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===Jewish individuals and organizations outside of Israel===

[[Peter Beinart]] has repeatedly written in support of a settlements boycott in order to "save Israel". Beinart supports a targeted approach to boycotting West Bank settlements, specifically calling on American Jews: "We should lobby to exclude settler-produced goods from America'sAmerica’s free-trade deal with Israel. We should push to end Internal Revenue Service policies that allow Americans to make tax-deductible gifts to settler charities. Every time an American newspaper calls Israel a democracy, we should urge it to include the caveat: only within the green line".<ref name=SaveIsrael>{{cite news |last1=Beinart|first1=Peter|title=To Save Israel, Boycott the Settlements|url=|}}</ref> In 2011, the liberal Zionist organization [[Partners for Progressive Israel|Meretz USA]] called on American Jews to boycott West Bank settlement goods to "Buy Israel—Don't buy Settlements".<ref>{{cite web |last1=Kane|first1=Alex|title='Progressive Zionist' group in U.S. calls for settlement boycott|url=|}}</ref> Naomi Paiss, the vice president of public affairs for the [[New Israel Fund]], shows support for the same type of targeted approach, claiming that "boycotting settlements is not anti-Israel".<ref>{{cite news |last1=Paiss|first1=Naomi|title=Boycotting settlements is not anti-Israel. |url=|}}</ref> At the same time, she clearly opposes the BDS movement, calling it "inflammatory and counter-productive".<ref>{{cite news |last=Paiss |first=Naomi |url= |title=ZEEK: Articles: Don't Divest; Invest | |date=2010-11-28 |accessdate=2016-02-17}}</ref> The Australian Jewish Democratic Society "has become the first Australian community-affiliated Jewish organization to adopt the view that some boycotts of Israel may indeed be justified", according to their website. The group only supports "selected BDS actions designed to bring about an end to the Israeli occupation, blockade and settlement on Palestinian lands lying outside of the June 1967 Israeli borders". The organization resolves to boycott settlement products as well as "specific academics openly supportive of the Occupation".<ref>{{cite web |title=AJDS resolution on Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions of Israel|url=|}}</ref>

In 2014, an international Jewish group, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, issued a list of signatories endorsing the [[American Studies Association]] academic boycott of Israel.<ref>{{cite web |title='Jews For Palestinian Right of Return' endorse American Studies Association boycott of Israeli academic institutions|url=|}}</ref> Peter Slezak, co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices, Jewish human rights activist, and professor at the University of NSW stands in favour of the academic boycott through his vocal support of Sydney University's Professor Jake Lynch.<ref>{{cite news |last1=Slezak|first1=Peter|title=Anti-Semitism and BDS: Beyond misrepresentations|url=|}}</ref> Jewish American academic [[Colin Dayan]] has also written in support of a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.<ref>{{cite news |last1=Dayan|first1=Colin |title=Why I support the ASA boycott of Israeli academic institutions |url=|}}</ref> Charles H. Manekin, an orthodox Jewish studies and philosophy professor who divides his time between Israel and the United States, stated in 2014 that he is "sympathetic" to the BDS movement.<ref>[ A Conflict of Faith: Devoted to Jewish Observance, but at Odds With Israel] by Mark Oppenheimer, ''[[The New York Times]]'', 14 February 2014.</ref>

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====Settlement boycott====

In 2006 the Israeli peace activism group headed by [[Uri Avnery]], [[Gush Shalom]], published "a list of several hundred products made in areas beyond the Green Line. The list<ref>{{cite web |title=Products from Settlements in the Occupied Territories |date=2009-03-08 |url= |accessdate=2016-08-09}}</ref> containing many food products, also includes businesses operating in the Golan Heights."<ref>{{cite news |last1=Maltz|first1=Judy|title=Boycott = anti-Semitism? Some Israelis avoid settlement products too|url= |newspaper=Haaretz}}</ref> In 2011, Israel enacted a law that established civil penalties on any individual who called for a boycott of Israel or of the settlements.<ref name=Haaretz150416>{{cite news |author= |url= |title=High Court Largely Upholds Controversial 'Anti-Boycott Law' |newspaper=Haaretz |date=2015-04-16 |accessdate=2016-02-17}}{{paywall}}</ref> Consequently, Gush Shalom appealed to Israel's Supreme Court to rule the law unconstitutional, joined by several minority rights groups, including: [[Association for Civil Rights in Israel|The Civil Rights Association]], [[Yesh Din]], [[Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel|Adalah]], [[Coalition of Women for Peace|the Women'sWomen’s Coalition for Peace]], [[Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism|The Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism]], Knesset member [[Ahmed Tibi]] and The Arab Monitoring Committee.<ref>{{cite news |last1=Keller|first1=Adam|title=Supreme Court to rule on legality of settlement boycott |url= |newspaper=The Jerusalem Post}}</ref> Similarly taking a stand in the eye of the public, Israeli politician, [[Zehava Gal-On]], head of the Meretz opposition party, "said that while she opposes international boycott efforts against Israel as a whole, she refrains from consuming settler products because there must be a 'price to the occupation.'" Civilian support for the boycott of settlement goods continues to grow amongst Israelis, causing manufacturers and producers in the West Bank and Gaza to "encounter obstacles" in the marketing of their goods "Not just overseas, also in Tel Aviv".<ref>{{cite news |last1=Scharf|first1=Isaac|title=Israeli settlements also face pressure from within|url=|}}</ref>

====Academic boycott====

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Political parties that oppose BDS include the [[Liberal Party of Australia]] and the [[Democratic Party (United States)|Democratic Party]] in the United States.<ref>{{cite news |title=In a democracy freedom of expression had to allow a capacity for dissent|url=|accessdate=29 May 2013|newspaper=The Australian|date=29 May 2013|author=Ean Higgins}}</ref> The [[European Union]] has also expressed opposition to boycotting Israel.<ref>Avishai, Bernard. [ "The E.U. vs. B.D.S.: the Politics of Israel Sanctions"]. ''The New Yorker''. 22 January 2016. 15 May 2016.</ref> A common reason given for opposing BDS is that it attacks Israel's legitimacy and fosters [[antisemitism]].<ref>Kornbluh, Jacob. [ "Hillary Clinton Reaffirms Opposition to BDS in Letter to Jewish Leaders"]. ''Haaretz''. 10 May 2016.</ref><ref>{{cite web |author=Ric Willmot|title=Martin Foley, Victorian Labor MP scared of Year 12 student|url=|accessdate=27 October 2013}}</ref>

*In April 2015, with [[bi-partisan]] support, the [[Tennessee General Assembly]] became the first state in the United States to pass a resolution condemning BDS. There was one vote against the resolution. Included in the resolution was that they "condemn activities that contribute directly or indirectly to the denial, violation, or delegitimization of any people’s academic freedom, including but not limited to, promotion of academic boycotts by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel".<ref name=""></ref> They also reaffirmed their "support for the State of Israel, recognize that the Jewish people are indigenous to the land of Israel, condemn all attacks on the people of Israel, supports Israel’s right to engage in lawful acts of self-defense, and oppose all attempts to deny the legitimacy of Israel as a sovereign state".<ref name=""/>

*In December 2015, Rep. [[Nita M. Lowey]] introduced a resolution in the [[United States House of Representatives]] calling on U.S. state legislatures and the European Union to oppose BDS.<ref>Lowey, Nita M. [ "H. RES. 567."] ''''. 16 December 2015. 22 September 2015.</ref>

In April 2015, [[Tennessee]] became the first state in the United States to pass a resolution condemning BDS. There was one vote against the resolution, which passed the [[Tennessee General Assembly|General Assembly]] with bipartisan support.<ref></ref> In June 2016, New York governor [[Andrew Cuomo]] issued an executive order directing state agencies not to conduct business with companies and organizations that boycott Israel.<ref></ref>

*In June 2016, [[New York Governor]] [[Andrew M. Cuomo]], ordered his agencies to divest themselves of companies and organizations aligned with the "Palestinian-backed boycott movement against Israel". Cuomo referred to the BDS movement as an “economic attack” on Israel and he said, “If you boycott against Israel, New York will boycott you”.<ref></ref>

===Artists and writers===

Israeli-born musician [[Gene Simmons]], lead singer of [[Kiss (band)|Kiss]], said that artists who avoid Israel—such as [[Elvis Costello]], the [[Pixies]], and [[Roger Waters]]—would be better served directing their anger at Arab dictators. "The countries they should be boycotting are the same countries that the populations are rebelling," he said.<ref name="h2011-03-11">{{cite news |url= |title=Lead singer of Kiss Gene Simmons slams Israel boycotters |date=11 March 2011 |agency=Associated Press |newspaper=Haaretz |accessdate=23 March 2011}}</ref>

[[Jon Bon Jovi]] when asked about boycotting Israel, said, "I told my managers to give one simple answer: That I’m coming to Israel and I’m excited to come.”<ref name="jpost 434404"></ref>

Other artists include [[John Lydon]],<ref name="">{{cite web |url= |title=John Lydon&nbsp;– Lydon Slams Critics Over Israel Show&nbsp;– Contactmusic News | |accessdate=13 December 2010}}</ref> [[Umberto Eco]],<ref name="y2011-03-05">{{cite news |url=,7340,L-4035827,00.html|title=Israel boycotters target authors, artists|date=5 March 2011|publisher=Ynetnews|accessdate=23 March 2011}}</ref> [[Joel and Ethan Coen]],<ref name="">{{cite news |title=Coen Brothers: Boycotting Israel is a mistake |author=Amit Kling |url= |newspaper=Haaretz |agency=City Mouse Online, Haaretz Service |date=15 May 2012 |accessdate=16 September 2012}}</ref> [[J. K. Rowling]],<ref name="Wolpe">Wolpe, David. [ "Boycotting Israeli Authors Is an Affront to Free Speech"]. ''Time''. 29 June 2016.</ref> [[Hilary Mantel]],<ref name="Wolpe" /> [[Helen Mirren]],<ref name="Wolpe" /> [[Ziggy Marley]],<ref name="">{{cite news |title=Reggae star Ziggy Marley rejects calls to boycott Israel |author=Karolyn Coorsh |url= |newspaper=The Jerusalem Post |date=20 July 2011 |accessdate=16 September 2012}}</ref> [[Jon Bon Jovi]],<ref name="ReferenceA"></ref> and [[Howard Stern]].<ref name="ReferenceA"/>

[[Howard Stern]] said: "“Defending Israel isn’t fashionable, I know. It is a tremendous distraction for Arab leaders to say, ‘Let’s get the Jews, let’s get Israel, it’s all their fault.’ As long as their poor people are focused on Israel they don’t wake up and realize who is stealing their money. Their lives aren’t getting any better from all this crap, so don’t be fooled by Roger [Waters] and his statements.”<ref name="jpost 434404"/>

Other artists include [[John Lydon]],<ref name="">{{cite web |url= |title=John Lydon&nbsp;– Lydon Slams Critics Over Israel Show&nbsp;– Contactmusic News | |accessdate=13 December 2010}}</ref> [[Umberto Eco]],<ref name="y2011-03-05">{{cite news |url=,7340,L-4035827,00.html|title=Israel boycotters target authors, artists|date=5 March 2011|publisher=Ynetnews|accessdate=23 March 2011}}</ref> [[Joel and Ethan Coen]],<ref name="">{{cite news |title=Coen Brothers: Boycotting Israel is a mistake |author=Amit Kling |url= |newspaper=Haaretz |agency=City Mouse Online, Haaretz Service |date=15 May 2012 |accessdate=16 September 2012}}</ref> [[J. K. Rowling]],<ref name="Wolpe">Wolpe, David. [ "Boycotting Israeli Authors Is an Affront to Free Speech"]. ''Time''. 29 June 2016.</ref> [[Hilary Mantel]],<ref name="Wolpe" /> [[Helen Mirren]],<ref name="Wolpe" /> and [[Ziggy Marley]],.<ref name="">{{cite news |title=Reggae star Ziggy Marley rejects calls to boycott Israel |author=Karolyn Coorsh |url= |newspaper=The Jerusalem Post |date=20 July 2011 |accessdate=16 September 2012}}</ref> Novelist [[JonIan Bon JoviMcEwan]],<ref name=upon being awarded the Jerusalem Prize, was urged to turn it down, but said that "ReferenceA">http://wwwIf I only went to countries that I approve of, I probably would never get out of bed.jpost [.com/Not-Just-News/Which-celebs-are-proanti-Israel-the-Complete-Guide-434404</ref>..] andIt's [[Howardnot Stern]]great if everyone stops talking."<ref name="ReferenceAy2011-03-05" />

Novelist [[Ian McEwan]], upon being awarded the Jerusalem Prize, was urged to turn it down, but said that "If I only went to countries that I approve of, I probably would never get out of bed. [...] It's not great if everyone stops talking."<ref name="y2011-03-05" />

Creative Community for Peace, founded in late 2011, is an anti-BDS organization made up of music executives and music representatives of bands including [[Aerosmith]], [[Celine Dion]], [[Lady Gaga]], [[Jennifer Lopez]], and [[Justin Timberlake]].<ref>{{cite news |title=Music moguls to artists: Don't boycott Israel |author=Danielle Berrin |url= |work=Jewish Journal |date=25 April 2012 |accessdate=16 September 2012}}</ref>

===Public figures===

AttorneyFamed attorney and Harvard professor, [[Alan Dershowitz]], wrote an entitled article in which he said there were "Ten Reason Why BDS is Immoral and Hinders Peace".<ref>Dershowitz, Alan. [ "Ten ReasonsHis Whyten BDSreason Isare: Immoral and Hinders Peace."]</ref></blockquote>

#"The BDS movement immorally imposes the entire blame for the continuing Israeli occupation and settlement policy on the Israelis."

#"...emboldens the Palestinians to reject compromise solutions to the conflict."

#"...its leaders will never be satisfied with the kind of two state solution that is acceptable to Israel."

#" violates the core principle of human rights: namely, 'the worst first'."

#" would hurt the wrong people." would encourage Iran."

#" focuses the world’s attention away from far greater injustices, including genocide."

#" promotes false views regarding the nation state of the Jewish people, exaggerates its flaws and thereby promotes a new variation on the world’s oldest prejudice, namely anti-Semitism."

#"... it reflects and encourages a double standard of judgment and response regarding human rights violations."

#"The BDS movement will never achieve its goals."<ref>Dershowitz, Alan. [ "Ten Reasons Why BDS Is Immoral and Hinders Peace."]</ref></blockquote>

[[Israeli President]] [[Reuven Rivlin]] describes Israel as a land that is used to debate, criticism, and controversy, but that BDS is an attempt to influence healthy discussion in unhealthy ways. "Boycotts, violence, and incitement only deepen divides, and don't bring us any closer to a solution. When BDS takes over, criticism turns into camouflage for the de-legitimization of the existence of the State of Israel," Rivlin wrote in a 2016 op-ed published on [[Ynetnews]].<ref name="Rivlin">Rivlin, Reuven. [,7340,L-4784050,00.html "Taking Down BDS"]. Ynetnews. 28 March 2016.</ref> He added, "I'm sorry to say that some parts of BDS even include factions which are connected to enemies of the State of Israel, and who work in order to eradicate Israel as a Jewish state. Some of them are even worse, and hide their anti-Semitism by calling their actions 'criticism of Israeli policy.'"<ref name="Rivlin" />

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===Trade unions===

In December 2015, the executive board of the [[United Auto Workers]], one of the largest unions in the U.S., struck down a vote by UAW Local 2865 to support the BDSboycott, divestment and sanctions movement. Local 2865 represents students workers on the [[University of California]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=United Auto Workers Reject Boycott of Israel|access-date=2016-09-23}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=United Auto Workers International Overturns Local Union's BDS Vote {{!}} Jewish & Israel News||access-date=2016-09-23}}</ref> In their decision to overturn the vote, the UAW executive board wrote:

:"...the essential question raised by this appeal is whether a local union, acting in response to a motion presented at a membership meeting, may adopt its own official position on an issue that is contrary to one endorsed by an International Union President and affirmed by the Regional Director as the official position of the UAW. The answer to that question under the UAW Constitution is that it may not."<ref></ref>


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* The [[ad hominem]] argument claims that personal attacks of BDS supporters are logically irrelevant, because they focus on individuals' character, acts, and/or motivation, rather than on the arguments for or against the BDS initiative in and of themselves.<ref name=Michaelson />

* Butler argues that the allegation of anti-Semitism springs necessarily from a false "generalizations about all Jews", presuming that "they all share the same political commitments" while ignoring a view prevalent among some Jews who were "exceedingly critical" of the state.<ref name="Buttler" /> A similar line of reasoning was developed by [[Omar Barghouti]], who claims that those who criticize BDS as an attack on all the Jewish people are equating the latter with state of Israel.<ref>[ Why the boycott movement scares Israel], ''[[The New York Times]]'', 31 January 2014.</ref>

* Suggested similarities between BDS and boycott imposed on Jews by antisemitism<ref name=Brackman/><ref name="SWC"/> have been challenged by Daniel Blatman, Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the Hebrew University.<ref name="Blatman">Blatman, Daniel. [ Not anti-Semitism but hysteria], ''[[Haaretz]]'', 18 June 2015.</ref> Blatman, a liberal Zionist and an opponent of BDS, argues that "the boycott imposed on Jews by antisemitism and the boycott of Israel today have nothing in common... The antisemitic boycott movement was directed against the authorities who had not acted against those who were not considered to belong to the nation, and even deemed the nation'snation’s enemy. The Israeli equivalent of the boycott movement can be found in right-wing circles, who have called for a boycott of Arab produce...."

==See also==