Dr. Manuel Pizarro Technical School

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Template:Technical school The EET N°479 Dr. Manuel Pizarro <<Escuela de Educación Técnica n°479 "Dr. Manuel Demetrio Pizarro>> is an institution of gender professional technical located in downtown Santa Fe Argentina. Founded in 1932, and she had gone professional, technical and chemicals that are recognized nationally and internationally. In 2008, was declared a World Heritage Site by the Government of Santa Fe for his extreme action in the education.

Organization of School

The school consists of 32 classrooms of which 14 are for classes, three large classrooms and three workshops aimed at teaching Computer and Multimedia, a staff room, the regency, address, vicedirección, head of the workshop, Boards of Chemistry, the central courtyard, two lobbies, preceptoria, room cleaning, bathing men (the biggest), women's bathroom, two rooms Technical drawing (an extensive and another waning). The years of course are six and are in March to November, for all courses.

Geographical location

This school for years, teaching and professional training Young of the city, located n the heart of Santa Fe, has always accompanied the development of many people through the advancement and Technical educated, with many of the 'keepers do the energy that moves the world. In the photo, the area where the school houses, home to most of its students and staff

It is located in central-east of the city: suburb North Candiotti .In this area, living most of those attending the institution, including faculty, administrative and hygiene. The location of the school favors at all, because students who attend classes, almost all living round the school very close to it. For others it is not the same, they have to come by bicycle or by bus. Some live outside the city. When you have to come to study and take responsibility for the study, when it rains or the means of transportation conducted measures of force, it becomes very difficult. It rains, the city is flooded, and transport and unemployment, there are no vehicles to transport. In such cases, the school had to suspend its activities on several occasions.


The workshops are from school rooms or barns where are the manifest activity "axis" of the school, being technical. In this setting, are two large barns. Example: one is for Metal Mechanics, which is currency in two others: Molding and Casting', and Blacksmith and Welding. So too is true of the free room Electromechanics, which is divided into sections according to the school year was extended. Below are issued for each and ordered to courses where they are manifested, and the period of rotation.

First year: Workshops curricular (rotate every two months)

  • Computer.......... Dario Fernandez
  • Carpentry.......... Enrique Pierotti - Raul Mozas
  • Electricity.......... Pablo DiSanti - Osvaldo Centis
  • Electronics.......... Norberto Gonzalez
  • Adjustment.......... Fabian Gonzalez
  • Industry processes.......... Daniel Larpín - Luis Orellano

Second year: Workshops curricular (Every two months 1/2, rotate)

Third to Sixth year - Career Technical biological


Third to Sixth year - Career Technical electromechanical


Technical equipment and installations electromechanical

The Regional Technical / to be trained for skills development for general and specific:

  • Planning, design and conduct of assembly equipment and industrial installations.
  • Operate equipment and industrial installations.
  • Carry out pre and corrective maintenance of industrial facilities.
  • Conduct and interpret electromechanical projects.
  • Generate and / or participate in enterprises.

Areas of competence

Referring to the powers above, the Technical / will perform in various operational areas such as production plant, testing laboratory, fractionation and dispatch, research and development, management and marketing.

Process Industries (Chemistry)

The Regional Technical will be trained to develop competencies for general and specific:

  • Operate and control of plant operations and processes physical-chemical and biological.
  • Conduct and interpret analysis and testing physical, chemical and microbiological From raw materials, inputs, * process materials, products, effluents and environment.
  • Joining processes, operations and testing methods.
  • Generate and / or participate in enterprises.

Areas of competence

Referring to competition identified, / Technical / will perform in different areas as operational control and effluent treatment liquid and gaseous emissions, plant production, laboratory, fractionation and dispatch, research and development, management and marketing.


Esta escuela es la mejor de la ciudad de Santa Fe. Por ser así, tiene los profesores de calidad profesional en Mathematics, Chemistry, Drawing, Electricity, PCL, entre otros. Pero el bajo rendimiento se siente, a pesar del enorme esfuerzo producido por los magisterios de la institución, y se busca revertir las dificultades. En First year, se ha desarrollado una baja calidad educativa desde 2004, donde los alumnos tenían que cursar nuevamente este año, o también, muchos reprobaban pares de materías, e incluso, varios han reaprobado todas las asignaturas, pero no han asistido a Instancias Adicionales de apoyo y Seguimiento Evaluativo (IAAySE). Desde 2007, las ofertas formativas promocionales han aumentado al menos, un 3% respecto de 2006 (1%), 2005 (0,3%). En 2008, los números de repetidores en todos los cursos ha disminuido un 14% respecto de 2005, que fué el año (o es algunos de los años), donde se proyectó la más grande saldada de repetidores.


The establishment establishing the February 17, 1932, as the School of Arts and Crafts under the province of Santa Fe, in a house street Mariano Comas No. 2441, beginning its activities through teaching Blacksmith, carpentry and Small Industries.

In 1936, is now called School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

On April 9, 1941, is inaugurated in building itself into Av. Gral. Peace 4250 and is calledDr. Manuel D. Pizarro, out that Minister of Public Instruction and encourage technical education, expanding the learning trades: Torneros Mechanical, Electrical, coil and Usina, reflective mechanisms, Motor Mechanics, Galvanising, Smelters, Carpenters models and Herreros .

In the year 1955 happens to depend on the establishment of the National Government and the year 1993, is carried out the transfer of Technical Schools the scope of national ministries of education of the Province of Santa Fe.

75 years of School Pizarro, April 18, 2007

Seventy years of a school, is a story full of facts and events, stages of progress, renovations, changes and adjustments that have strengthened favourably to the institution over the years, currently available for development tasks Classrooms in addition to educational theory, Classrooms Special Workshops: Electro, Metal-Mechanical, lathe Numeric, tornadoes, Motors, Chemistry, Room Multimedia, computer rooms, laboratories: Measurements electricity, microbiology, chemistry, Hall Acts, all of these facilities allow an adequate development of school activities.

An entire life dedicated to technical education, from its humble beginnings to the present, trying to give the company a high quality skilled manpower in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Technical Chemicals, titles that have been appropriate to the implementation of the Law Federal Education.

The years passed, memories invade in our minds, get in our classrooms and workshops to youngsters, share with them the stage of adolescence and the slow transformation toward maturity sensitizes us, we are receiving from their triumphs and failures, we recognize their values and their aspirations, we encourage their efforts to overcome, their dreams and future projects.

The shared experience of what is intense and know that our young people, with effort and hard work, studying and refined today, we will find converted into highly trained men and women, play prominent positions in companies or institutions provincial, national or abroad or develop professional activities independent individuals and gratified us fills us with pride.

They show us that it is not in vain effort that the Faculty has made and invests in their training. The School Pizarro made them both successful wrestlers and to a lesser or greater extent.

For young students, powerful force of positive energy, are the best wishes of this educational community that is always present in the memories of yesterday, today's living and the expected future.
