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* [[Species Plantarum]] - the first attempt at an encyclopedia of plants

==Geographical Codes==

The geographical distribution is indicated by a series of two letter codes.

{| class="wikitable"


! Two Letter Code

! Geographical Region


| Al

| [[Albania]]


| Au

| [[Austria]] with [[Liechtenstein]]


| Az

| Açores ''([[Azores]])''


| Be

| [[Belgium]]


| Bl

| Islas Baleares ''([[Balearic Islands]])''


| Br

| [[Great Britain]], including [[Orkney]], [[Zetland]] and [[Isle of Man]]; excluding [[Channel Islands]] and [[Northern Ireland]]


| Bu

| [[Bulgaria]]


| Co

| Corse ''([[Corsica]])''


| Cr

| Kriti (Creta) ''([[Crete]])'' with [[Karpathos]], [[Kasos]] and [[Gavdhos]]


| Cz

| Czechoslovakia ''([[Czech Republic]])''


| Da

| Denmark


| Fa

| Færöer ''([[Faroe Islands]])''


| Fe

| [[Finland]] (Fennia), including Ahvenanmaa ''([[Åland Islands]])''


| Ga

| [[France]] (Gallia), with the [[Channel Islands]] (Îles Normandes) and [[Monaco]]; excluding Corse ''([[Corsica]])''


| Ge

| [[Germany]]


| Gr

| [[Greece]], excluding those islands included under Kriti ''([[Crete]])'' (supra) and those which are outside [[Europe]] as defined for Flora Europaea


| Hb

| [[Ireland]] (Hibernia); both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland


| He

| [[Switzerland]] (Helvetia)


| Ho

| [[Netherlands]] (Hollandia)


| Hs

| [[Spain]] (Hispania) with [[Gibraltar]] and [[Andora]]; excluding Islas Baleares ''([[Balearic Islands]])''


| Hu

| [[Hungary]]


| Is

| [[Iceland]] (Islandia)


| It

| [[Italy]], including the Arcipelago Toscano; excluding Sardegna and Sicilia


| Ju

| Jugoslavia ''([[Yugoslavia]])''


| Lu

| [[Portugal]] (Lusitania)


| No

| [[Norway]]


| Po

| [[Poland]]


| Rm

| [[Romania]]


| Rs

| Territories of the former U.S.S.R.


| Rs(N)

| ''Northern Division'': Arctic Europe, Karelo-Lapland, Dvina-Pecora


| Rs(B)

| ''Baltic Division'': [[Estonia]], [[Latvia]], [[Lithuania]], Kaliningradskaja Oblast'


| Rs(C)

| ''Central Division'': Ladoga-Ilmen, Upper Volga, Volga-Kama, Upper Dnepr, Volga-Don, Ural


| Rs(W)

| ''South-western Division'': Moldavia, Middle Dnepr, Black Sea, Upper Dnestr


| Rs(K)

| Krym (Crimea)


| Rs(E)

| ''South-eastern Division'': Lower Don, Lower Volga, Transvolga


| Sa

| Sardegna ''([[Sardinia]])''


| Sb

| Svalbard, comprising Spitsbergen, Björnöya (Bear Island) and Jan Mayen


| Si

| Sicilia, with Pantelleria, Isole Pelagie, Isole Lipari and Ustica; also the Malta archipelago


| Su

| [[Sweden]] (Suecia), including Öland and Gotland


| Tu

| [[Turkey]] (European part), including Gökçeada (Imroz)



