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===Reactions by politicians===

The government also reacted to the event. [[President of Finland]] [[Sauli Niinistö]] said at a press conference held at a refugee meeting in [[New York City]] that the violence that had occurred at the Helsinki Asema-aukio square cannot be accepted. According to Niinistö membership in an organisation that has criminal principles or purposes is also illegal.<ref>[http://www.iltalehti.fi/uutiset/2016091922342593_uu.shtml Presidentti Niinistö uusnatsien väkivallasta: Suomessa rasismi on rikos], ''[[Iltalehti]]'' 19 September 2016. Accessed on 19 September 2016.</ref> [[Prime Minister of Finland]] [[Juha Sipilä]] said it was important to investigate the legality of organisations aimed at violent action. [[Timo Soini]], chairman of the [[Finns Party]], condemned violence in his blog post. The Minister of Treasury [[Petteri Orpo]] said that violent organisations should be outlawed.<ref name="blencowe"/> The Minister of Internal Affairs [[Paula Risikko]] said that the legality of far-right organisations should be reinvestigated.<ref>[http://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/a1474163587995 Sisäministeri Risikko Asema-aukion pahoinpitelystä: Äärijärjestöjen toiminnan laillisuus arvioidaan uudelleen], ''[[Helsingin Sanomat]]''. Accessed on 19 September 2016.</ref>


A demonstration against political violence was held in Helsinki on 24 September<ref>[https://www.radiohelsinki.fi/podcast/36618/?Lauantaina+vihellet%C3%A4%C3%A4n+peli+poikki+rasismille+ja+hiljaisuudelle! Lauantaina vihelletään peli poikki rasismille ja hiljaisuudelle!], ''Radio Helsinki''. Accessed on 21 September 2016.</ref> with former President of Finland [[Tarja Halonen]] speaking at the demonstration.<ref>[http://www.helsinginuutiset.fi/artikkeli/437007-presidentti-halonen-aarioikeiston-vastaiseen-mielenosoitukseen-toinenkin Presidentti Halonen äärioikeiston vastaiseen mielenosoitukseen – toinenkin vastaprotesti Helsinkiin], ''[[Helsingin Uutiset]]'' 23 September 2016. Accessed on 23 September 2016.</ref> The demonstration was attended by about 15 thousand people.<ref>Aalto, Maija; Bäckgren, Noona; Hakkarinen, Kaisa; Viljamaa, Anne; Vaarne, Ville: [http://www.hs.fi/kaupunki/a1474680188086 15 000 ihmisen rasisminvastainen mielenosoitus hiljeni kuuntelemaan Finlandiaa Senaatintorilla – vastamielenosoituksissa joitain kymmeniä], ''[[Helsingin Sanomat]]'' 24 September 2016. Accessed on 24 September 2016.</ref> Outside Finland, the demonstration was covered at least by ''[[Dagens Nyheter]]'',<ref>[http://www.dn.se/nyheter/varlden/tusentals-demonstrerade-i-finland Tusentals demonstrerade i Finland], ''[[Dagens Nyheter]]''.</ref> [[Bloomberg L.P.]]<ref>[http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-09-24/finns-say-enough-is-enough-during-anti-nazi-demonstrations Finns Say 'Enough Is Enough' During Anti-Nazi Demonstrations], [[Bloomberg L.P.]]</ref> and ''[[The Guardian]]''.<ref>[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/25/finns-protest-against-racism-after-man-assaulted-at-neo-nazi-rally-dies Finns protest against racism after man assaulted at neo-Nazi rally dies], ''[[The Guardian]]'' 25 September 2016. Accessed on 25 September 2016.</ref> Demonstrations outside Helsinki in Finland were held in Tampere, Jyväskylä, [[Kuopio]], [[Oulu]] and [[Joensuu]]. Each of these demonstrations was attended by about 50 to 500 people. Prime Minister of Finland Juha Sipilä attended the demonstration in Kuopio.<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20160925154553/http://www.hameensanomat.fi/uutiset/uutiset/315068-15-000-ihmista-vastusti-rasismia-helsingin-keskustassa], ''[[Hämeen Sanomat]]''. Accessed on 24 September 2016.</ref>