • abyoxarum....closet
  • agdomep nuxtum....highway tollbooth
  • alza tiibil tum....erythrocyte, red blood cell
  • azulum....energy cell
  • beaxutum....sentry box
  • bilyugum....spence
  • dokebium....polling booth
  • doteuzuen tum....voting booth
  • drurunes tum....ticket booth
  • dyestum....bookstall
  • eilyoum....pinchbeck
  • ejna tayib tum....neuroblast
  • ejna tiibil tum....hematoblast
  • epetum....bullpen
  • fyaifrum....prayer station
  • fyuzam tum....prison cell
  • fyuzum....jail cell
  • iftilum....refreshment stand
  • izbum....cockpit
  • kodum....confessional
  • kotum....dungeon
  • kyobexum....detention cell
  • malbalum....air pressure chamber, airlock
  • malza tiibil tum....white blood cell
  • mampurizbum....cockpit
  • mastum....cabinet
  • melyexirum....shed, work shed
  • milapyoxum....shower stall
  • milibium....sump
  • miltum....lavabo, loo, w.c.
  • miluftum....lavatory
  • milum....w.c.
  • muga pexum....metal cage
  • mus zyutum....stairwell
  • mustum....stair well, stairwell
  • naskyaxum....money conversion booth
  • nixbuen tum....vending booth
  • novum....linen closet
  • nuntum....kiosk, vendor stand
  • nunuium....trade stall
  • nyebum....storage closet
  • nyentum....storage closet
  • nyexum....storage bin, closet
  • opyexum....bunker
  • pexum....cage, cell, clink, pent, trap
  • potijum....ovum
  • purkyoembum....parking lot booth
  • sarum....utility closest
  • sumtum....bunk, couchette
  • taabtum....lymphocyte
  • tabum....cell
  • tafbexlum....hatcheck
  • tamofum....campsite
  • tapsexum....workout space
  • taptyenium....workout space
  • tayib tum....nerve cell
  • teabexlutum....guard booth, guard post, guard booth
  • teetum....sound booth
  • telum....food kiosk, food stall, food stand
  • tiibil tum....blood cell, hemocyte
  • tiibiltum....leukocyte
  • tijbultum....spermatozoon
  • tijum....gamete
  • tilum....drink kiosk, refreshment stall, refreshment stand
  • tixum....study booth, study cubicle, study pod
  • tiyabilum....pissoir, water closet
  • tobijum....ovum
  • toj tum....death cell
  • tojbum....phagocyte
  • tolum....food stall
  • toofum....clothes closet
  • tuxum....carrel
  • tyalogum....snack bar
  • ujpontum....tomb
  • vobijum....ovum
  • vobvazum....chloroplast
  • vyakxam tum....prison cell
  • yakunidum....cubicle
  • yexum....work cubicle, workspace, workstation
  • yibdalirum....telephone booth, phone booth
  • yixnuxtum....tollbooth
  • yonpyexrar-ovarea tum....casemate
  • yontum....compartment, nacelle
  • yujlarum....locker
  • yukomum....latrine
  • yuvbexum....detention cell, holding cell
  • zyufeebum....boll
  • zyuktum....wheelhouse
  • zyutum....shaft, well
The stem of words in this family begin with the consonant t, designating human, and end in b, meaning organism, body, or organ or p, having to do with the non-corporeal aspects of man, such as mind and emotion.
T-B Core Words
-B -P
tob....human, man top....soul, psyche
tab....body tap....physique
teb....head tep....mind
tib....trunk tip....sentiment, emotion
tub....arm tup....limb
All the names of the parts of the body are derived from these core words in a hierarchical fashion using stem vowel scalarization, as can be seen from the sample chart below of the body parts relating to arm and leg (not the parallelism):
Parts of the Body
upper arm
  • tob....person, human being
  • twob....man
  • toyb....woman
  • toob....gender
  • twoob....male
  • tooyb....female
Here are words derived from tob:
  • aajtobtun....paleo-anthropology
  • aajtobtuna....paleo-anthropological
  • aajtobtut....paleo-anthropologist
  • abtob....kingpin, super human, superman
  • abtoba....superhuman
  • afyapattob....seraph
  • afyapattoba....seraphic
  • afyapattobyan....seraphim
  • agara tobtojben....capital homicide, capital murder
  • agentoba sum....full-size mattress
  • agtobtojber....assassin, assassinate
  • agvitob....heartthrob
  • antoba mimpur....skiff
  • antoba sum....single bed
  • antobnad....single file
  • apayetob....batman
  • apeltob....spiderman
  • apetober....unhorse
  • asauntob....mannequin
  • atobij....germ, seed
  • atobijen....germination, shooting
  • atobijena....germinal
  • atobijer....germinate, shoot
  • atobijtojbul....germicidal, germicide
  • atobijuka....germ-free
  • atobijyea....germinative
  • awatob sum....single bed
  • bea tobyena teptijan....sentient
  • bi duhatob?....whose?
  • bi duhatobi?....whose?
  • bi hetobi....some people's
  • bi hitobi....of these people, these people's
  • bi mestob....janitorial
  • deuztob....songster
  • domep tobyog....street urchin
  • duhotob....who?
  • duhotob?....what person?, whom
  • duhotobi?....what persons?
  • ega tob....joe
  • ektobet dezun....puppet show
  • ektobet....doll, puppet
  • ektobetam....dollhouse
  • ektobetdez....puppetry
  • ektobeteb....puppet master, puppeteer
  • ektobeteben....pulling the strings, puppeteering, working a puppet
  • ektobeteber....pull the strings, puppeteer, work a puppet
  • ektobetebwa....puppeteered
  • ektobetexen....string-pulling
  • ektobetexut....string-puller
  • ektobetof....moppet
  • entoba sim....love seat, loveseat
  • entoba sum....double bed, double bed, full-size bed, double bed, twin bed
  • entoba tim....double room
  • entoba yija apetbixwa par....chaise
  • entobgoypar....whipsaw
  • epayetob....vampire [fictional]
  • epetob goblunog....veal cutlet
  • eyntoba....half-human
  • eyntobapet....centaur
  • fitob....fine fellow, fine gentleman, good guy
  • futob....bad guy, ruffler, villain
  • futobetyena....petulant
  • futobetyenan....petulance
  • futobetyenay....petulantly
  • fyatob....holy person, saint
  • fyatoban....sainthood
  • fyatobyena....saintly
  • fyefutob....gremlin, puck, leprechaun, ouphe
  • fyefutobag....orc, ogre
  • fyegyutob....elf
  • fyeiftob....pixie
  • fyetob....elf
  • fyetoba....elvish
  • fyetobag....giant
  • fyetobapyot....sphinx
  • fyetobepet....minotaur
  • fyetobet....elfin, pixie
  • fyetobog....dwarf, sprite
  • fyetobtelut....ogre, orc
  • fyetobteluyt....ogress
  • fyetobyena....elfish
  • fyetobyog....goblin
  • fyoektob....poppet
  • fyutob....pest, annoying person
  • gatobxen....re-humanization
  • gatobxer....re-humanize
  • gatobxwa....re-humanized
  • ha ana tob ho....the only person who
  • ha ana tob....the only person
  • ha ana tobi ho....the only people who
  • ha ana tobi....the only people
  • ha tob ho....the person who
  • habyena tobi ho....the kind of people that
  • heawa tob....a certain person, someone
  • hegla tobi....a certain number of people
  • hesag tobi....a certain number of people, certain people, some people
  • hetob....a certain person, somebody, someone
  • hetoba....a certain person's, somebody's, someone's
  • hetobas....somebody's thing, someone's
  • hetobasi....somebody's things, someone's
  • hetobi....some people
  • hitob....this person
  • hitoba....this person's
  • hitobi....these people
  • hyatob....every man, every person, everybody
  • hyatobi....all men, all people
  • iftob....fun person
  • intob....triumvir
  • intoba sum....queen-size bed
  • intobyan....triumvirate
  • joga tob....old person, young man
  • jogtob....young man
  • jogtobet....younker
  • jwasaxwa tob....protoplast
  • jwatob....protohuman
  • kapeltober....delouse
  • lotobaxen....stultification
  • lotobaxer....stultify
  • lotobaxwa....stultified
  • lotobxen....dehumanization
  • lotobxer....dehumanize, unperson
  • lotobxwa....dehumanized
  • lotobxyea....de-humanizing, dehumanizing
  • malyomtob....snowman
  • malztob....honky, whitey
  • meimtob....yokel
  • mestob....janitor
  • miektob....sandman
  • moibtob....caveman
  • momtob....spaceman
  • monsan ektobet....shadow-puppet
  • nyaztob....nabob
  • nyifbixwa ifektob....marionette
  • oga tob....tiddler
  • ogtob....minim
  • okesea tob....shavetail
  • oteabixea tob....unattractive person
  • otob....unperson
  • otoba....inhuman, nonhuman, unhuman
  • otoban....inhumanity
  • otobava....inhumane
  • otobavay....inhumanely
  • otobay....inhumanly
  • otobexwa....unmanned
  • otobifa....unhumanitarian
  • ovtobifa....inhumane
  • ovtobifan....inhumanity
  • oybtoba....subhuman
  • pattob....angel, birdman
  • pattobyena....angelic
  • potob....baby buck, cub
  • sirtob....automaton, robot
  • sirtoba....robotic
  • sirtobxer....robotize
  • suztob....mannequin
  • syaagirtob....cyborg
  • teaztob....prodigy
  • tejika tob....live wire, livewire
  • tob....human being, man, person
  • toba....human
  • tobag....giant, grownup, highmuckamuck
  • toban....humanity, humanness, manhood
  • tobava....humane, humanitarian
  • tobavat....humanitarian
  • tobavay....humanely
  • tobavin....humanism, humanitarianism
  • tobavina....humanistic, humanitarian
  • tobavinut....humanist, humanitarian
  • tobay....humanly
  • tobbixwa belir....tuk-tuk
  • tobbixwa par....ricksha
  • tobdata yogxun....macro
  • tobeon....duo
  • tobet....chap, chit, juvenile, youth
  • tobetan....youth
  • tobetdal....prattle
  • tobetdaler....prattle
  • tobetdalut....prattler
  • tobetekem....sandlot
  • tobetel....pap
  • tobetifek zyunog....pewee
  • tobetog....tot
  • tobetyena vyoek....monkey-shine, monkeyshine
  • tobetyena....youthful
  • tobetyenan....youthfulness
  • tobeytsen....becoming a girl
  • tobeytser....become a girl
  • tobeytxer....make a girl
  • tobeytyena....maidenly, girlish
  • tobfyabuun....human sacrifice
  • tobif....buster, chap, dude
  • tobifa xeyn....beneficence
  • tobifa....beneficent, humane, humanitarian
  • tobifan....humaneness
  • tobifay....beneficently, humanely
  • tobifin....humanitarianism, philanthropy
  • tobifina....philanthropic
  • tobifinay....philanthropically
  • tobifinut....humanitarian, philanthropist
  • tobifut....humane person, humanitarian
  • tobij....fetus
  • tobija....fetal
  • tobijabnyeb....amnion
  • tobijabnyeba....amniotic
  • tobijben....impregnation, ovulation
  • tobijber....impregnate, ovulate
  • tobijblea....gestating, pregnant
  • tobijblen....gestation, pregnancy
  • tobijblena....gestational
  • tobijbler....gestate
  • tobijbwa....impregnated, ovulated, pregnant
  • tobijea....ovulating
  • tobijen....ovulation
  • tobijer....ovulate
  • tobijien....conception
  • tobijnyem....womb
  • tobijnyema....uterine
  • tobijnyemoben....hysterectomy
  • tobijoga....ovular
  • tobijovar....contraceptive
  • tobijovben....contraception
  • tobijovbena....contraceptive
  • tobijovber....contracept
  • tobijuen....impregnation
  • tobijuer....impregnate
  • tobijuf....oviduct
  • tobijum....ovum
  • tobijumi....ova
  • tobijumog....ovule
  • tobijuwa....impregnated, pregnant
  • tobijyafwan....pregnancy
  • tobijyem....ovary
  • tobijyema....ovarian
  • tobin....humanism
  • tobina....humanist, humanistic
  • tobinut....humanist
  • tobion....triumvirate
  • tobkex....bounty-hunt, manhunt
  • tobkexen....bounty-hunting, man-hunting
  • tobkexer....manhunt
  • tobkexut....bounty hunter, man-hunter
  • tobmir....world of men
  • tobmiran....earthliness
  • tobnyan....crowd, group
  • tobnyanin....groupism
  • tobnyanina....groupist
  • tobnyaninut....groupy
  • tobnyanser....group
  • tobnyanut....groupie
  • tobnyanxer....group
  • tobnyanxwa....grouped
  • tobog....grig, little person, midget, pewee
  • toboyg....bugger, damsel, young lady
  • toboyt....female child, female infant
  • tobpixlawa....kidnapped
  • tobpixlawat....kidnapping victim
  • tobpixlen....kidnapping
  • tobpixler....kidnap
  • tobpixlut....kidnapper
  • tobsan....manikin, mannikin
  • tobsana....anthropomorphic
  • tobsanan....anthropomorphism
  • tobsanay....anthropomorphically
  • tobsaun....humankind, mankind
  • tobsaxwa....man-made, manmade
  • tobsayna....android, anthropoid
  • tobsaynat....android, anthropoid
  • tobtelen....cannibalization, cannibalizing
  • tobteler....cannibalize
  • tobtelin....cannibalism
  • tobtelina....cannibalistic
  • tobtelinut....cannibalist
  • tobtelut....cannibal
  • tobtelwa....cannibalized
  • tobtod....mankind
  • tobtojben....homicide, killing, manslaughter, murder, murdering, slaying
  • tobtojber....kill, murder, slay
  • tobtojbut....killer, murderer, slayer
  • tobtojbuyt....murderess
  • tobtojbwa....killed, murdered, slayed
  • tobtojbwat....homicide victim, murder victim, slaying victim
  • tobtojbyea....homicidal, murderous
  • tobtojbyeay....murderously
  • tobtun....anthropology
  • tobtuna....anthropological
  • tobtut....anthropologist
  • tobtuzunxwa....man-made
  • tobud tistam....playschool
  • tobuen....manning
  • tobuer....man
  • tobuf....misanthropy
  • tobufa....misanthropic
  • tobufan....misanthropy
  • tobufat....misanthropist
  • tobufay....misanthropically
  • tobufin....misanthropy
  • tobufina....misanthropic
  • tobufinut....misanthrope, misanthropist
  • tobufut....misanthrope
  • tobunay....anthropologically
  • tobupyot....werewolf
  • tobuwa....manned
  • tobwot....male infant
  • tobxen....humanization
  • tobxer....humanize
  • tobxut....humanizer
  • tobxwa....humanized
  • tobyafon....human power, manpower
  • tobyafonuwa....human-powered
  • tobyan....humanity, humankind, mankind
  • tobyen....manliness, virility
  • tobyena....anthropoid, humanoid, manful, manlike, manly, virile
  • tobyenan....manliness
  • tobyenas....humanoid
  • tobyenat....humanoid
  • tobyenay....manfully
  • tobyentaf....costume
  • tobyentafwa....costumed
  • tobyog....kid, pigmy, pygmy, urchin
  • tobyogen....acting like a kid, mischief, playing pranks
  • tobyoger....act like a kid, be mischievous, play pranks
  • tobyogif....kiddie
  • tobyogyena....kiddish
  • tobzena....anthropocentric
  • tosyafa tob....sensible person
  • tuyab ektobet....hand puppet
  • tyoyav ektobet....sock puppet
  • uftayixea tob....cocksucker
  • umvib tob....scare crow, straw man
  • untoba sum....king-size bed
  • upyotob....wolfman
  • utobdabea....submissive
  • utobyexer....protect oneself
  • vatob....yes-man
  • vutob....troll
  • vutobag....ogre
  • vutobagyena....ogreish
  • vuutob....dandy
  • vuutobxer....dandify
  • vuutobxwa....dandified
  • vyexwa tob....concerned person
  • vyotob....dummy
  • vyunuka tobijien....immaculate conception
  • vyutobet....ragamuffin
  • yaga untoba sum....California king-size bed
  • yaguntoba suem....California King mattress
  • yanmestob....tableman
  • yextob....workingman
  • yeybtobijnyema....intrauterine
  • yibajtob....yore
  • yivtob....freeman
  • yiztob....superman
  • yiztoba....superhuman
  • yiztobay....superhumanly
  • yomtob....iceman
  • yosotobyan....cohort
  • yuftob....boogeyman, boogie man
  • yugtob....softling
  • zatob....foreperson
  • zetob....arbiter, arbitrager, arbitrageur, arbitrator, medium, middleman, middle man, intermediary
  • zetobaxlen....mediating, mediation
  • zetobaxler....mediate
  • zetobaxlu....mediator
  • zetobdien....arbitrage, arbitrament
  • zetobdiena....arbitral
  • zetobduen....arbitrate, arbitrating, arbitration
  • zetobduwa....arbitrated
  • zyuktob....wheelman
Words derived from twob (man):
  • asauntwob....male mannequin
  • bikuka twobet....scapegrace
  • deuzutyan twobet....choirboy
  • diztwob....jackass
  • ektwobet....boy doll
  • fyatwob....male saint
  • fyepitwob....merman
  • fyevutwobog....troll
  • hetwob....some guy, some man
  • hetwoba....some man's
  • hetwobas....some man's
  • hetwobasi....some man's things
  • hetwobi....some men
  • hitwob....this man
  • hitwoba....this man's
  • hitwobi....these men
  • hyatwob....every man
  • hyatwoba....every man's
  • hyatwobas....every man's
  • hyatwobasi....every man's things
  • hyatwobi....all men
  • jaga twob....old man
  • pimtwobet....ship's boy
  • tamdomtwobet....homeboy
  • tamtwobet....houseboy
  • tamyuxtwobet....knave
  • tistam twobet....schoolboy
  • tooybyena twob....cockney
  • toybtwobsana....gynandromorphous
  • toybtwobyena....gynandrous
  • tuuxen bi twobi ay toybi....coeducation
  • twob....bloke, fellow, guy, man
  • twoba eftim....men's room, men’s lavatory
  • twoba tof....menswear
  • twoba....man's, men’s
  • twoban....manhood
  • twobet yabdeuzwut....treble
  • twobet yabdeuzwuta....treble
  • twobet....boy, lad
  • twobetan....boyhood
  • twobetog....laddie
  • twobetyen....puerility
  • twobetyena....boyish, puerile
  • twobetyenan....boyishness
  • twobetyenay....boyishly
  • twobgon....male member, penis, dick
  • twobi....men, menfolk
  • twobog....little fellow, young man
  • twobyan....collection of men
  • twobyen....machismo, mannishness
  • twobyena....macho, manlike, manly, mannish, virile
  • twobyenan....manliness, virility
  • twobyenay....mannishly
  • utyena twobet....brat
  • uxlea twob....manservant
  • vutwobog....gnome
  • vutwoboga....gnomic
  • vutwobogyena....gnomish
  • vyutwob....sloven
  • yuxtwobet....knave, boy servant, jack
  • yuxtwobet....swain
Words derived from toyb (woman):
  • asauntoyb....female mannequin
  • aztoybet....chit
  • beaxtoyb....duenna
  • dalovekyea jagtoyb....termagant
  • deuztoyb....songstress
  • ebtoyba....woman-to-woman
  • ektoybet....girl doll
  • futoyb....jade, tramp
  • futoybyena....jadish
  • fyatoyb....female saint
  • fyepitoyb....mermaid
  • fyetoybag....giantess
  • hetoyb....some woman
  • hetoyba....some woman's
  • hetoybas....some woman's
  • hetoybasi....some woman's things
  • hetoybi....some women
  • hitoyb....this woman
  • hitoyba....this woman's
  • hitoybi....these women
  • hyatoyb....every woman
  • hyatoyba....every woman's
  • hyatoybas....every woman's
  • hyatoybasi....every woman's things
  • hyatoybi....all women
  • hyutoyb....minx
  • ifwa toyb....ladylove
  • jaga toyb....matron, old lady, old woman
  • joga toyb....young woman
  • jogtoyb....young lady, young woman
  • momtoyb....spacewoman
  • nuxiftoyb....hooker
  • ofwimtoyb....odalisk, odalisque
  • otoybyena....unladylike
  • pitoyb....siren
  • tamtoyb....woman of the house
  • tezika fitixwa toyb....bluestocking
  • tistam toyb....schoolgirl
  • toyb tofabim....boudoir
  • toyb vyoekdezen....female impersonation, playing a drag queen
  • toyb vyoekdezun....drag queen show
  • toyb vyoekdezut....drag queen, female impersonator
  • toyb....woman
  • toyba....womanhood
  • toybbaktun....gynecology
  • toybbaktuna....gynecologic, gynecological
  • toybbaktunay....gynecologically
  • toybbaktut....gynecologist
  • toybbik....obstetrics
  • toybbika....obstetric, obstetrical
  • toybbikut....obstetrician
  • toybboktun....gynecopathy
  • toybboktuna....gynecopathic
  • toybboktut....gynecopath
  • toybdab....gynecocracy gynarchy
  • toybdaba....gynarchic, gynecocratic
  • toybdeb....gynarch, gynecocrat
  • toybet....gal, girl, lass, lassie, maiden
  • toybetan....girlhood, maidenhood
  • toybetyena....girlish, girly
  • toybetyenan....girlishness
  • toybetyenay....girlishly, maidenly
  • toybeymir....demimonde
  • toybeymirayt....demimondaine
  • toybi....womenfolk
  • toybifa....feminist, pro-woman
  • toybifin....feminism
  • toybifina....feminist, pro-woman
  • toybifinut....feminist
  • toybifoneken....philandering
  • toybifoneker....philander
  • toybifonekut....philanderer
  • toybifut....womanizer
  • toybil....human milk, mothers milk
  • toybin....feminism
  • toybina....feminist
  • toybinut....feminist
  • toybkexea....woman-seeking
  • toybkexen....seeking out women
  • toybkexut....woman-seeker
  • toybkof....purdah
  • toybnoyv....sanitary napkin
  • toybob....infant girl
  • toybot....infant daughter
  • toybtwobsana....gynandromorphous
  • toybtwobyena....gynandrous
  • toybuf....futz, misogyny
  • toybufa....misogynous, woman-hating
  • toybufen....woman-hating
  • toybufin....misogyny
  • toybufina....misogynistic
  • toybufinut....misogynist
  • toybufut....misogynist
  • toybyan....womankind
  • toybyekuen....womanizing
  • toybyekuer....womanize
  • toybyekuut....womanizer
  • toybyena....feminine, ladylike, queeny, sissified, womanish, womanlike
  • toybyenan....femininity, womanliness
  • toybyenay....womanly
  • toybyig....virago
  • toybyog....molly
  • toybzoigpen....woman-chasing, womanizing
  • toybzoigput....woman-chaser
  • tuuxen bi twobi ay toybi....coeducation
  • tuxtoyb....schoolmarm
  • tuxtoybyena....schoolmarmish
  • utoybdaber....kowtow, submit
  • utoybdabyean....submissiveness
  • vuftoyb....fishwife
  • vujagtoyb....hag
  • vujagtoybyena....haggish
  • vutoybag....ogress
  • yextoyb....workingwoman
  • yiztoyb....superwoman
  • yuktoyb....strumpet
  • zuza toybwet....hobbledehoy
Here are words derived from toob (gender ), twoob (male) or tooyb (female):
  • antooba....unisex, unisexual
  • avhyitoobifa....pro-gay
  • avhyitoobifan....pro-gayness
  • bay twoobi ay tooybi....co-ed, coed
  • duhotooba?....of what gender?
  • ebtooba....cross-gendered, intersex
  • ebtooban....androgyny
  • ebtoobat....intersex person
  • egtooba....cisgender
  • entooba....bi-gendered, hermaphroditic
  • entoobat....bi-gendered person, hermaphrodite
  • entoobifa....bisexual
  • entoobifan....bisexuality
  • entoobinfay....bisexually
  • evtooba....epicene, gender-neutral, neuter
  • geltoobifa....homophile, homosexual
  • geltoobifan....homophily, homosexuality
  • geltoobifanufa....homophobic
  • geltoobifanufan....homophobia
  • geltoobifanufut....homophobe
  • geltoobifin....homophilism
  • geltoobifina....homophilic
  • geltoobifinut....homophile
  • geltoobifut....homosexual
  • getoobifa....gay, homosexual
  • getoobifan....gayness, homosexuality
  • getoobifut....gay person, homosexual
  • getoobifuyt....lesbian, female homosexual
  • getoobifwut....gay male homosexual
  • getoobiyfa....lesbian, female homosexual
  • getoobwifa....gay male homosexual
  • glatooba....multi-gendered
  • hitooba....this gender
  • hutooba....that gender
  • hyaewatooba....ambigendered
  • hyaewatoobifa....ambi-sexual
  • hyatooba....omni-sexual, pan-sexual
  • hyatoobifa....pan-sexual
  • hyatoobifan....pan-sexuality
  • hyatoobifut....pan-sexual
  • hyetooba....any gender-fluid, of any gender, of whatever gender, whatever gender
  • hyetoobat....person of whatever gender
  • hyitooba tadan....same-sex marrage
  • hyitooba....same gender
  • hyitoobifa....homophile, homosexual, same-sex
  • hyitoobifan....homosexuality
  • hyitoobifayt....lesbian
  • hyitoobifaytan....lesbianism
  • hyitoobifaytin....lesbianism
  • hyitoobifinut....homophile
  • hyitoobifut....fag, faggot, homosexual
  • hyotooba....genderless, of no gender, ungendered
  • hyotoobat....person of no gender
  • hyotoobifa....asexual
  • hyotoobifan....asexuality
  • hyotoobifay....asexually
  • hyutoob....alternative gender
  • hyutooba....alternatively gendered, different-gendered
  • hyutoobifa....heterosexual, straight
  • hyutoobifan....heterosexuality, straightness
  • hyutoobifut....heterosexual, straight person
  • kwatooyb....trans female, trans woman
  • kyatooba....of variable gender, transgender, transgendered
  • kyatoobasea....transitioning
  • kyatoobasen....transitioning gender
  • kyatoobaser....transition gender
  • kyatoobat....transgender person
  • kyatoobaxwa....transitioned
  • kyatooyb....trans female, trans woman
  • kyatooyba....trans female
  • kyatooybser....transition to a female
  • kyatwoob....trans male, trans man
  • kyatwooba....trans male
  • kyatwoobsen....transitioning to a male
  • kyatwoobser....transition to a male
  • kyetooba....of any gender, of whatever gender, random-gender
  • kyetooban....gender fluidity
  • kyotooba....cisgendered, fixed-gender, of fixed gender
  • kyotoobat....cisgendered person
  • logeltooba....different-gendered
  • lotoobaxen....gender-nullification
  • lotoobaxer....gender-nullify
  • lotoobaxwa....gender-nullified
  • lotoobxer....unman
  • otooba....gender-neutral, neuter, sexless, ungendered, unsexed
  • otoobaxen....neutering
  • otoobaxer....neuter
  • otoobaxwa....neutered
  • otoobifa....non-sexual, nonsexual
  • otoobina....nonsexist
  • otooybyena....unfeminine
  • otooybyenan....unfemininity
  • ovhyitoobifa....anti-gay
  • ovhyitoobifan....anti-gayness
  • oytooba....genderless
  • oytoobat....genderless person
  • toob....gender, sex
  • tooba tiibilnad tyed....agnate
  • tooba....gender-related, sexual
  • toobika....sexed
  • toobin....sexism
  • toobina....sexist
  • toobinut....sexist
  • toobvia....hunky
  • toobyena....butch
  • tooyb....female
  • tooyba teuzuen....female suffrage
  • tooyba....female, feminine
  • tooyban....femaleness
  • tooybay....femininely
  • tooybyena twob....cockney
  • tooybyena....effeminate, female-ish, feminine
  • tooybyenan....effeminacy, femininity
  • tooybyenay....effeminately
  • tooybyenwat....sissy
  • twoob....male
  • twooba....male
  • twooban....maleness
  • twoobin....male chauvinism
  • twoobina....male chauvinistic
  • twoobinut....male chauvinist
  • twoobyena....male-ish, masculine
  • twoobyenan....masculinity
  • twoobyenay....masculinely
  • twoobyenoben....emasculation
  • twoobyenober....emasculate
  • twoobyenobwa....emasculated
  • twooyba....hermaphroditic
  • twooybat....hermaphrodite
  • twooybsana....gynandromorph
  • twooybsanat....gynandromorph
  • yiija hyitoobifut....flamer
  • zetooba....middle-gender
  • zeytooba....trans, transsexual
  • zeytoobat....trans, transsexual
  • zeytoobin....transsexualism
  • tab....body
Words derived from tab:
  • antabesut....eremite
  • aotyanebtabifek....orgy
  • aotyanebtabifeka....orgiastic
  • be tabmeluk....graveside
  • ebtabif mansin....sex photo
  • ebtabif nyuxen....prostitution
  • ebtabif nyuxut....prostitute, streetwalker
  • ebtabif nyuxuyt....female prostitute
  • ebtabif yexut....sex worker
  • ebtabif yuxler....prostitute oneself
  • ebtabif yuxlut....prostitute, streetwalker
  • ebtabif....coitus, intercourse, sex
  • ebtabifa byaxwan....randiness
  • ebtabifa duregen....sexual harassment
  • ebtabifa....coital, sexual
  • ebtabifam....brothel, hothouse
  • ebtabifan....sexuality
  • ebtabifay byaxwa....randy
  • ebtabifay ibixyea....toothsome
  • ebtabifay ubixeat....sizzler
  • ebtabifay....sexually
  • ebtabifaya....raunchy
  • ebtabifayan....raunchiness
  • ebtabifdet....sex mate
  • ebtabifdren....porn, porno, pornography
  • ebtabifdrena aagdezut....porn star
  • ebtabifdrena....pornographic
  • ebtabifdrenay....pornographically
  • ebtabifdrut....pornographer
  • ebtabifek....sex game, sex play
  • ebtabifeka....sexual
  • ebtabifekar....sex toy
  • ebtabifeken....fooling around, fornication, having sex
  • ebtabifeker....fool around, fornicate, have sex
  • ebtabifekut....fornicator
  • ebtabifen....having intercourse, having sex, love-making, lovemaking, making love, shagging
  • ebtabifer....have intercourse, have sex, make love, shag
  • ebtabifien....getting aroused, sexual pleasure
  • ebtabifier....enjoy sex, get aroused
  • ebtabifika....raunchy
  • ebtabifikan....raunchiness
  • ebtabifikay....raunchily
  • ebtabifon....eros
  • ebtabifona....erotic
  • ebtabifonan....eroticism
  • ebtabifonay....erotically
  • ebtabifrut....sexpot
  • ebtabifuen....eroticization, sexual arousal
  • ebtabifuer....eroticize, sexually arouse
  • ebtabifuul....aphrodisiac
  • ebtabifuusi....erotica
  • ebtabifuwa....eroticized, sexually aroused
  • ebtabifuyea....erogenous, sexually arousing, sexy
  • ebtabifuyeay....sexily
  • ebtabifxea....prurient
  • ebtabifxeay....pruriently
  • ebtabifxen....sexualization
  • ebtabifxer....sexualize
  • ebtabifxwa....sexualized
  • ebtabifyof....impotence
  • ebtabifyofa....impotent
  • ebtabifyofser....become impotent
  • ebtabifyofxer....make impotent
  • ebtabifyuxlam....whorehouse
  • ebtabifyuxler....whore
  • ebtabifyuxlutyena....whoreish, whorish
  • ebtabifyuxluyt....whore
  • ebtabifyuxluytan....whoredom
  • etabij....larva
  • etabija....larval
  • futabyena....unpoised
  • gayantabxen....reincorporation
  • gayantabxer....reincorporate
  • glatabnagdrir....polygraph
  • glatabnagdrira....polygraphic
  • glatabnagdrirtyen....polygraphy
  • glotab....oligarchy
  • glotaba....oligarchic, oligarchical
  • gopelatetabij....caterpillar
  • graebtabifa....oversexed
  • gratabnyan....bulk
  • groebtabifuwa....undersexed
  • gyotaba....lank, scrawny
  • gyotaban....lankness, scrawniness
  • hyetebtabifayt....demimondaine
  • itabij....pupa
  • joebtabifa....post-coital
  • kyitaba....heavyset
  • kyitabat....heavyweight
  • lotabxwa....unbodied
  • loyebtabxen....disembodiment
  • loyebtabxer....disembody
  • loyebtabxwa....disembodied
  • nefartabos....spinneret
  • ogratab....corpuscle
  • ogrataba....corpuscular
  • otabosa....inorganic
  • otabosay....inorganically
  • ovtabes....antibody
  • ovtabessaxul....antigen
  • ovtabessaxula....antigenic
  • ovyaba ebtabif....buggery
  • ovyaba ebtabifut....bugger
  • oyantabxwa....unincorporated
  • oyebtaba....outboard
  • pittabij....roe
  • purtabyex....bodywork
  • purtabyexam....body shop
  • tab syag....body count
  • tab tayeb....body hair
  • tab utsinyen....body image
  • tab....body, corpus
  • taba basyen....body language
  • taba....bodily, corporal
  • tababaoxun....body rub
  • tababaxlun....body massage
  • tabaga....burly, corpulent, stout
  • tabagan....burliness, corpulence, corpulency, size, stoutness
  • tabaka....healthy, physically sound
  • tabakan....health, physical soundness
  • taban....corporality
  • tabay....bodily, corporally
  • tabaza....strong-bodied
  • tabazan....strength of body
  • tabazaxer....do body-building, do bodybuilding
  • tabbeaxut....bodyguard
  • tabbula....tabbouleh
  • tabes....corpuscle
  • tabesa....corpuscular
  • tabesijen....ontogeny
  • tabetyoyaf....bootee, bootie
  • tabgon....body part
  • tabgoni....viscera
  • tabgontixer....anatomize
  • tabgontun....anatomy
  • tabgontuna....anatomic, anatomical
  • tabgontunay....anatomically
  • tabgontut....anatomist
  • tabgonyana....visceral
  • tabij....embryo
  • tabija....embryonic
  • tabijayeb....cotyledon
  • tabijil....embryonic fluid
  • tabijtun....embryology
  • tabijtuna....embyological
  • tabijtut....embryologist
  • tabijyena....embryo-like, embryonic
  • tabil....body fluid, humor
  • tabila....humoral
  • tabkex....body search, strip search
  • tabkexen....strip searching
  • tabkexer....strip search
  • tabkexwa....strip searched
  • tabkum....flank
  • tabkyin....bodyweight
  • tabkyoxwa....cataleptic
  • tabkyoxwan....catalepsy
  • tabmegnyeb....sarcophagus
  • tabmeluk meg....gravestone, headstone, tomb stone, tombstone
  • tabmeluk....tomb
  • tabmelukem....graveyard, saree
  • tabmelzyeg meg....gravestone, headstone, tomb stone, tombstone
  • tabmelzyeg....tomb
  • tabmelzyegem....graveyard
  • tabmuf....gibbet
  • tabmufzyeg....catheter
  • tabmufzyeger....catheterize
  • tabnuinuyt....harlot
  • tabnuinuytan....harlotry
  • tabnuniam....bordello
  • tabnyaun sagmus....body mass index
  • tabnyaun....body mass
  • tabnyef....body bag, cyst
  • tabnyefa....cystic
  • tabnyem....casket
  • tabobelun....corpse
  • tabobyeb....papoose
  • tabog....corpuscle
  • taboga....corpuscular
  • tabogrun....corpuscle
  • tabogruna....corpuscular
  • taboka....ill, physically unwell, sick
  • tabokan....illness, physical unwellness
  • tabokat....physically ill person
  • tabol....haslet
  • tabos ifbuut....organ donor
  • tabos zaykyoben....organ transplant
  • tabos....organ
  • tabosa....organic, organismic
  • tabosoben....evisceration
  • tabosober....eviscerate
  • tabosobwa....eviscerated
  • tabosok....atrophy
  • tabosoken....atrophying
  • tabosokya....atrophic, atrophied
  • tabosyan....organism
  • tabovmas....body armor, body shield
  • taboza....tired, weak-bodied
  • tabozan....fatigue
  • tabozaser....become tired, grow tired
  • tabozaxer....make tired, tire out
  • tabozaxwa....fatigued, tired
  • tabpyoxwastel....mast
  • tabpyoxwasteluer....mast
  • tabpyoxwasteluwa....masted
  • tabsan....body shape
  • tabsaun....body type
  • tabsin....figure
  • tabsina....figurative
  • tabsindras....figure drawing
  • tabsindrun....figure drawing
  • tabsindrut....figure drawer
  • tabteax....autopsy
  • tabteaxer....autopsy, do an autopsy
  • tabteaxwa....autopsied
  • tabtoswa....visceral
  • tabtosway....viscerally
  • tabuka....unbodied
  • tabum....cell
  • tabummul....cytoplasm
  • tabummula....cytoplasmic
  • tabumtun....cytology
  • tabumtuna....cytological
  • tabumtut....cytologist
  • tabuzlea....squirming, writhing
  • tabuzlen....squirming, writhing
  • tabuzler....squirm, writhe
  • tabuzlyea....squirmy
  • tabvyavyek....bodycheck
  • tabyeklen ifek....wrestling match
  • tabyeklen....wrestling
  • tabyekler....wrestle
  • tabyeklut....wrestler
  • tabyen....poise, posture, attitude
  • tabyigsa....catatonic
  • tabyigsan....catatonia
  • tabyuz....tegument
  • tabzyoa....skintight
  • tabzyoxwa....formfitting
  • teptaba....psychosomatic
  • tetab....church hierarchy
  • tetaba....ecclesiastical
  • toja tab....cadaver
  • tojpotab....carcass
  • tojtab....corpse, dead body
  • tojtabteliut....ghoul
  • tojtabteliutyena....ghoulish
  • tojtabteliutyenan....ghoulishness
  • tojtabteliutyenay....ghoulishly
  • tumtabes....organelle
  • uktabmelzyeg....cenotaph
  • utaber....impose oneself
  • utabij....imago
  • vitaba....buff
  • volztabog....chromosome
  • volztaboga....chromosomal
  • xeler ebtabifyex....practice sex work
  • xer tabkex....perform a body search
  • yabdouta tabifnuut....courtezan
  • yabdouta tabnunut....courtesan
  • yantabxea....incorporating
  • yantabxen....incorporating, incorporation
  • yantabxer....incorporate
  • yantabxwa....incorporated
  • yebtabnyefben....encystment
  • yebtabnyefber....encyst
  • yebtabosyan....offal, viscera
  • yetabifek....heptathlon
  • yitetab....religious order
  • yuzyebtabosa....perivisceral
From this root word are formed all the parts of the body that relate to the body as a whole:
  • taob....flesh, tissue, meat
  • taab....lymph node
  • taeb....muscle
  • taib....bone
  • takib....vertebra
  • taub....cartilage
  • tayob....skin, hide
  • tayab....fat
  • tayeb....hair
  • tayib....nerve
  • tayub....gland
The word tayob (skin) or its stub suffix ayob have the following derived words:
  • abtayob....epidermis
  • apetayob....horsehide
  • apyitayob....sharkskin
  • bifayob....banana peel
  • epeytayob....cowhide
  • fatayob....hull
  • fayob....bark, rind, tree bark
  • fevol fayob....onion peel
  • gapyotayob....bearskin
  • gyotayob....pellicle
  • kaduzarayob....drumhead, tympan, tympanum
  • kyipotayob....coonskin
  • lavol fayob....potato peel
  • magelwa yeb piitayob....scalloped
  • mapiyetayob....carapace, shell, tortoise shell, turtle shell
  • mapyetayob....tortoiseshell
  • meir abayob....earth's crust
  • meir ebayob....earth's mantle
  • meylzaxfayob....tanbark
  • mofayob....nutshell
  • nofebayob....nutshell
  • oabunwa tayob....buff
  • omeylzaxwa petayob....kip
  • omeylzaxwa tayob....rawhide
  • oyebtayob....cuticle
  • patijayob....egg shell, eggshell
  • piitayob....conk, scallop, sea scallop, seashell, shell
  • potayob....animal hide, animal skin
  • sipotayob....moleskin
  • tayob....hide, pellicle, rind, skin
  • upetayob....sheepskin
  • upetubayob....lambskin
  • vafayob....grape skin
  • vapyetayob....cochlea
  • vayob....hull, husk
  • veebayob....bur
  • veeybayob....shuck
  • vipotayob....deerskin
  • vosayob....sepal
  • vyupotayob....buckskin, suede, doeskin
  • yapetayob....pigskin
  • yebikxer potayob....stuff an animal hide
  • yebtayob....endoderm
  • yobtayob....cortex
  • yoepetayob....Angora goat, angora
  • yopetayob....goatskin
  • yopetud tayob....kidskin
  • yuztayob....periderm
  • zatayob....carapace, foreskin, prepuce, shell
  • zetayob....epithelium
Similarly, the word tayeb (hair), along with its stub suffix ayeb have many derived words:
  • absayeb....upper layer
  • alilkayeb....aluminum foil
  • apetayeb....horsehair
  • apwatayeb....cockscomb
  • bafayeb....palm leaf
  • caulkayeb....copper foil
  • ebsayeb....layer in-between, mantle
  • enymolza tayeb....grizzle
  • epatayeb....eiderdown
  • fayeb....blade, foil, leaf
  • gapyotayeb....fuzz
  • gepiatayeb....swansdown
  • gipotayeb....camel hair, camelhair
  • givofayeb....tobacco leaf
  • goblaruxer ota tayeb....get one's hair cut
  • iklaxwa vafayeb....stuffed grape leaves
  • infayeb....clover, club, shamrock
  • kelupotayeb....sable
  • masof tayeb....carpet pile
  • patayeb....feather, plume
  • petayeb....fur, animal hair
  • pitayeb....fish scale
  • potayeb....animal hair
  • safayeb....tea leaf
  • savayeb....frond
  • sayeb....foil, layer, sheet, spathe
  • sevobayeb....thistledown
  • sonilkayeb....tin foil, tin plate, tin-plate, tinfoil, tin-foil, tinplate
  • tab tayeb....body hair
  • tabijayeb....cotyledon
  • tayeb....hair, pile
  • teb tayeb....hair on the head
  • tebzan tayeb....scruff
  • teubayeb....mustache
  • tiab tayeb....chest hair
  • upatayeb....down, goose down
  • upetayeb....fleece
  • utayefa vyotayeb....jasey
  • uvosayeb....rose petal
  • vafayeb....blade of grass
  • vipatayeb....panache
  • vobilzayeb....xanthophyll
  • vosayeb....petal
  • vyotayeb....peruke, wig
  • yagzotayeb....mullet
  • yipetayeb....cat fur, cat hair
  • zatayeb....forelock
The tayib (nerve) family is quite rich:
  • abektun bi tayib....neurosurgery
  • ejna tayib tum....neuroblast
  • tayib bosaxul....sedative
  • tayib boxen....nerve block
  • tayib buk....nerve damage
  • tayib fab....dendrite
  • tayib fib....nerve trunk
  • tayib fub....axon
  • tayib fyob....nerve root
  • tayib igbux....nerve impulse
  • tayib mayl....nerve gas
  • tayib nif....nerve fiber
  • tayib tum....nerve cell
  • tayib ujun....nerve ending
  • tayib zen....nerve center
  • tayib....nerve
  • tayib-....neuro-
  • tayiba naap....nervous system
  • tayiba....nerve-related, nervous, neural
  • tayibabaxreay....irritatingly, exasperatingly
  • tayibabaxren....irritation, exasperation
  • tayibabaxrer....irritate, exasperate
  • tayibabaxrus....irritant
  • tayibabaxryafway....irritably
  • tayibabaxyafwa....irritable
  • tayibabaxyyafwan....irritability
  • tayib-abektut....neurosurgeon
  • tayibabxrawa....irritated
  • tayibabxrea....irritating
  • tayibaun....neuron
  • tayibauna....neuronal
  • tayibay....neurally
  • tayibaya....nervous
  • tayibayan....nervosity, nervousness
  • tayibbekkultunay....neuropharmacological
  • tayibbekultun....neuropharmacology
  • tayibbekultuna....neuropharmacological
  • tayibbekultut....neuropharmacologist
  • tayibbok....neurosis
  • tayibboka....neurotic
  • tayibbokan....neuroticism
  • tayibbokat....neurotic person
  • tayibbokay....neurotically
  • tayibboktun....neuropathology
  • tayibboktuna....neuropathological
  • tayibboktunay....neuropathologically
  • tayibboktut....neuropathologist
  • tayibbokul....neurotoxin
  • tayibbokuluyea....neurotoxic
  • tayibbokuluyean....neurotoxicity
  • tayibbook....neurasthenia
  • tayibbooka....neurasthenic
  • tayibbyisea....neurogenic
  • tayibbyuk....neuralgia
  • tayibbyuka....neuralgic
  • tayibdalzeyntun....neurolinguistics
  • tayibdalzeyntuna....neurolinguistic
  • tayibdalzeyntunay....neurolinguistically
  • tayibdalzeyntut....neurolinguist
  • tayibgyas....neuroma
  • tayibika....nervous
  • tayibikan....nervosity, nervousness
  • tayibmavxen....neuritic
  • tayibnifyaz....ganglion
  • tayibnifyaza....ganglionic
  • tayibnyan....peduncle
  • tayiboex....neurolysis
  • tayiboexa....neurolytic
  • tayiboya....nerveless
  • tayiboyan....nervelessness
  • tayiboyegoblen....neurotomy
  • tayibtaeba....neuromuscular
  • tayibtejtun....neurobiology
  • tayibtejtuna....neurobiological
  • tayibtejtunay....neurobiologically
  • tayibtejtut....neurobiologist
  • tayibteptun....neuropsychology
  • tayibteptuna....neuropsychological
  • tayibteptunay....neuro-psychological
  • tayibteptut....neuro-psychologist, neuropsychologist
  • tayibtiibilufa....neurovascular
  • tayibtun....neurology
  • tayibtuna....neurological
  • tayibtunay....neurologically
  • tayibtut....neurologist
  • tayibubar....neurotransmitter
  • tayibuea....innervating
  • tayibuen....innervation
  • tayibuer....innervate
  • tayibujnod....synapse
  • tayibujnoda....synaptic
  • tayibuka....nerveless
  • tayibukan....nervelessness
  • tayibukay....nervelessly
  • tayibyan....nervous system
  • tayibyok....neuralgia
  • tayibyoka....neuralgic
  • teatayibbok....glaucoma
  • tyoaba tayib....sciatic nerve
  • tyoaba tayibbyok....sciatica

TEB and Derived Words


  • teb....head
  • teab....eye
  • teeb....ear
  • teib....nose
  • teub....mouth
  • teob....cheek
  • teyob....neck
  • teyub....horn
Here are words built from the root teb:
  • teb....head
  • abteb....scalp
  • obteb....neck, cervix, collum
  • obteba....cervical, jugular
  • zaobteb....adam's apple
  • zoobteb....nape
  • tebos....brain
  • tebos num....brain cell
  • tebos pyaon....brain wave
  • tebosa....cerebral
  • tebosa oyebmoys....cerebral cortex
  • tebosib....brain stem
  • zatebos....cerebrum
  • zotebos....cerebellum
  • tebos zyub....brain lobe
  • tebsin....countenance
  • tebsina....facial
  • tebabun....pate
  • tebkun....side of the head
  • tebnyem....cranium, skull
  • tebnyemsantun....phrenology
  • tebnyema....cranial
  • tebzan....face
  • tebzanuer....to face
  • tebuz....crown
  • eyntebuz....diadem
  • eyntebuyz....tiara
  • zateb....face, front of the head
  • zatebyen....mien, expression
  • zoteb....occiput, back of the head
  • zoteba....occipital
  • zoteba zyub....occipital lobe
  • yabteb....brow, forehead
  • yobteb....chin

TEAB, TEA- , and -EA- Words


The word teab means eye. Many words are built on this prolific root along with its truncated stub roots tea- and -ea-:
First off, physical words pertaining to the eye:
  • abektun bi teab....eye surgery
  • abteabyeb....eyebrow
  • abteabyexen....frowning, furling one's eyebrows
  • abteabyexer....frown, furl one's eyebrows
  • anteaba....monocular, one-eyed
  • anteabar....monocle
  • anteabarwa....monocled
  • ateabvolzvyon....protanopia
  • ateabvolzvyona....protanopic
  • ateabyeb....upper eyelash
  • azteabilea....bawling, sobbing, wailing
  • azteabilen....bawling, sobbing, wailing
  • azteabiler....bawl, sob, wail
  • azteabiluer....bawl out
  • be teabned....at eye level
  • dyeen teabar....reading glasses
  • enteaba....binocular
  • enteabar....binoculars
  • giteaba....eagle-eyed, hawk-eyed, keen-eyed, sharp-eyed
  • igteabyujen....blinking
  • igteabyujer....blink
  • ilpxer teabili....shed tears
  • ivteabil....tear of joy
  • ivteabilen....crying for joy
  • ivteabiler....cry for joy
  • jagteabbok....presbyopia
  • kiteaba....epicanthic, slant-eyed
  • kyopotteaba....beady-eyed
  • lofwa teabpasi....nystagmus
  • maar teabar....sunglasses
  • maarteabar....sunglasses
  • mateaba....bright-eyed
  • milzyep teabar....swimming goggles
  • molzteab....shiner
  • molzteaba....black-eyed
  • moteaba....sloe-eyed
  • muarteaba....moon-eyed
  • oteabaxea....unblinking
  • oteabyeb....lower eyelash
  • oteabzen....astigmatism
  • oteabzena....astigmatic, non-focal
  • ovmaara abteabar....sun visor
  • ozteabilea....whimpering
  • ozteabilen....whimpering
  • ozteabiler....whimper
  • ozteabilut....whimperer
  • piteab....fish eye, fisheye
  • pitteab....fisheye
  • pitteaba....fish-eyed, walleyed
  • teab byus....eye contact
  • teab dof....eye chart
  • teab malz....white of the eye, whites of the eyes
  • teab....eye, oculus
  • teaba....eye-related, ocular, ophthalmic, optic
  • teabab ambok....sty, stye
  • teabab....eyelid
  • teababen....blinking
  • teababer....blink
  • teababnyeb....choroid
  • teabakiluar....eyedropper
  • teabar....eyeglass, eyeglasses, glasses, spectacles
  • teabara....optical
  • teabarbea....bespectacled
  • teabarika....spectacled
  • teabarnam....eyeglasses store, optical store
  • teabarut....optician
  • teabax....wink
  • teabaxen....batting an eye, winking
  • teabaxer....bat an eye, wink
  • teabay....optically
  • teabbektyen....optometry
  • teabbektyena....optometric
  • teabbektyenut....optometrist
  • teabbok....ophthalmia
  • teabgos....floater
  • teabil....tear
  • teabila....lachrymal
  • teabilaya....lachrymose, lacrimal, tearful, teary
  • teabilea....crying, shedding tears, weeping
  • teabilen....crying, lachrymation, shedding tears, weeping
  • teabiler....cry, shed tears, weep
  • teabiles....tear drop
  • teabilien....tearing up
  • teabilier....tear up
  • teabilika....lachrymose, lacrimal, tearful, teary
  • teabilikay....tearfully
  • teabiluen....bringing to tears
  • teabiluer....bring to tears
  • teabiluus....tear-jerker
  • teabiluwa....brought to tears
  • teabiluyea din....sob story, tearjerker
  • teabiluyea....tear-jerking, weepy
  • teabilxar....lachrymator, lacrimator
  • teabilxyea....lachrymose, lacrimal
  • teabilzyun....tear drop, teardrop
  • teabilzyunuar....eye dropper
  • teabiwa....considered
  • teabix....attraction, visual attraction
  • teabixea....appealing, attractive
  • teabixean....attractiveness
  • teabixeay....attractively
  • teabixen....drawing attention
  • teabixer....draw looks
  • teabixus....attractor
  • teabixwer....be attracted
  • teabixyea....conspicuous, egregious
  • teabixyean....conspicuousness, egregiousness
  • teabixyeay....conspicuously, egregiously, signally
  • teabiyea....considerate
  • teabiyean....considerateness
  • teabiyeay....considerately
  • teabiyefwa....considerable
  • teabizer....aim
  • teabkof....blindfold
  • teabkofen....blindfolding
  • teabkofwa....blindfolded
  • teabkunad....conjunctiva
  • teabkunadbok....conjunctivitis
  • teabkyiab....eyestrain
  • teabneda....eye-level
  • teabnyed....retina
  • teabnyeda....retinal
  • teabnyedbok....retinopathy
  • teabober....gouge out one's eyes
  • teabofyuj....canth, eye fold
  • teabofyuja....epicanthic
  • teabog....eyelet
  • teabovar....eye protector, visor
  • teaboya....eyeless
  • teabpexea....appealing
  • teabsinukay....glassily
  • teabtun....ophthalmology
  • teabtuna....ophthalmological
  • teabtunay....ophthalmologically
  • teabtut....oculist, ophthalmologist
  • teabtyen....optics
  • teabtyenut....optician
  • teabuka....eyeless
  • teabulza....green-eyed
  • teabulza....green-eyed
  • teabulzan....green-eyedness
  • teabulzat....green-eyed person
  • teabulzat....green-eyed person
  • teabuzyuben....rolling one's eyes
  • teabuzyuber....roll one's eyes
  • teabvixul....eye shadow
  • teabvos....iris
  • teabvyixil....eyewash
  • teabyeb....cilia, eyelash
  • teabyebgyaxul....mascara
  • teabyelzbok....pinkeye
  • teabyexen....flirting
  • teabyexer....bat eyelashes, flirt
  • teabyexut....flirt
  • teabyexyea....flirtatious
  • teabyexyean....flirtatiousness
  • teabyexyeay....flirtatiously
  • teabyija....eyes wide open, fully aware, wide-eyed
  • teabyijay....with eyes wide open, with full awareness
  • teabyuijben....winking
  • teabyuijber....wink
  • teabyuijea....nictating
  • teabyuijen....blinking, nictating
  • teabyuijer....blink, nictate, nictitate
  • teabyunxar....sight
  • teabyunxer....aim, set one's sights on
  • teabyunxwa....aimed, sighted
  • teabzenar....rangefinder, sight
  • teabzyaa....wide-eyed
  • teabzyeg....eye orbit, eye socket
  • teabzyun bu teabzyun....eyeball to eyeball
  • teabzyun....eyeball, orb
  • tujteaba....sleepy-eyed
  • tuyabexwa teabaar....lorgnette
  • uvteabil....tear of sadness
  • uvteabilea....sobbing, weeping
  • uvteabilen....crying, sobbing, weeping
  • uvteabiler....cry, sob, weep
  • uvteabiluer....bring to tears, induce weeping, make weep
  • uvteabilxer....bring to tears, induce weeping, make weep
  • uzyuber ota teabi....roll one's eyes
  • vakteabar....goggles
  • vyuyteaba....bleary-eyed
  • yazteaba....bug-eyed
  • yim bi teabil....flood of tears
  • yokteaba....bug-eyed
  • yokteabilien....bursting into tears
  • yokteabilier....burst into tears
  • yolzteaba....blue-eyed
  • yolzteabat....blue-eyed person
  • yuibteabar....bifocals
  • yuibteaber....bifocals
  • zateab....cornea
  • zateaba....corneal
  • zateabmafnod....leucoma
  • zeteab....pupil
  • zeteaba....pupilary, pupillary
  • zeysteaba....crosseyed
  • zyateaba....wide-eyed
  • zyeva teab....glass eye
  • zyoteaba....squint-eyed, strabismic
  • zyuteaba....round-eyed
Now, words related to seeing with the eye, the principal ones being:
  • teater....to see
  • teaser....to seem
  • teaxer....to look at
  • teatier....to perceive
  • teatuer....to show
  • teaper....to visit
  • teader....to witness
  • teazexer....to focus
  • gelteaser....to resemble
  • teazuer....to amaze
  • aateatwa....first-seen
  • abteaxer....overlook
  • aglateatbok....macropsia
  • aglateaxara....macroscopic
  • aglateaxen....macroscopy
  • Ajna Fyatead....Old Testament
  • ajteax....retrospect, retrospective
  • ajteaxea....retrospective
  • ajteaxeay....retrospectively
  • ajteaxen....retrospection
  • ajteaxer....retrospect
  • alpkaxen teaxar....radar scope
  • alpkaxen yibteaxir....radar telescope
  • apeteaxuen....dressage
  • aybteas....overview, survey, synopsis
  • aybteasa....synoptic, synoptical
  • aybteasdid....survey
  • aybteasdiden....surveying
  • aybteasdider....conduct a survey, do a survey
  • aybteasdidier....take a survey
  • aybteasdidiut....survey-taker
  • aybteasdiduen....giving a survey
  • aybteasdiduer....give a survey
  • aybteasdiduut....survey-giver, surveyor
  • aybteasdidwa....surveyed
  • aybteax....oversight, overview, survey
  • aybteaxea....overlooking, overseeing, supervising
  • aybteaxen....invigilation, overseeing, superintendence, supervising, supervision, watching over
  • aybteaxena....supervisory
  • aybteaxer....invigilate, oversee, superintend, supervise
  • aybteaxut....intendant, invigilator, overseer, superintendent, supervisor
  • aybteaxutan....superintendency
  • aybteaxwa....overseen, supervised
  • baktean....health awareness, health consciousness
  • be ijna igteat....at first blush, at first glance
  • be ijna teat....at first sight
  • be teaxuyea if....in flagrante delicto
  • be yogteasi....snatchy
  • bekteap....checkup
  • bi hyua teasgun....from another perspective, on the other hand
  • bi oujyena teatyen....imperfective
  • bixpurteaxut....anorak
  • bookteasa....haggard
  • bookteasan....haggardness
  • bookteasay....haggardly
  • dezekut teas....curtain-call
  • dezteaxun....show, spectacle, theatrical show
  • dezteaxut....spectator, theater spectator
  • dodutteaxut....flasher
  • dota abteaxut....chaperon
  • dota abteaxutyan....chaperonage
  • dota abteaxuyt....chaperone
  • dotay abteaxwa....chaperoned
  • doteada....notarial
  • doteaden....notarization, notarizing
  • doteader....notarize
  • doteadut....notary
  • doteadwa....notarized
  • dresiynteatuar....charactron
  • ebteaxer....look between
  • Ejna Fyatead....New Testament
  • ennagteaxa....stereoscopic
  • ennagteaxar....stereoscope
  • enteazexa....bifocal
  • enteazexar....bifocals
  • enyibteaxar....binoculars
  • Et tease trawa bu at.....You look familiar to me.
  • eynteaten....glimpsing, making out
  • eynteater....glimpse, make out
  • eynteatwa....glimpsed, made out
  • eynteatyofa....purblind
  • eynteaxen....squinting
  • eynteaxer....squint
  • eynzyeteasa....semitransparent
  • eynzyeteatuwa....semi-opaque
  • finteatuyea duz....toccata
  • fitean....expertise, expertness
  • fiteapya....well-attended
  • fiteas nod....vantage point
  • fiteas....nice appearance, vantage
  • fiteasa....good-looking, handsome, nice-looking
  • fiteasea....good-looking, handsome, nice-looking
  • fiteaser....look good
  • fiteat....keen sight
  • fiteater....see keenly, see well
  • fiteay....expertly
  • fiteazexwa....well-focused
  • fiyuzteaxpurwa....well-patrolled
  • fizteaxer....look up to
  • fluzteax....disrespect
  • fluzteaxen....disrespecting
  • fluzteaxer....disrespect
  • fluzteaxwa....disrespected
  • frutipteax....tantrum
  • futeapibyuj....overbite
  • futeasa....hard-to-see, obscure
  • futeasan....obscurity
  • futeasaxer....obscure
  • futeasaxwa....obscured
  • futeasea....bad-looking
  • futeat....bad vision, poor sight
  • futeata....poor-sighted
  • futeater....see poorly
  • futeax....contempt
  • futeaxea....contemptuous
  • futeaxean....contemptuousness
  • futeaxeay....contemptuously
  • futeaxen....expostulation
  • futeaxer....expostulate
  • futeaxyefwa....contemptible
  • futeaxyefway....contemptibly
  • futeazexwa....ill-focused
  • fuzteaxer....look down at
  • fyatead....gospel, holy witnessing, testament
  • fyateada....testamentary
  • fyateader....give holy testimony, preach, spread the gospel
  • fyateadut....holy witness, preacher, spreader of the gospel
  • fyateadyan....gospels, hadith
  • fyateaz....miracle, thaumaturgy
  • fyateaza....miraculous, thaumaturgical
  • fyateazay....miraculously
  • fyateazen....thaumaturgy
  • fyateazena....thaumaturgical
  • fyateazer....perform a miracle
  • fyateazun....miracle
  • fyateazuna....miraculous
  • fyateazunxer....work a miracle
  • fyateazunxut....miracle-worker
  • fyateazut....thaumaturge, thaumaturgist
  • fyavyadwa tead....sworn testimony
  • fyoteasa....sinister
  • fyoteasay....sinisterly
  • fyteaza....thaumaturgic
  • gaaybteaxer....resurvey
  • gateasa....reappeared
  • gateasea....reappearing
  • gateasen....reappearance, reappearing
  • gateaser....reappear
  • gateatuer....reshow
  • gateax....review
  • gateaxuer....reshow
  • gateaxut....reviewer
  • gateaxwa....reflected, reviewed
  • gateazexen....re-focusing
  • gateazexer....re-focus, refocus
  • gateazexwa....refocused
  • gayubteaxea....reexamining
  • gayubteaxen....reexamination, reexamining
  • gayubteaxer....reexamine
  • gayubteaxwa....reexamined
  • gelteas....resemblance
  • gelteasat....lookalike
  • gelteasea....resembling, resembling
  • gelteasen....resembling
  • gelteaser....look alike, look like, look similar, resemble, resemble
  • geylteasea....similar in appearance
  • giteasa....sharp-sighted
  • giteat....keen sight
  • giteata....keen-sighted
  • giteatan....keenness
  • giteatiyea....perspicacious
  • giteatiyean....perspicacity
  • giteatiyeay....perspicaciously
  • glasteat....cognoscente
  • glatean....knowledgeableness
  • glateapen....frequenting
  • glateaper....frequent
  • glateaput....frequenter
  • glateapya....frequented
  • glateasgona....multi-aspect
  • gloteatwa....little-seen, not-often-seen
  • gra teatyikwa....oversubtle
  • granoxteazun....extravaganza
  • grateatwas....eyeful
  • gratijtean....hyper-consciousness
  • hyastean....omniscience
  • hyasteat....omniscient person
  • hyasteaxuea....hardcore
  • hyasteay....omnisciently
  • hyostean....ignorance
  • hyosteat....nitwit
  • hyuitteaxer....look at one another
  • hyuityegteater....see one another again
  • hyuteasea....different-looking
  • hyuteaser....look different
  • ibteaxea....nonchalant
  • ibteaxeay....nonchalantly
  • ibteaxen....ignoring, looking away, nonchalance
  • ibteaxer....ignore, look away
  • ifteaxen....ogling
  • ifteaxer....ogle
  • ifteaxin....voyeurism
  • ifteaxina....voyeuristic
  • ifteaxut....ogler, voyeur
  • igteas....cameo
  • igteax....eyebeam, glance, glimpse, quick look
  • igteaxen....glancing, glimpsing
  • igteaxer....glance, glimpse
  • igteaxwa....glimpsed
  • ijteasen....sprouting
  • ijteaser....sprout
  • ijteasya....sprouted
  • ijteatien....distinguishing, recognition
  • ijteatier....begin to make out, discern, distinguish, recognize
  • ijteatiwa....discerned
  • ijteatiyaf....discernment
  • ijteatiyafwa....discernible
  • ijteatiyafwan....discernibility
  • ijteatiyafway....discernibly
  • ijteatiyea....discerning
  • ijteatiyeay....discerningly
  • ikteas....panorama
  • ikteasa sin....panoramic view
  • ikteasa....panoramic
  • ikteaxea....contemplative
  • ikteaxen....contemplation
  • ikteaxer....contemplate
  • ikteaxwa....contemplated
  • ikxer aybteasdid....complete a survey, fill out a survey
  • iteat....major archbishop
  • izteas....line of sight, straight-shot view
  • izteatuen....indication, pointing out
  • izteatuer....indicate, point out
  • izteatuwa....indicated, pointed out
  • izteatuyea....indicative
  • izteaxen....aiming, looking at direction
  • izteaxer....aim, look at directly
  • izteaxun....aim
  • izteaxwa....aimed
  • jaghyasteat....whippersnapper
  • jaigteax....foreglimpse
  • jatean....prescience
  • jateas....prevision
  • jateat....foresight, providence
  • jateata....providential
  • jateatay....providentially
  • jateatea....clairvoyant, provident
  • jateatean....clairvoyance
  • jateateat....clairvoyant
  • jateateay....clairvoyantly
  • jateater....foresee
  • jateatut....foreseer
  • jateatwa....foreseen
  • jateatyafwa....foreseeable
  • jateax....preview
  • jateaxen....previewing
  • jateaxer....preview
  • jateaxut....previewer
  • jateaxwa....previewed
  • jateay....presciently, providently
  • jeeba teaput....summer visitor
  • jeteax....observance, vigil, wake, watch
  • jeteaxen....observation, observing, watching
  • jeteaxena....observational
  • jeteaxenay....observationally
  • jeteaxer....observe, watch
  • jeteaxut....bystander, observer, watcher
  • jeteaxwa....watched over
  • jeteaxyafwa....observable
  • jeteaxyafway....observably
  • jeteaxyea....observant, vigilant, watchful
  • jeteaxyean....vigilance, watchfulness
  • jeteaxyeay....observantly, watchfully
  • joteat....hindsight
  • joteax....post-review
  • joteaxen....reviewing
  • joteaxer....review
  • joteaxut....reviewer
  • joteaxwa....reviewed
  • Ju van yat hyuityegteatwo!....Until we see one another again!
  • Ju yata yegteat....Until we see one another again
  • Ju yegteat!....Au revoir!
  • ju yegteat....au revoir
  • jwobir kyoteaxut....clock watcher
  • jwobirteaxut....clock-watcher, clockwatcher
  • kateaxer....find, locate
  • keteax....scan
  • keteaxar....scanner
  • keteaxer....scan for
  • keteaxun....scan
  • kexunteaxar....scope
  • kexunteaxen....scoping
  • kexunteaxwa....scoped
  • kiteatay....keenly
  • kiteaxen....looking askance at
  • kiteaxer....look askance at
  • koteasyen....guise
  • koteatyofwasen....decampment
  • koteatyofwaser....decamp
  • koteatzyeg....peephole
  • koteaxen....espionage, peeking, sneaking, spying
  • koteaxer....peek, sneak a look, spy
  • koteaxlen....peeping
  • koteaxler....peep
  • koteaxlut....peeper, peeping tom
  • koteaxut....peeker, sneaker, spy
  • kozyeteaxen....peeping
  • kozyeteaxer....peep
  • kozyeteaxut....peeper
  • kozyoteaxer....peer
  • kuteas....profile, sideview
  • kuteatyofxar....winker
  • kuteax bem....observation post
  • kuteax yabtom....observation tower
  • kuteax....observance
  • kuteaxen....observation, observing
  • kuteaxena....observational
  • kuteaxenay....observationally
  • kuteaxer....observe
  • kuteaxut....bystander, observer
  • kuteaxwa....observed
  • kuteaxyafwa....observable
  • kuteaxyafway....observably
  • kuteaxyea....observant
  • kuteaxyeay....observantly
  • kuteaxyofwa....unobservable
  • kyavolzteatar....kaleidoscope
  • kyavolzteatara....kaleidoscopic
  • kyavolzteataray....kaleidoscopically
  • kyeojteay....presciently
  • kyeteaten....noticing
  • kyeteater....happen to see, notice
  • kyeteatwa....noticed
  • kyeteaxar....browser
  • kyeteaxen....browsing
  • kyeteaxer....browse
  • kyoteaxen....fixing one's eyes on, glaring, staring
  • kyoteaxer....glare, glom, keep one's eyes fixed on, stare at, train one's eye on
  • kyoteaxun....aim, object of attention
  • kyoteaxut....rubbernecker
  • logelteasea....different-looking
  • maarteaxar....helioscope
  • magteaz....pyrotechny
  • magteazun....firework
  • magteazuna....pyrotechnic, pyrotechnical
  • magteazuni....fireworks, pyrotechnics
  • makteaxar....electroscope
  • makteaxara....electroscopic
  • mamteas....bird's-eye view
  • mansin gwogteaxaren....photomicrography
  • manteazun....glitz
  • manteazunaya....glitzy
  • manteazunika....glitzy
  • marteaxam....observatory
  • marteaxen....star-gazing
  • marteaxer....gaze at the stars, stargaze
  • marteaxut....stargazer
  • mepteaxea mar....lodestar
  • mepteaxuer....guide
  • mepteaxuus....guide, guidebook
  • mepteaxuwa....guided
  • merteaxam....planetarium
  • mialteaxar....hygroscope
  • mialteaxara....hygroscopic
  • mirteasyen....Weltanschau, world view
  • moteata....dim-sighted
  • muarteas....moonscape
  • nabyanteaxar....spectroscope
  • nabyanteaxara....spectroscopic
  • nabyanteaxaren....spectroscopy
  • nunteatuem....merchandise display
  • oabteaxwa dotay....unchaperoned
  • oaybteaxwa....unsupervised
  • ofavyatean....unfaithfulness
  • ofiteay....inexpertly
  • oglateapya....unfrequented
  • oglateaxar....microscope
  • oglateaxara....microscopical
  • oglateaxaray....microscopically
  • oglateaxaren....microscopy
  • oglateaxarer....examine by microscope, train a microscope on
  • oglateaxarwa mansin....photomicrograph
  • ogteasaxea....overshadowing
  • ogteasaxer....overshadow
  • ogteasaxwa....overshadowed
  • ojaateatwa....never-before-seen
  • ojateatwa....groundbreaking, unforeseen
  • ojateatwas....something unforeseen
  • ojateatyafwa....unforeseeable
  • ojteadena....pythonic
  • ojtean....foresightedness
  • ojteas....prospect, prospects
  • ojteasa....prospective
  • ojteasay....prospectively
  • ojteater....envision, see into the future
  • ojteatut....seer, visionary
  • ojteatuta zyun....crystal ball
  • ojteatwas....future vision
  • ojteaxea....expectant
  • ojteaxeay....expectantly
  • ojteaxen....expectation, future gazing, peering into the future
  • ojteaxer....expect, peer into the future
  • ojteaxwa....expected
  • ojteaxway....expectedly
  • okuteaxwa....unobserved
  • okuteaxyea....unobservant
  • okyeteatwa....unnoticed
  • onaxtean....ingratitude
  • otayotean....numbness
  • oteagixwa....unfocused
  • oteabexlawa....unguarded, unmonitored
  • oteabiwa....unconsidered
  • oteabixea tob....unattractive person
  • oteabixea....unappealing, unattractive
  • oteabixean....unattractiveness
  • oteabixeay....unappealingly
  • oteabixyea....inconspicuous
  • oteabixyean....inconspicuousness
  • oteabixyeay....inconspicuously
  • oteabiyea....inconsiderate
  • oteabiyean....inconsiderateness
  • oteabiyeay....inconsiderately
  • oteabizwa....unfocused
  • otean....ignorance, unawareness
  • oteasea....unapparent
  • oteasen....nonappearance
  • oteat....ignorant person
  • oteatea....unseeing
  • oteateay....unseeingly
  • oteater....overslip
  • oteatiwa....unnoticed, unperceived
  • oteatiyea....unperceptive
  • oteatwa....unseen
  • oteatwas....something unseen
  • oteatzenbwa....unfocused
  • oteaxer....pretermit
  • oteaxiyea....unobservant
  • oteaxuwa....unshown
  • oteaxuyea....unspectacular
  • oteaxwa....unregarded
  • oteay....ignorantly, unknowingly, unwittingly
  • oteaza....unremarkable
  • oteazexwa....out of focus, unfocused
  • oteazika....unspectacular
  • otesteay....uncomprehendingly
  • otijtean....unawareness
  • ovyamteasea....fake-looking, illusory
  • ovyamteater....have illusions
  • ovyatean....imprudence, lack of wisdom
  • ovyateay....uninsightfully, unwisely
  • oybgwogteaxara....submicroscopic
  • oyebteas....outward appearance
  • oyebteaxer....look out
  • oyebteaxuea....manifesting
  • oyebteaxuen....manifestation, manifesting
  • oyebteaxuer....manifest
  • oyebteaxuwa....manifested
  • oyebteaxuwer....manifest itself
  • oyuxwa teat....naked eye, unaided vision
  • pansin jateax....trailer
  • pat teatwas....bird's eye view
  • pat teaxen....bird watching
  • pat teaxut....bird watcher
  • patteaxut....birder, birdwatcher
  • per teasteaten....go sightseeing
  • pyaonteaxar....oscilloscope
  • seuxteaxar....sonogram
  • tabteax....autopsy
  • tabteaxer....autopsy, do an autopsy
  • tabteaxwa....autopsied
  • talabteaxa....arthroscopic
  • talabteaxar....arthroscope
  • tamsonabteaxut....chamberlain
  • tea pitpixut....sharpie, sharpy
  • teabexlar....monitor
  • teabexlawa....guarded, monitored, watched
  • teabexlen....guarding, keeping an eye on, monitoring, watching
  • teabexler....guard, keep an eye on, monitor, watch
  • teabexlun job....vigil, watch
  • teabexlun yabtom....guard tower, watch tower
  • teabexlun....guard, wake
  • teabexlut....guard, guardian, monitor
  • teabexlutan....guardianship
  • teabexlutum....guard booth, guard post, guard booth
  • teaden....testification, testifying, testimony, witnessing
  • teader....testify, witness
  • teadeyn....testimonial, eyewitness account
  • teadun....testimony
  • teadut....eyewitness, testifier, witness
  • teadutduden....recross
  • teadutsim....witness box, witness chair
  • teadwa....testified, witnessed
  • teadwas....eyewitness account, testimony
  • teadyafwa....testifiable
  • teadyafway....testifiably
  • teadyof....misprision
  • teaf....blinder
  • teagia....sharp
  • teagian....visual sharpness
  • teagixer....sharpen
  • teagixwa....in focus
  • teagua....fuzzy, out of focus
  • teaguan....dullness, fuzziness, lack of focus
  • teaguxwa....fuzzied
  • teakaxen....spotting
  • teakaxer....spot
  • teakaxut....spotter
  • teakaxwa....spotted
  • teakyax....parallax
  • teakyes....phenomenon
  • teakyesa....phenomenal
  • teakyesay....phenomenally
  • teakyestun....phenomenology
  • teakyestuna....phenomenological
  • teakyestunay....phenomenologically
  • teamalz....white of the eye
  • teamelza....brown-eyed
  • teamelza....brown-eyed
  • teamelzat....brown-eyed person
  • teamelzat....brown-eyed person
  • teamolz....black eye
  • teamolz....black-eye
  • teamolza....black-eyed
  • teamolzier....get a black eye
  • teamolzuer....give a black eye to
  • tean....awareness
  • teap....visit
  • teapem....stopover
  • teapen....visitation, visiting
  • teaper baktut....consult a doctor
  • teaper....drop by, drop in, drop over, go see, visit
  • teapim....visiting room
  • teapixea....eye-catching
  • teapixer....be noticed, catch the eye
  • teapopen....sight-seeing, sightseeing
  • teapoper....sight-see
  • teapoput....sight-seer, sightseer
  • teaput....visitant, visitor
  • teapwem....port of call
  • teapya midom....port of call
  • teapya....visited
  • teapyefwa....worth visiting
  • teas yegvixen....facelift
  • teas....appearance, aspect, sight, view
  • teasa....aspectual, visual
  • teasdyeer....sightread
  • teasea....apparent, appearing, seeming
  • teaseay....apparently, seemingly
  • teaser....appear, look like, seem
  • teasgon....feature
  • teasgonoya....featureless
  • teasgonuka....featureless
  • teasgun....aspect, perspective, standpoint
  • teasguna....aspectual
  • teasien....appearance
  • teasier be dezyem....appear on the stage
  • teasier....come into view, appear
  • teasifwa....fetching
  • teasin....scene, sight, view, vista
  • teasina....scenic
  • teasinay....scenically
  • teasinyan....scenery
  • teaskovyoxen....camouflage, camouflaging
  • teaskovyoxer....camouflage
  • teaskovyoxun....camouflage
  • teaskovyoxwa....camouflaged
  • teasnabyan....visual spectrum
  • teasnod....standpoint
  • teasoya....viewless
  • teasuer....afford a view, present
  • teasuka....viewless
  • teasvyoxen....dissimulation
  • teasvyoxer....dissimulate
  • teasvyoxut....dissimulator
  • teasvyoxwa....dissimulated
  • teasyen....aspect, guise, semblance
  • teasyena....aspectual
  • teasyuibar....zoom
  • teasyuiben....zoom, zooming
  • teasyuiber....zoom
  • teat....sight, vision, vista
  • teata....optical, visional, visual
  • teatar....eyepiece
  • teatay....visually
  • teatayibbok....glaucoma
  • teatea....seeing, viewing
  • teaten....seeing, sighting, viewing
  • teater....descry, see, view
  • teatgun....opinion, perspective, viewpoint
  • teatiea....perceiving
  • teatien....apparition, appearance, appearing, noticing, noting, perceiving, perception
  • teatiena....perceptional
  • teatier....catch sight of, espy, notice, perceive
  • teatiut....perceiver
  • teatiwa....noticed, perceived
  • teatiyafwa....noticeable, perceivable, perceptible
  • teatiyafwan....perceptibly
  • teatiyafway....noticeably, perceivably
  • teatiyea....perceptive, percipient
  • teatiyean....perceptiveness, percipience
  • teatiyikwa....faint
  • teatiyofa....imperceptive
  • teatiyofwa....imperceivable, imperceptible, unnoticeable
  • teatiyofwan....imperceptibility
  • teatiyofway....imperceptibly
  • teatizon....perspective, viewing direction
  • teatkin....opinion, viewpoint
  • teatmis....viewport
  • teatnad....line of sight, vista
  • teatnazea....worth seeing
  • teatnig....eyeshot, field of view, viewing range
  • teatnod....perspective
  • teatos....sense of sight
  • teatpuxar....diascope
  • teatu....qv
  • teatuar....index
  • teatuem....exhibition site
  • teatuen....demo, demonstration, display, displaying, exhibit, exhibiting, exhibition, show, showing
  • teatuena....indexical
  • teatuer....demonstrate, display, evince, exhibit, let see, run by, show
  • teatunyem....diorama
  • teatut....eyer
  • teatuun....muster
  • teatuut....demonstrator, exhibitioner, exhibitor
  • teatuwa....demonstrated, displayed, exhibited, shown
  • teatuxyea nyaz....bling
  • teatuyafwa....demonstrable
  • teatuyafwan....demonstrability
  • teatuyafway....demonstrably
  • teatuyea....demonstrative
  • teatuyean....demonstrativeness
  • teatuyeay....demonstratively
  • teatuyefas....showpiece
  • teatuyofwa....indemonstrable
  • teatwa....seen, viewed
  • teatwas....sight, something seen
  • teatwer....be seen, be viewed
  • teatyaf....ability to see, eyesight, sight, vision
  • teatyafa....able to see, sighted
  • teatyafan....sightfulness
  • teatyafat....seeing person, sighted person
  • teatyafwa ayb ha memnad je yuzpen....circumpolar
  • teatyafwa....evident, manifest, visible
  • teatyafwan....evidence, visibility
  • teatyafwaxen....exposing, exposure, making visible
  • teatyafwaxer....expose, make visible
  • teatyafwaxwa....exposed, made visible
  • teatyafway....manifestly, visibly
  • teatyen....outlook
  • teatyiban....range of vision, visual distance
  • teatyika....nearly blind, sight-impaired
  • teatyikwa....hard to see, obscure
  • teatyikwan....difficulty to see
  • teatyikwaxen....obscuring
  • teatyikwaxer....obscure
  • teatyikwaxwa....obscured
  • teatyof....blindness, inability to see
  • teatyofa....blind, sightless, unsighted
  • teatyofan....blindness
  • teatyofat....blind person
  • teatyofay....blindly
  • teatyofer....be blind
  • teatyofsea....disappearing, going blind
  • teatyofsen....disappearance
  • teatyofser....become unable to see, go blind
  • teatyofvabien....superstition
  • teatyofvabiyea....superstitious
  • teatyofwa kum....blindside
  • teatyofwa....invisible
  • teatyofwan....invisibility
  • teatyofwaser....disappear
  • teatyofway....invisibly
  • teatyofxar....blinder
  • teatyofxea mapil....whiteout
  • teatyofxea....blinding
  • teatyofxeay....blindingly
  • teatyofxer....blind
  • teatyofxwa....blinded, disappeared
  • teatyofxwat....disappeared person
  • teatyofxwaxer....make disappear
  • teatyofxwaxwat....desaparecido
  • teatyuka....obvious
  • teatyukan....obviousness
  • teatyukay....obviously
  • teatyukwa....clear, glaring, sightly, evident
  • teatyukwan....clearness
  • teatyukwas....evidence
  • teatyukwaser....become evident
  • teatyukway....evidently, glaringly
  • teatzyeg....peephole
  • teatzyegdez....peepshow
  • teav....blindfold
  • teaves....eye patch
  • teavolz....eye color
  • teavolzil....eyeliner
  • teavuer....blindfold
  • teax....look, regard
  • teaxam....theater
  • teaxar....viewing device
  • teaxem....arena
  • teaxen....beholding, looking, observation, viewing
  • teaxer yibsin....watch t.v.
  • teaxer....behold, eye, look at, regard, view
  • teaxgun....viewing angle
  • teaxien....observance, observation, observing, watching
  • teaxier....look at, observe, take in, watch
  • teaxim....theater, viewing room
  • teaxiut....observer, watcher
  • teaxiwa....observed
  • teaxiyea....observant
  • teaxiyeay....observantly
  • teaxlawa....watched
  • teaxlea....watching
  • teaxlen....watching
  • teaxler....watch
  • teaxlut....watcher
  • teaxnod....outlook
  • teaxtyoper....sashay
  • teaxu....lo
  • teaxuar....pointer
  • teaxuen....spectacle
  • teaxuena....spectacular
  • teaxuer....show
  • teaxut....beholder, looker, observer, viewer, watcher
  • teaxutyan....viewing audience
  • teaxuun....show, spectacle
  • teaxuunpoxus....show-stopper
  • teaxuutyen....showmanship
  • teaxuwa....shown
  • teaxuyea....flagrant, flashy, ostentatious, showy, specatacular
  • teaxuyean....flagrance, flagrancy, ostentation, showiness
  • teaxuyeay....flagrantly, ostentatiously, showily
  • teaxwa....regarded, viewed
  • teaxyafwa....viewable
  • teaxyeyfwa....outstanding
  • teaxyikwa....unsightly
  • teaxyikwan....unsightliness
  • teaxzyefyem....showcase
  • teay....knowingly, wittingly
  • teayofwaxer....make invisible
  • teayolza....blue-eyed
  • teayolzat....blue-eyed person
  • teaz....awe, dazzle, marvel, spectacle, wonder
  • teaza....geegaw
  • teazaya....marvelous, remarkable, showy, spectacular, wondrous
  • teazayan....showiness, wondrousness
  • teazdalea....grandiloquent
  • teazdalean....grandiloquence
  • teazdat....backslapper
  • teazdatsen....backslapping
  • teazek....geegaw
  • teazen....aim, bullseye, focus
  • teazena nod....focal point
  • teazena....focal
  • teazev....lens
  • teazexar....focus mechanism
  • teazexen....aiming, focusing, paying attention
  • teazexer be....focus on
  • teazexer....aim at, focus
  • teazexoker....go out of focus
  • teazexwa....aimed, focused, in focus
  • teazfyus....gimcrack
  • teazien....being amazed, being awed, being awestruck, being dazzled, being stunned, marveling
  • teazier....be amazed, be awed, be awestruck, be dazzled, be stunned, marvel
  • teazika....marvelous, remarkable, showy, spectacular, wondrous
  • teazikan....showiness, wondrousness
  • teazikay....marvelously, remarkably, showily, spectacularly, wondrously
  • teaziper....flounce
  • teaziwa....amazed, astonished, awed, dazzled, stunned
  • teazmem....wonderland
  • teaznixbuut....huckster
  • teazpas....stunt
  • teazpaser....flounce
  • teazpasut....stunt man, stuntman
  • teazpasuyt....stuntwoman
  • teaztob....prodigy
  • teaztof....get-up, getup
  • teazuen....amazement, astonishment, dazzling
  • teazuer teeputyan....grandstand
  • teazuer....amaze, awe, dazzle, stun
  • teazun....show, spectacle
  • teazunaya....amazing, awesome, dazzling, show, spectacular, stunning, wondrous
  • teazunika....amazing, awesome, dazzling, show, spectacular, stunning, wondrous
  • teazunikan....razzle-dazzle, wondrousness
  • teazunikay....amazingly, astonishingly, awesomely, awesomeness, spectacularly, stunningly
  • teazuus....stunner, showstopper
  • teazuut....dazzler, show artist, showman
  • teazuwa....amazed, astonished, awed, awestricken, awestruck, dazzled, stunned
  • teazuwan....wonderment
  • teazuyea....amazing, astonishing, awesome, dazzling, redoubtable, remarkable, stunning, wonderful
  • teazuyean....remarkableness, wonderfulness
  • teazuyeay....amazingly, astonishingly, awesomely, dazzlingly, redoubtably, stunningly, wonderfully
  • teazyef....eyeglass
  • teazyen....showmanship
  • teazzyigiaren....swashbuckling
  • teazzyigiarut....swashbuckler
  • tebos zyateax....brain scan
  • teeteata....audio-visual, audiovisual
  • tepteas....phantasy
  • testeay....understandingly
  • teypteas....phantom
  • tojat jeteax....vigil
  • topteas....specter, spectre
  • topteasa....spectral
  • tostea saxwat....sentient creature
  • tostea sut....sentient being
  • tostean....sentience
  • totteas....epiphany
  • ufranteas....look of scorn
  • ufteaxer....glare, leer, look meanly at
  • ugteax....gaze
  • ugteaxen....gazing
  • ugteaxer....gaze
  • utteatut....showoff
  • utteatuut....exhibitionist
  • utteatuyea....exhibitionist
  • utteatuyean....exhibitionism
  • utteaxuut....showoff
  • uyfteaxea....glowering
  • uyfteaxen....glowering
  • uyfteaxer....glower
  • uzper ay kyoteaxer....rubberneck
  • Van Tot su ata teadut.....Let God be my witness.
  • viteasa....picturesque, sightly
  • viteasan....picturesqueness
  • viteasay....picturesquely
  • viteaza....snazzy
  • viteazay....snazzily
  • vlatean....certainty
  • volzteatyofa....colorblind
  • volzteatyofan....colorblindness
  • vomul gwogteaxar....electron microscope
  • vomula gwogteaxar....electron microscope
  • voyteater....see again
  • voyteaxen....looking back, reflected, reviewing
  • voyteaxer....look back, reflect, review
  • vuteas....eye-sore, eyesore, ugly sight
  • vuyateaten....repulsion
  • vuyateater....be repulsed, consider vile
  • vuyateatut....reviler
  • vuyteasea....frowsy, frowzy
  • vuyteasean....frowziness
  • vuyteaseay....frowzily
  • vyaduwa teadut....deponent
  • vyamteasea....real-looking, seemingly real, verisimilar
  • vyamteaser....ring true, seem real, seem true
  • vyamteatyofa....blind to reality, superstitious
  • vyamteatyofan....blindness to reality, superstition
  • vyaotean....acumen, discernment, insight
  • vyaoteat....insightful person
  • vyaoteay....discerningly
  • vyatea jdin....true life story
  • vyatean....sagacity, sapience
  • vyateay....sagaciously, sagely
  • vyidteata....clear-sighted
  • vyidteatan....clear-sightedness
  • vyiteasaxen....clearing
  • vyiteasaxwa....cleared
  • vyiteaten....clarity
  • vyomteas....phantasm
  • vyomteasa....phantasmal
  • vyomteasyan....phantasmagoria
  • vyomteasyana....phantasmagorical
  • vyomteatea....having illusions, illusional, seeing things
  • vyomteaten....be illusional, having illuions, seeing things
  • vyomteater....be illusional, have illusion, see things
  • vyotean....illusion
  • vyoteas....affectation, illusion, mirage, trompe-l'oeil
  • vyoteasa....illusory, make-believe
  • vyoteatien....delusion, misperception
  • vyoteatier....be deluded, misperceive
  • vyoteatiwa....misperceived
  • vyoteatuea....misleading
  • vyoteatuen....delusion, feigning, misdirection
  • vyoteatuer....delude, feign, mislead
  • vyoteatuwa....deluded, feigned, misled
  • vyoteatuyea....delusive
  • vyoteatuyeay....delusively
  • vyoteaxyea....geegaw
  • vyoteaz....fake miracle, razzmatazz
  • vyoteazexwa....misfocused
  • vyoteazut....charlatan
  • vyuteasa....slovenly
  • vyuteasan....slovenliness
  • xaer teazpas....perform a stunt
  • xunaudteaxen....radioscopy
  • yabteasem....lookout
  • yabteaxer....look up
  • yagteata....longsighted
  • yagteax....stare, watch, glare
  • yagteaxen....staring, watching, glaring, gawking
  • yagteaxer....gape, gawk, glare, stare, watch, stare
  • yantada teap....conjugal visit
  • yanteatien....confusion, mixup
  • yanteatier....confuse
  • yanteatiwa....confused
  • yanteatuer....confound
  • yanteatuyea....confusing
  • yateat....metropolitan bishop
  • yebteas....cutaway
  • yebteaxar....endoscope
  • yebteaxea....introspective, inward-looking
  • yebteaxeay....introspectively
  • yebteaxen....endoscopy, inspection, introspection
  • yebteaxena....endoscopic
  • yebteaxer....inspect, introspect, look in
  • yebteaxut....inspector
  • yibsin teaxutyan....t.v. audience
  • yibsin teaz....t.v. show, television show
  • yibsinteaxer....teleview
  • yibsinteaxut....televiewer
  • yibteasintyenut....veejay
  • yibteat....remote vision
  • yibteata....far-sighted, farsighted
  • yibteatan....far-sightedness, farsightedness
  • yibteatay....sagely
  • yibteatea....farseeing, sagacious
  • yibteatean....sagacity
  • yibteateay....sagaciously
  • yibteatut....sage
  • yibteatyaf....far-sightedness, farsightedness
  • yibteatyafa....far-sighted, farsighted
  • yibteaxar....spyglass, telescope
  • yibteaxara....telescopic
  • yibteaxaray....telescopically
  • yibteaxarer....view through a telescope
  • yibteaxarwa....telescoped, viewed through a telescope
  • yibteaxen....distant viewing, telescoping
  • yibteaxer....view from afar
  • yibteaxwa....viewed from afar
  • yigteat....acumen
  • yizgwogteaxar....ultramicroscope
  • yobkyoteaxer....glop
  • yobteaxen....looking down
  • yobteaxer....look down
  • yogjateas....teaser
  • yogteata....myopic
  • yogteatan....myopia
  • yogteatay....myopically
  • yogteatea....shortsighted
  • yogteatean....shortsightedness
  • yogteateay....shortsightedly
  • yogteatut....myope
  • yogteax....glance
  • yogteaxen....glancing
  • yogteaxer....glance at
  • yogxwa teas....cropped view
  • yokteas....sudden appearance
  • yokteaser....suddenly appear
  • yokteatier....appear out of nowhere
  • yokteaxen....peeking
  • yokteaxer....peek
  • yokteaxut....peeker
  • yoneateay....discerningly
  • yonteatwa....outstanding
  • yonteatwan....outness
  • yonteatway....outstandingly
  • yoteat....primate
  • yubketeaxen....prying
  • yubketeaxer....pry
  • yubketeaxut....pryer
  • yubteas....close-up view, closeup
  • yubteata....near-sighted, nearsighted
  • yubteatan....nearsightedness
  • yubteaxea....scrutinizing
  • yubteaxen....examination, inspection, scrutinizing, scrutiny
  • yubteaxer....examine, inspect, look closely at, parse, scrutinize
  • yubteaxut....examiner, inspector
  • yubteaxwa....parsed
  • yuibteaxen....looking near and far
  • yuibteaxer....look near and far
  • yuznada teat....peripheral vision
  • yuzteax....look-around
  • yuzteaxar....periscope
  • yuzteaxeay....circumspectly
  • yuzteaxen....circumspection, looking around, patrolling, reconnaissance
  • yuzteaxer....circumspect, look around, patrol, reconnoiter
  • yuzteaxpur....patrol car, reconnaissance vehicle
  • yuzteaxpuren....patrolling, reconnaissance
  • yuzteaxpurer....patrol, reconnoiter
  • yuzteaxwa....circumspected, patrolled, reconnoitered
  • zateaxer....face, look at head-on
  • zayteax....lookahead
  • zayteaxea....expectant, forward-looking
  • zayteaxen....expectation, looking ahead
  • zayteaxer....expect, look ahead, look forward to
  • zayteaxwa....expected
  • zeyteaxer....look across, survey
  • ziteaxea....facing right
  • ziteaxer....face right, look right
  • zoteas....rearview
  • zoteatar....hindsight
  • zoyteas sinzyef....rear-view mirror
  • zuteaxea....facing left
  • zuteaxer....face left, look left
  • zyateas....wide-angle view
  • zyateasin....panorama
  • zyateasina....panoramic
  • zyateatuen....exhibiting, exhibition
  • zyateatuer....exhibit, show widely
  • zyateatuwa....exhibited
  • zyateax....scan
  • zyateaxar....monitor, scanner
  • zyateaxem....range, scan zone, scanning area
  • zyateaxen....scanning
  • zyateaxer....look all about, monitor, scan, survey
  • zyateaxuea....flaunting
  • zyateaxueay....flauntingly
  • zyateaxuen....flaunting
  • zyateaxuer....flaunt
  • zyateaxuwa....flaunted
  • zyeteasa....limpid, lucent, transparent
  • zyeteasan....limpidity, limpidness, transparence, transparency
  • zyeteasay....limpidly, transparently
  • zyeteata....sheer
  • zyeteater....see through
  • zyeteatyafwa....hyaline, transparent
  • zyeteatyafwan....transparence, transparency
  • zyeteatyikwa....opaque
  • zyeteatyikwan....opacity, opaqueness
  • zyeteatyikway....opaquely
  • zyeteatyofwa....non-see-through, nontransparent, opaque
  • zyeteatyofwan....opacity
  • zyeteatyofway....opaquely
  • zyeteatyukwa....transparent
  • zyeteatyukwan....transparency
  • zyeteatyukway....transparently
  • zyeteaxea....perusing
  • zyeteaxen....peeping, perusal, perusing
  • zyeteaxer....look through, peep, peruse
  • zyeteaxut....peeper, peruser
  • zyeteaxwa....perused
  • zyoteas....cropped view, narrow view
  • zyoteaxen....peering, prying, squinting
  • zyoteaxer....peer, pry, squint
  • zyoteaxut....pryer
Here are words that use the mnemonic stub ea:
  • abeater....survey, oversee
  • abeaxer....survey
  • beaxer....guard, keep watch, monitor, protect, ward off, watch over
  • ejeater....envisage
  • fuzeater....disdain
  • ganeaxer....re-aim
  • gavyabeaxer....reinspec
  • gineaxer....hone in on
  • ijeater....catch sight of, glimpse
  • izeaxer....demonstrate, designate, point out, point to, show
  • keaxer....scan, scope out
  • neaxer....aim
  • nodeaxer....aim, demonstrate, show
  • ojeater....envisage
  • oseaser....disappear
  • oseaxer....make disappear
  • ovbeaxer....guard against
  • ovyoneaxer....contradistinguish
  • oyebeaser....become exposed
  • oyebeaxer....expose, express
  • seater....note, state, take note of
  • tojbeaxer....do a wake
  • tuyubizeaxer....indicate
  • utejeaser....represent
  • vakbeaxer....safeguard
  • veaxer....make possible
  • vyabeaxer....examine, inspect
  • vyaleaxer....check, inspect, examine
  • yaneater....confuse
  • yaneaxer....confuse, flummox
  • yoneater....discern, discriminate, distinguish, make out
  • yoneaxer....distinguish
The root word teeb (ear) and its stub word form tee- produce many terms relating to the ear, hearing, and acoustics:
The principal verbs are:
  • teeter....to hear
  • teeser....to sound like
  • teexer....to listen
  • teeper....to attend
  • teeder....to quote
  • yuvteeter....to obey
Here are many words built on teeb or tee-:
  • aateetwa....first-heard
  • amez teebuz....diamond earring
  • anteeba....monaural
  • Ata teeb tuloxefwe.....My ear itches.
  • byoyk bi teeb byoyk....earache
  • dita oyuvteexen....civil disobedience
  • ennagteexa....stereophonic
  • ennagteexar....stereophones
  • fitees....melody, nice sound, sweet sound
  • fiteesa....melodious, nice-sounding, sweet-sounding
  • fiteesea....nice-sounding
  • fiteeser....sound nice, sound sweet
  • fiteexegwa....well-rehearsed
  • frunteexen....hearing confession
  • frunteexer....hear confession
  • futees....cacophony
  • futeesea....bad-sounding, cacophonous, ugly-sounding
  • futeet....bad hearing
  • futeeta....hard of hearing
  • fyoxunteexer....hear confession
  • gelteesa....homophonous, sound-alike
  • gelteeser....sound alike
  • gelteesun....homophone
  • giteeba....sharp-eared
  • glateetwa....much-heard, oft-heard, often-heard
  • gloteetwa....rarely-heard, seldom-heard
  • grateetwa....shopworn
  • gyateebbok....mumps
  • ikay teetyofa....stone-deaf
  • ikteepya....plenary
  • kodteexut....confessor
  • koteeten....overhearing
  • koteeter....overhear
  • koteetwa....overheard
  • koteexar....bug, listening device, wiretap
  • koteexen....eavesdropping, listening in on, snooping, wiretapping
  • koteexer....eavesdrop, listen in on, snoop
  • koteexut....eavesdropper, snooper, wiretapper
  • koteexyea....snoopy
  • mansinteesdrar....camcorder
  • mansinteesdrarer....camcorder
  • oglateexar....mic, microphone, mike
  • oteedrawa....unreported
  • oteepea....not attending
  • oteepen tistam....hookey, hooky
  • oteepen....absence, failure to attend, nonattendance
  • oteeper tisun....miss a class
  • oteeper....absent, be absent, fail to attend
  • oteeput....absentee
  • oteeputyen....absenteeism
  • oteetwa....unheard of, unheard-of
  • oteetwas....something unheard of, unheard-of
  • oteexean....inattentiveness
  • oteexegwa....unrehearsed
  • oteexwa....unaudited
  • oteexyea....inattentive
  • oyebteeb....ear pavillon
  • oyuvteexea....disobedient, disobeying
  • oyuvteexean....disobedience
  • oyuvteexeay....disobediently
  • oyuvteexen....disobedience
  • oyuvteexer....disobey
  • oyuvteexwa....disobeyed
  • oyuvteexyean....contumacy
  • oyuvteexyeay....contumaciously
  • poteexen....sniffing
  • seuzteefyofa....tone deaf, tone-deaf
  • seuzteefyofan....tone deafness
  • seuzteefyofser....become tone deaf
  • seuzteefyofxen....rendering tone deaf
  • seuzteefyofxer....render tone deaf
  • seuzteefyofxwa....rendered tone deaf
  • teazuer teeputyan....grandstand
  • teeb byoyk....ear ache
  • teeb kaduzar....ear drum, eardrum
  • teeb-....auri-, oto-
  • teeb....auricle, ear
  • teeba....aural, auricular, otic
  • teebar....audio device, earphone, earpiece
  • teebay....aurally
  • teebbekut....aurist
  • teebden....whisper, whispering
  • teebder....whisper
  • teebdut....whisperer
  • teebdwa....whispered
  • teebeib....earlobe
  • teebik....earful
  • teebil....cerumen, earwax
  • teebiyub....ear lobe
  • teebsiynxen....earmarking
  • teebsiynxer....earmark
  • teebsiynxwa....earmarked
  • teebuz....earing, earring
  • teebuzun....stapes, stapedes
  • teebyel....ear wax
  • teebyuba....parotid
  • teebyujar....earplug
  • teed....hear-say, hearsay, quotation
  • teeden....quoting, rumoring
  • teeder....quote
  • teedras....report
  • teedrawa....reported
  • teedren....reporting
  • teedrenyan....reportage
  • teedrer....report
  • teedrun....report
  • teedrut....reporter
  • teedrutyan....press pool
  • teedwa....hear-say, hearsay, quoted, rumored
  • teedwe van....hearsay has it that
  • teef....earmuff, headgear
  • teeiyob-bektut....otorhinolaryngologist
  • teepea....attending, in attendance
  • teepen....attendance
  • teeper dyez....attend a film
  • teeper fyaxam....attend mass, attend services
  • teeper totifram....attend church
  • teeper yaniv....attend a party
  • teeper....attend
  • teeput....attendee, member of the audience
  • teeputsag....turnout
  • teeputyan....attendance, audience
  • tees-....audio-
  • tees....audio, sound
  • teesa....sonic
  • teesag....noise
  • teesaza....loud, noisy
  • teesazan....loudness, noisiness
  • teesazay....loudly, noisily
  • teesdras....sonogram
  • teeser....sound like
  • teesnabyan....sound spectrum
  • teesnaga....audiometric
  • teesnagar....audiometer
  • teesnagen....audiometry
  • teesnyov....audiotape
  • teestaxdras....phonogram
  • teestaxdren....audiorecording
  • teestun....audiology
  • teestuna....audiological
  • teestut....audiologist
  • teet-....audio-
  • teet....audio, hearing
  • teeta....auditive, auditory, aural
  • teetay....aurally
  • teeteata....audio-visual, audiovisual
  • tee-tei-teyob-bektut....ear-nose-throat doctor
  • teetem....auditorium
  • teeten....audition, hearing
  • teeter....hear
  • teetien....get word, getting wind of, hearing
  • teetier....get wind of, get word, hear
  • teetifwa....mellifluent, mellifluous
  • teetifwan....mellifluousness
  • teetifway....mellifluously
  • teetim....sound studio
  • teetnazea....worth hearing
  • teetos....sense of hearing
  • teetuen....informing, letting it be heard, notification, notifying
  • teetuer....inform, let it be heard, notify
  • teetum....sound booth
  • teetut....hearer
  • teetuut....notifier
  • teetuwa....notified
  • teetyaf....ability to hear
  • teetyafa....able to hear, hearing
  • teetyafnogar....sonometer
  • teetyafok....hearing loss
  • teetyafokea....suffering from hearing loss
  • teetyafwa yiban....earshot
  • teetyafwa....audible
  • teetyafwan....audibility
  • teetyafway....audibly
  • teetyekea....clued in
  • teetyeker....attempt to hear, try to hear
  • teetyika....hard of hearing
  • teetyikat....hearing-challenged person
  • teetyiken....having a hard time hearing, straining to hear
  • teetyiker....have a hard time hearing, strain to hear
  • teetyikwa vyod....howler
  • teetyikwa vyos....howler
  • teetyikwa xeus....faint noise
  • teetyikwa....hard to hear, hard-to-hear
  • teetyof....deafness, inability to hear
  • teetyofa....deaf
  • teetyofan....deafness
  • teetyofat....deaf person
  • teetyofsea....going deaf
  • teetyofser....go deaf
  • teetyofwa....inaudible, unaudible
  • teetyofwan....inaudibility
  • teetyofwaser....become inaudible
  • teetyofwaxer....make inaudible
  • teetyofway....inaudibly
  • teetyofxer....deafen
  • teetyofxyea....deafening, ear-splitting, earsplitting
  • teetyofxyeay....deafeningly
  • teetyukwa....easy to hear
  • teetyuxar....hearing aid
  • teex-....audio-
  • teex....audition, hearing
  • teexar....headphone, listening device, microphone
  • teexdras....audiogram
  • teexdren....audiography
  • teexdyes....audiobook
  • teexea....hearkening, listening
  • teexegen....rehearsing
  • teexeger ....rehearse
  • teexegut....rehearser
  • teexegwa....rehearsed
  • teexen....hearkening, listening
  • teexer doyevson....hear a case, try a case
  • teexer yevson....hear a case
  • teexer....audit, audition, harken, hearken, listen
  • teexien....auditing, auditioning
  • teexier....audit, audition
  • teexifut....audiophile
  • teexir....headset
  • teexiut....auditor
  • teexiwat....person being auditioned
  • teexu....hark
  • teexuen....audition, letting it be heard, pointing out
  • teexuer....audition, let it be heard, point out, try out
  • teexut....auditor, listener
  • teexutyan....audience
  • teexuut....auditioner
  • teexuwa....auditioned, pointed out
  • teexwa....hearkened
  • tiba gwogteexar....lavalier
  • voyteexer....listen to again, run over
  • vyoteeten....mishearing
  • vyoteeter....mishear
  • vyoteetwa....misheard
  • yapeteeb....pig's ear, pigs ear
  • yeb teetyafwa yiban....within earshot
  • yekteex....hearing
  • yekteexen....audit, audition, auditioning, trying
  • yekteexer....audit, audition, hear
  • yekteexim....hearing chamber
  • yekteexut....auditor
  • yekteexwa....audited, tried
  • yevsonteex....hearing
  • yevsonteexer....hear a case
  • yevsonteexwa....on trial, tried
  • yevsonteexwat....person on trial
  • yobteeb....ear lobe
  • yubteexar....stethoscope
  • yubteexen....auscultation
  • yubteexer....auscultate, examine aurally, listen closely
  • yubteexwa....auscultated
  • yuvteexea....docile, obedient, obeying
  • yuvteexean....docility, obedience
  • yuvteexeay....docilely, obediently
  • yuvteexen....obedience
  • yuvteexer....obey
  • yuvteexwa....obeyed
  • zoteebaiba....mastoid
  • zyateetuen....rumor-mongering, rumoring
  • zyateetuer....rumor
  • zyateetuun....rumor
  • zyateetuut....rumormonger
  • zyateetuwa....rumored
The root word teib (nose) and its stub word form tei- are incorporated in many words having to do with the nose and smelling.
The main verbs are:
  • teiter....to smell
  • teixer....to sniff
  • teiser....to smell like
  • futeiser....to stink, reek
Here is a fuller list of derivations:

  • abektun bi teib....rhinoplasty
  • azfuteisa....rancid
  • azfuteisan....rancidity, rancidness
  • azteisyel....musk
  • azteisyelyena....musky
  • azteisyelyenan....muskiness
  • azteixer....snuffle
  • beer mulikxwa teib....have a stuffed-up nose
  • ebteibea....interfering
  • ebteiben....interference, interfering, meddling
  • ebteiber....interfere, meddle, nose in
  • ebteibut....busybody, meddler
  • ebteibwa....interfered
  • ebteibyea....meddlesome, nosey, nosy
  • ebteibyean....nosiness
  • ebteibyeay....nosily
  • faosyebteisa....fusty
  • faosyebteisan....fustiness
  • fiteis....aroma, fragrance, nice aroma, nice smell, scent
  • fiteisa....aromatic, fragrant, good-smelling, palatable, redolent, sweet-smelling
  • fiteisan....redolence
  • fiteisaser....become sweet-smelling
  • fiteisaxea....aromatizing, making sweet-smelling
  • fiteisaxen....aromatization, making sweet-smelling
  • fiteisaxer....aromatize, make sweet-smelling
  • fiteisay....fragrantly
  • fiteisea....aromatic, nice-smelling, sweet-smelling
  • fiteisen....smelling good
  • fiteiser....smell good
  • fiteisika....scented
  • fiteisoya....scentless
  • fiteisuka....scentless
  • futeis....bad smell, foul odor, foul smell, odor, reek, stench, stink
  • futeisa....bad-smelling, bad-tasting, fetid, malodorous, niffy, rank, stinky
  • futeisan....fetidness, rankness
  • futeisaser....become stinky
  • futeisaxea....stinking up, yucky
  • futeisaxen....stinking up
  • futeisaxer....stink up
  • futeisaxwa....stunk up
  • futeisayan....smelliness
  • futeisea....bad-smelling, foul, odorous, stinking, stinky
  • futeisean....odorousness
  • futeiseay....odorously
  • futeiser....niff, reek, smell bad, stink
  • futeisikan....smelliness
  • futeiskoxul....elixir
  • futeismov....funk
  • futeisobar....deodorizer
  • futeisobea....deodorizing
  • futeisoben....deodorization
  • futeisober....deodorize
  • futeisobul....deodorant, deodorizer
  • gapoteib....elephant trunk
  • giteiba....sharp-nosed
  • givobteixut....snuffer
  • ilokyea teib....runny nose
  • jwofteisa....fusty, musty
  • jwofteisan....fustiness, mustiness
  • koyebteiben....snooping
  • koyebteiber....snoop
  • mogteizber....cense
  • mogteizbut....censer
  • myekber ota teib....powder one’s nose
  • ofiteisa....unpalatable
  • otein....agnosticism
  • oteizuwa....unscented
  • ovteibukxil....cough medicine, cough syrup
  • pateib....beak, bill, neb
  • poteib....snout
  • poteif....muzzle
  • poteifben....muzzling
  • poteifber....muzzle
  • poteifbwa....muzzled
  • poteixen....sniffing
  • poteixer....sniff
  • poteixus....sniffer
  • poteixut....sniffer
  • poteixwa....sniffed
  • tee-tei-teyob-bektut....ear-nose-throat doctor
  • tei-....nasal, nose, rhino-
  • teib....nose, proboscis, schnoz, schnozz, smeller, snoot, snout
  • teiba yujteuzun....nasal consonant
  • teiba....nasal, rhinal
  • teibag....schnozzle
  • teibalegien....sniffling
  • teibalegier....sniffle
  • teibalien....sniffing
  • teibalier....sniff
  • teibalufa....tracheal
  • teibaluier....breathe
  • teiban....nasality
  • teibaxen....nasalization, nuzzling
  • teibaxer....nasalize, nuzzle
  • teibaxut....nuzzler
  • teibay....nasally
  • teibaysea....proboscidate
  • teibbok....rhinitis
  • teibdaler....snuffle
  • teibginid....nose cone, nosecone
  • teibil....mucus, snot
  • teibila....mucal
  • teibilay....snottily
  • teibilaya....mucus-filled, snot-nosed, snotty
  • teibilayan....snottiness
  • teibilea....running at the nose
  • teibilen....rhinorrhea, running at the nose
  • teibiler....run at the nose
  • teibilika....mucus-filled, snot-nosed, snotty
  • teibilikan....snottiness
  • teibilikay....snottily
  • teibiloker....run at the nose
  • teibilun....boogie
  • teibixun....something chewable
  • teibnyef....nosebag
  • teibok....cold, rhume
  • teiboksen....catching a cold
  • teibokser....catch a cold
  • teibtiibiluen....nosebleed
  • teibtun....rhinology
  • teibtuna....rhinological
  • teibtut....rhinologist
  • teibukxen....blowing one's nose
  • teibukxer....blow one's nose
  • teibuz....nose ring
  • teibuzuk....sinus
  • teibuzukbok....sinusitis
  • teibyeg....nostril
  • teibyeger....flare at the nostrils
  • teibyena....nose-like, rhinoid
  • teibzoteyob....nasopharynx
  • teibzoteyoba....nasopharyngeal
  • teif....muffler
  • teifober....unmuffle, unmuzzle
  • teikyebzyobus....sphincter
  • teipyeux....achoo, sneeze
  • teipyos....nose-dive, nosedive
  • teipyosea....nose-diving
  • teipyosen....nose-diving
  • teipyoser....nose-dive, nosedive
  • teipyuxlen....sneezing, sternutation
  • teipyuxlena....sternutative, sternutatory
  • teipyuxler....sneeze
  • teipyuxloa....about to sneeze
  • teis gel teliwa pot....gaminess
  • teis....aroma, odor, scent, smell, whiff
  • teisaya....aromatic, odorous, smelly
  • teisea gel teiliwa pot....gamey
  • teisea....ostensible
  • teiseay....ostensibly
  • teiser....smell like
  • teisika....aromatic, odorous, smelly
  • teisoya....odorless
  • teisuka....odorless
  • teisukan....gimcrackery
  • teit....sense of smell
  • teita....olfactory
  • teitayub....adenoid
  • teitayuba....adenoidal
  • teiter....smell
  • teitier....get a whiff of, savor
  • teitiwa....savored
  • teitos....sense of smell
  • teituen....giving off a smell
  • teituer....give off a smell
  • teityaf....ability to smell, olfactory sense of smell
  • teityafa....able to smell
  • teityafwa....able to be smelled
  • teityafwan....ability to be smelled
  • teityof....anosmia, inability to smell
  • teityofa....suffering from anosmia, unable to smell
  • teityofser....lose the ability to smell
  • teityofwa....impossible to smell, odorless
  • teityofwan....inability to be smelled, odorlessness
  • teiv....handkerchief, hankie, hanky, snot rag
  • teixar....smeller
  • teixen....olfaction, smelling
  • teixena....olfactory
  • teixer....smell, sniff, whiff
  • teixeusen....snoring
  • teixeuser....snore
  • teixeusut....snorer
  • teixgivob....snuff
  • teixgivoben....snuffing
  • teixgivober....snuff
  • teixgivobnyem....snuffbox
  • teixun....whiff
  • teixut....smeller
  • teixwa....smelled
  • teixyofxen....smothering
  • teixyofxer....smother
  • teixyofxwa....smothered
  • teiz....aroma, perfume
  • teizaya....aromatic, perfumy
  • teizayan....perfuminess
  • teizbar....aromatizer, perfumer
  • teizbek....aromatherapy
  • teizbekut....aromatherapist
  • teizben....aromatization, perfuming
  • teizber....aromatize, perfume
  • teizbwa....aromatized, perfumed
  • teizika....aromatic, perfumy
  • teizikan....perfuminess
  • teiznam....perfumery
  • teiznamut....perfumer
  • teizuka....aroma-free, perfume-free
  • teizxam....perfume factory
  • teizyeb....vial of perfume
  • teizyun....pomander
  • viteis....fragrance, nice aroma, perfume, scent
  • viteisa....fragrant
  • viteisea....aromatic
  • viteiser....smell fragrant
  • viteisuer....perfume
  • viteizuwa....perfumed
  • vobier gel futeisa....disrelish
  • vuteisa....mephitic
  • vuteisea....putrid, stinky
  • vuteiser....smell foul, stink
  • vuteisobul....deodorant
  • vuteixen....putrefaction, stinking up
  • vuteixer....stink up
  • vuteixwa....putrefied, stunk up
  • vyuteis....nasty smell
  • yavilteisea....beery
  • yeybteiba....intranasal
  • yeybteibay....intranasally
  • zoteiba....postnasal
  • zoteis....spoor

The root word teub and the related stub form teu- are used in numerous derived words having to do with mouth, tasting, shouting, vocalizing.
The main words to know are:
  • teub....mouth
  • teuter....to taste
  • teuser....to taste like
  • teuxer....to take a taste
  • teubiluer....to spit
  • ivteuber....to smile
  • uvteuber....to frown
  • teubab....tongue
  • teubaxer....to lick
  • teubob....lip
  • teuboxer....to kiss
  • teupib....tooth
  • teupixer....to bite
  • teubier....to swallow
  • teuder....to shout
  • teuz....voice
Here is a more complete list:
  • abaxrea yujteuzun....fricative consonant
  • abteuba yujteuzun....alveolar consonant
  • abteuba....alveolar
  • abteubbok....alveolitis
  • abteubob....upper lip
  • abteupimul....enamel
  • abteupimulxen....enameling
  • abteupimulxut....enameler
  • abteupimulxwa....enameled
  • abteupimulxwasyan....enamelware
  • abteuz....voice-over
  • agivteub....big smile, wide grin
  • agivteuben....grinning widely, smiling bigly
  • agivteuber....grin widely, smile bigly
  • agivteud....cackle, guffaw
  • agivteudea....cackling, guffawing
  • agivteuden....cackling, guffawing
  • agivteuder....cackle, guffaw
  • aglateuzubar....megaphone
  • agteuboba....lippy
  • anteuza....unanimous
  • anteuzan....unanimity
  • anteuzay....unanimously
  • anteuzuna....monophonic
  • apateusoz....cackle
  • apateusozen....cackling
  • apateusozer....cackle
  • ateubob....upper lip
  • ateupib....central incisor
  • aynteubien....swallowing whole
  • aynteubier....swallow whole
  • aynteubiwa....swallowed whole
  • azivteud....belly laugh, cheer, gleeful yelp, guffaw, loud laughter
  • azivteuden....cheering, guffawing, laughing out loud, shouting out with glee, yelping gleefully
  • azivteuder....cheer, guffaw, laugh out loud, laugh raucously, laugh riotously, laugh uproariously, shout out with glee, yelp gleefully
  • azteud....clamor, exclamation, holler, scream, shout
  • azteuden....clamoring, exclaiming, exclamation, screaming, shouting, vociferation, yelling
  • azteudena....exclamatory
  • azteuder....clamor, exclaim, holler, scream, shout, vociferate
  • azteudut....screamer, shouter
  • azteudwa....clamored, exclaimed, screamed, shouted
  • azteudyea....vociferously
  • azteudyeay....vociferousness
  • azteuzar....loudhailer
  • azufteuden....carping, loud complaining
  • azufteudut....carper
  • azuvteud....cry out loud, groan, moan, sob, wail
  • azuvteuden....bawling, crying out loud, groaning, lamentation, moaning, railing, sobbing, wailing
  • azuvteuder....bawl, complain loudly, cry out loud, groan, lament loudly, moan, rail, sob, wail, waul
  • azuvteudut....railer, wailer
  • baosteuz....twang
  • baosteuzyena....twangy
  • be aza teuz....aloud
  • bokuluyea teupixun....poisonous bite
  • dizteudyefwa....ludicrous
  • dizteudyefwan....ludicrousness
  • dizteudyefway....ludicrously
  • dopteud....battle cry
  • doteudafxer....enfanchise
  • doteudafxwa....enfranchised
  • doteudofxer....disenfranchise
  • doteudofxwa....disenfranchised
  • doteudut....crier
  • doteudyiva....free to vote
  • doteuzdref nyem....ballot box
  • doteuzdref....ballot
  • doteuziem....poll, polling site
  • doteuzien....polling
  • doteuzier....poll
  • doteuziut....poll-taker, pollster
  • doteuziwa....polled
  • doteuzkyaxut....swinger
  • doteuzsager....canvass
  • doteuzsagut....canvasser
  • doteuzsagwa....canvassed
  • doteuzuaf....permission to vote
  • doteuzuar....voting machine
  • doteuzuem....poll, voting place
  • doteuzuen tum....voting booth
  • doteuzuen....voting
  • doteuzuer....cast a vote
  • doteuzuun....vote
  • doteuzuut....voter
  • doteuzuwa....voted
  • doteuzuyofxen....disenfranchisement
  • doteuzuyofxer....disenfranchise
  • doteuzuyofxwa....disenfranchised
  • doteuzyiv....franchise, right to vote
  • doteuzyivan....freedom to vote
  • douvteud....gravamen
  • doyiv bi teuzer....right to vote, suffrage, voting right
  • doymteudut....town crier
  • dropek teud....war cry
  • dyafel-teuxuwa....vanilla-flavored
  • ebyijteuzuna....intervocalic
  • enteuboba....bilabial
  • enyijteuzun....diphthong
  • eteupib....lateral incisor
  • evyijteuz....schwa
  • eynabaxrea yujteuzun....affricative consonant
  • eynteubier....half-swallow
  • eynteusoz....snicker, titter
  • eynteusozen....snickering, tittering
  • eynteusozer....snicker, titter
  • eynyijteuzun....semivowel
  • eynyujteuzun....semi-consonant
  • fiteud....acclamation, cheer, howl of approval, praise
  • fiteudea....acclaiming
  • fiteuden....acclamation, cheering, howling, laudation, lauding, ovation, praising
  • fiteuder....acclaim, cheer, howl, laud, praise
  • fiteuduer....arouse applause
  • fiteudut....praiser
  • fiteuduyea....cheer-inducing, cheerful
  • fiteudwa....acclaimed, cheered, howled, lauded, praised
  • fiteudyea....laudatory, praiseful
  • fiteudyeay....laudatorily, praisingly
  • fiteudyefwa....worthy of applause
  • Fiteus!....Yum!
  • fiteus....flavor, good taste
  • fiteusa....delicious, lush, mouthwatering, nice-tasting, sapid, tasty, toothsome, yum, yummy
  • fiteusan....deliciousness, lushness, sapidity
  • fiteusay....deliciously, lushly
  • fiteusaya....delicious, flavored, flavorful, flavorsome, luscious
  • fiteusayan....deliciousness, lusciousness, savoriness, tastiness
  • fiteusea....flavorful, good-tasting, savory
  • fiteuser....taste good
  • fiteusika....delicious, flavored, flavorful, flavorsome, luscious
  • fiteusikan....deliciousness, lusciousness, savoriness
  • fiteusikay....deliciously, lusciously
  • fiteusoya....flavorless
  • fiteusuka....flavorless
  • fiteuxer....flavor
  • fiteuxul....flavoring
  • fiteuxwa....flavored
  • fuivteub....smirk, sneer
  • fuivteubea....smirking, sneering
  • fuivteuben....smirking, sneering
  • fuivteuber....smirk, sneer
  • fuivteud....ridicule, satire, snide laugh, twit
  • fuivteudea....satiric, satirical
  • fuivteuden....ridicule, ridiculing, satirization, snidely laughing
  • fuivteuder....laugh snidely, make fun of, ridicule, satirize, twit
  • fuivteudut....satirist
  • fuivteudwa....ridiculed, satirized, sneered
  • fuivteudyafwa....ridiculous
  • fuivteudyafwan....ridiculousness
  • fuivteudyafway....ridiculously
  • fuivteudyea....satirical, sneering
  • fuivteudyeay....satirically, sneeringly
  • futeud....denunciation
  • futeuden....decrying, denouncement, denouncing, denunciation, philippic, shouting down
  • futeuder....decry, denounce, denunciate, shout down
  • futeudwa....decried, denounced, denunciated, shouted down
  • futeus....bad taste
  • futeusa....bad-tasting, brackish, flyblown, foul-tasting, unsavory
  • futeusan....brackishness, foul taste, unsavoriness
  • futeusaya....nasty, unsavory
  • futeusayan....nastiness, unsavoriness
  • futeusea....bad-tasting, nasty, unsavory
  • futeuser....taste bad
  • futeusika....nasty, unsavory
  • futeusikan....nastiness, unsavoriness
  • gapoteupib....elephant tusk
  • gapoteupibul....ivory
  • gateubier....regorge
  • gateupib....tusk
  • gateupibika....tusked
  • gateupibog....tush
  • gateuzer....reecho
  • giteubaba....sharp-tongued
  • giteud....screak, scream, screech
  • giteudea....screaming, screeching, shrieking, squealing
  • giteuden....screaming, screeching, shrieking, squealing
  • giteuder....screak, scream, screech, shriek, squeal
  • giteudut....screamer, squealer
  • giteudwa....screamed
  • giteudyea....screechy
  • giteus....tang, zest
  • giteusa....tangy, zestful
  • giteusan....zestfulness
  • giteusay....zestfully
  • giteusaya....zesty
  • giteusika....zesty
  • giyufteud....screak
  • giyufteuder....screak
  • glagla ivteuduyea....sidesplitting
  • groteusa....insipid
  • groteusan....insipidity, insipidness
  • groteusay....insipidly
  • ibteubixer....gnaw away
  • ifteuduer....razz
  • igteubien....gulping down
  • igteubier....gulp down, quickly swallow
  • igteubiwa....gulped down
  • igteupixyafa....snappish
  • igteupixyafan....snappishness
  • igteupixyafay....snappishly
  • ijmola teud....primal scream
  • ikay teutyofa....stone-blind
  • ikteubien....swallowing up
  • ikteubier....ingurgitate, swallow up, swallow whole
  • ikteubiwa....swallowed up
  • ikteubixegwa....gnawed away, gnawed off
  • ikteubixer....chew up
  • ikteubixwa....chewed up
  • ila yuzteuzun....liquid consonant
  • inyijteuzun....triphthong
  • inyujteuzuna....tri-consonantal
  • iteupib....canine tooth
  • ivteub....grin, smile
  • ivteubea....grinning, smiley, smiling
  • ivteuben....grinning, smiling
  • ivteuber....grin, smile
  • ivteubsin....smiley
  • ivteubuer....cause to grin, make grin
  • ivteubuyea....grin-inducing
  • ivteubxen....amusement
  • ivteubxer....amuse, make smile
  • ivteubxwa....amused
  • ivteubyeay....smilingly
  • ivteud....laugh
  • ivteudea....laughing
  • ivteuden....laughing, laughter
  • ivteuder....laugh
  • ivteudog....giggle
  • ivteudogen....giggling
  • ivteudoger....giggle
  • ivteudogyea....giggly
  • ivteuduen....amusing, entertainment, tickling
  • ivteuduer....amuse, entertain, tickle
  • ivteuduwa....amused, entertained, tickled
  • ivteuduyea....funny
  • ivteudxea....amusing, funny
  • ivteudxeay....amusingly
  • ivteudxer....amuse, make laugh
  • ivteudyafwa....laughable, ridiculous
  • ivteudyafwan....ridiculousness
  • ivteudyafway....laughably, ridiculously
  • ivteudyeay....laughingly
  • ivteusoz....chortle
  • ivteusozen....chortling
  • ivteusozer....chortle
  • ivteusozut....chortler
  • izteupibtyen....orthodontia, orthodontics
  • izteupibtyena....orthodontic
  • izteupibtyenut....orthodontist
  • jateux....foretaste
  • jateuxen....pre-taste
  • jateuxer....pre-taste
  • jateuxut....pre-taster
  • joteus....after-taste, aftertaste
  • joteuzben....dubbing
  • joteuzber....dub
  • joteuzbut....dubber
  • joteuzbwa....dubbed
  • joyujteuzuna....postconsonantal
  • koda doteuzdref....secret ballot
  • loteuboxer....unmuffle
  • loteuzuwa....unvoiced
  • malpoxea yujteuzun....stop consonant
  • Mas bi Yaguvteuden....Wailing Wall
  • muyfyeg bi teupib vyixyel....tube of toothpaste
  • teuzdyeer....read aloud
  • bay teuz....out loud, aloud
  • obteubixer....gnaw off
  • obteuzwas....something whispered
  • odoteuzea....nonvoting
  • odoteuzut....nonvoter
  • ofiteusayxwa....unflavored
  • ofteudyut....grump
  • oglateuzibar....microphone
  • ogovteud....quibble
  • ogovteuden....quibbling
  • ogovteuder....quibble
  • ogovteudut....quibbler
  • ogteupixen....nibbling
  • ogteupixer....nibble
  • ogteupixut....nibbler
  • ogteupixwa....nibbled
  • oivteubea....unsmiling
  • oluvteudea....uncomplaining
  • oluvteudeay....uncomplainingly
  • olyebteupibwa....unindented
  • opasteurxwa....unpasteurized
  • oteubaxwa....unlicked
  • oteubob....lower lip, underlip
  • oteuda....mute
  • oteudan....muteness
  • oteudser....go mute
  • oteudxen....muting
  • oteudxer....mute
  • oteudxwa....muted
  • oteuxwa....untasted
  • oteuza....nonvocal
  • oteuzan....voicelessness
  • oteuzsagen....canvassing
  • oteuzwa....voiceless
  • oteuzwy....voicelessly
  • ovteuz....antiphony
  • oybteuzen....sub-vocalization
  • oybteuzer....sub-vocalize
  • oybteuzwa....sub-vocalized
  • oyebier teupib....extract a tooth
  • oyebixer teupib....extract a tooth
  • oyebteubilpuxen....spitting out
  • oyebteubilpuxer....spit out
  • oyebteubwa....spat out
  • oyteupiba....toothless
  • ozivteuden....chuckling
  • ozivteuder....chuckle
  • ozteuder....whimper
  • ozuvteud....mewl, moan, sigh, whimper
  • ozuvteudea....moaning, sighing, whimpering
  • ozuvteuden....moaning, sighing, whimpering
  • ozuvteuder....mewl, moan, sigh, weep, whimper
  • ozuvteudut....moaner, weeper, whimperer
  • pasteurxar....pasteurizer
  • pasteurxen....pasteurization
  • pasteurxer....pasteurize
  • pasteurxwa....pasteurized
  • pateub....beak, bill
  • pateuxen....pecking
  • pateuxer....peck
  • pateuxut....pecker
  • pateuxwa....pecked
  • pelt teupixun....bug bite, insect bite
  • pelteux....buzz
  • pelteuxea....buzzing
  • pelteuxen....buzzing
  • pelteuxer....buzz
  • pelteuxyea....buzzy
  • pelteuxyean....buzziness
  • pobalkber teupib....fill a tooth
  • pobokul teupixun....venom bite
  • poteub yignyef....muzzle
  • poteub....mug
  • seuxaza ovteud....uproar
  • seuz bi teuz....tone of voice
  • sopyedea yujteuzun....sibilant consonant
  • sopyet teupixun....snakebite
  • teiba yujteuzun....nasal consonant
  • teub vyixil....mouthwash
  • teub....bazoo, gab, mouth, orifice
  • teuba byak....oral hygiene
  • teuba byaktun....oral hygienics
  • teuba byaktuna....oral hygienic
  • teuba byaktut....oral hygienist
  • teuba....buccal, oral, parol
  • teubab yobalar....tongue depressor
  • teubab....tongue
  • teubaba....lingual
  • teubaber....tongue
  • teubaboya....tongueless
  • teubabuka....tongueless
  • teubabwa....tongued
  • teubabyoxer....loll
  • teubaoxer....wag the tongue
  • teubap....tang
  • teubaxen....embouchure, licking
  • teubaxer....lick
  • teubaxut....licker
  • teubaxwa....licked
  • teubay....orally
  • teubayeb....mustache
  • teubayebag....mustachio
  • teubayebagika....mustachioed
  • teubayebika....mustached
  • teubeb....gum
  • teubeba....gingival
  • teubebbok....gingivitis, gum disease
  • teubebyaz....gumboil
  • teubexar....snaffle
  • teubexarer....snaffle
  • teubib....jaw, mandible
  • teubiba funadxen....malocclusion
  • teubiba....mandibular
  • teubibaib....jawbone, maxilla
  • teubibaiba....maxillary
  • teubibaibi....maxillae
  • teubien....swallowing
  • teubier bekzyunog....swallow a pill
  • teubier....swallow
  • teubik....gag, mouthful
  • teubikber....cram into the mouth
  • teubil....saliva, slobber, spit
  • teubila tayub....salivary gland
  • teubila....salivary
  • teubilen....salivation
  • teubiler....salivate
  • teubilien....sucking
  • teubilier....suck
  • teubilokegea....dribbling, driveling
  • teubilokegen....dribbling, driveling
  • teubilokeger....dribble, drivel
  • teubilokegyea....dribbly, drively
  • teubiloken....drooling, slavering, slobbering
  • teubiloker....drool, slabber, slaver
  • teubilokyea....slobbery
  • teubiloyeben....expectoration
  • teubiloyeber....expectorate
  • teubiloyebun....expectorant
  • teubiloyebwa....expectorated
  • teubilpuxegen....sputtering
  • teubilpuxeger....sputter
  • teubilpuxen....expectoration, spewing, spitting
  • teubilpuxer....expectorate, spew, spit
  • teubilpuxun....expectorant, spit
  • teubilpuxwa....expectorated, spewed, spitted
  • teubilsom....spittoon
  • teubiluen....expectoration
  • teubiluer....expectorate
  • teubilun....spittle
  • teubiluxen....tantalization
  • teubiluxer....tantalize
  • teubiluxut....tantalizer
  • teubiluxyea....tantalizing
  • teubiluxyeay....tantalizingly
  • teubiwa....swallowed
  • teubix zyunog....cud
  • teubixazer....chomp
  • teubixegea....ruminant
  • teubixegen....gnawing, grazing, rumination
  • teubixeger....graze, ruminate
  • teubixegut....ruminant
  • teubixegwa....gnawed
  • teubixen....chewing, mastication
  • teubixer givob....chew tobacco
  • teubixer yuigofel....chew gum
  • teubixer....champ, champing, chew, manducate, masticate
  • teubixut....masticator
  • teubixwa dref....papier mache, papier mâché
  • teubixwa....chewed, masticated
  • teubixyafwa....chewable
  • teubixyea....chewy, mouthy
  • teubixyean....chewiness, mouthiness
  • teubiyik....difficulty swallowing
  • teubiyika....hard of swallowing
  • teubiyikwa....hard to swallow
  • teubiyl....spittle
  • teubiyxen....munching
  • teubiyxer....munch
  • teubiyxun....munchable, snack
  • teubiyxut....muncher
  • teubiyxwa....munched
  • teubnuf....bit
  • teubob volz....lip color, lip gloss, lipstick
  • teubob....labium, lip, valve
  • teuboba yujteuzun....labial consonant
  • teuboba....labial
  • teubobdyeen....lipreading
  • teubobdyeer....lipread
  • teubobdyeut....lipreader
  • teubobsan....labrum
  • teubobyeben....sucking
  • teubobyeber....suck
  • teubobyebwa....sucked
  • teubov....facial covering, mask, mouth cover
  • teubox....buss, kiss
  • teuboxegen....smooching
  • teuboxeger....smooch
  • teuboxen....bussing, kissing, osculation
  • teuboxer....buss, kiss, osculate
  • teuboxwa....bussed
  • teuboxyafwa....kissable
  • teuboyxer....give a peck on the cheek
  • teubsar....mouthpiece
  • teubsin....expression
  • teubsinen....making an expression
  • teubsiner....make an expression
  • teubsinoya....deadpan, expressionless, glassy
  • teubsinuka....deadpan, expressionless, glassy
  • teubsun....mouthpiece
  • teubukxwul....sputum
  • teubvyixul....mouthwash
  • teubyijea....yawning
  • teubyijen....yawning
  • teubyijer....yawn
  • teubyijuyeas....yawner
  • teubyijyea....yawny
  • teubyujar....gag
  • teubyujben....gagging
  • teubyujber....gag, gagged
  • teubzoteyob....oropharynx
  • teubzoteyoba....oropharyngeal
  • teubzyayijben....gaping
  • teubzyayijber....gape
  • teud....call, cry, exclamation
  • teudaz....yell
  • teudazer....yell
  • teudazut....yeller
  • teudazwa....yelled
  • teuden....calling, crying out, exclaiming
  • teudena....exclamatory
  • teuder....call, cry out, exclaim
  • teudnuf....call button
  • teudut....crier
  • teudwa....called, cried out, exclaimed
  • teuf....muzzle
  • teufuen....muzzling
  • teufuer....muzzle
  • teufuwa....muzzled
  • teumib....palate
  • teumiba....palatal
  • teumibxen....palatalization
  • teumibxer....palatalize
  • teumibxwa....palatalized
  • teupib ebzyan....bridgework
  • teupib gimuf....toothpick
  • teupib megyel....cementum
  • teupib oyebixen....tooth extraction
  • teupib vyixar....toothbrush
  • teupib vyixyel....toothpaste
  • teupib yigabmul....tooth enamel
  • teupib yilemikun....tooth filling
  • teupib yonmulsen....tooth decay
  • teupib yugzen....pulp
  • teupib zyeg....tooth cavity
  • teupib....tooth
  • teupiba yujteuzun....dental consonant
  • teupiba....dental
  • teupibaga....toothy
  • teupibagay....toothily
  • teupibaosen....teeth chattering
  • teupibaoser....teeth chatter
  • teupibbek....dental care, dental hygiene, dentistry
  • teupibbekam....dental clinic, dentist office
  • teupibbekut....dental hygienist
  • teupibbyok....dental pain, odontalgia
  • teupibbyoyk....toothache
  • teupiben....toothing
  • teupibgoblar....hob
  • teupibien....teething
  • teupibier....teethe
  • teupibika....dentate, indented, serrated, toothed
  • teupibilz....tartar
  • teupibniv....floss
  • teupibniven....flossing
  • teupibniver....floss
  • teupibok....tooth loss
  • teupiboya....toothless
  • teupiboyan....toothlessness
  • teupibsen....dentition, odontiasis
  • teupibsiynxen....denting
  • teupibsiynxwa....dented
  • teupibtun....dentistry, odontology
  • teupibtuna....dental, odontological
  • teupibtut....dentist, odontologist
  • teupibuka....toothless
  • teupibukan....toothlessness
  • teupibut....dentist
  • teupibutam....dentists office
  • teupibvyixyel....dentifrice
  • teupibwa....indented, notched, serrated
  • teupibxen....dentition, teething
  • teupibxer....teethe
  • teupibyan....denture
  • teupibyena....odontoid, tooth-like
  • teupimul....dentin, dentine
  • teupip....fang
  • teupipika....fanged
  • teupipoben....defanging
  • teupipober....defang
  • teupipobwa....defanged
  • teupixegen....gnashing
  • teupixeger....gnash
  • teupixen....biting
  • teupixer....bite
  • teupixun....bite, morsel
  • teupixwa....bitten
  • teupixyea....biting, mordant
  • teupixyean....mordancy
  • teupixyeay....bitingly, mordantly
  • teus....taste
  • teusa....gustatory
  • teusaya....full of taste, savory, tasty
  • teusayan....savoriness, tastiness
  • teusayxer....make tasty
  • teusea....tasting like
  • teusen....tasting like
  • teuser....taste like
  • teusgab....seasoning, spice, taste supplement
  • teusgaben....seasoning, spicing
  • teusgaber....season, spice up, supplement with taste
  • teusgabwa....spiced
  • teusibar....taste bud, taste receptor
  • teusifien....degustation
  • teusifier....degust
  • teusika....full of taste, savory, tasty
  • teusikan....savoriness, tastiness
  • teusikxer....fill up with taste, imbue with taste
  • teusoya....insipid, tasteless
  • teusoyan....insipidness, tastelessness
  • teusoyxen....depriving of taste
  • teusoyxer....deprive of taste
  • teusoyxwa....deprived of taste
  • teusufer....be disgusted
  • teusufxyika....easily disgusted
  • teusufxyikwa....squeamish
  • teusufxyikwan....squeamishness
  • teusufxyikway....squeamishly
  • teusuka....insipid, tasteless
  • teusukan....insipidness, tastelessness
  • teusukxer....remove the taste
  • teusyiga....acerbic, astringent, bitter
  • teusyigan....acerbity, astringency, bitterness
  • teusyigay....astringently
  • teusyigser....become astringent, become bitter
  • teusyigxer....embitter, make astringent
  • teusyigxwa....embittered
  • teut....sense of taste
  • teuta....gustatory
  • teuter....taste
  • teutien tul....sample dish
  • teutien....sampling, savoring, tasting
  • teutier....sample, take a taste
  • teutiun....sample, sampler, taste
  • teutiut....sampler, taster
  • teutiwa....sampled
  • teutos....sense of taste
  • teutuer....give a taste to, offer a sample, offer to taste
  • teutuwa....offered a taste
  • teutyaf....ability to taste, sense of taste
  • teutyafwa....tastable
  • teutyof....inability to taste
  • teutyofa....unable to taste
  • teutyofwa....unable to be tasted
  • teutyofwan....inability to be tasted, vapidity
  • teuv....mask
  • teuvdazag....masked ball
  • teuvien....mummery, putting on a mask
  • teuvier....put on a mask
  • teuviut....mummer
  • teuvuen....masquerade
  • teuvuer....mask
  • teuvuutyan....masquerade
  • teuvuwa....masked
  • teuvuwat....masker
  • teuxen....tasting
  • teuxer....taste
  • teuxuen....flavoring
  • teuxuer....flavor
  • teuxuwa....flavored
  • teuxwa....tasted
  • teuz....voice
  • teuza....vocal
  • teuzagxar....megaphone, microphone, mike
  • teuzaun....phoneme
  • teuzauna....phonemic
  • teuzaunay....phonemically
  • teuzauntun....phonemics
  • teuzauntut....phonemicist
  • teuzaxen....vocalization
  • teuzaxer....vocalize
  • teuzaxut....vocalizer
  • teuzaxwa....vocalized
  • teuzay....vocally
  • teuzaza....loud, loudmouthed
  • teuzazar....loudspeaker, mic
  • teuzazat....loudmouth
  • teuzazay....in a loud voice, loudly
  • teuzdriren....phonotypy
  • teuzdrirena....phonotypical
  • teuzdrirsiyn....phonotype
  • teuzea....uttering
  • teuzebden....voicemail
  • teuzen....uttering, vocalization, voicing, phonation
  • teuzer....phonate, vocalize
  • teuzijuna....glottal
  • teuzneyef....voiceband
  • teuznyem....larynx, voice box
  • teuznyema....laryngeal
  • teuzoza....soft-spoken
  • teuzozay....in a low voice, in a soft voice
  • teuztisyen....phonics
  • teuztun....phonology
  • teuztuna....phonological
  • teuztunay....phonologically
  • teuztut....phonologist
  • teuzun....phone, sound, utterance
  • teuzuna saen....phoneticism
  • teuzuna....phonetic, phonic
  • teuzunay....phonetically, phonically
  • teuzuntun....phonetics
  • teuzuntuna....phonetic
  • teuzuntut....phoneticist
  • teuzuntyenut....phonetician
  • teuzut....voicer
  • teuzwa....sonant, uttered, voiced
  • teuzyan....chorus
  • teuzyana....choral
  • teuzyantixar....vocoder
  • teuzyanut....choral singer
  • teuzyigfa....hoarse
  • teuzyigfan....hoarseness
  • teuzyigfaser....hoarsen
  • teuzyigfaxer....hoarsen
  • teuzyigfay....hoarsely
  • teyobufa yujteuzun....guttural consonant
  • tikyebteubaxen....analingus
  • tojteuv....death mask
  • tooyba teuzuen....female suffrage
  • tudet teupib....baby tooth
  • tyoyafteubaxut....brown noser
  • uateupib....molar
  • ufteub....frown, grimace, sneer
  • ufteubea....frowning, grimacing, sneering
  • ufteuben....frowning, grimacing, sneering scowling
  • ufteuber....frown, grimace, lour, mug, sneer
  • ufteubsin....glower, hateful expression
  • ufteubuer....make frown
  • ufteud....gripe, grouch, grouse, grumble, scorn, scowl
  • ufteudea....griping, grouching, grousing, grumbling, scowling
  • ufteuden....griping, grouching, grousing, grumbling, scorning, scowling, snarling
  • ufteuder....gripe, grouch, grouse, grumble, grump, scorn, scowl, snarl, whine
  • ufteuduer....make groan
  • ufteudut....griper, grouser, scorner, whiner
  • ufteuduyea....groan-inducing
  • ufteudwa....scorned
  • ufteudyea jagat....codger
  • ufteudyea....grouchy, grumpy, scornful, snarly
  • ufteudyean....grouchiness, grumpiness
  • ufteudyeay....grouchily, grumpily, scornfully
  • uteupib....premolar, wisdom tooth
  • utivteubeay....simperingly
  • utivteuber....simper
  • uvteub....frown, grimace, long face, pouty face
  • uvteubea....frowning, grimacing, pouting
  • uvteuben....frowning, grimacing, making a long face, moping, pouting, sulking
  • uvteuber....be sad-faced, frown, grimace, lour, make a long face, mope, pout, sulk
  • uvteubsin....sad expression, sad face
  • uvteubsinea....making a sad face, pouting
  • uvteubsinen....making a sad face, pouting
  • uvteubsiner....make a sad face, pout
  • uvteubut....moper
  • uvteud....complaint, moan, outcry, plaint, wail
  • uvteuden....beefing, complaining, crying out, groaning, moaning, wailing
  • uvteuder....complain, cry out, groan, moan, wail
  • uvteuduer....make cry, make groan, make moan
  • uvteudut....complainant, complainer
  • uvteuduyea....groan-inducing, moan-inducing
  • uvteudyea....grumbling, mournful, peevish, plaintive, querulous
  • uvteudyean....peevishness, querulousness
  • uvteudyeay....peevishly, plaintively, querulously
  • uvteudyefwa....groan-worthy
  • uvteudyen....plangency
  • uvteudyena....plangent
  • vadoteuz....yes vote
  • vadoteuzea....voting yes
  • vadoteuzer....vote yes
  • vadoteuzut....yes voter
  • vadoteuzwa....voted in
  • vafil teuxen....wine tasting
  • vateuyea....telling
  • vateuyeay....tellingly
  • vateuz....aye, yes vote
  • vateuzer....say aye, vote affirmatively, vote yes
  • vateuzut....yes voter
  • viteus....good taste
  • viteusa....scrumptious
  • viteusay....scrumptiously
  • viteusea....savory, tasty
  • vodoteuzuea....voting no
  • vodoteuzuer....vote no
  • vodoteuzuut....no voter
  • vodoteuzuwa....voted down
  • voteud....disclaimer
  • voteuder....disclaim
  • voteudwa....disclaimed
  • voteuz....nay, no vote
  • voteuzer....vote down, vote no
  • voteuzut....no voter
  • voteuzwa....voted down
  • vyosaxwa teupibi....false teeth
  • vyuteuba....foul-mouthed, foulmouthed, ribald
  • vyuteuban....ribaldry
  • vyuteubat....foul-mouthed person, foulmouth, ribald
  • yaba yijteuzun....high vowel
  • yagteubixea....gnawing
  • yagteubixen....gnawing
  • yagteubixer....gnaw
  • yagteubixwa....gnawed
  • yaguvteud....lament, wail, whine
  • yaguvteudea....lamenting, moaning, wailing, whining
  • yaguvteuden....lamentation, lamenting, moaning, wailing, whining
  • yaguvteuder....kvetch, lament, moan, wail, whine, whinge
  • yaguvteudut....whiner, whinger
  • yaguvteudyea....whiny
  • yaguvteudyefwa....lamentable
  • yaguvteudyefway....lamentably
  • yanyujber teubobi....pucker, purse the lips
  • yazabteupib....bucktooth
  • yazabteupibika....bucktoothed
  • yeba teuz....conscience, inner voice
  • yeber doteuzdref....cast a ballot, cast a vote
  • yebteuboben....sucking
  • yebteubober....suck
  • yebteubobun....suction
  • yebteubobwa....sucked
  • yebteupiben....indentation, indenting
  • yebteupiber....indent
  • yebteupibun....dent, indentation
  • yebteupibwa....indented
  • yembiara teupibbek....prosthodontics
  • yembiara teupibbeka....prosthodontic
  • yembiara teupibbekut....prosthodontist
  • yepeteupib....cuspid
  • yigteupix seux....graunch
  • yigteupixen....crunching
  • yigteupixer....crunch
  • yigteupixwa....crunched
  • yigteupixyea....crunchy
  • yigteupixyean....crunchiness
  • yijteuza....vocalic
  • yijteuzun yanseuz....vowel harmony
  • yijteuzun....vowel
  • yijteuzyan....vocalism
  • yiteupib....wisdom tooth
  • yizdoteuzuer....outvote
  • yizdoteuzuwa....outvoted
  • yizteuder....outshout
  • yoba yijteuzun....low vowel
  • yokteud....exclamation, outburst
  • yokteuda siyn....exclamation mark, exclamation point
  • yokteuda....exclamatory
  • yokteuden....exclamation
  • yokteudena....exclamatory
  • yokteuder....exclaim
  • yokteudwa....exclaimed
  • yokteudyea....exclamatory
  • yolzteuboba....blue-lipped
  • yonteuzika....dissonant
  • yonteuzikan....dissonance
  • yopelat teupixun....mosquito bite
  • yoteupib....molar
  • yufteud....growl, roar
  • yufteudea....growling, roaring
  • yufteuden....growling, roaring
  • yufteuder....growl, roar
  • yugteumib....soft palate, velum
  • yugteumiba yujteuzun....velar consonant
  • yugteumiba....velar
  • yugteumibxer....velarize
  • yujteuzun glal....consonant cluster
  • yujteuzun....consonant
  • yujteuzuna....consonantal
  • yupleteubob....harelip
  • yupleteuboba....harelipped
  • yuzteupiba....periodontal
  • yuzteupibut....periodontist
  • zaa yijteuzun....front vowel
  • zateupib....foretooth
  • zateyoba yuzteuzun....laryngeal consonant
  • zea yijteuzun....mid vowel
  • zoa yijteuzun....back vowel
  • zoyteuz....echo
  • zoyteuza emkaxen....echolocation
  • zoyteuza....echoic
  • zoyteuzen....echoing
  • zoyteuzer....echo
  • zoyteuzim....echo chamber
  • zoyteuzuka....anechoic
  • zoyteuzwa....echoed
  • zyaa yijteuzun....open vowel
  • zyaivteub....beaming grin, wide grin
  • zyaivteubea....beaming, grinning widely
  • zyaivteuben....grinning widely
  • zyaivteuber....be all grins, beam, grin widely
  • zyateuba ilyebag....ewer
  • zyateuba....widemouthed
  • zyoa yijteuzun....close vowel
  • zyoyujben teubobi....puckering, pursing the lips
  • zyoyujber teubobi....pucker, purse the lips
  • zyuteuba....orthant

TIB and Subordinal Words


The root word tib means trunk (of the body) The main parts or sub-elements are:
  • zotib....back
  • zetib....waist
  • zatib....lap
  • tibuj....tail
  • tibaib....rib
  • tiab....bosom
  • twilab....chest, pec
  • tilayb....breast
  • tilaybeib....teat, nipple
  • tieb....lung
  • tiib....heart
  • tiub....belly
  • tiuyb....abdomen
  • zetiub....belly button
  • tiyob....kidney
  • tiyab....bladder
  • tiyeb....prostate
  • twiyib....testical
  • tiyiyb....ovary
  • tiyub....genitals
  • twiyub....penis
  • tiyuyb....vagina
  • zotiyub....buttock
  • tikab....esophagus
  • tikeb....stomach
  • tikib....liver
  • tikub....pancreas
  • tikyob....small intestine
  • tikyab....large intestine
  • tikyeb....anus
Here is a set of words derived from tib:
  • abtaf tibuj....coattail
  • aomuftib....scape
  • apetibuj tayebsyen....ponytail
  • apetibuj....horsetail, ponytail
  • byoyk bi zotib....backache
  • ebtibaiba....intercostal
  • entibuj yagtif....swallowtail
  • entibuj....swallowtail
  • eopetibiil-volz....oxblood
  • eopetibiil-volza....oxblood
  • eopetibuj....oxtail
  • epeytibuj....cow tail
  • gibarer be ha zotib....backstab
  • hyutibuja....heterocercal
  • iztibsea....erect, standing up, standing up straight, upright
  • iztibsen....erection, standing up, standing up straight
  • iztibser....stand erect, stand up, stand up straight
  • iztibsya....erect, standing straight, upright
  • jogat datibam....youth hostel
  • kapeltiblen....nitpicking
  • kapeltibler....nitpick
  • marmeg tibuj....comet tail
  • nyiftibuf....shoelace tag
  • obtibgun....crotch
  • obzatib syaagir....laptop computer
  • obzatib....lap
  • obzatibfaof....laptop
  • obzatibik....lapful
  • odatibyena....inhospitable
  • odatibyenay....inhospitably
  • pitibuj....fishtail
  • pontam datibut....hotel host, hotel receptionist
  • tib....torso, trunk
  • tiba gwogteexar....lavalier
  • tiba pyosuz....lavaliere
  • tibaib....rib
  • tibaiba....costal
  • tibaibika....ribbed
  • tibaibuer....rib
  • tibaibyan....rib cage
  • tibal....distress
  • tibalea....distressing
  • tibalwa....distressed
  • tibalyea....distressful
  • tibalyeay....distressingly
  • tibiilgran....plethora
  • tibuf....dragnet, tassel, train
  • tibufika....tasseled
  • tibuj oybsiyn....cedilla
  • tibuj....tail
  • tibuja....caudal
  • tibujika....tailed
  • tibujoya....tailless
  • tibujuka....tailless
  • tibujyog....bobtail
  • tibupea....dragging behind, lagging
  • tibupen....dragging behind, lagging
  • tibuper....drag behind, lag
  • tibuxegen....tail wagging
  • tibuxeger....wag the tail
  • tibuzasen....bending over, bowing
  • tibuzaser....bend over, bow
  • tibuzogxen....curtsy
  • tibyeym....poke, pouch
  • atikeb....rumen
  • byoyk bi tikeb....bellyache, stomachache
  • eopetuda tikib....calf's liver
  • jatikabier....predigest
  • jatikabiwa....predigested
  • meylztikibbok....cirrhosis
  • meylztikibboka....cirrhotic
  • otikabiwa....indigested
  • otikabyebniwa....undigested
  • patikeb....gizzard
  • peltiktojbut....exterminator, bug exterminator
  • potikexb....craw
  • pottikyebil....scat
  • pyuer ha nod bi tikebiloken....gag
  • tikab....esophagus
  • tikaba....esophageal
  • tikabien....digesting, digestion
  • tikabiena....digestive, peptic
  • tikabier....digest
  • tikabiwa....digested
  • tikabiyafwa....digestible
  • tikabiyik....dyspepsia, indigestion, liverish
  • tikabiyika....dyspepsic, dyspeptic
  • tikabiyikwa....hard to digest
  • tikabiyofwa....indigestible
  • tikeb....gut, maw, stomach
  • tikeba....gastric, stomach-related, stomachic
  • tikeba-tikyaba....gastrointestinal
  • tikebbok....gastritis
  • tikebbyoyk....stomach ache
  • tikebien....ingestion
  • tikebier....ingest
  • tikebiil....gastric juice
  • tikebikxen....stuffing
  • tikebikxer....fill the stomach, stuff
  • tikebikxwa....stuffed
  • tikebikxwas....stuffing
  • tikebil....chyme
  • tikebiloken....puking, regurgitation, throwing up, vomiting
  • tikebiloker....barf, disgorge, keck, puke, regorge, regurgitate, throw up, upchuck, vomit
  • tikebilokuer....gag
  • tikebilokun....puke, vomit
  • tikebilokwa....vomited
  • tikebilokxea....vomitive
  • tikebilokyeker....retch
  • tikebiokxus....vomitory
  • tikebiwa....ingested
  • tikebukxar....stomach pump
  • tikebukxen....stomach pumping
  • tikebukxer....pump the stomach
  • tikebukxil....emetic
  • tikebyijben....gutting
  • tikebyijber....gut
  • tikebyijbwa....gutted
  • tikebyik....indigestion
  • tikebzyaoxen....peristalsis
  • tikebzyaoxena....peristaltic
  • tikebzyubaoxea....stomach-churning
  • tikib....liver
  • tikiba....hepatic, liver-
  • tikibbok....hepatitis, liver disease
  • tikibil....bile
  • tikibila....biliary, bilious
  • tikibilan....biliousness
  • tikibtaolfuyf....liverwurst
  • tikibtun....hepatology
  • tikibtuna....hepatological
  • tikibtunay....hepatologically
  • tikibtut....hepatologist
  • tikibul....heparin
  • tikub....pancreas
  • tikuba....pancreatic
  • tikubbok....pancreatitis
  • tikyab....large intestine
  • tikyaba....enteric
  • tikyabbok....colic
  • tikyabboka....colicky
  • tikyabbokmula....coliform
  • tikyabujgoblen....colostomy
  • tikyeb....anus, bung, pooper
  • tikyeba....anal
  • tikyebal....fart, flatulence, wind
  • tikyebaluen....breaking wind, farting, flatulence
  • tikyebaluer....break wind, fart
  • tikyebaluyea....flatulent
  • tikyebay....anally
  • tikyebteubaxen....analingus
  • tikyebuj....rectum
  • tikyebuja tayoxen....rectal palpation
  • tikyebuja....rectal
  • tikyebujay....rectally
  • tikyebul....dung, feces, shit, slop
  • tikyebula....fecal
  • tikyebulif....scat
  • tikyebultuna....scatological, scatology
  • tikyebuluen....defecation, shitting
  • tikyebuluena....defecatory
  • tikyebuluer....defecate, shit
  • tikyebzoytalobbok....hemorrhoids, piles
  • tikyob....bowel, intestine, small intestine
  • tikyoba....intestinal
  • tikyobbok....dysentery, enteritis
  • tikyobi....bowels
  • tikyobien....ingesting, ingestion
  • tikyobier....ingest
  • tikyobij....duodenum
  • tikyobija....duodenal
  • tikyobil....chyle
  • tikyobilp....diarrhea
  • tikyobiwa....ingested
  • tikyobobeer....unbowel
  • tikyoboben....disemboweling, disembowelment
  • tikyobober....disembowel, embowel
  • tikyobobwa....disemboweled
  • tikyobuien....digestion
  • tikyobuier....digest
  • tikyobuiwa....digested
  • ujtikyob....ileum
  • zetikyob....jejunum
  • tibyobyoz....groin
  • yanzotibaxen....spooning
  • yanzotibaxer....spoon
  • yapetibuj....pigtail
  • yapetzotib....pig's back
  • yapiitibuj....shrimp tail
  • yetetib....lay ministry
  • yipetibuj....cattail
  • yobtibsea....crouched, crouching
  • yobtibsen....crouching
  • yobtibser....crouch, hunker, scrooch, scrootch, scrouge
  • yobzotib....lumbago, sirloin
  • yobzotiba....lumbar
  • yupetibuj....scut
  • zaobasea tibuj....wagging tail
  • zetib....midriff, waist
  • zetibnad....waistline
  • zetibneyef....waistband
  • zotib nyef....backpack, rucksack
  • zotib ponyef....travel backpack
  • zotib....back
  • zotiba....dorsal
  • zotibabaxlun....back massage
  • zotibabwa....supine
  • zotibabway....supinely
  • zotibar....back
  • zotibay....dorsally
  • zotibbelwa....pickaback
  • zotibnyef....backpack, knapsack, rucksack
  • zotibnyefen....backpacking
  • zotibnyefut....backpacker
  • zotibpyex....backstroke
  • zotibyaza....hunchbacked, humpbacked
  • zotibyazat....hunchback
  • zotibyokbas....wrick
  • zotib-yonpyexea....backbreaking
  • zyatibsen....stretching
  • zyatibser....stretch

TUB, TUP, and Subordinal Words


The root word tub means arm and is related to tup meaning limb in general.
The sub-elements of tub are:
  • tuab....shoulder
  • tueb....upper arm
  • tuib....elbow
  • tuub....forearm
  • tuyob....wrist
  • tuyab....hand
  • tuyeb....fist
  • tuyib....palm
  • tuyub....finger
  • tulob....fingernail
Words containing tub and tup are the following:
  • anpatuba....single-wing, single-winged
  • anpatubeon....monoplane
  • antuba....one-armed
  • antubat....one-armed person
  • apatub....chicken wing
  • bay oyebzyabwa tupi....spreadeagled, akimbo, sprawled out
  • byoxtub....gibbet
  • byuxtup....tentacle
  • byuxtupika....tentacled
  • ekutyan tup....team member
  • enbirtub....tongs
  • enpatuba mampur....biplane
  • enpatuba....bi-wing
  • fyepatubatem....fairyland
  • glapituba....finny
  • inpatuba mampur....triplane
  • kyoaxea patubes....canard
  • lotupxen....ouster
  • lotupxer....oust from the membership
  • mapatub mampur....prop plane, propeller aircraft, propeller plane
  • mapatub....fan, propeller
  • mapitub....weather vane
  • milatub....hydrofoil
  • otup....nonmember
  • otupdyundrawa....unregistered
  • oybtuba....underarm
  • patub....aileron, airfoil, fan, flapper, pinion, wing
  • patubas....flap, flutter
  • patubasar....flapper, valve
  • patubasea mes....flapper, shutter, valve
  • patubasea....aflutter, flapping, fluttering
  • patubasen....flapping, fluttering
  • patubaser....flap, flutter
  • patubes....winglet
  • patubgin....wingtip
  • patubier....fledge
  • patubika....winged
  • patuboya....wingless
  • patubuer....fledge
  • patubuj....flexure
  • patubuka....wingless
  • patubuwa....fledged
  • patubuzan....camber
  • patubyena....winglike
  • patubyuj....flap, volet
  • patubzen....hub
  • patubzyab....wingspread
  • patubzyag....wingspan
  • patupea....flitting
  • patupen....flitting
  • patuper....flit
  • peitub....flipper
  • pitub....fin
  • potub....paw
  • potuben....pawing
  • potuber....paw
  • potubwa....pawed
  • pyatub....poult
  • seuztub....tonearm
  • suza tup....prosthesis, prosthetic
  • talabtupet....arthropod
  • tostub....antenna
  • tostubi....antennae
  • tostubsyob....scape
  • tub yuznof....armband
  • tub....arm, brace
  • tuba....brachial
  • tubalk....terbium, Tb
  • tubaxen....flailing, swinging
  • tubaxer....flail
  • tubazyuj....hammerlock
  • tubbol....armrest
  • tubglan....armful
  • tubkyiun....armload
  • tubsim....armchair
  • tubuken....winging
  • tubuker....wing
  • tubyog....stub, stump
  • tubyujlen....keylock
  • tubyuxok....paraplegia
  • tubyuxokya....paraplegic
  • tubyuxokyat....paraplegic
  • tubyuzen....cuddling, embracing, hugging
  • tubyuzer....cuddle, embrace, hug
  • tubyuzwa....cuddled
  • tubyuzyea....cuddly
  • tubyuzyuben....folding one's arms
  • tubyuzyuber....fold one's arms
  • tubzyeg....armhole, armpit
  • tubzyus....armlet
  • tup....limb, member, outgrowth, appendage
  • tupoben....amputation, dismemberment
  • tupober....amputate, dismember, remove a limb
  • tupobwa....amputated, dismembered
  • tupot....tarsier
  • tupoya....limbless
  • tupoza....rickety
  • tupuka....limbless
  • tupuzren....wrench
  • tupyaga....rangy
  • tupyagan....ranginess
  • tupyot....bonobo
  • tupyugxer....unlimber
  • ummagelwa patub....baked chicken
  • untuppasyof....quadriplegia
  • untuppasyofa....quadriplegic
  • untuppasyofat....quadriplegic
  • upetubayob....lambskin
  • upetubayof....lambskin
  • uztub....crank
  • uztuben....crank, cranking
  • uztubmuf....crankshaft
  • uztubmufyem....crankcase
  • uzyupatub mampur....helicopter
  • uzyupatub....chopper, copter, helical wing, helicopter wing, screw wing
  • uzyupatupur....helicopter
  • uzyupatupurem....heliport
  • yantubyuzen....snuggling
  • yantubyuzer....snuggle
  • yijtup....raglan
  • yuztuben....embrace, embracing
  • yuztuber....embrace
  • zatup....forelimb
  • zotup....backlimb
  • zyubmapatub....turboprop
  • zyuptub....turnstile
Words containing sub-elements of tub are the following:
  • amez tuyobuz....diamond bracelet
  • antuyaba....single-handed
  • antuyabay....single-handedly, singlehanded
  • atulob....thumbnail
  • atuyub abaxlun....shiatsu
  • atuyub....thumb
  • atuyubek zyun....marble
  • atuyuben....thumbing
  • atuyuber....thumb
  • aybtuyaba....overhanded
  • baoxer tuyabi....shake hands
  • beker kyituyabay....treat heavy-handedly
  • bekwa kyituyabay....treated heavy-handedly
  • bey tuyab....by hand
  • buktulob....hangnail
  • daztuyabnaad....barre
  • ebtuabuz....epaulet
  • etuyub....index finger
  • fituyabwa....well-handled
  • futuyaben....mishandling
  • futuyaber....mishandle
  • futuyabwa....mishandled
  • iatuyub....right hand thumb
  • ietuyub....right hand index finger
  • igtuyubtyen....legerdemain
  • ituyub....middle finger
  • iyotuyub....right hand pinkie
  • iza tuyabel....express delivery
  • kyituyaba....heavy-handed
  • kyituyaban....heavy-handedness
  • kyituyabay....heavy-handedly
  • kyituyaben....mauling, treat heavy-handedly
  • kyituyaber....maul, treat heavy-handedly
  • kyituyabwa....mauled, treated heavy-handedly
  • lotuyaber....unhand
  • mes tuyabar....door handle
  • nyivtulobeay....pizzicato
  • patulob....claw, gripper
  • patulobar....grip, gripper
  • patuloben....gripping
  • patulober....grip
  • patulobwa....gripped
  • potulob....claw
  • pyex bay zoa tuyab....backhander
  • pyotuyaben....pawing
  • pyotuyaber....paw
  • pyotuyabwa....pawed
  • sartuyabar....haft, helve
  • sepetulob....spine
  • tuab dopar....shoulder gun, shoulder weapon
  • tuab....humerus, shoulder
  • tuaba....humeral
  • tuababeler dudyef....shoulder responsibility
  • tuababeler....carry on one’s shoulders, shoulder
  • tuababwa....piggyback, piggybacked
  • tuabaoxen....shimmying
  • tuabaoxer....shimmy
  • tuabapen....piggybacking
  • tuabexen....shouldering
  • tuabexer....hold on one's shoulders, shoulder
  • tuabexwa....shouldered
  • tuabnyef....satchel, shoulder bag
  • tuabof....tippet
  • tuabtaol....chuck
  • tuabzogon....scapula
  • tuabzogona....scapular
  • tueb....upper arm, biceps
  • tuebaeb....bicep, biceps
  • tuib yanar....elbow joint
  • tuib....elbow
  • tuibaxen....elbowing, nudging
  • tuibaxer....elbow, nudge
  • tuibaxwa....elbowed, nudged
  • tulob goyblar....nail clipper
  • tulob goyblun....nail clipping
  • tulob yivtayobes....agnail
  • tulob yugfar....nail file
  • tulob yugfaxil....nail polish
  • tulob....fingernail, nail
  • tulobar....file, manicure device, nail cutter, nail scissor, plectrum
  • tulobaryan....manicure set
  • tulobbek....manicure
  • tulobbekam....manicure salon, nail salon
  • tulobbeken....manicuring
  • tulobbekut....manicurist
  • tulobbekwa....manicured
  • tulobseuxen....scrooping
  • tulobseuxer....scroop
  • tulobtayebar....nailbrush
  • tulobul....keratin
  • tulobula....keratinous
  • tulobulxer....keratinize
  • tulobyog....dewclaw
  • tuub....forearm, tendril
  • tuubaib....ulna
  • tuubaiba....ulnar
  • tuubnak....cubit
  • tuyab adopar....hand gun, handgun, pistol
  • tuyab belar....hand truck, handbarrow, handcart
  • tuyab dopar....hand weapon
  • tuyab ektobet....hand puppet
  • tuyab kotyen....sleight of hand
  • tuyab manar....flashlight
  • tuyab milnov....hand towel, napkin
  • tuyab ponyeb....valise
  • tuyab umxar....hand dryer
  • tuyab yaozgoblar....handsaw
  • tuyab yibdalir....hand phone, handset
  • tuyab....hand
  • tuyaba yex....manual labor
  • tuyaba yexut....manual laborer
  • tuyaba yibdalir....cell phone, hand phone
  • tuyaba....manual
  • tuyabaox....handshake
  • tuyabaoxen....handshaking
  • tuyabaoxer....shake hands
  • tuyabar....handle
  • tuyabay....manually
  • tuyabaypux....handspring
  • tuyabbek....manicure
  • tuyabbeken....manicuring
  • tuyabbektuna....chiropractic
  • tuyabbektut....chiropractor
  • tuyabbekut....manicurist
  • tuyabbekwa....manicured
  • tuyabel....delivery
  • tuyabelar....briefcase, hand cart, satchel
  • tuyabelawa....delivered
  • tuyabelen....delivery, hand-carrying
  • tuyabeler....deliver, hand-carry
  • tuyabelut....deliverer
  • tuyabelwa....delivered, hand-carried
  • tuyaben....handling
  • tuyaber....handle
  • tuyabexar....handle, pommel
  • tuyabexen....hand-holding, handling, holding hands, manipulating, manipulation
  • tuyabexer....clasp, grab onto, handhold, handle, hold hands, manipulate
  • tuyabexler....grip hands
  • tuyabexlun....handgrip
  • tuyabexun....handhold
  • tuyabexut....handler, manipulator
  • tuyabexwa teabaar....lorgnette
  • tuyabexwa....handheld, handled, manipulated
  • tuyabexyafwa....manipulable, manipulatable
  • tuyabexyafwan....manipulability
  • tuyabexyea....manipulative
  • tuyabibler....handpick
  • tuyabibllawa....hand-picked, handpicked
  • tuyabien....grabbing, taking by the hand, taking hold of
  • tuyabier....grab, take by the hand, take hold of
  • tuyabik....fistful, handful
  • tuyabilyeb....flask
  • tuyabirar....clamp
  • tuyabirea....grasping
  • tuyabireay....graspingly
  • tuyabiren....clamping, grabbing, grasping, wrestling
  • tuyabirer....clamp, grab, grasp
  • tuyabirut....grabber, grasper
  • tuyabirwa....clamped, grabbed, grasped
  • tuyabiryafwa....graspable
  • tuyabiwa....grabbed, taken by the hand, taken hold
  • tuyabuen....delivery, presentation, handing
  • tuyabuer....deliver, hand out, present, hand over
  • tuyabugar....handbrake
  • tuyabuun....delivery, handout, presentation
  • tuyabuut....presenter
  • tuyabuwa....delivered, handed out, presented, handed over
  • tuyabwa....handled
  • tuyabyanx....handclasp, handshake, joining of hands
  • tuyabyanxen....handshaking, joining of hands
  • tuyabyanxer....join hands, shake hands
  • tuyabyaoxen....waving
  • tuyabyaoxer av nuxpur....hail a taxi, wave down a taxi
  • tuyabyaoxer....wave
  • tuyabyas....handstand
  • tuyabyexen....ovation, clapping
  • tuyabyexer....clap hands, clap
  • tuyabyexut....clapper
  • tuyabyexwa....clapped
  • tuyabyuxen....groping
  • tuyabyuxer....grope
  • tuyabyuxwa....groped
  • tuyabzyun ekem....handball court
  • tuyabzyun ifek....game of handball
  • tuyabzyun....hand ball, handball
  • tuyeb....fist
  • tuyebaoxen....shaking one's fist
  • tuyebaoxer....shake one's fist
  • tuyebepyex....fistfight
  • tuyebepyexen....fistfighting, pugilism
  • tuyebepyexer....fistfight
  • tuyebepyexut....fistfighter, pugilist
  • tuyebepyexyea....pugilistic
  • tuyebexyea....manipulatory
  • tuyebovek....fist fight, fist-fight, fistfight
  • tuyeboveken....fist-fighting
  • tuyeboveker....box, fist-fight
  • tuyebovekut....boxer, fist-fighter, pug
  • tuyeboveyk....fisticuff
  • tuyeboveyker....fisticuff
  • tuyebyujen....clenching one's fist
  • tuyebyujer....clench one's fist
  • tuyib....palm
  • tuyibabax....pat, caress
  • tuyibabaxen....patting, caressing
  • tuyibabaxer....pat, caress
  • tuyibabaxwa....patted, caressed
  • tuyibaben....laying palms on, palming
  • tuyibaber....lay palms on, palm
  • tuyibaiba....metacarpal
  • tuyibaibi....metacarpi
  • tuyibbyokuar....palmer
  • tuyibdyeen....palm reading
  • tuyibdyeer....read palms
  • tuyibdyeut....palmist, palm reader
  • tuyibelwas....palmtop
  • tuyibier....palm
  • tuyibiwa....palmed
  • tuyiblen....palming
  • tuyibuen....palming off
  • tuyibuer....palm off
  • tuyibuwa....palmed off
  • tuyob jwobar....wrist watch, wristwatch
  • tuyob neyef....wrist band, wristband, wristlet
  • tuyob yuvar....manacle
  • tuyob....wrist
  • tuyoba mup boksiunyan....carpal tunnel syndrome
  • tuyoba....carpal
  • tuyobbok....psora
  • tuyobuz....bracelet
  • tuyub milyeb....finger bowl
  • tuyub tel....finger food
  • tuyub uzyumuv....thumb
  • tuyub vyun....fingermark
  • tuyub....finger
  • tuyuba....digital
  • tuyubab....palp
  • tuyubaben....palpating, palpation
  • tuyubaber....palpate
  • tuyubabwa....palpated
  • tuyubaib....phalange
  • tuyubaosen....finger wagging
  • tuyubaoxer....wag one's finger
  • tuyubarar....thumbscrew
  • tuyubaxen....fiddling, fingering
  • tuyubaxer....fiddle, finger
  • tuyubaxwa....fiddled, fingered
  • tuyubbal....fingerprint
  • tuyubbalen....fingerprinting
  • tuyubbaler....fingerprint
  • tuyubbalun....fingerprint
  • tuyubgin....fingertip
  • tuyubifxar....tickler
  • tuyubifxen....tickling
  • tuyubifxer....tickle
  • tuyubifxwa....tickled
  • tuyubiga....nimble-fingered
  • tuyubigek....prestidigitation, magic
  • tuyubigeker....prestidigitate
  • tuyubigekut....prestidigitator, magician
  • tuyubizden....indication
  • tuyubizder....indicate
  • tuyubizdyea....indicative
  • tuyubizeaxen....indicating
  • tuyubizeaxer....indicate
  • tuyubizeaxwa....indicated
  • tuyubuz....ring
  • tuyubyex....fillip, rap, strum, tap
  • tuyubyexen....rapping, strumming, tapping
  • tuyubyexer....rap, strum, tap
  • tuyubyexun....rap, tap
  • tuyubyexut....rapper, strummer, tapper
  • tuyubyexwa....rapped, tapped, strummed
  • tuyubyig....corn
  • uatuyub....left hand thumb
  • uetuyub....left hand index finger
  • uituyub....left hand middle finger
  • utuyub....ring finger
  • uutuyub....left hand ring finger
  • uyotuyub....left hand pinkie
  • uztuyubeken....twiddling
  • uztuyubeker....twiddle
  • uztuyubekyafwa....twiddly
  • vyotuyabyuxen....groping
  • vyotuyabyuxer....grope
  • vyotuyabyuxut....groper
  • yantuyabexen....clasping hands
  • yantuyabexer....clasp hands
  • yiba tuyubaib....distal phalange
  • yigtuyobuz....bangle
  • yijtuyaba....openhanded
  • yijtuyaban....openhandedness
  • yivtuyaba....freehand
  • yivtuyaber....freehand
  • yotuyub....pinkie, pinky
  • yuba tuyubaib....proximal phalange
  • zatuyub....forefinger
  • zea tuyub....middle finger
  • zea tuyubaib....intermediate phalange
  • zituyaba....right-handed
  • zituyaban....right-handedness
  • zotuyab....backhand
  • zotuyaba....backhanded
  • zuituyaba....ambidextrous
  • zuituyub....right hand ring finger
  • zutuyaba....left-handed
  • zutuyaban....left-handed
  • zutuyabat....southpaw

TYOB and Subordinal Words


The root word tyob means leg. The sub-elements are as follows:
  • tyob....leg
  • tyoab....hip, haunch
  • tyoeb....thigh
  • tyoib....knee
  • tyoub....shin
  • tyoyob....ankle
  • tyoyab....foot
  • tyoyeb....heel
  • tyoyib....sole
  • tyoyub....toe
  • tyolob....toenail
Some common verbs built on these words:
  • tyoper....to walk
  • tyoaper....to sit
  • tyoibuzer....to kneel
  • tyoipaser....to crawl on one's knees
  • tyoyeber....to supplant
  • tyoyabarer....to trample
  • tyoyaper....to walk
  • tyoyuper....to tiptoe
Here are words derived from tyob and its sub-elements:
  • abektun bi tyoyab....foot surgery
  • apetyoub....fetlock
  • apetyoyab....hoof
  • apetyoyaba....ungulate
  • atyoyub....big toe
  • bay awa yoba tyoab....hipshot
  • be tyoyab....on foot, standing
  • bey tyoyab....on foot
  • buktyolob....hangnail
  • entyoyaba....biped, bipedal
  • entyoyabat....biped
  • epetyoyabwa....hoofed
  • euntyoyuba....artiodaktylos, even-toed
  • feelktyoyab....cobbler's last
  • gipotyoyub....camel toe
  • glatyoyaba....multipede
  • ibtyoyabaren....stamping out
  • ibtyoyabarer....stamp out
  • ibtyoyabarwa....stamped out
  • iztyoyaba zetif....orthopedic corset
  • iztyoyaba....orthopaedic, orthopedic
  • iztyoyabtyen....orthopedics
  • iztyoyabtyena....orthopaedic, orthopedic
  • iztyoyabtyenut....orthopaedist, orthopedist
  • kyityoyabaler....tromp
  • kyityoyabwa....trodden
  • kyotyoyabyex....placekick
  • kyuparer bey hyaewa tyoyabi byuxea ha yom....scull
  • neaftyoyab....webfoot
  • neattyoyaba....webfooted
  • olesuntyoyuba....odd-toed, perrisodaktylos
  • oyb ota tyoyabi....underfoot
  • oybtyolobbak....whitlow
  • oybtyoyaba....underfoot
  • oyebzyityoyab....splayfoot
  • oyebzyityoyaba....splayfooted
  • repatyoyab....crowfoot, crowsfoot
  • tyoab yanar....hip joint
  • tyoab....haunch, hip, huckle
  • tyoaba tayib....sciatic nerve
  • tyoaba tayibbyok....sciatica
  • tyoaba....sciatic
  • tyoabaib....hipbone, ilium
  • tyoabaibyan....sacroiliac
  • tyoaper....move on the hips
  • tyoeb....thigh
  • tyoebaib....thighbone
  • tyoib yanar....knee joint
  • tyoib....knee
  • tyoibab....kneecap, patella
  • tyoibaxen....kneeing
  • tyoiben....genuflection
  • tyoiber....genuflect
  • tyoibsom....kneeler
  • tyoibuza....kneeling
  • tyoibuzben....squat, squatting
  • tyoibuzber....squat
  • tyoibuzer....kneel
  • tyoibyank....hock
  • tyoipasea....crawling on one's knees
  • tyoipasen tyoipasea....crawling
  • tyoipasen....crawling on one's knees
  • tyoipaser....crawl on one's knees
  • tyolob goyblar....toenail clipper
  • tyolob....toenail
  • tyoub....leg, lower leg, tibia
  • tyouba....tibial
  • tyoubog....fibula
  • tyouboga....fibular
  • tyoyab abaxlun....foot massage
  • tyoyab bolar....foot rest, footrest
  • tyoyab buyk....footsore
  • tyoyab depat....foot soldier
  • tyoyab depatyan....infantry
  • tyoyab eysim....footstool
  • tyoyab ifonek....footsie
  • tyoyab josiyn....footprint, footrace
  • tyoyab nog....footstep
  • tyoyab poyxar....foot rest
  • tyoyab sam....footlocker
  • tyoyab sansiyn....footprint
  • tyoyab tyod....rank and file
  • tyoyab zyin....footplate
  • tyoyab....foot, pod
  • tyoyaba....foot-related
  • tyoyababuz....instep
  • tyoyabalen....treading
  • tyoyabaler....tread, treadle
  • tyoyabamof....muff
  • tyoyabar mimpar....pedalo
  • tyoyabar....pedal
  • tyoyabaren....trampling
  • tyoyabarer....stomp, trample, trampled
  • tyoyabarut....trampler
  • tyoyabbek....pedicure
  • tyoyabbektun....chiropody, podiatry
  • tyoyabbektuna....podiatric
  • tyoyabbektut....chiropodist, foot specialist, podiatrist
  • tyoyabbekut....pedicurist
  • tyoyabdeput....footman
  • tyoyabex....foothold
  • tyoyaboya....footless
  • tyoyabuka....footless
  • tyoyabuzun....foot loop, stirrup
  • tyoyabzyun ekun....football match, soccer match
  • tyoyabzyun ekut....football player, footballer, soccer player
  • tyoyabzyun ifek....game of football, soccer
  • tyoyabzyun ifekam....football arena, soccer arena
  • tyoyabzyun ifekem....football field, soccer field
  • tyoyabzyun....football, soccer ball
  • tyoyeb....heel
  • tyoyebaeba....sartorial
  • tyoyebaib....femur
  • tyoyebaiba....femoral, metatarsal
  • tyoyebaibi....metatarsi
  • tyoyeben....spurn, spurning
  • tyoyeber....spurn
  • tyoyebwa....spurned
  • tyoyib taib....anklebone
  • tyoyib yuvar....ankle bracelet, ankle chain
  • tyoyib....ankle
  • tyoyibaib....talus
  • tyoyibaibi....tali
  • tyoyob....sole
  • tyoyoba....plantar
  • tyoyobaren....squashing, stomping
  • tyoyobarer....squash, stomp
  • tyoyobarwa....squashed, stomped
  • tyoyoben....supplanting
  • tyoyober....supplant
  • tyoyobwa....supplanted
  • tyoyub....toe
  • tyoyubaib....phalange
  • tyoyubaoxen....wiggling one's toe
  • tyoyubaoxer....wiggle one's toe
  • tyoyubexar....toehold
  • tyoyubuken....stubbing one's toe
  • tyoyubuker....stub one's toe
  • tyoyubyaz....bunion
  • tyoyubyex dazen....tap dancing
  • tyoyubyex....tap, toe tap
  • tyoyubyexen....toe tapping
  • tyoyubyexer....tap, toe tap
  • tyoyubyexut....toe tapper
  • tyoyubyigun....toecap
  • tyoyupen....tiptoeing
  • tyoyuper....tiptoe
  • ugar tyoyabar....brake pedal
  • ugtyoyapen....ambling
  • ugtyoyaper....amble
  • untyoyaba....quadruped, quadrupedal
  • untyoyabat....quadruped
  • untyoyabnyafxer....hog-tie, hogtie
  • uzratyoyabbok....clubfoot
  • uzratyoyabboka....clubfooted
  • yapetyoyab....pig's foot
  • yobkixwa tyoyub....hammertoe
  • yobtyoyabwa....downtrodden
  • zatyoub beaxar....shinguard
  • zatyoub....shin
  • zatyoubaib....shinbone
  • zatyoyab....forefoot, forehoof
  • zatyoyaba pyex....forehand
  • zotyoib....calf, hock
  • zotyoibof....puttee
  • zyatyoyabea....bestridden
  • zyatyoyaber....bestride
  • zyityoyaba....flatfooted
  • zyityoyabat....flatfoot
These roots are the non-physical counterparts of tob (human being), tab (body), teb (head), and tib (trunk of the body)
  • top....soul, animus, spirit
  • tap....physique
  • tep....mind
  • tip....emotion, mood, sentiment
Some words built on top (soul) are the following:
  • agala top....great soul, great spirit
  • dotop....ethos
  • dotopa....ethical
  • dotoptun....ethics
  • fitopa....good-hearted, magnanimous
  • fitopan....good-heartedness, magnanimity
  • fufyetop....puck
  • futop....dybbuk
  • futopoben....exorcism
  • futopober....exorcise, exorcize
  • futopobut....exorcist
  • futopot....hobgoblin
  • futopyen....puckishness
  • futopyena....puckish
  • futopyenay....puckishly
  • fyaa top....holy ghost
  • fyatop....holy spirit
  • fyefutopog....goblin
  • fyemaltop....sprite
  • fyetop....ghost, spirit, spook, phantom, ghost, specter
  • fyotop....daemon, ghoul
  • fyotopa....daemonic
  • Hinduina toptuxut....guru
  • Iema topuyt....banshee, banshie
  • ipya top....departed soul
  • islamtop....genie
  • jobtop....zeitgeist
  • ofitopa....mentally unsound
  • ofitopaser....go insane
  • otopa....nonspiritual
  • tamfutop....poltergeist
  • tojfyetop....wraith
  • top....animus, soul, spirit
  • topa bak....spiritual health
  • topa ozan....spiritual weakness
  • topa....spiritual, unworldly
  • topagala....mahatma, magnanimous
  • topan....spirituality, unworldliness
  • topay baka....spiritually healthy, spiritually sound
  • topay....spiritually
  • topaya....soulful
  • topayan....soulfulness
  • topbak....psychic health
  • topika....soulful, animated
  • topikan....soulfulness
  • topikay....soulfully
  • topin....animism, spiritism, spiritualism
  • topina....animist, animistic, spiritualistic
  • topotan....spookiness
  • topotyena....ghostly, spooky, simian-like, ape-like, hominoid
  • topotyenan....ghostliness, spookiness
  • topoya....soulless
  • topoyan....soullessness
  • topteas....specter, spectre
  • topteasa....spectral
  • topuka....soulless
  • topukan....soullessness
  • topukay....soullessly
  • ugyiktoper....slog
  • xeusfyetop....poltergeist
  • yivtopat....free-spirit
  • yuftopot....spook
Some words built on tap (physique) are the following:
  • fitapa....fit
  • fitapan....fettle, fitness
  • fitapasem....fitness center, gym
  • fitapasen....getting fit
  • fitapaser....get fit
  • fitapaxem....fitness center, gym
  • fitapxen....conditioning
  • fitapxul....conditioner
  • fitapxwa....conditioned
  • futapa....in bad shape, out of shape, physically unfit
  • futapan....unfitness
  • fyeapyatapyot....gryphon, griffon
  • gafotaput....mahout
  • gatapuer....reembody
  • gratapef....nymphomania
  • gratapefayt....nymphomaniac
  • gratapflanuyea....obscene, obscenely
  • gratapflanuyean....obscenity
  • gratapyex....overexercise
  • gratapyexer....overexercise
  • gyatapa....thickset
  • intapek....triathlon
  • jataptyenien....warm-up, warmup
  • maltapa....aerobic
  • maltapay....aerobically
  • mertapa....geophysical
  • mertaptun....geophysics, physiography
  • mertaptut....geophysicist
  • otapa....incorporeal, non-physical, nonphysical, unworldly
  • otapan....unworldliness
  • otapay....nonphysically
  • otapifekyena....nonathletic
  • tap....physique
  • tapa bak....physical health
  • tapa....corporeal, physical
  • tapad....squawk
  • tapaden....parroting, squawking
  • tapader....parrot, squawk
  • tapan....corporeality, physicality, physicalness
  • tapat....parakeet
  • tapay....corporeally, physically
  • tapaza....brawny, hardy, physically strong, sturdy
  • tapazan....brawn, brawniness, hardiness, physical strength, sturdiness
  • tapazon....physical force
  • tapbaka....physically healthy, physically sound
  • tapbakan....physical health
  • tapbakser....get into good physical shape
  • tapbyeken....physiotherapy
  • tapdiz....slapstick
  • tapef....libido
  • tapefa....libidinal
  • tapelad....chirp, twitter
  • tapeladen....chirping, twittering
  • tapelader....chirp, twitter
  • tapeladyea....chirpy, twittery
  • tapeladyean....chirpiness
  • tapelat....cicada
  • tapfla....lustful
  • tapflan....lustfulness, lust
  • tapflanay....lusciously
  • tapflanaya....luscious
  • tapflanayan....lusciousness
  • tapflanika....luscious
  • tapflanikan....lusciousness
  • tapflen....lusting
  • tapfler....lust after
  • tapfluyea....lush
  • tapfluyean....lushness
  • tapfluyeay....lushly
  • tapiad....honk
  • tapiadar....honker, horn, klaxon
  • tapiaden....honking
  • tapiader....honk
  • tapiat....penguin
  • tapifek detyan....sports association
  • tapifek dodelut....sports announcer
  • tapifek engontaf....sweatsuit
  • tapifek tiav....jersey, sweatshirt
  • tapifek tilam....sports pub
  • tapifek tof....sports apparel, sportswear
  • tapifek ubun....sportscast
  • tapifek utyan....sports team
  • tapifek yibsinuun....sports telecast
  • tapifek....sport, sports
  • tapifeka....sports-related, sportive
  • tapifekam....sports arena, stadium
  • tapifekdren....sportswriting
  • tapifekdrut....sportswriter
  • tapifekem....sports field
  • tapifeken....sporting
  • tapifeker....play sports
  • tapifekim....locker room
  • tapifektof....sportswear
  • tapifektyopen....jogging
  • tapifektyoper....jog
  • tapifekun....match, sports game
  • tapifekut....sports player
  • tapifekutyan....sports team
  • tapifekutyen....sportsmanship
  • tapifekyena....athletic, sportive, sporty
  • tapifekyenan....athleticism, sportiness, sportiveness
  • tapifekyenay....sportingly, sportively
  • tapifla....dissolute, voluptuous
  • tapiflan dezam....fleshpot
  • tapiflan....concupiscence, eros, erotic desire, lust, physical desire, sex, voluptuousness
  • tapiflana....concupiscent, erotic, sexual
  • tapiflanaya....lustful, sexed, voluptuous
  • tapiflanayser....grow horny
  • tapiflanika....lustful, sexed, voluptuous
  • tapiflanikay....lustfully
  • tapiflanuer....make horny
  • tapiflanxen....fornication, sexualization
  • tapiflanxer....fornicate, sexualize
  • tapiflanxwa....sexualized
  • tapiflanxyea....salacious
  • tapiflanxyean....salaciousness, salacity
  • tapiflanxyeay....salaciously
  • tapiflay....dissolutely, saucily, voluptuously
  • tapiflaya....saucy
  • tapiflayan....sauciness
  • tapiflier....lust after, lust for
  • tapiflika....saucy
  • tapiflikan....sauciness
  • tapifliyea....lusting, lusty
  • tapifliyean....lustiness
  • tapifliyeay....lustily
  • tapifluen....eroticization
  • tapifluer....eroticize
  • tapifluwa....eroticized
  • tapifluyea....erogenous, erotic, sexy
  • tapifluyean....dissoluteness, eroticism
  • tapifluyeay....erotically
  • tapifluyusyan....erotica
  • tapifriyea....lecherous
  • tapifriyean....lecherousness
  • tapifriyeay....lecherously
  • tapiga....vivacious
  • tapigan....vivacity
  • tapikefyenay....athletically
  • tapnag....analog, analogue
  • tapnaga....analog, analogical, analogue
  • tapnagay....analogically
  • tapnagxer....analogize
  • taponapay....manically
  • tapoza....feeble, frail, physically weak
  • tapozan....feebleness, frailness, frailty
  • tapsex....workout
  • tapsexam....workout gym
  • tapsexem....workout facility
  • tapsexen....body-building, bodybuilding, training, working out
  • tapsexnig....workout space, workout space
  • tapsexum....workout space
  • taptun....physiology
  • taptuna....physiologic, physiological
  • taptunay....physiologically
  • taptyena....gymnastic
  • taptyenay....gymnastically
  • taptyeniam....workout gym
  • taptyeniem....workout facility, workout space
  • taptyenien....body-building, bodybuilding, gymnastics, working out
  • taptyenier....work out
  • taptyenium....workout space
  • taptyeniun....workout
  • taptyenuam....gym, gymkhana, gymnasium
  • taptyenuen....physical training
  • tapuea....embodying
  • tapuen....embodiment, embodying
  • tapuer....embodied, embody
  • tapuga....lethargic, shiftless, slothful, sluggish
  • tapugan....languor, lethargy, shiftlessness, sloth, slothfulness, sluggishness
  • tapugay....languorously, lethargically, shiftily, shiftlessly, slothfully, sluggishly
  • tapugser....become lazy, become lethargic, become sluggish
  • tapugxer....cause to be sluggish, make lazy
  • tapuun....embodiment
  • tapyaf....physical ability, physical strength
  • tapyafa....physically strong-bodied, tough
  • tapyen....attitude, bearing, constitution, physical stance, posture, stance
  • tapyena....attitudinal, postural
  • tapyex....exercise
  • tapyexea....exercising
  • tapyexen....calisthenic, exercise, exercising
  • tapyexer....do gymnastics, exercise
  • tapyexim....exercise room
  • tapyexir....exercise machine
  • tapyexwa....exercised
  • tapyiga ay yifa....ballsy
  • tapyiga....physically tough
  • tapyigxer....toughen up
  • tapyof....handicap, physical disability, weakness of body
  • tapyofa....crippled, feeble-bodied, handicapped, physically weak
  • tapyot....ape
  • tapyotyena....ape-like
  • tapyuga....delicate, soft-bodied
  • tejtapa....biophysical
  • tejtaptut....biophysicist
  • teptapa....psycho-physical
  • teptaptun....psychophysics, psychophysiology
  • teptaptuna....psychophysiological
  • uttapifla....auto-erotic
  • uttapiflen....auto-eroticism
  • vitap....beautiful physique, fine physical
  • vitapa....nicely-built
  • vitapat....hunk
  • vitapyekam....gym
  • vitapyeker....seek a toned body
  • vutap....ugly physique
  • vyaab bi tapyexen....calisthenic
  • yiztapa....metaphysical
  • yiztapay....metaphysically
  • yiztaptun....metaphysics
  • yoongon tapifek....pentathlon
  • yoongon tapifekut....pentathlete
  • zyitaser tapugay....loll
Some words built on tep (mind, psyche) are the following:
  • aagtepukat....archfool
  • antepbunat....savant
  • antepkyoxwa....monomaniacal
  • antepkyoxwan....monomania
  • antepkyoxwat....monomaniac
  • antepyena....obstinate, single-minded
  • antepyenan....obstinacy, single-mindedness
  • antepyenay....obstinately
  • anyentepa....idiotic
  • anyentepan....idiocy
  • anyentepat....idiot
  • anyentepay....idiotically
  • apyexyea tepyaf....gumption
  • atepat....macaw
  • attep....ego
  • attepzena....egocentric
  • attepzenan....egocentricity
  • attepzenay....egocentrically
  • aybattep....superego
  • aynteptija....fully-conscious
  • bay gla tepzexen bu vyavun....painstakingly
  • be tepien van........in consideration of the fact that....
  • bea tobyena teptijan....sentient
  • beer ha tepulxen van....have the impression that
  • bikiyeay tepzexea....painstaking
  • bixer tepzex bi....upstage
  • bokkyotepa....valetudinarian
  • bokkyotepan....valetudinarianism
  • bostepa....calm
  • bostepan....calm, calmness of mind
  • bostepay....calmly
  • bostepxea....calming, placatory
  • bostepxen....calming down, humoring, placating
  • bostepxer....calm down, humor, placate
  • bostepxwa....calmed, humored, placated
  • boy tepobosen av....despite, in spite of
  • dizapyexer vitepay....lampoon
  • doneg teptijan....class consciousness
  • donegteptija....class-conscious
  • ekdraf gitepat....macer
  • eotepyex....duel
  • eotepyexen....dueling
  • eotepyexut....dueler, duelist
  • esyen bi tep....state of mind
  • etepat....cockatiel
  • eyntepa....halfwitted
  • eyntepat....halfwit
  • eynteptija....semi-alert, semi-conscious
  • eynteptijan....semi-alertness, semi-consciousness
  • fiojtepa....bullish
  • fitepa....intelligent, mentally sound, of sound mind, psychologically o.k., sane
  • fitepan....intelligence, sanity, soundness of mind
  • fitepat....intelligent person
  • fitepaxwa....well-intentioned, well-motivated
  • fitepbak....good mental health, sanity
  • fitepbaka....in good mental health, sane
  • fitepkisea....propitious
  • fitepkisean....propitiousness
  • fitepkiseay....propitiously
  • fitepkixea....propitiating
  • fitepkixen....propitiation
  • fitepkixer....propitiate
  • fitepkixut....propitiator
  • fitepkixwa....propitiated
  • fitepkixyea....propitiatory
  • fitepyen....alacrity, cheer, good disposition, good humor, good mood, good temperament
  • fitepyena....cheerful, in a good humor, in a good mood, upbeat, well-disposed
  • fitepyenxer....cheer up
  • fitepyenxwa....cheered up
  • futepyen....bad attitude, bad disposition, bad mood, bad temper, foul temper, lousy mood
  • futepyena....foul-tempered, ill-disposed, in a bad mood, in a lousy mood
  • futepyenser....grow angry
  • fyoxtepa....evilminded
  • gatepiea....reconsidering
  • gatepien....reconsideration, reconsidering
  • gatepier....reconsider
  • gatepiwa....reconsidered
  • gatepuen....harping
  • gatepuer....harp on
  • geltepa....like-minded
  • geltepan....like-mindedness
  • gitep....wit
  • gitepa....astute, keen, mentally sharp-witted, shrewd, witty
  • gitepan....acuity, astuteness, keenness, mental sharpness, sharp-wittedness, shrewdness, wittiness
  • gitepat....keen person, sharp wit
  • gitepay....astutely, keenly, sharp-wittedly, shrewdly, wittily
  • gitepden....wisecracking
  • gitepdun....wisecrack
  • gotepa....fatheaded
  • gratepigat....smart ass, smart-aleck, smarty-pants
  • gratepzexea....overattentive
  • graveltepa....cocksy
  • gravlatepa....cocksure, overconfident
  • gravlatepan....overconfidence
  • gyatepa....thickheaded
  • gyitepa....tough-minded, tough-spirited
  • gyitepan....tough-mindedness
  • gyitepay....tough-mindedly
  • gyotep....fathead
  • hyatepyex....free-for-all
  • hyitepa....like-minded
  • hyitepan....like-mindedness
  • itepkisea....propitiating
  • ittep....id
  • ivtepyen....cheerful mood
  • jagtepan....dotage
  • jagtepat....dotard
  • jatepeax....precaution
  • jatepeaxea....precautious
  • jatepeaxeay....precautiously
  • jatepeaxier....take precautions
  • jateptijan....foreconscious, preconsciousness
  • javyatepa....prudent
  • javyatepan....prudence
  • javyatepay....prudently
  • jwatepuwa....abovementioned
  • jwogtepa....senile
  • jwogtepan....senility
  • jwogtepat....senile person
  • jwogtepsea....becoming senile
  • jwogtepsen....becoming senile
  • jwogtepser....become senile
  • kas bi tep....state of mind
  • kotep....subconscious mind
  • kotepa....subconscious
  • kotepan....subconsciousness
  • kotepay....subconsciously
  • kua teppaxus....ulterior motive
  • kuteptun....parapsychology
  • kuteptut....parapsychologist
  • kyatepa....flexible-minded, flexible
  • kyatepan....flexibility
  • kyateper....be absent-minded, be distracted
  • kyatepyena....in an altered state of mind
  • kyaxer ota tepyen....change one's mind, have change of heart
  • kyeteper....daydream, let one's mind wander
  • kyetepyena....given to swing moods, volatile
  • kyitepa....earnest, serious-minded, uptight, heavy-hearted
  • kyitepan....earnestness, gravity, seriousness, heavy-heartedness
  • kyitepay....earnestly, seriously, heavy-heartedly
  • kyos bi tep....state of mind
  • kyotepa....boneheaded, bullheaded, diligent, dogged, lock-headed, mulish, painstaking, stalwart, steadfast, stubborn, tenacious
  • kyotepan....assiduity, bullheadedness, diligence, doggedness, mulishness, persistence, steadfastness, stubbornness
  • kyotepat....bonehead
  • kyotepay....assiduously, bullheadedly, diligently, doggedly, hard, mulishly, stalwartly, steadfastly, stubbornly, tenaciously, tenaciousness
  • kyuitepa....seriocomic
  • kyutepa....dizzy, dopey, frivolous, lighthearted
  • kyutepan....dizziness, dopiness, tomfoolery, f rivolity, lightheartedness
  • kyutepat....dizzy person, tomfool
  • kyutepay....dizzily
  • kyutepxea....dizzying
  • kyutepxeay....dizzyingly
  • logitepa....dull-minded
  • logitepan....dullness
  • logitepat....airhead, dullard
  • lojavyatepa....imprudent, unwise
  • lojavyatepan....imprudence
  • lojavyatepay....imprudently, unwisely
  • maatepa....bright
  • matepa....lucid
  • miap bi tijtep....stream of consciousness
  • oban tepyen....inferiority complex
  • obostepsea....worrying
  • obostepsen....worrying, being bothered, being disquieted
  • obostepser....worry, be bothered, be disquieted
  • obostepxea....disquieting, worrisomed, bothersome
  • obostepxer....disquiet, make worried, bother
  • obostepxwa....worried, bothered
  • ogeltepa....unlikeminded
  • ogeltepan....unlikemindedness
  • ohyitepa....unlikeminded
  • ohyitepan....unlikemindedness
  • ojavyatepa....unconscionable
  • ojavyatepay....unconscionably
  • oker teptijan....lose consciousness
  • okitepa....unbiased
  • otepava....unfavorable
  • otepavan....disfavor
  • otepavay....unfavorably
  • otepaza....unintelligent
  • otepbaka....mentally unsound
  • otepbakan....mental unsoundness
  • otepbik....unconcern
  • otepbixnazea....lackluster
  • otepbixway....lackadaisically
  • otepbixxwa....lackadaisical
  • otepeazwa....undreamed of, unenvisioned
  • otepega....mentally abnormal
  • otepegan....mental abnormality
  • otepejea....absent-minded, absentminded
  • otepejean....absentmindedness
  • otepejeay....absentmindedly
  • otepejen....being inattentive, day-dreaming
  • otepejer....be inattentive, day-dream, stare in space
  • otepfyeay....unpretentiously
  • otepiea....inconsiderate, unmindful
  • otepien....unmindfulness, inconsideration
  • otepiyefwa....not worth considering
  • otepiza....incoherent, unfocused
  • otepizan....incoherence, incoherency
  • otepizay....incoherently
  • otepizbwa....inattentive
  • otepizbyea....inattentive
  • otepizbyean....inattentiveness
  • otepkyaxwa....unpersuaded
  • otepkyexyea....unpersuasive
  • otepkyoxen....inattention
  • otepkyoxyea....inattentive
  • otepkyoxyean....inattentiveness
  • otepkyoxyeay....inattentively
  • otepoboxwa....not bothered, uncaring, unconcerned, unworried
  • otepoox....aguish
  • otepooxea....troublesome
  • otepooxeay....troublesomely
  • otepooxer....aguish, cause concern
  • otepooxwa....troubled
  • oteppaxwa....shiftless, unmotivated
  • oteppaxwan....shiftlessness
  • oteppaxway....shiftily, shiftlessly
  • otepsinyafwa....unimaginable
  • oteptija....insentient, unalert, unattentive, unconscious
  • oteptijan....insentience, unaltertness, unattentiveness, unconsciousness
  • oteptijay....unconsciously
  • otepuxlawa....blase, blasé
  • otepyiga....indulgent, lenient
  • otepyigan....indulgence, lenience
  • otepyigay....leniently
  • otepyuga....merciless, unkind
  • otepyugan....mercilessness, unkindness
  • otepyugay....indulgently, mercilessly, unkindly
  • otepzexean....inattentiveness
  • otepzexen....inattention
  • otepzexer....day-dream, lack focus
  • otepzexyea....inattentive, unattentive
  • otepzexyean....inattentiveness, unattentiveness
  • otepzexyeay....inattentively
  • oujteptija....unselfconscious
  • oujteptijan....unselfconsciousness
  • ovlatepa....uncertain, unsure
  • ovlatepan....uncertainty, unsureness
  • ovlatepay....uncertainly
  • ovyatep....unreason
  • ovyatepa....irrational, unreasonable, unreasoned
  • ovyatepan....irrationality, unreasonableness
  • ovyatepay....irrationally, unreasonably
  • oybtepsan....subschema
  • oybtijtep....subconscious
  • oybtijtepa....subconscious, subliminal
  • oybtijtepan....sublimity
  • oybtijtepay....subconsciously, subliminally
  • oyevtepyena....unfair-minded
  • ser tepbixwa be....be curious about
  • sin tepyek....jigsaw puzzle
  • tayibteptun....neuropsychology
  • tayibteptuna....neuropsychological
  • tayibteptunay....neuro-psychological
  • tayibteptut....neuro-psychologist, neuropsychologist
  • tep....mind, psyche
  • tepa bok....mental illness
  • tepa kyos....headspace
  • tepa lozepan....mental instability
  • tepa zepan....mental stability
  • tepa....mental, psychical
  • tepabaxren....chafe, chafing
  • tepabaxruer....chafe
  • tepaden....parroting
  • tepader....parrot
  • tepaga....broad-minded, broadminded
  • tepagan....broad-mindedness
  • tepagay....broad-mindedly
  • tepanayga....naïve
  • tepanaygan....naïvete
  • tepanaygay....naïvely
  • tepava....pro
  • tepaxlea....psychoactive
  • tepay baka....mentally sound
  • tepay boka....mentally ill
  • tepay lozepa....mentally unstable
  • tepay zepa....mentally stable
  • tepay....intellectually, mentally, psychically
  • tepaya....mindful
  • tepayan....mindfulness
  • tepaza....clever, intelligent, keen, mentally strong, smart
  • tepazan....braininess, cleverness, intelligence, keenness, smartness
  • tepazay....cleverly, intelligently, keenly, smartly
  • tepazon....mental faculty, mental power
  • tepbak....mental health, sanity
  • tepbaka....mentally sound, of sound mind, psychologically fit, sane
  • tepbakam....mental health facility, mental institution
  • tepbakan....mental soundness, saneness, sanity
  • tepbakay....sanely
  • tepbakem....mental health ward
  • tepbaktun....mental health science
  • tepbek....psychiatric care, psychiatric treatment, psychiatry, psychotherapy
  • tepbeka....psychiatric, psychotherapeutic
  • tepbekam....psychiatric clinic, psychiatric hospital
  • tepbekdez....psychodrama
  • tepbekdezun....psychodrama
  • tepbekem....mental ward, psych ward
  • tepbektultun....psychopharmacology
  • tepbektultuna....psychopharmacological
  • tepbektun....psychiatry
  • tepbektuna....psychiatric
  • tepbektunay....psychiatrically
  • tepbik....heed
  • tepbikea....caring, mindful, paying attention
  • tepbiken....being mindful, heeding, paying attention
  • tepbiker....be concerned, be mindful, care, heed
  • tepbikier....become concerned, become mindful of, become worried, heed
  • tepbikiwa....heeded
  • tepbikuea....concerning
  • tepbikuen....bring attention to
  • tepbikuer....bring attention to, give cause for concern
  • tepbikuka....blithesome, carefree, not worried, unconcerned
  • tepbikukan....carefreeness
  • tepbikuyea....considerate
  • tepbikuyean....considerateness
  • tepbikuyeay....considerately
  • tepbiwa....borne in mind
  • tepbix....mental engagement
  • tepbixea....mentally captivating
  • tepbixen....drawing attention
  • tepbixer....draw attention to, grab attention, mentally attract
  • tepbixwa....mentally captivated
  • tepbixwer....be mentally engaged
  • tepbok....mental illness, psychopathy, psychosis
  • tepboka....crazy, insane, mentally ill, psychopathic, sicko
  • tepbokam....asylum, insane asylum, madhouse, mental hospital, mental institution
  • tepbokan....craziness, insanity, madness, mental illness
  • tepbokay....crazily, insanely, madly
  • tepboksea....becoming mentally ill, going insane
  • tepbokser....become mentally ill, go crazy, go insane, go mad
  • tepboktun....psychopathology
  • tepboktuna....psychopathological
  • tepbokxer....cause to be mentally ill, make crazy
  • tepbokxwa....crazed
  • tepbos....composure
  • tepbosea....seething
  • tepboser....be unconcerned, seethe
  • tepboxer....put at ease, calm
  • tepboxwa....calmed
  • tepbukuen....traumatization
  • tepbukuer....traumatize
  • tepbukuwa....traumatized
  • tepbukuyea....traumatic
  • tepbukuyeay....traumatically
  • tepbyisea....psychogenic
  • tepdinen....dreaming
  • tepdota....psychosocial
  • tepdottun....psychosociology
  • tepdottuna....psychosociological
  • tepdun....mantra
  • tepdyeen....divination, divining, mentalism, mind-reading
  • tepdyeer....divine, read minds
  • tepdyewa....divined
  • tepeaz....vision
  • tepeazen....envisioning
  • tepeazer....envision
  • tepeazwa....envisioned
  • tepebtiyaba....psychosexual
  • tepega....mentally normal, sane
  • tepegan....mental normality, saneness
  • tepegay....sanely
  • tepeja....aware, mentally present
  • tepejan....awareness, presence of mind
  • tepek....gimmick, mind game, mind-game, puzzle
  • tepekaya....wily
  • tepekika....wily
  • tepekyan....gimmickry
  • tepekyena....gimmicky
  • tepelad....chirrup
  • tepeladen....chirping
  • tepelader....chirp, chirrup
  • tepengonxwa....schizoid
  • tepengonxwanbok....schizophrenia
  • tepengonxwanboka....schizophrenic
  • tepex....cognition, functioning of the mind, mental operation
  • tepexa....cognitive
  • tepexen....cognition
  • tepfean....pretending
  • tepfen....pretending, pretense, pretension
  • tepfer....pretend
  • tepfwa....pretended
  • tepfyea....pretentious
  • tepfyean....pretentiousness
  • tepfyeay....pretentiously
  • tepibay....dentally
  • tepibixen....distraction
  • tepibkuway....worriedly
  • tepiboya....toothless
  • tepiboyan....toothlessness
  • tepibuka....toothless
  • tepibukan....toothlessness
  • tepiea van.......considering that...
  • tepiea....considering, bearing in mind, mindful, considerate
  • tepien....consideration, considering, recalling, consideration, bearing in mind
  • tepier....bear in mind, consider, keep in mind, take into account, recall, consider, bear in mind
  • tepiga dun....bon mot
  • tepiga ebdal....repartee
  • tepiga....alert, clever, pert, quick-minded, quick-on-the-draw, quick-witted, sharp-witted, smart, witty
  • tepigan....alertness, cleverness, pertness, quick-wittedness, sharp-wittedness, smartness, wit, wittiness
  • tepigay....cleverly, pertly, quick-mindedly, quick-wittedly, smartly, wittily
  • tepigfud....zing
  • tepika....mindful
  • tepikan....mindfulness
  • tepikay....mindfully
  • tepivxer....cheer up
  • tepiwa van.......considering that...
  • tepiwa....considered, borne in mind, taken into account
  • tepiwa....considered, kept in mind, taken into account, borne in mind
  • tepiyea....considerate, mindful
  • tepiyefwa....worthy of consideration, considerable
  • tepiza....sharp, straight-minded
  • tepizan....straight-mindedness
  • tepizber....steer the mind
  • tepizbyea....mentally focused
  • tepizra....sane
  • tepizran....saneness, sanity
  • tepizraser....regain one's sanity
  • tepizraxer....bring sanity to
  • tepizray....sanely
  • tepizuen....drawing attention
  • tepkis....tendency
  • tepkixea....psychedelic, psychotropic
  • tepkixeay....psychedelically
  • tepkixena....psychedelic
  • tepkixenay....psychedelically
  • tepkixwa....tendentious
  • tepkixwan....tendentiousness
  • tepkixway....tendentiously
  • tepkyaa....distracted
  • tepkyaay....distractedly
  • tepkyax....flip-flop, flipflop, turnabout
  • tepkyaxea....entrancing, mind-altering
  • tepkyaxean....persuasiveness
  • tepkyaxen....blandishment, conversion, distraction, entrancement, entrancing, flip-flopping, persuading, proselytization, proselytizing
  • tepkyaxer....blandish, change minds, convert, distract, flip-flop, flipflop, persuade, proselytize
  • tepkyaxwa....converted, entranced, persuaded, proselytized
  • tepkyaxyea....persuasive
  • tepkyaxyeay....persuasively
  • tepkyaxyen....proselytism
  • tepkyaxyuka....easily proselytizable, easily-convertible
  • tepkyexen....persuasion
  • tepkyinxea. tepkyinxen....considering
  • tepkyinxen....consideration
  • tepkyinxer....consider
  • tepkyinxwa....considered
  • tepkyiun....weight on one's mind
  • tepkyoa....mentally fixed, attentive, focused
  • tepkyox....attention, fixation, mental focus, obsession
  • tepkyoxea....obsessive
  • tepkyoxean....obsessiveness
  • tepkyoxeay....obsessively
  • tepkyoxen....attention, determination, fixation, obsession, paying attention to
  • tepkyoxena....obsessional
  • tepkyoxenay....obsessionally
  • tepkyoxer bu....pay attention to
  • tepkyoxer....fixate, obsess, pay attention
  • tepkyoxwa....attentive, determined, fixated, obsessed, rapt
  • tepkyoxwan....attentiveness, obsession, raptness
  • tepkyoxway....attentively, determinedly, raptly
  • tepkyoxwer....be obsessed
  • tepkyoxyea....attentive
  • tepkyoxyean....attentiveness, obsessiveness
  • tepkyoxyeay....attentively
  • tepmanxen....clearing up
  • tepmanxer....clear up
  • tepnaga....psychometric
  • tepnagdren....psychometrics
  • tepobos....angst, concern
  • tepoboser....be concerned, be ill at ease, become concerned, care, grow anxious, worry
  • tepobosuka....serene
  • tepobosukan....sereneness
  • tepobosukay....serenely
  • tepoboxea....bothersome, concerning
  • tepoboxen....preoccupation, worriment
  • tepoboxer....bother, concern, preoccupy
  • tepoboxwa....bothered, concerned, worried
  • tepoboxway....worriedly
  • tepoboxyea....bothersome, worrisome, worrying
  • tepoegsea....becoming weird
  • tepoga....narrow-minded, petty, silly, small-minded
  • tepogan....cretinism, narrow-mindedness, pettiness, silliness, small-mindedness
  • tepogay....pettily, small-mindedly
  • tepogia....doltish, dull-minded, dull-witted, sottish
  • tepogian....doltishness, dull-wittedness, dullness
  • tepogiat....dullard, dull-witted person
  • tepogiay....doltishly
  • tepoiza....mentally off, not right in the mind
  • tepoizan....mental aberration
  • tepokay....crazily
  • tepokea....losing one’s mind
  • tepoker av....go ape over
  • tepoker....lose one’s mind
  • tepokya....crazy, out of one's mind
  • tepokyan....craziness
  • tepolega....mentally aberrant, mentally abnormal
  • tepolegan....mental aberration, mental abnormality
  • tepolegsea....going insane
  • tepolegser....become weird, go insane
  • tepolegxen....making insane
  • tepolegxer....make insane
  • tepolegxwa....make insane
  • teponap....mania, mental disorder
  • teponapa....crazy, deranged, maniacal, manic, mentally deranged, mentally disordered, psychotic
  • teponapan....craziness, mental disturbance
  • teponapay....crazily, maniacally, psychotically
  • teponapsea....become mentally disturbed, going crazy
  • teponapser....become mentally disturbed, go crazy
  • teponapxen....making crazy, mental disturbance
  • teponapxer....make crazy
  • teponapxwa....crazed, deranged, mentally disturbed
  • tepot....marmoset
  • tepotyan....sloth of bears
  • tepova....con, contrarian, unfavorable
  • tepovan....contrarianism
  • tepovay....unfavorably
  • tepovyida....addled, confused
  • tepovyidxea....befuddling, confusing
  • tepovyidxen....befogging, befuddlement
  • tepovyidxer....addle, befog, befuddle, confuse
  • tepovyidxwa....addled, befogged, befuddled, confused
  • tepoya....air-headed, anserine, empty-headed, fatuous, feather-brained, featherbrained, mindless, moony, rattlebrained, spacy, vapid
  • tepoyan....empty-headedness, fatuity, fatuousness, mindlessness, spaciness, vapidity, vapidness
  • tepoyeba....out of one’s mind, luny
  • tepoyeban....lunacy
  • tepoyza....daft, foolish, silly
  • tepoyzan....daftness, foolishness, silliness
  • tepoyzay....daftly, foolishly
  • tepoza....birdbrained, dull-witted, dumb, feeble-minded, idiotic, klutzy, mentally weak, moronic, muddleheaded, of weak intelligence, stupid
  • tepozan....dull-wittedness, dumbness, feeble-mindedness, klutziness, weak intelligence
  • tepozay....dumbly, idiotically, moronically, stupidly
  • tepozea....wacko, wacky
  • tepozebwa....mentally unbalanced, unhinged
  • tepozebwaser....become mentally unbalanced, become unhinged
  • tepozepa....crazy, mad
  • tepozepan....craziness
  • tepozepay....crazily
  • tepozeta....mentally abnormal, mentally unbalanced, weird
  • tepozetan....mental abnormality, mentally unbalanced state, weirdness
  • tepozetay....weirdly
  • tepozta....bored
  • tepoztan....boredom
  • tepoztaxea....boring
  • tepoztaxer....bore
  • tepoztaxyea....yawny
  • teppaxea....motivating
  • teppaxen....motivation
  • teppaxena....motivational
  • teppaxenay....motivationally
  • teppaxer....motivate
  • teppaxus....motive
  • teppaxusoya....motiveless
  • teppaxusuka....motiveless
  • teppaxwa....motivated
  • teppoos....peace of mind, serenity
  • teppooxer....give peace of mind, quell
  • teppooxwa....relieved, serene
  • teppoys....relief
  • teppoyxen....relieving
  • teppoyxer....relieve
  • teppoyxwa....relieved
  • tepsan....schema, scheme
  • tepsana....schematic
  • tepsanay....schematically
  • tepsani....schemata
  • tepsaxen....devising
  • tepsaxer....devise
  • tepsaxwa....devised
  • tepsin....imagination, mental image
  • tepsina....imaginary
  • tepsinien....imagination, imagining
  • tepsinier....imagine
  • tepsiniwa yuf....bug-a-boo, bugaboo
  • tepsiniwa....imaginary, imagined
  • tepsiniyafwa....imaginable
  • tepsiniyafway....imaginably
  • tepsiniyea....imaginative
  • tepsiniyean....imaginativeness
  • tepsiniyeay....imaginatively
  • tepsiniyofwa....ludicrous, unimaginable
  • tepsiniyofwan....ludicrousness
  • tepsiniyofway....ludicrously, unimaginably
  • tepsinuer....make see in the mind
  • tepsinuka....unimaginative
  • tepsinuyea....lysergic
  • teptaba....psychosomatic
  • teptapa....psycho-physical
  • teptaptun....psychophysics, psychophysiology
  • teptaptuna....psychophysiological
  • teptayosobxea....mind-numbing
  • tepteas....phantasy
  • teptejtun....psychobiology
  • teptija....alert, aware, conscious, mentally alert, wakeful
  • teptijan....alertness, awareness, consciousness, sentience, wakefulness
  • teptijaxen....consciousness-raising
  • teptijay tayotier....sentient
  • teptijay....consciously, wakefully
  • teptijber....bring around to consciousness
  • teptijier....become alerted, become conscious
  • teptijper....come to, regain consciousness
  • teptijuer....alert, call attention to
  • teptoluus....pabulum
  • teptuj....blackout
  • teptuja....insensate, insentient, unconscious
  • teptujan....insentience, unconsciousness
  • teptujay....unconsciously
  • teptujben....k.o., knock-out, knockout
  • teptujber....knock out, render unconscious
  • teptujbwa....knocked out, rendered unconscious
  • teptujpen....fainting
  • teptujper....black out, faint, go unconscious, pass out
  • teptujpoa....faint, about to pass out
  • teptun....psychology
  • teptuna yikon....hang-up, hangup
  • teptuna....psychological
  • teptunay....psychologically
  • teptundal....psychobabble
  • teptut....psychologist, shrink
  • teptuyj....stupor
  • teptuyjea....stuporous
  • tepuen....mentioning
  • tepuer....mention, bring to mind, recall, point out
  • tepuga....dull-minded, dumb, lumpish, mentally slow, moronic, slow of mind, slow-witted, stupid, witless
  • tepugan....dullness, dumbness, mental dullness, slow-wittedness, witlessness
  • tepugay....dumbly, moronically, slow-wittedly, stupidly, witlessly
  • tepuka dal....blarney
  • tepuka....air-headed, anserine, empty-headed, fatuous, feather-brained, featherbrained, mindless, moony, rattlebrained, spacy, vapid
  • tepukan....empty-headedness, fatuity, fatuousness, mindlessness, spaciness, vapidity, vapidness
  • tepukay....fatuously, mindlessly, vapidly
  • tepul....fodder
  • tepuwa....mentioned
  • tepuxen....suasion
  • tepuxlan....impression
  • tepuxlawa....impressed
  • tepuxlen....having an impression, impressing
  • tepuxler....have an impression of, impress, influence intellectually
  • tepuxlyaf....ability to impress, impressiveness
  • tepuxlyafwa....impressible, impressionable, possible to impress
  • tepuxlyafwan....impressibility, impressionableness, impressiveness
  • tepuxlyea....impressive
  • tepuxlyean....impressiveness
  • tepuxlyeay....impressively
  • tepuyefwa....notable, worth mentioning, worth mentioning
  • tepuyefwan....notability
  • tepuyefway....notably
  • tepuz....crank
  • tepuza....cooky, deluded, irrational
  • tepuzan....cookiness, irrationality
  • tepuzasea....going crazy
  • tepuzaser....go crazy
  • tepuzaxer....make crazy
  • tepuzbea....attention-diverting, mind-bending
  • tepuzben....distraction, diversion of attention
  • tepuzber....distract, divert attention
  • tepuzbwa....distracted, distrait
  • tepuzbway....distractedly
  • tepuzbyea....attention-diverting, diversionary
  • tepuzra....barmy, batty, certifiable, crazy, daffy, delirious, demented, gaga, gonzo, kooky, loco, loony, loopy, lunatic, mentally twisted, meshuga, meshugga, nutty, screwball, screwy, wack
  • tepuzram....bedlam
  • tepuzran....craziness, daffiness, deliriousness, delirium, lunacy, madness, mental twistedness, nuttiness, screwiness, wackiness
  • tepuzraser....go bezerk, go crazy, go daffy, go insane, go made, go nuts
  • tepuzratam....mental institution, nuthouse
  • tepuzraxer....drive crazy, make crazy
  • tepuzraxwa....crazed, distraught
  • tepuzray....crazily, deliriously, dementedly, madly, nuttily
  • tepuzrea....woozy
  • tepuzrean....wooziness
  • tepuzreay....woozily
  • tepvyox....con, mind trick, ruse, trick
  • tepvyoxen....conning, fooling, trickery, tricking
  • tepvyoxer....con, fool, play a ruse on, trick
  • tepvyoxwa....conned, fooled, tricked
  • tepvyoxyea....crafty, tricky
  • tepvyoxyean....craftiness, trickiness
  • tepyaf....brainpower, cunning, intelligence, mental ability
  • tepyafa....cunning, intelligence, intelligent, mentally capable, mentally-gifted, smart, witty
  • tepyafan....wittiness
  • tepyafay....cunningly, intelligently, smartly, wittily
  • tepyaga....gaga
  • tepyanpyex....clash of wits
  • tepyansen....communion
  • tepyaza....cavalier, cocksy, cocky, fustian, haughty, huffish, huffy, insolent, pompous, supercilious, swellheaded
  • tepyazan....cavalierness, cockiness, haughtiness, huffiness, insolence, pomposity, pompousness, superciliousness
  • tepyazay....cavalierly, cockily, pompously, superciliously
  • tepyegan....sanity
  • tepyek....enigma, mind-test
  • tepyekier....puzzle over
  • tepyekuer....challenge the mind
  • tepyekuus....puzzle, puzzler
  • tepyekuwa....puzzled
  • tepyekuwan....puzzlement
  • tepyekuyea....enigmatic, puzzling
  • tepyekuyeay....enigmatically
  • tepyen....attitude, frame of mind, mental framework, mentality, mindset, mood, morale, state of mind
  • tepyena....attitudinal
  • tepyenyiga....acerbic
  • tepyenyigan....acerbity
  • tepyenyigay....acerbically
  • tepyeva....even-tempered, fair-minded, judicious, level-headed, levelheaded
  • tepyevan....even temper, fair-mindedness, judiciousness, level-headedness, levelheadedness
  • tepyexer....mull
  • tepyexwa....mulled
  • tepyibixer....draw away attention
  • tepyiga....hard-minded, intolerant, obdurate, severe, stern, strict, stringent, stubborn, tough-minded
  • tepyigan....obduracy, obdurateness, severeness, severity, sternness, strictness, stringency, stubbornness, tough-mindedness
  • tepyigay....obdurately, severely, sternly, stringently
  • tepyigraxlea....raving
  • tepyigraxler....rave
  • tepyija....open-minded, tolerant
  • tepyijan....open-mindedness, tolerance
  • tepyikon....brainteaser, headache, problem
  • tepyikxea....bewildering
  • tepyikxeay....bewilderingly
  • tepyikxen....bewilderment
  • tepyikxer....bewilder
  • tepyikxwa....bewildered
  • tepyiva....free-spirited, liberal-minded, progressive
  • tepyivan....free-spiritedness, liberal-mindedness, liberality, liberalness, progressiveness
  • tepyivay....liberally
  • tepyoban....malaise
  • tepyoden....growling
  • tepyoder....growl
  • tepyof....mental disability, mental incapacity
  • tepyofa....dumb, mentally disabled, stupid
  • tepyofay....stupidly
  • tepyofxen....besotting, stupefaction
  • tepyofxer....besot, gowk, stupefy
  • tepyofxwa....besotted, stupefied
  • tepyokla....dazed, dizzy, scatter-brained, scatterbrained
  • tepyoklan....dizziness
  • tepyoklaxen....confusion
  • tepyoklaxer....confuse, make dizzy
  • tepyoklaxwa....confused, dizzy, rattled
  • tepyoklay....dizzily
  • tepyoklea....dizzying
  • tepyokleay....dizzyingly
  • tepyonpyos....breakdown
  • tepyontixa....psychoanalytic
  • tepyontixen....psychoanalysis
  • tepyontixena....psychoanalytical
  • tepyontixer....psychoanalyze
  • tepyonzyabwa....ditsy
  • tepyopoos....anguish
  • tepyopoosen....anguishing
  • tepyopooxea....anguishing
  • tepyopooxwa....anguished, mentally anguished
  • tepyot....orangutan
  • tepyufonap....paranoia
  • tepyufonapa....paranoid
  • tepyufonapat....paranoiac
  • tepyuga....indulgent, kind, lax, lenient, merciful, soft-hearted, softhearted, tolerant
  • tepyugan....kindness, laxity, laxness, lenience, leniency, lenity, lexness, mercifulness, mercy, soft-heartedness, softheartedness, tolerance
  • tepyugay....kindly, laxly, leniently, mercifully, softheartedly
  • tepyugra....lenient
  • tepyugran....leniency
  • tepyugray....leniently
  • tepyugsea....indulging
  • tepyugser....be lenient, go easy, indulge
  • tepyuja....close-minded, closed-minded, conservative, intolerant
  • tepyujan....close-mindedness, closed-mindedness
  • tepyujatyena....fogyish
  • tepyukla....naive, naïve, simple-minded, simpleminded
  • tepyuklan....naiveness, naivety, naiveté, naïvete, simple-mindedness
  • tepyuklay....naively, naïvely, simple-mindedly
  • tepyuva....close-minded, conservative
  • tepyuvaxea....captivating
  • tepyuvraxea....captivating
  • tepyuvraxwa....captivated
  • tepyuvxer....captivate
  • tepzeta....sane
  • tepzetan....saneness, sanity
  • tepzetay....sanely
  • tepzex....attention, concentration, mental focus
  • tepzexea....attention-focusing, attention-getting, attention-grabbing, concentrating
  • tepzexen....attention, concentrating, concentration, focusing attention
  • tepzexer be....concentrate on, focus attention on, focus on, focus one's mind on, pay attention to
  • tepzexer....be attentive, concentrate, focus attention, focus the mind, pay attention
  • tepzexuen....drawing attention, drawing attention to
  • tepzexuer....draw attention, draw attention to
  • tepzexuyea....flashy
  • tepzexwa....attentive, earnest, mentally focused
  • tepzexwan....attentiveness, earnestness
  • tepzexway....attentively, earnestly
  • tepzexyea....attentive
  • tepzexyean....attentiveness
  • tepzexyeay....attentively
  • tepzyapuxwa....ditsy, ditzy
  • tepzyonzyabwa....ditzy
  • tijtep....conscious mind
  • toftepkyoxwat....clotheshorse
  • tojbea tepruzan....amok
  • tojbea tepuzran....amuck
  • tojtepat....numbskull, numskull
  • tujtep....subconscious mind
  • tujtepa....subconscious
  • tujtepan....oblivion
  • tujtepay....subconsciously
  • uizgoblar tepyek....jigsaw puzzle
  • ujteptija....self-conscious, selfconscious
  • ujteptijan....self-consciousness, selfconsciousness
  • uka tep....blank mind
  • uttepaza....self-willed
  • utvlatep....poise
  • utvlatepa....poised
  • uztepyaf....guile
  • uztepyafa....guileful
  • uztepyafoya....guileless
  • uztepyafoyan....guilelessness
  • uztepyafuka....guileless
  • uztepyafukan....guilelessness
  • uztepyafukay....guilelessly
  • vaktepan....confidence
  • vaktepay....confidently
  • vatepa....positive, upbeat
  • vatepan....positiveness
  • vatepat....positive person
  • vatepin....positivism
  • vatepina....positivist
  • vatepinut....positivist
  • vitep....beautiful mind
  • vitepa dizapyex....lampoon
  • vitepa....witty
  • vitepan....wittiness
  • vitepay....wittily
  • vitepdrez....epigram
  • vitepdreza....epigrammatic
  • vlatepa....certain, sure, surefooted
  • vlatepan....certainty, conviction, sureness
  • votepa....negative-minded
  • votepin....negativism
  • votepina....negativistic
  • votepinut....negativist
  • votepyena....negatively-disposed
  • Voy tepoboxe at.....I don't care., It doesn't bother me.
  • vutepa....wretched
  • vutepan....wretchedness
  • vutepat....wretch
  • vyatep....seat of reason
  • vyatepa....rational
  • vyatepan....rationality, wisdom, wise man
  • vyatepat....rational person, wise person
  • vyatepay....rationally, wisely
  • vyatepser....be reasonable, wise up
  • vyatepxen....rationalization, streamlining, tempering
  • vyatepxer....rationalize, streamline, temper, wizen
  • vyatepxwa....streamlined, tempered, wizened
  • vyatepyena....rational
  • vyatepyenay....rationally
  • vyatepzem....seat of reason
  • vyetepa....subjective
  • vyetepan....subjectivity
  • vyetepay....subjectively
  • vyetepin....subjectivism
  • vyetepina....subjectivistic
  • vyetepinut....subjectivist
  • vyetepxen....subjectification
  • vyetepxer....subjectify
  • vyetepxwa....subjectified
  • vyidtepa....clear-headed, clear-minded, clearheaded, lucid
  • vyidtepan....clarity of mind, clear-mindedness, lucidity, lucidness
  • vyidtepay....lucidly
  • vyifxer ha tep....clear the mind
  • vyitepan....clear-headedness
  • vyoktepa....mistaken, wrong-headed, wrongheaded
  • vyoktepan....wrongheadedness
  • vyoktepay....mistakenly, wrongheadedness, wrongheadedly
  • vyotepa....fallacious, fool-hardy, foolhardy, foolish, hare-brained, harebrained, unwise
  • vyotepan....fallaciousness, folly, foolishness
  • vyotepat....cockamamie, fool
  • vyotepay....foolishly
  • vyotepsin....hallucination, illusion
  • vyotepsina....hallucinatory, illusory
  • vyotepsinen....hallucination
  • vyotepsiner....hallucinate
  • vyotepsinier....imagine wrongly
  • vyotepsinuer....give the illusion
  • vyotepsinwa....hallucinatory, illusory
  • vyotepsinxea....hallucinogenic
  • vyotepsinxul....hallucinogen
  • vyutepa....dirty-minded, foul-minded, smutty
  • vyutepan....dirty-minded, foul-minded, smuttiness
  • vyutepat....foul-minded person
  • yeper tojbea tepruzan....go amok
  • yexer tepzexway....work earnestly
  • yiztepekwa....foxed
  • yoktepkyax....freak
  • yuktepa....easy-minded, forgiving, lenient
  • yuktepan....easy-mindedness, leniency
  • zen bi tepkyox....center of attention
  • zyatepa....broad-minded, broadminded, expansive, mentally expansive, open-minded
  • zyatepan....broad-mindedness, expansiveness
  • zyatepat....broad-minded person
  • zyatepay....broad-mindedly, expansively
  • zyeper tep....run through one's head
  • zyotepa....bigoted, hidebound, narrow-minded, petty
  • zyotepan....bigotry, narrow-mindedness, pettiness
  • zyotepat....bigot, narrow-minded person, petty person
  • zyotepay....narrow-mindedly
Some words built on tip (emotion, mood) are the following:
  • agratipa....megamaniacal
  • At yantipuvse et.....I pity you.
  • avtip....goodwill
  • booktipiva....slaphappy
  • boy yantipuv....without pity
  • dofinay tipyuga....latitudinarian
  • ekutyan tip....team spirit
  • epyextip....anger, rage, wrath
  • epyextipa....angry, mad, rageful, wrathful
  • epyextipan....angriness
  • epyextipay....angrily, wrathfully
  • epyextipuea....enraging
  • epyextipuen....angering, enragement
  • epyextipuer....anger, enrage, madden
  • epyextipuwa....angered, enraged
  • epyextipuyea....maddening
  • epyextipuyeay....maddeningly
  • eyntipa....half-hearted, halfhearted
  • eyntipay....halfheartedly
  • eyntipin....halfheartedness
  • fitip....gentleness, good humor, good mood, kindness, mettle
  • fitipa....cheerful, genial, gentle, good-hearted, good-humored, good-natured, goodhearted, in a good mood, kind, kindhearted, nice, well-tempered
  • fitipan....geniality, gentleness, good-heartedness, kindheartedness, kindness, niceness
  • fitipat....generous person, good soul, good-hearted person, good-natured person, kind person, sweetheart
  • fitipay....genially, kindheartedly
  • fitipsen....showing kindness
  • fitipser....show kindness
  • fitipyena....upbeat
  • flutip....choler, ire
  • flutipa....cross, irate, livid
  • flutipan....crossness, irateness, madness
  • flutipat....crosspatch
  • flutipay....crossly, irately, lividly
  • flutipaya....ireful
  • flutipika....ireful
  • flutipser....grow irate
  • fritipa....blithe, cheery, gay, gleeful, merry
  • fritipan....cheeriness, gayness, gleefulness, merriment, merriness
  • fritipay....merrily
  • fritipier....cheer up
  • fritipser....be delighted, become amused, cheer up
  • fritipuer....cheer up
  • fritipxea....cheer
  • fritipxer....cheer up
  • fritipxwa....cheered
  • fruitipa....wroth
  • fruitipaya....rageful, raging
  • fruitipika....rageful, raging
  • fruitipikay....furiously, ragingly
  • frutip....furor, fury, outrage, rage, wrath
  • frutipa....rageful, wrathful
  • frutipay....wrathfully
  • frutipaya....furious, wrathful
  • frutipika....furious, wrathful
  • frutipikay....wrathfully
  • frutipsea....raging
  • frutipser....be enraged, be incensed, be outraged, become enraged, become infuriated, become outraged, get enraged, get infuriated
  • frutipteax....tantrum
  • frutipuea....enraging
  • frutipuen....enragement
  • frutipuer....enrage
  • frutipuwa....enraged
  • frutipxea....infuriating, outrageous
  • frutipxeay....infuriatingly, outrageously
  • frutipxen....infuriation
  • frutipxer....incense, infuriate, outrage
  • frutipxwa....furious, incensed, infuriated, outraged, unraged
  • frutipxway....furiously
  • frutipxyikwa....irascible
  • frutipxyikwan....irascibility
  • frutipxyikway....irascibly
  • fuitipay....moodily
  • futip....bad mood, dudgeon, foul temper, indisposition, lousy mood, snit
  • futipa....cantankerous, crabby, curmudgeonly, foul-tempered, fussy, grumpy, hotheaded, ill-disposed, ill-humored, ill-tempered, in a bad mood, jag, lousy, mad, peevish, pettish, petulant, snotty, splenetic, sullen, surly
  • futipan....bad mood, cantankerousness, crabbiness, foul temper, hotheadedness, ill disposition, lousiness, peevishness, pettishness, petulance, snottiness, sullenness, surliness
  • futipat....curmudgeon, foul-tempered person, grump, hothead, surly person
  • futipay....cantankerously, crabbily, lousily, peevishly, pettishly, petulantly, snottily, sullenly
  • futipayt....shrew
  • futipaytyena....shrewish
  • futipika....grouty, hot-blooded, mad
  • futipixwa....disgruntled, maddened
  • futipsea....becoming angry, getting angry, getting mad
  • futipsen....getting angry, getting mad
  • futipser....be mad, become angry, become ill-tempered, chafe, get angry, get mad, grow angry
  • futipsut....sorehead
  • futipuer....madden
  • futipxea....dispiriting, maddening
  • futipxeay....maddeningly
  • futipxen....disgruntlement
  • futipxer....disgruntle, empurple, exasperate, indispose, make angry, make mad, put in a foul mood
  • futipxwa....dispirited, exasperated, hotblooded, indisposed, pissed
  • futipxwan....dispiritedness
  • futipxway....dispiritedly
  • gayoban tipyen....inferiority complex
  • glatip....exeunt
  • glatipika....exuberant
  • glatipikan....exuberance
  • glatipikay....exuberantly
  • gratip....hokum, hysteria, schmaltz, schmalz
  • gratipa duz....schmaltz
  • gratipa eyntuj....hysterical trance
  • gratipa....bathetic, hysterical, schmaltzy, sentimental
  • gratipan....mawkishness
  • gratipat....mawkish, sentimentalist
  • gratipay....hysterically, mawkishly, sentimentally
  • gratipaya....hokey, overemotional, soppy
  • gratipazta....overenthusiastic
  • gratipdal....treacle
  • gratipdalaya....treacly
  • gratipdalika....treacly
  • gratipika....hokey, overemotional, soppy
  • gratippaax....hysterics
  • gratipyen....sentimentalism, sentimentality
  • iftip....pleasant mood
  • iftipa....in a pleasant mood
  • kyatipa....fickle, moody, volatile
  • kyatipan....fickleness, moodiness, volatility
  • kyatipaxer....volatilize
  • kyatipay....moodily
  • kyetipa....arbitrary, capricious, whimsical
  • kyetipan....arbitrariness, capriciousness, whimsicality, whimsy
  • kyetipas....whim
  • kyetipay....arbitrarily, on a whim, whimsically
  • kyitip....gloom
  • kyitipa....crestfallen, downcast, downhearted, gloomy, heavy-hearted, heavyhearted
  • kyitipan....downheartedness, gloominess, gravity
  • kyitipay....downheartedly, with a heavy heart
  • kyitipxer....dispirit
  • kyiuvtipa....melancholic, melancholy
  • kyiuvtipan....melancholia
  • kyotipa....steadfast, stubborn
  • kyotipan....steadfastness, stubbornness
  • kyotipay....steadfastly
  • kytipser....be dispirited
  • kyutipa....blithe, giddy, goofy, goosy, light-hearted, lighthearted, silly, winsome, frivolous
  • kyutipan....blitheness, giddiness, goofiness, light-heartedness, lightheartedness, silliness, winsomeness
  • kyutipat....flibbertigibbet, goosy
  • kyutipay....blithely, giddily, in a silly fashion, light-heartedly, lightheartedly, winsomely
  • kyutipkyes....idyll
  • kyutipkyesa....idyllic
  • kyutipkyesay....idyllically
  • mep frutip....road rage
  • ofitipa....ungentle
  • okyatipa....nonvolatile
  • otipika....unsentimental
  • otipikan....unsentimentality
  • otipiva....cheerless
  • otipivan....cheerlessness
  • otipivay....cheerlessly
  • otipuva....pitiless
  • otipuvan....pitilessness
  • otipuvay....pitilessly
  • otipyabea....unedifying
  • otipyija....disingenuous
  • ovtipayt....battleax, battleaxe
  • ovuvtipul....antidepressant
  • ovyatipa....backhanded, insincere, unfaithful
  • ovyatipan....insincerity, unfaithfulness
  • ovyatipay....backhandedly, insincerely, unfaithfully
  • ovyatipuwa....untrusted
  • oyantipuviyea....unmerciful
  • oyantipuviyeay....unmercifully
  • ser frutipa....be mad
  • ser frutipxwa....be enraged, be incensed
  • teaxer frutip....have a tantrum
  • tip....fettle, heart, humor, mood, pathos, sentiment, spirit, temper
  • -tip....-pathy
  • tipa byoyk....heartache
  • -tipa....-humored
  • tipa....sentimental, temperamental
  • tipaasaya....delirious
  • tipaasayan....deliriousness, delirium
  • tipaasika....delirious
  • tipaasikan....deliriousness, delirium
  • tipaasikay....deliriously
  • tipaga....big-hearted, bighearted, cordial, generous, genial, greathearted, largehearted, magnanimous
  • tipagan....big-heartedness, bigheartedness, cordiality, generosity, generousness, geniality, magnanimity
  • tipagay....big-heartedly, cordially, generously, magnanimously
  • tipama....hot-blooded, hotblooded
  • tipan....sentimentality
  • tipaser....become sentimental
  • tipava....agreeable, favorable, favorably disposed, favorably-disposed
  • tipavan....agreeableness
  • tipavay....favorably
  • tipaxen....sentimentalization
  • tipaxlawa....thrilled
  • tipaxlea dyes....thriller
  • tipaxlea dyezun....thriller
  • tipaxlea....thrilling, vibrant
  • tipaxlean....vibrancy
  • tipaxleay....thrillingly, vibrantly
  • tipaxlen....thrilling
  • tipaxler....sentimentalize, thrill
  • tipaxlus....thriller
  • tipay....sentimentally, temperamentally
  • tipayan....fieriness
  • tipayma....hearty, warmhearted
  • tipayman....heartiness, warmheartedness
  • tipaymxea....heartwarming
  • tipaz....oomph, zeal
  • tipazan....zealotry, zealousness
  • tipazaxea....heartening
  • tipazaxer....hearten
  • tipazay....zealously
  • tipazaya....fired up, frantic, on edge, wired, zesty
  • tipazdez....melodrama
  • tipazdeza....melodramatic
  • tipazdezaxer....melodramatize
  • tipazdezay....melodramatically
  • tipazier....be moved grow frantic, get excited, get impassioned, run high
  • tipazika....fired up, frantic, on edge, wired, zesty
  • tipazikay....frantically
  • tipazpyex....meltdown
  • tipazraser....grow furious
  • tipazta....enthusiastic, vehement, zestful
  • tipaztan ifgian....zestfulness
  • tipaztan....enthusiasm, vehemence, vehemency, verve, vim, zest
  • tipaztaser....become passionate, get excited
  • tipaztaxer....enthuse
  • tipaztaxwa....enthused
  • tipaztay....enthusiastically, vehemently, zestfully
  • tipazuer....fire up
  • tipazuka....dispassionate, unemotional, unexcited, unpassionate
  • tipazukan....dispassion
  • tipazukay....dispassionately, unemotionally, unexcitedly
  • tipazuwa....atwitter, fired up
  • tipbyok....heartache
  • tipbyokea....heart-broken
  • tipbyoken....feeling heartache
  • tipbyoker....feel heartache
  • tipden....expression of emotion, sentimentalization
  • tipder....express emotion, sentimentalize
  • tipelad....chirr
  • tipelader....chirr
  • tipi....teepee
  • tipif....amiability, kindness
  • tipifa....amiable, frivolous, fun-spirited, gay, jocular, kind
  • tipifan....amiability, frivolity, frivolousness, fun-spiritedness, gayness, kindness
  • tipifay....amiably, frivolously
  • tipiga....snippy
  • tipigan....snippiness
  • tipigay....snippily
  • tipika....fiery, spirited, temperamental
  • tipikan....fieriness
  • tipikay....moodily, spiritedly
  • tipin....sentimentalism
  • tipina....sentimentalist
  • tipiva deup....lilt
  • tipiva....cheerful, cheery, gay, jocund, light-hearted, lighthearted, merry, sprightly
  • tipivan....cheerfulness, cheeriness, gayness, jocundity, light-heartedness, lightheartedness, merriment, merriness, sprightliness
  • tipivay....cheerily, gayly, jocundly, light-heartedly, lightheartedly, merrily
  • tipivxul....depressant
  • tipkyaa....flexible
  • tipkyaan....flexibility
  • tipkyin....albatross
  • tipkyoa....stubborn
  • tipkyoan....stubbornness
  • tipoboxwa....unstrung
  • tipoga....small-minded, stingy
  • tipogan....small-mindedness, stinginess
  • tipot....tamarin
  • tipova....antipathetic, antipathy, contrary, hostile
  • tipovan....animosity, contrariety, contrariness, hostility
  • tipoyxer....moped user
  • tipoza....lackadaisical, weak-hearted
  • tipozan....weak-heartedness
  • tipozay....lackadaisically
  • tipozta....bored, low-key, unenthusiastic, weak-hearted
  • tipoztan....boredom, ennui, lack of enthusiasm, weak-heartedness
  • tipoztaser....grow bored
  • tipoztaxea....boring
  • tipoztaxer....bore
  • tipoztaxwa....bored
  • tippaax....excitement, passion
  • tippaaxien....getting excited, getting riled up, being moved
  • tippaaxier....get excited, get riled up, be moved, get impassioned
  • tippaaxuen....piquing, exciting, impassioning
  • tippaaxuer....pique, excite, impassion
  • tippaaxuwa....piqued, excited, impassioned
  • tippanaya....incendiary
  • tippanika....incendiary
  • tiptyentexen....sentimentalization
  • tiptyentexer....sentimentalize
  • tiptyentexwa....sentimentalized
  • tipuea....inspiriting
  • tipuer....inspirit
  • tipufxer....roil
  • tipuka....empty-hearted, unspirited
  • tipukan....empty-heartedness, unspiritiedness
  • tipukay....empty-heartedly, unspiritedly
  • tipukxer....frazzle
  • tipukxwa....frazzled
  • tipuv....heartbreak, pall, sorrow
  • tipuva....depressed, dour, down, downcast, morose, overcast, pitiful, sad-spirited, solemn, sorrowful, spleeny, somber
  • tipuvan....depression, dourness, heartsickness, languor, mercy, misery, pity, solemnity, sorrow, sorrowfulness, somberness
  • tipuvay....dourly, languorously, pitifully, somberly
  • tipuviea....pitying
  • tipuvieay....pityingly
  • tipuvien....having mercy on, having pity on, taking pity on
  • tipuvier....have mercy on, have pity on, pity, take pity on
  • tipuviyea....merciful
  • tipuvra....miserable
  • tipuvran....miserableness, moroseness
  • tipuvrary....miserably
  • tipuvray....morosely
  • tipuvser....being sorry for, pity, taking mercy on, taking pity on
  • tipuvsyika....depressive
  • tipuvuyea....piteously
  • tipuvuyean....piteousness
  • tipuvxea....arousing pity, depressing, heartbreaking, pitiful
  • tipuvxeay....depressingly
  • tipuvxen....depressing
  • tipuvxer....arouse pity, depress
  • tipuvxwa....heartbroken, woebegone
  • tipuvxyea....depressive
  • tipuwa....inspirited
  • tipuyfa....miffed
  • tipyaba....ebullient, upbeat
  • tipyaban....ebullience
  • tipyabay....ebulliently
  • tipyen....attitude, disposition, temperament, mood, complex
  • tipyena....attitudinal, temperamental
  • tipyenay....sentimentally, temperamentally
  • tipyenxen....sentimenalization
  • tipyenxer....sentimentalize
  • tipyenxwa....sentimentalized
  • tipyifa....brave-hearted, impudent, spunky
  • tipyifan....impudence, spunk, brave-heartedness
  • tipyifay....impudently, brave-heartedly, spunkily
  • tipyiga....callous, flinty, hard-nosed, hardhearted, rigid, severe, stern-hearted, stouthearted, visceral
  • tipyigan....callosity, callousness, flintiness, hardheartedness, stern-heartedness, sternness
  • tipyigay....callously, hardheartedly, stoutly, viscerally
  • tipyigazaxea....galling
  • tipyigla....rude
  • tipyiglan....rudeness
  • tipyiglay....rudely
  • tipyigra....violent-tempered
  • tipyigraser....grow angry, grow enraged, become infuriated
  • tipyigraxen....riling up, enraging, infuriation
  • tipyigraxer....rile up, enrage, infuriate, outrage
  • tipyigraxwa....riled up, enraged, infuriated, outraged
  • tipyigray....in a rough manner, furiently, outrageously
  • tipyigza....acrimonious
  • tipyigzan....acrimoniousness, acrimony
  • tipyigzay....acrimoniously
  • tipyija....liberal, open-minded, openhearted, tolerant
  • tipyijan....liberality, open-mindedness, tolerance
  • tipyiva....liberal-minded, open-minded
  • tipyivan....liberal-mindedness, liberality, liberalness, open-mindedness
  • tipyoba....downbeat
  • tipyos....tailspin
  • tipyot....gorilla
  • tipyotyan....flange
  • tipyuba....intimate
  • tipyuban....intimacy
  • tipyubay....intimately
  • tipyuga....easy-going, easygoing, flexible, gentle, lenient
  • tipyugan....flexibility, gentleness of spirit, lenience
  • tipyugra....gentle, kind, kindhearted, mild-mannered
  • tipyugran....gentleness, kindheartedness, kindliness, kindness
  • tipyugray....gently, kindheartedly, kindly
  • tipyuja....close-minded, intolerant
  • tipyujan....close-mindedness, intolerance
  • tipyuva....conservative
  • tipyuvan....conservativeness
  • tipzen....emotional center, heart and soul
  • tipzyabixobea....cathartic
  • totipyijay....disingenuously
  • uftipyen....complex
  • uttipuvxea....maudlin
  • uvtipa....downbeat
  • vatipa....positive-minded
  • vatipan....positive-minded, positive-mindedness, positivity
  • vatipat....positive person
  • vitipa....blithe, cheery, chipper, in a lovely mood, jaunty, winsome
  • votipa....cynical, negative-minded
  • votipan....negative-mindedness, negativism
  • votipat....cynic, naysayer
  • votipay....cynically
  • votipin....cynicism
  • vutipa....crotchety, frumpy, grouchy, grouty, in a foul mood, mean-spirited, surly
  • vutipan....mean-spiritedness, meanness
  • vutipat....frump, mean person
  • vutipatyena....frumpish
  • vutipay....mean-spiritedly, meanly
  • vyatip....faith, fealty, loyalty, trust
  • vyatipa....faithful, loyal, sincere, true-minded, trusty, underhanded
  • vyatipan....faithfulness, loyalty, sincerity, true-mindedness, trustiness, underhandedness
  • vyatipay....faithfully, sincerely, underhandedly
  • vyatipier....gain the trust of
  • vyatipin....loyalism
  • vyatipinut....loyalist
  • vyatipuer....be loyal to, be true in spirit to, have faith in, trust
  • vyatipuwa....trusted
  • vyotipa....unfaithful
  • vyotipan....unfaithfulness
  • vyoytipika....maudlin
  • xeyn bi fitip....act of kindness
  • yantip....sympathy
  • yantipa....sympathetic
  • yantipan....sympathy
  • yantipat....sympathizer
  • yantipay....sympathetically
  • yantipika....sympathetic
  • yantipikay....sympathetically
  • yantipoya....heartless
  • yantipoyan....heartlessness
  • yantipsea....commiserate, sympathetic
  • yantipsen....commiseration, sympathizing
  • yantipser....commiserate, sympathize
  • yantipsyea....agreeable, commiserative, sympathetical
  • yantipsyeay....agreeably, sympathetically
  • yantiptoj....euthanasia
  • yantiptojben....euthanasia, euthanize
  • yantiptojbwa....euthanized
  • yantipueay....heartrendingly
  • yantipuka....heartless
  • yantipukan....heartlessness
  • yantipukay....heartlessly
  • yantipuv....clemency, mercy, misery, pity, sorrow
  • yantipuvan....sorriness
  • yantipuvien....commiseration, feeling sorry for, having mercy on, having pity on
  • yantipuvier....commiserate, feel sorry for, have mercy on, pity
  • yantipuviwa....pitied
  • yantipuviyea....clement, commiserative, merciful, pitiful
  • yantipuviyeay....clemently
  • yantipuviyefwa....pitiable
  • yantipuviyefway....pitiably
  • yantipuvuer....arouse compassion, arouse mercy, arouse pity
  • yantipuvuyea....miserable, pitiful
  • yantipuvuyean....miserableness
  • yantipuvuyeay....pitifully
  • yantipxyofwa....irreconcilable
  • yantipxyofwan....irreconcilability
  • yantipxyofway....irreconcilably
  • yiztipaz....super excitement
  • yiztipaza....frantic, super-excited
  • yiztipazay....frantically
  • yoka tipa yonpyex....ebullition
  • yokfutipxen....conniption
  • yontipsen....being at odds
  • yontipser....be at odds
  • yontipxea....antagonizing
  • yontipxen....antagonism
  • yontipxer....antagonize
  • yontipxwa....antagonized
  • yontipxyea....antagonistic
  • yonxer vyatip bay....be disloyal to, break faith with
  • yuzemtip....ambiance

Bodily Functions and Gestures


The following chart shows how gestural and bodily movements and functions are derived from body parts:
Body Gestures
tobser....become human, tobxer....humanize, tobtojber....murder, tobij....embryo , tobijier....conceive, tobijuer....impregnate, tobijer....ovulate, tobijbeler....gestate
tab....body tabazaxer....work out, tabmelukxer....entomb, tabteaxer....autopsy, dazer....dance, yebtabxer...embody
tayeb....hair tayebarer....comb, tayeboker....go bald, tayefarer....brush, tayegobler....shave, tayelber....shampoo, tayevarer....mop
tayib....nerve tayixuer....to get on one's nerves
tayob....skin tayobiler....sweat, tayobober....flay, tayoboser....itch, tayoser....feel like, tayoter....feel, tayoxer....palpate, tayobdriler....tattoo, tayotyofxer....numb
tebabunober....scalp, tebbaxer....nod, tebober....decapitate, tebzaner....face
teabyuijer....wink, teabyebaxer....blink, teabiler....tear up, teaser....seem, teater....see, teatyofxer....blind, teaxer....look, jeteaxer....watch, teabexler....guard, teaxuer....show, teazuer....amaze, teabizer....aim, teaper....visit, teazexer....to focus
teeb....ear teeter....hear, teeser....sound like, teeper....attend, teeder....rumor, teeyofxer....deafen, teexer....listen, teeder....quote, teedrer....report, teebder....whisper, teeper....attend, teetier....get wind of
teiter....smell, teiser....smell like, teitier....take a whiff of, teituer....reek, teixer....smell, teiseuxer....snore, teizber....perfume, teipyuxler....sneeze, teibalier....sniff, teibalegier....sniffle, teibiler....run at the nose, teibukxer....blow the nose, teibyeger....flare
teubier....swallow, yijteuber....yawn, teuser....taste like, teuter....taste, teutier....sample, teutuer....offer a taste, teuxer....taste, teuder....shout, ivteuder....laugh, uvteuder....groan, ivteuber....smile, uvteuber....frown,vyoivteuder....mock, ufteuber....scowl, uvseuxer....grumbleteubiler....salivate, teubilier....suck, teubiloker....drool, teubilokeger....dribble, teubiloyeber....expectorate, teubilpuxer....spew, teubiluer....spit, xeustilier....slurpteubsiner....grimacedeuzer....sing, yandeuzer....harmonize, yagdeuzer....chantseuxer....ring, seuxder.... pronounce, voyseuxder....mispronounce,zoyteuzer....echo, uvseuxer....sigh, teuzuer....vote, teuzier....poll, teuzibarer....telephone, toleuser....taste like, toleuter....taste, toleuxer....savor, fitoleuser....taste good, futoleuser....taste bad teuvuer....mask, teufuer....muzzle, bilier....milk
teubab....tongue teubabyexer....give a tongue lashing, teubaxer....lick
teubib....gum teubixer....chew, teubixeger....ruminate
teupib....tooth teupixer....bite, teupixeger....nibble, yebteupixer....crunch
teubob....lip teuboxer....kiss, teuboxeger....smooch, teubobaxer....smack the lips
teyob....neck teyobabaxer....neck, teyopixer....collar, teyozyoxrer....choke , teyopyoxer....hang, teyozyagber....crane one's neck
tibuzer....bow, zotib....back, zotibuzber....turn one's back, tibuj....tail
tibuf....train , tibujbaxrer....wag, tibujper....lag
tiexer....breath, tieyujber....suffocate, tiebukxer....cough
tiebalier....inhale, tiebaluer....exhale, tiebaloker....belch, burp
tiebbokier....catch a cold
tiibiler....bleed, tiibiloker....bleed out, tiibilglalser....clot, tiibilier....suck blood, tiibiluer....let blood
tikebier....digest, tikebukxer....vomit
tikyebaler....fart, tikyebiler....defecate
tikyob....bowels tikyobier....ingest, tikyobober....disembowel
tub....arm yuztubier....embrace, tubaxer....wave, tubyuzyuber....fold one's arms, tubuzraxer....supinate
tuyab....hand tuyaxer....handle, tuyaber....handle, tuyabaxler....shake hand, tuyabexer....manipulate, tuyabier....grab, tuyabirer....wrestle, tuyasiuner....wave, tuyabuer....hand out, tuyadrer....write out longhand, tuyapixer....clasp, tuyapyexer....clap
tuyeb....fist tuyepeker....fistfight, tuyebalxer....shake one's....fist, tuyepyexluer....pound, tuyepyexer....box
tuyib....palm tuyibabaxer....pat, tuyibaber....palm, tuyibuer....palm off, tuyipyexer....slap
tuyoxer....wave, tuyoyuvarer....handcuff, tuyobier....take by the wrist
tuyub....finger tuyubaxler....wag one's finger, tuyubifeker....fiddle, tuyubizder....point out, tuyubeaxer....indicate, tuyugiber....poke, tuyupyexer....tap, tuyuxer....palpate
tuloxer....scratch, tuloxefer....itchpatuloxer....claw, patulober....grip
tyoab....hip tyoaper....to sit, tyoaber....to seat
tyoib....knee tyoixer....kneel, tyoiper....crawl
tyoyab....foot tyoyaper....walk, igtyoyaper....run, tyoyabarer....stomp, tyoyakyeper....hobble, tyoyapyexer....kick, tyoyabaper....stand on one's feet
tyoyeb....heel tyoyeber....spurn
tyoyib....sole tyoyiber....supplant
tyoyub....toe tyoyubaoxer....wiggle one's toe, tyoyuzyuper....pirouette, tyoyuper....tiptoe
Here are the main words in Mirad dealing with health, illness, and medicine:
B-K Words
bakser....heal (intr.), bakxer....heal (tr.)
bekier....get treated, bekuer....treat
byekser....be cured, byekxer....cure
bokser....get sick, bokxer....sicken
bookser....grow tired, bookxer....tire out
bik....care bikier....take care, bikuer....care for
bukser....be injured, bukxer....injure
brukser....be mutilated, brukxer....mutilate
byoker....ache, byokuer....inflict pain
bloker....suffer, blokuer....inflict suffering
broker....agonize, brokuer....torture

Other Important Words


  • baktun....medecine (as a field)
  • bekul....drug
  • bekuluer....to medicate, administer a drug
  • bekulier....to take a drug
  • bekulnam....pharmacy
  • bektut....doctor
  • bikuut....nurse
  • bokam....hospital
  • bekwat....patient
  • byoykser....to ache



  • bok....illness
  • book....fatigue
  • byok....pain, ache, hurt
  • blok....suffering
  • brok....agony, torture
The above root words figure in the derived words below:
  • abteubbok....alveolitis
  • aglateatbok....macropsia
  • alzambok....scarlatina, scarlet fever
  • alznodbok....measles
  • alznodboka....measly
  • ambok....fever, inflammation
  • amboka....febrile, fevered, inflammatory, pyretic
  • ambokmulobyeb....autoclave
  • ambokobar....de-inflammatory
  • ambokovul....febrifuge
  • ambokser....get inflamed, run a fever
  • ambokxer....inflame
  • ambokxwa....inflamed
  • ambokyena....feverish
  • anyenboka....idiopathic
  • aombok....ague
  • bayser ambok....run a fever
  • bok....condition, disease, illness, malady, sickness
  • -bok....-itis, -pathy
  • boka be ujna joyeb....terminally ill
  • boka....crappy, diseased, ill, infirm, sick
  • bokam bekwat....hospital patient
  • bokam sum....hospital bed
  • bokam....hospital, infirmary
  • bokamben....hospitalization
  • bokamber....hospitalize
  • bokambesut....inpatient
  • bokambwa....hospitalized
  • bokambwat....hospital patient
  • bokampen....going to a hospital
  • bokamper....go to a hospital
  • bokamput....hospital visitor
  • bokamtaf....hospital gown
  • bokan....frailness, frailty, illness, infirmity, sickness, unwellness
  • bokat....ill person, sick person
  • bokatim....sickbay, sickroom
  • bokatsim....sickbed
  • bokbier....bock
  • bokhara naf....buckram
  • bokkyotepa....valetudinarian
  • bokkyotepan....valetudinarianism
  • bokkyotexean....hypochondria
  • bokkyotexeat....hypochondriac
  • bokmul....bacterium, contaminant, germ, infection, pus
  • bokmula....bacterial
  • bokmulaya....germ-ridden
  • bokmulbea....contaminating
  • bokmulben....contamination, infecting, infection, tainting
  • bokmulber....contaminate, infect, taint
  • bokmulbus....contaminator
  • bokmulbwa buyk....furuncle
  • bokmulbwa....contaminated, infected, tainted
  • bokmulika....germ-ridden
  • bokmuluen....suppuration
  • bokmuluer....suppurate
  • bokmuluka....germ-free
  • bokmululp....pyorrhea
  • bokmululuen....purulence
  • bokmululuyea....purulent
  • bokogrun....bacterium, germ, microbe, pathogen, virus
  • bokogruna....bacterial, microbial, pathogenic, viral
  • bokogrunay....bacterially, microbially, pathogenically, virally
  • bokogrunaya....bacteria-laded, germ-ridden, microbe-laden, virus-filled
  • bokogruni....bacteria
  • bokogrunier....catch a virus, get infected
  • bokogrunika....bacteria-laded, germ-ridden, microbe-laden, virus-filled
  • bokogruntojbea....bactericidal, germicidal
  • bokogruntojbul....bactericide, germicide
  • bokogruntun....bacteriology, virology
  • bokogruntuna....bacteriologic, bacteriological
  • bokogruntut....bacteriologist, virologist
  • bokogrunuen....infecting, infection
  • bokogrunuer....infect
  • bokogrunuka....aseptic, bacteria-free, germ-free, microbe-free, virus-free
  • bokogrunukay....aseptically
  • bokogrunukser....become bacteria-free, become germ-free, become virus-free
  • bokogrunuwa....infected
  • bokogrunuyafa....infective
  • bokogrunuyafwa....infectious, possible to catch, viral
  • bokogrunuyafwan....infectiousness, possibility of being caught
  • bokogrunuyea....infectious, virulent
  • bokogrunuyean....infectiousness, virulence
  • bokogrunuyeay....infectiously, virulently
  • bokogrunuyofwa....impossible to catch, non-infectious, non-viral
  • bokogrunvaka....immune
  • bokogrunvakan....immunity
  • bokogrunvaktun....immunology
  • bokogrunvaktuna....immunologic, immunological
  • bokogrunvaktut....immunologist
  • bokogrunvakuen....immunization
  • bokogrunvakuer....immunize
  • bokogrunvakuwa....immunized
  • bokogrunyaz....abscess
  • bokogrunyaza....abscessed
  • bokogrunyuf....germophobia
  • bokogrunyufa....germophobic
  • bokogrunyufut....germophobe
  • bokova....prophylactic
  • bokovan....prophylaxis
  • bokovar....prophylactic
  • boksea....getting sick, growing ill, growing infirm
  • bokser....get ill, get sick, grow ill, grow infirm
  • boksiun....symptom
  • boksiuna....symptomatic
  • boksiunay....symptomatically
  • boksiuntun....symptomatology
  • boksiuntuna....symptomatological
  • boksiuntunay....symptomatologically
  • boksiuntut....symptomatologist
  • boksiunyan....syndrome
  • boksiyn....stigma
  • boktosea....liverish
  • boktun....pathology
  • boktuna....pathological
  • boktunay....pathologically
  • boktut....pathologist
  • bokuen....bribing
  • bokul....poison, potion, toxin, venin, venom
  • bokula....toxic, venomous
  • bokulan....toxicity
  • bokulay....venomously
  • bokulaya....toxin-filled, venomous
  • bokulien....drinking a potion, taking poison
  • bokulier....ingest poison oneself, take poison
  • bokulika....toxin-filled, venomous
  • bokultun....toxicology
  • bokultuna....toxicological
  • bokultut....toxicologist
  • bokuluen....intoxication, poisoning
  • bokuluer....envenom, intoxicate, poison
  • bokulus....intoxicant
  • bokuluut....poisoner
  • bokuluwa....intoxicated, poisoned
  • bokuluyea teupixun....poisonous bite
  • bokuluyea....heady, intoxicant, intoxicating, poisonous
  • bokuluyean....headiness, poisonousness
  • bokuluyeay....headily, poisonously
  • bokvyoeker....malinger
  • bokvyoekut....malingerer
  • bokxag....morbidity
  • bokxea....loathsome, noisome, taxing
  • bokxean....loathsomeness
  • bokxeay....loathsomely
  • bokxer....make ill, sicken
  • bokxus....sickener
  • bokxwa....sickened
  • bokxyea....sickening
  • bokxyeay....sickeningly
  • bokyexpox....sickout
  • bokzyab....epidemic, pestilence, pestilent, plague
  • bokzyaba....pestilential
  • bokzyabea....bedeviling
  • bokzyaben....infestation, infesting, plaguing
  • bokzyaber....bedevil, infest, plague
  • bokzyabtun....epidemiology
  • bokzyabtuna....epidemiological
  • bokzyabtut....epidemiologist
  • bokzyabus....pest
  • bokzyabwa....bedeviled, infested, metastasized, plagued
  • bokzyap....metastasis
  • bokzyapa....metastatic
  • bokzyaper....metastasize
  • byu bok....ad nauseam
  • cagronbok....scorbute, scurvy
  • cagronboka....scorbutic, scurvily
  • dingabok....dengue
  • dotbokat....sociopath
  • Downboksiunyan....mongolism
  • endeuzbok....diplophonia
  • epeltbok....mange
  • epeltboka....mangy
  • epeltbokan....manginess
  • epeytayobbok....cowpox
  • filboka....hungover
  • gabokigbas....paroxysm
  • gabokigbasa....paroxysmal
  • gabokogrunuen....reinfection
  • gabokogrunuer....reinfect
  • gabokogrunuwa....reinfected
  • gabokser....get sick again
  • gimelbok....mountain sickness
  • gralevelbok....hyperglycemia
  • gratelbok....crapulence, surfeit
  • grobokogrunvoka....immunodeficient
  • grobokogrunvokan....immunodeficiency
  • grolevelbok....hypoglycemia
  • grolevelboka....hypoglycemic
  • gyateebbok....mumps
  • hansenbok....leprosy
  • hansenbokat....leper
  • hyamerbok....pandemic
  • hyamira bokzyab....pandemic
  • ifonboka....moonstruck
  • igtiibilbok....tachycardia
  • ilpbok....rheumatism
  • ilpboka....rheumatic
  • ilpbokay....rheumatically
  • ilpbokun....rheum
  • ilpbokyena....rheumatoid
  • ilzbok....jaundice
  • ilzboka....jaundiced
  • ilzilbok....cholera
  • ilzilboka....choleric
  • jagteabbok....presbyopia
  • jobok....loss of time loss
  • kapot bokul....rat poison
  • lobokulxen....detox, detoxification
  • lobokulxer....detoxify
  • mampurbok....airsickness
  • mampurboka....airsick
  • mebbok....mountain sickness
  • meylztikibbok....cirrhosis
  • meylztikibboka....cirrhotic
  • meztalabbok....gout
  • meztalabboka....gouty
  • mialbok....typhoid fever
  • milyufbok....rabies
  • milyufboka....rabid
  • milyufbokan....rabidness
  • milyufbokay....rabidly
  • mimbok....nausea, seasickness
  • mimboka....nauseated, nauseous, sea-sick, seasick
  • mimbokan....nauseousness
  • mimbokser....become nauseated, get seasick
  • mimbokxea....nauseating
  • mimbokxeay....nauseatingly
  • mimbokxer....make seasick, nauseate
  • mimbokxwa....nauseated
  • mirbok....pandemic
  • nipatbok....pica
  • nopeltbok....mange
  • obbokseay....untiringly
  • obokmulbwa....uncontaminated
  • obokogrosuyea....non-infectious
  • obokogrunuwa....uninfected
  • obokulua....nontoxic
  • obokuluyea....nonintoxicating
  • obostayosbok....pruritis
  • ogesinbok....aniseikonic
  • ombok....flu
  • ombokier....catch the flu
  • ovamboka....antipyretic
  • ovbokogruna....antibiotic, antiviral
  • ovbokogrunul....anti-bacterial, antibacterial
  • ovbokul....anti-toxin, antitoxin, galena
  • ovbokula....antitoxic
  • ovpobokul....antivenin
  • ovtaobyazboka....anticancer
  • panbok....carsickness, motion sickness
  • panboka....carsick, motion sick
  • pasyofbok....palsy, paralysis
  • pasyofboka....palsied, paralytic, paralyzed
  • pasyofbokat....paralytic patient
  • pasyofbokul....paralytic
  • pasyofbokxer....paralyze
  • pasyofbokxwa....paralyzed
  • pattiebbok....pip
  • pelt bokul....bug spray
  • peltayosbok....pruritis
  • peltbokul....insecticide
  • peltbokula....insecticidal
  • petayebokea....shedding
  • petayeboken....shedding
  • petayeboker....shed
  • petbok....distemper
  • petboka....distempered
  • pexer ombok....catch cold
  • pobokul teupixun....venom bite
  • pobokul....toxin, venom
  • pobokula....venomous
  • pobokulika....venom-filled
  • pobokulyea....venomous
  • sifilusbok....syphilis
  • sifilusboka....syphilitic
  • taboka....ill, physically unwell, sick
  • tabokan....illness, physical unwellness
  • tabokat....physically ill person
  • taebdazbok....chorea
  • taebzyobixbok....epilepsy, lockjaw
  • taebzyobixboka....epileptic
  • taibboktun....osteopathic medicine, osteopathy
  • taibboktuna....osteopathic
  • taibboktut....osteopath
  • taibok....resorption
  • talabbok....arthritis
  • talabboka....arthritic
  • taloba yigsenbok....arterial sclerosis, hardening of the arteries
  • taobyaxbokuxan....carcinogenicity
  • taobyazbok....cancer, carcinoma, sarcoma
  • taobyazboka....cancerous
  • taobyazbokaya....cancerous
  • taobyazbokika....cancerous
  • taobyazbokux....carcinogen
  • taobyazbokuxa....carcinogenic
  • tayaltayubbok....acne
  • tayebok....alopecia, hair loss
  • tayebokea....balding, going bald
  • tayeboker....go bald, lose hair
  • tayebokxwas....dander
  • tayebokya....bald
  • tayebokyan....baldness
  • tayibbok....neurosis
  • tayibboka....neurotic
  • tayibbokan....neuroticism
  • tayibbokat....neurotic person
  • tayibbokay....neurotically
  • tayibboktun....neuropathology
  • tayibboktuna....neuropathological
  • tayibboktunay....neuropathologically
  • tayibboktut....neuropathologist
  • tayibbokul....neurotoxin
  • tayibbokuluyea....neurotoxic
  • tayibbokuluyean....neurotoxicity
  • tayobbok....dermatitis
  • tayobok....molt, skin malady
  • tayoboka....sloughy
  • tayoboken....moulting, shedding, sloughing
  • tayoboker....moult, shed, slough
  • tayobokut....molter
  • tayobyigxenbok....scleroderma
  • tayobyozbok....small pox
  • tayozyunboka....bubonic
  • teabab ambok....sty, stye
  • teabbok....ophthalmia
  • teabkunadbok....conjunctivitis
  • teabnyedbok....retinopathy
  • teabyelzbok....pinkeye
  • teatayibbok....glaucoma
  • tebokam....mental institution
  • tebos fyusbok....Alzheimer's disease
  • tebosa pasyofbok....cerebral palsy
  • tebosambok....encephalitis
  • tebosamboka....encephalitic
  • tebosmilboka....hydrocephalic
  • tebuz bokogrun....corona virus
  • teibbok....rhinitis
  • teibok....cold, rhume
  • teiboksen....catching a cold
  • teibokser....catch a cold
  • teibuzukbok....sinusitis
  • telefbok....bulimia
  • telefboka....bulimic
  • tepa bok....mental illness
  • tepay boka....mentally ill
  • tepbok....mental illness, psychopathy, psychosis
  • tepboka....crazy, insane, mentally ill, psychopathic, sicko
  • tepbokam....asylum, insane asylum, madhouse, mental hospital, mental institution
  • tepbokan....craziness, insanity, madness, mental illness
  • tepbokay....crazily, insanely, madly
  • tepboksea....becoming mentally ill, going insane
  • tepbokser....become mentally ill, go crazy, go insane, go mad
  • tepboktun....psychopathology
  • tepboktuna....psychopathological
  • tepbokxer....cause to be mentally ill, make crazy
  • tepbokxwa....crazed
  • tepengonxwanbok....schizophrenia
  • tepengonxwanboka....schizophrenic
  • teubebbok....gingivitis, gum disease
  • teupibok....tooth loss
  • tiebbok....influenza, pneumonia
  • tiebbokier....catch pneumonia
  • tiebkugonbok....pleurisy
  • tiebnyosbok....phthisical
  • tiebufbok....bronchitis
  • tiebufboka....bronchitic
  • tiibbok....heart disease
  • tiibil bokuluen....blood poisoning
  • tiibilbok....hemophilia
  • tiibilbokat....hemophiliac
  • tiibilbokuluen....toxemia
  • tiibilbokya....hemophiliac
  • tiibillevelbok....diabetes
  • tiibillevelboka....diabetic
  • tiibillevelbokat....diabetic
  • tiibiltumbok....leukemia
  • tiibiltumboka....leukemic
  • tiibilyujunbok....thrombosis
  • tikebbok....gastritis
  • tikibbok....hepatitis, liver disease
  • tikubbok....pancreatitis
  • tikyabbok....colic
  • tikyabboka....colicky
  • tikyabbokmula....coliform
  • tikyebzoytalobbok....hemorrhoids, piles
  • tikyobbok....dysentery, enteritis
  • tiyebbok....prostatitis
  • tiyiyba yazbok....ovarian cancer
  • tiyiybbok....ovaritis
  • tiyobbok....kidney disease, renitis
  • toybboktun....gynecopathy
  • toybboktuna....gynecopathic
  • toybboktut....gynecopath
  • toyuzubok....hemorrhoids
  • tudeta bok....infant disease
  • tujbok....sleep disorder, sleep sickness
  • tujefbok....lethargy
  • tujefboka....lethargic
  • tujefbokay....lethargically
  • tuloxefbok....pruritis, psoriasis
  • tuyoba mup boksiunyan....carpal tunnel syndrome
  • tuyobbok....psora
  • twiyiba yazbok....testicular cancer
  • twiyibokyat....eunuch
  • umvab ambok....hay fever
  • unjubambok....quartan
  • upetbok....braxy
  • utbokuluer....poison oneself
  • uzratyoyabbok....clubfoot
  • uzratyoyabboka....clubfooted
  • vuzuvubok....chicken pox, chickenpox
  • vyua bokam....bughouse
  • vyutiibilbok....septicaemia, septicemia
  • vyutiibilboka....septicemic
  • yabteyobufbok....diphtheria
  • yanbyuxbok....contagion
  • yanbyuxboknig....contagion
  • yayzbok....tuberculosis
  • yigxenbok....sclerosis
  • yigxenboka....sclerotic
  • yopelatbok....malaria
  • yopelatboka....malarial
  • yozbok....dropsy
  • yozboka....dropsical
  • zateyobbok....croup, laryngopathy, throat disease
  • zateyobboka....croupy
  • zetifbok....zoster
  • zyobixtaebbok....tetanus
  • zyobixtaebboka....tetanic

  • aber byok....impose a punishment
  • byok....angina, dolor, pain
  • byoka....pain-related
  • byokay....painfully
  • byokaya....dolorous, painful
  • byokayan....painfulness
  • byokea....hurting, painful, sore
  • byoken....being in pain, hurting, smarting
  • byoker....be in pain, be sore, hurt, smart
  • byokgoxyafa....lenitive
  • byokgoxyafan....lenity
  • byokien....hurting, smarting, suffering pain
  • byokier....hurt, suffer pain
  • byokika....dolorous, painful
  • byokikan....painfulness
  • byokikay....dolorously
  • byoknoxuer....charge a fine, charge a penalty
  • byoknoyxier....pay a fine, pay a penalty
  • byoknoyxuer....impose a fine, levy a fine
  • byokobea....painkilling, paregoric
  • byokobena....analgesic
  • byokober....relieve pain
  • byokobil....analgesic, pain reliever, painkiller
  • byokobila....analgesic
  • byokobul....paregoric
  • byokotos....analgesia
  • byokoya....pain-free, painless
  • byokoyan....impunity, painlessness
  • byokpyexegen....flogging
  • byokpyexeger....flog
  • byokpyexegut....flogger
  • byokser....be in pain
  • byoktojbul....narcotic
  • byoktojbula....narcotic
  • byoktojbulay....narcotically
  • byoktojbuluen....narcotization
  • byoktojbuluer....narcotize
  • byokuer....induce pain, inflict pain, punish
  • byokuka....pain-free, painless
  • byokukan....impunity, painlessness
  • byokukay....with impunity, painlessly
  • byokuyea....pain-inducing
  • byokuyeay....riotously
  • byokuyofwa....nonpunishable
  • byokxen....making painful, making sore
  • byokxer....make painful, make sore
  • byokyagfen....pine, pining
  • byokyagfer....pine
  • byokyefien....expiation
  • byokyefiena....expiatory
  • byokyefier....expiate a punishment, expiate one's punishment, pay a fine, pay a penalty
  • byokyefiwa....expiated
  • byokyefiyafwa....expiable
  • byokyefuen....chastisement
  • byokyefuer....chastise, impose a punishment
  • byokyefuwa....chastised
  • dobyokam....gaol
  • dobyokambut....gaoler
  • dobyokampir....gaolbreak
  • dobyokamut....gaolbird
  • doyovbyok....criminal penalty
  • doyovbyokien....serving time
  • doyovbyokier....serve time
  • Hus byoke.....That hurts!
  • iber ha yovbyok bi toj....receive the death penalty
  • iber nasbyok....incur a fine, receive a fine
  • jobyok....after-pain
  • mimparbyokuer....keelhaul
  • mirbyok....malaise
  • nasbyok....mulct
  • nasbyokien....receiving a fine
  • nasbyokier....receive a fine
  • nasbyokoben....paying a fine
  • nasbyokober....pay a fine
  • nasbyokuen....fining, levying a fine
  • nasbyokuer....levy a fine, mulct
  • nasbyokuwa....mulcted
  • nasbyokuwat....person fined
  • nuxer nasbyok....pay a fine, pay a penalty
  • nuxer yovbyok....serve a sentence
  • obyoka....anodyne
  • obyoktojbula....nonnarcotic
  • ogala byok....minor pain
  • Sovyeta dobyokam....gulag
  • tajbyok....labor pains, labor
  • tayibyok....neuralgia
  • tayibyoka....neuralgic
  • teupibbyok....dental pain, odontalgia
  • tipbyok....heartache
  • tipbyokea....heart-broken
  • tipbyoken....feeling heartache
  • tipbyoker....feel heartache
  • tojbyok....pain of death
  • tuyibbyokuar....palmer
  • tyoaba tayibbyok....sciatica
  • vua yovbyokam....bughouse
  • xoer nasbyok....incur a fine
  • yivxer bi doyovbyokam....release from prison
  • yovbyok bi toj....death penalty
  • yovbyok tumdet....cellmate
  • yovbyok....penalty, punishment, sanction
  • yovbyoka....penitential
  • yovbyokam....calaboose, penal institution, penitentiary, slammer
  • yovbyokamben....incarceration
  • yovbyokamber....incarcerate, put behind bars, put in prison
  • yovbyokameb....warden
  • yovbyokameban....wardenship
  • yovbyokamper....go behind bars
  • yovbyokdea yevdut....sentencing judge
  • yovbyokden....sentencing
  • yovbyokder....sentence
  • yovbyokdun....sentence
  • yovbyokien....getting penalized, getting sanctioned
  • yovbyokier....do penance, get punishment, take punishment
  • yovbyokoben....paying off a penalty, paying the price
  • yovbyokober....do penance, pay off a penalty, pay the price
  • yovbyoktun....penology
  • yovbyoktut....penologist
  • yovbyokuea....punishing
  • yovbyokuen....penalization, penalizing, punishing, punishment, sanctioning
  • yovbyokuena....penal, punitive, punitory
  • yovbyokuer....levy a penalty, penalize, punish, sanction
  • yovbyokuwa....penalized, punished, sanctioned
  • yovbyokuwat....penitent
  • yovbyokuyafwa....penalizable, punishable
  • yovbyokuyea....punitive
  • yovbyokuyeay....punitively
  • zotibyokbas....wrick
  • zoybyok....retribution
  • zoybyokuer....make pay up, punish in return, retribute, take revenge
  • zoybyokuyea....retributive

  • amblok....swelter
  • amblokier....swelter
  • amblokuer....swelter
  • amblokuyea....sweltering
  • blok....affliction, misery, pathos, suffering, torment
  • -blok....-pathy
  • blokaya....full of suffering, miserable
  • blokayan....dolorousness, misery
  • blokea....miserable, suffering
  • blokean....miserableness
  • blokeay....miserably
  • bloken....suffering, tolerating
  • bloker....suffer, thole, tolerate
  • blokiea....tolerant
  • blokien....taking on suffering, toleration, undergoing suffering
  • blokier taebzyobix....cramp
  • blokier....take on suffering, tolerate, undergo suffering
  • blokika....full of suffering, miserable
  • blokikan....dolorousness, misery
  • blokiut....sufferer
  • blokiyofwa....insupportable
  • blokuea....afflicting, inflicting, racking
  • blokuen....affliction, inflicting suffering, infliction, tormenting, victimization, victimizing
  • blokuer....afflict, inflict suffering on, make suffer, rack, torment, victimize
  • blokut....sufferer
  • blokuun....cruel act
  • blokuut....tormenter, tormentor, victimizer
  • blokuuut....cruel person
  • blokuwa....afflicted, made to suffer, racked, tormented, victimized
  • blokuwat bi doyov....victim of crime
  • blokuwat bi fuyix....victim of abuse
  • blokuwat....afflicted person, victim
  • blokuwatxen....victimization, victimizing
  • blokuwatxer....victimize
  • blokuwatxut....victimizer
  • blokuwatxwa....victimized
  • blokuyea....afflictive, cruel, inflictive, tormenting
  • blokuyean....cruelness, cruelty
  • blokuyeat....cruel person
  • blokuyeay....cruelly, tormentingly
  • blokwa....suffered, tolerated
  • blokyaf....thole
  • blokyofwa....insufferable, intolerable
  • blokyofwan....intolerability
  • blokyofway....insufferably, intolerably
  • yagblokea....long-suffering
  • yovblokut....scapegoat
  • zyablokuus....scourge

  • brok....agony, torture
  • broksen....agonizing, writhing
  • brokser....agonize
  • brokuen....torturing
  • brokuer....torture
  • brokuim....torture chamber
  • brokuut....torturer
  • brokuwa....tortured
  • brokuwat....torture victim
  • brokuyea....tortuous
  • brokuyean....tortuosity, tortuousness
  • brokuyeay....tortuously
  • brokxen....excruciation
  • brokxer....excruciate
  • brokxyea....agonizing, excruciating
  • brokxyeay....agonizingly, excruciatingly
  • uizbaser bi brok....writhe in torture

BAK, BAAK, and BYAK Words


The root word bak means health. The related roots baak and byak means sanitation and hygiene, respectively. They enter into the formation of many words, as seen here.
  • baak....sanitation
  • baaka....sanitarian, sanitary
  • baakam....sanitarium
  • baakan....sanitariness
  • baaktyen....sanitizing engineer
  • baakxar....sanitizer
  • baakxen....sanitization
  • baakxer....sanitize
  • baakxil....sanitizing liquid
  • baakxwa....sanitized
  • bak dubam bi bak....department of health
  • bak zetif....medical belt
  • bak....hale, health, wellness
  • baka....hale, health-related, healthy, sound
  • bakam....health facility, wellness center
  • bakamut....health facility employee
  • bakan....healthiness, soundness, well-being
  • bakarat....baccarat
  • bakat....healthy person, well person
  • bakay....healthily, soundly
  • bakaza....hardy, robust
  • bakazan....hardiness, robustness
  • bakbesen....keeping healthy, staying healthy
  • bakbeser....keep healthy, stay healthy
  • bakbik....healthcare
  • bakdib....health administration
  • bakdibut....health administrator
  • bakdub....head of the department of health minister
  • bakdubam....health department, health ministry
  • baksea....getting well, healing
  • baksen....convalescence, healing
  • bakser....convalesce, get well, heal
  • baksim....convalescence ward
  • bakta....sound, wholesome
  • baktan....soundness, wholesomeness
  • baktay....soundly, wholesomely
  • baktea....health conscious, health-aware
  • baktean....health awareness, health consciousness
  • baktel....health food
  • baktun....health science, medicine
  • baktuna....health science-related
  • baktut....doc, health scientist, medical scientist
  • baktyenartun....health technology
  • baktyenartut....health technologist
  • bakvyaleax....workup
  • bakxea....healthful, sanatory
  • bakxean....healthfulness
  • bakxeay....healthfully
  • bakxen....healing
  • bakxer....heal, make well
  • bakxetyen....health practice, medicine, practice of medicine
  • bakxetyenut....health practitioner
  • bakxut....doctor, healer
  • bakxwa....healed
  • Bu eta bak!....To your health!
  • byimilbakam....spa
  • draves bi bak....health record
  • Fibak!....Good health!
  • fibak....good health, well-being
  • fibaka....healthy, in good health, salubrious, sound, well
  • fibakan....healthiness, salubriousness, wellness
  • fibakat....healthy person of good health, sound individual
  • fibakay....healthily
  • fibakser....get well, heal
  • Fibaksu ig!....Get well soon!
  • fibakxen....healing
  • fibakxer....bring back to health, heal, make well
  • fibakxwa....healed, recovered
  • fitepbak....good mental health, sanity
  • fitepbaka....in good mental health, sane
  • fubak....bad health, ill health, sickness
  • fubaka....ill, in bad health, in poor health, ropey, sick, unwell
  • fubakan....illness, poor health, sickness
  • fubakser....get ill, get sick
  • fubakxer....make ill, make sick
  • gabaakxer....re-sanitize
  • gabaksea....in recovery, recovering
  • kyos bi bak....state of health
  • obaakan....lack of sanitation
  • obaka....unhealthy, unsound, unwell
  • obakan....unhealthiness, unsoundness
  • obakay....unhealthily, unsoundly
  • obakta....unsound, unwholesome
  • obaktan....unsoundness, unwholesomeness
  • obaktay....unsoundly, unwholesomely
  • otepbaka....mentally unsound
  • otepbakan....mental unsoundness
  • oybtyolobbak....whitlow
  • subaka....wassail
  • subakaden....wassail
  • subakader....wassail
  • subaktil....wassail
  • subaktilier....wassail
  • tabaka....healthy, physically sound
  • tabakan....health, physical soundness
  • tapa bak....physical health
  • tapbaka....physically healthy, physically sound
  • tapbakan....physical health
  • tapbakser....get into good physical shape
  • tayobbaktun....dermatology
  • tayobbaktuna....dermatological
  • tayobbaktut....dermatologist
  • teabakiluar....eyedropper
  • teaper baktut....consult a doctor
  • tebaka....mentally sound
  • tebakan....mental soundness, sanity
  • tebakat....mentally sound person, sane person
  • tepay baka....mentally sound
  • tepbak....mental health, sanity
  • tepbaka....mentally sound, of sound mind, psychologically fit, sane
  • tepbakam....mental health facility, mental institution
  • tepbakan....mental soundness, saneness, sanity
  • tepbakay....sanely
  • tepbakem....mental health ward
  • tepbaktun....mental health science
  • topa bak....spiritual health
  • topay baka....spiritually healthy, spiritually sound
  • topbak....psychic health
  • toybbaktun....gynecology
  • toybbaktuna....gynecologic, gynecological
  • toybbaktunay....gynecologically
  • toybbaktut....gynecologist
  • xetyen bi bak....practice of medicine
  • yezbaktuna....paramedical
  • yezbaktut....paramedic
  • zoybakser....re-cover, recover
  • zoybakxer....make well again
  • zoybakxwa....recovered
  • zoybakxyafwa....recoverable
  • zoybakxyofwa....irrecoverable
  • zoybakxyofway....irrecoverably

  • byak....hygiene
  • byaka kyos....hygienic state
  • byaka....hygienic
  • byakan....hygienic state
  • byakay....hygienically
  • byaktyen....hygienics
  • byaktyenut....hygienist
  • obyaka....unhealthful, unhygienic, unsanitary
  • obyakan....unsanitariness
  • teuba byak....oral hygiene
  • teuba byaktun....oral hygienics
  • teuba byaktuna....oral hygienic
  • teuba byaktut....oral hygienist
The root word bek, which means treatment, therapy and the related root byek (cure) enter into the formation of the words presented here:
  • abeksem....surgical table
  • abektun bi tayib....neurosurgery
  • abektun bi teab....eye surgery
  • abektun bi teib....rhinoplasty
  • abektun bi tyoyab....foot surgery
  • abektun....surgery
  • abektuna gibar....lancet
  • abektuna goblar....scalpel, surgical knife
  • abektuna....surgical
  • abektunay....surgically
  • abektut....surgeon
  • atuyubek zyun....marble
  • bek....therapy, treatment
  • beka....clinical, therapeutic
  • bekam....hospice, sanatorium, therapy center, treatment center
  • bekay....clinically, therapeutically
  • beken....therapy, treating, treatment
  • beker kyituyabay....treat heavy-handedly
  • beker....treat
  • bekilien....doping
  • bekiliut....doper
  • bekiluwa....doped
  • bekim....hospital room, treatment room
  • bekteap....checkup
  • bektun....medical science, medicine
  • bektuna....medical
  • bektunay....medically
  • bektut....doctor, medical scientist, physician
  • bektyenut....medic
  • bekul duldras....drug prescription
  • bekul nid....drug dose, drug volume
  • bekul syebog....capsule, medicine capsule
  • bekul zyeb....ampoule, ampul, ampule, medicine bottle, vial of medicine
  • bekul zyunog....capsule, tablet, pill
  • bekul....drug, medicament, medicine, pharmaceutical, potion
  • bekula....medicinal, pharmaceutic, pharmaceutical
  • bekulam....apothecary
  • bekulay....medicinally, pharmaceutically
  • bekuldras....script
  • bekuldyes....pharmacopeia, pharmacopoeia
  • bekulefkyoxer....addict to drugs
  • bekulefkyoxwa....addicted to drugs
  • bekulgibar....syringe
  • bekulgrafa....addicted to drugs
  • bekulgrafsen....becoming drug-addicted
  • bekulgrafser....become drug-addicted
  • bekulgrafxwa....addicted to drugs
  • bekulien....taking a drug, taking medicine
  • bekulier....get the idea, medicate oneself, take a drug, take medicine
  • bekulifrat....addict
  • bekulnam....druggist, drugstore, pharmacy
  • bekulnama....pharmaceutical
  • bekulnamut....druggist, pharmacist
  • bekulnunuiut....pusher
  • bekulnyadrun....dispensatory
  • bekulsam....medicine cabinet
  • bekulsaxam....pharmaceutical plant
  • bekulsaxen....drug manufacturing
  • bekulsaxut....drug manufacturer
  • bekultun....pharmacology
  • bekultuna....pharmacological
  • bekultunay....pharmacologically
  • bekultut....pharmacologist
  • bekuluen....injecting, medicating, medication
  • bekuluer....drug, inject, medicate
  • bekuluun....drug dose, injection
  • bekuluwa....injected, medicated
  • bekulyan....pharmacopeia, pharmacopoeia
  • bekulyeber....give a shot to
  • bekulyebun....shot
  • bekun....treatment
  • bekut....therapist
  • bekuyt....female nurse
  • bekwa kyituyabay....treated heavy-handedly
  • bekwa....treated
  • bekwat....patient
  • bekxwa kyazyef....coated lens
  • bekxyafwa....curable
  • bekyafwa....treatable
  • bekyafwan....treatability
  • bekyel....salve, unguent
  • bekyeluut....salver
  • bekyofwa....untreatable
  • bekyofwan....incurability
  • bekzyunog....pill
  • bier bekul....take a drug
  • bier bekzyunog....take a pill
  • bokam bekwat....hospital patient
  • buxwabekul....pushed
  • ebek....interplay
  • ebekdal....discourse
  • ebekdaler....discourse
  • ebeken....interaction, interplay
  • ebeker....interact, interplay
  • ebekjob....halftime, intermission
  • ebekyea....interactive
  • ebekyuj....halftime, interlude, intermission
  • efkyoxwa be bekuli....hooked on drugs
  • favobbeker....mercerize
  • fibeken....good treatment, pampering
  • fibeker....pamper, treat well
  • fibekwa....pampered, well-treated
  • fubek....abuse, mistreatment, molestation
  • fubeken....abusing, maltreatment, mistreating, mistreatment, molestation, molesting
  • fubeker....abuse, bother, maltreat, mistreat, molest, roust
  • fubekut....abuser, mistreater, molester
  • fubekwa....abused, bothered, maltreated, mistreated, molested
  • fubekwat....abused person, mistreated person, victim of mistreatment
  • fubekxea....bothersome
  • fufonbeken....spiting
  • fufonbeker....spite
  • fufonbekwa....spited
  • fufonbekyea....spiteful
  • fufonbekyean....spitefulness
  • fufonbekyeay....spitefully
  • fyebekil....nostrum
  • gabekea....retreating
  • gabeken....retreating
  • gabeker....re-treat, retreat
  • gabekulyeber....reinoculate
  • gabekwa....retreated
  • gajaovbeken....re-vaccination
  • gajaovbeker....re-vaccinate
  • gajaovbekwa....re-vaccinated
  • gebek....equal treatment, equity, fair treatment
  • gebekea....equitable
  • gebeker....treat equally
  • gebekun....equity
  • gebekwa....treated fairly
  • gelulbek....homeopathy
  • gelulbeka....homeopathic
  • gelulbekut....homeopath
  • glatejbekul....multivitamin
  • grabekuldren....over-prescription
  • grabekuldrer....over-prescribe
  • grabekuliea....over-medicating, taking too many drugs
  • grabekulien....over-medicating oneself
  • grabekulier....over-dose, over-medicate oneself, overdose, overmedicate
  • grabekuluen....over-medication
  • grabekuluer....over-medicate, overmedicate
  • grabekuluwa....excessively drugged, over-medicated
  • graifbekuliut....junkie
  • graifbekuluwat....drug overdose victim
  • grobekuluwa....under-medicated
  • ifbekul efkyox....drug addiction
  • ifbekul efkyoxwa....drug-addicted
  • ifbekul efkyoxwat....drug addict
  • ifbekul fuyix....drug abuse
  • ifbekul fuyixut....drug abuser
  • ifbekul grayix....drug habit
  • ifbekul grayixut....drug addict
  • ifbekul nid....drug dose
  • ifbekul yix....drug use
  • ifbekul....drug, recreational drug
  • ifbekulefkyoxwa....hooked on recreational drugs
  • ifbekulefkyoxwat....drug addict
  • ifbekulgraf....drug addiction, drug habit, recreational drug addiction
  • ifbekulgrafat....drug addict
  • ifbekulgrafut....druggie, druggy
  • ifbekulien....recreational drug use
  • ifbekulifra....drug-addicted
  • ifbekulifran....drug addiction
  • ifbekulifrat....drug addict
  • ifbekuliut....drug user, recreational drug user
  • ifbekuluen....drugging
  • ifbekuluer....drug
  • ifbekuluun....drug dose
  • ifbekuluwa....drugged, stoned
  • ifon ovebek....love spat
  • ijbekul....first notion, germ of a notion
  • jaabektuna....preoperative
  • jabektuna....premed, premedical
  • jagatbek....geriatrics
  • jagatbeka....geriatric
  • jagatbekut....geriatrician
  • jaovbeka....vaccine-related
  • jaovbekien....getting vaccinated
  • jaovbekier....get vaccinated
  • jaovbekil....vaccine
  • jaovbekiut....vaccination recipient
  • jaovbekuen....vaccination
  • jaovbekuer....vaccinate
  • jaovbekul....vaccine
  • jaovbekuut....vaccination-giver
  • jaovbekuwa....vaccinated
  • jaovbekyeyfa....due to be vaccinated
  • javobekil buun....vaccine dose
  • jobek....after-care, after-treatment, aftercare
  • kyoa bekul....fixed idea
  • kyobekul....fixed idea
  • kyoxwa bekul....fixed idea
  • levelbwa bekul....electuary
  • levelbwa bekzyunog....cough drop, lozenge
  • magbekar....cauterizer, cautery
  • magbeken....cauterization, cautery
  • magbeker....cauterize
  • magbekwa....cauterized
  • milbektun....hydropathy
  • milbektuna....hydropathic
  • milbektut....hydropath
  • miolbeken....brining, pickling
  • miolbeker....brine, pickle, souse
  • miolbekwa buvol....pickle
  • miolbekwa....brined, pickled, soused
  • miolbekwas....souse
  • nid bi bekul....dose of drugs, dose of medicine
  • nifarbek....acupuncture
  • nifarbekut....acupuncturist
  • oabektuna....nonsurgical
  • obeklyafwa....incurable
  • obektuna....nonclinical
  • obekwa....untreated
  • obekyafwa....incurable
  • obekyafwan....incurability, untreatability
  • ogebek....inequity
  • ogebekea....inequitable, unfair
  • ogebeker....treat unfairly
  • ogebekwa....unfairly treated
  • oglabektun....microsurgery
  • ojaovbekwa....unvaccinated
  • ovbekul....antidote
  • oybeken....underplaying
  • oybeker....underplay
  • oybekwa....underplayed
  • oyebekem....outfield
  • oyebekut....outfielder
  • oyebekwat....outpatient
  • oyevbeker....treat unfairly
  • petbekam....veterinary
  • petbektun....veterinary science
  • petbekut....veterinarian
  • petifbek....pet care
  • petifbekam....pet care center
  • ser bekul fuyixut....be a drug abuser
  • ser bekul grayixut....be a drug addict
  • tayebambek....perm
  • tayebambeker....perm
  • tayebambekwa....permed
  • tayib-abektut....neurosurgeon
  • tayibbekkultunay....neuropharmacological
  • tayibbekultun....neuropharmacology
  • tayibbekultuna....neuropharmacological
  • tayibbekultut....neuropharmacologist
  • teabbektyen....optometry
  • teabbektyena....optometric
  • teabbektyenut....optometrist
  • teebbekut....aurist
  • teeiyob-bektut....otorhinolaryngologist
  • tee-tei-teyob-bektut....ear-nose-throat doctor
  • teizbek....aromatherapy
  • teizbekut....aromatherapist
  • tejbektun....biomedicine
  • tejbekul....vitamin
  • tepbek....psychiatric care, psychiatric treatment, psychiatry, psychotherapy
  • tepbeka....psychiatric, psychotherapeutic
  • tepbekam....psychiatric clinic, psychiatric hospital
  • tepbekdez....psychodrama
  • tepbekdezun....psychodrama
  • tepbekem....mental ward, psych ward
  • tepbektultun....psychopharmacology
  • tepbektultuna....psychopharmacological
  • tepbektun....psychiatry
  • tepbektuna....psychiatric
  • tepbektunay....psychiatrically
  • teubier bekzyunog....swallow a pill
  • teupibbek....dental care, dental hygiene, dentistry
  • teupibbekam....dental clinic, dentist office
  • teupibbekut....dental hygienist
  • texebek....battle of opinions, crossfire
  • tiebukxen bekul....cough medicine, cough syrup, cough syrup
  • tiibbektun....cardiology
  • tiibbektuna....cardiological
  • tiibbektunay....cardiologically
  • toj bek....death care
  • tudbeka....pediatric
  • tudbekut....pediatrician
  • tuj bekul....sleep medicine
  • tuj bekzyunog....sleeping pill, soporific
  • tujbek....hypnotherapy
  • tujbeka....hypnotherapeutic
  • tujbekut....hypnotherapist
  • tulobbek....manicure
  • tulobbekam....manicure salon, nail salon
  • tulobbeken....manicuring
  • tulobbekut....manicurist
  • tulobbekwa....manicured
  • tuyabbek....manicure
  • tuyabbeken....manicuring
  • tuyabbektuna....chiropractic
  • tuyabbektut....chiropractor
  • tuyabbekut....manicurist
  • tuyabbekwa....manicured
  • tyoyabbek....pedicure
  • tyoyabbektun....chiropody, podiatry
  • tyoyabbektuna....podiatric
  • tyoyabbektut....chiropodist, foot specialist, podiatrist
  • tyoyabbekut....pedicurist
  • ufbeken....slighting
  • ufbeker....slight
  • ufbekwa....slighted
  • utbeker....cope
  • uztuyubeken....twiddling
  • uztuyubeker....twiddle
  • uztuyubekyafwa....twiddly
  • vaybbekut....herbalist
  • vyadreden ebek....spelling bee
  • vyidxer bekul....drive a point home
  • vyobek....mistreatment
  • vyobeken....abuse, abusing, maltreatment, mistreating, mistreatment
  • vyobeker....abuse, maltreat, mistreat
  • vyobekul....placebo
  • vyobekut....abuser, charlatan, mistreater, quack, salver
  • vyobekutan....charlatanism, charlatanry, quackery
  • vyobekwa....abused, maltreated, mistreated
  • vyobekwat....mistreated person
  • xoer bektuna axlen....undergo a medical operation
  • yabeksagea....high-scoring
  • yabeksager....score high
  • yanmulbektun....chemotherapy
  • yanmulbektuna....chemotherapeutic
  • yeba bektunut....internist
  • yebekem....infield
  • yebekemut....infielder
  • yebyafwa bekul....suppository
  • yembiara teupibbek....prosthodontics
  • yembiara teupibbeka....prosthodontic
  • yembiara teupibbekut....prosthodontist
  • yevbeker....treat equally
  • yevbekwa....treated fairly
  • yobbekea....condescending
  • yobbekeay....condescendingly
  • yobbeken....condescending, condescension
  • yobbeker....condescend
  • yobeksagea....low-scoring
  • yobeksager....score low
  • yoymabektun....cryosurgery
  • yuglabeken....coddling
  • yuglabeker....coddle
  • yuglabekwa....coddled
  • zateyob bekul zyunog....throat lozenge
  • milbek....hydrotherapy
  • milbekam....wellness spa
  • milbektun....hydrotherapeutics
  • milbyektuna....hydrotherapeutical
  • naudbek....radiotherapy
  • naudbekut....radiotherapist
  • obyeka....untherapeutic
  • tapbek....physiotherapy

  • abyeker....try on
  • byek....cure, remedy, sanative
  • byeka....curative
  • byekam....convalescence home
  • byekea....curing, remedying
  • byeken....curing, remediation, remedying
  • byeker....remedy
  • byekoya....remediless
  • byeksea....convalescent, recovering
  • byeksen....convalescence, recovering, recovery, recuperation
  • byeksena....recuperative
  • byekser....convalesce, cure, heal, recover, recuperate
  • byeksim....convalescence ward, recovery room
  • byekuka....remediless
  • byekwa....remedied
  • byekxen....healing
  • byekxer....cure, heal
  • byekxut....healer
  • byekxwa....cured, healed, recovered
  • byekxyafwa....recoverable
  • byekxyafwan....curability
  • byekxyafwat....curable patient
  • byekxyea....curative
  • byekyafwa....remediable
  • byekyafwan....remediability
  • byekyea....remedial, sanative, sanatory
  • byekyeay....remedially
  • byekyofwa....incurable, irremediable
  • byekyofwan....irremediability, untreatability
  • byekyofwat....incurable patient
  • byekyofway....incurably, irremediably
  • fyabyekut....shaman
  • fyabyekuta....shamanic
  • gabyeksea....recovering
  • gabyekser....re-cover
  • hyasbyekul....elixir, nostrum
  • kobyek....arcanum
  • obyekun....foray
  • obyekwa....uncured, unhealed
  • obyekyafwa....uncurable
  • ovbyek....antidote, counter-remedy
  • ugbyeksea....chronic, slow-healing
  • Voy ese byek.....There is no cure.
  • yagbyekxwa....cured
The root word bik means care.
  • bikier....to take care, to be careful
  • bikuer....to provide care, to look after
  • tebikier....to be worried about
  • tebikuer....to give concern to
  • aa bikut....proctor
  • At otebike.....I don't care.
  • At voy se bikxwa van........I am not concerned that...
  • azla bik....intensive care
  • azla bikim....ICU, intensive care unit
  • azla bikimut....ICU nurse
  • bakbik....healthcare
  • bay bik....carefully
  • bay gla bik....thoroughgoing
  • be bik bi....in the care of
  • bik....care, caution, concern, custody, heed, vigilance
  • bika....careful, cautious, custodial, heedful, vigilant
  • bikam....care facility, clinic
  • bikames....dispensary
  • bikamut....clinician
  • bikay kebiwa....hand-picked, handpicked
  • bikay....carefully, cautiously, heedfully, vigilantly
  • bikden....cautioning
  • bikdun....caveat
  • biken....care-taking, custody
  • biker....care
  • bikiefwa....touchy
  • bikiefwan....touchiness
  • bikiefway....touchily, touchingly
  • bikien....being careful, being cautious, being wary, heeding, taking care
  • bikier....be aware, be careful, be cautious, beware, heed, look out for, take care, watch out
  • bikim....clinic
  • bikiwa....heeded
  • bikiyea....cagey, careful, cautious, gingerly, heedful, prudent, vigilant, wary, watchful
  • bikiyean....caginess, carefulness, cautiousness, prudence, vigilance, wariness, watchfulness
  • bikiyeay tepzexea....painstaking
  • bikiyeay....cagily, cagy, carefully, cautiously, gingerly, heedfully, prudently, vigilantly, warily, watchfully
  • bikof....band aid, bandage, patch
  • bikofaben....bandaging, patching
  • bikofaber buk....dress a wound
  • bikofaber....apply a band-aid, bandage up, patch up
  • bikofabwa....bandaged, patched up
  • bikofabyafwa....patchable
  • bikofaya....patchily, patchy
  • bikofika....patchy
  • bikofikay....patchiness
  • bikofoben....bandage removal
  • bikofober....remove a bandage
  • bikoya....careless, heedless
  • bikoyan....carelessness, heedlessness
  • bikoyat....gunslinger
  • biksea....being concerned, caring, mindful
  • biksean....mindfulness
  • biksen....being concerned, caring
  • bikser....be concerned, be mindful, care, mind
  • bikua....cautioned
  • bikuam....care facility, nursery, nursing home
  • bikuea....cautionary, taking care of
  • bikuen....care-giving, cautioning, custodianship, custody, nursing, taking care of
  • bikuer....care for, caution, give care, nurse, provide care, take care of, tend
  • bikuka twobet....scapegrace
  • bikuka....careless, heedless
  • bikukan....carelessness, heedlessness
  • bikukay....carelessly, heedlessly
  • bikut....custodian, monitor, warden
  • bikuut....caregiver, caretaker, nurse, nurser, nurseryman
  • bikuwa....cared for, monitored, nursed, taken care of, tended, watched over
  • bikuwat....nurseling, nursling, patient under care
  • bikwan....thoroughness
  • bikwat....wardship
  • bikway....thoroughly
  • bikxea....concerning
  • bikxen....concerning, giving concern
  • bikxer....concern, give concern
  • bikxwa....concerned
  • bikxwer....be concerned, mind
  • bikyea....caring
  • bikyel....ointment
  • bixpurbikuut....hostler
  • bu hya tebikeati....to all whom it may concern
  • byuxvubika....tentacled
  • defebika....piny
  • dezdebika....star-studded
  • Duhos tebikue et?....What's the matter?
  • Duven et bikxwu ven...?....Would you mind if...?
  • efrawa bik....critical care, urgent care
  • glabikam....polyclinic
  • glabikwa....thoroughgoing
  • grabikea....extra-cautious, hyper-cautious
  • grabikiyea....overcareful
  • grabikuen....dotage
  • grabikuer....mollycoddle, overcare
  • grabikuwat....mollycoddle
  • igef bikim....emergency room
  • igefa bik....critical care
  • igefbik....emergency care
  • igefbikim....ICU, intensive care unit
  • ilsyebik....jugful
  • jabik....precaution
  • jabika....precautionary, providential
  • jabikay....providentially
  • jabikea....precautionary, provident
  • jabikien....taking precautions
  • jabikier....take precautions
  • jabikuen....caution, cautioning
  • jabikuer....caution
  • jabikuwa....cautioned
  • jabikuyea....cautionary
  • jagatbikam....convalescence home, elder care facility, nursing home
  • jobikbar....pastime
  • joga yuvobikeat....juvenile delinquent
  • jotajna bik....post-natal care
  • jwabikuen....early warning
  • jwabikuer....give early warning to
  • jwabikuun....early warning
  • kebier bikay....handpick
  • kyobexea bikof....adhesive tape
  • lobik....disuse
  • majbik....daycare
  • mesbikut....bouncer, doorman
  • namagbikuut....floor-walker, floorwalker
  • nasbikiyea....miserly
  • nasbikiyean....miserliness
  • nofebika....nut-filled, nutty
  • obik....disregard, incaution, neglect, nonchalance
  • obika....incautious, neglectful, negligent, non-vigilant, sloppy, unheedful
  • obikan....neglectfulness, negligence, non-vigilance, unheedfulness
  • obikay....incautiously, neglectfully, negligently, unheedfully
  • obikea....neglectful, negligent, nonchalant, unconcerned, unheedful
  • obikean....unwariness
  • obikeay....nonchalantly, unwarily
  • obiken....neglecting
  • obiker....neglect, overlook
  • obikier....be heedless, be negligent, be unconcerned, be unheedful, overlook
  • obikiyea....carefree, careless, derelict, heedless, imprudent, insouciant, irrespective, non-vigilant, rash, unmindful, unwary, unwatchful
  • obikiyean....carefreeness, carelessness, dereliction, heedlessness, insouciance, rashness
  • obikiyeay....carefreely, carelessly, heedlessly, imprudently, irrespectively, rashly
  • obiksea....uncaring, unconcerned, unmindful
  • obikuen....disregarding
  • obikuena....noncustodial
  • obikuer....gloss over
  • obikuyra....disregardful
  • obikwa....neglected, overlooked, unheeded, untended
  • obikxwa....unconcerned
  • obikyafwa....negligible
  • obikyafway....negligibly
  • obikyofwa....nonnegligible
  • obyexyea bikuen....protective custody
  • obzatibik....lapful
  • oglunbikiyea....chary
  • otebik....lack of concern
  • otebikea....uncaring, unconcerned
  • otebiker....be uncaring, be unconcerned
  • otepbik....unconcern
  • ovmasbyea bikuen....protective custody
  • oybiksyag....subtotal
  • tajbikuut....natal care specialist
  • tambik....home care
  • tambikuen....home caregiving, housekeeping
  • tambikuer....give home care
  • tambikuut....home caregiver, home nurse, housekeeper, houseman
  • tambikuuyt....housemaid
  • tambikuwa....home-nursed
  • tambikwa....cared for at home
  • tayebbik....hair care
  • tayebbikam....hair salon
  • tayebbikut....hair stylist
  • tayobbik....skincare
  • tebikier....worry
  • tebikiut....worry-wort
  • tebikuka....perfunctory
  • tebikuwa....worried
  • tebikuyea....worrisome, worrying
  • tebikxer....be the matter, concern
  • tebikxwa....concerned
  • tebikxwat....concerned person
  • tedbikuea....fostering
  • tedbikuen....fostering
  • tedbikuer....foster
  • tedbikuut....foster parent
  • tedbikuwa....fostered
  • teilyebikon....bowlful
  • tebik....heed, concern
  • tebikea....caring, mindful, paying attention
  • tebiken....being mindful, heeding, paying attention
  • tebiker....to be concerned, be mindful, care, heed
  • tebikier....become concerned, become mindful of, become worried, heed
  • tebikuea....concerning, worrisome
  • tebikuer....to give cause for concern, to worry
  • tebikuka....blithesome, carefree, not worried, unconcerned
  • tebikukan....carefreeness
  • tebier....to consider, bear in mind
  • tebiea....considering
  • tebien....consideration
  • totbik....providence
  • totbika....providential
  • totbikay....providentially
  • totbikuay....providently
  • totbikuea....provident
  • toybbik....obstetrics
  • toybbika....obstetric, obstetrical
  • toybbikut....obstetrician
  • tudbikuuyt....nanny
  • tudetbik....infant care
  • tudetbikam....infant care facility, nursery
  • tudetbiken....babysitting
  • tudetbiker....babysit
  • tudetbikut....baby-sitter, babysitter
  • tudetbikuuyt....nursemaid
  • tuyabik....fistful, handful
  • Van ha nuxbiut bikiu!....Caveat emptor!, Let the buyer beware!
  • vobbikam....nursery, plant care facility
  • Voy bikxe at ven.......I don't care if...
  • yagat bikam....elder care facility
  • yefobiken....truancy
  • yefobikut....truant
  • yivjobika....leisured, leisurely
  • yivjobikan....leisureliness
  • yiyabikan....spikiness
  • yizbikea....hyper
  • zyoxbikof....tourniquet
The root word buk means injury, trauma, harm. The related root bruk means mutilation. These roots appear in the following words:
  • abaxrunbuk....gall
  • ajbuktax....engram
  • amilbuker....scald
  • aztiebukxer....cough loudly, hack, whoop
  • buk....harm, injury, trauma, wound
  • bukbyexer....bash, clobber
  • bukden....gibe, gybe
  • buker....injure, wound
  • bukes....abrasion, minor injury, scratch
  • bukesier....be grazed, get a scratch, get an abrasion
  • bukesuer....abrade, graze, scratch
  • bukesuyea....abrasive
  • bukgobler....lacerate
  • bukier....be wounded, get injured, receive a wound, sustain trauma
  • bukjoib....bout
  • bukoya....harmless, woundless
  • bukoyan....harmlessness
  • bukser....get injured
  • buktulob....hangnail
  • buktun....traumatology
  • buktyolob....hangnail
  • bukuer....inflict a wound, inflict harm, inflict injury, scathe, wound
  • bukun....harm, injury, lesion, trauma
  • bukuna....traumatic
  • bukuxea....pernicious
  • bukuyea....scathing
  • bukuyeay....scathingly
  • bukvek....risk of harm
  • bukwat....casualty, injured party, injured person, victim
  • bukxea maal....miasma
  • bukxer....harm, inflect a wound, injure, nobble, traumatize
  • bukyaf....potential for harm
  • bukyafober....remove the risk
  • bukyafwa....vulnerable
  • bukyafxer....imperil
  • bukyea....damaging, hurtful, obnoxious, troubling
  • bukyikwa....vulnerable
  • bukyiplam....asylum, refuge, sanctuary
  • bukyiplut....refugee
  • bukyofwa....inviolable, inviolate, invulnerable, safe
  • bukyofxer....keep safe, protect, shield from danger
  • bukyofxwam....protectorate
  • bukyofxwat....protegé
  • bukyujun....scab
  • bukzem....trauma center
  • dopek bukun....battle wound
  • dopek jobukun....battle scar
  • dopek jobukxwa....battle-scarred
  • ebuknig....cofferdam
  • gratiljobuk....hangover
  • hyitbukifan....masochism
  • hyuitbukuin....sadomasochism
  • hyutbukuin....sadism
  • iggibukier....twinge
  • jobuk....scar
  • jobuksiyn....cicatrice, cicatrix
  • jobukun....scar
  • jwavebuk....threat
  • kexer ajbukgexen....seek revenge
  • kyebuk....harm's way, hazard, peril, potential harm, risk of harm, threat
  • kyebukier....face danger, hazard, take a risk
  • kyebuksiyn....monition
  • kyebukuer....imperil, put at risk, threaten
  • lobukxer....palliate
  • obukwa....unharmed, unhurt, uninjured, unscathed
  • obukxer....make safe, save
  • ojbuk siun....omen
  • ojbuka....ominous
  • ovbukmas....bulwark, defense, defensive wall, rampart
  • ovteibukxil....cough medicine, cough syrup
  • tayobuker....scar
  • tebosbuker....concuss
  • tepbukuer....traumatize
  • tiibbuk....heartburn
  • tyoyubuker....stub one's toe
  • vebukuer....imperil, threaten
  • yoymbuk....frostbite
  • zyabukuer....ravage

  • bruker....maim, mangle, mutilate
  • brukgobler....mangle, mutilate
Stems in this family begin with t for human and end in d for society and have to do with families and family relationships.
Notice that kinship terms are gender-neutral unless there is a w before the root syllable vowel (indicating male-specific) or a y following the root syllable vowel (indicating female-specific).
T-D Words
tod....family MALE FEMALE
tad....spouse twad....husband tayd....wife
ted....parent twed....father teyd....mother
tid....sibling twid....brother tiyd....sister
tud....child twud....son tuyd....daughter

Genealogical Prefixes


Prefixes or word elements used to modify the above core words:
Genealogical Prefixes
to-....god- (as in godson)
ta-....-in-law, through marriage
taj-....birth-, real
otaj-, ifbi-....foster, adopted
ij-....first, original
aj-....ex-, former
ej-....current, step-, half-
oj-....future, -to-be
aa yiba....first-removed
ea yiba....second-removed
ota-....out-of-wedlock, bastard
oyted-....orphan(ed), without parents
oytad-....unmarried, without spouse
oytud-....childless, without child, barren
Kinship Terms Formed from the Above Core Words and Prefixed Elements
Kinship Terms
ijtad....first spouse
ejtad....current spouse, step spouse
ojtad....spouse-to-be, fiance
ijtwad....first husband
ejtwad....current husband, step husband
ojtwad....husband-to-be, fiance
ijtayd....first wife
ejtayd....current wife, step-wife
ojtayd....wife-to-be, fiancee
tajted....birth parent
ejted....step parent, foster parent
tajtwed....birth father
ejtwed....step-father, foster father
oytwedat....male orphan
tajteyd....birth mother
ejteyd....stepmother, foster mother
oytedayt....female orphan
tetid....parent's sibling
tetetid....great parent's sibling
tetetwid....great uncle
tetetiyd....great aunt
ijtud....first-born child
otada tud....bastard child
titud....sibling's child
titutud....sibling's grandchild
aa tetitud....first cousin
ea tetitud....second cousin
aa yiba tetitud....cousin first removed
ijtwud....first-born son
otada twud....bastard son
aa tetitwud....first male cousin
ea tetitwud....second male cousin
aa yiba tetitwud....male cousin first removed
otada tuyd....bastard daughter
tetituyd....(female) cousin
aa tetituyd....first female cousin
ea tetituyd....second female cousin
aa yiba tetituyd....female cousin first removed
Suffixed -if gives you affectionate equivalents:
  • twadif....hubby
  • taydif....darling wife, wifey-poo
  • twedif....daddy, papa
  • teydif....mommy, mama
  • twidif....bro
  • tiydif....sis
  • twudif....sonny, kid
  • tuydif....darling daughter



  • tod....family
  • tood....race
  • tyod....people
  • tyood....population
  • azontod....dynasty
  • bapeittoda....cetacean
  • doyovtod....crime family, mafia, mob
  • doyovtodat....mobster
  • doyovtoddat....crony
  • doyovtodeb....godfather, mafia boss
  • doyovtodin....gangsterism
  • doyovtodutyan....gang, mafia gang
  • ebtodepyex....vendetta
  • getoda....cognate
  • glatoda melukbam....mausoleum
  • glatoda....multifamily
  • iztodnad....lineage
  • oybtod....subfamily
  • tobtod....mankind
  • tod....family
  • toda poptam....pension
  • todam....household
  • todameb....head of the household, master
  • todameyb....mistress
  • todamut....housekeeper
  • todan....kinship
  • todana dyun....familiar name, nickname, sobriquet
  • todana....familiar
  • todat....relative, sib
  • todatyan....clan, kindred, kinfolk
  • todbyim....homestead
  • toddyun....family name, last name, surname
  • todepyex....family fued
  • todeyb....mater familias
  • todgonut....family member
  • todim....living room, living-room, parlor, salon, sitting room
  • todmempur....station wagon
  • todnad....family line
  • todnada....genetic
  • todnadanyan....genome
  • todnadaun....gene
  • todnadkyaxus....mutagen
  • todnadtun....genetics
  • todnam....mom-and-pop store
  • todtamyan....homestead
  • todtaxyandyes....scrapbook
  • todtun....genealogy
  • todweb....pater familias
  • yebtoda tadxen....incest

  • antooda....ethnically pure, racially pure
  • duhotooda?....of what race?
  • ebtooda tadxen....interracial marriage
  • ebtooda tadyan....interracial couple
  • ebtooda....interracial
  • entooda....biracial
  • eybtooda....intra-racial
  • getooda....ethnically similar, of like race, of the same race
  • glatooda....multiracial, of mixed ethnicity, racially mixed
  • hyetooda....of any race, of either race, of mixed race, of mixed-race, racially mixed, racially-mixed
  • hyitooda....co-racial, of the same race
  • hyutooda....of a different race, racially different
  • logeltooda....ethnically different, of a different race
  • otooda....nonracial
  • otoodina....non-racist
  • ovtoodina....anti-racist
  • tood....ethnic group, race
  • tooda....ethnic, racial
  • toodaajuntun....ethnoarchaeology
  • toodan....ethnicity
  • toodat....member of a race
  • toodfobtun....ethnobotany
  • toodin....racialism, racism
  • toodindren....ethnography
  • toodinut....racialist, racist
  • toodmeltun....ethnogeography
  • toodtejtun....ethnobiography
  • toodtun....ethnology
  • toodzena....ethnocentric

  • ajtyodyen....tradition
  • domtyod....city folk
  • doymtyod....townsfolk, townspeople
  • ebtyoda....internecine
  • eyntyodaba....semi-democratic
  • gawtyodxer....repopulate
  • gratyodikxer....overpopulate
  • grotyodikxer....underpopulate
  • ha tyod.......the people...
  • igtyodifwas....fad
  • kebiwa tyod....chosen people
  • lotyodikxer....depopulate
  • meimtyod....country folk
  • obtyodeb....veep, vice-president, vice president
  • onaptyod....mob
  • otyodifwa....unpopular
  • otyodxwa....unpopulated
  • ovtyodaba....anti-democratic, antidemocratic
  • tyod....people, population
  • tyoda....demotic, gentile, people's
  • tyodab....democracy
  • tyodabava....pro-democratic
  • tyodabova....anti-democratic
  • tyodabxer....democratize
  • tyodalzyen....vernacular
  • tyodaya....populous
  • tyodbyen....custom
  • tyodbyena....customary
  • tyodbyenier....get used to, grow accustomed
  • tyodbyenuer....accustomize
  • tyoddin....saga
  • tyodeb....president of the republic, president
  • tyodeber....preside, serve as president
  • tyodel....ad, advertisement, publication, publicity
  • tyodifwa....popular
  • tyodik....population
  • tyodika....populous
  • tyodikxer....populate
  • tyodikxwa....populated
  • tyodin....populism
  • tyodkebien....plebiscite
  • tyodnad....lineage
  • tyodob....republic
  • tyodobin....republicanism
  • tyodpaaxut....demagog, demagogue
  • tyodsagdren....demographics, demography
  • tyodtojben....genocide, progrom
  • tyodufalx....pogrom
  • tyoduka....deserted
  • tyoduz....pop music
  • tyodyen....custom, more
  • tyodyeni....mores
  • tyodyenxer....customize
  • vityod....beautiful people, gentry
  • vityodxer....gentrify
  • vutyod....commoners, rabble, unwashed masses, scum, vulgus
  • vutyodat....commoner, scumbag
  • yabtyod....gentry, nobility
  • yabtyodat....noble, nobleman
  • yobtyod....hoi polloi, plebs
  • yobtyodat....commoner, pleb, plebeian

  • tyood....populace, vulgate, population, populace
  • tyooda....common, vulgar
  • tyoodat....commoner
  • tyoodtun....demographics
  • tyoodtuna....demographic
  • tyoodtut....demographer
  • tad....spouse
  • tayd....wife
  • twad....husband
  • taad....mate (used in many sexual terms)
Here are some derivations of the above roots:
  • aa tad....first husband, first spouse
  • ajtad....ex-spouse
  • antada....monogamous
  • antadan....monogamy
  • antaday....monogamously
  • antadin....monogamy
  • antadina....monogamist
  • antadinut....monogamist
  • bey tadien....by marriage
  • dita tadien....civil marriage
  • ebtada....between spouses, marital
  • ebtadien....intermarriage
  • ebtadier....intermarry
  • ebtaduwa....intermarried
  • ebtooda tadien....miscegenation
  • ebtooda tadxen....interracial marriage
  • ebtooda tadyan....interracial couple
  • edebtad....consort
  • ejnatadpop....honeymoon
  • ejnatadpopea....on a honeymoon
  • ejnatadpopen....honeymooning
  • ejnatadpoper....go on a honeymoon
  • ejnatadpoput....honeymooner
  • ejtad....current spouse, step-spouse
  • entada....bigamous
  • entadan....bigamy
  • entadin....bigamy
  • entadina....bigamist
  • entadinut....bigamist
  • entadumyank....zygote
  • entadumyanka....zygotic
  • gatadien....remarriage
  • gatadier....get remarried, marry again, re-wed, remarry, rewed
  • gatadsen....remarriage
  • gatadser....remarry
  • gataduwa....re-married, re-wedded, remarried
  • gatadxwa....remarried
  • genegtadiwayt....peeress
  • glatada....polygamous
  • glatadan....polygamy
  • glatadin....polygamy
  • glatadina....polygamist
  • glatadinut....polygamist
  • gwe taduwa....just married
  • gwej taduwa....just married
  • hyijatada....consanguine, consanguineous
  • hyijatadan....consanguinity
  • hyitooba tadan....same-sex marrage
  • ijtad....first husband, first spouse, original spouse
  • jaga otaduwayt....old maid
  • jatad....fiance
  • jatadek....courtship
  • jatadiena....premarital
  • jatadienxela....prenuptial
  • jatadsen....engagement
  • jatadser....affiance, become betrothed, become engaged
  • jatadxen....betrothal
  • jatadxer....affiance, betroth
  • jatadxwa....affianced, betrothed, engaged
  • jay taduwa....already married
  • jogtad....newly-wed, newlywed
  • jogtaduwa....newly-married, newly-wed
  • jogtaduwat....newly-wed groom
  • jogtaduwayt....newly-wed bride
  • jotadiena....postmarital, postnuptial
  • jwaa tadien....shotgun wedding
  • jwatadier....marry early
  • jwotadier....marry late
  • ojtad....fiance, future husband, future spouse
  • otad....bachelor, celibate person
  • otada....celibate
  • otadan....celibacy
  • otadier....get divorced
  • otadiwa....unmarried
  • otadiwat....bachelor, unmarried person
  • otadiwayt....spinster, unmarried woman
  • otadsat....bachelor, unmarried person
  • otadsayt....spinster
  • otadsya....unmarried
  • otaduwa....unwed
  • otadxwa jogayt....colleen
  • otadxwayt....unmarried female
  • ovyatadwa....unjustified
  • oyebebtada....extramarital
  • oyeybtadiena....extramarital
  • tad....spouse
  • tada....spousal
  • tadan....marital state, marriage
  • tadana....marital
  • tadanay....maritally
  • tadansum....nuptial bed
  • tadat....in-law
  • tadayt....female in-law
  • tadbuer....endow
  • tadbun....dowry, endowment
  • tadbuwa....endowed
  • taddxut....fornicator
  • taddyun....married name
  • tadiea....marrying
  • tadien tayf....wedding dress
  • tadien....espousal, marriage, marrying, matrimony, wedding
  • tadiena....matrimonial
  • tadienuf....misogamy
  • tadienufut....misogamist
  • tadienxel....nuptials, wedding
  • tadienxela....nuptial
  • tadier....espouse, get married, marry, wed
  • tadifbuen....dotation
  • tadiwa....married, wedded
  • tadiwat....married person
  • tadkexen....matchmaking
  • tadkexut....courter, matchmaker
  • tadnadxem....breeding ground
  • tadnaxut....breeder
  • tadnux....alimony
  • tadoken....being widowed, losing a spouse
  • tadoker....be widowed, lose a spouse
  • tadokya....widowed
  • tadokyayt....widow
  • tadokyaytan....widowhood
  • tadon....marriage
  • tadsen....marriage, wedding
  • tadsenxel....wedding
  • tadser....get married, wed
  • tadsya....married, wedded
  • tadtayuba....gonadal
  • taduen....marriage, marrying
  • taduer....give away in marriage, marry off, officiate at a marriage
  • taduka....unmarried
  • taduut....justice of the peace, marriage official
  • taduwa....married
  • taduyafa....nubile
  • taduyafwa....marriageable
  • taduyafwan....marriageability
  • tadwat....male in-law
  • tadxen....marriage, marrying
  • tadxer....marry
  • tadxut....marriage officiator
  • tadxwa....married
  • tadxwan....wedlock
  • tadxwena....connubial
  • tadyan....couple, husband and wife, married couple
  • tadyiv....consortium
  • tadyovxea....adulterous
  • tadyovxeay....adulterously
  • tadyovxen....adultery
  • tadyovxut....adulterer
  • tadyovxuyt....adulteress
  • tadyoxwa....adulterated
  • tadyuv....marital bond, wedlock
  • tadyuvlaxen....engagement
  • tadyuvlaxwa....engaged
  • Vyetad....Vietnamese
  • xaber be taduen....officiate at a marriage
  • xaler tadyovxen....commit adultery
  • yagja tad....long-time spouse
  • yagtaduwa....long-time married
  • yantada teap....conjugal visit
  • yantada....conjugal
  • yantadan....conjugality
  • yantaday....conjugally
  • yantadsen....mating
  • yantadser....mate
  • yantadxen....conjugation, mating
  • yantadxer....conjugate, mate
  • yantadxwa....conjugated, mated
  • yebtoda tadxen....incest
  • yontad....divorced person
  • yontadsen....divorce, divorcing
  • yontadser....break up, break up, break up a marriage, divorce, get divorced
  • yontadxen....breaking up, breaking up a marriage, breakup, divorce
  • yontadxer....break up, break up a marriage, divorce
  • yontadxut....homebreaker
  • yontadxwa....divorced

  • aa tayd....first wife
  • ajtayd....ex-wife
  • dropek tayd....war bride
  • ejtayd....current wife, step-wife
  • ijtayd....first wife, original wife
  • jatayd....fiancee, foremother
  • jogtayd bunyan....trousseau
  • jogtayd....bride, newly-wed wife, young wife
  • jogtayda....bridal
  • kutayd....concubine
  • kutaydan....concubinage
  • ojtayd....bridesgroom, bridesmaid, fiancee, future wife
  • ojtayddwat....bridesman
  • ojtayddwet....groomsman
  • otayd....unmarried female
  • rajahtayd....ranee, rani
  • tamtayd....housewife
  • tamtayda....housewifely
  • tayd....female spouse, wife
  • tayda....wifely
  • taydan....wifehood
  • taydibwasyan....jointure
  • taydier....wive
  • taydif....darling wife, wifey-poo
  • taydoken....becoming a widower, being widowed, losing one's wife
  • taydoker....be widowed, become a widower, lose a wife, lose one's wife
  • taydokyat....widower
  • taydovyayuvan....cuckoldry
  • taydoya....wifeless
  • taydoyat....bachelor
  • taydoyatan....bachelorhood
  • taydtojben....uxoricide
  • tayduka....wifeless
  • taydurer....henpeck
  • taydurwa....henpecked
  • vitayd....nymph
  • vitaydet....nymphet
  • yontayd....divorcée

  • ajtwad....ex-husband
  • ejtwad....current husband, step-husband
  • glatwada....polyandrous
  • glatwadan....polyandry
  • jogtwad....newly-wed husband
  • ojtwad....bridegroom, groom
  • otwad....bachelor
  • otwadan....bachelorhood
  • oytwadan....spinsterhood
  • oytwadayt....spinster
  • oytwadaytan....spinsterhood
  • oytwadaytyena....spinsterish
  • oytwadsen....becoming widowed
  • oytwadser....become widowed
  • tamtwad....househusband
  • twad....husband
  • twadif....hubby
  • twadokayta joibwas....dower
  • twadoken....being widowed
  • twadoker....be widowed, lose a husband, lose one's husband
  • twadokya....widowed
  • vatwaden....saying for sure
  • vatwader....say for sure
  • vyotexuwa twad....cuckold
  • yontwad....divorced man, divorcé, male divorcé

  • byarer taadxenay....sexually arouse
  • ebtaadfa....ruttish, rutty
  • ebtaadxen....rutting
  • ebtaadxer....rut
  • ebtaadxut....fornicator, copulator
  • grataadxyea....promiscious
  • grataadxyean....promiscuity
  • grataadxyeay....promiscuously
  • iftaad....playmate
  • iftaad....sex mate
  • potaadxen....bestiality
  • taad....mate, sex partner
  • taadebkyaxut....swinger
  • taadif....sex, sexual pleasure, eros
  • taadifa....sexual, erotic
  • taadifan....sexuality, eroticism
  • taadifaxen....sexualization, eroticization
  • taadifaxer....sexualize, eroticize
  • taadifaxwa....sexualized, eroticized
  • taadifaya....sexed, sexy
  • taadifika....sexed, sexy
  • taadifla....horny
  • taadiflan....horniness
  • taadifler....be horny
  • taadifluen....arousal
  • taadifluer....arouse
  • taadifluwa....aroused
  • taadifra....lustful, voluptuous
  • taadifran....lustfulness, voluptuousness
  • taadifren....lechery, lusting
  • taadifrer....lust after
  • taadifrut....sexpot, lecher
  • taadifxea....sexy
  • taadifxen....having sex, copulation, intercourse
  • taadifxer....have sex, copulate, have intercourse
  • taadkex....courtship
  • taadkexen....courting
  • taadkexer....court
  • taadser....couple, mate
  • taadtayub....gonad
  • taadxen ekar....sex toy
  • taadxen ifek....sex game, sex game, sex play
  • taadxen jeb....mating season
  • taadxen mansin....sex photo
  • taadxen yebux....sex drive
  • taadxen yexut....sex worker
  • taadxen....copulation, fornication, love-making, lovemaking, mating, sex, sexuality
  • taadxena byaren....sexual arousal
  • taadxena if....sexual pleasure
  • taadxena....copulative, copulatory, erotic, sexual
  • taadxenay byarea....sexually arousing
  • taadxenay byarwa....sexually aroused
  • taadxenay....sexually
  • taadxentun....sexology
  • taadxentut....sexologist
  • taadxer....copulate, fornicate, have sex, mate
  • taadxwa....coupled, mated
  • yabtaadxer....overmatch
  • ted....parent
  • teyd....mother
  • twed....father
  • tyed....relative, kin
The above roots are used to form the following words:
  • ajted....ancestor, ascendant, ascendent
  • ajtedyan....ancestors, ancestry
  • ajtedyana....ancestral
  • anteda....uniparental
  • ejted....step-parent, stepparent
  • gaifbiteder....readopt
  • ifbited....foster father
  • ifbiteden....adoption
  • ifbiteder....adopt
  • ifbitedut....adopter
  • ifbitedwa....adopted
  • ifbitedwat....adopted child, foster child
  • ifbitedyafwa....adoptable
  • ijjated....primogenitor
  • ijjatedan....primogeniture
  • jated....forebear, forefather, forerunner, progenitor
  • jatedyan....forefathers, ancestry
  • jatedyana....ancestral
  • Morted....God
  • morted....god, progenitor of the universe
  • morteda....divine
  • mortedan....divinity
  • morteday....divinely
  • ojted....future parent
  • ojtedyan....progeny
  • otajted....adopting parent
  • otajteder....adopt
  • otajtedwa....adopted
  • syembea ted....founding father
  • tajted....birth father, birth parent
  • tamted....houseparent
  • tated....parent-in-law
  • ted....parent, progenitor
  • teda....parental
  • tedan....parentage, parenthood, progeniture
  • tedbikuea....fostering
  • tedbikuen....fostering
  • tedbikuer....foster
  • tedbikuut....foster parent
  • tedbikuwa....fostered
  • tedeba....patriarchal
  • tedeban....patriarchy
  • tedebyena....patriarchal
  • teden....raising
  • teder....raise
  • tedi....parents
  • tedif....pa
  • tedokan....orphanhood
  • tedokat....orphan
  • tedokatam....orphanage
  • tedokayt....female orphan
  • tedoken....being orphaned, losing one's parents
  • tedoker....be orphaned, lose a parent, lose one's parents
  • tedokxen....orphaning
  • tedokxer....orphan
  • tedokxwa....orphaned
  • tedokya....orphan, orphaned
  • tedotyeut....founder
  • tedoyat....orphan
  • tedoyatam....orphanage
  • tedoyatan....orphanage
  • tedoyayt....female orphan
  • tedoywat....male orphan
  • tedpet dyes....stud book, studbook
  • tedpet....stud
  • tedsen....parenting
  • tedser....parent
  • tedtojben....patricide
  • tedtojbena....patricidal
  • tedtojbut....patricide
  • teduer....sire
  • teduwa....sired
  • tedwa....parented, raised
  • tedyan....mother and father, parents
  • tedyanoker....be orphaned
  • teted....grandparent
  • tetedyan....grandparents
  • teteted....great grandparent
  • toted....godparent
  • yantoted....cosponsor

  • ajteyd....ancestress, female ancestor
  • dibteyd....matron
  • dibteydyena....matronly
  • ejteyd....step-mother, stepmother
  • Fizuu eta twed gel eta teyd.....Honor thy father as they mother.
  • ojteyd....expectant mother, future mother
  • tajna teyd....natural mother
  • tajteyd....birth mother
  • tamteyd....housemother
  • tateyd....mother-in-law
  • teteteyd....great grandmother
  • teteyd....grandmother
  • teteydif....grandma, grannie, granny
  • teteydyena....grandmotherly
  • teyd....mother
  • teyda....maternal
  • teydab....matriarchy
  • teydan....maternity, motherhood
  • teyday....maternally
  • teydeb....matriarch
  • teydeba....matriarchal
  • teydgibut....motherfucker
  • teydif....ma, mama, mom, momma, mommy, mum, old lady
  • teydom....metropolis
  • teydoma....metropolitan
  • teydoya....motherless
  • teydoyan....motherlessness
  • teydsen....becoming a mother
  • teydser....become a mother
  • teydsoa....pregnant
  • teydsoan....pregnancy
  • teydtojben....matricide
  • teydtojbena....matricidal
  • teydtojbut....matricide, mother-killer
  • teyduka....motherless
  • teydukan....motherlessness
  • teydxen....mothering
  • teydxer....mother
  • teydxwa....mothered
  • teydyena....motherly
  • teydyenan....motherliness
  • toteyd....godmother
  • yakea teyd....expectant mother
  • yiga teyd....dura
  • yizteydif....supermom

  • ajtwed....male ancestor
  • doyovtwed....godfather, mafia boss
  • ejtwed....step-father, stepfather
  • Fizuu eta twed gel eta teyd.....Honor thy father as they mother.
  • fyaa twed....holy father
  • fyatwed....priest
  • jatwed....forefather
  • jatwedyan....forefathers
  • oytweda....fatherless
  • oytwedan....fatherlessness
  • tajna twed....natural father
  • tatwed....father-in-law
  • tetetwed....great grandfather
  • tetwed....granddad, grandfather
  • tetwedif....granddaddy, grandpa
  • tetwedyena....grandfatherly
  • totwed....godfather
  • twed....father, pater
  • tweda....paternal
  • twedan....fatherhood, paternity
  • tweday....paternally
  • twedbyixwa....patronymic
  • twedbyixway....patronymically
  • twedeb....patriarch
  • twedeb....patriarch
  • twedeba....patriarchal
  • twedeban....patriarchy
  • twedif....dad, daddy, old man, papa, poppa
  • twedin....paternalism
  • twedina....paternalistic
  • twedinut....paternalistic
  • twedoum....patrimony
  • twedouma....patrimonial
  • twedsen....become a father
  • twedser....become a father
  • twedtojben....parricide, patricide
  • twedtojbena....parricidal, patricidal
  • twedtojber....kill one's father
  • twedtojbut....parricide, patricide
  • twedxen....fathering
  • twedxer....father
  • twedxwa....fathered
  • twedyena....fatherly
  • twedyenan....fatherliness

  • tiibil tyed....blood relation
  • tooba tiibilnad tyed....agnate
  • tyed....kin, kinsman, related person, relative
  • tyeda....kin, kindred, related
  • tyedan....affinity, kinship, relatedness, relationship
  • tyedser....become related
  • tyedxer....bring together as related
  • tyedxwa....akin, related
  • tyedyan....ethnicity, kin, kindred, kinfolk, kinsfolk, kith, relations
  • tyedyana ibvyixen....ethnic cleansing
  • yubtyed....next of kin
  • tid....sibling
  • tiyd....sister
  • twid....brother
These roots are used to form the following words:
  • ejtid....half sibling
  • fitidwa....well-understood
  • fyatid....friar
  • fyatidam....friary
  • fyatidyan....friary
  • glatidat....person with many siblings
  • histidiyn....histidine
  • kariatid....caryatid
  • otidipat....bustard
  • tatid....sibling-in-law
  • tetetid....great uncle or aunt
  • tetid....uncle or aunt
  • tid....brother or sister, sibling
  • tida dropek....internecine war
  • tida....brotherly, fraternal
  • tiday....fraternally
  • tidif....fraternal love
  • tidoyat....person with no siblings
  • tidtojben....fratricide
  • tidtojbena....fratricidal
  • tidtojber....commit fratricide, kill one's sibling
  • tidtojbut....fratricide
  • tidxer....fraternize
  • tidxut....fraternizer
  • tidyan....fraternity
  • tidzen....fraternization
  • xaler tidtojben....commit fratricide

  • ejtiyd....half sister, stepsister
  • fyatiydam....priory
  • fyatiydameyb....prioress
  • tatiyd....sister-in-law
  • tetetiyd....great aunt, great-aunt, great-great-aunt
  • tetiyd....aunt, grandaunt, great-aunt
  • tetiydif....auntie
  • tiyd....sister
  • tiyda....sisterly, sororal
  • tiydan....sisterliness
  • tiydif....sis
  • tiydoyat....person with no sisters
  • tiydyan....sisterhood, sorority
  • tiydyen....sisterliness
  • tiydyena....sisterly
  • tututiyd....grandniece

  • ejtwid....half brother, stepbrother
  • oytwidat....person with no brothers
  • tatwid....brother-in-law
  • tetetwid....granduncle, great uncle, great-great-uncle
  • tetwid....great-uncle
  • tetwida....avuncular
  • tetwidyena....avuncular
  • tututwid....grandnephew
  • twid....brother
  • twida....brotherly, fraternal
  • twiday....fraternally
  • twidi....brethren, brothers
  • twidif....bro
  • twidyan....brotherhood, fraternity
  • twidyena....brotherly
  • twidyenan....brotherliness
  • yantwid....confrère
  • yantwidan....confraternity
  • tud....child
  • tuyd....daughter
  • twud....son
An important diminutive is tudet....baby, infant.
The above roots are used to generate the following words:
  • aa tetitud....first cousin
  • aa yiba tetitud....cousin first removed
  • Amerinda apetud....cayuse
  • apatud....chick, chickadee
  • apatuden....cheeping
  • apatuder....cheep
  • apaytud....chick
  • apetud....colt, foal
  • apetudog....foal
  • apyatud....eaglet
  • apyotud....lion cub
  • balokxer tudet....burp a baby
  • belyafwa tudetsum....carrycot
  • ea tetitud....second cousin
  • ejtud....stepchild
  • ejtudi....stepchildren
  • ejtudyan....stepchildren
  • eopetud tayof....calfskin
  • eopetud....calf, cowling, yeanling
  • eopetuda tikib....calf's liver
  • eopetudxen....calving
  • eopetudxer....calve, yean
  • epatud....duckling, baby duck
  • epetud....bullock, calf, bullock, veal
  • epeytud....heifer
  • epyotud....tiger cub, whelp
  • epyoytud....tiger cub
  • fitajtud....childe
  • gapiatud....gosling
  • gapotud....baby elephant
  • gapyotud....bear cub, bear cub, baby bear
  • gepiatud....cygnet
  • ijtud....first-born child
  • ipatud....chick, poult
  • ipetud....ass's foal, donkey, foal, little ass, chick, poult, foal
  • ipetudog....burro
  • ipyotud....fox cub, fox cub, kit, pup
  • jogtudet....new-born baby, newborn baby
  • jwatud....love child, lovechild
  • kapetud....young mouse
  • kapotud....young rat, pup, kitten
  • lipitud....fingerling
  • magyelwa epetud gyogol....schnitzel
  • mamzertud....mamzer
  • maolztud....mulatto
  • nepiatud....chick, crane chick
  • otajtud....adopted child, adopted son
  • otatud....bastard, out-of-wedlock child
  • otatudan....bastardy
  • otatudxen....bastardization
  • otatudxer....bastardize
  • ovyaba tud....mamzer
  • oytuda....childless
  • oytudan....childlessness
  • patud....chick, poult, squab
  • patudel....squab
  • petud....chit
  • potud....cub, yearling
  • potudyan....animal offspring, brood
  • tajber yapetudyan....farrow
  • tetitud....cousin
  • tijber eopetud....calve
  • tistam tud....schoolchild
  • titud....nephew or niece
  • titudi....nephews and nieces
  • titudin....nepotism
  • titudina....nepotistic
  • titudinut....nepotist
  • totud....godchild
  • tud....child, offspring, scion
  • tuda....filial
  • tudagxen....raising children
  • tudagxer....raise children
  • tudal....exposé
  • tudalen....expounding
  • tudaler....expound
  • tudalut....expounder
  • tudalwa....expounded
  • tudbeka....pediatric
  • tudbekut....pediatrician
  • tudbikuuyt....nanny
  • tudet apaxov....baby wipe
  • tudet belar....baby buggy, pram
  • tudet dal....baby talk
  • tudet dyes....baby book
  • tudet dyun....baby name, pet name
  • tudet igzyax....baby boom
  • tudet igzyaxat....baby-boomer
  • tudet ilbiov....baby diaper
  • tudet ilyeb....nursing bottle
  • tudet sim....high chair
  • tudet tel....baby food
  • tudet teupib....baby tooth
  • tudet tof....baby clothes, baby wear
  • tudet tojnag....infant mortality
  • tudet tyopas....baby step
  • tudet zateb....baby face
  • tudet....baby, infant, toddler, tyke
  • tudeta bok....infant disease
  • tudeta....infantile
  • tudetan....infancy, babyhood
  • tudetbelea....childbearing
  • tudetbik....infant care
  • tudetbikam....infant care facility, nursery
  • tudetbiken....babysitting
  • tudetbiker....babysit
  • tudetbikut....baby-sitter, babysitter
  • tudetbikuuyt....nursemaid
  • tudeten....babying
  • tudeter....baby
  • tudeteyof....bib
  • tudetog....bambino, little baby
  • tudetpar....baby buggy, pram
  • tudetpixlawa....kidnapped
  • tudetpixlen....baby snatching, kidnapping
  • tudetpixler....kidnap
  • tudetpixlut....baby snatcher, kidnapper
  • tudetsim....highchair
  • tudetsum....baby bed
  • tudettajben....childbirth
  • tudettojben....infanticide
  • tudettojbena....infanticidal
  • tudettojbut....baby-killer, infanticide
  • tudetvaka....baby-proof, baby-safe
  • tudetwa....babied
  • tudetyena....baby-like, babyish, infantile
  • tudetyenan....infantility
  • tudetyenay....like a baby
  • tudi....children
  • tudifekem....children’s playground
  • tudifon....pederasty
  • tudifut....pederast
  • tudika....prolific
  • tudikay....prolifically
  • tudoya....childless
  • tudoyan....childlessness
  • tudufxut....bogeyman
  • tuduka....childless
  • tudukan....childlessness
  • tudvaka....child-proof, child-safe, childproof
  • tudxen....procreation
  • tudxena....procreational
  • tudxenay....procreationally
  • tudxer....procreate
  • tudxut....procreator
  • tudxwa....procreated
  • tudxyea....procreative
  • tudyanxyofwa....irreproducible
  • tudyanxyofwan....irreproducibility
  • tudyena....childish, childlike
  • tudyenan....childishness
  • tutud....grandchild
  • tututud....great grandchild
  • tyopyotud....chimp
  • umvib tudetsum....bassinet
  • upatud....gosling
  • upetud....lamb, lambkin
  • upetudyena....lamblike
  • upyotud....cub, wolf cub, wolf cub, pup
  • vapitud....elver
  • vapotud....fawn
  • vepotud....reindeer calf
  • vipotud....fawn
  • yapetud....piggy, piglet
  • yapetudyan....farrow
  • yepetud....pup
  • yepetudan....puppydom, puppyhood
  • yepetudif....puppy
  • yepetudyan....litter of pups
  • yipetud....kitten, kitty, pussy cat
  • yipetudif....kitty
  • yipetudyan....litter of cats
  • yipetudyena....kittenish
  • yonxwa eopetud....dogie
  • yopetud tayob....kidskin
  • yopetud....kid
  • yuapotud....leveret
  • yupetud....bunny, kit

  • aa tetituyd....first female cousin
  • aa yiba tetituyd....cousin first removed
  • apetuyd....filly
  • ea tetituyd....second cousin
  • ejtuyd....stepdaughter
  • gapyotuyd....female bear cub
  • ijtuyd....first-born daughter
  • ipetuyd....jennet
  • otajtuyd....adopted daughter
  • otatuyd....out-of-wedlock daughter
  • tatuyd....daughter-in-law
  • tetituyd....cousin, female cousin
  • titutuyd....grand niece
  • tituyd....niece
  • totuyd....goddaughter
  • tututuyd....great granddaughter
  • tutuyd....granddaughter
  • tuyd....daughter
  • tuydet....baby girl
  • tuydyena....daughterly

  • aa tetitwud....first male cousin
  • aa yiba tetitwud....cousin first removed, male cousin first removed
  • edeb atwud....dauphin
  • ejtwud....stepson
  • gapyotwud....male bear cub
  • ijtwud....first-born son
  • ipetwud....jackass
  • slavedebtwud....czarevitch
  • tatwud....son-in-law
  • tetitwud....cousin, male cousin
  • titutwud....grand nephew
  • titwud....nephew
  • Tottwud....Son of God
  • totwud....godson
  • tututwud....great grandson
  • tutwud....grandson
  • twud....son
  • twuda....filial
  • twudan....sonhood
  • twudet....baby boy
  • twudif....sonny
  • twudog....little son
The base word tot means god. The sub-elements are:
  • tat....angel
  • tet....priest
The root word tot means god and has the following derived words:
  • antotin....monotheism
  • antotina....monotheist, monotheistic
  • antotinut....monotheist
  • evtotina....atheist, atheistic
  • eyntot....demigod
  • fabyantot....satyr
  • fyefabeyntot....satyr
  • fyefabeyntota....satyric
  • glatotin....polytheism
  • glatotina....polytheistic
  • glatotinut....polytheist
  • hyatotin....pantheism
  • hyatotina....pantheistic
  • hyatotinut....pantheist
  • hyatotyan....pantheon
  • intotan....trinity
  • Islama totifram....mosque
  • maartot....sun god
  • multotin....hylotheism
  • ototifa....ungodly
  • ototin....atheism, secularism
  • ototina....atheist, atheistic, lay, non-religious, nonsecular, secular
  • ototinut....atheist, layman, secular person, secularist
  • ototinxen....secularization
  • ototinxer....secularize
  • ototyen....ungodliness
  • ovtota....anti-god
  • teeper totifram....attend church
  • tot....deity, god, supreme being
  • tota....divine
  • totan....deity, divinity, godhood
  • totava....pro-god
  • totay....divinely
  • totbik....providence
  • totbika....providential
  • totbikay....providentially
  • totbikuay....providently
  • totbikuea....provident
  • totdab....theocracy
  • totdaba....theocratic
  • totdabut....theocrat
  • totdilim....chapel
  • totdin....myth, tale of the gods
  • totdina....mythic, mythical
  • totdintun....mythology
  • totdintuna....mythological
  • totdintunay....mythologically
  • totdintut....mythologist
  • totdinut....myth-teller
  • totdinxen....mythologizing
  • totdinxer....mythologize
  • totdinxwa....mythologized
  • totdun....gospel, hadith, word of God
  • totdura....oracular
  • totduribut....oracle
  • toteb....godhead
  • toted....godparent
  • totem meysi....gates of heaven, gates of paradise
  • totem....heaven, paradise
  • totema....heavenly, paradisaic, paradisaical, supernal
  • totemat....celestial being, creature of paradise, heavenly creature, heavenly host
  • totemben....sending to heaven
  • totember....send to heaven
  • totembwa....sent to heaven
  • totempen....going to heaven
  • totemper....go to heaven
  • totemyena....beatific, heavenly, paradisaic
  • totemyenay....beatifically
  • totemyepen....entering the gates of heaven
  • totemyeper....enter the gates of heaven
  • toteyd....godmother
  • totfiddeuz....doxology
  • totfyodwa....doggone, doggoned, goddamned
  • tothyamsea....immanent
  • tothyamseay....immanently
  • tothyamsen....immanence, immanency
  • totifa....god-loving
  • totifon....love of god
  • totifra....god-worshiping
  • totifram....church, house of worship, mosque, temple
  • totiframpen....church-going, churchgoing
  • totiframper....attend church, go to church
  • totiframput....church-goer
  • totiframputyan....congregation
  • totiframputyana....congregational
  • totiframputyanin....congregationalism
  • totifrawa....worshiped
  • totifrea....worshipful
  • totifrem....worship site
  • totifren....worship, worshiping
  • totifrer....worship a deity, worship god
  • totifrut....worshiper
  • totil....nectar
  • totin....deism, religion, theism
  • totina....deistic, religious, theistic
  • totinab....the church
  • totinan....religiousness
  • totinatyan....religious community
  • totinay....religiously
  • totinduidyes....catechism
  • totineb....priest
  • totineva....secular
  • totinevan....secularism
  • totinevat....secularist
  • totintuxer....catechize
  • totintuxut....catechist
  • totinut....deist, religious person, theist
  • totinvader....religionize
  • totinxer....religionize
  • totion....three gods in one, trinity
  • totipyijay....disingenuously
  • totizbex....providence
  • totizbexeay....providently
  • totlobexwa....godforsaken
  • totmir....world of the gods, heaven
  • totmira....celestial, heavenly
  • totmiray....celestially, heavenly
  • totmiryena....celestial, heavenly
  • totol....ambrosia
  • totola....ambrosial
  • Totot....Trinidadian
  • totoya....godless
  • totoyan....godlessness
  • totsin....idol
  • totsinifrawa....idolized
  • totsinifren....idol worship, idolatry, idolization, idol-worship
  • totsinifrer....idolize
  • totsinifrut....idol worshiper, idol-worshiper
  • totteas....epiphany
  • totten....theosophy
  • tottena....theosophic, theosophical
  • tottoxwa....godforsaken
  • tottun....theology
  • tottuna....theological
  • tottut....theologian, theologist, theosophist
  • tottwasyanina....Gnostic
  • totud....godchild
  • totuf....hatred of god
  • totufa....god-hating
  • totufut....god-hater
  • totujber....smite
  • totuka....godless
  • totukan....godlessness
  • totuyd....goddaughter
  • totwed....godfather
  • totwud....godson
  • totxen....deification
  • totxer....deify
  • totxwa....deified
  • totyan....pantheon
  • totyena....divine, godlike, godly
  • totyenan....divinity, godliness
  • totyenay....divinely
  • totyuf....fear of god
  • totyufa....god-fearing, godfearing
  • totyufut....god-fearing person
  • totyuxler....serve God
  • totyuxlut....priest, servant of God, servant of god
  • utotinut....autotheist
  • uttotin....autotheism
  • vyotot....false god, idol
  • vyototifren....idolatry
  • vyototifrut....idolater
  • vyototifruyt....idolatress
  • vyototifryea....idolatrous
  • vyototsin....idol
  • yantoted....cosponsor
  • yipetotyan....litter
  • yutotmir....empyrean
The root word tat means angel. There is a hierarchy of angels, as follows:
  • Ataat....Seraph
  • Ataet....Cherub
  • Atait....Throne
  • Etaat....Dominion
  • Etaet....Stronghold
  • Etait....Power
  • Itaat....Principality
  • Itaet....Archangel
  • Itait....Angel


  • futat....devil
  • fyotat....demon
  • yotat....satan
  • aatat....archangel
  • etat....cherub
  • futat....devil
  • futata....diabolical
  • futatem....hell
  • futatema....infernal
  • futatember....condemn to hell, send to hell
  • futatemper....go to hell
  • Futatempu!....Go to Hell!
  • futatemyena....hellish, infernal
  • futatemyenan....hellishness
  • futatemyenay....hellishly, infernally
  • fyotat....demon, devil, evil spirit
  • fyotata....demonic
  • fyotatan....demonhood
  • fyotatifren....devil worship
  • fyotatifrut....devil worshiper
  • fyotatog....devilkin
  • fyotatxea....demonizing
  • fyotatxen....demonization
  • fyotatxer....demonize
  • fyotatxwa....demonized
  • fyotatyena....demoniac, demoniacal, demonic, devilish, diabolic, diabolical
  • fyotatyenan....devilishness
  • fyotatyenay....demoniacally, devilishly, diabolically
  • tat....angel, heavenly creature, heavenly host
  • tata....angelic
  • tatem....heaven, paradise
  • tatema....heavenly
  • tatember....send to heaven
  • tatemper....go to heaven
  • tatyena....angelic, angelical, like an angel
  • yotat....satan
  • yotata....satanic
  • yotatin....satanism
  • yotatmir....hell
  • yotatmira....infernal
  • yotatyena....satanical
  • yotatyenay....satanically
The stems of the words in this family begin with d for society and end in t for human.
D-T Core Words
dwat....male friend
dayt....female friend
det....comrade, mate
dwut....gentleman, sir, lord
duyt....lady, madame
duut....lord, master
The root word dot means society and is at the top of a scalar series of words. The diminutive, doyt means club. Sometimes dot is reduced to the stub do- meaning public. Here are words using these root:
  • abdotyanat....person in the higher social class
  • bewam dotnix....property tax
  • dooba-dotin....nazism
  • dooba-dotinut....nazi
  • dot....society
  • dota abteaxut....chaperon
  • dota abteaxutyan....chaperonage
  • dota abteaxuyt....chaperone
  • dota moys....social layer, social stratum
  • dota mus....social ladder
  • dota musnog....social rung
  • dota musyapren....social climbing
  • dota musyaprut....social climber
  • dota muys....social ladder
  • dota nab....social rank
  • dota nap....social order
  • dota napden....social ordinance
  • dota neg....social level
  • dota oytofan....naturism
  • dota oytofat....naturist
  • dota tyan....social class
  • dota vyanyan....ethic
  • dota yabnogpen....social climbing
  • dota yabnogput....social climber
  • dota yibbesen....social distancing
  • dota yibxen....social distancing
  • dota....social, societal
  • dotaxlyen....demeanor
  • dotay abteaxwa....chaperoned
  • dotay....socially
  • dotbokat....sociopath
  • doteada....notarial
  • doteaden....notarization, notarizing
  • doteader....notarize
  • doteadut....notary
  • doteadwa....notarized
  • dotef....coif
  • doteudafxer....enfanchise
  • doteudafxwa....enfranchised
  • doteudofxer....disenfranchise
  • doteudofxwa....disenfranchised
  • doteudut....crier
  • doteudyiva....free to vote
  • doteuzdref nyem....ballot box
  • doteuzdref....ballot
  • doteuziem....poll, polling site
  • doteuzien....polling
  • doteuzier....poll
  • doteuziut....poll-taker, pollster
  • doteuziwa....polled
  • doteuzkyaxut....swinger
  • doteuzsager....canvass
  • doteuzsagut....canvasser
  • doteuzsagwa....canvassed
  • doteuzuaf....permission to vote
  • doteuzuar....voting machine
  • doteuzuem....poll, voting place
  • doteuzuen tum....voting booth
  • doteuzuen....voting
  • doteuzuer....cast a vote
  • doteuzuun....vote
  • doteuzuut....voter
  • doteuzuwa....voted
  • doteuzuyofxen....disenfranchisement
  • doteuzuyofxer....disenfranchise
  • doteuzuyofxwa....disenfranchised
  • doteuzyiv....franchise, right to vote
  • doteuzyivan....freedom to vote
  • dotin....socialism
  • dotina....socialist, socialistic
  • dotinut....socialist
  • dotmuys....social ladder
  • dotnab....social rank, social standing, social stratum
  • dotnaz....caliber, calibre
  • dotnextuna....socioeconomic
  • dotnix....assessment, duty
  • dotnixuen....assessment of a duty
  • dotnixuer....asses a duty
  • dotnixut....beneficiary, welfare recipient
  • dotnixuwa....assessed
  • dotnixuyafwa....dutiable
  • dotnux dob....welfare state
  • dotnux gobun....tax deduction
  • dotnux yibesen....tax evasion
  • dotnux....social security, tax, welfare allotment, welfare allowance
  • dotnuxben....taxation
  • dotnuxber....tax
  • dotnuxbut....taxer
  • dotnuxbwa....taxed
  • dotnuxbyafwa....taxable
  • dotnuxdib....social security administration, welfare administration
  • dotnuxiblut....tax collector
  • dotnuxier....collect social security, collect welfare
  • dotnuxiut....social security recipient, welfare recipient
  • dotnuxuen....allocating welfare, paying out social security
  • dotnuxuer....allocate welfare, pay out social security
  • dotoega....weird
  • dotoegan....weirdness
  • dotoegat....weirdie
  • dotoegay....weirdly
  • dotof....taboo
  • dotoj pesnad....death row
  • dotoj pesnadat....person on death row
  • dotojber....put to death
  • dotojbut....iceman
  • dotom vyixut....janitor
  • dotomdrawasi....graffiti
  • dotop....ethos
  • dotopa....ethical
  • dotoptun....ethics
  • dotpifa....gregarious
  • dotpifan....gregariousness
  • dotpifay....gregariously
  • dotpifut....gregarious person
  • dotrawa....reputed
  • dotrawan....repute
  • dotraway....reputedly
  • dotsen....socialization, socializing
  • dotser....socialize
  • dotsinen....salutation, saluting
  • dotsiner....salute
  • dotsinwa....saluted
  • dotsyen....civilization
  • dotsyena....civilized
  • dotsyenser....civilize
  • dotsyenxen....civilizing
  • dotsyenxer....civilize
  • dotsyenxwa....civilized
  • dottun....sociology
  • dottuna....sociologic, sociological
  • dottunay....sociologically
  • dottut....sociologist
  • dotuea....promulgating
  • dotuen....divulging, proclaiming, proclamation, promulgating, promulgation, reporting
  • dotuer....divulge, proclaim, promulgate, report, whistleblow
  • dotufa....recalcitrant
  • dotufan....recalcitrance
  • dotut....bourgeois
  • dotuta....bourgeois
  • dotutan....bourgeoisie
  • dotutser....become bourgeois, become middle class
  • dotutxer....bring into the middle class
  • dotutyan....bourgeoisie
  • dotuun....bulletin, proclamation, report
  • dotuunyan....reportage
  • dotuut....herald, proclaimer, promulgator, reporter, telltale
  • dotuwa....divulged, proclaimed, promulgated
  • dotuyt....bourgeoise, middle class female
  • dotvays....social security
  • dotvaysdib....social security administration
  • dotvyab....ruling, statute
  • dotvyaba....statutory
  • dotvyaban....statutoriness
  • dotvyabay....statutorily
  • dotvyabdras....statute
  • dotvyaben....ruling
  • dotvyabwa....ruled
  • dotwut....bourgeois gentleman, middle class male
  • dotxen....socialization
  • dotxer....socialize
  • dotxwa....socialized
  • dotxyuka....dorky
  • dotxyukat....dork
  • dotyan....class, social class, social standing
  • dotyanbyen....comity
  • dotyea....sociable
  • dotyean....sociability
  • dotyeay....sociably
  • dotyen....civility, etiquette, sociability, social manners
  • dotyena....civil, outgoing, social
  • dotyenan....tameness
  • dotyenukat....dweeb
  • dotyenxen....civilization, socialization, taming
  • dotyenxer....civilize, socialize, tame
  • dotyenxut....tamer
  • dotyenxwa....civilized, socialized, tamed
  • dotyexut....caseworker
  • fidotsen....getting along, socializing well
  • fidotser....get along well, socialize well
  • fidotyen....decency
  • fidotyena....decent
  • fidotyenan....decency
  • fidotyenay....decently
  • fudotyen....indecency
  • fudotyena....indecent
  • fudotyenan....indecency
  • fudotyenay....indecently
  • gabwa naz dotnix....value added tax, value-added tax
  • gonuer dotnux....allocate welfare
  • koda doteuzdref....secret ballot
  • kodot....secret society
  • mirdotsuyt....socialite
  • nyaz dotnix....luxury tax
  • oabteaxwa dotay....unchaperoned
  • obdotyanati....those in the lower classes
  • odota....asocial, nonsocial, pagan
  • odotat....dirk, pagan
  • odoteuzea....nonvoting
  • odoteuzut....nonvoter
  • odotsyea....unsociable
  • odotsyean....unsociability
  • odotsyenxwa....uncivilized
  • odotvyaka....undisciplined
  • odotxwa....wild
  • odotyen....incivility, uncivility
  • odotyena....standoffish, uncivil, unsocial
  • odotyenut....yahoo
  • odotyenxwa....tameless, untamed
  • ovdot....barbarian, wild man
  • ovdota....anti-social, antisocial, barbaric, barbarous, savage, wild
  • ovdotan....barbarity, savageness, savagery, wildness
  • ovdotat....barbarian, savage, wild person
  • ovdotay....antisocially, barbarically, barbarously, savagely, wildly
  • ovdotem....wilderness
  • ovdotin....barbarianism, barbarism
  • ovdotser....run riot
  • ovdotvyaba....anti-statutory
  • ovdotxen....barbarization
  • ovdotxer....barbarize
  • ovdotxwa....barbarized
  • oyebdotxen....ostracism
  • oyebdotxer....ostracize
  • tedotyeut....founder
  • tepdota....psychosocial
  • tepdottun....psychosociology
  • tepdottuna....psychosociological
  • vadoteuz....yes vote
  • vadoteuzea....voting yes
  • vadoteuzer....vote yes
  • vadoteuzut....yes voter
  • vadoteuzwa....voted in
  • vedota....forbidding
  • vedotay....forbiddingly
  • vidotyan....the beautiful people, upper class
  • vidotyana....high-brow
  • vodoteuzuea....voting no
  • vodoteuzuer....vote no
  • vodoteuzuut....no voter
  • vodoteuzuwa....voted down
  • vudota....low-brow, lowbrow
  • vudotat....low-brow, lowbrow
  • vudotyan....filthy class, scum
  • vudotyana....base, degenerate, scummy
  • vudotyanan....degeneracy
  • vudotyanat....degenerate person
  • yaba dot....high society
  • yabdota....elite, high-society
  • yabdotin....elitism
  • yabdotina....elitist
  • yabdotinut....elitist
  • yeber doteuzdref....cast a ballot, cast a vote
  • yizdoteuzuer....outvote
  • yizdoteuzuwa....outvoted
  • yobdotnaba....of low social standing

  • doyt....association, club, order
  • doyta....associate, associational, associative
  • doytam....clubhouse
  • doytay....associatively
  • doyteb....club leader, doyen, head of an association
  • doyteyb....doyenne
  • doytim....clubroom
  • doytser....associate
  • doytut....associate, club member
  • doytxen....association
  • doytxer....associate
  • doytxwa....associated
  • doytxyafwan....associativity
  • fyadoyt....religious community, religious order
  • fyadoytut....brother
  • fyadoytutan....brotherhood
  • fyadoytuyt....nun, sister
  • fyadoytuytam....convent, nunnery
  • fyadoytuytan....nunhood
  • mojdoyt....nightclub
  • oloybdoytxwa....unaffiliated
  • oybdoyt....affiliate
  • oybdoytxen....affiliation
  • oybdoytxwa....affiliated
  • tofoben mojdoyt....strip club, strip joint

  • dootyan....public
  • dootyana....public
  • dootyanxer....publicize
  • dout....bourgeois
  • doutyan....bourgeoisie
The prefix do- can be used to form words that are public or official in nature, eg:
The Do- prefix
dovyab....law vyab....rule
doyev....justice yev-....just
doneg....class neg....level
dodel....announcement del....statement
doyov....crime yov....shame
doyiv....(civil) right yiv....license
dobien....coup d'etat bien....taking
dodres....bulletin dres....document
dokex....(public) inquiry kex....search
dovak....public safety valk....safety
dovakdib....police dib....administration
dotojben....execution tojben....killing
dosyag....census syag....count
dodrur....press drur....printer
dodras'....bulletin dras....piece of writing
doyen....protocol -yen....manner
dodid....inquiry did....question
dodil....petition, démarche 'dil....request
dodin....history din....story
dodyun....appointment dyun....name
dodyeen....recital dyeen....reading
  • dat....friend
  • dayt....female friend
  • dwat....male friend
  • daat....buddy, pal
The above roots are at the heart of the following vocabulary:
  • aagovdat....arch enemy, archfiend
  • aagyodat....archenemy
  • aajodat....first-timer
  • dat....amigo, associate, companion, friend
  • data....friendly, personable
  • datakyaxen....tergiversation
  • datan mepyan....friendship network
  • datan yuvi....friendship ties
  • datan....amity, association, companionship, friendship
  • datankyaxer....tergiversate
  • datib....party, reception
  • datibam....hostel, hotel
  • datibameb....hotelier
  • datibamtyen....hostelry
  • datibamut....hosteler, hotel employee, ostler
  • datibamutyan....hotel staff
  • datibamyog....flophouse
  • datibea ekutyan....home team
  • datibea....accommodating, hosting
  • datibem....reception area, reception hall
  • datiben....accommodation, greeting, hosting, receiving guests, reception
  • datiber fisyenay....graciously host
  • datiber....accommodate, greet, host, put up, receive a guest
  • datibim....lobby, reception room, salon
  • datibut....host, receptionist
  • datibutem....lobby
  • datibuyt....hostess
  • datibwa....accommodated, hosted
  • datibyen....hospitality
  • datibyena....hospitable
  • datibyenay....hospitably
  • datif....beau, buddy, chap, chum, matey, pally
  • datifan....buddyhood, buddyship
  • datifi....beaux
  • datifpen....date, dating, going out
  • datifper....date, go out with
  • datifyena....buddy-like
  • datim....living room, living-room, parlor, salon, sitting room
  • datoya....friendless, unbefriended
  • datsen....becoming friends
  • datser....become friends
  • datuka....friendless, unbefriended
  • datup....visit
  • datupea....visiting
  • datuper....be a guest, come as a friend, visit
  • datuput....visitor
  • datxen....befriending, friending
  • datxer....befriend, friend
  • datxwa....befriended, friended
  • datyan....friendship network
  • datyen....bonhomie
  • datyena....amicable, friendly
  • datyenan....amicability, amicableness, friendliness
  • datyenay....amicably
  • datzyus....circle of friends, coterie
  • ebodatdal....parley
  • ebodatdaler....parley
  • fidat....bon ami, bonami, good friend, pal
  • fidatibea....gracious
  • fidatiber....graciously host, welcome
  • fidatibwa....welcomed
  • fidatibyea....welcoming
  • fidatibyean....graciousness
  • fidatibyeay....graciously
  • fiizdat....loyal follower
  • fizdat....frank person, honest person
  • fuzdat....cheat, dishonest person, fraud, liar
  • fyuzimdat....cellmate
  • gradatxen....smothering
  • gradatxer....smother
  • gradatxwa....smothered
  • hyateja dat....life-long friend
  • ijber datan bay....strike up a friendship with
  • jogat datibam....youth hostel
  • lodatxen....breaking off one's friendship with, disaffiliation, unfriending
  • lodatxer....disaffiliate, unfriend
  • lodatxwa....unfriended
  • odata....standoffish, unfriendly
  • odatan....unfriendliness
  • odatibyena....inhospitable
  • odatibyenay....inhospitably
  • odatyena....spiky
  • odatyenan....spikiness
  • ofizdat....dishonest person
  • ovdat....enemy, foe
  • ovdata....hostile, inimical
  • ovdatan....enmity, hostility
  • ovdatay....hostilely, in a hostile manner, inimically
  • ovdatser....become enemies
  • ovdatxen....making an enemy
  • ovdatxer....make an enemy of
  • oybodatan....cattiness
  • oybodatay....cattily
  • oytwidat....person with no brothers
  • oyudat....gentile
  • ozodata....catty
  • pontam datibut....hotel host, hotel receptionist
  • pontam ibdat....hotel guest
  • teazdat....backslapper
  • teazdatsen....backslapping
  • tiibil todat....blood relative
  • tobdata yogxun....macro
  • tujdat....bedmate, sleeping partner
  • ujber datan....break off a friendship
  • vyodat....fake friend, false friend, pseudo-friend
  • vyodatan....misalliance
  • yagja dat....long-time friend
  • yagjoba dat....long-time friend
  • yandatser....become allies
  • yandatxer....make allies
  • yobtyodat....commoner, pleb, plebeian
  • yondatser....break up
  • yubdat....close friend, intimate
  • yuznigdata....eco-friendly
  • yuznigovdata....eco-hostile
  • zoydatupen....revisiting
  • zoydatuper....re-visit, revisit
  • zoydatupya....revisited

  • dayt....female friend, girlfriend
  • daytif....girlfriend
  • ifdayt....girlfriend
  • ovdayt....female enemy

  • dwat....male friend, punk
  • dwatif....boyfriend
  • ibdwat....male host
  • ovdwat....male enemy
  • det....associate, partner, mate
  • deyt....female associate, female partner, female mate
  • dwet....male associate, male partner,, male mate
The above roots form the following derived words:
  • buiendet....trading partner
  • dazdet....dance partner
  • det....chap, consort, fellow, mate, partner
  • deta....associate, fellow
  • detan....camaraderie, company, fellowship, mateship, partnership
  • detdunuka....niladic
  • detif....matey
  • detsen....consorting, partnering
  • detser....consort, partner with
  • detuka....unaccompanied
  • detxea....accompanying
  • detxen....accompanying
  • detxenm yanpen....accompaniment
  • detxer....accompany
  • detxut....accompanist
  • detxwa....accompanied, partnered
  • detyan....association, consort, consortium, partnership, sodality
  • detyanog....club
  • ebtabifdet....sex mate
  • ebtiyaxdet....sex mate
  • ekutyandet....teammate
  • eotifa det....hookup
  • fyuzum det....jail mate
  • gedetser....compeer
  • glasumtimdet....dormitory mate
  • ifekdet....playfellow, playmate
  • ijbea nundetyan....startup
  • jobdet....contemporary
  • jogtudet....new-born baby, newborn baby
  • lodetsea....dissociating
  • lodetser....dissociate
  • lodetxea....dissociating
  • lodetxen....disassociation, dissociation
  • lodetxer....disassociate, dissociate
  • lodetxwa....disassociated, dissociated
  • memdet....compatriot, fellow countryman, fellow-countryman
  • mimpurdet....shipmate
  • nundetyan....firm, company
  • nundetyaneb....c.e.o., head of a company, head of a firm
  • nundetyanzen....company headquarters
  • nunuiendet....trading partner
  • odetxwa....unaccompanied, unassociated
  • okvakuen nundetyan....insurance company
  • popdetan....companionship
  • purdet....passenger
  • sumdet....bed partner, bedmate, bedfellow
  • sumtamdet....bunkmate
  • syemdetyan....consortium
  • tapifek detyan....sports association
  • tejdet....life mate, life partner
  • teyodet....daughter-in-law
  • tildet....drinking companion
  • timdet....roommate
  • tistam det....schoolfellow, schoolmate
  • tistamdet....schoolmate
  • tistyandet....classfellow
  • tisutyandet....classmate
  • toamesdet....apartment mate, flat mate, flatmate, roommate
  • toamesdeten....sharing a flat
  • toamesdeter....share a flat
  • tyaldet....dining companion, dinner companion, messmate
  • xaldet....accomplice
  • xamdet....office colleage, officemate
  • yandet....copartner, fellow, homeboy, mate
  • yandetan....copartnership, copartnery, fellowship
  • yandetsen....being buddies, mating
  • yandetser....be buddies, mate
  • yexdet....co-worker, colleague, coworker, work partner, workmate, yokefellow
  • yexdeta....collegial, collegiate
  • yexdetan....collegiality
  • yibdalir nundetyan....phone company, telephone company
  • yondetsen....breaking up, breakup
  • yovbyok tumdet....cellmate
  • yuxdet....helpmate

  • deyt....female comrade
  • deytyan....club
  • doyovdeyt....moll

  • dwet....male mate
  • ojtayddwet....groomsmate
  • dit....citizen, civilian
  • diyt....female citizen
  • dwit....male citizen
The above roots are components of the following derived words:
  • avditdoba....pro-republican
  • avditdaba....pro-democracy
  • bifeb ditdab....banana republic
  • dit....citizen
  • dita dovyab....civil law
  • dita doyevam....civil court
  • dita doyiv....civil right
  • dita doyivi pax....civil rights movement
  • dita doyivi....civil rights
  • dita opyex....civil defense
  • dita oyuvteexen....civil disobedience
  • dita tadien....civil marriage
  • dita yextun....civil engineering
  • dita yextut....civil engineer
  • dita yivan....civil liberty
  • dita yivtexin....civil libertarianism
  • dita yivtexinut....civil libertarian
  • dita yuxlen....civil service
  • dita....civil, civilian
  • ditan....citizenship
  • ditandref....citizenship papers
  • ditay....civilly
  • ditbyen....civility
  • ditbyena....civil
  • ditdeb....president of the republic
  • ditdeba....presidential
  • ditdeban....presidency
  • ditdeber....be president, preside
  • ditdebser....become president
  • ditdebxer....make president
  • ditdebyena....presidential in manner
  • ditdeyb....madame president
  • ditdab....democracy
  • ditdaba....democracy
  • ditdabat....democrat
  • ditdabin....pro-democracy
  • ditdob....republic
  • ditdoba....republican
  • ditdobin....republicanism
  • ditdobina....republicanist
  • ditdobinut....republicanist
  • ditdop....militia
  • ditdopat....militiaman
  • ditsen....becoming a citizen
  • ditser....become a citizen
  • ditsoa....about to become a citizen
  • ditsyen....civility
  • ditxen....granting citizenship, naturalization
  • ditxer....grant citizenship, naturalize
  • ditxwa....granted citizenship, naturalized
  • ditxwat....naturalized citizen, person granted citizenship
  • dityan....citizenry
  • dityen....civility
  • dityena....civilian
  • dityenxer....civilize
  • dityenxwa....civilized
  • diyt....female citizen
  • dwit....male citizen
  • ebdita dropek....civil war
  • ebdita....internecine
  • eondit....dual citizen
  • eonditan....dual citizenship
  • fidit....good citizen, loyal citizen
  • fiditan....good citizenship
  • fikdit....model citizen
  • gadityenxer....re-civilize
  • hyimematxwa dit....naturalized citizen
  • jwabditdeput....minute man
  • kexer ha dityandeban....seek the presidency
  • mirdit....cosmopolitan, world citizen, worldling
  • mirdita....cosmopolitan, worldly
  • mirditan....worldliness
  • mirditin....cosmopolitanism
  • obditdeb....vice-president
  • odit....non-citizen
  • oditan....non-citizenship
  • odityenay....uncivilly
  • odityenxwa....uncivilized
  • ovditdoba....anti-republican
  • ovditdaba....anti-democratic
  • tyoda ditdab....people's republic
  • yagufdeudit....ranter
  • yandit....fellow citizen
  • dut....gentleperson, bourgeois
  • duyt....miss, demoiselle, madam, lady
  • dwut....sir, mister, gentleman, lord, signor
The above roots are components of the following derived words:
  • dut....seignior, signor, signore, sir or madam
  • duta....seigniorial
  • duteyt....signorina, madame, demoiselle
  • duteyti....signorine
  • duti....ladies and gentlemen
  • dutyan....ladies and gentlemen
  • dwut....sir, mister, lord, signor
The stems in this family of words begin with t for human and end in f or v, which are reminiscent of nof....cloth and nov....lingerie. The words have to do with clothing. Post-y-gliding the semantic stem vowel produces something that relates to women. Pre-w-gliding the semantic stem vowel produces something that relates specifically to men.
Forming Words for Clothes
tob....man tof....outfit toyf....female outfit
tab....body taf....suit tayf....dress
teb....head tef....hat teyf....woman's hat
teyob....neck teyof....necktie
tuab....shoulder tuaf....shawl
tib....trunk tif....vest
zetib....waist zetif....belt
tiab....chest tiav....shirt tiayv....blouse
tilab....breast tilayv....bra
tiub....belly tiuv....undershorts tiuyv....panties
tuyab....hand tuyaf....glove
tyob....leg tyof....pants tyoyf....skirt
The base word tof is the top element of a whole hierarchy of clothing terms based on the body part it pertains to.
  • abtof....coverall, outerwear
  • ansantof....uniform
  • ansantofwa....uniformed
  • diptof....crackerjack
  • dopek tof....battle attire, battle dress, battle fatigue, uniform
  • dopektof....battledress
  • dota oytofan....naturism
  • dota oytofat....naturist
  • ektobetof....moppet
  • eynoytofa....halfnaked, semi-nude
  • feelktofwa....ironclad
  • fitofsyena....fashionable, nicely-dressed, stylishly-dressed
  • fitofwa....well-dressed
  • fumaalyentof....weatherwear
  • futofer....slatter
  • futofsyena....poorly-dressed, unfashionable, unstylishly-dressed
  • fyatofober....unfrock
  • fyatofobwa....unfrocked
  • fyuzam ansantof....prison uniform
  • gatofabwa....reclothed, redressed
  • gatofuen....reclothing
  • gatofuer....reclothe
  • gedatof....plaid
  • gratofabwa....over-worn
  • hyojtofbwa....never-worn
  • jasaxwa tof....ready-made clothes
  • jatofwa....pre-worn, previously-worn
  • kadea tof....neglige, negligee, négligée
  • kotof....disguise
  • kotofexr....disguise
  • kotofxen....disguising
  • kotofxwa....disguised
  • kyaxer tof....change clothes
  • lotofien....disrobing
  • lotofier....disrobe
  • lotofiwa....disrobed
  • lotofuen....disrobing
  • lotofuer....disrobe
  • lotofuwa....disrobed
  • mamiltof....rain gear, rain wear
  • milzyep tof....swimwear
  • mimkum tof....beachwear
  • nefxa tof....knitwear
  • obyextof....armature, body armor, protective gear
  • obyexyea tof....protective clothing
  • okotofxwa....baldfaced
  • otofier....go nude
  • otofuer....strip
  • otofuwa....stripped
  • otofwa....unworn
  • ovmasbyea tof....protective clothing
  • oybtof....underclothing
  • oyegtofabwa....unredressed
  • oytofa....bare, going naked, going nude, in the buff, naked, nude, unclad, unclothed
  • oytofan....bareness, nakedness, nudity
  • oytofat....naked person, nude person
  • oytofay....in the buff, nakedly
  • oytofayt....female nude
  • oytofdazam....strip club
  • oytofdazen....dancing naked, strip-dancing
  • oytofdazer....dance naked, strip-dance
  • oytofdazut....stripper
  • oytofen....going naked, going nude
  • oytofer....go naked, go nude
  • oytofin....naturism, nudism
  • oytofina....nudist
  • oytofinut....naturist, nudist
  • oytofmelyep....skinny-dip
  • oytofmelyepem....skinning-dipping spot
  • oytofmelyepen....skinny-dipping
  • oytofmelyeper....skinny-dip
  • oytofmelyeput....skinny-dipper
  • oytofser....get naked, strip naked
  • oytofxen....denuding, stripping naked
  • oytofxer....denude, strip naked
  • oytofxwa....denuded, stripped naked
  • peltovaril....bugjuice
  • peyetovarea....anthelmintic
  • sumtof....bedclothes, pajamas
  • tapifek tof....sports apparel, sportswear
  • tapifektof....sportswear
  • teaztof....get-up, getup
  • tetof....priestly garb
  • tof byoxgrun....clothes hanger
  • tof yanpixar....clothes pin, clothespin
  • tof yignyef....hamper, laundry basket
  • tof....apparel, clothes, clothing, garment, item of clothing
  • tofabea....being dressed in, wearing, donning
  • tofaben....donning, dressing, getting dressed, putting on clothes, wearing, being dressed in
  • tofaber....be dressed in, wear, clothe, don, dress, endue, get dressed, put on
  • tofabim....dressing room
  • tofabwa....clothed, donned, dressed, put on, worn
  • tofabyoxar....clothes hanger
  • tofber....clothe, cress
  • tofbexlim....coat check
  • tofbwa....worn
  • tofbyoxgrun....hanger
  • tofdras....clothing label, tag
  • tofdrasben....tagging
  • tofdrasber....tag
  • tofdrasbut....tagger
  • tofdrasbwa....tagged
  • tofgrun....clothing hook, tag
  • tofi....toffee, toffy
  • tofien....dressing, getting dressed, putting on clothes
  • tofier....dress, get dressed, put on clothes
  • tofim....closet, clothes closet
  • tofimes....clothes closet
  • tofkex....frisk
  • tofkexen....frisking
  • tofkexer....frisk
  • tofkexwa....frisked
  • tofkyaxam....clothes alternation shop, tailor shop
  • tofkyaxen....clothes altering, tailoring
  • tofkyaxena....sartorial
  • tofkyaxenay....sartorially
  • tofkyaxer....alter clothes, tailor
  • tofkyaxuyt....tailoress
  • tofkyaxwa....tailored
  • tofmazaxul....bluing
  • tofnam....clothes store
  • tofnamut....clothes salesperson
  • tofnav....furbelow
  • tofnixbuut....clothier
  • tofnyeb....clothes hamper, laundry basket
  • tofnyif....clothesline
  • tofoben mojdoyt....strip club, strip joint
  • tofoben....disrobing, striping, stripping, undressing
  • tofobenduz....striptease
  • tofober....denude, disrobe, strip, take off, uncase, unclothe, undress
  • tofobun....exuvia
  • tofobut....stripper, stripteaser
  • tofobwa....bared, denuded, disrobed, stripped naked, unclothed, undressed
  • tofoper....get undressed, undress
  • tofsam....chest of drawers, dresser, wardrobe
  • tofsaxam....tailor shop
  • tofsaxen....making clothes, tailoring
  • tofsaxer....make clothes, tailor
  • tofsaxut....clothes-maker
  • tofsaxuyt....tailoress
  • tofsaxwa....tailor-made, tailored
  • tofsyen....fashion, style of dress
  • toftepkyoxwat....clotheshorse
  • toftim....vestry
  • toftimut....vestryman
  • toftimutyan....vestry
  • tofuen....clothing, dressing
  • tofuer....clothe, dress, put clothes on
  • tofut....wearer
  • tofuwa....clothed, dressed
  • tofwa....garbed, vested
  • tofyafwa....ready-to-wear, wearable
  • tofyan....clothes, clothing, gear, raiment, set of clothes, wardrobe
  • tofyen....garb
  • tofyofwa....unwearable
  • tovsam....chest
  • toyb tofabim....boudoir
  • tryitofaniyn....tryptophanine
  • tudet tof....baby clothes, baby wear
  • twoba tof....menswear
  • utovdea....paradoxical
  • utovdeay....paradoxically
  • utovdus....paradox
  • uttofaber....dress oneself
  • utvitofaber....prink
  • vitof....caparison
  • vitofaber....dress up
  • zoytofaben....putting clothes back on, reclothing, redressing
  • zoytofaber....put clothes back on, re-dress, reclothe, redress
  • zoytofier....get dressed again, put clothes on again, reclothe oneself
  • zoytofuwa....dressed again, reclothed
  • vutof....frump
  • vutofa....frumpish, frumpy
  • vutofat....frump
  • vyakxam ansantof....prison uniform
  • yaba tofsam....highboy
  • yextof....work attire, work dress
  • yigfa yix tof....knockdown
  • yivjobtof....leisurewear

  • abeer toof....wear clothes, have on clothes
  • aber toof....put on clothes
  • aybtoof....overgarments, tracksuit
  • fitoofwa....well-dressed
  • futoofwa....poorly-dressed
  • obeer toof....have no clothes on
  • ober toof....take off clothes
  • otoofsen....undressing
  • otoofser....undress
  • otoofxen....unclothing, undressing
  • otoofxer....take one's clothes off, undress, unclothe, undress
  • otoofxwa....unclothed, undressed, unattired, undressed
  • oybtoof....knickers, under gear, underwear
  • toof....attire, vestment, vesture, clothes
  • toofsam....clothes dresser
  • toofum....clothes closet
  • toofwa....attired, clothed
  • toofxen....clothing, dressing
  • toofxer....clothe, dress
  • toofxwa....clothed, dressed, attired
  • toofyan....clothing
These clothing items refer to the body as a whole. Words where the ordinal vowel is post-y-glided, refer to women.
  • abtaf pyoxar....coat hanger
  • abtaf tibuj....coattail
  • abtaf....coat, overcoat, topcoat
  • abtafsom....coat hanger, coat rack, portmanteau
  • abtaves....apron, overalls, smock
  • angostaf....bodysuit
  • antaf....singlet
  • bokamtaf....hospital gown
  • deztaf....costume
  • deztafen....costuming
  • deztafut....costumer, costumier
  • deztafwa....costumed
  • doptaf....armor
  • fyuztav....sackcloth
  • fyuztava....sackcloth
  • gedattaf....kilt
  • gratafer....overdress
  • gratafwa....overdressed
  • gwayagtaf....maxi
  • gyoa tavyul....scutter
  • gyonaidtaf....pinstripe
  • hyutafinoxbier....freeload
  • hyutafinoxbiut....freeloader
  • Imera yagtaf....caftan
  • imtaf....wetsuit
  • jipotaf....kimono
  • jwamaj taf....housecoat
  • kyaabtaf....parka
  • kyitaf....cloak, tog
  • kyitafim....cloakroom, coat check
  • leotard taf....leotard
  • malyomtaf....snowsuit
  • mamiltaf....mackintosh, raincoat
  • mamiltav....poncho
  • mapovarea kyuabtaf....parka
  • mazutetaf....rochet
  • milvaka kyuabtaf....cagoule
  • milyep taf....bath robe
  • mojtaf....nightwear
  • momtaf....space suit, spacesuit
  • movientaf....dinner jacket
  • mugtaf....hauberk
  • oybabtaf....undercoat
  • oybtaf....undergarment
  • oyebfyaxeltaf....chasuble
  • oyepustaf....jumpsuit
  • patavyul....birdlime
  • pontav....nightshirt
  • rastafarin....rastafarianism
  • romataf....toga
  • romatafwa....togaed
  • sentavo....centavo
  • sumtaf....bedgown
  • taf bi mojob....dress suit
  • taf....outfit, suit
  • tafaben....enrobing, suiting up, putting a suit on
  • tafaber....enrobe, get suited up
  • tafabwa....enrobed, suited up
  • tafbexlum....hatcheck
  • tafbexlumut....hatcheck employee
  • tafen....cladding
  • taffi....taffy
  • tafien....dressing, suiting up, putting on clothes
  • tafier....dress, suit up, put on clothes
  • tafiwa....clad, clothed, dressed, suited up
  • tafnof....suiting
  • tafnyef....portmanteau
  • tafoben....unsuiting, taking off a suit, disrobing
  • tafober....unsuit, take of a suit, disrobe
  • tafobwa....unsuited, disrobed
  • tafoybnadar....hemmer
  • taftyoyf....pantsuit
  • tafuer....enrobe, dress, suit up, clothe, outfit
  • tafut....couturier
  • tafuwa....outfitted, clothed, enrobed, dressed, suited up, clad
  • tafyijun....placket
  • tamtaf....housecoat
  • tapifek engontaf....sweatsuit
  • tav....overalls, smock
  • taves....apron
  • tayeza abtaf....fur coat
  • tettaf....cassock, frock
  • tobyentaf....costume
  • tobyentafwa....costumed
  • totava....pro-god
  • tuj taf....dressing-gown
  • tujtaf....pajamas, pyjama, sleepwear
  • tujtav....nightshirt, undershirt
  • tultav....apron
  • ulster abtaf....ulster
  • utafxen....affording
  • utafxer....afford
  • utafxyafwa....affordable
  • utafxyofwa....unaffordable
  • utxw tafnam....outfitter
  • utxwa tafut....outfitter
  • vitaf....dress suit
  • yagtaf....kaftan
  • yanotay oytafa igput....streaker
  • yiztafaben....outwearing
  • yiztafaber....outwear
  • yiztafabwa....outworn
  • yuxlentaf....uniform
  • zeytafin....transvestism
  • zeytafut....transvestite
  • zuittaf....zoot suit

  • abtayf....pinafore
  • abtayv....work blouse
  • alptayf....dirndl
  • eynyaga tayf....midi
  • kyutayf....mantilla
  • milyep tayf....bathrobe
  • mojtayf....nightdress, nightgown, nightie
  • otufa tayv....halter top
  • tadien tayf....wedding dress
  • tayf....dress, gown, outfit, robe
  • vidaztayf....ballgown
These clothing items are worn on the head (teb). The roots teyf and teyv refer to women's apparel.
  • aber tef....put on a hat
  • atef....baseball cap
  • aybtev....headdress, scarf, veil
  • balaklava tef....balaclava
  • beler tef....wear a hat
  • boy tef....bareheaded
  • diztef....foolscap
  • dotef....coif
  • enzyukpor yigtef....motorcycle helmet
  • etef....beret
  • etefog....biretta
  • Feroma dopa tef....kepi
  • Feroma tef....chapeau
  • feztef....fez
  • fyatef....mitre
  • fyatefwa....mitred
  • gatefuxea....intriguing
  • gatefuxeay....intriguingly
  • gatefuxwa....intrigued
  • gimufyeg tef....cone hat, dunce cap
  • gyitef....cassette
  • itef....bonnet
  • itefbwa....bonneted
  • Juda tef....yarmulke
  • kotefober....unhood
  • koxtef....cowl
  • kyapotef....castor
  • maartef....sunhat, sunbonnet
  • malyomtef....toboggan
  • mamiltef....rain hat
  • milyep tef....bathing cap
  • mukibluta yigtef....miner's hardhat, mining helmet
  • noygentef....mortarboard
  • ober tef....take off a hat
  • otefa....bareheaded
  • oteflawa....inadvertent
  • oteflawan....inadvertence
  • oteflaway....inadvertently
  • poteotef jib....rutting season
  • puix tef....baseball cap, baseball hat
  • purexuta tef....driver's cap
  • stetsontef....stetson
  • tamtef....tam
  • tef byoxar....hat rack, hat stand, hat tree
  • tef nivar....hatpin
  • tef nyoov....hat band
  • tef vyoek....hat trick
  • tef yazkunad....hat brim
  • tef....hatband
  • tefbexar....hat rack
  • tefnam....haberdashery, hat shop, hat store
  • tefnamut....haberdasher, hat seller, hatter
  • tefnyem....hatbox
  • tefnyoov....hat
  • tefnyov....cockade
  • tefober....unhat
  • tefobwa....bareheaded
  • tefoya....bareheaded, hatless
  • tefuka....bareheaded, hatless
  • tefyig....casque, hardhat
  • tev....headscarf, scarf
  • tulxebtef....toque, chef’s hat
  • umvib tef....straw hat
  • utayeftef....karakul
  • utef....top hat, topper
  • xakotef....shako
  • yabtev....headband
  • yabyaga tef....top hat
  • yatef....shapka, turban, wimple
  • yatefabwa....turbaned
  • yetef....kepi, sombrero, toque
  • yexutefa....shorthanded
  • yeztef....cap
  • yigtef....helmet
  • yigtefxwa....helmeted
  • yitef....trilby
  • yobtef....chin bandage, chin brace, shin strap
  • yobtev....chinstrap
  • yotef....beanie, derby hat
  • zapatayebtef....busby
  • zotef....hood
  • zotefwa....hooded
  • zyakuntef....wide-brimmed hat

  • ateyf....caul
  • aybteyv....fichu
  • teyf....headpiece, woman's hat
These clothing items are worn on the trunk of the body (tib). The words tiyf and tiyv refer to women's apparel.
  • adopar zetif....gun belt
  • aybzetif....surcingle
  • bak zetif....medical belt
  • bol zetif....truss
  • doparzyunvaka oybtif....bullet-proof vest
  • dopek tif....battle jacket
  • dopzyunyan zetif....bandileer
  • eyntif....plastron
  • fyatif....alb
  • fyuzetif....shingle
  • Gelima tif....anorak
  • iztyoyaba zetif....orthopedic corset
  • malzfyatif....surplice
  • mamiltif....rain jacket, raincoat
  • mapebea gyatif....windcheater
  • mapebea gyotif....windbreaker
  • movienobtif....tux, tuxedo
  • nas zetif....money belt
  • obtif....cardigan, jacket, vest, waistcoat
  • obzatifaof....lapboard
  • opyexar zetif....buckler
  • puxrun zetif....cartridge belt
  • puxrunogvaka oybtif....bullet-proof vest
  • puxrunova obtif....flak jacket
  • romtif....tunic
  • sim zetif....seat belt
  • simzetif....seatbelt
  • tif....blazer, jacket, suit coat, waist coat
  • tifes....jacket, vest
  • tifwa....jacketed
  • tufuka tif....jerkin
  • ulza zetif....green belt
  • vak tif....life vest
  • vak zetif....life vest, lifebelt, safety belt
  • vakan zetif....safety belt
  • vyitan zetif....chastity belt
  • yagzom mojtif....tailcoat
  • yzetif mugnyaf....belt buckle
  • zetif....band, belt, corset, girdle, hoop, sash
  • zetifben....belting
  • zetifber....belt
  • zetifbut....hooper
  • zetifbwa....belted
  • zetifen....banding, girdling, sashing
  • zetifer....band, girdle, sash
  • zetifober....unbelt, ungird
  • zetifwa....banded, girdled, sashed
  • zetiv....cummerbund, sash
  • zynogyan zetif....bandoleer
  • zyoxtif....straitjacket
  • zyoxtifaber....straitjacket
  • zyunogyan zetif....bandolier
These clothing items are word on the arms (tub) and other parts of the arm. If the ordinal vowel ends in a y, then the clothing item refers to a woman.
  • aybtuaf....epaulette, shoulder pad, shoulder strap
  • eyntuaf....sash, sling
  • eyntuyaf....mit, mitt, mitten
  • fyotuyaf....gauntlet
  • mamil yagtuaf....raincape
  • pixtuyaf....catcher's mitt, pitcher's mitt
  • puix tuyaf....baseball glove, baseball mitt
  • puxuta tuyaf....pitcher's
  • tuaf....shoulder pad
  • tuav....shawl
  • tuayv....shawl
  • tuf....shirtsleeve, sleeve
  • tuyaf....glove
  • tuyav....mitten
  • tuyepyex tuyaf....boxing glove
  • tuyof....cuff
  • tuyov....cuff
  • tuyuf....fingerstall, thimble
  • yagtuayf....cape
  • zatuf....foresleeve
These clothing items are worn on the legs (tyob) and feet (tyoyab).
  • abtyof....overalls, trousers
  • abtyoyaf nyives....bootlace
  • abtyoyaf zyunyiov....bootstrap
  • abtyoyaf....boot, rubber
  • abtyoyafobar....bootjack
  • abtyoyafoya....bootless
  • abtyoyafuka....bootless
  • abtyoyafyelbut....boot polisher, bootblack, shoe shiner
  • apetyobyuvar....martingale
  • apetyoyaf....horse shoe, horseshoe
  • apetyoyafaben....shoeing a horse
  • apetyoyafam....blacksmith shop, blacksmith's shop
  • apetyoyafber....shoe a horse
  • apetyoyafeus....clop
  • atyoyaf....patent leather shoe
  • aybtyoyaf....overshoe
  • aza oxford tyoyaf....brogue
  • bapeitayob abtyoyaf....mukluk
  • boy tyobi oabofwa....barelegged
  • boy tyoyafi....barefoot, barefooted
  • depabtyoyaf....jackboot
  • eon bi tyoyavi....pair of socks
  • eopetaput tyoyaf....buckaroo
  • Eskimo abtyoyaf....mukluk
  • etyoyaf....tennis shoe
  • eyabtyoyaf....buskin
  • eynteatyofa....purblind
  • eyntyoyav....no show sock, slip on padding, slip sock
  • faotyoyaf....clog, sabot, wooden shoe
  • feelktyoyaf....skidpan
  • fyelber tyoyaf....shine a shoe
  • gatyoyofxer....resole
  • getyofwa....unidentifiable
  • gwotyoyf....miniskirt
  • gyatyoyav....bootee, bootie
  • gyotyoyof....patten
  • igtyodifwas....fad
  • igtyodifwasyena....faddish, faddy
  • igtyodifwasyenut....faddist
  • ikay teetyofa....stone-deaf
  • ikay teutyofa....stone-blind
  • ityoyaf....sandal
  • iztyoyaba zetif....orthopedic corset
  • koteatyofwasen....decampment
  • koteatyofwaser....decamp
  • kuteatyofxar....winker
  • kyia yex tyoyaf....brogan
  • kyiabtyoyaf....clodhopper
  • kyinayofa tyof....dungaree
  • malyomtyoyaf....snowshoe
  • mapil abtyoyaf....galosh
  • mapil abtyoyafi....galoshes
  • maptyoyav....windsock
  • memtyoda dauzyaniv....hootenanny
  • naxtyofwa....inappreciable
  • naxtyofway....inappreciably
  • nayoftyofi....bluejeans, jeans
  • nyifobema tyoyaf....espadrille
  • otyodifwa....unpopular
  • otyodifwan....unpopularity
  • otyoyafa....barefoot, barefooted, shoeless
  • otyoyafan....barefootedness, shoelessness
  • otyoyafwa....unshod, unshodden
  • oybtyoyf....pantyliner, slip
  • tabetyoyaf....bootee, bootie
  • taftyoyf....pantsuit
  • tamtyoyaf....house slipper
  • tayoftyof....leggin
  • tufuka tyoyf....gymslip
  • tyobnof....legging
  • tyoev....hose, thigh-length sock
  • tyoevut....hosier
  • tyoevyan....hosiery
  • tyof....culotte, pants, trouser, trousers
  • tyofabyoxar....suspender
  • tyofoben....de-panting
  • tyofober....de-pant
  • tyofobwa....de-panted
  • tyofyag....long pants
  • tyofyog....bermudas, cutoff, cutoffs, shorts
  • tyoif....kneepad
  • tyoiv....knee sock
  • tyomuf....cane, crutch
  • tyomufmuf....peg leg, stilt
  • tyomufuen....caning
  • tyomufuer....cane
  • tyomufuwa....caned
  • tyouf....puttee
  • tyouv....stocking
  • tyouvbexar....garter
  • tyouyv nef....stockinet, stockinette
  • tyouyv....hose
  • tyouyvyan....hosiery
  • tyoyab ifonek....footsie
  • tyoyabamof....muff
  • tyoyaf fyel....shoe polish
  • tyoyaf fyelbut....shoe shine boy
  • tyoyaf fyelut....shoeblack
  • tyoyaf nyives....shoe lace
  • tyoyaf ugar....foot brake
  • tyoyaf yegfiaxut....cordwainer, shoe mender, shoe repairman
  • tyoyaf zyabixar....shoe-stretcher
  • tyoyaf....shoe
  • tyoyafab....shoetree
  • tyoyafaben....putting on shoes
  • tyoyafaber....put on shoes
  • tyoyafabof....bootee, bootie
  • tyoyafaof....footboard
  • tyoyafber....shoe
  • tyoyafbolar....shoelast
  • tyoyafbwa....shod, shodden, shoed
  • tyoyafes....flat shoe, walking shoe
  • tyoyafeus....clomp
  • tyoyafeyub....shoe horn
  • tyoyafibaxrawa....scuffed
  • tyoyafibaxren....scuffing
  • tyoyafibaxrer....scuff
  • tyoyafibaxrun....scuff
  • tyoyafmanx....shoeshine
  • tyoyafmanxut....shoe shiner, shoeshine boy
  • tyoyafnam....shoe shop, shoe store
  • tyoyafnamut....shoe salesman
  • tyoyafnyiv....shoe lace, shoelace, shoestring
  • tyoyafoben....removing one's shoes
  • tyoyafober....remove one's shoes, unshoe
  • tyoyafobwa....barefoot, barefooted, unshod, unshodden
  • tyoyafoya....barefoot, barefooted, shoeless
  • tyoyafsaxam....shoemaker
  • tyoyafsaxem....shoemaking factory
  • tyoyafsaxer....cobble
  • tyoyafsaxut....cobbler, shoemaker
  • tyoyafteubaxut....brown noser
  • tyoyaftilar....shoehorn
  • tyoyafub....flipper
  • tyoyafuka....barefoot, barefooted, shoeless
  • tyoyafut....cobbler, shoemaker
  • tyoyafyan....footwear
  • tyoyafzagon....forefoot
  • tyoyamuf....walking cane, walking stick
  • tyoyav ektobet....sock puppet
  • tyoyav zyeg....spud
  • tyoyav....sock
  • tyoyavyober....trip up
  • tyoyavyobwa....tripped up
  • tyoyavyopen....stumbling, tripping
  • tyoyavyoper....stumble, trip
  • tyoyayf....slipper
  • tyoyayv....stockings
  • tyoyayvbexar....garter
  • tyoyef....heel, shoe heel, spur, talon
  • tyoyefoya....heelless
  • tyoyefuka....heelless
  • tyoyeyf....high heel
  • tyoyf....pantyhose, skirt
  • tyoyfes....petticoat, waist petticoat
  • tyoyfyabendaz....cotillion
  • tyoyib yuvar....ankle bracelet, ankle chain
  • tyoyiv....ankle sock
  • tyoyof....platform, shoe sole
  • tyoyuvar....gyve
  • tyoyuvarer....gyve
  • tyoyv....pantywaist, slip, underskirt, waist petticoat
  • ugar tyoyaf....brake shoe
  • untyoyabnyafxer....hog-tie, hogtie
  • utyovober....excuse oneself
  • utyoyaf....brogan, flip-flop, flipflop
  • uynyaga tyoyav....quarter length sock
  • vidaz tyoyaf....ballet slipper
  • vidaz tyoyf....tutu
  • vityof....dress slacks
  • Wellington yuigof abtyoyaf....gumboot
  • yagtyop tyoyafi....hiking boots
  • yagtyoyav....knee sock
  • yapetyol ebovol....ham sandwich
  • yeba tyoyof....innersole
  • yebtyoyof....insole
  • yugfabwa tyoyaf....slipper
  • yuigof abtyoyaf....gumshoe, rubber boot, galoshes
  • yuigof tyoyaf....thong
  • zatyoyaf....vamp
  • zotyoibof....puttee
  • zotyoiv....calf length sock
The nof family words begin with n meaning commercial and end in f/v meaning textile.

NOF, NOV, -OF, and -OV words


The base word nof means cloth, material, weave and nov means linen. There are truncated stub suffixes, -of and -ov that are used to form portmanteau words meaning types of cloth and linens.
Here is a list of words formed from the above roots:
  • abaunof....cover
  • astrakhana nof....astrakhan
  • bey nofkunviben....purlwise
  • ganofxen....reweaving
  • ganofxer....reweave
  • ganofxwa....rewoven
  • ganofyanxen....re-sewing
  • ganofyanxer....re-sew, resew
  • ganofyanxwa....re-sewn
  • ganovolzilber....redye
  • gevob nofyigxul....cornstarch
  • gixenof....strop
  • gyonaidnof....pinstripe
  • gyonof....gauze
  • gyonofyena....gauzy
  • gyonofyenan....gauziness
  • kexunovaren....goalkeeping
  • kexunovarut....goalkeeper, goaltender
  • kyunov....gossamer
  • lonofnyafxer....burl
  • lonofnyafxwa....burled
  • lonofxer....unweave
  • lonofyanxer....unseam
  • magyelnov....oilcloth
  • meigyena nof....pebbleweave cloth
  • meknov....dustcloth
  • memnof....groundsheet
  • mesnof....serviette
  • milnov grun....towel hook
  • milnov sammoys....towel rack
  • milnov....towel
  • milnoves....towelette
  • milnovxen....toweling
  • milnovxer....towel down
  • milnovxwa....toweled down
  • mimkum milnov....beach towel
  • mimofnof....sailcloth
  • nof....cloth, textile, tissue, woven material
  • nofa....cloth, textile
  • noffun....fag
  • nofgyixut....fuller
  • nofir....weaving loom
  • nofkunvib....purl
  • nofkunviber....purl
  • nofnuiam....mercery
  • nofnuien....mercery
  • nofnuiut....mercer
  • nofnunyan....mercery
  • nofnyaf....burl
  • nofsin....embroidery
  • nofsinen....embroidery
  • nofsiner....embroider
  • nofun....textile
  • nofunyonxar....swingle
  • nofunyonxer....swingle
  • nofuzyun....bolt of fabric
  • nofxen....weaving
  • nofxenyef....workbasket
  • nofxer....weave
  • nofxut....weaver
  • nofxwa....woven
  • nofyanx....hemstitch, seam
  • nofyanxtuyn....dressmaking
  • nofyanxuyt....seamstress
  • nofyexut....weaver
  • nofyigxul....carb
  • nofyoner....rip up
  • nofyonwa....torn up
  • nofyonx....rip
  • nofyonxar....scissor, scissors
  • nofyonxaren....scissoring
  • nofyonxarer....scissor
  • nofyonxarwa....scissored
  • nofyonxer....rip apart
  • nofyonyofwa....unrippable, untearable
  • nov....cloth, linen, rag
  • noves....gussy, rag
  • novgorf....tatter
  • novgorfer....tatter
  • novgorfwa....tatterdemalion, tattered, tatty
  • novgorfwat....tatterdemalion
  • novib....cloth decoration
  • novim....linen room
  • novmugnyif....gimp
  • novsam....linen chest
  • novsinen....embroidering
  • novsiner....embroider
  • novsinut....embroiderer
  • novsinwa....embroidered
  • novum....linen closet
  • novumxar....clothes drier
  • novxuta goblar....trivet
  • novyan....linens, lingerie
  • novyanbiren....shirring
  • novyanbirer....shirr
  • novyanbirwa....shirred
  • novyilxam....launderette, laundrette, laundry
  • novyilxam....laundromat
  • novyilxen....laundering, laundry
  • novyilxer....do laundry, launder, wash clothes
  • novyilxil....laundry detergent
  • novyilxim....laundry room
  • novyilxir....washing machine
  • novyilxut....launderer, laundryman
  • novyilxuyt....laundress, laundrywoman
  • novyilxwa....laundered
  • novyixzyuk....wince, winch
  • novzyiar sem....ironing board
  • novzyiar....iron
  • novzyiaren....ironing, pressing
  • novzyiarer....iron, press
  • novzyiarwa....ironed, pressed
  • nunuinof....embargo
  • oglanof....microfiber
  • okoxnofxer....uncloak, uncover
  • okoxnofxwa....uncloaked, uncovered
  • onofxwa....unwoven
  • onofyanxwa....torn
  • onofyizwa....unironed
  • ovlatwanovak....unsureness
  • puxrunova obtif....flak jacket
  • siunof....whiff
  • tafnof....suiting
  • tayebnof....haircloth
  • teb abunof....head covering
  • tebzan abunof....facial covering
  • tebzanof....facecloth, yashmak
  • tiavnof....shirting
  • tojnofaber....enshroud
  • tolar milnov....dishtowel
  • tolarnof....dishcloth
  • tub yuznof....armband
  • tulnov uzun....napkin ring
  • tulnov....napkin
  • tuyab milnov....hand towel, napkin
  • tyobnof....legging
  • ujbwa nofkunad ....selvage
  • ujbwa nofkunad....selvedge
  • unkunof....lapel
  • utmilnovxen....toweling oneself down
  • utmilnovxer....towel oneself down
  • viyuznof....stole
  • yanof....adhesive, tape
  • yanov....bloc, sect
  • yanovaden....compromising
  • yanovadwa....compromised
  • yansuana nofun....synthetic fiber
  • yebnofyanx....inseam
  • yelnof....oilskin
  • yigfa utayefa nof....duffel
  • yonof....rip
  • yonofar....scissors
  • yonofer....rip
  • yonofun....rip
  • yonofwa....torn
  • yugfa melza yuznovabea dref....kraft
  • yuznof....bandage, swathe
  • yuznofaber....bandage
  • yuznofabwa....bandaged
  • yuznofber....swathe
  • yuznofes....band-aid
  • yuznofoben....unbandaging
  • yuznofober....unbandage
  • yuznofobwa....unbandaged
  • yuznov....wrap, wrapper, wrapping
  • yuznovabea dref....wrapping paper
  • yuznovaben....wrapping
  • yuznovaber....wrap
  • yuznovabwa....wrapped
  • yuznovoben....unwrapping
  • yuznovober....unwrap
  • yuznovobwa....unwrapped
  • zuikina novib....rickrack
  • zyanofir....broadloom
  • zyanofirwa oybmasof....broadloom
  • zyanofirwa....broadloom
  • zyoga favova nof....batiste
  • zyonov....strip

  • aagmimof....mainsail
  • aagyuzmepfaof....motherboard
  • abaof....blanket, cover
  • abdrenabof....marquee
  • aber sindrof....put up a poster
  • abmimof....topsail
  • abof....canopy, tarp, tarpaulin
  • absuemof....comforter
  • akdoof....pennant
  • Amerinda tamof....tepee, wigwag
  • angonxwa yuzmep drof....integrated circuit
  • aoksagdrof....scoreboard
  • aopfaof....gangplank
  • apaxlof....swab, swabbing cloth
  • apaxof....wipe, wiping cloth
  • aybtoof....overgarments, tracksuit
  • ayuigof....latex
  • bexfaof....batten
  • bikof....band aid, bandage, patch
  • bilyig faof....cheeseboard
  • buixarfaof....springboard
  • byaxer siundrof....stick up a sign
  • byaxer tamof....pitch a tent
  • byoxwa faof....scaffold
  • cekerekdrof....checkerboard
  • deldrof....ad, banner, billboard, sign
  • dezof....curtain
  • dindrof....storyboard
  • dipdoof....pennant
  • diztomof....big top
  • dodres drof....bulletin board
  • doof....banner, flag, national colors
  • drasin drof....drawing board
  • drof....board, cardboard, carton
  • dyeskof....book jacket, dust jacket
  • dyezof....movie curtain, movie screen, silver screen
  • ejnayuigof....neoprene
  • endrof....binder
  • fababof....bowery
  • falofaof....thill
  • faof....board, plank
  • faogonesdrof....particle board, particleboard
  • faogosdrof....chipboard
  • favof....cotton linen
  • feelk misof....iron curtain
  • fevof....flax, linen
  • fivof....hemp
  • fuvof....jute
  • fyasem abof....baldacchin, baldachin
  • fyasim masof....chancel
  • gingan favof....gingham
  • goblen faof....chop block, cutting board
  • gyanafxwa suemof....coverlet
  • gyofavof....muslin
  • gyolof....sheer
  • ifek drof....game board
  • imof....washcloth
  • inguna bexmimof....jib
  • jatajof....caul
  • kipasfaof....skateboard
  • kof....shroud
  • koxof....cloak
  • kupen faof....slide, sliding board
  • kuzyifaof....sideboard, sidepiece
  • kyamisof....scrim
  • kyobexea bikof....adhesive tape
  • leovolen faof....pastry board
  • lonapfaof....shuffleboard
  • maka siundrof....electronic signboard
  • malof....cirrocumulus
  • malujbof....weatherstrip
  • malyomfaof....snowboard
  • malza drof....whiteboard
  • malzdrof....whiteboard
  • malzyuyn yuigof....bubblegum
  • mamil abof....rain canopy, rain tarp
  • manuwabof....marquee
  • mas drof....blackboard, wallboard
  • masazulfaof....plasterboard
  • masfaof....wainscot
  • masof....carpet, tapestry
  • mekkof....dust cover
  • mekovof....dust ruffle
  • melukxen kof....cerement
  • mes kufaof....doorjamb, jamb
  • mes oybfaof....doorsill, sill
  • mesabof....awning, canopy
  • mesof....portiere
  • meyagdrof....chalkboard
  • milpuslen faof....diving board
  • milyaz faof....surf board
  • milyoplen faof....diving board
  • mimof....sail, sheet
  • mimoffaof....sailboard
  • mimpyaos faof....surf board
  • mimyaz faof....surf board
  • mimyazfaof....surfboard
  • Minima tamof....yurt
  • misabof....awning
  • misof....curtain
  • molza drof....blackboard
  • molzdrof....blackboard
  • movkof....smokescreen
  • moynabof....bowery
  • mufesdrof....pegboard
  • muyvdrof....pinboard
  • nifaof....fiberboard, fibreboard
  • Nivuta tamof....hogan
  • nundeldrof....billboard
  • nunem timof....market stall
  • nyifujdrof....plugboard
  • obeer toof....have no clothes on
  • ober sindrof....take down a poster
  • ober toof....take off clothes
  • obzatibfaof....laptop
  • obzatifaof....lapboard
  • ovol faof....breadboard
  • oyb koxof....under cover
  • oybkof....lining
  • oybmas faof....floorboard
  • oybmasaof....parquet
  • oybmasof....carpet
  • oybtoof....knickers, under gear, underwear
  • podiz tomof....circus tent
  • purilp izeadrof....traffic sign
  • pyoslen faof....gang plank
  • raduzarfaof....keyboard
  • seuxfaof....soundboard
  • simzom zefaof....splat
  • sindren drof....drawing board
  • sindrof....picture board, poster
  • siundrof....billboard, poster, sign board, signboard
  • sizfaof....palette
  • soamimof....lateen
  • soilkgos drof....circuit board
  • suemof....bedspread, counterpane
  • sumabaof....counterpane
  • sumtebfaof....headboard
  • syobfaof....baseboard
  • taibyuzof....cambium
  • tamof....tent
  • taogoblen faof....butcher block, chopping block, cutting board
  • tayebexof....snood
  • tayezobkof....fur lining
  • teab dof....eye chart
  • teabkof....blindfold
  • tebosof....brain tissue
  • timof....booth, lean-to, shelter, stall
  • tolyebof....grocery bag
  • tomof....pavilion
  • toybkof....purdah
  • tuloxdrof....scratchboard
  • tuundrof....data panel, information board
  • tuwasdrof....bulletin board
  • tuyaxer doof....wave a flag
  • tuyufaof....fingerboard
  • tyoyabamof....muff
  • tyoyafabof....bootee, bootie
  • tyoyafaof....footboard
  • uijbar drof....switch board
  • unkuna mimof....lugsail
  • usanfaof....oxbow
  • utayefyuzkof....cotta
  • uzbwa faof....bentwood
  • uzyubea masof....treadmill
  • vipof....chamoix
  • vulobfaof....dartboard
  • vupof....chamois
  • vyilxen faof....washboard
  • vyilxof....wash cloth, washcloth, washrag
  • xahmatek drof....chessboard
  • xeusfaof....clapperboard
  • yaber ha dezof....raise the curtain
  • yebabaof....liner
  • yebof....bag, sack
  • yigfaof....hardboard
  • yivbyasea tejnaga sindrof....standee
  • yober ha dezof....lower the curtain
  • yober ha misof....lower the curtain
  • yobix drof....blackboard, chart, pull-down chart, whiteboard
  • yobmimof....lowermost sail
  • yogmisof....teaser
  • yugsrof....elastic
  • yuigof....caoutchouc, gum, rubber
  • yuijarfaof....clavier
  • yuijbyafwa misof....jalousie
  • yujbof....tampon
  • yuzbarar drof....clipboard
  • yuzkof....blanket, wrap, wrapping
  • yuzof....girdle, sash, wrap-around, wraparound
  • zamapa ungunmimof....raff
  • zamapmimof....spinnaker
  • zamimof....foresail
  • zatomof....awning, overhang, pavilion
  • zofaof....backboard
  • zomisof....backcloth, backdrop
  • zotyoibof....puttee
  • zoyneof....backstitch
  • zuibaxer ha doof....wave the flag
  • zyanofirwa oybmasof....broadloom
  • zyifaof....board, plank of wood
  • zyofaof....clapboard
  • zyoxbikof....tourniquet
  • zyupea misof....window shade

NAF and subordinal words


The base word naf means fabric
The sub-elements of naf are:
  • naaf....drape
  • naef....canvas
  • naif....velvet
  • nauf....veil
  • nayof....denim
  • nayaf....corduroy
  • nayef....nylon
  • nayif....rayon
  • nayuf....satin
  • naalof....baize, organdie, organdy
  • naalaf....broadcloth, organza
  • naalef....cheviot
  • naalif....cretonne
  • naaluf....crinoline
  • naelof....gabardine
  • naelaf....delaine, georgette, grosgrain
  • naelef....cambric
  • naelif....gunny, gunnysack
  • naeluf....lisle
  • nailof....hessian
  • nailaf....sateen
  • nailef....serge
  • nailif....tweed
  • nailuf....??
  • naulof....spandex

NEF and subordinal words


The base word nef means stitch, hatch, knit
The sub-elements of nef are:
  • neaf....net, web, mesh, grid, fretwork, reticulation, grate
  • neef....lace
  • neif....braid
  • neof....cross-stitch
  • neuf....wicker
  • neyof....loop
  • neyaf....wale
  • neyef....band, stripe, fillet
The "World Wide Web" is Ha Zyamira Neaf.
Here are some words derived from nef and its sub-elements:
  • apeltneaf....cobweb, spider web, spider's web, spiderweb
  • apeyeneef....tulle
  • drurnefzyiun....silkscreen
  • ebneaf....lattice, network, web, internet
  • ebneafea....interweaving
  • ebneafxen....enmeshment, interweaving, enmeshing
  • ebneafxer....interweave, inweave, enmesh
  • ebneafxwa....interwoven, latticed, enmeshed
  • ebneafyan....latticework
  • ebnefxer....dovetail, raddle
  • ennef....twill
  • ennefxer....twill
  • ennefxwa....twilled
  • fubnefyan....wattle
  • gunmugneyef....spline
  • gyoneyef....thong
  • jwobar neyef....watchband
  • kuneyef....sideband, stave
  • kuneyefxwa....staved
  • lonefxer....unknit
  • loneifxer....unbraid, unplait
  • makrama nef....macrame, macramé
  • melneyef....riving
  • mugneaf....trellis, wire mesh, wire-mesh
  • mugnef yuzmas....grated fence
  • mugnef....grate, grid, griddle, grill, grille
  • mugnefmagelar....grill
  • mugnefmageler....charbroil
  • mugnefmagelwa....charbroiled, grilled
  • mugnefmagyeler....cook on a grill out
  • mugnefmagyelur....grill
  • mugnefyan....grating, grillwork
  • neaf....fretwork, grate, grid, grill, lattice, mesh, net, network, reticulation, web
  • neafdraves....blog
  • neafdravesut....blogger
  • neafeb....webmaster
  • neafek zyun....tennis ball
  • neafek....tennis
  • neafekem....tennis court
  • neafekut....tennis player
  • neafgoblar....grater
  • neafgoblawa....grated
  • neafgobler....grate
  • neafmansinuar....webcam
  • neafmuf....racquet
  • neafmufzyun ifek....racquetball
  • neafnod....website
  • neafser....mesh
  • neaftyoyab....webfoot
  • neafxen....webbing
  • neafxer....mesh
  • neafxut....webber
  • neafxwa....meshed, webbed
  • neafyan....netting, webbing
  • neef....lace
  • neefa....lacy
  • neefaya....lacy
  • neefika....lacy
  • neefsanxer....gauffer
  • neefxer....enlace
  • neefyan....lacework
  • neefyexun....dentelle
  • nef....cross stitch, hatch, knit, lattice, net, tricot
  • nefab....pistachio tree
  • nefar....crochet needle, darning needle, knitting needle
  • nefartabos....spinneret
  • nefdruren....serigraphy
  • nefdrurun....serigraph
  • nefeb....pistachio
  • nefgrunar....crochet needle
  • nefgrunen....crocheting
  • nefgruner....crochet
  • nefgrunut....crocheter
  • nefgrunwa....crocheted
  • nefiaf....pullover
  • nefmuf....distaff
  • nefsunyen....mesh
  • nefur....spinner, spinning wheel
  • nefuz....crook, hook, loop
  • nefxa tof....knitwear
  • nefxam....spinnery
  • nefxar....loom
  • nefxen zyuk....spinning wheel
  • nefxen zyun....darning ball
  • nefxen....darning, knitting, reticulation, spinning, weaving
  • nefxer....darn, knit, spin, weave
  • nefxut....darner, knitter, spinner, weaver
  • nefxuyt....knitter, spinster, webster
  • nefxwa....darned, knitted, spun
  • nefxwas....knit
  • nefyan....crosshatch, lattice, netting, network
  • nefyanxen....crosshatching
  • nefyanxer....crosshatch
  • nefzyiun....filter, sieve
  • nefzyiunen....filtering, sieving
  • nefzyiuner....filter, sieve
  • nefzyiunuka....unscreened
  • nefzyiunwa....filtered, sieved
  • nefzyun ifek....net ball, netball
  • neif....braid
  • neifxen....braiding
  • neifxer....braid
  • neifxwa viaben....galloon
  • neifxwa....braided
  • neof....cross-stitch
  • neuf....wicker
  • neufa....made of wicker
  • neufmimpar....coracle
  • neufyan....wickerwork
  • neufyem....wicker basket
  • neufzyebag....demijohn
  • neyaf....wale
  • neyef goypir....band saw, band-saw
  • neyef goypur....bandsaw
  • neyef kosag....bar code
  • neyef....band, filet, fillet, strip
  • neyefzyaan....bandwidth
  • neyof....loop
  • neyofxen....looping
  • neyofxer....loop
  • neyofxwa....looped
  • otunefa....uncurious
  • otunefan....lack of curiosity
  • oybneefun....doily
  • pansin neyef....filmstrip
  • patayeb zyun neafek....badminton
  • pitneaf....fish net, trammel
  • pitnef....seine
  • pitnefxer....seine
  • pitnefxut....seiner
  • pitpexnef mimpar....trawler
  • pitpexnef....trawl
  • pitpexnefxer....trawl
  • pitpix nef....fishing net, fishnet
  • sagzyiunefwa....dialup
  • ser tunefa vyel....be interested in
  • ser tunefxwa bey....be interested in
  • sineyef....frieze
  • syobneyef....baseband
  • tamnefxwa....homespun
  • tayeb neaf....hair net, hairnet
  • tayebneif....cornrow
  • tayebneifxer....cornrow
  • tayef neyef....bandeau
  • tayef neyefi....bandeaux
  • tayobilneyef....sweatband
  • tayofneyef....welt
  • tayoneyef....thong
  • teb neyef....bandana, bandanna
  • teuzneyef....voiceband
  • teyoneyef....neckband
  • tianef....pullover, sweater
  • tuyob neyef....wrist band, wristband, wristlet
  • tyouyv nef....stockinet, stockinette
  • vakneaf....safety net
  • vinef kugoblun....picot
  • vinef....embroidery, fancywork
  • yanbexneyef....ferrule
  • yopelatnef....mosquito net
  • yubkiyabkinef....herringbone
  • yuigof neyef....rubber band
  • yuzneyefxen....swaddling
  • yuzneyefxer....swaddle
  • yuzneyfxea....swaddling
  • zetibneyef....waistband
  • zobixlea nef....dragnet
  • zoyneof....backstitch
  • zoyneofxen....backstitching
  • zoyneofxer....backstitch
  • zoyneofxwa....backstitched
  • zyamira neaf....WWW, worldwide web
  • zyaneyef nyif....broadband cable
  • zyaneyef....broadband, wideband
The base word nif means thread, fiber, yarn and niv means strand, floss. Here are some words derived from these roots:
  • abdreniv....super-text
  • annivartyen....tatting
  • aonab bi dreniv aonad....column of text
  • cauzuniviben....cloisonne
  • cauzunivibwasyan....cloisonne
  • dreniv uinad....row of text
  • dreniv vyaleaxen....copy-editing, text editing
  • dreniv vyaleaxut....copy editor, text checker
  • dreniv....copy, text
  • dreniva....textual
  • drenivay....textually
  • dreniven....composing, drafting
  • dreniver....compose, draft
  • drenivgon....passage of text, pericope
  • drenivnad....line of text
  • drenivseib....marquee
  • drenivun....compilation, composition, draft
  • drenivut....composer, drafter
  • drenivwa....composed, drafted
  • duzar nifgrun....tailpiece
  • ebnada dreniv....interlinear text
  • ejna tam yaniv....housewarming
  • enuzpixnif....parbuckle
  • fyelnif....wick
  • gayanifxen....reattachment
  • gayanifxer....reattach, restitch, retie
  • gayanifxwa....reattached
  • glayanivput....big party-goer
  • gra yigay nifxwa....overstrung
  • gyanifar....bodkin, botkin
  • gyayanif....rope stitch
  • gyinif....catgut
  • gyonifxwa....strung up
  • gyonivwa....finespun
  • kyisnif puxdopar....bola
  • kyoyanifxwa....sessile
  • loyanifxer....take out the stitches, unstitch
  • memtyoda dauzyaniv....hootenanny
  • mojyaniv....soiree, soirée
  • nad bi dreniv....line of text
  • nif yuzun....loop of thread
  • nif zyun....ball of yarn
  • nif....fibre, thread, yarn
  • nifa....fibrile
  • nifaof....fiberboard, fibreboard
  • nifar....needle, spicule
  • nifarbal....acupressure
  • nifarbek....acupuncture
  • nifarbekut....acupuncturist
  • nifarbyeb....needle stack of needles
  • nifaren....needlepoint
  • nifartyen....needlework
  • nifaruen....needling
  • nifaruer....needle
  • nifarun....needlework
  • nifarut....seamster
  • nifaruut....needler
  • nifaruwa....needled
  • nifaryan....hackle
  • nifarzyeg....eye of a needle
  • nifber....thread
  • nifeb....marcona almond
  • nifen....stringing
  • nifglan....skein
  • nifnak....sett
  • nifog....fibril
  • nifuvoben....unpinning
  • nifuvober....unpin
  • nifuvobwa....unpinned
  • nifuzaxer....entwine, entwist
  • nifuzpexar....snare
  • nifuzpexarut....snarer
  • nifuzpexarwa....snared
  • nifuzrer....slub
  • nifwa....strung
  • nifxut....sewer
  • nifxuyt....seamstress, sempstress
  • nifyanx....sleave, suture
  • nifyaz....fibroid
  • nifyena....fibrous, threadlike, thready, wiry
  • nifyenan....fibrosity, wiriness
  • nifyija....threadbare
  • nifyonxer....sleave
  • nifyuzen....tying up
  • nifyuzer....tie up
  • nifyuzwa....tied up
  • nifzyebar....threader
  • nifzyeben....threading
  • nifzyeber nifar....thread a needle
  • nifzyebwa....threaded
  • nifzyev....fiberglass, fibreglass
  • nifzyun....clew
  • niv....floss, strand
  • nivar suaym....pin cushion, pincushion
  • nivar....pin
  • nivarabnod....pinhead
  • nivarben....poking
  • nivarbwa....poked
  • nivaren....pinning, pricking, prickling, sticking
  • nivarer....pin, poke, prick, prickle, stick
  • nivarwa....pinned, pricked, prickled, stuck
  • nivaryea....prickly
  • nivaryean....prickliness
  • nivaryena....prickly
  • nivarzyeg....pinhole
  • nivarzyega....pinpoint
  • nivleovol....spaghetti
  • nivober....unthread
  • ogladreniv....microtext
  • okodrawa dreniv....plaintext
  • onivarer....unpin
  • oybdrenif....substring
  • oybdreniv....subtext
  • pansindreniv....videotex
  • pansinifek....videogame
  • pansinifut....cinephile
  • pasea dreniv....marquee, scrolling text
  • seuxika yaniv....shindig, shindy
  • taeb nif....muscle fiber
  • tayib nif....nerve fiber
  • tayibnifyaz....ganglion
  • tayibnifyaza....ganglionic
  • teeper yaniv....attend a party
  • tef nivar....hatpin
  • teupibniv....floss
  • teupibniven....flossing
  • teupibniver....floss
  • teyof nivar....tie tack
  • tiibilnif....fibrin
  • tojbyox yuznif....hangman's knot, hangman's rope
  • tolnif....bulk
  • uinab bi dreniv....row of text
  • uinivyan....weevil, weft
  • vibwa nivar....stickpin
  • yagniv....lengthwise thread, warp
  • yangyonifxen....stringing together
  • yangyonifxwa....strung together
  • yanif....stitch
  • yanifar....knitting needle, stitching needle
  • yanifek....match
  • yanifir....sewing machine
  • yanifnad....scar, seam
  • yanifnadaya....seamy
  • yanifnadika....seamy
  • yanifnadoya....seamless
  • yanifnaduka....seamless
  • yanifnadxen....seaming
  • yanifnadxer....seam
  • yanifnadxwa....seamed
  • yaniftyen....couture
  • yanifun....sewn material
  • yanifxen....sewing, stitchery, stitching
  • yanifxer....seam, sew, stitch together
  • yanifxut....stitcher
  • yanifxwa....sewed, sewn, stitched
  • yansauna niv....leitmotif, leitmotiv
  • yignifxwa....hard-wired, hardwired
  • yizdreniv....hypertext
  • yonifen....taking the stitches out
  • yonifwa....unsewn, unstitched
  • yonifxer....take the stitches out, unsew
  • yonivea....fraying
  • yoniver....fray
  • yonivwa....frayed, fraying
  • yovlaniv....schadenfreude
  • zedreniv....text body
  • zyugyanif....lasso
  • zyugyanifxer....lasso
  • zyunifek....ballgame
The base word nuf means button, knob. The -uf stuff suffix is for things that resemble a button or knob, such as the head of a nail. The -uf can also be a truncation of muf, meaning something cylindrical. Here are some words derived from this root:
  • apenuf....rein
  • apenufobwa....unreined
  • apenufoya....reinless
  • apenufuj....bit
  • apenufuka....reinless
  • apenufwa....reined
  • apenufyan....bridle
  • apenufyanober....unbridle
  • apenufyanobwa....unbridled
  • apenufyanxer....bridle
  • apenufyanxwa....bridled
  • apenufyenxen....bridling
  • apetebnuf....headstall
  • be yanuvtax bay....in sympathy with
  • buxnuf....pushbutton, key
  • buxnufsemes....keyboard
  • dunufek....battle of words, spat, verbal conflict, verbal exchange, word fight
  • dunufeker....spat
  • enuv....ogee
  • fyelmanufog....taper
  • geltoobifanufa....homophobic
  • geltoobifanufan....homophobia
  • geltoobifanufut....homophobe
  • ginuv....ogive
  • ifonuva....love-sick, lovelorn, lovesick
  • ifonuvan....love-sickness
  • ifonuvat....lovelorn
  • ignuf....snap
  • ignufujber....unsnap
  • ignufxen....snapping
  • ignufxer....snap
  • ignufxwa....snapped
  • ignufyijben....snapping open
  • ignufyijber....snap open
  • ignufyijbwa....snapped open
  • ignufyujben....snapping shut
  • ignufyujber....snap shut
  • ignufyujbwa....snapped shut
  • lonufxen....unbuttoning
  • lonufxer....unbutton
  • lonufxwa....unbuttoned
  • manuf....candle
  • manufar....candelabra, candle holder, candlestick, chandelier
  • manufbelar....candelabrum
  • manufbelaryan....candelabra
  • manufman....candlelight
  • manufnyiyf....candlewick
  • manufsaxut....candler
  • manufsaxuyt....candlewoman
  • manufut....chandler
  • manufyafon....candlepower
  • manufyan....candelabra
  • manufyujar....snuffer
  • masnuf....stud
  • mes nufag....door knob, doorknob
  • mimpar nyanufbem....moorage
  • mimpar nyanufben....moorage, mooring
  • mimpar nyanufnoyx....moorage
  • mugnuf....metal button, nailhead, stud
  • mugnufben....studding
  • mugnufber....stud
  • mugnufbwa....studded
  • mugnufika....studded
  • nuf....button
  • nufag....knob
  • nufagaya....knobby, nubby
  • nufagayan....knobbiness
  • nufagika....knobby, nubby
  • nufagikan....knobbiness
  • nufagyena....knob-like
  • nufeb....ginkgo nut
  • nufxen....buttoning
  • nufxer....button
  • nufxwa....buttoned
  • nufzyeg....button hole, buttonhole
  • nufzyegvos....buttonniere
  • nyanufar....holdfast
  • nyanufber....moor, strap on
  • nyanufbwa....moored
  • nyanufen....tying
  • oapenufyanxwa....unbitted
  • onufwa....untied
  • oyanuvtaxdwa....unconsoled
  • poyxnuf....pause button
  • suv nuf....nail head
  • tadienuf....misogamy
  • tadienufut....misogamist
  • tebnuf....headstall
  • teubnuf....bit
  • teudnuf....call button
  • tiubnuf....bellybutton, navel
  • tuyov mugnufi....cuff links
  • uzyusuv nuf....screw head
  • xeyn bi yanuvtos....act of compassion
  • zyuber mes nufag....turn a doorknob
  • zyuber nufag....turn a knob
The base word nyof means film and nvov means tape, ribbon. Here are some derived expressions:
  • anyof....cellophane
  • doyov yuznyov....tapeline
  • dyez nyof....celluloid, movie film
  • ilokebea nyov....friction tape
  • kaxonyofwa....insolvable, irresolvable, unsolvable
  • kaxonyofwan....irresolvability, unsolvability
  • nofyonyofwa....unrippable, untearable
  • nyof....film, pellicle
  • nyofam....film studio
  • nyofar....film camera
  • nyofaren....filming
  • nyofarer....film
  • nyofarut....film technician
  • nyofarwa....filmed
  • nyofyan....footage
  • nyov leovol....flat noodle, ribbon noodle
  • nyov taxdrar....tape recorder
  • nyov....ribbon, tape, viscose
  • nyovben....tying up with a ribbon
  • nyovbwa....beribboned
  • nyovvos....bow, ribbon bow
  • nyovxer....tie up with a ribbon
  • nyovxwa....tied up with a ribbon
  • oglanyof....microfilm
  • oglanyofuen....microfilming
  • oglanyofuut....microfilmer
  • pansin nyof....celluloid, film, motion picture film, motion picture film, movie film
  • pansinnyov....videotape
  • taxdrawa be nyof....recorded on film
  • teesnyov....audiotape
  • tefnyov....cockade
  • vinyov....cordon
  • zyuyk bi nyof....reel of film, spool of film
The base word nyaf means knot, tangle. Here are some words using this root:
  • drefnyafar....brad
  • ebnyafa....internodal
  • ebnyafxea....interconnecting
  • ebnyafxen....interconnecting, interconnection
  • ebnyafxer....interconnect
  • ebnyafxus....interconnector
  • ebnyafxwa....interconnected
  • ebtaibnyaf....ligament
  • ensaunyafwa....duplicable
  • fabnyaf....burl, gnarl, knag, knar
  • fabnyafaya....gnarly
  • fabnyafika....gnarly
  • fabnyafxwa....gnarled
  • fabnyafyena....gnarly
  • fanyafa....stubborn
  • fonyafon....will-power, willpower
  • gaanyafer....re-connect
  • gaanyafser....re-connect, reconnect
  • gaanyafxen....reconnecting, reconnection
  • gaanyafxer....reconnect
  • gaanyafxun....reconnection
  • gaanyafxwa....reconnected
  • ganyafxer....refasten
  • gelsaunyafwa....duplicable
  • glasanyafwa....diversifiable
  • glasaunyafwa....diversifiable
  • izbyenyafwa....maneuverable
  • izbyenyafwan....maneuverability
  • kaxonyafwa....resoluble, resolvable, solvable
  • kaxonyafwan....resolvability, solvability
  • kyasaunyafwa....diversifiable
  • kyupnyaf....slip knot, slipknot
  • lonofnyafxer....burl
  • lonofnyafxwa....burled
  • lonyafen....unbinding, unlacing, untying
  • lonyafxen....denouement, disconnection, disentanglement, disentangling, loosening, loosing, resolution, resolving, straightening out, unfastening, unknotting, untangling, untying
  • lonyafxer....disconnect, disentangle, loosen, ravel, resolve, straighten out, unfasten, unknot, unsnarl, untangle, untie, unbind, unlace
  • lonyafxwa....disconnected, disentangled, loosened up, resolved, straightened out, unfastened, unknotted, untangled, untied, unbound, unlaced, untied
  • lonyafxwan....disconnectedness
  • lonyafxway....staccato
  • lonyafyafwa....resolvable
  • lonyafyafwan....resolvability
  • mugnyaf....buckle, clasp
  • mugnyafaben....buckling
  • mugnyafaber....buckle
  • mugnyafabwa....buckled
  • mugnyafober....unbuckle
  • mugnyafobwa....unbuckled
  • mugnyafxen....buckling
  • mugnyafxer....buckle up
  • mugnyafxwa....buckled up
  • nofnyaf....burl
  • nyaf....binding, bond, connection, gnarl, knot, liaison, ligature, nodule, tangle, tie
  • nyafa....nodular
  • nyafab....pili tree
  • nyafar....clasp, fastener
  • nyafaren....fastening
  • nyafarer....fasten
  • nyafarwa....fastened
  • nyafat....liaison officer
  • nyafaya....gnarly, natty
  • nyafayan....nattiness
  • nyafeb....pili nut
  • nyafgyox....slub
  • nyafika....gnarly, natty
  • nyafikan....nattiness
  • nyafovol....pretzel
  • nyafser....bind, bond with, connect, fasten, get entangled, get knotted, get tangled up, knot up, liaise with, tangle
  • nyafson....entanglement, knotty problem, tangled mess
  • nyafsonika....knotty, messy, tangled
  • nyafxen....binding, connection, entanglement, fastening, imbroglio, knotting, liaison, ligation, ravel, snarling, tangling, tying
  • nyafxer....bind, clasp, connect, entangle, fasten, knot, ligate, ravel, snarl, tangle, tie
  • nyafxun....allegiance, league, maze
  • nyafxunyena....mazy
  • nyafxwa....afoul, clasped, connected, entangled, fastened, gnarled, knotted, snarled, tangled, tied
  • okasonyafwa....unsolvable
  • onyafxwa....unconnected
  • otepsinyafwa....unimaginable
  • oyanyafxen....untangling
  • oyanyafxer....untangle
  • oyanyafxwa....untagled
  • tayeb nyafar....barrette
  • tedrunyafwa....impressionable
  • umvab yannyaf....stook
  • untyoyabnyafxer....hog-tie, hogtie
  • uzunnyaf....bowline
  • xer anyafxeni....make connections
  • yanyaf....bundle, knot, tangle
  • yanyafxen....bundling, knotting, tangling
  • yanyafxer....knot, tangle
  • yanyafxwa....bundled, knotted
  • yevdenyaf....prerogative
  • yonsanyafwa....diversifiable
  • yonyafen....resolving, unknotting, unleashing, untying
  • yonyafer....unknot, unleash
  • yonyafwa....unleashed, untied
  • yonyafyofwa....impossible to get unknotted, irresolvable
  • yoonnyaf....cinquefoil
  • yuznyaf....binding
  • yuznyafxen....binding
  • yuznyafxer....bind
  • yuznyafxwa....bound
  • zetif mugnyaf....belt buckle
  • zonyafxwas....tieback
The base word nyef means basket. The variant nyev means sack, bag. Here are some derived words:
  • aayuxnyef....first aid kit
  • apetolnyef....feedbag
  • apetsimnyef....saddlebag
  • donasnyef....fisc
  • donasnyefa....fiscal
  • donasnyefay....fiscally
  • doparnyef....holster
  • drefnyef....paper bag, paper sack
  • dyes nyef....book bag
  • ennyef....pannier
  • fyumul nyef....garbage bag, garbage sack
  • fyus nyef....trash bag
  • fyus yignyef....waste basket
  • grafinyevdea....hypercritical
  • grafinyevdean....hypercritically
  • grana ponyefyan....excess baggage
  • hyasnyef....ragbag
  • ilnyef....bursa
  • ilnyefi....bursae
  • ilzilnyef....cholecyst
  • lobelunyef....trash bag
  • lobexun nyef....trash bag
  • malnyef....air sack, airbag
  • mapnyef....windbag
  • masofnyef....carpetbag
  • maylnyev....gasbag, gasholder
  • megnyef....gabion
  • mieknyef....sandbag
  • milnyef....bucket
  • namnyef....shopping bag
  • nasnyef....scrip
  • nofxenyef....workbasket
  • nyef....bag, basket, bossa, mesh, sac, sack, skep
  • nyefab....kola
  • nyefag....holdall
  • nyefben....bagging
  • nyefbut....bagger
  • nyefeb....kola nut
  • nyefel....cola
  • nyefes....utricle, utricular
  • nyefik....sackful
  • nyefikon....bagful
  • nyefog....small bag
  • nyefovol amxar....waffle iron
  • nyefovol....waffle
  • nyefpyexar....racket
  • nyefpyexarek....battledore
  • nyeftyen....basketry, basketwork
  • nyefyan....baggage
  • nyefyena....baggy
  • nyefyenan....bagginess
  • nyevber....bag up
  • nyevbwa....bagged
  • nyevyan....baggage
  • nyusber ha ponyefi....pack the bags
  • ofinyevdea....noncritical
  • ofinyevdyea....uncritical
  • ofinyevdyeay....uncritically
  • ovol yignyef....breadbasket
  • oyepuxun yignyef....trash basket
  • pitpexnyef....coop
  • pityignyef....creel
  • ponyef belar....baggage rack, luggage barrow, luggage cart, luggage rack
  • ponyef belut....porter, redcap
  • ponyef kaxim....baggage claim room
  • ponyef....travel bag
  • ponyefyan....baggage, luggage
  • poteub yignyef....muzzle
  • puxrun nyef....cartridge pouch
  • safeylnyef....teabag
  • sanyeven....criticism, critiquing
  • sanyever....criticize, critique
  • sanyevwa....critiqued
  • sazulnyef....plastic bag
  • sonyev....critique
  • sonyever....critique
  • sonyevut....critique
  • tabnyef....body bag, cyst
  • tabnyefa....cystic
  • tafnyef....portmanteau
  • tebnyef....skullcap
  • teibnyef....nosebag
  • tilutnyef....satchel
  • tistam nyef....schoolbag
  • tof yignyef....hamper, laundry basket
  • tolnyef....grocery bag, grocery sack
  • tuabnyef....satchel, shoulder bag
  • tuj nyef....sleeping bag
  • tujnyef....sleeping bag
  • tuyanyef....handbag, pocketbook
  • tuyepyex nyef....punching bag
  • twiyibnyef....scrotum
  • twiyibnyefa....scrotal
  • twiyibnyefi....scrota
  • uveb nyef sim....beanbag chair
  • uveb nyef....beanbag
  • veebnyef....seedlep, seedlip
  • veeybnyef....grain sack
  • yagnyef....flasket
  • yangonnyefxen....contexture
  • yebtabnyefben....encystment
  • yebtabnyefber....encyst
  • yejub ponyef....weekender
  • yibnyuxnyef....mail pouch, mailbag
  • yignyef....basket
  • yignyefik....basketful
  • yignyefzyun ekut....cager
  • yignyefzyun....basketball
  • yonyevdea....discriminating
  • yonyevden....discrimination
  • yonyevder....discriminate
  • yonyevdus....discriminant
  • yonyevdut....discriminator
  • yonyevdwa....discriminated
  • yonyevdyea....discriminatory
  • zotib nyef....backpack, rucksack
  • zotib ponyef....travel backpack
  • zotibnyef....backpack, knapsack, rucksack
  • zotibnyefen....backpacking
  • zotibnyefut....backpacker
  • zyigiar abnyef....scabbard
The base word nyif means cord, cable, wire. The variant nyiv means string, lace. Here are some derived words:
  • aybnyif dompur....tram
  • aybnyifpur....cable car
  • belnyif....lanyard
  • biyxnyif....towline, towrope
  • buixnyif pusen....bungee jumping
  • buixnyif puser....bungee jump
  • buixnyif pusut....bungee jumper
  • buixnyif....bungee cord
  • byoxnyif....hangman's rope, noose
  • caulknyif....copper wire
  • dinyiflat....hero of the story, protagonist
  • dinyiflayt....female protagonist
  • dinyifrayt....heroine of the story
  • ebnyifxen....intercabling
  • eonyif....twine
  • eonyifxea vob....twiner
  • eonyifxen....intertwining
  • eonyifxer....intertwine, twine
  • eonyifxwa....intertwined, twined
  • eonyifzyun....ball of twine
  • exea maknyif....live wire, livewire
  • eynonyifwa....semidetached
  • feelknyif....iron filament
  • fyadilnyif zyunog....rosary bead
  • fyadilnyif....rosary
  • ganyifber....rewire
  • grunxwa nyif....barbed wire, barbwire
  • gyanyif uiben....cablecasting
  • gyanyif uibun....cablecast
  • gyanyif yibsiniar....cable t.v.
  • gyanyif....cable
  • gyonyif....cablet, thin wire
  • loeonyifxen....untwining
  • loeonyifxer....untwine
  • loeonyifxwa....untwined
  • lonyanyifxer....unleash
  • lonyanyifxwa....unattached
  • lonyifxen....detachment
  • lonyifxer....detach
  • lonyifxun....detachment
  • lonyifxwa....detached
  • lonyifxyafwa....detachable
  • maka nyif....electric cable, electric cord, electric wire
  • maka nyifuj....electric plug
  • maka nyifujibar....electric outlet, electric socket
  • maka nyifyuj....electric plug
  • maknyif....electrical cord
  • maknyifbut....lineman
  • maknyifibar....electrical socket
  • maknyifut....linesman
  • meysyanyif....hank
  • meysyanyifxer....hank
  • milnyif....hose
  • milnyifuen....hosing
  • milnyifuwa....hosed
  • mimpur nyifyantut....boatswain
  • mimpurnyif....hawser
  • mufzyegebnyif....coir
  • mugnyif....metal wire
  • mugnyifvixun....filigree
  • mugnyifvixwa....filigreed
  • novmugnyif....gimp
  • nyif....cable, cord, rope
  • nyifab....hickory
  • nyifanyut....rigger
  • nyifbexar....cleat
  • nyifbixer....trice
  • nyifbixwa ifektob....marionette
  • nyifdazut....rope dancer
  • nyifdras....cable, cablegram
  • nyifdrawa....cabled, telegraphed
  • nyifdren....cabling, telegraphing
  • nyifdrer....cable, telegram, telegraph
  • nyifdrut....telegrapher, telegraphist
  • nyifes....filament, thin wire
  • nyifesaya....filamentous
  • nyifesika....filamentous
  • nyifgimuf....marlin spike, marlingspike, marlinspike
  • nyifmuf....bollard
  • nyifobema tyoyaf....espadrille
  • nyifoya....cordless, wireless
  • nyifpixar....slingshot
  • nyifpixer....lasso, rope
  • nyifpixuz....lasso
  • nyifpur....funicular
  • nyifsaxam....ropery
  • nyifsaxem....ropewalk
  • nyifsaxen....ropemaking
  • nyifsaxut....ropemaker
  • nyiftibuf....shoelace tag
  • nyiftyoput....funambulist
  • nyifuben....cabling, wiring
  • nyifuber....cable, wire
  • nyifubwa....cabled, wired
  • nyifuj....plug
  • nyifujdrof....plugboard
  • nyifujibar....outlet, plug, socket
  • nyifujoyeben....unplugging
  • nyifujoyeber....unplug
  • nyifujoyebwa....unplugged
  • nyifujyeben....plugging in
  • nyifujyeber....plug in
  • nyifujyebwa....plugged in
  • nyifujyem....socket
  • nyifuka....cordless, wireless
  • nyifukay....wirelessly
  • nyifun....rigging
  • nyifuwa....wired
  • nyifwa....leashed
  • nyifxea....attaching
  • nyifxen....attaching, roping
  • nyifxer....attach, corder, rope
  • nyifxun....attachment
  • nyifxut....roper
  • nyifxwa....attached, roped, tied
  • nyifxyafwa....attachable
  • nyifyan....cordage, rigging, roping
  • nyifyena....ropey, ropy
  • nyifzeyn....ropeway
  • nyifzyumuf....bobbin
  • onyifsar....wireless device
  • onyifujyeber....unplug
  • onyifujyebwa....unplugged
  • oybnyifpur....cable car
  • oynyifa....wireless
  • pettebnyif....halter
  • pixnyif....lariat, lasso
  • pixnyifen....lassoing
  • pixnyifxer....lasso
  • pixnyifxut....lasso wrangler
  • pixnyifxwa....lassoed
  • pusnyif....jump rope
  • pyexnyif....whip
  • pyexnyifuen muf....whipping post
  • pyexnyifuen....whipping
  • pyexnyifuer....whip
  • pyexnyifut....whipper
  • pyexnyifuwa....whipped
  • tayofa pyexnyif....quirt
  • teyof yanyifar....tie clip, tiepin
  • tofnyif....clothesline
  • tojbyox yuznyif....noose
  • uzra nyifyig....whipcord
  • vak nyif....lifeline
  • vaknyif....tether
  • yafon nyif....power cable
  • yanyif....clasp, clip, lease, leash, liaison
  • yanyifben....clipping
  • yanyifber....clip
  • yanyifbwa....clipped
  • yanyifxen....binding, leashing, tying
  • yanyifxer....bind, clasp, connect, leash
  • yanyifxwa....bound, clasped, leashed
  • yaobnyif....halliard, halyard
  • yuigof nyif....rubber hose
  • yuznyif....lariat, lasso
  • yuznyifxen....lassoing
  • yuznyifxer....lariat, lasso
  • yuznyifxwa....lassoed
  • zebnyif....tightrope
  • zebnyiftyopen....tightrope-walking
  • zebnyiftyoput....tightrope walker
  • zetiuba nyif....umbilical cord
  • zeynyifyan....ratlin, ratline
  • zyaneyef nyif....broadband cable
  • abtyoyaf nyives....bootlace
  • bixnyiv....drawstring
  • doegonyiva....licentious
  • doegonyivan....licentiousness
  • doegonyivay....licentiously
  • dofinyiva....unscrupulous
  • dofinyivay....unscrupulously
  • ebnyiven....interlacing
  • ebnyiver....interlace
  • ebnyivwa....interlaced
  • ebnyivyan....fretwork
  • ennyivduzar....monochord
  • enyiv....quint
  • ganyivxer....restring
  • membexenyiv....tenure
  • nunyiv....franchise
  • nunyivxut....franchiser
  • nunyivxwam....franchise
  • nunyivxwat....franchisee
  • nyiv....string
  • nyiven....lacing
  • nyiver....lace up
  • nyives....lace
  • nyivober....unstring
  • nyivtuin....string theory
  • nyivtulobeay....pizzicato
  • nyivwa....laced
  • nyivxer....string up
  • nyivxut....stringer
  • nyivxwa duzar....string instrument
  • nyivxwa....stringed
  • nyivyena....stringy
  • nyivyenan....stringiness
  • olebnyivxwa....noninterlaced
  • onyiver....unlace
  • onyivwa....unlaced, unstrung
  • tyoyaf nyives....shoe lace
  • tyoyafnyiv....shoe lace, shoelace, shoestring
  • uzdopar nyiv....bowstring
  • yanyiven....stringing together
  • yanyivwa....strung together
  • yanyivxer....string together
The base word nyuf means package, parcel. Some derived words follow:
  • ganyufxen....repackaging
  • ganyufxer....repack, repackage
  • ganyufxwa....repackaged
  • janyufber....prepackage
  • janyufbwa....prepackaged
  • nyuf....bale, bundle, pack, parcel, package
  • nyufag....bin, crate
  • nyufagben....crating
  • nyufagber....crate
  • nyufagbwa....crated
  • nyufapetsim....packsaddle
  • nyufbam....packing house
  • nyufben....packing, parceling up
  • nyufber....packed, parcel up
  • nyufbut....packer
  • nyufbwa....parceled
  • nyufes bi givomuvi....pack of cigarettes
  • nyufes....packet, pack
  • nyufuben....parcel post
  • nyufxen....bundling, packaging, packing
  • nyufxer....bundle, package, pack
  • nyufxut....baler, packager, packer
  • nyufxwa....bundled, packaged, packed
  • nyuxer nyuf....deliver a package
  • onyufxen....unpacking
  • onyufxer....unpack
  • onyufxwa....unpacked
  • taolnyufbam....packinghouse
  • umvab nyuf....bale of hay
The stems in this family begin with m, meaning place and end in s, meaning thing. The words all have something to do with parts of a building or house, i.e. masonry.
M-S Core Words
mos....floor omos....ground floor
amos....first floor
mas....wall abmas....roof
masof ....carpet
mes....door zames....front door
zomes....back door
mesnufag....door knob
mesyuznad....door frame
mestuyar....door handle
mis....window miszyef....window pane
mus....stairs musnog....step, stair rung
magmus....fire escape
musabnod ....climax
The root word mos means floor, while moys means layer, stratum. Here are some derived words:
  • aa mos sim....main floor seat, orchestra seat
  • aa mos....first floor, main floor
  • abmos....top floor, upper floor
  • abmoszom....quarterdeck
  • amos....first floor, rez-de-chaussée
  • anmosa....single-story
  • anmostam....rambler, ranch home
  • dezamos simyan....parterre
  • dezmos....stage floor
  • dezzamos....stage floor, stage platform
  • ebmos....entresol, mezzanine
  • emos....second floor
  • enmos toames....maisonette
  • eonmosa yuzpur....double-decker bus
  • gladezmosa....multistage
  • glamosa....hi-rise, multi-floor, multi-story, multistory
  • inmosa....triplex
  • inmostam....triplex
  • mos bolmuf....girder, joist
  • mos....floor
  • mosben....laying down flooring
  • mosber....lay down flooring
  • mosbut....floor-layer
  • mosnyexumber....put in storage
  • mosoybem....spandrel
  • mossembexar....bracket
  • ob ha dezmos....off the stage
  • omos....ground floor
  • oybmos....basement, sub-floor
  • oyebzyimos....deck, outdoor deck
  • umos....orlop
  • yabmostames....penthouse
  • yabwa zyimos....estrade
  • zemos....mezzanine
  • zo ha dezmos....behind the stage
  • zyimos....deck, platform

  • aber sammoys....put on a shelf
  • abmoys....upper echelon, upper layer
  • anmoysa....single-layer, single-layered
  • aybmagsammoys....mantel, mantelpiece
  • domoys....social stratum
  • dota moys....social layer, social stratum
  • dyes sammoys....bookshelf
  • dyes sammoysyan....book shelving, bookcase, bookstack
  • ebmoys....in-between layer
  • glamoysa....multi-layered
  • glamoysben....multi-layering
  • glamoysbwa....multilayered
  • goler bu zyomoysi....laminate
  • gyomoys....layer, patina
  • gyomoysben....layering
  • gyomoysber....layer
  • gyomoysbun....layer
  • gyomoysbwa....layered
  • inmoysfaob....plywood
  • makmugmoysber....galvanize
  • makmugmoysbwa....galvanized
  • mes zamoys....door sill
  • milnov sammoys....towel rack
  • moys....layer, stratum
  • moysben....layering
  • moysber....layer
  • moysbwa....layered
  • moysika....layered
  • mumaozyeg sammoys....stempel
  • neyxen sammoysyan....stock shelving
  • nyexen sammoys....stock shelf, storage shelf
  • nyexen sammoysyan....storage shelving
  • ober sammoys....take off a shelf
  • obsammoysa....off-the-shelf
  • okrawa sammoys....thrashed
  • oybmoys....bottom layer, sub-layer, sublayer
  • oybtayebmoys....underfur
  • sammoys nyen....shelf stock
  • sammoys....shelf
  • sammoysaba....on-the-shelf
  • sammoysaber....put on the shelf, shelve
  • sammoysabut....shelf clerk, shelver
  • sammoysben....shelving, stocking
  • sammoysber....shelve, stock
  • sammoysbwa....shelved
  • sammoystej....shelf life
  • sammoysyan....etagere, rack, shelves, shelving, stack
  • tayebmoys....meninx
  • tayebmoysa....meningeal
  • tayebmoysi....meninges
  • tebosa oyebmoys....cerebral cortex
  • tolmek sammoys....spice rack
  • tummoys....plasm
  • vabmoys....sod, turf
  • vabmoysa....turfy
  • vabmoysbwa....turfed
  • vayob oyebmoys....periderm
  • yijber sammoys....clear a shelf
  • yoba moys....lower layer
  • zyimoys....platform
  • zyomoys....lamina
  • zyomoysa....laminar
  • zyomoysaxen....lamination
  • zyomoysaxer....laminate
  • zyomoysaxwa....laminated
The root word mas means wall. The diminutive mays means screen. Here are some derivations:
  • abkumas....cornice, ledge
  • abmas....clearstory, clerestory, clerstory
  • abtamas zyiyujem....rooftop terrace
  • abtamas....roof
  • abtamasben....roofing
  • abtamasber....roof
  • abtamasbut....roofer
  • abtamasbwa yija yabtem....loggia
  • abtamasbwa....roofed
  • abtamasgin....gable
  • abtamasginaya....gabled
  • abtamasginika....gabled
  • abtamasoya....roofless
  • abtamasoybun....eave
  • abtamasuka....roofless
  • abtomasned....rooftop
  • abzamas sim....balcony seat
  • abzamas....balcony
  • abzamasog....parterre
  • aybkumas....cornice, ledge
  • aybmas bolmyuf....rafter
  • aybmas muf....overhead beam
  • aybmas....ceiling, overhead
  • aybmasmis....hatch
  • aypuysmas....hurdle
  • dezmas....skene
  • dezyem uzmas....apron, proscenium
  • dezzomassin....backcloth, backdrop, scenery, theatrical scenery
  • dom yuzmas....city wall
  • dommas....city wall
  • dopa mas....bulwark, rampart
  • dopa melmas....earthwork
  • dopekmasi....battlements, ramparts
  • ebmas....partition
  • ebmasben....partitioning
  • ebmasber....partition
  • ebmasbwa....partitioned
  • faoba oybmas....wood floor
  • fubyuzmas....raddle
  • fyadil oybmasoyf....prayer rug
  • fyasim masof....chancel
  • golmas....partition, room divider
  • golmasben....partitioning
  • golmasbwa....partitioned
  • grailp mas....flood wall, levee
  • graovmasber....overprotect
  • graovmasbyea....overprotective
  • Ha Agta Ovmas Mimegag....The Great Barrier Reef
  • ha Uzaybmas bi Ark....the Arch of Triumph
  • ilikmas....flood wall
  • kumas....embankment, sidewall
  • maar abtamas....sun roof
  • maarabtamas....sunroof
  • magmas....firewall
  • maka mas ibzyeg....electric wall socket
  • mapmas....windbreak
  • mas bi mag....wall of fire
  • mas drof....blackboard, wallboard
  • mas ibzyeg....wall socket
  • mas jwobir....wall clock
  • mas....wall
  • masa zyub....parietal lobe
  • masa....parietal
  • masag....high wall
  • masaz....breastwork
  • masazul....daub, gypsum, plaster of Paris, poultice
  • masazulben....daubing, plastering
  • masazulber....daub
  • masazulbut....dauber, plasterer
  • masazulbwa....daubed, plastered
  • masazulfaof....plasterboard
  • masbolmuf....buttress
  • masbolmufwa....buttressed
  • mas-bu-mas....wall-to-wall
  • masbwa....walled
  • masbyexar....knocker
  • masdras....placard, poster
  • masdref....wallpaper
  • masdrefben....paperhanging
  • masdrefbut....paperhanger
  • masfaof....wainscot
  • masfaofxen....wainscoting
  • masfaofxer....wainscot
  • masgon....panel
  • masgrun....wall hook
  • masmekyel....stucco
  • masmekyelben....stuccoing
  • masmekyelber....stucco
  • masmekyelbwa....stuccoed
  • masnuf....stud
  • masof tayeb....carpet pile
  • masof....carpet, tapestry
  • masofben....carpeting
  • masofbwa....carpeted
  • masofnam....carpet store
  • masofnamut....carpet merchant, carpet salesman, carpet seller
  • masofnyef....carpetbag
  • masofog....mat
  • masofsaxen....carpet-making
  • masofsaxer....make carpets
  • masofsaxut....carpet-maker
  • masofvyixar....shampooer
  • maspyoxun....wall hanging
  • massin....mural
  • massinut....muralist
  • massum....banquette
  • massuv....stud
  • massuvabar....stud gun
  • massuvaben....studding
  • massuvaber....stud
  • massuvabwa....studded
  • massyob....plinth
  • mastum....cabinet
  • mastumxaxut....cabinetmaker
  • mastumyan....cabinetwork
  • mastuz....wall art
  • mastyen....masonry
  • mastyena....masonic
  • mastyenut....mason
  • masul....walling
  • masxen....bricklaying, building, masonry
  • masxer....build
  • masxun....masonry
  • masxut....bricklayer, builder, mason
  • masxuta....masonic
  • masxwa....built
  • masyan....masonry, walling
  • masyij....hatch, hatchway
  • maszyeg....porthole
  • mefmas....brick wall
  • megmas....parapet, stonewall
  • melmas....balk, berm, parapet, rampart
  • mepkumas....embankment
  • mes oybmasoyf....doormat
  • milmaka mipovmas....hydroelectric dam
  • milmas....embankment, levee
  • milovmas....causeway, dam, dyke, levee
  • milovmasben....damming
  • milovmasber....dam
  • milovmasbwa....dammed
  • milyep oybmasoyf....bath mat, bathmat
  • mimmas....seawall
  • mimovmas....breakwater
  • mimpurmasyan....bulkhead
  • mipovmas....dam, river dam
  • mipovmasben....damming
  • mipovmasber....dam
  • mipovmasbwa....dammed
  • mufmas....palisade, pen, stockade
  • mugnef yuzmas....grated fence
  • mumujmas....coalface
  • obmas....foundation
  • obtammas....foundation
  • obtommas....foundation
  • obyexyea mas....protective wall
  • obzamas....porch, portico
  • olovmasber....lift the blockade
  • olovmasbwa....undefended
  • opyexyea mas....defensive wall
  • ovbukmas....bulwark, defense, defensive wall, rampart
  • ovmas....barricade, barrier, blockade
  • ovmasben....barricading, barring, blockading
  • ovmasber....bar, barricade, block, blockade
  • ovmasbier....protect oneself, shield oneself, take shelter
  • ovmasbin....protectionism
  • ovmasbina....protectionist
  • ovmasbinut....protectionist
  • ovmasbut....blocker, defender, protector, shielder
  • ovmasbwa....barred, barricaded, blockaded, blocked, dammed, defended, protected, shielded
  • ovmasbyafwa....defensible
  • ovmasbyafway....defensibly
  • ovmasbyea abaun....protective covering
  • ovmasbyea bikuen....protective custody
  • ovmasbyea nuxyef....protective duty, protective tariff
  • ovmasbyea tof....protective clothing
  • ovmasbyea vyesag....protective quota
  • ovmasbyea....protective
  • ovmasbyean....defensiveness
  • ovmasbyeay....defensively
  • ovmasober....deprive of protection, expose
  • ovmasobwa....deprived of protection, exposed
  • ovmasog....escutcheon
  • ovmasoya....defenseless
  • ovmasoyan....defenselessness
  • ovmasuka....defenseless
  • ovmasukan....defenselessness
  • ovmasukay....defenselessly
  • oybmas faof....floorboard
  • oybmas vyixar....floor sweeper, floor cleaner
  • oybmas vyixir....electric floor sweeper
  • oybmas....floor
  • oybmasaof....parquet
  • oybmasaoftyen....parquetry
  • oybmasmis....hatch
  • oybmasof....carpet
  • oybmasoyf....rug
  • oybmasvyixar....broom, sweeper
  • oybmasvyixarer....use a broom on
  • oybmasvyixirer....use an electric sweeper on
  • oybmasyan....flooring
  • oyboybmas....underfloor
  • oyeba mas....outer wall
  • oyebmas....facade
  • oyebmasben....walling out
  • oyebmasber....wall out
  • oyebmasbwa....walled out
  • oyeybmasa....extramural
  • oyuzmasbwa....undefended, unenclosed, unfenced, unprotected
  • syobmas....footing, pedestal, substratum, underpinning
  • taamziunmas....backstop
  • tabovmas....body armor, body shield
  • tammag oybmasoyf....hearthrug
  • ummas kipmuv....molly bolt
  • ummas....drywall
  • ummegmas....dyke
  • umvibwa abtamas....thatched roof
  • utibmasbwa....autoimmune
  • utibmasbwan....autoimmunity
  • uzabmas jwameg....quoin
  • uzabmasyena....fornicate
  • uzaybmas....arch, vault, vaulted ceiling
  • uzaybmasika....vaulted
  • uzaybmasyan....arcade
  • uzyubea masof....treadmill
  • vyamas....actuality, fact, real thing, something real, substance
  • vyamasyan....actualities, body of facts, news
  • yaba mas....high wall
  • yagmas....long wall
  • yeba mas....inner wall
  • yebmasben....walling in
  • yebmasber....wall in
  • yebmasbwa....walled-in
  • yebmasob....dado
  • yeybmasa....intramural
  • yimmas....flood wall
  • yivmastyenut....freemason
  • yonmas....partition
  • yonmasben....partitioning, walling off
  • yonmasber....partition, wall off
  • yonmasbwa....partitioned
  • yonmasbwe....walled off
  • yuzmas....circular wall
  • yuzmasben....walling in
  • yuzmasber....wall in
  • yuzmasbwa....walled in
  • yuzmasbwem....enceinte
  • zamas....front wall, protection
  • zamasben....protection
  • zamasbenina....protectionist
  • zamasber....protect, put a wall in front
  • zamasbus....prophylactic
  • zamasbwa....protected
  • zamasbyea....prophylactic, protective
  • zamasbyean....protectiveness
  • zomas....back wall, backdrop
  • zomasbaxwa....immured
  • zomasben....immuring
  • zomasber....immure
  • zomassin....backdrop, scenery
  • zyanofirwa oybmasof....broadloom
  • zyuabtamas....dome
  • zyuabtamassana....domed

  • byoykmays....stocks
  • byuxmays....touchscreen
  • dopek mays....battlement
  • dyez mays....movie screen, silver screen
  • faobmays....wood panel
  • feelkmays....grill, iron screen
  • fubyuzmays....hedge
  • fyasem zomays....altarpiece
  • golwa mays....split screen
  • ika mays....full screen
  • jamaysuen....pre-screening
  • jamaysuer....pre-screen
  • jamaysuwa....pre-screened
  • kumays meg....curb stone, curbstone
  • kumays zyun....curb ball
  • kumays....curb
  • maaryafon zyevmays....solar power panel
  • magmays....fireguard, firescreen
  • man mays....light screen
  • man zaypuxen mays....light projection screen
  • mapmays....windscreen
  • mays sin....screen image
  • mays....bulkhead, fence, panel, partition, screen, septum
  • maysam....cupboard
  • maysben....fencing, paneling, partitioning
  • maysber....fence in, panel, partition, put a screen
  • maysbwa....fenced in, paneled, partitioned
  • maysuen vyayek....screen check
  • maysuen....screening
  • maysuer....screen
  • maysuwa....screened
  • maysyan....paneling
  • melmuf yuzmays....picket fence
  • mepkumays....curb, embankment, road shoulder
  • milmays....small dam, weir
  • mulyonxea mays....colander, filter, filtering screen, sieve, strainer
  • ojamaysuwa....unscreened
  • pansin mays....video screen
  • pansinmays....motion picture screen
  • sizwa mays....taffrail
  • ulza mays....green screen
  • vigobler fubyuzmays....trim a hedge
  • vyabarmays....dashboard
  • yebmaysben....fencing in
  • yebmaysber....fence in
  • yebmaysbwa....fenced-in
  • yibsin mays....t.v. screen
  • yuzmays....fence, paling
  • yuzmaysben....fencing
  • yuzmaysber....fence in
  • yuzmaysbwa....fenced in
  • zamays....revetment
  • zaymays....bulkhead
  • zomays....backdrop
  • zosinmays....backcloth
  • zyevmays....glass panel
The root word mes means door, portal. The diminutive meys means gate.

Here are some derivations:

  • be mesmep bi....on the threshold of
  • be zames bi....on the threshold of
  • bi mes-bu-mes....door-to-door
  • bi mestob....janitorial
  • dezmes....trap door, trapdoor
  • enmespur....coupe
  • eonxwa mes....storm door
  • eynmes....half-door
  • gumzyegek mes....billiards table, pool table
  • kipea mes....sliding door
  • kua mesabaun....side porch
  • kumes....side door
  • lobexer ha mes ija av....leave the door open for
  • mes abexar....door handle
  • mes beaxut....doorkeeper
  • mes bexmuf....door handle
  • mes byexar....door knocker, doorknocker
  • mes kipmuv....door bolt
  • mes kufaof....doorjamb, jamb
  • mes muf....doorpost
  • mes nufag....door knob, doorknob
  • mes oybfaof....doorsill, sill
  • mes oybmasoyf....doormat
  • mes oybun....sill, threshold
  • mes poxar....doorstop
  • mes seusar....doorbell
  • mes syoib....door hinge
  • mes tuyabar....door handle
  • mes yijar....door opener
  • mes yijbut....doorman
  • mes yugar....door check
  • mes yujlar....door lock
  • mes yuvar....door chain
  • mes yuzkunad....door frame, doorframe
  • mes zamoys....door sill, doorsill
  • mes zyiun....doorplate
  • mes....door, hatch, port, portal
  • mesabab....porch, portico
  • mesabof....awning, canopy
  • mesag....porte-cochere
  • mesbelar....gurney
  • mesbikut....bouncer
  • mesbyexar....door knocker
  • mesmep....doorway, threshold
  • mesnad....enfilade
  • mesnog....doorstep
  • mesof....portiere
  • mestob....janitor
  • mesyuxlut....footman
  • mesvyixuyt....busgirl
  • meszan....threshold, stoop
  • nuxer be ha mes....pay at the door
  • oyepmes....egress, outlet, exit door
  • oyepmes yijmuv....latchkey
  • patubasea mes....flapper, shutter, valve
  • pexmes....trap door, trapdoor
  • purmes....portier
  • viyepmes....portal
  • yabmostames....penthouse
  • yepmes....entry door
  • yexmes....worktable
  • yija mes....open door
  • zaa mesabaun....front porch
  • zames....front door
  • zamesag....porte cochere
  • zaopmes....swinging door
  • zoa mesabaun....back porch
  • zomes....back door, backdoor
  • zomespur....hatchback
  • zosyoibmes....tailboard, tailgate
  • zyefmes....French door
  • zyuber mes nufag....turn a doorknob
  • zyupea mes....revolving door

  • bixpur meys....train gate
  • dremeys....davenport
  • feelk meys....iron gate
  • fyameys....lychgate
  • glameysa....multiport
  • ilpmeys....floodgate
  • meys beaxam....gatehouse
  • meys muf....gatepost
  • meys....gate, gateway
  • meysbeaxut....gatekeeper
  • meysika yanotnyan....gated community
  • meysika....gated
  • meysmep....gateway
  • meysog....wicket
  • meysyan....gating
  • meysyanyif....hank
  • meysyanyifxer....hank
  • mimuip meys....tide gate
  • poxmeys....barred gate, barrier, ticket barrier
  • sarmeys....dashboard
  • totem meysi....gates of heaven, gates of paradise
  • yebmeys....gateway
  • yimmeys....flood gate
  • yixnuxmeys....tollgate
  • zeymeys....transept
The root word mis means window and is featured in the following derivations:
  • abmis....fanlight
  • abtim mis....attic window
  • aybmasmis....hatch
  • drurunes mis....ticket window
  • eynmis....flap, shutter
  • feelk misof....iron curtain
  • inmakmis....triode
  • kumis....casement
  • kyamisof....scrim
  • makmis....electrode
  • makmiseon....diode
  • mamis....skylight
  • mimmis....porthole
  • mis moynar....window shade
  • mis obkunad....window sill, windowsill
  • mis yuzkunad....window frame
  • mis....window
  • misab....pelmet
  • misabof....awning
  • misag....dormer window
  • misben....fenestration
  • misebnad....spandrel
  • misef....lattice
  • mises....scuttle, ticket window
  • misesber....scuttle
  • misof....curtain
  • misog....attic window, dormer window, skylight
  • misoya....windowless
  • misoyebim....balcony
  • mistral map....mistral
  • misuka....windowless
  • misvib....valance
  • misyan....fenestration, windowing
  • misyaz....oriel
  • misyuijar....flap, shutter, valve
  • miszyef....window pane, windowpane, pane of glass
  • nam mis....shop window
  • nammis....shop window
  • nunam mis....shop window
  • oybmasmis....hatch
  • oybmisbolar....lintel
  • oyebmispuxen....defenestrating, defenestration
  • oyebmispuxer....defenestrate
  • oyebmispuxwa....defenestrated
  • purpuen mis....drive-up window
  • sinmis....picture window
  • syagnasiut misog....cashier's window
  • teatmis....viewport
  • tujyemmis....dormer
  • volzzyefmis....stained glass window
  • yaobwa misabun....venetian blind
  • yober ha misof....lower the curtain
  • yobuxmis....shutter
  • yogmisof....teaser
  • yuijbyafwa misof....jalousie
  • zamisabun....awning
  • zemisaomuf....mullion
  • zemisaomufika....mullioned
  • zomisof....backcloth, backdrop
  • zyozanmis....embrasure
  • zyupea misof....window shade
The root word mus means stairs, scale
  • agala duzmus....major scale
  • dabmus....hierarchy
  • dabmusa....hierarchical
  • dabmusay....hierarchically
  • dabmuseb....hierarch
  • dota mus....social ladder
  • dota musnog....social rung
  • dota musyapren....social climbing
  • dota musyaprut....social climber
  • duz mus....musical scale
  • duzmus....musical scale, scale
  • gladabmusa....polyhierarchical
  • magmus....fire escape
  • makmus....escalator
  • milmus....sluice
  • mimpar ebmus....companionway
  • mus zyutum....stairwell
  • mus....stair, staircase, stairs, stairway
  • musabnod....climax, peak, top of the ladder, top of the scale
  • musabnoda....climactic
  • musabnodxen....climaxing
  • musabnodxer....climax
  • musaomuf....newel
  • musaxyafwa....scalable
  • muses....gradation, rung
  • musmep....stairway
  • musnaad....banister
  • musnog....grade, rime, rung, stair rung, step
  • musnoga....gradual
  • musnogar....ladder
  • musnogay....gradually
  • musnogser....graduate, step along
  • musnogxen....stepping
  • musnogxer....step
  • musnogxwa....staged, stepped
  • musobnod....bottom of the scale, nadir
  • musobnodxen....bottoming out
  • musobnodxer....bottom out
  • mussyob....landing, staircase landing
  • mustum....stair well, stairwell
  • mustuyamuf....banister
  • musyap....ascent
  • musyapea....escalating
  • musyapen....escalation
  • musyaper....escalate
  • musyaput....climber
  • musyena....gradual, step-like
  • musyopea....de-escalating
  • musyopen....de-escalation
  • musyoper....de-escalate
  • nagmus....metric scale
  • nogmus....degree scale
  • ogala duzmus....minor scale
  • ovmusabnoda....anticlimactic, anticlimax
  • ovmusabnoday....anticlimactically
  • ovmusoliniina....antifascist
  • pasea mus....escalator
  • pir mus....fire escape
  • sagmus....index, numeric scale
  • sagmusben....indexing
  • sagmusber....index
  • sagmusbwa....indexed
  • tabnyaun sagmus....body mass index
  • volz sagmus....color map
  • yabmusnogxen....stepping up
  • yabmusnogxer....step up
  • yabmusnogxwa....stepped up
  • yaper ha mus....ascend the staircase, go up the stairs
  • yobmusesien....downgrading
  • yobmusesier....downgrade
  • yobmusesuen....downgrading
  • yobmusesuer....downgrade
  • yobmusesuwa....downgraded
  • yobmusnogxen....stepping down
  • yobmusnogxer....step down
  • yobmusnogxwa....stepped down
  • yoper ha mus....descend the staircase, go down the stairs
  • zaymusnogxer....step forward
  • zemusa....midscale
  • zomus....backstair
  • zyinmus....shamble

  • dota muys....social ladder
  • dotmuys....social ladder
  • kipea muys....sliding scale
  • muys....ladder, scale, step ladder, stepladder
  • muysa....scalar
  • muysben....escalation, scaling
  • muysber....escalate
  • muysbwa....escalated, scaled
  • muysbyofwa....unscalable
  • muyses....rung
  • muyspen....escalating, escalation, going up the latter, scaling
  • muysper....escalate, go up the ladder
  • obmuys....vernier
  • omuysaxer....de-escalate
  • yabmuysa....upscale
  • yabmuysben....escalation, scaling up
  • yabmuysber....escalate, scale up
  • yabmuysbwa....escalated, scaled up
  • yabmuyspea....graduating, rising, scaling up
  • yabmuyspen....climbing up, escalation, graduation
  • yabmuysper....climb up, escalate, go up the ladder, graduate
  • yapmuysesuer....upgrade
  • yapmuysesuwa....upgraded
  • yobmuysa....downscale
  • yobmuysbea....scaling down
  • yobmuysben....scale-down, scaling down
  • yobmuysber....downscale, scale down
  • yobmuysbwa....downscaled, scaled down
  • yobmuyspen....getting downscaled, going downhill
  • yobmuysper....get downscaled, go downhill
The stems in this family begin with s, meaning thing, and end in m, meaning place. The words all have to do with furniture.
S-M Core Words
som....furniture somber....furnish
milufsom ....toilet
mansom....light fixture
milamsom....water heater
sam....armoire, chest telarsam....china cabinet
tovsam....chest of drawers
sem....table semof....table cloth
yuzsem....round table
syagsem....counter (cashier stand)
sim....chair zaopsim....rocking chair
zyupsim....swivel chair
tobotsim....high chair
maksim.....electric chair
teadutsim....witness box
tujyagsim....sleep sofa
yigsim....hard chair
agsim....arm chair
simber....to seat
simper....to sit
sum....bed suam....cushion
suav....pillow case
suim....box spring
eonsum....twin bed
eynsum....day bed
suym ....couch
nyanxwa sum....bunk bed
tabsum....sleeping bag
pyoxwa sum....hammock
summanar....bed lamp
sumber....put to bed
sumper....go to bed
The base word som means furniture, appliance. Here are some derived words:
  • abtafsom....coat hanger, coat rack, portmanteau
  • dezsom....prop
  • dezsomyan....props, stage props, theater props
  • dresom....desk, secretary
  • dyezsomyan....movie props, movie set
  • dyezsom....movie prop
  • fyusulsom....potty, toilet
  • gasomxen....revamping
  • gasomxer....revamp
  • gasomxwa....revamped
  • grasomber'....overfurnish
  • grosomber....underfurnish
  • iksombwa....fully-furnished
  • jasombwa....pre-furnished
  • maksom....appliance, electrical appliance
  • mansom....lamp, light fixture
  • milamsom....water-heater
  • milsom....sink
  • milufsom....commode, crapper, toilet
  • milyepim milsom....bathroom sink
  • milyepsom....bath tub, bathtub, tub
  • nyebsom....chest, trunk
  • osombwa....unfurnished
  • oyeba fyusulsom....outhouse, port-a-potty
  • som....furnishing, furniture, item of furniture
  • sombeler....move
  • sombelen nox....moving expense
  • sombelpur....moving truck, moving van
  • sombelut....mover
  • sombelutyan....moving firm
  • somben....furnishing
  • somber....furnish
  • sombut....furnisher
  • sombwa....furnished
  • sompiya....moved out
  • sompuya....moved in
  • sompuer....move in
  • somsaxam....carpenter's shop
  • somsaxen tuzutyan....carpenters’ guild
  • somsaxen....carpentry
  • somsaxer....do carpentry, make furniture
  • somsaxut....carpenter, furniture maker
  • somsaxuta ingunar....gnomon
  • somuper....move in
  • somyan....furnishings, furniture, real estate
  • tamsomyan....house furnishings
  • teubilsom....spittoon
  • tilsom....refreshment stand
  • tiyabilsom....pisser, urinal, pissoir
  • tyoibsom....kneeler
  • ukxer ha milufsom....flush the toilet
  • vyilsom....wash basin, washbasin
  • yansom....furnishings
  • yixer ha milufsom....use the toilet
The root word sam means cabinet, armoire, chest
  • aber sammoys....put on a shelf
  • aybmagsammoys....mantel, mantelpiece
  • bekulsam....medicine cabinet
  • dreunyebsam....filing cabinet
  • dyes sammoys....bookshelf
  • dyes sammoysyan....book shelving, bookcase, bookstack
  • dyessam....bookcase, bookstall
  • faosam....cabinet
  • faosamsaxen....cabinetmaking
  • faosamsaxut....cabinetmaker
  • faosamtyen....cabinetmaking, cabinetry
  • faosamtyenut....cabinetmaker
  • milnov sammoys....towel rack
  • mumaozyeg sammoys....stempel
  • naabdrafsam....file cabinet, filing cabinet
  • naabsam....filing cabinet
  • nexun ay ojbuen nasam....savings and loan bank
  • neyxen sammoysyan....stock shelving
  • novsam....linen chest
  • nyemsam....chest of drawers, coffer
  • nyexen sammoys....stock shelf, storage shelf
  • nyexen sammoysyan....storage shelving
  • ober sammoys....take off a shelf
  • obsammoysa....off-the-shelf
  • ovol sam....pantry
  • oybposam....substation
  • sam....armoire, chest of drawers
  • samag....tallboy
  • sammanar....lamp
  • sammoys nyen....shelf stock
  • sammoys....shelf
  • sammoysaba....on-the-shelf
  • sammoysaber....put on the shelf, shelve
  • sammoysabut....shelf clerk, shelver
  • sammoysben....shelving, stocking
  • sammoysber....shelve, stock
  • sammoysbwa....shelved
  • sammoystej....shelf life
  • sammoysyan....etagere, rack, shelves, shelving, stack
  • samnyeb....drawer
  • samnyebyan....set of drawers
  • syagnas samnyeb....cash drawer
  • telsam....cupboard
  • tofsam....chest of drawers, dresser, wardrobe
  • tolarsam....china cabinet
  • tolmek sammoys....spice rack
  • tolsam....food buffet
  • toofsam....clothes dresser
  • tovsam....chest
  • tyoyab sam....footlocker
  • vifaosamyan....cabinetry, cabinetwork
  • yaba tofsam....highboy
  • yazzansam....breakfront
  • yijber sammoys....clear a shelf
  • yobsam....lowboy
  • yomsam....freezer, fridge, ice chest, refrigerator
  • zyefsam....vitrine
  • sem....table
  • seym....tablet, pad, slate
  • semes....board
  • semog....bar
  • seem....counter, panel
  • ab bu ha sem....onto the table
  • ab ha sem....on the table, on top of the table
  • abaxlen sem....massage table
  • abeka sem....surgical table
  • agsem....banquet table
  • belyafwa fyasem....viaticum
  • bilyugupatsem....smorgasbord
  • buien sem....trading table
  • buxnufsemes....keyboard
  • byemser be seem....sit at the bar, sit at the counter
  • buxnufsemesut....keyboarder, keyboardist
  • dalsem....tribune
  • dresem....desk
  • ensemog....diptych
  • faybesem....moor
  • fyakosem....hermitage, sacred retreat
  • fyasem abof....baldacchin, baldachin
  • fyasem abtom....baldacchin, baldachin
  • fyasem yuxlut....altar server
  • fyasem zomays....altarpiece, reredos
  • fyasem....altar
  • fyozsem....pillory
  • gumzyegek sem....billiards table, pool table
  • ifek sem....game table
  • ifek semes....game board
  • ifekem semyan....grandstand
  • jwaber ha sem....set the table
  • kusemes tulyan....buffet
  • kusemes....credenza, sideboard
  • makyuijarsemes....switchboard
  • manar seym....lamp stand
  • mossembexar....bracket
  • nasvek sem....betting table, gambling table
  • neler sem....reserve a table
  • novzyiar semes....ironing board
  • nunuien sem....trading table
  • pyexler ha sem....pound the table
  • raduzar semes....keyboard, piano keyboard
  • sem vafil....table wine, vin de table
  • sem....table
  • semben....seating at the table
  • sember....seat at the table
  • sembun....table setting
  • semes....board, tablet
  • semmem....mesa
  • semnof....serviette
  • semog....shelf, tablet
  • semov....table cloth, table linen, tablecloth
  • sempea....sitting at the table
  • semper....sit down at the table
  • sempien....getting up from the table
  • sempier....get up from the table
  • sempuer....arrive at the table, sit at the table
  • sempya....seated at the table
  • semsan....trapezoid
  • semsana....trapezoidal
  • semub....flap, table flap
  • semut....board member
  • semutyan....board
  • semutyan....table
  • semvyixut....busboy
  • semvyixuyt....busgirl
  • seym....tablet, slate
  • seymog....bar
  • seymog bi dyofyel....bar of chocolate
  • seymog bi vyixyel....bar of soap
  • syoibwa sem dresem....escritoire
  • tilseem....bar, drink counter
  • tilseemim....barroom
  • tilseemut....barista, barkeep, barkeeper, bartender
  • tilseemuyt....barmaid
  • tulsem....buffet, dinner table
  • tyalagsem....banquet table
  • tyalsem....dining table
  • ujponyem sem....bier
  • uka seym....tabula rasa
  • ukxwasem....dump, dumping ground
  • vyifxer ha sem....clear the table
  • vyilxen sem....washstand
  • xemsem....desk
  • yaba fyasem....high altar
  • yagsemabun....benchtop, countertop
  • yanotpur posem....bus stop
  • yansemtob....tableman
  • yembesema....residentially
  • yevdibutseem....bench
  • yexsem....desk, work desk
  • yibdal kyaxarsem....switchboard
  • zyua sem ebdal....round table discussion
  • zyupea sem....dumbwaiter
  • zyupsem....carousel

  • abseym....desktop
  • byuxarseym....keypad
  • buxnufseym....keypad
  • dalseym....dais, podium, pulpit
  • dodalseym....dais, pulpit, rostrum, speaker's platform
  • dyeutseym....lectern
  • fyadalseym....pulpit
  • ilukseym....drainboard
  • mojseym....nightstand
  • seym....desk, small table
  • syagnasiut seym....cashier desk
  • tuxen seym....podium, rostrum
  • tuxutseym....lectern
  • zyadalseym....pulpit
  • zyaseym....wide screen
  • zyiseym....platter

  • faob seem....wood panel
  • izbex seem....control panel
  • nixbuen seem....sales counter
  • seem....counter, panel
  • seemut....panelist
  • syagseem....counter
  • syagseemut....counter clerk, counterman, teller
  • tilseem....counter, drink counter, bar
  • yanupseem ebdal....panel discussion
  • yanupseem....panel
  • yanupseemut....panelist
The root word sim means chair. Here are some derivatives:
  • aa mos sim....main floor seat, orchestra seat
  • aa nab sim....front row seat
  • aa tyan sim....first class seat
  • ab kuapetsim....sidesaddle
  • abzamas sim....balcony seat
  • agsim....armchair
  • apetsim suemoyf....sarape, serape
  • apetsim zyuniyov....crupper
  • apetsim....saddle
  • apetsimaper....get onto the saddle, hop on
  • apetsimben....saddling
  • apetsimber....saddle up
  • apetsimbwa....saddled
  • apetsimnam....saddlery
  • apetsimnyef....saddlebag
  • apetsimoben....unsaddling
  • apetsimober....unsaddle
  • apetsimobwa....unsaddled
  • apetsimopen....dismounting
  • apetsimoper....dismount, get down from the saddle
  • apetsimtyen....saddlery
  • apetsimzayaz....pommel
  • aybsimper....preside
  • beyafwa sim....available chair
  • beyofwa sim....unavailable chair
  • biwa sim....occupied chair, occupied seat, taken chair
  • bokatsim....sickbed
  • boy apetsim....bareback, barebacked
  • buxsim....push chair, pushchair
  • byeksim....convalescence ward, recovery room
  • debsim....throne
  • debsimber....put on the throne
  • debsimbien....assumption of the throne
  • debsimbier....assume the throne
  • debsimopen....abdication
  • debsimoper....abdicate, relinquish the throne, step aside
  • debsimper....sit on the throne
  • dezamos simyan....parterre
  • doyevsim....bench
  • doyevsimper....preside over a case, sit on the bench
  • dresim....bureau, cabinet, den, library, office
  • dresimsyunam....stationery shop
  • dresimsyunamut....stationer
  • dresimsyunesyan....stationery
  • eatsim....pillion
  • ebmep sim....aisle seat
  • edebsim....throne
  • edebsimben....enthronement, installing on the throne
  • edebsimber....enthrone, install on the throne
  • edebsimbwa....enthroned, installed on the throne
  • edebsimoben....dethronement, dethroning
  • edebsimober....dethrone
  • edebsimobwa....dethroned
  • embiwa sim....occupied chair, occupied seat
  • entoba sim....love seat, loveseat
  • eynsim....bar stool, footstool, stool
  • faobsim....wooden chair
  • fyadilsim....pew
  • fyasim masof....chancel
  • fyasim....throne
  • fyasimben....installing on the throne
  • fyasimber....install on the throne, put on the throne
  • fyasimpen....assumption of the throne
  • fyasimper....occupy the throne
  • gasimber....re-seat
  • gasimbwa....re-seated
  • Hia sim se bexwa.....This seat is occupied.
  • ifbuer sim....offer a seat
  • izzonsim....straight-back chair
  • jabexwa sim....reserved seat
  • jeneralisimo....generalissimo
  • kua gon sim....side section seat
  • kuapetsim....sidesaddle
  • maar sim....deck chair
  • maka sim....electric chair
  • mimkum sim....beach chair, deck chair
  • mugsim....metal chair
  • nyemsim....box seat
  • nyufapetsim....packsaddle
  • obiwa sim....untaken chair
  • ofyujea sim....camp chair, collapsible chair, folding chair
  • oikbwa sim....unfilled seat
  • olembiwa sim....unoccupied chair
  • oyebema yagsim....chaise lounge, deck chair
  • oyebsim....deck chair
  • oyixwa sim....unoccupied chair, unused chair
  • parsim....shay
  • petapsimper....saddle up
  • ponsim....chaise lounge
  • poysim....rest room
  • pur bay ija exut sim....brougham
  • purexuta sim....driver's seat
  • pursim....booth, car seat, coach seat
  • sim zetif....seat belt
  • sim....chair, seat
  • simbeea....sitting
  • simbeer....be seated, be sitting, sit
  • simbelar....chairlift
  • simben....seating, session, sitting
  • simber....assign a seat
  • simbesea....remaining seated
  • simbesen....remaining seated
  • simbeser....remain seated, sit
  • simbewa....occupied
  • simbexen....holding a seat, reservation
  • simbexer....hold a seat, reserve a seat
  • simbexwa....reserved
  • simbia....seated, sitting
  • simbien dredek....spelldown
  • simbien....sitting down, taking a seat
  • simbier....have a seat, occupy a seat oneself, sit down, take a seat
  • simbiut....sitter
  • simbuen....offering a seat, ushering
  • simbuer....offer a seat, usher
  • simbuut....usher
  • simbuuyt....usherette
  • simbuwa....offered a seat, ushered
  • simbwa....seated
  • simim....sitting room
  • simoben....de-seating, unseating
  • simober....de-seat, take away one's seat
  • simobwa....de-seated, unseated
  • simoker....lose a seat, lose one's seat
  • simopen....abdication, getting up from a chair, getting up from a sitting position, vacating one's seat
  • simoper....abdicate, get up from a chair, get up from a sitting position
  • simpea....sitting down
  • simper....have a seat, sit down
  • simpien....getting up from one's seat
  • simpier....get up from one's seat
  • simpya....seated
  • simyag....daybed
  • simzetif....seatbelt
  • simzom zefaof....splat
  • tudet sim....baby chair, high chair
  • teadut sim....witness box, witness chair
  • tilam eysim....bar stool
  • toj sim....death chair
  • tubsim....armchair
  • tudet sim....high chair
  • tudetsim....highchair
  • tuj yagsim....sleep sofa
  • tumsimyan....loge
  • tyal yigsim....dining room chair
  • tyoyab eysim....footstool
  • uka sim....vacant seat
  • ukaxer ota sim....vacate one's seat
  • utsimber....seat oneself
  • uveb nyef sim....beanbag chair
  • uzzonsim....bucket seat
  • yabzona sim....high-back chair
  • yagpen sim....lounge chair
  • yagsim....bench, settee
  • yagyigsim....bench, divan
  • yagyugsim....couch, divan, sofa
  • yansimbien....synod
  • yansimbiena....synodical
  • yanuzbuwa sim....folded chair
  • yaopsim....seesaw
  • yaopsimen....seesawing
  • yaopsimer....seesaw
  • yexsimyag....workbench
  • yigsim....hard back chair
  • yiva sim....free chair
  • yixwa sim....occupied chair, used chair
  • yobeysim....taboret, tabouret, tabret
  • yobzona sim....low-back chair
  • yugsim....easy chair
  • yuijbea sim....folding chair
  • yukomxwa sim....cushioned chair
  • yuksim....cushioned chair, easy chair, soft chair
  • zana sim....front seat
  • zaobasea sim....rocker, rocking chair
  • zaobassim....rocker, rocking chair
  • zaopsim yembwas....swing set
  • zaopsim....swing
  • zea gon sim....center section seat
  • zona sim....back seat
  • zoykixea sim....recliner, reclining chair
  • zyasim....armchair
  • zyuksim....wheel chair, wheelchair
  • zyupsim....swivel chair

  • siim....bench
  • yevdibutsiim....bench in a court of law

SUM and Subordinal Words


  • sum....bed
  • suam....pillow, cushion
  • suaf....slipcover
  • suav....pillowcase
  • suem....mattress, pad
  • absuemof....comforter
  • absuef....bedspread
  • suemof....blanket
  • gyosuef....duvet
  • suemov....sheet
  • suim....bed springs
Here are words derived from the above:
  • agentoba sum....full-size bed
  • ammelsum....hotbed
  • antoba sum....single bed
  • belsum....litter, stretcher
  • belwa sum....palankeen, palanquin, stretcher
  • belyafwa tudetsum....carrycot
  • bokam sum....hospital bed
  • byoxwa sum....hammock
  • entoba sum....double bed
  • eonsum....twin bed
  • eynsum....day bed
  • fyadil posum....prayer station
  • glasumtim....dormitory
  • glasumtimdet....dormitory mate
  • gyoumvibsum....palliasse
  • igsum....cot, day bed, temporary bed
  • iksum....full-size bed
  • intoba sum....queen-size bed
  • jasumtil....nightcap
  • jwaber ha sum....make the bed
  • kusum....bunk, cot, side bed
  • majsum....daybed
  • malsum....airbed
  • massum....banquette
  • milsum....water bed, waterbed
  • mimparsum....bunk
  • nuxpur pesum....cab stand
  • nyaxwa sum....bunk bed
  • oybsum elsyeb....chamber pot
  • pata vubsum....bird's nest
  • patsum....bird's nest
  • patsumbwa....nested
  • patsumpea....nesting
  • patsumpen....nesting
  • patsumput....nester
  • popsum....berth
  • potsum....litter
  • siimsum....day bed
  • suemof....blanket
  • suemov....sheet
  • sum....bed, cradle, lair
  • sumabaof....counterpane
  • sumben....bedding, putting to bed
  • sumber....bed, lay down, put to bed
  • sumbuyk....bedsore
  • sumbwa....bedded down, put to bed
  • sumdet....bed partner, bedmate, bedfellow
  • sumes....couchette
  • sumkum....bedside
  • sumkumbesen....bedside vigil
  • sumkyoxwa....bed-ridden, bedfast, bedridden
  • summanar....bed lamp
  • summuf....bedpost
  • sumober....roust
  • sumog....cot
  • sumoper....get up, get up from the bed
  • sumpen....bedding down, going to bed, laying down, lying down, reclining, retiring
  • sumper....bed down, go to bed, lie down, recline, retire
  • sumpien....getting out of bed, rising
  • sumpier....get out of bed, rise
  • sumpur....camper
  • sumpya....recumbent
  • sumsaibyan....bed frame, bedstead
  • sumtaf....bedgown
  • sumtam....boarding house, boardinghouse, bunkhouse
  • sumtamdet....bunkmate
  • sumtebfaof....headboard
  • sumtel poptam....B&B, bed-and-breakfast
  • sumtim....bedroom
  • sumtimes....bedsit
  • sumtimesut....bedsitter
  • sumtimuka toames....studio apartment
  • sumtiyabilen....bedwetting
  • sumtiyabiler....wet the bed
  • sumtiyabilut....bedwetter
  • sumtof....bedclothes, pajamas
  • sumtum....bunk, couchette
  • sumuzyuf....bedroll, sleeping bag
  • sumxen....embedding
  • sumxer....embed
  • sumxwa....embedded
  • sumyan....bedding, litter
  • sumzon....backrest
  • suym....cot
  • tadxen sum....nuptial bed
  • tamofsum....sleeping bag, tent bed
  • tojsum....deathbed
  • tudetsum....baby bed
  • tyoyasum....ottoman
  • ugarsumbexar....caliper
  • ujpon belsum....bier
  • umvib tudetsum....bassinet
  • umvibsum....paillasse
  • unmuf sum....fourposter
  • untoba sum....king-size bed
  • vubsum....nest
  • vubsumea....nesting
  • vubsumer....nest
  • vubsumxer....make a nest
  • yaga untoba sum....California king-size bed
  • yagyugsum....sofabed
  • yaobsum....bunk bed
  • yevson sumben....assize
  • yobsum....divan
  • yubsumpea....lying next to
  • yubsumper....lie next to
  • yuzpur posum....bus stand
  • zaobasea sum....rocking bed
  • zaobassum....cradle, crib
  • zoa sum....backseat
  • zyisumpur....flatbed, flatcar
  • zyuksum....rollaway bed

  • fyadilsuam....hassock
  • suam....pillow cushion, pillow, cushion
  • suamuea....cushioning
  • suamuen....cushioning
  • suamuer....cushion
  • suamuwa....cushioned
  • suamyena....pillowy, cushiony
  • suaf....slipcover
  • suav....pillowcase
  • yagsuam....bolster

  • absuef....bedspread
  • absuemof....comforter
  • apetsim suemoyf....sarape, serape
  • buixar suem....spring mattress
  • gasuemxer....reupholster
  • gyanafxwa suemof....coverlet
  • gyosuem....pad
  • gyosuemxen....padding
  • gyosuemxer....pad
  • gyosuemxwa....padded
  • gyosuemyan....padding
  • malsuem....air mattress, futon
  • patayeb suem....featherbed
  • suem....mattress
  • suemnam....mattress retailer, mattress store
  • suemnamut....mattress dealer, mattress seller
  • suemof....bedspread, counterpane
  • suemov....sheet
  • suemoyf....blanket, cover
  • suemsaxut....mattress maker
  • suemxen....padding, upholstering
  • suemxer....pad, upholster
  • suemxut....upholsterer
  • suemxwa....padded, upholstered
  • suemyan....upholstery
  • yaguntoba suem....California King mattress
  • zyisuem....futon

  • suim....bedspring, box spring

SAR tool, PAR vehicle


The base words having to do with tools, devices, and machines all begin in s for thing and end in r for tool. Vehicles are mobile machines, and therefore their stems begin with p for mobile. Specific tools and machines are created by appending one of the stub suffixes to the stem of the word that describes what the tool or machine does. For example, makijar, meaning electrical switch, starter is composed of mak (electricity) and ij- (start).
Stub Suffixes for Tools and Machines
sar -ar instrument, tool, device (default)
sir -ir apparatus, hand-driven machine
sor -or machine, powered machine
sur -ur motor, engine
Note: the stub suffixes other than -ar (the default) are used only to distinguish words like bicycle and motorcycle or needle and loom, etc.
Vehicle words end in par, where the initial p signifies going and the final ar indicates instrument, unless there is a need for further distinction, in which case, the ending may be -ir, -or, or -ur.
mempur....automobile, car
kyinpir....cart, wagon
Tools and Machines
vyixur....vacuum cleaner
yibsinibar....television (set)
belir....carriage, wagon
apetbixwa belir....buggy, horse-drawn carriage



The following is a list of common tools, devices, machines, and vehicles:
  • aaga buixar....mainspring
  • ab mimpur....shipboard
  • abaar....lid, top
  • abalar....applicator
  • abaunxwam bi mimpur....deck, ship deck
  • abawa belir....covered wagon
  • abektuna gibar....lancet
  • abektuna goblar....scalpel, surgical knife
  • abexar....clutch, controller, grip, gripper, handle
  • abimbar....baster
  • abimxar....baster
  • abmaglar....grill
  • abmef goblar....tile cutter
  • abmosgoblawa mimpur....razee
  • abtaf pyoxar....coat hanger
  • abtyoyafobar....bootjack
  • abunofyujwa unzyupir....cabriolet
  • abunuka enzyuk belir....tilbury
  • abyoxar....suspender
  • abyujar....cap, cover, lid
  • adopar belar....gun holster
  • adopar ijbar....gun trigger
  • adopar....firearm, gun, pistol, revolver. handgun
  • adopir....cannon
  • adopiruwa mampur....gunship
  • adopiruwa mimpur....gunship
  • adopmimpur....aircraft carrier
  • aduzar....violin
  • afyaduzar....sousaphone
  • agala raduzar....grand piano
  • agaxar....magnifier
  • agdomep yonxar....highway divider
  • aghelonagar....ohmmeter
  • aglateuzubar....megaphone
  • agvunakar....voltmeter
  • akaduzar....snare drum
  • alp yibdalir....radiophone, radiotelephone
  • alp yibdrir....radiotelegraph
  • alpibar....radio receiver
  • alpkaxar....airwave detector
  • alpkaxar....radar
  • alpkaxen teaxar....radar scope
  • alpkaxen yibteaxir....radar telescope
  • alpkazar sinuar....radarscope
  • alpsiunar....radio signal
  • alpubar....radio transmitter
  • alpuibar....radio set, radio transmitter/receiver
  • aluar....aerator, blower
  • alzabdunxar....rubricator
  • ama zyibolar....hot plate
  • amaegil manar....kerosene lamp
  • amar....heater, plate-warmer
  • ambalar....flatiron
  • ambokobar....de-inflammatory
  • amez goblar....diamond cutter
  • amezyugfaxar....skive
  • amifuba mipar....scull
  • amilbar....convector
  • amnagar....thermometer
  • amnaudxar....radiator
  • amonnagar....calorimeter
  • amvyabxar....thermostat
  • amvyixar....pasteurizer
  • amxar....heater
  • amxur....radiator
  • anmimufa mimpar....sloop
  • annaadpur....monorail train
  • anpopur....cab, taxi, taxicab
  • anteabar....monocle
  • antoba mimpur....skiff
  • anyanxar....sequencer
  • anzyuk belar....wheel barrow
  • anzyukpar....monocycle, unicycle
  • aogyonxar....winnower
  • aopuys dompur....hop-on hop-off bus
  • aotduzekar....walkman
  • aotmempur....auto
  • aotnyanyufpir....stampede
  • aotpur....auto, automobile
  • aoyebar....piston
  • aoyebuxrar....pump
  • apaxar....wiper
  • apaxlar....broom, sweeper
  • apaxlir....electric sweeper
  • apaxrar....scrubber
  • apayxlar....besom
  • apebixpar....buggy, carriage, coach, horse-and-buggy, stagecoach
  • apeladar....buzzer
  • aper pur....get in a car
  • aper yuzdompur....get on a bus
  • apet pyexegar....horsewhip
  • apetayefar....currycomb
  • apetbixpar....buggy
  • apetbixwa aotpar....buckboard
  • apetbixwa belir....buggy, horse-drawn carriage
  • apetebelur....horsebox
  • apetekir....carousel, merry-go-round
  • apetexwa belir....horse-driven carriage
  • apetnadbixwa par....tandem
  • apetpar....carriage, coach, hackney, horse and buggy
  • apetuka belir....horseless carriage
  • apetyobyuvar....martingale
  • apetyuvar....pastern
  • apyex bi depyonar....bayonet charge
  • apyexar....weapon
  • apyexlun dopar....assault weapon
  • apyexlun edopar....assault rifle
  • apyexrar....hammer
  • -ar....instrument, tool
  • aroynvunak-nagar....millivoltmeter
  • asaun mampur....model airplane
  • asaunar....matrix
  • atuyuxar....tab
  • augmimpur....hulk
  • avuduzar....tenor saxophone
  • awapeidar....whistle, tooter
  • awiduzar....violoncello
  • axleaxar....activator
  • aybgoblar....parer, paring knife
  • aybgobrar....file
  • aybkyinxar....supercharger
  • aybnyif dompur....tram
  • aybnyifpur....cable car
  • aymar....toaster, warmer
  • ayndrar....holograph
  • azapaxrar....scraper
  • azbexar....clutch
  • azbir....capture, seizure
  • azdur....adjuration
  • azebyuijar....interlock
  • azlaxar....intensifier
  • azmanxar....highlighter
  • azonbir....power-grab
  • azonijsanxar....generator
  • azonnuar....dynamo
  • azonuar....booster, driver
  • azteuzar....loudhailer
  • azvyixar....scrubber
  • azyijar....pry
  • baakxar....sanitizer
  • baldresar....typehead
  • baliar....inhaler
  • balmagelar....pressure cooker
  • balnagar....barometer
  • baloduzar....sitar
  • balsiyn ijsaunar....stamper
  • balsiynar....stamper
  • balsiynir....stamp machine
  • balsur....press, pressure device
  • baluar....aspirator, pressurizer
  • baluiar....breathing device, respirator
  • baluir....breathing machine, lung machine
  • balur....press, wine press
  • baluur....pressurizer
  • balyontixar....breathalyser
  • baosleusar....rattler
  • baosmakxar....pickup
  • baoxar....oscillator, shaker, vibrator
  • baoxlar....rattle, vibrator
  • bapeit mimpar....whaleboat
  • barar....crusher
  • baypea mimpur....consort
  • be ebjomir....in limbo
  • beaxar....guard, protective device, protector, sentinel, shield
  • beduzar....guitar
  • bekulgibar....syringe
  • belar....barrow, carrier, cart, tray, tumbril, wagon
  • beler adopar....pack a gun
  • beler bey zyiobem mimpar....scow
  • belir....carriage, wagon
  • belun bixpur....freight train
  • belun mampur....cargo plane, freight plane
  • belun mempur....freight truck
  • belun mimpur....cargo ship, cargo vessel
  • belun naadpur....freight train
  • belunmimpur....freighter
  • belur....ferry, truck, van
  • ber jwobir....set a clock
  • ber pexar....set a trap
  • bexar....grip, handle, holder, railing
  • bey azon bi adopar....at gunpoint
  • bi ilyujar....on tap
  • biduzar....lute
  • biilar....juicer
  • biilxar....juicer
  • biliir....milking machine
  • bilyig glalgolbar....cheese grater
  • bilyig mekxar....grater
  • bilyug goblar....butter knife
  • bilyug yonar....butter knife
  • bir....nab, seizure, snatch
  • birar....crampon, grasper, mandrel, mandril
  • birodrar....biro
  • bix mimpar....tugboat
  • bixar....pulley
  • bixbelar....wagon
  • bixfeelkakir....magneto
  • bixfeelknagar....magnetometer
  • bixpar....jinrikisha, jinriksha, wagon, wain
  • bixpir....tractor, tug
  • bixpur deusozar....train whistle
  • bixpur sur....train engine
  • bixpur....locomotive, train
  • biyxpur....tow truck
  • boar....prop, support
  • bobyebar....absorber, sucker, suction device
  • bokovar....prophylactic
  • bolar....prop, support
  • booxar....tranquilizer
  • bowie goblar....bowie knife
  • boyar....boyar
  • broughampur....brougham
  • buduzar....harp
  • buibelar....shuttle
  • buibelur....transport vehicle, transporter
  • buidompur....shuttle bus
  • buipur....shuttle
  • buiur....exchanger
  • buixar yujlar....spring lock
  • buixar....spring
  • buixarpexar....springle
  • buixlar....piston
  • buxar....tappet
  • buxbelar....pushcart
  • buxpar....push cart
  • buxrar ruduzar....pipe organ
  • buxrar....pump
  • byaduzar....ukelele
  • byafar....clasp, metal fastener
  • byalar....lift
  • byaxar....stand
  • byebar....accumulator
  • byeduzar....zither
  • byefmagelar....grill
  • byembar....positioner
  • byexar....bat, knocker
  • byexes nagar....pulse-meter
  • byexesmar....pulsar
  • byiduzar....lyre
  • byoduzar....mandolin
  • byoxar....hanger
  • byuduzar....cithara, kithara
  • byuxar....button, feeler, key, touchkey
  • ca-da tuundyear....cd drive
  • Cahema yonar....Swiss knife
  • calkxar....carbonizer
  • cedar....cheddar
  • Cina faomimpar....sampan
  • dalar....speaker
  • dalazar....loudspeaker
  • daler bey yibdalir....talk by phone
  • dapur....fighter jet
  • depur....tank
  • depyonar....bayonet
  • Deringer adopar....derringer
  • deupar....metronome
  • deym milzyabar....garden hose
  • deym zyegar....garden hoe
  • dezmipur....showboat
  • diepur....aircraft carrier
  • dim drilar....fountain pen
  • dinar....dinar
  • dipgibar....cutlass
  • dipur....battleship
  • dir....demand, mandate, requirement, commandment, order
  • doapar....sabre
  • doapir....bazooka
  • dodir....mandate
  • dodrur....media, press, printing press
  • dodur....edict, ordinance
  • dofinebar....scruple
  • doheydar....public address system
  • dolapyexrar....gavel
  • dolar....muzzle, silencer
  • doluar....muffler, muzzle, silencer
  • doma yuzpur....city bus
  • domep manar....street lamp, streetlamp
  • domep seuxibar....boom box, boombox, ghetto blaster
  • domep vyixur....street cleaner, street sweeper
  • dommir....civilization, urbane world
  • domnaadpur....tram, tramcar, tramway
  • dompar....town car
  • dompur....autobus, bus, omnibus, city bus
  • domyuzpur....circulator bus
  • doof belar....standard-bearer
  • doofsiunar....semaphore
  • dopa kyufyis kyiunpur....jeep
  • dopa mimpur....military vessel
  • dopar mimpar....gunboat
  • dopar....arm, weapon
  • dopek goblar....battleaxe
  • dopek manar....battle lantern
  • dopek mimpur....battleship, combat vessel
  • dopir....artillery, cannon, spitfire
  • dopnyazbir....foray
  • dopuar....bayonet
  • doputyanbelea mimpur....troopship
  • dopuzur....crossbow
  • dopyonar....saber, sword
  • doteuzuar....voting machine
  • doutpur....public vehicle
  • dovakpur....police car
  • draf belar....card holder, card wallet
  • drar....pencil
  • drargixar....pencil sharpener
  • drasbelar....attaché
  • draskoxar....cipher machine
  • drayefuar....sheet feeder
  • dref balar....paper weight
  • dref goblar....paper cutter
  • dref goblir....burster
  • dref gyoflar....paper shredder
  • dref kiduzar....paperclip
  • drefgoblar....guillotine, paper cutter
  • drefnyafar....brad
  • drefyugfaxir....calender
  • drenumxar....blotter
  • dresiyndrur....letterpress
  • dresiynteatuar....charactron
  • dresiynyanxar....alphabetizer
  • dresizar....burin, chisel, graver
  • drev kiduzar....paper clip
  • drilar....ink pen
  • drilarmanar....penlight
  • drilpuxar....inkjet
  • driluar....inker
  • drir....typewriter
  • droar....eraser
  • dropek mampur....warplane
  • dropek mempur....tank
  • dropek mimpur....warship
  • dropek pur....war vehicle
  • drur uzyubar....printer spool
  • drur....printer
  • drursiynnadbar....linotype, typesetter
  • drurunes noxar....ticket dispenser
  • dudubar....transponder
  • dunexlar....word processor
  • dunuibar....newsreader
  • dupar....space force weapon
  • dupur....space force vehicle
  • dur....bid, command, order, urge
  • duz uyiunar....gramophone
  • duz uzyiunar....juke box, phonograph
  • duzar....instrument, musical instrument
  • duzir....phonograph, record player, record-player
  • duzneg yabar....capo
  • duznegxar....tuner
  • duzutyaynpur....bandwagon
  • dyear....dictaphone
  • dyeen teabar....reading glasses
  • dyes yanbexar....bookend
  • dyes yonar....bookend
  • dyespur....bookmobile
  • dyezar....movie camera
  • dyezun sinuar....motion picture screen
  • dyezunxar....movie camera
  • dyuer anpopur....hail a cab
  • dyuer yaoblir....call a lift, call an elevator
  • ebdalar....intercom
  • ebdoma yuzpur....intercity bus
  • ebdompur....coach, intercity bus
  • ebdras yijar....letter opener
  • ebelir....conveyer
  • ebelur....conveyer
  • ebjomir....limbo
  • ebkyaxar....transistor
  • ebnapxar....mixer
  • ebnedxar....interfacer
  • ebtabifekar....sex toy
  • ebtiyax ekar....sex toy
  • ebuiur....exchanger
  • edopar....rifle
  • edopir....bazooka
  • edopmimpur....dreadnought
  • eduzar....violin alto
  • ekaduzar....bass drum
  • ekar....plaything, toy
  • eker duzar....play an instrument
  • eker duzur....play a phonograph
  • eklir....gambling machine
  • emifubwa mipar....sculler
  • emimpar....launch, rowboat
  • emkaxar....locating device
  • enapetbixwa belir....curricle
  • enfatayoba mipar....catamaran
  • enfuba mipar....kayak
  • engar....square
  • engonyanbar....splicer
  • enmespur....coupe
  • enmufa mimofpar....brigantine
  • ennagseuxar....stereo phonograph
  • ennagteaxar....stereoscope
  • ennagteexar....stereophones
  • ennyivduzar....monochord
  • enpatuba mampur....biplane
  • ensaunxar....duplicator
  • enteabar....binoculars
  • enteazexar....bifocals
  • entoba yija apetbixwa par....chaise
  • entobgoypar....whipsaw
  • enujyugfar....slicker
  • enyibteaxar....binoculars
  • enzyuk belar....dolly, hand truck, handcart
  • enzyuk-apetbixpar....chariot
  • enzyukpar....bicycle, bike, velocipede
  • enzyukpir....moped, scooter
  • eona uduzar....double bass
  • eonmosa yuzpur....double-decker bus
  • eonxar....copula, coupler, doubler
  • eopetpar....oxcart
  • eopetyan bixpur....stockcar
  • eopetyan kyigoblar....poleaxe
  • epatekar....ducky
  • epeytseusar....cowbell
  • eskimomimpar....umiak
  • evuduzar....alto saxophone
  • evxar....neutralizer
  • exer mampur....pilot a plane
  • exer mimpur....pilot a ship
  • exer mompur....pilot a spaceship
  • exer pur....drive a car, operate a car
  • exer seusar....ring a bell
  • exer seusir....beep a horn, sound an alarm, toot a horn
  • exlar....processor
  • eybmulxar....mixer
  • eyjomir....purgatory
  • eyngonxar....splitter
  • eynizaybar....semiconductor
  • eynmuar....crescent moon, half moon
  • eynmulxar....blender
  • eynyijbar....door chain
  • faduzar....flute
  • faladuzar....ocarina, ocarine
  • faloduzar....fife, hornpipe
  • faob goypar....wood saw
  • faob ilapar....wooden raft
  • faoba milbelar....wooden bucket, wooden pail
  • faoba mimpar....wooden boat
  • faobduzar....woodwind
  • faobyeb yujar....spile
  • faofzyegar....bradawl
  • faogoblar....adz, adze, ax, axe, wood chopper
  • faogosar....wood chipper
  • faomekar....pulper
  • faoyugfir....wood sander
  • faufbelar....andiron
  • favofar....cotton gin
  • favovar....throstle
  • fayebobar....defoliator
  • fayobobar....peeler
  • febmimpur....fruiter
  • feduzar....hautboy, oboe
  • feelkayobmimpur....windjammer
  • feelkmep vyixar....cowcatcher
  • feelknad bixpur....train
  • feelknadpur....rail vehicle, train
  • feyduzar....musette
  • fiagxar....incubator
  • fiduzar....clarinet
  • filvyunobar....still
  • fluar....lure
  • fuduzar....bassoon
  • funobar....debugger, retoucher
  • fupnad bixpur....jerkwater
  • fur....rot
  • fuseuxar....noise-maker
  • futeisobar....deodorizer
  • fuvab goblar....weed cutter
  • fuvabobar....weeder
  • fyaduzar....recorder
  • fyamiluar....holy water sprinkler
  • fyeduzar....bagpipe
  • fyelsinar....signet
  • fyemir....fantasy world, fantasia
  • fyiduzar....didgeridoo
  • fyoduzar....harmonica, harmonicon
  • fyuduzar....piccolo
  • fyumul kyiunpur....garbage truck
  • fyus milbelar....trash pail, waste can
  • fyus yibar....waste disposal
  • fyus zyobarar....waste compactor
  • fyusgoblar....pruning shears, secateur
  • fyuspar....dustcart
  • fyusukar....sewer
  • fyuzampir....jailbreak, prison escape
  • gaaymxar....warmer
  • gabar....abacus, adder
  • gabir....adding machine
  • gabuxrar....repumpzoy
  • gabyux mimpar....cockboat, tender
  • gabyuxur....retoucher
  • gaduzar....triangle
  • gakyiunabar....reloader
  • galaduzar....wind chime
  • galeduzar....chime bar
  • galiduzar....celeste
  • galoduzar....steelpan
  • galuduzar....clapper
  • galyaduzar....bazooka
  • galyoduzar....Jew’s harp
  • gazyegxar....reperforator
  • geaxwar....equalizer
  • Gedagoblar....dirk
  • gedrar....copier
  • geduzar....gong
  • gelaxar....simulator
  • geldrar....copier
  • geldrir....mimeograph
  • gelsanxar....adapter
  • gelsaunxar....duplicator
  • gelsinar....facsimile, fax
  • Germana depur....panzer
  • gia zyiun tuundyear....cd drive
  • giar....awl, broach, sharp instrument
  • gibar....dagger, jabber, poker, stoker
  • giduzar....castanet, woodblock
  • gigoblar....dagger, stabbing knife
  • gigobler bey yogyonar....stab with a dagger
  • gigobler bey zyigiar....stab with a sword
  • givomuf belar....cigar case
  • givomuf goblar....cigar cutter
  • givomuv belar....cigarette case
  • givomuv bexar....cigarette holder
  • gixar....grinder, grindstone, hone, honer, sharpener
  • gixir....hone
  • giyonar....skewer
  • glagonbar....multiplexer
  • glalgoblar....dicer, grater
  • glandar....quantifier
  • glatabnagdrir....polygraph
  • glayijlardrir....keyset
  • glyamugyebag mimpur....supertanker
  • goblar bolar....knife holder
  • goblar....cutter, knife
  • gobrar....chopper, hacksaw
  • goflar....ripping device, scissor, shears
  • golar....divider
  • gonxar....divider, partition
  • goryuexlar....nanoprocessor
  • goryusyaagir....nanocomputer
  • goyflar....nippers
  • goynxar....smasher
  • goypir....power saw
  • gravyur....gravure
  • grindrar....scriber
  • grunar....clasp, fastener, hasp
  • grungoblar....billhook
  • guduzar....rattle
  • gundrar....protractor
  • gunnagar....theodolite
  • gwafinxar....optimizer
  • gwofrar....hasher
  • gwoilpanazar....maser
  • gwomul yonbyexlar....atom smasher
  • gyaduzar....maraca
  • gyanifar....bodkin, botkin
  • gyanyif yibsiniar....cable t.v.
  • gyaxur....thickener
  • gyeduzar....cajón
  • gyiduzar....cymbal
  • gyoblar....mincer
  • gyoduzar....xylophone
  • gyoduzar....xylophone
  • gyoflar....shredder, slicer, slicing knife
  • gyomagxar....brazer
  • gyomelukar....spade
  • hansompur....hansom, hanson
  • hayder nuxpur....call a cab, flag down a taxi, hail a taxi
  • hegelk amnagar....mercury thermometer
  • Cahema jwobur....Swiss clock, cuckoo clock
  • heyder nuxpur....call a taxi, hail a taxi
  • heytuyaxer nuxpur....wave down a taxi
  • hyaha mir....all the world, the entire world, the whole world
  • hyasbelar....carryall, catch-all, catchall, hodgepodge
  • ibabaxrar....eraser, scrubber
  • ibar....receiver, receptor
  • ibiar....rake
  • ibiir....reaper
  • iblunpur....pickup
  • idopar....shotgun
  • idopir....howitzer
  • idopmimpur....frigate
  • iduzar....cello
  • iepetpyexegar....muleskinner
  • ifbyuxegar....tickler
  • ifek belar....go-cart
  • ifekar....plaything, toy
  • ifekdopar....pop gun, popgun
  • ifier ha amar....bask in the sun
  • ifmimpar....pleasure craft, yacht
  • ifmimpur....cruise ship
  • ifpasar....stroller
  • ifpipur....cruise ship
  • ifpop mipar....river cruise boat
  • iftuyuxar....tickler
  • iftyopar....stroller
  • iga feelknadpur....high-speed train
  • iga kyiun bixpur....hotshot
  • iga naadpur....high-speed train
  • igankyaxar....booster, transmission
  • iganugxar....speed bump
  • igapyexlar....swatter
  • igar....accelerator
  • igbaoxar....vibrator
  • igbir....snag, snatch
  • igbyexar....swatter
  • igdopir....machine gun
  • igdrir....stenograph, stenotype
  • igef ugar....emergency brake
  • igefpur....ambulance, emergency vehicle
  • igefyuxpur....ambulance, rescue vehicle
  • igek emifub mipar....scull
  • igkexar....pager
  • igkipir....luge
  • igmanujar....blinker
  • igmimofpar....schooner
  • igmipar....speedboat
  • ignagar....odometer, speedometer, tachometer
  • igpekpur....race car, speedster
  • igpen pur....stockcar
  • igrasnagar....accelerometer
  • igtaxdrar....tachograph
  • igxwa pur....hot rod, hotrod
  • igyixdopar....sidearm
  • igyuijar....blinker
  • igyuijbar....snap
  • igyujar....blinker
  • ija mempur....roadster
  • ijbar....ignition switch, starter
  • ikaduzar....tenor drum
  • ikbar....filler
  • iknanzyabar....totalizator
  • ila mez sinuar....LCD, liquid crystal display
  • ilbalar....piston, squirt gun
  • ilbalnagar....manometer
  • ilbiar....absorber, soaker
  • ilbixar....siphon, suction device
  • ilgyixar....condenser
  • iliar....pledget, sipper, straw, suction device
  • ilmekuar....dust gun, spray gun
  • ilnyuar....decanter
  • ilokebar....insulator
  • ilokovar....gasket
  • ilpanebennagar....interferometer
  • ilpankyaxar....transducer
  • ilpoxar....stanch
  • ilppoxar....rheostat
  • ilpuxar....spout
  • ilpuxlar....plunger
  • ilpyasar....geyser, gusher
  • ilpyaxar....jet
  • ilpyoxar....decanter, faucet, spigot
  • ilpyoxlar....plunger
  • iluar....dispenser, spigot, spout, tap
  • iluir....dispensing machine
  • ilukbar....drain, flush mechanism
  • ilukxar....drain, flush
  • ilyeb yijbar....bottle opener
  • ilyebar....dipper
  • ilyijbar....decanter, sluice
  • ilyonxar....percolator
  • ilyuijar....faucet, spigot
  • ilyujar....bung, peg, plug, stopper, tap
  • ilzeybar....pipette
  • ilzyabar....spray gun, sprayer
  • ilzyapyuxar....spritzer
  • ilzyubar....stirrer, swizzle
  • ilzyunar....dropper
  • imimofpar....caravel
  • imnagar....hygrometer
  • imobar....dehydrator
  • inapetpir....troika
  • infatayob mipar....trimaran
  • inmifubyan mimpar....trireme
  • innagsinuar....shadowbox
  • inpatuba mampur....triplane
  • inpiba zyeglar....trident
  • insinuar....triniscope
  • inzyuk-kyuifpar....chariot
  • inzyuknuxpar....pedicab
  • inzyukpar....tricycle, trike
  • inzyukpur....tricar
  • ivebpuxlar....peashooter
  • ivuduzar....bass saxophone
  • ivyuzpir....carousel, merry-go-round
  • iymar....humidor
  • iymxar....dampener, humidifier, moisturizer
  • iza bixpur....express train
  • iza feelknadpur....express train
  • iza naadpur....express train
  • iza yuzpur....express bus
  • izaxar....straightener
  • izaybar....conductor
  • izbar....steering wheel
  • izbea mar....cynosure, lodestar
  • izber mampur....pilot a plane
  • izber mimpur....pilot a ship
  • izber mompur....pilot a spaceship
  • izbexar....control, controller
  • izdar....concordance, index, indicator, pointer
  • izeadar....bellwether, indicator
  • izgibar....shank
  • izgoblar....straight edge
  • izgyozyigiar....rapier
  • izmanar....laser
  • iznadrar....straightedge
  • izonkexar....direction-finder
  • izonpixar....pawl
  • iztuyuxar....pointer
  • izummaglar....roaster, rotisserie
  • jaajdina sezgoblar....celt
  • jadir....postulate
  • jaexlar....preprocessor
  • jaga pur....jalopy
  • jaga utmempur....flivver
  • jatexdrenir....blueprinter
  • javyixar....grooming device
  • jobdrar....chronograph
  • jobikbar....pastime
  • jobnagar....chronometer, metronome, timer
  • jobyixer pur....rent a car
  • jobyixpur....rental car
  • joexlar....postprocessor
  • joibmanigir....stroboscope
  • jomagxar....afterburner
  • jomayl mapxar....exhaust fan
  • joomxar....after-cooler
  • josiynxar....tracer, tracker
  • jotuldras tilar....dessertspoon
  • judar....calendar
  • jwabdar....minute hand
  • jwadar....alarm, alert, warner, warning device
  • jwadea seusar....warning bell
  • jwadseuxar....horn, klaxon
  • jwamaj mar....morningstar
  • jwatuar jwobir....alarm clock
  • jwatuar....alarm, early warning device, warner, warning device
  • jwebdar....second hand
  • jwedar....prompter
  • jwedseusar....tocsin
  • jwobar....time piece, timepiece, watch
  • jwobdar....hour hand
  • jwobdir....clock punch
  • jwobir izdar....clock hand
  • jwobir....clock
  • jwobur....grandfather clock
  • kaduzar....drum, timpani, tympan
  • kaduzarumxar....tumble-drier
  • kafeyl mekxar....coffee grinder
  • kafeyl mulyonxur....percolator
  • kafeylsaxar....coffeemaker
  • kafeyluar....coffee pot, coffee urn, coffeepot
  • kafolar....coffee grinder
  • kapet pexar....mouse trap, mousetrap
  • kapot pexar....rat trap
  • kapotpexar....rattrap
  • kaviar....caviar
  • kaxonar....resolver
  • keaxar....scanner
  • keduzar....glockenspiel
  • keteaxar....scanner
  • kexunteaxar....scope
  • kiduzar....vibraphone
  • kinnogar....clinometer
  • kipasar....skate
  • kipyosovar....calk
  • kipyuijar....zipper
  • komisar....commissar
  • koteexar....bug, listening device, wiretap
  • kovuar....protector
  • koxar....smokescreen
  • kuduzar....marimba
  • kugoblar....edger
  • kumanxar....reflector
  • kunadbar....delimiter
  • kunadgoblar....trimmer
  • kunkyaxar....flipper
  • kupanar....escapement
  • kupar....sidecar, slider
  • kuteatyofxar....winker
  • kyabar....shift stick
  • kyajob bi muar....phase of the moon
  • kyavolzteatar....kaleidoscope
  • kyaxar....alternator, converter, switch
  • kyaxlar....converter
  • kyayujar....shutter
  • kyebuk jwadar....alert
  • kyenapxar....scrambler
  • kyenekar....casino machine, gaming machine
  • kyenekir....gambling machine
  • kyeteaxar....browser
  • kyeyanmulxar....scrambler
  • kyia apetbixwa belir....gig
  • kyiazonnagar....gravimeter
  • kyibyexar....sledge hammer, sledgehammer
  • kyigoblar....chopper, hatchet
  • kyinar....balance, scales, weight scales
  • kyinbyalar....barbell
  • kyinyabar....dumbbell
  • kyinyabir....winch
  • kyinyablar....crane, lift
  • kyinyobir....derrick
  • kyinzebar....balance
  • kyinzyubelar....dumper
  • kyis belir....dray
  • kyis bixpur....freight train
  • kyis mampur....cargo plane
  • kyis mempur....cargo truck
  • kyis mimpur....cargo ship, cargo vessel
  • kyisnif puxdopar....bola
  • kyispar....dolly
  • kyispir....carriage, wagon
  • kyispur....truck, freight vehicle
  • kyisyablir....cargo lift, service lift
  • kyiunar....cartridge clip, charger, magazine
  • kyiunbelar....wagon, wheelbarrow
  • kyiunbelur....truck
  • kyiunmimpur....freighter
  • kyiunobar....discharger
  • kyiunpar....wheelbarrow
  • kyiunpur....lorry, truck
  • kyiunur....loader, weighing machine
  • kyiunyaoblir....freight elevator
  • kyoduzar....tubular bell
  • kyoemben nagar....parking meter
  • kyoember pur....park a car
  • kyoja drilar....permanent marker pen
  • kyojesea drilar....marker
  • kyosanxar....formatter
  • kyoxar....anchor, peg, splint, stick
  • kyoyujlar....deadbolt
  • kyuar....buoy
  • kyubar....pontoon, raft
  • kyubasar....glider
  • kyubixpur....trolley bus, trolley car, trolleybus
  • kyuigbyexar....clicker
  • kyumimpar....shallop
  • kyup mampur....floatplane, flying boat
  • kyup mimpar....flotation raft
  • kyupar....flotation device
  • kyupmuv goblar....bolt cutter
  • kyuyuzpur....trolley bus, trolley car, trolleybus
  • landaw mempur....landau
  • lavol fayobobar....potato peeler
  • lavol yanbalar....potato masher
  • levebgoblar....machete
  • lifeb zyobalar....lemon squeezer
  • loaxleaxar....de-activator
  • lobexar....release latch, release mechanism
  • lobirar....latch
  • lobixfeelkxar....degausser
  • lodrar....eraser
  • loglagonbar....demultiplexer
  • lokosagsinxar....decipherment device, decryption machine
  • lokoxar....detector
  • lomaluyafwa mipar....collapsible boat, deflatable craft
  • lomiafxar....defogger
  • lonagonxar....demodulator
  • lonapxar....scrambler
  • lopexar....release latch, release mechanism
  • lotruar....mask
  • loyomxar....de-icer, deicer
  • loyoymxar....de-froster, defroster
  • luvob drilar....reed pen
  • maagil buxrar....fuel pump, fuel station
  • maagil neyeb pur....fuel tanker
  • maagilnexar....fuel-saving device
  • maalbalnagar....barometer
  • maalnagar....radiosonde
  • maalyendar....weathervane
  • maar teabar....sunglasses
  • maarmanar....sunlamp
  • maarmonar....parasol
  • maarmoynar....sunshade
  • maarnagar....heliometer
  • maarovar....parasol, sun shield, sunshade
  • maartaxdrar....heliograph
  • maarteabar....sunglasses
  • maarteaxar....helioscope
  • maaxar....brightener
  • maeg mimpur....collier
  • maegbelar....hod
  • maegelar....barbecue grill, barbeque, brazier, charcoal grill
  • maegil buxrar....gas pump, gasoline pump, petrol pump
  • maegil magelar....gas stove
  • maegil nagar....gas meter
  • maegilbexar....gasometer
  • maegildolar....petrodollar
  • maftuloxar....skyscraper
  • mag jwadar....fire alarm, fire alert
  • mag milbuxar....fire hydrant
  • mag milbuxrar pur....fire engine
  • mag miluar....hydrant
  • mag milzyabar....fire hose
  • mag mimpar....fireboat
  • magabar....grease gun
  • magalmagijbar....carburetor
  • magalmavxar....carburator
  • magbekar....cauterizer, cautery
  • magelar....cooker
  • magijar....lighter
  • magijbar....furze, fuze, igniter, ignition switch
  • magijber ummagelar....light an oven
  • magilar....boiler
  • magilbar....fuse, fusee
  • maglar....roaster
  • maglir....oven, stove
  • maglur....rotisserie
  • magmilpuxar....fireplug
  • magovar....firewall
  • magpur....fire engine, fire truck, firetruck
  • magtelur....furnace, pizza oven, brick oven
  • magujbar....extinguisher, fire extinguisher
  • magujbea kyispur....fire engine
  • magxar....burner
  • magxur....blast, furnace
  • magyelar....fryer, frying pan
  • magyelmanar....cruse
  • maipar....bellows
  • maipiar....puffer
  • maipxar....blower
  • maipxur....fan
  • mak yuijbar....electric switch
  • maka kaduzar....electronic drum
  • maka kyabar....electric engine, electric motor
  • maka leduar....electric guitar
  • maka manar....electric lamp
  • maka nyexar....electric battery
  • maka nyifujibar....electric outlet, electric socket
  • maka raduzar....synthesizer
  • maka sur....electric motor, electrical motor
  • maka syaagir....electronic computer
  • maka tuunexlur....electronic data processor
  • maka yijlar....electronic key, fob
  • makgayxar....doubler
  • makigar....spark plug, sparkplug
  • makijbar....ignition switch
  • makilplokoxar....galvanometer
  • makilpnagar....ammeter
  • makmanar....electric lamp, electric light
  • makmanarbexar....electrolier
  • maknagar....electrometer
  • maknyexar....battery
  • maknyifibar....electrical socket
  • makpur....electromotor
  • makpyaonuibar....radio
  • maksaxar....electric generator
  • maksur....electric motor
  • makteaxar....electroscope
  • maktebosdrar....electroencephalograph
  • maktiibdrar....electrocardiograph
  • makyijlar....electronic key, fob
  • makyuijar....electric plug, electric switch, on switch, plug, switch
  • makyujar....off switch
  • makyuzpur....streetcar
  • malaypar....air flotation device
  • malbuxrar....air pump
  • maledopar....air rifle
  • malgalmagijbar....carburetter, carburettor
  • malomxar....air-conditioner
  • maloyxar....damper
  • malpuibar....radio transmitter-receiver
  • malpur....airship
  • maltayefar....airbrush
  • maluar....aerator, air pump, inflater, ventilating fan, ventilator
  • maluyafwa mipar....dinghy, inflatable craft
  • malxar....aerator, fan
  • malyebiar....air intake, air suction device
  • malyomkipar....ski, snow-ski, toboggan
  • malyommapxar....snowblower
  • malyompur....snowmobile
  • malyomur....snowplough, snowplow
  • malzaxar....whitener
  • malzyuynamxar....boiler
  • malzyuynar....boiler
  • malzyuynxar....boiler
  • mamakdopar....blitzkrieg
  • mamakovar....grounding, lightning rod
  • mamil kyinpur....rain truck
  • mamil nagar....rain gauge
  • mamil pixar....rain gutter
  • mamilar....brolly
  • mamilnagar....pluviometer, rain gauge
  • mamilovar belar....umbrella stand
  • mamilovar byaxar....umbrella stand
  • mamilovar....umbrella
  • mamiluar....rain on
  • mamkipur....sailplane
  • mamkyupar....blimp
  • mampur belur....aircraft carrier
  • mampur....aeroplane, aircraft, airliner, airplane, plane
  • mampyosar....parachute
  • man siunar....light signal
  • manaozar....dimmer switch
  • manar abunar....lamp shade, lamp-shade
  • manar....lamp, light
  • mandrirsiynbar....phototypesetter
  • manenmepar....photodiode
  • manibar....photoreceptor
  • manigar....flasher, sparkler, twinkler
  • manigijbar....flashgun
  • mankixar....refractor
  • mankoxar....photomask
  • manmimpar....lightship
  • mannagar....light meter, luxmeter, photometer
  • manpuxrar....photo projector
  • mansar....lantern
  • mansinar....camera, still camera
  • mansingelxar....photocopier, photoduplicator
  • mansinteesdrar....camcorder
  • mansinuar....projector
  • mansinxar....camera, still camera
  • mansinzaypuxar....epidiascope
  • mansiunar....light, red light, signal, traffic light
  • mantosar....photosensor
  • manubennagar....fluoroscope
  • manufar....candelabra, candle holder, candlestick, chandelier
  • manufbelar....candelabrum
  • manufyujar....snuffer
  • manur....lantern
  • manyimxar....floodlight
  • manyuijar....blinker, light switch
  • manyujar....dimmer switch, off switch
  • manyujegar....blinder
  • manzexar....spotlight
  • maonigar....blinker
  • mapad jwobir....cuckoo clock
  • mapagur....blowing engine
  • mapatub mampur....prop plane, propeller aircraft, propeller plane
  • mapiar....air intake
  • mapil ukxar....storm drain
  • mapkipar....wind surfer
  • mapkipasar....wind glider
  • mapmanar....blowlamp
  • mapnagar....anemometer
  • mapogar....bellows
  • mapogir....blower, fan
  • mapogur....blowing machine, wind tunnel
  • mapovar apaxar....windshield wiper
  • mapovar....windshield
  • mapuar....blower, fan
  • mapxar....fan
  • mapzyubar....windmill
  • marnagar....astrolabe
  • marpur....star ship
  • mas jwobir....wall clock
  • masbyexar....knocker
  • masofvyixar....shampooer
  • massuvabar....stud gun
  • mavar....flambeau, torch
  • mavigar adopar....flintlock, fusee
  • mavigar....flint
  • mavigesar....sparkler
  • mavjwatuar....fusee
  • mavpuxar....blowtorch, flame-thrower, flamethrower
  • mayabar....lubricator
  • maylmanar....gaslight
  • Mear....Mercury
  • meggoblar....broach
  • megmir....lithosphere
  • megpuxar....sllingshot
  • megpuyxar....slingshot
  • megukxar....rock bore
  • megyel belur....cement truck
  • megyonar....gouge, tomahawk
  • megyonpyexar....jackhammer
  • meilbeaxar....mudguard
  • meilovar....fender, mud flap
  • meilxar....muddler
  • mekapaxlar....dust sweeper
  • mekbar....duster
  • mekbaxlar....whisk
  • mekesaxar....grater, grinder
  • mekilxar....crusher, grinder, masher
  • mekilxir....smasher
  • mekobar....dust mop, dust remover, duster, mop
  • mekobir....vacuum cleaner, vacuum duster, vacuum sweeper
  • melbuxar....bulldozer
  • melpaslunnagar....seismometer
  • melpaslunsinuar....seismoscope
  • melukar....hoe, spade
  • melukxar....slade
  • melyex belar....tumbrel
  • melyexar....hand plow
  • melyexir....plough, ploughshare, plow, plowshare, tiller
  • melyexirvyixar....moldboard
  • melyijbar....shovel
  • melyonxar....harrow
  • melzaxar....browner, toaster
  • melzyegar....hoe, mattock, pick, shovel, spade
  • melzyegesar....dibble
  • melzyegur....earthmover, excavator
  • memilbar....irrigator
  • mempur....auto, automobile, car, land craft, land vehicle, motor car
  • mempurizbar....steering wheel
  • mep manur....street lamp, street lantern, street light
  • mep yonxar....divider
  • mepignagar....odometer
  • mepkaxar....pathfinder
  • mepmanar....streetlight
  • mepxar....router
  • merizondar....compass, direction-finder
  • mernodmar....polestar
  • mersindraf izdar....gazetteer
  • mes abexar....door handle
  • mes byexar....door knocker, doorknocker
  • mes poxar....doorstop
  • mes seusar....doorbell
  • mes tuyabar....door handle
  • mes yijar....door opener
  • mes yugar....door check
  • mes yujlar....door lock
  • mes yuvar....door chain
  • mesbelar....gurney
  • mesbyexar....door knocker
  • meugxar....kneader
  • meyagdrar....chalk crayon, stick of chalk
  • meyazdrar....pastel crayon, pastel stick
  • meyf bi meyagdrar....stick of chalk
  • meyfgoblar....dicer
  • meykbea pur....gritter
  • meykxar....grater, grinder, pulverizer
  • mial mimpar....steamboat
  • mial mimpur....steamship
  • mialbar....atomizer, vaporizer
  • mialbur....steamer
  • mialmimpar....steamboat
  • mialmimpur....steamer, steamship
  • mialteaxar....hygroscope
  • mialuar....sprayer
  • mialxar....evaporator
  • mialzyixar....steamroller
  • miampar....boat, lake craft
  • miampur....aquaplane, seaplane
  • miekilpyuxlar....sandblaster
  • miekjwobar....hourglass
  • mifobar....demister
  • mifub mimpar....paddle boat, rowboat
  • mifubkyoxar....oarlock
  • mifubyujar....rowlock
  • mifxar....misting device, sprayer
  • mil bi ilyujar....tap water
  • mil buxrar....water pump
  • mil milbelar....water bucket, water pail
  • milakutanir....mulligatawny
  • milamxar....water heater
  • milapyoxar....shower head
  • milaypar....flotation device
  • milbaluar....snorkel
  • milbelar....pail of water
  • milebar....groyne
  • milibiar....hopper
  • miliuar....waterspout
  • milizbar....aqueduct
  • milkexar....divining rod, dowser
  • milkipar....water ski
  • milkyupar....float, water flotation device
  • milmir....hydrosphere
  • milmufyega yaobar....hydraulic lift
  • milmyekbar....sprinkler
  • milnagar....hydrometer, hydrostat
  • milnaknagar....mileometer
  • milnedpar....hydroplane
  • milobyujar....sluice
  • miloybar....sinker
  • milpixar....guzzler
  • milseuxmakxar....hydrophone
  • miluar....irrigator
  • milukxar....downspout, urinal
  • milvolz tayefar....watercolor brush
  • milyuijar....bibb, bibcock, faucet, sillcock, spigot
  • milzyabar....douche
  • milzyagosbar....sprinkler
  • milzyep teabar....swimming goggles
  • milzyubar....water mill
  • mimagpur....ocean liner, ocean-going vessel, ocean-liner
  • mimanar....sea-lamp
  • mimanur....beacon, lighthouse, marine lighthouse
  • mimbelar....cargo ship, cargo vessel
  • mimbelur....ferry, ferryboat
  • mimdopyonar....cutlass
  • mimkum belir....beach buggy
  • mimkyiunkyiunpur....cargo ship, cargo vessel
  • mimofpar....sailboat
  • mimofpur....sailing ship, sailing vessel
  • mimolnagar....salinometer
  • mimoluar....salt cellar, salt shaker, saltcellar, saltshaker
  • mimpar....boat, craft
  • mimpir....motorboat
  • mimpur....sea craft, ship, vessel
  • mimseuxar....foghorn
  • mimuip nagar....tide gage
  • mimuip yujar....tide lock
  • mipar....riverboat
  • mipbelur....river ferry
  • mir....globe, realm, sphere, world
  • mirvir....wonder of the world
  • mis moynar....window shade
  • misyuijar....flap, shutter, valve
  • mog belar....ash tray
  • moguar....thurible
  • mogxar....cremator, crematory, incinerator
  • moja fyax seusar....vesper
  • mompar....lander
  • mompur....space ship, space vehicle, spacecraft, spaceship
  • mopur....orbiter
  • mossembexar....bracket
  • moubxir....trencher
  • mov jwadar....smoke alarm, smoke alert
  • mov lokoxar....smoke detector
  • movukxar....exhaust pipe, tail pipe
  • moynar....shade
  • moynxar....umbrella
  • moyvuar....fumigator
  • muar....earth's moon
  • muara pur....lunar vehicle
  • mufbelar....handbarrow
  • mufbuxwa mimpar....punt
  • mufgibar....poker
  • mufkyoxar....rod
  • mufyeg goblar....pipe cutter
  • mufyegubar....faucet, tap
  • mufyegvyixar....pipe-cleaner
  • mufzyeg yankyujar....gasket
  • mufzyeg yuijar....stopcock
  • mufzyegbolar....style
  • mufzyegnakar....calibrator
  • mug goypar....hacksaw
  • muga milbelar....metal bucket, metal pail
  • muggoblar....hacksaw
  • mugmapduzar....brasswind
  • mugnefmagelar....grill
  • mugnefmagyelur....grill
  • mugoyebixir....smelter
  • mugsaib yaozgoblir....bucksaw
  • mugsanxar....swage
  • mugyanar....chain, metal chain
  • mugyanilxar....solderer
  • mugyeg ruduzar....pipe organ
  • mukiblem par....mine carriage
  • mulibiar....hopper
  • mulogxar....crusher
  • mulunigxur....cyclotron
  • mulyonxar....colander, filter, filterer, riddle, sieve, sift, strainer
  • mulzyobar....filter, sieve, sifter, strainer
  • mumilzyeg buxrar....well pump
  • mumpur....metro, subway train, tube, u-bahn, underground
  • mumzyegar....auger
  • mupar....mine carriage
  • mupsaxir....tunneler, tunneling machine
  • mur....moon, satellite
  • musnogar....ladder
  • muyfbyaxar....pinsetter
  • muyfgin drilar....stylograph
  • myeikar....putty knife
  • myekbar....dredge, sprinkler, shaker
  • myekxar....crusher, grater, grinder, grindstone
  • myekxur....mill
  • myekzyubar....powder mill
  • naadkyaxar....shunt
  • naadpur....rail vehicle, train
  • nabxar....adapter
  • nabyandrar....spectrograph
  • nabyanmannagar....spectrophotometer
  • nabyannagar....spectrometer
  • nabyanteaxar....spectroscope
  • nagar....gauge, meter
  • nagen jwobar....stopwatch
  • nagonxar....modulator
  • naivgin drilar....felt-tip pen
  • nambelar....shopping cart
  • napxar....concordance, index
  • nas belar....purse
  • nasbuien syagdrir....cash register
  • nasesuar....change-making machine
  • nasmug syagar....coin counter
  • nasmuguar....change-maker
  • nasvekar....casino machine, slot machine
  • nasvekuir....gambling machine, gaming machine
  • nasyefiwa pur....leased car
  • naudaxlean nagar....geiger counter
  • naudnagar....radiometer
  • nazmuk yaybar....ore bridge
  • neafgoblar....grater
  • neafmansinuar....webcam
  • neaxar....sight, viewfinder
  • nedar....squeegee
  • nedgoblar....scraper
  • nedmagxar....scorcher
  • nedxar....strickle
  • nedyugfir....trowel
  • nefar....crochet needle, darning needle, knitting needle
  • nefgrunar....crochet needle
  • nefur....spinner, spinning wheel
  • nefxar....loom
  • negar....level
  • negxar....leveler
  • nema bixpur....local train
  • nema yuzpur....local bus
  • neufmimpar....coracle
  • neyef goypir....band saw, band-saw
  • neyef goypur....bandsaw
  • nidnagar....dosimeter, volumeter
  • nidyaobar....volume control, volume tuner
  • niemal manar....neon lamp, neon light
  • nifar....needle, spicule
  • nifuzpexar....snare
  • nifzyebar....threader
  • nifzyeber nifar....thread a needle
  • nigamxar....space heater
  • nigikxar....quadrat
  • nignagar....stereometer
  • nigxar....spacer
  • nildrefdrir....papyrograph
  • nivar....pin
  • nixbuen sir....vending machine
  • nod bi merizondar....compass point
  • nofeb yonbyexar....nutcracker
  • nofebzyegar....nutpick
  • nofir....weaving loom
  • nofunyonxar....swingle
  • nofyonxar....scissor, scissors
  • nogar....gradient
  • nogsar....stepper
  • nogsea sir....stepper
  • non sequitur....non sequitur
  • noognagar....phasemeter
  • novumxar....clothes drier
  • novxuta goblar....trivet
  • novyilxir....washing machine
  • novzyiar....iron
  • noyxar....dispenser, nozzle
  • noyxir....dispensing machine
  • num yibdalir....cellphone
  • nun bixpur....freight train
  • nunmimpur....cargo vessel, merchantship
  • nunpur....commercial vehicle, truck
  • nux yibdalir....payphone
  • nuxpur....cab, taxi, taxicab
  • nyafar....clasp, fastener
  • nyana nyexar....mass storage device
  • nyanufar....holdfast
  • nyaxar....accumulator
  • nyebag mimpur....container ship
  • nyedovol amxar....waffle iron
  • nyefovol amxar....waffle iron
  • nyefpyexar....racket
  • nyempur....van
  • nyexar....battery, driven, storage device
  • nyifbexar....cleat
  • nyifpixar....slingshot
  • nyifpur....funicular
  • nyifujibar....outlet, plug, socket
  • nyivxwa duzar....string instrument
  • nyofar....film camera
  • nyov taxdrar....tape recorder
  • nyus bixpur....freight train
  • nyus mampur....freight plane
  • nyusmimpur....freighter
  • nyux mimpur....supply ship
  • nyuxmimpur....cargo ship
  • nyuxnaadpur....freight train
  • nyuxpur....delivery truck, delivery vehicle, freight truck
  • obabilar....creamer
  • obalar....depressurize
  • obaybilar....cream separator, creamer
  • obdopyun apaxlar....minesweeper
  • ober tuyoyuvar....remove handcuffs
  • obvyilxar....rinser
  • obyexar....protective device, shield
  • obzatib syaagir....laptop computer
  • odir....option
  • odrar....eraser
  • ofyujar....plug, tampon
  • ofyujgoblar....jackknife
  • ogenzyukpar....minibike
  • ogladrir....microprinter
  • oglapyaon ummagelur....microwave oven
  • oglapyaonxar....microwave oven
  • oglasyaagir....microcomputer
  • oglateaxar....microscope
  • oglateexar....mic, microphone, mike
  • oglateuzibar....microphone
  • ogmansinar....minicam
  • ogsyaagir....minicomputer
  • ogtayepixar....nipper, pincer, tweezer
  • ogzyegxar....gimlet
  • olfeelka apyexrar....mallet
  • oliymxar....dehumidifier
  • olkuar....oxygen machine, oxygenator
  • omar....cooler
  • omxar....fridge, refrigerator
  • onyifsar....wireless device
  • oomar....chiller
  • opixer yuzpur....miss a bus
  • opuxrawa adopar....unfired gun
  • opyexar....shield
  • ov ha jwobir....counterclockwise
  • ovabunar....protective device, shield
  • ovar....protector, shield
  • ovaxler dir....defy an order
  • ovazyujar....jimmy
  • ovebar....bar, barrier
  • ovmaara abteabar....sun visor
  • ovolxar....bread-maker
  • ovpyexar....barrier
  • ovzoyseuxar....antiresonator
  • oxrer dir....ignore an order
  • oyb ha mimpur....overboard
  • oybbolar....corbel
  • oybdipur....submarine
  • oybizdar....subdirectory
  • oybmas vyixar....floor sweeper, floor cleaner
  • oybmas vyixir....electric floor sweeper
  • oybmasvyixar....broom, sweeper
  • oybmilar....scuba
  • oybmimdopir....torpedo
  • oybmir....netherworld, underworld
  • oybmisbolar....lintel
  • oybnyifpur....cable car
  • oybseuxa zaypux mampur....ramjet
  • oybsir....submachine
  • oyebixar....extractor
  • oyebnyuar....emitter
  • oyepuxar....ejector
  • oymxar....cooler
  • oyuzbarur....decompressor
  • oyvaxar....reverser
  • ozbyexar....putter
  • pansinar....movie camera
  • pansiniar....cinemascope, videorecorder
  • pansinuar....videoplayer
  • pansinyibdalir....videophone, videotelephone
  • papea tuilar....flying saucer
  • par....buggy, carriage, light vehicle
  • pasteurxar....pasteurizer
  • pat teluar....bird feeder
  • pat toluar....bird feeder
  • patayeb drilar....feather pen, quill
  • patayeb mekobar....feather duster
  • patayebub drilar....calamus, plume
  • patayepib drilar....quill pen
  • patijpyexlar....egg-beater, eggbeater
  • patubasar....flapper, valve
  • patulobar....grip, gripper
  • patveebar....birdseeder
  • paxir....drive
  • paxur....motor
  • pelpar....creeper
  • pensiynar....tracker, tracer
  • peput bixpur....passenger train
  • per bey yuzpur....go by bus
  • persa gibar....scimitar
  • peser nuxpur....wait for a taxi
  • peser yuzpur....wait for a bus
  • Petri zyitolar....Petri dish
  • petteluar....manger
  • pexar....snag, snatch, trap, trapan
  • pexir....booby trap
  • pibar....fork
  • pibyablir....forklift
  • pibzyukkyaxar....derailleur
  • pipar....sextant
  • pir....evasion, getaway
  • pitgoblar....fish cutter
  • pitpexar....bait, fish lure, fish trap
  • pitpexnef mimpar....trawler
  • pitpix mimpar....fishing boat
  • pitzyeglar....harpoon
  • pixar....catcher, mitt
  • pixer nuxpur....catch a cab
  • pixer yuzpur....catch a bus
  • plexir....electric beater
  • pobalkdrar....lead pencil
  • ponyef belar....baggage rack, luggage barrow, luggage cart, luggage rack
  • pooxar....pacifier
  • potkex goblar....hunting knife
  • potuloxar....claw
  • poxar....bung, stopper
  • puduzar....cajon
  • puer be pur....drive up
  • pur zeymipar....car ferry
  • pur....auto, automobile, car, craft, motor car, motor vehicle, motorcar, vehicle
  • purbyalar....carjack, jack
  • purilp mansiunar....traffic light
  • purilp siunar....traffic signal
  • purizbar....helm, steering wheel
  • purkyoemben nagar....parking meter
  • purlopanaxar....boot
  • purseuxar....car horn, klaxon
  • puxar....catapult
  • puxgibar....lance
  • puxgoblar....spear
  • puxlar....slingshot, thruster
  • puxler zyigiar....plunge a sword
  • puxlir....thruster
  • puxlur....jet engine
  • puxpibar....pitch fork
  • puxrar....shooter
  • puxrawa bey adopar....shot by a gun
  • puxrer adopar....fire a gun, fire a gun, fire a pistol
  • puxrer dopar....discharge a weapon
  • puxrunbelar....cartridge belt
  • puxrunogar....pistol
  • pyaea pur....hovercraft
  • pyaonteaxar....oscilloscope
  • pyapur....hovercraft
  • pyasar....trampoline
  • pyaxar....launcher, rocket, shooter
  • pyexar....baton, cudgel, slugger, bat
  • pyexegar....crop, flagellum, lash, scourge
  • pyexer seusir....blare a horn
  • pyexlar....beater
  • pyexluar....hammer
  • pyexovar....buffer, fender
  • pyexrer ha kaduzar....bang the drum
  • pyexrovar....shock absorber
  • pyosovar....parachute
  • pyoxlar....plunger
  • pyoxlawa mampar....downed aircraft
  • pyoxlawa mimpar....sunken ship
  • pyuxlir....impactor
  • pyuxovar....bumper
  • pyuxrar mampur....bomber plane
  • pyuxrar....bomb, bombshell
  • raduzar....piano, pianoforte
  • reduzar....clavichord
  • riduzar....harpsichord
  • rogelkar....x-ray
  • roma goblar....shiv
  • ruduzar....cymbal, cymbals
  • ruduzar....organ
  • Rusa apetbixpar....droshky
  • rusyapyexegar....knout
  • rvyiapaxrar....brush
  • ryaduzar....dulcimer, balalaika, nabla
  • ryeduzar....calliope
  • ryiduzar....melodica
  • ryoduzar....accordion
  • ryuduzar....concertina
  • sag tayoxar....number pad
  • sagdar....enumerator
  • sagunxar....digitizer
  • sagvekek bixen bi zyukaduzar....tombola
  • sagzyiuner yibdalir....dial a phone, dial a telephone
  • sammanar....lamp
  • sangoblar....carving knife
  • sanizbar....template
  • sankyaxir....transformer
  • sanxar....shaper
  • sanxea goypur....fretsaw
  • sanxir....lathe
  • sar....apparatus, device, instrument, tool, utility
  • sarkyobexar....chuck
  • sartuyabar....haft, helve
  • saunapxar....sorter
  • sazula milbelar....plastic bucket, plastic pail
  • seduzar....bandoneon
  • seusar....bell, chimer
  • seuxar....tooter
  • seuxazandar....fader
  • seuxdrar....phonograph, recorder
  • seuxdyear....sounder
  • seuxer kyebuk jwadar....sound an alarm
  • seuxnid izbexar....volume control
  • seuxrar....honker, hooter
  • seuxteaxar....sonogram
  • seuxur....siren
  • sezgoblar....chisel
  • sezyonar....chisel
  • sifolar....pepper shaker, pepperbox
  • simbelar....chairlift
  • sinar....camera
  • siniar....viewer, viewing device, visualizer
  • sinuar....displayer, readout, screen
  • sinxwa opyexar....scutcheon
  • sir....machine
  • sirgonbexar....gib
  • siunar....semaphore, signal
  • sizar....brush, paintbrush
  • sizkebiar....palette
  • siztayefar....paintbrush
  • sombelpur....moving truck, moving van
  • somsaxuta ingunar....gnomon
  • sonilkyebagpur....tanker truck
  • stanhope apetbixpar....stanhope
  • summanar....bed lamp
  • sumpur....camper
  • sunuar....display device
  • sunyantixar....parser
  • sur....engine, motor
  • surmimpar....powerboat
  • surreypar....surrey
  • surreypur....surrey
  • suvabar....hammer
  • suvobar....nail remover
  • syaagar....calculating machine, calculator
  • syaagir....computer
  • syaagirmir....cyberspace
  • syagar....counter, counting machine, tabulator
  • syagnasir....cash machine
  • syeb ijbar....can opener
  • taadxen ekar....sex toy
  • tafoybnadar....hemmer
  • tudet belar....baby carriage
  • talabteaxar....arthroscope
  • tammipar....houseboat
  • taogoblar....butcher knife, carver, carving knife, cleaver, meat cleaver, meatchopper
  • taolmekxar....meat grinder
  • tapiadar....honker, horn, klaxon
  • tapyexir....exercise machine
  • tavyul ibiar....pooper scooper
  • taxdrar....recorder
  • taxuar....reminder
  • taxyuxar....mnemonic device
  • tayeb goyblar....hair clipper
  • tayeb mialuar....hair spray
  • tayeb mifxar....hair spray
  • tayeb nyafar....barrette
  • tayeb umar....hair dryer
  • tayeb umxar....hair drier, hairdryer
  • tayebar....comb
  • tayebebir....tufter
  • tayebexar....scrunchie
  • tayebuzar....curler, curling iron
  • tayebzyuk buixar....hairspring
  • tayefar....hairbrush
  • tayegoblar....razor, shaver
  • tayegoblir....clippers
  • tayelvyixir....shampoo cleaner, shampooer
  • tayevar....mop, swab
  • tayibubar....neurotransmitter
  • tayobapaxrar....strigil
  • tayobobar....skinner
  • tayofgoblar....bodkin, botkin
  • tayotar....antenna, feeler, sensor
  • tayotiar....feeler, sensing device, sensor
  • tayoxar....feeler, sensor
  • teabakiluar....eyedropper
  • teabar....eyeglass, eyeglasses, glasses, spectacles
  • teabexlar....monitor
  • teabilxar....lachrymator, lacrimator
  • teabilzyunuar....eye dropper
  • teabovar....eye protector, visor
  • teabyunxar....sight
  • teabzenar....rangefinder, sight
  • teasyuibar....zoom
  • teatar....eyepiece
  • teatpuxar....diascope
  • teatuar....index
  • teatyofxar....blinder
  • teaxar....viewing device
  • teaxuar....pointer
  • teazexar....focus mechanism
  • teb bexar....kerchief
  • tebobgoblar....guillotine
  • teeb kaduzar....ear drum, eardrum
  • teebar....audio device, earphone, earpiece
  • teebyujar....earplug
  • teesnagar....audiometer
  • teetyafnogar....sonometer
  • teetyuxar....hearing aid
  • teexar....headphone, listening device, microphone
  • teexir....headset
  • tef byoxar....hat rack, hat stand, hat tree
  • tef nivar....hatpin
  • tefbexar....hat rack
  • teilar....soup spoon
  • teixar....smeller
  • teizbar....aromatizer, perfumer
  • tejmir....biosphere
  • tejvakbexlar....buoy
  • tejvakuar....life-saver
  • tel yaoblar....food elevator
  • telamar....hotplate
  • telar....fork, utensil
  • telbelur....food truck
  • telpyexegar....food beater, kitchen beater
  • telsir....automat
  • teluar....feeder
  • telxur....cooker, stove
  • telyebar....tray, food tray
  • telyuxlar....salver, trencher
  • teubab yobalar....tongue depressor
  • teubexar....snaffle
  • teubsar....mouthpiece
  • teubyujar....gag
  • teupib vyixar....toothbrush
  • teupibgoblar....hob
  • teusibar....taste bud, taste receptor
  • teuzagxar....megaphone, microphone, mike
  • teuzazar....loudspeaker, mic
  • teuzyantixar....vocoder
  • teyof belar....tie rack
  • teyof nivar....tie tack
  • teyof yanyifar....tie clip, tiepin
  • teyoyuvar....neck chain
  • teyozyoxrar....garrote
  • teyozyupar....swivel
  • tiba gwogteexar....lavalier
  • tiebaliar....inhaler
  • tiebaluar....respirator
  • tiebaluiar....breathing device
  • tiebaluir....breathing machine
  • tiebir....lung machine
  • tiexuar....breathing device
  • tiibil ifbuen yuzpur....bloodmobile
  • tiibilpoxar....hemostat, styptic
  • tiibiltumsyagar....hemocytometer
  • tiibnogxar....pacemaker
  • tijbea jwobir....alarm clock
  • tikebukxar....stomach pump
  • tilar bolar....spoon rest
  • tilar....spoon
  • tilaybiluar....mamma, breastfeeder, nurse
  • tilyuijar....cap
  • tim golar....partition, room divider
  • tobbixwa belir....rickshaw, tuk-tuk
  • tobbixwa par....ricksha
  • tobijovar....contraceptive
  • tobmir....world of men
  • todmempur....station wagon
  • tof yanpixar....clothes pin, clothespin
  • tofabyoxar....clothes hanger
  • tojben bey adopar....shooting dead
  • tojbwa bey adopar....shot dead, shot to death
  • tojpetpyoxar....gambrel
  • tojpexar....death trap
  • tolar....china, dish, eating utensil, piece of china
  • tolarvyilxir....dishwasher
  • tolbelar....grocery cart
  • tolpar....grocery cart
  • tolsyebbexar....potholder
  • toluar....feeder
  • tolyebtuyar....panhandle
  • tomsanokya pur....jalopy
  • tosar....sense, sensor
  • tospanuar....stimulus
  • trekdopar....phaser
  • trubadur....troubadour
  • tsar....czar, tsar
  • tswar....tsar
  • tuab dopar....shoulder gun, shoulder weapon
  • tudet belar....baby buggy, baby carriage, baby coach, baby sling, pram
  • tudetpar....baby buggy, pram
  • tuib yanar....elbow joint
  • tuilar....saucer
  • tujnagdrar....hypnograph
  • tujuar....sleep aid
  • tulob goyblar....nail clipper
  • tulob yugfar....nail file
  • tulobar....file, manicure device, nail cutter, nail scissor, plectrum
  • tulobtayebar....nailbrush
  • tuloxar....claw, scraper, scratcher
  • tuloxefxar....tickler
  • tulur....cooker, range, stove
  • tulxar....cooker
  • tulyabelar....dumbwaiter
  • tulyuxar....platter, serving platter
  • tutmir....academia, scholarly world
  • tuundyedar....drive
  • tuunexlir....data processor
  • tuunizbar....router
  • tuunsyaagir....data processor, computer
  • tuyab adopar....hand gun, handgun, pistol
  • tuyab belar....hand truck, handbarrow, handcart
  • tuyab dopar....hand weapon
  • tuyab manar....flashlight
  • tuyab umxar....hand dryer
  • tuyab yaozgoblar....handsaw
  • tuyab yibdalir....hand phone, handset
  • tuyaba yibdalir....cell phone, hand phone
  • tuyabar....handle
  • tuyabelar....briefcase, hand cart, satchel
  • tuyabexar....handle, pommel
  • tuyabexwa teabaar....lorgnette
  • tuyabirar....clamp
  • tuyabugar....handbrake
  • tuyabyaoxer av nuxpur....hail a taxi, wave down a taxi
  • tuyadrur....handpress
  • tuyafyem jwobar....pocket watch
  • tuyafyemyonar....pocketknife
  • tuyagibar....stiletto
  • tuyagoblar....poniard
  • tuyagoypar....handsaw
  • tuyamanar....flash light
  • tuyanefxar....handloom
  • tuyapar....handcart, cart
  • tuyapuxunar....grenade launcher
  • tuyayuvar....handcuff
  • tuyazyeglar....javelin
  • tuyibbyokuar....palmer
  • tuyob jwobar....wrist watch, wristwatch
  • tuyob yuvar....manacle
  • tuyoyuvar....handcuff, wrist cuff, wristlet
  • tuyubarar....thumbscrew
  • tuyubifxar....tickler
  • tuyugibar....poker
  • tuzuka ekar....gaud
  • twiyub ekar....dildo
  • tyalogir....snack machine
  • tyenar....technical device, tool
  • tyer eker raduzar....know how to play piano
  • tyoab yanar....hip joint
  • tyofabyoxar....suspender
  • tyoib yanar....knee joint
  • tyoisea dompur....kneeling bus
  • tyolob goyblar....toenail clipper
  • tyopagar....pedometer
  • tyopar....walker
  • tyouvbexar....garter
  • tyoyab bolar....foot rest, footrest
  • tyoyab poyxar....foot rest
  • tyoyabar mimpar....pedalo
  • tyoyabar....pedal
  • tyoyaf ugar....foot brake
  • tyoyaf zyabixar....shoe-stretcher
  • tyoyafbolar....shoelast
  • tyoyaftilar....shoehorn
  • tyoyayvbexar....garter
  • tyoyib yuvar....ankle bracelet, ankle chain
  • tyoyubexar....toehold
  • tyoyuvar....gyve
  • ub ha maar....sunward
  • ub meir....earthward
  • ubixar....adductor
  • ubunmimpar....pinnace, pinnate
  • udopar....musket
  • udopmimpur....destroyer
  • uduzar....bass
  • ugar tyoyabar....brake pedal
  • ugar yabixar....brake lever
  • ugar....brake
  • ugarsumbexar....caliper, calliper
  • ugaxar....decelerator
  • ugusuvabar....stapler
  • uibar....transceiver
  • uibyenkyaxar....modem
  • uigabaxar....tickler
  • uigpar....scooter
  • uizgoblar....jigsaw
  • uiznadar....rudder
  • ujber ha yibsinibar....turn off the television
  • ujponpur....hearse
  • ujponyebelar....catafalque
  • ukaduzar....steel drum
  • ukbar....drain
  • uklar....pickax, shovel, pick
  • uksanxar....molder
  • ulka puxrar....uranium bomb
  • uluen izbar....funnel
  • umamxar....toaster
  • umdrir....xerox
  • ummagelar....oven
  • ummagxar....oast
  • umvab puxar....hay rake, pitchfork
  • umvabpar....hay wagon
  • umxar....desiccator, dryer
  • umxur....drier, drying machine
  • unapetpar....phaeton
  • unmernodar....quadrupole
  • unzyuk belar....bogie, four-wheel cart, wagon
  • unzyukpar....four-wheel vehicle
  • upadar....honk a horn, honker, horn
  • upelat pexar....flytrap
  • upelat pyexar....flyswatter
  • upelat zaobyexar....fly swatter
  • -ur....engine, motor, stub for sur
  • utdir....claim
  • utdyezuar....cinematograph
  • utekea raduzar....player piano, pianola
  • utexea edopar....automatic rifle
  • utexea raduzar....pianola
  • utexir....robot
  • utizondar....autonavigator
  • utmagelar....samovar
  • utmempur....automobile, car
  • utpanar....automatic device
  • utpur....automobile, car
  • utsagziunar....autodialer
  • utsinar....cachet
  • utzeysanxar....autotransformer
  • uvradezun bi Xekspir....Shakespearean tragedy
  • uzbar....baffler, deflector
  • uzdopar....arch, bow
  • uzgibar....scimitar
  • uzgoblar....saber
  • uzmuvar....stapler
  • uzmuvir....staple gun
  • uzmuvobar....staple remover
  • uznad manar....klieglight
  • uzpixar....crimp
  • uzraxar....wringer
  • uzyiunar....disk drive
  • uzyiunekar....disk player
  • uzyubar....curler, reel, roller, spool, trundle, winder
  • uzyuneonxar....turnbuckle
  • uzyupar....reel, roller, wheel
  • uzyupatub mampur....helicopter
  • uzyupatupur....helicopter
  • uzyusekar....slinky
  • uzyusuvabar....screwdriver
  • vabgoblar....scythe
  • vabgoblir....lawn mower, lawnmower, mower
  • vabiblar....rake
  • vabijar....seeder
  • vabijzyegar....seeder
  • vabuer dur....agree to a demand, meet a demand, yield to a demand
  • vabuzgoblar....sickle
  • vaduzar....trumpet
  • vafil balar....wine press
  • vafil oymxar....wine cooler
  • vafil yaoblir....wine elevator
  • vafilbalar....winepress
  • vak milkyupar....life buoy, life raft
  • vak mipar....lifeboat
  • vak yujar....safety lock
  • vakar....lifesaver
  • vakbeaxpur....patrol car
  • vakteabar....goggles
  • vaktujar....padlock
  • vakuutpur....rescue vehicle
  • vakyujar....seal, sealer
  • valaduzar....sousaphone
  • valeduzar....clarion
  • validuzar....mellophone
  • valoduzar....flugelhorn
  • vapadar....beeper
  • vavol yanmul telar....salad fork
  • vayobobar....huller
  • veduzar....trombone
  • veebar....seeder
  • veebobar....seeder
  • veebyelebar....IUD, intrauterine device, contraceptive
  • veeybmyekxar....gristmill
  • veeybogxar....crusher, grater
  • veeybxar....grater
  • veeybyonxar....thresher
  • vibixpur....streamliner
  • vibwa nivar....stickpin
  • vigoblar....trimmer
  • vir....wonder
  • visauna leduzar....classical guitar
  • vixulabar....cosmetic applicator
  • vizir....vizier, vizir
  • vobiblur....crop picker, harvester, mower, reaper
  • vobsanxar....espalier
  • vobuer dur....refuse a demand
  • vobur....potato planter
  • voduzar....horn
  • vokjwadar....alarm
  • volgoblar....mandoline
  • volzazandar....fader
  • volzdrar....chromatogram, color pencil
  • volzdrilar....colored ink pen
  • volzil tayefar....paint brush
  • volzilar....paint brush, paintbrush
  • volzilmekuar....spray paint gun
  • volznagar....colorimeter
  • volzyeldrar....crayon
  • vomul gwogteaxar....electron microscope
  • vossyebkoxar....cachepot
  • vuduzar....saxophone
  • vulobdopar....blowgun, blowpipe
  • vyabar....controller, guide, standard
  • vyadrar....dicta-phone, dictaphone, dictation device
  • vyaduzar....bugle
  • vyafan bi jwobir....clockwork precision
  • vyakxampir....prison escape
  • vyamir....real world, real-world
  • vyandir....precept
  • vyaomir....dream world
  • vyeduzar....French horn
  • vyiabaxrar....scourer
  • vyiapaxrar....mop, swab
  • vyiduzar....cornet
  • vyifxar....screed
  • vyisaxar....strainer
  • vyixar....sweeper, broom
  • vyixuxer ha pur....get the car washed
  • vyizaxar....purifier
  • vyodlokoxir....polygraph
  • vyoduzar....tuba
  • vyomir....fantasy world of pretend
  • vyoyizper uipen siunar....run a traffic signal
  • vyuduzar....euphonium
  • vyumulukxar....sterilizer
  • xenar....on switch
  • xeusar....noise-maker, noisemaker
  • xeuxar....ratchet
  • xirxakkar....seersucker
  • xunaudrar....X-ray
  • yabexar....support, supporter
  • yabigana bixpur....high-speed train
  • yabixlar....dragnet
  • yabixlir....dredger
  • yabixur....dredge
  • yablar....jack
  • yablir....elevator, lift
  • yablur....crane
  • yabnagar....altimeter
  • yabnanagar....hypsometer
  • yabnaynagar....altimeter
  • yabolar....kickstand
  • yabwasinabar....embosser
  • yabyaga mimofpar....schooner
  • yabyanxar....tabulator
  • yadopar....blunderbuss
  • yadopmimpur....corvette
  • yaduzar....fiddle
  • yafon nyuar....power supply
  • yafonbir....power-grab
  • yafonuar....capacitor
  • yafonuluar....fuel pump
  • yafonur....engine
  • yafonuwa bey maar....solar-powered
  • yagdopyonar....broadsword
  • yagimar....hexagram
  • yagmagelar....slow cooker
  • yagmimpar....long boat, longboat
  • yagmipar....gondola
  • yagpip dopek mimpur....cruiser
  • yagpur....limo, limousine
  • yagpyexegar....blacksnake
  • yagriduzar....spinet
  • yagtuyagoblar....halberd, halbert
  • yagxar....extender, lengthener
  • yagzyomimpar....galley
  • yakunidxar....cuber
  • yanar....connector, hinge, joint, juncture, link, yoke
  • yanbalar....clamp
  • yanbalur....compressor
  • yanbaoxar....mixer
  • yanbarar....compactor
  • yanbarur....compactor
  • yanbaxar....blender, mixer
  • yanifar....knitting needle, stitching needle
  • yanifir....sewing machine
  • yanjwobar....synchronizer
  • yanjwobir....synchrotron
  • yankar....combiner
  • yankxar....linker
  • yanmulxar....blender, mixer
  • yanotdropekmimpur....privateer
  • yanotpur....bus, coach, omnibus, public vehicle
  • yanpixar....clip, pin
  • yanpyexpar....dodgem
  • yanpyexun zobixpur....tow truck
  • yanpyuxar....collider
  • yansuanxar....synthesizer
  • yanxar....coupler, dongle, hitch, kingpin
  • yanzyux goypur....chainsaw, cross-cut saw
  • yaoblar....lever
  • yaoblir....elevator, lift
  • yaobyomkipir....bobsled
  • yaobyomkipur....bobsleigh
  • yaobyuijar....piston
  • yaonzyuk belur....six-wheeler truck
  • yaozgoblar....saw, steak knife
  • yaozgoblen bolar....saw horse, sawbuck, sawhorse
  • yaozgoblir....electric saw, power saw
  • yaozyonar....serrated knife
  • yapyaga mimofpar....ketch, yawl
  • yapyatbelar....cadge
  • yavil bi ilyujar....beer on tap
  • yavilbixar....tap, beer tap
  • yazyunogdopar....six-gun, sixgun, sixshooter
  • yeb ha mimpar....inboard
  • yeba buixar....innerspring
  • yebalar....pliers
  • yebbelunabar....reloader
  • yebear....container
  • yebexar....container, holder, receptacle
  • yebgoblar....incisor
  • yebiliar....tampon
  • yebiluar....infuser
  • yebkyoxar....stake
  • yebmagxar....furnace, kiln, oven, stove
  • yebmilpur....wherry
  • yebteaxar....endoscope
  • yebtiexar....inhaler
  • yebyamxar....furnace, kiln, oven, stove
  • yebyibar....plunger
  • yebyujar....bracket, casing
  • yeduzar....viol
  • yekaduzar....kettledrum
  • yembiar....substitute
  • yepar....stile
  • yepetbelar....dog car, dogcart
  • yepetpar....dog car, dogcart
  • yepiitpexar....crabber
  • yepuxar....injection device, injector
  • yepyadar....hooter
  • yibanjobnagar....taximeter
  • yibdalibar....telephone receiver
  • yibdalir izbar....phone directory
  • yibdalir....phone, telephone set
  • yibdaluibar....telephone receiver-transmitter, telephone set
  • yibdrir....telegraph, teletype, teletypewriter
  • yibdrur....teleprinter
  • yibdrursiynnadbar....teletypesetter
  • yibgeldrir....telecopier, telefax
  • yibizbexar....remote control device
  • yibmansinar....telephoto camera
  • yibnodxar....polarizer
  • yibsin sinuar....t.v. screen
  • yibsin siunar....television signal
  • yibsiniar....t.v. camera, television camera
  • yibsinibar....t.v., t.v. receiver, television receiver, television set, telly
  • yibsinuar....telescreen
  • yibteaxar....spyglass, telescope
  • yibvyabar....remote control device
  • yiga malpur....zeppelin
  • yigbexar....constraint
  • yigbirar....gripper
  • yigdir....diktat
  • yigsaxar....stiffener
  • yigtuzyuber jwobar....wind up a watch
  • yigxar....hardener
  • yija apetbixwa pir....charabanc
  • yija mipar....open boat
  • yijbar....opener
  • yijber ha yibsinibar....turn on the television
  • yijber ummagelar....turn on an oven
  • yijgoblar....scalpel, surgical knife
  • yijlar belar....key ring
  • yijlar....key
  • yijlarkyaxar....keyswitch
  • yijlarzyegxir....keypunch
  • yijmagelar....broiler, gridiron, grill
  • yijmagelur....rotisserie
  • yiksonobar....resolver
  • yinsindrir....telex
  • yivben pur....rescue vehicle
  • yivobar....ricer
  • yivpas mampur....glider plane
  • yivpasar....glider
  • yixler jobyixpur....hire a rental car
  • yixwa pur....used car
  • yizdezmar....superstar
  • yizgwogteaxar....ultramicroscope
  • yizizbuar....superconductor
  • yizmir....meta-world, metasphere, metaworld, world beyond
  • yizogpur....subcompact
  • yizpen yijlar....passkey
  • yizsyaagir....supercomputer
  • yobalar....suppressor
  • yobar....davit
  • yobixar....ripcord
  • yobmagyelar....deep fryer, deep-fryer
  • yobmimpar....bathyscaph, bathyscaphe
  • yobnagar....bathometer
  • yobxagseuxar....woofer
  • yobyagnagar....bathometer
  • yodopmimpur....cruiser
  • yoduzar....viola
  • yoggoblar....dagger
  • yoggyomipar....sharpie, sharpy
  • yogina mar....five-pointed star
  • yogyonar....dagger
  • yokaduzar....bongo drum
  • yokaduzar....tomtom
  • yokbir....sudden seizure
  • yokdopar....stun gun
  • yokmar....nova
  • yomar....freezer, icebox
  • yomkipar....ice skate
  • yomkipir....sled
  • yomkipur....sleigh mobile
  • yommef belar....ice cube tray
  • yommimpar....iceboat
  • yomobar....de-icer, deicer
  • yomur....icebox
  • yomxar....freezer
  • yomyonpyexar....icebreaker
  • yonar....blade, knife
  • yonbuar....dispenser
  • yonbyexrar....smasher
  • yongoflar....ripper
  • yonibiar....sifter, sorter, sieve, filter
  • yonofar....scissors
  • yonotmempur....personal land vehicle, private land vehicle
  • yonotpur....personal car, personal vehicle, private car, private vehicle, privately owned vehicle
  • yonpapuar....dynamite
  • yonpyexrar....detonator, explosive device
  • yonrar....cut, cutter, divide, divider, knife, partition
  • yonsinuar....parameter
  • yonsuanxar....analyzer
  • yontixar....analyzer
  • yoonyuijar....pentode
  • yotatmir....hell
  • yozuliar....scoop, scooper
  • yubteexar....stethoscope
  • yufxar....scarecrow
  • yugfar....rasp
  • yugfaxar....smoother, polisher
  • yugfilbar....burnisher, polisher
  • yugfir....power sander
  • yugfyelar....buffer
  • yugglalxar....masher
  • yuglalxar....pulper
  • yuglaxar....tenderizer
  • yugmulxar....pulper
  • yugsa zyiun tuundyear....floppy disk drive
  • yugxar....softener
  • yugyelbar....lotion applicator
  • yuibteabar....bifocals
  • yuigof droar....gum eraser, rubber eraser
  • yuigof ilapar....rubber raft
  • yuijar....shutter, switch, valve
  • yuijea manar....blinking light
  • yujar....bung, plug, shut-off switch, stopgap, stopper, stopple
  • yujarloxar....picklock
  • yujber ha yibdalir....hang up the phone
  • yujlar....latch, lock, padlock
  • yujmuv goblar....bolt cutter
  • yujunobar....cork screw, corkscrew
  • yupexar....lure
  • yutotmir....empyrean
  • yuvar....fetter, shackle
  • yuvxar....binder
  • yuxar....aid
  • yuxlar....server
  • yuxlir....server
  • yuxlur....servo, servomechanism, servomotor
  • yuybmar....quasar
  • yuz bi ha mir....around the world
  • yuzar....belt, cincture, girdle, wrap-around
  • yuzbalar....pincer, pincers, pincher, pliers, squeezer
  • yuzbar....choke-hold
  • yuzbarar....choker, vice, vise
  • yuzbexar....brace, bracer, clamp, clasp, clutch, gripper, tong
  • yuzir....potter's wheel
  • yuzmepur....circuit vehicle, looper, shuttle, tour vehicle
  • yuzmir....world around
  • yuzniov yugfir....belt sander
  • yuzpopur....shuttle bus
  • yuzpur....bus, circulator, omnibus, shuttle, tour vehicle
  • yuzrar....wringer
  • yuzteaxar....periscope
  • yuzteaxpur....patrol car, reconnaissance vehicle
  • zabyosyujlar....padlock
  • zaenmimufa mimpar....catboat
  • zamanar....front light, headlamp, headlight
  • zamimof mimpar....dhow
  • zaobar....toggle switch
  • zaobaxer ha byexar....swing the bat
  • zaobelar....ferry, shuttle
  • zaobelea mipar....ferryboat, shuttle boat
  • zaobyexar....swatter
  • zaogoflar....ripsaw
  • zaogoflir....ripsaw
  • zaokyaxar....alternator
  • zaomimpar....ferry, ferryboat
  • zaopur....ferry, shuttle bus, shuttle car
  • zapixar....cow catcher
  • zatyoub beaxar....shinguard
  • zaybux mampur....prop plane
  • zaybuxar....prop, propeller
  • zaypux mampur....jet aircraft, jet airplane, jet plane, jet-propelled aircraft, jetliner
  • zaypuxar....jet, thruster
  • zaypuxur....jet engine, thrust engine, thruster
  • zebar....balance, scales
  • zebzyuka merizondar....gyrocompass
  • zemula dopir....nuke
  • zemula yonpyexrar....nuclear bomb
  • zenyibuxar....centrifuge
  • zepaxar....keel
  • zepaxur....stabilizer
  • zeybelar....conveyance, conveyor, ferry, transporter
  • zeygoblar....transect
  • zeykodrar....transcoder
  • zeymipar....ferry, ferryboat
  • zeysyaagir....transputer
  • zeyubar....transmitter
  • zoa manar....tail light
  • zobixur....tractor, tug
  • zobixwa melzyegar....backhoe
  • zomanar....taillight
  • zombuxar....booster
  • zomespur....hatchback
  • zoteatar....hindsight
  • zotibar....back
  • zoyamxar....burner, hot plate, stove
  • zoyaxlar....reactor
  • zoybixar....trigger
  • zoymanxar....reflector
  • zoyseuzkaxar....sonar
  • zoysinar....mirror, reflector
  • zyabar....spatula
  • zyabixar....chain-adjuster, extensible strap, runner, wire-strainer
  • zyabuar....distributor, dispenser
  • zyagibar....glaive
  • zyagoblar....machete
  • zyagoflar....slashing implement
  • zyanofir....broadloom
  • zyapyuxlar....spray nozzle
  • zyateaxar....monitor, scanner
  • zyatyopar....perambulator
  • zyaubar....broadcast medium
  • zyaxar....amplifier, dilator, speculum
  • zyeb belar....bottle carrier, wine rack
  • zyef goblar....glass cutter
  • zyefagaxar....magnifying glass
  • zyefgoblar....glass cutter
  • zyegagxar....reamer
  • zyegar....perforator, pick, pickax, trapan, trepan, wimble
  • zyegbar....drill
  • zyeglar....spear
  • zyegoblar....dagger
  • zyegpexar....riffle
  • zyegxar....hole-maker, puncturing device
  • zyegxea pibar....spud
  • zyepyexar....rammer
  • zyeubar....transmitter
  • zyeuibar....transmitter-receiver
  • zyia mipar....ark
  • zyiaxar....flattener
  • zyifar....file, plane
  • zyifir....planer
  • zyifub mipar....canoe, paddle boat
  • zyifxar....polisher, smoother
  • zyigiar....sword
  • zyigoblar....planer
  • zyigounxar....smasher
  • zyimipar....dory, flatboat
  • zyimnagar....level, leveling device
  • zyinar....raddle
  • zyinpar....flat wagon
  • zyinunmimpur....barge
  • zyiobem kyiunmipar....mackinaw
  • zyiobem mimpar....scow
  • zyisumpur....flatbed, flatcar
  • zyitulbar....platter
  • zyixar....flattener, presser
  • zyoapexlar....squeegee
  • zyobalar....constrictor
  • zyobar....filter, sifter, strainer
  • zyobarar....clutch
  • zyobexar....restraint, restraints, spanner, squeezer, wrench
  • zyobixar....tightener
  • zyobuxar....squirt gun
  • zyogin drilar....fine point pen
  • zyoginar....sharpener
  • zyogoblar....groover, slitter, slicer
  • zyoilpuxar....nozzle, squirter
  • zyoxar....tightener
  • zyoyijmaluar....louver
  • zyubaoxar....churner
  • zyubar....rotor, wheel
  • zyublar....twirler
  • zyubmapuar....turbofan
  • zyubpuxrar....turbojet
  • zyubrar....turbine, turbo
  • zyubrarkyiunxar....turbocharger
  • zyukbelar....wheel barrow, wheeled cart
  • zyukbolwa pitpexar....fyke
  • zyukmampur....gyroplane
  • zyuknagar....cyclometer
  • zyumufar....roller
  • zyunesgin drilar....ball-point pen
  • zyungin drilar....ballpoint pen
  • zyungindrar....biro
  • zyupar....gyrator, roller, wheel
  • zyupgrin melyexur....rototiller
  • zyuplea ekar....spin top
  • zyuplekar....spinning toy, top, whirligig
  • zyuplur....helicopter, whirlybird
  • zyusa goypur....circular saw
  • zyuxar....cyclotron
  • zyuykar....spooler, reeler
  • zyuykkyupar....roller skate, rollerskate
  • zyuymimpar....coracle
The stems of the words in this family begin with t for human and l for liquid or in this case, drinkable or edible substances. The words have to do with food, food preparation, eating and drinking.
The base word tol means nutrition. Many derived words end in a stub form of this word, -ol.
Most common TOL Words
tol....nutrition tolnam....grocery store
tolsam....food buffet
apatol....chicken feed
Here are words derived from tol and -ol:
  • agala tolgron....major food deficit
  • amtolmekuer....mull
  • apatol....chickenfeed
  • apelatol....beebread
  • apetolnyef....feedbag
  • ayatollah....ayatollah
  • faobtoluus....phloem
  • fitoluwa....well-fed, well-nourished, well-nurtured
  • futoleus....bad taste
  • futoleusa....bad-tasting, rank
  • futoleusan....rankness
  • futoleuser....taste bad
  • futoluwa....poorly-fed, poorly-nourished, poorly-nurtured
  • glatolgabwa....much-seasoned
  • glatoluyea....nutritious
  • gratolgabwa....overly-seasoned
  • gratolmekbwa....overly-spiced
  • gretolgabwa....seasoned just right
  • gretolmekuwa....seasoned just right, spiced just right
  • grotolgabwa....under-seasoned
  • grotolmekbwa....under-spiced
  • ijber tolvyayab....begin a diet, go on a diet
  • maglirvaka tolari....ovenware
  • magtoluus....pabulum
  • magyelwa be zyitolyeb....pan-fried
  • oper tolvyayab....get off a diet, go off a diet
  • otolgabwa....unseasoned
  • otolmekbwa....unspiced
  • otolvyayabut....non-dieter
  • ovKatolikebin....anti-papism
  • ovKatolikebinut....anti-papist
  • oytolag....famine
  • pat tol....bird feed
  • pat toluar....bird feeder
  • Petri zyitolar....Petri dish
  • teptoluus....pabulum
  • tojea bi tolef....dying of hunger
  • tol....aliment, food, foodstuff, groceries
  • tola....alimentary, food
  • tolabwas....food topping
  • tolam....grocery store
  • tolampen....grocery shopping
  • tolamper....go grocery shopping
  • tolamput....grocery shopper
  • tolamut....grocery store clerk
  • tolar milnov....dishtowel
  • tolar milyeb....dishpan
  • tolar noyv....dishrag
  • tolar vyil....dishwater
  • tolar vyusobil....dish detergent
  • tolar....china, dish, eating utensil, piece of china
  • tolarnof....dishcloth
  • tolarsam....china cabinet
  • tolarvyilxen....dish-washing
  • tolarvyilxir vyusobil....dishwasher detergent
  • tolarvyilxir....dishwasher
  • tolarvyilxut....dishwasher
  • tolarvyixim....scullery
  • tolaryan....china, dishes, place setting, silverware, tableware
  • tolbelar....grocery cart
  • tolefag....famine
  • tolefen....starvation
  • toleftoj....death by starvation
  • toleftojea....dying of starvation
  • toleftojen....dying of hunger, starvation
  • toleftojer....die of hunger, die of starvation, starve to death
  • tolefuen....starvation
  • tolgab....food additive
  • tolgaben....seasoning
  • tolgaber....season
  • tolgabuka....seasoning-free
  • tolgabun....food additive, food topping
  • tolgabwa....seasoned
  • tolgran....food surplus
  • tolgron....food deficit
  • tolgronag....famine
  • tolien....feeding oneself
  • tolier....feed oneself
  • tolkexen....foraging
  • tolkexer....forage for food, seek food
  • tolkexut....forager
  • tolmek sammoys....spice rack
  • tolmek....seasoning, spice
  • tolmekay....spicily
  • tolmekaya....hot, spicy
  • tolmekayan....spiciness
  • tolmekaza....spicy
  • tolmekber....add spice, season
  • tolmekbwa....deviled, seasoned
  • tolmekeza....medium-spiced
  • tolmekika....hot, spicy
  • tolmekikan....spiciness
  • tolmekoza....mild
  • tolmekuen....spicing
  • tolmekuer....season, spice up
  • tolmekuil....curry
  • tolmekuka....seasoning-free
  • tolmekuwa....spiced
  • tolmekyan....spicery
  • tolmekyena....spicy
  • tolmekyenan....spiciness
  • tolmekyenay....spicily
  • tolmekyom....sherbet
  • tolnam....grocery store
  • tolnamag....supermarket
  • tolnamogut....greengrocer
  • tolnampen....grocery shopping
  • tolnamper....go grocery shopping
  • tolnamput....grocery shopper
  • tolnamut....grocer, grocery clerk
  • tolneam....food storehouse
  • tolneun....food reserve
  • tolnien....demand for food consumption
  • tolnif....bulk
  • tolnuen....catering, food supply
  • tolnuer....cater
  • tolnuunyan....foodstuffs, provisions
  • tolnuut....caterer, food supplier
  • tolnuxgab....food tax
  • tolnuyunyan....groceries
  • tolnyad....food chain
  • tolnyef....grocery bag, grocery sack
  • tolnyexut....manciple
  • toloyser....be deprived of food, go hungry, go without food
  • toloyxen vyayab....starvation diet
  • toloyxen....food deprivation, starvation
  • toloyxer....deprive of food
  • tolpar....grocery cart
  • tolsam....food buffet
  • tolsyeb grun....pothook
  • tolsyeb....cooking pot, pan, pot
  • tolsyebbexar....potholder
  • tolsyebik....potful
  • toltun....food science
  • toltuna vyayab....dietary regime
  • toltuna....dietary
  • toltut....nutritionist
  • toluar....feeder
  • toluem....feedlot
  • toluen....alimentation, feeding, nourishment, nurturing, sustentation
  • toluer....feed, nourish, nurture
  • toluk....food deprivation, starvation
  • tolukag....famine, massive starvation
  • tolum....food stall
  • toluus....sustenance
  • toluwa....fed, nourished, nurtured
  • toluyea....nourishing, nutrient
  • tolvob....potherb
  • tolvolzbil....colorant
  • tolvyayab....diet
  • tolvyayaba....diet, dietary, dietetic
  • tolvyayabea....dieting
  • tolvyayaber....be on a diet
  • tolvyayabtun....dietetics
  • tolvyayabtut....dietician, dietitian
  • tolvyayabut....dieter
  • tolyan....foodstuffs, groceries, provisions
  • tolyanamut....grocer
  • tolyeb....casserole, pan
  • tolyebkexer....pan
  • tolyebof....grocery bag
  • tolyebtuyar....panhandle
  • tolyebtuyarmem....panhandle
  • tolzyakexer....scrounge for food
  • totol....ambrosia
  • totola....ambrosial
  • tuja bi tolef....dead of hunger
  • tujer bi tolef....die of hunger
  • vyilxer ha tolaryan....wash the dishes
  • yanultolun....collagen
  • yeker tolvyayab....attempt a diet, pursue a diet
  • zyitolyeb....frying pan, skillet

  • aafina goblun bi taol....prime cut of meat
  • aagkebiwa taolgol....choice cut of meat
  • aakebiwa taolgol....prime choice cut
  • apatol....chickenfeed
  • apelatol....beebread
  • apetaol....horsemeat, horseflesh
  • bay taol....con carne, with meat
  • byufayol....cinnamon
  • dalefol....nutmeg
  • dyifol....nutmeg spice
  • elanca-elyinhe-yaonol....cortisone
  • eopel gyagol....steak, beefsteak
  • eopel yaggol....strip steak
  • eopel zyigol....beef patty, hamburger
  • gabol....condiment
  • gimuf taol....shish kabab
  • gimufwa taol....skewered meat
  • goun bi taol....side of meat
  • gyagobun bi taol....slab of meat
  • gyagol....hunk, thick cut, thick section
  • gyataogol....chop
  • gyoblawa taol....minced meat, mincemeat
  • gyogol bi taol....cutlet of meat
  • gyogol....cutlet, thin section
  • ilol....spelter
  • ivosol....opium
  • iyngol....three-way division, three-way split
  • kafol....coffee grounds
  • kubol....abutment
  • lipitol....lox
  • magyelwa epetud gyogol....schnitzel
  • mayol....exosphere
  • meef bi taol....slab of meat
  • megmimol....halite, rock salt
  • memol....alkali
  • migeol....magnesia
  • mimol....salt
  • miol....brine
  • nofebaol....nutmeat
  • pat tol....bird feed
  • pobaol....litharge
  • safol....tea grounds
  • sifol....pepper, ground pepper
  • sogol....centile
  • tabol....haslet
  • taogol....cut of meat
  • taol....meat
  • tilaol....brisket
  • totol....ambrosia
  • tuabtaol....chuck
  • ummagelwa yapetyol....baked ham
  • ungol....quarter, quartile
  • vapol....venison
  • vipol....venison
  • yancayinheyanol....ascorbic acid
  • yapetaol....frankfurter, salame, salami, sausage
  • yapetyol....ham
  • yapetzol....bacon

TEL, -EL, and -YEL Words


The root word tel means food and has two stub suffixes, -el for foods/fruit juices and -yel for viscous edible substances like oils, creams, and syrups.
TEL Core Words
tel....food telier....eat
The stub -el is used mostly to form the juices from fruit words, eg:
  • lafeb....orange
  • lafel....fruit juice
The stub -yel is used primarily to form oily, creamy, or syrupy substances, eg:
Some -YEL Words
abyel....dressing ab....over
alovobyel....sorghum alovob ....rhubarb
amaegyel....paraffin amaeg....anthracite
apelatyel....beeswax apelat....bee
bapeityel....spermaceti bapeit....whale
bavoyel....ketchup bavol....tomato
bavyel....marinara bav(ol)....tomato
bekyel....ointment bek....treatment
bufyel....coconut oil buf(eb)....coconut
buvolbyel....tzatziki buvol....cucumber
byefyel....olive oil byef(eb)....olive
dopmavyel....napalm dop....military + mav...flam
dyefyel....turpentine dyef(eb)....juniper berry
dyofyel....chocolate dyef(eb)....cocoa bean
fabyel....sap fab....tree
febyel....jam feb....fruit
gevyel....corn oil gev(ob)....corn
lefyel....molasses lef(eb)....orange
leveyel....jelly lev(eb)....sugarcane
levyel....syrup lev(eb)....sugarcane
maegyel....tar maeg....coal
magyel....oil mag....fire
megyel....cement meg....stone
ryifyel....maple syrup ryif(ab)....maple tree
sefyel....blackberry jam sef(eyb)....blackberry
suvolyel....aioli suv(ol)....garlic
taibyel....ossein, marrow taib....bone
tayefyel....pomade tayef....bristle
tayel....shampoo taye(b)....hair
tayoyugfyel....dubbin tayo(f)....leather + yugf(a)...smooth
teebyel....ear wax teeb....ear
tiebyel....phlegm tieb....lung
veebyel....semen veeb....seed
vyixyel....soap vyix(er)....to clean
yivyel....soy paste yiv(eb)....soybeen
yomyel....glaze yom....ice
yevyel....humus yev(eb)....chickpea
yovyel....peanut oil yov(eb)....peanut
yugfyel....polish yugf(a)....smooth
yugyel....lotion yug(a)....soft
yuvobyel....oatmeal yuvob....oat
The root word til means drink, beverage. The stub suffix -il is an abbreviation of either mil....water or til....drink. There are hundreds of words ending in this suffix.
T-L Core Words
til-....drink tilsem....bar
teilsyeb....soup bowl
kyitilsyeb....mug, stein
Here are a few words formed by suffixing -il:
  • bil....milk
  • yavil....beer
  • vafil....wine
  • teabil....tear
  • tiibil....blood
The hybrid suffix -eil refers to soups:
  • teil....soup
  • aveil....pea soup
  • luvokeil....carrot soup
  • yagteil....stew
The hybrid suffix -uil is used to form sauces:
  • tuil....sauce
  • pituil....fish sauce
  • tolmekuil....curry
  • ipyeituil....clam sauce
Tul means dish and has the following derived words:
TUL Core Words
tul....dish jatul....appetizer
agtul....main dish, entree
atulyan....first course
etulyan....second course
tularsam....china cabinet
tamtuler....dine at home
tulim....dining room
tulagim....banquet hall
TYAL Core Words
tyal....meal atyal....breakfast
etyalier....have lunch
etyaluer....serve lunch
yomxwa tyal....frozen dinner
The morpheme mor, meaning universe is atop a series of geo-specifically scaled words as shown in the chart below:
mor universe
mar sun
mer planet
mir world
mur satellite
The morpheme mor means cosmos, universe and underlies the following derivatives:
  • aglamor.... macrocosm
  • aglamora.... macrocosmic
  • aynmora.... universal
  • aynmoran.... universality
  • aynmoray.... universally
  • aynmorxen.... universalization
  • aynmorxer.... universalize
  • aynmorxwa.... universalized
  • byi morij.... forever, since forever, since the beginning of time, since time immemorial
  • ji morij.... since the beginning of the universe
  • ju moruj.... eternally, forever, until the end of time
  • mor.... cosmos, universe
  • mora.... catholic, cosmic, universal
  • moran.... universality
  • moray.... universally, cosmically
  • morij tuin.... big bang theory
  • morij.... big bang, start of the universe
  • morsaxut.... creator of the universe, god
  • morted.... god, progenitor of the universe
  • morteda.... divine
  • mortedan.... divinity
  • morteday.... divinely
  • mortun.... cosmology
  • mortuna.... cosmological
  • mortunay.... cosmologically
  • mortut.... cosmologist
  • moruin.... cosmogony
  • moruina.... cosmogonic, cosmogonical
  • moruinut.... cosmogonist
  • moruj.... end of the universe
  • morxen.... universalization
  • morxer.... universalize
  • morxwa.... universalized
  • morzyun.... orb
  • oglamor.... microcosm
  • oglamora.... microcosmic
  • smorgasbord.... smorgasbord
  • yanizona mor.... parallel universe
  • yeznada mor.... parallel universe
The word mar means star. The first or closest star is our sun, which is amar. Here are some derivatives of those two words:
  • alpkaxen martun.... radar astronomy
  • byexesmar.... pulsar
  • ebmara.... interstellar
  • ebmarmafa.... intergalactic
  • feelk marmeyg.... iron meteorite
  • izbea mar.... cynosure, lodestar
  • jwamaj mar.... morningstar
  • mar bi David.... star of David
  • mar.... star
  • mara.... astral, sidereal, stellar
  • maraya.... star-studded, starry
  • marayan.... starriness
  • mardraf.... star chart, star map
  • mardyezut.... movie star
  • marika.... star-studded, starry
  • marikan.... starriness
  • marmaf.... galaxy, star cloud
  • marmafa.... galactic
  • marman.... starlight
  • marmanx.... star glow, star shine
  • marmanxwa.... star-lit, starlit
  • marmeg meup.... comet trail
  • marmeg tibuj.... comet tail
  • marmeg.... aerolite, aerolith, comet
  • marmega.... cometary
  • marmek.... stardust
  • marnaap.... star system
  • marnagar.... astrolabe
  • marnaud.... star beam, star ray, stellar beam
  • marog.... dwarf star
  • marojden.... horoscope
  • maroya.... star-free, starless
  • maroyan.... starlessness
  • marpaput.... astronaut
  • marpur.... star ship
  • marpureb.... star ship captain
  • marsan.... aster, star shape
  • marsana.... star-shaped
  • marsiyn.... asterisk
  • marteaxam.... observatory
  • marteaxen.... star-gazing
  • marteaxer.... gaze at the stars, stargaze
  • marteaxut.... stargazer
  • martuyn.... astrology
  • martuyna.... astrological
  • martuynay.... astrologically
  • martuyt.... astrologer, astrologist
  • maruka.... star-free, starless
  • marukan.... starlessness
  • marvolzmaal.... chromosphere
  • maryan.... constellation
  • maryena.... star-like
  • mepteaxea mar.... lodestar
  • mernodmar.... polestar
  • oyeybmarmafa.... extragalactic
  • yanmardezer.... co-star, costar
  • yanmardezut.... co-star, costar
  • yeybmarmafa.... intragalactic
  • yizdezmar.... superstar
  • yogina mar.... five-pointed star
  • yokmar.... nova
  • yokmari.... novae
  • yoongunmarsan.... pentagram
  • yuybmar.... quasar
  • yuzmarmafa.... circumgalactic

  • jaamaryopa....pre-dawn
  • jeeb amaryibnod....summer solstice
  • jeub amaryibnod....winter solstice
  • amar abtamas....sun roof
  • amar fyaifren....sun worship
  • amar fyaifrut....sun worshiper
  • amar magxun....sunburn
  • amar magxwa....sunburned
  • amar pexyem....suntrap
  • amar sagzyiun....sundial
  • amar teabar....sunglasses
  • amar....sun
  • amara azon....solar power
  • amara num....solar cell
  • amara....solar
  • amarabtamas....sunroof
  • amaraya....sunny
  • amarayan....sunniness
  • amarebul....sunblock
  • amarfyaifren....heliolatry
  • amarika....sunny
  • amarikan....sunniness
  • amarikbwa....sun-filled
  • amarilbien....soaking up the sun
  • amarilbier....soak up the sun
  • amarilyep....sunbath
  • amarilyepea....sunning
  • amarilyepen....sunbathing, sunning
  • amarilyeper....sunbathe
  • amarilyeput....sunbather
  • amarizona....sunwise
  • amarmaf....Milky Way
  • amarmagxwa....sunburned
  • amarman....sunlight
  • amarmanar....sunlamp
  • amarmanigvibwa....star-spangled
  • amarmanim....solarium
  • amarmanx....sunshine
  • amarmanxwa....sunlit
  • amarmanxyea....sunshiny
  • amarmelzaser....suntan
  • amarmelzaxea yel....suntanning oil
  • amarmelzaxer....suntan
  • amarmelzaxun....suntan
  • amarmelzaxwa....suntanned
  • amarmeylzaxen....suntanning
  • amarmeylzaxer....suntan
  • amarmeylzaxwa....suntanned
  • amarmonar....parasol
  • amarmoynar....sunshade
  • amarnaap....solar system
  • amarnagar....heliometer
  • amarnaud....sun ray, sunbeam
  • amarnaudsan....sunburst
  • amarovar....parasol, sun shield, sunshade
  • amarovbea yugyel....sun lotion, sunblock, sunscreen lotion, suntan lotion
  • amaroya....sunless
  • amarpyex....sunstroke
  • amartaxdrar....heliograph
  • amartaxdrara....heliographic
  • amartaxdrun....heliogram
  • amarteabar....sunglasses
  • amarteaxar....helioscope
  • amartef....sunhat, sunbonnet
  • amartot....sun god
  • amartun....heliology
  • amarubuzpus....heliotrope
  • amaruka....sunless
  • amarumxwa....sun-dried
  • amarvyun....sunspot
  • amaryafon zyevmays....solar power panel
  • amaryafon....solar power
  • amaryafonuwa....solar-powered
  • amaryap....sunrise, sunup
  • amaryibnod....solstice
  • amaryibnoda....solstitial
  • amaryop....sundown, sunset
  • amaryubnod....perihelion
  • amaryupen....positive heliotaxis
  • amaryipen....negative heliotaxis
  • amaryuzem....heliosphere
  • amarzena....heliocentric
  • ovamara abteabar....sun visor
  • oyebamaryana mer....exoplanet, planet outside our solar system
  • ub ha amar....sunward
  • yebilier amarnaudi....soak up sun rays
  • yebamaryana mer....endoplanet, planet in our own solar system
  • yuzamaryubnod....perihelion
The morpheme mer means planet. The planets are named by prefixing an ordinal vowel equating to the planet's position from the sun, eg:

Names of the Planets


Here are the names of the planets in our solar system. Notice that Earth is the "third planet" from the sun.
Imer....Earth (i = three)
The words for compass directions are built off the stem mer (planet) by prefixing:
  • za....front (north)
  • zo....back (south)
  • zi....right (east)
  • zu....left (west)
  • ze....middle (equator words)
Polar Directions
zamer north
zimer east
zomer south
zumer west
Compass points can be hybrids of the above:
  • zaomera izon....north-south direction
  • zuimera domep....east-west street
  • zaumera zyemep....northwest passage
  • zoimera tez....southeast culture
Related terms:
  • zamernod....north pole (nod = point)
  • zomernod....south pole
  • zaomernad....longitude (zao = north-south, nad = line)
  • zuimernad....latitude (zui = east-west)
  • zemernad....equator (ze = middle)
  • oybzemernada....tropical, Torrid (oyb = below)
  • merzyun....globe, sphere (planet-ball)
  • eynmerzyun....hemisphere (half-planet-ball)
Vectoral prefixes are used in the following words:
  • aonab....column (up-down row, y-axis)
  • uinab....row (left-right row, x-axis)
  • aonada....vertical ) (nad = line)
  • uinada....horiztonal
Here are words derived from mer (planet):
  • Abzemernad.... Tropic of Capricorn
  • agala mer.... major planet
  • zaimer.... north-east, northeast
  • zaimera.... north-east, north-eastern, northeast, northeasterly, northeastern
  • zaimeray.... northeastward
  • zaimermap.... northeaster
  • Alpomera.... cisalpine
  • zamer.... north
  • Zamera Eumel.... Northern Europe
  • Zamera Eumela.... Northern European
  • Zamera Eumelat.... Northern European
  • zamera maalman.... aurora borealis
  • Zamera Mim.... North Sea
  • zamera.... northern
  • zamerat.... northerner
  • zameray.... northerly, northernly, northward
  • zamerbyua.... northbound
  • zamerem.... north, northern region
  • Zamergona.... Nordic, Norse
  • Zamergonad.... Norse
  • Zamergonat.... Nordic, Norseman
  • Zamerinda apetud.... cayuse
  • Zamerinda tamof.... tepee, wigwag
  • zamermap.... norther
  • zamernad.... arctic circle
  • zamernod.... north pole
  • anoga zaomeryuznad.... prime meridian
  • zaomeray.... in a north-south direction
  • zaomermuf.... purlin
  • zaomernad.... longitude
  • zaomernada pyaon.... longitudinal wave
  • zaomernada.... longitudinal
  • zaomernaday.... longitudinally
  • zaomeryuznad.... meridian
  • zaomeryuznada.... meridian
  • zaumer.... north-west, northwest
  • zaumera.... north-west, north-western, northwest, northwestern
  • zaumeray.... northwesterly, northwestward
  • zaumermap.... northwester
  • be zamer bi.... north of
  • be zimer bi.... east of
  • be zomer bi.... south of
  • be zumera bi.... west of
  • doebamer.... upstate
  • doebzamera.... upstate
  • ebmera.... interplanetary
  • zemernad.... equator, meridian
  • zemernada.... equatorial, meridian
  • zeymernad.... meridian
  • zeynmerzyun.... hemisphere
  • zeynmerzyuna.... hemispherical
  • zeynobemernada.... semitropical, subtorrid
  • gwazimera.... easternmost
  • gwazamera.... northernmost
  • gwazomera.... southernmost
  • gwazumera.... westernmost
  • ha Zamer.... the North
  • ha Zimer.... the East
  • ha Zomer.... the South
  • ha Zumer.... the West
  • hyamerbok.... pandemic
  • hyimer.... our own planet, this planet
  • hyimera.... of our own planet
  • hyimerat.... person of our planet
  • hyumer.... alien planet
  • hyumera.... alien, extra-terrestrial, from another planet
  • hyumerat.... alien, extra-terrestrial, person from another planet
  • hyumertejtun.... exobiology
  • imer.... east, orient
  • Zimera Uyanmel.... Eastern Europe
  • Zimera Uyanmela.... Eastern European
  • zimera gonem.... eastern zone
  • Zimera Indomemi.... East Indies
  • Zimera mimuzlun.... typhoon
  • Zimera Vyatina.... Eastern Orthodox
  • Zimera Vyatindab.... Eastern Orthodox Patriarchy
  • Zimera Vyatindeb.... Patriarch, patriarch
  • Zimera Vyatindeba.... patriarchal
  • Zimera Vyatinut.... member of the Eastern Orthodox Church
  • Zimera yagtaf.... caftan
  • zimera.... eastern, oriental
  • zimeradeb.... ameer, emir, amir
  • zimerat.... easterner, oriental
  • zimeray.... eastward
  • zimerbyumxwa.... eastbound
  • zimerem.... east, eastern zone
  • Zimergon.... Orient
  • Zimergona.... Oriental
  • Zimergonat.... Oriental
  • Zimergontut.... orientalist
  • Zimerbyua.... east-bound
  • zimeryexrut.... coolie
  • ziomer.... south-east, southeast
  • ziomera.... south-east, south-eastern, southeast, southeasterly, southeastern
  • ziomermap.... southeaster
  • iz zamer.... due north, true north
  • iz zamera.... due north, true north, true north
  • iz zimer.... due east
  • iz zimera.... true east, due east
  • iz zomer.... due south
  • iz zomera.... true south, due south
  • iz zumer.... due west
  • iz zumera.... true west, due west
  • jamer.... planetesimal
  • lozyamerxen.... de-globalization
  • lozyamerxer.... de-globalize
  • lozyamerxwa.... de-globalized
  • mer.... celestial body, planet
  • mera.... global, planetary
  • merama.... geothermal, geothermic
  • merbixfeelka.... geomagnetic
  • merbixfeelkan.... geomagnetism
  • merdabtuna.... geopolitical
  • merizon.... compass direction
  • merizondar izmuv.... compass needle
  • merizondar.... compass, direction-finder
  • merizonden.... direction-finding, telling the direction
  • merizonder.... tell north from south, tell the direction
  • merizondut.... scout
  • merkyosa.... geostationary
  • mernod.... cardinal point, compass point, pole
  • mernoda.... polar
  • mernodan.... polarity
  • mernodmar.... polestar
  • mernodxen.... polarization
  • mernodxer.... polarize
  • mernodxwa.... polarized
  • mernodzuber.... levogyrate
  • merog.... dwarf planet, planetesimal
  • mersindraf izdar.... gazetteer
  • mersindraf.... atlas, geographic map of the world map
  • mersindrafxen.... cartography, map-making, mapping
  • mersindrafxer.... map
  • mersindrafxut.... cartographer, map-maker, mapmaker
  • mersingontun.... geography
  • mersingontuna.... geographic, geographical
  • mersingontunay.... geographically
  • mersingontut.... geographer
  • mertapa.... geophysical
  • mertaptun.... geophysics, physiography
  • mertaptut.... geophysicist
  • merteaxam.... planetarium
  • mertun.... geology, planetology
  • mertuna.... geologic, geological, planetological
  • mertunay.... geologically
  • mertut.... geologist, planetologist
  • meryankis.... geosyncline
  • meryena.... planetoid
  • meryenas.... planetoid
  • meryubnod.... perigee
  • merzen.... center of the planet, core, planet core
  • merzyun.... planetary orb, planetary sphere
  • merzyuna.... global, spherical
  • nod bi merizondar.... compass point
  • obzemerem.... torrid zone, tropical zone, tropics
  • obzemernad.... tropic, Tropic of Cancer
  • obzemernada mapil.... tropical storm
  • obzemernada mapuzrun.... tropical cyclone
  • obzemernada vabmem.... savanna, savannah
  • obzemernada.... torrid, tropical, tropically
  • olobzemernada.... nontropical
  • zomer.... south
  • Zomera Uyanmel.... Southern Europe
  • Zomera Uyanmel.... Southern European
  • Zomera Uyenmel.... Southern Europe
  • Zomera Karolina.... South Carolina
  • zomera maalman.... aurora australis
  • zomera.... austral, southern
  • zomerat.... southerner
  • zomeray.... southerly, southward
  • zomerbyua.... southbound
  • zomerem.... south, southern region
  • zomerEsoma vafil.... muscatel
  • Zomergona.... Austral
  • Zomergonat.... Austral
  • zomermem.... southland
  • zomernad.... Antarctic Circle
  • zomernod.... south pole
  • zomerpen.... southing
  • zomerbyua.... south-bound
  • ovmernoda.... antipodean
  • ovmernod.... antipode
  • ovmernoda.... antipodal
  • ovmernodi.... antipodes
  • Ovyibzamerama.... Antarctican
  • oybyibzamera fabyanmem.... taiga
  • oybyibzamera.... subarctic
  • oyebamaryana mer.... exoplanet, planet outside our solar system
  • oyebmer.... distant planet, exoplanet, planet outside our solar system
  • oyeybmera.... extraplanetary
  • ub ziomer.... southeastward
  • ub zumer.... westerly
  • ub zuomer.... southwestward
  • zuimera.... east-west
  • zuimeray.... in an east-west direction
  • zuimernad.... latitude
  • zuimernada.... latitudinal
  • zuimernaday.... latitudinally
  • zumer.... occident, west
  • Zumer.... Occident, West
  • Zumera Uyanmel.... Western Europe
  • Zumera Uyanmela.... Western European
  • Zumera Uyanmel.... Western Europe
  • Zumera Katolika.... Roman Catholic
  • Zumera Katolikab.... papacy in Rome
  • Zumera Katolikat.... Roman Catholic
  • Zumera Katolikeba.... papal
  • Zumera Katolikeban.... papacy
  • Zumera Katolikindab.... Roman Catholic See, Vatican
  • Zumera Katolikindeb.... Pope, pope
  • Zumera Virginya.... West Virginia
  • zumera.... occidental, west, westerly, western
  • zumerat.... occidental, westerner
  • zumeraxen.... westernization
  • zumeraxer.... westernize
  • zumeray.... westward
  • zumerbyua.... westbound
  • zumerem.... western region
  • Zumergon.... Occident
  • Zumergona.... Occidental
  • Zumergonat.... Occidental
  • zumerbyua.... west-bound
  • zunmernodar.... quadrupole
  • zuomer.... south-west, southwest
  • zuomera.... south-west, south-western, southwest, southwestern
  • zuomeray.... southwesterly
  • zuomermap.... southwester
  • yebamaryana mer.... endoplanet, planet in our own solar system
  • yebmer.... endoplanet, planet in our own solar system
  • yibamer.... arctic, extreme north, far north
  • Yibamer.... Arctic, far north, far north, Arctic
  • Yibzamera Mimag.... Arctic Ocean
  • Yibzamera.... Arctic
  • yibzamera.... arctic, Arctic
  • Yibzamera.... far northern, Arctic
  • yibzameram.... artic, Arctic
  • Yibzamerat.... Arctic dweller
  • yibmer.... distant planet
  • Yibzomer.... Antarctica
  • yibzomer.... extreme south, far south
  • Yibzomer.... far south, Antarctica
  • Yibzomera Mimag.... Antarctic Ocean
  • Yibzomera.... Antarctic, Antarctic
  • Yibzomerat.... Antarctic dweller
  • yizobzemernada.... subtropic, subtropical
  • yobzomera.... antarctic
  • yubmer.... endoplanet, near planet
  • yuzmernoda.... circumpolar
  • zebzyuka merizondar.... gyrocompass
  • zeymernoda.... transpolar
  • zyamera.... global, planet-wide
The morpheme mir means world. It is featured in the word for Mirad, which means language of the world. Here are some derivatives:
  • aa mira dropek....WWI, World War I, first world war
  • be ebjomir....in limbo
  • dommir....civilization, urbane world
  • dommirxwa....civilized
  • ea mira dropek....second world war
  • ebjomir....limbo
  • eynjomir....purgatory
  • eynmir....demimonde
  • eymmirayt....demimondaine
  • fyamir....heaven
  • Fyamir....Heaven
  • fyamira....celestial
  • fyamirat....heavenly creature, heavenly host
  • fyamiray....celestially
  • fyamirtoyp....houri
  • fyemir....fantasy world, fantasia
  • fyemira....fantastic, fantastical, phantasmal, transcendental
  • fyemiray....fantastically, transcendentally
  • fyemirin....mysticism
  • fyemirina....mystical
  • fyemirinut....mystic
  • fyemiryena....bizarre
  • fyemiryenan....bizarreness
  • fyemiryenay....bizarrely
  • fyomir....hell, inferno
  • fyomirmag....hellfire
  • ha ayna mir....the whole world
  • himirat....worldling
  • hyaha mir....all the world, the entire world, the whole world
  • hyamira bokzyab....pandemic
  • hyamira....ecumenical, global, world-wide, worldwide
  • hyamiray....ecumenically
  • hyamirin....ecumenicism, ecumenism
  • hyumiryena....other-worldly
  • hyumira....unworldly
  • hyumiran....unworldliness
  • hyumiryena....exotic, otherworldly
  • hyumiryenan....exoticism
  • hyumiryenay....exotically
  • jomir....after-world, here-after, meta-world, metasphere, metaworld
  • jomira....metaspheric, metaspherical
  • jomirat....creature of the here-after, ghost, metaspherical being, spirit
  • komira....esoteric
  • komiray....esoterically
  • megmir....lithosphere
  • megmira....tectonic
  • milmir....hydrosphere
  • milmira....hydrospheric
  • mir....globe, realm, sphere, world
  • mira dalzeyn....world language
  • mira....global, mundane, spheric, world
  • Mirad....Mirad, world language
  • miray....mundanely
  • mirazon....world power
  • mirbok....pandemic
  • mirbyok....malaise
  • mirdit....cosmopolitan, world citizen, worldling
  • mirdita....cosmopolitan, worldly
  • mirditan....worldliness
  • mirditin....cosmopolitanism
  • mirdotsuyt....socialite
  • mirdropek....world war
  • mirteasyen....Weltanschau, world view
  • mirtuxwa....sophisticated
  • mirtuxwan....sophistication
  • mirtuxwat....sophisticate
  • mirtyun....paradigm
  • mirtyuna....paradigmatic
  • miruj....end of the world
  • mirvir....wonder of the world
  • mirzyun....globe
  • odommirxwa....uncivilized
  • Omira Iyanmela maynxwa bilyug....ghee
  • omirbyena....unworldly
  • omirbyenan....unworldliness
  • omirtuxwa....unsophisticated
  • oybmir....netherworld, underworld
  • oybmira....infernal
  • oybmirat....demon
  • oyeybmira....extramundane
  • Pu fyomir!....Go to hell!, To hell with you!
  • syaagirmir....cyberspace
  • tejmir....biosphere
  • tobmir....world of men, earth
  • tobmiran....earthliness
  • tojmira....macabre
  • totmir....world of the gods, heaven
  • totmira....celestial, heavenly
  • totmiray....celestially, heavenly
  • totmiryena....celestial, heavenly
  • tujdin mir....dream world, dream-land, dream-world, dreamland, dreamworld
  • tujeaz mir....dream world, dream-land, dream-world, dreamland, dreamworld
  • tutmir....academia, scholarly world
  • tutmirat....academe, academian, academician
  • vyamir....real world
  • vyamira....real-world
  • vyaomir....dream world
  • vyomir....fantasy world of pretend
  • vyomira sankyasut....changeling
  • vyomira....fantastic, fantastical
  • vyomiray....fantastically
  • vyomirpen....escapism
  • vyomirpena....escapist
  • yeybmegmira....intratelluric
  • yeybmira....intramundane
  • yizmir....meta-world, metasphere, metaworld, world beyond
  • yizmira....metaspheric, metaspherical, other-worldly, otherworldly
  • yizmirat....ghost, metaspherical being, spirit, supernatural being
  • yotatmir....hell
  • yotatmira....infernal
  • yutotmir....empyrean
  • yuz bi ha mir....around the world
  • yuzmir....world around
  • yuzmira....around-the-world
  • zyamira neaf....WWW, worldwide web
  • zyamira pop....global trip, round-the-world trip
  • zyamira....global, world-wide, worldwide
  • zyamiran....globality
  • zyamiray....globally
  • zyamirin....globalism
  • zyamirina....globalist
  • zyamirinut....globalist
  • zyamirput....globetrotter
  • zyamirsea....globalizing
  • zyamirser....globalize
  • zyamirxen....globalization
  • zyamirxer....globalize
  • zyamirxwa....globalized
The morpheme mur means satellite. The first or nearest is our moon, amur. Here are some derivatives:
  • amurtix....selenography
  • amurtixut....selenographer
  • eymamursan....meniscum
  • eynamur....crescent moon, half moon
  • eynamurmeg....lunate
  • eynamurmiekyaz....lunette
  • eynamurovol....croissant
  • eynamursan....crescent shape
  • eynamuryena....lunate
  • eynamuryij....lunette
  • kyajob bi amur....phase of the moon
  • malyomur....snowplough, snowplow
  • amur noog....moon phase
  • amur....earth's moon
  • amura pur....lunar vehicle
  • amura purog....lunar buggy
  • amura....lunar
  • amurman....moonlight
  • amurmanx....moonshine
  • amurmanxwa....moonlit, moony
  • amurnaud....moonbeam
  • amuroya....moonless
  • amurpuen....moon landing, moonfall
  • amurpuer....land on the moon
  • amurpyax....moonshot
  • amurteaba....moon-eyed
  • amurteasin....moonscape
  • amurtyop....moonwalk
  • amurtyoper....moonwalk
  • amuruka....moonless
  • amuryap....moonrise
  • amuryena....moony
  • amuryop....moonset
  • mur....moon, satellite
  • noog bi ha amur....phase of the moon
  • yuzmura....circumlunar
The base word mom meaning outer space is the topmost element of a series of geo-specifically odered words, eg:
mom outer space
mam sky
mem land
mim sea
mum underground
Here is table listing vehicles specific to these geo-specific realms:
Vehicles Specific to Various Spheres
mompur....spaceship momper....travel through space momput....cosmonaut, astronaut
mampur....airplane mamper....fly mamput....flyer, pilot
mempur....automobile memper....ride, drive memput....rider, driver
mimper....sail, navigate mimput....sailor, navigator
mumpur....subway mumper....tunnel, go by metro mumput....metro rider
Note: marpur = starship and amurpur = lunar module
The morpheme mom means outer space. Here are some derived words:
  • exer mompur....pilot a spaceship
  • izber mompur....pilot a spaceship
  • mom....cosmos, outer space, space
  • moma....cosmic, spatial
  • momaf....nebula
  • momafa....nebular
  • momafi....nebulae
  • momay....cosmically, spatially
  • momeg zyapyox....meteor shower
  • momeg....meteor
  • momega....meteoric
  • momegay....meteorically
  • mommoltun....astrophysics
  • mommoltuna....astrophysical
  • mommoltunay....astrophysically
  • mommoltut....astrophysicist
  • mompa....astronautical
  • mompar....lander
  • mompop....space voyage, spaceflight
  • mompur....space ship, space vehicle, spacecraft, spaceship
  • mompureb....spaceship captain
  • mompurexer....pilot a spaceship
  • mompurizber....pilot a spaceship
  • mompurposam....spaceport
  • mompurut....astronaut, cosmonaut
  • momput....astronaut, cosmonaut, space traveler
  • momputa....astronautical
  • momtaf....space suit, spacesuit
  • momtob....spaceman
  • momtoyb....spacewoman
  • momtun....astronomy
  • momtuna....astronomic, astronomical
  • momtunagra....astronomical in size, astronomical
  • momtunagray....astronomically
  • momtunay....astronomically
  • momtut....astronomer
  • momtyop....space walk, spacewalk
  • momyexut....sandhog
  • naudmomtun....radioastronomy
The morpheme mam means sky, heavens. Here are some derived words:
  • adopiruwa mampur....gunship
  • asaun mampur....model airplane
  • be mam....aloft, in the sky
  • belun mampur....cargo plane, freight plane
  • bu mam....aloft, to the sky
  • dropek mampur....warplane
  • enpatuba mampur....biplane
  • exer mampur....pilot a plane
  • gyimamil....downpour
  • gyimamilen....downpouring
  • gyimamiler....downpour
  • igpyex bi mamak....bolt of lightning
  • inpatuba mampur....triplane
  • izber mampur....pilot a plane
  • jebmamil....monsoon
  • jebmamyenser....acclimatize
  • jebmamyenxer....acclimatize
  • kyis mampur....cargo plane
  • kyumamil....drizzle
  • kyumamilen....drizzling
  • kyumamiler....drizzle
  • kyumamilyea....drizzly
  • kyup mampur....floatplane, flying boat
  • mam....heavens, sky
  • mama....celestial, supernal
  • mamak igpyex....lightning bolt
  • mamak manig....lightning flash
  • mamak muf....lightning rod
  • mamak yokpyex....lightning bolt
  • mamak....lightning
  • mamaka....fulgurant
  • mamakdopar....blitzkrieg
  • mamaker....fulgurate, strike lightning
  • mamakovar....grounding, lightning rod
  • maman....skylight
  • mambelwa ebdrasyan....airmail
  • mamdopyex....airstrike
  • mamdren....skywriting
  • mamdrut....skywriter
  • mameg....meteorite, shooting star
  • mamega....meteoritic
  • mamep....air route
  • mameux maf....thunder cloud, thundercloud
  • mameux mapil....thunderstorm
  • mameux milpyox....thundershower
  • mameux....thunder clap
  • mameuxen....thundering
  • mameuxer....thunder
  • mameux-maolza....thunder gray
  • mameuxyeay....thunderously
  • mameuxyena....thunderous
  • mameyg....meteoroid
  • mamgrun....skyhook
  • mamigan....airspeed
  • mamil abof....rain canopy, rain tarp
  • mamil dazun....rain dance
  • mamil fabyan....rain forest
  • mamil igpyos....downpour, sudden rain shower
  • mamil kyinpur....rain truck
  • mamil mufyeg....rain spout
  • mamil mup....storm sewer
  • mamil nagar....rain gauge
  • mamil pixar....rain gutter
  • mamil yagtuaf....raincape
  • mamil yopyex....rain bomb, wet microburst, downdraft
  • mamil zapyos....rain shower
  • mamil zyapyos....rain shower
  • mamil zyunes....raindrop
  • mamil....rain, precipitation
  • mamila....pluvial
  • mamilag....downpour, rainstorm
  • mamilagen....downpouring
  • mamilar....brolly
  • mamilaya....rainy, slabby
  • mamilayan....raininess
  • mamilaz....hard rain
  • mamilazen....raining hard
  • mamilazer....rain cats and dogs, rain hard
  • mamilazig....gullywasher
  • mamilea....precipitating, raining
  • mamilen....precipitating, raining, precipitation
  • mamiler....rain
  • mamilika jeb....rainy season
  • mamilika....rainy, slabby
  • mamilikan....raininess
  • mamiljeb....monsoon
  • mamiljeba....monsoonal
  • mamilmaf....rain cloud
  • mamilmif....mizzle
  • mamilmifea....mizzly
  • mamilmifer....mizzle
  • mamilmifyena....mizzly
  • mamilmufyeg....gutter
  • mamilnagar....pluviometer, rain gauge
  • mamiloa....about to rain
  • mamilovar belar....umbrella stand
  • mamilovar byaxar....umbrella stand
  • mamilovar....umbrella
  • mamiloz....light shower, soft rain, sprinkle
  • mamilozen....sprinkling
  • mamilozer....sprinkle
  • mamilpyos....precipitation, rainfall
  • mamiltaf....mackintosh, raincoat
  • mamiltav....poncho
  • mamiltef....rain hat
  • mamiltif....rain jacket, raincoat
  • mamiltof....rain gear, rain wear
  • mamiluar....rain on
  • mamiluf....downspout, rain spout
  • mamiluka....rain-free
  • mamiluwer....get rained on
  • mamiluxen....rainmaking
  • mamiluxut....rainmaker, pluviculturist
  • mamiluz....rainbow
  • mamiluzlun....rainstorm
  • mamilvaka....rainproof, raintight
  • mamilvakaxen....rainproofing
  • mamilvakaxer....rainproof
  • mamilvakaxwa....rainproofed
  • mamilzyun....raindrop
  • mamis....skylight
  • mamkipur....sailplane
  • mamkyin....airfreight
  • mamkyupar....blimp
  • mammansinen....aerophotography
  • mammil....rainwater
  • mamnad....horizon
  • mamnada....horizontal
  • mamnaduz....azimuth
  • mamnaduza....azimuthal
  • mamnaduzay....azimuthally
  • mamnyunpyox....airdrop
  • mamov....plume
  • mampar magelim....galley
  • mampea....flying
  • mampen....flying
  • mampena....aeronautic, aeronautical
  • mamper....fly, go by air
  • mampigip....bailout
  • mampop....air travel
  • mampopnax....airfare
  • mampuiam....terminal
  • mampuiem....airport
  • mampur belur....aircraft carrier
  • mampur oyebabun....airframe
  • mampur yanpyexrun....plane crash
  • mampur yopren....plane crash
  • mampur yuxdib....airline
  • mampur yuxutyan....aircrew
  • mampur yuzpasen....air traffic
  • mampur....aeroplane, aircraft, airliner, airplane, plane
  • mampuram....hangar
  • mampurbok....airsickness
  • mampurboka....airsick
  • mampureb....captain
  • mampurem....aerodrome, airdrome
  • mampurexen....piloting
  • mampurexer....aviate, pilot a plane
  • mampurexut....aviator, pilot
  • mampurexwa....piloted
  • mampurik....planeload
  • mampurilp izbex....air traffic control
  • mampurilp izbexam....air traffic control center
  • mampurilp izbexut....air traffic controller
  • mampurilp vyabam....air traffic control center
  • mampurilp vyaben....air traffic control
  • mampurilp vyabut....air traffic controller
  • mampurilp....air traffic
  • mampurizben....piloting
  • mampurizber....pilot
  • mampurizbum....cockpit
  • mampurizbut....aircraft pilot
  • mampurizbutyan....cockpit crew
  • mampurizbwa....piloted
  • mampurizut....pilot a plane
  • mampurkobien....skyjacking
  • mampurkobier....skyjack
  • mampurkobiut....skyjacker
  • mampurkyiun....planeload
  • mampurnad....airline
  • mampuroper....deplane
  • mampurposam....airport
  • mampurtuna....avionic
  • mampus....sky jump, skydive
  • mampusen....sky jumping, skydiving
  • mampusut....sky jumper, skydiver
  • mamput....aeronaut, air traveler, flier, flyer
  • mampyafwa....airworthy
  • mampyafwan....airworthiness
  • mampyosar....parachute
  • mampyosdeput....paratrooper
  • mampyosen....parachuting, skydiving
  • mampyoser....parachute, skydive
  • mampyosut....parachutist, skydiver
  • mamteas....bird's-eye view
  • mamtel....manna
  • mamuba....skyward
  • mam-volza....skycoloured
  • mamxeus pyex....thunderbolt, thunderclap
  • mamxeusaya....thundery
  • mamxeusika....thundery
  • mamyabel....airlift
  • mamyabelen....airlift
  • mamyabeler....airlift
  • mamyabtom....skyscraper
  • mamyen....clime
  • mamyena....skyey, skyish
  • mamyenem....clime
  • mam-yolza....azure, sky-blue
  • mam-yolzyena....azurish
  • mamyom mapil....hail storm, hailstorm
  • mamyom....hail
  • mamyomen....hailing
  • mamyomer....hail
  • mamyommeg....hailstone
  • mamyomnab....windrow
  • mamyoym....sleet
  • mamyoymaya....sleety
  • mamyoymen....sleeting
  • mamyoymena....sleety
  • mamyoymer....sleet
  • mamyoymika....sleety
  • mamyuxlut....air steward
  • mamyuxlutyan....air crew, sky crew
  • mamyuxluyt....air stewardess
  • mamyuxut....air attendant, flight attendant
  • mamyuxutyan....air crew
  • mapatub mampur....prop plane, propeller aircraft, propeller plane
  • nyus mampur....freight plane
  • oglamameg....micrometeorite
  • ovmampura....anti-aircraft, antiaircraft
  • oybseuxa zaypux mampur....ramjet
  • pyexwer bey mamak....be stricken by lightning
  • pyoxlawa mampar....downed aircraft
  • pyuxrar mampur....bomber plane
  • ub ha mam....skyward
  • ub mam....heavenward
  • uzaybmam....welkin
  • uzyupatub mampur....helicopter
  • yanmampurexut....copilot
  • kyupasea mampur....glider plane
  • yuzmamnada....circumhorizontal
  • zaypux mampur....jet aircraft, jet airplane, jet plane, jet-propelled aircraft, jetliner
  • zoa mamnaduz....back azimuth
  • zyomamnig....corridor
  • zyukmampur....gyroplane
The morpheme mem means land, country. There are some 2nd tier subordinal derivations, eg:
MAM Subordinals
meam region
meem territory
meim country, rural area, countryside
meum district, zone
Here are the principal derivatives of the above words:
  • aagmem....mainland
  • anvabmem....ranch
  • aotmempur....auto, automobile, personal car
  • aulk yijmem....goldfield
  • ayb ha mem....above the ground
  • aybmema....overground
  • aybmembelen....portage
  • azonuwa mempuen....forced landing
  • be yibmem....abroad
  • belun mempur....freight truck
  • bey mem....overland, by land
  • bi yibmem....from abroad
  • bu yibmem....abroad
  • damem....metropolis
  • damema....metropolitan
  • demmem....parkland
  • dobamem....department, province, state
  • dobamema....departmental, federal, provincial
  • dobemem....prefect
  • dobemema....prefectural
  • dobememdom....sub-prefect
  • dobememdoma....sub-prefectural
  • dobimem....canton
  • dobimema....cantonal
  • dobmem....territory
  • dobmema....territorial
  • dobmeman....territoriality
  • dobmempek....territorial dispute
  • dobmemyan....commonwealth
  • dobumema....communal
  • dodaler be meim....barnstorm
  • domeam dom....provincial capital
  • domeam vakdibut....gens d'arme, provincial police
  • domeam....county, province
  • domeama debdom....provincial capital, state capital
  • domeama....provincial
  • domeamab....prefecture
  • domeamay....provincially
  • domeameb....county clerk, governor, prefect, proconsul, provincial governor
  • domeameba....prefectoral, proconsular
  • domeamut....governor, provincial governor
  • domeamyen....provincialism
  • domeamyena....provincial
  • domeem....department
  • domeemab....prefecture
  • domeemeb....prefect
  • domeim....canton
  • domeima....cantonal
  • domeimeb....canton head
  • domeum....district
  • domeuma deb....communal leader
  • domeuma....communal, district-related
  • domeumeb....district mayor
  • domeuminut....communard
  • dovyabmeem....jurisdiction
  • dovyabmeema....jurisdictional
  • doyov domeum....rookery
  • dropek mempur....tank
  • dub bi oyebmema soni....foreign minister of foreign affairs, secretary of state
  • dub bi yebmema soni....minister of internal affairs, secretary of the interior
  • Dubam bi Oyebmema Soni....Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Department
  • dubam bi yebmema soni....department of the interior, ministry of internal affairs
  • Dubam bi Yebmema Soni....Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • ebmeama....inter-regional
  • ebmem....isthmus
  • enmeuma....bi-zonal
  • eynukmem....semidesert, steppe
  • fabmem....woodland
  • fabyanmem....forestland
  • fyumem....wasteland
  • gamembien....re-occupation, reoccupation
  • gamembier....re-occupy, reoccupy
  • gamembiwa....re-occupied
  • gamemuben....re-exportation, repatriation
  • gamemuber....reexport, repatriate
  • gamemubwa....reexported, repatriated
  • gamemubwat....repatriate, repatriated person
  • gamemupat....repatriate
  • gamemupen....coming back to the homeland, repatriation
  • gamemuper....come back to the homeland, repatriate
  • gamemuput....person coming back to the homeland
  • gamemupya....repatriated
  • gameumxer....rezone
  • Gebama Dobmemyan....British Commonwealth
  • himem....the homeland, this country
  • hyamema....country-wide, countrywide
  • hyimema....home-grown, internal
  • hyimematser....get naturalized
  • hyimematxen....naturalization
  • hyimematxer....naturalize
  • hyimematxwa dit....naturalized citizen
  • hyimematxwa....naturalized
  • hyimemut....countryman
  • hyumem....abroad, alien land
  • hyumema....alien
  • hyumemat....alien, person from another country
  • hyumemif....xenophilia
  • hyumemifa....xenophile, xenophilic
  • hyumemifut....xenophile
  • hyumemuben....repatriation, sending abroad
  • hyumemuber....repatriate, send abroad
  • hyumemubwa....repatriated, sent abroad
  • hyumemubwat....repatriate
  • hyumemuf....xenophobia
  • hyumemufa....xenophobic
  • hyumemufut....xenophobe
  • igmemipen....refuge
  • igmemiper....seek refuge
  • igmemiput....refugee
  • ija mempur....roadster
  • ilik zyimem....flood plain
  • imem....fen, slew
  • imemyena....fenny
  • Imera Indomemi....East Indies
  • immem....wetland
  • jaga utmempur....flivver
  • kunadmem....borderland
  • kyis mempur....cargo truck
  • kyobxwer be ha mem....run aground
  • landaw mempur....landau
  • maegmemnig....coalfield
  • magyel memnig....oilfield
  • malyom memnig....snowfield
  • meabmem....hill country
  • meam....region
  • meama dalzeynes....regional dialect
  • meama vafil....regional wine, vin de pays, vin du pays, vin-de-pays
  • meama....regional
  • meamay....regionally
  • meamdalyen....regionalism
  • meamin....provincialism
  • meamina....provincialistic
  • meaminut....provincialist
  • meamyen....regionalism
  • meem....territory
  • meema....territorial
  • meeman....territoriality
  • meemin....territorialism
  • meemina....territorialist
  • meeminut....territorialist
  • meilmem....mud flat, mudflat
  • meim....country, countryside, rural area, backwoods
  • meima deuzen....country singing
  • meima deuzun....country song
  • meima deuzut....country singer
  • meima dodalen....barnstorming
  • meima dodalut....barnstormer
  • meima duz....country music
  • meima duzut....country musician
  • meima....bucolic, rustic, rural
  • meimat....churl, hobnail, rural inhabitant, countryman
  • meimatyen....churlishness
  • meimatyena....churlish
  • meimay....rurally, rustically
  • meimdaz....hoedown
  • meimdazun....hoedown
  • meimdeuzog....idyll
  • meimdeuzogyena....idyllic
  • meimdeuzogyenay....idyllically
  • meimkixwat ....redneck
  • meimpoptam....lodge
  • meimseuxea....squelchy
  • meimtamag....country estate, domain
  • meimtamoyg....lean-to
  • meimtob....yokel
  • meimtyod....country folk
  • meimtyoda deuzen....country singing
  • meimtyoda deuzun....country song
  • meimtyoda deuzut....country singer
  • meimtyoda duz....country music
  • meimtyoda duzut....country musician
  • meimut....clodhopper, countryman, hayseed, rustic, boor, heathen
  • meimutyen....rusticity
  • meimxen....rustication
  • meimxer....rusticate
  • meimxwa....rusticated
  • meimyen....boorishness
  • meimyena....blowzy, boorish, countrified, rural
  • meimyenan....boorishness
  • meimyenay....boorishly, rurally
  • mekmem....heath
  • melukben memgon....burial plot
  • melyexirwa mem....tillage
  • melyexmem....farmland
  • mem obdopyun....landmine
  • mem....country, ground, land
  • mema....ground
  • memaoyebel....import-export, import-exports
  • memaoyebelen....importing and exporting
  • memaoyebeluni....imports-exports
  • membeen....landowning
  • membeut....landowner
  • membexenyiv....tenure
  • membexwat....groundling
  • membien....occupation
  • membier....occupy, take over
  • membiut....occupier
  • membiwa....occupied
  • membiwas....occupied land
  • memdet....compatriot, fellow countryman, fellow-countryman
  • memdyes....terrier
  • memgafixen....landscaping
  • memgafixut....landscaper
  • memgafixwa....landscaped
  • memgon....lot, parcel of land, patch, plot
  • memiben....importation
  • memiber....import
  • memibwa....imported
  • memilbar....irrigator
  • memilben....irrigating, irrigation
  • memilber....irrigate
  • memilbwa....irrigated
  • memilbyafwa....irrigable
  • memipen....emigrating, emigration, expatriation
  • memiper....emigrate, leave the country
  • memiput....emigrant, emigre, expatriate
  • memipren....taking refuge
  • memiprer....take refuge
  • memiprut....refugee
  • memkobiut....highwayman
  • memkyaxen....migration, transmigration
  • memkyaxer....migrate, transmigrate
  • memkyaxut....migrant, transmigrant
  • memmep....land route
  • memnad....landline
  • memnig....expanse of land, field, patch, plot, territory, tract, turf
  • memnof....groundsheet
  • memnyaun....landmass
  • memol....alkali
  • memola....alkaline
  • memolan....alkalinity
  • memolxer....alkalize
  • memoya....landless
  • memoyebelen....exportation, exporting
  • memoyebeler....export
  • memoyebelun....export, exported good, exported item
  • memoyebeluni....exports
  • memoyebelut....exporter
  • memoyebelwa....exported
  • memoyeben....deportation, deporting, expatriation
  • memoyebendras....deportation notice
  • memoyeber....deport, expatriate
  • memoyebwa....deported, expatriated
  • memoyebwat....deported person, deportee, expatriate
  • memoyebyafwa....deportable
  • memoyebyefa....subject to deportation
  • memoyl....alkaloid
  • memper....go by land
  • mempiea....taking off
  • mempien....departure, take-off, takeoff
  • mempier....depart, fly off, get off the ground, ride, take off
  • mempilen....fleeing the country
  • mempiler....flee the country
  • mempilut....defector, rider
  • mempop....cross-land travel
  • mempuya....landed
  • mempuem man....landing light, runway light
  • mempuem....airstrip, arrival zone, landing strip, landing zone, runway
  • mempuen gonem....arrival zone, landing zone
  • mempuen meup....airstrip, landing strip, runway
  • mempuen pontem....arrivals lounge
  • mempuen tem....arrivals lounge
  • mempuen tom....arrivals terminal
  • mempuen....arrival, landing
  • mempuer....arrive, land
  • mempur....auto, automobile, car, land craft, land vehicle, motor car
  • mempura....automotive, vehicular
  • mempuram....carport
  • mempurizbar....steering wheel
  • mempurizben....steering
  • mempyexen....grounding
  • memsin....countryside, landscape, scene
  • memsina....scenic
  • memsinay....scenically
  • memsingon....land feature, terrain
  • memsinyan....scenery
  • memsiyn....landmark
  • memsizen....landscape painting
  • memsizun....landscape painting
  • memsizut....landscape painter
  • memtyoda dauzyaniv....hootenanny
  • memtun....geology
  • memtuna....geologic
  • memtut....geologist
  • memuba....landward
  • memuber....export
  • memuben....exportation
  • memubut....exporter
  • memubwa....exported
  • memuiber....import-export
  • memuiben....import-exports
  • memuibut....import-exporter
  • memuipea....migrating
  • memuipen....migration
  • memuiper....migrate
  • memuiput....migrant
  • memuka....landless
  • memupea....immigrating
  • memupen....immigration
  • memuper....immigrate
  • memuput....immigrant
  • memupya....immigrated
  • memut....countryman, peasant
  • memutyan....peasantry
  • memdresinut....landscaper
  • memverb....grounder
  • memvyidun....thwaite
  • memyaz....bluff, butte, dome, hill, knob, land swell, mound, mount, promontory, rise
  • memyazaya....hilly, knobby
  • memyazayan....hilliness, knobbiness
  • memyazika....hilly, knobby
  • memyazikan....hilliness, knobbiness
  • memyebelen....importing
  • memyebeler....import
  • memyebelun....imported good, imported item
  • memyebeluni....imports
  • memyebelut....importer
  • memyebelwa....imported
  • memyebelwat....imported person
  • memyeben....importation
  • memyen....terrain, topography
  • memyendren....topography
  • memyendrena....topographic, topographical
  • memyendrenay....topographically
  • memyendrut....topographer
  • memyex....roadwork
  • memyez....plain, stretch of land
  • memyig....hardstand
  • memyoz....dale, depression, hollow, valley
  • memyujbwa....landlocked
  • memyukomat....landlubber, landsman
  • memyuv....fee, feud, fief, land lien
  • memyuva....feudal
  • memyuvdab....fiefdom
  • memyuvdabuer....feoff
  • memyuvdabuwat....feoffee
  • memyuvdeb....feudal lord
  • memyuvin....feudalism
  • memyuvina....feudalistic
  • memyuvinut....feudalist
  • memyuvxwat....vassal
  • memyuvxwatan....vassalage
  • memzyogon....screed
  • memzyun....grounder
  • meum....district
  • meumdovyab....by-law, bylaw
  • milmemtun....hydrogeology
  • milpmem....watershed
  • mimol immem....salt marsh
  • mimol zyimem....salt flat
  • mimuipmem....tideland
  • mipuka meam....coombe
  • mipuka meam....combe
  • mukibler bay nogmemi....stope
  • muzmeem....glebe
  • mumben memgon....burial plot
  • naymem....market, farmer's market
  • nogmem mukiblen....stope, stoping
  • noyxmem....fiefdom
  • noyxmemeb....feudal lord
  • ob mem....aloft
  • obemernada vabmem....savanna, savannah
  • obmemyuvxwat....vavasour
  • ohyimema....non-domestic, non-native, nonnative
  • omemilbwa....unirrigated
  • omemuipea....nonmigratory
  • omermem....southland
  • otajmema....non-native, nonnative
  • otajmemifa....unpatriotic
  • otajmemifan....lack of patriotism
  • otajmemifut....non-patriot
  • outmemagxwa....homegrown
  • oybdomeum....subdistrict
  • oybmeam....subregion
  • oybyibamera fabyanmem....taiga
  • oyebmeem....foreign territory
  • oyebmem dubam bi oyebmen....department of state
  • oyebmem....abroad, foreign country
  • oyebmema buien....foreign exchange
  • oyebmema deus....foreign accent
  • oyebmema dub....foreign minister, head of the department of state, minister of foreign affairs
  • oyebmema dubam....foreign ministry of foreign affairs, state department
  • oyebmema ebkyax....foreign exchange
  • oyebmema soni....foreign affairs
  • oyebmema yuxlen....foreign service
  • oyebmema....foreign
  • oyebmeman....foreignness
  • oyebmemat....foreigner
  • oyebmembesut....expatriate
  • oyebmempen....emigrating, emigration
  • oyebmemper....emigrate
  • oyebmempop....foreign travel
  • oyeybmeema....extraterritorial
  • oyeybmeeman....extraterritoriality
  • paper yub bi ha mem....hedgehop
  • purexer bu meim....drive to the country
  • rusmeimtam....dacha
  • Rusya meimat....mujik
  • semmem....mesa
  • Soil Zyomeam....Silicon Valley
  • taamem....estate, homestead
  • tajmem....country of birth, fatherland, homeland, motherland
  • tajmema okyebuk....homeland security
  • Tajmema Vakan Diib....Homeland Security Administration
  • tajmema....aboriginal, indigenous
  • tajmeman....indigenousness
  • tajmemat....aborigine, indigenous person
  • tajmemay....indigenously
  • tajmemifa....patriotic
  • tajmemifan....patriotism
  • tajmemifut....patriot
  • tajmemyuva....patriotic
  • tajmemyuvan....patriotism
  • tajmemyuvat....patriot
  • tajna mem....native country
  • tajna memat....native countryman
  • tamem....messuage
  • tammem....estate
  • teatyafwa ayb ha memnad je yuzpen....circumpolar
  • teazmem....wonderland
  • tezuka meimat....boor
  • tijmem....native country
  • tistamem....schoolyard
  • todmempur....station wagon
  • tolyebtuyarmem....panhandle
  • ub mem....landward
  • ujponuen memgon....burial plot
  • ukmem....desert
  • ukmemdim....oasis
  • ukmemyena....desert-like
  • ukrawa mem....moonscape
  • ummem....desert, dry land
  • ummemyena....desert-like
  • utmempur....automobile, car
  • uzmem....bay
  • vabijmeem....seedbed
  • vabmem....grassland, prairie
  • vabmemes....meadow
  • vimeima....bucolic
  • vimeimay....bucolically
  • vyomem....neverland, fantasyland
  • yabmem....highland, highlands, hill country
  • yaebmem....upland, uplands
  • yanmemut....fellow-countryman
  • yebmem dub....minister of internal affairs
  • yebmem dubam....department of the interior
  • yebmem....inland, interior, native country
  • yebmema dub bi yebmem....minister of the interior
  • yebmema dub....interior minister, secretary of the interior
  • yebmema dubam....ministry of internal affairs, ministry of the interior
  • yebmema soni....internal affairs
  • yebmema vak....domestic security
  • yebmema yafan....native ability
  • yebmema....domestic, in-country, inland, interior, native, onshore, upcountry
  • yebmemat....native countryman, native-born
  • yebmemay....domestically, natively
  • yebmembelen....cabotage
  • yebmemdub....interior department head, interior minister, secretary of the interior
  • yebmemin....nativism
  • yebmemina....nativistic
  • yebmeminut....nativist
  • yebmempea....immigrating
  • yebmempen....immigration
  • yebmemper....immigrate
  • yebmempop....domestic trip, in-country travel
  • yebmemput....immigrant
  • yebmempya....immigrated
  • yebmemsaxwa....domestically crafted
  • yebmemut....inlander
  • yiban bi mem....offing
  • yibmeama....provincial
  • yibmeami....provinces, remote regions
  • yibmem....abroad, distant land, overseas
  • yibmema....abroad, overseas, peregrine
  • yibmempen....going abroad
  • yibmemper....go abroad
  • yibmempop....overseas trip abroad
  • yibmempopen....peregrination
  • yibmempoper....peregrinate, travel abroad, travel overseas
  • yibmempoput....overseas traveler, peregrinator
  • yibmemput....person going abroad
  • yibob imem....rice paddy
  • yijmem dyezam....open-air cinema
  • yijmem....field, lea, meadow, open land, wild, outdoors
  • yijmema....open-air, outdoor
  • yijmemmag....wildfire
  • yijmemtyal....picnic
  • yijmemtyalen....picnicking
  • yijmemtyaler....picnic
  • yijvabmem....veld, veldt
  • yivmem....allodium
  • yivmema....allodial
  • yivmemat....yeoman
  • yivob imem....paddy
  • yobmem....lowland
  • yobmemat....lowlander
  • yonotmempur....personal land vehicle, private land vehicle
  • yovmembien....squatting
  • yovmembier....squat
  • yovmembiut....squatter
  • zemem....heartland, midland
  • zeymema....crosscountry
  • zeymempen....transmigration
  • zeymemper....transmigrate
  • zeymempop....cross-country trip
  • zeymemput....transmigrant
  • zilmelmem....moorland
  • zomem....back country, hinterland, backwater
  • zomema....rural
  • zomemat....country-jake, hick, rural area dweller
  • zomemayt....countrywoman
  • zyamem mag....brushfire
  • zyamem vakdibut....ranger
  • zyamem....open land, open terrain, plain, prairie, range, rangeland
  • zyamema....country-wide, countrywide
  • zyamemut....ranger
  • zyimem....flat, flatland, llano, plain, tableland
  • zyoebmem....isthmus
  • zyoebmema....isthmian
  • zyomeam....valley
  • zyomeem....vale
  • zyomeim....dale, hollow
  • zyomem....corridor
  • zyomeum....dale
The morpheme mim meaning sea, body of water has some 2nd tier subordinal derivatives that descend on the basis of size:
MIM Subordinals
miam lake, loch, lough
miem lagoon, swamp
miim marsh, morass, quagmire
mium pond
miyom pool
miyam puddle
Apart from this is the word mimag (ocean) with the augmentative suffix.
The oceans are:
  • Amimag....Arctic Ocean
  • Emimag....Indian Ocean
  • Omimag....Southern Ocean
  • Imimag....Pacific Ocean
  • Umimag....Atlantic Ocean
From these words are derived the following:
  • Zamera Mim....North Sea
  • Amimag....Arctic Ocean
  • Emimag....Indian Ocean
  • Omimag....Southern Ocean
  • Imimag....Pacific Ocean
  • Umimag....Atlantic Ocean
  • baosea mim....rough sea
  • bey mim....oversea
  • ebmim....strait
  • eynmilpen miyom....wading pool
  • kumuzmim....bay
  • mebmium....tarn
  • miam....lake, loch, lough
  • miem....lagoon, swamp
  • miim....everglade, marsh, marshland, morass, quag, quagmire
  • mim....brim, sea
  • mimag....ocean
  • mimaga....oceanic
  • mimpur....oceanliner
  • mimol miim....salt marsh
  • mium....pond
  • miyam....puddle
  • miyom....pool
  • miyomim....poolroom
  • myekxam mium....millpond
  • pitmium....fishpond
  • ukxer ha miem....drain the swamp
  • yizmim....ultramarine
  • zeymimaga....transoceanic
  • zyamiam....mere
  • zyoebmim....strait
  • zyuplea miyom....whirlpool
The morpheme mum means underground. Here are some words derived from it:
  • fyemumat....gnome
  • fyemumata....gnomic
  • fyemumatyena....gnomish
  • gamumben....reburial
  • gamumber....rebury
  • maegyel mumzyeg....tar pit
  • mum....underground, underworld
  • muma....underground
  • mumal....firedamp
  • mumaozyeg sammoys....stempel
  • mumben dem....burial ground
  • mumben fyaxel....burial rite
  • mumben memgon....burial plot
  • mumben meyb....burial mound
  • mumben xel....burial ceremony
  • mumben....burial, burying, interment, interring, putting underground
  • mumbenem....burial site
  • mumber....bury, inter, put underground
  • mumbut....undertaker
  • mumbwa....buried, interred
  • mumil....groundwater
  • mumilzyeg buxrar....well pump
  • mumilzyeg nyeb....well bucket
  • mumilzyeg....well
  • mumilzyegxut....well-digger
  • mumnyaz....bonanza
  • mumpea....burrowing
  • mumpen....burrowing, going underground
  • mumper....burrow, go underground
  • mumpop....subway trip, underground travel
  • mumpoper....go by subway, travel underground
  • mumpur mup....subway tunnel
  • mumpur naad....subway track
  • mumpur poput....subway traveler
  • mumpur posam....metro station, subway station, u-bahn station, underground station
  • mumpur....metro, subway train, tube, u-bahn, underground
  • mumpuren....traveling by subway
  • mumpurer....travel by subway
  • mumpures....subway car
  • mumtom....silo
  • mumtumyan....catacomb
  • mumujmas....coalface
  • mumyexut....underground worker
  • mumzyef....tektite
  • mumzyeg....pit
  • mumzyegabem....pithead
  • mumzyegar....auger
  • pyaxmufyeg mumtom....missile silo
The base word mol, which means nature is the topmost element of a geo-specific series of words, eg:
MOL Subordinals
mol nature
mal air
mel soil
mil water
mul substance, stuff
The morpheme mol means nature. Here are words derived from this root:
  • amola san....primitive form
  • amola....primitive
  • amolan....primitiveness
  • amolay....primitively
  • bey mol....by nature
  • byimol....origin
  • byimola fyox....original sin
  • byimola....original
  • byimolan....originality
  • byimolay....originally
  • gelmola....connate, connatural
  • ijmola teud....primal scream
  • ijmola....primal
  • ijmol....origin, source
  • jwamola....preternatural
  • mol....nature
  • mola izbux....natural impulse
  • mola doyiv....natural right
  • mola....natural
  • molan....naturalness
  • molay....naturally, of course
  • molazon....force of nature
  • molifron....physiolatry
  • molin....naturalism
  • molina....naturalist
  • molinut....naturalist
  • molizbux....instinct
  • molizbuxa....instinctive, instinctual
  • moltun yextun....physical engineering
  • moltun yextut....physics engineer
  • moltun....natural science, physics
  • moltuna....physics-related
  • moltut....natural scientist, physicist
  • molxen....naturalization
  • molxer....naturalize
  • molxwa....naturalized
  • molyena....natural, naturalistic
  • molyenan....naturalness
  • molyenay....naturally
  • molyuba....earthy, close to nature
  • molyuban....earthiness
  • mommoltun....astrophysics
  • mommoltuna....astrophysical
  • mommoltut....astrophysicist
  • omola level....artificial sugar
  • omola....artificial, ersatz, unnatural
  • omolan....artificiality, unnaturalness
  • omolat....fay, ghost, unnatural creature
  • omolay....artificially, unnaturally
  • omolaytdin....fairy tale
  • omoltayebun....hairpiece, wig
  • omoltayebunog....wiglet
  • oyeybmola....extraphysical
  • vyamol....essence, true nature
  • yebmolay....intrinsically
  • yizmol....supernatural
  • yizmola....supernatural, preternatural
  • yizmolat....supernatural being
  • yizmolay....supernaturally
  • yizmolem....supernatural realm
The root word mal means air. Some derived words use the stub word -al-.
There is a set of 2nd tier ordinal derivations, which represent the layers of the atmosphere:
MAL Subordinals
maal atmosphere, aura
mael troposphere, ether
mail stratosphere
maul ionosphere
mayol exosphere
There is also the diminutive derivations mayl meaning gas, vapor (as opposed to liquid).
Here are the main derivatives of mal and -al-:
  • ama mal kyuzyun....hot air balloon
  • amera maalman....aurora borealis
  • ammaal....thermosphere
  • ammalkexut....snowbird
  • be hyea maalyen....rain or shine
  • be yija mal....alfresco
  • bey malpyaoni....by air waves
  • bukxea maal....miasma
  • buxrer mal....pump air
  • maalyentof....weatherwear
  • fumaluwa....poorly-ventilated, stuffy
  • fumaluwan....stuffiness
  • fumaluway....stuffily
  • fyemalbesut....sylph
  • fyemaltop....sprite
  • gamaluen....re-inflation
  • gamaluer....re-inflate
  • gamaluwa....re-inflated
  • gyamalxea....inflationary
  • gyamalxen ay yugxen....stagflation
  • gyamalxen....blowing up, inflation, swelling
  • gyamalxer....blow up, inflate, swell
  • gyamalxun....clot, swelling
  • gyamalxwa....blown up, inflated, swollen
  • gyamalxyofwa....noninflationary
  • heel malzyun....helium balloon
  • igmalpuxer....whang
  • izbyafwa malzyuyn....dirigible
  • jebmaalyen....climate
  • jebmaalyena....climatic
  • jebmaalyenay....climatically
  • jebmaalyentun....climatology
  • jebmaalyentuna....climatological
  • jebmaalyentut....climatologist
  • jomagmal....afterdamp
  • jomayl mapxar....exhaust fan
  • jomayl....exhaust, fume
  • kyumalyom....flurry
  • logyamalxen....deflating, letting the air out of
  • logyamalxer....deflate, let the air out of
  • logyamalxwa zyug....flat tire
  • logyamalxwa....deflated, flat
  • lomaluen....deflation
  • lomaluer....deflate
  • lomaluwa....deflated
  • lomaluyafwa mipar....collapsible boat, deflatable craft
  • lomaluyafwa....deflatable
  • maal....atmosphere, aura
  • maala....atmospheric, atmospherical
  • maalay....atmospherically
  • maalbalnagar....barometer
  • maalixuen....weathering
  • maalixuer....weather
  • maalixuwa....weathered
  • maalmak....static
  • maalman....aurora
  • maalmana....auroral
  • maalmil....hydrometeor
  • maalmiltun....hydrometeorology
  • maalmiltuna....hydrometeorological
  • maalmiltut....hydrometeorologist
  • maalnagar....radiosonde
  • maalvaka....weatherproof
  • maalyen jatuun....weather forecast, weather tip
  • maalyen jatuut....weather forecaster, weather tipster
  • maalyen jwad....weather warning
  • maalyen....atmospherics, weather
  • maalyena....weather-related
  • maalyendar....weathervane
  • maalyentun....meteorology
  • maalyentuna....meteorologic, meteorological
  • maalyentunay....meteorological
  • maalyentut....meteorologist, weatherman, weatherperson
  • maalyenvakaxen....weatherizing
  • maalyenvakaxer....weatherize
  • maalyenvakaxwa....weatherized
  • mael....ether, troposphere
  • maela....ethereal, tropospheric
  • maelay....ethereally
  • maelxer....etherize
  • mail....stratosphere
  • maila....stratospheric
  • mailpusun....spout
  • mailzyun....bubble
  • mailzyuynika....effervescent, bubbly
  • mailzyuynikan....effervescence, bubbliness
  • mailzyuynser....effervesce, bubble
  • mailzyuynsyea....effervescent, bubbly
  • mailzyuynsyean....effervescence, bubbliness
  • mal muyfyeg....air tube
  • mal....air
  • mala....aerial
  • malay....aerially
  • malaya....airy
  • malayan....airiness
  • malaypar....air flotation device
  • malayxaren....intubation, putting on a ventilator
  • malayxarer....intubate, put on a ventilator
  • malayxarwa....intubated, put on a ventilator
  • malazona....aerodynamic
  • malazonay....aerodynamically
  • malazontun....aerodynamics
  • malbal....air pressure
  • malbala....pneumatic
  • malbalay....pneumatically
  • malbalum....air pressure chamber, airlock
  • malbelwa....airborne
  • malbuxrar....air pump
  • maldezut....aerialist
  • maledopar....air rifle
  • malfyet....sylph
  • malfyety....sylphid
  • malfyeyta....sylphic
  • malfyeytyena....sylphlike
  • malgamagijbar....carburetter, carburettor
  • malgaser....blow up, inflate
  • malgaxen....blowing up, inflation
  • malgaxer....blow up, inflate
  • malgaxwa....inflated
  • malgoser....deflate
  • malgoxen....deflation
  • malgoxer....deflate
  • malgoxwa....deflated
  • malika....airy
  • malikan....airiness
  • malikser....bloat
  • malikxen....inflation, pumping up with air
  • malikxer....bloat, inflate, pump up with air
  • malikxwa....bloated, inflated, pumped up with air
  • malikxwas....inflatable device
  • malikxyafwa....inflatable
  • malkyian....languor
  • malkyupen....floating in the air
  • malkyupea....floating in the air
  • malkyuper....float in the air
  • malmeg....peat
  • malmegmel....peatbog
  • malmegyena....peaty
  • malmep....airway
  • malmufyeg....air vent, windpipe, throttle, throat
  • malnig....aerospace, airspace
  • malnyaxbok....emphysema
  • malnyef....air sack, airbag
  • malof....cirrocumulus
  • malomxar....air-conditioner
  • maloya....airless
  • maloyan....airlessness
  • maloyxar....damper
  • maloyxen....damping
  • malp....airflow, draft
  • malpea....drafty
  • malpoxea yujteuzun....stop consonant
  • malptun....aerodynamics
  • malpuibar....radio transmitter-receiver
  • malpur....airship
  • malpux....air jet
  • malseuxa....aeroacoustic
  • malsuem....air mattress
  • malsum....airbed
  • maltapa....aerobic
  • maltapay....aerobically
  • maltayefar....airbrush
  • maluar....aerator, air pump, inflater, ventilating fan, ventilator
  • maluea....aerating, inflating
  • maluen....aeration, blowing up, inflating, inflation, ventilating, ventilation
  • maluer....aerate, blow up, inflate, vent, ventilate
  • malujbof....weatherstrip
  • malujbofen....weatherstripping
  • malujbofyan....weatherstripping
  • maluk muyfyeg....vacuum tube
  • maluk....air vacuum
  • maluka....airless
  • malukan....airlessness
  • malukxen....deflation, letting out the air, pumping out the air, vacuuming
  • malukxer....deflate, drain of air, let out the air, suck all the air out of, vacuum
  • malukxwa....deflated, vacuumed
  • maluuwa....aerated, inflated
  • maluwa....ventilated
  • maluyafwa mipar....dinghy, inflatable craft
  • maluyafwa....inflatable
  • maluyafwa mipar....dinghy
  • maluyea....inflationary
  • maluzun....air funnel
  • malvaka....air-tight, airproof
  • malvakan....air-tightness
  • malvyuxen....air pollution
  • malvyuxus....air pollutant
  • malxar....aerator, fan
  • malxea....aerating
  • malxen....aeration
  • malxer....aerate, fan
  • malxwa....aerated
  • malyebiar....air intake, air suction device
  • malyebien....air suctioning, inhalation, inspiration
  • malyebier....inhale, inspire, suction air, take in air
  • malyena....aery
  • malyom mapilaz....blizzard, snow storm
  • malyom memnig....snowfield
  • malyom zyug....snow tire
  • malyom....snow
  • malyomaya....snowy
  • malyomayan....snowiness
  • malyomben....snow covering
  • malyomber....cover with snow
  • malyombwa....snow-covered
  • malyomea....snowing
  • malyomen....snowing
  • malyomer....snow
  • malyomfaof....snowboard
  • malyomfaofen....snowboarding
  • malyomfaofer....snowboard
  • malyomfaofut....snowboarder
  • malyomgos....snow flake, snowflake
  • malyomika....snowy
  • malyomikan....snowiness
  • malyomikay....snowily
  • malyomkipam....snow ski lodge
  • malyomkipar....ski, snow-ski, toboggan
  • malyomkiparam....ski lodge
  • malyomkiparen....kim ski slope, skiing, snow skiing, tobogganing
  • malyomkiparer....ski, snow-ski
  • malyomkiparut....skier, snow-skier, tobogganer
  • malyomkiput....schussboomer
  • malyomkunad....snowbank
  • malyom-malza....snow-white as snow
  • malyommapil....snowstorm
  • malyommapxar....snowblower
  • malyomnyan....snowdrift
  • malyompexwa....snowbound
  • malyompur....snowmobile
  • malyompyos....snowfall
  • malyomtaf....snowsuit
  • malyomtam....igloo
  • malyomtef....toboggan
  • malyomtob....snowman
  • malyomtyoyaf....snowshoe
  • malyomur....snowplow
  • malyomzyun....snowball
  • malyujben....throttling
  • malyujber....throttle
  • malyujbut....throttler
  • malzyaz....whitecap
  • malzyeg....air pocket, blowhole, spiracle, vent
  • malzyenad....vertical
  • malzyeuben....transmission through the air
  • malzyeuber....transmit through the air
  • malzyun....balloon
  • malzyunpen....ballooning
  • malzyunper....balloon, go ballooning
  • malzyunput....ballooner, balloonist
  • malzyuyn yuigof....bubblegum
  • malzyuyn....air bubble
  • malzyuynamxar....boiler
  • malzyuynamxen....boiling
  • malzyuynamxer....boil
  • malzyuynamxwa....boiled
  • malzyuynar....boiler
  • malzyuynea....boiling
  • malzyuyner....boil, bubble
  • malzyuynika....bubbly, effervescent
  • malzyuynikan....bubbliness, effervescence
  • malzyuynikay....effervescently
  • malzyuynog....fizz, little air bubble, tiny bubble
  • malzyuynogea mil....sparkling water
  • malzyuynogea vafil....sparkling wine, spumante
  • malzyuynogea....fizzing, sparkling
  • malzyuynoger....fizz, fizzle, sparkle
  • malzyuynogika....carbonated, fizzy, gassy, sparkling, spumante
  • malzyuynogmil....seltzer
  • malzyuynogtil dim....soda fountain
  • malzyuynogtil....soda pop, soft drink
  • malzyuynogyea....fizzy
  • malzyuynogyean....fizziness
  • malzyuynsea....boiling, effervescent
  • malzyuynser....boil
  • malzyuynsyea....ebullient, effervescent
  • malzyuynsyean....ebullience, effervescent
  • malzyuynsyeay....effervescently, ebulliently
  • malzyuynuka mil....still water
  • malzyuynuka....non-carbonated, still
  • malzyuynxar....boiler
  • malzyuynxen....carbonation, ebullition, boiling
  • malzyuynxer....boil, carbonate
  • malzyuynxwa....boiled, carbonated
  • maul....ionosphere
  • maula....ionospheric
  • mayl....gas
  • mayla....gaseous
  • maylay....gaseously
  • maylfil....gasohol
  • maylmanar....gaslight
  • maylnyev....gasbag, gasholder
  • mayltun....pneumatics
  • maylubea mufzyeg....flue
  • mayluen....gassing
  • mayluer....gas
  • maylxen....gasification
  • maylxer....gasify
  • maylxwa....gasified
  • mayol....exosphere
  • mumal....firedamp
  • niemal manar....neon lamp, neon light
  • niemal siun....neon sign
  • ogyamalxea....noninflationary
  • omera maalman....aurora australis
  • ovmaalmaka....anti-static
  • oyebuxrer ha mal....pump out the air
  • pobal malzyun....lead ballon
  • puxramal....aerosol
  • puxramalxer....aerosolize
  • puxramalxwa....aerosolized
  • seuxa malpyaon....acoustic airwave
  • tayib mayl....nerve gas
  • ukmal....ether
  • ukmala....ethereal
  • vyifxer ha mal....clear the air
  • vyixyel malzyuyn....soap bubble
  • vyumalok....effluvium
  • yabmalzyun....rainmaker
  • yebmalpuxer....volley
  • yiga malpur....zeppelin
  • yokmalp....flurry
  • zemaal....mesosphere
  • zyoyijmaluar....louver
  • zyoyijmaluarwa....louvered

  • alp xag....radio frequency
  • alp yibdalen....radiotelephony
  • alp yibdalir....radiophone, radiotelephone
  • alp yibdren....radiotelegraphy
  • alp yibdrer....radioteletype
  • alp yibdrir....radiotelegraph, radioteletype
  • alp....air wave, airwave
  • alpa....wireless
  • alparifut....ham operator
  • alpi....airwaves
  • alpibar....radio receiver
  • alpibarut....radioman
  • alpiben....radio reception
  • alpkaxar jwadsiun....radar beacon
  • alpkaxar pex....radar trap
  • alpkaxar....airwave detector
  • alpkaxar....radar
  • alpkaxarut....radarman
  • alpkaxen martun....radar astronomy
  • alpkaxen teaxar....radar scope
  • alpkaxen yibteaxir....radar telescope
  • alpkaxen....radar detection
  • alpkazar sinuar....radarscope
  • alpsiunar....radio signal
  • alptayf....dirndl
  • alpubar....radio transmitter
  • alpubarer....transmit by radio, broadcast
  • alpuben....wiring, transmission, broadcasting
  • alpuber....broadast by radio
  • alpuber....wire, transmit, radio, broadcast
  • alpubun job....airtime
  • alpubun....airplay, radio broadcast, radio transmission
  • alpubun....radio broadcast
  • alpubwa....wired, transmitted, radioed
  • alpuibar ebtuien....radio communications
  • alpuibar....radio set, radio transmitter/receiver
  • alpuibaren....radioing
  • alpuibarer....radio
  • alpuibut....radio operator
  • aluar....aerator, blower
  • aluea....aerating
  • aluen....aeration, blowing
  • aluer....aerate, blow

  • tiebal....breath
  • tiebala....respiratory
  • tiebaliar....inhaler
  • tiebaliea....breathing in, inhaling, taking a breath
  • tiebalien....breathing in, inhalation, taking a breath
  • tiebalier....breathe in, inhale, take a breath
  • tiebaliwa....inhaled
  • tiebaliwas....inhalant
  • tiebalok....belch, burp, eructation
  • tiebaloken....belching, burping, eructation
  • tiebaloker....belch, burp, eruct, eructate
  • tiebaloya....breathless, pursy
  • tiebaloyan....breathlessness, pursiness
  • tiebaloyser....suffocate
  • tiebaloyxer....suffocate
  • tiebaluar....respirator
  • tiebaluea....breathing out, exhaling, expiring
  • tiebaluen....breathing out, exhalation, expiration, respiration
  • tiebaluer....breathe out, exhale, expire, respirate, suspire
  • tiebaluf....trachea, windpipe
  • tiebalufoben....tracheotomy
  • tiebaluiar....breathing device, respirator
  • tiebaluien....breathing, respiring, respiration
  • tiebaluier....respire
  • tiebaluir....breathing machine
  • tiebaluka....breathless, pursy
  • tiebalukan....breathlessness, pursiness
  • tiebalukay....breathlessly
  • tiebaluwa....breathed out, respirated
  • tiebalyujben....suffocation
  • tiebalyujber....cut off one's air supply, suffocate
  • tiebalyujbwa....suffocated
The morpheme mel means soil.
This root has a few subordinal roots:
  • meel....terrain
  • meil....mud (a hybrid of mil and mel)
Among the important derivatives of this root are these:
  • yanmel....continent
  • oybyanmel....subcontinent
  • yonmel....island
  • eynyonmel....peninsula
The continents are represented by geo-specific ordinal prefixes:
  • Ayanmel....North America
  • Oyanmel....South America
  • Iyanmel....Asia
  • Eyanmel....Africa
  • Uyanmel....Europe
  • Yoyanmel....Oceania
Two hybrid continent names are:
  • Aoyanmel....Americas (i.e. North America and South America combined)
  • Ebaoyanmel....Central America (between N. and S. America)
Here are words derived from mel:
  • abmelgofrul....mulch
  • abmeltim....terrace
  • abmeltimaya....terraced
  • abmeltimika....terraced
  • agra magyazmel....super volcano
  • almuka-melza....mocha brown
  • alzmelza....sepia
  • Amera Uyanmel....Northern Europe
  • Amera Uyanmela....Northern European
  • Amera Uyanmelat....Northern European
  • ammelsum....hotbed
  • Anxwa Doebi bi Ayanmel....United States of America
  • axlea magyazmel....active volcano
  • Ayanmel....North America
  • Ayanmela....North American
  • Ayanmelat....North American
  • aybmela....above-ground, aboveground
  • be tabmeluk....graveside
  • dopa melmas....earthwork
  • dyafab-melza....cedar brown
  • dyofyel-melza....chocolate brown
  • Ebaoyanmel....Central America
  • Ebaoyanmela....Central American
  • Ebaoyanmelat....Central American
  • ebyanmela....intercontinental
  • ebyazmel....valley, canyon
  • Eyanmel....Africa, continent of Africa
  • Eyanmela....African
  • Eyanmelat....African
  • Eyanmel-Usoma....African-American, Afro-American, Black American
  • Eyanmel-Usoma....Afro-American, African-American
  • Eyanmel-Usomat....African-American, Afro-American, Black American
  • Eyanmel-Usomat....Afro-American, African-American
  • eynmelza....semi-brown
  • eynukmel....semidesert, steppe
  • eynyonmel....peninsula
  • eynyonmela....peninsular
  • falofeb-melza....hickory brown
  • faob-melza....wood brown
  • fyameluk....sepulcher, sepulchre
  • fyameluka....sepulchral
  • fyamelukben....sepulture
  • fyamelukber....sepulcher, sepulchre
  • gamelukben....re-internment
  • gamelukber....re-inter
  • gamelukbwa....re-interned
  • gamelukxer....dig up again
  • gamelzyegen....re-excavation
  • gamelzyeger....re-excavate
  • gamelzyegwa....dug up again, re-excavated
  • gamelzyegxer....dig up again
  • gayebmelben....re-burial
  • gayebmelber....re-bury
  • gayebmelbwa....re-buried
  • gilmelpen....mountaineering
  • gimel abnod....mountain summit, mountaintop
  • gimel naap....mountain system
  • gimel....mountain
  • gimelaya....mountainous
  • gimelbok....mountain sickness
  • gimelika....mountainous
  • gimelkim....mountain slope
  • gimelkum....mountainside
  • gimelmep....mountain road
  • gimelnab....mountain chain, mountain range
  • gimelnyad....mountain range
  • gimelog....hillock, knob
  • gimelper....mountaineer
  • gimelput....mountaineer
  • gimelsyob....foot of the mountain base
  • gimelut....mountain man
  • gimelyapren....mountain climbing, mountain-climbing
  • gimelyaprut....mountain climber, mountain-climber
  • givob melyexem....tobacco farm
  • givob melyexen....tobacco farming
  • givob melyexut....tobacco farmer
  • glatoda melukbam....mausoleum
  • gommelaben....glaciation
  • goun bi mel....patch of land
  • gramelyexer....overcrop
  • gyomel....silt
  • gyomelaya....silty
  • gyomelika....silty
  • gyomelikser....silt
  • gyomelikxen....silting
  • gyomelikxer....silt
  • gyomelikxwa....silted
  • gyomelukar....spade
  • gyomelukaren....spading
  • gyomelukarer....spade
  • gyomelukarwa....spaded
  • Imera Uyanmel....Eastern Europe
  • immel....loam
  • immelaya....loamy
  • immelika....loamy
  • immelyena....loamy
  • Iyanmel....Asia
  • Iyanmela....Asian
  • Iyanmelat....Asian
  • Iyanmel-Usoma....Asian-American
  • izmelkyobwa....quickset
  • kafeyb-melza....coffee brown
  • komeluk....crypt
  • kyoyomel....permafrost
  • Liada Oyanmel....Latin America
  • Liada Oyanmela....Latin American
  • Liada Oyanmelat....Latin American
  • lomelber....unearth
  • lomelukxen....digging up, disinterment
  • lomelukxer....disinter
  • maarmelzaser....suntan
  • maarmelzaxea yel....suntanning oil
  • maarmelzaxer....suntan
  • maarmelzaxun....suntan
  • maarmelzaxwa....suntanned
  • magujbwa magyazmel....extinct volcano
  • magyazmel oyepuslun....volcanic eruption
  • magyazmel....volcano
  • magyazmela melzyeg....volcanic crater
  • magyazmela mog....volcanic ash
  • magyazmela....volcanic
  • magyazmelan....vulcanism
  • magyazmelbyiwa....of volcanic origin, volcanogenic
  • magyazmelil....lava
  • magyazmelil-maolza....lava gray
  • magyazmelilmeg....pumice
  • magyazmelilp....lava flow
  • magyazmelilyaz....lava dome
  • magyazmelis....vulcanite
  • magyazmeltun....vulcanology
  • magyazmeltuna....vulcanological
  • magyazmeltunay....vulcanologically
  • magyazmeltut....vulcanologist
  • magyazmelzyeg....crater
  • magyazmelzyegika....crater-filled
  • malmegmel....peatbog
  • mealag-melza....sienna
  • meil magyazmel....mud volcano
  • mel mep....dirt road
  • mel....dirt, ground, land, soil
  • mela....earthen, ground, land
  • melag....adobe
  • melaga....adobe, made of adobe
  • melapen....skimming
  • melaper....skim across the surface of the land
  • melbaoxun....earthquake
  • melbaoxunvaka....earthquake-resistant
  • melben....composting, filling in with earth, putting down soil
  • melber....compost, fill in with earth, put down soil
  • melbexen....landholding
  • melbexut....landholder
  • melbul....compost
  • melbuxar....bulldozer
  • melbuxarer....bulldoze
  • melbuxarwa....bulldozed
  • melbwa....composted, filled in with earth
  • meleg....terra cotta, terracotta
  • melfyiulbyofwan....unfertilizability
  • melfyixul....fertilizer
  • melfyixulben....fertilization
  • melfyixulbyafwa....fertilizable
  • melfyixulbyafwan....fertilizability
  • melfyixulen....fertilization
  • melfyixuler....fertilize
  • melfyixuluea....fertilizing
  • melfyixuluen....fertilizing
  • melfyixuluyofwa....infecund
  • melfyixulwa....fertilized
  • melglal....clod
  • melig....marl
  • melikun....land-fill, landfill
  • melilp....soil creep
  • melkip....landslide, landslip
  • melmas....balk, baulk, berm, parapet, rampart
  • melmuf yuzmays....picket fence
  • melmuf....picket, stake
  • melmufika....picketed
  • melmufyan....palisade, stockade
  • melmufyeg....soil pipe
  • melmufyujber....picket
  • melmup....cavern, cave
  • melnak....acre
  • melnakyan....acreage
  • melned....flat, meadow, plain
  • melneyef....riving
  • melnig....plat
  • melnigdraf....plat
  • melog....argil
  • melpaosun....tremor
  • melpaslun....seism, temblor
  • melpasluna pyaon....seismic wave
  • melpasluna....seismic
  • melpaslunay....seismically
  • melpaslundraf....seismograph
  • melpaslundren....seismography
  • melpaslundrena....seismographic
  • melpaslundrut....seismographer
  • melpaslunnagar....seismometer
  • melpaslunsinuar....seismoscope
  • melpasluntun....seismology
  • melpasluntuna....seismologic, seismological
  • melpasluntunay....seismologically
  • melpasluntut....seismologist
  • melpien gonem....departure zone
  • melpien pontem....departure lounge
  • melpien ujtom....departures terminal
  • melpien....takeoff
  • melpier....take off
  • melpuen ujtom....arrivals terminal
  • melsyeb....pipkin
  • meltun....agronomy, soil mechanics, soil science
  • meltuna....agronomic
  • meltut....agronomist
  • melug....kaolin
  • meluk kobiut....ghoul
  • meluk....ditch, dugout, hole in the ground, pit
  • melukar....hoe, spade
  • melukaren....hoeing, spading
  • melukarer....hoe, spade
  • melukarik....spadeful
  • melukarut....ditch digger, hoer, spader
  • melukarwa....hoed, spaded
  • melukbem....tomb
  • melukben dem....burial ground
  • melukben fyaxel....burial rite
  • melukben memgon....burial plot
  • melukben meyb....burial mound
  • melukben xel....burial ceremony
  • melukben....burial, burying, inhumation
  • melukbenem....burial site
  • melukber....bury, inhume
  • melukbwa....buried
  • melukmayb....tomb
  • melukmeg....headstone, tombstone
  • meluknad....ditch, furrow, groove, trench
  • meluknadxen....furrowing
  • meluknadxwa....furrowed
  • melukoben....digging up, exhumation
  • melukober....dig up, exhume
  • melukobwa....dug up, exhumed
  • melukxar....slade
  • melukxen kof....cerement
  • melukxen....digging
  • melukxer....dig
  • melukxut....digger
  • melukxwa....dug
  • melukyex....spadework
  • meluz....natural arch
  • melvub....stolon
  • melvyun....soilure
  • melyabrun....upheaval
  • melyag....feldspar, petuntse
  • melyalzayna....puce
  • melyanbea vob....soil binder
  • melyap....upthrust
  • melyax....agribusiness
  • melyaz....dirt pile, mound of dirt, soil mound, tomb
  • melyaznad....ridge
  • melyex belar....tumbrel
  • melyex....agriculture, farming, husbandry, land work, tilling the land
  • melyexa....agricultural
  • melyexam....farmhouse
  • melyexar....hand plow
  • melyexdoum....farmstead, hacienda, manor, plantation, ranch
  • melyexdoumeb....majordomo
  • melyexdoumxen....ranching
  • melyexdoumxer....ranch
  • melyexdoumxut....rancher
  • melyexdoumxwa....ranched
  • melyexem yuxut....farmhand
  • melyexem....farm, farmstead
  • melyexen....farming
  • melyexer....farm, manure
  • melyexinut....agriculturist
  • melyexir....plough, ploughshare, plow, plowshare, tiller
  • melyexiram....barn, hangar
  • melyexiren....plowing, tillage, tilling, tilth
  • melyexirer....plow, till
  • melyexirum....shed, work shed
  • melyexirut....plougher, ploughman, plower, plowman, tiller
  • melyexirvyixar....moldboard
  • melyexirwa mem....tillage
  • melyexirwa....plowed, tilled
  • melyexirwan....tilth
  • melyexirwas....ploughed
  • melyexiryafwa....tillable
  • melyexmem....farmland
  • melyextun....agricultural science
  • melyextuna....agricultural
  • melyextunay....agriculturally
  • melyextut....agricultural scientist
  • melyexun....farming
  • melyexut....chess pawn, farmer, pawn, peasant
  • melyexwa....farmed
  • melyexyafwa....arable
  • melyexyafwan....arability
  • melyig....silica
  • melyij....dugout, hole in the ground, pit
  • melyijbar....shovel
  • melyog....pegmatite
  • melyonbyex....cleft, crevasse, ground fissure
  • melyonxar....harrow
  • melyonxaren....harrowing
  • melyonxarer....harrow
  • melyonxarwa....harrowed
  • melyoz....dugout, hole, pit, trench, hollow
  • melyoznad....trench, furrow, ditch, ravine
  • melyug....flint
  • melyup....landing approach
  • melyuxren....villeinage
  • melyuxrin....feudalism
  • melyuxrina....feudalist, feudalistic
  • melyuxrueb....feudal lord
  • melyuxruen....enserfage
  • melyuxruer....enserf
  • melyuxrut....helot, peasant, serf, villein
  • melyuxrutan....helotage, peasantry, serfage, serfdom, villeinage
  • melyuxruwa....enserfed
  • melza vyun....blight
  • melza yivob....brown rice
  • melza....brown, earthen brown, khaki, olive drab, brown, khaki
  • melza-eymolza....taupe
  • melzan....brownness
  • melzaopas....temblor
  • melzat....brown person of color, dark-skinned person
  • melzata....brown-skinned, colored, dark-skinned
  • melzaxar....browner, toaster
  • melzaxer....brown, toast
  • melzaxun....blight
  • melzaxwa ovol....toast
  • melzaxwa....blighted, browned, toasted
  • melzayna....bright brown
  • melzayt....brunette
  • melzlevyel....caramel
  • melzlevyelxer....caramelize
  • melzlevyelxwa....caramelized
  • melzoyna yavil....stout beer
  • melzoyna....dark brown
  • melzyeg....crater, ditch, hole in the ground, hollow, pit
  • melzyegar....hoe, mattock, pick, shovel, spade
  • melzyegaren....hoeing, shoveling, spading
  • melzyegarer....hoe, shovel, spade
  • melzyegarik....shovelful
  • melzyegarut....pikeman
  • melzyegarwa....hoed, shoveled, spaded
  • melzyegen....ditch-digging, excavation
  • melzyeger....excavate, shovel
  • melzyegesar....dibble
  • melzyegur....earthmover, excavator
  • melzyeguren....earthmoving, excavation
  • melzyegurer....excavate
  • melzyegut....ditch-digger, excavator
  • melzyegwa....excavated
  • melzyegxen....digging
  • melzyegxer....dig
  • melzyegxut....digger
  • melzyena....browish, brownish, crystalline
  • melzyun....clod of earth, clump, mud ball
  • mepyonmel....island in the road
  • mifeb-melza....brown, maroon
  • mifeb-melzyena....maroonish
  • milbelea mel....aquifer
  • mimmelyaz....cape
  • mimol melzyeg....salt mine, salt pit
  • mimzemelyaz....bluff, headland, promontory
  • nyufeb-melza....walnut brown
  • oaxlea magyazmel....inactive volcano
  • odovyaba melzyeg....chuckhole
  • ofobyexwa mel....fallow
  • oglamelpanzyin....microplate
  • omelbeut....lackland
  • omelfyiulbwa....unfertilized
  • omelyexwa vob....wilding
  • omelyexwa vos....wildflower
  • omelyexwa....uncultivated, wild, wilding
  • omelzat....non-brown person
  • Omera Uyanmel....Southern Europe
  • opyexyea melmufyan....defensive palisade, defensive stockade
  • oteja magyazmel....extinct volcano
  • Oyanmel....South America
  • Oyanmela Esod....Latin American Spanish
  • Oyanmela melyexut....campesino
  • Oyanmela....South American
  • Oyanmelat....South American
  • oyb ha mel....below the ground
  • oybmel....subsoil, underground
  • oybmela....subterranean, underground
  • oybmelben....putting underground
  • oybmelbwa....placed underground
  • oybmima magyazmel....underwater volcano
  • oybyanmel....subcontinent
  • oybyanmela....subcontinental
  • oybyommela magyazmel....subglacial volcano
  • oytofmelyep....skinny-dip
  • oytofmelyepem....skinning-dipping spot
  • oytofmelyepen....skinny-dipping
  • oytofmelyeper....skinny-dip
  • oytofmelyeput....skinny-dipper
  • pux melyaz....baseball mound
  • puxrunyan bi mel....flak
  • pyuxmeluk....crater
  • semmel....mesa
  • sexmel....cob
  • tabmeluk meg....gravestone, headstone, tomb stone, tombstone
  • tabmeluk....tomb
  • tabmelukem....graveyard, saree
  • tabmelzyeg meg....gravestone, headstone, tomb stone, tombstone
  • tabmelzyeg....tomb
  • tabmelzyegem....graveyard
  • tayomelza....brown-skinned
  • tayomelzat....brown-skinned person
  • teamelza....brown-eyed
  • teamelzat....brown-eyed person
  • toodmeltun....ethnogeography
  • toodmeltuna....ethnogeographic
  • toodmeltut....ethnogeographer
  • tujea magyazmel....dormant volcano
  • ukmel....desert
  • ukmeldim....oasis
  • ukmelyena....desert-like
  • uktabmelzyeg....cenotaph
  • Umera Uyanmel....Western Europe
  • Umera Uyanmela....Western European
  • ummel....dry land
  • Uyanmel-....Euro-
  • Uyanmel....Europe
  • Uyanmel....Europe, continent of Europe
  • Uyanmela Anx....European Union
  • Uyanmela Anx....European Union, EU
  • Uyanmela Esod....Castillian Spanish, European Spanish
  • Uyanmela....European
  • Uyanmelat....European
  • Uyanmela-Usoma....Euro-American
  • Uyanmelaxen....Europeanization
  • Uyanmelaxer....Europeanize
  • Uyanmelaxwa....Europeanized
  • Uyanmel-Iyanmel....Eurasia
  • Uyanmel-Iyanmela....Eurasian
  • Uyanmel-Iyanmelatt....Eurasian
  • Uyanmelnem....Eurozone
  • Uyanmelxen....Europeanization
  • Uyanmelxer....Europeanize
  • Uyanmelxwa....Europeanized
  • Uyanmelzena....Eurocentric
  • vabmel....sward
  • vobmel....cultivatable soil, glebe
  • vosmelyex....floriculture
  • vusanmel....gulch
  • xahmat melyexut....chess pawn
  • yabmel....highland
  • yaga zyomelnad....hogback
  • yagmeluk dopeken....trench warfare
  • yagmeluk....ditch, furrow, trench
  • yagmelukxen....ditch-digging
  • yagmelukxut....ditch-digger
  • yanmel....continent
  • yanmela....continental
  • yanmelay....continentally
  • yaozmelyan....sierra
  • yaz bi mel....mound of dirt
  • yazmel abem....mountaintop
  • yazmel abnod....mountain summit, mountaintop
  • yazmel ebuk....mountain gap
  • yazmel job....mountain time
  • yazmel meup....mountain trail
  • yazmel miep....mountain brook
  • yazmel naap....mountain system
  • yazmel yopet....ibex, mountain goat
  • yazmel....mountain
  • yazmel....promontory
  • yazmela meel....mountainous terrain
  • yazmelaya....mountainous
  • yazmelbok....mountain sickness
  • yazmeldeuz....yodel
  • yazmeldeuzer....yodel
  • yazmeldeuzut....yodeler
  • yazmeles....knob
  • yazmelgin....mountain peak, summit
  • yazmelika....mountainous
  • yazmelika....ridgy
  • yazmelkim....mountain slope
  • yazmelkum....mountainside
  • yazmelmep....mountain road
  • yazmelmium....tarn
  • yazmelnab....mountain range
  • yazmelnad....fold, ridge, rimple
  • yazmelnad....ridge line
  • yazmelnadag....cordillera
  • yazmelnadaya....ridgy
  • yazmelnod....mountain peak
  • yazmelnyad....mountain chain, mountain range
  • yazmelnyaunag....massif
  • yazmelog....hillock, hummock, knob, little hill
  • yazmelog....knoll
  • yazmelogaya....hummocky, knobbly, knobby
  • yazmelogayan....knobbiness
  • yazmelogem....hilltop
  • yazmelogika....hummocky, knobbly, knobby
  • yazmelogikan....knobbiness
  • yazmelsyob....foot of the mountain base
  • yazmeltamog....cabin
  • yazmeltamoyg....hut, mountain chalet
  • yazmeltyopen....mountain hiking, mountaineering
  • yazmeltyoper....mountaineer
  • yazmeltyoput....mountain hiker, mountaineer
  • yazmelut....hillbilly, hillyer
  • yazmelut....mountain man, mountaineer
  • yazmelyan....mountain chain
  • yazmelyapren....mountain climbing, mountain-climbing
  • yazmelyaprut....mountain climber, mountain-climber
  • yazmelyob....foothill
  • yazmelzyeg....cavern
  • yazmelzyegaya....cavernous, full of caverns
  • yazmelzyegika....cavernous, full of caverns
  • yazmelzyeyg....cave, grotto
  • yeb bu mel....aground
  • yebmelben....entombment
  • yebmelber....entomb
  • yebmelbwa....entombed
  • yezmel....plain, meadow
  • yezmel....plain, meadow
  • yimmelned....flood plain
  • yizyazmelyana....ultramontane
  • yobmel....lowland
  • yobmelyoz....cavern
  • yommel....glacier
  • yommela....glacial
  • yommelaber....glaciate
  • yommelzyeg....dust well
  • yomyazmel....glacier
  • yomyazmel....iceberg
  • yomyazmela....glacial
  • yomyazmelnad....drumlin
  • yonmel....island
  • yonmela....insular, island
  • yonmelan....insularity
  • yonmelat....islander
  • yonmelog....cay, holm, holme, islet
  • yonmelyan....archipelago
  • yopyosa magyazmelzyeg....caldera
  • Yoyanmel....Oceania
  • Yoyanmela....Oceanian
  • Yoyanmelat....inhabitant of Oceania, Oceanian
  • yoyeb-melza....peanut brown
  • yozmel....abysm, abyss, chasm, cliff, drop-off, precipice, hollow
  • yozmela....abysmal, abyssal, chasmic, precipitous
  • yozmelay....abysmally, precipitously
  • yufeb-melza....hazel
  • yugfa melza yuznovabea dref....kraft
  • yujmelnig....croft
  • yujmelnigut....crofter
  • yuvrat melyexem....slave plantation
  • yuzyommela....periglacial
  • zaomelzyeg....soil stack
  • zeyyanmela....transcontinental
  • zilmelmem....moorland
  • zobixwa melzyegar....backhoe
  • zyimel....flatland, plain
  • zyiyazmel....plateau
  • zyoyobmel....valley, dale
  • zyupgrin melyexur....rototiller

  • meel....terrain
  • kimeel....embankment
The morpheme mil means water. From this is derived the stub suffix -il, which forms words that are liquids. Other stub suffixes are bil for water, zil for acids, and fil for alcohol. Those ending in -til for drink are discussed in the chapter on TOL.
This morpheme means water. There are two sub-elements:
  • mial....steam, vapor, hygro-
  • miil....dew
Here is a list of words that contain this root:
  • abmilien....taking a shower, showering
  • abmilier....take a shower
  • abmiliim....shower room
  • abmilium....shower stall
  • abmiliya....showered
  • abmilpuxen....dousing
  • abmilpuxer....douse
  • abmilpuxwa....doused
  • abmiluen....showering
  • abmiluer....shower
  • abmiluwa....showered
  • alzyuynika mil....carbonated water
  • amilbar....convector
  • amilben....convection
  • amilbena....convectional, convective
  • amilber....convect
  • amilbuken....scalding
  • amilbuker....scald
  • amilbukwa....scalded
  • ammilyeb....hot-water bottle
  • ammilyepyem....spa
  • angona milyep tiuyf....monokini
  • baxwa mil....popple
  • bixen mil....drawing water
  • bixer mil....draw water
  • buxrer mil....pump water
  • byimil....spring water
  • byimilbakam....spa
  • calkxwa mil....carbonated water
  • deym milzyabar....garden hose
  • engona milyep tiuyf....bikini
  • eynmamiler....parboil
  • eynmilpea....wading
  • eynmilpen miyom....wading pool
  • eynmilpen....wading
  • eynmilper....wade
  • eynmilput....wader
  • eynmona milvolz....gouache
  • faoba milbelar....wooden bucket, wooden pail
  • filalamil....highball
  • fyamil diym....baptismal font
  • fyamil....baptismal water, holy water
  • fyamilben....baptism, baptizing, christening
  • fyamilbena....baptismal
  • fyamilber....baptize, christen
  • fyamilbim....baptistery, baptistry
  • Fyamilbut....Baptist
  • fyamilbut....baptist, baptizer
  • Fyamilbuta....Baptist
  • fyamilbwa....baptized, christened
  • fyamilbwen....getting baptized
  • fyamilbwer....get baptized
  • fyamiluar....holy water sprinkler
  • fyamiluer....sprinkle holy water on
  • fyamilyeb....stoup
  • fyamilyeben....dipping
  • fyamilyeber....dip
  • fyamilyebwa....dipped
  • fyus nyeb....trash receptable
  • gafyamilben....rebaptism
  • gafyamilber....rebaptize
  • gafyamilbwa....rebaptized
  • gramilben....flooding
  • gramilber....flood
  • gramilbwa....flooded
  • gramilbwer....be flooded, be inundated
  • gramiloyebixer....overdraw
  • gramiloyebixwa....overdrawn
  • gramiluen....inundation
  • gramiluer....inundate
  • gramiluwa....inundated
  • gyimiluer....drench
  • gyimiluen....drenching
  • gyimiluwa....drenched
  • gyimamil....downpour
  • gyimamilen....downpouring
  • gyimamiler....downpour
  • ilbiov milyeben....sponge bath, sponge bathing
  • ilbiov milyebut....sponge bather
  • ilbiov milyeber....sponge-bathe
  • ilpea mil....running water
  • ilyebxwa mil....bottled water
  • imil....fluid, liquid, wet stuff
  • imila....fluid, liquid
  • imilan....fluidity, liquidity
  • imilxen....liquefication
  • imilxer....liquefy, liquidize
  • imilxwa....liquefied
  • jebmamil....monsoon
  • jomilyaoz....wake
  • jwefa mil....freshwater
  • kyumamil....drizzle
  • kyumamilen....drizzling
  • kyumamiler....drizzle
  • kyumamilyea....drizzly
  • lafelamil....orange pop, orange soda
  • levalamil....pop, soda beverage, soda pop, soft drink
  • lomilluen....dehydration
  • lomilluer....dehydrate
  • lomiluwa....dehydrated, unwatered
  • lomilxer....exsiccate
  • maalmil....hydrometeor
  • maalmiltun....hydrometeorology
  • maalmiltuna....hydrometeorological
  • maalmiltut....hydrometeorologist
  • maapilika mil....sparkling water
  • maegxwa mil....carbonated water
  • mag milbuxrar....fire hydrant
  • mag milbuxrar pur....fire engine
  • mag milzyabar....fire hose
  • magmil....firewater
  • magmilpuxar....fireplug
  • malzyuynogea mil....sparkling water
  • malzyuynogmil....seltzer
  • malzyuynuka mil....still water
  • mameux milpyox....thundershower
  • mamil abof....rain canopy, rain tarp
  • mamil dazun....rain dance
  • mamil fabyan....rain forest
  • mamil igpyos....downpour, sudden rain shower
  • mamil kyinpur....rain truck
  • mamil mufyeg....rain spout
  • mamil mup....storm sewer
  • mamil nagar....rain gauge
  • mamil pixar....rain gutter
  • mamil yagtuaf....raincape
  • mamil yopyex....rain bomb, wet microburst, downdraft
  • mamil zyapyos....rain shower
  • mamil zyunes....raindrop
  • mamil....rain, precipitation
  • mamila....pluvial
  • mamilag....downpour, rainstorm
  • mamilagen....downpouring
  • mamilar....brolly
  • mamilaya....rainy, slabby
  • mamilayan....raininess
  • mamilaz....hard rain
  • mamilazen....raining hard
  • mamilazer....rain cats and dogs, rain hard
  • mamilazig....gullywasher
  • mamilea....precipitating, raining
  • mamilen....precipitating, raining, precipitation
  • mamiler....rain
  • Mamileye.....It's raining.
  • mamilika jeb....rainy season
  • mamilika....rainy, slabby
  • mamilikan....raininess
  • mamiljeb....monsoon
  • mamiljeba....monsoonal
  • mamilmaf....rain cloud
  • mamilmif....mizzle
  • mamilmifea....mizzly
  • mamilmifer....mizzle
  • mamilmifyena....mizzly
  • mamilmufyeg....gutter
  • mamilnagar....pluviometer, rain gauge
  • mamiloa....about to rain
  • mamilovar belar....umbrella stand
  • mamilovar byaxar....umbrella stand
  • mamilovar....umbrella
  • mamiloz....light shower, soft rain, sprinkle
  • mamilozen....sprinkling
  • mamilozer....sprinkle
  • mamilpyos....precipitation, rainfall
  • mamiltaf....mackintosh, raincoat
  • mamiltav....poncho
  • mamiltef....rain hat
  • mamiltif....rain jacket, raincoat
  • mamiltof....rain gear, rain wear
  • mamiluar....rain on
  • mamiluf....downspout, rain spout
  • mamiluka....rain-free
  • mamiluwer....get rained on
  • mamiluxen....rainmaking
  • mamiluxut....rainmaker, pluviculturist
  • mamiluz....rainbow
  • mamiluzlun....rainstorm
  • mamilvaka....rainproof, raintight
  • mamilvakaxen....rainproofing
  • mamilvakaxer....rainproof
  • mamilvakaxwa....rainproofed
  • mamilzyun....raindrop
  • memilbar....irrigator
  • memilben....irrigating, irrigation
  • memilber....irrigate
  • memilbwa....irrigated
  • memilbyafwa....irrigable
  • mil bay yom....ice water
  • mil bi ilyujar....tap water
  • mil buxrar....water pump
  • mil faosyeb....water barrel
  • mil syeb....water bucket, water pail
  • mil mugyebag....water cistern, water tank
  • mil yabtom....water tower
  • mil-....aqua-, hydro-, water-
  • mil....water
  • mila suzyanam....aquatic museum
  • mila....aquatic
  • milabwen....getting doused
  • milabwer....get doused
  • milama....hydrothermal
  • milamsom....water-heater
  • milamxar....water heater
  • milamxus....potboiler
  • milapod....trill
  • milapoden....trilling
  • milapoder....trill
  • milapyosyea....showery
  • milapyox....shower
  • milapyoxam....shower house
  • milapyoxar....shower head
  • milapyoxen....drenching, dropping water on
  • milapyoxer....drench, drop water on
  • milapyoxiea....showering
  • milapyoxien....showering, taking a shower
  • milapyoxier....shower down, shower oneself, take a shower
  • milapyoxim....shower room
  • milapyoxum....shower stall
  • milapyoxuwa....showered
  • milapyoxwa....drenched
  • milapyoxwer....get showered
  • milas....hydrate
  • milatub....hydrofoil
  • milay....aquatically
  • milaya....aqueous, hydrous, watery
  • milayan....wateriness
  • milaybaen....flooding
  • milaybaer....flood
  • milaybauwa....liable to be flooded
  • milaybawa....flooded
  • milaypar....flotation device
  • milaypen....flotation
  • milaypena....flotational
  • milaypun....flotsam
  • milbal....water pressure
  • milbaluar....snorkel
  • milbaluaren....snorkeling
  • milbaluarer....snorkel
  • milbaluarut....snorkeler
  • milbektun....hydropathy
  • milbektuna....hydropathic
  • milbektut....hydropath
  • milbelar....pail of water
  • milbelea mel....aquifer
  • milbelwa....waterborne
  • milben....watering
  • milber....water
  • milbwa....watered
  • milbyek....hydrotherapy
  • milbyekam....wellness spa
  • milbyektun....hydrotherapeutics
  • milbyektuna....hydrotherapeutical
  • milbyem....washtub
  • mildrurun....aquatone
  • milebar....groyne
  • milebea....water-resistant
  • milfob....aquatic plant, hydrophyte
  • milfoba....hydrophytic
  • milfobyex....hydroponics
  • milfobyexa....hydroponic
  • milgobdrun....aquatint
  • milibiar....hopper
  • milibium....sump
  • milifa....hydrophilic
  • milij....well-spring, wellspring
  • milika....aqueous, hydrous, watery
  • milikan....wateriness
  • milikben....swamping
  • milikber....swamp
  • milikbwa....swamped
  • milikbwem....swampland
  • milikxer....waterlog
  • milikxwa....waterlogged
  • milim....water closet
  • miluiar....waterspout
  • milizbar....aqueduct
  • milkexar....divining rod, dowser
  • milkexen....divining, dowsing
  • milkexer....dowse
  • milkexmuf....dowsing rod
  • milkipar....water ski
  • milkiparen....water skiing
  • milkiparer....water ski
  • milkiparut....water skier
  • milkyinxer....waterlog
  • milkyinxwa....waterlogged
  • milkyupar....float, water flotation device
  • milkyupea....floating on water, waterborne
  • milkyupen....floating on water
  • milkyuper....float on water
  • milmak....hydro-electricity, hydroelectricity
  • milmaka mipovmas....hydroelectric dam
  • milmaka saxam....hydroelectric plant
  • milmaka yafon....hydroelectric power
  • milmaka....hydro-electric, hydroelectric
  • milmakay....hydroelectrically
  • milmakyaflam....hydroelectric power plant
  • milmakyaflun....hydroelectric power
  • milmas....embankment, levee
  • milmays....small dam, weir
  • milmemtun....hydrogeology
  • milmep....aqueduct, course, waterway
  • milmeykam....watermill
  • milmir....hydrosphere
  • milmira....hydrospheric
  • milmob....cascade, falls, waterfall
  • milmoub....moat
  • milmovmufyeg....narghile, nargile
  • milmoyeb....water well
  • milmufyeg....hooka, hookah, water pipe
  • milmufyega yaobar....hydraulic lift
  • milmufyega....hydraulic
  • milmufyegay....hydraulically
  • milmufyegnad....water pipeline
  • milmufyegut....plumber
  • milmufyegyan....plumbing
  • milmufzyeg....penstock
  • milmufzyega yextun....hydraulic engineering
  • milmufzyega yextut....hydraulic engineer
  • milmugyeb....canteen
  • milmugyebag....water cistern, water tank
  • milmus....sluice
  • milmyekbar....sprinkler
  • milmyekben....sprinkling
  • milmyekber....sprinkle
  • milmyekbwa....sprinkled
  • milnad....waterline
  • milnagar....hydrometer, hydrostat
  • milnagara....hydrometric, hydrostatic
  • milnagaren....hydrometry, hydrostatics
  • milnagdref....hydrograph
  • milnagdrefa....hydrographic
  • milnagdren....hydrography
  • milnagdrut....hydrographer
  • milnak....mile
  • milnaknagar....mileometer
  • milnedpar....hydroplane
  • milnedper....hydroplane
  • milneg....body of water
  • milneyeb....reservoir
  • milneyem....reservoir
  • milnov grun....towel hook
  • milnov sammoys....towel rack
  • milnov....towel
  • milnoves....towelette
  • milnovxen....toweling
  • milnovxer....towel down
  • milnovxwa....toweled down
  • milnoyv....hand towel
  • milnyeb....bucket, pail, water pail
  • milnyebik....pailful
  • milnyef....bucket
  • milnyem....aquarium, fish tank
  • milnyemi....aquaria
  • milnyif....hose
  • milnyifuen....hosing
  • milnyifuwa....hosed
  • milobyujar....sluice
  • milouf....wimple
  • milov....tea towel
  • milovmas....causeway, dam, dyke, levee
  • milovmasben....damming
  • milovmasber....dam
  • milovmasbwa....dammed
  • milovog....hand cloth
  • milovxea yel....dope
  • miloybar....sinker
  • miloybea....dunking, sinking, submerging
  • miloyben....dunking, sinking, submerging, submersion
  • miloyber....dunk, sink, submerge, submerse
  • miloybix....drowning
  • miloybixea....drowning
  • miloybixen....drowning, pulling underwater
  • miloybixer....pull underwater
  • miloybixlawa....dragged under water
  • miloybixlen....dragging underwater
  • miloybixler....drag underwater
  • miloybixwa....drowned, pull underwater
  • miloybixwat....drowning victim
  • miloybixwen....getting dragged underwater
  • miloybixwer....drown, get dragged underwater
  • miloyblawa....pushed overboard, sunk, sunken
  • miloybux....drowning
  • miloybuxen....drowning, pushing overboard, underwater
  • miloybuxer....drown, force underwater, push overboard
  • miloybuxwa....drowned, forced underwater, pushed overboard, sunk, sunken
  • miloybuxwat....drowning victim
  • miloybwa....dunked, submerged
  • miloybyafwa....sinkable, submersible
  • miloybyofwa....unsinkable
  • miloymxer....slake
  • miloypea....going underwater, sinking
  • miloypen....sinking, submergence
  • miloyper....go underwater, sink
  • miloypuxen....throwing overboard, throwing underwater
  • miloypuxer....throw overboard, throw underwater
  • miloypuxwa....thrown overboard, thrown underwater
  • miloypuxwat....person thrown overboard
  • miloypya....submerged, sunken
  • milpanag....dumper
  • milpastun....hydrokinetics
  • milpat....waterbird, waterfowl
  • milpixar....guzzler
  • milpmem....watershed
  • milpoysler....get immersed
  • milpuslen faof....diving board
  • milpuslen....diving
  • milpusler....dive
  • milpuslun....dive
  • milpuslut....diver, frogman
  • milpux....water jet
  • milpyaon....water wave
  • milpyos....foss, rain
  • milpyosag....cataract
  • milpyoser....douse, rain
  • milpyoxen....dousing, dunking, raining
  • milpyoxer....douse, dunk, rain
  • milpyoxien....getting showered
  • milpyoxier....get showered
  • milpyoxlawa....plunged
  • milpyoxlen....plunging
  • milpyoxler....plunge
  • milpyoxwa....doused, dunked, rained
  • milseux....swash
  • milseuxmakxar....hydrophone
  • milsirtyen....hydromechanics
  • milsiyn....watermark
  • milsiynuwa....watermarked
  • milsom....pooper, sink
  • milsum....water bed, waterbed
  • milsyeb....bucket, cistern, pail
  • milsyebag....reservoir, tank
  • milsyebikon....bucket-full, bucketful
  • miltim....restroom, washroom
  • miltimes....pissoir, washroom, water closet
  • miltoyp....nymph
  • miltoyt....naiad
  • miltum....lavabo, loo, w.c., w.c.
  • miltun....hydrology
  • miltuna....hydrological
  • miltunay....hydrologically
  • miltut....hydrologist
  • miltyez....hydromancy
  • miluar....irrigator
  • miluen syeb....watering can
  • miluen....hydration, irrigating, irrigation, watering
  • miluer....hydrate, irrigate, water
  • miluf....hydrophobia
  • milufa....hydrophobic
  • milufam....bathhouse, lavoratory
  • milufdref....toilet paper
  • milufim....restroom, tearoom, toilet, water closet
  • milufper....go to the WC, go to the rest room, go to the toilet
  • milufsom....commode, crapper, toilet
  • milufum....lavatory
  • miluka....anhydrous
  • milukxar....downspout, urinal
  • milukxen....urination
  • milukxer....urinate
  • milukxus....culvert
  • milum....w.c.
  • miluut....waterer
  • miluwa....hydrated, irrigated, watered
  • milvaka kyuabtaf....cagoule
  • milvaka....water-proof, waterproof, watertight, water-proof, water-safe, water-resistant, watertight
  • milvakan....watertightness
  • milvakuen....waterproofing
  • milvolz siz....aquarelle
  • milvolz tayefar....watercolor brush
  • milvolz....watercolor
  • milvolzdrun....watercolor
  • milvolzilun....watercolor
  • milvyuxen....water pollution
  • milyaflun....water power
  • milyafon....waterpower
  • milyafxwa myekam....watermill
  • milyaop....popple
  • milyaoper....popple
  • milyaz faof....surf board
  • milyaz....surf, surge, swell
  • milyazea....surging, swelling
  • milyazen....surging, swelling
  • milyazer....surge, swell
  • milyazog....ripple
  • milyazogen....rippling
  • milyazoger....ripple
  • milyazper....surf
  • milyeber....bathe
  • milyeblawa....soaked
  • milyeblen....soaking
  • milyebler....soak
  • milyebuxen....dunk
  • milyebuxer....dunk
  • milyebuxwa....dunked
  • milyebwa....bathed
  • milyel....vaseline
  • milyelber....vaseline
  • milyem....basin
  • milyep oybmasoyf....bath mat, bathmat
  • milyep taf....bath robe
  • milyep tayf....bathrobe
  • milyep taym....bathing hut
  • milyep tef....bathing cap
  • milyep tiuf....bathing suit
  • milyep....bath, dip
  • milyepam....bathhouse
  • milyepen....bathing, dipping, taking a bath
  • milyeper....bathe, take a bath
  • milyepim milsom....bathroom sink
  • milyepim....bathroom
  • milyepsom....bath tub, bathtub, tub
  • milyepus....plunge
  • milyepusen....plunging
  • milyepuser....plunging
  • milyeput....bather, dipper
  • milyepuxen....plunging
  • milyepuxer....plunge
  • milyepuxwa....plunged
  • milyepyem....bath tub
  • milyex....aquiculture
  • milyexa....aquicultural
  • milyextun....water engineering
  • milyexun....aquaculture
  • milyexut....aquiculturalist, water engineer
  • milyobyogem....shoal
  • milyogyogemaya....shoaly
  • milyogyogemika....shoaly
  • milyom....slush
  • milyomyena....slushy
  • milyomyenan....slushiness
  • milyongonsen....hydrolysis, hydrosol
  • milyongonser....hydrolyze
  • milyoplen faof....diving board
  • milyoplen....diving
  • milyopler....dive
  • milyoplun....dive
  • milyoplut....diver
  • milyufbok....rabies
  • milyufboka....rabid
  • milyufbokan....rabidness
  • milyufbokay....rabidly
  • milyufut....hydrophobe
  • milyuijar....bibb, bibcock, faucet, sillcock, spigot
  • milyuzpea....wallowing
  • milyuzpen....wallowing
  • milyuzper....wallow
  • milzam....waterfront
  • milzyabar....douche
  • milzyagosbar....sprinkler
  • milzyagosben....sprinkling
  • milzyagosber....sprinkle
  • milzyagosbwa....sprinkled
  • milzyeg....waterhole, watering hole
  • milzyegem....oasis
  • milzyep teabar....swimming goggles
  • milzyep tiuf....swim trunks, swimsuit
  • milzyep tof....swimwear
  • milzyepam....natatorium
  • milzyepea....swimming
  • milzyepen....natation, swimming
  • milzyeper....swim
  • milzyeput....swimmer
  • milzyepyeg....swimming hole
  • milzyepyem....swimming pool
  • milzyubar....water mill
  • milzyuk....waterwheel
  • milzyun....drop of water
  • milzyunes....water bead
  • milzyunsea....dripping
  • milzyunsen....burble, dripping
  • milzyunser....burble, drip, dribble
  • milzyunsyea....drippy
  • milzyunuen....instillation
  • milzyunuer....instill
  • milzyunyea....drippy
  • milzyunyean....drippiness
  • milzyuynsen....dribbling
  • mimila....muriatic
  • mimkum milnov....beach towel
  • mimkumil....swash
  • mimmil....seawater
  • mimol milyep....salt bath
  • mimolmil....saltwater
  • mimuipmil....tidewater
  • mipa mil....river water
  • mipij mil....spring water
  • mufyegubwa mil....tap water
  • muga milbelar....metal bucket, metal pail
  • mukmil....mineral water
  • mumil....groundwater
  • mumilzyeg buxrar....well pump
  • mumilzyeg nyeb....well bucket
  • mumilzyeg....well
  • mumilzyegxut....well-digger
  • niakl enbalkas alomilkas....borax
  • niamil....soda water
  • ofyamilbwa....unbaptized
  • ofyamiloybwa....unbaptized
  • ofyamilyebwa....unbaptized
  • omaapilika mil....still water
  • omaegxwa mil....non-carbonated water, still water
  • omemilbwa....unirrigated
  • omilvyuxwa....unpurified
  • ovmilmeub....bank, dike
  • ovyoymil....antifreeze
  • oybmila....underwater
  • oybmilar....scuba
  • oybmilaren....scuba diving
  • oybmilarer....scuba dive
  • oybmilarut....scuba diver
  • oybmiltieb....aqualung
  • oybzobilmil....undertow
  • oyebyozber mil....bail out water
  • ozyemilaf....raincoat
  • pit milsyeb....aquarium, fish tank, fishbowl
  • pomilk....promethium, Pm
  • sazula milbelar....plastic bucket, plastic pail
  • sinzyef yilomil....quicksilver
  • somilk....samarium, Sm
  • Tamilgivomuf....cheroot
  • tebosmilboka....hydrocephalic
  • tilier boy mil....drink straight up
  • tiliyafwa mil....drinking water
  • tolar milnov....dishtowel
  • tolar milyeb....dishpan
  • tuyab milnov....hand towel, napkin
  • tuyamilov....hand cloth
  • tuyub milyeb....finger bowl
  • ukxer ha milufsom....flush the toilet
  • utmilnovxen....toweling oneself down
  • utmilnovxer....towel oneself down
  • utmiloybuxer....drown oneself
  • utmilyeben....taking a bath
  • uvosmil....rosewater
  • uzmilesyen....paisley
  • vak milkyupar....life buoy, life raft
  • xer milyep....go for a dip, take a bath, taking a bath
  • yebbu ha mil....overboard
  • yebmilpur....wherry
  • yimmil....floodwater, flood water
  • yixer ha milufsom....use the toilet
  • yoymil....dew
  • yoymilaya....dewy
  • yoymilika....dewy
  • yoymilnod....dew point
  • zyagosber fyamil ab....sprinkle holy water on
  • zyimilyeb....basin, bowl, washbasin, washbowl
  • zyomileub....debouch

  • gamialber....respray
  • mial meup....contrail
  • mial mimpar....steamboat
  • mial mimpur....steamship
  • mial-....hygro-
  • mial....steam, vapor
  • mialama....hygrothermal
  • mialamdref....hygrothermograph
  • mialaya....steamy, vaporous
  • mialayan....steaminess
  • mialbar....atomizer, vaporizer
  • mialbaren....atomizing
  • mialben....steaming
  • mialber....steam
  • mialbim....sauna, steam room
  • mialbok....typhoid fever
  • mialbur....steamer
  • mialbwa....steamed
  • mialdref....hygrograph
  • mialdrefa....hygrographic
  • mialifa....hygrophilous
  • mialika....steamy, vaporous
  • mialikan....steaminess
  • mialmagelwa....dum
  • mialmimpar....steamboat
  • mialmimpur....steamer, steamship
  • mialmufzyegen....steamfitting
  • mialmufzyegut....steamfitter
  • mialnagara....hygrometric
  • mialnagaren....hygrometry
  • mialokea....transpiring
  • mialoken....transpiration, transpiring
  • mialoker....transpire
  • mialsea....evaporating
  • mialser....evaporate
  • mialteaxar....hygroscope
  • mialteaxara....hygroscopic
  • mialuar....sprayer
  • mialuen....spraying
  • mialuer....spray
  • mialuf....hygrophobia
  • mialuwa....sprayed
  • mialxar....evaporator
  • mialxen....evaporation, vaporing, vaporization
  • mialxer....evaporate, vaporize
  • mialxwa....evaporated, vaporized
  • mialyena....steamy, vapid, vapory
  • mialyenan....steaminess
  • mialyepen....steam bath
  • mialzyixar....steamroller
  • mialzyixarer....steamroll
  • tayeb mialuar....hair spray

  • miil....dew
  • miilaya....dewy
  • miilayan....dewiness
  • miilber....bedew
  • miiles....dew drop, dewdrop
  • miilika....dewy
  • miilikan....dewiness
  • miilyena....dew-like, dewy, miry
  • miilzyunog....dew drop
  • yoymiil....hoarfrost
Here are words having the -il (liquid) stub root:
  • aber vixut aybil....apply beauty cream, apply makeup
  • abobwa bil....skim milk
  • afabtuil....applesauce
  • afil....cider
  • agyalevabil....tapioca
  • ail....fluid
  • alkiyn zil....amino acid
  • alofil....gin
  • alza vafil....red wine, vin rouge
  • ama fil....toddy
  • ama tuil....hot sauce
  • amaegil....kerosene
  • apateil....chicken soup
  • apelafil....mead
  • apyeit yagteil....oyster stew
  • apyeituil....oyster sauce
  • avebteil....bean soup
  • aveil....pea soup
  • aybil....cream, creme, crème
  • aybilteil....bisque
  • ayna bil....whole milk
  • azfil....liqueur
  • azil....tonic, tonic water
  • baakxil....sanitizing liquid
  • baveil....tomato soup
  • bay aybil....with cream
  • bay taobil....au jus, with gravy
  • bay yomaybil....a la mode
  • biil....juice
  • bil....milk, stub for tilabil
  • boy aybil....black, without cream
  • Burbona gevil....Bourbon whiskey, bourbon
  • Burgonya vafil....burgundy
  • buxrer maegil....pump gas
  • buxrer tiibil....pump blood
  • byafeb gyalevabil....fig pudding, figgy pudding
  • byexwa bey ha mapil....storm-tossed
  • byexwil....frappé
  • byokobil....analgesic, pain reliever, painkiller
  • caalkzil....calcimine
  • calka zil....carbonic acid
  • dril....ink
  • dyefil yeb azil....gin and tonic
  • dyefil....gin
  • dyofebil....chocolate milk
  • dyofyel gyalevabil....chocolate mousse, chocolate pudding
  • dyofyel gyalevil....chocolate syrup
  • dyofyel yomaybil....chocolate ice cream
  • egla vafil....table wine, vin ordinaire
  • enhepoenola sil....hypophosophorous acid
  • eopel yagteil....beef stew
  • epeybil....cow's milk
  • etoza yavil....blond beer, lager
  • evil....rye whiskey
  • ewa asoyn bil....two percent milk
  • eynbil....half-and-half
  • faofil....methanol
  • fayeba sil....folic acid
  • feblevil....compote
  • fevol teil....onion soup
  • fevolteil....onion soup
  • fil....alcohol, booze, fermented drink, kohl, stub for levafil, tiddly
  • fufil....rotgut, swill
  • fyadil....orison, prayer, sacred petition
  • fyebekil....nostrum
  • fyozil....witch's brew
  • gacalilka zil....perchloric acid
  • gayalevabil....mousse
  • Gedafil....scotch
  • gevil....bourbon
  • gevil....whiskey, whisky
  • gevob mekil....cornmeal
  • gines yavil....guinness
  • givobil....nicotine
  • glal bil....yaourt
  • gyalevabil....custard, pudding
  • gyalevil....syrup
  • gyoil....glair
  • gyoteil....broth
  • hecalilka sil....hydrochoric acid
  • hecalilka zil....hydrochloric acid
  • helka zil....acetic acid
  • hesolka zil....hydrosulfuric acid
  • Hinda atooza yavil....IPA, India pale ale
  • Iema gevil....Irish whiskey
  • ifbuer tiibil....donate blood, give blood
  • ifil....kirsch
  • ifuer bay vafil....wine and dine
  • ifuwa bay vafil....wined and dined
  • igra mapil....cloudburst
  • ijbil....colostrum
  • -il....drink, fluid, liquid, water
  • ilpxer biil....shed blood
  • ilyeb bi fil....bottle of liquor
  • ilyeb bi vafil....bottle of wine
  • ilyeb bi yavil....bottle of beer
  • ilzil....bile, choler
  • ima meil....clabber
  • inhefil....glycerin, glycerine, glycerol
  • Inima teil....mulligatawny
  • ipyeituil....clam sauce
  • Itoma gyovokuil....minestrone
  • ivob vafil....barley wine
  • ivob yafil....barley beer
  • ivobil....barley water
  • ivteabil....tear of joy
  • iyfil....maraschino
  • iznadmapil....derecho
  • jaovbekil....vaccine
  • jatiyebil....pre-cum
  • jatul fil....aperitif
  • jatwiyubil....pre-cum
  • jobil....whey
  • jotul fil....after-dinner drink, cordial, liqueur
  • jwefxil....freshener
  • kaberne vafil....cabernet
  • kafeyl bay bil....café au lait
  • kofil....moonshine
  • kolonyil....cologne
  • kottyezil....magic potion
  • kwinil....quinine
  • kyifyadil....rogation
  • kyimaagil....diesel
  • kyitilsyeb bi yavil....stein of beer
  • kyoveel teil....lentil soup
  • kytilyeb bi yavil....mug of beer
  • lavil....vodka
  • levafil....alcohol, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, booze, fermented drink, hard drink, liquor, spirits
  • levil....bugjuice, rum
  • levokeil....beet soup, borsch, borscht, borsht
  • levol biil....beet juice
  • levolil....beet juice
  • lifelyavil....shandy
  • luvokeil....carrot soup
  • maagil....fuel, petroleum, petrol
  • maapil....fizz, foam, froth, sparkle
  • maapilika vafil....sparkling wine
  • madeira vafil....madeira
  • maegil....gas, gasoline, petrol, petroleum
  • magmapil....fire storm
  • magmebil....lava
  • magxwa vafil....brandy, brandywine, cognac
  • mail....stratosphere
  • malvasya vafil....malmsey
  • malyommapil....snowstorm
  • malza vafil....vin blanc, white wine
  • malzaxil....bleach
  • malzil....whitewash
  • malzyuynogea vafil....sparkling wine, spumante
  • mameux mapil....thunderstorm
  • mamyom mapil....hail storm, hailstorm
  • manigea vafil....sparkling wine
  • mapil....pother, rainstorm, storm
  • mapyeil....escargot
  • maugil....benzene, benzine
  • mayapil....foam, lather, mousse
  • mayelza vafil....blush wine
  • maylfil....gasohol
  • Mayona yigvafuil....mayonnaise
  • meama vafil....regional wine, vin de pays, vin du pays, vin-de-pays
  • meil....mud
  • mekil....crush, grout, grub, gruel, mash, meal, mush, porridge, pottage
  • mekmapil....dust storm
  • melzoyna yavil....stout beer
  • meyil....mire
  • miekmapil....sandstorm
  • miil....dew
  • mimkum mapil....coastal storm
  • mimmapil....seastorm
  • mimvobsil....alginate
  • mogil....lye
  • molzil....melanin
  • mona yavil....ale, dark beer
  • mugyanil....solder
  • myofabil....almond milk
  • myofil....amaretto
  • nikil....niter
  • nilka zil....nitric acid
  • nilkaya zil....nitrous acid
  • novyilxil....laundry detergent
  • nyanxen bi yanyelyena dril....scumming
  • nyofil....viscose
  • obemernada mapil....tropical storm
  • oglamapil....microburst
  • oker tiibil....lose blood
  • okxer tiibil....shed blood, spill blood
  • omerEsoma vafil....muscatel
  • osil....nonacid
  • ovobil....porridge
  • ovteibukxil....cough medicine, cough syrup
  • ovyaba fil....hooch
  • ovzil....antacid
  • ovzyobil....antiserum
  • oymxil....refreshment
  • ozil....base, chemical base
  • patijfil....eggnog
  • peltovaril....bugjuice
  • pil....escape, flight
  • pitiyebil....milt
  • pituil....fish sauce
  • polka zil....phosphoric acide
  • Porto vafil....port wine
  • pottikyebil....scat
  • Provensa piteil....bouillabaisse
  • Provensa teil....bouillon
  • pyoyxtuil....dip
  • ryufabil....salicin
  • sem vafil....table wine, vin de table
  • sifeybteil....chili
  • sifoltuil....salsa
  • sizil....paint
  • solka zil....sulfuric acid
  • solkil....sulfur water, tonic
  • sonilkyeb bi yavil....can of beer
  • sovobtojil....fungicidal, fungicide
  • syeb bi yavil....can of beer
  • tabijil....embryonic fluid
  • tabil....body fluid, humor
  • taibil....bone marrow
  • taobil....gravy, jus
  • taolil....pot-au-feu, stew, meat stew
  • taolteil....meat stew
  • taoteil....consomme, consommé
  • taovoltuil....ragout
  • tayalvolzil....greasepaint
  • tayevolzil....hair coloring
  • tayobil....perspiration, sweat
  • tayodril....tattoo
  • teabil....tear
  • teabvyixil....eyewash
  • teatyofxea mapil....whiteout
  • teavolzil....eyeliner
  • teebil....cerumen, earwax
  • teibil....mucus, snot
  • teil....soup
  • tejtiibil....lifeblood
  • telil....porridge
  • teub vyixil....mouthwash
  • teubil....saliva, slobber, spit
  • tiibil muil....blood plasma
  • tiibil zyobil....blood serum
  • tiibil....blood
  • tiibuil....serum
  • tikebiil....gastric juice
  • tikebil....chyme
  • tikebukxil....emetic
  • tikibil....bile
  • tikyobil....chyle
  • tilaybil....breast milk
  • tilzyeb bi vafil....glass of wine
  • tilzyeb bi yavil....glass of beer
  • tiyabil....pee, piss, urine, wee
  • tiyebil....cum, ejaculate, semen, spunk
  • tiyuybil....vaginal fluid
  • tolar vyil....dishwater
  • tolar vyusobil....dish detergent
  • tolarvyilxir vyusobil....dishwasher detergent
  • tolmekuil....curry
  • tolvolzbil....colorant
  • toybil....human milk, mothers milk
  • tuil....sauce
  • tulil....soup, potage
  • tulob yugfaxil....nail polish
  • twiyubil....cum
  • tyezdil....incantation
  • tyezil....magic potion
  • ufil....slivovitz
  • ugaril....brake fluid
  • ugyalevabil....junket
  • ukxwil....leakage
  • ulzfil....absinth, absinthe
  • uvteabil....tear of sadness
  • vafil....wine, vino
  • vijab vafil....vintage wine
  • vixiswaz teil....vichyssoise
  • vobteil....vegetable soup
  • volzdril....colored ink color
  • volzil....paint
  • voylzil....dye, pigment, tint
  • vyil....bath water
  • vyixil....cleaner, cleaning fluid
  • vyumeil....gook
  • vyusobil....cleaning fluid, dirt-remover, stain-remover
  • wiski bay yavil....boilermaker
  • xampanya vafil....chammy, champagne, shammy
  • xerez vafil....sherry
  • xil....undertaking
  • yagteil....stew
  • yanaril....synovia
  • yanbil....emulsion
  • yanmulxwa fil....cocktail, mixed drink
  • yansuana maagil....synfuel
  • yapeteil....swill
  • yapetuil....hogwash
  • yavabil....beer foam, head
  • yavil....beer
  • yebilbier tiibil....suck blood
  • yebilier tiibil....suction blood
  • yelza vafil....rose wine, rosé wine
  • yeylza vafil....rosé
  • yigvafil....marinade, vinaigrette, vinegar
  • yigza aybil....sour cream
  • yigza bil....clabber
  • yigzil....acid
  • yim bi teabil....flood of tears
  • yivebil....soy milk
  • yivil....rice wine, sake
  • yivob teil....rice soup
  • yomaybil....ice cream
  • yombil....ice milk
  • yommapil....ice storm
  • yoncayunheinniil....histamine
  • yopeybil....goats milk
  • yoymiil....hoarfrost
  • yugraxil....softener
  • yupet yagteil....rabbit stew
  • yuvob mekil....oatmeal
  • yuzbaxlawa aybil....whipped cream
  • zaybuxil....liquid propellant
  • zil....acid
  • zyeb bi vafil....bottle of wine

  • il....fluid
  • ila mez sinuar....LCD, liquid crystal display
  • ila yuzteuzun....liquid consonant
  • ila....fluid, liquid
  • ilaben....pouring
  • ilaber....pour
  • ilabut....pourer
  • ilabwa....poured
  • ilan....fluidity
  • ilapea....pouring
  • ilaper....pour
  • ilavos....lavender
  • ilaybaen....flooding, inundation
  • ilaybaer....flood, inundate
  • ilaybaun....deluge, flood
  • ilaybawa....flooded, inundated
  • ilaybawen....flooding, getting flooded, inundation
  • ilaybawer....flood, get flooded, get inundated
  • ilbalar....piston, squirt gun
  • ilbalnagar....manometer
  • ilbiar....absorber, soaker
  • ilbien....absorption, secreting, soaking, sopping
  • ilbier....absorb, secrete, soak, sop
  • ilbilea....absorbing
  • ilbileay....absorbingly
  • ilbiov leovol....spongecake
  • ilbiov milyeben....sponge bath, sponge bathing
  • ilbiov milyebut....sponge bather
  • ilbiov....absorbing cloth, diaper, nappy, sponge
  • ilbiovber....nappy
  • ilbiovier....sponge
  • ilbioviut....sponger
  • ilbiovmilyeber....sponge-bathe
  • ilbiovuen....sponging
  • ilbiovuer....sponge
  • ilbiovuwa....sponged
  • ilbiovyena....spongy
  • ilbiovyenan....sponginess
  • ilbiun....secretion
  • ilbiwa....absorbed, secreted, soaked, sopped
  • ilbix....absorption, suction
  • ilbixar....siphon, suction device
  • ilbixen....absorption, soaking, sopping, sucking, suction
  • ilbixer....absorb, blot, siphon, soak, sop, suck, suction
  • ilbixwa....absorbed, soaked, sopped, sucked, suctioned
  • ilbixyea....absorbent
  • ilbixyean....absorbency
  • ilbiyea....absorbent, absorptive
  • ilbiyean....absorbency
  • ilbuen....irrigating, irrigation, pouring, watering
  • ilbuer....irrigate, pour, water
  • ilbuwa....irrigated, watered
  • ilbyex....splash
  • ilbyexen....splashing
  • ilbyexer....splash
  • ilbyexeux....splash
  • ilbyexeuxer....splash
  • ilbyexun....splash
  • ilbyexwa....splashed
  • ilbyexyea....splashy
  • ilevos....balsam
  • ilgoxwa....undiminished
  • ilgyisea....condensing
  • ilgyiser....condensate, condense
  • ilgyixar....condenser
  • ilgyixen....condensation, condensing
  • ilgyixer....condensate, condense
  • ilgyixwa....condensed
  • ilgyoxea....diluent, diluting
  • ilgyoxen....diluting, dilution
  • ilgyoxer....dilute
  • ilgyoxus....diluent
  • ilgyoxwa....diluted, undiluted
  • iliar....pledget, sipper, straw, suction device
  • ilien....absorption, sipping, soaking up, sucking, suction
  • ilier....absorb, drink in, lave, sip, soak up, suck, suction
  • ilik zyimem....flood plain
  • ilik....deluge, flood
  • ilikbea....flooding
  • ilikben....flooding
  • ilikber....flood
  • ilikbwa....flooded
  • ilikmas....flood wall
  • ilikpea....flooding
  • ilikper....flood
  • ilikser....be suffused, fill up with liquid, flood
  • ilikxen....flooding, inundation, suffusion
  • ilikxer....flood, imbue, inundate, suffuse
  • ilikxwa bay....imbued with
  • ilikxwa....deluged, flooded, inundated, suffused
  • ilip....ebb
  • ilipea....ebbing
  • iliper....ebb
  • ilivos....flax
  • iliwa....absorbed, soaked
  • iliyea....absorbent
  • iliyean....absorbency
  • ilk....iodine, I
  • ilkat....iodate
  • ilkiyn....iodine
  • ilkiz....iodide
  • ilkizaxer....iodize
  • ilkizaxwa....iodized
  • ilkyuan....buoyancy
  • ilkyupea....buoyant
  • ilkyupyafa....buoyant
  • ilkyupyafay....buoyantly
  • ilmekuar....dust gun, spray gun
  • ilmeup....gutter, liquid trail, street gutter
  • ilmuyf....siphon
  • ilmuyfien....siphoning
  • ilmuyfier....siphon
  • ilmuyfiwa....siphoned
  • ilneg....pond, stretch of water
  • ilneyeb....reservoir, tank
  • ilnyeb....coop
  • ilnyebog....vesicle
  • ilnyeboga....vesicular
  • ilnyebogxer....vesiculate
  • ilnyef....bursa
  • ilnyefi....bursae
  • ilnyoxen....spillage
  • ilnyoxer....spill
  • ilnyoxwa....spilled
  • ilnyuar....decanter
  • ilnyuen....pouring
  • ilnyuer....pour
  • ilnyuwa....decanted, poured
  • ilo....thirty
  • iloa....thirtieth
  • ilogukxarwa....strained
  • ilogukxyeb....colander, strainer
  • ilok....drip, leak, spill, spillage
  • ilokea....dripping, leaking, running
  • ilokebar....insulator
  • ilokebea nyov....friction tape
  • ilokebea....insulating
  • ilokeben....insulation
  • ilokeber....insulate
  • ilokebwa....insulated
  • iloken....leakage, leaking
  • iloker....leak, run
  • ilokmeg....dripstone
  • ilokmep....spillway
  • ilokmufyeg....drainage pipe, gutter
  • ilokovar....gasket
  • ilokser....spill
  • ilokvaka....drip-proof, leak-proof, leakproof, spill-proof
  • ilokxea....spilling
  • ilokxen....spilling
  • ilokxer....spill
  • ilokxwa....leaked, spilled
  • ilokyea teib....runny nose
  • ilokyea....drippy, leaky, runny
  • ilokyean....drippiness, leakiness, runniness
  • ilokyofwa....drip-proof, leak-proof
  • ilokyofxus....dripstone
  • ilol....spelter
  • ilon....baker's dozen, group of thirty
  • ilonapa....thirtieth
  • ilopat....rhea
  • ilopyea....oozy
  • ilovos....magnolia
  • iloyep....leak, ooze, outflow
  • iloyepea....flowing out, leaking, oozing, outflowing, sweating
  • iloyeper....flow out, leak, ooze, sweat
  • iloyepusea....gushing
  • iloyepuser....gush
  • iloyepuxen....gushing
  • iloyepuxer....gush
  • iloyepuxwa....gushed
  • iloyn....thirtieth
  • ilp....current, flow, flux
  • ilpan aybsiyn....tilde
  • ilpanag....tsunami
  • ilpanebennagar....interferometer
  • ilpanebennagen....interferometry
  • ilpanebennagena....interferometric
  • ilpankyaxar....transducer
  • ilpanog....ripple
  • ilpanogen....rippling
  • ilpanoger....ripple
  • ilpanyenxen....goffering
  • ilpanyenxer....goffer
  • ilpanyenxwa....goffered
  • ilpaonea....fluctuating
  • ilpaonen....fluctuation
  • ilpaoner....fluctuate
  • ilpbok....rheumatism
  • ilpboka....rheumatic
  • ilpbokay....rheumatically
  • ilpbokun....rheum
  • ilpbokyena....rheumatoid
  • ilpdref....flow chart, flowchart
  • ilpdrefxen....flowcharting
  • ilpea mil....running water
  • ilpea....flowing, fluent, in flux, running
  • ilpen....flowing, running
  • ilper....flow, run
  • ilpesyan....riffle
  • ilpmek....alluvium
  • ilpmeka....alluvial
  • ilpmeys....floodgate
  • ilposer....stanch
  • ilpoxar....stanch
  • ilpoxen....strangulation
  • ilpoxer....stanch, strangulate
  • ilppoxar....rheostat
  • ilpuj....cutoff
  • ilpujus....cutoff
  • ilpus....jet
  • ilpusea....spewing, spouting
  • ilpusen....spewing
  • ilpuser....spew, spout
  • ilpuxar....spout
  • ilpuxen....spewing., spouting
  • ilpuxer....spew, spout
  • ilpuxlar....plunger
  • ilpuxus....spewer
  • ilpuxut....spewer
  • ilpuxwa....spat, spewed, spouted
  • ilpxea....shedding
  • ilpxen....shedding
  • ilpxer biil....shed blood
  • ilpxer tayebi....shed hair
  • ilpxer teabili....shed tears
  • ilpxer yuyki....shed inhibitions
  • ilpxer....shed
  • ilpxwa....shed
  • ilpyas....gush, jet
  • ilpyasar....geyser, gusher
  • ilpyasea....gushing, jetting, springing
  • ilpyaser....gush, jet
  • ilpyax....gush
  • ilpyaxar....jet
  • ilpyaxen....gushing
  • ilpyaxer....gush, spring up
  • ilpyaya....viscous
  • ilpyean....fluency
  • ilpyexen....spattering
  • ilpyexer....spatter
  • ilpyexwa....spattered
  • ilpyika....viscous
  • ilpyikan....viscosity
  • ilpyos....barrage, bath, cascade, downpour, rain, spillage
  • ilpyosea....cascading, downpouring, raining down
  • ilpyosen....cascading, downpouring, raining down
  • ilpyoser....bathe, cascade, downpour, immerse oneself, pour, rain down, spill
  • ilpyosler....plunge
  • ilpyosut....bather
  • ilpyox....immersion
  • ilpyoxar....decanter, faucet, spigot
  • ilpyoxen....dropping liquid, dunking, immersion, pouring, raining, spilling
  • ilpyoxer....bathe, drop liquid, dunk, immerse, pour, rain on, spill
  • ilpyoxlar....plunger
  • ilpyoxlawa....plunged
  • ilpyoxlen....plunging
  • ilpyoxler....plunge
  • ilpyoxut....spiller
  • ilpyoxwa....bathed, dunked, immersed, poured, rained on, spilled
  • ilpyoxyafwa....immersible
  • ilpyoyx....dip
  • ilpyoyxen....dipping
  • ilpyoyxer....dip
  • ilpyoyxwa....dipped
  • ilpyuka....fluent
  • ilpyukay....fluently
  • ilsan....iodoform
  • ilsea....liquefying, melting
  • ilsen....liquefaction, melting
  • ilser....dissolve, lave, liquefy, melt
  • ilseubob....pouring lip
  • ilsirtyen....fluid mechanics, hydraulics
  • ilsyeb....beaker, carafe, flask, jug
  • ilsyebag....pitcher
  • ilsyebik....jugful
  • iluar....dispenser, spigot, spout, tap
  • iluarsezun....gargoyle
  • iluarsyeb....pitcher
  • iluarzyeb....jug, pitcher
  • iluarzyeyb....carafe, flask
  • iluea....pouring, shedding
  • iluen....dispensing, pouring, shedding
  • iluer....dispense, pour, shed, spout
  • iluip....ebb and flow
  • iluipen....ebbing and flowing
  • iluiper....ebb and flow
  • iluir....dispensing machine
  • iluja....run dry
  • ilujea....running dry
  • ilujen....running dry
  • ilujer....run dry
  • iluk....drainage, flush
  • iluka....aneroid
  • ilukbar....drain, flush mechanism
  • ilukben....draining, flushing
  • ilukber....drain, flush
  • ilukbwa....drained
  • ilukmufyeg....drainpipe
  • ilukper....drain, flush, run dry
  • iluksaib....drainer
  • iluksea....draining, drying up, flushing, running dry, running out
  • iluksen....drying up, flushing, running dry, running out
  • ilukser....drain out, dry up, flush, run dry, run out
  • ilukseym....drainboard
  • iluksun....drainage, flush
  • ilukxar....drain, flush
  • ilukxen mufyeg....drainage pipe
  • ilukxen....drainage, draining, flushing
  • ilukxer....drain, flush
  • ilukxwa....drained, flushed
  • ilup....flow, inflow, influx, inrush
  • ilupea....flowing in, inflowing
  • ilupen....flowing in, influence, influx
  • iluper....flow in, influence
  • iluvos....yellow marigold
  • iluwa....dispensed, poured, shed
  • iluyafwan....pourability
  • iluyea....lavish
  • iluyean....lavishness
  • iluyeay....lavishly
  • ilxea....dissolving, liquefying
  • ilxen nod....melting point
  • ilxen....liquefaction, liquefying, meltdown, melting
  • ilxer....dissolve, liquefy, melt
  • ilxuwa....dissoluble
  • ilxwa meg....molten rock
  • ilxwa....dissolved, fondant, liquefied, melted, molten
  • ilxwas....fondue
  • ilxwul....fondant
  • ilxyafa....dissolvent
  • ilxyeb....crucible
  • ilxyukwa....fusible
  • ilxyukwan....fusibility
  • ilyaop....ebb-and-flow
  • ilyap....surge
  • ilyaper....surge, swell
  • ilyavos....periwinkle
  • ilyeb bi fil....bottle of liquor
  • ilyeb bi vafil....bottle of wine
  • ilyeb bi yavil....bottle of beer
  • ilyeb yijbar....bottle opener
  • ilyeb yujun....bottle cork
  • ilyeb....bottle
  • ilyebag....jug, pitcher
  • ilyebar....dipper
  • ilyeben....dunking, immersion, dipping, bathing
  • ilyeber....dip, dunk, immerge, immerse, bathe
  • ilyebog....carboy, flask, vial, phial
  • ilyebteyob....bottleneck
  • ilyebwa....bathed, dunked, immersed, dipped
  • ilyebxam....bottling plant
  • ilyebxen....bottling
  • ilyebxer....bottle
  • ilyebxut....bottler
  • ilyebxwa mil....bottled water
  • ilyebxwa....bottled
  • ilyebyafwa....immersible
  • ilyena....fluid, rheumy
  • ilyenan....fluidity
  • ilyenay....fluidly
  • ilyep....immersion, wade
  • ilyepen....immersion, wading
  • ilyeper....bathe, immerge, immerse oneself, wade
  • ilyevos....chamomile
  • ilyijbar....decanter, sluice
  • ilyijbea....pouring
  • ilyijber....decant, pour
  • ilyijbwa....decanted, poured
  • ilyijea....pouring
  • ilyijen....pouring
  • ilyijer....pour
  • ilyivos....narcissus
  • ilyober....souse
  • ilyobwa....soused
  • ilyonbyexea....splattering
  • ilyonbyexer....splatter
  • ilyonbyexun....splatter
  • ilyonbyexwa....splattered
  • ilyonpyexen....splattering
  • ilyonxar....percolator
  • ilyonxarea....percolating
  • ilyonxaren....percolation
  • ilyonxarer....leach, percolate
  • ilyonxarwa....percolated
  • ilyonxen....maceration
  • ilyonxer....macerate
  • ilyop....catarrh
  • ilyopea....dripping
  • ilyopen....dripping
  • ilyoper....drip
  • ilyopun....drop
  • ilyopunes....droplet
  • ilyovos....yellow oleander
  • ilyuijar....faucet, spigot
  • ilyujar....bung, peg, plug, stopper, tap
  • ilyujaren....capping, plugging, stopping, up
  • ilyujarer....cap, plug, stop up
  • ilyujarim....tap room
  • ilyujaroben....uncapping, unplugging
  • ilyujarober....uncap, unplug
  • ilyujarobwa....uncapped, unplugged
  • ilyujarwa....capped, plugged, stopped up
  • ilyujben....capping, plugging, stopping up
  • ilyujber....cap, plug, stop up
  • ilyujbwa....capped, plugged, stopped up
  • ilzaobasea....sloshing
  • ilzaobasen....sloshing
  • ilzaobaser....slosh
  • ilzaobaxer....slosh
  • ilzaobaxwa....sloshed
  • ilzeobaxen....sloshing
  • ilzeybar....pipette
  • ilzeybarer....pipette
  • ilzil....bile, choler
  • ilzilbok....cholera
  • ilzilboka....choleric
  • ilzilnyef....cholecyst
  • ilzoyna....dark yellow
  • ilzoynan....dark yellowishness
  • ilzulyeb meg....gallstone
  • ilzulyeb....gallbladder
  • ilzyabar....spray gun, sprayer
  • ilzyaben....spraying
  • ilzyaber....spray
  • ilzyabwa....sprayed
  • ilzyabyexer....bespatter
  • ilzyabyexwa....bespattered
  • ilzyapyos....down spray, downpour, rain
  • ilzyapyoser....downpour, rain
  • ilzyapyux....spritz
  • ilzyapyuxar....spritzer
  • ilzyel....cholesterol
  • ilzyena....yellowish
  • ilzyenan....yellowishness
  • ilzyepyofwa....impermeable
  • ilzyepyofwan....impermeability
  • ilzyepyofway....impermeably
  • ilzyubar....stirrer, swizzle
  • ilzyuben....swirling, swizzling
  • ilzyuber....stir, swirl, swizzle
  • ilzyubwa....stirred, swirled, swizzled
  • ilzyun....drop of liquid
  • ilzyunar....dropper
  • ilzyunaya....gutty
  • ilzyunea....dripping
  • ilzyunen....dripping
  • ilzyuner....drip
  • ilzyunes....bead, droplet
  • ilzyunesen....dripping
  • ilzyuneser....drip
  • ilzyunika....gutty
  • ilzyunog....bead of liquid
  • ilzyupea....swirling
  • ilzyupen....swirling
  • ilzyuper....swirl
  • ilzyupyea....swirly
The base word mul means matter, stuff, material, substance. The stub suffix -ul is used to form words which are substances.
The stub suffix -lk is used to form chemical names.
Here is a list of words derived from these roots:
  • mul-....hylo-
  • mul....material, matter, stuff, substance
  • mula....material, substantial, solid
  • mulan....materiality, substantiality
  • mulay....materially
  • mules....subatomic particle
  • mulesyan....compound
  • mulgaber....spike
  • mulgabwa....spiked
  • mulibiar....hopper
  • mulikan....mass
  • mulikxen....stuffing
  • mulikxer....stuff
  • mulikxun....stuffing
  • mulikxwa nig....plenum
  • mulikxwa....stuffed
  • mulin....materialism
  • mulina....crass, materialistic
  • mulinan....crassness
  • mulinay....crassly, materialistically
  • mulinut....materialist
  • mulkyaxen....transubstantiation
  • mulkyaxer....transubstantiate
  • mullah....mullah
  • mulog....particle
  • muloga....particulate
  • mulogxar....crusher
  • mulogxen....crumbling, crushing, pulverization
  • mulogxer....crumble, crush, pulverize
  • mulogxwa....crushed, pulverized
  • mulon....ion
  • mulonxen....ionization
  • mulonxer....ionize
  • mulonxus....ionizer
  • mulonxwa....ionized
  • mulsana....hylomorphic
  • mulsanin....hylomorphism
  • mulsanina....hylomorphic
  • mulsaninut....hylomorphist
  • mulsen....materialization
  • mulser....materialize
  • multejin....hylozoism
  • multejina....hylozoistic
  • multejinut....hylozoist
  • multotin....hylotheism
  • muluka....jejune
  • mulun....particle, speck
  • muluna....molar, particulate
  • mulunigxur....cyclotron
  • mulunkunid....block of matter
  • mulvyia....refined
  • mulvyian....refinement
  • mulvyiser....become pure
  • mulvyixam....refinery
  • mulvyixen....refinement, refining
  • mulvyixer....refine
  • mulvyixus....refiner
  • mulvyixut....refiner
  • mulvyixwa....refined
  • mulvyuser....become polluted
  • mulvyuxen....polluting, pollution
  • mulvyuxer....pollute
  • mulvyuxut....polluter
  • mulvyuxwa....polluted
  • mulyan....clod, clot, clump, cluster
  • mulyana....molar
  • mulyanser....clot, clump, cluster
  • mulyanxen....clotting, clumping, clustering
  • mulyanxer....clump together, cluster
  • mulyonxar....colander, filter, filterer, riddle, sieve, sift, strainer
  • mulyonxaren....riddling
  • mulyonxarer....riddle
  • mulyonxarwa bay....riddled with
  • mulyonxea mays....colander, filter, filtering screen, sieve, strainer
  • mulyonxen....filtering, filtration
  • mulyonxer....filter, filtrate, leach, lixiviate, perk, sift, strain
  • mulyonxwa....filtered, sifted, strained
  • mulyonxwayt....filtrate
  • mulyujben....tamping
  • mulyujber....tamp
  • mulzyobar....filter, sieve, sifter, strainer
  • mulzyoben....filtering, sifting, straining
  • mulzyober....filter, sift, strain
  • mulzyobwa....filtered, sifted, strained
  • mulzyun....lump, mass, wad
  • mulzyunaya....lumpy
  • mulzyunika....lumpy
  • mulzyunxen....wadding
  • mulzyunxer....wad up
  • mulzyunxwa....wadded up
  • mulzyunyan....wadding

  • abqomul....top quark
  • abteupimul....enamel
  • aglamakmul....macroion
  • aglazemul....macronucleus
  • alztiibiltummul....hemoglobin
  • ammakmul....thermion
  • amul....element
  • anvamakmul....monocation
  • anvomakmul....monoanion
  • bokmul....bacterium, contaminant, germ, infection, pus
  • bookxea mul....pabulum
  • calkvamakmul....carbocation
  • envamakmul....bication, dication
  • envomakmul....dianion
  • evmul....neutrino
  • eybmul....mix, mixture
  • eynmul....amalgam, blend, melange
  • faomul....xylem
  • febzemul....pap
  • fyeagemul....mithril
  • fyumul....garbage, refuse, rot, rubbish, spoilage, spoils, trash, waste material
  • gabyanmul....admixture
  • glamakmul....polyion, multiion
  • glavamakmul....polycation
  • gwomul....atom
  • iblut bi fyumul....garbage collector
  • invamakmul....trication
  • kafeymul....caffeine
  • ketonmul....acetone
  • kumul....siding
  • kyeyanmul....farrago
  • lavol volyanmul....potato salad
  • maegilyanmul....petrochemical
  • makmul....ion
  • manmakmul....photoion
  • molza mul....black matter
  • mona mul....dark matter
  • mul....material, matter, stuff, substance
  • nedmul....surfacing
  • nialkmakmul....sulphion
  • numul....cellulose
  • oglamakmul....microion
  • olkmakmul....oxoion
  • omul....nihil, nil, non-entity, non-matter, nothingness
  • ovmakmul....counterion
  • ovmul....anti-matter, antimatter
  • ovyasmul....abstraction
  • ovyimul....impurity
  • oyvvomul....positron
  • patij zemul....egg yolk
  • peamul....ion
  • pyosmul....fallout
  • qomul....quark
  • sexmul....building material
  • tabummul....cytoplasm
  • tejefmul....protein
  • teupib yigabmul....tooth enamel
  • teupimul....dentin, dentine
  • ukxer ha fyumul....empty out the garbage
  • unvamakmul....tetracation
  • unvomakmul....tetraanion
  • utmakmul....autoion
  • vafeyb gyimul....chapeau
  • vamakmul....cation
  • vamul....proton
  • vavol yanmul....greens, mixed salad greens
  • vemul....neutron
  • volzyanmul....color blend, color mix
  • vomakmul....anion
  • vomul....electron
  • vyazmul....hornblende
  • vyumul....impurity, contaminant
  • yanbixmul....tannin
  • yanmakmul....coion
  • yanmul....chemical, mix, mixture
  • yigfamul....roughage
  • yigmul....hard substance
  • yobgwomul....nuclide
  • yonmul....solution
  • yonpyexrea mul....explosive material
  • yugmul....mush, pulp, puree, soft matter, soft substance, spongy substance
  • zemul....body matter, core, kernel, nucleus, pit, pith
  • zomul....end matter

  • abaul....coat, coating
  • abaxrul....swarf
  • abaxul....liniment
  • abmelgorful....mulch
  • abtiyotayubul....adrenalin, epinephrine
  • abyexegwul....batter
  • alza uopetsiynxul....ruddle
  • ambokovul....febrifuge
  • apayetavyul....guano
  • apet tavyul....horseshit
  • apetavyul....road apple
  • atobijtojbul....germicidal, germicide
  • axlul....agent
  • aynmuxul....alembic
  • azul....energy
  • balwul....pesto
  • bekul....drug, medicament, medicine, pharmaceutical, potion
  • bier bekul....take a drug
  • bilgyaul....butterfat
  • bilul....casein
  • blyolul....suppressant
  • bokogruntojbul....bactericide, germicide
  • bokul....poison, potion, toxin, venin, venom
  • booxul....tranquilizer
  • bul....bestowal, endowment, grant
  • buxrer azul....pump fuel
  • buxwabekul....pushed
  • byexovxul....antiknock
  • byokobul....paregoric
  • byoktojbul....narcotic
  • doyevdul....judicial determination
  • ebtabifuul....aphrodisiac
  • faobyagbexul....creosote
  • favoful....fluff, foam
  • fayebobul....defoliant
  • fitapxul....conditioner
  • fiteuxul....flavoring
  • ful....chaff
  • futeiskoxul....elixir
  • futeisobul....deodorant, deodorizer
  • fuvabtojbul....weedkiller
  • fyul....slop
  • fyupelttojbul....pesticide
  • fyusul....waste matter
  • fyuul....recrement
  • gapoteupibul....ivory
  • gevob nofyigxul....cornstarch
  • glatejbekul....multivitamin
  • gratayoxul....allergen
  • gyanoxwul....slurry, spatterdash
  • gyoa tavyul....scutter
  • hyasbyekul....elixir, nostrum
  • ibtelovxul....anticorrosive
  • ifbekul....drug, recreational drug
  • igraxul....accelerant
  • ijbekul....first notion, germ of a notion
  • ilxwul....fondant
  • ivosul....heroin
  • iymxul....moistener
  • jaovbekul....vaccine
  • jebexer azul....conserve energy
  • jwasazul....protoplasm
  • jwoxul....retardant
  • kapot bokul....rat poison
  • kyoa bekul....fixed idea
  • kyobekul....fixed idea
  • kyobexul....adhesive
  • kyoxwa bekul....fixed idea
  • kyuxul....lightener
  • levelbwa bekul....electuary
  • lopaaxul....depressant
  • loyanbalul....decongestant
  • makizbul....electrolyte, electrolytic
  • malzaxul....bleach
  • masazul....daub, gypsum, plaster of Paris, poultice
  • masul....walling
  • mavugxul....flame-retardant
  • megul....scoria
  • melbul....compost
  • melfyixul....fertilizer
  • mimvokojbul....algicide
  • moabikxul....oakum
  • monxul....darkener
  • moyvuul....fumigant
  • mugul....scoria
  • nazmukfyul....gangue
  • nid bi bekul....dose of drugs, dose of medicine
  • nofyigxul....carb
  • nuer azul....supply energy
  • nyedwul....gratin
  • okyiabxul....laxative
  • ovbekul....antidote
  • ovbokogrunul....anti-bacterial, antibacterial
  • ovbokul....anti-toxin, antitoxin, galena
  • ovdaybxul....sedition
  • ovilzaxul....blueing
  • ovmavxenul....cortisone
  • ovolkxul....antioxidant
  • ovolyabul....leaven
  • ovpobokul....antivenin
  • ovtabessaxul....antigen
  • ovuvtipul....antidepressant
  • ovyanglalxul....anticoagulant
  • oybabaul....undercoating
  • oyebalwul....espresso
  • pasyofbokul....paralytic
  • pat tavyul....bird lime
  • patavyul....birdlime
  • patijmazul....albumen, albumin
  • pelt bokul....bug spray
  • pelt ovbuxul....insect repellent
  • peltbokul....insecticide
  • piyezul....nacre
  • pobokul....toxin, venom
  • pooxul....sedative
  • puxrawul....shrapnel
  • puysegyul....elastic
  • sazul....plastic
  • sexyanul....construction mortar
  • sul....base, chemical base
  • taibul....marrow
  • tavyul....dung, excrement, excreta, excretion, feces, manure, poop, shit, slop, waste
  • tayebobul....depilatory
  • tayefmanxul....brilliantine
  • tayib bosaxul....sedative
  • tayibbokul....neurotoxin
  • tayobiluul....sudorific
  • teabvixul....eye shadow
  • teabyebgyaxul....mascara
  • tejbekul....vitamin
  • tejogruntojbul....microbicide
  • telefxul....appetizer
  • tepul....fodder
  • teubukxwul....sputum
  • teubvyixul....mouthwash
  • tiebukxen bekul....cough medicine, cough syrup, cough syrup
  • tijbul....sperm
  • tijbultojbus....spermicide
  • tikibul....heparin
  • tikul....sweetbread
  • tikyebul....dung, feces, shit, slop
  • tipivxul....depressant
  • tofmazaxul....bluing
  • tojbul....bequest
  • toopaxul....androgen
  • tospanuul....stimulant
  • tosyofxul....anaesthetic, anesthetic, anesthetizing agent, numbing agent
  • tuj bekul....sleep medicine
  • tujbul....anesthetic
  • tujdul....hypnosis
  • tulobul....keratin
  • twiyibul....testosterone
  • ugxul....retardant
  • ukxwul....drainage
  • -ul....stub prefix for substance
  • umvyixul....freebase
  • umxul....desiccant
  • uxul....endocrine, hormone
  • vakyujul....sealant
  • vaybtojbul....herbicide
  • veebuul....fertilizer
  • vixalzul....rouge
  • vixul....cosmetic, make-up, makeup
  • vobvazul....chlorophyll
  • volzyanxuul....tempera
  • voylzul....dyestuff
  • vuteisobul....deodorant
  • vyixul....cleanser, detergent
  • vyizaxul....purger
  • vyobekul....placebo
  • vyosul....crap, tripe
  • vyotepsinxul....hallucinogen
  • vyul....crud, dirt, dreg, dregs, grime, muck, mud, slime, sludge, soil, waste
  • vyulobul....cleanser
  • vyunobul....disinfectant, stain-removal
  • vyusobul....stain-remover
  • xul....stimulus
  • yafonul....fuel
  • yagxul....extender
  • yanul....adhesive, glue, goo, mortar, paste
  • yebtiexul....inhalant
  • yebyafwa bekul....suppository
  • yevdul....sentence
  • yigfa nedvixul....roughcast
  • yigsaxul....starch
  • yigxul....hardener
  • yigzilovul....antacid
  • yivul....chaff
  • yizkyasul....metabolite
  • yonpyexrul....explosive material
  • yoymovul....antifreeze
  • yuglaxul....tenderizer
  • yugraxul....balm, balsam, demulcent
  • yugtaxul....laxative, relaxant
  • zapuxul....propellant
  • zeysansul....metabolite
  • zoybuxul....repellent

  • acalk....actinium, Ac
  • agelk mukiblem....silver mine
  • agelk mukiblen....silver mining
  • agelk mukiblut....silver miner
  • agelk....silver, Ag
  • agelka....made of silver, silvern
  • agelkaya....silvern, silvery
  • agelkayan....silveriness
  • agelkben....silver-coating, silver-plating, silvering
  • agelkber....coat with silver
  • agelkbwa....silver-coated, silver-plated, silvered
  • agelkika....silvern, silvery
  • agelkikan....silveriness
  • agelksunyan....silverware
  • agelkyena....silvern, silvery
  • agelkza....silver-colored
  • agelkzayna....bright silver
  • agelkzoyna....dark silver
  • ahelkayn....methane
  • ahelkeyn....acetylene
  • ailkyostix....hydrostatics
  • alahelkayn....undecane
  • alehelkayn....dodecane
  • alilk calkayt....aluminum carbonate
  • alilk....aluminum, Al
  • alilkayeb....aluminum foil
  • alilkdruren....algraphy
  • aliolkiyd....corundum
  • alkiyn zil....amino acid
  • alkiyn....amino
  • alohelkayn....decane
  • alyuhelkayn....hexadecane
  • amilk....americium, Am
  • ammalkexut....snowbird
  • anolkiyd....monoxide
  • arolk....argon, Ar
  • asolk....arsenic, As
  • atulk....astatine, At
  • aulk egon....gold standard
  • aulk fayef....gold leaf
  • aulk goplun....gold nugget
  • aulk mef....gold bar
  • aulk mukiblem....gold mine, goldmine
  • aulk mukiblen....gold mining
  • aulk mukiblut....gold digger, gold-digger, gold-miner
  • aulk vyilxut....gold panner
  • aulk yijmem....goldfield
  • aulk....gold, Au
  • aulka....gold, golden, of gold
  • aulkben....gilding
  • aulkber....gild
  • aulkbun....gilding, gilt
  • aulkbut....gilder
  • aulkbwa....gilded, gilt, gold-plated
  • aulkek....ormolu
  • aulkeka....ormolu
  • aulk-elza....gold orange
  • aulk-elzayna....bright gold orange
  • aulk-elzoyna....dark gold orange
  • aulktez....alchemy
  • aulktezut....alchemist
  • aulkyenan....goldenness
  • aulkza....gold
  • aulkzayna....bright gold
  • aulkzoyna....dark gold
  • aulkzyena....golden, goldish
  • baalk....barium, Ba
  • bael solkayt....beryllium sulfate
  • baelk....beryllium, Be
  • bahelk....bohrium, Bh
  • bailk....bismuth, Bi
  • bainhelkayn....borane
  • bakilk....berkelium, Bk
  • balk infelkiyd....boron trifluoride
  • balk....boron, B
  • barolk....bromine, Br
  • barolka....bromic
  • be hyea maalkyox....in any weather, rain or shine
  • bixfeelk....magnet
  • bixfeelka exnig....magnetic field
  • bixfeelka nabyan....electromagnetic spectrum
  • bixfeelka....ferromagnetic, magnetic, magnetical
  • bixfeelkakir....magneto
  • bixfeelkan....magnetism
  • bixfeelkay....magnetically
  • bixfeelkeg....lodestone
  • bixfeelknagar....magnetometer
  • bixfeelkxen....magnetization, mesmerizing
  • bixfeelkxer....magnetize, mesmerize
  • bixfeelkxwa....magnetized, mesmerized
  • bixfeelkxyafwa....magnetizable
  • bixyfeelkeg....magnetite
  • bolkexen....wooing
  • bolkexer....woo
  • bolkexut....wooer
  • bolkexwa....wooed
  • caalk calkayt....sodium carbonate
  • caalk heolkiyd....calcium hydroxide
  • caalk solkayt....calcium sulfate
  • caalk....calcium, Ca
  • caalkser....calcify
  • caalkxen....calcification
  • caalkxer....calcify
  • caalkzil....calcimine
  • caanfelipolkis....apatite
  • caanolkiyd....carbon monoxide
  • cacalilkiyd....phosgene
  • cadalk solkiyd....cadmium sulfide
  • cadalk....cadmium, Cd
  • caelk....cerium, Ce
  • caenheolkiyd....formaldehyde
  • caenolkiyd....C2O, carbon dioxide
  • cafelk....californium, Cf
  • caheenolk....carb
  • cahelkayt....carbohydrate, starch
  • cahelkiyd....cyanide
  • cainhelk....methyl
  • cainhelkxer....methylate
  • cainhelkxwa....methylated
  • cainheohelk....methanol
  • califelicalk....chlorofluorocarbon
  • calilk....chlorine, Cl
  • calilka....chloral, chloric
  • calilkayt....chlorate
  • calilkis....chlorite
  • calilkiyd....chloride
  • calilksan....chloroform
  • calilkxen....chlorination
  • calilkxer....chlorinate
  • calilkxwa....chlorinated
  • calipolkis....chlorophosphite
  • calk....carbon, C
  • calka zil....carbonic acid
  • calka....carbonic
  • calkayt....carbonate
  • calkiyd....carbide
  • calkoya....carbonless, inorganic, carbon-free
  • calkuka....carbonless, inorganic, carbon-free
  • calkukay....inorganically
  • calkvamakmul....carbocation
  • calkxar....carbonizer
  • calkxea....carbonizing
  • calkxen....carbonation, carbonization, carbonizing
  • calkxer....carbonate, carbonize
  • calkxwa mil....carbonated water
  • calkxwa....carbonated, carbonized
  • camilk....curium, Cm
  • canilk....copernicium, Cn
  • caolk....cobalt, Co
  • carolk....chrome, chromium, Cr
  • carolkayt....chromate
  • carolkdrayt....chromo, chromograph, chromolithograph
  • carolkdren....chromolithography
  • casolk....caesium, cesium, Cs
  • caulk mukiblem....copper-mine
  • caulk mukiblen....copper-mining
  • caulk mukiblut....copper-miner
  • caulk....copper, Cu
  • caulka barolkiyd....cupric bromide
  • caulka....copper, cupric, made of copper
  • caulkayeb....copper foil
  • caulkben....cooper-coating
  • caulkber....coat with copper
  • caulkbwa....copper-coated, copper-plated
  • caulkis....malachite
  • caulknyif....copper wire
  • caulkyena....coppery
  • caulkyig....bronze
  • caulkyiga....bronze, made of bronze
  • caulkyigben....bronzing
  • caulkyigber....bronze
  • caulkyigbwa....bronzed
  • caulkyig-elza....bronze orange, bronze-colored
  • caulkza....copper-colored
  • caulkzayna....bright copper
  • caulkzoyna....dark copper
  • caulkzyin....copperplate
  • caunhelk....methane
  • cauylkza....light copper
  • cauzunilk....brass
  • cauzunilka....made of brass
  • cauzunilkyena....brassy, brazen
  • cayinheyunnioelk....acetaminophen
  • cayunheanlinilk....amphetamine
  • dabalk....dubnium, Db
  • dasolk....darmstadtium, Ds
  • dayulk....dysprosium, Dy
  • drarcalk....graphite
  • ehelkayn....ethane
  • ehelkeyn....benzene
  • encarolkayt....dichromate
  • enhelk polkayt....dihydrogan phosphate
  • enheolkayn....oxidane
  • enolkin....dioxin
  • enolkiyd....dioxide, peroxide
  • enpolkis....diphosphite
  • enrotoelkiyd....telluride
  • erolk....erbium, Er
  • esolk....einsteinium, Es
  • eulk....europium, Eu
  • feeensolkis....pyrite
  • feelk apet....iron horse
  • feelk gasiyn....iron cross
  • feelk gron....iron deficiency
  • feelk joub....iron age
  • feelk marmeyg....iron meteorite
  • feelk mef....iron brick
  • feelk meys....iron gate
  • feelk misof....iron curtain
  • feelk myeik....iron putty
  • feelk tieb....iron lung
  • feelk yanmug....iron alloy
  • feelk-....ferro-
  • feelk....iron, Fe
  • feelka....ferric, ferrous, made of iron
  • feelkalz....rust
  • feelkalza....ferruginous, rust-colored
  • feelkalzasea....rusting
  • feelkalzasen....rusting
  • feelkalzaser....rust
  • feelkalzaxer....rust
  • feelkalzaxwa....rusted
  • feelkalzaya....rusty
  • feelkalzayan....rustiness
  • feelkalzika....rusty
  • feelkalzikan....rustiness
  • feelkalzvaka....rustproof
  • feelkalzuka....rust-free, stainless
  • feelkayobmimpur....windjammer
  • feelkben....shoeing
  • feelkber....blacksmith, rim with steel, shoe
  • feelkfab....ironwood
  • feelkika....ferric
  • feelkit....ferrite
  • feelk-maolza....iron gray
  • feelkmays....grill, iron screen
  • feelkmef....anvil, stithy
  • feelkmeg....ironstone
  • feelkmep kyaxut....switchman
  • feelkmep vyixar....cowcatcher
  • feelkmep yexut....railroader, railway man
  • feelkmep yuijarut....switchman
  • feelkmep....railroad, railway
  • feelkmepur posam....railroad station
  • feelkmepuram....railroad station
  • feelkmeput....railwayman
  • feelkmuf....bar, iron bar, iron rod
  • feelkmufika....barred
  • feelkmuyv....tige
  • feelknad bixpur....train
  • feelknad mep....railroad
  • feelknad posam....railroad station
  • feelknad....iron rail line, railway, track
  • feelknadem yexut....yardman
  • feelknademeb....yardmaster
  • feelknadoben....derailment
  • feelknadober....derail
  • feelknadobwa....derailed
  • feelknadopen....derailing
  • feelknadoper....derail, go off the rails, jump the tracks
  • feelknadpur posem....train station
  • feelknadpur....rail vehicle, train
  • feelknadpures....coach, rail car, railroad car, train car, wagon
  • feelknadut....railman, trainman
  • feelknunamut....ironmonger
  • feelknunuen....ironmongery
  • feelknyif....iron filament
  • feelksanxam....blacksmith shop, blacksmith's shop
  • feelksanxen....blacksmithing
  • feelksanxer....forge
  • feelksanxut....blacksmith, farrier, forger, ironsmith
  • feelksanxwa....blacksmithed, forged
  • feelksaxyofwa....unforgeable
  • feelksunyan....ironware
  • feelktofwa....ironclad
  • feelktyen....ironwork
  • feelktyenam....ironworks
  • feelktyenut....ironworker
  • feelktyoyab....cobbler's last
  • feelktyoyaf....skidpan
  • feelkug....wrought iron
  • feelkugut....wrought iron craftsman
  • feelkuyk....hematite
  • feelkxam....ironworks, smithery, smithy
  • feelkxut....ironworker, smith
  • feelkyexut....bloomer
  • feelkyig saxem....steel mill
  • feelkyig....steel
  • feelkyiga muf....steel beam
  • feelkyiga....made of steel
  • feelkyigem....steelyard
  • feelkyig-maolza....steel gray
  • feelkyigsaxut....steelmaker
  • feelkyigxen....steeling
  • feelkyigxer....steel
  • feelkyigxwa....steeled
  • feelkyigyenan....steeliness, steely
  • feelkyigyexut....steelworker
  • feelkyig-yolza....steel blue
  • feelkyontix....ferrography
  • felilk....flerovium, Fl
  • felilkis....fluorite
  • felilkiyd....fluoride
  • felilkizaxen....fluoridation
  • felilkizaxer....fluoridate
  • felilkizaxwa....fluoridated
  • felk....fluorine, F
  • femilk....fermium, Fm
  • ferolk....francium, Fr
  • filkoebkyaxer....bootleg
  • filkoebyaxut....bootlegger
  • filkoebyexen....bootlegging
  • gacalilka zil....perchloric acid
  • gaolkiyd....dioxide
  • gealk....gallium, Ga
  • gedalk....gadolinium, Gd
  • geelk....germanium, Ge
  • gelkyosa....homeostatic
  • gimelkim....mountain slope
  • gimelkum....mountainside
  • gocalilkiyd....hypochlorite
  • grovomulkuen....undervoltage
  • hecalilka sil....hydrochoric acid
  • hecalilka zil....hydrochloric acid
  • hecalilka....hydrochloric
  • heelk....helium, He
  • hefelk....hafnium, Hf
  • hegelk amnagar....mercury thermometer
  • hegelk....mercury, Hg, quicksilver, somehow
  • hegelka....mercurial
  • helk calkayt....hydrogan carbonate
  • helk polkayt....hydrogen phosphate
  • helk solkayt....hydrogen sulfate, bisulfate
  • helk....hydrogen, H
  • helka zil....acetic acid
  • helki....kappa
  • helkiso....ksi
  • helkxen....hydrogenation
  • helkxwa yel....hydrogenated oil
  • helkxwa....hydrogenated
  • heolk....holmium, Ho
  • heolkiyd....hydroxide
  • hesolk....hassium, Hs
  • hesolka zil....hydrosulfuric acid
  • iga feelknadpur....high-speed train
  • ihelkayn....butane
  • ilk....iodine, I
  • ilkat....iodate
  • ilkiyn....iodine
  • ilkiyd....iodide
  • ilkizaxer....iodize
  • ilkizaxwa....iodized
  • ilkyuan....buoyancy
  • ilkyupea....buoyant
  • ilkyupyafa....buoyant
  • ilkyupyafay....buoyantly
  • incaheyaolk....C3H6O, acetone
  • incayanheolk....acetone
  • incayanheolka....acetonic
  • inheolk....H2O
  • inilk....indium, In
  • inolk....ozone
  • irolk....iridium, Ir
  • iza feelknadpur....express train
  • izmelkyobwa....quickset
  • jogfeelkkexut....junkman
  • kiilkiyd....potassium iodide
  • kilk barolkiyd....potassium bromide
  • kilk ilkiyd....potassium iodide
  • kilk....potash, potassium, K
  • kirolk....krypton, Kr
  • lialk....lanthanum, La
  • liilk....lithium, Li
  • lirolk....lawrencium, Lr
  • liulk....lutetium, Lu
  • livulk....livermorium, Lv
  • lobixfeelkxar....degausser
  • lobixfeelkxen....degauss, demagnetization
  • lobixfeelkxer....degauss, demagnetize, demagnify
  • magyelkexut....wildcatter
  • magyelkuem....tarmac
  • makbixfeelka pyaon....electro-magnetic wave
  • makbixfeelka....electro-magnetic, electromagnetic
  • makbixfeelkay....electromagnetically
  • makbixfeelkin....electro-magnetism, electromagnetism
  • makbixfeelkka....electromagnet
  • makfeelkbixamxen....diathermy
  • malkyian....languor
  • malkykipeaupen....floating in the air
  • malkyupea....floating in the air
  • malkyuper....float in the air
  • meilkip....mud slide, mudslide
  • melkip....landslide, landslip
  • merbixfeelka....geomagnetic
  • merbixfeelkan....geomagnetism
  • micalk....moscovium, Mc
  • midalk....mendelevium, Md
  • migelk polkayt....magnesium phosphate
  • migelk....magnesium, Mg
  • minilk....manganese, Mn
  • minilkayt....manganate
  • miolk....brine, molybdenum, Mo
  • mitolk....meitnerium, Mt
  • mulkyaxen....transubstantiation
  • mulkyaxer....transubstantiate
  • naudcalk....radiocarbon
  • niakl enbalkas alomilkayt....borax
  • nialk calkayt....sodium carbonate
  • nialk encalkayt....sodium bicarbonate
  • nialk felkiyd....sodium fluoride
  • nialk olkiyd....sodium oxide
  • nialk solkayt....sodium sulfate
  • nialk....sodium, Na
  • nialkmakmul....sulphion
  • niamulcalilkiyd....sodium chloride
  • nibalk....niobium, Nb
  • nidalk....neodymium, Nd
  • nielk....neon, Ne
  • nielka....neon
  • nienhelkin....amphetamine
  • nihelk....nihonium, Nh
  • niilk....nickel, Ni
  • niilka....made of nickel
  • niilkben....nickel-plating
  • niilkber....nickel-plate
  • niilkbwa....nickle-plated
  • niinnhelkiyd....ammonia, ammonium
  • niinnhelkiza....ammoniac, ammoniacal
  • niinolkis....nitrite
  • niinolkiyd....nitride
  • niinolkxen....nitration, nitrification
  • nilk incalilkiyd....nitrogen trichloride
  • nilk inhelkayn....azane
  • nilk....azote, nitrogen, N
  • nilka zil....nitric acid
  • nilka....nitric
  • nilkaya zil....nitrous acid
  • niolk....nobelium, No
  • nipolk....neptunium, Np
  • nuer olk....provide oxygen
  • obixfeelka....nonmagnetic
  • ogemolk....oganesson, Og
  • ohelkayn....alkane
  • olfeelka apyexrar....mallet
  • olk nyeb....oxygen tank
  • olk....oxygen, O
  • olkiyd....oxide
  • olkiza....indirect
  • olkizaen....oxidization
  • olkizaxen....oxidation
  • olkizaxer....oxidate, oxidize
  • olkizaxus....oxidant, oxidizer
  • olkizaxwa....oxidized
  • olkmakmul....oxoion
  • olkuar....oxygen machine, oxygenator
  • olkuen....oxygenation
  • olkuer....oxygenate
  • olkuka....devoid of oxygen-free
  • olkukxen....de-oxygenation
  • olkukxer....drain of oxygen, de-oxygenate
  • olkukxwa....de-oxygenated
  • olkuwa....oxygenated
  • ololkuwa....deflated, deoxygenated
  • osolk....osmium, Os
  • ovolkxul....antioxidant
  • oyixwa feelk....scrap iron
  • oyixwa feelkut....scrap merchant
  • ozbixfeelka....diamagnetic
  • plkyibyexwa....pounded
  • poalk....protactinium, Pa
  • pobalk....lead, Pb
  • pobalkber teupib....fill a tooth
  • pobalkbwa....leaded
  • pobalkdrar....lead pencil
  • pobalkgosi....pellets, shot
  • pobalkmufyeg....lead pipe, plumber's pipe
  • pobalkmufyegben....pipe-laying, plumbing
  • pobalkmufyegbut....plumber
  • pobalkmufyegtyen....plumbing trade
  • pobalkmufyegyan....plumbing
  • pobalkpuxrunag....buckshot
  • pobalkuka....unleaded
  • pobalkyena....leaden
  • pobalkyin....plumb
  • pobalkyis....lead weight
  • podalk....palladium, Pd
  • poinhelkayn....phosphane, phosphine
  • polilk....plutonium, Pl
  • polk....phosphorus, P
  • polka zil....phosphoric acide
  • polka....phosphoric, phosphorous, polka
  • polkayt....phosphate
  • polkis....phosphite
  • pomilk....promethium, Pm
  • poolk....polonium, Po
  • porolk....praseodymium, Pr
  • potulk....platinum, Pt
  • roalk....radium, Ra
  • robalk....rubidium, Rb
  • roelk....rhenium, Re
  • rofelk....rutherfordium, Rf
  • rogelk....roentgenium, Rg
  • rogelkar....x-ray
  • rogelkaren....x-raying
  • rogelkarer....x-ray
  • rogelkarut....x-ray technician
  • rogelkarwa....x-rayed
  • ronilk....radon, Rn
  • roulk....ruthenium, Ru
  • semes bi aulk....bar of gold
  • sobalk....antimony, Sb
  • socalk....scandium, Sc
  • soelk....selenium, Sl
  • sogelk....seaborgium, Sg
  • sohelk....thiol
  • soilk....silicon, Si
  • soilka....made of silicon
  • soilkgos drof....circuit board
  • soilkgos....chip, silicon chip
  • solk calilkiyd....sodium chloride, salt
  • solk....sol, sulfur, S
  • solka zil....sulfuric acid
  • solka....sulfuric
  • solkayt....sulfate
  • solkil....sulfur water, tonic
  • solkis....sulfite
  • solkiyd....sulfide
  • solkuwa....sulfured
  • solkxen....vulcanization
  • solkxer....treat with sulfur, vulcanize
  • solkxwa....vulcanized
  • somilk....samarium, Sm
  • soniilkyebag....cistern, kettle, tank
  • soniilkyebut....canner
  • sonilk mukiblem....tinner
  • sonilk mukiblen....stannary
  • sonilk....tin
  • sonilka syeb....tin can, tin container
  • sonilka....stannic
  • sonilkabawa....tinned
  • sonilkaber....tin
  • sonilkayeb....tin foil, tin plate, tin-plate, tinfoil, tin-foil, tinplate
  • sonilkmansin....tintype
  • sonilksaxut....tinker, tinman, tinner, tinsmith
  • sonilkvib....tinsel
  • sonilkyan....tinware
  • sonilkyeb bi yavil....can of beer
  • sonilkyeb....tin can, tin, metal container, kettle
  • sonilkyebagik....tankful
  • sonilkyebagpur....tanker truck
  • sonilkyebam....cannery
  • sonilkyebayg....canister
  • sonilkyeben....canning, tinning
  • sonilkyeber....tin
  • sonilkyebwa....canned, tinned
  • sonilkyena....tinny
  • sonilkyenan....tinniness
  • sonilkyexut....tinsmith
  • sorolk....strontium, Sr
  • tualk....tantalum, Ta
  • tubalk....terbium, Tb
  • tucalk....technetium, Tc
  • tuelk....tellurium, Tl
  • tuhelk....thorium, Th
  • tuilk....titanium, Ti
  • tulilk....thallium, Tl
  • tulk....thulium, T
  • tulkyes....potlatch, potluck meal
  • tusolk....tennessine, Ts
  • uhelkayn....pentane
  • ulk....uranium, U
  • ulka puxrar....uranium bomb
  • ulohelkayn....tetracosane
  • uncalilkiyd....tetrachloride
  • vulk....vanadium, V
  • wulk....tungsten, W
  • wulka manzyuyn....tungsten lightbulb
  • xuelk....xenon, Xe
  • yahelkayn....hexane
  • yarmulke....yarmulke
  • yavil sonilkyeb....beer can
  • yehelkayn....heptane
  • yihelkayn....octane
  • yincaalinhenilk....amphetamine
  • yizyincaalinhenilk....methamphetamine
  • yohelkayn....propane
  • yubalk....ytterbium, Yb
  • yuhelkayn....nonane
  • yulk....yttrium, Y
  • zunilk....zinc, Zn
  • zunilka....made of zinc
  • zunilkben....coating with zinc
  • zunilkber....coat with zinc, galvanize
  • zunilkbwa....galvanized, zinc-coated
  • zunilkdrirun....zincotype
  • zunilkmef....spelter
  • zunilktuzun....spelter
  • zunilkzyindruren....zincography
  • zunilkzyindrurun....zincograph
  • zurolk....zirconium, Zr

MAF cloud, MAV flame, MOV smoke


The root word maf means cloud. The diminutive mayf means puff.
Types of Clouds
  • ebmarmafa....intergalactic
  • Amarmaf....Milky Way
  • maaf....stratus
  • amarmaf....Milky Way
  • maef....cumulus
  • maf....cloud
  • mafab....oak tree
  • mafabawa....overcast
  • mafabawaser....overcloud
  • mafabij....oakling
  • mafabog....oaklet
  • mafaob....oak wood
  • mafaoba....make of oak, oaken
  • mafaovolza....tawny
  • mafayb....ilex
  • mafiadeb....capo
  • mafiat....wise guy, wiseguy
  • mafika....cloudy, turbid
  • mafikan....cloudiness, turbidity
  • mafiksen....clouding over
  • mafikser....cloud over
  • mafoya....cloudless
  • mafoyan....cloudiness, cloudlessness
  • mafser....cloud over
  • mafseux....poof
  • mafseuxer....poof
  • maftuloxar....skyscraper
  • mafuka....cloudless
  • mafukan....cloudiness, cloudlessness
  • mafveebat....cloud-seeder
  • mafveeber....cloud-seed
  • mafveebut....seeder
  • mafveebwa....cloud-seeded
  • mafxea....obscuring
  • mafxen....clouding, obfuscation, obscuring
  • mafxena....obfuscatory
  • mafxer....becloud, cloud, obfuscate
  • mafxeus....clap of thunder
  • mafxut....obscurer
  • mafxwa....clouded, obscured
  • mafxwan....obscurity
  • mafyena....obscure
  • maif....stratocumulus
  • mameux maf....thunder cloud, thundercloud
  • mamilmaf....rain cloud
  • mapil maf....storm cloud
  • mapilmaf....storm cloud
  • marmaf....galaxy, star cloud
  • marmafa....galactic
  • mauf....cumulonimbus
  • maufab....thunderhead
  • mayf....puff
  • mayfyena....puffy
  • mayfyenan....puffiness
  • momaf....nebula
  • momafa....nebular
  • momafi....nebulae
  • monmaf....dark cloud
  • omafxwa....unclouded
  • oyeybmarmafa....extragalactic
  • uvmaf....pall
  • yagnyan bi mafi....bank of clouds
  • yeybmarmafa....intragalactic
  • yoba maf....low cloud
  • yobmaf....nimbus
  • yuzmarmafa....circumgalactic
  • zateabmafnod....leucoma
  • zomaf....contrail
The root word mav means flame. Here are some derived words:
  • dopmavyel....napalm
  • gamavigxen....re-sparking
  • gamavigxer....re-spark
  • gamavigxwa....re-sparked
  • gamavxen....re-inflammation
  • gamavxer....re-inflame
  • gamavxwa....re-inflamed
  • igmav....flare
  • igmavsea....flaring
  • igmavsen....flareup
  • igmavser....flare up
  • igmavxer....cause to flare up, inflame
  • inimavob....Indian corn, maize
  • magalmavxar....carburator
  • mav....flame
  • mavar....torch
  • mavarbelut....torchbearer
  • mavier....whiff
  • mavig....spark
  • mavigar adopar....flintlock, fusee
  • mavigar adoparut....fusileer, fusilier
  • mavigar....flint
  • mavigesar....sparkler
  • mavigesea....sparkling
  • mavigeser....sparkle
  • mavigser....spark
  • mavigxen....sparking
  • mavigxer....spark
  • mavigxwa....sparked
  • mavijber magfubog....strike a match
  • mavjwatuar....fusee
  • mavpuxar....blowtorch, flame-thrower, flamethrower
  • mavsea....aflame, flamboyant, flaming
  • mavser....become inflamed, flame, flare up, go up in flames
  • mavsyafa....inflammable
  • mavsyafan....inflammability
  • mavsyafwa....flammable
  • mavsyafwan....flammability
  • mavsyofwa....nonflammable
  • mavsyukwa....fiery
  • mavsyukwan....fieriness
  • mavugxul....flame-retardant
  • mavvaka....flameproof
  • mavwa....flamed
  • mavxen....inflammation
  • mavxer....inflame
  • mavxwa....inflamed
  • mavxyea....inflammatory
  • omavsyafwa....non-flammable
  • omavxyea....noninflammatory
  • ovmavxenul....cortisone
  • tayibmavxen....neuritis
  • zoymav....flashback
The root word mov means smoke. Here are some derived words:
  • futeismov....funk
  • givob mov....tobacco smoke
  • givomuf mov....cigar smoke
  • givomuv mov....cigarette smoke
  • givomuv moviut....cigarette smoker
  • mamov....plume
  • milmovmufyeg....narghile, nargile
  • mimovmas....breakwater
  • mov jwadar....smoke alarm, smoke alert
  • mov lokoxar....smoke detector
  • mov....smoke
  • movaonab....plume of smoke
  • moviea....smoking
  • movien....smoking
  • movienobtif....tux, tuxedo
  • movientaf....dinner jacket
  • movier givob....smoke tobacco
  • movier givomuf....smoke a cigar
  • movier givomufyeg....smoke a pipe
  • movier givomuv....smoke a cigarette
  • movier....smoke
  • movika....smoke-filled, smoky, turbid
  • movikan....smokiness, turbidity
  • movim....smoking den, smoking room
  • moviut....smoker
  • moviwa....smoked
  • moviyafwa....smokable
  • movkof....smokescreen
  • movmaeg....cannel
  • mov-maolza....smoke gray
  • movmufyeg....smokestack
  • movober....unnail
  • movoya....smokeless
  • movuam....smokehouse
  • movuea....smoking
  • movuen....fumigation, giving off smoke, smoking
  • movuer....fumigate, give off smoke
  • movuf....chimney, funnel, smoke stack, uptake
  • movufgum....inglenook
  • movufut....chimney sweeper
  • movujben....smothering
  • movujber....smother
  • movujbwa....smothered
  • movuka....smokeless
  • movukxar....exhaust pipe, tail pipe
  • movuwa....fumigated, smoked
  • movyebam....columbarium
  • mufyegmuf moviut....pipe smoker
  • oyebmovien....clambake
  • yexemovdalen....picketing
  • yexemovdaler....picket
  • yexemovdalut....picketer
  • yoymovul....antifreeze
The root word mef means brick, while mev means porcelain. The latter root has some sub-elements:
  • mef....brick, block, bar
  • meyf....stick
  • meef....slab
  • mev....porcelain
  • meav....ceramic
  • meev....earthen ware, pottery
  • meiv....faience
Here are some words that are derived from these roots:
  • abmef goblar....tile cutter
  • abmef....tile
  • abmefa....tegular
  • abmefben....tile laying, tile-laying
  • abmefber....lay tile
  • abmefbut....tile layer, tile-layer
  • abmefbwa....tiled
  • abmefsin....mosaic
  • abmefyan....tile work, tile-work
  • abmefyena....tegular
  • aulk mef....gold bar
  • dresizmef....stele
  • ebmefser....imbricate
  • ebmefxen....imbrication
  • ebmefxer....imbricate
  • faomef....nog
  • feelk mef....iron brick
  • feelkmef....anvil, stithy
  • gaabmefber....re-tile
  • gamefben....re-bricking
  • gamefber....re-brick
  • gamefbwa....re-bricked
  • magmef-alza....firebrick red
  • mef....block, brick, cube
  • mefa....brick, made of brick, of brick
  • mefab....beech tree
  • mefaba....beechen
  • mefag....cinder block
  • mef-alza....brick red
  • mefaob....beech, beechwood
  • mefaoba....made of beechwood
  • mefben....bricklaying
  • mefber....lay brick
  • mefbut....bricklayer
  • mefbwa....bricked
  • mefeb....beechnut
  • mefgon....brickbat
  • mefikxus....nogging
  • mefmas....brickwall
  • mefsan....slab
  • mefxam....brick factory
  • mefxem....brickyard
  • mefxen....brick-making
  • mefxut....brick-maker, bricker, brickmaker
  • mefyan....bricking, brickwork
  • mef-yelza....brick pink
  • mefyig....clinker
  • mefyiga....hard as a brick
  • mepmef....paver
  • meyf bi vyixyel mef....bar of soap
  • moges mef....cinder block
  • mugmef....bar, ingot
  • vabmef....sod
  • vabmefben....sodding
  • vabmefber....sod
  • yommef belar....ice cube tray
  • yommef....ice cube
  • yommefag....ice block
  • zunilkmef....spelter
  • zyimef....flagstone

  • dyofyelmeyf....brownie
  • maegmeyf....briquet, briquette
  • meyf bi bilyug....stick of butter
  • meyf bi meyagdrar....stick of chalk
  • meyf bi vyixyel mef....bar of soap
  • meyf....bar, stick
  • meyfgoblar....dicer
  • meyfgoblawa....cubed, diced
  • meyfgoblen....dicing
  • meyfgobler....cube, dice
  • meyfgol....cube

  • mev....chinaware, porcelain
  • meva....made of porcelain, of porcelain
  • Delft meevyan....delftware
  • meav....ceramic
  • meava....ceramic, made of ceramic
  • meavgon....potsherd
  • meavsaxut....ceramicist, ceramist
  • meavun....ceramic item
  • meavut....ceramicist, ceramist
  • meavzyebyan....crockery
  • meev....earthenware, pottery
  • meevun....piece of pottery
  • meevut....potter
  • meevyan....pottery
  • meiv....faience
  • zyefmeav....glass ceramic
The root muf means stick, baton, bat, cane, stake, post. The word muv is a lesser version.
Here are words derived from these roots:
  • aaga mimofmuf....mainmast
  • abmimuf....topmast
  • alien mufyeg....blowpipe
  • anmimufa mimpar....sloop
  • anmimufa....single-masted
  • anzyemufa....uniaxial
  • aomermuf....purlin
  • aomuf....ballister, balluster, baluster, balustre, broach, column, stanchion, vertical beam
  • aomufa....columnar
  • aomufsab....fust
  • aomufsyob....plinth
  • aomuftib....scape
  • aomufxen....columnarization, columnizing
  • aomufxer....columnarize, columnize
  • aomufxwa....columnarized, columnized
  • aomufyan....balustrade, colonnade, stanchion
  • aomufyanxer....stanchion
  • apaxlarmuf....broomstick
  • aybmas muf....overhead beam
  • baluien muyfyeg....breathing tube
  • barmuf....pestle
  • biilmufzyega....vascular
  • biilmufzyegyen....venation
  • biilmufzyegzyaana....vasomotor
  • bolmuf....column, prop, strut, support
  • bolmufyag....support beam
  • buxmuf....goad
  • buxmufxer....goad
  • buxmufxwa....goaded
  • byefabmuf....rattan
  • byefabmufxer....rattan
  • byosmuf....trapeze, trapezium
  • deupmuf dopmuf....mace
  • deym mufyeg....hosepipe
  • doof muf....flagpole, flagstaff, standard
  • dopmuf....lance
  • dopmufxen....lancination, lancing
  • dopmufxer....lancinate
  • dopuz-izmuf....bow-and-arrow
  • duzdeba muf....conductor's baton
  • Enida minak siynmuf....milepost
  • enmimufa....double-masted
  • enmufa mimofpar....brigantine
  • faomuf....pikestaff, quarterstaff, wooden pole
  • feelkmuf....bar, iron bar, iron rod
  • feelkmufika....barred
  • feelkyiga muf....steel beam
  • fubmuf....spike
  • fubmufnyan....faggot, bundle of branches
  • fuybmufen....sticking
  • fyamuf....staff
  • fyulmufzyeg....cloaca
  • Gedada puxmuf....caber
  • gezyemufa....co-axial, coaxial
  • gimuf taol....shish kabab
  • gimuf....arrow, shaft, shish, skewer
  • gimufseb....arrowhead
  • gimufwa taol....skewered meat
  • gimufxen....skewering
  • gimufxer....skewer
  • gimufxwa....skewered
  • gimufyeg tef....cone hat, dunce cap
  • gimufyeg....cone
  • gimufyega....conical
  • gimufyegnid....cone
  • gimufyegnida....conical
  • gimufyegnidsana....cone-shaped
  • gimuyf....pick
  • givomuf belar....cigar case
  • givomuf goblar....cigar cutter
  • givomuf mov....cigar smoke
  • givomuf....cigar, stogie, stogy
  • givomufog....cigarillo
  • givomufyeg....smoking pipe, tobacco pipe
  • grailpmufzyeg....standpipe
  • grunmuf....crosier
  • gumzyegek fuybmuf....pool stick
  • gwazomimuf....mizzenmast
  • gyamuf....beam, girder
  • gyaujmuf....bludgeon
  • gyaujmufen....bludgeoning
  • gyaujmufwa....bludgeoned
  • gyaujmufxer....bludgeon
  • hyumemuf....xenophobia
  • hyumemufa....xenophobic
  • hyumemufut....xenophobe
  • Iema muf....shillalah, shillelagh
  • ilmuyf....siphon
  • ilmuyfien....siphoning
  • ilmuyfier....siphon
  • ilmuyfiwa....siphoned
  • ilokmufyeg....drainage pipe, gutter
  • ilukmufyeg....drainpipe
  • ilukxen mufyeg....drainage pipe
  • inmuf....stilt
  • inmufwa....stilted
  • izbexmuf....joystick
  • izmuf....arrow
  • izmufa....sagittal
  • izmufsan....arrow shape
  • izmufseb....arrowhead
  • kaduzarmuf....drumstick
  • kotyezmuf....magic wand
  • kyaben muf....shift lever
  • kyaxen muf....stick shift
  • levelmuf....lollipop
  • mabolmufen....buttressing
  • maegil mufyeg....gas main, gas pipe
  • magijber givomuf....light up a cigar
  • magijber magmufog....light a match
  • magmuf....firebrand
  • magmufaob....matchwood
  • magmufog....match, matchstick
  • magmufogyeb....matchbook
  • magmufogyem....matchbox
  • magmufzyeg....tuyere
  • magyel mufyeg....oil pipe
  • magyel mufyegnad....oil pipeline
  • mak muf....electric pole
  • makmufzyeg....klystron
  • mal muyfyeg....air tube
  • malmufyeg....air vent, windpipe, throttle, throat
  • maluk muyfeg....vacuum tube
  • mamak muf....lightning rod
  • mamil mufyeg....rain spout
  • mamilmufyeg....gutter
  • manar muf....light pole
  • manar mufag....lampshade
  • masbolmuf....buttress
  • masbolmufwa....buttressed
  • maylubea mufyeg....flue
  • mekobarmuf....mopstick
  • melmuf yuzmays....picket fence
  • melmuf....picket, stake
  • melmufika....picketed
  • melmufyan....palisade, stockade
  • melmufyeg....soil pipe
  • melmufyujber....picket
  • mepyuijbea muf....pike
  • mes bexmuf....door handle
  • mes muf....doorpost
  • meys muf....gatepost
  • mialmufyegen....steamfitting
  • mialmufyegut....steamfitter
  • milkexmuf....dowsing rod
  • milmovmufyeg....narghile, nargile
  • milmufyeg....hooka, hookah, water pipe
  • milmufyega yaobar....hydraulic lift
  • milmufyega....hydraulic
  • milmufyegay....hydraulically
  • milmufyegnad....water pipeline
  • milmufyegut....plumber
  • milmufyegyan....plumbing
  • milmufzyeg....penstock
  • milmufzyega yextun....hydraulic engineering
  • milmufzyega yextut....hydraulic engineer
  • mimobem magyelmufyeg....flowline
  • mog gimuf....cinder cone
  • mos bolmuf....girder, joist
  • movier givomuf....smoke a cigar
  • movier givomufeg....smoke a pipe
  • movmufyeg....smokestack
  • muf bi zyusi....barbell
  • muf....shaft, spike, staff, stave
  • mufab....sweet chestnut tree
  • mufag....baton, club, column, pole
  • mufagen....batting, cudgeling
  • mufager....cudgel
  • mufaguen....beating, clubbing
  • mufaguer....beat, club
  • mufaguut....beater
  • mufaguwa....beaten, clubbed
  • mufagwa....batted, cudgeled
  • mufbelar....handbarrow
  • mufbuxen....punting
  • mufbuxer....punt
  • mufbuxut....punter
  • mufbuxwa mimpar....punt
  • mufbuxwa....punted
  • mufdazen....pole-dancing
  • mufdazer....pole-dance
  • mufdazut....pole-dancer
  • mufeb....sweet chestnut
  • mufen....poling
  • mufes....peg
  • mufesaben....pegging
  • mufesaber....peg
  • mufesabwa....pegged
  • mufesdrof....pegboard
  • mufesoben....unpegging
  • mufesober....unpeg
  • mufesobwa....unpegged
  • mufgibar....poker
  • mufgiben....poking
  • mufgibwa....poked, stuck
  • mufkyoxar....rod
  • mufmas....palisade, pen, stockade
  • mufmuf....stick
  • mufog zyulxuyt....majorette
  • mufog....dowel, peg
  • mufsanun....bacillary
  • mufsanuni....bacilli
  • mufti....mufti
  • mufuben....steerage, steering
  • mufubwa....steered
  • mufut....pikeman
  • mufwa....poled
  • mufyag....beam, beanpole, boom, long beam, long pole
  • mufyagmuf....perch
  • mufyeb....conduit
  • mufyeg goblar....pipe cutter
  • mufyeg....cylinder, pipe
  • mufyegben....laying pipe-laying, piping
  • mufyegber....lay pipe
  • mufyegblen....plumbing
  • mufyegblut....plumber
  • mufyegmuf moviut....pipe smoker
  • mufyegnad....pipeline
  • mufyegnadxen....pipelining
  • mufyegnadxwa....pipelined
  • mufyegnid....cylinder
  • mufyegnida....cylindrical
  • mufyegsan....cylinder
  • mufyegsana....cylindrical
  • mufyegubar....faucet, tap
  • mufyeguber....pipe
  • mufyegubwa mil....tap water
  • mufyegubwa....piped
  • mufyegujun....nozzle
  • mufyegvyixar....pipe-cleaner
  • mufyegyan....pipework, piping
  • mufzyeg yankyujar....gasket
  • mufzyeg yuijar....stopcock
  • mufzyeg....conduit, fistula, pipe
  • mufzyegbolar....style
  • mufzyegebnyif....coir
  • mufzyegnak....caliber, calibre
  • mufzyegnakar....calibrator
  • mufzyegpyex....blast
  • mufzyegpyexen....blasting
  • mufzyegpyexer....blast
  • mufzyun ifek....lacrosse
  • mugabnodmuf....tipstaff
  • mugmuf....metal bar, metal rod
  • mugmufgrun....crowbar
  • mugmuyf....pintle
  • musaomuf....newel
  • mustuyamuf....banister
  • muyf leovol....macaroni, noodle
  • muyf....rod, small stick
  • muyfbyaxar....pinsetter
  • muyfbyaxut....pinsetter
  • muyfgin drilar....stylograph
  • muyfyeg bi teupib vyixyel....tube of toothpaste
  • muyfyeg....small cylinder, small pipe, straw, tube
  • muyfyega....tubal, tubular
  • muyfyegoya....tubeless
  • muyfyeguka....tubeless
  • muyfyegyan....tubing
  • muyfyegyeben....intubation
  • muyfyegyeber....intubate
  • muyfyegyebwa....intubated
  • muyfzyeges....tubule
  • nagmuf....dipstick
  • neafmuf....racquet
  • neafmufzyun ifek....racquetball
  • nefmuf....distaff
  • noyxmufyeg....nozzle, spigot
  • nyifgimuf....marlin spike, marlingspike, marlinspike
  • nyifmuf....bollard
  • nyifzyumuf....bobbin
  • ofmuf....bar, barrier
  • opyexyea melmufyan....defensive palisade, defensive stockade
  • ovol muyf....bread stick
  • ovpyaxmufyega....antimissile
  • ovyilemufegtyen....plumbing
  • pitpix muf....fishing pole
  • pobalkmufyeg....lead pipe, plumber's pipe
  • pobalkmufegben....pipe-laying, plumbing
  • pobalkmufegbut....plumber
  • pobalkmufegtyen....plumbing trade
  • pobalkmufegyan....plumbing
  • poos givomuf....calumet
  • puix muyf....baseball bat
  • puxrer izmuf....shoot an arrow
  • pyaxer izmuf....launch an arrow, shoot an arrow
  • pyaxer pyaxmufyeg....launch a missile
  • pyaxmufyeg mumtom....missile silo
  • pyaxmufyeg....missile
  • pyaxmufyegyan....missilery
  • pyaxmufyeg....rocket
  • pyaxmufyegtun....rocket science
  • pyaxmufyegtut....rocket scientist
  • pyaxmufyegyan....rocketry
  • pyaxun mufyeg....blowgun, blowpipe
  • pyexen fuybmuf....nightstick
  • pyexen muf....club, truncheon
  • pyexen mufmufag....cudgel
  • pyexmufag....billy club
  • pyexnyifuen muf....whipping post
  • pyoxmufzyeg....chute
  • seuxmufyeg....kazoo, whistle
  • seuxmufyegea....whistling
  • seuxmufyegen....whistling
  • seuxmufyeger....whistle
  • seuzmufyeg....bazoo
  • seuzmufyegut....kazoo player, whistler
  • siunmuf....signpost
  • sizmuf....maulstick
  • summuf....bedpost
  • tabmuf....gibbet
  • tabmufzyeg....catheter
  • tabmufzyeger....catheterize
  • Tamilgivomuf....cheroot
  • taol be gimuf....kabob, kebab, kebob, skewered meat
  • taol gimuf....meat skewer, shish, skewer
  • taolgimuf....spit
  • taxmuf....memory stick
  • telmuf....broach
  • telmuyf....toothpick
  • teupib gimuf....toothpick
  • tilmufyeg....drinking straw
  • tiyebilmufyegoben....vasectomy
  • tuyamuf....handle, handlebar
  • tyeza muf....magic wand
  • tyezmuf....magic wand
  • tyomuf....cane, crutch
  • tyomufmuf....peg leg, stilt
  • tyomufuen....caning
  • tyomufuer....cane
  • tyomufuwa....caned
  • tyoper bay muf....walk with a cane
  • tyoyamuf....walking cane, walking stick
  • ubwer zo feelmufi....be sent behind bars
  • ugmagmufog....matchlock
  • uimuf....horizontal beam
  • ujemuf....claustrophobia
  • ujemufa....claustrophobic
  • ukxen mufyeg....drainage pipe
  • ukxwalmufyeg....exhaust pipe
  • umvab gimuf....haycock
  • unmuf sum....fourposter
  • uzlazon muf....driveshaft
  • uztubmuf....crankshaft
  • uztubmufyem....crankcase
  • uzvusanmuf....camshaft
  • uzyumuf....windlass
  • vosmuf....maypole
  • vyixarmuf....broomstick
  • xumuf....rood
  • yabmuf....pylon
  • yagunmufyeg....kelly
  • yagyazmuf....ridgepole
  • yanxen muf....hitching post
  • yanxmuf....pitman
  • yapetaol mufyeg....wiener, wienie, wurst, sausage, frankfurter
  • yataolmuyf ebovol....hot dog roll
  • yeba muyfyeg....inner tube
  • yibsinibar muyfyeg....television tube
  • yivobmuyf....chopstick
  • yomaybil gimuf....ice cream cone
  • yudanakmuf....yardstick
  • yugmufyeg....hosepipe
  • yuigof muyfyeg....rubber tube
  • yuijbea muf....turnpike
  • yujlarmuf....deadbolt
  • yuzmufyeg....bypass
  • yuzmufyegxen....bypassing
  • yuzmufyegxwa....bypassed
  • yuzmufzyeg....by-pass
  • zaenmimufa mimpar....catboat
  • zamimuf yabzyin....foretop
  • zamimuf....foremast
  • zamuf....bowsprit, forepole
  • zemisaomuf....mullion
  • zemisaomufika....mullioned
  • zepaxar mufag....keelson
  • zeymuf....balk, crosspiece, transom
  • zo mugmufi....behind bars
  • zomufzyeg....tailpipe
  • zyamufzyeg leovol....cannelloni
  • zyebuxmuf....ramrod
  • zyegek muf....golf club
  • zyemuf....axis, axle, crossbar, pivot, shaft, spindle
  • zyemufa....axial, pivotal
  • zyemufay....axially
  • zyemufyeg....burette
  • zyifmufyeg....smoothbore
  • zyuaomufyan....cyclostyle
  • zyukmuf....axletree
  • zyumuf....cylinder, pestle
  • zyumufa....cylindrical
  • zyumufar....roller
  • zyumufdresiz....rotogravure
  • zyumufdresizen....rotogravure
  • zyumufdresizun....rotogravure
  • zyumufdresizut....rotogravurer
  • zyumufea....rolling
  • zyumufsan....cylinder
  • zyumufsana....cylindrical
  • zyumufxen....rolling
  • zyumufxer....roll
  • zyupmuf....capstan, spindle

  • atuyumuv....thumbtack
  • edeba muv....royal mace
  • edebmuv....scepter, staff
  • edebmuvuer....scepter
  • edebmuvuwa....sceptered
  • feelkmuyv....tige
  • gimuvaben....tacking
  • gimuvober....untack
  • gimuyv....tack
  • gimuyvaber....tack
  • gimuyvabut....tacker
  • gimuyvabwa....tacked
  • gimuyvoben....tack removal
  • givomuv belar....cigarette case
  • givomuv bexar....cigarette holder
  • givomuv mov....cigarette smoke
  • givomuv moviut....cigarette smoker
  • givomuv mugnyem....cigarette case
  • givomuv nyem....cigarette case
  • givomuv....cigarette
  • givomuvuj....fag, cigarette butt
  • izmuv....needle
  • kyupmuv goblar....bolt cutter
  • kyupmuv....bolt
  • kyupmuvben....bolting
  • kyupmuvber....bolt
  • kyupmuvbwa....bolted
  • magujber givomuv....extinguish a cigarette, put out a cigarette
  • megmuv....rock bolt
  • merizondar izmuv....compass needle
  • mes kipmuv....door bolt
  • movier givomuv....smoke a cigarette
  • muyv....pin
  • muyvaben....pinning
  • muyvaber....pin
  • muyvabnod....pinhead
  • muyvabwa....pinned
  • muyvabwas....pinup
  • muyvdrof....pinboard
  • muyvoben....unpinning
  • muyvober....unpin
  • muyvobwa....unpinned
  • muyvzyun ifek....pinball
  • nyem bi givomuvi....carton of cigarettes
  • nyufes bi givomuvi....pack of cigarettes
  • oybtayoba izmuv....hypodermic needle
  • oyebmes yijmuv....latchkey
  • sebuka uzyumuv....set screw, setscrew
  • sebuzyumuv....bolt
  • sebuzyumuvben....bolting
  • sebuzyumuvber....bolt
  • sebuzyumuvbwa....bolted
  • taxmuv....thumb drive
  • tuyub uzyumuv....thumb
  • ummas kipmuv....molly bolt
  • uzmuv....staple
  • uzmuvar....stapler
  • uzmuvaren....stapling
  • uzmuvarer....staple
  • uzmuvir....staple gun
  • uzmuvobar....staple remover
  • uzmuvober....remove a staple
  • uzyubea muv....rolling pin
  • vakmuyv....linchpin
  • yagnyem bi givomuvi....carton of cigarettes
  • yaplen muv....piton
  • yijmuv....key, latch, latchet
  • yijmuvben....latching
  • yujlarmuyv....broach
  • yujmuv goblar....bolt cutter
  • yujmuv....bar, padlock, peg, bolt
  • yujmuvben....bolting
  • yujmuvber....bolt
  • yujmuvbwa....bolted
  • yujmuvoben....unbolting
  • yujmuvober....unbolt
  • yujmuvobwa....unbolted
  • yujun uzyumuv....corkscrew
  • yumuyv....ninepin
  • zyiabnodmuyv....tack
  • zyiabnodmuyvoben....tack removal
  • zyuabuna uzyumuv....roundhead
  • zyusebmuv....rivet
  • zyusebmuvbea....riveting
  • zyusebmuvber....rivet
  • zyusebmuvbut....riveter
  • zyusebmuvbwa....riveted
  • zyusebmuvober....unrivet

MAG fire, MAK electricity MOG smoke


  • mag....fire
  • mak....electricity
  • mog....smoke
  • mag....fire
  • mayg....blaze
  • maag....fuel
  • maeg....coal
Here are some words derived from the above roots:
  • abmaglar....grill
  • abmaglawa bilyig ebovol....grilled cheese sandwich
  • abmaglawa....grilled
  • abmaglen....grilling
  • abmagler....grill
  • adoba vitamag....imperial palace
  • agra magyazmel....super volcano
  • amagyena....ardent, fervent, fervid
  • amagyenan....ardency, ardor, fervency
  • amagyenay....ardently, fervently, fervidly
  • axlea magyazmel....active volcano
  • aybmagsammoys....mantel, mantelpiece
  • aynmagser....burn up completely
  • aynmagxen....holocaust
  • aynmagxer....burn up completely
  • baemagyeler....French-fry
  • baemagyelwa....French-fried
  • baemagyelwasi....French fries
  • balmagelar....pressure cooker
  • balmagelwa....broasted, pressure cooked
  • byefmagelar....grill
  • byefmagelwa....grilled
  • cina magelyeb....wok
  • doyova magijben....arson
  • doyova magijbut....arsonist
  • enummagelwas....zwieback
  • eynmagiler....parboil
  • ezgremagelwa....medium-well
  • ezgromagelwa....medium rare
  • ezmagelwa....cooked medium-well
  • fabogem mag....bush fire
  • fyomirmag....hellfire
  • gamageler....re-cook, recook
  • gamagelwa....re-cooked, recooked
  • gamagijber....rekindle
  • gamagiler....reboil
  • gamagyeluer....refuel
  • gamagyelwa....refried
  • glamagelwa....well-cooked, well-done
  • glomagelwa....rare
  • gloymagxer....char
  • gloymagxwa....charred
  • goblunmagyelwa....fricassee
  • gramageler....overcook
  • gramagelwa....over-done, overcooked, overdone
  • gramagxer....overburn
  • gremagelwa....done just right
  • gromageler....under-cook
  • gromagelwa....under-done, undercooked, underdone
  • gromagilwa....coddled
  • gyomagxar....brazer
  • gyomagxen....brazing
  • gyomagxer....braze
  • gyomagxwa....brazed
  • ifekar nyemag....toy chest
  • igmagyeler....sautee, sauté, sautée
  • igmagyelwa....sauteed, sautéed, simmered
  • igyelmagelwa....sauteed, sautéed
  • ijber mag....light a fire, start a fire
  • ivxelmag....bonfire
  • ixagummagelwa ovolyig....rusk
  • izmagelwa....seared
  • izummaglar....roaster, rotisserie
  • izummaglawa eopel....roast beef
  • izummaglawa....roasted
  • izummaglen....roasting
  • izummagler....roast
  • jamageler....precook
  • jamagelwa....pre-cooked
  • jomagmal....afterdamp
  • jomagxar....afterburner
  • kafeyl magilmugyeb....coffee kettle, coffee pot
  • kaxer magyel....strike oil
  • lavol magyelwas....French fry
  • lojexer mag....extinguish a fire
  • lomagilber....defuse
  • losexyea mag....destructive fire
  • lyofebmagxer....calcine
  • lyofebmagxwas....calcine
  • maar magxun....sunburn
  • maar magxwa....sunburned
  • maarmagxwa....sunburned
  • maegil magelar....gas stove
  • mag elza....fire orange
  • mag jatix....firedrill
  • mag jwadar....fire alarm, fire alert
  • mag milbuxrar....fire hydrant
  • mag milbuxrar pur....fire engine
  • mag miluar....hydrant
  • mag milzyabar....fire hose
  • mag mimpar....fireboat
  • mag....fire
  • magabar....grease gun
  • magag....inferno
  • magalmagijbar....carburetor
  • magalmavxar....carburator
  • magaya....stony
  • magayan....rockiness, stoniness
  • magaz....hellfire
  • magbaxer....stoke
  • magbaxim....stokehold
  • magbaxut....stoker
  • magbaxwa....stoked
  • magbaxzyeg....stokehole
  • magbekar....cauterizer, cautery
  • magbeken....cauterization, cautery
  • magbeker....cauterize
  • magbekwa....cauterized
  • magel....cooked food
  • magelabem....hob
  • magelar....cooker
  • magelarabun....stove top
  • magelaryan....cookware
  • magelen dyes....cookbook
  • magelen....cooking
  • mageler....cook
  • magelim sunyan....kitchenware
  • magelim....kitchen
  • magelimes....kitchenette
  • magelnyed....griddle
  • mageltam....cookhouse
  • mageltun....gastronomy
  • mageltuna....gastronomic
  • mageltunay....gastronomically
  • mageltut....gastronome
  • mageltyen....cookery
  • magelut....cook
  • magelwa bay bilyig....scalloped
  • magelwa yeb piitayob....scalloped
  • magelwa....cooked
  • mages....flicker
  • magesea....flickering
  • magesen....flickering
  • mageser....flicker
  • mageym....fireplace
  • magfaob....firewood
  • magfubog....match stick
  • magifek....brinkmanship, brinksmanship
  • magifren....pyromania
  • magifrut....pyromaniac
  • magifut....firebug
  • magijar....lighter
  • magijbar....furze, fuze, igniter, ignition switch
  • magijben....ignition, lighting a fire, setting fire, setting on fire, starting a fire
  • magijber givomuf....light up a cigar
  • magijber magmufog....light a match
  • magijber ummagelar....light an oven
  • magijber....catch fire, ignite, kindle, light a fire, set ablaze, set fire to, set on fire, start a fire
  • magijbua faob....lightwood
  • magijbus....fire-starter, kindling
  • magijbwa....ignited, kindled, lit, on fire, set on fire
  • magijbyafwa....ignitable, incendiary
  • magijen....catching fire, ignition
  • magijer....catch fire, ignite
  • magika....stony
  • magikan....rockiness, stoniness
  • magilar....boiler
  • magilartyenut....boilermaker
  • magilbar....fuse, fusee
  • magilbaryem....fusebox
  • magilea....seething
  • magilen nod....boiling point
  • magilen....boiling
  • magiler....boil, seethe
  • magilmugyeb....kettle, pot
  • magilmugyebag....boiler, caldron, cauldron
  • magilwa apiit....boiled lobster
  • magilwa levelzyun....sugar-plum, sugarplum
  • magilwa patij....boiled egg
  • magilwa....boiled
  • maglar....roaster
  • maglawa....roasted
  • maglen....roasting
  • magler....roast
  • maglir....oven, stove
  • maglirog....roaster
  • maglirvaka tolari....ovenware
  • maglosexea....conflagrant
  • maglosexen....conflagration
  • maglosexer....destroy by fire
  • maglur....rotisserie
  • magman....firelight
  • magmapil....fire storm
  • magmas....firewall
  • magmays....fireguard, firescreen
  • magmeb oyepuslun....volcanic eruption
  • magyazmel....volcano
  • magyazmela melzyeg....volcanic crater
  • magyazmela mog....volcanic ash
  • magyazmela....volcanic
  • magyazmelan....vulcanism
  • magyazmelil....lava
  • magyazmelilmeg....pumice
  • magyazmelilp....lava flow
  • magyazmelilyaz....lava dome
  • magyazmeltun....vulcanology
  • magyazmeltuna....vulcanological
  • magyazmeltunay....vulcanologically
  • magyazmeltut....vulcanologist
  • magmebzyeg....crater
  • magmef-alza....firebrick red
  • magmeg....chert, firebrick, flint
  • magmil....firewater
  • magmilpuxar....fireplug
  • magmuf....firebrand
  • magmufaob....matchwood
  • magmufog....match, matchstick
  • magmufogyeb....matchbook
  • magmufogyem....matchbox
  • magmufzyeg....tuyere
  • magmus....fire escape
  • magnod....burn point, focus
  • magnyan....pyre
  • magnyem....firebox
  • magovar....firewall
  • magovarea....fire-resistant
  • magpexus....firetrap
  • magpur alza....fire engine red
  • magpur....fire engine, fire truck, firetruck
  • magpyunuyn....firebomb
  • magpyunuynuer....firebomb
  • magpyunuynuwa....firebombed
  • magsea fabog....burning bush
  • magsea....ablaze, afire, burning, fiery, on fire
  • magsean....fieriness
  • magser....burn
  • magsun....burn
  • magteaz....pyrotechnics, fireworks
  • magteazun....firework
  • magteazuna....pyrotechnic, pyrotechnical
  • magteazuni....fireworks, pyrotechnics
  • magtelur....furnace, pizza oven, brick oven
  • magtija meg....igneous rock
  • magtija....igneous
  • magtoluus....pabulum
  • magujbar....extinguisher, fire extinguisher
  • magujbea kyispur....fire engine
  • magujben....extinction, extinguishing, firefighting, putting out a fire
  • magujber givomuv....extinguish a cigarette, put out a cigarette
  • magujber....extinguish, put out a fire
  • magujbut....fire fighter, firefighter, fireman
  • magujbutam....fire station, firehouse
  • magujbutyan....fire crew, ladder
  • magujbwa magmeb....extinct volcano
  • magujbwa....extinct, extinguished
  • magujbwan....extinction
  • magujbyofwa....unextinguishable
  • magujer....flame out, go out
  • magujoa....about to go extinct
  • maguzrun....fire whirl, firenado
  • magvaka....fire-proof, fireproof
  • magvyifem....firebreak
  • magxar....burner
  • magxea....burning, searing
  • magxen....burning, combustion
  • magxer....burn, fire
  • magxun....burn
  • magxur....blast, furnace
  • magxuren....blasting
  • magxwa elza....burnt orange
  • magxwa vafil....brandy, brandywine, cognac
  • magxwa vafilzyef....snifter
  • magxwa....burned, burnt
  • magxyafwa....burnable, combustible
  • magxyafwan....combustibility
  • magxyafwas....tinder
  • magxyea....combustive
  • magxyofa fyot....mandrake
  • magxyofwa....nonburnable
  • magxyukwem....tinderbox
  • magyel memnig....oilfield
  • magyel mufyeg....oil pipe
  • magyel mufyegnad....oil pipeline
  • magyel mugyebag....oil tank
  • magyel myeik....batter
  • magyel....grease, oil
  • magyelar....fryer, frying pan
  • magyelaya....greasy, oily
  • magyelayan....greasiness, oiliness
  • magyelben....greasing, oiling
  • magyelber....grease, oil
  • magyelbwa....greased, oiled up
  • magyelen....frying
  • magyeler....fry
  • magyeleux....crackle
  • magyeleuxen....crackling
  • magyeleuxer....crackle
  • magyeleuxyea....crackly
  • magyelika....greasy, oily
  • magyelikan....greasiness, oiliness
  • magyelkexut....wildcatter
  • magyelkuem....tarmac
  • magyelmanar....cruse
  • magyelnov....oilcloth
  • magyelnyeb....oilcan
  • magyelsyeb....frying pan, skillet
  • magyelut....oiler
  • magyelwa apaytog....fried chicken
  • magyelwa be zyitolyeb....pan-fried
  • magyelwa eopetaolfuyf....bratwurst
  • magyelwa epetud gyogol....schnitzel
  • magyelwa leovolog....friedcake
  • magyelwa patij....fried egg
  • magyelwa taolzyun....rissole
  • magyelwa....fried
  • magyelyeb....grease can, oil can
  • magyelzyeg saibyan....derrick
  • magyena....fiery
  • magyenan....fieriness
  • magyigxer....anneal
  • magyonpyaxrarog....firecracker
  • magzyev....obsidian
  • magzyun....ball of fire, fireball
  • makmaga....electrooptical
  • malgamagijbar....carburetor
  • mampar magelim....galley
  • manar magyel....lamp oil
  • mapmagxun....windburn
  • mapmagxwa....windburned
  • mas bi mag....wall of fire
  • mavijber magfubog....strike a match
  • meil magmeb....mud volcano
  • meimtamag....country estate, domain
  • mialmagelwa....dum
  • mimobem magyelmufzyeg....flowline
  • mimpur magelim....galley, ship's galley
  • mugnefmagelar....grill
  • mugnefmageler....charbroil
  • mugnefmagelwa....charbroiled, grilled
  • mugnefmagyeler....cook on a grill out
  • mugnefmagyelur....grill
  • nedmagxar....scorcher
  • nedmagxen....scorching, singing
  • nedmagxer....scorch, singe
  • nedmagxwa....scorched, singed
  • nunamag....hypermarket
  • nyemag....caisson, chest, coffer
  • oaxlea magmeb....inactive volcano
  • oglapyaon ummagelur....microwave oven
  • olummagelwa....unbaked
  • omagelwa....raw, uncooked
  • omagelwas....crudite
  • omagxyafwa....incombustible
  • osexmag....conflagration
  • outmemagxwa....homegrown
  • oybmima magmeb....underwater volcano
  • oybyommela magmeb....subglacial volcano
  • pit magyel....fish fry
  • safeyl magilmugyeb....tea urn, teakettle
  • tammagmeg....hearthstone
  • tamoftem mag....campfire
  • tayalmag....grease fire
  • tumagaxen....hypertrophy
  • ugmagmufog....matchlock
  • ujber mag....put out a fire
  • ujponxel mag....funeral pyre
  • ummagelam....bakeshop
  • ummagelar....oven
  • ummagelen....baking
  • ummageler....bake
  • ummagelsyeyb....ramekin, ramequin
  • ummagelun....baked good
  • ummagelut....baker
  • ummagelwa apaytog....baked chicken
  • ummagelwa patub....baked chicken
  • ummagelwa yapetyol....baked ham
  • ummagelwa....baked
  • ummagxar....roast
  • utmagelar....samovar
  • utmagtojben....immolation
  • utmagtojber....immolate
  • uzmagyeler....frizzle
  • yagmagelar....slow cooker
  • yagmageler....cook slowly, simmer
  • yagmagelwa....cooked slowly, simmered
  • yagugmagelwa....Dutch-oven-cooked
  • yagugmagelyeb....Dutch oven
  • yaovyek bey mag....trial by fire
  • yebmagxar....furnace, kiln, oven, stove
  • yebmagxer....bake, cook
  • yebmagxwa....baked, cooked
  • yek bey mag....crucible
  • yigmagilwa patij....hard-boiled egg
  • yigmagilwa....hard-boiled, hardboiled
  • yija mag....open fire
  • yijber ummagelar....turn on an oven
  • yijmagelar....broiler, gridiron, grill
  • yijmagelea....broiling
  • yijmagelen....broiling
  • yijmageler....broil, grill
  • yijmagelur....rotisserie
  • yijmagelwa....barbecued, broiled, grilled
  • yijmemmag....wildfire
  • yobmagelen....decoction
  • yobmagelun....decoction
  • yobmagyelar....deep fryer, deep-fryer
  • yobmagyelen....deep-frying
  • yobmagyeler....deep-fry
  • yobmagyelwa tel abawa bay yugglal....fritter
  • yobmagyelwa....deep-fried
  • yopyosa magmebzyeg....caldera
  • yugfamagilwa patij....soft-boiled egg
  • yugmagilwa patij....soft-boiled egg
  • yugmagilwa....soft-boiled
  • yugramagelen....coddling
  • yugramageler....coddle
  • yugramagelwa....coddled
  • zoymag....retrofire
  • zoymagxer....retrofire
  • zyamem mag....brushfire
  • zyubmagyelwa....stir-fried

  • gamaagilier....refuel
  • kyimaagil....diesel
  • kyimaagilexea....running on diesel
  • kyimaagiluwa....diesel-fueled
  • maagil buxrar....fuel pump, fuel station
  • maagil neyeb pur....fuel tanker
  • maagil neyeb....fuel tank
  • maagil....fuel, petroleum, petrol
  • maagilien....fueling up, refueling
  • maagilier....fuel up, refuel
  • maagiliwa....fueled up, refueled
  • maagilnexar....fuel-saving device
  • maagilsyeb....fuel can
  • maagiluam....filling station, fuel station, fueling station, gas station, , petrol station
  • maagiluen....fueling
  • maagiluer....fuel
  • maagiluwa....fueled
  • yansuana maagil....synfuel

  • amaeg....anthracite
  • amaegil manar....kerosene lamp
  • amaegil....kerosene
  • amaegyel....paraffin
  • belyafwa maegyelman....cresset
  • buxrer maegil....pump gas
  • emaeg....peat
  • emaegem....muskeg
  • emaeggos....turbary
  • eymaeg....coke
  • eymaegem....coking works
  • eymaegsaxam....coke plant
  • eymaegsaxen....coking
  • fyoalmaeg....brimstone
  • imaeg....lignite
  • maeg mimpur....collier
  • maeg mimpurut....collier
  • maeg mukibiem....coal mine, coal mining, coalmine, colliery
  • maeg mukiblut....coal miner
  • maeg nyeb....coal bin
  • maeg....coal
  • maega....burnt, carbonic
  • maegbelar....hod
  • maegelar....barbecue grill, barbeque, brazier, charcoal grill
  • maegelen....barbecuing, charcoal grilling
  • maegeler....barbecue, barbeque, charcoal grill
  • maegelwa....barbecued, charcoal grilled
  • maegfyus....drub
  • maegil buxram....gas station
  • maegil buxrar....gas pump, gasoline pump, petrol pump
  • maegil buxrut....gas pumper
  • maegil magelar....gas stove
  • maegil mufyeg....gas main, gas pipe
  • maegil mugyeb....gas can, gas tank, gasoline can, petrol can
  • maegil mugyebag....gas tank, gasoline tank, petrol tank
  • maegil nagar....gas meter
  • maegil....gas, gasoline, petrol, petroleum
  • maegilam....gasoline station, petrol station, service station
  • maegilbexar....gasometer
  • maegildolar....petrodollar
  • maegiluer....fill up with gasoline, pump gas
  • maegilxam....gaswork
  • maegilxen....gasification
  • maegilxer....gasify
  • maegilxwa....gasified
  • maegilyanmul....petrochemical
  • maegilyel....petrolatum
  • maegiyl....naphtha
  • maeg-maolza....charcoal gray
  • maegmemnig....coalfield
  • maegmeyf....briquet, briquette
  • maegxer....carbonate
  • maegxwa mil....carbonated water
  • maegxwa....carbonated
  • maegyafonuwa....coal-powered
  • maegyel mumzyeg....tar pit
  • maegyel....tar
  • maegyeluer ay patayeber....tar and feather
  • maegyeluer....tar
  • maegyeluwa....tarred
  • movmaeg....cannel
  • omaegxwa mil....non-carbonated water, still water
Here are some words derived from mak (electricity):
  • aglamakmul....macroion
  • ammakmul....thermion
  • anvamakmul....monocation
  • anvomakmul....monoanion
  • balmak....piezoelectricity
  • balmaka....piezoelectric
  • baosmakxar....pickup
  • calkvamakmul....carbocation
  • enmaka....dielectric
  • envamakmul....bication, dication
  • envomakmul....dianion
  • exea maknyif....live wire, livewire
  • gamakijber....reignite
  • glamakmul....polyion, multiion
  • glavamakmul....polycation
  • igpyex bi mamak....bolt of lightning
  • inmakmis....triode
  • invamakmul....trication
  • iza makilp....d.c., d.c., direct current
  • maalmak....static
  • mak muf....electric pole
  • mak num....electric cell
  • mak yuijbar....electric switch
  • mak....electricity
  • maka azon....electric power, electrical power
  • maka aztan....electric energy, electrical energy
  • maka ibzyeg....electric outlet, electric socket, outlet
  • maka kaduzar....electronic drum
  • maka kaduzarut....electronic drummer
  • maka kyabar....electric engine, electric motor
  • maka leduar....electric guitar
  • maka leduarut....electric guitarist
  • maka manar....electric lamp
  • maka manig....electric spark
  • maka manzyuyn....electric light bulb
  • maka mas ibzyeg....electric wall socket
  • maka nyed....electric grid, electrical grid
  • maka nyexar....electric battery
  • maka nyif....electric cable, electric cord, electric wire
  • maka nyifuj....electric plug
  • maka nyifujibar....electric outlet, electric socket
  • maka nyifyuj....electric plug
  • maka raduzar....synthesizer
  • maka sim....electric chair
  • maka siundrof....electronic signboard
  • maka sur....electric motor, electrical motor
  • maka syaagir....electronic computer
  • maka tuunexlur....electronic data processor
  • maka yafon....electric power, electrical power
  • maka yafonuam....electric power plant
  • maka yextun....electrical engineering, electronic engineering
  • maka yextut....electrical engineer, electronic engineer, electronics engineer
  • maka yijlar....electronic key, fob
  • maka zyup....electric circuit, electrical circuit
  • maka....electric, electrical, voltaic
  • makabraxena....electrostatic
  • makama....electrothermal
  • makaxea....electrifying
  • makay....electrically
  • makazon....electric energy, electric power, electrical power
  • makbixfeelka pyaon....electro-magnetic wave
  • makbixfeelka....electro-magnetic, electromagnetic
  • makbixfeelkay....electromagnetically
  • makbixfeelkin....electro-magnetism, electromagnetism
  • makbixfeelkka....electromagnet
  • makdrasgran....spam
  • makdrasgranuan....spamming
  • makdrasgranuer....spam
  • makdrasgranuut....spammer
  • makebdras....email, e-mail, electronic message
  • makebdrawa....emailed
  • makebdren....e-mail, email, texting
  • makebdrer....email, text
  • makeylambix ilpyaon....electro-magnetic wave
  • makfeelkbixamxen....diathermy
  • makgayxar....doubler
  • makgron....brownout
  • makifekam....arcade
  • makig....spark
  • makigar....spark plug, sparkplug
  • makigen....sparking
  • makiger....spark
  • makiges....sparklet
  • makigpyex....jolt of electricity
  • makijbar....ignition switch
  • makijben....ignition
  • makijber....switch on
  • makilp....current, electrical current, flow of electricity
  • makilplokoxar....galvanometer
  • makilpnagar....ammeter
  • makilpok....dropout
  • makilpsag....amperage, ampere
  • makizbul....electrolyte, electrolytic
  • makmaga....electrooptical
  • makmanar....electric lamp, electric light
  • makmanarbexar....electrolier
  • makmanaren....electrical lighting
  • makmis....electrode
  • makmiseon....diode
  • makmufzyeg....klystron
  • makmugmoysber....galvanize
  • makmugmoysbwa....galvanized
  • makmul....ion
  • makmula....ionic
  • makmus....escalator
  • maknagar....electrometer
  • maknaud....electric beam, electric ray
  • makned....electrotype
  • maknedxen....electroplating
  • maknedxer....electroplate
  • maknod....blip
  • maknyaxyaf....capacitance
  • maknyexar....battery
  • maknyexar-exwa....battery-operated
  • maknyexar-yafonuwa....battery-powered
  • maknyif....electrical cord
  • maknyifbut....lineman
  • maknyifibar....electrical socket
  • maknyifut....linesman
  • makok....blackout
  • makokea....dimming, fading
  • makpana....electromotive
  • makpur....electromotor
  • makpyaon....radio wave
  • makpyaonuibar....radio
  • makpyuxrawa....electrocuted, shocked, zapped
  • makpyuxren....electrocution, shocking, zapping
  • makpyuxrer....electrocute, shock, zap
  • makpyuxrun....shock, electroshock, zap
  • makrama nef....macrame, macramé
  • maksaxar....electric generator
  • makseux....zap
  • maksira....electromechanical
  • maksom....appliance, electrical appliance
  • maksur....electric motor
  • maktayebobarut....electrologist
  • makteaxar....electroscope
  • makteaxara....electroscopic
  • maktebosdrar....electroencephalograph
  • maktebosdrara....electroencephalographic
  • maktebosdras....electroencephalogram
  • maktebosdren....electroencephalography
  • maktiibdrar....electrocardiograph
  • maktiibdras....electrocardiogram
  • maktiibdren....electrocardiography
  • maktix....electronics
  • maktojben....electrocuting, electrocution
  • maktojber....electrocute
  • maktojbwa....electrocuted
  • maktun....electronics
  • maktuna....electronic
  • maktunay....electronically
  • makubendub....postmaster
  • makubun....electronic mail
  • makujber....switch off
  • makut....electrician
  • makuzyun....solenoid
  • makvaka....shockproof, grounded
  • makvakxen....grounding
  • makvakxer....ground
  • makvakxwa....grounded
  • makxen....electrification
  • makxer....electrify
  • makxwa....electrified
  • makyafon....electric power
  • makyafonuam....electric power plant
  • makyafonuen....powering with electricity
  • makyafonuer....power with electricity
  • makyafonuwa....electric-powered
  • mak-yalza....electric violet
  • makyel elza....amber orange
  • makyel....amber
  • makyija....on
  • makyijben....switching on
  • makyijber....turn on, turn on the electricity
  • makyijbwa....switched on
  • makyijlar....electronic key, fob
  • makyuijar yafonnuus....switcher
  • makyuijar....electric plug, electric switch, on switch, plug, switch
  • makyuijarmes....switchboard
  • makyuijarut....switcher
  • makyuijarwa....switched
  • makyuijaryafwa....pluggable
  • makyuja....off
  • makyujar....off switch
  • makyujben....switching off
  • makyujber....turn off, turn off the electricity
  • makyujbwa....switched off
  • makyuzpur....streetcar
  • makzyeg....jack
  • mamak igpyex....lightning bolt
  • mamak manig....lightning flash
  • mamak muf....lightning rod
  • mamak yokpyex....lightning bolt
  • mamak....lightning
  • mamaka....fulgurant
  • mamakdopar....blitzkrieg
  • mamaker....fulgurate, strike lightning
  • mamakovar....grounding, lightning rod
  • manmaka....optoelectronic, photoelectric
  • manmakay....photoelectrically
  • manmakmul....photoion
  • manmakum....photocell
  • milmak....hydro-electricity, hydroelectricity
  • milmaka mipovmas....hydroelectric dam
  • milmaka saxam....hydroelectric plant
  • milmaka yafon....hydroelectric power
  • milmaka....hydro-electric, hydroelectric
  • milmakay....hydroelectrically
  • milmakyaflam....hydroelectric power plant
  • milmakyaflun....hydroelectric power
  • milseuxmakxar....hydrophone
  • nialkmakmul....sulphion
  • oglamaka....microelectronic
  • oglamakmul....microion
  • olkmakmul....oxoion
  • omaka....nonelectric, nonelectrical
  • omakaxwa....off the grid, unelectrified
  • ovmaalmaka....anti-static
  • ovmakmul....counterion
  • pyexwer bey mamak....be stricken by lightning
  • ujber ha mak....turn off the electricity
  • unvamakmul....tetracation
  • unvomakmul....tetraanion
  • utmakmul....autoion
  • vamakmis....anode
  • vamakmisa....anodic
  • vamakmisaxer....anodize
  • vamakmisaxwa....anodized
  • vamakmul ebkyax....cation exchange
  • vamakmul....cation
  • vamakmula....cationic
  • vamakmulxer....cationize
  • voa makmis....cathode
  • vomakmul....anion
  • vomakmula....anionic
  • yanmakmul....coion
  • yanmulmaka....galvanic
  • yanmulmakxen....galvanism, galvanization
  • yaxmak....yashmak
  • yijber ha mak....turn on the electricity
  • yokpyex bi mak....burst of electricity
  • zaokyasea makilp....a.c., a.c., alternating current
  • zoymakijbwa....switched back on
Here are some words derived from mog (smoke):
  • faomog....potash
  • magmeba mog....volcanic ash
  • mog belar....ash tray
  • mog gimuf....cinder cone
  • mog....ash
  • moga....cinerary
  • mogaya....ashy, full of ash
  • moges mef....cinder block
  • moges....cinder
  • mogika....ashy, full of ash
  • mogil....lye
  • mog-maolza....ash gray
  • mogser....become ashes
  • mogteizber....cense
  • mogteizbut....censer
  • moguar....thurible
  • moguka....ash-free
  • mog-volza....ash-colored, ashen
  • mogxam....crematorium
  • mogxar....cremator, crematory, incinerator
  • mogxen....cremating, cremation, incineration
  • mogxena....crematory
  • mogxer....cremate, incinerate, reduce to ashes
  • mogxim....cremation chamber
  • mogxwa....cremated, incinerated, reduced to ashes
  • mogyeb....ash tray, ashcan, ashtray
  • mogzyebag....urn of ashes
  • namog....small shop, boutique
  • timog....booth, cell, closet, cubby hole, cubicle, pod, small room
  • tojota mogi....ashes of the deceased
  • yonibler zye mogi....sift through ashes
  • zyebag bi mogi....urn of ashes

MEG stone, MEZ gem, MEK dust, MYEK powder, MIEK sand, etc.


  • meg....stone
  • mez....gem
  • mek....dust
  • meyk....grit
  • myek....powder
  • miek....sand
  • myeik....dough, paste, pulp
  • maek....soot
  • mug....metal
  • muk....mineral
  • muz....ore

Types of Stones, Gems, etc.


Types of Stones
meg .... stone mez .... gem mek .... dust
meag .... marble amez .... diamond miek .... sand
meeg ....slate emez .... topaz myek .... powder
meig ....gramote imez .... ruby mel .... soil
meug ....clay umez .... emerald meil .... mud
meyag ....chalk yomez .... sapphire megil .... cement
meyeg ....limestone yamez .... lapis lazuli sazul .... plastic
meyig ....alabaster yemez....amethyist mil .... water
meyog .... china yimez.... amber mial .... vapor
meyug .... gypsum yumez.... obsidian miil .... dew
melag .... adobe alomez.... opal mimol .... salt
meleg .... terra cotta alamez.... tourmaline mamil .... rain
melig .... marl alemez....garnet mal .... air
melug .... kaolin alimez....zirconia mayl .... gas
melyag .... feldspar alumez....jasper magil .... petroleum
melyeg .... petunse alyomez....jade mug .... metal
melyig .... silica alyamez....marganite muk .... mineral
melyog .... pegmatite alyemez....quartz mul .... matter
melyug .... flint alyimez....malachite mag .... fire
mieg .... coral mog .... ash
The root word meg means stone, rock.
The word meg has some common sub-elements:
  • meag....marble
  • meeg....slate
  • meig....granite
  • meug....clay, dough
  • meyog....china
  • meyag....chalk
  • meyeg....limestone
  • meyig....alabaster
  • meyug....gypsum
  • mealog....sandstone, stoneware
There is also:
  • megag....boulder
  • megog....stone
  • yanmeg....cement
  • megyog....gravel
  • mameg....coal
  • maameg....anthracite
  • eymameg....coke
  • maemeg....peat
  • maimeg....lignite
  • mieg....pebble
Related are:
  • mek....dust
  • miek....sand
  • myek....powder
  • myeik....dough, pulp
  • muk....mineral
  • muz....ore
  • mug....metal
The common gemstones are:
  • mez....crystal
  • amez....diamond
  • emez....topaz
  • imez....ruby
  • umez....emerald
  • yomez....sapphire
  • yamez....lapis lazuli
  • yemez....amethyst
  • yimez....amber
  • yumez....obsidian
  • alomez....opal
  • alamez....tourmaline
  • alemez....garnet
  • alimez....zirconia
  • alumez....jasper
  • alyomez....jade
  • alyamez....morganite
  • alyemez....quartz
  • alyimez....malachite
  • vyoamez....rhinestone
Here are some words derived from meg:
  • aajmegjouba....paleolithic
  • abmeg....capstone
  • alimomalmeg....emery
  • anmeg....monolith
  • anmega....monolithic
  • aroomeganak....kilohm
  • aynmeg....hololith
  • doparmeg....gunflint
  • ejnamega....Neolithic, neolithic
  • engonxyafwa meg....schist
  • eynmuarmeg....lunate
  • feelkmeg....ironstone
  • gamegyelber....repave
  • gixea meg....whetstone
  • gummeg....cornerstone
  • gunmeg....quoin
  • Ha Agta Ovmas Mimegag....The Great Barrier Reef
  • hyumeg....xenolith
  • ifekmegi....jacks
  • ilokmeg....dripstone
  • ilxwa meg....molten rock
  • ilzulyeb meg....gallstone
  • inyek meg....touchstone
  • kumays meg....curb stone, curbstone
  • maemeg....rabble
  • magmebilmeg....pumice
  • magmeg....chert, firebrick, flint
  • magtija meg....igneous rock
  • malmeg....peat
  • malmegmel....peatbog
  • malmegyena....peaty
  • mameg....meteorite, shooting star
  • mamega....meteoritic
  • mamyommeg....hailstone
  • manmegdriren....photolithography
  • mansinmegdriren....lithophotography
  • marmeg meup....comet trail
  • marmeg tibuj....comet tail
  • marmeg....aerolite, aerolith, comet
  • marmega....cometary
  • meg....rock, stone
  • mega....of rock, of stone, rock, stone
  • megag....boulder, megalith
  • megaga....megalithic
  • megaya....rocky, stoned, stony
  • megben....stone-laying
  • megber....lay stone
  • megbut....stone-layer
  • megdrira....lithographic
  • megdriray....lithographically
  • megdriren....lithography, lithogravure
  • megdrirer....lithograph
  • megdrirun....lithograph
  • megdrirut....lithographer
  • meggoblar....broach
  • meggoblut....stone mason, stone-cutter, stonemason
  • meggonesyan....rubble
  • meggos....crag
  • meggosaya....cragged, craggy
  • meggosayan....cragginess
  • meggosika....cragged, craggy
  • meggosikan....cragginess
  • meggyos....ragstone
  • meggyoyaz....hoodoo
  • megibiem....quarry, rock quarry, stone quarry
  • megiblawa....quarried
  • megiblen....quarrying
  • megibler....quarry
  • megika....rocky, stoned, stony
  • megilxwas....magma
  • meg-maolza....stone gray
  • megmas....parapet, stonewall
  • megmebis....vulcanite
  • megmek....rock dust
  • megmimol....halite, rock salt
  • megmir....lithosphere
  • megmira....tectonic
  • megmuv....rock bolt
  • megmyekxer....quern
  • megnyan....cairn
  • megnyef....gabion
  • megobwa....stoned
  • megog....pebble
  • megogaya....pebbly
  • megogben....paving with pebblestone, pebbling
  • megogber....pave with stone, pebblestone
  • megogbwa....paved with stone, pebblestoned
  • megogika....pebbly
  • megorfer....spall
  • megorfun....spall
  • megpuxar....sllingshot
  • megpuyxar....slingshot
  • megser....petrify, turn to stone
  • megsexen....masonry, stone-building
  • megsexena....masonic
  • megsexut....mason, stone-builder
  • megsexwasyan....stonework
  • megtojben....stoning
  • megtojber....stone to death
  • megtun....petrology
  • megtuna....petrological
  • megtunay....petrologically
  • megtut....petrologist
  • megtyen....stonework
  • megukxar....rock bore
  • megul....scoria
  • megut....stonemason
  • megveb....drupe
  • megvusan....chockstone
  • megvyilxwa....stonewashed
  • megxen....petrifaction, petrification
  • megxer....petrify
  • megxwa....petrified
  • megyapren....rock climbing
  • megyaprut....rock climber
  • megyaz....crag, tor
  • megyaza....cragged
  • megyazan....cragginess
  • megyazyena....craggy
  • megyel belur....cement truck
  • megyel....asphalt, bitumen, cement
  • megyelbawa mep....asphalt road, paved road
  • megyelbawa....asphalted, cemented, paved
  • megyelben....asphalting, cementation, cementing, paving
  • megyelber....asphalt, cement, lay asphalt, pave
  • megyelbwa mep....blacktop
  • megyelyig....concrete
  • megyelyigben....laying down concrete, pouring concrete
  • megyelyigber....lay down concrete, pour concrete
  • megyelyigbwa....concrete-poured, concreted
  • megyelyigun....concretion
  • megyexut....stonemason
  • megyig....anvil
  • megyog mep....gravel road
  • megyog....gravel
  • megyogaya....gravelly
  • megyogben....gravel paving, putting down gravel
  • megyogber....pave with gravel, put down gravel
  • megyogbwa....gravel-paved, graveled, gravelled, paved
  • megyogbwem....pavement
  • megyogika....gravelly
  • megyognab....windrow
  • megyogyenan....graveliness
  • megyonar....gouge, tomahawk
  • megyonpyexar....jackhammer
  • megyonxwaskim....scree
  • megyonxwaskiper....scree
  • megyuzembwa....rockbound
  • megzyebag....crock
  • megzyeg....chuckhole, sinkhole
  • melukmeg....headstone, tombstone
  • mepmeg....cobble, cobblestone, paving stone
  • mepmegben....laying down cobblestone, paving
  • mepmegber....lay down cobblestone, pave
  • mepmegbwa....cobblestoned, paved
  • mepmegxer....cobble
  • mezyozmeg....geode
  • mieg....coral
  • miegag....reef, coral reef
  • mimeg....pebble
  • mimegag....reef
  • momeg zyapyox....meteor shower
  • momeg....meteor
  • momega....meteoric
  • momegay....meteorically
  • myekxen meg....millstone, quern
  • nedmeg....outcrop, outcropping
  • oglamameg....micrometeorite
  • omegyelbwa mep....unpaved road
  • omegyelbwa....unpaved
  • oyepuxa meg....extrusive rock
  • puxmeg....ashlar
  • pyosea meg....menhir
  • pyosea megnyan....rockfall
  • sankyaxena meg....metamorphic rock
  • sankyosea meg....sedimentary rock
  • sexen meg....building stone
  • tabmegnyeb....sarcophagus
  • tabmeluk meg....gravestone, headstone, tomb stone, tombstone
  • tabmelzyeg meg....gravestone, headstone, tomb stone, tombstone
  • taj meg....birthstone
  • tammagmeg....hearthstone
  • taxmeg....headstone, monument, tomb stone
  • taxmega....monumental
  • taxmegay....monumentally
  • teupib megyel....cementum
  • tojmeg....gravestone, headstone, tombstone
  • tojmegag....dolmen
  • tojmegdras....epitaph
  • tojtaxmeg....gravestone, headstone, tombstone
  • tyonogxen meg....stepping stone, steppingstone
  • ujponem meg....grave stone
  • ujponmeg....gravestone
  • ummegmas....drystone wall, dyke
  • unkumeg....block, tessera, tile
  • unkumegben....tiling
  • unkumegber....lay down tile
  • unkumegbut....tiler
  • unkumegbwa....tiled
  • unkumegxer....tessellate
  • unkumegxwa....tessellated
  • uzabmas jwameg....quoin
  • uzabmeg....keystone
  • uzsyobmeg....springer
  • vimegdeym....rockery
  • vinuzmeg....gemstone
  • viyozmeg....cabochon
  • vulobmeg....obelisk
  • Waxington Taxmeg....Washington Monument
  • yagansiynmeg....milestone
  • yalzmeg....porphyry
  • yalzmega....porphyritic
  • yepuxa meg....intrusive rock
  • yeybmegmira....intratelluric
  • yiva meg....freestone
  • Yiva-megsexut....Freemason
  • Yiva-megsexutyan....Freemasonry
  • yivra megyonxwas....scree
  • yommel megi ay yonbyexwas....moraine
  • yugfa megesi....shingle
The root word mez means crystal, gem. Here are words derived from this root:
  • alamez....tourmaline
  • alemez....garnet
  • alimez....zirconia
  • alomez....opal
  • alumez....jasper
  • alumez....jasper
  • alyamez....marganite
  • alyemez....quartz
  • alyimez....malachite
  • alyimez....quartz
  • alyomez....jade
  • alyomez....jade
  • amez....diamond
  • emez....topaz
  • imez....ruby
  • manmez....sheen, sparkle
  • mez....crystal
  • puix amez....baseball diamond
  • umez....emerald
  • vyoamez....rhinestone
  • yamez....lapis lazuli
  • yemez....amethyst
  • yimez....amber
  • yomez....sapphire
  • yommez....ice crystal
  • yumez....obsidian
  • yumez....topaz

  • alyomez-ulza....jade green
  • amez goblar....diamond cutter
  • amez mukibiem....diamond mine
  • amez mukiblen....diamond mining
  • amez mukiblut....diamond miner
  • amez teebuz....diamond earring
  • amez teyobuz....diamond necklace
  • amez tuyobuz....diamond bracelet
  • amez tuyuz....diamond ring
  • amezasauna....argyle
  • ameznam....diamond shop
  • ameznamut....diamond dealer, diamond-cutter, diamond-seller
  • amezsan....diamond shape, fusil, rhomb, rhomboid, rhombus
  • amezsana....diamond-shaped, rhomboidal
  • amezyiga....hard as a diamond
  • amezyugfaxar....skive
  • gamezaxer....recrystallize
  • ila mez sinuar....LCD, liquid crystal display
  • imez-alza....ruby red
  • imez-yelza....ruby pink
  • mez zyun....crystal ball
  • meza....crystalline
  • mezasen....crystallization
  • mezaxer....crystallize
  • mezaxwa....crystallized
  • mezgoblut....lapidary
  • mezsan....crystal shape
  • meztalabbok....gout
  • meztalabboka....gouty
  • mezyozmeg....geode
  • omeza....noncrystalline
  • yomez-yolz....a
  • yumezyena....opalescent
  • yumezyenan....opalescence
The root mek means dust, grit; myek means powder. There is also the hybrid word miek, which means sand. Here are words derived from these:
  • amtolmekuer....mull
  • amtomekuwa....mulled
  • bilyig mekxar....grater
  • dref mek....paper pulp
  • dyofeb mek....cocoa powder
  • faomek....pulp, pulpwood, wood pulp
  • faomekar....pulper
  • faomekaren....pulping
  • faomekarer....pulp
  • faomekarwa....pulped
  • faomekaya....pulpy
  • faomekika....pulpy
  • faomekxen....pulping
  • faomekxer....pulp
  • faomekyena....pulpy
  • filmek....leaven, yeast, zyme
  • filmeka....zymotic
  • filmekaya....barmy, yeasty
  • filmekika....barmy, yeasty
  • filmektun....zymology
  • filmektyen....zymurgy
  • filmekxen....leavening
  • filmekxer....leaven
  • filmekxwa....leavened
  • filmekyean....yeasty
  • gevob mekil....cornmeal
  • gratolmekbwa....overly-spiced
  • gretolmekuwa....seasoned just right, spiced just right
  • grotolmekbwa....under-spiced
  • gyamekxer....kibble
  • ilmekuar....dust gun, spray gun
  • ilpmek....alluvium
  • ilpmeka....alluvial
  • ivobmek gyazyiovol....johnnycake
  • kafeyl mekxar....coffee grinder
  • marmek....stardust
  • masmekyel....stucco
  • masmekyelben....stuccoing
  • masmekyelber....stucco
  • masmekyelbwa....stuccoed
  • megmek....rock dust
  • mek....dust
  • mekapaxlar....dust sweeper
  • mekaya....dust-filled, dusty
  • mekayan....dustiness
  • mekbar....duster
  • mekbaxlar....whisk
  • mekbaxlawa....whisked
  • mekbaxlen....whisking
  • mekben....dusting, powdering
  • mekber....apply powder, dust
  • mekbwa....dusted, powdered
  • mekes....bit, granule, grit, speck
  • mekesa....granular
  • mekesaxar....grater, grinder
  • mekesaxea....granulating
  • mekesaxen....granulating, granulation, grating, grinding
  • mekesaxer....granulate, grate, grind
  • mekesaxwa....granulated, grated, ground
  • mekesyena....granular, gritty
  • mekika....dust-filled, dusty
  • mekikan....dustiness
  • mekil....crush, grout, grub, gruel, mash, meal, mush, porridge, pottage
  • mekilaya....mushy
  • mekilayan....mushiness
  • mekilika....mushy
  • mekilikan....mushiness
  • mekilxar....crusher, grinder, masher
  • mekilxen....crushing, grinding, mashing, smashing
  • mekilxer....crush, grind up, mash, mush, smash
  • mekilxir....smasher
  • mekilxwa....crushed, grated, ground, mashed, smashed
  • mekilyena....mealy, mushy
  • mekilyenan....mealiness, mushiness
  • mekkapop....hadj, hajj
  • mekkapoput....hadji, hajji
  • mekkof....dust cover
  • mekmap....dust devil
  • mekmapag....dust bowl, dust storm
  • mekmapaz....haboob
  • mekmapil....dust storm
  • mekmapuzlun....dust devil, dust whirl
  • mekmem....heath
  • meknov....dustcloth
  • meknyem....dust bin
  • mekobar....dust mop, dust remover, duster, mop
  • mekobaren....dusting, mopping
  • mekobarer....dust, mop
  • mekobarmuf....mopstick
  • mekobarut....mopper
  • mekobarwa....dusted, mopped
  • mekoben....dust removal, dusting
  • mekober....dust
  • mekobir....vacuum cleaner, vacuum duster, vacuum sweeper
  • mekobiren....vacuuming
  • mekobirer....vacuum
  • mekobirut....vacuumer
  • mekobirwa....vacuum cleaned, vacuumed
  • mekovof....dust ruffle
  • mekoya....dustless
  • meksyeb....dustpan, urn
  • mekuka....dustless
  • mekuzlem....dust bowl
  • mekxut....brickmaker
  • mekyeb....dustbin
  • mekzyun....dust ball, dust kitty, dust mouse
  • mukyugmek....talcum
  • obyaler mek....kick up dust
  • ofilmekxwa....unleavened
  • ofilmekxwovol....matzo
  • omekesa....nongranular
  • otolmekbwa....unspiced
  • patayeb mekobar....feather duster
  • sifolmek....paprika
  • taolmekxar....meat grinder
  • tolmek sammoys....spice rack
  • tolmek....seasoning, spice
  • tolmekay....spicily
  • tolmekaya....hot, spicy
  • tolmekayan....spiciness
  • tolmekaza....spicy
  • tolmekber....add spice, season
  • tolmekbwa....deviled, seasoned
  • tolmekeza....medium-spiced
  • tolmekika....hot, spicy
  • tolmekikan....spiciness
  • tolmekoza....mild
  • tolmekuen....spicing
  • tolmekuer....season, spice up
  • tolmekuil....curry
  • tolmekuka....seasoning-free
  • tolmekuwa....spiced
  • tolmekyan....spicery
  • tolmekyena....spicy
  • tolmekyenan....spiciness
  • tolmekyenay....spicily
  • tolmekyom....sherbet
  • tomekuwa....seasoned
  • vade mekum....vademecum
  • volzilmekuar....spray paint gun
  • volzilmekuen....spraypainting
  • volzilmekuer....spraypaint
  • volzilmekuut....spraypainter
  • volzilmekuwa....spraypainted
  • yaozgoblen mek....sawdust
  • yipet mekyem....cat litter
  • yuvob mekil....oatmeal

  • eynmuarmiekyaz....lunette
  • igmiek....quicksand
  • komiekmeub....sandbank
  • miek....sand
  • miekaya....sandy
  • miekayan....sandiness
  • miekdrev....sandpaper
  • miekem....beach, sandy area
  • miekibiem....sand quarry
  • miekika....sandy
  • miekikan....sandiness
  • miekilpyuxlar....sandblaster
  • miekilpyuxlawa....sandblasted
  • miekilpyuxlen....sandblasting
  • miekilpyuxler....sandblast
  • miekjwobar....hourglass
  • miekmapil....sandstorm
  • miekmeb....dune
  • miekmeub....sandbar
  • mieknyef....sandbag
  • mieknyem....sandbox
  • mieksazun....sand sculpture
  • miektamaz....sandcastle
  • miektob....sandman
  • miekyagnyan....shoal
  • miekzyeg....sandpit

  • adopar myek....gunpowder
  • dalufebmyek....allspice
  • dopmyekam....explosives factory, gunpowder factory
  • drirmyek....toner
  • gamyekxer....regrind
  • gevob myek....cornflour
  • gevoyb myek....hominy grits
  • manar myek....lampblack
  • mapmyekxurog....fantail
  • megmyekxer....quern
  • milmyekbar....sprinkler
  • milmyekben....sprinkling
  • milmyekber....sprinkle
  • milmyekbwa....sprinkled
  • milyafxwa myekam....watermill
  • myek yugzyun....powder puff
  • myek....powder
  • myekbar....dredge, sprinkler, shaker
  • myekbaren....dredging, sprinkling
  • myekbarer....dredge, sprinkle
  • myekbarwa....dredged, sprinkled
  • myekben....dusting, powdering, sprinkling
  • myekber ota teib....powder one’s nose
  • myekber....dust, powder, sprinkle
  • myekbwa....powdered, sprinkled
  • myeknyem....compact, powder box, powder compact
  • myekser....effloresce
  • myekxam ebmiup....mill race, millrace
  • myekxam miap....millstream
  • myekxam mium....millpond
  • myekxam....mill house, millhouse, mill
  • myekxamsaxut....millwright
  • myekxar....crusher, grater, grinder, grindstone
  • myekxea....efflorescent
  • myekxen meg....millstone, quern
  • myekxen zyuk....grindstone
  • myekxen....corning, crushing, efflorescence, grating, grinding, milling, pulverization
  • myekxer....crush into powder, crush, grate, grind, mull, pulverize, triturate
  • myekxur....mill
  • myekxut....grinder, miller
  • myekxwa bilyig....Parmesan cheese, grated cheese
  • myekxwa eopet ebovol....hamburger
  • myekxwa eopet....ground beef
  • myekxwa veyeb....crushed malt
  • myekxwa yeveb....chickpea paste, hummus
  • myekxwa yoveb ebovol....peanut butter sandwich
  • myekxwa yoveb....peanut butter
  • myekxwa....crushed, grated, ground, milled, mulled, pulverized
  • myekxyafwa....friable
  • myekyena....powder-like, powdery
  • myekzyubar....powder mill
  • taibmyek....bonemeal
  • veeybmyek....grist
  • veeybmyekxar....gristmill
  • vyixyel myek....soap powder

MUG metal, MUK mineral MUZ ore


  • mug....metal
  • muk....mineral
  • muz....ore
The root mug means metal. The following words are derived from this root:
  • aloynnasmug....dime
  • asoynasmug....cent
  • balsiyner dresin abu mug....stamp a design onto metal
  • dopirmug....gunmetal
  • drayefmug....sheet metal
  • dref mug movuf....stovepipe
  • drurmug....printhead
  • enmuga....bimetallic
  • enmugin....bimetallism
  • feelk yanmug....iron alloy
  • Feroma asoynasmug....centime
  • fyumul mugyeb....garbage can, garbage pail, rubbish can
  • fyus mugyeb....litter can, trash can, waste can
  • gineama nasmug....guinea
  • givomuv mugnyem....cigarette case
  • glyamugyebag mimpur....supertanker
  • gunmugneyef....spline
  • ipuxwas mugyeb....trash can
  • kafeyl magilmugyeb....coffee kettle, coffee pot
  • kafeylmugyeb....coffee pot, coffee urn, coffeepot
  • kyimugoben....chelation
  • lobexun mugyeb....trash can
  • lomugyanaren....unchaining
  • lomugyanarer....unchain
  • lomugyanarwa....unchained
  • lomugyanilxer....unsolder
  • maegil mugyeb....gas can, gas tank, gasoline can, petrol can
  • maegil mugyebag....gas tank, gasoline tank, petrol tank
  • magilmugyeb....kettle, pot
  • magilmugyebag....boiler, caldron, cauldron
  • magyel mugyebag....oil tank
  • makmugmoysber....galvanize
  • makmugmoysbwa....galvanized
  • manigmugber....bespangle
  • manmug....phosphor
  • manumugyeb....candlestick
  • miimug....bayou
  • mil mugyebag....water cistern, water tank
  • milmugyeb....canteen
  • milmugyebag....water cistern, water tank
  • miluen mugyeb....watering can
  • mug goypar....hacksaw
  • mug....metal
  • muga milbelar....metal bucket, metal pail
  • muga pexum....metal cage
  • muga....metal, metallic
  • mugabaunxwa....plated
  • mugabnodmuf....tipstaff
  • mugabsaibyan....gantry
  • mugabunxen....plating
  • mugabunxer....plate
  • mugayef....foil, metal sheet
  • mugdresiz....metallography
  • mugfyegbut....pipe-layer
  • mugfyus....slag
  • mugfyusuen....slagging
  • mugfyusuer....slag
  • muggin....spike
  • mugginxwa....spiked
  • muggoblar....hacksaw
  • muggoflun....bar
  • muggyagoflun....ingot
  • mugilxam....foundry
  • muginaya....spiky
  • muginayan....spikiness
  • muginika....spiky
  • muginikan....spikiness
  • mugmapduzar....brasswind
  • mugmef....bar, ingot
  • mugmuf....metal bar, metal rod
  • mugmufgrun....crowbar
  • mugmuyf....pintle
  • mugneaf....trellis, wire mesh, wire-mesh
  • mugnef yuzmas....grated fence
  • mugnef....grate, grid, griddle, grill, grille
  • mugnefmagelar....grill
  • mugnefmageler....charbroil
  • mugnefmagelwa....charbroiled, grilled
  • mugnefmagyeler....cook on a grill out
  • mugnefmagyelur....grill
  • mugnefyan....grating, grillwork
  • mugnuf....metal button, nailhead, stud
  • mugnufben....studding
  • mugnufber....stud
  • mugnufbwa....studded
  • mugnufika....studded
  • mugnyaf....buckle, clasp
  • mugnyafaben....buckling
  • mugnyafaber....buckle
  • mugnyafabwa....buckled
  • mugnyafober....unbuckle
  • mugnyafobwa....unbuckled
  • mugnyafxen....buckling
  • mugnyafxer....buckle up
  • mugnyafxwa....buckled up
  • mugnyem....metal box, metal case
  • mugnyif....metal wire
  • mugnyifvixun....filigree
  • mugnyifvixwa....filigreed
  • mugoyebixam....smelter, smeltery
  • mugoyebixen....smelting
  • mugoyebixer....smelt
  • mugoyebixir....smelter
  • mugoyebixut....smelter
  • mugpyeuser....clank
  • mugpyeux....clank
  • mugpyeuxer....clank
  • mugsaib yaozgoblir....bucksaw
  • mugsanxar....swage
  • mugsanxen....swaging
  • mugseuxer....jangle
  • mugseuxut....jangler
  • mugsim....metal chair
  • mugsiun....token
  • mugsiunin....tokenism
  • mugtaf....hauberk
  • mugtilyeb....pannikin
  • mugtun....metallography
  • mugul....scoria
  • muguz....grommet
  • mugvaz....patina
  • mugvunid....quoin
  • mugxen....metallization
  • mugyanar....chain, metal chain
  • mugyanaren....catenation, chaining
  • mugyanarer....catenate, chain
  • mugyanarwa....chained together
  • mugyanil....solder
  • mugyanilxar....solderer
  • mugyanilxen....soldering
  • mugyanilxer....solder
  • mugyanilxut....solderer
  • mugyanilxwa....soldered
  • mugyanxen....welding
  • mugyanxer....weld
  • mugyanxun....weldment
  • mugyanxut....welder
  • mugyanxwa....welded
  • mugyanxyafwa....weldable
  • mugyeg ruduzar....pipe organ
  • mugyex....metallurgy, metalwork
  • mugyexa....metallurgic, metallurgical
  • mugyexal....acetylene
  • mugyexun....metalworking
  • mugyexut....metallurgist, metalworker
  • mugyigaxer....caseharden
  • mugzyifaren....planishing
  • mugzyifarer....planish
  • mugzyin....plaquette, scutcheon
  • mugzyiun....gussy, quoit
  • mugzyuk....nut
  • nasmug sagar....coin counter
  • nasmug yanyan....coin collection
  • nasmug yanyanxen....coin collecting
  • nasmug yanyanxut....coin collector
  • nasmug....coin
  • nasmug-exwa....coin-operated
  • nasmugier....get change
  • nasmugtixut....numismatist
  • nasmuguar....change-maker
  • nasmuguer....make change
  • nasmugxam noyx....mintage
  • nasmugxam....mint
  • nasmugxen....mintage, minting
  • nasmugxer....mint
  • nasmugxut....minter
  • nasmugxwa....minted
  • nasmugyan....change, coinage, mintage
  • nasmugyeb....coin purse
  • nixmugsiun....scrip
  • novmugnyif....gimp
  • nyan bi nasmugi....pile of coins, stack of coins
  • omug....nonmetal
  • omuga....nonmetallic
  • safeyl magilmugyeb....tea urn, teakettle
  • safeylmugyeb....tea kettle, teakettle, teapot
  • syob mug....base metal
  • tilmugyeb....beverage can
  • tiyuyb vyixmugyeb....bidet
  • tuyov mugnufi....cuff links
  • uzmug....trunnion
  • vimugun....tole
  • vyilxen mugyebag....washtub
  • yanmug....alloy
  • zetif mugnyaf....belt buckle
  • zo mugmufi....behind bars
The root muk means mineral and the following words are derived from it:
  • ageaulmuk....sylvanite
  • agelk mukiblem....silver mine
  • agelk mukiblen....silver mining
  • agelk mukiblut....silver miner
  • aglamuk....macromineral
  • amez mukiblem....diamond mine
  • amez mukiblen....diamond mining
  • amez mukiblut....diamond miner
  • amuk....augite
  • aulk mukiblem....gold mine, goldmine
  • aulk mukiblen....gold mining
  • aulk mukiblut....gold digger, gold-digger, gold-miner
  • caulk mukiblem....copper-mine
  • caulk mukiblen....copper-mining
  • caulk mukiblut....copper-miner
  • emuk....vermiculite
  • gramukiblawa....over-mined
  • gramukiblen....over-mining
  • gramukibler....over-mine
  • maeg mukiblem....coal mine, coal mining, coalmine, colliery
  • maeg mukiblut....coal miner
  • meeg mukiblem....slate quarry
  • muk....mineral
  • muka....mineral
  • mukan....minerality
  • mukiblem mup....mine tunnel
  • mukiblem par....mine carriage
  • mukiblem zyeg....mine shaft
  • mukiblem....mine
  • mukiblawa....mined
  • mukiblen....mining
  • mukibler bay nogmemi....stope
  • mukibler....mine
  • mukiblut....miner
  • mukibluta yigtef....miner's hardhat, mining helmet
  • mukmil....mineral water
  • muktun....mineralogy
  • muktuna....mineralogical
  • muktunay....mineralogically
  • muktut....mineralogist
  • mukxen....mineralization
  • mukxer....mineralize
  • mukxwa....mineralized
  • mukyabilok....stalagmite
  • mukyobilok....stalactite
  • mukyobiloka....stalactical
  • mukyug....talc
  • mukyugmek....talcum
  • mukzoybesun....fossil
  • mukzoybesun-maolza....fossil gray
  • mukzoybesunxen....fossilization
  • mukzoybesunxer....fossilize
  • mukzyeg....mineral pit
  • nazmuk yaybar....ore bridge
  • nazmuk yonxen....ore dressing
  • nazmuk....ore
  • nazmukfyul....gangue
  • nogmem mukiblen....stope, stoping
  • nozmuk....garnet
  • obkumuka....bottomless
  • sonilk mukiblem....tinner
  • sonilk mukiblen....stannary
  • yugmuk....meerschaum
The root muz means ore and the following words are derived from it:
  • muz....bullion, precious metal, precious ore, sequin
  • muzika....sequined, sequin-filled
  • muzkexen....prospecting, prospection
  • muzkexer....prospect
  • muzkexut....prospector
  • muzkexwa....prospected
  • muztalob....lode

MUF rod, MUV bolt, MYUF mast


The root word muf means rod, stick, cane and can be thought of as a natural extension of the word tub meaning arm. A variant is muv, a lesser word meaning bolt, pin. Another hardier version is myuf, which means mast, post, beam. Here are some derived words:
  • aaga mimofmuf....mainmast
  • abmimuf....topmast
  • aomermuf....purlin
  • aomuf....ballister, balluster, baluster, balustre, broach, column, stanchion, vertical beam
  • apaxlarmuf....broomstick
  • aybmas muf....overhead beam
  • barmuf....pestle
  • bolmuf....column, prop, strut, support
  • buxmuf....goad
  • byefabmuf....rattan
  • byosmuf....trapeze, trapezium
  • deupmuf dopmuf....mace
  • doof muf....flagpole, flagstaff, standard
  • dopmuf....lance
  • dopuz-izmuf....bow-and-arrow
  • duzdeba muf....conductor's baton
  • Enida minak siynmuf....milepost
  • faomuf....pikestaff, quarterstaff, wooden pole
  • feelkmuf....bar, iron bar, iron rod
  • feelkyiga muf....steel beam
  • fubmuf....spike
  • fyamuf....staff
  • Gedada puxmuf....caber
  • gimuf....arrow, shaft, shish, skewer
  • givomuf....cigar, stogie, stogy
  • grunmuf....crosier
  • gumzyegek fuybmuf....pool stick
  • gwazomimuf....mizzenmast
  • gyamuf....beam, girder
  • gyaujmuf....bludgeon
  • hyumemuf....xenophobia
  • Iema muf....shillalah, shillelagh
  • inmuf....stilt
  • izbexmuf....joystick
  • izmuf....arrow
  • kaduzarmuf....drumstick
  • kotyezmuf....magic wand
  • kyaben muf....shift lever
  • kyaxen muf....stick shift
  • levelmuf....lollipop
  • magijber givomuf....light up a cigar
  • magmuf....firebrand
  • mak muf....electric pole
  • mamak muf....lightning rod
  • manar muf....light pole
  • masbolmuf....buttress
  • mekobarmuf....mopstick
  • melmuf....picket, stake
  • mepyuijbea muf....pike
  • mes bexmuf....door handle
  • mes muf....doorpost
  • meys muf....gatepost
  • milkexmuf....dowsing rod
  • mog gimuf....cinder cone
  • mos bolmuf....girder, joist
  • movier givomuf....smoke a cigar
  • muf....shaft, spike, staff, stave
  • muf....stick
  • mufag....baton, cudgel, club, column, pole
  • mufyagmuf....perch
  • mufyeg....pipe
  • mugabnodmuf....tipstaff
  • mugmuf....metal bar, metal rod
  • musaomuf....newel
  • mustuyamuf....banister
  • nagmuf....dipstick
  • neafmuf....racquet
  • nefmuf....distaff
  • nyifgimuf....marlin spike
  • nyifmuf....bollard
  • nyifzyumuf....bobbin
  • ofmuf....bar, barrier
  • pitpix muf....fishing pole
  • poos givomuf....calumet
  • puxrer izmuf....shoot an arrow
  • pyaxer izmuf....launch an arrow, shoot an arrow
  • pyexen fuybmuf....nightstick
  • pyexen muf....club, truncheon
  • pyexnyifuen muf....whipping post
  • siunmuf....signpost
  • sizmuf....maulstick
  • summuf....bedpost
  • tabmuf....gibbet
  • Tamilgivomuf....cheroot
  • taol be gimuf....kabob, kebab, kebob, skewered meat
  • taol gimuf....meat skewer, shish, skewer
  • taolgimuf....spit
  • taxmuf....memory stick
  • telmuf....broach
  • teupib gimuf....toothpick
  • tuyamuf....handle, handlebar
  • tyeza muf....magic wand
  • tyezmuf....magic wand
  • tyomuf....cane, crutch
  • tyomufmuf....peg leg, stilt
  • tyoper bay muf....walk with a cane
  • tyoyamuf....walking cane, walking stick
  • uimuf....horizontal beam
  • ujemuf....claustrophobia
  • umvab gimuf....haycock
  • uzlazon muf....driveshaft
  • uztubmuf....crankshaft
  • uzvusanmuf....camshaft
  • uzyumuf....windlass
  • vosmuf....maypole
  • vyixarmuf....broomstick
  • xumuf....rood
  • yabmuf....pylon
  • yagyazmuf....ridgepole
  • yanxen muf....hitching post
  • yanxmuf....pitman
  • yomaybil gimuf....ice cream cone
  • yudanakmuf....yardstick
  • yuijbea muf....turnpike
  • yujlarmuf....deadbolt
  • zamimuf....foremast
  • zamuf....bowsprit, forepole
  • zemisaomuf....mullion
  • zeymuf....balk, crosspiece, transom
  • zyebuxmuf....ramrod
  • zyegek muf....golf club
  • zyemuf....axis, axle, crossbar, pivot, shaft, spindle
  • zyukmuf....axletree
  • zyumuf....cylinder, pestle
  • zyupmuf....capstan, spindle

  • atuyumuv....thumbtack
  • edeba muv....royal mace
  • edebmuv....scepter, staff
  • givomuv....cigarette
  • izmuv....needle
  • kyupmuv....bolt
  • magujber givomuv....extinguish a cigarette, put out a cigarette
  • megmuv....rock bolt
  • merizondar izmuv....compass needle
  • mes kipmuv....door bolt
  • movier givomuv....smoke a cigarette
  • oybtayoba izmuv....hypodermic needle
  • oyebmes yijmuv....latchkey
  • sebuka uzyumuv....set screw, setscrew
  • sebuzyumuv....bolt
  • taxmuv....thumb drive
  • tuyub uzyumuv....thumb screw
  • ummas kipmuv....molly bolt
  • uzmuv....staple
  • uzyubea muv....rolling pin
  • uzyumuv....screw
  • uzyumuv nuf....screw head
  • uzyumuvabar....screwdriver
  • yaplen muv....piton
  • yijmuv....key, latch, latchet
  • yujmuv....bar, padlock, peg, bolt
  • yujun uzyumuv....corkscrew
  • zyuabuna uzyumuv....round head screw
  • zyusebmuv....rivet

  • aagmyuf....architrave
  • aybmas bolmyuf....rafter
  • bolmyuf....pillar
  • kimyuf....rafter
  • mimyuf....mast
  • myuf....post, spar
  • pimyuf....mast
  • zyemyuf....beam, crossbeam

The base word mop is the top-level word of a series of geo-specific words:

  • mop....orbit
  • map....wind
  • mep....road
  • mip....river
  • mup....tunnel
The root word mop means orbit. The following words are derived from it:
  • mop....orbit
  • mopa....orbital
  • mopay....orbitally
  • mopea....orbiting
  • mopen....orbiting
  • moper....orbit
  • mopot....marsupial
  • mopur....orbiter
  • oybmopa....suborbital
The root word map means wind. This words has some sub-elements based on strength:
  • maap....puff
  • maep....breeze
  • maip....gust
  • maup....gale
  • mayop....typhoon
Here are words derived from map:
  • aeolimap....aeolian wind
  • aimermap....northeaster
  • amapyex....heatstroke
  • amermap....norther
  • ammap....sirocco
  • apetsimaper....get onto the saddle, hop on
  • aumermap....northwester
  • bay map....downwind
  • be ibmapkun....leeward
  • byexwa bey ha mapil....storm-tossed
  • domapetaput....mounted police, mounty, ranger
  • fimapuwa....well-ventilated
  • fimapxwa....well-ventilated
  • fumapuwa....poorly-ventilated
  • fumapxwa....fuggy, poorly-ventilated
  • ib map....alee, leeward
  • ibmapkun....lee
  • igra mapil....cloudburst
  • imapaxlen....embrocation
  • imapaxler....embrocate
  • iomermap....southeaster
  • iza map....express route
  • iznadmapil....derecho
  • jetmap....trade wind
  • jomayl mapxar....exhaust fan
  • kumap....side wind, sidewind
  • lomapxwa....unventilated
  • magmapil....fire storm
  • malyom mapilaz....blizzard, snow storm
  • malyommapil....snowstorm
  • malyommapxar....snowblower
  • mameux mapil....thunderstorm
  • mamyom mapil....hail storm, hailstorm
  • map....wind
  • mapa....eolian, ventral
  • mapabaoxwa....eolian
  • mapagur....blowing engine
  • mapapaxlawa....windswept
  • maparen....fanning
  • maparsana....fanfold
  • mapatub mampur....prop plane, propeller aircraft, propeller plane
  • mapatub....fan, propeller
  • mapaya....windy
  • mapayan....windiness
  • mapaz....gale
  • mapazea....galing
  • mapazen....galing
  • mapazer....gale
  • mapbyex....bluster
  • mapbyexea....blustery
  • mapea....blowing
  • mapebea fabnab....windbreak
  • mapebea gyatif....windcheater
  • mapebea gyotif....windbreaker
  • mapegea....fluttering
  • mapeger....flutter
  • mapegyea....fluttery
  • mapen....blowing
  • maper....blow
  • mapes....whiff
  • mapeusea....howling
  • mapeusen....howling
  • mapeuser....howl
  • mapiar....air intake
  • mapien....taking in air
  • mapier....take in air
  • mapig....gust
  • mapigaya....gusty
  • mapigayan....gustiness
  • mapigaz....squall
  • mapigazaya....squally
  • mapigazayan....squalliness
  • mapigazika....squally
  • mapigazikan....squalliness
  • mapigea....gusting
  • mapigen....gusting
  • mapiger....gust
  • mapigika....gusty
  • mapigikan....gustiness
  • mapika....windy
  • mapikan....windiness
  • mapil abtyoyafi....galoshes
  • mapil maf....storm cloud
  • mapil okon....storm damage
  • mapil oybtim....storm cellar
  • mapil ukxar....storm drain
  • mapil....pother, rainstorm, storm
  • mapilag....tempest, windstorm
  • mapilagyena....tempestuous
  • mapilagyenan....tempestuousness
  • mapilagyenay....tempestuously
  • mapilaya....stormy
  • mapilayan....storminess
  • mapilen....storming
  • mapiler....storm
  • mapilika....stormy
  • mapilikan....storminess
  • mapilikay....stormily
  • mapilmaf....storm cloud
  • mapiluzrun....cyclone, hurricane
  • mapilvaka....storm-proof
  • mapitub....weather vane
  • mapiyet....turtle
  • mapiyetayob....carapace, shell, tortoise shell, turtle shell
  • mapiyetyan....bale of turtles
  • mapizona....upwind
  • mapkipar....wind surfer
  • mapkiparen....wind surfing
  • mapkipasar....wind glider
  • mapkipasaren....wind gliding
  • mapkipaser....wind glide
  • mapkipasen....wind gliding
  • mapmagxun....windburn
  • mapmagxwa....windburned
  • mapmanar....blowlamp
  • mapmas....windbreak
  • mapmays....windscreen
  • mapmyekxurog....fantail
  • mapnagar....anemometer
  • mapnagen....anemometry
  • mapnyef....windbag
  • mapog....blow, puff
  • mapogar....bellows
  • mapogen....blowing, puffing
  • mapoger....blow, puff
  • mapogir....blower, fan
  • mapogur....blowing machine, wind tunnel
  • mapom....windchill
  • mapovar apaxar....windshield wiper
  • mapovar....windshield
  • mapovarea kyuabtaf....parka
  • mapover....windscreen
  • mapoya....windless
  • mapoz....breeze, waft, zephyr
  • mapozaya....breezy
  • mapozayan....breeziness
  • mapozen....wafting
  • mapozer....waft
  • mapozika....breezy
  • mapozikan....breeziness
  • mapozuer....waft
  • maptyoyav....windsock
  • mapuar....blower, fan
  • mapuen....blowing
  • mapuer....blow air
  • mapuf....trachea, windpipe
  • mapufa....tracheal
  • mapuka....windless
  • mapuwa....windblown
  • mapuzlun....tornado, whirlwind
  • mapuzrun....cyclone, twister
  • mapuzruna....cyclonic
  • mapuzun....funnel, wind swirl
  • mapvaka....windproof
  • mapxar....fan
  • mapxarer....fan
  • mapxarwa....fanned
  • mapyafon....wind power
  • mapyafonuwa....wind-powered
  • mapyeil....escargot
  • mapyeit....snail
  • mapyenay....windily
  • mapzyubar....windmill
  • mekmap....dust devil
  • mekmapag....dust bowl, dust storm
  • mekmapaz....haboob
  • mekmapil....dust storm
  • mekmapuzlun....dust devil, dust whirl
  • miekmapil....sandstorm
  • mimkum mapil....coastal storm
  • mimmapil....seastorm
  • mistral map....mistral
  • mugmapduzar....brasswind
  • obemernada mapil....tropical storm
  • obemernada mapuzrun....tropical cyclone
  • oglamapil....microburst
  • ommapaz....williwaw
  • pipuen yub ha map....luff
  • Se mapika.....It's windy.
  • teatyofxea mapil....whiteout
  • ub ha map....windward
  • uomermap....southwester
  • yabixmap....updraft
  • yafonuwa bi map....wind-powered
  • yobixmap....downdraft
  • yokmap....blast
  • yokmapen....blasting
  • yokmaper....blast
  • yommapil....ice storm
  • zamap....headwind
  • zamapa ungunmimof....raff
  • zamapmimof....spinnaker
  • zeymap....crosswind
  • zopmap....tailwind
  • zyubmapatub....turboprop
  • zyubmapuar....turbofan
  • zyulmap....cyclone, tornado, twister
  • zyuplea map....tornado, whirlwind
The root word mep means road, way.
Types of Roads
mep....way, road, route
    zeymep....bridge, crossing
    aybmep....overpass, bridge
    zyemep....tunnel, throughway, thoroughfare
    kumep....side path
    zomep....back way
    tyoyamep....sidewalk, walkway
    duhamep?....which way?
    yilpmep....escape route
    vyamep....right way
    vyomep....wrong way
    izmep....direct route, straight path, vector
    yebmep....entryway, entrance
    oyebmep....exit, way out
    mammep....air route
    elyamep....railroad, railway

    aagdomep....main street
    uzmep....byway, detour
    yuzdomep....beltway, loop
    zyudomep....roundabout, circle, rotary
    anizona domep....one-way street

    zimeip....right lane
    zumeip....left lane
    zemeip....median, middle lane
    anmeip....single lane
    enmeip....double lane
    mebmeup....mountain trail
Other words derived from mep:
  • aaga domep....main street
  • aaga mep....main road, main strip
  • ab ha domep....on top of the street
  • abyox zeymep....suspension bridge
  • adomep....drive
  • agdomep....highway
  • anizona domep....one way street, one-way street
  • apebixparmep....carriageway
  • axlea gel zeymep....bridging
  • ayb ha domep....above the street
  • aybmep....crossing, overpass. bridge
  • be ea tam bi him yez ha domep....two doors down the street
  • be ha domep....on the street
  • be hyukum bi ha domep....across the street
  • be kyemep....in a random direction, in any which direction
  • be mep....en route, on the way
  • be neg bi ha domep....at street level
  • be omep....at a dead end, at an impasse
  • be oyva kum bi ha domep....on the opposite side of the street
  • be uzmep....astray
  • be vyaba mep....routinely
  • be vyamep....the right way
  • be vyomep....the wrong way
  • be zam bi ha domep....in front of the street
  • be zem bi ha domep....in the middle of the street
  • be zikum bi ha domep....on the right side of the street
  • be zom bi ha domep....in back of the street
  • be zukum bi ha domep....on the left side of the street
  • ber iza mep....take a direct route
  • bi ha domep....from the street
  • bi oyva kum bi ha domep....from the opposite side of the street
  • bi zam bi ha domep....from the front of the street
  • bi zom bi ha domep....from the back of the street
  • bier ha iza mep....go straight
  • bier vyosa mep....get lost, go astray
  • birer ha yijmep....seize the opportunity
  • biyxmep....towpath
  • bu hyukum bi ha domep....across to the other side
  • bu oyva kum bi ha domep....to the opposite side of the street
  • bu zam bi ha domep....to the front of the street
  • bu zem bi ha domep....to the middle of the street
  • bu zom bi ha domep....to the back of the street
  • byi ha domep....starting with the street
  • byu ha domep....as far as the street, up to the street
  • demmep....parkway
  • dier ha mep....ask the way
  • dinmep....plot, story trajectory
  • doyiv bi mep....right of passage, right of way, right of way
  • dropekmep....warpath
  • eana mep....by-way, byroad, byway
  • ebdoeba agmep....interstate highway
  • ebdoma agmep....interurban highway
  • ebdomep....alley, alleyway
  • ebea ha mep....underfoot
  • ebmep....aisle, gangway
  • ebtoma tyomep....breezeway
  • ennaeda agmep....two-lane highway
  • ennaeda domep....two-lane street
  • ennaeda mep....two-lane road
  • eopet zeymep....ox ford, oxford
  • eynmep....half-way, halfway
  • faomep....puncheon
  • feelkmep....railroad, railway
  • feelknad mep....railroad
  • fiza mep....highroad
  • gabsiynmep....crossroad
  • gimelmep....mountain road
  • glazyan zeymep....viaduct
  • golmep....channel, groove, track
  • gonmep....partway
  • gumep....dogleg
  • hiimep....the following way
  • himep....this way
  • humep....that way
  • huumep....such a way
  • hyaha mep....all the way, the entire way, the whole way
  • hyamep....all along, every way, the whole way
  • hyemep....any way, any which way
  • hyimep....the same way
  • hyomep....no way
  • hyumep....a different way, runaround
  • ib kum bi ha domep....away from the side of the street
  • ib zem bi ha domep....away from the middle of the street
  • igdomep....expressway
  • igmep....freeway, turnpike
  • igpek mep....raceway
  • igpekmep....speedway
  • ilokmep....spillway
  • izmep....bee-line, beeline, direct path, direct route, direction, shortcut, vector
  • kimep....ramp
  • kudomep....side street
  • kumep....byway, by-way, byroad, byway, shunt, side street
  • kutyomep....sidewalk
  • kyaxer zyemep....switch channels
  • lobier ha doyiv bi mep....yield the right of way
  • lomep....dead end, impasse
  • loxer omep....break an impasse
  • malmep....airway
  • mamep....air route
  • mebmep....mountain road
  • megyelbawa mep....asphalt road, paved road
  • megyelbwa mep....blacktop
  • megyog mep....gravel road
  • mel mep....dirt road
  • memmep....land route
  • mep....pathway, road, route, street, way
  • mesmep....doorway, threshold
  • meysmep....gateway
  • milmep....aqueduct, course, waterway
  • mimep....watercourse
  • mimkum faofmep....boardwalk
  • mimmep....sea lane, seaway
  • mimuipmep....tideway
  • mimyebmep....fjord
  • miparbolwa zeymep....pontoon bridge
  • mipmep....ghat
  • musmep....stairway
  • nega zeymep....grade crossing
  • ob ha domep....off the street
  • obmep....by-way, bypath, byroad, byway, off road
  • odoma mep....country road
  • ogala mep....minor road
  • omegyelbwa mep....unpaved road
  • omep....cul-de-sac, dead end, deadlock, impasse, non-starter, nonstarter
  • ooga mep....minor road
  • oyb ha domep....below the street
  • oybmep....underpass
  • oybzeymep....underbridge, underpass
  • oybzyemep....subchannel
  • oyeb bi ha domep....out of the street
  • oyebukxen mep....evacuation route
  • oyep mep....egress
  • pap mep....flight route
  • parmep....cartway
  • patmep....flyway
  • per ha vyosa mep....go the wrong way
  • pilmep....escape route
  • popmep....itinerary
  • puimep....runway
  • purmep....autobahn, motorway, roadway
  • purpuen mep....driveway
  • puxmep....trajectory
  • pyaxmep....missile trajectory
  • Rodeo adomep....Rodeo Drive
  • tajtelmep....placenta
  • tinmep....doctrinal track
  • tuien zyemep....communication channel
  • tyenara mep....technical path
  • tyomep....pathway, sidewalk, walkway
  • tyoput zeymep....footbridge
  • tyoyamep....walkway
  • ub kum bi ha domep....toward the side of the street
  • ub zem bi ha domep....toward the middle of the street
  • uizmep....switchback
  • uxer yoga yuzmep....short
  • uzaybmep....vault, vaulted overpass
  • uzmep....by-way, bypath, byroad, byway, detour, deviation
  • uznadmep....archway
  • uzyumep....windlass
  • vensona exmep....fallback
  • vyaba mep....routine
  • vyaka mep....right way
  • vyamep....direction, heading, right way, vector
  • vyifa mep....fairway
  • vyifxer mep....clear a way
  • vyimep....clearway
  • vyoka mep....wrong way
  • vyomep....deviation, wrong way
  • xusmep....crossroad, crossroads
  • yabwa tyoyamep....catwalk
  • yanizonay bi ha domep....parallel with the street
  • yaobixwa zeymep....drawbridge
  • yeb be ha domep....in the street
  • yeb bu ha domep....into the street
  • yebmep....entrance way, ingress
  • yemipen mep....evacuation route
  • yepmep....entry way, entryway
  • yexmep....career, occupation
  • yez bi ha domep....along the street
  • yez bi ha zem bi ha domep....down the middle of the street
  • yez bi kum bi ha domep....along the side of the street
  • yib bi ha domep....far from the street
  • yibmep....outstreet, trunk, long-distance highway
  • yijfa mep....clear path
  • yijfer ha mep....clear the way
  • yijmep....clear passage, open road
  • yixnux zeymep....toll bridge
  • yixnuxmep....tollroad, tollway
  • yizaagmep....superhighway
  • yizmep....by-pass, bypass
  • yoga yuzmep....short
  • yogmep....crosscut, cutoff, shortcut
  • yoz bi ha domep....perpendicular to the street
  • yub bi ha domep....near the street
  • yuzdomep....beltway, loop, circle, rotary
  • yuzmep....beltway, by-pass, bypass, circle, circuit, loop, ring highway, rotary, round, tour
  • zaobas zeymep....swing bridge
  • zay yez bi ha domep....up the street
  • zebkyin zeymep....bascule bridge
  • zemep....median, midway
  • zetifmep....beltway
  • zey bi ha domep....across the street
  • zeymep....bridge, crossing, crossroad, gangplank
  • zeypuxmep....trajectory
  • zodomep....back street
  • zomep....back way
  • zoy yez bi ha domep....down the street
  • zyadomep....broadway
  • zyanmep....bridge, span
  • zyedomep....thoroughfare, thruway
  • zyemep....channel, thoroughfare, through-way, throughway, thruway
  • zyoebmep....defile, gorge, narrow pass
  • zyomep....groove, narrow passage, narrows, strip
  • zyusmep....roundabout
The word mip means river. This word has sub-elements based on size:
  • miap....stream
  • miep....brook
  • miip....creek
  • miup....tributary, channel
  • miyop....trickle
Here are some derived words:
  • amifuba mipar....scull
  • byimip....spring
  • dezmipur....showboat
  • ebmip....canal
  • ebmipog....canal, channel
  • ebmipxen....canalization, channeling, channelization, channelizing
  • ebmipxer....canalize, channel, channelize
  • emifubwa mipar....sculler
  • emipares....launch, rowboat, rowing boat
  • emipea yexut....migrant worker
  • emipen....emigrating, emigration, migration
  • enfatayoba mipar....catamaran
  • enfuba mipar....kayak
  • fyob ebmip....root canal
  • fyusebmip....sewer
  • fyusebmipyan....sewerage
  • gaemiper....remigrate
  • gyumiparog....cockleshell
  • ifpop mipar....river cruise boat
  • igek emifub mipar....scull
  • igmip....torrent
  • igmipa....torrential
  • igmipar....speedboat
  • igmipea....gushing, torrential
  • igmiper....gush
  • igmipyena....torrential
  • igmipyenay....torrentially
  • infatayob mipar....trimaran
  • lomaluyafwa mipar....collapsible boat, deflatable craft
  • maluyafwa mipar....dinghy, inflatable craft
  • mimip....ebb tide
  • mimipea....ebbing
  • mimipen....ebbing
  • mimiper....ebb
  • mip....river
  • mipa mil....river water
  • mipa....fluvial, riparian, riverain
  • mipar....riverboat
  • miparbol....pontoon
  • miparbolwa zeymep....pontoon bridge
  • mipareb....riverboat captain, skipper
  • mipares....canoe, dinghy
  • miparespen....canoeing, rowing
  • miparesper....canoe, row
  • miparog....small river boat
  • miparzen....nave
  • mipat....bustard
  • mipbelur....river ferry
  • mipea....meandering, streaming
  • mipen....meandering, streaming
  • miper....flow like a river, meander, stream
  • mipigilp....rapids
  • mipij mil....spring water
  • mipij....fountainhead, headspring, spring
  • mipijem....wellhead
  • mipijema....upriver
  • mipkum....bank, river bank, river shore, riverbank, riverside, shore, strand
  • mipkuma....riparian, riverside, waterside
  • mipkunad....river bank, river's edge
  • mipmep....ghat
  • mipmoub....flume
  • mipovmas....dam, river dam
  • mipovmasben....damming
  • mipovmasber....dam
  • mipovmasbwa....dammed
  • mipsyob....riverbed, wadi
  • miptun....hydrography
  • miptuna....hydrographic
  • miptunay....hydrographically
  • mipuem....port, wharf
  • mipuemnoyx....wharfage
  • mipuj....delta, embouchure
  • mipujem....downriver
  • mipuka meam....coombe
  • mipuka meam....combe
  • mipyanup....conflux
  • mipyanupem....conflux
  • mipyepem....slew
  • mipyij....firth
  • mipzeym....river crossing
  • omipkuma....non-riparian
  • pur zeymipar....car ferry
  • ub mipij....upriver
  • ub mipuj....downriver, downside
  • ukxwa faof miparog....dugout, piragua, pirogue
  • vak mipar....lifeboat
  • Venetia miparog....gondola
  • yagmipar....gondola
  • yagmiparut....gondolier
  • yebmipyag....fiord
  • yija mipar....open boat
  • yoba mimip....neap
  • yoggyomipar....sharpie, sharpy
  • zaobelea mipar....ferryboat, shuttle boat
  • zebwa miparog....outrigger
  • zemip....midstream
  • zeymipar....ferry, ferryboat
  • zyaimipyoz....strath
  • zyia mipar....ark
  • zyifub mipar....canoe, paddle boat
  • zyimipar....dory, flatboat
  • zyimipkum....riverfront
  • zyiobem kyiunmipar....mackinaw
  • zyoebmip....canal

  • meb miep....mountain brook
  • miap bi tijtep....stream of consciousness
  • miap....stream
  • miapea....streaming
  • miapen....streaming
  • miaper....stream
  • miapog....streamlet
  • miapub....distributary
  • miep....brook
  • miepe....babbling
  • miepea....babbling, gurgling
  • miepen....gurgling
  • mieper....babble, gurgle
  • miepkum....brookside
  • miip....arroyo, beck, brooklet, creek, fleet, rill, rivulet
  • miipea....dripping, trickling
  • miipen....dripping, trickling
  • miiper....drip, trickle
  • miipes....runnel
  • miipog....runlet
  • miipzyeg....chuckhole
  • mimiip....fjord
  • miup....channel, tributary
  • miupsen....trickling
  • miupser....trickle
  • miyop....trickle
  • miyopea....trickling
  • miyopen....trickling
  • miyoper....trickle
  • myekxam ebmiup....mill race, millrace
  • myekxam miap....millstream
  • ov miap....against the flow, against the stream, upstream
  • ukxen ebmiup....offtake
  • yez bi miap....downstream, with the flow
  • yobmiyop....trickle down
  • yobmiyopea....trickling down
  • yobmiyoper....trickle down
The word mup means tunnel. The following words are derived from it:
  • bixpur mup....train tunnel
  • mamil mup....storm sewer
  • mukiblem mup....mine tunnel
  • mumpur mup....subway tunnel
  • mup....subway, tunnel, underground tube
  • mupar....mine carriage
  • mupen....tunneling
  • muper....tunnel
  • mupot....Tasmanian devil
  • mupoyeber....unburrow
  • mupsaxir....tunneler, tunneling machine
  • mupur pop....subway trip
  • mupyubnod....perigee
  • mupzyeg....manhole
  • ovmup....countermine
  • oybmuper....tunnel underneath
  • tuyoba mup boksiunyan....carpal tunnel syndrome
  • yupot mupyan....warren
The root man means light, while mon is its opposite, dark.
Here are words derived from man:
  • aglamansin....macrophotograph
  • amaegil manar....kerosene lamp
  • azmanig....flare
  • azmaniger....flare up
  • azmankeaxun....laserscan
  • azmansea....brightly shining, incandescent
  • azmanseay....incandescently
  • azmanxar....highlighter
  • azmanxea....fulgent
  • azmanxen....highlighting
  • azmanxwa....highlighted
  • azmanxwas....highlight
  • bay ika zamanari....on full headlights, on high beams, with full beam, with headlights full on
  • belyafwa maegyelman....cresset
  • domep manar....street lamp, streetlamp
  • dopek manar....battle lantern
  • drilarmanar....penlight
  • ebtabif mansin....sex photo
  • fyamanzyus....halo, holy ring, nimbus
  • fyelmanufog....taper
  • gaazmaniger....flare up again
  • gamanijber....relight
  • gamansinier....rephotograph
  • gamanxer....relight
  • glamansin....photomontage
  • glamansinxen....photomontage
  • igmanujar....blinker
  • ijber ha man....turn on a light
  • iizbea man....luminary
  • izman....laser
  • izmanar....laser
  • izmanaren....lasering
  • izmanarer....laser
  • izmanarwa....lasered
  • joibman....strobe
  • joibmaniger....strobe
  • joibmanigir....stroboscope
  • joibmanigira....stroboscopic
  • joibmanigsin....stroboscope
  • joibmanigwa....strobed
  • joman....after-light
  • jwadea man....warning light
  • kexman....searchlight
  • komar yokmanx....supernova
  • kuman....side light, sidelight, reflection
  • kumanser....reflect
  • kumanxar....reflector
  • kumanxea....reflective
  • kumanxen....reflecting, reflection
  • kumanxer....reflect
  • kumanxwa....reflected
  • kyamansea....gleaming, glimmering, glistening, shimmering, shimmery
  • kyamansen....gleaming, glimmering, glistening, shimmering
  • kyamanser....gleam, glimmer, glisten, shimmer
  • maalman....aurora
  • maalmana....auroral
  • maarman....sunlight
  • maarmanar....sunlamp
  • maarmanigvibwa....star-spangled
  • maarmanim....solarium
  • maarmanx....sunshine
  • maarmanxwa....sunlit
  • maarmanxyea....sunshiny
  • magman....firelight
  • magyelmanar....cruse
  • majman....daylight
  • maka manar....electric lamp
  • maka manig....electric spark
  • maka manzyuyn....electric light bulb
  • makmanar....electric lamp, electric light
  • makmanarbexar....electrolier
  • makmanaren....electrical lighting
  • malza-molza mansin....black-and-white photo
  • mamak manig....lightning flash
  • maman....skylight
  • mammansinen....aerophotography
  • man mays....light screen
  • man nabyan....light spectrum
  • man nabyan....light spectrum
  • man naud....light ray
  • man naudxen....light radiation
  • man pyaon....light wave
  • man siunar....light signal
  • man siunaren....light signaling
  • man zaypuxen mays....light projection screen
  • man....light
  • manad....beam of light, horizon, light beam, ray of light, skyline
  • manadsea....agleam, beaming, radiant
  • manadsean....radiance
  • manadseay....radiantly
  • manadser....beam, radiate
  • manadxen....irradiation
  • manadxer....effulge, irradiate
  • manadxwa....irradiated
  • manadxyea....effulgent
  • manadxyean....effulgence
  • manan....luminescence
  • manana....luminescent
  • manaozar....dimmer switch
  • manar abunar....lamp shade, lamp-shade
  • manar fibexlut....lamp trimmer
  • manar magyel....lamp oil
  • manar muf....light pole
  • manar mufag....lampshade
  • manar myek....lampblack
  • manar sem....lamp stand
  • manar....lamp, light
  • manaren surtyenut....lighting engineer
  • manaren....lighting
  • manarer....light
  • manarman....lamplight
  • manarmanijbut....lamplighter
  • manarwa....lighted
  • manaudsea....radiating
  • manaudser....eradiate
  • manaudxen....radiation
  • manaudxer....radiate light
  • manaudxwa....radiated
  • manaya....bright, luminous
  • manayan....brightness, luminance, luminescence, luminosity, luminousness
  • manaz....glare
  • manaza....bright, glaring
  • manazan....brightness
  • manazaser....brighten, get bright, grow bright
  • manazaxea....brightening
  • manazaxen....brightening
  • manazaxer....brighten
  • manazay....brightly, glaringly
  • manazig....glitter
  • manazigayan....glitteriness
  • manazigea....glittering
  • manazigen....glitter, glittering
  • manazigikan....glitteriness
  • manazigvibi....glitter
  • manazigyea....glittery
  • manazigyean....glitteriness
  • manber....limn
  • manbut....limner
  • mandala....mandala
  • mandresizen....photoengraving
  • mandresizer....photoengrave
  • mandresizut....photoengraver
  • mandrirsiynbar....phototypesetter
  • mandrirsiynben....phototypesetting
  • mandrirun....photoprint
  • manebea....eclipsing
  • maneben....eclipse
  • manebena....ecliptic
  • manebwa....eclipsed
  • manegsea....aglitter, glittering
  • manenmepar....photodiode
  • manezen....coruscation
  • manezer....coruscate
  • manibar....photoreceptor
  • manier....glisten
  • manig....flash, glint, spark, sparkle, twinkle
  • manigar....flasher, sparkler, twinkler
  • manigea vafil....sparkling wine
  • manigea....flashing, glistening, sparking, sparkling, twinkling
  • manigen....flashing, glinting, glistening, sparking, sparkling, twinkling
  • maniger....sparkle
  • maniges....scintilla, sparklet
  • manigesea....scintillating
  • manigesen....scintillation
  • manigeser....scintillate
  • manigijbar....flashgun
  • manigikxea....bedazzling
  • manigikxen....bedazzlement
  • manigikxer....bedazzle
  • manigikxwa....bedazzled
  • manigmugber....bespangle
  • manignaid....streak of light
  • manigvib....spangle
  • manigviber....spangle
  • manigvibwa....spangled
  • manigyea....twinkly
  • manigyean....flashiness
  • manigyeay....flashily
  • manigzyeb....flashbulb, flashcube
  • manij....glimmer
  • manijber....light up
  • manijbwa....lighted
  • manijea....glimmering
  • manijen....glimmering
  • manijer....glimmer
  • manika....bright, luminous
  • manikan....brightness, luminance, luminescence, luminosity, luminousness
  • manikay....brightly, luminously
  • manikser....become bright, brighten
  • manikxea....brightening, illuminating, luminescent
  • manikxean....luminescence
  • manikxeay....illuminatingly
  • manikxen....brightening, illumination, luminescence
  • manikxer....brighten, illuminate
  • manikxut....illuminator
  • manikxwa....brightened, illuminated
  • manikxyea....illuminative
  • manizbus....photoconductor
  • manizbyea....photoconductive
  • manizbyean....photoconductivity
  • mankix....refraction
  • mankixar....refractor
  • mankixen....refraction
  • mankixer....refract
  • mankixwa....refracted
  • mankixyea....refractive
  • mankoxar....photomask
  • manmaka....optoelectronic, photoelectric
  • manmakay....photoelectrically
  • manmakmul....photoion
  • manmakum....photocell
  • manmegdriren....photolithography
  • manmez....sheen, sparkle
  • manmimpar....lightship
  • manmug....phosphor
  • manmules....photon
  • mannagar....light meter, luxmeter, photometer
  • mannak....photon
  • mannod....pip
  • manoken....dimming, fading
  • manoker....dim, fade
  • manokun....fadeout
  • manokya....dimmed, faded
  • manoza....dim, low-light
  • manozan....dimness, low-light condition
  • manozaser....dim
  • manozaxea....dimming
  • manozaxen....dimming
  • manozaxer....dim
  • manozay....dimly, in low light
  • manpuxrar....photo projector
  • manpuxrer....photo-project
  • mans....gleam, sheen, shine
  • mansar....lantern
  • mansea....brilliant, glowing, lucent, luminescent, shining
  • mansean....brilliance, luminescence
  • manseay....brilliantly, glowingly, shiningly
  • mansen....glowing, incandescence, luminescence, shining
  • manser....gleam, glow, light up, shine
  • manseuxa....optoacoustic
  • mansin bi dager....daguerreotype
  • mansin gwogteaxaren....photomicrography
  • mansin....flick, photo, photograph, still shot
  • mansina....photographic
  • mansinar ifyexut....shutterbug
  • mansinar....camera, still camera
  • mansinarut....cameraman
  • mansinaruyt....camerawoman
  • mansinay....photographically
  • mansindinden....photojournalism
  • mansindindut....photojournalist
  • mansindrirsiynben....photocomposition
  • mansindruren....photofinishing
  • mansingedrun....photostat
  • mansingedruna....photostatic
  • mansingelxar....photocopier, photoduplicator
  • mansingelxer....photoduplicate
  • mansingelxun....photocopy, photocopying
  • mansingelxwa....photocopied
  • mansinig....snapshot
  • mansinmegdriren....lithophotography
  • mansinsira....photomechanical
  • mansinsizen....photogravure
  • mansinteesdrar....camcorder
  • mansinteesdrarer....camcorder
  • mansinuar....projector
  • mansinuer....project an image
  • mansinuut....projectionist
  • mansinvia....photogenic
  • mansinviay....photogenically
  • mansinvolza....photochromic
  • mansinxar....camera, still camera
  • mansinxen....photographing, photography
  • mansinxer....photograph, take a picture
  • mansinxut....photographer
  • mansinxwa....photographed
  • mansinyanben....photosetting
  • mansinyanber....photoset
  • mansinzaypuxar....epidiascope
  • mansiun....stop light, stoplight
  • mansiunar....light, red light, signal, traffic light
  • mansiunarer....signal with a light
  • mansom....lamp, light fixture
  • mansut....shiner
  • mansyea....brilliant, shiny
  • mansyean....brilliance, brilliancy, shininess
  • manta....manta
  • manteazun....glitz
  • manteazunaya....glitzy
  • manteazunika....glitzy
  • mantosar....photosensor
  • mantosyafa....photosensitive
  • mantyenut....gaffer
  • manubea....fluorescent, lightsome, phosphorescent
  • manubeay....phosphorescently
  • manuben....fluorescence, phosphorescence
  • manubennagar....fluoroscope
  • manubennagara....fluoroscopic
  • manuber....fluoresce, phosphoresce
  • manuea....brilliant, enlightening, shining
  • manuean....brilliance
  • manueay....brilliantly
  • manuen....enlightenment, shedding light, shining
  • manuer....enlighten, shed light on, shine
  • manuf....candle
  • manufar....candelabra, candle holder, candlestick, chandelier
  • manufbelar....candelabrum
  • manufbelaryan....candelabra
  • manufman....candlelight
  • manufnyiyf....candlewick
  • manufsaxut....candler
  • manufsaxuyt....candlewoman
  • manufut....chandler
  • manufyafon....candlepower
  • manufyan....candelabra
  • manufyujar....snuffer
  • manujben....extinguishing
  • manujber....extinguish
  • manujbwa....extinguished
  • manuka....empty of light-free
  • manumugyeb....candlestick
  • manur....lantern
  • manuwa....enlightened, shined
  • manuwabof....marquee
  • manuz....arc of light, halo
  • manuzen....halation
  • manvaka....lightproof
  • manxea....brightening, illuminating, incandescent, luminescent, refulgent
  • manxean....refulgence, refulgency
  • manxeay....illuminatingly
  • manxen....illumination, lighting, shedding light, shedding light on, shining
  • manxer....illuminate, illumine, light up, shed light, shed light on, shine
  • manxut....illuminator, shiner
  • manxwa....illuminated, lighted, lit, shined, shown
  • manxwati....illuminati
  • manxyea....illuminative
  • manyangonxen....photosynthesis
  • manyangonxena....photosynthetic
  • manyangonxer....photosynthesize
  • manyanmula....photochemical
  • manyanxer....constellate, stud with stars
  • manyibdren....phototelegraphy
  • manyija....lit, on
  • manyijber....illuminate, light, turn on, turn on a light
  • manyijbwa....illuminated, lit, on
  • manyijbyafwa....illuminable
  • manyimxar....floodlight
  • manyimxwa....floodlit
  • manyuijar....blinker, light switch
  • manyuijea....blinking, flickering, twinkling
  • manyuijen....blinking, flickering, twinkling
  • manyuijer....blink, flicker, twinkle
  • manyuja....dim, off, unlit
  • manyujar....dimmer switch, off switch
  • manyujben jwob....curfew
  • manyujber....dim the light, shut off, turn a light off, turn off
  • manyujbwa....dimmed, off, shut off
  • manyujbyofwa....inextinguishable
  • manyujegar....blinder
  • manzexar....spotlight
  • manzexer....spotlight
  • manzexwa....spotlit
  • manzunildren....photozincography
  • manzyaben....speckle
  • manzyuyn ibzyeg....light bulb fixture, light bulb socket
  • manzyuyn....light bulb
  • mapmanar....blowlamp
  • marman....starlight
  • marmans....star glow, star shine
  • marmanxwa....star-lit, starlit
  • maylmanar....gaslight
  • meeman....territoriality
  • mempuem man....landing light, runway light
  • mep manur....street lamp, street lantern, street light
  • mepmanar....streetlight
  • mimanar....sea-lamp
  • mimanur....beacon, lighthouse, marine lighthouse
  • mimanuren....beaconing
  • mimanurtam....lighthouse
  • mimanurut....lighthouse operator
  • muarman....moonlight
  • muarmanx....moonshine
  • muarmanxwa....moonlit, moony
  • nabyanmannagar....spectrophotometer
  • nabyanmannagen....spectrophotometry
  • neafmansinuar....webcam
  • niemal manar....neon lamp, neon light
  • oglaman....microlight
  • oglamansinxen....microphotography
  • oglateaxarwa mansin....photomicrograph
  • ogmansinar....minicam
  • omanokea....unfading
  • omanokwa....undimmed
  • omanuea....unilluminating
  • omanuwa....unenlightened
  • omanuyea....unenlightening
  • omanxwa....unlighted
  • omanyiga....unlit
  • omera maalman....aurora australis
  • oza man....dim light
  • ozaxer ha man....dim the light
  • ozaxer ha zamanari....dim the headlights
  • ozmanuwa....sombre
  • ozmanuwan....sombreness
  • ozmanuway....sombrely
  • purilp mansiunar....traffic light
  • sammanar....lamp
  • sonilkmansin....tintype
  • summanar....bed lamp
  • taadxen mansin....sex photo
  • tayefmanxul....brilliantine
  • tejmanxen faob....foxfire
  • tepmanxen....clearing up
  • tepmanxer....clear up
  • tuyab manar....flashlight
  • tuyamanar....flash light
  • tyoyafmanx....shoeshine
  • tyoyafmanxut....shoe shiner, shoeshine boy
  • ugar man....brake light
  • ujber man....turn off a light
  • uznad manar....klieglight
  • vimanxea....resplendent
  • vimanxean....resplendence, resplendency
  • vimanxeay....resplendently
  • vimanxen....resplendence
  • volzmansintyen....chromophotography
  • wulka manzyuyn....tungsten lightbulb
  • xer mansin....take a photo, take a picture
  • yibmansin kyazyef....telephoto lens
  • yibmansin....telephoto
  • yibmansinar....telephoto camera
  • yibmansinaren....telephotography
  • yijber ha ika zamanari....turn on the high beams
  • yijber ha zamanari....turn on the headlights
  • yijber man....turn on a light
  • yizmanser....outshine
  • yizper mansiun....run a stoplight
  • yuijber ha zamanari....blink the headlights, turn the headlights off and on
  • yuijea manar....blinking light
  • yujber ha man....turn a light off
  • yujber ha zamanari....turn off the headlights
  • yuzman....aureola, aureole
  • zamanar....front light, headlamp, headlight
  • zamanxer....highlight
  • zexmanober....upstage
  • zoa manar....tail light
  • zoman....back light, rear light
  • zomanar....taillight
  • zoyman....backlight, reflection
  • zoymansen....reverberation
  • zoymanser....reflect, reverberate
  • zoymanxar....reflector
  • zoymanxea....reflective
  • zoymanxen....re-shining, reflection
  • zoymanxer....re-shine, reflect
  • zoymanxwa....re-shined
  • zoymanyibwa....re-illuminated, turned back on
  • zoymanyijber....re-illuminate, switch back on, turn back on
  • zyemana....translucid
  • zyemanan....translucidity
  • zyemansea....pellucid
The root mon means dark, while the diminutive moyn means shade. Here are some derived words:
  • eynmon....half-light, penumbra, shade
  • eynmona milvolz....gouache
  • eynmona....opaque, partially obscure shadowy
  • eynmonan....opacity, opaqueness, shadowiness
  • eynmonay....opaquely
  • eynmonxen....adumbration, shadowing
  • eynmonxer....adumbrate
  • eynmonxwa....adumbrated, partially obscured
  • eynzoymon....penumbra
  • gloamona....low calory, low-cal
  • maarmonar....parasol
  • mon....dark, darkness, obscurity
  • mona mul....dark matter
  • mona yavil....ale, dark beer
  • mona....dark, obscure
  • monan....obscurity
  • monay....darkly, obscurely
  • monika....darksome
  • monmaf....dark cloud
  • monme....onyx
  • monmepkexen....groping
  • monmepkexer....grope
  • monsan ektobet....shadow-puppet
  • monsan....shadow
  • monsanaya....shadowy
  • monsanayan....shadowiness
  • monsanika....shadowy
  • monsanikan....shadowiness
  • monsanxen....shadowing
  • monsanxer....shadow
  • monsanxwa....shadowed
  • monsanyena....shadow-like
  • monsea....darkening, getting dark, growing dark
  • monsen....darkening
  • monser....darken, get darker
  • montim....darkroom
  • monuyeas....pergola
  • monxen....darkening, obscuring
  • monxer....darken, obscure
  • monxul....darkener
  • monxut....obscurer
  • monxwa....darkened, obscured
  • monyuf....fear of the dark
  • monyufa....afraid of the dark

  • fabmoynarwa....bowery
  • fayebmoyn....umbrage
  • ikmoyn....umbra
  • maarmoynar....sunshade
  • mis moynar....window shade
  • moyn....dim light, shade
  • moyna....dim, dismal, dusky, somber, swarthy
  • moynabof....bowery
  • moynan....dimness, dismalness, duskiness, somberness, sombreness
  • moynar....shade
  • moynaren....shading
  • moynarer....shade
  • moynarwa....shaded
  • moynaxen....casting a shadow over, darkening
  • moynaxer....cast a shadow over, darken
  • moynaxwa....darkened
  • moynay....dimly, dismally, somberly, sombrely
  • moynayan....shadiness
  • moynika....shady, sombre
  • moynikan....shadiness
  • moynikay....shadily
  • moyn-maolza....shadow gray
  • moynsea....darkening, dimming, growing dim
  • moynser....darken, dim, grow dim
  • moynxar....umbrella
  • moynxen....darkening, dimming
  • moynxer....bedim, darken, dim, shade
  • moynxwa....bedimmed, darkened, dimmed, shaded
  • omoynxwa....undimmed, unshaded

MAJ daytime, MOJ nighttime


The root word maj means daytime, while moj is the opposite, nighttime.
Times of Day
maj....daytime majij....dawn
jazemaj (JaZ.)....ante-meridian, AM
jozemaj (JoZ.)....afternoon, postmeridian, PM
jwomaj....late day
majuj....dusk, twilight
moj....night jwamoj....evening
jwomoj....late night
jozemoj....after midnight
Note: jub day is a general word referring to the whole 24-hour cycle without reference to morning or night. Maj refers to the daylight hours and moj to the darkness hours.
Examples of usage with maj and moj
  • At teato et zajub jwamaj.....I will see you tomorrow morning.
  • Yat teapa iyt zojub jozemaj.....We visited her yesterday afternoon.
  • Ha maar yope be majuj.....The sun sets at dusk.
  • Mamila zojub jwamoj.....It rained yesterday evening.
  • At tijpe be majij.....I wake up at dawn.
Examples of usage with jub:
  • hijub....today
  • zojub....yesterday
  • jazojub....the day before yesterday
  • zajub....tomorrow
  • jozajub....the day after tomorrow
  • bi jub bu jub....from day to day
  • hyajub....everyday
  • bi hijub zay....from this day on
  • ji hujub....since that day
  • ojo zajub....by tomorrow
  • Fijozemaj!....Good afternoon!
  • Fijwamaj!....Good morning!
  • Fijwomaj!....Good afternoon!, Good evening!
  • Fimoj!....good night!
  • Fimaj!....good day!
  • fimajder....say good day
  • fimajujder....say good evening
  • jazemaj....a.m., ante-meridian, forenoon, matinee
  • jozemaj....afternoon, p.m., post-meridian
  • jozemaja....postmeridian
  • juab jozemaj....Monday afternoon
  • juab jwamaj....Monday morning
  • jwamaj mar....morningstar
  • jwamaj taf....housecoat
  • jwamaj....morning
  • jwamaja....matinal, matutinal, morning
  • jwojozemaja....twinight
  • jwomaj....afternoon, late day
  • jwomaja....afternoon, late day
  • maj....day
  • majbik....daycare
  • majdez....matinee, matinée
  • majij....cockcrow, dawn, eventide
  • majija....auroral
  • majijdeuz....evensong
  • majijen....dawning
  • majijmajij....daybreak
  • majman....daylight
  • majob....daytime
  • majoba....daylong, daytime, diurnal
  • majobay....diurnally
  • majsum....daybed
  • majuj....nightfall, twilight
  • majuja....crepuscular, of twilight
  • majujyena....twilightish
  • zajub jwamaj....tomorrow morning
  • zajub maj....tomorrow during the day
  • zemaj....midnoon, noon, noonday, noontide, noontime
  • zemaja....noontime
  • zojub jwamaj....yesterday morning
  • zojub maj....yesterday during the day
Here are words derived from moj:
  • aa moj....opening night
  • be zomoj bi....on the eve of
  • Fijwamoj!....Good evening!
  • Fimoj!....Good night!, Goodnight!
  • fimojder....say goodnight
  • fiumoj!....good evening!
  • ge molza vyel moj....as black as night
  • gemoj....equinox
  • gemoja....equinoctial
  • himoj....tonight
  • hyamojdaz....rave
  • hyamojdazer....rave
  • hyamojdazut....raver
  • Jabij Zomoj....New Year's Eve
    • jazemoj....before midnight
  • jemoja....overnight
  • jemojas....overnighter
  • jemojbesut....overnighter
  • jemojkyes....overnighter
  • jozemoj....after midnight
  • juab jwamoj....Monday evening
  • juab moj....Monday night
  • jwamoj....evening
  • jwamoja....evening
  • jwamojjob....evening time, soiree
  • jwomoj....late at night, late night
  • jwomoja....late night
  • Kristajub Zomoj....Christmas Eve
  • moj....night
  • moja fyax seusar....vesper
  • moja....nightly, nocturnal, vespertine
  • mojam....nightspot
  • mojay....nocturnally
  • mojbesen....spending the night, staying overnight
  • mojbeser....spend the night, stay overnight
  • mojdoyt....nightclub
  • mojduzun....nocturne
  • mojij....dusk, early evening
  • mojob....nighttime, soiree
  • mojoba....nocturnal
  • mojseym....nightstand
  • mojtaf....nightwear
  • mojtayf....nightdress, nightgown, nightie
  • mojtej....nightlife
  • mojtilam....nightclub
  • mojtixen....lucubration
  • mojtixer....lucubrate
  • mojtuj....sleepover
  • mojtuzun....nocturne
  • mojyaga....nightlong
  • mojyaniv....soiree, soirée
  • taf bi mojob....dress suit
  • tayf bi moj....evening gown
  • yagzom mojtif....tailcoat
  • yejubmoj....weeknight
  • yemoj....sennight
  • zajub jwamoj....tomorrow evening
  • zajub moj....tomorrow night
  • zemoj tyalog....midnight snack
  • zemoj....midnight
  • zemoja....midnight
  • zojub jwamoj....yesterday evening
  • zojub moj....yesterday night
  • zomoj....eve

AM hot, YAM fire, OM cold, YOM ice, IM wet, UM dry


These root words are all related to thermal conditions. Here are some derivations:
Thermal Conditions
am....heat yam ....fire om ....cold yom....ice im....flood um....drought
ama....hot yama ....on fire oma ....cold yoma....frozen ima....wet uma....dry
ayma....warm yayma....fiery oyma ....cool yoyma...frosty iyma....humid 'uyma....a little dry
amxer....to heat yamxer ....to burn omxer ....to cool yomxer....to freeze imxer....to wet umxer....to dry
amxar....heater yamxar ....oven omxar ....refrigerator yomxar....freezer imxar....irrigator umxar....dryer
Note: aoma = lukewarm.
Note also: yam is a synonym of mag.
The stems of the words in this family begin with the letter p, denoting movement, and end in the letter t, denoting a living creature. Thus, the words have to do with animals. The ordinal vowel indicates the terrain: land, air, water, or a combination of these. If the vowel is pre-y-glided, then the animal is wild or predatory.
Animal Core Words
AIR pat....bird
pyat....predatory bird
piat....aquatic bird
LAND (WILD) pot....animal
pyot....predatory animal
LAND (DOMESTIC) pet....land animal
pelat....flying insect
payet....flying reptile
WATER pit....fish
pyit....predatory fish
peit....marine mammal

Chart of Principal Animals


As this chart shows, the base morpheme for animal is p...t (think of: a moving creature). The vowels within the base morpheme are generally geo-specific, indicating land, sea, water, or combinations thereof. The prefixes are characteristic syllables from the international Linnaean Taxonomy.
See Animal Nomenclature for rules in forming animal names.

pet: domestic land mammal

  • kapet: dog, hound, domestic dog, spec=Canidae Canis familiaris, old=yepet
  • lapet: rabbit, bunny, spec=Lagomorpha Leporidae Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus, old=yupet
  • fepet: cat, domestic cat, house cat, feline, felid, spec=Felidae Felis catus, old=yipet
  • ekpet: horse, spec=Equidae Equus caballus, old=apet
  • afekpet: ass, donkey, jackass, spec=Equidae Equus africanus asinus, old=ipet
  • afkabekpet: mule, spec=Equidae Equus caballus x africanus, old=iepet
  • kampet: camel, spec=Camelus dromedarius, old=egipot
  • bopet: bovine, bull, cattle, taurine cattle, ox, spec=Bovidae Bos taurus, old=epet
  • kabopet: goat, domestic goat, spec=Bovidae Capra hircus, old=yopet
  • ovbopet: sheep, spec=Bovidae Ovis aries, old=upet
  • intawbopet: zebu, spec=Bovidae Bos taurus indicus, old=awepet
  • ropet: mouse, spec=Rodentia Mus musculus, old=kapet
  • porkaropet: cavy, guinea pig, spec=Rodentia Cavia porcellus, old=kepet
  • kriropet: hamster, spec=Rodentia Cricetus cricetus, old=kipet
  • gerropet: gerbil, spec=Rodentia Gerbillinae, old=kupet
  • supet: pig, swine, hog, spec=Suidae Sus domesticus, old=yapet

pelt: bug, insect, spec=Insecta, old=pelt

  • saklepelt: silverfish, spec=Lepismatidae Lepisma saccharinum, old=nyupelt
  • pepelt: louse, spec=Pediculidae
  • hupepelt: body louse, body lice, spec=Pediculidae Pediculus humanus
  • kahupepelt: head louse, head lice, spec=Pediculidae Pediculus humanus capitis, old=enapelt
  • lekcipelt: bed bug, spec=Cimicidae Cimex lectularius, old=anipelt
  • ftipelt: parasite, louse, spec=Phthiraptera
  • hempelt: true bug, bug, spec=Hemiptera
  • cihempelt: cicada, spec=Hemiptera Cicadidae
  • lihempelt: chinch bug, spec=Hemiptera Lygaeidae, old=enipelt
  • penhempelt: stink bug, stinkbug, spec=Hemiptera Pentamidae Halyomorpha halys, old=inipelt
  • kopelt: beetle, spec=Coleoptera, old=xupelt
  • skakopelt: scarab, dung beetle, spec=Coleoptera Scarabaeidae
  • meskakopelt: cockchafer, may bug, spec=Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Melolontha melolontha, old=exupelt
  • koskakopelt: june bug, june beetle, spec=Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Cotinis nitida
  • kurkopelt: weevil, spec=Coleoptera Curculionidae, old=axupelt
  • kokkopelt: ladybug, spec=Coleoptera Coccinellidae
  • tripelt: caddisfly, spec=Trichoptera
  • fyupelt: vermin, new=fupelt (fyu- = harmful)
  • arpelt: spider, arachnid, spec=Arachnida, old=apelt
  • foycarpelt: common house spider, cellar spider, daddy-long-legs, spec=Arachnida Phoicidae, old=awapelt
  • eragarpelt: hobo spider, funnel web spider, spec=Arachnida Agelnidae Eratigena, old=yiwapelt
  • diarpelt: garden spider, spec=Arachnida Araneus diadematus, old=ewapelt
  • akarpelt: mite, spec=Arachnida Acariformes, old=nyopelt
  • likarpelt: wolf spider, spec=Arachnida Licosidae, old=yowapelt
  • losikarpelt: brown recluse, spec=Arachnia Sicaridae Loxosceles reclusa, old=uwapelt
  • salarpelt: jumping spider, spec=Arachnida Salticidae, old=yawapelt
  • tromarpelt: chigger, spec=Arachnida Trombiculidae, old=nyipelt
  • tomarpelt: crab spider, spec=Arachnida Thomsidae, old=yewapelt
  • ewparpelt: daddy long-legs spider, spec=Arachnida Eupnoi, old=iwapelt
  • pararpelt: tick, mite, nit, spec=Arachnida Parasitiformes, old=nyopelt
  • terarpelt: tarantula, spec=Arachnida Theraphosidae, old=epelt
  • skorarpelt: scorpion, spec=Arachnida Scorpiones, old=ipelt
  • laterarpelt: black widow, spec=Arachnida Therididae Latrodectus, old=iwapelt
  • forpelt: ant, pismere, spec=Formicidae, old=xapelt
  • solforpelt: fire ant, spec=Formicidae Solenopsis, old=exapelt
  • kamforpelt: carpenter ant, spec=Formicidae Camponotus, old=axapelt
  • orpelt: othoptera, spec=Orthoptera, old=nyepelt
  • griorpelt: cricket, spec=Orthoptera Gryillidae, old=nelopelt
  • akorpelt: grasshopper, spec=Orthoptera Acrididae , old=nalopelt
  • tetorpelt: katydid, spec=Orthoptera Tettigonioidea, old=nelopelt
  • akrorpelt: locust, spec=Orthoptera Acrididae
  • blatpelt: cockroach, roach, spec=Blattodea Blattidae, old=xepelt
  • manpelt: mantis, praying mantis, spec=Mantodea, old=xipelt

peyet: worm, annelid, spec=Annelida

  • anpeyet: hookworm, spec=Ancylostoma, old=yopeyet
  • aspeyet: roundworm, spec=Ascaridae Ascaris lumbricoides, old=epeyet
  • bompeyet: silkmoth, spec=Bombycidae Bombyx mori, old=apeyet
  • dipeyet: millipede, spec=Diplopoda, old=yipeyet
  • hirpeyet: leech, spec=Hirudinea, old=yupeyet
  • kipeyet: centipede, spec=Chilopoda, old=yepeyet
  • lumpeyet: earthworm, spec=Lumbricina, old=yapeyet
  • nepeyet: nematode, roundworm, eelworm, spec=Nematoda
  • plapeyet: flatworm, fluke, spec=Platyhelminthes Trematoda, old=ipeyet
  • popeyet: bristle worm, annelid worm, polychaeta, spec=Polychaeta, old=alopeyet
  • taypeyet: tapeworm, spec=Taenia, old=upeyet

piyet: amphibian, batrachian, spec=Amphibia

  • serkepiyet: snapping turtle, spec=Chelydra serpentina, old=amapiyet
  • anpiyet: frog, spec=Anura, old=epiyet
  • hilanpiyet: tree frog, spec=Anura Hylidae, old=ipiyet
  • bufanpiyet: toad, spec=Anura Bufonidae, old=apiyet
  • urpiyet: salamander, spec=Urodela, old=upiyet
  • arkripiyet: water rat, water vole, spec=Cricetidae Arvicola amphibius

pyet: reptile, spec=Reptilia

  • skwapyet: lizard, spec=Squamata, old=apyet
  • kovaskwapyet: Komodo dragon, spec=Squamata Varanus komodoensis, old=yepyet
  • susheskwapyet: gila monster, spec=Squamata Heloderma suspectum, old=yipyet
  • igskwapyet: iguana, spec=Squamata Iguana, old=yapyet
  • gekskwapyet: gecko, tokay gecko, spec=Squamata Gekkota Gekko gekko, old=yopyet
  • dipyet: dinosaur, spec=Dinosauria, old=opyet
  • bradipyet: brachiosaurus, spec=Dinosauria Brachiosaurus, old=awopyet
  • vedipyet: velociraptor, spec=Dinosauria Velocirator, old=uwopayet
  • tidipyet: tyrannosaurus rex T. rex, spec=Dinosauria Tyrannosaurus rex, old=yowopyet
  • brondipyet: brontosaurus, spec=Dinosauria Brontosaurus, old=ewopyet
  • kropyet: crocodile, spec=Crocodilia Crocodylidae, old=ipyet
  • alkropyet: alligator, spec=Crocodilia Alligatoridae Alligator, old=upyet
  • kaykropyet: caiman, spec=Crocodilia Caimaninae, old=epyet
  • rinpyet: tuatara, spec=Rhynchocephalia Sphenodon punctatus
  • serpyet: snake spec=Serpentes, old=sopyet
  • neserkopyet: water snake, spec=Serpentes Colubridae Nerodia sipedon, old=syepyet
  • ofserkopyet: green snake, spec=Serpentes Colubridae Opheodrys, old=supyet
  • piserpyet: python, spec=Serpentes Pythonidae Python regius
  • viserpyet: viper, spect=Serpentes Viperidae, old=sipyet
  • beviserpyet: adder, spec=Serpentes Viperidae Vipera berus, old=usipyet
  • agviserpyet: copperhead, spec=Serpentes Viperidae Agkistrodon contortrix, old=esipyet
  • piskagviserpyet: water moccasin, spec=Serpentes Viperidae Agkistrodon piscivorus, old=isipyet
  • kroviserpyet: rattlesnake spec=Serpentes Viperidae Crotalus, old=asipyet
  • elserpyet: elapid, spec=Serpentes Elapidae
  • ofelserpyet: king cobra, spec=Serpentes Elapidae Ophiophagus
  • najelserpyet: cobra, naja, spec=Serpentes Elapidae Naja, old=sepyet
  • denelserpyet: black mamba, spec=Serpentes Elapidae Dendroaspis polylepis
  • psewselerpyet: redbelly, spec=Serpentes Elapidae Pseudechis porphyriacus, old=asepyet
  • koserpyet: colubrid, spec=Serpentes Colubridae
  • nakoserpyet: grass snake, spec=Serpentes Colubridae Natrix natrix, old=esupyet
  • lamkoserpyet: kingsnake, spec=Serpentes Colubridae Lampropeltis, old=asupyet
  • tamkoserpyet: garter snake spec=Serpentes Colubridae Thamnopis
  • pankoserpyet: corn snake, spec=Serpentes Colubridae Pantherophis guttatus
  • boykoserpyet: mangrove snake, spec=Serpentes Colubridae Boiga dendrophila, old=syapyet
  • boyserpyet: boa, boa constrictor, spec=Septentes Boidae Boa constrictor, old=sapyet
  • ewboyserpyet: anaconda, water boa, spec=Serpentes Boidae Eunectes, old=asapyet
  • tespyet: tortoise, turtle, spec=Testudinae, old=mapyet

pot: wild mammal

  • kapot: wild dog, feral dog, free-ranging dog, spec=Canidae Canis, old=yepot
  • lapot: hare, spec=Lagomorpha Lepus timidus, old=yupot
  • lelapot: jackrabbit, spec=Lagomorpha Lepus californicus, old=yuepot
  • oklapot: pika, spec=Lagomorpha Ochotona daurica, old=kalapot
  • tallapot: mole, spec=Lagomorpha Talpidae Talpa, old=nupot
  • fepot: feral cat, spec=Felidae Felis catus, old=yipot
  • bifepot: Chinese mountain cat, spec=Felidae Felis bieti
  • lifepot: African wildcat, spec=Felidae Felis lybica
  • silfepot: European wildcat, spec=Felidae Felis silvestris
  • marfepot: sand cat, spec=Felidae Felis margarita
  • kawsfepot: jungle cat, spec=Felidae Felis chaus
  • mepot: skunk, striped skunk, mephitid, spec=Mephitidae Mephitis mephitis, old=kalipot
  • mimepot: stink badger, spec=Mephitidae Mydaus, old=ekalipot
  • komepot: hog-nosed skunk, spec=Mephitidae Conepatus humboldtii, old=akalipot
  • ksepot: placental mammal, spec=Xenarthra
  • sinksepot: armadillo, spec=Xenarthra Cingulata old=napot
  • foksepot: sloth, tree sloth, spec=Xenarthra Folivora, old=nepot
  • verksepot: anteater, spec=Xenarthra Vermilingua, old=nipot
  • gipot: giraffe, spec=Giraffa camelopardalis, old=gupot
  • ripot: rhinoceros, rhino, spec=Rhinocerotidae Rhinoceros, old=gepot
  • ekpot: wild horse, tarpan, spec=Equidae Equus ferus
  • zebekpot: zebra, mountain zebra, spec=Equidae Equus zebra, old=apot
  • elpot: elephant, spec=Elephantidae, old=gapot
  • makselpot: Asian elephant, spec=Elephantidae Elephas maximus, old=igapot
  • aflokselpot: African bush elephant, spec=Elephantidae Loxodonta africanus, old=agapot
  • cilokselpot: African forest elephant, spec=Elephantidae Loxodonta cyciotis, old=egapot
  • kampot: camel, spec=Camelidae, old=gipot
  • lakampot: llama, spec=Camelidae Lama glama, old=alopot
  • palakampot: alpaca, spec=Camelidae Lama pacos, old=awalopot
  • vilakampot: vicuna, spec=Camelidae Lama vicugna, old=ewalopot
  • bakkampot: bachtrian camel, spec=Camelidae Camelus bactrianus, old=agipot
  • drokampot: dromedary, spec=Camelidae Camelus dromedarius, old=egipot
  • bopot: wild bovine, bovid, ruminant mammal, spec=Bovidae
  • bibopot: bison, spec=Bovidae Bison bison, old=epot
  • anbopot: antelope, spec=Bovidae Antilope cervicapra, old=valapot
  • gnukonbopot: gnu, wildebeest, spec=Bovidae Connochaetes gnou, old=avyapot
  • grunbopot: yak, spec=Bovidae Bos grunniens, old=alapot
  • kabopot: mountain goat, spec=Bovidae Capra aegagrus hircus, old=yopot
  • dorkabopot: gazelle, spec=Bovidae Capra dorcas, old=vyepot
  • sukabopot: serow, spec=Bovidae Capricornis sumatraensis, old=valopot
  • aypbopot: impala, rooibok, spec=Bovidae Aepyceros melampus, old=vyupot
  • bubopot: buffalo, spec=Bovidae Bubalus bubalis, old=ipot
  • rubopot: chamois, spec=Bovidae Rupicapra rupicapra, old=vupot
  • ovbopot: bighorn sheep, spec=Bovidae Ovis canadensis
  • tawbopot: eland, eland antelope, spec=Bovidae Taurotragus oryx, old=evyapot
  • ropot: rat, rodent, spec=Rodentia, old=kapot
  • baropot: mole rat, spec=Rodentia Bathyergus, old=kelopot
  • furaropot: bush rat, woodrat, spec=Rodentia Rattus fuscipes, old=kilipot
  • geropot: gopher, pocket gopher, spec=Rodentia Geomys, old=kalyupot
  • lemropot: lemming, spec=Rodentia Lemimini, old=kelepot
  • diropot: kangaroo rat, spec=Rodentia Dipodomys, old=ekapot
  • skiropot: squirrel, spec=Rodentia Sciuridae Sciurus, old=kyipot
  • neskiropot: chipmunk, spec=Rodentia Sciuridae Neotamias, old=kalyepot
  • ciskiropot: prairie dog, spec=Rodentia Sciuridae Cynomys, old=kyupot
  • marskiropot: marmot, spec=Rodentia Sciuridae Marmota marmota, old=kalyipot
  • pteskiropot: flying squirrel, spec=Rodentia Sciuridae Pteromyni
  • gliropot: dormice, spec=Rodentia Gliridae, old=kelapot
  • arkripot: vole, spec=Rodentia Cricetidae Arvicolini, old=kelipot
  • nekriropot: pack rat, spec=Rodentia Critecidae Neotoma, old=akapot:*
  • cinropot: chinchilla spec=Rodentia Chinchilla chinchilla, old=kalyapot
  • proropot: raccoon, spec=Procyonidae Procyon lotor, old=nalopot
  • hisropot: porcupine, spec=Rodentia Hystricognathi, old=kalopot
  • lemkriropot: lemming, spec=Rodentia Cricetidae Lemmini
  • marpot: marsupial, spec=Marsupalia
  • famarpot: koala, koala bear, spec=Marsupialia Phascolarctos cinereus, old=mepot
  • makmarpot: kangaroo, spec=Marsupialia Macropus, old=mapot
  • amakmarpot: wallaby, spec=Marsupialia Macropus, old=myapotog
  • emakmarpot: wallaroo, spec=Marsupialia Macropus
  • vommarpot: wombat, spec=Marsupialia Vombatus ursinus, old=myopot
  • sarmarpot: Tasmanian devil, spec=Marsupialia Sarcophilus harrisii, old=mupot
  • mirmarpot: numbat, spec=Marsupialia Myrmecobius fasciatus, old=myipot
  • erpot: hedgehog, spec=Erinaceidae, old=nyepot
  • cerpot: deer, cervid, spec=Cervidae Cervus, old=vapot
  • dacerpot: fallow deer, spec=Cervidae Dama dama, old=avepot
  • odcerpot: white-tailed deer, spec=Cervidae Odocoileus virginianus, old=avapot
  • hicerpot: water deer, spec=Cervidae Hydropotes
  • alcerpot: moose, elk, spec=Cervidae Alces alces, old=vyipot
  • rancerpot: reindeer, caribou, spec=Cervidae Rangifer tarandus, old=vepot
  • kapcerpot: roe deer, spec=Cervidae Capreolus capreolus, old=vipot
  • orpot: aardvark, spec=Orycteropodidae Orykteropus afer, old=nyopot
  • sorpot: shrew, spec=Soricidae Sorex araneus, old=nyapot
  • muspot: mustelid, spec=Mustelidae
  • gamuspot: grison, spec=Mustelidae Galictis
  • memuspot: badger, spec=Mustelidae Meles meles, old=kipot
  • nimuspot: black-footed ferret, prairie dog hunter, spec=Mustelidae Mustela nigripes, old=kepot
  • rimuspot: ermine, spec=Mustelidae Mustela richardsonii, old=kyepot
  • ikmuspot: polecat, spec=Mustelidae Ictonychinae, old=kelyapot
  • marmuspot: marten, spec=Mustelidae Martes, old=kelyopot
  • ermuspot: weasel, stoat, spec=Mustelidae Mustela erminea, old=kyopot
  • fumuspot: ferret, spec=Mutelidae Mustela furo, old=kalepot
  • gumuspot: wolverine, spec=Mustelidae Gulo gulo, old=kalupot
  • pumuspot: polecat, spec=Mustelidae Mustela putorius
  • lumuspot: mink, spec=Mustelidae Mustela lutreola
  • tapot: tapir, spec=Tapiridae

pyot: predatory or carniverous animal, spec=Carnivora

  • kapyot: predatory canine,gray wolf, spec=Canidae Canis lupus
  • lakapyot: coyote, spec=Canidae Canis latrans, old=yupyot
  • vulkapyot: fox, red fox, spec=Canidae Vulpus vulpus, old=ipyot
  • avulkapyot: arctic fox, spec=Canidae Vulpes lagopus, old=awipyot
  • vevulkapyot: swift fox, spec=Canidae Vulpes velox, old=yowipyot
  • zervulkapyot: fennec fox, spec=Canidae Vulpes zerda, old=uwipyot
  • korvulkapyot: corsac fox, spec=Canidae Vulpes corsac, old=iwipyot
  • urkapyot: gray fox, spec=Canidae Urocyon cinereoargenteus, old=ewipyot
  • lukapyot: wolf, gray wolf, spec=Canidae Canis lupus, old=upyot
  • awkapyot: jackal, golden jackal, spec=Canidae Canis aureus, old=yipyot
  • fepyot: tiger, spec=Felidae Panthera tigris
  • acfepyot: cheetah, spec=Felidae Acinonyx jubatus, old=alepyot
  • lefepyot: ocelot, spec=Felidae Leopardus pardalis, old=ewalapyot
  • lifepyot: lynx, spec=Felidae Lynx lynx, old=alipyot
  • rulifepyot: bobcat, spec=Felidae Lynx rufus, old=alupyot
  • panfepyot: panther, spec=Felidae Panthera, old=yopyot
  • lepanfepyot: lion, spec=Felidae Panthera leo, old=apyot
  • tipanfepyot: tiger, spec=Felidae Panthera tigris, old=epyot
  • onpanfepyot: jaguar, spec=Felidae Panthera onca, old=alopyot
  • unpanfepyot: snow leopard, ounce, spec=Felidae Panthera uncia, old=awalapyot
  • parpanfepyot: leopard, spec=Felidae Panthera pardus, old=alapyot
  • pufepyot: puma, cougar, mountain lion, spec=Felidae Puma concolor, cougar, old=yapyot
  • hyaypyot: hyena, spec=Hyena, old=yepyot
  • herpyot: mongoose, spec=Herpestidae
  • supyot: boar,wild boar, wild pig, spec=Suidae Sus scrofa
  • ermuspyot: stoat, spec=Mustelidae Mustela erminea
  • vipyot: civet, spec=Viverridae
  • pripyot: primate, spec=Primates, old=tapot
  • lepripyot: lemur, spec=Primates Lemuridae, old=tyapot
  • tarpripyot: tarsier, spec=Primates Tarsiidae Tarsius, old=tupot
  • simpyot: ape, simian, monkey, spec=Simiformes, old=tapyot
  • kalsimpyot: marmoset, new world monkey, tamarin, spec=Simiformes Callitrichidae
  • cesimpyot: capuchin monkey, squirrel monkey, spec=Simiformes Cebidae
  • hilsimpyot: gibbon, lesser ape, spec=Simiformes Hylobatidae, old=tapotog
  • masimpyot: macaque, spec=Simiformes Macaca mulatta, old=tyipot::*
  • homsimpyot: great ape, ape, hominid, spec=Simiformes Hominidae, old=topyot
  • panhomsimpyot: bonobo, spec=Simiformes Hominidae Pan
  • tropanhomsimpyot: chimpanzee, chimp, spec=Simiformes Hominidae Pan troglodytes
  • ponhomsimpyot: orangutan, spec=Simiformes Hominidae Pongo
  • gohomsimpyot: gorilla, spec=Simiformes Hominidae Gorilla, old=tipyot
  • sahomsimpyot: human, Homo sapiens, spec=Simiformes Hominidae Homo sapiens
  • cersimpyot: old world monkey, spec=Simiformes Cercopithecidae
  • pacersimpyot: baboon, spec=Simiformes Cercopithecidae Papio, old=tyapyot
  • mancersimpyot: mandrill, spec=Simiformes Certopithecidae Mandrillus
  • urpyot: bear, ursid, spec=Ursidae, old=gapyot
  • marurpot: polar bear, white bear, spec=Ursidae Ursus maritimus, old=yegapyot
  • arkurpyot: brown bear, spec=Ursidae Ursus arktos, old=yogapyot
  • midarkurpyot: kodiak bear, spec=Urdidae Ursus arctos middendorffi, old=yigapyot
  • horarkurpyot: grizzly bear, spec=Ursidae Ursus arctos horribilis, old=agapyot
  • krowarkurpyot: atlas bear, spec=Ursidae Ursus arctos crowtheri, old=aligapyot
  • helurpyot: sun bear, spec=Ursidae Helarctos malayanus, old=yugapyot
  • melurpyot: sloth bear, spec=Ursinae Melursus ursinus, old=yagapyot
  • spelurpyot: cave bear, spec=Ursidae Ursus spelaeus, old=alagapyot
  • tiburpyot: Asian black bear, spec=Ursidae Ursus thibetanus, old=ugapyot
  • aylurpyot: panda bear, giant panda, spec=Ursidae Ailuropoda melanoleuca, old=igapyot
  • amurpyot: American black bear, spec=Ursidae Ursus americanus, old=ugapyot
  • tremurpyot: spectacled bear, spec=Ursidae Tremarctos ornatus, old=alogapyot

piot: aquatic mammal

  • dipiot: opossum, spec=Didelphidae, old=mipot
  • tripiot: manatee, seacow, spec=Trichechidae Trichechus manatus, old=mepiot
  • onropiot: muskrat, spec=Rodentia Cricedidae Ondatra zibethicus, old=kalyopot
  • kasropiot: beaver, spec=Rodentia Castor canadensis, old=kyapot
  • hippiot: hippopotamus, spec=Hippopotamus amphibius, old=gapiot
  • anorpiot: platypus, spec=Ornithorhynchidae Ornithorhynchus anatinus, old=mapiot
  • kisorpiot: water shrew, spec=Soricidae Chimarrogale, old=piot
  • nemuspiot: mink, American mink, spec=Mustelidae Neogale vison, old=kelupot
  • lumuspiot: otter, spec=Mustelidae Lutra lutra, old=mipiot
  • dupiot: dugong, spec=Dugongidae Dugong dugon

pelat: flying insect

  • lepelat: moth, spec=Lepidoptera, old=yepelat
  • palepelat: butterfly, spec=Lepidoptera Papilionoidea, old=gopelat
  • nepelat: gnat, spec=Nematocera, old=yapelat
  • dipelat: fly, spec=Diptera, old=ipelat
  • erdipelat: drone fly, spec=Diptera Eristalis tenax, old=uwipelat
  • musdipelat: house fly, spec=Diptera Muscidae Musca domestica, old=ipelat
  • kudipelat: mosquito, spec=Diptera Culicidae Culex Linnaeus, old=yopelat
  • kipelat: snowfly, spec=Chionea, old=iwipelat
  • sipelat: flea, spec=Syphonoptera
  • kokpelat: ladybug, spec=Coccinelidae, old=leapelat
  • halpelat: sweat bee, spec=Anthophila Halictidae, old=awupelat
  • simpelat: sawfly, spec=Symphyta, old=ewipelat
  • anpelat: dragonfly, spec=Anisoptera, old=yipelat
  • zipelat: damselfy, spec=Zigoptera
  • appelat: bee, spec=Apidae, old=apelat
  • melappelat: honey bee, spec=Apidae Apis mellifera, old=apelat
  • ksilappelat: carpenter bee, spec=Apidae Xylocopa, old=iwapelat
  • bomappelat: bumblebee, spec=Apidae Bombus, old=ewapelat
  • vespelat: wasp, spec=Vespidae, old=awapelat
  • kravespelat: hornet, spec=Vespidae Vespa crabro, old=awepelat
  • penvespelat: yellow jacket, spec=Vespidae Vespula pensylvanica, old=awipelat
  • terpelat: termite, spec=Termitidae, old=epelat
  • newpelat: net-winged insect, neuropteran, spec=Neuroptera
  • hemnewpelat: lacewing, spec=Neuroptera Hemerobiiformia
  • mannewpelat: mantisfly, spec=Neuroptera Mantispidae
  • mirnewpelat: antlion, doodlebug, spec=Neuroptera Myrmeleontidae

piat: waterfowl

  • gapiat: loon, spec=Gaviidae Gavia Immer, old=gupiat
  • lapiat: gull, seagull, spec=Laridae Larus, old=nyipiat
  • rilapiat: kittiwake, spec=Laridae Rissa
  • rinlapiat: skimmer, spec=Laridae Rynchops
  • sfepiat: penguin, spec=Spheniscidae Spheniscus, old=tapiat
  • fapepiat: cormorant, shag, spec=Phalacrocoracidae, Phalacrocorax, old=gyopiat
  • pepiat: pelican, spec=Pelicaniformes Pelicanidae Pelecanus onocrotalus, old=nupiat
  • arpepiat: egret, heron, spec=Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Ardea, old=napiat
  • trespepiat: ibis, spec=Pelecaniformes Treskiornithinae Treskiornis, old=nyapiat
  • cipiat: stork, spec=Ciconiidae Ciconia, old=nyopiat
  • anpiat: duck spec=Anatidae, old=epiat
  • tadanpiat: shelduck, spec=Anatidae Tadorna
  • siganpiat: swan, spec=Anatidae Cygnus, old=gepiat
  • ansanpiat: goose, grey goose, greylag goose, white goose, spec=Anatidae Anser anser, old=gapiat
  • brantanpiat: black goose, snow goose, spec=Anatidae Branta old=gapiat
  • platanpiat: mallard, wild drake, spec=Anatidae Anas platyrhynchos, old=gipiat
  • skopiat: sandpiper, spec=Scolopacidae, old=sipat
  • popiat: grebe, spec=Podicipedidae Podiceps, old=gyapiat
  • propiat: petrel, procellarid, tubenose, spec=Procellariformes
  • dipropiat: albatross, spec=Procellariformes Diomedeidae Diomedea old=nyepiat
  • sterpiat: tern, spec=Sternidae Sterna, old=nyupiat
  • tespiat: terrapin, spec=Testundines, old=zepiat
  • grupiat: crane, spec=Gruidae, old=nepiat
  • ansupiat: darter, water turkey, snakebird, spec=Suliformes Anhingidae Anhinga
  • mosupiat: gannet, spec=Suliformes Sulidae Morus
  • foypiat: flamingo, spec=Phoenicopteridae, old=nipiat
  • alpiat: auk, spec=Alcidae Alca

paet: flightless bird

  • kapaet: cassowary, spec=Paleognathae Casuaridae Casuarius
  • dropaet: emu, spec=Paleognathae Casuaridae Dromaius novaehollandiae, old=elopat
  • repaet: rhea, spec=Paleognathae Rheidae Rhea, old=ilopat
  • appaet: kiwi, spec=Apterydidae Apteryx, old=ulopat
  • strupaet: ostrich, spec=Struthionidae Struthio camelus, old=alopat
  • otpaet: bustard, spec=Otididae, old=mipat

payet: flying reptile

  • ptepayet: pterodactyl, spec=Pterodactylus, old=iwopayet
  • kipayet: bat, spec=Chiroptera, old=apayet
  • deskipayet: vampire bat, spec=Chiroptera Desmodontinae, old=awepayet

pat: bird, flying creature, spec=Aves

  • fapat: gamebird, Phasianid, spec=Phasianidae
  • fafapat: pheasant, spec=Phasianidae Fasianus, old=sopat
  • gafapat: chicken, cock, domestic fowl, yardbird, spec=Phasianidae Gallus gallus, old=apat
  • pafapat: peacock, spec=Phasianidae Pavo, old=syupat
  • mefapat: turkey, spec=Phasianidae Meleagris, old=ipat
  • tefapat: grouse, spec=Phasianidae Tetraonidae, old=syepat
  • kofapat: quail, spec=Phasianidae Corturnix, old=sepat
  • perfapat: partridge, spec=Phasianidae Perdix, old=sapat
  • pipat: piciform, arboreal bird, spec=Piciformes
  • sfipipat: sapsucker, spec=Piciformes Sphyrapicus, old=ryapat
  • pipipat: woodpecker, spec=Piciformes Picidae Picus, old=ryopat
  • rampipat: toucan, spec=Piciformes Ramphastidae, old=rupat
  • psipat: parrot, spec=Psittacoidea, old=tapat
  • kapsipat: cockatiel, weero, quarrion, spec=Psittaciformes Cacatuidae, old=etepat
  • mepsipat: parakeet, budgerigar, budgie spec=Psittaciformes Melopsittacus, old=tepat
  • arpsipat: macaw, spec=Psittacidae Arini, old=atepat
  • numpat: guinea fowl, spec=Numididae Numida, old=syipat
  • kopat: dove, columbid, spec=Columbidae Columbia, old=xapat
  • likopat: pigeon, spec=Columbidae Columba livia domestica, old=xepat
  • strepkopat: turtledove, turtle-dove, spec=Columbidae Streptopelida, old=xapat
  • appat: swift, spec=Apodiformes Apodidae, old=zepat
  • trokappat: hummingbird, spec=Apodiformes Trochilidae, old=bupat
  • hemappat: treeswift, spec=Apodiformes Hemiprocnidae Hemiprocne
  • paspat: passerine, perching bird, sparrow, spec=Passeriformes
  • mepaspat: lyrebird, spec=Passeriformes Menuridae, old=vyepat
  • rihipaspat: martin, spec=Passeriformes Hirundidae Riparia
  • pipaspat: towhee, spec=Passeriformes Pipilo, old=zyupat
  • paripaspat: titmouse, spec=Passeriformes Paridae Baeolophus, old=zyipat
  • fripaspat: canary, spec=Passeriformes Frigillidae Serinus, old=vepat
  • ikpaspat: icterid, blackbird, spec=Passeriformes Icteridae Molothrus, old=vupat
  • molikpaspat: cowbird, snowbird, spec=Passeriformes Icteridae Molothrus, old=zyopat
  • alpaspat: lark, skylark, spec=Passeriformes Alaudidae, old=vipat
  • silpaspat: warbler, spec=Passeriformes Sylvidae, old=bepat
  • frinpaspat: finch, spec=Passeriformes Fringillidae, old=vyapat
  • junpaspat: snowbird, spec=Passeriformes Junco hyemalis
  • dopaspat: sparrow, spec=Passeridae Passer, domesticus old=bipat
  • tropaspat: wren, spec=Passeriformes Troglodytidae, old=byopat
  • karpaspat: cardinal, spec=Passeriformes Cardinalis, old=zipat
  • hirpaspat: swallow, spec=Passeriformes Hirundidae Hirundo, old=zapat
  • orpaspat: oriole, spec=Passeriformes Oriolidae, old=avupat
  • korpaspat: raven, crow, spec=Passeriformes Corvidae Corvus corax, old=rapat
  • cikorpaspat: blue jay, spec=Passeriformes Corvidae Cyanocitta cristata, old=ryepat
  • pikorpaspat: magpie, spec=Passeriformes Corvidae Pica, old=ripat
  • taskorpaspat: forest raven, spec=Passeriformes Corvidae Corvus tasmanicus
  • turpaspat: thrush, spec=Passeriform Turdidae, old=bapat
  • miturpaspat: robin, spec=Passeriformes Turdidae Turdus migratorius, old=vyopat
  • siturpaspat: bluebird, spec=Passeriformes Turdidae Sialia, old=vyupat
  • sturpaspat: starling, spec=Passeriformes Sturnidae, old=zupat
  • misturpaspat: myna bird, spec=Passeriformes Sturnidae Mino
  • paspaspat: sparrow, spec=Passeriformes Passer
  • muspaspat: old world flycatcher, spec=Passeriformes Muscicapidae
  • lumuspaspat: nightingale, spec=Passeriformes Muscicapidae Luscinia, old=vapat
  • parpaspat: warbler, spec=Passeriformes Parulidae, old=zyapat
  • separpaspat: ovenbird, spec=Passeriformes Parulidae seiurus, old=zyapat
  • kupat: cuckoo, spec=Cuculidae
  • gekupat: roadrunner, spec=Cuculidae Geococcyx, old=mepat
  • cenkupat: coucal, spec=Cuculidae Centropus
  • ewkupat: koel, spec=Cuculidae Eudynamys, old=mapat
  • ankupat: anis, spec=Cuculidae Crotofaga
  • kukupat: true cuckoo, spec=Cuculidae Cuculus

pyat: hawk, bird of prey, raptor, spec=Accipitridae, old=apyat

  • kapyat: vulture, spec=Accipitriformes Cathartidae, old=epyat
  • stripyat: strigid, owl, spec=Strigidae, old=oyepyat
  • mestripyat: screech owl, spec=Strigidae Megascops, old=eyepyat
  • tistripyat: barn owl, spec=Tytonidae Tyto, old=ayepyat
  • akpyat: eagle, spec=Accipitridae Aquilinae
  • halakpyat: bald eagle, spec=Accipitridae Haliaeetus leucocephalus, old=awapyat
  • cirpyat: harrier, spec=Accipitridae Circus
  • falpyat: falcon, spec=Falconidae, old=yapyat
  • sparfalpyat: kestrel, spec=Falconidae sparverius, old=ayapyat
  • panpyat: osprey, spec=Accipitriformes Pandionidae Pandion haliaetus
  • gimpyat: condor, spec=Accipitridae Gymnogyps, old=awepyat
  • konpyat: kite, spec=Accipitridae Chondrohierax, old=ipyat
  • bupyat: buzzard, hawk-buzzard, spec=Accipitridae Accipiter Buteo, old=yopyat

peit: marine mammal

  • cepeit: whale, spec=Cetacea, old=apeit
  • mecepeit: humpback whale, spec=Cetacea Megaptera novaeangliae, old=awapeit
  • ficepeit: sperm whale, spec=Cetacea Physeteridae
  • delcepeit: dolphin, spec=Cetacea delphinidae, old=yapeit
  • lewdelcepeit: beluga whale, spec=Cetacea Delphinapterus leucas, old=uwapeit
  • focepeit: porpoise, spec=Cetacea Phocoena, old=yepeit
  • sifocepeit: vaquita, spec=Cetacea Phocoena sinus, old=ayepeit
  • mocepeit: narwhal, spec=Cetacea Monodon monoceros, old=iwapeit
  • orcepeit: orca, spec=Cetacea Orcinus orca, old=ewapeit
  • miscepeit: baleen whale, spec=Cetacea Mysticeti, old=yowapeit
  • pinpeit: pinniped, marine mammal, seal, pec=Pinnipedia
  • odopinpeit: walrus, spec=Pinnipedia Odobenidae Odobenus rosmarus, old=yopeit
  • fopinpeit: seal, earless seal, crawling seal, spec=Pinnipedia Phocidae Pusa, old=epeit
  • muspinpeit: marine otter, spec=Pinnipedia Mustelidae Lutra
  • otpinpeit: otary, sea lion, fur seal, pec=Pinnipedia Otaridae Otaria, old=ipeit

pyeit: mollusk, spec=Mollusca

  • cepyeit: cephalopod, spec=Cephalopoda
  • decepyeit: squid, spec=Cephalopoda Decapodiformes, old=yopyeit
  • sedecepyeit: cuttlefish, cuttles, spec=Cephalopoda Decapodiformes Sepiida, old=nepyeit
  • midecepyeit: squid, spec=Cephalopoda Decapodiformes Myopsida
  • nawdecepyeit: nautilis, spec=Cephalopoda Nautilidae, old=nipyeit
  • okcepyeit: octopus, spec=Cephalopoda Octopoda, old=napyeit
  • nawcepyeit: nautilus, spec=Cephalopoda Nautilidae, old=nipyeit
  • bipyeit: oyster, bivalve, spec=Bivalvia, old=apyeit
  • osbipyeit: oyster, spec=Bivalvia Ostreidae, old=apyeit
  • panbipyeit: geoduck, spec=Bivalvia Panopea generosa
  • pekbipeyit: scallop, spec=Bivalvia Pectinidae, old=upyeit
  • mibipyeit: mussel, spec=Bivalvia Mytilidae, old=epyeit
  • spibipyeit: clam, spec=Bivalvia Spisula solidissima, old=ipyeit
  • karbipyeit: cockle, spec=Bivalvia Cardiidae
  • gaspyeit: snail, escargot, slug, gastropod, spec=Gastropoda
  • halgaspyeit: abalone, spec=Gastropoda Haliotidae
  • stromgaspyeit: conch, sea snail, spec=Gastropoda Strombidae, old=nyapyeit
  • angaspyeit: sea hare, spec=Gastropoda Anaspidea
  • ongaspyeit: slug, spec=Gastropoda Onchidiacea, old=mepyeit
  • cigaspyeit: cowrie, spec=Gastropoda Cypraedidae

piit: crustacean, shellfish, arthropod, spec=Crustaceae

  • depiit: decapod, spec=Decapoda
  • padepiit: hermit crab, spec=Decapoda Paguroidea, old=iepiit
  • bradepiit: crab, spec=Decapodia Brachyura, old=yepiit
  • nedepiit: lobster, spec=Decapoda Nephropididae, old=apiit
  • amhonedepiit: Maine lobster, American lobster, spec=Nephropidae Homarus americanus, old=ewapiit
  • nornedepiit: langostino, red lobster, scampi spec=Nephropidae Nephrops norvegicus, old=awapiit
  • krandepiit: shrimp, spec=Decapoda Crangonidae old=yapiit
  • dendepiit: prawn, spec=Decapoda Dendrobranchiata, old=yopiit
  • asdepiit: crawdad, crayfish, crawfish, mudbug, yabbies spec=Decapoda Astacidea, old=epiit
  • cirpiit: barnacle, spec=Cirripedia, old=yipiit

pit: fish, spec=Pisces

  • bapit: ray, spec=Batoidea, old=syepit
  • gapit: codfish, cod, spec=Gadidae, old=syupit
  • awkapit: goldfish, spec=Carassius auratus, old=alyupit
  • sprapit: sprat, spec=Sprattus, old=asapit
  • abpit: seabream, sea bream, bream, spec=Abramis, old=supit
  • aymepit: haddock, spec=Melanogrammus aeglefinus, old=alipit
  • skofpit: turbot, spec=Scophthalmus maximus, old=alyepit
  • cipit: minnow, pinkeen, spec=Cyprinoidea, old=alyopit
  • karcipit: carp, spec=Cyprinus carpio, old=upit
  • sipit: catfish, spec=Siluriformes, old=alopit
  • trutsalpit: trout, spec=Salmo trutta, old=apit
  • anpit: eel, spec=Anguiliformes, old=alapit
  • merpit: whiting, spec=Merlangius merlangus, old=yipit
  • enpit: anchovy, spec=Engraulidae, old=sipit
  • tinpit: tench, spec=Tincidae Tinca tinca, old=yopit
  • sopit: sole, spec=Soleidae, old=ipit
  • hippit: seahorse, spec=Hippocampus, old=alyipit
  • barpit: barbel, spec=Barbus, old=sepit
  • sarpit: sardine, spec=Sardina, old=syopit
  • merlucpit: hake, spec=Merlucciidae, old=syapit
  • perpit: bass, spec=Percomorpha, old=yupit
  • gaspit: stickleback, spec=Gasterosteidae, old=yepit
  • ispit: marlin, spec=Istiophoridae, old=alupit
  • lutpit: red snapper, spec=Lutjanus, old=alyapit
  • klupit: herring, clupeid, spec=Clupeidae, old=sapit

pyit: predatory fish

  • plewpyit: flounder, spec=Pleuronectoidea, old=epit
  • poypyit: guppy, molly, spec=Poecilidae, old=alepit
  • gapyit: cod, spec=Gadidae Gadus, old=yopyit
  • acpyit: sturgeon, spec=Acipenseridae, old=upyit
  • sepyit: shark, spec=Selachimorpha, old=apyit
  • gasepyit: tiger shark, spec=Selachimorpha Galeocerdonidae Galeocerdo cuvier, old=ewapyit
  • skwasepyit: angel shark, spec=Selachimorpha Squatinidae Squatina, old=iwapyit
  • karlamsepyit: great white shark, spec=Selachimorpha Lamnidae Carcharodon carcharias, old=awapyit
  • karkarsepyit: bull shark, Zambezi shark, spec=Selachimorpha Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus leucas, old=yowapyi
  • sfirsepyit: hammerhead shark, spec=Selachimorpha Sphyrnidae, old=uwapyit
  • sfipyit: barracuda, spec=Sphyraenidae, old=alopyit
  • mipyit: stingray, spec=Myliobatoidei, old=yepyit
  • epipyit: grouper, spec=Epinephelinae, old=ewalepyit
  • ksipyit: swordfish, spec=Xiphiidae Xiphias gladius, old=epyit
  • salpyit: salmon, spec=Salmonidae, old=yupyit
  • skompyit: mackerel, spec=Scombridae, old=yapyit
  • tunpyit: tuna, spec=Thunnus
  • altunpyit: yellowfin tuna, spec=Thunnus albacares, old=iwipyit
  • tintunpyit: bluefin tuna, spec=Thunnus Thynnus, old=ewipyit
  • attunpyit: blackfin tuna, spec=Tunnus atlanticus, old=awipyit
  • kopyit: mahi-mahi, dolphin fish, spec=Coryphainidae Coryphaena hippurus, old=alipyit
  • perpyit: perch, spec=Percidae, old=alepyit
  • sanperpyit: walleye, spec=Percidae Sander vitreus, old=iwalypyit
  • serpyit: piranha, spec=Serrasalmidae, old=awalepyit
  • espyit: pike, spec=Esocidae Esox lucius, old=alapyit

pilt: marine invertebrate, spec=Cnidaria

  • mepilt: jellyfish, sea jelly, sea nettle, spec=Medusazoa, old=ipilt
  • lipilt: horseshoe crab, spec=Limulidae, old=eyepilt
  • ekpilt: sea urchin, spec=Echinoidea, old=apilt
  • anpilt: coral, spec=Anthozoa, old=upilt
  • porpilt: sponge, spec=Portifera, old=yopilt
  • aspilt: starfish, spec=Asteroidea, old=epilt
The animal noise verbs are formed by replacing the final t of the animal's name to der (communicate, utter), as in the chart below. If the noise is particularly "noisy", the verb teuder (scream) can be used instead of der.
Animal Sounds
ekpet....horse ekpeder....neigh, whinny
bopet....bull bopeder....bellow
bopeot....ox bopeoder....low, moo, bellow
bopeyt....cow bopeyder....moo
afekpet....ass afekpeder....bray, hehaw
lakampot....llama lakampoder....growl
ovbopet....sheep ovbopeder....bleat
kabopet....goat kabopeder....bray
supet....hog supepeder....grunt, snort, oink
kapet....dog kapeder....bark (kapeteuder....yelp)
kapyot....wolf kapyoder....howl
vulkapyot....fox vulkapyoder....yelp
fepet....cat fepeder....mew, purr, meow
tipanfepyot....tiger tipanfepyoder....growl
yupet....rabbit yupeder....drum
skiropot....squirrel skiropoder....squeak
proropot....raccoon proropoder....chitter
ropet....mouse ropeder....squeak
famarpot....koala famarpoder....wail
lepanfepyot....lion lepanfepyoder....roar
hyaypyot....hyena hyaypyoder....laugh
awkapyot....jackal awkapyoder....howl
simpyot....ape simpyoder....gibber
urpyot....bear urpyoder....growl
elpot....elephant elpoder....trumpet
rancerpot....reindeer rancerpoder....bellow
alcerpot....moose alcerpoder....bellow
kampet....camel kampeder....grunt
gipot....giraffe gipoder....bleat
gekskwapyet....gecko gekskwapyeder....go to-key, make a gecko noise
serpyet....snake serpyeder....hiss
kipayet....bat kipayeder....screech
anpiyet....frog ampiyeder....rivet, croak
appelat....bee appelader....buzz
kopelt....beetle kopelder....drone
grilorpelt....cricket grilorpelder....chirp
pat....bird pader....chirp, tweet, coo, sing
gafapat....rooster gafapader....crow, cockadoodledoo
apayt....hen apayder....cluck
apatog....chicken apatoder....cheep
anpiat....duck anpiader....quack
ipat....turkey ipader....gobble
likopat....pigeon likopader....coo
akpyat....eagle akpyader....squawk
kapyat....vulture kapyader....scream
korpaspat....raven, crow korpasder....croak
stripyat....owl stripyader....hoot
cikorpaspat....jay cikorpaspader....chatter
strutopat....ostrich strutopader....bleep
siganpiat....swan siganpiader....cry
hirpaspat....swallow dirpaspader....squeal
psipat....parrot psipader....parrot
lumuspat....nightingale lumuspader....pipe
silpaspat....warbler silpaspader....warble
sfepiat....penguin sfepiader....honk
mapiot....platypus mapioder....chitter
anorpiot....walrus anorpioder....groan
focepeit....porpoise focepeider....whistle
By suffixing the final t of the animal name with tam....house, you get corresponding animal's living quarters:
Animal Habitats
ekpet....horse ekpetam....stable
bopet....ox bopetam....cowshed
supet....pig supetam....pigpen, pigsty
kapet....dog kapetam....doghouse
lepanfepyot....lion lepanfepyotam....den, lion's den
forpelt....ant forpeltam....anthill
appelat....bee appelatam....beehive
pat....bird patam....nest, bird's nest
gafapat....chicken gafapatam....henhouse, chicken coop
urpyot....bear urpyotam....lair
pyot....wild animal pyotam....cage
By changing the final letter of the animal's name to an l, you get the meat eaten from that animal:
Animal Meats
bopet....ox bopel....beef
cerpot....deer cerpol....venison
supet....hog supel....pork
supetyob....hog leg supetyol....ham
ovbopet....sheep ovbopel....mutton
kapbopetud....calf kapbopetul....veal
gaspyeit....snail gaspyel....escargot
By adding yan....aggregate or nyan....crowd to the name of an animal, you get the animal grouping:
Animal Groupings
pat....bird patyan....flock
bopeot....ox bopeotyan....cattle
pit....fish pityan....school
pelt....insect peltyan....swarm
gafapat....cock gafapatyan....poultry
pot....animal potnyan....herd
kapbopet....goat kapbopetyan....goatherd

Animals' Babies and Diminutives


The baby of an animal ends in ud, which is a stub suffix for tud....offspring, child:
Animals' Babies
ekpet....horse ekpetud....foal
pat....bird patud....chick
bopeot....ox bopeotud....calf
kapet....dog kapetud....pup
fepet....cat fepetud....kitten
gafapat....cock gafapatud....chick
apyat....eagle apyatud....eaglet
ansanpiat....goose ansanpiatud....gosling
ovbopet....ram ovbopetud....lamb
kabopet....goat kabopetud....kid
To create an animal pet name, add the suffix if
Animal Pet Names
kapet....dog kapetif....puppy
fepet....cat fepetif....kitten
gafapat....cock gafapatif....chickadee
Other size suffixes can be appended as well:
Animal Diminutives and Augmentatives
kapet....dog kapetog....doggy
kapet....dog kapetayg....cur
kapet....dog kapetag....hound
ovbopetud....lamb ovbopetudog....lambkin
supet....hog supetog....piggy

Animal-derived Adjectives


Here is a chart showing the adjectives used to refer to animals:
Animal Adjectives
ekpet....horse ekpeta....equine
bopeot....ox bopeota....bovine
ovbopet....ram ovbopeta....ovine
supet....hog supeta....porcine
kapet....dog kapeta....canine
fepet....cat fepeta....feline
kapyot....wolf kapyota....lupine
pyet....reptile pyeta....reptilian
pat....bird pata....avian
Various Other Words Derived from Animals:
Various Animal Derviations
apet....horse ekpetsim....saddle
dopekpetaput....mounted trooper
appelat....bee appelatyel....wax
pat....bird patij....egg
pit....fish pitpexar....lure
pituil....fish sauce
The hair of an animal ends in tayeb....hair:
Animal Hair
pat....bird patayeb....feather
ekpet....horse ekpetayeb....horsehair, mane
fepet....cat fepetayeb....cat fur
kampet....camel kampetayeb....camelhair
pit....fish pitayeb....scale
ansanpiat....goose ansanpiatayeb....down, goose down
urpyot....bear urpyotayeb....fuzz
ovbopet....sheep ovbopetayeb....wool, fleece

Motion Verbs Based on Animals


Animal Hair
ekpet....horse ekpeper....gallop
pafapat....peacock pafapaper....strut
serpyet....snake serpyeper....slither
peyet....worm peyeper....squirm, wriggle
ropet....mouse ropetaper....scurry
pelt....insect pelper....crawl
pat....bird paper....fly
pit....fish piper....swim
palepelat....butterfly palepelaper....flutter
skiropot....squirrel skiropoper....squirrel
pitiyub....fishtail pitiyuper....fishtail
kabopot....mountain goat kabopoper....skulk

Gendered Counterparts of Animals


  • The word for the female counterpart of an animal is created by inserting a y before the final t of the animal's adult name.
  • The word for the specifically male counterpart of an animal is created by placing a w after the p of the animal's adult name, unless the p is followed by a y such as in pyot, in which case the w goes before the final t, eg. gapyowt....papa bear.
  • The word for the gelded male counterpart of an animal is created by placing an o vowel before the final t of the animal's adult male name.
  • To form a mixed breed, put the appropriate vowels that precede the p of the two animal's adult names in a combination. For example, kabekpeyt....mare + afekpet....ass = afkabekpet....mule.
Animal Gendered Counterparts
ekpet....horse ekpwet....stallion ekpeyt....mare ekpweot....gelding
bopet....bovine, cattle bopwet....bull, ox bopeyt....cow bopweot....steer
afekpet....ass afekpwet....donkey afekpeyt....she-ass, jenny afkabekpet....mule
kabopet....goat kabopwet....buck kabopeyt....nanny, doe kabopweot....wether
ovbopet....sheep ovbopwet....ram ovbopeyt....ewe ovbopweot....wether
supet....pig, swine supwet....hog supeyt....sow supweot....barrow
kapet....dog kapwet....hound kapeyt....bitch
fepet....cat fepwet....tom fepeyt....tabby
lapet....rabbit lapwet....buck lapeyt....doe rabbit
lepanpyot....lion lepanpyoyt....lioness
kapyot....wolf kapyowt....he-wolf kapyoyt....wolverine, she-wolf
vulkapyot....fox vulkapyowt....tod vulkapyoyt....vixen
elpot....elephant elpoyt....cow elephant
gafapat....cock gafapwat....rooster gafapayt....hen gafapweot....capon

Interesting Parallels in Animal Vocabulary


Parallels in Animal Vocabulary
teub....mouth pateub....beak, bill poteub....mug mimeub....bay
teib....nose poteib....snout gapeteib....elephant trunk meib....promontory tilabeib....nipple fapemeib....camel hump seib....marquee, ledge
tayeb....hair patayeb....feather pitayeb....scale petayeb....fur fayeb....leaf vosayeb....petal uopetayeb....wool, fleece
tulob....nail patulob....claw apelatulob....stinger defulob....pine needle fulob....prick vulob....thorn yomulob....icicle
tyoyab....foot apetyoyab....hoof potyoyab....paw meboyab....foothills fyoyab....stump vyoyab....stub
tayob....skin potayob....hide piitayob....shell mayob....crust fayob....bark vayob....peel patijayob....eggshell
tub....arm patub....wing pitub....fin potub....paw mapatub....fan zyupatub....propeller
The stems of the words in this family begin with f for vegetation and end in b for organism. These words have to do with trees, fruits, nuts, vegetables, plants, grasses, and grains, as shown in this chart:
Vegetation and Plant Parts
fayb....shrub, vine
feb....fruit, nut
The base word fob means plant, vegetation.
Here are words that are derived from this root:
  • fob....plant, vegetation
  • foba....botanical, vegetal
  • fobam....greenhouse
  • fobdem....botanical garden, orchard
  • fobika....verdant
  • fobikay....verdantly
  • fobtun....botany
  • fobtuna....botanic, botanical
  • fobtunay....botanically
  • fobtut....botanist
  • fobyan....flora, vegetation
  • fobyena....vegetative
  • fobyexea....cultivating
  • fobyexem....farm
  • fobyexen....agriculture, cultivating, cultivation, farming, tilling
  • fobyexena....agricultural
  • fobyexenut....agriculturalist
  • fobyexer....cultivate, farm, till
  • fobyexin....agrarianism
  • fobyextun....agronomy
  • fobyextuna....agronomical
  • fobyextunay....agronomically
  • fobyextut....agronomist
  • fobyexun....agriculture, farming, tilth
  • fobyexuna....agrarian, agricultural
  • fobyexunam....farmhouse, farmstead
  • fobyexut....cultivator, farmer
  • fobyexwa....farmed
  • fobyexyafwa....cultivable, tillable
  • fobyexyofwa....untillable
  • milfob....aquatic plant, hydrophyte
  • milfoba....hydrophytic
  • milfobyex....hydroponics
  • milfobyexa....hydroponic



The word fab means tree. The diminutive is fayb meaning bush, vine. The fruit or nut of the tree ends in feb, unless it is a berry from a vine, in which case it is feyb. The juice from the fruit or berry is fel.
Trees all end in fab. Vines, shrubs, and bushes ending in fayb. The syllables prefixed to those roots come from the international Linnaean taxonomy. Here are the principal trees, vines, shrubs, and bushes:
fab: tree
anbromfab: pineapple, spec=Bromeliaceae Ananas comosus
fafab: bean plant, pea plant, spec=Fabaceae
  • glefafab: honey locust, honeylocust, spec=Fabaceae Gleditsia triacanthos, old=dyufab
  • akfafab: acacia tree, spec=Fabaceae Acacia, old=rufab
plafab: plane tree, plantain, spec=Platanaceae Platanus, old=rafab
  • okplafab: sycamore tree, occidental plane tree, spec=Platanaceae Platanus occidentalis, old=ryefab
tafab: yew tree, spec=Taxaceae Taxus, old=difab
ebfab: Ceylon ebony, spec=Ebenaceae Diospyros ebenum
acfab: maple tree, spec=Aceraceae Acer, old=ryifab
befab: birch tree, spec=Betulaceae Betula, old=rifab
  • korbefab: hazel nut tree, kukui tree, spec=Betulaceae Corylus, old=nyofab
katefab: cacao tree, spec=Malvaceae Theobroma cacao, old=dyofab
fagfab: beech tree, spec=Fagaceae Fagus, old=mefab
  • kafagfab: chestnut tree, spec=Fagaceae Castanea, old=mifab
  • kwerfagfab: oak tree, spec=Fagaceae Quercus quercus, old=mafab
  • kasfagfab: sweet chestnut tree, spec=Fagaceae Castanea sativa, old=mufab
pulifab: pomegranate tree, spec=Lythraceae Punica granatum, old=byofab
pifab: conifer, evergreen tree, pine tree, spec=Pinaceae Pinus, old=dofab
  • lapifab: larch tree, spec=Pinaceae Larix:*
  • abpifab: fir tree, spec=Pinaceae Abies, old=dafab
  • cepifab: cedar tree, spec=Pinaceae Cedrus, old=dyafab
  • licepifab: cedar of Lebanon, spec=Pinaceae Cedrus libani
  • tsupifab: hemlock tree, spec=Pinaceae Tsuga:*
maswifab: mahogany tree, spec=Melaiceae Swietenia mahgoni
ginkfab: ginkgo tree, spec=Ginkgoaceae Ginkgo biloba, old=nufab
malfab: mallows family, spec=Malvaceae
  • himalfab: rosella plant, spec=Malvacea Hibiscus sabdariffa
  • okmalfab: balsa tree, spec=Malvaceae Ochroma pyramidale, old=kefab
  • komalfab: kola plant, spec=Malvaceae Cola nitida old=nyefab
  • dumalfab: durian tree, spec=Malvaceae Durio
salfab: willow tree, willow family, spec=Salicaceae Salix, old=ryofab
  • posalfab: poplar tree,, aspen tree, populus tree, spec=Salicaceae Populus, old=refab
  • balposalfab: cottonwood, spec=Salicaceae Populus balsamifera, old=ryofab
olfab: olive tree, spec=Oleaceae Olea europaea, old=byefab
  • fraksolfab: ash tree, spec=Oleaceae Fraxinus
ulfab: elm tree, spec=Ulmaceae Ulmus, old=ryafab
anfab: cashew/pistachio family, spec=Anacardiaceae
  • okanfab: cashew tree, spec=Anacardiaceae Anacardium occidentale, old=myafab
  • mananfab: mango tree, spec=Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica, old=lyafab
  • pisanfab: pistachio tree, spec=Anacardiaceae Pistacia vera, old=nefab
  • topisanfab: poison ivy, spec=Anacardiaceae Toxiodendron
mofab: mulberry tree, mulberry family, spec=Moraceae Morus, old=alofab
  • fimofab: fig tree, spec=Moraceae Ficus carica, old=byafab
  • urfimofab: banyan, spec=Moraceae Ficus Urostigma, old=afyafab
rofab: fruit tree, spec=Rosaceae
  • marofab: apple tree, spec=Rosaceae Malus domestica, old=afab
  • domarofab: crabapple tree, spec=Rosaceae Malus domestica, old=aafab
  • kirofab: quince tree, spec=Rosaceae Cydonia oblonga, old=yefab
  • pirofab: pear tree, spec=Rosaceae Pyrus, old=efab
  • prurofab: plum tree, aspen, Rosaceae Prunus domestica, old=ufab
  • ceprurofab: cherry tree, spec=Rosaceae Prunus cerasus, old=ifab
  • amprurofab: almond tree, spec=Rosaceae Prunus amygdalus, old=myofab
  • arprurofab: apricot tree, spec=Rosaceae Prunus armeniaca, old=yofab
  • perprurofab: peach tree, spec=Rosaceae Prunus persica, old=yafab
maprofab: macadamia tree, spec=Proteaceae Macadamia, old=myifab
arfab: palm tree, spec=Arecaceae old=bofab
  • rafarfab: raffia palm, spec=Arecaceae Raphia
  • kokarfab: coconut palm, coconut tree, spec=Arecaceae Cocos nucifera, old=bufab
  • foynarfab: date tree, spec=Arecaceae Phoenix dactylifera, old=befab
pakarfab: papaya, yucca, spec=Caricaceae Carica papaya, old=dalifab
erfab: heather, spec=Ericaceae
lefab: Brazil nut tree, spec=Lecythidaceae Bertholletia excelsa, old=myefab
mirfab: myrtle, spec=Myrtaceae
  • arsimirfab: clove tree, spec=Myrtaceae Syzygium aromaticum
  • pimirfab: pimenta, spec=Myrtaceae Pimenta
  • simirfab: lillypillies, spec=Myrtaceae Syzygium
  • ewmirfab: eucalyptus tree, juniper tree, gum tree, spec=Myrtaceae Eucalyptus, old=dyefab
  • melewmirfab: yellow box, spec=Myrtaceae Eucalyptus melliodora, old=dalyafab
  • tenewmirfab: stringybark, spec=Myrtaceae Eucalyptus tenella, old=dalufab
  • korewmirfab: yate, spec=Myrtaceae Eucalyptus cornuta, old=dalyofab
korfab: dogwood tree, spec=Cornaceae Cornus sanguinea
burfab: torchwood, Burseraceae family, spec=Burseraceae
  • ovkaburfab: pili tree, spec=Burseraceae Canarium ovatum, old=nyafab
  • komburfab: myrrh, spec=Burseraceae Commiphora abyssinca
  • bosburfab: frankincense, spec=Burseraceae Boswellia
mirisfab: nutmeg tree, spec=Myristicaceae Myristica fragrans, old=dyifab:::*
jufab: walnut tree family, walnut tree, spec=Juglandaceae Yuglans
  • cijufab: butternut tree, spec=Yuglandaceae Yuglans cinerea
  • ilkarjufab: pecan tree, spec=Juglandaceae Carya illioinensis, old=nafab
  • tokarjufab: hickory, spec=Juglandaceae Carya tomentosa, old=nyifab
kufab: cypress tree, spec=Cupressaceae, old=dufab
  • sekufab: sequoia, giant sequoia, redwood tree, spec=Cupressaceae Sequoia sempervirens, old=dalofab
  • jukufab: juniper tree, spec=Cupressaceae Juniperus communis
mufab: banana tree, spec=Musaceae Musa, old=bifab
  • enmufab: ensete, false banana, spec=Musaceae Ensete
rufab: citrus family, spec=Rutaceae
  • pterufab: hop tree, spec=Rutaceae Ptelea trifoliata
  • jacirufab: kumquat, spec=Rutaceae Citrus japonica
  • mecirufab: lime tree, linden tree, spec=Rutaceae Citrus medica, old=lyofab
  • recirufab: grapefruit, spec=Rutaceae Citrus reticulata
  • recirufab: mandarin orange tree, mandarin tree, spec=Rutaceae Citrus reticulata, old=lefab
  • licirufab: lemon tree, spec=Rutaceae Citrus limon, old=lifab
  • sicirufab: orange tree, spec=Rutaceae Citrus sinensis, old=lafab
  • grancirufab: shaddock, spec=Rutaceae Citrus grandis, old=luyfab
  • tancirufab: mandarin orange, tangerine, spec=Rutaceae Citrus tangerina, old=lefeb
  • awcirufab: sour orange tree, marmalade orange tree, bigarade orange tree, bitter orange tree, spec=Rutaceae Citrus aurantium, old=lufab
  • tinkrufab: madder, rose madder, spec=Rubiaceae tinctorum
  • cinrufab: quinine tree, cinchona, spec=Rubiaceae Cinchona
lawfab: laurel tree, spec=Lauraceae
  • cinlawfab: cinnamon tree, laurel tree, spec=Lauraceae Cinnamomum, old=byufab
  • saslawfab: sassafras tree, spec=Lauraceae Sassafras albidum
fayb: vine, bush, shrub
  • tefayb: tea plant, spec=Theaceae Camellia sinensis, old=safayb
  • koffayb: coffee plant, spec=Rubiaceae Coffea arabica, old=kafayb
  • pifayb: evergreen shrub, spec=Pinospida, old=dofayb
  • vifayb: grapevine, vine, spec=Vitaceae Vitis vinifera, old=vafayb
  • kakfayb: cactus, spec=Cactaceae
  • akwilfayb: ilex, holly bush, spec=Aquifoliaceae Ilex aquifolium, old=mafayb
  • rofayb: fruit vine
  • frarofayb: strawberry bush, spec=Rosaceae Fragaria ananassa, old=sufayb
  • grofayb: gooseberry family, spec=Grossulariaceae
  • nirigrofayb: blackcurrant, black currant bush, cassis bush, spec=Grossulariaceae Ribes nigrum, old=ifayb
  • rurigrofayb: red currant bush, redcurrant bush, spec=Grossulariaceae Ribes rubrum, old=syofayb
  • rurofayb: raspberry bush, spec=Rosaceae Rubus fructicosus, old=vefayb
  • alrurofayb: blackberry vine, spec=Rosaceae Rubus allegheniensis
  • prurofayb: blackthorn, sloe, spec=Rosaceae Prunus spinosa, old=yoluvos
  • nuprurofayb: nectarine, peach tree, spec=Rosaceae Prunus nucipersica, old=yafeyb
  • kapsofayb: pepper plant, pepper vine, spec=Solanaceae Capsicum, old=sifayb
  • kafayb: honeysuckle bush, spec=Caprifoliaceae
  • vikafayb: viburnum, spec=Caprifoliaceae Viburnum
  • samkafayb: elderberry bush, spec=Caprifoliaceae Sambucus canadensis
  • kapfayb: caper bush, spec=Capparidaceae Capparis
  • pipfayb: black pepper vine, spec=Piperaceae Piper nigrum
  • vakserfayb: cranberry bush, spec=Ericaceae Vaccinium, old=syefayb
  • civakserfayb: blueberry bush, spec=Ericaceae Vaccinium sect. Cyanococcus
  • verfayb: verbena family, spec=Verbenaceae
  • mifayb: bayberry bush, spec=Myricaceae
  • mirfayb: myrtle, myrtus family, spec=Myrtaceae
  • psimirfayb: guava, spec=Myrtaceae Psidium, old=lyofayb
The fruits and nuts of these trees are derived by changing fab to feb. The berries from vines/shrubs/bushes end in feyb. The following tables shows some examples. The juice of the fruit can be derived by chaning feb to fel. A jam ends in fyel, while a jelly ends in fyeyl. An alcoholic drink ends in fil.
Trees/Bushes/Vines and Their Fruits/Nuts/Berries
fab....tree feb...fruit/nut fel....fruit juice
rofab....fruit tree rofeb....fruit....fruit juice
malrofab....apple tree malrofeb....apple malrofel....apple juice
pirofab....pear tree pirofeb....pear pirofel....pear juice
ceprurofab....cherry tree ceprurofeb....cherry ceprurofel....cherry juice
prurofab....plum tree prufofeb....plum prufofel....plum juice
arprurofab....apricot tree arprurofeb....apricot arprufofel....apricot juice
perprurofab....peach tree perprufofeb....peach perprurofel....peach juice
kirofab....quince tree kirofeb....quince
mofab....mulberry tree mofeb....mulberry
pifab....evergreen tree pifeb....pine cone
abpifab....fir tree abpifeb....fir cone
cepifab....cedar tree cepifeb....pollen cone
tafab....yew tafeb....aril
katefab....cacao tree katfeb....cacao, cocoa bean katefel....chocolate
dyafab....cedar tree dyafeb....pollen cone
arfab....palm tree arfeb....drupe
foynarfab....date tree foynarfeb....date
mufab....banana tree mufeb....banana mufel....banana juice
kokarfab....coconut tree kokarfeb....coconut kokarfel....coconut juice
fyofab....pomegranate tree fyofeb....pomegranate fyofel....pomegranate juice
fimofab....fig tree fimofeb....fig fimofel....fig juice
olfab....olive tree olfeb....olive olfyel....olive oil
rufab....citrus tree rufeb....citrus fruit rufel....citrus juice
sicirufab....orange tree sicirufeb....orange sicirufel....orange juice
tancirufab....mandarine tree tancirufeb....mandarin tancirufel....mandarine juice
licirufab....lemon tree licirufeb....lemon licirufel....lemon juice
recirufab....grapefruit tree recirufeb....grapefruit recirufel....grapefruit juice
mecirufab....linden tree mecirufeb....lime mecirufel....lime juice
jacirufab....kumquat tree jacirufeb....kumquat
jufab....walnut tree jufeb....walnut
korbefab....hazel tree korbefeb....hazel nut
fagfab....beech tree fagfeb....beechnut
kafagfab....chestnut tree kafagfeb....chestnut
kwerfagfab....oak tree kwerfagfeb....acorn
kasfagfab....sweet chestnut tree kasfagfeb....sweet chestnut
plafab....plane tree
posalfab....poplar tree posalfeb....catlin
befab....birch tree befeb....samara
akfafab....acacia tree
salfab....willow tree
ulfab....elm tree ulfeb....samara
acfab....maple tree acfyel....maple syrup
okplafab....sycamore tree
ralufab....almond tree amprurofeb....almond
okanfab....cashew tree okanfeb....cashew
mananfab....mango tree mananfeb....mango mananfel....mango juice
tefayb....tea tefayeb....tea leaf tefayel....tea
koffayb....coffee plant koffeyb....coffee bean koffeyl....coffee
nirigrofayb....blackcurrant bush nirigrofeyb....blackcurrant nirigrofeyl....cassis
frarofayb....strawberry bush frarofeyb....strawberry frarofeyl....strawberry juice
rurigrofayb....redcurrant bush rurigrofeyb....redcurrant
pipfayb....pepper vine pipfeyb....peppercorn pipfol....pepper
vifayb....grapevine vifeyb....grape vifel....grape juice
vifyeyl....grape jelly
vifayeb....ivy (leaf)
alrurofayb....blackberry vine alrurofeyb....blackberry alrurofyel....blackberry jam
The baseword vob is the top-level of a family of words having to do with crops, plants, grains, and flowers.
veb....tuft, cob, ear, head, spike
----veel....bean, legume
vub....shoot, blade, twig



Here is a list of crops with their Linnaean taxonomic designations:
vob: crop
mefavob: alfalfa, spec=Fabaceae Medicago sativa, old=suvob
lamvob: sage family plants, spec=Lamiaceae
  • basoclamvob: basil, spec=Lamiaceae Ocimum basilicum, old=zevob
  • rossallamvob: rosemary, spec=Lamiaceae Salvia rosmarinus, old=zuvob
  • purlamvob: white dead-nettle, spec=Lamiaceae Lamium purpureum, old=malza sivob
bravob: mustard plants, spec=Brassicaceae
  • nabravob: rutabaga, colza, rape seed, rapeseed, spec=Brassicaceae Brassica napus, old=yevob
agvob: mushroom, champignon, agaric, spec=Agaricaceae Agaricus bisporus, old=savob
livob: flax, linen, linseed, spec=Linaceae Linum usitatissimum, old=fevob
polivob: buckwheat crops, spec=Polygonaceae
  • fapolivob: buckwheat, spec=Polygonaceae Fagopyrum esculentum, old=uvob
nivob: tobacco, spec=Solanaceae Nicotiana tabacum, old=givob
sakvob: sugarcane, spec=Saccharum, old=levob
malvob: mallow, spec=Malvaceae
  • kormalvob: canvas, jute, spec=Malvaceae Corchorus olitorius, old=fuvob
  • gosmalvob: cotton, spec=Malvaceae Gossypium, old=favob
satalvob: garlic, spec=Alium sativum, old=ryavol
polvob: fern, spec=Polypodiophyta, old=ryuvob
kanvob: hash, hasheesh, hashish, hemp, cannabis, marijuana, pot, spec=Cannabaceae Cannabis sativa, old=fivob
  • celkanvob: hackberry, spec=Cannabaceae Celtis
  • hukanvob: hop, spec=Cannabaceae Humulus lupulus, old=yavob
povob: cereal, grain, spec=Poaceae
  • frapovob: reed, thatch, spec=Poaceae Phragmites austsralis, old=luvob
  • papovob: millet, spec=Poaceae Paniceae, old=yovob
  • sepovob: rye, spec=Poacea Secale cereale, old=evob
  • zepovob: corn, maize, Indian corn, spec=Poaceae Zea mays, old=gevob
  • tripovob: wheat, spec=Poaceae Triticum aestivum, old=avob
  • bampovob: bamboo, spec=Poaceae Bambuseae, old=lavob
  • bropovob: brome grass, spec=Poaceae Bromus, old=guvob
  • orpovob: rice, spec=Poaceae Oryza sativa, old=yivob
  • horpovob: barley, spec=Poaceae Hordeum vulgare, old=ivob
  • sorpovob: sorghum, spec=Poaceae Sorghum, old=pavob
  • avpovob: oat, spec=Poaceae Avena sativa, old=yuvob
arvob: goober, peanut, spec=Arachis hypogaea, old=yovob
urvob: nettle, stinging nettle, spec=Urticaceae Urtica dioica, old=sivob
asvob: daisy family, spec=Asteraceae
  • helasvob: sunflower, spec=Asteraceae Helianthus annuus, old=gavob
  • arasvob: wormwood, spec=Asteraceae Artemisia absinthium
  • karasvob: thistle, spec=Asteraceae Carduus, old=sevob
Crop Derivatives
povob....cereal, grain povel....bread
tripovob....wheat tripovol....flour
sepovob....rye sepovel....rye bread
hukanvob....hop hukanvil....beer
orpovob....rice orpovil....sake
avpovob....oat avpoveil....oatmeal
kanvob....hemp kanvol....hashish
helasvob....sunflower helasveeb....sunflower seed
zepovob....corn, maize zevofil....whiskey, bourbon
nivob....tobacco nivol....nicotine
sakvob....sugarcane sakol....sugar
luvob....reed, thatch luvobwa....thatched
vol: vegetable
kavol: honeysuckle, spec=Caprifoliaceae
  • valkavol: corn salad, lamb's lettuce, spec=Caprifoliaceae Valerianella locusta, old=puvol

lamvol: spice spec=Lamiaceae

  • tilamvol: thyme, spec=Lamiaceae Thymus vulgarus, old=zivol
  • soklamvol: basil, spec=Lamiaceae Ocimum basilicum, old=zevol
  • orlamvol: oregano, spec=Lamiaceae Origanum vulgare, old=???vol
  • sallamvol: rosemary, spec=Lamiaceae Salvia rosmarinus
ollavol: English pea, garden pea, sweet pea, spec=Lathyrus oleraceus, old=aveel
aspavol: asparagus, spec=Asparagaceae Asparagus officialis, old=ravol
  • agaspavol: agave, spec=Asparagaceae Agave americana
  • tekagaspavol: blue agave, spec=Asparagaceae Agave tequilana
  • yukaspavol: yucca, spec=Asparagaceae Yucca filamentosa

bravol: cabbage, mustard, crucifer, spec=Brassicaceae

  • nabravol: rutabaga, turnip, spec=Brassica napus, old=yopavol
  • rabravol: turnip, spec=Brassica rapa, old=alyivavol
  • rafbravol: radish, spec=Brassicaceae Raphanus raphanistrum sativus, old=livol
  • narabravol: tasoi, tat toi, spoon cabbage, rosette bok choy, spec=Brassica Rapa narinosa, old=alyuvavol
  • olbravol: cabbage, cole, spec=Brassica oleracea, old=pavol
  • sabolbravol: kale, collard greens, spec=Brassica oleracea sabellica, old=upavol
  • gemolbravol: Brussels sprout, spec=Brassica oleracea gemmifera, old=pivol
  • kapolbravol: red cabbage, spec=Brassica Oleracea capitata, old=ipavol
  • itolbravol: broccoli, spec=Brassica oleracea italica, old=yapavol
  • botolbravol: cauliflower, spec=Brassica oleracea botrytis, old=pevol
  • erbravol: arugula, spec=Brassicaceae Eruca vesicaria, old=avavol
  • nasbravol: watercress, spec=Brassicaceae Nasturtium officinale, old=zyavol
encivol: escarole, endive, chicory, spec=Cichorium endivia, old=yovavol
divol: yam, spec=Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea old=kavol
polivol: buckwheat, spec=Polygonaceae
  • rewmpolivol: rhubard, spec=Polygonaceae Rheum hybridum, old=rivol
  • rupolivol: sorrel, spec=Polygonaceae Rumex acetosa, old=vivol
alvol: scallion, green onion, herb, spec=Allium, old=syivol
  • amalvol: leek, spec=Allium ampeloprasum, old=savol
  • skoynalvol: chive, spec=Allium schoenoprasum, old=syavol
  • cepalvol: onion, spec=Allium cepa, old=sivol
  • asalvol: shallot, spec=Alium ascalonicum, old=fivol
  • satalvol: garlic, spec=Allium sativum, old=suvol
abmalvol: okra, gumbo, spec=Malvaceae Abelmoschus esculentus, old=byivol
amvol: amaranth, spec=Amaranthaceae
  • spinamvol: spinach, spec=Amaranthaceae Spinancia oleracea, old=vevol
  • betamvol: beet, spec=Amaranthaceae Beta vulgaris, old=alyevavol
menvol: mint, spec=Mentheae
  • spimenvol: spearmint, garden mint, spec=Mentheae Mentha spicata
zinvol: ginger, spec=Zingiberaceae Zingiber officinale
  • kurzinvol: turmeric, spec=Zingiberaceae Curcuma longa, old=ruvol
cimpovol: lemongrass, spec=Poaceae Cymbopogon, old=ralavol
sovol: nightshade, spec=Solanaceae
  • mesovol: aubergine, eggplant, brinjal, baigan, spec=Solanaceae Solanum melongena, old=bevol
  • lisovol: tomato, spec=Solanaceae Solanum lycopersicum, old=bavol
  • kapsovol: pepper, spec=Solanaceae Capsicum, old=byevol
  • akapsovol: chili pepper, spec=Solanaceae Capsicum annuum, old=byevol
  • ekapsovol: bell pepper, spec=Solanaceae Capsicum annuum, old=byevol
  • ikapsovol: cayenne pepper, spec=Solanaceae Capsicum annuum, old=byevol
  • ukapsovol: jalapeno, spec=Solanaceae Capsicum annuum, old=byevol
  • frukapsovol: tabasco, spec=Solanaceae Capsicum frutescens, old=byevol
  • tusovol: potato, spud, tater, spec=Solanaceae Solanum tuberosum, old=lavol
apvol: umbellifer, spec=Apiaceae
  • makonapvol: hemlock, spec=Apiaceae Conium maculatum
  • foynapvol: fennel, spec=Apiaceae Foeniculum vulgare, old=zyivol
  • korapvol: coriander, cilantro, spec=Apiaceae Coriandrum sativum, old=zyevol
  • pasapvol: parsnip, spec=Apiaceae Pastinaca sativa, old=lyivol
  • krispetapvol: parsley, spec=Apiaceae Petroselinum crispum, old=zavol
  • gravapvol: celery, spec=Apiaceae Apium graveolens, old=kevol
  • kadawapvol: carrot, spec=Apiaceae Daucus carota, old=luvol
kokarvol: heart of palm, swamp cabbage, spec=Arecaceae Cocos, old=ryevol
eskolaravol: taro, spec=Araceae Colocasia esculenta, old=lyuvol
asvol: sunflower, aster, daisy family, spec=Asteraceae
  • lakasvol: lettuce, salad, garden lettuce, spec=Asteraceae Lactuta sativa, old=vavol
  • lonsalakasvol: romaine lettuce, spec=Asteraceae Lactuta sativa longifolia, old=yivavol
  • cikasvol: chicory, spec=Asteraceae Cichorium intybus, old=yavavol
  • incikasvol: radicchio, spec=Asteraceae Cichorium intybus, old=azuvol
  • helasvol: Jerusalem artichoke, sunroot, sunchoke, topinambur, spec=Asteraceae Helianthus tuberosus, old=alyavol
  • cinasvol: artichoke, spec=Asteraceae Cynara cardunculus, old=lyavol
  • tarasvol: dandelion, mustard greens, spec=Asteraceae Taraxacum officinale, old=vuvol
  • brasasvol: cruciferous vegetable, spec=Asteraceae Brassica
  • nabrasasvol: rutabaga, spec=Asteraceae Brassica napus, old=lyevol
  • rabrasasvol: turnip, spec=Asteraceae Brassica rapa
  • olbrasasvol: cabbage, spec=Asteraceae Brassica oleracea
    • awaolbrasasvol: cauliflower, spec=Asteraceae Brassica oleracea var. one
    • gonolbrasasvol: kohlrabi, turnip cabbage, spec=Asteraceae Brassica oleracea Gongylodes
    • virolbrasasvol: collard greens, spec=Asteraceae Brassica oleracea var. viridis
    • itolbrasasvol: broccoli, spec=Asteraceae Brassica oleracea var. italica
  • yunbrasasvol: canola,, spec=Asteraceae Brassica juncea
kuvol: squash, gourd, cucurbit, spec=Cucurbitaceae Curcurbita, old=gyevol
  • lakuvol: calabash, spec=Cucurbitaceae Lagenaria
  • makuvol: pumpkin, spec=Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita maxima, old=gavol
  • sakuvol: cucumber, spec=Cucurbitaceae Cucumis sativus, old=buvol
  • bekuvol: wax gourd, spec=Cucurbitaceae Curcurbita Benincasa
  • mekuvol: honeydew, muskmelon, melon, spec=Cucurbitaceae Cucumis melom, old=gevol
  • pekuvol: gourd, squash, pepo, spec=Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita pepo, old=gyivol
  • cikuvol: watermelon, spec=Cucurbitaceae Citrullus lanatus, old=givol
  • praykuvol: Indian squash, spec=Cucurbitaceae Curcurbita Praecitrullus
lawvol: laurel family, spec=Lauraceae
  • perlawvol: avocado, spec=Lauraceae Persea americana, old=bivol
veel: legume
faveel: bean, legume, spec=Fabaceae Phaseolus vulgaris, old=geveel
  • saluggia faveel: cranberry bean, Roman bean, saluggia bean, romano bean, spec=Phaseolus vulgaris, old=gyaveel
  • odlafaveel: sweat pea, spec=Fabaceae Lathyrus odoratus
  • ollafaveel: pea, spec=Fabaceae Lathyrus oleraceus
  • vigfaveel: black-eyed pea, spec=Faseolus Vigna unguiculata, old=gyiveel
  • ravigfaveel: mung bean, green gram, maash, monggo, pesalu, munggo, spec=Fabaceae Vigna radiata, old=gyeveel
  • cifaveel: chickpea, spec=Fabaceae Cicer arietinum, old=kyaveel
  • glifaveel: soybean, soy, spec=Fabaceae Glycine max, old=kyiveel
  • pifaveel: sugar snap pea, snap pea, pea, spec=Fabaceae Pisum sativum, old=iveel
  • lupifaveel: lima bean, runner bean, spec=Fabaceae Pisum lunatus, old=kuveel
  • vifaveel: vetch, broad bean, fava bean, Vicia faba, faba bean, spec=Fabaceae Vicia faba
  • ervifaveel: bitter vetch, spec=Fabaceae Vicia ervilia
  • kokfaveel: green bean, string bean, runner bean, butter bean, spec=Fabaceae Phaseolus coccineus
  • lensfaveel: lentil, spec=Fabaceae Lens culinaris, old=kyoveel
Flower Parts
vosij....bud, flower bud
  • vosa....floral
  • vosyan....flora
  • vosog....floret
  • vosut, vosnamut....florist
  • vosnam....florist shop
  • vostyen....floristry
  • vosyem....flower bed
  • vosdeym....flower garden
  • vosyeb....flower pot
  • voseeyber....pollinate
  • voser....bloom, blossom
  • vosea....florescent, abloom
  • vosber....deck out with flowers, put down flowers
  • vosier....flourish, flower
  • vosuer....cause to flourish
  • vosij....flower bud, bloom
  • vosnyan....bouquet
  • vostebuz....wreath
  • vosyena....florid
  • vosika....flowery
  • vosyel....attar
  • vosyex....horticulture
  • vosmelyex....floriculture
vos: flower
favos: pea flower, spec=Fabaceae
  • klifavos: clianthus, kakabeak, spec=Fabaceae Clianthus, old=yolyovos
  • mifavos: mimosa, spec=Fabaceae Mimosa pudica, old=ulyovos
  • infavos: indigo flower, spec=Fabaceae Indigofera, old=ulovos
lokavos: honeysuckle, spec=Caprifoliaceae Lonicera, old=yolovos
lavos: lavender, spec=Lamiaceae Lavandula, old=ilavos
anplavos: snapdragon, spec=Plantadinaceaa Antirrhinum, old=uluvos
pavos: poppy, spec=Papaver, old=avos
  • sompavos: opium poppy, spec=Papaver somniferum
hiaspavos: bluebell flower, spec=Asparagaceae Hyacinthoides, old=ulavos
gevos: geranium, spec=Geraniaceae, Geranium, old=elovos
nevos: lotus, spec=Nelumbonaceae Nelumbo, old=elyevos
magvos: magnolia, spec=Magnoliaceae Magnolia, old=ilovos
hivos: hydrangea, spec=Hydrangeaceae Hydrangea, old=aluvos
livos: lily, spec=Liliaceae Lilium, old=yivos
  • tulivos: tulip, spec=Liliaceae Tulipa, old=alyevos
privos: primrose, spec=Primulaceae Primula, old=elevos
vivos: viola, violet, spec=Violaceae Viola, old=yevos
  • horvivos: pansy, spec=Violaceae Viola hortensis, old=elavos
akvos: acanthus mollis, spec=Acanthaceae Acanthus mollis, old=yolavos
balvos: balsam, touch-me-not, spec=Balsaminaceae Impatiens balsamina, old=ilevos
himalvos: hibiscus, spec=Malvaceae Hibiscus, old=elyavos
sirolvos: lilac, spec=Oleaceae Syringa, old=alyuvos
amarvos: amaranth, spec=Amaranthaceae Amaranthus
naramvos: daffodil, narcissus, jonquil, spec=Amaryllidaceae Narcissus, old=ivos
nimvos: waterlily, spec=Nymphaeaceae, old=ulyevos
linvos: flax, spec=Linaceae Linum
mibovos: forget-me-not, spec=Boraginaceae Mysotis, old=alevos
rovos: rose, spec=Rosaceae Rosa, old=alavos
rodovos: rhododendron, spec=Ericaceae Rhododendron
apvos: umbellifer, spec=Apiaceae
  • anapvos: angelica, spec=Apiaceae Angelica, old=yolevos
  • erapvos: sea holly, spec=Apiaceae Eryngium maritimum
  • korapvos: coriander, spec=Apiaceae Coriandrum, old=ulyivos
  • kasapovos: yellow oleander, spec=Apocynaceae Cascabela thevetia, old=ilyovos
arvos: aroid, arum, spec=Araceae
  • lemarvos: bayroot, spec=Araceae Lemnoideae
  • potarvos: peace lily, spec=Araceae Pothoideae
kardivos: carnation, clove pink, spec=Caryophyillaceae Dianthus caryophyllus, old=yuvos
irvos: iris, spec=Irideae Iris, old=yavos
  • krokirvos: crocus, saffron, spec=Iridaceae Crocus, old=ulivos
orvos: orchid, spec=Orchidaceae Orchis, old=elyovos
  • vanorvos: vanilla, spec=Orchidaceae Vanilla planifolia, dyafab
asvos: star-shaped flow, spec=Asteraceae
  • dahasvos: dahlia, spec=Asteraceae, Dahlia, old=evos
  • kalasvos: marigold, yellow marigold, spec=Asteraceae Calendula, old=iluvos
  • pebelasvos: daisy, spec=Asteraceae Bellis perennis, old=alovos
  • helasvos: sunflower, spec=Asteraceae Helianthus annuus, old=elyuvos
  • kamasvos: chamomile, spec=Asteraceae Chamaemelum nobile, old=ilyevos
  • cicenasvos: blueberry, cornflower, spec=Asteraceae Centaurea cyanus, old=yovos
  • konasvos: lily of the valley, spec=Asparagacea Convallaria, old=alyovos
  • girasvos: purple passion, spec=Asteraceae Gynura aurantiaca, old=ilyuvos
  • krisasvos: chrysanthemum, spec=Asteraceae Chrysanthemum, old=uvos
aspavos: asparagus, spec=Asparagaceae
  • danaspavos: laurel, spec=Asparagaceae Danae racemosa, old=elivos
  • hiaspavos: hyacinth, spec=Asparagaceae Hyancinthus, old=alivos
oljasvos: jasmine, spec=Oleaceae Jasminum, old=elyivos
akisvos: columbine, spec=Isopyroideae Aquilegia, old=ulyuvos
dikruvos: dittany, spec=Rutaceae Dictamnus, old=yolyavos
karawvos: periwinkle, spec=Rauvolfioideae Catharanthus roseus, old=ilyavos
payvos: peony, spec=Paeoniaceae Paeonia, old=ulyavos
The root word volz means color, hue and has a stub form, -lz. Here is a list of derived words:

marofil-eylza: light cider orange
almuka-melza: mocha brown
alyomez-ulza: jade green
alza: red
alzmelza: sepia
ama yelza: hot pink
anvolza: monochromatic, monochrome, of one color, single-colored
anyenvolza: idiochromatic
trutsalpit-maolza: trout gray
appelatil-elza: honey orange
arvob-melza: peanut brown
aulk-elza: gold orange
aulk-ilza: gold-colored, gold, golden yellow
aulk-volza: aureate, golden-colored
aumeylza: light gold orange
auylza: light gold
aylza: light red
baropotayob-volza: taupe
mesovol-yalza: eggplant violet
biel-yelza: creamy pink
bopetiibil-volza: oxblood
burgonya-alza: burgundy red
caolk-yolza: cobalt blue, zaffre, zaffer, cobalt
caulk-ulza: Spanish green
caulkyig-elza: bronze orange, bronze-colored
caumeylza: light copper-colored
ceprurofeb-alza: cerise, cherry red
ceprurofeb-yelza: cerise
dap-yolza: air force blue
dip-yolza: navy blue
dril-molza: ink black, jet black
drur-yelza: magenta
cepifab-melza: cedar brown
Egeyum-yolza: Egyptian blue
elza: orange
enpatijilza: double-yolked
envolza: dichromatic, dichromic
fopinpeit-maolza: seal gray
Eyanmel-yalza: african violet
eylza: light orange
eynalza: semi-red
eynelza: semi-orange
eynilza: semi-yellow, slightly yellow
eynmaolza: hoary, semi-gray
eynmelza: semi-brown
eynmolza: grizzled
eynulza: semi-green
eynvolza: mixed-color
eynyalza: semi-purple
eynyelza: semi-pink
eynyolza: semi-blue
fabyan-ulza: forest green
faob-melza: wood brown
feelk-maolza: iron gray
feelkyig-maolza: steel gray
feelkyig-yolza: steel blue
fepyot-elza: tiger orange
fopiat-yelza: flamingo pink
gelvolza: homochromatic, homochromous
glavolza: iridescent, many-colored, many-hued, multicolored, polychromatic
gromolza: albinic, albino, albinistic, albinotic
gwaalza: pure red
gwaelza: pure orange
gwailza: pure yellow
gwamalza: pure white-as-can-be
gwamolza: black-as-can-be, pitch black
gwaulza: pure green
gwayalza: pure purple
gwayelza: pure pink
gwayolza: pure blue
hevolza: of some color
hivolza: of this color, this color of
huuvolza: of such a color
huvolza: of that color
hyavolza: of every color, panchromatic
hyetayolza: of any skin-color
hyevolza: of any color, of whatever color
hyivolza: of the same color
hyuvolza: different-colored, of a different color
ideb-yalza: royal purple, royal violet
ilza: yellow
imez-alza: ruby red
imez-yelza: ruby pink
involza: trichomatic, tri-color, tricolor
Irolim-ulza: kelly green
iylza: blond, light yellow, pale yellow, sallow
jufeb-melza: walnut brown
kafagfeb-melza: brown, maroon
katefyel-melza: chocolate brown
korbefeb-melza: hazel
koffeyb-melza: coffee brown
kordoba-alza: cordovan
korpaspat-molza: raven, jet-black
kwerkagfaob-olza: tawny
kyavolza: dappled, motley, varicolored, versicolor
likopat-alza: pigeon blue
logelvolza: different-colored
maeg-maolza: charcoal gray
maeg-molza: coal-black
maelza: beige
magmef-alza: firebrick red
magxwa elza: burnt orange
mak-yalza: electric violet
malyom-malza: snow-white as snow
malza: white
malza-molza: black-and-white
malza-molza-malza: black-and-white
mam-volza: skycoloured
mamxeus-maolza: thunder gray
mam-yolza: azure, sky-blue, cerulian
mansinvolza: photochromic
maoelza: dun, taupe
maolza: gray
maoylza: light gray, light grey
mayelza: blush
maylza: light white, livid, pale, pallid, wane, waxen
mealag-melza: sienna
mealza: gingery
meeg-volza: slate-colored
mef-alza: brick red
mef-yelza: brick pink
megil-maolza: lava gray
meg-maolza: stone gray
meil-elza: clay orange
meilza: manila
melza: brown, earthen brown, khaki, olive drab
melza-eymolza: taupe
meug-volza: clay-colored
meyig-alza: albaster, off-white
meylza: light brown, tan
mieg-yelza: coral pink
mim-yolza: aquamarine, sea blue
mog-maolza: ash gray
mog-volza: ash-colored, ashen, cinerous
molza: black
mov-maolza: smoke gray
moylza: bleak, dark, ebony, murk, murky, opaque, somber, swart, swarthy
moyn-maolza: shadow gray
mukzoybesun-maolza: fossil gray
nayof-yolza: denim blue
olza: blank, clear, colorless, transparent
omalza: nonwhite
omolza: non-black
oybalza: infra-red, infrared
oyvolza: bland, bleak, pale
patij-ilza: egg nog yellow
pifulob-ulza: pine green
piyez-malza: pearly-white
prurofeb-yalza: plum violet
prurofeb-yaylza: mauve
ripot-maolza: rhino gray
rovos-yelza: rose pink
salpyit-alza: salmon red
salpyit-volza: salmon-colored
sangri-alza: sangria red
Seladon-ulza: celedon
karasvob-yalza: thistle violet
tayebalza: auburn, red-headed, redheaded, russet
tayebiylza: blond
tayebolza: albino
tayemaolza: gray-haired
tayemolza: black-haired, brunette
tayomalza: black-skinned
tayomelza: brown-skinned
tayomolza: white-skinned
teabulza: green-eyed
teamelza: brown-eyed
teamolza: black-eyed
teayolza: blue-eyed
tebmolza: black-haired, brunet, brunette, grey
tebsinalza: blowsy, blowzy, red-faced
tebzan-yolza: blue in the face
tefayeb-ulza: tea green
teobalza: flushed
tiibil-alza: blood-red
tiibil-volza: blood-colored, sanguine
tokarjufeb-melza: hickory brown
uilza: yellow-green, chartreuse
ulza: green, verdant, viridescent
ulzoyna-yolza: teal
umulza: emerald green
uylza: light green
vab-ulza: grass green
vifil-volza: vinaceous
viful-alza: tartaric
vifeyb-yalza: grape violet
vobilza: xanthic
volza: chromatic, color-related, colored, hued, in color, tinctorial
yalza: purple
yav-yalza: mauve
yaylza: light purple, purplish
yelza: pink, rose-colored
sirol-yalza: lavender, lilac
yeylza: blush, light pink, pinkish, roseate
vivos-yalza: violet
yizalza: ultrared
yizmim-yolza: ultramarine
yizyalza: ultraviolet, UV
yizyelza: ultra pink
yolza: blue
youlza: blue-green, cyan, blue-green, viridian
yoylza: light blue
dikarvos-yelza: carnation
zepoviylza: light corn yellow

This family includes words having to do with the arts, such as theater, sculpture, music, poetry, etc. Word stems ending in -z refer to something that is precious or artful. Stems with eu are mnemonic for teub....mouth and refer to sound, singing, noises, etc.
Artsy Words
tuz....art tuzun....art object tuzut....artist
taz....portraiture tazun....portrait tazut....portrait artist
tez....culture tezun....more
tyezun....magic act
teyzun....cult service
fyateyzun....religious service
tuyz....artisanship tuyzun....artisanal piece tuyzut....artisan
tyen....craft, skill tyenun....piece of craftsmanship tyenut....craftsman
teaz....spectacle, showmanship
siz....painting sizun....a painting sizut....painter
dresiz....engravure dresizun....an engraving dresizut....engraver
pansin...motion picture
dresin....design dresin....a design dresinut....designer
sindren....drawing sindras....a drawing sindrut....draftsman
saz....sculpture sazun....piece of sculpture, statue sazut....sculptor
suz....display art suzun....artifact suzyanamut....museum director
daz....dance dazun....a dance dazut....dancer
dyaz....ballet dyazun....ballet performance dyazut....danseur
dez....theater, performance art
dezun....play dezut....actor, performer
diz....comedy dizun....comedy act dizut....comedian
podiz....circus performing podizun....circus act podizut....clown
duz....music duzun....music piece
dyez....cinema dyezun....movie dyezut....film actor
drez....poetry drezun....poem drezut....poet
vidrenyan....literature, belles lettres vidras....piece of literature drut....writer
deuz....singing deuzun....song deuzut....singer
The stems of the words in this family start with d for society and end with b for organization. The top-level base word dob means state. This base word has some sub-elements:
  • doob....nation
  • doab....fatherland
  • doeb....state, province
  • doib....county, shire
By prefixing ordinal vowels to the stem dob, we get various regimes. B changing dob to deb (ruler), dweb (male ruler), or deyb (female ruler), we get the counterpart rulers of these regimes.
Regimes and Rulers
adob....empire adeb....emperor adweb....emperor adeyb....empress
edob....kingdom edeb....monarch edweb....king edeyb....queen
idob....principality ideb....prince idweb....prince ideyb....princess
udob....duchy udeb....duke udweb....duke udeyb....duchess
yodob....marquisate yodeb....marquis yodweb....marquis yodeyb....marquise
yadob....count yadeb....count yadweb....count yadeyb....countess
yedob....domain yedeb....lord yedweb....lord yedeyb....lady, dominatrix
yidob....barony yideb....baron yidweb....baron yideyb....baroness
alodob....tribe, chiefdom, clan alodeb....chief, tribal chief, chieftain alodweb....male chief alodeyb....chieftaine
obdobem....colony obdeb....governor obdweb....governor obdeyb....governess
Here are words derived from dob and the above sub-elements:
  • aadeb....premier
  • aadeban....premiership
  • aagudeb....archduke
  • aagudob....archduchy
  • abdeabeay....prevalently
  • abdob....empire
  • abdoba....imperial
  • abdoban....imperiousness
  • abdobay....imperiously
  • abdobin....imperialism
  • abdobina....imperialist, imperialistic
  • abdobinay....imperialistically
  • abdobinut....imperialist
  • abdoebdalim....senate, upper chamber, upper house
  • abdoebdalut....senator
  • abdoebdalutyan....senate
  • abdoebdalutyana....senatorial
  • aber dobnix....impose a tax, levy a tax
  • adeb....emperor
  • adebam....imperial palace
  • adob....empire
  • adoba vitamag....imperial palace
  • adoba....imperial
  • adobay....imperially
  • adobin....imperialism
  • adobina....imperial, imperialist, imperialistic
  • adobinay....imperialistically
  • adobinut....imperialist
  • agyekdeb....torchbearer
  • alodeb....chief, chieftain, tribal chief
  • alodob....clan, tribe
  • alodoba....clan-related, tribal
  • alodobat....clan member, tribe member, tribesman
  • alodobayt....tribeswoman
  • alodobin....tribalism
  • alodobina....tribalist
  • alodobinut....tribalist
  • alodobsiyin....totem
  • alodobsiyina....totemic
  • anadeb....dictator
  • anadeber....dictate
  • anadebwa....dictated
  • anadebyena....dictatorial
  • anaotdeb....autocrat, dictator
  • anaotdeber....rule as a dictator, rule as an autocrat
  • andeb....autocrat, despot
  • andeba....despotic
  • andebay....despotically
  • andebin....despotism
  • andebyena....despotic
  • aotyandeb....ringleader, ringmaster
  • asondeb....centurion
  • avditdoba....pro-republican
  • aybdobina....imperialistic
  • azdeb....strongman
  • be deban bi....in command of
  • deb....chairman, chairperson, chief, commander, leader, ruler
  • deba....chief, lead, paramount, ruling
  • deban....chairmanship, command, leadership, paramountcy
  • debanyan....dynasty
  • debanyana....dynastic
  • debden....command, commandment, enjoining, order, ruling
  • debder....command, enjoin, mandate, order
  • debdom....capital
  • debdun....command, mandate, order, ruling
  • debdwa....enjoined
  • debea duznodyan....canto
  • debea....in charge of, leading, ruling
  • debelea....reigning
  • debelem....realm
  • debelen....reign, reigning
  • debeler....reign
  • deben....chairing, conducting, leading, ruling
  • deber....chair, conduct, lead
  • debkyian....clout
  • deboya....leaderless, rudderless
  • debsim....throne
  • debsimber....put on the throne
  • debsimbien....assumption of the throne
  • debsimbier....assume the throne
  • debsimopen....abdication
  • debsimoper....abdicate, relinquish the throne, step aside
  • debsimper....sit on the throne
  • debuka....leaderless, rudderless
  • debut....commander, ruler
  • debuyt....chairlady
  • debwa....conducted, led, ruled
  • debyaf....authority, power
  • debyafxen....authorization, empowerment
  • debyafxer....authorize, empower
  • debyafxwa....authorized, empowered
  • debyan....leadership
  • debyanup....summit
  • debyanupen....summitry
  • debyenay....authoritatively
  • debzem....headquarters
  • desdebxer....make a star
  • dezdeb....star
  • dezdebea....starring
  • dezdeben....starring
  • dezdeber....star in a stage production
  • dezdebet....starlet
  • dezdebika....star-studded
  • dezdebser....become a star
  • ditdeb....president of the republic
  • ditdeba....presidential
  • ditdeban....presidency
  • ditdeber....be president, preside
  • ditdebser....become president
  • ditdebxer....make president
  • ditdebyena....presidential in manner
  • ditdob....republic
  • ditdoba....republican
  • ditdobin....republicanism
  • ditdobina....republicanist
  • ditdobinut....republicanist
  • doab....fatherland
  • doabif....patriotism
  • doabifa....patriotic
  • doabifay....patriotically
  • doabifrer....worship one's fatherland
  • doabifrin....jingoism, superpatriotism
  • doabifut....patriot
  • dob....regime, state
  • doba....of the state
  • dobamem....department, province, state
  • dobamema....departmental, federal, provincial
  • dobameym....department
  • dobameyma....departmental
  • dobameymdom....prefecture
  • dobameymeb....prefect
  • dobameymeba....prefectoral
  • dobdren....treaty
  • dobem....home country, metropolis
  • dobema....home country, metropolitan
  • dobemem....prefect
  • dobemema....prefectural
  • dobememdom....sub-prefect
  • dobememdoma....sub-prefectural
  • dobemeymdom....subprefect
  • dobien....coup d'etat, taking control
  • dobier....take control, take over
  • dobifa....patriotic
  • dobifan....patriotism
  • dobifrina....jingoistic, superpatriotic
  • dobifrut....jingoist, superpatriot
  • dobifut....patriot
  • dobimem....canton
  • dobimema....cantonal
  • dobimeym....canton
  • dobimeyma....cantonal
  • dobin....etatism, state control, statism
  • dobina....etatist, statist
  • dobinut....etatist, statist
  • dobiun....conquest
  • dobiwa....taken over
  • doblobyax....revolution
  • doblobyaxena....revolutionary
  • doblobyaxina....revolutionist
  • doblobyaxinut....revolutionist
  • dobmem....territory
  • dobmema....territorial
  • dobmeman....territoriality
  • dobmempek....territorial dispute
  • dobmemyan....commonwealth
  • dobnad bem....border post, frontier station
  • dobnad....border, frontier
  • dobnada....border, frontier
  • dobnadib....customhouse, customs office
  • dobnadib....customs bureau
  • dobnadiba nuxyef....customs duty
  • dobnadibut....customs official
  • dobnadut....frontiersman
  • dobnastun....economics, economy
  • dobnastuna....economic
  • dobnastunay....economically
  • dobnastunnaga....econometric
  • dobnastut....economist
  • dobnix didref....tax form
  • dobnix jab....tax year
  • dobnix oznod....tax loophole
  • dobnix vakem....tax haven
  • dobnix vyesag....tax rate
  • dobnix vyotuen....tax fraud
  • dobnix....revenue, tax, taxes
  • dobnixaber....impose a tax
  • dobnixdib....internal revenue service
  • dobnixier....collect tax
  • dobnixuen....levying a tax
  • dobnixuer....impose a tax, levy a tax
  • dobnixut....revenuer
  • dobnixuyofwa....non-taxable, nontaxable
  • dobnux nasyan....pension fund
  • dobnux....pension, state payout
  • dobnuxea....taxpaying
  • dobnuxen....paying out a pension payment, taxpaying
  • dobnuxien....collecting a pension collection
  • dobnuxier....collect a pension
  • dobnuxiut....beneficiary, pensionary, pensioner
  • dobnuxiwa....pensioned
  • dobnuxuer....pay out a pension
  • dobnuxut....taxpayer
  • dobnuxyefa....pensionable
  • dobovpea....revolting
  • dobovpen....revolt, revolting
  • dobovper....revolt
  • dobovput....revolter
  • doboya....stateless
  • doboyan....statelessness
  • dobpyox....coup d'etat
  • dobpyoxen....coup d'etat
  • dobsan....regime
  • dobtojben....execution
  • dobtojber....execute
  • dobtojbim....execution chamber
  • dobtojbut....executioner
  • dobtojbwa....executed
  • dobtun....statesmanship
  • dobtut....statesman
  • dobtutyena....statesmanlike
  • dobtuyt....stateswoman
  • dobuen....dedicating, dedication
  • dobuer....dedicate
  • dobuka....stateless
  • dobukan....statelessness
  • dobumema....communal
  • dobumeym....commune
  • dobumeyma....communal
  • dobuut....dedicator
  • dobuwa....dedicated
  • dobyena dreun....official document
  • dobyena dreunyan....official documentation
  • dobyena vyankex....official inquiry
  • dobyena yeyfi....official duties
  • dobyena....official, stately
  • dobyenan....stateliness, officialness
  • dobyenay....officially
  • dobyendal....officialese
  • dobyendyan....officialism
  • dobyeni....customs
  • dobyenut....official
  • dobyenutyan....officialdom
  • dobyenyan....officialdom
  • dobyokam....gaol
  • dobyokambut....gaoler
  • dobyokampir....gaolbreak
  • dobyokamut....gaolbird
  • doeb....federal entity, state, province
  • doeba vakdib....state police
  • doeba vakdibut....state policeman
  • doeba....state
  • doebam....statehouse
  • doebamer....upstate
  • doebamera....upstate
  • doeban....statehood
  • doebay....federally
  • doebdal....conference, consultation, public dialog, symposium
  • doebdalam....conference center
  • doebdalea....deliberating
  • doebdalem....forum
  • doebdalen....conferencing, deliberating, deliberation
  • doebdaler....confer, consult, deliberate, dialog
  • doebdalim....conference room, parliamentary chamber
  • doebdalut....conferee, conference attendee, conferencee, congressman, congressperson, deliberator, parliamentarian
  • doebdalutam....congress building
  • doebdalutim....congress chamber
  • doebdalutyan tom....congress building, parliament building
  • doebdalutyan....congress, parliament
  • doebdalutyana....congressional, parliamentary
  • doebdaluyt....congresswoman
  • doebdalwa....deliberated
  • doebdalyea....deliberative
  • doebdalzem....conference center
  • doebden....consultation
  • doebder....consult
  • doebeb....governor, state governor
  • doebeba....gubernatorial
  • doebebam....governor's residence
  • doebeban....governorship
  • doebufek....affray
  • doebxwa....federate
  • doebyan....federation
  • doebyana....federal
  • doebyanin....federalism
  • doebyanina....federalist
  • doebyaninut....federalist
  • doebyanxen....federalization
  • doebyanxer....federalize
  • doebyanxwa....federalized
  • doebyayn....confederacy, confederation
  • doebyayna....confederal
  • doebyaynin....confederalism
  • doebyaynina....confederalist
  • doebyayninut....confederalist
  • doebyaynut....confederate
  • doebyaynxen....confederalization
  • doebyaynxer....confederalize
  • doebyaynxwa....confederalized
  • doib vakdib....county police
  • doib....county, shire
  • doiba....county
  • doibut....county clerk
  • dokebien debzem....election headquarters
  • domeama debdom....provincial capital, state capital
  • domeba debzem....mayor's headquarters
  • domeuma deb....communal leader
  • doob....nation
  • dooba fizdeuzun....national anthem
  • dooba vakan....national security
  • dooba....national
  • dooba-dotin....nazism
  • dooba-dotinut....nazi
  • dooban....nationality, nationhood
  • doobay....nationally
  • doobdalzeyn....vernacular
  • doobem....fatherland
  • doobema....patriotic
  • doobemin....patriotism
  • doobemina....patriotic
  • doobeminut....patriot
  • doobin....nationalism
  • doobina....nationalistic
  • doobinay....nationalistically
  • doobinut....nationalist
  • doobxen....nationalization, nationalizing
  • doobxer....nationalize
  • doobxwa....nationalized
  • dopa debzem....military headquarters
  • dotnux dob....welfare state
  • doublatyan....delegation, committee
  • doublawa....delegated, deputized, commissioned
  • doublawat....delegate, commissioner
  • doublawat....member of congress
  • doublawatam....capitol
  • doublawatim....chamber of congress, chamber of deputies
  • doublawatim....chamber of deputies, house of delegates
  • doubler....commission, delegate, deputize
  • doubwat....deputy, representative
  • doutyana aybteax bi mem av dobnixen....cadaster
  • dovodebden....prohibiting, prohibition
  • dovodebder....prohibit
  • dovodebdwa....prohibited
  • doyovtodeb....godfather, mafia boss
  • duzdeba muf....conductor's baton
  • dyezdeb....star
  • dyezdebea....starring
  • dyezdeben....starring
  • dyezdeber....star in a film
  • dyezdebet....starlet
  • dyezdebika....star-studded
  • dyezdebser....become a star
  • dyezdebxer....make a star
  • ebdoeba agmep....interstate highway
  • ebdoeba testien....entente
  • ebdoeba....interstate
  • ebdooba yantexdreun....international treaty
  • ebdooba....international
  • ebdooban....internationality
  • ebdoobay....internationally
  • ebdoobin....internationalism
  • ebdoobina....internationalist
  • ebdoobinut....internationalist
  • ebdoobxen....internationalization
  • ebdoobxer....internationalize
  • ebdoobxwa....internationalized
  • edeb atwud....dauphin
  • edeb....monarch
  • edeba muv....royal mace
  • edeba obdabut....viceroy
  • edeba obdabuta....viceregal
  • edeba tebuz....regal crown, royal crown
  • edeba vitamag....royal palace
  • edeba....monarchic, regal, royal
  • edebam....royal palace, royal court
  • edebama....courtly
  • edebamat....courtier
  • edeban....regality, royalty
  • edebasyan....regalia
  • edebay....regally, royally
  • edebdem....court
  • edebdema....courtly
  • edebdematyan....court
  • edebea....regnant
  • edebfabyanut....verderer
  • edebin....monarchism
  • edebina....monarchistic
  • edebinut....monarchist
  • edebmuv....scepter, staff
  • edebmuvuer....scepter
  • edebmuvuwa....sceptered
  • edebsim....throne
  • edebsimben....enthronement, installing on the throne
  • edebsimber....enthrone, install on the throne
  • edebsimbwa....enthroned, installed on the throne
  • edebsimoben....dethronement, dethroning
  • edebsimober....dethrone
  • edebsimobwa....dethroned
  • edebtad....consort
  • edebtojben....regicide
  • edebtojbena....regicidal
  • edebtojbut....regicide
  • edebut....regent
  • edebutan....regency
  • edebxen....coronation
  • edebxer....crown king
  • edebxwa....crowned king
  • edebyan....royalty
  • edebyen....majesty
  • edebyena....majestic, monarchical, regal
  • edebyenay....majestically
  • edebyuxut....vicegerent
  • edob....kingdom, monarchy, realm, regency
  • edoba axlaf....royal mandate
  • edoba....royal
  • edoban....royalty
  • edobinut....royalist
  • endooba....of dual nationality
  • endooban....dual nationality
  • endoobat....person of dual nationality
  • feelknadoben....derailment
  • feelknadober....derail
  • feelknadobwa....derailed
  • fidobyen....tact
  • fidobyena....tactful
  • fidobyenan....tactfulness
  • fidobyenay....tactfully
  • fidobyenoya....tactless
  • fidobyenoyan....tactlessness
  • fidobyenuka....tactless
  • fidobyenukan....tactlessness
  • fidobyenukay....tactlessly
  • fuandeb....despot
  • fuandeba....despotic
  • fuandebay....despotically
  • fudobyen....discourtesy
  • fudobyena....discourteous, tactless
  • fudobyenan....tactlessness
  • fudobyenay....discourteously, tactlessly
  • fyadeb....hierarch, high priest
  • fyadob....hierarchy
  • gabdobnix....supertax, surtax
  • gadobuen....rededication
  • gadobuer....rededicate
  • gadobuwa....rededicated
  • gladoeba....multistate
  • gladooba....multinational
  • gladoobay....multinationally
  • gladoobin....multi-nationalism
  • gladoobina....multi-nationalist
  • gladoobinut....multi-nationalist
  • goyx be ha dobnastun....dip in the economy
  • gradoabifin....chauvinism, jingoism, super-nationalism
  • gradoabifina....chauvinistic, jingoistic, super-nationalistic
  • gradoabifinay....chauvinistically
  • gradoabifinut....chauvinist, jingoist, super-nationalist
  • gradobnixuer....overtax
  • gradobnixuwa....over-taxed
  • hyadoiba....countywide
  • hyadooba....pan-national
  • hyadoobay....pan-nationally
  • hyadoobin....pan-nationalism
  • hyadoobina....pan-nationalist
  • hyadoobinut....pan-nationalist
  • ideb....prince
  • ideban....princedom
  • ideb-yalza....royal violet, royal purple
  • idebyen....princeliness
  • idebyena....princely
  • idob....principality
  • Imera Vyatindeb....Patriarch, patriarch
  • Imera Vyatindeba....patriarchal
  • imeradeb....ameer, emir, amir
  • islamedeb....sultan
  • islamideb....emir
  • izdeben....commanding
  • izdeber....command
  • izdebun....commandment
  • izdebwa....commanded
  • izdebyea....commandingly
  • ja nuxen bi dobnix....pretax
  • jadobnix....pretax
  • kexer ha dityandeban....seek the presidency
  • kordoba-alza....cordovan
  • kordobatayof....cordovan
  • lodeben....deposal, deposing
  • lodeber....depose
  • lodeblawa....usurped
  • lodeblen....usurpation, usurping
  • lodebler....usurp
  • lodeblut....usurper
  • lodebwa....deposed
  • lodobtunxen....depoliticization
  • lodobtunxer....depoliticize
  • lodobtunxwa....depoliticized
  • lonazdeb....dismissal
  • lovadeben....de-authorization
  • lovadeber....de-authorize
  • lovadebwa....de-authorized
  • mafiadeb....capo
  • memyuvdeb....feudal lord
  • naadoben....derailment
  • naadober....derail
  • naadobwa....derailed
  • nazideb....fuehrer, fuhrer
  • nuxdeb....paymaster
  • nyaz dobnixut....exciseman
  • nyazdeb....plutocrat
  • obditdeb....vice-president
  • obedeb....vicegerent
  • obtyodeb....veep, vice-president, vice president
  • obtyodeba....vice-presidential, vice presidential
  • obtyodebam....vice-presidential residence, vice presidential residence
  • obtyodeban....vice-presidency, vice presidency
  • odoabifa....unpatriotic
  • odobyena....unofficial
  • odobyenay....unofficially
  • odoobemina....unpatriotic
  • ofidobyena....untactful
  • ojvadebkyaxam....pawn shop, pawnshop
  • ojvadebkyaxen....pawnbroking, pawning, hocking
  • ojvadebkyaxer....pawn, hock
  • ojvadebkyaxut....pawnbroker
  • ojvadebkyaxwa....pawned, hocked
  • olebdobxeutyena....undiplomatic
  • ovadebwa....unauthorized
  • ovdeben....ouster
  • ovdeber....oust from power, relieve of command, throw out of office
  • ovditdoba....anti-republican
  • ovdoba....antistate
  • ovdober....make revolution
  • ovdoobina....antinationalist
  • ovlyodob....counterrevolution
  • ovlyodoba....counterrevolutionary
  • ovtontindebat....anti-clerical
  • oyebdoabuen....extradition
  • oyebdoabuer....extradite
  • oyebdoabuwa....extradited
  • oyebdoabuyafwa....extraditable
  • posamdeb....stationmaster
  • slavedeb....czar
  • slavedebina....czarist
  • slavedebtwud....czarevitch
  • Sovyeta dobyokam....gulag
  • taadebkyaxut....swinger
  • tebuzuer gel edeb....crown king
  • tedeba....patriarchal
  • tedeban....patriarchy
  • tedebyena....patriarchal
  • teydeb....matriarch
  • teydeba....matriarchal
  • toj dobnux....death tax
  • toybdeb....gynarch, gynecocrat
  • twedeb....patriarch
  • twedeb....patriarch
  • twedeba....patriarchal
  • twedeban....patriarchy
  • tyodaba yanav debzem....democratic party headquarters
  • tyodeb....president of the republic, president
  • tyodeba tyem....residence of the president of the republic
  • tyodeba....presidential
  • tyodebam....presidential residence of the president of the republic
  • tyodeban....presidency
  • tyodebea....presiding, serving as president
  • tyodeben....presiding, serving as president
  • tyodeber....preside, serve as president
  • tyodob....republic
  • tyodoba....republican
  • tyodobin....republicanism
  • tyodobina....republicanist
  • tyodobinut....republicanist
  • tyodobyexut....tribune
  • tyoydeb....clan leader
  • udeb....duke
  • udeba....ducal
  • udob....duchy, dukedom
  • ujnadoben....de-confining
  • ujnadober....de-confine
  • ujnadobwa....de-confined
  • ujponxeldeb....funeral director
  • Umera Katolikindeb....Pope, pope
  • umvibdeb....figurehead
  • vadeb....authority, person in authority
  • vadeben....authorization
  • vadeber....authorize
  • vadebutyan....authorities, those in charge
  • vadebwa....authorized
  • vadebyena....authoritarian, authoritative
  • vadebyenan....authoritarianism, authoritativeness
  • vodebden....prohibition
  • vodebder....prohibit
  • vodebdwa....prohibited
  • xabdeb....bureau chief
  • xaer doblobyax....stage a revolution
  • yabdoublawat....lord, senator, upper chamber deputy
  • yabdoublawatim....senate chamber, upper chamber of deputies
  • yabdoublawatyan....senate, upper house
  • yadeb....count, earl
  • yadeban....county
  • yadob....county, earldom
  • yaybdooba....supra-national, supranational
  • yaybdooban....supra-nationalism
  • yedeban....dominance
  • yedebea....dominant
  • yedebeay....dominantly
  • yedebem....demesne
  • yedebyen....lordliness
  • yedob....domain, fiefdom
  • yevsondeber....preside over a case
  • yeybdoeba....intrastate
  • yeybdooba....intranational
  • yideb....viscount
  • yidob....viscountcy
  • yizdoobin....ultra-nationalism, ultranationalism
  • yizdoobina....ultra-nationalistic
  • yizdoobinut....ultra-nationalist
  • yobdobubutim....house chamber
  • yobdobubutyan....house of representatives, lower chamber of deputies
  • yobyexer dob....overthrow a regime
  • yodeb....marquis
  • yodob....marquisate
  • yudeb....baron
  • yudeba....baronial
  • yudeban....baronage
  • yudebud....baronet
  • yudebudan....baronetcy
  • yudob....barony
  • yuvra doeb....slave state
  • yuxutyandeb....foreperson
  • yuydeb....thane
  • zeydobnada....transborder
  • zeydooba....transnational
  • zeydoobay....transnationally
  • zya ha doeb....statewide
  • zyadoiba....countywide
  • zyadooba....nation-wide, nationwide
  • zyadoobay....nation-wide, nationwide
D-B Core Words
dob....state, regime
dab....government xab....staff
deb....leader, regent xeb....boss
xib....office, department
xub....branch, affiliate
The root word dab means government.
Types of governments:
Governments and Leaders
ditdab....republic ditdeb....president
tyodab....democracy tyodeb....president
andab....autocracy andeb....autocrat
anadab....dictatorship anadeb....dictator
nyazdab....plutocracy nyazdeb....plutocrat
yabdab....aristocracy yabdeb....aristocrat
totdab....theocracy totdeb....theocrat
abdab....dominion abdeb....overlord, master
obdab....protectorate, subject state obdeb....protector, subjugator
obdabem....colony obdabemeb....colonial governor
yibdab....colony yibdeb....colonial master
memyuvdab....fiefdom memyuvdeb....feudal lord
Here are words derived from this root:
  • abdab....dominion, hegemony, suzerain
  • abdaban....suzerainty, hegemony, dominion, sovereignty
  • abdabea....dominant, dominating, high-handed, highhanded, overshadowing, prevailing, prevalent, sovereign
  • abdabean....high-handedness, highhandedness
  • abdabeay....dominantly, high-handedly, highhandedly
  • abdaben....domination, prevalence
  • abdaber....be dominant, dominate, domineer, lord over, overshadow, prevail over
  • abdabut....dominator, hector, lord, sovereign
  • abdabuyt....dominatrix
  • abdabwa....dominated, overshadowed
  • abdabwut....male dominator, hector, sovereign, lord
  • abdabyea....dominant, domineering, prevailing, lording over, overshadowing
  • abdabyean....dominance, prevalence
  • abdabyeay....domineeringly, prevalently
  • alodab....chiefdom
  • anadab....dictatorship
  • anadaba....dictatorial
  • anadabut....dictator
  • anadabyenay....dictatorially
  • anaotdab....autocracy, dictator
  • anaotdaba....autocratic, dictatorial
  • andab....autocracy
  • andaba....autocratic
  • andabay....autocratically
  • bexer dabexgon....hold office
  • bifeb ditdab....banana republic
  • dab bi onaptyoyd....mob rule
  • dab yexut....clerk, government worker
  • -dab....-cracy
  • dab....government, rule
  • daba dal....governmentese
  • daba yex....government work
  • daba yuxlam....government agency
  • daba yuxlen....civil service
  • daba yuxlut....civil servant
  • daba zem....government center
  • daba....government, governmental
  • dabalk....dubnium, Db
  • dabaotyan....presidium
  • dabaun....polity
  • dabay....governmentally
  • dabdea....ordaining
  • dabden....ordainment, ordination
  • dabder....ordain
  • dabdras....ordinance
  • dabdrezut....poet laureate
  • dabdwa....ordained
  • dabea....governing
  • daben....governance, governing
  • daber ota tej....run one's life
  • daber....govern
  • dabexgon....government function, office
  • dabexgonbelut....office-holder, officeholder
  • dabexgonbexer....hold office
  • dabexgonkexea....office-seeking
  • dabexgonkexen....office-seeking
  • dabexgonkexut....office-seeker
  • dabexut....functionary, government office worker
  • dabiea....taking power
  • dabien....taking power
  • dabier....take power
  • dabiut....person assuming power
  • dabmus....hierarchy
  • dabmusa....hierarchal, hierarchic, hierarchical
  • dabmusay....hierarchically
  • dabmuseb....hierarch
  • daboben....unseating from power
  • dabober....unseat from power
  • dabobien....abdication, relinquishing power
  • dabobier....abdicate, relinquish power
  • dabobiwa....abdicated
  • dabobwa....unseated from power
  • dabovtexut....dissident
  • dabovtexutan....dissidence
  • dabpyox....coup d'etat, putsch, takeover
  • dabpyoxen....overthrowing a government, taking over power
  • dabpyoxer....launch a coup, take over power
  • dabpyoxut....coup instigator
  • dabtun....politics
  • dabtuna avutyan....political party
  • dabtuna azon....political power
  • dabtuna baoxen....political agitation
  • dabtuna baoxut....political agitator
  • dabtuna yafon....political power
  • dabtuna yuvat....heeler
  • dabtuna....political
  • dabtunay....politically
  • dabtunxen....campaigning, politicization, politicking
  • dabtunxer....campaign, politicize
  • dabtunxwa....politicized
  • dabtut....politician, politico
  • dabtyen....statecraft
  • dabuben....delegating
  • dabuber....delegate
  • dabubwat....delegate
  • dabubwatam....house of parliament
  • dabubwatim....chamber of deputies, house of representatives
  • dabubwatyan....delegation
  • dabuen....instatement, putting in power
  • dabuer....instate, put in power
  • dabut....governor
  • dabuwa....instated, put in power
  • dabwa....governed
  • dabxam....government office
  • dabxamyan....government bureaucracy
  • dabxamyanut....government bureaucrat
  • dabyafwa....governable
  • dabyenatan....laureateship
  • dabyobyex....government overthrow of the government
  • dabyobyexen....overthrowing
  • dabyobyexer....overthrow government, overthrow the government
  • dabyobyexut....overthrower
  • dabyobyexwa....overthrown
  • dabyofwa....ungovernable
  • dabyofwan....ungovernability
  • dabyukwa....hard to govern
  • dabzem....seat of government
  • dopanadab....junta
  • ebdaba....intergovernmental
  • ebdabxeun....diplomacy
  • ebdabxeuna....diplomatic
  • ebdabxeunyan....diplomatic corps
  • ebdabxeunyenay....diplomatically
  • ebdabxeut....diplomat
  • ebdabxeutyena....diplomatic
  • ebedabjob....interregnum
  • ebobdabema....inter-colonial
  • edeba obdabut....viceroy
  • edeba obdabuta....viceregal
  • efjoba dab....provisional government
  • ejnaobdabin....neocolonialism
  • eyndabyena....semiofficial
  • eyntyodaba....semi-democratic
  • fudab....misrule
  • fudaber....misrule
  • fyadaba....hierarchal, hierarchic, hierarchical
  • fyadabay....hierarchically
  • gaobdabemxen....recolonization
  • gaobdabemxer....recolonize
  • gladabmusa....polyhierarchical
  • ijber dabpyox....launch a coup d'etat
  • iknandabin....totalitarianism
  • iknandabina....totalitarian
  • iknandabinut....totalitarian
  • Imera Vyatindab....Eastern Orthodox Patriarchy
  • islamedab....sultanate
  • islamidab....emirate
  • jaabdabea....predominant, predominating
  • jaabdabean....predominance
  • jaabdabeay....predominantly
  • jaabdaben....predominance, predominating, predomination
  • jaabdaber....predominate
  • jaabdabwa....predominated
  • jaabdabway....predominately
  • jadabden....preordaining, preordination
  • jadabder....preordain
  • jadabdwa....preordained
  • jaobdaba....precolonial
  • joobdabema....postcolonial
  • kexer dabexgon....run for office, seek office
  • lodabien....ceding power, resignation
  • lodabier....cede power, give up power, resign
  • lodabtunxen....depoliticization
  • lodabtunxer....depoliticize
  • lodabtunxwa....depoliticized
  • lodabuen....coup d'etat, removal from power, unseating
  • lodabuer....remove from power, unseat
  • lodabuwa....removed from power, unseated
  • memyuvdab....feoff, fiefdom
  • memyuvdabuer....feoff
  • memyuvdabuwat....feoffee
  • merdabtuna....geopolitical
  • mimlyodab....mutiny
  • mimlyodaba....mutinous
  • mimlyodabay....mutinously
  • mimlyodabut....mutineer
  • nazdab....meritocracy
  • nazdaba....meritocratic
  • nedaber....revet
  • nedabyexen....incidence
  • nyazdab....plutocracy
  • nyazdaba....plutocratic
  • nyazdabut....plutocrat
  • oabdabea....recessive
  • obdab....outpost, protectorate, satellite government, subject government
  • obdabem....colony
  • obdabema....colonial
  • obdabemat....colonist
  • obdabemay....colonially
  • obdabemeb....colonial master, governor of a colony
  • obdabemin....colonialism
  • obdabeminut....colonialist
  • obdabemxea....colonizing
  • obdabemxen....colonization, colonizing
  • obdabemxer....colonize
  • obdabemxut....colonizer
  • obdabemxwa....colonized
  • obdabmina....colonialist
  • odaba....nongovernmental
  • odabtuna....apolitical, non-political, nonpolitical, unpolitical
  • odabtunay....apolitically
  • odabwa....ungoverned
  • odabyafwa....ungovernable
  • olobdabemxen....decolonization
  • olobdabemxer....decolonize
  • olobdabwa....insubordinate, refractory
  • olobdabwan....insubordination
  • olobdabwen....insubordination
  • oobdabwa....unsubdued
  • oodabwa....unsubdued
  • otyodaba....nondemocratic, undemocratic
  • ovadabina....anti-imperialist
  • ovdab....insurrection, uprising
  • ovdaba....anti-government, insurrectionary
  • ovdabat....government opponent
  • ovdaben....uprising
  • ovdaber....overthrow, rise up in in insurrection
  • ovdabut....insurrectionist
  • ovlyodaben....counter-insurgency, counterinsurgency
  • ovtyodaba....anti-democratic, antidemocratic
  • ovvadaba....anti-authority, antiestablishment
  • oybdaben....putting down, subduction, subduing, subjecting, subjugation, submitting, subordination
  • oybdaber....put down, subdue, subject, subjugate, submit, subordinate
  • oybdabwa....downtrodden, put down, subdued, subjected, subjugated, submitted
  • oybdabwat....subject, subordinate
  • oybdabwea....submissive
  • oybdabwer....submit to
  • oybdabyea....subductive, subordinative
  • oybdabyean....subductiveness
  • syundabea....intransitive
  • syundabean....intransivity
  • syundabeay....intransitively
  • teydab....matriarchy
  • tistam dabutyan....school board
  • totdab....theocracy
  • totdaba....theocratic
  • totdabut....theocrat
  • toybdab....gynecocracy gynarchy
  • toybdaba....gynarchic, gynecocratic
  • tyendab....technocracy
  • tyendaba....technocratic
  • tyendabut....technocrat
  • tyoda ditdab....people's republic
  • tyodab....democracy
  • tyodaba yanav debzem....democratic party headquarters
  • tyodaba yanav....democratic party
  • tyodaba....democratic
  • tyodabat....democrat
  • tyodabava....pro-democratic
  • tyodabaxen....democratization
  • tyodabaxer....democratize
  • tyodabaxwa....democratized
  • tyodabay....democratically
  • tyodabova....anti-democratic
  • tyodabovat....anti-democrat
  • tyodaboxer....tear down democracy
  • tyodabser....become democratic
  • tyodabxen....democratization
  • tyodabxer....democratize
  • tyodabxwa....democratized
  • Umera Katolikindab....Roman Catholic See, Vatican
  • utdab....autarchy, home rule
  • utdaba....autarchic
  • utdabyena....autarchical
  • utobdabea....submissive
  • utoybdaber....kowtow, submit
  • utoybdabyean....submissiveness
  • vyamdabtun....realpolitik
  • vyodab....misrule
  • vyodaban....misgovernment
  • vyodaben....misgoverning
  • vyodaber....misgovern
  • vyodabwa....misgoverned
  • yivdab....free-reign
  • yobyexen dab....overthrowing a government
  • yuybdaba....quasi-governmental
  • yuybutexea odaba gonyan....quango
  • zea dab....central government
  • zedab....central government, federal government
  • zedaba....central government-related, federal
  • zedabvakdibut....marshal
  • zoydabuea....reinstating
  • zoydabuen....reinstatement, reinstating
  • zoydabuer....reinstate
  • zoydabuwa....reinstated
The root word deb means leader, ruler. From this comes the stub suffix -eb.
Here are words derived from this root:
  • aadeb....premier
  • aadeban....premiership
  • aagudeb....archduke
  • adeb....emperor
  • adebam....imperial palace
  • agyekdeb....torchbearer
  • alodeb....chief, chieftain, tribal chief
  • anadeb....dictator
  • anadeber....dictate
  • anadebwa....dictated
  • anadebyena....dictatorial
  • anaotdeb....autocrat, dictator
  • anaotdeber....rule as a dictator, rule as an autocrat
  • andeb....autocrat, despot
  • andeba....despotic
  • andebay....despotically
  • andebin....despotism
  • andebyena....despotic
  • aotyandeb....ringleader, ringmaster
  • asondeb....centurion
  • azdeb....strongman
  • be deban bi....in command of
  • deb....chairman, chairperson, chief, commander, leader, ruler
  • deba....chief, lead, paramount, ruling
  • deban....chairmanship, command, leadership, paramountcy
  • debanyan....dynasty
  • debanyana....dynastic
  • debden....command, commandment, enjoining, order, ruling
  • debder....command, enjoin, mandate, order
  • debdom....capital
  • debdun....command, mandate, order, ruling
  • debdwa....enjoined
  • debea duznodyan....canto
  • debea....in charge of, leading, ruling
  • debelea....reigning
  • debelem....realm
  • debelen....reign, reigning
  • debeler....reign
  • deben....chairing, conducting, leading, ruling
  • deber....chair, conduct, lead
  • debkyian....clout
  • deboya....leaderless, rudderless
  • debsim....throne
  • debsimber....put on the throne
  • debsimbien....assumption of the throne
  • debsimbier....assume the throne
  • debsimopen....abdication
  • debsimoper....abdicate, relinquish the throne, step aside
  • debsimper....sit on the throne
  • debuka....leaderless, rudderless
  • debut....commander, ruler
  • debuyt....chairlady
  • debwa....conducted, led, ruled
  • debyaf....authority, power
  • debyafxen....authorization, empowerment
  • debyafxer....authorize, empower
  • debyafxwa....authorized, empowered
  • debyan....leadership
  • debyanup....summit
  • debyanupen....summitry
  • debyenay....authoritatively
  • debzem....headquarters
  • desdebxer....make a star
  • dezdeb....star
  • dezdebea....starring
  • dezdeben....starring
  • dezdeber....star in a stage production
  • dezdebet....starlet
  • dezdebika....star-studded
  • dezdebser....become a star
  • ditdeb....president of the republic
  • ditdeba....presidential
  • ditdeban....presidency
  • ditdeber....be president, preside
  • ditdebser....become president
  • ditdebxer....make president
  • ditdebyena....presidential in manner
  • dokebien debzem....election headquarters
  • domeama debdom....provincial capital, state capital
  • domeba debzem....mayor's headquarters
  • domeuma deb....communal leader
  • dopa debzem....military headquarters
  • dovodebden....prohibiting, prohibition
  • dovodebder....prohibit
  • dovodebdwa....prohibited
  • doyovtodeb....godfather, mafia boss
  • duzdeba muf....conductor's baton
  • dyezdeb....star
  • dyezdebea....starring
  • dyezdeben....starring
  • dyezdeber....star in a film
  • dyezdebet....starlet
  • dyezdebika....star-studded
  • dyezdebser....become a star
  • dyezdebxer....make a star
  • edeb atwud....dauphin
  • edeb....monarch
  • edeba muv....royal mace
  • edeba obdabut....viceroy
  • edeba obdabuta....viceregal
  • edeba tebuz....regal crown, royal crown
  • edeba vitamag....royal palace
  • edeba....monarchic, regal, royal
  • edebam....royal palace, royal court
  • edebama....courtly
  • edebamat....courtier
  • edeban....regality, royalty
  • edebasyan....regalia
  • edebay....regally, royally
  • edebdem....court
  • edebdema....courtly
  • edebdematyan....court
  • edebea....regnant
  • edebfabyanut....verderer
  • edebin....monarchism
  • edebina....monarchistic
  • edebinut....monarchist
  • edebmuv....scepter, staff
  • edebmuvuer....scepter
  • edebmuvuwa....sceptered
  • edebsim....throne
  • edebsimben....enthronement, installing on the throne
  • edebsimber....enthrone, install on the throne
  • edebsimbwa....enthroned, installed on the throne
  • edebsimoben....dethronement, dethroning
  • edebsimober....dethrone
  • edebsimobwa....dethroned
  • edebtad....consort
  • edebtojben....regicide
  • edebtojbena....regicidal
  • edebtojbut....regicide
  • edebut....regent
  • edebutan....regency
  • edebxen....coronation
  • edebxer....crown king
  • edebxwa....crowned king
  • edebyan....royalty
  • edebyen....majesty
  • edebyena....majestic, monarchical, regal
  • edebyenay....majestically
  • edebyuxut....vicegerent
  • fuandeb....despot
  • fuandeba....despotic
  • fuandebay....despotically
  • fyadeb....hierarch, high priest
  • ideb....prince
  • ideban....princedom
  • ideb-yalza....royal violet, royal purple
  • idebyen....princeliness
  • idebyena....princely
  • Imera Vyatindeb....Patriarch, patriarch
  • Imera Vyatindeba....patriarchal
  • imeradeb....ameer, emir, amir
  • islamedeb....sultan
  • islamideb....emir
  • izdeben....commanding
  • izdeber....command
  • izdebun....commandment
  • izdebwa....commanded
  • izdebyea....commandingly
  • kexer ha dityandeban....seek the presidency
  • lodeben....deposal, deposing
  • lodeber....depose
  • lodeblawa....usurped
  • lodeblen....usurpation, usurping
  • lodebler....usurp
  • lodeblut....usurper
  • lodebwa....deposed
  • lonazdeb....dismissal
  • lovadeben....de-authorization
  • lovadeber....de-authorize
  • lovadebwa....de-authorized
  • mafiadeb....capo
  • memyuvdeb....feudal lord
  • nazideb....fuehrer, fuhrer
  • nuxdeb....paymaster
  • nyazdeb....plutocrat
  • obditdeb....vice-president
  • obedeb....vicegerent
  • obtyodeb....veep, vice-president, vice president
  • obtyodeba....vice-presidential, vice presidential
  • obtyodebam....vice-presidential residence, vice presidential residence
  • obtyodeban....vice-presidency, vice presidency
  • ojvadebkyaxam....pawn shop, pawnshop
  • ojvadebkyaxen....pawnbroking, pawning, hocking
  • ojvadebkyaxer....pawn, hock
  • ojvadebkyaxut....pawnbroker
  • ojvadebkyaxwa....pawned, hocked
  • ovadebwa....unauthorized
  • ovdeben....ouster
  • ovdeber....oust from power, relieve of command, throw out of office
  • ovtontindebat....anti-clerical
  • posamdeb....stationmaster
  • slavedeb....czar
  • slavedebina....czarist
  • slavedebtwud....czarevitch
  • taadebkyaxut....swinger
  • tebuzuer gel edeb....crown king
  • tedeba....patriarchal
  • tedeban....patriarchy
  • tedebyena....patriarchal
  • teydeb....matriarch
  • teydeba....matriarchal
  • toybdeb....gynarch, gynecocrat
  • twedeb....patriarch
  • twedeb....patriarch
  • twedeba....patriarchal
  • twedeban....patriarchy
  • tyodaba yanav debzem....democratic party headquarters
  • tyodeb....president of the republic, president
  • tyodeba tyem....residence of the president of the republic
  • tyodeba....presidential
  • tyodebam....presidential residence of the president of the republic
  • tyodeban....presidency
  • tyodebea....presiding, serving as president
  • tyodeben....presiding, serving as president
  • tyodeber....preside, serve as president
  • tyoydeb....clan leader
  • udeb....duke
  • udeba....ducal
  • ujponxeldeb....funeral director
  • Umera Katolikindeb....Pope, pope
  • umvibdeb....figurehead
  • vadeb....authority, person in authority
  • vadeben....authorization
  • vadeber....authorize
  • vadebutyan....authorities, those in charge
  • vadebwa....authorized
  • vadebyena....authoritarian, authoritative
  • vadebyenan....authoritarianism, authoritativeness
  • vodebden....prohibition
  • vodebder....prohibit
  • vodebdwa....prohibited
  • xabdeb....bureau chief
  • yadeb....count, earl
  • yadeban....county
  • yedeban....dominance
  • yedebea....dominant
  • yedebeay....dominantly
  • yedebem....demesne
  • yedebyen....lordliness
  • yevsondeber....preside over a case
  • yideb....viscount
  • yodeb....marquis
  • yudeb....baron
  • yudeba....baronial
  • yudeban....baronage
  • yudebud....baronet
  • yudebudan....baronetcy
  • yuxutyandeb....foreperson
  • yuydeb....thane

  • abefyaxeb....archbishop, cardinal, exarch, major archbishop
  • abxeb....foreman
  • afxeb....authority
  • afyaxeb....metropolitan, patriarch, pontiff, pope, primate
  • apeteb....horse head
  • beaxeb....head watchman, warden
  • bewasweb....lord
  • dabmuseb....hierarch
  • daler gel afyaxeb....pontificate
  • dapeb....air force commander
  • datibameb....hotelier
  • dazeb....dance director
  • depeb....army commander
  • deuzutyaneb....choirmaster, choral director
  • dezdweb....male star
  • dezeb....director
  • dibeb....agency head
  • diepeb....marine commander
  • dipeb....navy commander
  • dipureb....battleship commander
  • diybeb....department head
  • dobameymeb....prefect
  • dodrureb....publisher
  • doebeb....governor, state governor
  • doemeb....village head
  • doemweb....male village head
  • dokexeb....principal investigator
  • domeameb....county clerk, governor, prefect, proconsul, provincial governor
  • domeb....burgomaster, mayor
  • domeemeb....prefect
  • domeimeb....canton head
  • domeumeb....district mayor
  • dopeb....command-in-chief, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, generalissimo, marshal
  • dopyonaryeb....baldric
  • dovakeb....police chief
  • doyeveb....magistrate
  • doypeb....fugleman
  • doyteb....club leader, doyen, head of an association
  • dropeb....warlord
  • duzarutyaneb....orchestral conductor
  • duzekeb....concertmaster
  • duzutyaneb....conductor
  • duzutyayneb....band leader, bandleader, bandmaster
  • dweb....chairman, male chief, male leader, male ruler
  • dyesnexameb....head librarian
  • dyezdweb....male star
  • dyezeb....director, film director, movie director
  • -eb....leader, stub for deb
  • efyaxeb....bishop
  • ektobeteb....puppet master, puppeteer
  • etutamyaneb....dean
  • exeb....boss
  • feelknademeb....yardmaster
  • fyaantineb....abbot
  • fyatezeb....priest, clergyman
  • fyaxineb....church elder, churchman, clergyman, cleric, priest, religious leader
  • fyaxineseb....cult leader
  • fyayxineb....sect leader
  • fyuzameb....prison warden
  • fyuzamtemeb....head of a prison ward
  • gloteb....oligarch
  • ifpipureb....cruise ship captain
  • ifyaxeb....curate, imam, parish priest, parson, preacher, priest, rabbi, vicar
  • Islameb....imam
  • itistameb....college president
  • iizbeb....director, steersman
  • iJudineb....rabbi
  • koexeb....spymaster
  • lmampureb....captain
  • manumugyeb....candlestick
  • marpureb....star ship captain
  • meksyeb....dustpan, urn
  • mekyeb....dustbin
  • melsyeb....pipkin
  • melyexdoumeb....majordomo
  • melyuxrueb....feudal lord
  • mifeb....chestnut
  • mil faosyeb....water barrel
  • milmoyeb....water well
  • milmugyeb....canteen
  • mimbareb....coxswain
  • mimofpareb....sailboat captain, skipper
  • mimofpureb....sailing ship captain, skipper
  • mimpareb....boat captain, cox
  • mimpureb....sea captain
  • mipareb....riverboat captain, skipper
  • mompureb....spaceship captain
  • Mormonineb....head of the Mormon church
  • nameb....store manager
  • nasameb....bank director
  • neafeb....webmaster
  • noyxmemeb....feudal lord
  • nozyeb....jewelry box
  • nundetyaneb....c.e.o., head of a company, head of a firm
  • obdabemeb....colonial master, governor of a colony
  • obifyaxeb....deacon
  • obxeb....inferior, sous-chef, sub-officer
  • oybdipureb....submarine captain
  • oybmiltieb....aqualung
  • oybtameb....submaster
  • oybxeb....underling
  • piteb....fish head
  • seb....head
  • staameb....head of household, householder, housemaster, master
  • taamweb....headmaster, male head of household
  • tamagweb....lord of the manor
  • tamazeb....head of the castle
  • tamazweb....castle master, lord of the castle
  • tameb....head of household, master
  • tamweb....head of household, lord, male head of house, master of the house
  • tamyuxleb....butler
  • telameb....restauranteur
  • teteb....cleric
  • ttimyaneb....quartermaster
  • tistameb....principal, schoolmaster
  • todameb....head of the household, master
  • todweb....pater familias
  • toteb....godhead
  • totineb....priest
  • tulxeb....chef
  • tulyuxeb....head waiter
  • tutamyaneb....rector
  • tutaymeb....college president
  • tuzyanameb....art museum curator
  • tyeneb....master technician
  • tyenyaneb....magnate
  • tyueb....coach, master
  • ujponxeleb....undertaker
  • ukla telyeb....soup plate
  • utistameb....rector, university rector
  • utpaneb....autopilot
  • vyakxameb....prison warden
  • vxeb....boss, chief, head honcho, headman, hierarch, honcho, office chief
  • xeleb....compere, emcee
  • xweb....headman, headmaster, male boss, male officer
  • yanglateb....gang leader
  • yanoteb....communal leader
  • yansyemeb....CEO, chief corporate office
  • yaovdutyaneb....jury foreman
  • yaxunyaneb....industry leader
  • yexeb....boss, task master
  • yexuneb....task master
  • yexutyaneb....ganger, work team leader
  • yexyeneb....plant manager
  • yibnyuxeb....postmaster
  • yixleb....chief hiring officer, personnel officer
  • yoavdutyaneb....jury foreperson, jury spokesperson
  • yovbyokameb....warden
  • yuxlameb....agency head
  • yuxleb....head waiter
The root word dib means administration. The diminutive variant diyb means department.
Here are words derived from these root:
  • abvakdibut....commissary
  • agdomep vakdib....highway patrol
  • avakdibut....constable
  • bakdib....health administration
  • bakdibut....health administrator
  • dib bi vyankex....bureau of investigation
  • dib....administration, office
  • dib....agency, office
  • diba....administrative
  • dibay....administratively, officially
  • dibdras....ordinance, regulation
  • dibdrasa....regulatory
  • dibdren....regulation
  • dibdrena....regulatory
  • dibeb....agency head
  • diben....administering, administrating, administration, officiating
  • diber....administer, administrate, officiate
  • dibim....administrative office, chamber
  • dibteyd....matron
  • dibteydyena....matronly
  • dibut....administrator, agent, constable, officer, officiator
  • dibutan....office
  • dibutyan....administration, officialdom, staff
  • dibuyt....female officer
  • dibwa....administered, officiated
  • dibyafwa....administrable
  • dibzem....admin, administrative center
  • dobnadib....customhouse, customs office
  • dobnadib....customs bureau
  • dobnadiba nuxyef....customs duty
  • dobnadibut....customs official
  • dobnixdib....internal revenue service
  • doeba vakdib....state police
  • doeba vakdibut....state policeman
  • doib vakdib....county police
  • doivakdibut exnig....sheriffwick
  • doivakdibut....sheriff
  • doivakdibuta....shrieval
  • doivakdibutan....sheriffdom, sheriffship, shrievalty
  • dom vakdib....municipal police department
  • dom vakdibut....city cop, municipal police officer
  • doma vakdib....city police department
  • doma vakdibut....city policeman, cop
  • domeam vakdibut....gens d'arme, provincial police
  • donapdib....police administration
  • donapdiba....police-related
  • donapdiben....policing
  • donapdiber....police
  • donapdibut....cop, policeman, police officer
  • dopoxea dibut....arresting officer
  • dopvakdib....gendarmerie
  • dopvakdib....gendarmerie headquarters
  • dopvakdibut....gendarme
  • dosyagdib....census administration
  • dosyagdibut....census official
  • dotnuxdib....social security administration, welfare administration
  • dotvaysdib....social security administration
  • dovakdib dodras....police report
  • dovakdib kotuut....police informant
  • dovakdib yuzpep....police patrol
  • dovakdib....police administration, police department
  • dovakdib....police station
  • dovakdiba....police-related
  • dovakdiben....policing
  • dovakdiber....police
  • dovakdibut....police officer
  • dovakdibuyt....female police officer
  • dovakdibwa....policed
  • doxabdibut....commissioner
  • doyevdib....judicial administration, judiciary
  • doyevdiba....judicial, juridical
  • doyevdibut....judicial administrator, justiciary
  • doyevdibutim....judge's chamber
  • eata vakdibut....deputy police officer
  • ebdiba....interdepartmental
  • fidovakdibwa....well-policed
  • fudiber....maladminister
  • fudovakdibwa....poorly-policed
  • fyaojdudibut....oracle
  • gadiber....re-administer
  • kadiber....shrive
  • kadibwa....shriven
  • koda vakdib....secret police
  • kotuunyandib....intelligence service
  • kotuunyandibut....intelligence officer
  • mampur yuxdib....airline
  • mimvakdib....coast guard, coastguard
  • nuixdib....budget administration
  • nuixdibut....budget administrator
  • nuxdib....payroll
  • oaxrendiba....noncommissioned
  • odiba....nonadministrative
  • ojbuendib....lending office, loan office
  • ojbuendibut....lending official, loan officer
  • opyexdib....department of defense
  • popdrefdib....passport office
  • purilp vakdib....traffic police
  • taydibwasyan....jointure
  • tistam dib....school administration
  • tistam dibut....school administrator
  • tuuniblendib....intelligence service
  • tuuniblendibut....intelligence officer
  • utistam dib....university administration
  • utistam dibut....university administrator
  • vak dibut....safety officer, security officer, police, policeman, police officer
  • vak dibutyan....security force
  • vakdib....constabulary, police administration, police
  • vakdib....police station
  • vakdibut....bobby, cop, gendarme, law officer, security officer, policeman, police officer
  • vakdibutyan....constabulary, police
  • vakdibyena....constabulary
  • vekdiblut....croupier
  • vyankexdib....bureau of investigation
  • vyankexdibut....investigative officer
  • xaldib....commission
  • xaldiben....commissioning
  • xaldiber....commission
  • xaldibut....commissioner
  • xaldibwa....commissioned
  • yevam vakdibut....bailiff
  • yevdib....court
  • yevdibut....magistrate
  • yevdibutseem....bench
  • yuper ha yevdibutseem....approach the bench
  • zedabvakdibut....marshal
  • zyamem vakdibut....ranger

  • diyb....bureau, department, management, office
  • nasdiyb....bursar's office, treasurer's office
  • nastun diyb....finance department
  • nuixdiyb....budget department, bursar
  • utistam diyb....university department
The root word dub means minister and is used in the following derived words:
  • aa dub....prime minister
  • aa duba....prime ministerial
  • aa duban....prime ministry
  • ayibdubet....consul general
  • ayibdubetam....consulate general
  • bak dubam bi bak....department of health
  • bakdub....head of the department of health minister
  • bakdubam....health department, health ministry
  • donasbex dub....minister of the treasury secretary
  • donasbex dubam....ministry of the treasury department
  • doxaruta dub....executive branch
  • doyevan dub....minister of justice minister, secretary of justice
  • doyevan dubam....department of justice, ministry of justice
  • dropek dub....minister of defense, secretary of defense, war minister
  • dropek dubam bi opyex dubam....ministry of defense
  • dropek dubam....war department
  • dub bi doyevan....secretary of justice
  • dub bi opyex....minister of defense
  • dub bi oyebmema soni....foreign minister of foreign affairs, secretary of state
  • dub bi yebmema soni....minister of internal affairs, secretary of the interior
  • dub....branch head, cabinet member, councilman, department head, minister, secretary
  • duba....cabinet-level, departmental, ministerial, secretarial
  • dubam bi dropek dubam....ministry of war
  • dubam bi Dropek....secretary of defense
  • dubam bi opyexen....department of defense
  • dubam bi oyebmena soni....foreign ministry of foreign affairs, state department
  • dubam bi yebmema soni....department of the interior, ministry of internal affairs
  • dubam....branch, cabinet post, department, ministry, subsidiary
  • duban....cabinet post, department, secretariat
  • dubyan....cabinet, council of ministers, department, ministerial cabinet
  • dudubar....transponder
  • ebduba....inter-ministerial
  • fudubwa....poorly-administered
  • islamdubut....vizier, vizir
  • makubendub....postmaster
  • nasdub....treasury secretary
  • nasdubam....treasury department
  • nastun dub bi nastun....minister of finance
  • nastun dub....finance department head, finance minister
  • nastun dubam bi nastun....department of finance, ministry of finance
  • nunuien dubam bi nunuien....department of commerce, ministry of commerce
  • nunuiendub....commerce ministry, minister of commerce
  • nunuiendubam....trade ministry
  • obdub....vice-minister
  • obdubam....vice-ministry
  • opyex dub bi dropek....minister of defense
  • opyex dub....secretary of defense
  • opyex dubam....DOD, department of defense
  • opyexdub....defense minister, defense secretary of defense
  • opyexdubam....defense department, defense ministry
  • ovdopek dub....secretary of defense
  • oybdub....sub-minister, undersecretary
  • oybdubam....sub-ministry, undersecretariat
  • oyebmem dubam bi oyebmen....department of state
  • oyebmema dub....foreign minister, head of the department of state, minister of foreign affairs
  • oyebmema dubam....foreign ministry of foreign affairs, state department
  • yebmem dub....minister of internal affairs
  • yebmem dubam....department of the interior
  • yebmema dub bi yebmem....minister of the interior
  • yebmema dub....interior minister, secretary of the interior
  • yebmema dubam....ministry of internal affairs, ministry of the interior
  • yebmemdub....interior department head, interior minister, secretary of the interior
  • yibdub....ambassador
  • yibduba....ambassadorial
  • yibdubam....embassy
  • yibduban....ambassadorship
  • yibduben....mission
  • yibdubet....consul
  • yibdubeta....consular
  • yibdubetam....consulate
  • yibdubetan....consulship
The base word dom means city. It is the top-level member of a geo-specifically ordered series:
  • dom....city
  • dam....airport
  • dem....park
  • dim....fountain
The base word dom has some sub-elements:
  • doam....borough, township
  • doem....village
  • doim....hamlet
  • doum....estate, manor
Here is a list of words derived from dom and the above sub-elements:
  • aaga domeap....main boulevard
  • aaga domeep....main avenue
  • aaga domep....main street
  • ab ha domep....on top of the street
  • adomep....drive
  • agala dom....major city
  • agdomep nuxtum....highway tollbooth
  • agdomep vakdib....highway patrol
  • agdomep yonxar....highway divider
  • agdomep zyenod....highway intersection
  • agdomep....highway
  • agdomyan....supercity
  • anizona domep....one way street, one-way street
  • aopuys dompur....hop-on hop-off bus
  • aper yuzdompur....get on a bus
  • ayb ha dom....above the city
  • ayb ha domep....above the street
  • aybnyif dompur....tram
  • azaxwa dom....citadel
  • azdom....citadel
  • be ea tam bi him yez ha domep....two doors down the street
  • be ha domep....on the street
  • be hyukum bi ha domep....across the street
  • be neg bi ha domep....at street level
  • be oyva kum bi ha domep....on the opposite side of the street
  • be zam bi ha domep....in front of the street
  • be zem bi ha domep....in the middle of the street
  • be zikum bi ha domep....on the right side of the street
  • be zom bi ha domep....in back of the street
  • be zukum bi ha domep....on the left side of the street
  • bi ha domep....from the street
  • bi oyva kum bi ha domep....from the opposite side of the street
  • bi zam bi ha domep....from the front of the street
  • bi zom bi ha domep....from the back of the street
  • bu hyukum bi ha domep....across to the other side
  • bu oyva kum bi ha domep....to the opposite side of the street
  • bu zam bi ha domep....to the front of the street
  • bu zem bi ha domep....to the middle of the street
  • bu zom bi ha domep....to the back of the street
  • buidompur....shuttle bus
  • byi ha domep....starting with the street
  • byu ha domep....as far as the street, up to the street
  • debdom....capital
  • doam....borough, township
  • dobameymdom....prefecture
  • dobememdom....sub-prefect
  • dobememdoma....sub-prefectural
  • dobemeymdom....subprefect
  • doem....village
  • doema....village
  • doemat....villager
  • doemayt....female villager
  • doemeb....village head
  • doemeyb....female village head
  • doemog....hamlet
  • doemwat....male villager
  • doemweb....male village head
  • doim....hamlet
  • dom unkun....block, city block, city square
  • dom vakdib....municipal police department
  • dom vakdibut....city cop, municipal police officer
  • dom yijem....urban open space
  • dom yuzmas....city wall
  • dom....city
  • doma dem....city park, municipal park
  • doma fyidut....alderman, city councilman
  • doma fyidutyan....city council
  • doma fyiduyt....alderwoman
  • doma jaexdren....urban planning
  • doma kyezyapen....urban sprawl
  • doma tyod....urban folk
  • doma vakdib....city police department
  • doma vakdibut....city policeman, cop
  • doma yuzpur....city bus
  • doma....city, urban
  • domab....municipality
  • domaba....municipal
  • domabam....town hall
  • domabay....municipally
  • domabem....municipality
  • domag....major city
  • doman....urbanity
  • domapetaput....mounted police, mounty, ranger
  • dombesut....city-dweller, urbanite
  • domdem....city park, municipal park
  • domdeym....urban garden
  • domdresin....urban design
  • domeam dom....provincial capital
  • domeam vakdibut....gens d'arme, provincial police
  • domeam....county, province
  • domeama debdom....provincial capital, state capital
  • domeama....provincial
  • domeamab....prefecture
  • domeamay....provincially
  • domeameb....county clerk, governor, prefect, proconsul, provincial governor
  • domeameba....prefectoral, proconsular
  • domeamut....governor, provincial governor
  • domeamyen....provincialism
  • domeamyena....provincial
  • domeap....boulevard
  • domeb....burgomaster, mayor
  • domeba debzem....mayor's headquarters
  • domeba....mayoral
  • domebam....city hall, mayor's office
  • domeban....mayoralty
  • domeem....department
  • domeemab....prefecture
  • domeemeb....prefect
  • domeep....avenue
  • domeim....canton
  • domeima....cantonal
  • domeimeb....canton head
  • domeip....lane
  • domep manar....street lamp, streetlamp
  • domep seuxibar....boom box, boombox, ghetto blaster
  • domep siun....street sign
  • domep tobyog....street urchin
  • domep vyatea....streetwise
  • domep vyixur....street cleaner, street sweeper
  • domep zyenod....street intersection
  • domepdraf....street map
  • domepoboxut....hooligan
  • domepoboxutyen....hooliganism
  • domepoboxutyena....hooliganish
  • domeptyopuyt....floozie, floozy
  • domepvyut....guttersnipe
  • domeum....district
  • domeuma deb....communal leader
  • domeuma....communal, district-related
  • domeumeb....district mayor
  • domeuminut....communard
  • domexut....city clerk
  • domeyb....mayoress
  • domeyma....communal
  • domgon....district, neighborhood, precinct, quadrant, quarter
  • domgona....district-related
  • domgones....block, city block
  • domino nod....pip
  • domino....domino
  • dommas....city wall
  • dommir....civilization, urbane world
  • domnaadpur....tram, tramcar, tramway
  • domned....place, public square
  • domnyaxen....conurbation
  • domnyed....urban grid
  • domog....village
  • domogut....villager
  • domoys....social stratum
  • dompar....town car
  • dompur exut....bus driver
  • dompur mepyen....bus route
  • dompur nad....bus line
  • dompur posem....bus stop
  • dompur posum....bus stand
  • dompur....autobus, bus, omnibus, city bus
  • dompurer....bus
  • domsin....cityscape, townscape, urban scene
  • domtam....brownstone, town house, townhouse
  • domtej....city life
  • domtejen....urban living
  • domtun....urban planning, urbanology
  • domtuna....related to urban planning
  • domtut....urban planning expert, urbanologist
  • domtyalien....dining out
  • domtyalier....dine in public, dine out
  • domtyod....city folk
  • domut....city-dweller, urbanite
  • domutyan....city folk
  • domxen....urbanization
  • domxer....urbanize
  • domxwa....urbanized
  • domyen....city ways, civility, urbanity
  • domyena....citified, civil, urbane
  • domyenay....urbanely
  • domyenut....slicker
  • domyijem....piazza, plaza, square, urban open space
  • domyuka....debonair
  • domyuzpur....circulator bus
  • domzem....city center, midtown
  • domzemper....go downtown
  • doum....estate, manor
  • douma....manorial
  • doym....burg, burgh, thorp, town
  • doymat....townee, townie
  • doymteudut....town crier
  • doymtyod....townsfolk, townspeople
  • doymut....burgher, townsman
  • doymuyt....townswoman
  • doyov domeum....rookery
  • ebdoma agmep....interurban highway
  • ebdoma yuzpur....intercity bus
  • ebdoma....intercity, interurban
  • ebdomep....alley, alleyway
  • ebdompur....coach, intercity bus
  • ebdoyma....intertown
  • ennaeda domep....two-lane street
  • esomdoym....pueblo
  • eybdoomay....intranationally
  • fudomat....hoodlum
  • fyedom....podunk
  • gadomgonxen....redistricting
  • gadomgonxer....redistrict
  • gadomgonxwa....redistricted
  • hyadoma....citywide
  • ib kum bi ha domep....away from the side of the street
  • ib zem bi ha domep....away from the middle of the street
  • igdomep....expressway
  • Imera Indomemi....East Indies
  • itistam doym....college town
  • joga doma xyenat....yuppie, yuppy
  • kudomep....side street
  • lovudoomxen....de-slumming, gentrification
  • lovudoomxer....de-slum, gentrify
  • lovudoomxwa....de-slummed, gentrified
  • melyexdoum....farmstead, hacienda, manor, plantation, ranch
  • melyexdoumeb....majordomo
  • melyexdoumxen....ranching
  • melyexdoumxer....ranch
  • melyexdoumxut....rancher
  • melyexdoumxwa....ranched
  • midom....harbor
  • midomben....harboring
  • midomber....harbor
  • midombwa....harbored
  • midoym....marina
  • mimdom....port city, sea town, seaport
  • ob ha domep....off the street
  • odom....country, countryside, non-urban area, wild
  • odoma meip....country lane
  • odoma mep....country road
  • odoma tyod....country folk, rustic folk
  • odoma....non-urban, rural, wild
  • odomat....backwoodsman, country dweller, rural inhabitant
  • odomay....rurally
  • oyb ha domep....below the street
  • oybdomeum....subdistrict
  • oyeb bi ha domep....out of the street
  • oyebdom....countryside, outskirts of town
  • oyebdoma....country, out-of-town
  • oyebdomat....countryman, peasant
  • oyebdomatyan....country folk, peasantry
  • Rodeo adomep....Rodeo Drive
  • Soama domgon....barrio
  • sodomut....sodomite
  • sodomxen....sodomy
  • sodomxer....sodomize
  • tajdom....birthplace town, home town, hometown
  • tamdomtwobet....homeboy
  • tamyogdom....favela, shantytown
  • teapya midom....port of call
  • teydom....metropolis
  • teydoma....metropolitan
  • twedoum....patrimony
  • twedouma....patrimonial
  • tyoisea dompur....kneeling bus
  • ub kum bi ha domep....toward the side of the street
  • ub zem bi ha domep....toward the middle of the street
  • utistam doym....university residence hall
  • vidom....uptown
  • vidoma....gentrified, upscale
  • vidoom....posh district
  • vudomgon....ghetto
  • vudomgonxer....ghettoize
  • vudoom....shabby district, slum
  • vudoomat....slum dog
  • vudoomeb....slumlord
  • vudoomer....slum around
  • vudoomut....slummer
  • vudoomyena....slummy
  • yabdom....uptown
  • yanizonay bi ha domep....parallel with the street
  • yeb be ha domep....in the street
  • yeb bu ha domep....into the street
  • yeba dom....inner city
  • yeba yuzdom....inner suburb
  • yeybdooma....intranational
  • yez bi ha domep....along the street
  • yez bi ha zem bi ha domep....down the middle of the street
  • yez bi kum bi ha domep....along the side of the street
  • yib bi ha domep....far from the street
  • yibdomukem....outback, boondocks
  • yiboyebdom....exurb, exurbia
  • yiboyebdoma....exurban
  • yiboyebdomat....exurbanite
  • yibyuzdom....outer suburb
  • yoz bi ha domep....perpendicular to the street
  • yub bi ha domep....near the street
  • yubdomat....suburbanite
  • yuzdom....suburb
  • yuzdoma....suburban
  • yuzdomat....suburbanite
  • yuzdomep....beltway, loop, circle, rotary
  • yuzdomgon....arrondissement
  • yuzdomxen....suburbanization
  • yuzdomxer....suburbanize
  • yuzdomxwa....suburbanized
  • yuzdomyan....suburbia
  • zay yez bi ha domep....up the street
  • zedom....city center, downtown, mid-town, midtown
  • zedoma....downtown, mid-town, midtown
  • zedomper....go downtown
  • zey bi ha domep....across the street
  • zeydoma....crosstown
  • zodomep....back street
  • zoy yez bi ha domep....down the street
  • zyadoma....citywide
  • zyadomep....broadway
  • zyedomep....thoroughfare, thruway
The root dam means airport
The root dem means park, lot, court. The diminutive deym means garden, yard. Here are some derived words:
  • dem....park
  • dodem....public arena
  • doma dem....city park, municipal park
  • domdem....city park, municipal park
  • douta unkudem....public square
  • douta zyidem....public plaza
  • edebdem....court
  • ekdem....court, playground
  • fabdem....orchard, tree orchard
  • febdem....fruit orchard
  • fobdem....botanical garden, orchard
  • fyuzam dem....prison yard
  • ifdem....paradise
  • ifekdem....amusement park, theme park
  • ifiendem....amusement park
  • melukben dem....burial ground
  • mumben dem....burial ground
  • potdem....animal park, zoo, zoological garden, zoological park
  • pottuna dem....zoo, zoological park
  • puix ifek dem....baseball park
  • purdem....car park, parking lot
  • ujpondem....cemetery, final resting place, graveyard
  • unkudem....public square
  • vabdem....grassplot, grassy park
  • vafildem....wineyard
  • vyakxam dem....prison yard
  • yebdem....court, courtyard
  • yepetdem....dog park
  • yixwa pur dem....used car lot
  • zyidem....plaza
  • zyundem....ballpark

  • deym....garden, lawn, yard
  • domdeym....urban garden
  • fabdeym....arbor
  • febdeym....fruit orchard
  • fyaxelamdeym....churchyard
  • kua tamdeym....side yard
  • kutamdeym....side yard
  • kuvabdeym....side lawn
  • potifdeym....dog park
  • tamdeym....yard
  • tistam deym....schoolyard
  • uvos deym....rose garden
  • vabdeym....grounds, lawn
  • vimegdeym....rockery
  • voldeym....vegetable garden
  • vosdeym....flower garden
  • zavabdeym....front lawn, front yard
  • zoa tamdeym....back yard
  • zodeym....back yard
  • zotamdeym....back yard
  • zovabdeym....back lawn
The root dim means fountain.
  • dim....fountain
  • fyadim....sacred font
  • malzyuynogtil dim....soda fountain
  • mimuipa dim....tidal basin
  • tildim....drinking fountain, water fountain
  • ukmeldim....oasis

Regional Administrations


Regional Administrations
doeb....state, Bund
domem....province, state
domeam....department, county, prefecture
domeum....commune, district
domgon....district, quarter, quadrant
The stems of the words in this family all begin with n for merchandise. All the words have to do with money, business, trade, and merchandise.
Money Core Words
naz....value, worth
nasdrev....paper money
namyan....shopping center
nasebkyax....money exchange
nazer....be worth
nix....income, revenue
nux....payment, outlay
nuxgax....pay raise
nyen....stores, stock
nyem....box, case
nyef....bag, sack
nyember....box up
nyix....order, demand
nyixdref....order form
nyixut....client, customer
nyuix....supply and demand
nyixer....demand, order
nyun....cargo, freight, shipment
nyuxpur....delivery truck
nyuer....pour, produce
nyuxer....supply, deliver, ship
The stems of the words in this family begin with d....social and end in p....mobile and have to do with the military and war.
D-P Words
dop....military dopeb....commander of the armed forces

dopnab....military rank
dopyaf....military power
dopekut....combat soldier
dopektof....battle attire
dopteud....battle cry
dopdeuz....battle hymn
dopnad....battle line
dopepem....battle station

dap....air force dapeb....air force commander

dapur....fighter jet

dep....ground force, army depeb....army commander

depet....enlisted soldier

dip....navy dipeb....navy commander

adipur....aircraft carrier

diep....marine diepeb....marine commander

diepat....marine soldier
dieput....ambphibious warship

doparier....take up arms
tuyab adopar....handgun, pistol
zyup adopar....revolver
dopur....machine gun
Military Ranks
depat....soldier dipat....ensign dapat....airman diepat....private
adepat....private adipat....seaman recruit adapat....airman basic adiepat....private
edepat....private 2 edipat....seaman apprentice edapat....airman ediepat....private 1st class
idepat....private first class idipat....seaman idapat....airman first class idiepat....lance corporal
udepat....army specialist udipat....petty officer 3rd class udapat....senior airman udiepat....corporal
.... yodipat....petty officer 2nd class yodapat....staff sergeant yodiepat....sergeant
.... yadipat....petty officer 3rd class yadapat....technical sergeant yadiepat....staff sergeant
.... yedipat....chief petty officer obyedapat....master sergeant yediepat....gunnery sergeant
.... .... abyedapat....master sergeant with diamond ....
.... yidipat....senior chief petty officer obyidapat....senior master sergeant yidiepat....master sergeant
.... .... abyidapat....senior master sergeant with diamond ....
.... obyudipat....master chief petty officer obyudapat....chief master sergeant yudiepat....first sergeant
.... ebyudipat....fleet master chief petty officer .... alodiepat....master gunnery sergeant
.... abyudipat....master chief petty officer of the navy abyudapat....chief master sergeant with diamond aladiepat....sergeant major
adeplat....warrant officer adiplat....ensign adaplat....2nd lieutenant adieplat....warrant officer
edeplat....chief warrant officer 2 ediplat....lieutenant junior grade edaplat....1st lieutenant edieplat....chief warrant officer 2
ideplat....chief warrant officer 3 idiplat....lieutenant idaplat....captain idieplat....chief warrant officer 3
udeplat....chief warrant officer 4 udiplat....lieutenant commander udaplat....major udieplat....chief warrant officer 4
yodeplat....chief warrant officer 5 yodiplat....commander yodaplat....lieutenant colonel yodieplat....chief warrant officer 5
yadeplat....second lieutenant yadiplat....captain yadaplat....colonel yadieplat....second lieutenant
yedeplat....first lieutenant .... .... yedieplat....first lieutenant
yideplat....captain yidiplat....ensign .... yidieplat....captain
yudeplat....major .... .... yudieplat....major
adeprat....brigadier general adiprat....rear admiral lower half adaprat....brigadier general adieprat....lieutenant general
edeprat....major general ediprat....rear admiral upper half edaprat....major general edieprat....colonel
ideprat....lieutenant general idiprat....vice admiral idaprat....lieutenant general idieprat....brigadier general
udeprat....4 star general udiprat....commandant udaprat....general air force chief of staff udieprat....major general
yodeprat....5-star general yodiprat....fleet admiral yodaprat....general of the AF yodieprat....lieutenant general
.... .... .... yadieprat....general
The word xob refers to any kind of hierarchical organization that has a staff, departments, and branches.
xob....organization, company, firm
xab....hierarchy, staff, managerial office
xeb....boss, leader, manager, chief
xib....department, office, bureau
xub....branch, subsidiary, affiliate
xyob....base, headquarters
The root word xob means organization, firm, hierarchy. Here are some derived words:
  • abefyaxob....archiepiscopate, college of cardinals, exarchate
  • afyaxob....holy see, patriarchate
  • Afyaxob....Holy See, Vatican
  • efyaxob....bishopric
  • fibuen xob....charity
  • gaxobser....reorganize
  • gaxobxen....reorganization, reorganizing, shake-up, shakeup, shaking up
  • gaxobxer....reorganize
  • gaxobxwa....reorganized
  • ifyaxob....priest leadership
  • loxobxen....disorganization
  • loxobxer....break up, disorganize
  • loxobxwa....disorganized
  • nunxob....commercial firm, company
  • obifyaxob....diaconate
  • oxobxen....breaking up
  • oxobxwa....unorganized
  • xob....hierarchy, organization
  • xoba....hierarchic, hierarchical, organizational
  • xobay....organically
  • xobes....organ
  • xobesa....organic
  • xobser....get organized, organize
  • xobxea....organizing
  • xobxen....organization, organizing
  • xobxena....organizational
  • xobxenay....organizationally
  • xobxer....organize
  • xobxut....organizer
  • xobxwa....organized
The root word xab means staff, management, office. Here are some derived words:
  • abefyaxab....archbishopric
  • afyaxab....pontificate
  • beaxab....ward
  • dovyab xab....law office
  • doxab....public office
  • doxaba....official
  • doxabat....official
  • doxabdibut....commissioner
  • doxabkex....candidacy, candidature
  • doxabkexea....running for office
  • doxabkexen....running for office
  • doxabkexer....run for office, seek a public office
  • doxabkexut....candidate, public office seeker
  • doxaber....officiate
  • exdren xab....planning staff
  • eyndoxaba....semiofficial
  • joyeb bi xab....term of office
  • kexer xab....seek office
  • koexab....spy agency
  • noyxaber....impose a fine
  • ojtexen xab....planning staff
  • okyoxaba....nontenured
  • ovfyaxaba....anticlerical
  • ovfyaxabin....anticlericalism
  • odoxaba....nonofficial
  • pontam xab....hotel staff
  • xab....bureau, office, staff, headquarters
  • xaba yeyfi....duties of office, official duties
  • xaba....bureaucratic, official
  • xabaxen....bureaucratization
  • xabaxer....bureaucratize
  • xabay....bureaucratically, officially
  • xabbelut....office holder, office-holder, officeholder
  • xabdal....officialese
  • xabdalyen....bureaucratese, bureaucratic language
  • xabdeb....bureau chief
  • xabea....officiating
  • xabelea....holding office, incumbent
  • xabelean....incumbency
  • xabelen....holding office
  • xabelut....incumbent
  • xabelutyan....incumbency
  • xaben....officiating, staffing
  • xaber be taduen....officiate at a marriage
  • xaber....officiate, staff
  • xabin....bureaucratism
  • xabipen....leaving office
  • xabiper....leave office
  • xabkexea....office-seeking
  • xabkexen....office-seeking
  • xabkexut....office-seeker
  • xaboben....firing, ousting, removal from office
  • xabober....oust, remove from office
  • xabobwa....ousted, removed from office
  • xabubafa....constitutive
  • xabubea....appointing
  • xabuben....appointment
  • xabuber....appoint to an office, constitute, install in office
  • xabubut....appointer
  • xabubwa....appointed, installed in office
  • xabubwat....appointee
  • xabuper....enter into office
  • xabupxel....inauguration
  • xabupxelen....inauguration
  • xabupxeler....inaugurate
  • xabupxelwa....inaugurated
  • xabut....bureaucrat, officer, official, officiant, officiator, staffer
  • xabutan....bureaucracy
  • xabutyan....officialdom
  • xabuyt....female officer
  • xabwa....officiated, staffed
  • xabyea....officious
  • xabyean....officiously
  • xabyeay....officiousness
  • xabyen....red tape
The root word xeb means boss, chief, head. Here are some derived words:
  • abefyaxeb....archbishop, cardinal, exarch, major archbishop
  • abefyaxeba....archiepiscopal
  • abefyaxebyan....cardinalate
  • abxeb....foreman
  • afxeb....authority
  • afyaxeb....metropolitan, patriarch, pontiff, pope, primate
  • afyaxeba dodel....allocution, encyclical
  • afyaxeba....papal, patriarchal, pontific, pontifical
  • afyaxeban....papacy
  • afyaxebay....pontifically
  • afyaxebden....pontification
  • afyaxebder....pontificate
  • afyaxeber....serve as patriarch, serve as pope
  • afyaxebifa....popish
  • beaxeb....head watchman, warden
  • beaxeban....wardenship
  • daler gel afyaxeb....pontificate
  • dokexeb....principal investigator
  • doxeb.....public boss
  • efyaxeb....bishop
  • efyaxeba....episcopal
  • efyaxeban....episcopate
  • efyaxeber....pontificate
  • efyaxebina....episcopalian
  • efyaxebinut....episcopalian
  • efyaxebyan....episcopacy
  • exeb....boss
  • graxebyena....overbearing
  • graxebyenay....overbearingly
  • ifyaxeb....curate, imam, parish priest, parson, preacher, priest, rabbi, vicar
  • ifyaxeba....priestly, sacerdotal
  • ifyaxebam....rectory
  • ifyaxeban....curacy
  • ifyaxebema....parish, parochial
  • izonkexeb....scoutmaster
  • koexeb....spymaster
  • kyiunxeb....supercargo
  • obifyaxeb....deacon
  • obxeb....inferior, sous-chef, sub-officer
  • oybxeb....underling
  • romifyaxeb....monsignor
  • seuxeben....soundproofing
  • seuxebwa....soundproof
  • sexeb....master builder
  • texebek....battle of opinions, crossfire
  • texebkyax....idea swap
  • texebkyaxer....exchange thoughts
  • tulxeb....chef
  • tulxebtef....toque, chef’s hat
  • tulyuxeb....head waiter
  • vafilyuxeb....sommelier, wine steward
  • xeb....boss, chief, head honcho, headman, hierarch, honcho, office chief
  • xeban....headship
  • xeben....bossing, running
  • xeber....boss, run
  • xebut....bully
  • xebwa....bossed, run
  • xebyan....officialdom
  • xebyea....bossy
  • xebyean....bossiness
  • xebyena....bossy
  • xebyenay....bossily
  • yexeb....boss, task master
  • yibnyuxeb....postmaster
  • yufxeben....browbeating
  • yufxeber....brow-beat, browbeat
  • yufxebwa....browbeaten
The root word xib means department. Here are some derived words:
  • ebxiba....interdepartmental
  • oybxib....subdepartment
  • xib....department
  • xiba....departmental, official
  • xibut....official, officer
The root word xub means branch, subsidiary. Here are some derived words:
  • abxub....head office
  • ayba xub....superior department
  • oybxub....subbranch, subsidiary
  • xub....branch, subsidiary, affiliate
  • xuba....subsidiary, succursal
  • xubser....branch out
  • xubxwa....branched out, affiliated
The root word xyob means headquarters, base.
  • xyoba....ground-floor, rank-and-file, basic
  • xyobat....clerk, rank-and-file
  • xyobwa....headquartered, based
The root word a means one. Here are some derived words:
  • a....one
  • awa....one
  • aa....first
  • aas....first thing
  • aat....first person
  • an-....mono-, uni-
  • ana....single, lone, only
  • anay....only
  • anyan....series
  • aot....individual, person
  • aota....personal, individual
  • aotan....personality, individuality
  • anot....private individual
  • anota....private
  • anotan....privacy
  • aon....unit, entity
  • aona....unitary
  • aun....component, item, monad
  • aunxer....itemize
  • aunxwa....itemized
  • ayn....a whole
  • ayna....entire, whole
  • aynan....entirety, wholeness
  • aynay....wholly, entirely
  • aynxer....to integrate
  • aynxen....integration
  • aynxwa....integrated
The root word o means zero. Here are some derived words:
  • o....zero
  • o-....not-, un-
  • oa....zeroth
  • owa....zero, null
  • oun....nil, nonentity, null
  • ounxer....anihilate
  • ounxwa....anihilated

YAN together, YON apart


The base morpheme yan (together) contrasts with yon (apart). The following chart demonstrates this polarity:
YAN vs YON Family
yan bi....together with yon bit....apart from
yanxer....to join yonxer....to separate
yanxwa....joint yonxwa....separate
yantadser....to mate yontadser....to divorce
yantos....compassion yontos....antipathy
yanav....party yonav....sect
yanuzper....to converge yonuzper....to diverge
yanota....communal yonota....private
The suffix -yan is used to form collective nouns. Here are some examples:
Collective Nouns with -YAN
fab....tree fabyan....forest
vyab....rule vyabyan....regimen, system
vos....flower vosyan....bouquet
uzun....ring uzunyan....chain
aot....person aotyan....group
toom....apartment toomyan....apartment complex
teyen....idea teyenyan....ideology
tyen....technique tyenyan....technology
tixut....student tixutyan....student body
tit....pupil tityan....class
telar....eating utensil telaryan....cutlery
sir....machine siryan....machinery
pat....bird patyan....flock
An extension of yan is nyan, meaning stack, pile, accumulation, crowd, and so is a bit more intensive:
Collective Nouns with -NYAN
pet....land animal petnyan....herd
aot....person aotnyan....crowd
dit....citizen ditnyan....populace
taib....bone taibnyan....skeleton
yaot....public persona yaotnyan....commune
dun....word dunnyan....list
vaob....hay vaobnyan....haystack
mag....fire magnyan....pyre
draf....card drafnyan....deck of cards
ao-....vertical aonyan....list
upet....sheep upetnyan....flock of sheep
taib....bone taibnyan....skeleton
feb....fruit febnyan....bunch (of fruit)
fyus....scrap fyusnyan....scrapheap
The following confusing terms should be kept distinct:
Collective Words
aot....individual, person aota....personal
aut....myself auta....my own
anot....individual anota....private
aotyan....group aotyana....collective
tyod....people tyoda....popular
tyodin....populism tyodina....populist
ditdab....republic ditdaba....republican
tyodab....democracy tyodaba....democratic
yaut....ourselves yauta....our own
yaot....constituent, commoner yaota....common, collective, public
yaotyan....community, constituency, public yaotyana....communitarian
yaotnyan....commune, collective yaotnyana....communal, collective
yaotin....communism yaotina....communist
dityan....citizenry dityana....of the citizenry
ditnyan....populace ditnyana....popular
ditnyanin....populism ditnyanina....populist
yanav....party (political) yanava....partisan
yaniv....party (fun) yaniva....festive
yanutyan....partnership yanutyana....partnership
More collectives:
More collective Words
nundetyan....company, firm
xalutyan....commission, committee

AB on, EB between, OB off


AB-EB-OB Family
aber....put on
aper....get on
oper....get off

YAB up, YEB in, YOB down, OYEB out


yeber....put in
yeper....get in
yebaga....deep inside
yeboga....a little way in
oyeber....put out
oyeper....get out
IB-UB Family
yiper....go far away
yibyaga....far up
yibyoga....far down

BI from, BE at, BU to


BI-BE-BU family Family
bixrer....ravage, rape

BYI since, BYU up to


BYI-BYU family Family
byu....up to
byuser....come into contact with
byuper....head for
The verb fer means to want and is following by a noun or pronoun, an infinitive, or an entire clause, eg.:
  • At voy fe hyea yux.....I do not want any help.
  • Yat fa iyt poser.....We wanted her to stop.
  • Duven et fe per bay at?....Do you want to go with me?
  • Yit voy fe hos at fe.....They do not want what I want.
  • At fe et iper.....I want you to leave.
Use of the verb fer in the hypothetical mood (conditional) means would like, eg.:
  • At fu beser him.....I would like to stay here.
  • Duven et fu til.....Would you like a drink?
Other derivatives:
  • fon....will, volition
  • fwa....wanted
  • fler....to desire, be fond of
  • flon....desire, fondness
  • frer....to crave
  • fron....aspiration, yearing
  • ojfer....to wish, yearn, aspire
  • ojfon....wish
  • vafer....to resolve
  • vaf....resolution
  • fiojfer....to wish well, mean well
  • fifi....well wishes
  • fifon....goodwill, benevolence
  • fuojfer....to wish bad for
  • fuf....bad wish
  • fufon....ill will, malevolence
  • fonder....to volunteer
  • grafer....have a craving for, be addicted to
  • graf....addiction, craving
  • gafer....to prefer
  • kofer....to covet
  • tepfer....to pretend
  • tisefer....to be curious about, to be interested in
  • tisefxer....to interest
  • fuaysfea....jealous, envious
  • dwafer....to mean, intend
The verb fer can be followed by an infinitive or a dependent clause in the hypothetical mood:
  • At fe et ser iva.....I want you to be happy.
  • At fe van et su iva.....I want that you be happy.
FI-FU Family
fiva ....ok
fider....praise fuder....malign

FYI useful, FYU harmful


FYI-FYU Family
fyuxer....ruin, abuse
IF-UF Family
ifler....be affectionate for

YIF brave, YUF afraid


YIF-YUF Family
Note that the suffixes -if and -uf are used to translate words in English meaning -philia and -phobia, respectively, eg. tiibilif....hemophilia and hyutuf....xenophobia. Also, words with the prefix miso- meaning hatred of use the Mirad suffix -uf (toybuf....misogyny).

AF permission, EF need, OF prohibition


AF-EF-OF Family
af....permission ef....need/necessity of....prohibition
efa....in need of
ofer....be prohibited
ofa....not allowed

YAF ability, YEF obligation, YOF inability


yaf....ability yef....duty yof....inability
These words can be suffixed to verb roots to form many modal verbs, adjectives, and nouns:
  • teater....to see
  • teatyofa....blind
  • teatyofwa....invisible
  • tiler....to drink
  • tilefa....thirsty
  • doteuder....to vote
  • doteudafxer....to franchise
  • doteudofxwati....the disenfranchised
  • tester....to understand
  • testyafwan....comprehensibility
  • fider....to praise
  • fidyefwa....praiseworthy

FYA holy, FYE mythical, FYO profane


fyaa....holy fyea....fantastical, mythological, magical fyoa....profane, evil
fyamir....heaven fyemir....fantasia fyomir....hell
fyax....sacrament fyex....magic fyox....sin, sacrilege
fyaz....grace fyez....charm fyoz....disgrace
fyexin....sorcery fyoxin....witchcraft
fyaxel....liturgy fyexel....ritual fyoxel....occult
fyaxob....church hierarchy
fyaxeb....clergyman fyexeb....wizard fyoxeb....occult leader
ufyaxeb....parish priest
fyatob....saint fyetob....fairy fyotob....demon
fyatop....holy spirit fyetop....ghost, sprite fyotop....ghoul
fyat....saint fyet....elf, pixy fyot....gremlin, imp, goblin, troll, ogre
fyatyez....hieromancy fyetyez....magic fyotyez....witchcraft
fyatyezmuv....miter fyetyezmuv....magic wand fyetyezmuv....jinx
fyad....blessing fyed....incantation fyod....curse
fyasin....icon fyesin....charm fyosin....pornography
fyasyun....idol fyesyun....talisman fyosyun....fetish, taboo
fyadil....prayer fyedil....spell fyodil....curse
fyaojdun....prophesy fyoojdun....ill omen
fyaxyel....holy unction
fyateaz....miracle fyeteaz....wonderment fyoteaz....pox
fyajub....feast day
fyadin....gospel fyedin....myth, legend, fairytale
fyadun....blessing fyedun....magic spell fyodun....curse
fyadot....religious order fyedot....mystical cult occult society

AG big, EG normal, OG small


AG-EG-OG Family
agra....gigantic, mega-
YAG-YOG Family

GA more, GE equal, GO less


GA-GE-GO Family
gal....times, multiplied by
gar....exponentiated by
goj....no longer
gob....minus, subtracted by
gol....divided by
gor....to the minus root of
gla....much, many, very
duhogla?....how much?
gle....some, rather glo....little, few, slightly
gra....too much, too
gro....too little, not enough
gwe....just gwo....least
GI-GU Family
mepgun....fork in the road
gupnod....turning point, verge
GYA-GYO Family
gyaa....fat, thick
gyaxer....thicken, fatten
gyola....fine, sheer

GYI solid, GYU fragile


GYI-GYU- Family
IG-UG- Family
YIG-YUG- Family
yigza....sharp, sour
yugza....mild, sweet
yugsa....supple, flexible

AJ past, EJ present, OJ future


AJ-EJ-OJ Family

TAJ birth, TEJ life, TOJ death


tajer....be born
tajber....give birth
tejber....bring to life

JA before, JE during, JO after, JI since, JU until


jabikier....take precautions
jey....on and on, forth
joy....afterwards, then, next
ji huj....since then
ju hij....until now

JWA early, JWE on time, JWO late


jwapuer....arrive early
jwe....on time
jwea....ready, timely, ripe
jwepuer....arrive on time
jwoa....tardy, mature, stale
jwopuer....arrive late
JWA-JWE-JWO Parallels
jwa....early jwe....in time jwo....late
jwata....underaged jweta....pubescent jwota....mature, adult
jwafa....green, unripe jwefa....fresh jwofa....stale
jwaja....ancient jweja....contemporary jwoja....modern, latter-day
jwasa....premature jwesa....new jwosa....mature

IJ beginning, UJ end


IJ-UJ Family
ijer....begin ujer....end, finish
ijper....start up ujper....come to an end
ijber....start up ujber....bring to an end
ijna....initial ujna....final
ijar....on switch ujar....off switch
ijem....origin ujem....endpoint
vabij....seed kyeuj....fate
tabij....embryo dinuj....denouement
patij....egg mepuj....deadend
texij....concept jobuj....eternity
milij....spring tibuj....tail
manij....glimmer byuuj....goal
majij....dawn fibuj....tree stump
mojij....dusk fiuj....success
YIJ-YUJ Family
yijper....come open
yijber....open up
yujper....come to a close
yujber....bring to a close

TIJ awake, TUJ asleep


TIJ-TUJ Family
tijer....be awake
tijper....wake up
tujper....fall asleep
tujber....put to sleep

AK win, EK play, OK lose


AK-EK-OK Family
eker....play, risk
tejok....loss of life

YAK expect, YEK....try, YOK surprise


yoker....be surprised
yokxeus....sudden noise, boom
yoktoj....sudden death
IK-UK Family
melik....dirt pile
The prefixes -ika (-ful) and -uka (-less) can form many adjectives, such as:
  • tejika....lively
  • tuilika....saucy
  • tesika....meaningful
  • tezuka....cultureless
  • tayebuka....hairless
  • maruka....starless

YIK difficult, YUK easy


YIK-YUK Family
yukson....easy matter
Forms of -yik- and -yuk- can be suffixed to verb stems as a modal meaning hard to and easy to, respectively:
  • testyikwa....hard to understand
  • teetyika....hard of hearing
  • dudyikwa....hard to answer, enigmatic
  • teatyiker....have a hard time seeing
  • pesyuka....patient (easy to wait)
  • vatexyuka....gullible (easy to believe)
  • testyukwa....comprehensible (easy to understand)
  • datxyuker....find it easy to make friends

KA find, KE search, KO hide


KA-KE-KO Family
kyekaxer....discover, stumble on
keter....wonder, be curious about
nazkexut....treasure hunter
koxon....problem, quandary
kop....going into hiding
koembier....take refuge
koembuer....provide shelter
kopuer....sneak up to
koteaxer....spy, peep

KYA variable, KYE random, KYO fixed


kyaper....fluctuate, slide
tepkyaxer....persuade, motivate
kyes....event, happening, incident
kyeoj....fate, destiny
kyen....luck, chance
fikyen....good luck
fukyen....bad luck
kyenek....game of chance
kyenekar....gaming machine
kyeyanuper....happen to meet
fikyeoj....good fortune
kyoa....fixed, static, still
kyoser....stay, stand
kyos....status, state
kyoejea....constant, permanent
kyoxer....fix, park
purkyoxam....parking garage
kyotepier....pay attention

KI oblique, KU lateral


KI-KU Family
kuber....set aside
kuber....set aside

KYI heavy, KYU light


KYI-KYU Family
kyuper....levitate, float

VA yes, VE maybe, VO no


VA-VE-VO Family
va....yes ve....maybe vo....no
vaa....affirmative vea....possible voa....negative
vay....indeed vey....possibly voy....not
vlaa....certain vlea....probable vloa....uncertain
van....that ven....whether, if von....don't
vaka....safe veka....at risk voka....in danger
vlaa....certain vlea....probable vloa....unlikely
Factive Adverbs
vay....indeed, really, do/does Aat vay tide et.....We really do understand you.
Vay upu gajod.....Do come again.
vlay....certainly At vlay zoypo hum.....I will certainly go back there.
vey....may, maybe, perhaps, might Vey mamilo.....It may rain.
vley....probably, likely Et se vley vyaka.....You are probably right.
voy....not Et voy se ata xeb.....You are not my boss.
vloy....most assuredly not Iyt vloy yiztejo.....She most assuredly will not survive.
Factive Responses
va....yes Va, at tide.....Yes, I understand.
vla....certainly Duven et upo? Vla!....Will you come? Certainly!
ve....maybe, perhaps Ve. At voy te.....Maybe, I don't know.
vle....probably Duven sa fukyes? Vle.....Was it an accident. Probably.
vo....no Vo. Et yofe ayser has.....No. You can't have it.
vlo....absolutely not Buu eta nas. Vlo!....Give me your money. Absolutely not!
vao....yes or no Et se tadxwa, vao?'....You are married, yes or no?
van....that At ta van et upo.....I knew (that) you would come.
Van yat fyadilu.....Let's pray.
ven....if, whether Ven et peso, at pio.....If you stay, I will leave.
Ven at su et, at peso.....If I were you, I'd stay.
At voy te ven mamilo.....I don't know whether it will rain.
von....lest, that...not, don't At yufa von it toju.....I feared lest he die.
At ojfe von et piu.....I wish you wouldn't (=that you not)go.
Von su huyen!....Don't be that way!
duven....Do...?, Say whether...? Duven et tre huyt?....Do you know her?

Correlative Conjunctions


Correlative Conjunctions
ay....and Et ay at po hum.....You and I will go there.
ey....or Yat yake mamil ey mamyoym.....We expect rain or snow.
oy....but At po oy at voy beso glaj.....I will go but I won't stay long.
ay/ey....and/or Ha duzun yebio X ay/ey Y.....The concert will include X and/or Y.
hyaewa...ay....both...and Hyaewa et ay at voduda.....Both you and I answered no.
Hyaewati voduda.....Both answered no.
Hyeawa...ey....either...or Hyeawa et ey at ako.....Either you or I will win.
Hyeawat ako.....Either will win.
Hyoewa...ey....neither...nor Hyoewa et ey at ako.....Neither you nor I will win.
Hyoewat (bi ha ewati) ako.....Neither (of the two) will win.

Derivatives of va / ve / vo


  • vader....affirm, assent, say yes, approve, ratify, vouch
  • vaduder....answer yes, reply affirmatively
  • vaa....positive, affirmative
  • vak....safety
  • vlaa....sure, certain
  • vakder....guarantee
  • vakuer....save, rescue
  • vatin....optimism
  • vatexer....think so, believe, trust
  • vafer....hope, anticipate
  • vlader....assure, certify

  • veder....hesitate, say maybe, suppose, guess
  • vea....possible
  • vlea....probable
  • vek....risk
  • vekier....bet, wager, take a risk
  • vekder....bet, guess
  • vetin....skepticism
  • vetexer....wonder, be skeptical, hedge
  • vefer....have qualms about, vacillate
  • veduder....equivocate, reply neither yes or no, answer maybe

  • voder....deny, negate, veto, say no, decline
  • voa....negative
  • vok....danger, peril
  • vloa....improbable
  • vokuer....endanger
  • vokder....warn, threaten
  • vofer....reject, despair
  • votin....pessimism
  • votexer....doubt, think not, disbelieve
  • voduder....answer no, reply negatively

VYA true, VYE relative, VYO false


vyao...right or wrong
vyel....relative to, than
vyomdin....fairy tale
There is also the hybrid truth particle vyao, meaning true or false, eg.: Et tojba hua twob. Vyao?....You killed that man. True or false?
  • vyao?....n'est-ce pas?, true or false?
  • vyaodid....proposition
  • vyaodida....propositional
  • vyaodiday....propositionally
  • vyaodiden....propositioning
  • vyaodider....proposition
  • vyaodidwa....propositioned
  • vyaodin....mystery story
  • vyaodinag....mystery novel
  • vyaodinut....myth-teller
  • vyaodinyena....mysterious
  • vyaodiyn....mystery tale
  • vyaomir....dream world
  • vyaon....oxymoron
  • vyaontixen....determination
  • vyaontixer....determine
  • vyaontixwa....determinate, determined
  • vyaontixyafwa....determinable
  • vyaontixyafwan....determinacy
  • vyaos....mystery
  • vyaoson....mystery
  • vyaosona....mysterious
  • vyaosonan....mysteriousness
  • vyaosonay....mysteriously
  • vyaotea....discerning, insightful
  • vyaotean....acumen, discernment, insight
  • vyaoteat....insightful person
  • vyaoteay....discerningly
  • vyaoter....be wise, discern, know right from wrong
  • vyaotexuen....mystification
  • vyaotexuer....mystify
  • vyaotexuwa....mystified
  • vyaotexuyea....mystifying
  • vyaotos....conscience, sense for what's right or wrong
  • vyaotosaya....conscientious
  • vyaotosayan....conscientiousness
  • vyaotosika....conscientious
  • vyaotosikan....conscientiousness
  • vyaotosikay....conscientiously
  • vyaotwa....discerned
  • vyaotyaf....conscience, discernment, the ability to know right from wrong
  • vyaotyafuka....miscreant
  • vyaotyafukat....miscreant
  • vyaotyafwa....discernible
  • vyaotyafwan....discernibility
  • vyaotyafway....discernibly
  • vyaoyek dyes....bluebook
  • vyaoyek....exam, examination, test, trial
  • vyaoyeken....examining, testing, trying
  • vyaoyeker....examine, test out
  • vyaoyekim....test lab
  • vyaoyekut....examiner
  • vyaoyekwa....examined, tested, tried
  • vyaoyekwat....examinee
  • vyaoyekyafwa....testable
  • vyaoyekyafwan....testability
  • vyaoyekyefwa....test-worthy
  • vyifxer ota vyaotos....clear one's conscience

AV for, EV neutral, OV against


AV/EV/OV Family
avan....behalf, behest
avon....asset, advantage
avun....favor, benefit
ovon....liability, handicap, disadvantage

YAV innocent, YEV just, YOV guilty


doyevon....court case
yovder....indict, accuse

VI beautiful, VU ugly


VI-VU Family
via....beautiful vua....ugly
viya....pretty vuya....nasty
vifa....elegant vufa....vulgar
vita....classy vuta....wretched

VYI clean, VYU dirty


VYI-VYU Family
vyia....clean vyua....dirty
vyida....clear vyuda....muddled
vyina....pure vyuna....stained
vyita....chaste vyuta....sleazy
vyiya....neat vyuya....foul
IV-UV Family
ivla....glad, content
ivra....excited, thrilled
ivseuz....sigh of relief
ivek....game, play
ivuj....happy ending
uvra....morose, dejected
uvseuz....sigh of sorrow
uvuj....sad ending
YIV-YUV Family
yuva....bound, captive

AZ strong, EZ moderate, OZ weak


AZ-EZ-OZ Family

YAZ convex, YEZ flush, YOZ concave


yaza....convex yeza....flush yoza....concave
yez....along, flush with
mimolyez....salt flat

IZ straight, UZ curve


IZ-UZ Family
izber....direct, steer
izper....go straight, head for
izmep....straight shot, beeline
iznad....vector, straight line
izgun....right angle
izeaxer....indicate, point out
izbeb....pilot, driver
uzper....deviate, curve
uznod....turning point
uzyus....spriral, coil
tilabuz....tit ring, nipple ring
dopuz....bow, arch, bow-and-arrow

YIZ beyond, YUZ around


YIZ-YUZ Family
yuzkof....blanket, wrap
The base morpheme zyi- is used in a family of words having to do with flat.
  • zyia....flat
  • zyiaxer....to flatten, deflate
  • zyiaser....to go flat (like a tire)
  • zyixer....to lay out
  • zyiser....to lie
  • zyiber....to lay, lay flat
  • zyiper....to recline, lie, to lie out flat
  • zyid....platitude
  • zyiem....plain, plaza
  • zyifa....plain, even, smooth
  • zyifxer....to even out, smooth out, polish
  • zyifar....a file
  • zyifarer....to file down
  • zyifir....a plane
  • zyifirer....to plane
  • zyifub....paddle
  • zyifuber....to paddle
  • zyigiar....sword
  • zyigiarer....to stab with a sword
  • zyigiarek....fencing
  • zyigiarekyen....swordsmanship
  • zyigiun....blade
  • zyiglal....patty
  • zyigos....flake
  • zyigoun....chip
  • zyileovol....flapjack, pancake
  • zyim....plane
  • zyimeb....plateau
  • zyimem....llano, plain, tableland
  • zyimef....flagstone
  • zyimilyeb....washbasin
  • zyisemes....platter
  • zyimimkum....beach
  • zyimipar....flatboat
  • zyimnagar...a level(-er)
  • zyin....deck, plane, platform
  • zyined....plane, platform
  • zyinyug....pad
  • zyiovol....flat bread, pide, pita, pizza
  • zyipya....recumbant
  • zyipyexer....to slap, thwack
  • zyipyoser....to fall flat
  • zyis....layer
  • zyisuem....futon
  • zyisuv....flathead nail
  • zyitaser....to lie flat, recline
  • zyitelyebyan....flatware
  • zyitolyeb....frying pan, skillet
  • zyitulbar....platter
  • zyityoyaba....flatfooted
  • zyiumleovol....biscuit, cracker
  • zyiun....plaque
  • zyiunkun....flatiron
  • zyixar....a press
  • novzyiar....an iron
  • novzyiarer....to iron
  • zyizyuovol....teacack
The base morpheme zyu- is used in words having to do with round:
  • zyua....round, rotund
  • zyuaxer....to swell
  • zyuaxwa....swollen
  • zyuas....annal
  • zyub....rotation
  • zyuba....rotation
  • zyubar....rotor
  • zyubaoxer....to churn
  • zyuber....to rotate, turn
  • zyubler....to twirl, spin
  • zyublun....a twirl, spin
  • zyubmagyeler....to stir-fry
  • zyubmapatub....turboprop
  • zyubolnod....pivot, hinge
  • zyubpuxrar....turbojet
  • zyubrar....turbine
  • zyubrawa....convoluted
  • zyubrer....to convolute, convulse
  • zyubsab....fuselage
  • zyubsanxem....turnery
  • zyudaz....waltz
  • zyudezam....theater in the round, circus
  • zyudrurer....rotograph
  • zyues....ring
  • zyuesber....to ring
  • zyuessana....annulate
  • zyufeebum....boll
  • zyufub....rudder
  • zyug....tire, bagel
  • zyuglal....loaf
  • zyugyanif....lasso
  • zyilber....to swish
  • zyuin....marble
  • zyuis....oval, ellipse
  • zyuisana....oblong, elliptical, oval
  • zyuisber....to loop
  • zyuisober....to unloop, unbuckle
  • zyuk....wheel
  • zyukigkyaxar....gear shift
  • zyuknagar....cyclometer
  • zyuknaud....spoke
  • zyukovun....chock
  • zyukoyebkunad....felly
  • zyukpib....whelp
  • zyuksaxut....wheelwright
  • zyukzen....hub
  • zyuleovol....jelly roll
  • zyulmap....cyclone, twister, tornado
  • zyulser....to whirl, whirr, twist
  • zyulsun....a twist
  • zyumuf....cylinder
  • zyumufar....roller
  • zyumufdresiz....rotogravure
  • zyumufser....to roll
  • zyun....ball
  • zyungyas....tumor
  • zyungyaser....to bloat
  • zyunid....sphere, orb
  • zyunidog....bead, globule
  • zyunidek....ballgame
  • zyunod....cycloid
  • zyunog....pill, bead, pellet, spherule, wad
  • zyunogxer....pelletize, wad up
  • zyunsyoyb....tee
  • zyuniov....sash
  • zuper....to go around, revolve, rotate, gyrate
  • zyupem....rotary, roundabout, circle
  • zyupler....to spin
  • zyuplek....top
  • zyuplur....helicopter
  • zyupmuf....spindle, capstan
  • zyupnod....hub, pivot
  • zyupsim....swivel chair
  • zyuptos....vertigo
  • zyupvos....spinwheel
  • zyupyas....somersault
  • zyupzen....pivot
  • zyupnoda....pivotal
  • zyupyoser....to tumble
  • zyuprer....contort, twist
  • zyus....circle, cycle
  • zyusa....circular
  • zyusber....to encircle
  • zyusea....cyclical
  • zyusebmuv....rivet
  • zyusekem....rink
  • zyutam....roundhouse
  • zyuteaba....round-eyed
  • zyutestuen....tautology
  • zyuteuba....orthant
  • zyutim....rotunda
  • zyutom....tower
  • zyutoym....turret
  • zyutum....shaft, well
  • zyuuj....peen
  • zyuuk....caster
  • zyuus....whorl
  • zyuxar....cyclotron
  • zyuxer....rotate, cycle
  • zyuxler....spin
  • zyuya....roundish
  • zyuyk....truckle, spool, reel, roller
  • zyuykar....spooler, reeler
  • zyuykarer....to spool, reel
  • zyuykkyupar....roller skate
  • zyuykper....to truckle
  • zyuyn....bulb, bulge, speroid
  • zyuzaobaser....to nutate

The Differences among ZYU, YUZ, and UZ


The following three root morphemes can be confused:
  • the root zyu- refers to roundness, round objects and rotation/rolling.
  • the root yuz- refers to around, circling, and surrounding
  • the root uz- refers to curves, arcs, bows, and bends.

ZYA wide, ZYE through, ZYO narrow


The base morpheme zya- means wide or throughout. Here are a few derivatives:
  • zya....throughout
  • zya yuz....all around
  • zyaa....broad, wide, widespread
  • zyaan....amplitude, breadth, width
  • zyaaxer....to distend, widen, broaden
  • zyaay....broadly, extensively, widely
  • zyab....spread
  • zyabar....spatula
  • zyabeler....to propagate, broadcast
  • zyaber....to spread, diffuse, deploy
  • zyabix....strain
  • zyabixen....extension, straining
  • zyabixer....to extend, strain
  • zyablokuus....scourge
  • zyabuam....dispensary
  • zyabuena....distributional
  • zyabuer....to distrubute
  • zyabukuer....to ravage
  • zyad....announcement, broadcast
  • zyadaler....to preach, propagandize
  • zyadalseym....pulpit
  • zyadalut....preacher
  • zyadel....broadcast
  • zyader....to announce, broadcast
  • zyadin....broadcast, report
  • zyadinuam....reporting station
  • zyadinuen....reportage, reporting
  • zyadinuena....reportorial
  • zyadinuer....to report
  • zyadinuut....reporter
  • zyadodal....propaganda
  • zyadodaler....to propagandize
  • zyadoiba....countywide
  • zyadoma....citywide
  • zyadomep....broadway
  • zyadooba....nation-wide, nationwide
  • zyadrer....to post
  • zyadrun....poster
  • zyadrurun....poster
  • zyadrurunes....handbill, leaflet, prospectus
  • zyadun....broadcast, report
  • zyadyuen....eliciting
  • zyagber....to extend, stretch
  • zyageler....to schmear
  • zyagibar....glaive
  • zyagina....dull, obtuse
  • zyagmed....expanse
  • zyagnad....radius, ray
  • zyagnada....radial
  • zyagnadxer....to radiate
  • zyagoblar....machete
  • zyagobluer....to share
  • zyagoflar....slashing implement
  • zyagoflun....gash, laceration, slash
  • zyagol wide rip....gash
  • zyagonbuer....to divvy up
  • zyagosber....to besprinkle, sprinkle
  • zyagper....to extend, stretch out
  • zyagua....obtuse, blunt
  • zyagun....obtuse angle, span, wide angle
  • zyagxer....to elongate, overspread, ratch
  • zyagxus....tensor
  • zyagyel....schmear
  • zyagzyus....ellipse
  • zyaija....wide-open
  • zyaijan....wide-openness
  • zyaijber....to open wide
  • zyaijun....wide opening
  • zyailarzyeb....beaker
  • zyailser....to run
  • zyailuer....to splurge
  • zyaimipyoz....strath
  • zyaimxer....to bedabble
  • zyaivteuber....to be all grins
  • zyakader....to report
  • zyakex....scan, scrutiny, wide search
  • zyakexer....to rummage, scan, scrounge
  • zyakodut....rumormonger
  • zyakuntef....wide-brimmed hat
  • zyakyax....groundswell
  • zzyalosexer....to devastate
  • zyam....expanse
  • zyama....vast
  • zyamem....prairie, range
  • zyamera....global, planet-wide
  • zyameys....wide screen
  • zyamiam....mere
  • zyamira neaf....WWW, worldwide web
  • zyamira....global, world-wide, worldwide
  • zyamirxer....to globalize
  • zyamufzyeg leovol....cannelloni
  • zyamzyapyeay....pervasively
  • zyan....extent, span, stretch
  • zyanaapa....systemwide
  • zyanabyan....panoply
  • zyanad....latitude
  • zyanag....breadth, width
  • zyaned....area, expanse, span, stretch
  • zyaneyef nyif....broadband cable
  • zyaneyef....broadband, wideband
  • zyanig....stretch, expanse
  • zyanigxwa....broad-gauge, wide-spaced
  • zyanmep....bridge, span
  • zyanofir....broadloom
  • zyansea....extending, stretching
  • zyanser....to extend, stretch
  • zyanuxer....to disburse
  • zyanxer....to extend, stretch, span
  • zyaobasea....throbbing
  • zyaobaser....to throb
  • zyap....circuit, mission, tour
  • zyapaax....pandemonium
  • zyapansin....cinerama
  • zyapaper....to fly all over
  • zyapaser....to move all about
  • zyaper....to drift, roam
  • zyapiper....to cruise
  • zyapopdezer....to barnstorm
  • zyapoper....to cruise, wander
  • zyapopif....travel bug, wanderlust
  • zyapopifut....travel-lover
  • zyapopnam....tourist bureau
  • zyapoput....cruiser, excursionist
  • zyaput....nomad
  • zyaputin....nomadism
  • zyapuxer....to scatter
  • zyapuxwa....scattered,
  • zyapuyser....to hop all over
  • zyapyoser....to befall
  • zyapyuxlar....spray nozzle
  • zyasagea....booming
  • zyasaun....genre
  • zyasauna....broadly-typed, general, generic
  • zyasaunxer....to generalize
  • zyasim....armchair
  • zyateaba....wide-eyed
  • zyateas....wide-angle view
  • zyateasin....panorama
  • zyateatuer....to exhibit, show widely
  • zyateax....scan
  • zyateaxar....monitor, scanner
  • zyateaxem....range, scan zone, scanning area
  • zyateaxer....to monitor, scan, survey
  • zyateaxuer....to flaunt
  • zyateetuer....to rumor
  • zyatepa....broad-minded
  • zyateuba....widemouthed
  • zyateyof....cravat
  • zyatibser....to stretch
  • zyatojben....carnage
  • zyatrawa....famed, famous
  • zyatruer....to publicize
  • zyatuer....to propagate
  • zyatyobaper....to straddle
  • zyatyopar....perambulator
  • zyatyoper....to perambulate, walk about
  • zyatyoyaber....to bestride
  • zyatyuer....to publicize
  • zyaubam....broadcast studio
  • zyaubar....broadcast medium
  • zyauber....to broadcast, diffuse
  • zyauzper....to straggle
  • zyavyayaba....systemwide
  • zyaxar....amplifier, dilator
  • zzyaxer....to amplify, broaden
  • zyaxin....expansionism
  • zyaxina....expansionist
  • zyaxun....aneurism, aneurysm
  • zyayij....chasm, wide gap
  • zyayijber....to gape, open wide
  • zyayonxer....to bestrew
The root morpheme zye means through, trans-, per- and is at the base of many words. The following key words have to do with transparency and piercing:
  • zyef....glass
  • zyeb....bottle
  • zyeg....hole (and the stub suffix -yeg)
Here is a list of the most important derivatives:
  • zye ha joyobi....through the ages
  • zye-....per-, thorough-, thru-, trans-
  • zye....through
  • zyeafer....let through
  • zyeaga....thick
  • zyeagxer....thicken
  • zyeb....bulb, bottle, jar
  • zyebag....amphora, glass jar
  • zyebeler....transport
  • zyeber....pass through, permeate, put through, run through
  • zyebigan....throughput
  • zyebixer....pull through
  • zyebuxer....insert, penetrate, push through
  • zyebuxmuf....ramrod
  • zyebyobyaxeker....bowl
  • zyebyun....tenpin
  • zyedomep....thoroughfare, thruway
  • zyedrever....leaf through, page through, paginate
  • zyef....glass pane
  • zyefagaxar....magnifying glass
  • zyefber....glaze
  • zyefgoblar....glass cutter
  • zyefgoyn....shard
  • zyefmeav....glass ceramic
  • zyefmes....French door
  • zyefnak....diopter
  • zyefnid....prism
  • zyefpyeuxer....clink
  • zyefsam....vitrine
  • zyefsana....vitriform
  • zyefsaxem....glass factory
  • zyefyena....glassy, vitreous, vitric, vitriform
  • zyefyenem....glaziery
  • zyefyener....glaze, varnish
  • zyefyenxer....vitrify
  • zyefzyin....vitro
  • zyeg....cavity, hole, hollow, orifice, pit, pore, puncture, shaft, socket
  • zyega....hollow, pitted
  • zyegagxar....reamer
  • zyegan....hollowness
  • zyegar....perforator, pick, pickax, trapan, trepan, wimble
  • zyegarer....pick, wimble
  • zyegbar....drill
  • zyegber....bore, create a hole, drill, inoculate, perforate, pierce, put a hole through
  • zyegek....golf
  • zyeges....cavity, dimple, follicle, pit, pore
  • zyegika....holey, porous, riddled with holes
  • zyeglar....spear
  • zyegler....poke, spear, pierce
  • zyegoblar....dagger
  • zyegobler....cut through
  • zyegog....pinhole
  • zyegovol....donut, dough nut, doughnut
  • zyegpexar....riffle
  • zyegrer....bust
  • zyegsiynika....pockmarked
  • zyegut....pitman
  • zyegxar....hole-maker, puncturing device
  • zyegxea pibar....spud
  • zyegxer....broach, hollow out, puncture
  • zyeilber....soak
  • zyeilper....flow through, seep, soak
  • zyejoba....temporal, temporary
  • zyejobay....temporarily
  • zyejobay....temporally
  • zyekexer....rummage, sift through
  • zyekixen....refraction
  • zyem....pass, through-point, through-way, throughway
  • zyemana....translucid
  • zyemansea....pellucid
  • zyemep....channel, thoroughfare, through-way, throughway, thruway
  • zyemuf....axis, axle, crossbar, pivot, shaft, spindle
  • zyemufa....axial, pivotal
  • zyemufzyeg....burette
  • zyemyuf....beam, crossbeam
  • zyenad....diameter, perpendicular line
  • zyenada....diametric, diametrical, transverse, perpendicular
  • zyenadber....cross out, put a line through
  • zyenadrer....cross through, draw a line through
  • zyenod....intersection, through-point
  • zyenodxer....intersect
  • zyeoga....thin
  • zyeogxer....thin
  • zyep....transit
  • zyepaper....fly though, fly through
  • zyepdud....watchword
  • zyeper....go through, pass through, penetrate, permeate, run through, transit
  • zyepler....break through, invade, penetrate
  • zyepoper....peregrinate
  • zyepuser....jump through
  • zyepusun....hoop
  • zyepuyser....hop through
  • zyepyaser....jump through
  • zyepyexer....ram
  • zyepyofwa....impermeable
  • zyepyoser....collapse, fall through
  • zyesindrer....draw a line through
  • zyeteasa....limpid, lucent, transparent
  • zyeteata....sheer, see-through
  • zyeteater....see through
  • zyeteatyafwa....hyaline, transparent
  • zyeteatyikwa....opaque
  • zyeteatyukwa....transparent
  • zyeteatyukwan....transparency
  • zyeteaxer....look through, peep, peruse
  • zyetejer....experience, live through
  • zyetem....hall, hallway
  • zyetexer....excogitate
  • zyetujer....sleep through
  • zyeubar....transmitter
  • zyeuber....bring through, transmit
  • zyeuibar....transmitter-receiver
  • zyeuper....come through
  • zyev....glass
  • zyevmaipxen....glass-blowing, glassblowing
  • zyevmays....glass panel
  • zyevol....cariander
  • zyevseuxer....jingle
  • zyevtam....glasshouse
  • zyevtyen....glass industry, glass-making
  • zyevxam....glass factory, glassworks
  • zyevyena....glass-like, glassy, hyaline, polished
  • zyevyenan....glassiness, smoothness
  • zyevyug....plexiglass
  • zyeyaga....deep
  • zyeyazaser....herniate
  • zyeyg....pit, pock, tiny hole
  • zyeygsiyn....pockmark
  • zyeygxwa....pitted
  • zyeyiba....a long way through, deep
  • zyeyiban....deepness
  • zyeyibxer....deepen
  • zyeyoga....shallow
  • zyeyonbyexer....break through
The root morpheme zyo- means narrow and has the following derivatives:
  • zyoa yijteuzun....close vowel
  • zyoa....narrow, strict, tight
  • zyoafxen....restricting, restriction
  • zyoafxer....restrict
  • zyoafxwa gonem....restricted zone
  • zyoafxyea....restrictive
  • zyoafxyeay....restrictively
  • zyoan....fineness, narrowness, strictness, tightness
  • zyoapexlar....squeegee
  • zyoaxen....narrowing, retracting, retraction, shrinking
  • zyoaxer....contract, narrow, retract, shrink
  • zyoaxwa....narrowed, retracted, shrunk, shrunken
  • zyoaxwas....stricture
  • zyoay ofwa....strictly prohibited
  • zyoay yefwa....strictly mandatory
  • zyoay....finely, narrowly, strictly, tightly
  • zyobalar....constrictor
  • zyobalen....constriction, tightly pressing
  • zyobaler....constrict, press tight, scrunch
  • zyobalseuz....scrunch
  • zyobalus....constrictor
  • zyobalwa....constricted, scrunchy, tightly pressed
  • zyobalyea....constrictive
  • zyobar....filter, sifter, strainer
  • zyobarar....clutch
  • zyobarea....crushing
  • zyobaren....clutching, compacting, compaction, crushing
  • zyobarer....clutch, compact, crush
  • zyobarwa....clutched, compacted, crushed
  • zyobarwan....compactness
  • zyobarway....compactly
  • zyobea....restricting
  • zyoben....filtration, restricting, restriction
  • zyober....filter, restrict
  • zyobex....clasp, hug, restraint, tight hold, wrench
  • zyobexar....restraint, restraints, spanner, squeezer, wrench
  • zyobexea....gripping, holding tight, wrenching
  • zyobexen....clasping, clinging, constriction, gripping, holding tight, hugging, restraining, squeezing, wrenching
  • zyobexer....clasp, cling, constrict, grip, hold tight, hug, restrain, squeeze, squish
  • zyobexut....restrainer
  • zyobexwa....clasped, clung, gripped, held tight, hugged, restrained, squeezed, squished, wrenched
  • zyobexway....restrainedly
  • zyobexyea....squishy
  • zyobix....strain
  • zyobixar....tightener
  • zyobixen....constriction, contraction, pulling tight, shriveling, straining, tightening, twinging
  • zyobixer....constrict, contract, pull tight, shrivel, strain, tighten, twinge
  • zyobixtaebbok....tetanus
  • zyobixtaebboka....tetanic
  • zyobixwa....constricted, contracted, pulled tight, shriveled, strained, tightened
  • zyobixyea....constrictive, stringent
  • zyobixyean....stringency
  • zyobixyeay....stringently
  • zyobut....sphinx
  • zyobux....strain, stress
  • zyobuxar....squirt gun
  • zyobuxen....restriction, straining, stressing
  • zyobuxer....restrict, strain, stress
  • zyobuxwa....restricted, strained, stressed
  • zyobwa....filtered, restricted
  • zyobyea....restrictive
  • zyobyean yoafxyean....restrictiveness
  • zyobyeay....restrictively
  • zyoebmem....isthmus
  • zyoebmema....isthmian
  • zyoebmep....defile, gorge, narrow pass
  • zyoebmim....strait
  • zyoebmimxer....straiten
  • zyoebmimxwa....straitened
  • zyoebmip....canal
  • zyofaof....clapboard
  • zyofaxwa....restricted
  • zyoga favova nof....batiste
  • zyogin drilar....fine point pen
  • zyogina gun....acute angle
  • zyogina....acute, sharp-pointed
  • zyoginan....acuity
  • zyoginar....sharpener
  • zyoginay....acutely, sharply
  • zyoginxen....sharpening
  • zyoginxer....sharpen
  • zyoginxwa....sharpened
  • zyogoblar....groover, slitter, slicer
  • zyogoblawa....grooved, slit, sliced
  • zyogoblen....cutting thinly, grooving, slitting
  • zyogobler....groove, slit, slice
  • zyogoblun....groove, slit, strip, slice
  • zyogoflawa....cut narrowly, ripped finely, stripped, thinly torn
  • zyogoflen....cutting narrowing, ripping finely, stripping
  • zyogofler....cut narrowly, rip finely, strip, tear thinly
  • zyogoflun....fine rip, narrow cut, strip
  • zyogol....strip
  • zyogua....acute
  • zyoguan....acuteness
  • zyoguay....acutely
  • zyogun....acute angle, sharp angle
  • zyoguna....acute, narrow-angled, sharp-angled
  • zyoilpuser....squirt
  • zyoilpux....squirt
  • zyoilpuxar....nozzle, squirter
  • zyoilpuxen....squirting
  • zyoilpuxer....squirt
  • zyoilpuxut....squirter
  • zyoilpuxwa....squirted
  • zyokebiea....singling out
  • zyokebien....singling out
  • zyokebier....single out
  • zyokebiwa....singled out
  • zyokex....fine search, narrow search
  • zyokexen....pinpointing
  • zyokexer....do a fine-honed search, pinpoint, search narrowly
  • zyokexwa....narrowly searched, pinpoint, pinpointed
  • zyokunad....brink, narrow edge, verge
  • zyom....confines, coop, cranny, narrow quarters, narrow space, nook, tight space
  • zyomamnig....corridor
  • zyomeam....valley
  • zyomeem....vale
  • zyomeim....dale, hollow
  • zyomeip....wynd
  • zyomem....corridor
  • zyomep....groove, narrow passage, narrows, strip
  • zyomeum....dale
  • zyomeyam....gorge
  • zyomeyem....canyon
  • zyomeyom....dell, dingle, glen
  • zyomeyp....narrow path
  • zyomika....crannied
  • zyomileub....debouch
  • zyomimub....sound
  • zyomiyep....fjord
  • zyomoys....lamina
  • zyomoysa....laminar
  • zyomoysaxen....lamination
  • zyomoysaxer....laminate
  • zyomoysaxwa....laminated
  • zyompexwa....cooped up
  • zyompilen....evading, evasion
  • zyompiler....evade, get out of a tight spot
  • zyompilut....escape artist, evader
  • zyompilyea....evasive
  • zyompilyean....evasiveness
  • zyompilyeay....evasively
  • zyonabyana....narrow band
  • zyonad....groove
  • zyonadxwa....grooved
  • zyonig....close quarters, confines, narrow space, tight-fitting space
  • zyoniga....cramped
  • zyonigxwa....cramped, narrow-gauge, narrow-spaced
  • zyonov....strip
  • zyonyexen....stowage
  • zyonyexer....stow
  • zyonyexwa....stowed
  • zyopat....cowbird, snowbird
  • zyosaun....speciality, specialty
  • zyosauna....narrowly-typed, special, specific
  • zyosaunan....specialness, specificity
  • zyosaunay....specially, specifically
  • zyosaunden....specification
  • zyosaunder....say specifically
  • zyosaundwa....specified, stated narrowly
  • zyosaunin....specialism
  • zyosauninut....specialist
  • zyosaunxea....specializing, specifying
  • zyosaunxen....specialization, specializing, specification, specifying
  • zyosaunxer....specialize, specify
  • zyosaunxus....specifier
  • zyosaunxut....specifier
  • zyosaunxwa....specialized, specified
  • zyosaunxyafwa....specifiable
  • zyosea....contracting, retracting, shrinking
  • zyosen....contraction, retraction, shrinkage
  • zyoser....attenuate, contract, narrow, retract, shrink, shrivel, tighten
  • zyoteaba....squint-eyed, strabismic
  • zyoteas....cropped view, narrow view
  • zyoteaxen....peering, prying, squinting
  • zyoteaxer....peer, pry, squint
  • zyoteaxut....pryer
  • zyoteayena....parochial
  • zyoteayenan....parochialism
  • zyoteayenay....parochially
  • zyotem....corridor
  • zyotepa....bigoted, hidebound, narrow-minded, petty
  • zyotepan....bigotry, narrow-mindedness, pettiness
  • zyotepat....bigot, narrow-minded person, petty person
  • zyotepay....narrow-mindedly
  • zyotexyena....straight-laced
  • zyotim....hall, hallway
  • zyotiyeba....tight-fisted, tightfisted
  • zyotyuna....strait-laced, straitlaced
  • zyouz....kink
  • zyouzaya....kinky
  • zyouzayan....kinkiness
  • zyouzika....kinky
  • zyouzikan....kinkiness
  • zyovol....endive
  • zyovyanabxwa....finely-tuned
  • zyox....constraint
  • zyoxar....tightener
  • zyoxbikof....tourniquet
  • zyoxea....attenuating, constraining, restricting
  • zyoxen....restriction, narrowing, constriction, contraction, attenuation, contracting, constricting, retrenchment, tightening
  • zyoxer....attenuate, confine, constrain, constrict, contract, narrow, restrict, retract, retrench, shrink, straitjacket, tighten
  • zyoxrawa....constricted, choked, strangled
  • zyoxren....choking, constriction, strangulation
  • zyoxrer....choke, constrict, strangulate
  • zyoxrus....constrictor
  • zyoxryea....constrictive
  • zyoxtif....straitjacket
  • zyoxtifaber....straitjacket
  • zyoxvaka....shrink-free
  • zyoxwa....attenuated, confined, constrained, constricted, contracted, narrowed, restricted, shrunken, tightened
  • zyoxyafwa....contractible, contractile
  • zyoxyea....constrictive, restrictive
  • zyoxyean....restrictiveness
  • zyoxyeay....restrictively
  • zyoxyofwa....shrink-free, unshrinkable
  • zyoyem....confines, narrow space
  • zyoyepen....squeezing in
  • zyoyeper....squeeze in
  • zyoyij....crack, crevice, narrow opening, slit
  • zyoyija....barely ajar, barely open, cracked open, narrowly open narrowly, slightly ajar
  • zyoyijben....cracking open, opening narrowly
  • zyoyijber....crack open narrowly
  • zyoyijbwa....cracked open, opened narrowly
  • zyoyijea....cracking open
  • zyoyijen....cracking open
  • zyoyijer....crack open narrowly
  • zyoyijmaluar....louver
  • zyoyijmaluarwa....louvered
  • zyoyiv....privilege
  • zyoyivika....privileged
  • zyoyobmel....valley, dale
  • zyoyuja....barely shut tight, tightly shut
  • zyoyujben teubobi....puckering, pursing the lips
  • zyoyujben....shutting tight
  • zyoyujber teubobi....pucker, purse the lips
  • zyoyujber....shut tight
  • zyoyujbwa....shut tight
  • zyoyujer....shut tight
  • zyozanmis....embrasure
  • zyozyeg....groove, narrow opening, slit
  • zyozyegika....grooved
  • zyozyiun....lamella
The root morpheme ho- and its scalar variants are never standalone words but rather are prefixes that categorize deictic determiner adjectives, substantives, or adverbs.
  • duho-....what?, which? (interrogative)
  • ho-....which (relative)
The prefixes ho and duho are used to form relative and interrogative determiners. Here are the most common ones:
  • ho-....which
  • ho....which, who, whom, that
  • hoa....which
  • hogi....hoagie, hoagy
  • hogla....how much, how much/many
  • hoglas....how much
  • hoglasi....how many
  • hoglati....how many (people)
  • hoj....the time that, the time when
  • hojaga....how old, of the age that
  • hojagat....person of what age
  • hojagati....people of what age
  • hom....the place that, the place where
  • honog....to the degree that
  • hos....that which, the thing that, what
  • hosana....hosanna
  • hosav....why, because
  • hosi....what things
  • hot....he who, the person who, who, whom
  • hota....whose
  • hotan....identity
  • hotander....i.d.
  • hotandier....card, i.d.
  • hotandraf....i.d., identification badge, identification card
  • hotantuen....identification, identifying
  • hotantuus....identifier
  • hotantuwa....identified
  • hotantuyafwa....identifiable
  • hotantuyafwan....identifiability
  • hotantuyafway....identifiably
  • hotas....whose
  • hotasi....whose things
  • hoti....who, whom
  • hoxag....how often
  • hoxaga....how frequent
  • hoyen....as, how, which way, which kind
  • hoyena....of the kind that, what kind of
  • hoyenas....what kind of thing
  • hoyenasi....what kind of things
  • hoyenat....what kind of person
  • hoyenati....what kind of people
  • hoyuxun....which means
  • duho....what
  • duho?....which?
  • duhoawa?....which one?
  • duhoawas?....which one?
  • duhoawat?....which one?
  • duhobyen....how something is
  • duhoetdyuehas....whatchamacallit
  • duhoewa?....which two?
  • duhoewasi?....which two things?
  • duhoewati?....which two people?
  • duhogel....like what
  • duhogel?....what kind?
  • duhogela?....what kind of?, what manner of?
  • duhogelas?....what kind of thing?, what sort of thing?
  • duhogelasi?....what kind of things?, what sort of things?
  • duhogelat?....what kind of person?
  • duhogelati?....what kind of people?
  • duhogelayt?....what kind of girl?
  • duhogelayti?....what kind of girls?
  • duhogelwat?....what kind of guy?
  • duhogelwati?....what kind of guys?
  • duhogla job....as much time as, how long
  • duhogla jodi....how frequently, how many times, how often
  • duhogla....how many, how much how, to no extent
  • duhoglajodi....on how many occasions
  • duhoglani....quanta
  • duhoglas....how much
  • duhoglasi....how many things
  • duhoglati....how many people
  • duhogyugela?....what other kind of?
  • duhohyua?....what other?
  • duhohyuj?....when else?
  • duhohyum?....where else?
  • duhohyus?....what else?
  • duhohyusauna?....what other kind of?
  • duhohyusav?....why else?
  • duhohyut?....who else?
  • duhohyuyen....how else
  • duhohyuyena?....what other kind of?
  • duhoizon?....which way?
  • duhoj?....when...?, when?
  • duhojag?....what age?
  • duhojaga....how old
  • duhojagati....people of what age?
  • duhojob?....when...?, when?
  • duhojod....at what point, on what occasion, on which occasion
  • duhojod?....which time?
  • duhojodi....at which times, on what occasions, on which occasions
  • duhojuab?....which Monday?
  • duhojub?....which day?
  • duhojwap....at what moment
  • duhom....whereabouts
  • duhomep?....which way?, which way?
  • duhomi....at what places
  • duhonog....how, to what extent, to what degree, to what extent
  • duhoowa?....which single?
  • duhos?....what thing?, what?
  • duhosag....how many
  • duhosan....quiddity
  • duhosaun?....what kind?
  • duhosauna?....what kind of?, what manner of?
  • duhosaunas?....what kind of thing?, what sort of thing?
  • duhosaunasi?....what kind of things?, what sort of things?
  • duhosaunat?....what kind of person?
  • duhosaunati?....what kind of people?
  • duhosaunayt?....what kind of girl?
  • duhosaunayti?....what kind of girls?
  • duhosaunwat?....what kind of guy?
  • duhosaunwati?....what kind of guys?
  • duhosav?....why?, for what reason?, wherefore?
  • duhosi?....what things?, what?
  • duhosun?....what thing?, what?
  • duhosuni?....what things?, what?
  • duhot....who?
  • duhot?....what person?, whom
  • duhota?....whose?
  • duhotandien....carding, i.d.'ing
  • duhotandiwa....carded, i.d.'ed
  • duhotandraf....identity card
  • duhotantuea....identifying
  • duhotantuer....identify
  • duhotas?....whose thing?
  • duhotasi?....whose things?
  • duhotayovolza?....of what skin color?
  • duhoteyovolza?....of what hair color?
  • duhoti....who?
  • duhoti?....what persons?, who all?, whom
  • duhotob....who?
  • duhotob?....what person?, whom
  • duhotobi?....what persons?
  • duhotooba?....of what gender?
  • duhotooda?....of what race?
  • duhotxahas ....whodunit
  • duhotxahas....whodunnit
  • duhovolza?....of what color?, what color?
  • duhoxag?....how frequently?, how often?
  • duhoyen....in what manner, in what way, like what
  • duhoyen?....what kind?, what way?
  • duhoyena?....like what?, what kind of?, what manner of?
  • duhoyenas?....what kind of thing?, what sort of thing?
  • duhoyenasi?....what kind of things?, what sort of things?
  • duhoyenat?....what kind of person?
  • duhoyenati?....what kind of people?
  • duhoyenayt?....what kind of girl?
  • duhoyenayti?....what kind of girls?
  • duhoyeni?....which ways?
  • duhoyenwat?....what kind of guy?
  • duhoyenwati?....what kind of guys?
  • duhoyt....who?
  • duhoyt?....which girl?, whom
  • duhoyta?....which girl's?, whose?
  • duhoytas?....which girl's?, whose thing?
  • duhoytasi?....which girl's?, whose things?
  • duhoyti....who?
  • duhoyti?....which girls?, whom
  • duhoyuxun....by what means
  • duhoyuxun?....with what means?
  • duhozeyen?....by what means?
This deictic prefix can be joined to other elements to form the definite determiners. Also, as a shortened form of the adjective haa, it can act as the definite article the. Here a list of ha- determiners:
  • ha....the
  • habyen....how, the kind, the manner, the way
  • habyeni....ho the kinds of, the ways that
  • hagan....as much, the amount
  • hagela....the kind of
  • hagla....as many, as much, to the degree, of the amount
  • haglas....how much, the amount
  • haglasi....how many, the number of things
  • haglati....how many (people), the number of people
  • haglayti....the number of women
  • hahyia....the same
  • hahyij....the same time
  • hahyis....the same thing
  • hahyisi....the same things
  • hahyit....the same person
  • hahyita....the same person's
  • hahyiti....the same people
  • hahyua....the other
  • hahyuas....the other one
  • hahyuat....the other one, the other person
  • hahyuj....the other time
  • hahyum....that other place, the same place
  • hahyus....the other thing
  • hahyusauna....the other kind of, this same kind of
  • hahyut....the other person
  • hahyuyen....the other way, the same way
  • haj....the time
  • hajaga....of the age
  • hajagat....person of the age
  • hajagati....people of what age
  • hajob....the time
  • hajod....on the occasion
  • hajodi....at the times, at the times that, on the occasions
  • ham....the place
  • hami....the places
  • hanog....to the degr
  • has....it, the thing, what
  • hasa....its, the thing's
  • hasag....as many, how many, the number of...that
  • hasauna....the kind of
  • hasaunas....the kind of thing
  • hasaunasi....the kinds of things
  • hasaunat....the kind of person
  • hasaunati....the kind of people
  • hasaunayti....the kind of women
  • hasaunwat....the kind of man
  • hasaunwati....the kind of men
  • hasav....for the reason, the reason
  • hasi....the things, them, they, what (things)
  • hason....it, the matter, the thing
  • hasoni....the matters, the things, them, they
  • hasun....it, the thing
  • hasuni....the things, them, they
  • hat....he, him, the person, who(m)/who
  • hata....his, the person's
  • hatas....his, the person's thing, the person’s, whose
  • hatasi....his, the person's things, whose (things)
  • hati....the ones, the people, them, they, who, whom
  • hawa....the one, the only, the single
  • hawajod....the only time
  • hawam....the only place
  • hawas....the only one, the only thing
  • hawasi....the only ones, the only things
  • hawat....the only one, the only person
  • hawatas....the only one's, the only one's thing
  • hawatasi....the only one's, the only one's things
  • hawati....the only ones, the only people
  • haway....only
  • hawayen....the only way
  • hawayt....the only female person
  • hawayti....that only females, the only ones
  • haxag....the frequency
  • haxaga....of the frequency
  • hayen....the kind, the manner, the way, the way
  • hayena....how, the kind of, the manner of, the way of the kind
  • hayenas....the kind of thing
  • hayenasi....the kind of things
  • hayenat....the kind of person, what kind of person
  • hayenati....the kind of people, what kind of people
  • hayenayt....the kind of woman
  • hayenayti....the kind of women
  • hayeni....in ways that, the kinds that
  • hayenwat....the kind of guy
  • hayenwati....the kind of men
  • hayt....her, she, the girl
  • hayta....her, the girl's
  • haytas....hers, the girl's
  • haytasi....her things, hers, the girl's
  • hayti....the girls, them, they
This prefix is used to form indefinite determiners meaning some, a certain. Here are the most common:
  • hea....a certain, an, some
  • heawa....a certain
  • heawas....a certain thing
  • heawat....a certain person, someone
  • hegan....a certain amount, a certain amount, some
  • hegla....how much/many, somewhat, to a certain extent, to some degree, to what extent
  • heglas....a certain amount, some of it, some (amount)
  • heglasi....certain things, some things, some things
  • heglati....certain people, some people, some people
  • hehyua....some other
  • hehyuas....some other one
  • hehyuj....some other time
  • hehyum....somewhere else
  • hehyus....some other thing
  • hehyusauna....some other kind of
  • hehyut....some other person, someone else
  • hehyuyen....somehow other
  • hej....at a certain time, sometime, when
  • hejaga....how old
  • hejagat....person of some age
  • hejagati....people of the following age, people of this age
  • heji....at certain times, at times, sometimes
  • hejob....at a certain time, sometime
  • hejod....at a certain time, at some point, on some occasion, sometime
  • hejoday....occasionally
  • hejodi....at some points, at times, on occasion, on some occasions
  • hejuab....some Monday
  • hejub....some day, someday
  • hejwapi....at certain moments
  • hem....somewhere, where
  • hemi....some places
  • hemules....higgs particle
  • henog....somewhat, to a certain extent, to some degree
  • heoja....eventual
  • heojan....eventuality
  • heojay....eventually
  • hes....something
  • hesag....a certain number, some
  • hesana....a certain form of, some form of
  • hesauna....a certain kind of, some kind of, some type of
  • hesav....for some reason, why
  • hesi....certain things, some things, some things
  • hesun....something
  • hesuni....some things
  • het....a certain person, somebody, someone
  • heta....a certain person's, somebody's, someone's, whose
  • hetas....some person’s, somebody's, someone's thing
  • hetasi....someboyd's, someone's thing, someone’s (things)
  • heti....certain people, some people, some people
  • hetob....a certain person, somebody, someone
  • hetoba....a certain person's, somebody's, someone's
  • hetobas....somebody's thing, someone's
  • hetobasi....somebody's things, someone's
  • hetobi....some people
  • hetoyb....some woman
  • hetoyba....some woman's
  • hetoybas....some woman's
  • hetoybasi....some woman's things
  • hetoybi....some women
  • hetwob....some guy, some man
  • hetwoba....some man's
  • hetwobas....some man's
  • hetwobasi....some man's things
  • hetwobi....some men
  • hexag....how often, sometimes, with some frequency
  • hexaga....how frequent
  • heyen....how, in some fashion, in some way, somehow, someway
  • heyena....a certain kind of, some kind of, what kind of
  • heyenas....some kind of thing
  • heyenasi....some kind of things, some kinds of things
  • heyenat....some kind of person
  • heyenata....some kind of person's
  • heyenati....some kind of people, some kinds of people
  • heyenayt....some kind of girl
  • heyenayta....some kind of girl's
  • heyenayti....some kinds of girls
  • heyeni....in certain ways, in some ways
  • heyenwat....some kind of guy
  • heyenwata....some kind of guy's
  • heyenwati....some kinds of guys
  • heyt....a certain female, some girl, someone
  • heyta....a certain female's, some girl's, someone's
  • heytas....some girl's, someone's thing
  • heytasi....some girl's, someone's someone's thing
  • heyti....some females, some girls
  • heytia....some females
  • heytias....some female's thing
  • heytiasi....some female's things

HI, HII, and HIY Words


  • hi-....this
  • hii-....the following
  • hiy....here is, voici
The deictic prefix hi- is used to form proximal demonstratives with the meaning this. The variant hii- is used to form demonstratives meaning the following. The word hiy means here is, voici.
Here is a list of the most common words with these deictic roots:
  • hia....these, this
  • hias....this one
  • hiat....the one over here, this one, this person
  • hiati....the people over here, these
  • hiawa....this one, this particular
  • hiawas....this one, this one thing
  • hiawat....this particular person
  • hiayt....this female
  • hiayta....this female's
  • hiayti....these females
  • hiewa....these two
  • hiewasi....these two things
  • hiewati....these two people
  • higel....like this way
  • higela....this kind of
  • higla....this many, this much, this much, to this degree
  • higlas....this much
  • higlasi....this many
  • higlati....this many people
  • hihyia....this same
  • hihyij....this same time
  • hihyis....this same thing
  • hihyisi....this same things
  • hihyit....this same person
  • hihyita....this same person's
  • hihyiti....this same people
  • hihyua....this other, this other person
  • hihyuj....this other time
  • hihyum....this other place, this same place
  • hihyus....this other thing
  • hihyusauna....that other kind of, this same kind of
  • hihyusav....for this other reason
  • hihyusi....these other things
  • hihyuti....these other people
  • hihyuyen....this other way, this same way
  • hiia....foregoing, forthcoming, the following, the following
  • hiigela....the following kind of
  • hiigla....to the following degree, to this degree
  • hiiglas....the following amount
  • hiiglasi....the following number of things
  • hiiglati....the following number of people
  • hiijaga....of the following age
  • hiijagat....person of the following age
  • hiimep....the following way
  • hiis....the following
  • hiisav....for the following reason, for this reason
  • hiisi....the following (things)
  • hiit....the following person
  • hiita....the follow person's, the following person's
  • hiitas....the following person's, the following person's
  • hiitasi....the following person's things, the following person's
  • hiiti....the following people
  • hiixag....this often
  • hiixaga....of the following frequency
  • hiiyen....in the following way, as follows, like the following, the following way
  • hiiyena....the following kind of
  • hiiyenas....the following kind of thing
  • hiiyenasi....the following kinds of things
  • hiiyenat....the following kind of person
  • hiiyenati....the following kind of people
  • hiiyt....the following girl
  • hiiyta....the following girl's
  • hiiytas....the following girl's
  • hiiytasi....the following girl's
  • hiiyti....the following guys
  • hiizon....this way, this direction
  • hij....at this time, now, presently, now
  • hijab....this year
  • hijaga....this old
  • hijagat....person of this age
  • hiji....nowadays
  • hijob....at this time, now
  • hijoba....current
  • hijobi....nowadays, these days
  • hijod....this time
  • hijodi....at these times, on these occasions
  • hijuab....this Monday
  • hijub....today
  • hijuba....today's
  • him....here, hither, this place
  • himem....the homeland, this country
  • himep....this way
  • himi....hereabouts, these parts, these places
  • himirat....worldling
  • himoj....tonight
  • hinog....so, this, to this degree, to this extent
  • hipi....hippie, hippy
  • his....it, this thing, this
  • hisauanasi....such things, these kind of things
  • hisaun....this kind
  • hisauna....such, this kind of
  • hisaunas....such a thing, this kind of thing
  • hisaunat....such a person, this kind of person
  • hisaunati....such people, these kind of people
  • hisaunayt....this kind of girl
  • hisaunayti....these kinds of girls
  • hisaunwat....this kind of guy
  • hisaunwati....these kinds of guys
  • hisav....for this reason, for this reason, therefore
  • hisi....them, these things, they, these (things)
  • hison....this issue
  • hisun....it, this thing
  • hisuni....these things
  • hit....he, him, this person, this person
  • hita....his, this person's, this person’s
  • hitas....his, this person's, this person’s
  • hitasi....his, this person's things, this person’s things
  • hiti....them, these people, they, these people
  • hitia....their
  • hitob....this person
  • hitoba....this person's
  • hitobi....these people
  • hitooba....this gender
  • hitoyb....this woman
  • hitoyba....this woman's
  • hitoybi....these women
  • hitwob....this man
  • hitwoba....this man's
  • hitwobi....these men
  • hiusauna....this or that kind of, various kinds of
  • hivolza....of this color, this color of
  • hixag....this often
  • hixaga....this often
  • hiy....ecce, here is, see here, voici, behold
  • hiyen....herewith, like this, so, this way, thus, this way
  • hiyena....like this, such, this kind of, this kind of
  • hiyenas....such a thing, this kind of thing, this kind of thing
  • hiyenasi....these kinds of things
  • hiyenat....such a person, this kind of person, this kind of person
  • hiyenati....such people, these kinds of people, these kind of people
  • hiyenayt....this kind of woman
  • hiyenayta....this kind of woman's
  • hiyenayti....these kinds of women
  • hiyenwat....this kind of man
  • hiyenwata....this kind of man's
  • hiyenwati....these kinds of men
  • hiyt....her, she, this girl
  • hiyta....her, this girl's
  • hiytas....her thing, hers, this girl's
  • hiytasi....her things, hers, this girl's
  • hiyti....them, these girls, they
  • hiyuxun....this way, with this means

HU, HUU, HUY, HUI- Words


  • hu-....that
  • huu-....such a, the foregoing
  • huy....voilà, there is, see there
  • hui-....this and that
Here are the most common words using the above roots:
  • hua....that, yon, yonder
  • huati....those people
  • huawa....that one, that particular
  • huawas....that one, that one thing
  • huawat....that particular person
  • huawayt....that particular girl
  • huewa....those two
  • huewasi....those two things
  • huewati....those two people
  • huewayti....those two girls
  • hugel....like that way
  • hugela....that kind of
  • hugla....that many, that much, that much/many, to that extent
  • huglas....how much, that much, that much of it
  • huglasi....how many, that many, that many things
  • huglati....that many, that many, that many people
  • huglayti....that many girls
  • huhyia....that same
  • huhyij....that same time
  • huhyis....that same thing
  • huhyisi....that same things
  • huhyit....that same person
  • huhyita....that same person's
  • huhyiti....that same people
  • huhyiyen....that same way
  • huhyua....that other
  • huhyuj....that other time
  • huhyum....that other place, that same place
  • huhyus....that other thing
  • huhyusauna....that other kind of, that same kind of
  • huhyusi....those other things
  • huhyut....that other person
  • huhyuta....that other person's
  • huhyuti....those other people
  • huhyuyen....that other way
  • huij....now and then
  • huijoda....sporadic
  • huijoday....sporadically
  • huim....here and there, passim
  • huimigper....run about, run here and there
  • huimkexer....search high and low
  • huimpaper....fly here and there
  • huimpea....going here-and-there, rambling, wandering
  • huimpen....going here-and-there, rambling, wandering
  • huimper....go here-and-there, ramble, wander
  • huimpoper....travel about, travel here-and-yon
  • huimput....gadabout, rambler, wanderer
  • huimtyopea....ambulant
  • huimtyopen....ambulation
  • huimtyoper....ambulate
  • huis....this-and-that, whatnot
  • huisder....mutter something, say this-and-that
  • huisyexer....do odd jobs, work this-and-that job
  • huittojben....murder-suicide
  • huizon....that direction, that way
  • huj....then
  • huja....quondam
  • hujab....that year
  • hujaga....of that age, that old
  • hujagat....person of that age
  • hujagati....people of that age
  • hujob....at that time, then
  • hujobi....in those days, in those times
  • hujod....on that occasion, that time
  • hujodi....at those times, on those occasions
  • hujuab....that Monday
  • hujub....that day
  • hulazyukxut....hooper
  • hum....at that place, yonder, there
  • humep....that way
  • humi....those places
  • hunog....so, that, to that degree, to that extent
  • hus....that thing, that
  • husaun....that kind
  • husauna....such, that kind of
  • husaunas....such a thing, that kind of thing
  • husaunasi....such things, those kinds of things
  • husaunat....such a person, that kind of person
  • husaunati....those kind of people
  • husav....for that reason, for that reason, thence, therefore, thus
  • husi....those (things), those things
  • hut....he, him, that person, that person
  • huta....his, that person's, that person's
  • hutas....his, that person's, that person's
  • hutasi....that person’s
  • huti....them, they, those people, those people
  • hutia....their, those people's
  • hutias....theirs
  • hutiasi....their things, theirs
  • hutooba....that gender
  • huua....such a, such a, the foregoing, the latter
  • huugel....in such a way, like so
  • huugela....such a
  • huugla....so many, so much, so very, so much/many, to such an extent/so
  • huuglas....so much
  • huuglasi....so many, so many (things)
  • huuglati....so many (people), so many, so many people
  • huuj....at such a time, such a time
  • huujab....such a year
  • huujag....at such an age
  • huujaga....of such an age
  • huujagat....person of such an age
  • huujagati....people of such an age
  • huujob....at such a time
  • huujod....at such a time
  • huujodi....at such times
  • huujub....such a day
  • huujubi....in such days
  • huum....at such a place, such a place
  • huumep....such a way
  • huumi....at such places
  • huunog....so, to such a degree, to such an extent
  • huus....such (a thing), such a thing, the former
  • huusauna....such a, such a kind of
  • huusav....for such a reason, for such a reason, for the former reason
  • huusi....such things, such things, the former things
  • huut....such a person, such a person, the former, the former person
  • huuta....such a person’s, such a person's, the former's
  • huutas....such a person’s, such a person's
  • huutasi....such a person’s, such a person's
  • huuti....such a people, the former, such people
  • huuvolza....of such a color
  • huuxag....so often
  • huuxaga....so often
  • huuyen....in such a manner, in such a way, like so, thus, thusly, such a way
  • huuyena....like so, such a, such a kind of, such kind of
  • huuyenas....such kind of thing
  • huuyenasi....such kinds of things
  • huuyenat....such a person
  • huuyenati....such kinds of people
  • huuyenjo....et cetera, etc.
  • huuyensu....amen
  • huuyt....such a girl
  • huuyta....such a girl's
  • huuytas....such a girl's
  • huuytasi....such a girl's
  • huuyti....such a guys
  • huvolza....of that color
  • huxag....that frequently, that often, that often
  • huy....ecce, presto, see there, there is, voila
  • huyen....in that manner, like that, so, that way, thus, that way
  • huyena....like that, such, that kind of, that kind of
  • huyenam....such a place
  • huyenami....in such places
  • huyenas....such a thing, that kind of thing, that kind of thing
  • huyenasi....those kinds of things
  • huyenat....such a person, that kind of person, that kind of person
  • huyenati....such people, those kinds of people, those kind of people
  • huyengla....so many, so much
  • huyenglas....so much
  • huyenglasi....so many
  • huyenglati....so many people
  • huyeni....in such ways, in those ways
  • huyenjo....etc.
  • huyenjob....at a time like that, at such a time
  • huyenjobi....at such times, at times like those
  • huyenjod....at such a time, on such an occasion
  • huyenjodi....at such times, on such occasions
  • huyennog....so, to a degree like that
  • huyenxag....so often
  • huyt....her, she, that female person, that girl
  • huyta....her, that female person's, that female's, that girl's
  • huytas....her thing, hers, that female person's, that girl's
  • huytasi....her things, hers, that girl's
  • huyti....they, those girls
  • huytia'....their, those females
  • huytias'....their thing, theirs, those females
  • huytiasi'....their things, theirs, those females
  • huyuxun....that way, with that means
The deictic prefix hyo- forms determiners that begin with no-. Here are the most common:
  • hyo ea job....nevermore
  • hyo ea jod....never again
  • hyo-....no-, not
  • hyoa yovtos vyel....no qualms about
  • hyoa....nary, no, not a, not a single, no, not a single
  • hyoawa jod....never, not a single time, not one time, on no occasion
  • hyoawa....not a, not a single
  • hyoawas....not a single one, not a single thing
  • hyoawat....not a single person
  • hyoawata....not a single person's
  • hyoema....utopian
  • hyoeman....utopia
  • hyogel....how, in no way
  • hyogela....no kind of
  • hyogla job....never, no amount of time, no time
  • hyogla jodi....as often as, never, zero times
  • hyogla....hardly, no amount/number of, no, not any, not at all, not at all, not at all, no
  • hyoglas....none at all, not any whatever, none of it, not any
  • hyoglasi....how many, none
  • hyoglat....nobody at all
  • hyoglati....how many, no people, none of them, no people at all, none
  • hyohyua....no other
  • hyohyuj....no other time
  • hyohyum....nowhere else
  • hyohyus....nothing else
  • hyohyut....nobody else
  • hyohyuyen....no other way
  • hyohyuyena....no other kind of
  • hyoj....at no time, ever, never, never at all
  • hyojaga....of no age
  • hyojagat....person of no age
  • hyojagati....people of no age
  • hyojebdalwa....never-discussed
  • hyojeser....last no time
  • hyojkyesya....never-before-happened, unprecedented
  • hyojob....at no time, never
  • hyojod....at no point in time, at no time, never, not once
  • hyojodi....at no times, never, not ever
  • hyojtofbwa....never-worn
  • hyom....nowhere at all
  • hyomep....no way
  • hyomi....in no places
  • hyonixea....zero-earning
  • hyonog....in no way, in no wise, to no extent, not at all, not at all
  • hyos....anything, naught, nothing whatsoever, nought, zilch, zip, nothing at all
  • hyosaser....fizzle
  • hyosaun....no kind
  • hyosauna....no kind of
  • hyosaunas....no kind of thing
  • hyosaunasi....no kind of things
  • hyosav....for no reason, for no reason whatever
  • hyosaxwa....fizzled
  • hyosbexea....destitute
  • hyosbexean....destitution
  • hyoshotoser....experience apathy
  • hyosi....no things, no things, nothing
  • hyoskadea....tight-lipped
  • hyosnazat....good-for-nothing person
  • hyoson....nil, nothing, zilch
  • hyostayotea....feeling nothing, numb
  • hyostea....ignorant
  • hyostean....ignorance
  • hyosteat....nitwit
  • hyosteser....matter not, mean nothing
  • hyostosen....experiencing apathy
  • hyosun....nihil, nothing
  • hyosunxen....annihilation
  • hyosunxer....annihilate, nix, raze
  • hyosunxwa....annihilated
  • hyot....nobody at all
  • hyota....nobody's
  • hyotas....nobody's
  • hyotasi....nobody's
  • hyotesea....meaning nothing
  • hyoti....no people, those who
  • hyotooba....genderless, of no gender, ungendered
  • hyotoobat....person of no gender
  • hyotoobifa....asexual
  • hyotoobifan....asexuality
  • hyotoobifay....asexually
  • hyovolza....blank, of no color
  • hyoxag....never
  • hyoxaga....of zero frequency
  • hyoxen....abolishing, abolishment
  • hyoxer....abolish
  • hyoxier....come to naught
  • hyoxut....abolisher
  • hyoxwa....abolished
  • hyoyen....in no way whatever, in no wise
  • hyoyena....how, no kind of, no such, no kind of
  • hyoyenas....no kind of thing, no kind of thing, no such thing
  • hyoyenasi....no kind of things, no such things, no kinds of things
  • hyoyenat....no kind of person, no kind of person, no such person
  • hyoyenati....no kind of people, no kind of people, no such people
  • hyoyt....no girl, nobody
  • hyoyta....no girl's, nobody's
  • hyoytas....no girl's, nobody's thing
  • hyoytasi....no girl's, nobody's things
The deitic prefix hya- forms determiners and other words that begin with every, all. Here are the most common:
  • hya ea juab....every other Monday, every second Monday
  • hya ea....every other, every second
  • hya elu jwobi....around the clock
  • hya juyeb....every Sunday
  • hya oy....all but, almost
  • hya yea jab....septennial
  • hya zyag....all along
  • hya....all, every
  • hya-....all-, holo-, omni-, pan-, tot-
  • hya....every
  • hyaa....livelong, total
  • hyabelus....holdall
  • hyadoiba....countywide
  • hyadoma....citywide
  • hyadooba....pan-national
  • hyadoobay....pan-nationally
  • hyadoobin....pan-nationalism
  • hyadoobina....pan-nationalist
  • hyadoobinut....pan-nationalist
  • hyaekundrawa....opisthographic
  • hyaesea....omnipresent
  • hyaesen....omnipresence
  • hyaewa jodi....all two times, both times, on both instances
  • hyaewa...ay....both...and
  • hyaewa-....ambi-
  • hyaewa....both
  • hyaewasi....both of them, both things
  • hyaewatesa....ambiguous
  • hyaewatesan....ambiguity
  • hyaewatesay....ambiguously
  • hyaewati....both of them, both people, both persons
  • hyaewatooba....ambigendered
  • hyaewatoobifa....ambi-sexual
  • hyaewayafwan....toss-up, tossup
  • hyaewayti....both girls, both of them
  • hyafua....abject
  • hyafuay....abjectly
  • hyagekunsan....rhomboid, rhombus
  • hyagekunsana....rhomboidal
  • hyagel....in every way
  • hyagela....every kind of
  • hyagla job....all the time
  • hyagla jodi....all the time, always, at all times
  • hyagla....all of, totally, wholly
  • hyaglan....totality
  • hyaglas....all of it, all of it, the whole thing
  • hyaglasi....all of them, every one of them
  • hyaglati....all of them
  • hyaglayti....all of the women, all of them
  • hyagonuta yanup....plenum
  • hyaha jub....all day, all the day, the entire day, the whole day
  • hyaha mep....all the way, the entire way, the whole way
  • hyaha mir....all the world, the entire world, the whole world
  • hyaha pati....all the birds
  • hyaha....all the entire, the whole, all the
  • hyahyua....all other, every other
  • hyahyuj....every other time
  • hyahyum....every over place
  • hyahyus....everything else
  • hyahyut....everybody else
  • hyaika....integral, whole
  • hyaikan....integrality, integrity, wholeness
  • hyaikay....integrally, wholly
  • hyaikser....integrate
  • hyaikxen....integration
  • hyaikxer....integrate
  • hyaikxwa....integrated
  • hyaiwa....all three
  • hyaiwasi....all three of them, all three things
  • hyaiwati....all three of them, all three people
  • hyaiwayti....all these women, all three of them
  • hyaizon....in every direction
  • hyaizona....omnidirectional
  • hyaj vyayuva....semper fi
  • hyaj....all the time, always, evermore, always
  • hyaja taxrunloxus....all-time record, all-time record-breaker
  • hyajab....every year
  • hyajaba....perennial
  • hyajabay....perennially
  • hyajaga....of every age
  • hyajagat....person of every age
  • hyajagati....people of every age
  • hyaje ho....as long as
  • hyaje....all during, all through, throughout
  • hyajesea okon....headcrash
  • hyajesea....everlasting, permanent, sempiternal
  • hyajeseaa....lasting
  • hyajesean....permanence, permanency
  • hyajeseay....everlastingly, permanently
  • hyajeyay....forever
  • hyaji....always, at all times
  • hyajib....monthly
  • hyajob....all the time, always, eternity, forever
  • hyajoba....eternal
  • hyajoban....eternalness
  • hyajobay....eternally
  • hyajobi....always, at all times, forever
  • hyajod....always, at every instance, each time, every time
  • hyajodi....all the time, always, at all times, in all cases, on all occasions
  • hyajpopea....peripatetic
  • hyajuab....Mondays, every Monday
  • hyajub....every day
  • hyajuba....daily, everyday, mundane, quotidian
  • hyajubay....daily
  • hyajubyena....workaday
  • hyam....allover, everyplace, everywhere
  • hyama....rife
  • hyaman....rifeness, ubiquity
  • hyamay....ubiquitously
  • hyamema....country-wide, countrywide
  • hyamep....all along, every way, the whole way
  • hyamerbok....pandemic
  • hyamesea....prevailing, prevalent
  • hyameseay....prevalently
  • hyamesen....prevalence
  • hyameser....prevail
  • hyami....all over, everywhere, in all places
  • hyamira bokzyab....pandemic
  • hyamira....ecumenical, global, world-wide, worldwide
  • hyamiray....ecumenically
  • hyamirin....ecumenicism, ecumenism
  • hyamkexer....scour, search high and low, ransack
  • hyamojdaz....rave
  • hyamojdazer....rave
  • hyamojdazut....raver
  • hyamtayopelper....itch all over
  • hyamtujer....whore
  • hyamtujut....whore
  • hyamtujutyan....whoredom
  • hyamtujyea....whoreish, whorish
  • hyamzyapea....pervading
  • hyamzyapen....pervading, pervasion
  • hyamzyaper....pervade
  • hyamzyapya....pervaded
  • hyamzyapyea....pervasive
  • hyamzyapyean....pervasiveness
  • hyanaxgob....closeout
  • hyanog....completely, totally
  • hyaoyutyan....claque
  • hyas oy....everything except
  • hyas-....all-, omni-, pan-, panto-
  • hyas....everything
  • hyasauna....every kind of, generic
  • hyasav....for every reason
  • hyasbelar....carryall, catch-all, catchall, hodgepodge
  • hyasbiut....gadfly
  • hyasbyekul....elixir, nostrum
  • hyasi....all things
  • hyaskader....reveal everything, tell all
  • hyasnyef....ragbag
  • hyaSoliada....pan-Slavic
  • hyastea....all-knowing, omniscient
  • hyastean....omniscience
  • hyasteat....omniscient person
  • hyasteaxuea....hardcore
  • hyasteay....omnisciently
  • hyastelea....omnivore
  • hyastelean....omnivorousness
  • hyasteleay....omnivorously
  • hyaster....be omniscient, know everything
  • hyastoxut....scatterbrain
  • hyastoxyea....scatter-brained, scatterbrained
  • hyastundyes....encyclopedia
  • hyastundyesa....encyclopedic
  • hyastut....wiseacre
  • hyasufa....splenetic
  • hyasun....everything
  • hyasuni....all things
  • hyasunxut....factotum
  • hyasyafla....almighty
  • hyasyebexea....comprehensive
  • hyasyebexean....comprehensiveness
  • hyasyebexeay....comprehensively
  • hyat goy et....everyone except you
  • hyat ho....everyone that, everyone who
  • hyat ovabiwa et....everyone except you
  • hyat oy et....everyone except you
  • hyat....everyone
  • hyata....everybody's, everybody's, everyone's
  • hyata-....panto-
  • hyatama nunuut....door-to-door salesman, doorstep salesman
  • hyatama....door-to-door
  • hyatas....everyboyd's
  • hyatasi....everybody's
  • hyatayovollzati....people of all
  • hyateja dat....life-long friend
  • hyateja....life-long, lifelong
  • hyatepyex....free-for-all
  • hyati!....All aboard!
  • hyati....all (people), all of them, all people
  • hyatob....every man, every person, everybody
  • hyatobi....all men, all people
  • hyatooba....omni-sexual, pan-sexual
  • hyatoobifa....pan-sexual
  • hyatoobifan....pan-sexuality
  • hyatoobifut....pan-sexual
  • hyatotin....pantheism
  • hyatotina....pantheistic
  • hyatotinut....pantheist
  • hyatotyan....pantheon
  • hyatoyb....every woman
  • hyatoyba....every woman's
  • hyatoybas....every woman's
  • hyatoybasi....every woman's things
  • hyatoybi....all women
  • hyatrawadut....name-dropper
  • hyattojben....holocaust
  • hyattrawaden....name-dropping, namedropping
  • hyattrawader....name-drop, namedrop
  • hyatwob....every man
  • hyatwoba....every man's
  • hyatwobas....every man's
  • hyatwobasi....every man's things
  • hyatwobi....all men
  • hyavolza....of every color, panchromatic
  • hyawa jod ho....each time that, every time
  • hyawa jod....each time, every time, on each occasion
  • hyawa jwap....at each moment
  • hyawa....each single, every, each
  • hyawas....each one, each thing
  • hyawat....each one, each person
  • hyawata....each one's, each person's
  • hyawatas....each one's
  • hyawatasi....each one's things
  • hyawayt....each woman
  • hyawayta....each woman's
  • hyawaytas....each woman's
  • hyawaytasi....each woman's things
  • hyaxag....always
  • hyaxaga....always
  • hyayafa....all-powerful, omnipotent
  • hyayafan....all-powerfulness, omnipotence
  • hyayafat....omnipotent one
  • hyayebexea....overall
  • hyayegsaxen....overhauling
  • hyayegsaxer....overhaul
  • hyayen....completely, everyway, in every way, in every way
  • hyayena....every kind of, every kind of every type
  • hyayenas....every kind of thing
  • hyayenasi....all kinds of things, all types of things
  • hyayenat....every kind of person, everybody’s
  • hyayenati....all kinds of people
  • hyayeni....in all ways
  • hyayivyenat....everything-goes-person
  • hyaysiyn....high-five
  • hyayt....every girl
  • hyayta....every girl's everyone's
  • hyaytas....every girl's, everyone's thing
  • hyaytasi....every girl's, everyone's things
  • hyayti....all girls, all of them
  • hyayubay....mundanely
  • hyayzyun....pompom, pompon
  • hyazbyekus....panacea
  • hyazye ota tej....throughout ones life
  • hyazye....throughout
The deictic prefix hye- is used to form determiners that begin any-, whichever-. Here are the most common:
  • hye-....-ever, any, whatever, whichever
  • hyea....any, whatever, whichever/any
  • hyeas....whichsoever
  • hyeawa...ey....either...or
  • hyeawa....any one, either, whichever
  • hyeawas....any one, either one, either thing, whichever one
  • hyeawat....either one, either person, whichever one person
  • hyeawata....either ones, either persons
  • hyeawatas....not a single person's
  • hyeawatasi....not a single person's things
  • hyeawayt....either woman
  • hyeawayta....either woman's
  • hyeawaytas....either woman's
  • hyeawaytasi....either woman's things
  • hyeewa....any two, whichever two
  • hyeewasi....any two, any two things, whichever two
  • hyeewati....any two, any two people, whichever two
  • hyeewayti....whichever two women
  • hyegel....however, whatever kind
  • hyegela....any kind of, whatever kind of
  • hyegla job....for whatever amount of time, however long
  • hyegla jodi....any number of times, however often, on any number of occasions
  • hyegla....any, however many, however much, umpteen, however much/many, to whatever extent
  • hyeglas....any of it, however much, however much
  • hyeglasi....any of them, however many, however many
  • hyeglati....any of them, however many, however many (people)
  • hyehyua....any other, whatever other
  • hyehyuj....any other time
  • hyehyum....any other place
  • hyehyus....anything else, whatever else
  • hyehyusauna....any other kind of
  • hyehyuyen....any other way
  • hyeizon....any way, any which way, in any direction, in whatever direction, whatever direction
  • hyej ho....at whatever time, whenever
  • hyej....any time, anytime, ever
  • hyejaga....however old
  • hyejagat....person of whatever age
  • hyejagati....people of whatever age
  • hyejob ho....anytime that, whenever
  • hyejob....any time, anytime, at whatever time
  • hyejod ho....any time that, anytime that, on any occasion when, whenever
  • hyejod....any time, anytime, at any point, on any occasion, on whatever occasion
  • hyejodi....any time, at whatever times, on any occasions, whenever
  • hyejuab....any Monday
  • hyejub....any day, whatever day
  • hyejwap....at any moment
  • hyem ho....anywhere that, wherever
  • hyem....anyplace, anywhere, someplace, wherever'||
  • hyemep....any way, any which way
  • hyemi....anywhere, at whatever places
  • hyempea....erratic
  • hyempeay....erratically
  • hyenapa....umpteenth
  • hyenog ho....to any extent that, to whatever degree
  • hyenog....however, in any degree, to any extent, to whatever extent
  • hyeowa...oey....neither...nor
  • hyeowa....neither
  • hyeowas....neither thing
  • hyeowat....neither one, neither person
  • hyes ho....anything that, whatever
  • hyes....any, anything, whatever/anything
  • hyesaun....any kind, genre, whatever kind
  • hyesauna....any kind of, whatever kind of
  • hyesaunas....any kind of thing, whatever kind of thing
  • hyesaunasi....whatever kinds of things
  • hyesaunat....any kind of person, whatever kind of person
  • hyesaunati....any kind of people, whatever kind of people, whatever kinds of people
  • hyesaunayt....any kind of woman
  • hyesaunayta....any kind of woman's
  • hyesaunayti....whatever kind of women
  • hyesaunwat....any kind of man
  • hyesaunwata....any kind of man's
  • hyesaunwati....whatever kind of men
  • hyesav ho....for whatever reason that
  • hyesav van....for whatever reason that
  • hyesav....for whatever/any reason
  • hyesi....any, whatever things, whatever (things)
  • hyesun ho....anything that
  • hyesun....anything, whatever
  • hyesundraf....wildcard
  • hyesuni....any, whatever things
  • hyet ho....anybody that, anybody who, anyone that, anyone who, whoever, whomever, whomsoever, whosesoever, whosoever
  • hyet....anybody, anyone, whoever/anybody
  • hyeta....whoever's, whosever
  • hyetas....whoever's, whosoever's thing, whosever’s
  • hyetasi....whoever's, whosoever's things, whosoever’s (things)
  • hyetayolza....of any skin-color
  • hyetebtabifayt....demimondaine
  • hyetesa dref....wild card
  • hyeti ho....any people that, whoever, whomever
  • hyeti....any people, whoever (pl.)
  • hyetooba....any gender-fluid, of any gender, of whatever gender, whatever gender
  • hyetoobat....person of whatever gender
  • hyetooda....of any race, of either race, of mixed race, of mixed-race, racially mixed, racially-mixed
  • hyetoodat....mulatto, person of mixed-race
  • hyevolza....of any color, of whatever color
  • hyexag ho....however often
  • hyexag....how everoften
  • hyexaga....however frequent
  • hyeyen ho....anyway that
  • hyeyen....any which way, anyhow, anyway, anywise, however, in any manner, in whatever way, like whatever, no matter how, whatever kind, however
  • hyeyena....any kind of, like whatever kind of, whatever/any kind of
  • hyeyenas....any kind of thing, any kind, whatever kind of thing
  • hyeyenasi....any kinds of things, whatever kinds of things
  • hyeyenat....any kind of person, whatever kind of person, whatever kind of person
  • hyeyenati....any kind of people, any kinds of people, whatever kind of people, whatever kinds of people
  • hyeyenayti....whatever kind of women
  • hyeyeni ho....in any ways that
  • hyeyeni....however, in whatever ways
  • hyeyenwati....whatever kind of men
  • hyeyt ho....any woman who, whichever woman
  • hyeyt....any woman, whoever, whomever
  • hyeyta....any girl's, whosever
  • hyeytas....any girl's, whosoever's thing
  • hyeytasi....any girl's, whosoever's things
  • hyeyti....any girls, whatever girls, whoever, whomever
The deictic prefix hyi- forms determiners that begin with (the) same. Here are the most common:
  • hyi-....homo-, like-
  • hyia....selfsame, the same, the very, the same
  • hyias....the same one
  • hyiasi....the same ones
  • hyiat ho....that same one who
  • hyiat....the same one, the same person
  • hyiati ho....that same ones who
  • hyiati....the same ones, the same people
  • hyiawa....the same one
  • hyiawas....the same one
  • hyiawat....the same one
  • hyidyunat....namesake
  • hyiema....endemic
  • hyiemay....endemically
  • hyiewa....the same two
  • hyiewasi....the same two things
  • hyiewati....the same two people
  • hyigel....in the same way as
  • hyigela....the same kind of
  • hyigla jodi vyel....as many times as
  • hyigla jodi....as often, the same number of times
  • hyigla x vyel y....as x as y
  • hyigla....as many, as much, the same amount of, the same number of, just as, to the same extent
  • hyiglas....as much, the same amount, just as much
  • hyiglasi ho....as many as
  • hyiglasi....as many, as many things, the same number of things
  • hyiglati ho....as many as
  • hyiglati....as many, as many people, the same number of people, just as many people
  • hyigloti vyel....as many people as
  • hyihyut....one another
  • hyiizon....the same direction, the same way
  • hyij ho....at the same time that
  • hyij....at the same time, at the very time, at the same time
  • hyijaga....chronologically the same, of the same age, just as old
  • hyijagat....person of the same age
  • hyijagati....people of the same age
  • hyijatada....consanguine, consanguineous
  • hyijatadan....consanguinity
  • hyijob ho....at the same time that
  • hyijob....at the same time
  • hyijoba....contemporaneous
  • hyijoban....contemporaneity, contemporaneously
  • hyijod....at the same time, on the same occasion
  • hyijodi....at the same times, on the same occasions
  • hyijuab....the same Monday
  • hyijub....the same day
  • hyikan....altogether
  • hyi-m gel-....semel-
  • hyim ho....at the same place that
  • hyim....at the same place, ibid, ibidem, the same place
  • hyimema....home-grown, internal
  • hyimematser....get naturalized
  • hyimematxen....naturalization
  • hyimematxer....naturalize
  • hyimematxwa dit....naturalized citizen
  • hyimematxwa....naturalized
  • hyimemut....countryman
  • hyimep....the same way
  • hyimer....our own planet, this planet
  • hyimera....of our own planet
  • hyimerat....person of our planet
  • hyimi....at the same places
  • hyinema....homotopic
  • hyinog ho....as much as, just as, to the same degree that
  • hyinog....as, to the same degree, to the same extent
  • hyis....idem, itself, the same, the same thing, the same thing
  • hyisag ho....as many as
  • hyisandyofwa....unidentifiable
  • hyisaun....the same kind
  • hyisauna....homogeneous, the same kind of
  • hyisaunan....homogeneity, homogeneousness
  • hyisaunay....homogeneously
  • hyisaunxen....homogenization
  • hyisaunxer....homogenize
  • hyisaunxwa....homogenized
  • hyisav ho....for the same reason that
  • hyisav van....for the same reason that
  • hyisav....for the same reason
  • hyisi....the same things
  • hyisun....the same, the same thing
  • hyisuni....the same things
  • hyisunxen....copying
  • hyisunxwa....copied
  • hyit....oneself, self, the same one, the same person, the very same, the same person
  • hyita....one's own, the same person’s
  • hyitas....one's own, one's own thing, the same person’s
  • hyitasi....the same person’s
  • hyitbukifa....masochistic
  • hyitbukifan....masochism
  • hyitbukifat....masochist
  • hyitbukifay....masochistically
  • hyitepa....like-minded
  • hyitepan....like-mindedness
  • hyiteser....mean the same
  • hyiti....selves, the same ones, the same people, the very same ones, the same people
  • hyitooba tadan....same-sex marrage
  • hyitooba....same gender
  • hyitoobifa....homophile, homosexual, same-sex
  • hyitoobifan....homosexuality
  • hyitoobifayt....lesbian
  • hyitoobifaytan....lesbianism
  • hyitoobifaytin....lesbianism
  • hyitoobifinut....homophile
  • hyitoobifut....fag, faggot, homosexual
  • hyitooda....co-racial, of the same race
  • hyitoodat....co-racial, person of the same race
  • hyitoodin....co-racialism
  • hyitoodina....co-racialistic
  • hyitoodinut....co-racialist
  • hyitooodat....co-racial
  • hyitos....sense of connectedness
  • hyivolza....of the same color
  • hyixag vyel....as many times as
  • hyixag....as often, just as often
  • hyixaga....just as often
  • hyiyen ho....in the same way that, just as
  • hyiyen....as, in the same way, likewise, so, likewise
  • hyiyena....like-mannered, such, the same kind of, the same kind of
  • hyiyenas....the same kind of thing
  • hyiyenasi....the same kinds of things
  • hyiyenat....the same kind of person
  • hyiyenati....the same kind of people
  • hyiyt....herself, the same girl, the same one, this very person
  • hyiyta....the same girl's, the same one's
  • hyiytas....the same girl's, the same one's things
  • hyiyti....the same girls, the same ones
  • hyizena....homocentric
The deictic prefix hyu- is used to form determiners beginning with (the) other. The hybrid prefix hyui- is used to form words referring to reciprocity (one another). Here are the most common:
  • hyu vyel....other than
  • hyu-....alter-, hetero-, other-, xeno-
  • hyua job....the other time, some other time, another time
  • hyua jodi....on other occasions
  • hyua....another, other, alternate, the other
  • hyuawa job....another time, some other time
  • hyuawa jod....one more time, again
  • hyuawa juab....another Monday, some other Monday
  • hyuawa....another
  • hyuawas....another one
  • hyuawat....another person, someone else
  • hyuawata....another person's, another's, someone else's
  • hyuawatas....another's
  • hyuawatasi....another's things
  • hyuaxen....alienation
  • hyuaxer....alienate
  • hyuaxwa....alienated
  • hyuay....differently, otherwise
  • hyudalzeynxen....translating, translation
  • hyudalzeynxer....translate
  • hyudalzeynxut....translator
  • hyudalzeynxwa....translated
  • hyudyuen....aliasing
  • hyudyun....alias, allonym, alternate name, by-name, handle
  • hyudyuna....allonymous
  • hyudyundrawa....ghostwritten
  • hyudyundrer....ghostwrite
  • hyudyundrut....ghostwriter
  • hyudyuwa....a.k.a., aliased, otherwise known as
  • hyuewa....the other two
  • hyuewasi....the other two things
  • hyuewati....the other two people
  • hyugel....in a different way than, otherwise
  • hyugela....a different kind of
  • hyugla jodi....a different number of times
  • hyugla....a different amount of, a different number of, not as, not as much/many, to another degree
  • hyuglas....a different amount, some other amount of, not as much
  • hyuglasi....a different number, some other number of things, not as many
  • hyuglati....a different number of people, some other number of people, not as many people
  • hyuha....the other
  • hyuhas....the other thing
  • hyuhasi....the others
  • hyuhat....the other person
  • hyuhata....the other's
  • hyuhati....the others, the other people
  • hyuhatia....the others', the other people's
  • hyuis-....cross-, mutual, one thing and another, reciprocal
  • hyuisa....between one thing and another, mutual
  • hyuit-....cross-, inter-, mutual, one another, reciprocal
  • hyuit....one to another
  • hyuita oyebyujbean....mutual exclusivity
  • hyuita....between one person and another, mutual, one another's, reciprocal, respective
  • hyuitan....mutuality, reciprocity
  • hyuitas....one another's
  • hyuitasi....one another's, one another's things
  • hyuitay oyebiyea....mutually exclusive
  • hyuitay....mutually, reciprocally, respectively
  • hyuitbuina....sadomasochistic
  • hyuitbukuin....sadomasochism
  • hyuitbukuinut....sadomasochist
  • hyuitdal....conversation, dialog, dialogue
  • hyuitdala....conversational
  • hyuitdalay....conversationally
  • hyuitdalen....dialoguing
  • hyuitdaler....converse, dialog, talk to one another
  • hyuitder....say to one another
  • hyuitfizuen....mutual respect
  • hyuitflizuer....respect one another
  • hyuitif....mutual love
  • hyuitifer....love one another
  • hyuitteaxer....look at one another
  • hyuittojber....kill one another
  • hyuitvekek....parimutuel
  • hyuitvikaxen....mutual admiration
  • hyuitxen....reciprocating, reciprocation
  • hyuitxer....reciprocate
  • hyuitxwa....reciprocated
  • hyuityegteater....see one another again
  • hyuixen....reciprocating, reciprocation
  • hyuixer....reciprocate
  • hyuixwa....reciprocated
  • hyuizon....a different direction, alternate course
  • hyuj....another time, another time, at another time, some other time, some other time, at a different time
  • hyujaga....of another age, of different ages
  • hyujagat....person of a different age
  • hyujagati....people of a different age
  • hyuji....other times
  • hyujod drurunes....rain check
  • hyujod....again, another time
  • hyujoeba....anachronistic
  • hyujoeban....anachronism
  • hyujoebay....anachronistically
  • hyujub....another day, some other day, the other day
  • hyukum....opposition, other side
  • hyukuma ekutyan....opposite team, opposition team
  • hyukuma yanav....opposition party
  • hyukuma....opposite
  • hyukuman....oppositeness
  • hyukumay....oppositely, on the other hand
  • hyukumpea....opposing
  • hyukumpen....opposing
  • hyukumper....oppose
  • hyukumxe....opposing
  • hyukumxen....opposing, opposition
  • hyukumxer....oppose
  • hyukumxwa....opposed
  • hyum....elsewhere, somewhere else
  • hyumat....stranger
  • hyumdin....alibi
  • hyumeg....xenolith
  • hyumem....abroad, alien land
  • hyumema....alien
  • hyumemat....alien, person from another country
  • hyumemif....xenophilia
  • hyumemifa....xenophile, xenophilic
  • hyumemifut....xenophile
  • hyumemuben....repatriation, sending abroad
  • hyumemuber....repatriate, send abroad
  • hyumemubwa....repatriated, sent abroad
  • hyumemubwat....repatriate
  • hyumemuf....xenophobia
  • hyumemufa....xenophobic
  • hyumemufut....xenophobe
  • hyumep....a different way, runaround
  • hyumer....alien planet
  • hyumera....alien, extra-terrestrial, from another planet
  • hyumerat....alien, extra-terrestrial, person from another planet
  • hyumertejtun....exobiology
  • hyumi....at other places, elsewhere, other places
  • hyumira....unworldly
  • hyumiran....unworldliness
  • hyumiryena....exotic, otherworldly
  • hyumiryenan....exoticism
  • hyumiryenay....exotically
  • hyumyefdyuen....secondment
  • hyunaga....differently-sized
  • hyunog....to a different degree, to a different extent
  • hyuowa....no other
  • hyuowas....no other's
  • hyuowat....nobody else
  • hyuowata....nobody else's
  • hyuowatas....nobody else's
  • hyuowatasi....nobody else's things
  • hyus....alternate, another thing, something else, the other thing, something else
  • hyusan....allomorph
  • hyusana....allomorphic
  • hyusanxer....estrange
  • hyusanxwa....estranged
  • hyusanxwen....estrangement
  • hyusaun....another kind
  • hyusauna....a different kind of, allogenic, another kind of, heterogeneous, strange
  • hyusaunan....heterogeneity, heterogeneousness, strangeness
  • hyusaunas....strange thing
  • hyusaunat....stranger
  • hyusaunay....curiously, heterogeneously, strangely
  • hyusaunxen....making heterogeneous, variegation
  • hyusaunxer....make heterogeneous, variegate
  • hyusaunxwa....made to be heterogeneous, variegated
  • hyusav....for a different reason, for some other reason, for another reason
  • hyuseux....allophone
  • hyuseuxa....allophonic
  • hyusi....alia, cetera, other things, the other things, other things
  • hyusun....alternate, another thing, something else
  • hyusuna....alternate, alternative
  • hyusunay....alternately, alternatively
  • hyut....alien, another, different person, someone else, stranger, the other, the other person, someone else
  • hyuta....alien, alternate, another's, other, some else's, the other's, someone else's
  • hyutafinoxbier....freeload
  • hyutafinoxbiut....freeloader
  • hyutakovtos....jealousy
  • hyutan....alienness, difference, otherness
  • hyutas....someone else's
  • hyutasbier....mooch
  • hyutasbiut....moocher
  • hyutasi....someone else's (things)
  • hyutbukuin....sadism
  • hyutbukuina....sadistic
  • hyutbukuinay....sadistically
  • hyutbukuinut....sadist
  • hyuteasea....different-looking
  • hyuteaser....look different
  • hyutesdin....allegory
  • hyutesdina....allegoric, allegorical
  • hyutesdinay....allegorically
  • hyutesdinut....allegorist
  • hyutesea....meaning something different
  • hyuteser....mean something different
  • hyutesyob....alibi
  • hyutexea....on a different wavelength
  • hyutexen....thinking differently
  • hyutexer....think differently
  • hyuti....other people, others, the others
  • hyutibuja....heterocercal
  • hyutifa....altruistic
  • hyutifan....altruism
  • hyutifin....altruism
  • hyutifina....altruistic
  • hyutifinay....altruistically
  • hyutifinut....altruist
  • hyutifut....altruist
  • hyutin....heterodoxy
  • hyutina....heterodox
  • hyutoob....alternative gender
  • hyutooba....alternatively gendered, different-gendered
  • hyutoobifa....heterosexual, straight
  • hyutoobifan....heterosexuality, straightness
  • hyutoobifut....heterosexual, straight person
  • hyutooda....of a different race, racially different
  • hyutoodat....person of a different race
  • hyutos....alienation
  • hyutosea....alienated
  • hyutoser....feel alienated
  • hyutosuen....alienation
  • hyutosuer....alienate
  • hyutosuwa....alienated
  • hyutosuyea....alienating
  • hyutoyb....minx
  • hyuttejwa....vicarious
  • hyuttejwan....vicariousness
  • hyuttejway....vicariously
  • hyutuf....xenophobia
  • hyutufa....xenophobic
  • hyutufut....xenophobe
  • hyutxen....alienation
  • hyutxer....alienate
  • hyutxwa....alienated
  • hyuvolza....different-colored, of a different color
  • hyuxag....at some other frequency, not as frequently, not so often, not as often
  • hyuxaga....not as often
  • hyuyen....elsewise, in another manner, otherwise, some other way, somehow other, strangely
  • hyuyena....a different sort of, alien, another kind of, another sort of, different, fey, of another kind, queer, some other kind of, strange, another kind of
  • hyuyenan....queerness, strangeness
  • hyuyenas....a different sort of thing, a strange thing, some other kind of thing, another kind of thing
  • hyuyenasi....other kinds of things
  • hyuyenat....a different sort of person, alien, some other kind of person, stranger, another kind of person
  • hyuyenati....aliens, other kinds of people, other kinds of people
  • hyuyenay....queerly, strangely
  • hyuyeni....in alternate ways, in other ways
  • hyuyt....some other female
  • hyuyta....some other female's
  • hyuytas....some other female's thing
  • hyuytasi....some other female's things

HAY hello, HEY hey, HOY goodbye


  • hay....hello, hi
  • hey....hey, o
  • hoy....goodbye
Here are the most common words derived from hay:
  • hay....greetings, hello, hi
  • hayd....a hello, greeting, salvo, salutation
  • hayden....greeting, greetings, salutation, saluting, saying hello, saying hi
  • haydena....salutatory
  • hayder nuxpur....call a cab, flag down a taxi, hail a taxi
  • hayder....greet, salute, say hello, say hi
  • haydraf....greeting card
  • haydrawa....logged in
  • haydren dyun....login name
  • haydren kodun....login password
  • haydrer....log in, log on, login, logon
  • haydrun....login, logon
  • haydut....greeter
  • haydwa....saluted, greeted
  • haytuyaxer....wave hi
  • haytuyxer....wave hello
The vocative word hey means oh, o! used in addressing someone or getting someone's attention. Here are the most common derivatives:
  • hey....ahem, ahoy, hey, o, oh
  • heyd....call, evocation, shout-out
  • heydea....beckoning, addressing, calling, evoking, hailing
  • heyden....addressing, beckoning, calling, evocation, hailing
  • heydena....vocative
  • heyder nuxpur....call a taxi, hail a taxi
  • heyder....address, beckon, call, evoke, shout out, hail
  • heydraf....calling card
  • heydut....caller, hailer, one beckoning
  • heydwa....beckoned, addressed, evoked, called
  • heytuyaxer nuxpur....wave down a taxi
The word hoy, which means goodbye is used in the following derivatives:
  • hoy....bye, ciao, farewell, goodbye, so long, tallyho
  • hoyd....a goodbye, adieu, farewell greeting
  • hoydal....valediction
  • hoydala....valedictory
  • hoydalut....valedictorian
  • hoyden....farewell greeting, saying goodbye, taking leave
  • hoyder....bid adieu, bid farewell, say bye, say goodbye, take leave of
  • hoydi....adieux
  • hoydrawa....logged out
  • hoydrer....log off, logoff
  • hoydrun....logoff
  • hoydyaniv....farewell party, sendoff
  • hoytuyaxer....wave goodbye
  • hoyuxun....how

HYAY thank-you, HYEY please, HYOY sorry


  • hyay....thank-you
  • hyey....please
  • hyoy....sorry
These roots are used to form exclamatory words of politeness.
Here are examples of hyay, which refer to exclamations of thanks, appreciation, etc.:
  • hyay bu....thanks to
  • hyay hyay!....Thank-you very much!, Thanks a lot!
  • hyay!....thanks!, thank-you!
  • hyayd....a thank-you, a word of thanks
  • hyaydres....thank-you note
  • hyayden....thanking, thanksgiving
  • hyayder....thank, say thank-you, express gratitude
  • hyaydraf....thank-you card
  • hyayduka....thankless
  • hyaydukay....thanklessly
  • hyayduken....thanklessness
  • hyaydwa....thanked
  • hyaydyea....thankful
  • hyaydyean....thankfulness
  • hyaydyeay....thankfully
The word hyey, which means please, only has one derived word: hyeyder....to say please.
The word hyoy means sorry, excuse me and is used in the following expressions:
  • hyoy....sorry, excuse me, woops, woe is me, alas
  • hyoyd....excuse, apology
  • hyoydea....apologetic
  • hyoyden....apologizing, saying sorry, apology
  • hyoyder....apologize, be sorry, boo, excuse oneself, express woe
  • hyoydraf....sympathy card
  • hyoydres....apology note, sympathy note
  • hyoydyea....apologetic
  • hyoydyeay....apologetically

HWAY bravo, HWEY good luck, HWOY boo


  • hway....bravo, congratulations, cheers (pronounced like English why)
  • hwey....good luck (pronounced like English whey)
  • hwoy....boo, down with, what a shame
This exclamatory word means bravo!, congratulations!, cheers!, well done! and has the following derivations:
  • hway!....alleluia!, bravo!, cheerio!, cheers!, congratulations!, goodie!, hooray!, hurrah!, kudo!, rah!, right on!, skoal!, whoopee!, great!, way to go!
  • hway!....Thank-you!, Thanks!
  • hwayd....congratulations, cheer, toast
  • hwayden....congratulation, cheering, toasting
  • hwayder....congratulate, cheer on, express kudos, say bravo, toast, root for
  • hwaydeux....applause, cheer
  • hwaydeuxen....applauding, applause, cheering, ovation
  • hwaydeuxer....applaud, cheer
  • hwaydeuxut....applauder, cheerer
  • hwaydeuxwa....applauded, cheerer
  • hwaydraf....congratulations card
  • hwaydut....cheerleader, fan, rooter, whooper
  • hwaydutyan....cheering squad, cheerleading team, fan base
  • hwaydwa....congratulated, cheered on, toasted
  • hwaydwa....thanked
  • hwaydyea....thankful, grateful
  • hwaydyefwa....applause-worthy
  • hwaydyefwan....applause-worthiness
  • hwaysiyn....high-five
This exclamatory word means good luck! and has the following derivatives:
  • hweyd....ackowledgement
  • hweyder....wish luck, express best wishes
  • hweydraf....best wishes card
This exclamatory word means boo!, hiss!, for shame! and has the following derivatives:
  • hwoy....boo, bah, bummer, down with, too bad, what a pity
  • hwoyd....boo, heckle, expression of shame
  • hwoyden....booing, heckling, shaming
  • hwoyder....boo, heckle, shame
  • hwoydeux....hiss, heckle
  • hwoydeuxen....hissing, heckling
  • hwoydeuxer....hiss, heckle
  • hwoydeuxut....hisser, heckler
  • hwoydeuxwa....hissed, heckled
  • hwoydut....booer, heckler
  • hwoydwa....booed
  • hwoyteaxer....look at with pity, regard with shame

HIHI ha ha, HUHU boo hoo


The morpheme hihi is used to form words having to do with laughing, while the opposite morpheme huhu is used for words referring to crying. Here are some hihi examples:
  • hihi....haha, teehee
  • hihid....laugh
  • hihiden....laughing, laughter, ridiculing, teeheeing
  • hihider....laugh, ridicule, teehee
  • hihidez....comedy
  • hihidezen....performing comedy, doing comedy
  • hihidezer....do comedy, perform comedy
  • hihidezun....comedy act
  • hihidezut....comedian
  • hihidier....amuse oneself
  • hihidin yekun....butt of a joke
  • hihidin....farce, joke
  • hihidina....farcical, jocular
  • hihidinay....farcically, jocularly
  • hihidinen....joke-telling, joking
  • hihidiner....joke
  • hihidinut....joke-teller, joker, jokester, comedian, comic
  • hihidinyea....joky
  • hihidinyeay....jokingly
  • hihidog....giggle
  • hihidrasin drev....cartoon page
  • hihidrasin....cartoon
  • hihidrasinut....cartoonist
  • hihidrasinyena....cartoonish
  • hihiduea....laugh-provoking
  • hihiduen....amusement, hilarity, making laugh, tickling
  • hihiduer....amuse, make laugh, tickle
  • hihiduut....joker, entertainer
  • hihiduwa....amused, tickled
  • hihiduyea....amusing, funny, hilarious
  • hihiduyean....hilariousness
  • hihiduyeay....amusingly, hilariously
  • hihidwa....ridiculed
  • hihidwat....bozo, laughingstock
  • hihidxeay....teasingly, ticklingly
  • hihidxen....teasing, tickling
  • hihidxer....tease, tickle
  • hihidxut....teaser, tickler
  • hihidxwa....teased, tickled
  • hihidyeay....laughingly
  • hihidyefwa....laughable, ridiculous, risible, funny
  • hihidyefwan....ridiculousness, risibility, funniness
  • hihidyefway....laughably, ridiculously, funnily
  • hihidyezun....cartoon, flicker
  • hihisin....caricature, comic, cartoon
  • hihisinut....caricaturist, cartoonist
  • hihisinxen....caricaturing
  • hihisinxer....caricature
  • hihisinxwa....caricatured
Here are some huhu examples:
  • huhu....boo hoo
  • huhud....boo hoo, booboo, boohoo, cry, whimper, whine
  • huhudea....boo-hooing, crying, chining
  • huhuden....boo-hooing, whimpering, crying
  • huhuder....booboo, boohoo, cry, whimper, whine
  • huhudut....booer, cry-baby, crybaby, whimperer, whiner

Charts of Words Showing Mnemonic Parallelism


The words in the following charts share some commonality, which is evident in their similar phonetics:
Mnemonic Parallels
tob tab teb tib tub tyob tayob tayeb
man body head trunk (of body) arm leg skin hair
fob fab feb fib fub fyob fayob fayeb
plant tree fruit trunk (of tree) branch root bark leaf
vob vab veb vib vub vyob vayob vayeb
crop grass tuft stem twig root peel bud
pat patub pitayob patayeb
bird wing feather
pit piteb pitub pitayeb
fish fishhead fin shell scale
dob dab deb dib dub
state government leader administration minister
xob xab xeb xib xub xyob
organization staff boss department subdidiary base
-eu- Mnemonic Parallels
teub teus teud seux xeus deuz seuz xeuz
mouth voice shout sound noise song tone tune
-ayo- Mnemonic Parallels
tayob fayob vayob tayof
skin bark peel leather
-ub Mnemonic Parallels
tub fub vub fuf muf tiibuf movuf gimuf manuf fauf
arm branch twig pipe rod artery (smoking) pipe skewer candle log
-ea- Mnemonic Parallels
teab eye
teater see
teaxer look
teaser seem
teaper visit
yegteaper revisit
teader witness
teazer notice
teatier perceive
teatuer show
beaxer watch
neaxer aim
vyateaxer examine
vyabeaxer inspect
vyaleaxer check
izteader indicate
izteatuer point out
izteaxer focus
abteaxer survey
yagteaxer stare
igteaxer glance
egteaser reappear
yozteatuer display, expose
jateater foresee
jateaxer preview
yonteater distinguish
oteaser disappear
vyateatuer prove
zyeteaxer peek
zyoteaxer peer
ugteaxer gaze
yuzteaxer look around
yubteaxer scrutinize
kyoteaxer glare
yogteaxer glimpse
joteaxer review
zoyteaxer look back
zayteaxer look ahead
ojteader warn
tepteatier consider
kuteaxer observe
ejeatuer present
ejeaser show up, appear
utejeaser represent
ajteaxer review
ojteaxer expect, envisage
yoveater suspect
kiteaxer look askance
yizteaxer look beyond
zeyteaxer look across
fyateater respect
vyoteas illusion
vyamteaser seem true
koteaxer sneak a peek
ziteaxer look right
zuteaxer look left
eyteaxer squint
zyateaxer peruse, scan
fateaber blink
teabigyujer wink
teabiler weep, tear up
-z Mnemonic Parallels"
nas teb tuyub tilab tuyob tun tab teub sin teeb nas teib vos drer ten
money head finger breast wrist science body mouth image ear money nose flower write knowledge
noz tebuz tuyuz tilaz tuyoz tuz taz deuz siz teebuz naz teiz voz drez tez
jewel crown ring broche bracelet art statue song painting earring value perfume color poetry culture

Words Ending in -yen (manner)


The ending -yen is a stub for byen, meaning way, manner and is used to form many different words, as the following chart shows. The basic words are:
  • byen....manner
  • syen....style
  • tyen....technique, skill
  • hoyen....how
  • pyen....pace, allure
  • xyen....behavior
Words in -YEN
b-....gesture byen....manner
aot-....person aotyen....personality, character
fi-....good fibyen....courtesy
fu-....bad fubyen....bad manners
nap....order napyen....discipline
dit....citizen dityen....civility
jub....day jubyen....habit
yan....together yanbyen....harmony
tyod....people tyodyen....custom
s-....be syen....style, mode
es-....exist esyen....status, ejesyen....status quo
kis-....lean kisyen....trend
dre-....write dresyen....writing style
akpas....winning move akpasyen....stratagy
tea-....visual teasyen....aspect, koteasyen....guise
tej....life tejsyen....lifestyle, tejyen...way of life
jubdindref....newspaper jubdindrefsyen....journalese
ut....self utsyen....genre, utbyen....more
ex-....function exyen....method, modus operandi
vi-....beautiful visyen....fashion
drir-....print drirsyen....typeface
bas-....move basyen....way of moving
dal-....speak dalyen....idiom, uygdalyen....drawl<brdodalyen....rhetoric, tyendalyen....jargon
xabdalyen....bureaucratese, obdalyen....cant, anyendalyen....slang, meamdalyen....regionalism
tex-....think texyen....opinion
te-....know teyen....idea
ty-....know how tyen....know-how, skill, craft, trade
mas....wall mastyen....masonry
tom....building tomtyen....architecture
x-....do xyen....process, technique
yex-....work yexyen....occupation, industry
yux....help yuxyen....means
axl-....act axlyen....behavior
yanif-....sew yaniftyen....couture
tep-....mind tepyen....attitude
tuz-....art tuzyen....technique, artistry, skill
dot-....social dotsyen....civilization
tees-....hear teestyen....acoustics
vidal-....fine speak vidalyen....eloquence, dodalyen....rhetoric
maal-....atmosphere maalyen....weather
den-....saying denyen....diction
ifek-....play ifekyen....gamesmanship
seuxd-....pronounce seuxdyen....accent
tapekut....athlete tapekutyen....sportsmanship
dr-....write dredyen....orthography
deux-....intone deuxyen....intonation, diction
ajtyod....past people ajtyodyen....tradition

Words Ending in -z (something precious)


Words ending in -z refer to something precious or refined, as this chart shows:
-Z Words
fi-....good fiz....honor, utfiz....dignity, firz....ideal, fiyz....respect, agfiz....glory, fiiz....deference
fu-....bad fuz....shame, agfuz....infamy, fuyz....disrespect, utfuz....indignit
fya-....holy fyaz....grace, kofyaz....magic, fyamaz....halo, fyatyez....hieromancy, fyatez....religion, fyateyz....cult
fyo-....profane, evil fyoz....disgrace , kofyoz....occult, fyotez...black magic
fyi-....useful fyiz....reward
fyu-....harmful fyuz....punishment, fyuyz....penance, penalty
meg....stone mez....crystal, yonmez....ice crystal, amez....diamond, emez....topaz, imez....ruby, umez....emerald, etc.
nas....money naz....value, noz....gem, jewel, finaz....merit, nyaz....wealth
d-....communicate daz....dance, dyaz....ballet, dez....theatre, adez....burlesque, diz....comedy, duz....music, dyuz....opera, deuz....song, ajdreuz....ballad, drez....poetry, dyez....cinema, dauz....dance music, druz....lyric, yokdez/yokdiz....improv
tab....body taz....statuary
san....shape saz....sculpture
sin....picture siz....painting, finsiz....medal, dresiz....engraving
ty-....know how tyez....magic, kotyez....occult, fyotyez....sorcery, witchcraft, fyatyez....hieromancy, tuyutyez....legerdemain, chiromancy,tojatyez ....necromancy
teb....head tebuz....crown, eyntebuz....diadem
teas....view teaz....spectacle, fyateaz....miracle
teis....smell teiz....perfume
tiab....breast tiabuz....broche
tilab....nipple tilabuz....nipple ring
teyob....neck teyobuz....necklace
teubob....lip teuboz....lip ring
zetiub....navel zetiubuz....belly button ring
tun....science tuz....art, vituz....fine art, daltuz....rhetoric, sextuz....architecture, teltuz....gastronomy, tuyatuz....handicraft, drefgobluntuz....découpage
toleus....taste toleuz....refined taste
ten....knowledge tez....culture, yobtez....subculture, ajtez....lore, aulktez....alchemy, oybtez....subculture, ovtez....counterculture, vitez....high culture, fyatez....religion, fyotez...occult
teub....mouth deuz....song, fadeuz....hymn, yegdeuz....refrain, seuz....tone, teuz....voice, zoyteuz....echo, teuboz....smile, videuz....melody, yandeuz....harmony, uvdeuz....dirge, ajdeuz....ballad, dudeuz....antiphon, ivdeuz....carol, yogdeuz....ditty, awatdeuz....solo, ewatdeuz....duet, fizdeuz....anthem
tuab....arm eytuabuz....epaulette
tuyub....finger tuyubuz....ring
vos....flower volz....color, voolz....tint, voylz....shade of color, tayolz....facial/hair color, alz....red, feelkalz....rust, yolz....blue, yelz....pink, caoyolz....cobalt
A more complete list:
  • abteuz....voice-over
  • adez....burlesque
  • agivdez....comedy
  • agnyaz....great wealth
  • aguvdez....tragedy, tragic theater
  • ajdreuz....ballad
  • ajtez....lore
  • alamez....tourmaline
  • alemez....garnet
  • alimez....zirconia
  • alomez....opal
  • alumez....jasper
  • alyamez....marganite
  • alyemez....quartz
  • alyimez....malachite
  • alyimez....quartz
  • alyomez....jade
  • alz....red, the color red
  • alzlefez....cinnabar
  • amez....diamond
  • annadeuz....monody
  • anolkiz....monoxide
  • anseuz....singsong
  • aotyandeuz....chant
  • apateusoz....cackle
  • apetaz....mustang
  • apetsimzayaz....pommel
  • aulktez....alchemy
  • awatduz....aria
  • aybseuz....overtone
  • ayopetayez....mohair, moire
  • baosteuz....twang
  • bebopduz....bebop
  • begindaz....beguine
  • bewanaz....eigenvalue
  • bilyigz....whig
  • bohemdaz....polka
  • bokogrunyaz....abscess
  • buvolyigz....pickle
  • byexdaz....tap dance
  • daltuz....rhetoric
  • dauz....dance music
  • daz....dance
  • deuyz....hum
  • deuz....lied, song, voice, chant
  • dez....drama, entertainment, performance art, stage, theater
  • diz....comedy, comic theater
  • dizeudoz....chortle, chuckle
  • dofiz....morale
  • dofuuz....scandal
  • dofuz....public disgrace, public shame
  • doldez....mime, pantomime
  • dotnaz....caliber, calibre
  • draz....badge
  • drefgobluntuz....decoupage
  • dresiz....engraving
  • dreundez....docudrama
  • dreundyez....documentary film
  • drez....poetry, verse
  • dropekvolz....warpaint
  • druz....lyrics, musical poetry
  • duez....musical
  • duz....music
  • dyaz....ballet
  • dyez....cinema
  • dyuz....opera
  • ebduz....interlude
  • ebtaifdyez....skinflick
  • ebtuabuz....epaulet
  • ebyoz....gullet
  • ejnataobyaz....neoplasm
  • ektobetdez....puppetry
  • emez....topaz
  • evyijteuz....schwa
  • eynmoalz....hoar
  • eynseuz....semitone
  • eyntebuz....diadem
  • eynteusoz....snicker, titter
  • eytebuyz....tiara
  • eytebuz....diadem
  • fabevoylz....fustic
  • faofsiz....quadrature
  • faoyaz....tenon
  • faoz....reglet
  • favoz....lint
  • feelkalz....rust
  • fevofyelsiz....linocut
  • fiiz....deference
  • finsiz....award, merit badge
  • fiz....dignity, honor, nobility
  • fliz....homage, respect, reverence
  • fluz....disrespect
  • friz....glory
  • fruduz....detractor
  • fudez....charade
  • funyaz....lucre
  • fuz....disgrace, dishonor, obloquy, shame
  • fyadeuz....chant, hymnody
  • fyateaz....miracle, thaumaturgy
  • fyateyz....cult
  • fyatez....religion
  • fyatyez....hieromancy
  • fyaz....charm, grace, karma
  • fyedeuz....skirl
  • fyeltaz....waxwork
  • fyiz....reward
  • fyobyaz....rhizome
  • fyotez....black arts, occult
  • fyotyez....black magic, sorcery, witchcraft, witchery, wizardry
  • fyoz....ignominy, spell
  • fyuyz....penance
  • fyuz....penalty, penitence, punishment
  • gaduz....refrain
  • genaz....par
  • glonaz....disesteem
  • grafyatez....religious zealotry, superpiety, religious fanaticism
  • gretuz....potboiler
  • hihidez....comedy
  • hyamojdaz....rave
  • ifdez....comedic theater, comedy
  • ifdindez....comedy show, stand-up act
  • ifondeuz....serenade
  • igtyopasdaz....quickstep
  • imez....ruby
  • ionjobduz....courant
  • ivdeuz....lilt, wassail
  • ivdez....comedy
  • ivteusoz....chortle
  • jabujdaz....prom
  • jazdaz....jitterbug
  • jivdaz....jive
  • jomilyaoz....wake
  • jwafyateyz....paganism
  • jwefsiz....fresco
  • kankandaz....cancan
  • kaz....treasure
  • kelupotayez....mink
  • kofyaz....occult
  • korantodaz....courant
  • kotyez....magic
  • kubadaz....conga
  • kudaz....sideshow
  • kuyaz....sponson
  • kuyoz....cave, cavern
  • kyanaz....variable
  • kyonaz....constant
  • kyudez....romp
  • leovolyigz....sourdough
  • leviloz....grog
  • luvelvolz....carotene
  • maaz....luster, lustre
  • magaz....hellfire
  • magteaz....pyrotechny
  • magyazmelilyaz....lava dome
  • majdez....matinee, matinée
  • majijdeuz....evensong
  • malzyaz....whitecap
  • mamiloz....light shower, soft rain, sprinkle
  • mamiluz....rainbow
  • mamnaduz....azimuth
  • manaz....glare
  • manmez....sheen, sparkle
  • masaz....breastwork
  • mastuz....wall art
  • meaz....marble
  • meggyoyaz....hoodoo
  • megyaz....crag, tor
  • meimdaz....hoedown
  • meiz....granite
  • meugvolz....umber
  • meuz....carbuncle
  • meyaz....pastel
  • mez....crystal
  • miltyez....hydromancy
  • milvolz....watercolor
  • milyaz....surf, surge, swell
  • mimdaz....hornpipe
  • mimdeuz....chantey, chanty, sea shanty
  • mimzemelyaz....bluff, headland, promontory
  • misyaz....oriel
  • mugdresiz....metallography
  • muguz....grommet
  • mugvaz....patina
  • mumnyaz....bonanza
  • muz....bullion, precious metal, precious ore, sequin
  • myaozasiz....chiaroscuro
  • naz....merit, value, worth
  • noz....bijou, jewel
  • nuz....jewel
  • nyaz....lucre, luxe, luxury, opulence, prosperity, riches, wealth
  • nyoz....penury, destitution, bankruptcy
  • obyez....platform
  • odez....nonperformance
  • ofiz....dishonor, shame
  • ofliz....disrespect, lack of respect
  • oglavisextuz....microarchitecture
  • olutfiz....lack of dignity, lack of self-respect
  • otuz....non-art
  • ovoluz....bread roll
  • ovteuz....antiphony
  • ovtez....counterculture
  • oybtez....sub-culture, subculture
  • oybvolz....undertone
  • pansintuz....cinema
  • patayez....aigrette
  • patijmaz....glair
  • pavolyigz....sauerkraut
  • petayez....pelage
  • piyez....pearl
  • podiz....animal circus
  • polonezdaz....polonaise
  • polonezduz....polonaise
  • popdez....carnival, roadshow
  • popdrez....minstrelsy
  • potayez....fur
  • potayobtuz....taxidermy
  • puxuyz....paraboloid
  • ragaduz....raga
  • ragtimduz....ragtime
  • rondeldaz....roundel, roundelay
  • rumbadaz....rumba
  • salsadaz....salsa
  • sambadaz....samba
  • sambaduz....samba
  • saz....sculpture
  • seuz....tone, tune
  • seuzvolz....timbre
  • sextuz....architecture
  • siz....painting
  • suz....artifact
  • tajnaz....appanage
  • tapdiz....slapstick
  • tayevolz....hair color
  • tayevoylz....hair color, hair dye, hair tint
  • tayeyz....down
  • tayez....fur
  • tayovolz....skin color
  • tayovoylz....skin tone
  • tayoz....skin color
  • taz....portraiture
  • teamalz....white of the eye
  • teamolz....black eye
  • teatzyegdez....peepshow
  • teavolz....eye color
  • teaz....awe, dazzle, marvel, spectacle, wonder
  • tebtaz....bust
  • tebyujaz....headlock
  • teiz....aroma, perfume
  • teleuz....penchant
  • teltuz....gastronomy
  • tepbekdez....psychodrama
  • tepeaz....vision
  • teudaz....yell
  • teupibilz....tartar
  • teuz....voice
  • teyz....cult
  • tez....culture
  • tiaz....brooch, pin
  • tipazdez....melodrama
  • tiyuybyaz....vulva
  • tofobenduz....striptease
  • tojatyez....necromancy
  • totfiddeuz....doxology
  • toz....hair, skin, complexion
  • tuiz....kitsch
  • tujeaz....dream
  • tuyatuz....handcraft, handicraft
  • tuyz....artisanship, craft
  • tuz....art
  • tyez....divination, legerdemain, magic, wizardry
  • tyoduz....pop music
  • tyoyfyabendaz....cotillion
  • tyoyiz....anklet
  • ugdaz....minuet
  • uigdaz....foxtrot
  • uivdez....tragicomedy
  • uknaz....parameter
  • umez....emerald
  • unkundaz....quadrille
  • unkunduz....quadrille
  • utagfiz....egomania, pride, vainglory, vanity
  • utfiz....dignity, self-respect
  • utfyaz....charisma
  • utfyinaz....self-esteem
  • utnaz....merit, worth
  • uvdeuz....pule
  • uvdez....tragedy
  • uvladeuz....dirge
  • vadoteuz....yes vote
  • vateuz....aye, yes vote
  • vidaz....ball
  • videuz....melody
  • viduz....classical music
  • vinoz....gem, gemstone
  • vinuz....gem
  • vitepdrez....epigram
  • vitez....high culture
  • vituz....art, fine art
  • viz....luxury
  • volz....color, hue
  • volzyanxuulsiz....tempera
  • voteuz....nay, no vote
  • voylz....coloration, tincture, tint, hint of color, hue, shade, taint, tinge
  • vridez....pageant
  • vutuz....trash art, junk art
  • vyamdez....dramatic theater
  • vyenaz....coefficient
  • vyoamez....rhinestone
  • vyodez....charade
  • vyofiz....fake honor
  • vyomeaz....terrazzo
  • vyonaz....goldbrick
  • vyoteaz....fake miracle, razzmatazz
  • xeusaz....loud noise, racket
  • xeusoz....faint noise
  • yabdez....acrobatics
  • yaduzaruz....fiddlestick
  • yagdopuz....longbow
  • yamez....lapis lazuli
  • yandeuz....harmony
  • yannaz....valence, valency
  • yanseuz....chord, harmonic
  • yaoz....crest-and-trough, rise-and-fall
  • yayz....bump, camber, tubercle
  • yazmeldeuz....yodel
  • yelz....pink, the color pink
  • yemez....amethyst
  • yibdyez....telefilm
  • yimez....amber
  • yokdez....improv, improvisation
  • yomez....sapphire
  • yommez....ice crystal
  • yondeuz....discord, discordance
  • yoondraz....pentacle
  • yujdeuz....hum
  • yumez....obsidian
  • yumez....topaz
  • yupetayez....lapin
  • yuzdaz....chorea
  • zadez....proscenium
  • zasiz....frontispiece
  • zodez....backstage, behind-the-scenes
  • zoyteuz....echo
  • zyobalseuz....scrunch
  • zyudaz....waltz
  • zyumufdresiz....rotogravure