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== Field of art ==

Schult has been called "one of the most important performance artists of our day".<ref>[http://books.google.com/books?id=3ZfXe_Elv6YC&pg=PA6&lpg#v=onepage&q&f=false Nico Schröter, Kai Giesler and Philipp Kohde, ''LOVE LETTERS BUILDING - Postfuhramt Berlin Mitte - ein Denkmal im Sog von Werbung und Marketing''] (Technische Universität Cottbus, 2002), p. 6.</ref> He primarily uses trash as an artistic material, but also creates happenings at the cost of millions of dollars.<ref>For the immense costs of the "Crash" happening, see Colin Naylor, ''Contemporary Artists'' (St. James Press, 1989), p. 850.</ref> For instance, for the privilege to install 1000 "trash people" on the [[Great Wall of China]], he had to pay 4 million marks.<ref>''Flash Art'', 231, 2003, 73.</ref> In Cologne, a happening staged by Schult involving "19 luxury cars worth a total of over 4 million marks (1.8 million dollars)" caused what was described by one source as the "world's most expensive traffic jam".<ref>[http://www.news24.com/xArchive/Archive/The-worlds-most-expensive-traffic-jam-20010508 news24: The world's most expensive traffic jam].</ref> "Like a traditional artist uses brushes, colors and canvas", Alexander Borovsky says, "HA Schult relates to emotions, expectancy, fear and even superstition of his mass-audience. By making this all to material for his actions, he releases a certain displacement."<ref>[http://www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/oekoglobe/aktuelles/rom_flyer_180510.pdf University of Duisburg-Essen: OekoGlobe: Aktuelles].</ref>. The artist calls himself a "Macher", a German word that can mean a "maker" or "worker." Schult's public extravaganzas have sometimes been compared with those of [[Christo]].<ref name=artnews/><ref>[http://www.inspiredminds.de/detail.php?id=28 "HA Schult: Beautiful Trash."], ''[[Deutsche Welle]]: Inspired Minds''.</ref> Schult describes himself as an ardent proponent of the "new ecological consciousness" and was referred to as an "eco-art pioneer" by [[Washington Post]] writer Rachel Beckman.<ref name=Beckman>{{cite news|last=Beckman|first=Rachel|title=Throwaway art: don't trash it|newspaper=[[Washington Post]]|date=April 12, 2008}}</ref> Art historian Jens Christian Jensen wrote about Schult: "I do not know another German artist who grasps his tasks so comprehensively, no one who has such a sense of feeling for that what matters in our times. In HA Schult the gap has been closed that has been for 200 years between art and the public."{{verify source|date=August 2012}}<ref>"Ich kenne keinen deutschen Künstler, der seine Aufgabe dermaßen umfassend begreift, keinen, der die Witterung für das besitzt, was unsere Gegenwart umtreibt. Bei Schult ist die Kluft geschlossen, die seit fast zweihundert Jahren zwischen Kunst und Öffentlichkeit klafft." Jens Christian Jensen, "HA Schult – bleibt die Kunst auf der Strecke?" in ''HA Schult: Die Welt in der wir atmen'', exh. cat., Kunsthalle Kiel, 1974, pp. 47-49. Reprinted as Jens Christian Jensen, "Kunst und Leben" in Eugen Thiemann, Christel Denecke, Dieter Treeck and Hans Rudolf Hartung (eds.), ''HA Schult der Macher'' (Cologne: Rheinland Verlag, 1978), p. 380.</ref>

== Works ==