HTMA Nutritional Balancing - Wikipedia

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hTMA Nutritional Balancing (overview)

hTMA (hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) nutritional balancing is biochemistry screening guided nutrition. hTMA is a tissue biopsy used to determine an individual's unique biochemical profile (hTMA biochemistry screening, see example hTMA report). The hTMA data is then used to guide clinical therapeutic nutrition. Hair tissue mineral analysis is a screening tool that can be applied in any phase of therapy and any area of the healthcare field. If a patient is suffering from an illness or syndrome and the cause cannot be easily identified, or if therapy is unsatisfactory, hTMA can be very useful. hTMA screening reveals an individual's unique cellular metabolic activity in a way which is unattainable through most other types of health screening. hTMA can help pinpoint metabolic disturbances as well as indicate the appropriate corrective clinical nutrition required to resolve the dysfunction. hTMA is clinically effective for evaluating toxic metal exposure and accumulation, and can indicate the level of toxic metal body burdens.


Periodic Table of Elements

Elemental minerals are fundamental to the science of hTMA and nutritional balancing. Cells utilize nutritional minerals both for nourishment, and in functional operations. Because of this, the ratios and levels of nutrient minerals impact biological functioning at the cellular level. Optimal balance of elemental minerals can be accomplished through hTMA and the nutritional balancing protocol. Toxic heavy metals exist in all aspects of our environment, air, water, soil, food and homes and workplaces. When the protective nutrient minerals are not available in a high enough ratio to protect against the heavy metals, the heavy metals will accumulate in the body tissues. hTMA screening can identify the levels and ratios of the toxic metals.

hTMA science

hTMA science is the study of how elemental nutrient mineral levels and ratios affect cellular function (biochemistry). Cells utilize minerals to nourish, build and repair. So the overall health of an organism is directly related to cellular health. It is important to understand that the health of a cell can be optimized. Clinically applied science of hTMA screening has been used for decades. Scientific contributors include leading-edge researchers and innovative clinicians from several distinct branches of knowledge; soil science, animal health and performance, and human performance, nutrition and medicine.

Nutritional Balancing science

Nutritional Balancing science is a clinical nutrition-based corrective protocol sometimes referred to as the science of human energy. It combines ancient and modern scientific theories, including; The concept of metabolically preferred minerals. Elemental (periodic table) mineral balancing. Biochemical individuality. Metabolic typing. Orthomolecular medicine. Adaptation syndrome and the stress theory of disease. Holistic wellness. Chinese yin yang theory. Cybernetics. Fractal mathematics. Bioenergetics (vitality). Biological transmutation. Predictive medicine. Restorative and functional medicine. Quantum physics. hTMA Spectroscopy (and more).

Hair is one of the biological sample tissues of choice used by the Environmental Protection Agency in determining toxic metal exposure. A 1980 EPA report[1] states that hair can be effectively used for biological monitoring of the highest priority toxic metals. The EPA report confirms findings of other studies which also conclude that hair may be a more appropriate tissue for studying exposure to some trace metals.

Brief Historical Background

hTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) is a well established diagnostic procedure used by medical professionals and researchers worldwide. hTMA has been used for decades in animal research, and for identifying metal toxicity in humans. hTMA is an E.P.A. recommended testing protocol for metal toxicity, such as lead. Using hTMA for ‘biochemistry optimization’ is a more recent advancement (within the last 40 years). hTMA nutritional balancing is an evolving science with proven clinical success.

hTMA for nutrition therapeutics was first developed by colleagues Dr. Paul Eck [1925-1996] and Dr. David L. Watts during the 1970s and '80s. After Dr. Eck's untimely death, his family took over operation of his lab, Analytical Research Labs, Inc.. Dr. Watts founded the Trace Elements Laboratory. Currently, Dr. Watts is the Director of Research at Trace Elements Lab, and in this position he has significantly advanced the science of hTMA for use in therapeutic nutrition. Today, ongoing research projects, and state-of-the-art technologies have led to highly precise hTMA analytical data.

How hTMA Nutritional Balancing Works (the short version)

Chronic illness develops in stages, over time. Environmental illnesses result from exposure to environmental toxicity. Physical, biochemical and emotional stressors deplete the body of nutrients. These combined health assaults result in the accumulation of toxic elemental metals in tissue, and negatively disrupt body chemistry.

hTMA nutritional balancing slowly and safely reverses this degenerative/disease process. Hair tissue mineral analysis identifies biochemical mineral levels and ratios, and reflects the current state of metabolism, stress response and cellular energy production. It also identifies the current body burden of common toxic heavy metals. An individualized protocol is then developed to address any imbalances, reverse degeneration and revitalize cellular metabolism (energy).

Molecular Biology and Elemental Chemistry

In multi-cellular organisms (such as human beings), adaptive capabilities are at their best when their cells are functioning optimally. For this to happen, mineral levels and ratios must be properly balanced. Because we live in a world with magnified environmental and social stressors, maintaining balance (adaptation) is an ongoing challenge.

Toxic body burden can be identified with hTMA screening. The hTMA nutritional balancing protocol effectively replaces toxic heavy metals with biologically preferred minerals. It does this by providing the specific nutrients needed to optimize your unique biochemical profile. This molecular-level optimization enhances the body's ability to better manage the persistent toxic exposures and increased nutritional demands we experience daily.

hTMA data provides detailed information about energy availability and performance capacity. The hTMA nutritional balancing protocol is used to rebalance and optimize biochemistry, maximizing biological function and overall performance.

hTMA a Scientific Approach to Disease Prevention

As the current health/disease care system moves from one crisis to another with steadily increasing costs, primarily for drugs and surgeries, many different plans and solutions are offered to try to solve the problems. A major part of the problem with our health/disease care system is that it is dominated and driven by a disease paradigm that is too simplistic and obsolete for many of our current health care needs.

The solution to many of our health care problems, both psychological and medical, has to do with changing our conceptual models and paradigms. A substantial evolution in our thinking about health/disease care is needed if we are going to make the fundamental changes that will help more people prevent disease and maintain their health at a high level of functioning, including a strong immune system. A highly effective laboratory tool that would support a solid scientific approach to disease prevention and health maintenance is hair tissue mineral analysis (hTMA).

Hair mineral analysis is gaining interest as health/disease care costs skyrocket and people are looking for better answers to their health concerns. In the 1970s and '80s, significant progress was made in understanding the vital health information identified in a hTMA. In particular, it was discovered that a hair mineral analysis revealed a great deal about the impact of stress on a person's life and on their health. Endocrinology pioneer Dr. Hans Selye's three stages of stress are instrumental in understanding hTMA data.

Biochemically, stress is a complex balancing-act between the autonomic nervous system's parasympathtic and sympathetic activities. Generally speaking, healing requires you to be in a parasympathtic dominant state, while any "fight or flight" like behavior depends on sympathetic dominance. Your ability to cope with stress, and benefit from it, is determined by how well your body manages environmental stressors. Responding to, and then recovering from, stressors is managed by the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal gland relationship, called the HPA axis. So healthy function of the body's HPA axis is an important aspect to stress management and stress response.

Decades of hTMA research has led to significant advancements in the understanding of mineral interrelationships and their biological effects. By applying hTMA knowledge to the elemental nutrients and their endocrine relationships, we are now able to apply integrative nutritional therapeutics that are highly effective, comprehensive and individually-specific.

"Through proper interpretation, there exists a unique ability to recognize abnormal processes from trace mineral patterns found in the hair and other tissues. With specific dietary modifications, restoration of a more normal biochemical balance can be achieved, thereby eliminating many nutritionally related endocrine, neurological and even emotional disturbances."
-- David L. Watts, Ph.D.

Over 40 years ago, researchers understood that, in nutritional deficiency states the functional capacity of many different cell types are altered. In fact, both under-nutrition and over-nutrition can alter immune responsiveness (Chandra, 1977). Today, hTMA informed nutritional balancing therapy can be used to assess, and address, both absolute deficiencies (mineral levels below ideal) and relative deficiencies (imbalanced mineral ratios of synergistic elements). The science of hTMA provides practitioners with the clinical information needed to help patients transform distress into eustress.

The strength of valid hTMA interpretations depends on having a conceptual framework that has a meaningful scientific and clinical foundation. Selye's three stages of stress and Dr. George Watson's oxidation types (fast and slow) are cornerstones of this conceptual framework. The vast amount of scientific knowledge regarding the autonomic nervous system and the energy producing endocrine glands (adrenals and thyroid) also support this interpretive conceptual framework.

On a practical level, having precise ideal nutrient mineral levels that are very close to biological values lends great support to valid interpretations of hair analysis data. Having precise ideal nutrient mineral levels, i.e. calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc. for hair analysis interpretation also provides a sound basis for establishing the ideal ratios between nutrient minerals.

In addition to having precise ideal nutrient mineral levels, another important aspect of a hair mineral analysis is that the ratios between pairs of nutrient minerals convey vital information. The relationships between different nutrient minerals are reflected in these ratios. The ratios between nutrient minerals are important for understanding a hair mineral analysis because these minerals help to regulate important psychological and physiological functions. The levels of nutrient minerals measured in a hair mineral analysis are very important. But, perhaps even more important are the ratios between certain nutrient minerals. This is because many of these minerals are involved in regulating important physiological and metabolic functions such as blood sugar, blood pressure, heart rhythm, and nerve transmissions.

As human populations get sicker and sicker at younger age levels, hair analysis norms will depart further from the earlier biological norms that were established about 30 years ago. In a study that was published in 2005, the developmental hair analysis data on children ages 6, 12, and 18 showed the effect of estrogen in slowing the metabolic rate of females much faster than males over time. We now understand that this is due primarily to the (cumulative) effect of excess estrogen and copper (Cu) exposure, increasing from one generation to the next.

Copper Toxicity Increases Over Generations

Copper Toxicity Increases Over Generations

Copper toxicity increases exponentially over generations. A female child born to a mother who has a copper excess will begin life with a higher copper level than her mother began life. Throughout her developing years, such a female child is likely to accumulate more and more copper in her tissues, especially during pre-adolescence and adolescence when her own estrogen production increases. She is likely to give birth to children who will absorb higher amounts of copper than she absorbed in utero. In each succeeding generation, this cycle is likely to repeat itself resulting in more and more children born with significant copper excesses. This process of transmitting more and more copper in utero from one generation to the next with increasing amounts of excess copper building up and accumulating to toxic levels in each generation is likely to produce an epidemic of psychological and physical problems associated with excess tissue copper. This is primarily due to the fact that excess copper tends to be stored in the brain and in the liver.

The increasing numbers of children and adolescents who have learning and behavior problems can be partly related to the accumulation and transmission of excess copper from one generation to the next. Such a trend has very serious implications for families, schools, and society in general. The incidence rates of Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder are likely to continue to increase as excess copper is transmitted from one generation to the next. Aggressive and violent behavior also will tend to increase with the build up of excess tissue copper levels. Addictive cravings and addictive behavior also are likely to increase. Depression and panic attacks will likely also increase in frequency.

Nutrient Interrelationships: Minerals · Vitamins · Endocrines

Elemental Mineral Interrelationships
Elemental Mineral Interrelationships

Nutritional therapeutics has largely been directed toward the recognition and correction of nutritional deficiencies. It is now becoming evident that a loss of homeostatic equilibrium between the nutrients can also have an adverse effect upon health. A loss of this vital balance, particularly between the trace elements, can lead to subclinical deficiencies.

Nutrient interrelationships are complex, especially among the trace elements. A mineral cannot be affected without affecting at least two other minerals, each of which will then affect two others, etc. Mineral relationships can be compared to a series of intermeshing gears which are all connected, some directly and some indirectly. Any movement of one gear (mineral) will result in the movement of all the other gears (minerals). The extent or effect upon each gear (mineral) will depend upon the gear size (mineral quantity), and the number of cogs in the gear (number of enzymes or biochemical reactions the mineral is involved in). This meshwork of gears goes beyond just the mineral relationships, extending to and affecting the vitamins, hormones and neurological functions.

Extensive research involving tissue mineral analysis (TMA) of human hair and other tissues has led to significant advancements in the understanding of mineral relationships. This knowledge can now be further applied to the vitamin and endocrine relationships, resulting in a comprehensive, integrative approach to nutritional therapeutics.

The understanding of nutrition and its important role in health is continually developing and becoming more accepted as an intricate part of health care, particularly among today's progressive health care providers. In the book Nutrition Immunity and Infection, Mechanisms of Interactions, R. K. Chandra states that "... the function of many cell types have been found to be altered in nutritional deficiency states." Chandra reported his observations that not only undernutrition, but overnutrition can alter immune responsiveness. This is especially true of trace element nutrition, in that too much of an element can be as detrimental as too little. Absolute mineral deficiencies are rare today, however relative deficiency states are common. With a better understanding and application of these concepts, a more comprehensive eclectic approach to health care can be realized, thus avoiding the examples of nutritional roulette (prescribing supplementation based on "educated" guesswork). Specific application of the known stimulatory and sedative substances to individual treatment may then lead to improved responses with fewer undesirable side effects.

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Classification of Foods and Water

By understanding the neuroendocrine influence of nutrients, especially the trace elements, any substance can then be categorized. Foods, water, herbs and drugs will all fall into either a stimulatory (sympathetic) or sedative (parasympathetic) category. Foods and water are classified according to their predominant mineral content or inhibitory mineral absorptive effects. Drug classification can be based upon their sympathomimetic-sympatholytic or parasympathomimetic-parasympatholytic effects as well as their effect upon mineral metabolism, absorption and excretion.

Food Classification
Naturally occurring substances in foods can inhibit the absorption of minerals. For example, oxalic acid found in foods such as spinach, beet greens and others can combine with calcium in the intestinal tract, rendering it unabsorbable. Phytic acid reduces calcium and zinc absorption and is prevalent in cereal grains and wheat. Soaking these foods to reduce their acid content is often advocated. However, in looking at their mineral content, we find that they are still high in stimulatory minerals relative to the sedative minerals and can be classified as stimulatory (sympathetic) in nature. The mineral content of foods will vary according to that of the soils in which the food is grown, as well as processing methods and type of cooking utensils used in preparing it (copper, aluminum, etc.).
Protein Foods
Protein has the highest Specific Dynamic Action (SDA), and therefore produces the greatest increase in the metabolic rate (sympathomimetic). Part of the effect is due to the calcium and magnesium excretion produced by protein. High density proteins have a higher SDA than low density proteins, with beef having a greater action than fish or fowl, and vegetable protein having the lowest SDA.
Hard water, which has a high total hardness is usually alkaline. The sedative minerals calcium and magnesium are also usually high relative to the stimulatory minerals, and therefore, is considered sedative (parasympathetic). Softened water is considered stimulatory (sympathetic) as it has low total solids and is generally acidic while dominant in the stimulatory minerals, especially sodium. The use of herbs can also be made more specific based upon their stimulatory or sedative effects. Continuing research on herbs has revealed their high mineral content, and they are being classified accordingly. An example of a sedative (parasympathetic) herb is horsetail. Its mineral content is high in calcium and magnesium relative to sodium and potassium. As with foods, the mineral content of herbs will vary depending upon the soils in which they are grown.
Drugs can be categorized by their sympathomimetic or parasympathomimetic action, which mimics sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system activity. Some of the sympathetic inducing drugs include epinephrine, phenylephrine and methoxa-mine.[2] Other drugs produce a sympathetic action by affecting neurotransmitter release. These include ephedrine, tyramine and amphetamines. These drugs are commonly used in the treatment of bronchial spasms associated with manifestations of asthma and allergies. Sympatholytic drugs can be considered sedative in that they block sympathetic activity centrally or peripherally by inhibiting or blocking neurotransmission. Centrally acting sympathetic inhibitors include clonidine and methyldopa. Their common trade names are Catapres, Aldomet and Aldoril. Reserpine and rauwolfia are alkaloids that prevent the synthesis and storage of norepinephrine, while gua-nethidine blocks its release. Some trade names are Diupress, Harmonyl and Isme-lin. Alpha and beta receptor blockers are prazosin, phenoxybenzarhine, propanolol, nadolol and metoprolol. Their common trade names are Minipress, Dibenzyline, Lopressor, Corgard and Inderal. These drugs are commonly used in the treatment of hypertension. Parasympathomimetic drugs include, acetycholine, muscarine, pilocarpine, methacholine and carbamylcholine. Other drugs that potentiate the effects of aceto-choline are neostigmine, physostigmine, pyridostigmine and carbamylmethylcholine chloride. These drugs are commonly used in the treatment of neurological or neuromuscular disturbances such as myasthenia gravis. For a further listing of sympathetic and parasympathetic drugs consult the Physicians' Desk Reference. Drugs also interfere with nutrient absorption and retention. As an example, antacids, laxatives, anticonvulsants, corticosteroids and antibacterial agents are known to produce a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D.[3] They exert a chelating action upon calcium and antagonize the metabolic effects of vitamin D. Prolonged use can lead to rickets, osteomalacia and other calcium deficiency disorders. An individual's nutritional status in turn can also affect the metabolism of drugs.[4][5][6]

Classification of Disease Processes

In order to be able to use the above information, we should become aware of disease conditions that manifest as sympathetic or parasympathetic disorders. The following is a partial list of conditions that can be classified accordingly. This list is compiled as a result of clinical research and evaluation of over 100,000 TMA profiles submitted by doctors throughout the country. This list should not be considered complete or absolute as there are always exceptions. For instance, hypertension can occur both sympathetically and parasym-pathetically due to different causative factors. An increase in sympathetic stimulation does contribute to hypertension, but arterio and athero-sclerosis can also produce hypertension, either sympathetically or parasympathetically. Sympathetic Parasympathetic Anxiety Arthritis (osteo) Arthritis Allergies (rheumatoid) (low histamine) Allergies (histamine) Asthma A.L.S. A.I.D.S. Hypertension Anorexia Hyperthyroid Fungus Hyperadrenia Hypotension Hodgkins Hypothyroid Leukemia Hypoadrenia Infections (bacterial) Infections (viral) Myasthenia Gravis Lupus Multiple Sclerosis P.M.S. Ulcers Yeast (peptic or duodenal) Ulcers (gastric) Diabetes Diabetes (juvenile) (adult onset) Nutritionally Induced Deficiencies Nutritionally induced deficiencies (relative or absolute), are not uncommon and have often been brought about by nutritional megadosing. Megadosing, especially of single nutrients, which may occasionally be called for, will produce a pharmacological reaction. The response to mega therapy's high nutrient intake (vitamin or mineral) can be interference with the utilization of another nutrient, thus becoming an antivitamin or antimineral. The results may be favourable but, if continued for long periods, could eventually produce an induced deficiency of another nutrient. As an example, excessive vitamin E intake will produce signs and symptoms similar to a vitamin A deficiency. Supplementation of vitamin A will counteract the effects of vitamin E and will eventually produce a vitamin D deficiency. These side effects could be prevented simply by reducing the intake of vitamin E. As another example, if a patient is experiencing calcium deficiency symptoms and is not responding to 800, or 1000 milligrams of calcium supplementation per day, the clinician's first inclination is to increase the dosage, perhaps two or three times this amount. This may improve the patient's symptoms but, even after several months, reduction in calcium intake will result in an almost immediate return of symptoms. In order to maintain the patient in an asymptomatic state, the dosage requirements will usually increase with time rather than decrease. If the synergists and antagonists of calcium are considered, such as the addition of vitamin D, magnesium, or copper, and the reduction of vitamin E, vitamin A, potassium, phytic and oxalic acid foods, the patient may respond to only 400 milligrams of calcium supplementation per day.

Optimizing Biochemistry with hTMA

Optimizing biochemistry (mineral balancing) is about having the proper mineral levels and ratios to support optimum cellular function. hTMA test results are used to guide specific mineral supplementation and clinical nutrition recommendations to help restore biochemical balance. hTMA also is an effective toxicology screen, data is used to monitor detoxification progress. With hTMA information, nutritional balancing can be directed to optimize and maximize performance.

An individual's response-ability (the ability to respond) is determined at the cellular level. Robust health and immune function, sustained energy, cognitive performance and emotional stability all require that metabolic processes are working properly at the cellular level.

Two significant problems have been on the rise for generations.

  1. Toxicity. Exposure to a pervasive toxic environment. Our immune function and adaptation capabilities are continually having to respond to increasing levels of stressors.
  2. Nutritional Deficiency. Because of the dominant industrial agribusiness production model, most food is nutrient deficient. Our bodies are well-fed but undernourished.

One out of every four deaths in the United States is from cancer. hTMA is effective for cancer prevention. Every kind of health problem is increasing. Never before seen diseases and disorders are appearing. Environmental degradation is rampant. Infertility plagues all life species.

Optimizing Performance via Biochemistry Balancing

Balancing biochemistry is not controversial. In fact, you are doing it right now. That is, literally all activities (conscious, subconscious, and autonomic) impact your biochemistry. Breath is a simple example of this, breathing ultimately oxygenates the cells in your body. Cells operate electro-biochemically using elemental nutrient minerals. Cells effect all of the macro-processes involving life within complex multi-cellular organisms (like you). Even thinking effects biochemistry. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all doing things to optimize (or balance, i.e., homeostasis) our biochemistry all of the time. This is because our body knows that balanced biochemistry provides the best performance, and offers the best shot at survival.

"Human potential is the great wasted resource. Just as a lightbulb has the potential to glow but cannot display its power without energy, so does the human mind always have the potential – but it cannot display that potential without the energy to do so." --Dr. Paul Eck

Generally speaking, we are not well educated regarding our own biochemistry and specifically how behavior effects its delicate balance. For example, if we are tired, we might use a stimulant like coffee, or an energy drink, or eat a sugary snack. If we are wired, we might drink a beer (or more) or take a psychoactive drug such as a prescription pharmaceutical or marijuana. We are smart enough to know that these activities affect biochemistry, but not educated enough to understand how they also create biochemical chaos. Uninformed biochemistry rebalancing behaviors lead to many types of undesirable consequences (health and personal). This is why it is preferable to balance biochemistry scientifically, guided with hTMA lab results identifying an individual's unique biochemical profile. Intelligent biochemical balancing involves individualized supplementation and clinical nutritional therapeutics. And education. Learning what's good for you—and what's best to avoid.

hTMA for Health Screening (toxicity screen)

hTMA has been shown clinically and in research to be an excellent tissue to monitor toxic metal exposure in both human and animal studies. Animals receiving 300 parts per million of cadmium in drinking water had an average intake of 4.5 milligrams over 12 weeks. Peak levels were reached in the liver, kidneys and hair in 4 weeks. In animals exposed to lesser amounts, a peak was reached at 7 weeks in the kidneys, and 9 weeks in the liver and hair. Blood levels remained consistently low despite continuous exposure, and did not correlate with or reflect kidney or liver concentrations. Whereas, hair cadmium levels did correlate with kidney and liver concentrations. It has been concluded by this and many other studies that hair can be used as an indicator of wholebody accumulation, and that blood is not a good indicator of accumulation. (Dep. Hyg. Karolinska Inst. Stockholm. Arch. Environ. Health , 1972).

A nationwide survey of 1774 children 15 years of age was performed on those living near lead smelters and those not exposed to smelters. The results of the study revealed that blood levels of the heavy metals were not elevated in most of the exposed children; whereas, elevated levels of lead and cadmium were detected in the hair, thereby providing evidence of exposure. (Am. J. of Epidem., 1977). Hair analysis can also be used to evaluate the nutritional status and toxic metal exposure of the fetus through the testing of the mother's hair (Arch. Environ. Hlth., 1974), as well as to monitor the use of addictive drugs (JAMA 1989).

Hair is accepted as an effective tissue for biological monitoring of toxic heavy metals by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and is being used for this purpose throughout the world. Hair tissue is ideal for biomonitoring in that it fits the following criteria;

  • Accumulates all the important trace elements.
  • Commonly available tissue.
  • Easily collected, stored and transported.
  • Specimens can easily be resampled.
  • Present in polluted and nonpolluted areas.
  • Content correlates with environmental gradients of metals.
  • Sufficient science of background and exposure data.

Hair is especially suitable for biological monitoring for exposure assessment as well as global, regional, and local surveillance monitoring. The use of hair has advantages over other tissues. Monitoring metals in the urine measures the component that is excreted. Blood on the other hand, measures the component that is absorbed and temporarily in circulation before it is excreted and/or sequestered into storage depots. (EPA 600/380089, 1980.)

Serum Blood and hTMA Screens

Serology and hTMA for biochemical analysis are both informative, with important distinctions that should be understood in order to obtain the appropriate data required for the specific analysis requirement. Hair can be sampled inexpensively, easily and painlessly and can be sent to the lab without special handling requirements. Clinical results show that a properly obtained sample can give an indication of mineral status and toxic metal accumulation following long term, or acute exposure. A hTMA assay reveals metabolic intracellular activity most other tests cannot identify. This provides a blueprint of the biochemistry occurring during the period of hair growth and development. Comparative examples:

  • 30 to 40 days following acute exposure, elevated serum levels of lead may be undetectable. This is due to the body removing the lead from the serum as a protective measure. The metal is deposited into such tissues as the liver, bones, teeth and hair.
  • Nutrient loss from the body can become so advanced that severe health conditions can develop without any appreciable changes noted in the same nutrient levels shown in a blood test.
  • Symptoms of elemental deficiency can be present much before low levels can be detected in the serum.
  • Excess sodium is associated with hypertension, but adequate amounts are required for normal health.

Hair is used as one of the tissues of choice by the Environmental Protection Agency in determining toxic metal exposure. E.P.A. states that human hair can be used effectively for biological monitoring of the highest priority toxic metals. This confirms findings of other studies in the U.S. and abroad, which conclude human hair may be a more appropriate tissue than blood or urine for studying toxic exposure to some trace elements

  • Serology (blood analysis) for minerals is a good indicator of the transport of minerals to and from the storage areas of the body (extracellular).
  • Hair tissue mineral analysis is a good indicator of the metabolic processes occurring within the cells (intracellular).

The blood and serum do contain minerals, but they may not be completely representative of the body's mineral storage. In many cases, the serum level of minerals is maintained at the expense of tissue concentration (homeostatic mechanisms). Serum concentrations may fluctuate with emotional changes, the time of day the blood is drawn, or foods eaten prior to taking a sample. For example, serum magnesium can fluctuate depending upon the blood drawing technique. The longer the tourniquet is applied, the higher the magnesium rises as a result of tissue hypoxia. Also, symptoms of iron deficiency can be present long before low serum levels can be detected, as iron deficiency symptoms before anemia is very common.

Excess accumulation of minerals in the body are often undetected in the serum due to their removal from the blood for deposition into the tissues. When this occurs, the mineral may fail to be excreted through the urine or intestinal tract. Thirty to forty days following an acute exposure to the toxic metal lead, for instance, elevated serum levels may be undetectable as a result of the body's removing the lead from the serum as a protective measure and depositing the metal into such tissues as the liver, bones, teeth, and hair.

Minerals may fluctuate between the serum and tissues in acute or chronic conditions. This is seen with copper and iron during infections, inflammatory disorders, and certain malignancies. Also, calcium loss from the body can become so advanced that severe osteoporosis develops without any appreciable changes noted in the blood levels of calcium.

hTMA Screen Distinctions

  • Hair specimens can be collected more quickly and easily than blood, urine, or any other tissue, using a non-invasive method.
  • Hair analysis is more cost-effective than mineral testing through other means.
  • Unlike blood, hair is less susceptible to the homeostatic mechanisms that quickly affect trace element levels.
  • Long-term deviations of mineral retention or losses are more easily detected in hair than blood.
  • Concentrations of most elements in the hair are significantly higher than found in the blood and other tissues.
  • Hair provides a record of past as well as present trace element levels, i.e. biological activity.
  • Hair provides information of substances entering the hair from the blood serum as well as from external sources.
  • Hair is invaluable in the assessment of toxic metal levels.

Criticism and Legitimate Concerns

Often, critics and proponents harbor an agenda. Either because their particular world-view is challenged, or more typically, there is a profit motive. Understanding this, most criticism and claims in science should be carefully evaluated. For instance, some criticism directed toward hTMA is irrelevant because it is based on data that is over 20 years old. Since that time, there have been many important research discoveries, particularly in recent years. Improved laboratory techniques, procedures, and modern laboratory instrumentation have revealed new understandings about the biochemistry of nutrient minerals, as well as the effects of toxicity on biochemistry. Leading-edge research in biochemistry, physiology, performance nutrition, molecular physiology and chemistry, the association-induction hypothesis, and quantum mechanics have all influenced hTMA and nutritional balancing science and understanding.

The reasoning behind the main opposition to hTMA can be seen in an article is entitled, Commercial Hair Analysis: A Cardinal Sign of Quackery,[7] written by Stephen Barrett, a retired psychiatrist. In response, Mr. Barret's argument is thoughtfully addressed by Dr. D. Watts, Director of Research, Trace Elements Laboratory. Please read, hTMA Facts, Re: Quackwatch Fiction.

hTMA directed nutritional balancing science is dynamic and evolving. Advances in hTMA can be likened to advances in computer technology, which is never static. Over the past few decades, millions of hTMA assays have been performed at labs around the world. Modern laboratory techniques, procedures, instrumentation, and reporting have been well refined. When a hair sample is properly obtained, analyzed and interpreted, it is a proven economical screening tool for toxic metal exposure, and a valuable indicator of nutrient interrelationships and nutritional status of the individual.

Legitimate Concerns. The validity of the laboratory science of hTMA is extensively researched and well documented, and the efficacy of nutritional therapeutics based on hTMA is clinically demonstrated. That said, there are legitimate reasons for concern in the area centered around the practitioners providing hTMA services and nutrition consultation. Presently there is no governing institution monitoring the certification and accreditation of hTMA guided nutritional balancing practitioners. Due to this fact, there are unqualified individuals identifying themselves as NB practitioners. hTMA nutritional therapy is generally safe, yet therapeutically quite powerful. And however well-meaning, an unqualified practitioner may inflict harm. Questionable practitioners reflect poorly on the science of hTMA nutritional balancing, and misrepresent the field of legitimate, qualified practitioners. Understand that hTMA is not a perfect science, data is based on statistical norms. For this reason, at times practitioners may need to modify a lab's recommended supplementation protocol based on their professional clinical experience, and an intimate knowledge of the individual patient's health history.

Here is an example of what to avoid in a practitioner. Questionable practitioners sometimes modify lab recommendations based on personal messages they receive from their "spiritual guides," or space aliens, such as Pleiadians and Andromedans. This type of behavior and the unverifiable, improbable claims may explain why there is skepticism about hTMA nutritional balancing.

Qualifications to Look For in a Practitioner

"Analogous to the recognition that FDA-approved drugs are neither safe nor effective, many individuals have determined (from experience) that medical licenses do not guarantee competence." - Roger W. Wicke, Ph.D.

hTMA for use in therapeutic nutrition is a science, and an art. Accurate hTMA test interpretation requires a high-level of expertise and experience. Medical training, a background in biomedical science and familiarity with biochemical research in the field of hTMA are critical for accurate analysis and interpretation of hTMA lab results. Please verify the credentials of your practitioner. Without a thorough knowledge of nutritional biochemistry, a background in biomedical science, and familiarity with biochemical research in the field of hTMA, accurate analysis and interpretation of hTMA lab reports will continue to be less than optimal.

Finding a good practitioner is challenging. It is important to find a qualified practitioner that you trust. Directory listings of healthcare practitioners are not necessarily the best way to find a great practitioner. To ensure best results, choose a practitioner with lots of happy patients! Word-of-mouth is how most people find the practitioner that they are most happy with. Proper education, certification, and clinical experience are important. Do your homework, interview the practitioner. Trust your intuition.

Research Support

There have been many research programs for studying and establishing trace element concentrations in human hair (e.g. TEMA: Trace Elements in Man and Animals) that have been implemented since 1965 by the International Atomic Energy Agency. These programs were coordinated under Nuclear-Based Methods for the Analysis of Pollutants in Human Hair. Since that time many scientific conferences have been held to present the use of hair as a biological marker and the development of analytical techniques applied to hair mineral assay. These Human Hair Symposiums included a vast list of contributors from many Universities and research centers, some of which include:

  • Cleveland Clinic, Ohio
  • University of Texas, Houston
  • University of Aston, England
  • Texas Medical School
  • Emory University, Atlanta
  • Universidad de Chili
  • CDC Atlanta
  • Slade Hospital, England
  • McGill University, Montreal
  • University of Miss., Hattiesburg
  • University of TN., Memphis
  • USDA Albany, CA
  • University of Leeds, England
  • Mayo Medical School, Minn.
  • Army Medical Center, Presidio
  • New York University, NY
  • Wayne State University, Detroit
  • University of Ca., SF
  • IAEC, Vienna
  • University of SC, Charleston
  • University of Rochester
  • University of Toronto, Ontario
  • Georgia State University, Atlanta
  • University of Witwatersrand, Africa
  • Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia

Additional contributors, further reading: "Hair, Trace Elements and Human Illness" Ed. Brown, AC, Crounse, RG. Prager Pub. 1980

hTMA Science — References (partial)

New research continues as more independent-minded scientific researchers begin to discover hTMA's application for biochemistry optimization. Refer to hTMA Science — References for the following references; Pull-quotes (comments) from various reports and research projects; Books — Specifically About Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (hTMA); Books — Related to hTMA and Nutritional Balancing Science; Medical Journals, Periodicals — Articles and Special Reports

A Google search for "lab hair analysis" returns more than 2,000,000 results.

Additional references supporting the use of hTMA in research and healthcare (partial list).

  • Trace Elements and Other Essential Nutrients. Watts, D.L. T.E.I., 1995.
  • Hair, Trace Elements, and Human Illness. Eds. Brown, A.C., Crounse, R.G. Praeger Pub.1980.
  • Hair Analysis. Applications in the Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. Chatt, A., Katz, S.S. VCH Pub. 1988.
  • Human Hair Vol. 1. Fundamentals and Methods for Measurement of Elements Composition. Valkovic, V. CRC Press. 1988.
  • Human Hair, Vol II. Trace-Element Levels. Valkovic, V. CRC Press. 1988.
  • Laboratory Tests For The Assessment Of Nutritional Status. Sauberlich, H.E., et al. CRC Press. 1984.
  • Trace Substances in Environmental Health. Ed. Hemphill, D.D. Univ. Mo. Columbia. 1972-1986.
  • Analysis of Zinc levels In Hair for the Diagnosis of Zinc Deficiency in Man. Strain, W.H., et. al. J. Lab. Clin. Med., 1966.
  • Determination of Aluminum, Copper, and Zinc in Human Hair. Stevens, B.J. Atomic Spectroscopy. 1983.
  • The use of Hair as a Biopsy Material for Trace Elements in the Body. Katz, S.A. Am. Lab. 1979.
  • Hair Trace Element Levels and Environmental Exposure. Hammer, D.l., et. Al. Am. J. Epid. 1971.
  • Hair Chromium Concentration of Human Newborn and Changes During Infancy. Hambridge, K.M., Baum, J.D. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 1972.
  • Trace Element Nutriture and Metabolism Through Head Hair Analysis. Strain, W.H., et al. Trace Substances in Environmental Health. Ed. Hemphill, D.D. Univ. Mo., Columbia. 1974.
  • Lead in Hair in Children with Chronic Lead Poisoning. Kopito, L., et al. New Eng. J. Med. 1967.
  • Chronic Plumbism in Children: Diagnosed by Hair Analysis. Kopito, L., et al. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 1968.
  • Magnesium Content of Hair in Alopecia Areata Atopica. Cotton, D., et al. Dermatologica. 1976.
  • Hair Manganese Concentrations in Newborns and Their Mothers. Saner, G., et al. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 1985.
  • Elevated Hair Copper Levels in Idiopathic Scoliosis. Pratt, W., Phippen, W. Spine. 1980.
  • Low levels of Zinc in Hair, Anorexia, Poor Growth, and Hypogeusia in Children. Hambridge, K.M., et a!. Peadiatr. Res. 1972.
  • Hair Minera.l Levels and their Correlation with Abnormal Glucose Tolerance. Tamari, G.M., Rona, Z. Cytobiological Rev. 1985.
  • Hair and Urine Chromium Content in 30 Hospitalized Female Psychogeriatric Patients and Mentally Healthy Controls. Vobecky, J., et al. Nur. Rep. Inti. 1980.
  • Hair as an Indicator of Excessive Aluminum Exposure. Yokel, R.A. Clin. Chem. 1982.
  • Comparison of Concentrations of Some Trace, Bulk and Toxic Metals in the Hair of Normal and Dyslexic Children. Capel, I.D., et al. Clin. Chem. 1981.
  • Hair Zinc Concentrations in Diabetic Children. Amodor, M., et al. Lancet. 1975.
  • Blood pressure in Young Adults as Associated with Dietary Habits, Body Conformation, and Hair Element Concentrations. Medeiros, D.M., et al. Nutr. Res. 1982.
  • Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium in Hair from Neonates with Cystic Fibrosis and in Amniotic Fluid from Mothers of such Children. Kopito, L., et al. Pediatrics. 1972.
  • Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, and Zinc Concentrations in the Hair of Individuals Living in the United States. Interface. 1973.
  • Hair Analysis for the Observation of Magnesium Deficiency or Excess. Strain, W. Magnesium in Health and Disease. Spectrum Pub. 1980.
  • Trace Elements in Scalp-Hair of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis. Ryann, D., et al. Clin. Chem. 1980.
  • Concentration of Chromium in the Hair of Normal Children and Children with juvenile Diabetes Mellitus. Hambridge, K.M., et al. Diabetes. 1968.
  • Interrelationships of Blood and Hair Mercury Concentrations in a North American Population Exposed to Methylmercury. Phelps, R. W. , et al. Arch. Environ. Hlth. 1980.
  • Measurement of Mercury in Human Hair. Giovanoli-Jakubczak, T., et al. Arch. Environ. Hlth. 1974.
  • On Nickel Contents in Urine and Hair in a Case of Exposure to Nickel Carbonyl. Hagedom-Gotz, H. et al. Arch. Tox. 1977.
  • Hair Chromium Concentration and Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease. Cote. M., et al. Chromium in Nutrition and Metabolism. Eds. Shapcott, D., Hubert, J. Elservier Press. 1979.
  • Arsenic Concentration in Drinking Water, Hair, Nails, Urine, Skin-Scale and Liver Tissue of Affected People. Chatergee, D.D., et al. Analyst. 1995.
  • Arsenic Levels in Hair of Workers in a Semiconductor Facility. De Peyster, A., et al. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. Vol. 56. 1995.
  • Studies on the Concentrations of Arsenic, Selenium, Copper, Zinc and Iron in the Hair of Blackfoot Disease Patients in Different Clinical Stages. Wang, C.T., et al. Eur. J. Clin. Biochem. 1994.
  • Beard Calcium Concentration as a Marker for Coronary Heart Disease as Affected by Supplementation with Micronutrients including Selenium. MacPherson, A., et al. Analyst. 1995.
  • Hair Chromium Content of Women with Gestational Diabetes Compared with Nondiabetic Women. Aharoni, A., , et al. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 1992.
  • Cadmium, Copper, Lead and Zinc Concentrations in Human Scalp and Pubic Hair. Wilhelm, M., et al. Sci. Tot. Environ. 1990.
  • Lithium in Scalp Hair of Adults, Students, and Violent Criminals. Effects of Supplementation and Evidence for Interactions of Lithium with Vitamin B12 and with Other Trace Elements. Schrauzer, G.G., et al. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 1992.
  • Concentration of Magnesium in Hair of Inhabitants of Down-Town Krakow, The Protective Zone of Steel-Mill "Hutaim Sendzimira" and Tokarania Village. Solarska, K., et al. Przel Lek. 1995.
  • Iron, Copper, Cadmium, Zinc and Magnesium Contents of Urinary Tract Stones and Hair From Men with Stone Disease. Durak, I., et al. Euro. Urol. 1990.
  • Effects of Long-Term Anticonvulsants Therapy on Copper, Zinc, and Magnesium in Hair and Serum of Epileptics. Suzuki, T., et al. J. Bioi. Psychiatry. 1992.
  • Metals in Hair as Biological Indices for Exposure. Foo, S.C., et al. Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Hlth. 1993.
  • Mercury Levels in Hair from People Eating Large Quantities of Swedish Freshwater Fish. Okarsson, A., et al. Food Addit. Contam. 1990.
  • Use of Hair Analysis for Evaluating Mercury Intoxication of the Human Body. Katz, S.A., Katz, R.B. J. Appl. Toxicol. 1992.
  • Nickel in Nails, Hair and Plasma from Nickel-Hypersensitive Women. Gammelgaard, B., et al. Acta. Derm. Venereol. 1990.
  • Platinum in the Human Diet, Blood, Hair and Excreta. Vaughan, G.T., Florence, T.M. Sci. Tot. Environ. 1992.
  • Determination of Hair Trace Elements in Childhood Celiac Disease and in Cystic Fibrosis. Varkonyi, A., et al. Acta. Ped. 1992.
  • Study of Correlation of Selenium Content in Human Hair and Internal Organs by INAA. Cheng, Y.D., et al. Bioi. Trace Elem. Res. 1990.
  • Emission Spectrophotometric Analysis of Titanium, Aluminum, and Vanadium Levels in the Blood, Urine, and Hair of Patients with Total Hip Replacement. Trinchi, V., et al. J. Orthop. Traumatol. 1992.
  • Hair Zinc and Copper Concentrations and Zinc: Copper Ratios in Pediatric Malignancies and Healthy Children from Southeastern Turkey. Donma, M.M., et al. Bioi. Trace Elem.Res. 1993
  • Hair Zinc and Dietary Zinc Intake During Pregnancy and Puerperium. Carbone, P., et al. J. Obstet. Gyn. Reprod. Biol. 1992.
  • Relationship Between Zinc in Serum and Hair and some Hormones During Sexual Maturation in Humans. Vivoli, G., et al. Sci. Tot. Environ. 1990.
  • Trace Elements Nutritional Status. Use of Hair as a Diagnostic Tool. Contiero, E., Folin, M. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 1994.
  • Trace Elements in the Hair of Healthy and Malnourished Children. Weber, C.W., et al. J. Trop. Pediatr. 1990.
  • Study on the Relation of Selenium, Manganese, Iron, Strontium, Lead, Zinc, Copper, and Calcium to Liver Cancer Mortality from Analysis of Scalp Hair. Wang, Y.X., et al. Sci. Tot. Environ. 1990.
  • Trace Elements in Hair as Related to Exposure in Metropolitan New York. Creason, J.P., et al. Clin. Chem. 1975.
  • Analysis Of Copper And Lead In Hair Using The Nuclear Microscope; Results From Normal Subjects, and Patients With Wilson's Disease and Lead Poisoning. Watt, F., et al. Analyst Vol.120, 1995.
  • Hair Iron Content: Possible Marker to Complement Monitoring Therapy of Iron Deficiency in Patients with Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Bisse, E., et al: Clin. Chem. Vol.42, 1996.
  • Monitoring of Cadmium, Copper, and Lead and Zinc Status in Young Children Using toenail: Comparison with Scalp Hair. Wilhelm, M., et al: Sci. Tot. Environ. Vol. 103, 1991.
  • Traceelements in Full-Term Neonate Hair. Moro, R. et al: J. TraceElem. Electrolytes Health Dis. Vo1. 6, 1992.
  • Coronary Atherosclerosis and Chemical Traceelements in the Hair. A Canonical Correlation Study of Autopsy Subjects, Using and Atheromelric System and the X-ray Flurorescence Analysis. Fernandez-Britto, J.E., et al: Zentralbl Pathol. Vol. 139, 1993.
  • Hair Analysis of Spastic Children in Hong Kong. Man, C.K., et al: Sci. Tot. Environ. Vol. 191, 1996.
  • Age-Related Decreases in Chromium Levels in 51,665 Hair, Sweat, and Serum Samples from 40,872 Patients – Implications for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Davies, S., et al: Metabolism. Vol. 46, 1997.
  • Impact of Reduction of Lead in Gasoline on the Blood and Hair Lead Levels in the Population of Tarragona Province, Spain, 1990–1995. Schuhmacher, M., et al: Sci. Tot. Environ. Vol. 184, 1996.
  • Hair Lead Levels Related to Children's Classroom Attention-Deficit Behavior. Tuthill, R.W. Arch. Environ. Health. Vol. 51, 1996.

Further reading


  • Trace Elements and Other Essential Nutrients – Dr. David L. Watts
  • The Strands of Health: Understanding Hair Mineral Analysis – Dr. Rick Malter, Ph. D.
  • Mental and Elemental Nutrients – Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph. D., M.D.
  • The Physiology of Stress: the Neuroendocrine System – Mary F. Asterita
  • The Stress of Life – Hans Selye
  • Stress Without Distress – Hans Selye
  • Stress in Health and Disease – Hans Selye
  • Nutrition and Your Mind – The Psychochemical Response – George Watson
  • Personality Strength and Psychochemical Energy – George Watson
  • Your Body is Your Best Doctor! (Formerly, Health Versus Disease) – Melvin E. Page
  • Hair, Trace Elements, and Human Illness – A.C. Brown
  • Energy: The Science of Human Energy, Interviews with Dr. Paul Eck – Chatsworth

hTMA Laboratories and Non-Commercial Organizations

See also


  1. ^ Jenkins, D. (1980). BIOLOGICAL MONITORING OF TOXIC TRACE METALS. VOLUME 2. TOXIC TRACE METALS IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS OF THE WORLD. PART I (EPA600380090). Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
  2. ^ Guyton, AC (1971). Textbook of Medical Physiology, 4th Ed. Saunders Pub.
  3. ^ Roe, DA (1980). Drug Induced Nutritional Deficiencies. Conn.: AVI Pub.
  4. ^ Becking, GC (1970). "Hepatic Drug Metabolism in Zinc Deficient Rats". Biochem. Pharmacol. 19.
  5. ^ Dingell, JV (1966). "Impairment of Drug Metabolism in Calcium Deficiency". Biochem. Pharmacol. 15.
  6. ^ Catz, GS (1970). "Effects of Iron, Riboflavin and Iodide Deficiencies on Hepatic Drug-Metabolizing Systems". Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 174.
  7. ^ Barrett, Steven. "Commercial Hair Analysis: A Cardinal Sign of Quackery". Retrieved 19 February 2013.