Islamic State

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The Islamic State (IS) (Arabic: الدولة الإسلامية ad-Dawlah l-ʾIslāmiyyah), formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL ; Arabic acronym: داعش Dāʿish) or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS ),[a] is a Sunni jihadist group in the Middle East. In its self-proclaimed status as a caliphate, it claims religious authority over all Muslims across the world[65] and aspires to bring most of the Muslim-inhabited regions of the world under its political control[66] beginning with Iraq, Syria and other territories in the Levant region which include Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Cyprus and part of southern Turkey.[67] It has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, and has been described by the United Nations[68] and Western and Middle Eastern media as a terrorist group and by other countries such as Colombia[69] as a fundamentalist and extremist organization. The United Nations and Amnesty International have accused the group of grave human rights abuses.

Islamic State

الدولة الإسلامية (Arabic)
ad-Dawlah l-Islāmīyyah

Motto: باقية وتتمدد (Arabic)
"Bāqiyah wa-Tatamaddad" (transliteration)
"Remaining and Expanding"

As of 4 September 2014

  Areas controlled by the Islamic State

  Areas claimed by the Islamic State

  Rest of Iraq and Syria

Note: map includes uninhabited areas.

CapitalAr-Raqqah, Syria[3][4]

• Caliph[7]


• Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant declared

3 January 2014[8][9]

• Caliphate declared

29 June 2014[7]
Time zoneUTC+3 (Arabia Standard Time)
Islamic State
الدولة الإسلامية (Arabic)

Flag of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

Dates of operation2004–present[13][14] (under various names)[15]
HeadquartersAr-Raqqah, Syria
Active regions
IdeologySunni Islamism
Salafist Jihadism
Worldwide Caliphate
Part ofal-Qaeda (2004[18]–2014)[19]
Opponents NATO[25][26][27]


Iraq Sunni Iraqi Insurgents

Iran Iran[33]

Iraq Iraq

Kurdistan RegionAutonomous Administration of North and East Syria Kurdish forces

Assyrian people Assyrian forces

Syria Syria[43]

Syria Syrian Opposition[44][45][46]

United States United States (aerial operations)[48]

Lebanon Lebanon

Turkey Turkey

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Indonesia Indonesia

Battles and wars

ISIS is the successor to Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn—later commonly known as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)—formed by Abu Musab Al Zarqawi in 1999, which took part in the Iraqi insurgency against American-led forces and their Iraqi allies following the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[67][70] During the 2003–2011 Iraq War, it joined other Sunni insurgent groups to form the Mujahideen Shura Council and consolidated further into the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI ).[70][71] At its height it enjoyed a significant presence in the Iraqi governorates of Al Anbar, Nineveh, Kirkuk, most of Salah ad Din, parts of Babil, Diyala and Baghdad, and claimed Baqubah as a capital city.[72][73][74][75] However, the violent attempts by the Islamic State of Iraq to govern its territory led to a backlash from Sunni Iraqis and other insurgent groups circa 2008, which helped to propel the Awakening movement and a temporary decline in the group.[70][76]

ISIS grew significantly under the leadership of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi gaining support in Iraq as a result of alleged economic and political discrimination against Iraqi Sunnis. Then, after entering the Syrian Civil War, it established a large presence in the Syrian governorates of Ar-Raqqah, Idlib, Deir ez-Zor and Aleppo.[77] In June 2014, it had at least 4,000 fighters in its ranks in Iraq.[78] It has claimed responsibility for attacks on government and military targets and for attacks that killed thousands of civilians.[79] In August 2014, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed that the number of fighters in the group had increased to 50,000 in Syria and 30,000 in Iraq.[63] ISIS had close links to al-Qaeda until February 2014 when, after an eight-month power struggle, al-Qaeda cut all ties with the group, reportedly for its brutality and "notorious intractability".[80][81]

ISIS’s original aim was to establish a caliphate in the Sunni-majority regions of Iraq, and following its involvement in the Syrian Civil War this expanded to include controlling Sunni-majority areas of Syria.[82] A caliphate was proclaimed on 29 June 2014, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—now known as Amir al-Mu'minin Caliph Ibrahim—was named as its caliph, and the group was renamed the Islamic State.[7]

Name and name changes

Since its formation in early 1999; as Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād, "The Organization of Monotheism and Jihad" (JTJ), the group has had a number of different names, including some that other groups use for it.[13][70]

In October 2004, the group leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi swore loyalty to Osama bin Laden and changed the name of the group to Tanẓīm Qāʻidat al-Jihād fī Bilād al-Rāfidayn, "The Organization of Jihad's Base in the Country of the Two Rivers," more commonly known as "Al-Qaeda in Iraq" (AQI).[13][83] Although the group has never called itself "Al-Qaeda in Iraq", this name has frequently been used to describe it through its various incarnations.[15]

In January 2006, AQI merged with several smaller Iraqi insurgent groups under an umbrella organization called the "Mujahideen Shura Council." This was little more than a media exercise and an attempt to give the group a more Iraqi flavour and perhaps to distance al-Qaeda from some of al-Zarqawi's tactical errors, notably the 2005 bombings by AQI of three hotels in Amman.[84] Al-Zarqawi was killed in June 2006, after which the group direction shifted again.

On 12 October 2006, the Mujahideen Shura Council joined four more insurgent factions and the representatives of a number of Iraqi Arab tribes, and together they swore the traditional Arab oath of allegiance known as Ḥilf al-Muṭayyabīn ("Oath of the Scented Ones").[b][85][86] During the ceremony, the participants swore to free Iraq's Sunnis from what they described as Shia and foreign oppression, and to further the name of Allah and restore Islam to glory.[c][85]

On 13 October 2006, the establishment of the Dawlat al-ʻIraq al-Islāmīyah, "Islamic State of Iraq" (ISI) was announced.[13][87] A cabinet was formed and Abu Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdadi became ISI's figurehead emir, with the real power residing with the Egyptian Abu Ayyub al-Masri.[88] The declaration was met with hostile criticism, not only from ISI's jihadist rivals in Iraq, but from leading jihadist ideologues outside the country.[89] Al-Baghdadi and al-Masri were both killed in a US–Iraqi operation in April 2010. The next leader of the ISI was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the current leader of ISIS.

On 8 April 2013, having expanded into Syria, the group adopted the name "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant", also known as "Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham."[90][91][92] The name is abbreviated as ISIS or alternately ISIL. The final "S" in the acronym ISIS stems from the Arabic word Shām (or Shaam), which in the context of global jihad (e.g. Jund al-Sham) refers to the Levant or Greater Syria.[93][94] ISIS was also known as al-Dawlah ("the State"), or al-Dawlat al-Islāmīyah ("the Islamic State"). These are short-forms of the name "Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham" in Arabic; it is similar to calling the United States of America "the States".[95]

ISIS's detractors, particularly in Syria, refer to the group as "Da'ish" or "Daesh", (داعش), a term that is based on an acronym formed from the letters of the name in Arabic, al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Iraq wa ash-Sham.[96][97] The group considers the term derogatory and reportedly uses flogging as a punishment for people who use the acronym in ISIS-controlled areas.[98][99]

On 14 May 2014, the United States Department of State announced its decision to use "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL) as the group's primary name.[97] The debate over which acronym should be used to designate the group, ISIL or ISIS, has been discussed by several commentators.[94][95]

On 29 June 2014, the establishment of a new caliphate was announced, and the group formally changed its name to the "Islamic State".[7][100][101][d]

In late August 2014, a leading Islamic authority Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah in Egypt advised Muslims to stop calling the group "Islamic State" and instead refer to it as "Al-Qaeda Separatists in Iraq and Syria" or "QSIS", due to the militant group's un-Islamic character.[103][104]

List of names

These names are discussed above.

  • al-Dawlah ("the State")
  • al-Dawlat al-Islāmīyah ("the Islamic State")
  • AQI : Al-Qaeda in Iraq : Tanẓīm Qāʻidat al-Jihād fī Bilād al-Rāfidayn
  • Da'ish / Daesh (داعش) : al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Iraq wa ash-Sham
  • ISI : Islamic State of Iraq : Dawlat al-ʻIraq al-Islāmīyah
  • ISIL : Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
  • ISIS : Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham
  • Islamic State
  • JTJ : Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād : The Organization of Monotheism and Jihad
  • Mujahideen Shura Council
  • QSIS : Al-Qaeda Separatists in Iraq and Syria

Ideology and beliefs

ISIS is a Sunni extremist group that follows al-Qaeda's hard-line ideology and adheres to global jihadist principles.[105][106] Like al-Qaeda and many other modern-day jihadist groups, ISIS emerged from the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, the world’s first Islamist group dating back to the late 1920s in Egypt.[107] ISIS follows an extreme anti-Western interpretation of Islam, promotes religious violence and regards those who do not agree with its interpretations as infidels or apostates. Concurrently, ISIS—now IS—aims to establish a Salafist-orientated Islamist state in Iraq, Syria and other parts of the Levant.[106]

ISIS's ideology originates in the branch of modern Islam that aims to return to the early days of Islam, rejecting later "innovations" in the religion which it believes corrupt its original spirit. It condemns later caliphates and the Ottoman empire for deviating from what it calls pure Islam and hence has been attempting to establish its own caliphate.[108] However, some Sunni commentators, including Salafi and jihadi muftis such as Adnan al-Aroor and Abu Basir al-Tartusi, say that ISIS and related terrorist groups are not Sunnis, but modern-day Kharijites—Muslims who have stepped outside the mainstream of Islam—serving an imperial anti-Islamic agenda.[109][110][111][112] Other critics of ISIS's brand of Sunni Islam include Salafists Saleh Al-Fawzan, who claims that Western forces are behind ISIS, and Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi.[112]

Salafists such as ISIS believe that only a legitimate authority can undertake the leadership of jihad, and that the first priority over other areas of combat, such as fighting non-Muslim countries, is the purification of Islamic society. For example, when it comes to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, since ISIS regards the Palestinian Sunni group Hamas as apostates who have no legitimate authority to lead jihad, it regards fighting Hamas as the first step toward confrontation with Israel.[113][114]


Since 2004, the group's goal has been the foundation of an Islamic state in the Levant.[115][116] Specifically, ISIS seeks the establishment of a caliphate, a type of Islamic state led by a group of religious authorities under a supreme leader—caliph—who is believed to be the successor to Mohammed.[117] In June 2014, ISIS published a document which it claimed linked ISIS's leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to the prophet.[117] That same month, ISIS removed "Iraq and the Levant" from its name and began to refer to itself as the Islamic State, declaring the territory that it occupied in Iraq and Syria a new caliphate and naming al-Baghdadi as its caliph.[7] By declaring a caliphate, al-Baghdadi was demanding the allegiance of all devout Muslims according to Islamic jurisprudence—fiqh.[118] ISIS has also stated: "The legality of all emirates, groups, states and organizations becomes null by the expansion of the khilafah's [caliphate's] authority and arrival of its troops to their areas."[117] ISIS thus rejects the political divisions established by Western powers at the end of World War I in the Sykes–Picot Agreement as it absorbs territory in Syria and Iraq.[119][120][121]

Territorial claims

On 13 October 2006, the group announced the establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq, which claimed authority over the Iraqi governorates of Baghdad, Anbar, Diyala, Kirkuk, Salah al-Din, Nineveh and parts of Babil.[87] Following the 2013 expansion of the group into Syria and the announcement of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the number of wilayah—provinces—which it claimed increased to 16. In addition to the seven Iraqi wilayah, the Syrian divisions, largely lying along existing provincial boundaries, are Al Barakah, Al Kheir, Ar-Raqqah, Al Badiya, Halab, Idlib, Hama, Damascus and the Coast.[122] After taking control of both sides of the border in mid-2014, ISIS created a new province incorporating both Syrian territory around Albu Kamal and Iraqi territory around Qaim. This new wilayah was designated al-Furat.[123] In Syria, ISIS's seat of power is in Ar-Raqqah Governorate. Top ISIS leaders, including Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, are known to have visited its provincial capital, Ar-Raqqah.[122]


British security expert Frank Gardner concluded that the group's prospects of maintaining control and rule were greater in 2014 than they had been in 2006. Despite being as brutal as before, ISIS has become "well entrenched" among the population and is not likely to be dislodged by ineffective Syrian or Iraqi forces. It has replaced corrupt governance with functioning locally-controlled authorities. Services have been restored and there are adequate supplies of water and oil. With Western-backed intervention being unlikely, the group will "continue to hold their ground" and rule an area "the size of Pennsylvania for the foreseeable future", he said.[124][125]

Ar-Raqqah in Syria is the de facto capital of the Islamic State. It is said to be a "test case" or "show case" of ISIS governance.[126] As of September 2014, governance in Ar-Raqqah is under the total control of ISIS, where it has rebuilt the structure of modern government in less than a year. Former government workers from the Assad regime maintain their jobs after pledging allegiance to ISIS. Institutions, restored and restructured, are providing services. The Ar-Raqqah dam continues to provide electricity and water. Foreign expertise supplements Syrian officials in running civilian institutions. Only the police and soldiers are ISIS fighters, who receive confiscated lodging previously owned by non-Sunnis and others who fled. Welfare services are provided, price controls established, and taxes imposed on the wealthy. Exporting oil from oilfields that it has captured brings in tens of millions of dollars.[125][127] ISIS runs a soft power program in the areas under its control in Iraq and Syria, which includes social services, religious lectures and da'wah—proselytizing—to local populations. It also performs public services such as repairing roads and maintaining the electricity supply.[128]


After significant setbacks for the group during the latter stages of the coalition forces' presence in Iraq, by late 2012 it was thought to have renewed its strength and more than doubled the number of its members to about 2,500,[129] and since its formation in April 2013, ISIS grew rapidly in strength and influence in Iraq and Syria. In June 2014, The Economist reported that "ISIS may have up to 6,000 fighters in Iraq and 3,000–5,000 in Syria, including perhaps 3,000 foreigners; nearly a thousand are reported to hail from Chechnya and perhaps 500 or so more from France, Britain and elsewhere in Europe".[130] Chechen fighter Abu Omar al-Shishani, for example, was made commander of the northern sector of ISIS in Syria in 2013.[131][132]

Analysts have underlined the deliberate inflammation of sectarian conflict between Iraqi Shias and Sunnis during the Iraq War by various Sunni and Shia players as the root cause of ISIS's rise. The post-invasion policies of the international coalition forces have also been cited as a factor, with Fanar Haddad, a research fellow at the National University of Singapore's Middle East Institute, blaming the coalition forces during the Iraq War for "enshrining identity politics as the key marker of Iraqi politics".[133]

By 2014, ISIS was increasingly being viewed as a militia rather than a terrorist group by some organizations.[134] As major Iraqi cities fell to al-Baghdadi's cohorts in June, Jessica Lewis, a former US army intelligence officer at the Institute for the Study of War, described ISIS as "not a terrorism problem anymore", but rather "an army on the move in Iraq and Syria, and they are taking terrain. They have shadow governments in and around Baghdad, and they have an aspirational goal to govern. I don't know whether they want to control Baghdad, or if they want to destroy the functions of the Iraqi state, but either way the outcome will be disastrous for Iraq." Lewis has called ISIS "an advanced military leadership". She said, "They have incredible command and control and they have a sophisticated reporting mechanism from the field that can relay tactics and directives up and down the line. They are well-financed, and they have big sources of manpower, not just the foreign fighters, but also prisoner escapees."[134]

According to the Institute for the Study of War, ISIS's 2013 annual report reveals a metrics-driven military command, which is "a strong indication of a unified, coherent leadership structure that commands from the top down".[135] Middle East Forum's Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi said, "They are highly skilled in urban guerrilla warfare while the new Iraqi Army simply lacks tactical competence."[134] Seasoned observers point to systemic corruption within the Iraq Army, it being little more than a system of patronage, and have attributed to this its spectacular collapse as ISIS and its allies took over large swaths of Iraq in June 2014.[136] On 21 August 2014, in response to a question asking whether ISIS posed a similar threat to al-Qaeda prior to the September 11th attacks[137] United States Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel stated: "(ISIS) is as sophisticated and well-funded as any group that we have seen. They're beyond just a terrorist group".[138]

Hillary Clinton stated: "The failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests against Assad—there were Islamists, there were secularists, there was everything in the middle—the failure to do that left a big vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled."[139]

ISIS is also known for its effective use of propaganda.[140] In November 2006, shortly after the creation of the Islamic State of Iraq, the group established the al-Furqan Institute for Media Production, which produces CDs, DVDs, posters, pamphlets, and web-related propaganda products.[141] ISIS's main media outlet is the I'tisaam Media Foundation,[142] which was formed in March 2013 and distributes through the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF).[143] In 2014, ISIS established the Al Hayat Media Center, which targets a Western audience and produces material in English, German, Russian and French.[144][145] In 2014 it also launched the Ajnad Media Foundation, which releases jihadist audio chants.[146]

In July 2014, ISIS began publishing a digital magazine called Dabiq in multiple languages, including English. According to the magazine, its name is taken from the town in northern Syria, which is mentioned in a hadith about Armageddon.[147] Harleen K. Gambhir, of the Institute for the Study of War, found that while al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's Inspire magazine focused on encouraging its readers to carry out lone-wolf attacks on the West, Dabiq is more concerned with establishing the religious legitimacy of ISIS and its self-proclaimed caliphate, and encouraging Muslims to emigrate there.[148]

ISIS's use of social media has been described by one expert as "probably more sophisticated than [that of] most US companies".[149][150] It regularly takes advantage of social media, particularly Twitter, to distribute its message by organizing hashtag campaigns, encouraging Tweets on popular hashtags, and utilizing software applications that enable ISIS propaganda to be distributed to its supporters' accounts.[151] Another comment is that "ISIS puts more emphasis on social media than other jihadi groups. ... They have a very coordinated social media presence."[152] In August 2014, Twitter administrators shut down a number of accounts associated with ISIS. ISIS recreated and publicized new accounts the next day, which were also shut down by Twitter administrators.[153] The group has attempted to branch out into alternate social media sites, such as Quitter, Friendica and Diaspora; Quitter and Friendica, however, almost immediately worked to remove ISIS's presence from their sites.[154]

On 19 August 2014, a propaganda video showing the beheading of US photojournalist James Foley was posted on the Internet. ISIS claimed that the killing had been carried out in revenge for the US bombing of ISIS targets.[155] The video promised that a second captured US journalist Steven Sotloff would be killed next if the airstrikes continued.[156] On September 2, 2014, ISIS released a video purportedly showing their beheading of Sotloff.[157] In the video the executioner says, "I'm back, Obama, and I'm back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State, because of your insistence on continuing your bombings and on Mosul Dam, despite our serious warnings. So just as your missiles continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people." [158]


A study of 200 documents—personal letters, expense reports and membership rosters—captured from Al-Qaeda in Iraq and the Islamic State of Iraq was carried out by the RAND Corporation in 2014.[159] It found that from 2005 until 2010, outside donations amounted to only 5% of the group’s operating budgets, with the rest being raised within Iraq.[159] In the time-period studied, cells were required to send up to 20% of the income generated from kidnapping, extortion rackets and other activities to the next level of the group's leadership. Higher-ranking commanders would then redistribute the funds to provincial or local cells that were in difficulties or needed money to conduct attacks.[159] The records show that the Islamic State of Iraq was dependent on members from Mosul for cash, which the leadership used to provide additional funds to struggling militants in Diyala, Salahuddin and Baghdad.[159]

In mid-2014, Iraqi intelligence extracted information from an ISIS operative which revealed that the organization had assets worth US$2 billion,[160] making it the richest jihadist group in the world.[161] About three quarters of this sum is said to be represented by assets seized after the group captured Mosul in June 2014; this includes possibly up to US$429 million looted from Mosul's central bank, along with additional millions and a large quantity of gold bullion stolen from a number of other banks in Mosul.[162][163] However, doubt was later cast on whether ISIS was able to retrieve anywhere near that sum from the central bank,[164] and even on whether the bank robberies had actually occurred.[165]

ISIS has routinely practised extortion, by demanding money from truck drivers and threatening to blow up businesses, for example. Robbing banks and gold shops has been another source of income.[166] The group is widely reported as receiving funding from private donors in the Gulf states,[167][168] and both Iran and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki have accused Saudi Arabia and Qatar of funding ISIS,[169][170][171][172] although there is reportedly no evidence that this is the case.[172][173][174][175]

The group is also believed to receive considerable funds from its operations in Eastern Syria, where it has commandeered oilfields and engages in smuggling out raw materials and archaeological artifacts.[176][177] ISIS also generates revenue from producing crude oil and selling electric power in northern Syria. Some of this electricity is reportedly sold back to the Syrian government.[178]

Since 2012, ISIS has produced annual reports giving numerical information on its operations, somewhat in the style of corporate reports, seemingly in a bid to encourage potential donors.[149][179]


The most common weapons used against US and other Coalition forces during the Iraq insurgency were those taken from Saddam Hussein's weapon stockpiles around the country, these included AKM variant assault rifles, PK machine guns and RPG-7s.[180] ISIS has been able to strengthen its military capability by capturing large quantities and varieties of weaponry during the Syrian Civil War and Post-US Iraq insurgency. These weapons seizures have improved the group's capacity to carry out successful subsequent operations and obtain more equipment.[181] Weaponry that ISIS has reportedly captured and employed include SA-7[182] and Stinger[183] surface-to-air missiles, M79 Osa, HJ-8[184] and AT-4 Spigot[182] anti-tank weapons, Type 59 field guns[184] and M198 howitzers,[185] Humvees, T-54/55, T-72, and M1 Abrams[186]main battle tanks,[184] M1117 armoured cars,[187] truck mounted DShK guns,[182] ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft guns,[188][189] BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers[181] and at least one Scud missile.[190]

When ISIS captured Mosul Airport in June 2014, it seized a number of UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters and cargo planes that were stationed there.[191][192] However, according to Peter Beaumont of The Guardian, it seemed unlikely that ISIS would be able to deploy them.[193]

ISIS captured nuclear materials from Mosul University in July 2014. In a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Iraq's UN Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim said that the materials had been kept at the university and "can be used in manufacturing weapons of mass destruction". Nuclear experts regarded the threat as insignificant. International Atomic Energy Agency spokeswoman Gill Tudor said that the seized materials were "low grade and would not present a significant safety, security or nuclear proliferation risk".[194][195]


As Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (1999–2004)

Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (abrreviated JTJ or shortened to Tawhid and Jihad, Tawhid wal-Jihad, sometimes Tawhid al-Jihad, Al Tawhid or Tawhid) was started in 1999 by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and a combination of foreigners and local Islamist sympathizers.[70] Al-Zarqawi was a Jordanian Salafi Jihadist who had traveled to Afghanistan to fight in the Soviet-Afghan War, but he arrived after the departure of the Soviet troops and soon returned to his homeland. He eventually returned to Afghanistan, running an Islamic militant training camp near Herat.

Following the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, JTJ developed into an expanding militant network for the purpose of resisting the coalition occupation forces and their Iraqi allies. It included some remnants of Ansar al-Islam and a growing number of foreign fighters. Many foreign fighters arriving in Iraq were initially not associated with the group, but once they were in the country they became dependent on al-Zarqawi's local contacts.[196]

As Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (2004–2006)

Involvement in Iraqi Insurgency

US Navy Seabees in Fallujah, November 2004.

The group officially pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network in a letter in October 2004 and changed its official name to Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (تنظيم قاعدة الجهاد في بلاد الرافدين, "Organization of Jihad's Base in Mesopotamia").[18][197][198] That same month, the group, now popularly referred to as Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), kidnapped and killed Japanese citizen Shosei Koda. In November, al-Zarqawi's network was the main target of the US Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah, but its leadership managed to escape the American siege and subsequent storming of the city. In December, in two of its many sectarian attacks, AQI bombed a Shia funeral procession in Najaf and the main bus station in nearby Karbala, killing at least 60 people in those two holy cities of Shia Islam. The group also reportedly took responsibility for the 30 September 2004 Baghdad bombing which killed 41 people, mostly children.[199]

In 2005, AQI largely focused on executing high-profile and coordinated suicide attacks, claiming responsibility for numerous attacks which were primarily aimed at Iraqi administrators. The group launched attacks on voters during the Iraqi legislative election in January, a combined suicide and conventional attack on the Abu Ghraib prison in April, and coordinated suicide attacks outside the Sheraton Ishtar and Palestine Hotel in Baghdad in October.[200] In July, AQI claimed responsibility for the kidnapping and execution of Ihab Al-Sherif, Egypt's envoy to Iraq.[201][202] Also in July, a three-day series of suicide attacks, including the Musayyib marketplace bombing, left at least 150 people dead.[203] Al-Zarqawi claimed responsibility for a single-day series of more than a dozen bombings in Baghdad in September, including a bomb attack on 14 September which killed about 160 people, most of whom were unemployed Shia workers.[204] They claimed responsibility for a series of mosque bombings in the same month in the city of Khanaqin, which killed at least 74 people.[205]

The attacks blamed on or claimed by AQI continued to increase in 2006 (see also the list of major resistance attacks in Iraq).[206] In one of the incidents, two US soldiers—Thomas Lowell Tucker and Kristian Menchaca—were captured, tortured and beheaded by the ISI. In another, four Russian embassy officials were abducted and subsequently killed. Iraq's al-Qaeda and its umbrella groups were blamed for multiple attacks targeting the country's Shia population, some of which AQI claimed responsibility for. The US claimed without verification that the group was at least one of the forces behind the wave of chlorine bombings in Iraq, which affected hundreds of people, albeit with few fatalities, after a series of crude chemical warfare attacks between late 2006 and mid-2007.[207] During 2006, several key members of AQI were killed or captured by American and allied forces. This included al-Zarqawi himself, killed on 7 June 2006, his spiritual adviser Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman, and the alleged "number two" deputy leader, Hamid Juma Faris Jouri al-Saeedi. The group's leadership was then assumed by a man called Abu Hamza al-Muhajir,[208] who in reality was the Egyptian militant Abu Ayyub al-Masri.[209]

Car bombings were a common form of attack in Iraq during the Coalition occupation

Inciting sectarian violence

Attacks against militiamen often targeted the Iraqi Shia majority in an attempt to incite sectarian violence.[210] Al-Zarqawi purportedly declared an all-out war on Shias[204] while claiming responsibility for the Shia mosque bombings.[205] The same month, a letter allegedly written by al-Zawahiri—later rejected as a "fake" by the AQI—appeared to question the insurgents' tactic of indiscriminately attacking Shias in Iraq.[211] In a video that appeared in December 2007, al-Zawahiri defended the AQI, but distanced himself from the crimes against civilians committed by "hypocrites and traitors" that he said existed among its ranks.[212]

US and Iraqi officials accused the AQI of trying to slide Iraq into a full-scale civil war between Iraq's majority Shia and minority Sunni Arabs via an orchestrated campaign of militiamen massacres and a number of provocative attacks against high-profile religious targets.[213] With attacks purportedly mounted by the AQI such as the Imam Ali Mosque bombing in 2003, the Day of Ashura bombings and Karbala and Najaf bombings in 2004, the first al-Askari Mosque bombing in Samarra in 2006, the deadly single-day series of bombings in November 2006 in which at least 215 people were killed in Baghdad's Shia district of Sadr City, and the second al-Askari bombing in 2007, the AQI provoked Shia militias to unleash a wave of retaliatory attacks. The result was a plague of death squad-style killings and a spiral into further sectarian violence, which escalated in 2006 and brought Iraq to the brink of violent anarchy in 2007.[214] In 2008, sectarian bombings blamed on al-Qaeda killed at least 42 people at the Imam Husayn Shrine in Karbala in March and at least 51 people at a bus stop in Baghdad in June.

Operations outside Iraq and other activities

On 3 December 2004, AQI attempted to blow up an Iraqi–Jordanian border crossing, but failed to do so. In 2006, a Jordanian court sentenced to death al-Zarqawi in absentia and two of his associates for their involvement in the plot.[215] AQI increased its presence outside Iraq by claiming credit for three attacks in 2005. In the most deadly of these attacks, suicide bombs killed 60 people in Amman, Jordan on 9 November 2005.[216] They claimed responsibility for the rocket attacks that narrowly missed the USS Kearsarge and USS Ashland in Jordan, which also targeted the city of Eilat in Israel, and for the firing of several rockets into Israel from Lebanon in December 2005.[200]

The Lebanese-Palestinian militant group Fatah al-Islam, which was defeated by Lebanese government forces during the 2007 Lebanon conflict, was linked to AQI and led by al-Zarqawi's former companion who had fought alongside him in Iraq.[217] The group may have been linked to the little-known group called "Tawhid and Jihad in Syria",[218] and may have influenced the Palestinian resistance group in Gaza called "Tawhid and Jihad Brigades", better known as the Army of Islam.[219]

American officials believed that Al-Qaeda in Iraq had conducted bomb attacks against Syrian government forces.[220][221][222] Al-Nusra Front, another al-Qaeda-inspired group, claimed responsibility for attacks inside Syria, and Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said that Al-Qaeda in Iraq members were going to Syria, where the militants had previously received support and weapons.[223]

Goals and umbrella organizations

In a letter to Ayman al-Zawahiri in July 2005, al-Zarqawi outlined a four-stage plan to expand the Iraq War, which included expelling US forces from Iraq, establishing an Islamic authority—a caliphate—spreading the conflict to Iraq's secular neighbors, and engaging in the Arab–Israeli conflict.[200] The affiliated groups were linked to regional attacks outside Iraq which were consistent with their stated plan, one example being the 2005 Sharm al-Sheikh bombings in Egypt, which killed 88 people, many of them foreign tourists.

In January 2006, Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)—the name by which Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn was more commonly known—created an umbrella organization called the Mujahideen Shura Council (MSC), in an attempt to unify Sunni insurgents in Iraq. Its efforts to recruit Iraqi Sunni nationalists and secular groups were undermined by the violent tactics it used against civilians and its extreme Islamic fundamentalist doctrine.[224] Because of these impediments, the attempt was largely unsuccessful.[214]

On 13 October 2006, the MSC declared the establishment of an Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), comprising Iraq's six mostly Sunni Arab governorates, with Abu Omar al-Baghdadi being announced as the self-proclaimed state's Emir.[87][206]Abu Ayyub al-Masri, who had been the leader of the MSC, was given the title of Minister of War within the ISI's ten-member cabinet.[225] Following the announcement, scores of gunmen took part in military parades in Ramadi and other Anbar towns to celebrate.[226][227]

According to a study compiled by US intelligence agencies in early 2007, the ISI planned to seize power in the central and western areas of the country and turn it into a Sunni Islamic state.[228]

As Islamic State of Iraq (2006–2013)

Strength and activity

US Marines in Ramadi, May 2006. The Islamic State of Iraq had declared the city to be its capital.

In 2006, the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research estimated that Al-Qaeda in Iraq's core membership was "more than 1,000".[229] These figures do not include the other six[230][irrelevant citation] AQI-led Salafi groups in the Islamic State of Iraq. In 2007 estimates of the group's strength ranged from just 850 to several thousand full-time fighters.[229][231] The group was said to be suffering high manpower losses, including those from its many "martyrdom" operations, but for a long time this appeared to have little effect on its strength and capabilities, implying a constant flow of volunteers from Iraq and abroad. However, Al-Qaeda in Iraq more than doubled in strength, from 1,000 to 2,500 fighters, after the US withdrawal from Iraq in late 2011.[232]

In 2007, some observers and scholars suggested that the threat posed by AQI was being exaggerated and that a "heavy focus on al-Qaeda obscures a much more complicated situation on the ground".[233][234] According to the July 2007 National Intelligence Estimate and the Defense Intelligence Agency reports, AQI accounted for 15% percent of attacks in Iraq. However, the Congressional Research Service noted in its September 2007 report that attacks from al-Qaeda were less than 2% of the violence in Iraq. It criticized the Bush administration's statistics, noting that its false reporting of insurgency attacks as AQI attacks had increased since the surge operations began in 2007.[229][235] In March 2007, the US-sponsored Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty analyzed AQI attacks for that month and concluded that the group had taken credit for 43 out of 439 attacks on Iraqi security forces and Shia militias, and 17 out of 357 attacks on US troops.[229]

According to the 2006 US Government report, this group was most clearly associated with foreign jihadist cells operating in Iraq and had specifically targeted international forces and Iraqi citizens; most of Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)'s operatives were not Iraqi, but were coming through a series of safe houses, the largest of which was on the Iraq–Syria border. AQI's operations were predominately Iraq-based, but the United States Department of State alleged that the group maintained an extensive logistical network throughout the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and Europe.[236] In a June 2008 CNN special report, Al-Qaeda in Iraq was called "a well-oiled … organization … almost as pedantically bureaucratic as was Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party", collecting new execution videos long after they stopped publicising them, and having a network of spies even in the US military bases. According to the report, Iraqis—many of them former members of Hussein's secret services—were now effectively running Al-Qaeda in Iraq, with "foreign fighters' roles" seeming to be "mostly relegated to the cannon fodder of suicide attacks", although the organization's top leadership was still dominated by non-Iraqis.[237]


The high-profile attacks linked to the group continued through early 2007, as AQI claimed responsibility for attacks such as the March assassination attempt on Sunni Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq Salam al-Zaubai, the April Iraqi Parliament bombing, and the May capture and subsequent execution of three American soldiers. Also in May, ISI leader al-Baghdadi was declared to have been killed in Baghdad, but his death was later denied by the insurgents; later, al-Baghdadi was even declared by the US to be non-existent. There were conflicting reports regarding the fate of al-Masri. From March to August, coalition forces fought the Battle of Baqubah as part of the largely successful attempts to wrest the Diyala Governorate from AQI-aligned forces. Through 2007, the majority of suicide bombings targeting civilians in Iraq were routinely identified by military and government sources as being the responsibility of al-Qaeda and its associated groups, even when there was no claim of responsibility, as was the case in the 2007 Yazidi communities bombings, which killed some 800 people in the deadliest terrorist attack in Iraq to date.

By late 2007, violent and indiscriminate attacks directed by rogue AQI elements against Iraqi civilians had severely damaged their image and caused loss of support among the population, thus isolating the group. In a major blow to AQI, many former Sunni militants who had previously fought alongside the group started to work with the American forces (see also below). The US troops surge supplied the military with more manpower for operations targeting the group, resulting in dozens of high-level AQI members being captured or killed.[238] Al-Qaeda seemed to have lost its foothold in Iraq and appeared to be severely crippled.[239] Accordingly, the bounty issued for al-Masri was eventually cut from $5 million to $100,000 in April 2008.[240]

As of 2008, a series of US and Iraqi offensives managed to drive out the AQI-aligned insurgents from their former safe havens, such as the Diyala and Al Anbar governorates and the embattled capital of Baghdad, to the area of the northern city of Mosul, the latest of the Iraq War's major battlegrounds.[240] The struggle for control of Ninawa Governorate—the Ninawa campaign—was launched in January 2008 by US and Iraqi forces as part of the large-scale Operation Phantom Phoenix, which was aimed at combating al-Qaeda activity in and around Mosul, and finishing off the network's remnants in central Iraq that had escaped Operation Phantom Thunder in 2007. In Baghdad a pet market was bombed in February 2008 and a shopping centre was bombed in March 2008, killing at least 98 and 68 people respectively; AQI were the suspected perpetrators.

US soldiers and Sunni Arab tribesmen scan for enemy activity in a farm field in southern Arab Jibor, January 2008

AQI has long raised money, running into tens of millions of dollars, from kidnappings for ransom, car theft—sometimes killing drivers in the process—hijacking fuel trucks and other activities.[240] According to an April 2007 statement by their Islamic Army in Iraq rivals, AQI was demanding jizya tax and killing members of wealthy families when it was not paid.[241] According to both US and Iraqi sources, in May 2008 AQI was stepping up its fundraising campaigns as its strictly militant capabilities were on the wane, with especially lucrative activity said to be oil operations centered on the industrial city of Bayji. According to US military intelligence sources, in 2008 the group resembled a "Mafia-esque criminal gang".[240]

Conflicts with other groups

The first reports of a split and even armed clashes between Al-Qaeda in Iraq and other Sunni groups date back to 2005.[242][243] In the summer of 2006, local Sunni tribes and insurgent groups, including the prominent Islamist-nationalist group Islamic Army in Iraq (IAI), began to speak of their dissatisfaction with al-Qaeda and its tactics,[244] openly criticizing the foreign fighters for their deliberate targeting of Iraqi civilians. In September 2006, 30 Anbar tribes formed their own local alliance called the Anbar Salvation Council (ASC), which was directed specifically at countering al-Qaeda-allied terrorist forces in the province,[245][246] and they openly sided with the government and the US troops.[247]

By the beginning of 2007, Sunni tribes and nationalist insurgents had begun battling with their former allies in AQI in order to retake control of their communities.[248] In early 2007, forces allied to Al-Qaeda in Iraq committed a series of attacks on Sunnis critical of the group, including the February 2007 attack in which scores of people were killed when a truck bomb exploded near a Sunni mosque in Fallujah.[249] Al-Qaeda supposedly played a role in the assassination of the leader of the Anbar-based insurgent group 1920 Revolution Brigade, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement.[250] In April 2007, the IAI spokesman accused the ISI of killing at least 30 members of the IAI, as well as members of the Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna and Mujahideen Army insurgent groups, and called on Osama bin Laden to intervene personally to rein in Al-Qaeda in Iraq.[241][251] The following month, the government announced that AQI leader al-Masri had been killed by ASC fighters.[209][213] Four days later, AQI released an audio tape in which a man claiming to be al-Masri warned Sunnis not to take part in the political process; he also said that reports of internal fighting between Sunni militia groups were "lies and fabrications".[252] Later in May, the US forces announced the release of dozens of Iraqis who were tortured by AQI as a part of the group's intimidation campaign.[253]

By June 2007, the growing hostility between foreign-influenced jihadists and Sunni nationalists had led to open gun battles between the groups in Baghdad.[254][255] The Islamic Army soon reached a ceasefire agreement with AQI, but refused to sign on to the ISI.[256] There were reports that Hamas of Iraq insurgents were involved in assisting US troops in their Diyala Governorate operations against Al-Qaeda in August 2007. In September 2007, AQI claimed responsibility for the assassination of three people including the prominent Sunni sheikh Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, leader of the Anbar "Awakening council". That same month, a suicide attack on a mosque in the city of Baqubah killed 28 people, including members of Hamas of Iraq and the 1920 Revolution Brigade, during a meeting at the mosque between tribal and guerilla leaders and the police.[257] Meanwhile, the US military began arming moderate insurgent factions when they promised to fight Al-Qaeda in Iraq instead of the Americans.[258]

By December 2007, the strength of the "Awakening" movement irregulars—also called "Concerned Local Citizens" and "Sons of Iraq"—was estimated at 65,000–80,000 fighters.[259] Many of them were former insurgents, including alienated former AQI supporters, and they were now being armed and paid by the Americans specifically to combat al-Qaeda's presence in Iraq. As of July 2007, this highly controversial strategy proved to be effective in helping to secure the Sunni districts of Baghdad and the other hotspots of central Iraq, and to root out the al-Qaeda-aligned militants.

By 2008, the ISI was describing itself as being in a state of "extraordinary crisis",[260] which was attributable to a number of factors,[261] notably the Anbar Awakening.

Transformation and resurgence

In early 2009, US forces began pulling out of cities across the country, turning over the task of maintaining security to the Iraqi Army, the Iraqi Police Service and their paramilitary allies. Experts and many Iraqis were worried that in the absence of US soldiers the ISI might resurface and attempt mass-casualty attacks to destabilize the country.[262] There was indeed a spike in the number of suicide attacks,[263] and through mid- and late 2009, the ISI rebounded in strength and appeared to be launching a concerted effort to cripple the Iraqi government.[264] During August and October 2009, the ISI claimed responsibility for four bombings targeting five government buildings in Baghdad, including attacks that killed 101 at the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Finance in August and 155 at the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works in September; these were the deadliest attacks directed at the new government in more than six years of war. These attacks represented a shift away from the group's previous efforts to incite sectarian violence, although a series of suicide attacks in April targeted mainly Iranian Shia pilgrims, killing 76, and in June, a mosque bombing in Taza killed at least 73 Shias from the Turkmen ethnic minority.

In late 2009, the commander of the US forces in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, stated that the ISI "has transformed significantly in the last two years. What once was dominated by foreign individuals has now become more and more dominated by Iraqi citizens". Odierno's comments reinforced accusations by the government of Nouri al-Maliki that al-Qaeda and ex-Ba'athists were working together to undermine improved security and sabotage the planned Iraqi parliamentary elections in 2010.[265] On 18 April 2010, the ISI’s two top leaders, Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, were killed in a joint US-Iraqi raid near Tikrit.[266] In a press conference in June 2010, General Odierno reported that 80% of the ISI’s top 42 leaders, including recruiters and financiers, had been killed or captured, with only eight remaining at large. He said that they had been cut off from Al Qaeda's leadership in Pakistan, and that improved intelligence had enabled the successful mission in April that led to the killing of al-Masri and al-Baghdadi; in addition, the number of attacks and casualty figures in Iraq for the first five months of 2010 were the lowest since 2003.[267][268][269] In May 2011, the Islamic State of Iraq's "emir of Baghdad" Huthaifa al-Batawi, captured during the crackdown after the 2010 Baghdad church attack in which 68 people died, was killed during an attempted prison break, during which an Iraqi general and several others were also killed.[270][271]

On 16 May 2010, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was appointed the new leader of the Islamic State of Iraq;[272] he had previously been the general supervisor of the group's provincial sharia committees and a member of its senior consultative council.[273] Al-Baghdadi replenished the group's leadership, many of whom had been killed or captured, by appointing former Ba'athist military and intelligence officers who had served during the Saddam Hussein regime. These men, nearly all of whom had spent time imprisoned by American forces, came to make up about one-third of Baghdadi's top 25 commanders. One of them was a former Colonel, Samir al-Khlifawi, also known as Haji Bakr, who became the overall military commander in charge of overseeing the group's operations.[274][275]

In July 2012, al-Baghdadi’s first audio statement was released online. In this he announced that the group was returning to the former strongholds that US troops and their Sunni allies had driven them from prior to the withdrawal of US troops.[276] He also declared the start of a new offensive in Iraq called Breaking the Walls which would focus on freeing members of the group held in Iraqi prisons.[276] Violence in Iraq began to escalate that month, and in the following year the group carried out 24 waves of VBIED attacks and eight prison breaks. By July 2013, monthly fatalities had exceeded 1,000 for the first time since April 2008.[277] The Breaking the Walls campaign culminated in July 2013, with the group carrying out simultaneous raids on Taji and Abu Ghraib prison, freeing more than 500 prisoners, many of them veterans of the Iraqi insurgency.[277][278]

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was declared a Specially Designated Global Terrorist on 4 October 2011 by the US State Department, with an announced reward of US$10 million for information leading to his capture or death.[279]

As Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (2013–2014)

Declaration and dispute with al-Nusra Front

In March 2011, protests began in Syria against the government of Bashar al-Assad. In the following month violence between demonstrators and security forces led to a gradual militarisation of the conflict.[280] In August 2011, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi began sending Syrian and Iraqi ISI members, experienced in guerilla warfare, across the border into Syria to establish an organization inside the country. Led by a Syrian known as Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani, the group began to recruit fighters and establish cells throughout the country.[281][282] On 23 January 2012, the group announced its formation as Jabhat al-Nusra l’Ahl as-ShamJabhat al-Nusra—more commonly known as al-Nusra Front. Al-Nusra rapidly expanded into a capable fighting force with a level of popular support among opposition supporters in Syria.[281]

In April 2013, al-Baghdadi released an audio statement in which he announced that al-Nusra Front had been established, financed and supported by the Islamic State of Iraq[283] and that the two groups were merging under the name "Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham".[90] Al-Jawlani issued a statement denying the merger and complaining that neither he nor anyone else in al-Nusra's leadership had been consulted about it.[284] In June 2013, Al Jazeera reported that it had obtained a letter written by al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, addressed to both leaders, in which he ruled against the merger and appointed an emissary to oversee relations between them and put an end to tensions.[285] In the same month, al-Baghdadi released an audio message rejecting al-Zawahiri's ruling and declaring that the merger was going ahead.[286] In October 2013, al-Zawahiri ordered the disbanding of ISIS, putting al-Nusra Front in charge of jihadist efforts in Syria,[287] but al-Baghdadi contested al-Zawahiri's ruling on the basis of Islamic jurisprudence[286] and the group continued to operate in Syria. In February 2014, after an eight-month power struggle, al-Qaeda disavowed any relations with ISIS.[80]

According to journalist Sarah Birke, there are "significant differences" between al-Nusra Front and ISIS. While al-Nusra actively calls for the overthrow of the Assad government, ISIS "tends to be more focused on establishing its own rule on conquered territory". ISIS is "far more ruthless" in building an Islamic state, "carrying out sectarian attacks and imposing sharia law immediately", she said. While al-Nusra has a "large contingent of foreign fighters", it is seen as a home-grown group by many Syrians; by contrast, ISIS fighters have been described as "foreign 'occupiers'" by many Syrian refugees.[288] It has a strong presence in mid- and northern Syria, where it has instituted sharia in a number of towns.[288] The group reportedly controlled the four border towns of Atmeh, al-Bab, Azaz and Jarablus, allowing it to control the exit and entrance from Syria into Turkey.[288] Foreign fighters in Syria include Russian-speaking jihadists who were part of Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (JMA).[289] In November 2013, the JMA's ethnic Chechen leader Abu Omar al-Shishani swore an oath of allegiance to al-Baghdadi;[290] the group then split between those who followed al-Shishani in joining ISIS and those who continued to operate independently in the JMA under a new leadership.[11]

In May 2014, al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri ordered al-Nusra Front to stop attacks on its rival ISIS.[28] In June 2014, after continued fighting between the two groups, al-Nusra's branch in the Syrian town of al-Bukamal pledged allegiance to ISIS.[291][292]

Conflicts with other groups

In Syria, rebels affiliated with the Islamic Front and the Free Syrian Army launched an offensive against ISIS militants in and around Aleppo in January 2014.[293][294]

Relations with the Syrian government

In January 2014, The Daily Telegraph said that Western "intelligence sources" believed that the Syrian government made secret oil deals with ISIS and al-Nusra Front, alleging that the militants were funding their campaign by selling crude oil to the regime from the fields they have captured.[295]

As Islamic State (2014–present)

On 29 June 2014, ISIS removed "Iraq and the Levant" from its name and began to refer to itself as the Islamic State, declaring the territory under its control a new caliphate and naming Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as its caliph.[7]

On the first night of Ramadan, Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Adnani al-Shami, spokesperson for ISIS, described the establishment of the caliphate as "a dream that lives in the depths of every Muslim believer" and "the abandoned obligation of the era". He said that the group's ruling Shura Council had decided to establish the caliphate formally and that Muslims around the world should now pledge their allegiance to the new caliph.[296][297]

The declaration of a caliphate has been criticized and ridiculed by Muslim scholars and rival Islamists inside and outside the occupied territory.[298][299][300][301][302][303]

Analysts observed that dropping the reference to region reflected a widening of the group's scope, and Laith Alkhouri, a terrorism analyst, thought that after capturing many areas in Syria and Iraq, ISIS felt this was a suitable opportunity to take control of the global jihadist movement.[304] A week before its change of name to the Islamic State, ISIS had captured the Trabil crossing on the Jordan–Iraq border,[305] the only border crossing between the two countries.[306]

ISIS has received some public support in Jordan, albeit limited, partly owing to state repression there.[307] Raghad Hussein, the daughter of Saddam Hussein now living in opulent asylum in Jordan, has publicly expressed support for the advance of ISIS in Iraq, reflecting the Ba'athist alliance of convenience with ISIS with the goal of return to power in Bagdad.[308] ISIS undertook a recruitment drive in Saudi Arabia,[173] where tribes in the north are linked to those in western Iraq and eastern Syria.[309]

In June and July 2014, Jordan and Saudi Arabia moved troops to their borders with Iraq after Iraq lost control of, or withdrew from, strategic crossing points, which were thence under ISIS's command.[58][306] There was speculation that al-Maliki had ordered a withdrawal of troops from the Iraq–Saudi crossings in order "to increase pressure on Saudi Arabia and bring the threat of Isis over-running its borders as well".[309]

After the group captured Kurdish-controlled territory[310] and massacred Yazidis,[311] the US launched a humanitarian mission and aerial bombing campaign against ISIS.[312][313]

In July 2014, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau declared support for the new Calpihate and Caliph Ibrahim.[20] In August, Abubakar Shekau announced that Boko Haram had captured the Nigerian town of Gwoza in the name of the Caliphate. Shekau announced: "Thanks be to Allah who gave victory to our brothers in Gwoza and made it part of the Islamic caliphate".[314]

The moderate rebels of the Free Syrian Army had been backed by the United States with weapons and training,[315][316] but in August 2014, a high-level commander in the Islamic State stated: "In the East of Syria, there is no Free Syrian Army any longer. All Free Syrian Army people [there] have joined the Islamic State".[317] The Islamic State recruited more than 6,300 fighters in July 2014 alone, many of them coming from the Free Syrian Army.[318]

In July 2014, ISIS beheaded approximately 50 soldiers of Syria's 17 division after assaulting their base in Ar-Raqqah, placing their heads atop poles and spikes in public places in that city.[319][320]

Human rights abuses

In early September 2014, the United Nations Human Rights Council agreed to send a team to Iraq and Syria to investigate the abuses and killings being carried out by the Islamic State on "an unimaginable scale". Zeid Ra'ad al Hussein of Jordan, who has taken over Navi Pillay's post as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, urged world leaders to step in to protect women and children suffering at the hands of Islamic State militants, who he said were trying to create a "house of blood". He appealed to the international community to concentrate its efforts on ending the conflict in Iraq and Syria.[321]

War crimes accusations

In July 2014, the BBC reported the United Nations' chief investigator as stating: "Fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) may be added to a list of war crimes suspects in Syria."[322]

In August 2014, the United Nations accused the Islamic State of committing "mass atrocities" and war crimes.[323][324]

Religious persecution

ISIS compels people in the areas it controls, under the penalty of death, torture or mutilation, to declare Islamic creed, and live according to its interpretation of Sunni Islam and sharia law.[325][326]

It directs violence against Shia Muslims, indigenous Assyrian, Chaldean, Syriac and Armenian Christians, Yazidis, Druze, Shabaks and Mandeans in particular.[327]

Amnesty International has accused ISIS of the ethnic cleansing of minority groups in northern Iraq.[328]

Treatment of civilians

During the Iraqi conflict in 2014, ISIS released dozens of videos showing its ill treatment of civilians, many of whom had apparently been targeted on the basis of their religion or ethnicity. Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, warned of war crimes occurring in the Iraqi war zone, and disclosed one UN report of ISIS militants murdering Iraqi Army soldiers and 17 civilians in a single street in Mosul. The United Nations reported that in the 17 days from 5 to 22 June, ISIS killed more than 1,000 Iraqi civilians and injured more than 1,000.[329][330][331] After ISIS released photographs of its fighters shooting scores of young men, the United Nations declared that cold-blooded "executions" said to have been carried out by militants in northern Iraq almost certainly amounted to war crimes.[332]

ISIS's advance in Iraq in mid-2014 was accompanied by continuing violence in Syria. On 29 May, a village in Syria was raided by ISIS and at least 15 civilians were killed, including, according to Human Rights Watch, at least six children.[333] A hospital in the area confirmed that it had received 15 bodies on the same day.[334] The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that on 1 June, a 102-year-old man was killed along with his whole family in a village in Hama.[335]

ISIS has recruited to its ranks Iraqi children, who can be seen with masks on their faces and guns in their hands patrolling the streets of Mosul.[336]

Sexual violence allegations

According to one report, ISIS's capture of Iraqi cities in June 2014 was accompanied by an upsurge in crimes against women, including kidnap and rape.[337][338][339] The Guardian reported that ISIS's extremist agenda extended to women's bodies and that women living under their control were being captured and raped.[340] Hannaa Edwar, a leading women’s rights advocate in Baghdad who runs an NGO called al-Amal, said that none of her contacts in Mosul were able to confirm any cases of rape; however, another Baghdad-based women's rights activist, Basma al-Khateeb, said that a culture of violence existed in Iraq against women generally and felt sure that sexual violence against women was happening in Mosul involving not only ISIS but all armed groups.[341] During a meeting with Nouri al-Maliki, British Foreign Minister William Hague said with regard to ISIS: "Anyone glorifying, supporting or joining it should understand that they would be assisting a group responsible for kidnapping, torture, executions, rape and many other hideous crimes".[342] According to Martin Williams in The Citizen, some hard-line Salafists apparently regard extramarital sex with multiple partners as a legitimate form of holy war and it is "difficult to reconcile this with a religion where some adherents insist that women must be covered from head to toe, with only a narrow slit for the eyes".[343] Yezidi girls in Iraq were allegedly raped by ISIS fighters and subsequently committed suicide, as described in a witness statement recorded by Rudaw.[344]

Guidelines for civilians

After the self-proclaimed Islamic State captured cities in Iraq, ISIS issued guidelines on how to wear clothes and veils. ISIS warned women in the city of Mosul to wear full-face veils or face severe punishment.[345][346] A cleric told Reuters in Mosul that ISIS gunmen had ordered him to read out the warning in his mosque when worshippers gathered.[345] ISIS also banned naked mannequins and ordered the faces of both male and female mannequins to be covered.[347] ISIS released 16 notes labeled "Contract of the City", a set of rules aimed at civilians in Nineveh. One rule stipulated that women should stay at home and not go outside unless necessary. Another rule said that stealing would be punished by amputation.[128][348]

Christians living in areas under ISIS control who wanted to remain in the "caliphate" faced three options: converting to Islam, paying a religious levy—jizya—or death. "We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract – involving payment of jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword", ISIS said.[349] ISIS had already set similar rules for Christians in Ar-Raqqah, Syria, once one of the nation's most liberal cities.[350][351]

Timeline of events

This article or section appears to contradict itself. Please see the talk page for more information. (August 2014)

2003–06 events

The Al-Askari Mosque, one of the holiest sites in Shia Islam, after the first attack by Al-Qaeda in Iraq in 2006
  • The group was founded in 2003 as a reaction to the American-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. Its first leader was the Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who declared allegiance to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network on 17 October 2004.[352] Foreign fighters from outside Iraq were thought to play a key role in its network.[353] The group became a primary target of the Iraqi government and its foreign supporters, and attacks between these groups resulted in more than 1,000 deaths every year between 2004 and 2010.[354]
  • The Islamic State of Iraq made clear its belief that targeting civilians was an acceptable strategy and it has been responsible for thousands of civilian deaths since 2004.[355] In September 2005, al-Zarqawi declared war on Shia Muslims and the group used bombings—especially suicide bombings in public places—massacres and executions to carry out terrorist attacks on Shia-dominated and mixed sectarian neighbourhoods.[356] Suicide attacks by the ISI also killed hundreds of Sunni civilians, which engendered widespread anger among Sunnis.

2007 events

  • Between late 2006 and May 2007, the ISI brought the Dora neighborhood of southern Baghdad under its control. Numerous Christian families left, unwilling to pay the jizya tax.[citation needed] US efforts to drive out the ISI presence stalled in late June 2007, despite streets being walled off and the use of biometric identification technology. By November 2007, the ISI had been removed from Dora, and Assyrian churches could be re-opened.[357][failed verification] In 2007 alone the ISI killed around 2,000 civilians, making that year the most violent in its campaign against the civilian population of Iraq.[355]
  • 19 April: The organization announced that it had set up a provisional government termed "the first Islamic administration" of post-invasion Iraq. The "emirate" was stated to be headed by Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and his "cabinet" of ten "ministers".[225]
Name (English transliteration) and notable pseudonyms Arabic name Post Notes
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi
d. 18 April 2010
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Husseini al-Qurashi[360] (aka Abu Du'a)[361]
أبو عمر البغدادي، أبو بكر البغدادي Emir Abu Du'a, also known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,[361] is the second leader of the group.[362]
Abu Abdullah al-Husseini al-Qurashi al-Baghdadi Vice Emir
Abu Abdul Rahman al-Falahi أبو عبد الرحمن الفلاحي
ʾAbū ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān al-Falāḥī
"First Minister" (Prime Minister)
Abu Hamza al-Muhajir (aka Abu Ayyub al-Masri)
d. 18 April 2010
Al-Nasser Lideen Allah Abu Suleiman (aka Neaman Salman Mansour al Zaidi)
أبو حمزة المهاجر War Identity of al-Muhajir with al-Masri suspected. ISI only used former name. Abu Suleiman is the second minister of war.
Abu Uthman al-Tamimi أبو عثمان التميمي
ʾAbū ʿUṯmān at-Tamīmī
Sharia affairs
Abu Bakr al-Jabouri
(aka Muharib Abdul-Latif al-Jabouri)
d. 1/2 May 2007
أبو بكر الجبوري
ʾAbū Bakr al-Ǧabūrī

(aka محارب عبد اللطيف الجبوري
Muḥārib ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Ǧabūrī)

Public Relations Common spelling variants: al-Jubouri, al-Jiburi.
Abu Abdul Jabar al-Janabi أبو عبد الجبار الجنابي Security
Abu Muhammad al-Mashadani أبو محمد المشهداني
ʾAbū Muḥammad al-Mašhadānī
Abu Abdul Qadir al-Eissawi أبو عبد القادر العيساوي
ʾAbū ʿAbd al-Qādir al-ʿĪsāwī
Martyrs and Prisoners Affairs
Abu Ahmed al-Janabi أبو أحمد الجنابي
ʾAbū ʾAḥmad al-Ǧanābī
Mustafa al-A'araji مصطفى الأعرجي
Muṣṭafā al-ʾAʿraǧī
Agriculture and Fisheries
Abu Abdullah al-Zabadi أبو عبد الله الزيدي Health
Mohammed Khalil al-Badria محمد خليل البدرية
Muḥammad Ḫalīl al-Badriyyah
Education Announced on 3 September 2007

The names listed above are all considered to be noms de guerre.

  • 3 May: Iraqi sources claimed that Abu Omar al-Baghdadi had been killed a short time earlier. According to the The Long War Journal, no evidence was provided to support this and US sources remained skeptical.[363] The Islamic State of Iraq released a statement later that day which denied his death.[364]
  • 12 May: In what was apparently the same incident, it was announced that "Minister of Public Relations" Abu Bakr al-Jabouri had been killed on 12 May 2007 near Taji.[verification needed] The exact circumstances of the incident remain unknown. The initial version of the events at Taji, as given by the Iraqi Interior Ministry, was that there had been a shoot-out between rival Sunni militias. Coalition and Iraqi government operations were apparently being conducted in the same area at about the same time and later sources implied that they were directly involved, with al-Jabouri being killed while resisting arrest. (See Abu Omar al-Baghdadi for details.)
  • 12 May: The ISI issued a press release claiming responsibility for an ambush at Al Taqa, Babil on 12 May 2007, in which one Iraqi soldier and four US 10th Mountain Division soldiers were killed. Three soldiers of the US unit were captured and one was found dead in the Euphrates 11 days later. After a 4,000-man hunt by the US and allied forces ended without success, the ISI released a video in which it was claimed that the other two soldiers had been killed and buried, but no direct proof was given. Their bodies were found a year later.[365][366]
  • 25 June: The suicide bombing of a meeting of Al Anbar tribal leaders and officials at Mansour Hotel, Baghdad[368] killed 13 people, including six Sunni sheikhs[369] and other prominent figures. This was proclaimed by the ISI to have been in retaliation for the rape of a Sunni woman by Iraqi police.[370] Security at the hotel, which is 100 meters outside the Green Zone, was provided by a British contractor[371] which had apparently hired guerrilla fighters to provide physical security.[372][failed verification] There were allegations that an Egyptian Islamist group may have been responsible for the bombing, but this has never been proven.[373]
  • In July, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi released an audio tape in which he issued an ultimatum to Iran. He said: "We are giving the Persians, and especially the rulers of Iran, a two-month period to end all kinds of support for the Iraqi Shia government and to stop direct and indirect intervention ... otherwise a severe war is waiting for you." He also warned Arab states against doing business with Iran.[374] Iran supports the Iraqi government which many see as anti-Sunni.[citation needed]
  • Resistance to coalition operations in Baqubah turned out to be less than anticipated. In early July, US Army sources suggested that any ISI leadership in the area had largely relocated elsewhere in early June 2007, before the start of Operation Arrowhead Ripper.[375]

2009–12 events

  • 8 February 2011: According to the SITE Institute, a statement of support for Egyptian protesters—which appears to have been the first reaction of any group affiliated with al-Qaeda to the protests in Egypt during the 2011 Arab Spring Movement—was issued by the Islamic State of Iraq on jihadist forums. The message addressed to the protesters was that the "market of jihad" had opened in Egypt, that "the doors of martyrdom had opened", and that every able-bodied man must participate. It urged Egyptians to ignore the "ignorant deceiving ways" of secularism, democracy and "rotten pagan nationalism". "Your jihad", it went on, is in support of Islam and the weak and oppressed in Egypt, for "your people" in Gaza and Iraq, and "for every Muslim" who has been "touched by the oppression of the tyrant of Egypt and his masters in Washington and Tel Aviv".[382]
  • In a four-month process ending in October 2011, the Syrian government reportedly released imprisoned Islamic radicals and provided them with arms "in order to make itself the least bad choice for the international community."[383]
  • 23 July 2012: About 32 attacks occurred across Iraq, killing 116 people and wounding 299. The ISI claimed responsibility for the attacks, which took the form of bombings and shootings.[384]
  • In August 2012, two Iraqi refugees who have resided in Kentucky were accused of assisting AQI by sending funds and weapons; one has pleaded guilty.[385]

2013 events

2012–14 Iraqi protests: Iraqi Sunni demonstrators protesting against the Shia-led government.
  • Starting in April 2013, the group made rapid military gains in controlling large parts of Northern Syria, where the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights described them as "the strongest group".[386]
  • 11 May: Two car bombs exploded in the town of Reyhanlı in Hatay Province, Turkey. At least 51 people were killed and 140 injured in the attack.[387] The attack was the deadliest single act of terrorism ever to take place on Turkish soil.[388] Along with the Syrian intelligence service, ISIS was suspected of carrying out the bombing attack.[389]
  • By 12 May, nine Turkish citizens, who were alleged to have links with Syria's intelligence service, had been detained.[390] On 21 May 2013, the Turkish authorities charged the prime suspect, according to the state-run Anatolia news agency. Four other suspects were also charged and 12 people had been charged in total.[clarification needed] All suspects were Turkish nationals whom Ankara believed were backed by the Syrian government.[391]
  • In July, Free Syrian Army battalion chief Kamal Hamami—better known by his nom de guerre Abu Bassir Al-Jeblawi—was killed by the group's Coastal region emir after his convoy was stopped at an ISIS checkpoint in Latakia's rural northern highlands. Al-Jeblawi was traveling to visit the Al-Izz Bin Abdulsalam Brigade operating in the region when ISIS members refused his passage, resulting in an exchange of fire in which Al-Jeblawi received a fatal gunshot wound.[392]
  • Also in July, ISIS organised a mass break-out of its members being held in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison. British newspaper The Guardian reported that over 500 prisoners escaped, including senior commanders of the group.[393][394] ISIS issued an online statement claiming responsibility for the prison break, describing the operation as involving 12 car bombs, numerous suicide bombers and mortar and rocket fire.[393][394] It was described as the culmination of a one-year campaign called "destroying the walls", which was launched on 21 July 2012 by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi; the aim was to replenish the group's ranks with comrades released from the prison.[395]
  • In early August, ISIS led the final assault in the Siege of Menagh Air Base.[396]
  • In September, members of the group kidnapped and killed the Ahrar ash-Sham commander Abu Obeida Al-Binnishi, after he had intervened to protect members of a Malaysian Islamic charity; ISIS had mistaken their Malaysian flag for that of the United States.[397][398]
  • Also in September, ISIS overran the Syrian town of Azaz, taking it from an FSA-affiliated rebel brigade.[399] ISIS members had attempted to kidnap a German doctor working in Azaz.[400] In November 2013, Today's Zaman, an English-language newspaper in Turkey, reported that Turkish authorities were on high alert, with the authorities saying that they had detailed information on ISIS's plans to carry out suicide bombings in major cities in Turkey, using seven explosive-laden cars being constructed in Ar-Raqqah.[401]
  • From 30 September, several Turkish media websites reported that ISIS had accepted responsibility for the attack and had threatened further attacks on Turkey.[402][403][404][405]
  • In November, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights stated: "ISIS is the strongest group in Northern Syria—100%—and anyone who tells you anything else is lying."[386]
  • In December, there were reports of fighting between ISIS and another Islamic rebel group, Ahrar ash-Sham, in the town of Maskana, Aleppo in Syria.[406]

2014 events

For a full list of 2014 events please see Timeline of ISIS aggression: December 2013-Present. Some of the most recent events are listed below.


  Attacks done by ISIS as a group

  Attacks inspired by ISIS

Terror attacks committed or inspired by IS as of March 2024

The following is a list of major terrorist attacks and arrests that have been connected to or have been claimed in reliable sources to be inspired by the Islamic State (IS), also known by other names.

Islamic State's predecessor organization, Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) was established in October 2006, after the dissolution of the insurgent groups fighting under the coalition of Mujahideen Shura Council. Under the leadership of its first Emir Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, ISI was in the Iraqi insurgency against American occupation. After the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, ISI, then-led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, continued its insurgency against the Iraqi government. In April 2013, the group officially changed its name to "Islamic State of Iraq and Levant" and established a presence in Syria.

Between June 2014, when the group self-proclaimed itself to be the Islamic State, and February 2018, IS has often made claims of responsibility over 140 terrorist attacks in 29 countries outside Syria and Iraq, that were "conducted or inspired" by the group, while the evidences of those claims are not verified. Hundreds of other attacks were also carried out since 2018.

Attacks by Islamic State of Iraq: 2006 – 2012

The following is a list of alleged and confirmed attacks carried out by the Islamic State of Iraq organization between 2006 and 2012:

  • The 18 April 2007 Baghdad bombings were a series of attacks that occurred when five car bombs exploded across Baghdad, the capital city of Iraq, on 18 April 2007, killing nearly 200 people.[407] No group claimed responsibility for the attacks. US defense secretary Robert Gates, delivering remarks from Tel Aviv, claimed that Islamic State of Iraq might have perpetrated the attacks.[408]
  • The Qahtaniyah bombings occurred at around 8pm local time on August 14, 2007, when four co-ordinated suicide bomb attacks detonated in the Kurdish towns of Kahtaniya and Jazeera (Siba Sheikh Khidir), near Mosul. Iraqi Red Crescent's estimates say the bombs killed 796 and wounded 1,562 people,[409] making this the Iraq War's most deadly car bomb attack. No group claimed responsibility for the attack. US military officials alleged that the attacks were launched by ISI fighters.
  • The August 2009 Baghdad bombings were three coordinated car bomb attacks and a number of mortar strikes in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
  • On 25 October 2009, Baghdad bombings there were bombings in Baghdad which killed 155 people and injured at least 721 people.[410]
  • The April 2010 Baghdad bombings were a series of bomb attacks in Baghdad, Iraq that killed at least 85 people over two days. Nouri al-Maliki alleged that the attacks were carried out by the Islamic State of Iraq.[411]
  • The 10 May 2010 Iraq attacks were a series of bomb and shooting attacks that occurred in Iraq on 10 May 2010, killing over 100 people and injuring 350, the highest death toll for a single day in Iraq in 2010.[412] Iraqi officials alleged that Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) group carried out the attacks in retaliation against the killing of ISI's two high-ranking leaders of U.S. and Iraqi forces.[413]
  • The 2 November 2010 Baghdad bombings were a series of bomb attacks in Baghdad, Iraq, that killed more than 110 people.[414] While the Islamic State of Iraq did not officially claim responsibility for the attacks, a U.S. military spokesperson alleged that ISI-affiliated fighters might have carried out the attacks.[415]
  • The January 2011 Iraq suicide attacks were a series of three consecutive suicide bombings in Iraq which left at least 133 dead.


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Iraq January 2013 A car bomb killed 28 Shia pilgrims and injured 60 others as they were returning from Karbala, while in the capital Baghdad a roadside bomb exploded near a minibus, killing four pilgrims and wounding 15 others.[416] 32 75
Two suicide bombing attacks killed 55 and wounded 288 in Baghdad, Tikrit and Kirkuk.[417] 55 288
A suicide bomber blew himself up during a funeral for a politician's relative in the city of Tuz Khurmatu, killing 42 and leaving 75 others wounded.[418] 42 75
February 2013 February 2013 Kirkuk attack A suicide car bombing at the provincial police HQ in Kirkuk killed 36 and injured 105 others, including the city's chief of police.[419] 42 111
A series of car bombs struck Baghdad, killing 37 and injured more than 130 others.[420] 37 130
A string of bombings and shootings killed 34 and injured 70 others in Iraq.[421] 34 70
March 2013 Akashat ambush IS fighters ambushed a Syrian Army convoy escorted by Iraqi soldiers, killing 51 Syrians and 13 Iraqis.[422] 64 10
19 March 2013 Iraq attacks A series of coordinated bombings and shootings across central and northern Iraq killed 98 people and left 240 wounded.[423] 98 240
April 2013 15 April 2013 Iraq attacks A series of 70 attacks, mostly car bombings and shootings, occur across 20 cities in Iraq. 75 356 Some perpetrators killed, others escaped
2013 Hawija clashes Four days of shootings, bombings and clashes in and around Hawija after the Iraqi Army tried to arrest protestors 331 600+ Some perpetrators killed, others escaped
May 2013 May 2013 Iraq attacks Dozens of attacks rock several cities in Iraq in a week long outbreak of violence. 449 732 Some perpetrators killed, others escaped
June 2013 10 June 2013 Iraq attacks A series of bombings strike nine cities in northern and central Iraq 94 289 Some perpetrators killed, others escaped
16 June 2013 Iraq attacks A series of bombings and shootings targeting various cities across Iraq 54 174 Some perpetrators killed, others escaped
December 2013 2013 Baghdad Christmas Day bombings Three bombings in Baghdad targeting Christians on Christmas Day 38 70 Unknown


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Belgium May 2014 Jewish Museum of Belgium shooting The Jewish Museum of Belgium in Brussels, Belgium was targeted when a gunman identified as Mehdi Nemmouche opened fire at the museum. Three people died at the scene while a fourth died on 6 June due to injuries. When apprehended in Marseille, with his belongings was a camera with a recording claiming responsibility for the shooting, and a white sheet with the name of the Islamic State emblazoned onto it. 4 0 Subject in custody, extradited to Belgium.
Iraq June 2014 Badush prison massacre On 10 June, ISIL militants massacred at least 670 Shia prisoners in Badush prison, Mosul, Iraq. 1, 000+ Unknown
Camp Speicher massacre On 12 June 2014, ISIL killed at least 1,566 Shia Iraqi Air Force cadets in an attack on Camp Speicher in Tikrit. At the time of the attack there were between 4,000 and 11,000 unarmed cadets in the camp. This is the second deadliest terrorist attack in history and the deadliest attack conducted by ISIL.[424] 1566–1700 Unknown In retaliation Iraqi government launched counter offences against ISIL. New mass graves of ISIL victims were also discovered in Tikrit.[425]
Australia September 2014 2014 Endeavour Hills stabbings Two counter-terrorism police officers stabbed. 0 2 Perpetrator shot dead.
2014 Australian counter-terrorism raids 15 people were detained after planning to kidnap a random Australian citizen and execute them. One hostage was murdered during the siege and one killed by a bullet ricochet from a police officer during the raid. 2 4 Perpetrator shot dead by police during raid.
Canada October 2014 2014 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu ramming attack Two soldiers run down with car. One dies. 1 1 Perpetrator shot dead after chase.
2014 shootings at Parliament Hill, Ottawa Soldier standing guard at National War Memorial shot dead. Gunman storms Parliament. Security officer shot in leg trying to take gun from perpetrator. 1 3 Perpetrator shot dead in Parliament Building.
United States 2014 Queens hatchet attack A recent convert to Islam and IS supporter attacks two police officers with a hatchet. A civilian is wounded when other officers attempt to shoot the attacker. 0 3 Perpetrator shot dead by police
France December 2014 2014 Tours police station stabbing An IS supporter entered into a police station in Joué-lès-Tours screaming "Allahu Akbar" before stabbing three police officers. 0 3 Perpetrator shot dead.


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Saudi Arabia January 2015 2015 Arar attack Two attackers open fire on border guards, killing 3 before one detonates his suicide vest 3 1 Both perpetrators killed
Libya 2015 Corinthia Hotel attack Car bombing, suicide attack and subsequent hostage situation in hotel known for hosting foreigners and government officials. 10 7 Some perpetrators dead, others escaped
Denmark February 2015 2015 Copenhagen shootings Danish-born Jordanian-Palestinian Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein opened fire on a free speech event hosted by Lars Vilks and the Great Synagogue of Copenhagen. El-Hussein had pledged allegiance to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi a few days prior. 2 5 Perpetrator shot by police
Tunisia March 2015 Bardo National Museum attack Mass shooting and hostage-taking of foreign tourists at the Bardo National Museum 22 50 2 perpetrators killed by police, 1 escaped
Yemen 2015 Sana'a mosque bombings Suicide bombings of two Shi'a mosques in Sana'a 142 351 All perpetrators killed in the explosions
Saudi Arabia May 2015 Qatif and Dammam mosque bombings The mosque bombings occurred on 22 and 29 May 2015. On Friday May 22, a suicide bomber attacked the Shia "Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib Mosque" situated in Qudeih village of Qatif city in Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia, which killed at least 21 people. The event is the second deadly attack against Shia in six months. 26 106 IS claimed responsibility for the blast.
United States Curtis Culwell Center attack Two men attacked officers with gunfire at the entrance to an exhibit featuring cartoon images of Muhammad at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas 0 1 Both perpetrators killed
Turkey June 2015 2015 Diyarbakır rally bombing TNT bombing targeting a rally of the Peoples' Democratic Party 5 100+ Perpetrator arrested.
France Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack French-born Islamist beheads his boss and then rams his car into a gas cylinder outside a factory 1 2 Perpetrator arrested; commits suicide in prison six months after the attack
Kuwait 2015 Kuwait mosque bombing Suicide bombing of a Shi'a mosque in Kuwait City 27 227 Bomber killed in explosion, 15 others convicted of involvement in the attack
Tunisia 2015 Sousse attacks Mass shooting targeting western tourists at a hotel in Port El Kantaoui 10 kilometres north of Sousse 38 39 Perpetrator killed by police
Iraq July 2015 2015 Khan Bani Saad bombing Suicide car bombing targeting Shi'a market in the city of Khan Bani Saad 130 130+ Perpetrator killed in explosion
Turkey 2015 Suruç bombing Suicide bombing targeting the youth wing of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed 33 104 Perpetrator dead.
France August 2015 2015 Thalys train attack A man who supported IS attacked a Thalys train from Paris to Amsterdam before being subdued. 0 3 Perpetrator subdued and arrested.
Turkey October 2015 2015 Ankara bombings Suicide bombing targeting protesters at a peace rally 109 400+ Perpetrators dead.
Egypt / Russia Metrojet Flight 9268 Flight en route from Egypt to Saint Petersburg bombed 224 0 Unknown
Lebanon November 2015 2015 Beirut bombings Suicide bombings targeting Shi'a civilians in the Hezbollah dominated suburb Bourj el-Barajneh 43 200–240 Perpetrators dead.
France November 2015 Paris attacks Shootings, suicide bombings, grenade, hostage taking. 131 413 Perpetrators killed[426]
Tunisia 2015 Tunis bombing Suicide bombing targeting a bus carrying presidential guards. 13 16 Perpetrator killed in explosion.
United States December 2015 2015 San Bernardino attack Married couple Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik open fire on a holiday at the Inland Regional Center before fleeing. The wife swore allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a Facebook post the day of the massacre 14 24 Perpetrators shot by police
Syria Tell Tamer bombings Truck bombings of a Kurdish militia hospital and a market. 60 80 Unknown
2015 al-Qamishli bombings Suicide bombings in three restaurants frequented by Kurds and Assyrian Christians. 16 35 Perpetrators killed in explosions


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Libya January 2016 Zliten truck bombing Suicide truck bombing at a police training camp 60 200+ Perpetrator killed in explosion
Egypt 2016 Hurghada attack Stabbing attack targeting foreign tourists at the Bella Vista hotel in Hurghada 0 2 Two perpetrators killed by police
Turkey 2016 Istanbul bombing Suicide bombing targeting foreign tourists in Sultanahmet Square 13 14 Perpetrator killed in explosion
Indonesia 2016 Jakarta attacks Suicide bombings and shootout targeting a Starbucks and a police station in central Jakarta. The attacks occurred near the UN offices and several foreign embassies 4 24 Four perpetrators killed, others escaped
Saudi Arabia Mahasen mosque attack Suicide bombing and shooting targeting a Shi'a mosque 4 18 One perpetrator killed; other arrested
Syria February 2016 February 2016 Homs bombings Two car bombings in Homs targeting Alawite civilians 64 100+ Unknown
February 2016 Sayyidah Zaynab bombings Car bombing and two suicide bombings targeting the Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque, a Shi'a mosque believed to contain the grave of Muhammad's granddaughter. 83 178 Perpetrators killed by explosions
Turkey March 2016 March 2016 Istanbul bombing A suicide bomber exploded targeting civilians in a commercial shop on a busy tourist destination and business center. 4 36 Perpetrator killed by explosion
Belgium 2016 Brussels bombings Suicide bombers attacked a metro station and an airport 32 340 Three perpetrators killed in explosions; other suspects sought
Yemen 2016 Aden car bombing Three suicide car bombings targeting military checkpoints 27 Dozens Perpetrators killed in explosions
Iraq 2016 Iraqi soccer stadium bombings Suicide bomber detonated suicide bomb in stadium 41 78 Perpetrator killed by explosion
Bangladesh April 2016 Murder of Xulhaz Mannan Xulhaz Mannan, a U.S. embassy employee and the editor of Bangladesh's first LGBT magazine, was hacked to death in his apartment along with his friend. 2 0 Perpetrators at large
Iraq April 2016 Baghdad bombing At least 38 people were killed and 86 others wounded, as a result of two car bombings, in Iraq's capital of Baghdad.  38+ 86+
Iraq May 2016 2016 Samawa bombing On 1 May 2016, attacks targeted Iraq's deep Shiite south, with the explosion of twin suicide car bombs in the city of Samawa. At least 33 people were killed and 75 wounded. 33 75 Two perpetrators killed in explosions
11 May 2016 Baghdad bombing Four separate car bombings in the Iraqi capital Baghdad claimed at least 110 lives. 110+ 165+ Perpetrators killed in car explosions
Real Madrid Fan Club massacre Two separate incidents in which three gunmen and suicide bombers attacked Real Madrid football fans at a supporters' café 28 45 Roughly six perpetrators killed
May 2016 Baghdad bombings On 17 May 2016, a series of bombings by the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant hit the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad. At least 101 people were killed and 194 injured. 101 194
Yemen 23 May 2016 Yemen bombings Two suicide bombings targeted army recruits. 45+ 60+ Two perpetrators killed (maybe more)
Kazakhstan June 2016 2016 Aktobe shootings A group of several dozen militants attacked two gun shops and a military base in Aktobe, killing four civilians and three soldiers. Several attackers were killed during the attacks on the shops and base and more were killed during police raids that followed over the next few days. 7 40+ 18 perpetrators killed, 9 arrested
France 2016 Magnanville stabbing IS took responsibility for a stabbing that killed a French police officer and his companion.[427] 2 0 Perpetrator killed by police
Malaysia 2016 Movida Bar grenade attack Two men approaching a bar and one of them throwing a grenade before escaping with their motorcycle while customer is watching the UEFA Euro 2016 between Italy and Spain. First ever IS attack in Malaysia. 0 8 Perpetrator arrested by police
Turkey Atatürk Airport attack Three men from former Soviet states opened fire on Atatürk Airport in Istanbul before blowing themselves up. 45 239 Perpetrators killed
United States Orlando nightclub shooting 29-year-old Omar Mateen killed 49 people and wounded 53 others in a mass shooting inside Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. 49 53 Perpetrator killed, IS claimed responsibility for attack
Bangladesh July 2016 2016 Dhaka attack Five men attacked a café in the Gulshan Thana of Dhaka and took hostages. 24 50 Five perpetrators killed
Iraq July 2016 Baghdad bombings Two bomb attacks in the district of Karrada and the suburb of Sha'ab in Baghdad. 347 225+ Members of a militant cell connected to the bombings arrested
Saudi Arabia 2016 Medina suicide bombing A suicide bomber targeted security forces outside the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, a man blew himself up after police tried to arrest him near the U.S. consulate in Jeddah, and two more bomb attacks occurred in Qatif. 7 7 Four perpetrators killed by explosions
France 2016 Nice truck attack On 14 July (Bastille Day), Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a 31 year old from Tunisia, deliberately drove a 19 tonne cargo truck into crowds celebrating Bastille Day on Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France. IS claimed responsibility. 86 434 Perpetrator killed by police at the scene.
Germany 2016 Würzburg train attack A 17-year-old Afghan refugee seriously injured four people with a knife and an axe on a train near Würzburg in Germany 0 5 Perpetrator killed by police
Afghanistan July 2016 Kabul bombing Two suicide bombers detonated explosive belts on civilians. 80 231+ Both perpetrators killed in explosion
Germany 2016 Ansbach bombing A Syrian refugee blow himself up near a music festival in Ansbach, where there were about 2,500 people at that moment. 0 15 Perpetrator killed in explosion
France 2016 Normandy church attack Priest Jacques Hamel, two nuns, and two worshipers taken hostage by two men armed with knives in the church during mass. Hamel was killed. 1 3 Both perpetrators killed by police
Syria July 2016 Qamishli bombings[428] Two explosions in the predominantly Kurdish town Qamishli in Syria, killing at 57 including 8 Asayish people and wounding over 171 people. 57 171+ At least 1 perpetrator was killed by the explosion
Belgium August 2016 2016 Charleroi attack A man attacked two policewomen with a machete in Charleroi, Belgium, before being shot dead by another police officer. The attacker is reported to have said "Allahu Akbar" during the attack. 0 2 Perpetrator killed by police
Pakistan August 2016 Quetta attacks A suicide bomber in Pakistan killed at least 90 people and wounded more than 100 in an attack on mourners gathered at a hospital in the southwestern city of Quetta, and Islamic State and a Taliban faction claimed responsibility. 93+ 130+ Perpetrator killed in explosion
Turkey August 2016 Gaziantep bombing A child suicide bomber[429] kills over 50 at a wedding in Gaziantep province. 57 69 Perpetrator killed in explosion
Iraq September 2016 9 September 2016 Baghdad bombings A suicide bomber in a car in Baghdad killed at least 40 people and wounded more than 60 Islamic State claimed 40+ 60+ Perpetrator killed in explosion
Belgium October 2016 2016 stabbing of Brussels police officers Three police officers were attacked by a man with a machete in the Schaerbeek municipality of Brussels. 0 4
Pakistan October 2016 Quetta attacks 61 160+ One killed during operation, two killed in explosion
United States November 2016 Ohio State University attack Abdul Razak Ali Artan stabbed people and ran others over with a car, injuring 11, before being shot and killed by a police officer. IS praised the attack and said Artan had responded to their call to attack civilians of coalition countries. 1 11 Suspect shot by OSU response team officer.
Jordan December 2016 2016 Al-Karak attack On 18 December, a series of shootings occurred in Al-Karak, Jordan. 15 37 Four perpetrators were killed by security forces. IS later claimed responsibility for the attack.
Germany 2016 Berlin truck attack On 19 December, Anis Amri, a 24 year old Tunisian asylum seeker, hijacked a Polish truck in Berlin and drove it into a Christmas market in Breitscheidplatz, Berlin. The attack claimed 13 lives, including the original driver of the truck. IS claimed responsibility and later released a video of Amri pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. 13 56 Suspect killed in Sesto San Giovanni (MI) by Italian police.


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Turkey January 2017 2017 Istanbul nightclub shooting At least 39 people are killed and nearly 70 wounded after a gunman opens fire in a nightclub in Istanbul, on the European coast of the Bosphorus. 39 69 Perpetrator arrested on 16 January. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant claims responsibility.
Iraq January 2017 Baghdad bombings At least 70 people dead in 3 separate suicide bomb attacks in Baghdad over the space of 2 days. 70+ 100+ Perpetrators killed in explosions
Afghanistan February 2017 2017 Kabul Supreme Court Bombing Suicide bomber kills 22 at the Supreme Court of Afghanistan, Kabul. IS claims responsibility.[430] 22+ 35+ Perpetrator killed in explosion
Iraq Car bomb explodes in Baghdad's Baya neighborhood, a majority-Shiite community. IS claims responsibility.[431] 54+ 63+
Pakistan 2017 Sehwan suicide bombing Suicide bomber kills 100 at the Sufi Shrine. IS claims responsibility. 90 300+ Perpetrator killed in explosion
Syria Part of Battle of al-Bab[432] Car bomb kills 51 people in a small village outside of Al-Bab, Syria. 51 Unknown IS claimed responsibility
Afghanistan March 2017 March 2017 Kabul attack Shooting and bombing at military hospital in Kabul. 49 63+ Perpetrators killed
Bangladesh 2017 Dhaka suicide bombing Suicide bomber enters under-construction Rapid Action Battalion headquarters and detonates suicide vest. 0 2 Perpetrator killed. IS claimed responsibility for the attack.
United Kingdom 2017 Westminster attack Car plows through crowd gathered outside of Westminster Palace before assailant stabbed police officer to death. 6 49 Perpetrator killed. IS claimed responsibility for the attack.
Bangladesh 2017 South Surma bombings Militants bombed a crowd of about 500–600 people gathered near the army and police perimeter, which was about 400 metres from the militant hideout. 7 40+ Four perpetrators killed. IS claimed responsibility for the attack.
Egypt April 2017 2017 Palm Sunday church bombings Suicide bombings at two churches on Palm Sunday in the cities of Tanta and Alexandria. 363 505 Perpetrators killed. IS claims responsibility for the attacks.
Sweden 2017 Stockholm truck attack Truck drives into people on Drottninggatan pedestrian street before crashing into Åhléns department store, after which the perpetrator fails to ignite a homemade butane gas bomb. 5 15 Perpetrator arrested. IS does not claim responsibility for the attack but the perpetraitor claims to act on their behalf.[433]
France April 2017 Champs-Élysées attack Police officers shot in Champs-Élysées, Paris. The incident killed one police officer and injured two more before the perpetrator was killed. 2 2 Perpetrator killed. IS claimed responsibility.[434]
Pakistan May 2017 2017 Mastung bombing A bombing targeting Abdul Ghafoor Haideri in Mastung District. 25 37 IS claimed responsibility.[435]
United Kingdom Manchester Arena bombing Suicide bombing targeting concertgoers at the Manchester Arena at the end of an Ariana Grande concert. 22 59 Perpetrator killed. IS claimed responsibility.[436]
Philippines Battle of Marawi Philippine security forces launch an operation in Marawi upon receiving reports that Isnilon Hapilon is meeting with militants of the Maute group in the city. The militants in response took control of its medical center, burned schools and buildings and released prisoners. 1233 1400+ 90% of Marawi recaptured by government forces. 12 militants detained.[437]
Indonesia 2017 Jakarta bombings Islamic state claimed responsibility for Jakarta bus station attacks that left at least three policemen dead and 11 others wounded on Wednesday. 3 12 [438]
Egypt 2017 Minya attack Masked gunmen opened fire on a convoy carrying Coptic Christians traveling from Maghagha in Egypt's Minya Governorate. 28 22 Perpetrators caught. IS claims responsibility.[439]
United Kingdom June 2017 2017 London Bridge attack Van drives into pedestrians on London Bridge before three men emerge and stab people in nearby bars and restaurants. 8 48 Perpetrators killed. IS claims responsibility.[440]
Australia 2017 Brighton siege Somali-born Yacqub Khayre orchestrates a siege taking a prostitute hostage in a serviced apartment complex in Brighton, Australia and kills the complex clerk before enticing police to the complex. He makes references to al-Qaeda and IS. 1 3 Perpetrator killed. IS claims responsibility[441] and police declare it a terrorist incident.[442]
Iran 2017 Tehran attacks On 7 June 2017, two attacks were simultaneously carried in the Iranian parliament and the Mausoleum of Ruhollah Khomeini, shrine of Iran's revolutionary founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. 17 42 4 of the perpetrators killed, 2 of them killed in explosions, IS claims responsibility.[443]
Belgium June 2017 Brussels attack An attacker detonated a small bomb in Brussels-Central railway station, and was later shot dead by police. 1 0
Afghanistan August 2017 Suicide Blast kills 36 people in Afghanistan. IS claims responsibility of the attack.[444] 36 Unknown 2 perpetrators dead in the suicide blast.
Pakistan August 2017 Quetta suicide bombing Suicide blast kills 15 people including 8 Pakistani soldiers. 15 40 IS claimed responsibility.[445]
Finland 2017 Turku attack Two women were killed in the attack. The perpetrator was identified as Abderrahman Bouanane, a Moroccan citizen and rejected asylum seeker, who reportedly identified himself as a "soldier of the Islamic State". Despite this there was no claim of responsibility from IS. 2 8 Life sentence for Turku stabber.
Pakistan August 2017 Quetta suicide bombing Suicide blast kills 15 people including 8 Pakistani soldiers. 15 40 IS claimed responsibility.[445]
Spain 2017 Barcelona attack Van hits several pedestrians after jumping sidewalk in La Rambla 16 152 Perpetrator killed.IS claimed responsibility.
Belgium August 2017 Brussels attack Two soldiers were injured by an assailant wielding a knife, who was shot by authorities and later died in the hospital. 1 2
United Kingdom September 2017 Parsons Green bombing A bomb explodes at Parsons Green station in London 0 30 IS claimed responsibility.
Canada 2017 Edmonton attack Edmonton police constable Mike Chernyk was allegedly hit and stabbed by 30-year-old Abdulahi Sharif, who then hit 4 pedestrians with a rental truck in a police chase 0 5 IS flag found in rental truck.
France October 2017 Marseille stabbing A man killed two women at the Saint-Charles Station in Marseille, France 3 0 IS claimed responsibility.
United States 2017 New York City truck attack A man drove a flatbed pickup truck into pedestrians on a bike path along West Street in Lower Manhattan, New York City. 8 12 Attacker taken into Police Custody. IS claimed responsibility.
Egypt November 2017 2017 Sinai mosque attack Attackers launched rocket propelled grenades and opened fire on the worshipers during the crowded Friday prayer at al-Rawda near Bir al-Abed. 311 128 Survivors noted that the attackers brandished the Islamic State flag.[446]
United States December 2017 2017 New York City attempted bombing Akayed Ullah, 27, attempted a suicide bombing at the 42nd Street-Port Authority Bus Terminal. The crude pipe bomb injured 4 people including the bomber. 0 4 The perpetrator was reported as declaring his allegiance to IS.[447]
Afghanistan December 2017 Kabul suicide bombing Suicide bombing at the Tabayan cultural centre in Kabul. 50 80 Perpetrators killed. IS claimed responsibility.[448]


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Iraq January 2018 January 15, 2018 Baghdad bombings On 15 January 2018, two suicide bombings took place at al-Tayaran Square of Baghdad, killing 38 people and injuring more than 105 others. IS claimed responsibility. 36 105 Perpetrators killed. IS claimed responsibility.[449]
Afghanistan 2018 Save the Children Jalalabad attack On 24 January 2018, militants affiliated with Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan Province launched a bomb and gun attack on a Save the Children office in Jalalabad, a city in the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar, killing six people and injuring 27. 6 27 Perpetrators killed. IS claimed responsibility.[450]
Russia February 2018 2018 Kizlyar church shooting On 18 February 2018, a 22-year-old man local to the Russia's southern province of Dagestan carrying a knife and a hunting rifle opened fire on a crowd at an Orthodox church in Kizlyar, killing five women and injuring several other people. 6 5 Perpetrator Killed. IS claimed responsibility.[451]
France March 2018 Carcassonne and Trèbes attack A hostage crisis unfolded in the southern French town of Trèbes on 23 March 2018, but began hours earlier in Carcassonne, when 26-year-old French-Moroccan Redouane Lakdim killed a motorist and injured his passenger, then stole the car and attacked four French police officers, wounding one. Lakdim drove to nearby Trèbes, where he stormed a Super U supermarket, ultimately killing two civilians and a gendarme and injuring several more. 5 15 Perpetrator killed. Gunman claimed allegiance with IS.[452]
Iraq April 2018 2018 Asdira funeral bombing 25 people were killed and 18 wounded when explosives exploded at a funeral for Sunni Muslim tribal fighters in the village of Asdira near the northern Iraqi town of Al-Shirqat.[453][454][455] 25 18 IS claimed responsibility.
Afghanistan April 2018 Kabul suicide bombing On 22 April 2018, a suicide blast killed 69 people and wounded dozens more Sunday at a voter registration center in Koche Mahtab Qala, in the Dashte Barchi area of western Kabul, Afghanistan. 69 120 Perpetrator killed. IS claimed responsibility.
30 April 2018 Kabul suicide bombings At least 29 people were killed and 50 others injured in two suicide bombings in the Afghan capital Kabul, including several journalists documenting the scene.[456][457][458] 29 50 IS claimed responsibility.
Libya May 2018 2018 attack on the High National Elections Commission in Tripoli, Libya Suicide bombers attacked the head offices of Libya's electoral commission in Tripoli, killing at least 16 people, injuring 20 and setting fire to the building.[459][460] 16 20 IS claimed responsibility for the attack.
France 2018 Paris knife attack On 12 May 2018, a man was fatally shot by police after killing one pedestrian and injuring several more in Paris, France. 2 8 Perpetrator killed. IS claims responsibility.[461]
Indonesia 2018 Surabaya churches bombings The 2018 Surabaya churches bombings were a series of terrorist attacks that occurred on 13 May 2018 in three churches in Surabaya, the second largest city in Indonesia. The explosions took place at Innocent Saint Mary Catholic Church (Gereja Katolik Santa Maria Tak Bercela, SMTB) on Ngagel Madya Street, Surabaya Central Pentecost Church (Gereja Pantekosta Pusat Surabaya, GPPS) on Arjuno Street, and Indonesia Christian Church (Gereja Kristen Indonesia, GKI) on Diponegoro Street. The first explosion took place at the SMTB Church. The second and third explosions followed 30 minutes apart. 28 57 28 dead including all of the perpetrators. IS claims responsibility.
Belgium 2018 Liege shooting On 29 May 2018, Benjamin Herman, a prisoner on temporary leave from prison, stabbed two female police officers, took their guns and shot and killed them and a civilian in Liège, Belgium. 4 4 Perpetrator killed. IS claims responsibility.[462]
Afghanistan June 2018 A suicide bomber killed at least 36 people and injured 65 others at a gathering of Taliban and Afghan armed forces in the Rodat district of the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar[463] 36 65 Perpetrator killed. IS claimed responsibility.
July 2018 July 2018 Jalalabad suicide bombing On 1 July 2018, a suicide bomber detonated in the center of the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, killing 20 people, mainly Sikhs and Hindus, and injuring 20 others.[464] Islamic State claimed responsibility 20 20 IS claimed responsibility.[464]
Pakistan 13 July 2018 Pakistan bombings Siraj Raisani was about to address an election rally when a suicide bomber, carrying around 16–20 kg of explosive material in his vest, blew himself up among a crowd of more than 1000 people.Along with Raisani, the explosion killed 128 people.Two days after the attack, on 15 July 2018, the number of dead increased to 149, while 186 other people were injured, making it the deadliest terrorist attack in Pakistan since the APS massacre in Peshawar in 2014.[465] 149 186 IS claimed responsibility.[465]
Afghanistan At least 23 people, including an AFP driver, were killed and 107 others injured in a suicide bombing near Kabul International Airport as scores of people were leaving the airport after welcoming home Afghan Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum from exile.[466] 23 107 IS claimed responsibility.
Pakistan 2018 Quetta suicide bombing On 25 July 2018, during polling for the 2018 Pakistani general election, a bomb blast outside a polling station in Quetta's Eastern Bypass area resulted in 31 people being killed and over 35 injured.[467][468][469] Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant claimed responsibility for the attack, according to the group's Amaq News Agency. 31 40 IS claimed responsibility for the attack.
Syria 2018 As-Suwayda attacks The 2018 As-Suwayda attacks were a string of suicide bombings and gun attacks that took place in and around As-Suwayda, Syria on 25 July, killing at least 246 people and injuring more than 200. The attacks were committed by the Islamic State.[470][471] 246 200+ IS claimed responsibility for the attack.
Tajikistan Terrorist attack against cyclists in Tajikistan Four cyclists, including two Americans, are killed after a car plowed through tourists traveling through Tajikistan.[472] 4 3 IS claimed responsibility for the attack.
Afghanistan August 2018 2018 Gardez Shiite Mosque Afghanistan Attack Two militants dressed in burqa entered a Shiite mosque in the town of Gardez in the province of Paktia and opened fire. One of the attackers blew himself up and the other was gunned down by security guards. 39 people were killed and at least 80 others injured in the attack.[473][474] 48 70 IS claimed responsibility.
August 2018 Kabul suicide bombing A suicide bombing occurred on Wednesday 15 August 2018 in the Shia region of Kabul took place.[475] Afghanistan's Ministry of Public Health reported that 48 people including 34 students were killed and 67 were injured.[476] IS claimed responsibility.[477] 48 67 IS claimed responsibility for the attack.
Iran September 2018 Ahvaz military parade attack On 22 September 2018, a military parade was attacked in the southwestern Iranian city of Ahvaz.[478][479] The attackers killed 25 people, including soldiers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and civilian bystanders.[480] 30 70 Perpetrators killed. IS claimed responsibility and provided a video containing the alleged attackers discussing the attack.[481]
Egypt November 2018 2018 Minya bus attack On 2 November 2018, multiple gunmen opened fire on a bus in Minya carrying Christian Copts, the attack killed 7 and injured 14, IS also claimed responsibility for the attack.[482][483][484] 7 14 IS claimed responsibility and all of the 19 perpetrators were killed by Egyptian soldiers 2 days later.
Australia 2018 Melbourne stabbing attack On 9 November 2018, a Somali man set his car on fire and started stabbing people, killing one and injuring two. The attacker died in hospital after being shot by police. IS claimed responsibility for the attack.[485] 1 2 The attacker, an IS sympathizer, was shot dead. IS claimed responsibility for the attack.
France December 2018 2018 Strasbourg attack On the evening of 11 December 2018, a mass shooting occurred in Strasbourg, France, when a man with a revolver opened fire on civilians in the city's busy Christkindelsmärik (Christmas market) killing five and wounding 11, before fleeing in a taxi. 5 11 Perpetrator killed by police 2 days later. IS claimed responsibility, but French interior minister Christophe Castaner described its claim as "totally opportunistic".[486]
Russia 2018 Magnitogorsk building collapse On 31 December 2018, an apartment building in Magnitogorsk, Russia, was rocked by an explosion that leveled several floors, killing and wounding dozens of people. The following day a bus burst into flames and killed three people. However, the Russian Government has stated that the explosion was likely caused by a gas leak, not IS.[487] 42 12+ The 165th issue of the Islamic State's An-Naba newspaper contained the claim of responsibility.[488]


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Philippines January


2019 Jolo Cathedral bombings 2019 Jolo Cathedral bombings: 22 people, were killed and 102 others were injured when two bombs exploded in a cathedral during Sunday mass in Jolo, Philippines. The Islamic State-related branch of Abu Sayyaf terror group Ajang Ajang faction was behind the attack. 20 102 Abu Sayyaf (which is a part of IS) is believed to have carried out the attacks however IS has also claimed responsibility.[489]
Pakistan April 2019 2019 Quetta bombing A suicide blast took place in a potato stall in Shia dominated Hazarganji vegetable market.[490] 22 48+ Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and IS claimed responsibility
Sri Lanka 2019 Sri Lanka Easter bombings On 21 April 2019, 6 suicide bomb attacks killing 253, including 45 children and 38 foreign nationals. Targets were 3 churches, namely St Anthony's church – Kotahena, St. Sebestian church – Negombo, Zion Church – Batticaloa and 3 leading hotels in Colombo namely Kingsbury Hotel, Shangri-La Hotel and Cinnamon Grand Hotel. There were 2 other suicide explosion in the afternoon in a small lodge in Dehiwala killing 2 and in the house of a main attacker in Colombo, killing 7 individuals including 3 police officers.[491] 261[492] 500+ IS claimed responsibility for the attack through AMAQ News Agency. Local Islamic extremist group, National Thawheeth Jama'ath is also directly involved in the attack.[493]
April 2019 Kalmunai shootout On 27 April 2019, Sri Lankan security forces and militants from National Thowheeth Jama'ath allegedly linked to IS clashed after the security forces raided a safe house of the militants. Sixteen people, including six children, died during the raid as three cornered suicide bombers blew themselves up.[494][495][496] 16 2 Groups involved in the attack swore allegiance to IS and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.[496]
Afghanistan August 2019 17 August 2019 Kabul bombing On 17 August 2019, a suicide bomber detonated a bomb in a wedding hall, killing at least 92 people and injuring more than 140.[497][498] 92 142 IS claimed responsibility.[499]
Iraq In the night of 24 August 2019 six Iraqi people (five youths and one policeman) were killed and ten others were wounded when Islamic State militants launched a mortar attack on a football pitch in the village of Daquq at the north of Kirkuk[500][501][502] 6 10 IS claimed responsibility.
Tajikistan November 2019 On 6 November 2019, around 20 ISIS militants from Afghanistan conducted an attack on a border post in Rudaki, Tajikistan after crossing into Tajikistan from Afghanistan. The attack resulted in death of a Tajik border guard and a police officer. In the ensuing firefight 15 ISIS militants were killed and five were arrested.[503][504] 17 (incl. 15 militants) 0 Five IS militants were arrested.
Nigeria December 2019 On 27 December 2019 it was released a video by Amaq News Agency showing the killing of eleven Christians in Nigeria.[505] ISWAP said it was part of its campaign to avenge the killing of IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a US military raid in Syria last October.[506] 11 0 IS


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Niger January


Battle of Chinagodrar On 9 January 2020 in a gunfight at a Niger military base, 89 Niger Armed Forces soldiers and 77 IS militants killed during the battle.[507][508] 166 Unknown IS claimed responsibility.[509]
United Kingdom February 2020 2020 Streatham stabbing On 2 February 2020 two people were stabbed in Streatham, London, and one more had minor injuries.[510] The perpetrator, Sudesh Amman, who was a fighter of Islamic State and had previously praised it, was shot dead by police.[511] 1 3 IS claimed responsibility.
Afghanistan March 2020 6 March 2020 Kabul shooting On 6 March 2020, ISIL gunmen killed 32 people and injured over 80 people at a ceremony in Kabul.[512][513] 32 80+ IS claimed responsibility.[514]
Kabul gurdwara attack On 25 March 2020, IS killed 25 people in a gurdwara in Kabul. 25 8 IS claimed responsibility
May 2020 Kabul hospital shooting & Kuz Kunar funeral bombing On 12 May 2020, gunmen executed a mass shooting at a hospital's maternity ward. 80 patients were evacuated, 24 victims, including newborn babies, mothers, and nurses, killed by the gunmen and all three attackers killed by the army; An hour after the Kabul attack, a suicide bombing took place in Kuz Kunar, Nangarhar Province at the funeral of a police commander, killing 32 mourners and injuring 133 others.[515] 218 133 IS thought to be responsible for the Kabul shooting although the Afghan government blamed the Taliban for it; IS claimed responsibility for the Kuz Kunar bombing.[516][517]
August 2020 Jalalabad prison attack On August 3, 2020, IS launched an attack on an Afghan prison that left at least 29 dead.[518][519] 29 Unknown IS claimed responsibility.[520]
Philippines 2020 Jolo bombings The bombings occurred on August 24, 2020, when insurgents alleged to be jihadists from the Abu Sayyaf group detonated two bombs in Jolo, Sulu, Philippines, killing 14 people and wounding 75 others.[521] The first occurred as Philippine Army personnel were assisting in carrying out COVID-19 humanitarian efforts.[522] The second, a suicide bombing, was carried out near the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral.[523] 14 80 Perpetrator killed in the bombing.
Austria November 2020 2020 Vienna attack Between November 2–3, five were killed in Stadttempel, Vienna, including the perpetrator.[524] The Vienna Police Department confirmed that the attacker was an Islamic State sympathizer, and that the attack was motivated by Islamic extremism.[525] 4 22 Perpetrator pledged allegiance to IS.[526]
Syria December 2020 On 30 December 2020, an assault targeted a convoy of Syrian regime soldiers and militiamen of Bashar al-Assad's elite Fourth Brigade returning from their posts in Deir Ez-Zor. The bus was ambushed in a well-planned operation near the village of Shula by jihadists who set up a false checkpoint to stop the convoy and detonated bombs before opening fire.[527] 40 - IS claimed responsibility.[528]


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Pakistan January 2021 Machh attack IS claims responsibility for killing 11 miners in Balochistan, Pakistan. They kidnapped the workers on 2 or 3 January and took them to the mountains. The victims' hands were tied and their dismembered bodies were on the floor of a cottage. Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan condemned the attacks, calling them "terrorist".[529][530][531][532][533] 11 - IS claimed responsibility.
Iraq Baghdad bombings Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant targeted Shia Muslims on 21 January 2021 in a clothing market in Tayaran Square, Baghdad. US, UN, EU and the Pope condemn the attack calling it a senseless act of violence.[534][535][536] 32 110 IS claimed responsibility.
Afghanistan March 2021 2021 Afghanistan attacks Three female media workers are shot dead in Jalalabad, Nangarhar. A fourth woman is wounded. The Islamic State claims responsibility for the attack.[537] 3 1 IS claimed responsibility.
2021 Afghanistan attacks A female doctor is killed and a child is wounded in Jalalabad, Nangarhar, after a bomb attached to her rickshaw explodes. Seven workers at a Hazara plaster factory are shot dead in Surkh-Rōd District, Nangarhar. ISIL is suspected to be behind the attacks.[538] 8 1 IS believed to be perpetrators.
May 2021 2021 Kabul school bombing A car bombing, followed by two more improvised explosive device (IED) blasts, occurred in front of Sayed al-Shuhada school in Dashte Barchi, a predominantly Shia Hazara area in western Kabul, Afghanistan, leaving at least 85 people dead and 147 injured. The majority of the casualties were girls between 11 and 15 years old. The attack took place in a neighborhood that has frequently been attacked by militants belonging to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant over the years.[539] 85 147 Afghan Government blame the Taliban. However the Taliban deny they carried out the attack. IS-K is blamed for the attack.
Iraq July 2021 In the evening of Monday, 19 July 2021, an IS suicide bomber detonated his vest in a crowded market in the densely populated neighbourhood of Baghdad's Sadr City killing at least 30 people, the event happened near the eve of Eid al-Adha Islamic festival. Women and children were among the dead and wounded and some shops burned down as a result of the explosion.[540] 30 50 IS claims responsibility for the attack.[541]
Afghanistan August 2021 2021 Kabul airport attack On 26 August 2021, at 17:50 local time (13:20 UTC),[542] a suicide bombing occurred near Abbey Gate at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. Another blast occurred after the bombing.[543][544][545][546] These attacks came hours after the United States State Department told Americans outside the airport to leave due to a terrorist threat.[547] At least 183 people were killed in the attacks, including 13 US service members.[548] 182 200 IS claims responsibility for the attack.[549]
New Zealand 3 September 2021 Auckland Countdown stabbing An IS supporter stabbed six people before being shot by police on 3 September in Auckland, New Zealand. The attacker came to New Zealand in 2011 and became a person of interest in October 2016, authorities said.[550] 1 6 IS claims responsibility for the attack.
Afghanistan 18 September At least 7 people were killed and at least 30 were wounded during four explosions which occurred in Nangarhar's capital Jalalabad which targeted a Taliban patrol vehicle and another explosion which occurred in Kabul's Dasht-e-Barchi neighbourhood.[551] 7 30 IS claimed responsibility for the attack.[552]
8 October 2021 Kunduz mosque bombing IS militants attacked, and killed many Shia Muslim worshipers in the mosque during their Friday prayer time.[553] 50+ 100+ IS claimed responsibility for the attack.[554]
15 October 2021 Kandahar bombing IS militants attacked, and killed many Shia Muslim worshipers in the mosque during their Friday prayer time.[555][556] 65 70+ IS claimed responsibility for the attack.[557]
Niger 2 November 2021 Adab-Dab attack Gunmen ambushed a delegation held by the mayor of Bani-Bangou. 69 ISGS accused.[558]


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Pakistan 4 March 2022 2022 Peshawar mosque bombing The Islamic State attacked a Shiite mosque in Peshawar, the capital of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan. 63 196 IS-KP claimed responsibility
Israel 22 March 2022 2022 Beersheba attack 1 Arab-Israeli Bedouin men affiliated with IS were responsible for a stabbing in Beersheba. 4 2 IS claimed responsibility
27 March 2022 2022 Hadera shooting 2 Arab-Israeli men affiliated with IS were responsible for a shooting in Hadera. 2 12 IS claimed responsibility
Afghanistan 21 April 2022 2022 Mazar-i-Sharif mosque bombing A bomb exploded at a Shiite mosque in Mazar-i-Sharif during Friday prayers, killing 31 people and wounding 87. 31 87
29 April 2022 April 2022 Kabul mosque bombing The bombing occurred around 2:00 pm at the Khalifa Aga Gul Jan Mosque in Kabul, where hundreds of congregants were gathered for prayers.[559] Interior ministry spokesman Mohammad Nafi Takor confirmed ten fatalities. Sayed Fazil Agha, the mosque's leader, said more than 50 died.[560] Police chief spokesman Khalid Zadran said as many as 30 people were wounded.[561] 50 30 IS claimed responsibility for the attack.[562]
Benin 1 July 2022 Multiple IS militants ambushed and killed 4 Beninese soldiers near the town of Alfa Kawoura[563] 4 0 IS claimed responsibility
Afghanistan 3 August 2022 Two Taliban police officers were killed and four were wounded during a gunbattle with Islamic State gunmen at a hideout in Kabul. Three Islamic State militants were also killed.[564] 5 4
5 August 2022 On 5 August 2022, eight people were killed and 18 others were injured when a bomb hidden in a cart exploded near a Shiite mosque in Kabul.[565] 8 18 Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.
30 September 2022 September 2022 Kabul school bombing A suicide bomber blew himself up at the Kaaj education center in Dashte Barchi, a Hazara neighborhood in Kabul, Afghanistan, killing at least 52 people.[566] 52+ 110
Mozambique 20 October 2022 Many IS militants attacked an Indian-owned Ruby Mine in Montepuez, which is considered the world's largest ruby mine.[567] IS claimed responsibility[568]
Iran 26 October 2022 2022 Shiraz massacre An IS terrorist led a massacre at the Shah Cheragh Shia mosque in Shiraz, Fars province, Iran. At least 15 people have been killed due to this event, 2 have been arrested while 1 is still at large. IS has claimed responsibility for the attack on its telegram channel.[569] 15 40 IS claimed responsibility for the massacre.
Afghanistan December 2022 2022 Kabul hotel attack 2 IS militants set off explosives and set fire to the Longan Hotel in Kabul due to its ties to the Chinese government. 6 people were killed, including one of the attackers, and another 18 were injured, including foreign and Afghan civilians and Taliban soldiers.[570] 3 18 One IS perpetrator killed in the bombing.
Syria 26 December 2022 A lone IS suicide bomber detonated a suicide vest in an attack on an SDF security centre in the former ISIS capital, Raqqa. The bomber and at least 6 SDF were killed in the attack.[571] 7 - IS claimed responsibility.[572]


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Afghanistan 1 January 2023 2023 Kabul airport bombing An attacker detonated a bomb outside the entrance to the military portion of Kabul International Airport.[573] 20 (claimed) 30 (claimed) Islamic State claimed responsibility
11 January 2023 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan bombing A suicide bomber detonated outside the Taliban foreign ministry office in Kabul, reportedly during the visit of a Chinese delegation.[574] 20+ Perpetrator killed in the bombing. Islamic State claimed responsibility.
DRC 16 January 2023 Kasindi church bombing An Islamic State affiliated group planted a bomb in a Pentecostal Church, and blew it up[575] 17 39 Islamic State claimed responsibility[576]
Burkina Faso 23 March 2023 Islamic State militants attacked a unit of Burkina Faso soldiers that was patrolling the area[577] 15 0 Islamic State claimed responsibility
DRC 8 April 2023 The Islamic State - Central Africa Province cell claimed responsibility for the attack after raiding a farm in the village of Enebula in North Kivu province[578] 21 ~30 Islamic State claimed responsibility[579]
Syria 16 April 2023 The Islamic State claimed responsibility for attacking and killing a group of around 10 militants and 16 civilians near the capital of Damascus[580] 26 Unknown Islamic State claimed responsibility[581]
Pakistan 30 July 2023 2023 Khar bombing A suicide bomb at a Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F) rally in Khar, Bajaur District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, killed at least 63 people[34] and injured nearly 200 others.[582] 63 (+1) 200+ Islamic State claimed responsibility[582]
Afghanistan 13 October 2023 2023 Pul-i-Khumri bombing The Islamic State claimed responsibility for attack on Shia Mosque in Baghlan[583] 7 (+1) 17 Islamic State claimed responsibility[583]
France 13 October 2023 Arras school stabbing An IS-pledged lone wolf murdered a teacher and wounded 3 others at his former school in Arras[584] 1 3 The perpetrator pledged allegiance to the Islamic State[585]
Belgium 16 October 2023 2023 Brussels terrorist attack An IS-pledged lone wolf shot dead 2 Swedish nationals and wounded a third person in Brussels[586] 3 (1) 1 The perpetrator pledged allegiance to the Islamic State[587] Islamic State claimed responsibility[588]
Philippines 3 December 2023 Mindanao State University bombing A bombing occurred at a Roman Catholic Mass in Mindanao State University, Marawi 4 72 Islamic State claimed responsibility[589] Involvement of local IS affiliate, Maute group, being considered.[590]
Uganda 19 December 2023 Kyabandara parish attack ADF rebels attacked a Kyabandara parish in Kamwenge district in Western Uganda and killed at least 5 people.[591] 5 0 Allied Democratic forces (ADF) who pledged allegiance to ISIS


Country Date Article Description Dead Injured Status
Iran 3 January 2024 Kerman bombings Two bombings occurred during a ceremony commemorating the assassination of Qasem Soleimani in Kerman. 103 (+2) 284 Islamic State claimed responsibility[592]
Afghanistan 6 January 2024 Explosives planted in a bus in the Dasht-e-Barchi neighborhood of Kabul detonated, killing five people. 5 15 Islamic State claimed responsibility[593][594]
9 January 2024 An explosive was detonated in a minivan in Kabul, killing three people. 3 4 Islamic State claimed responsibility[595]
Iraq 14 January 2024 Militants in two vehicles opened fire on Iraqi soldiers stationed near Haditha with snipers and semi-automatic weapons, killing three. 3 1 Islamic State suspected[596]
Turkey 28 January 2024 2024 Istanbul church shooting Two gunmen entered the Church of Santa Maria in Istanbul during Sunday mass and shot and killed a man before leaving. 1 1 Islamic State claimed responsibility[597]
Pakistan 30 January 2024 Sibi bombing A bombing targeting an election rally for the Tehreek-e-Insaf party in the Sibi region killed at least four people. ISIS claimed ten people were killed or injured. 4 5 Islamic State claimed responsibility[598]
7 February 2024 Balochistan bombings Twin bombings occurred at two political offices in Balochistan province a day before the Pakistani general election 28-30 40 Islamic State claimed responsibility[599][600][601]
Mozambique 9 February Mucojo attack In Mucojo, ISIS militants attacked Mozambician soldiers, killing at least 25. Militants also shot at a passenger bus in Meluco, killing the driver. The attackers left notes for the passengers, which announced a declaration of war on Christians and said that non-Muslims would have to pay a jizyah if they did not convert to Islam, and would be killed if they refused. 26+ Islamic State claimed responsibility[602][603]
Democratic Republic of the Congo 19–20 February Rebels killed two dozen people with machetes and guns in Ituri and North Kivu Provinces in separate attacks. 24+ ADF accused[604]
Syria 25 February 13 people were killed by a landmine left by ISIS while they were hunting for truffles in Raqqa Governorate. 13 Islamic State accused[605]
Switzerland 3 March Zürich stabbing attack A 50-year-old Jewish man was stabbed by a 15-year-old boy in the city of Zürich. The boy had pledged allegiance to the leader of the Islamic State in a video before the attack. 1 Perpetrator pledged allegiance to the Islamic State[606][607]
Niger 20 March 2024 Tillabéri attack A Nigerien Army unit was ambushed near Teguey, Tillabéri Region. The Islamic State said that 30 soldiers were killed, while the Nigerien Defense Ministry said there were 23 deaths. Around 30 attackers were allegedly killed during the ambush. 23 (+30) 17+ Islamic State claimed responsibility[608]
Afghanistan 21 March 2024 Kandahar New Kabul Bank bombing A suicide bombing at a branch of the New Kabul Bank in Kandahar occurred people as they were attempting to collect their monthly salaries. ISIS said it was targeting the Taliban, but the Taliban said the attack targeted civilians. The Taliban said that three people were killed and 12 were injured, while the Mirwais Hospital said 21 were killed and over 50 were injured.[609][610] 21 (+1) 50 Islamic State claimed responsibility[611]
Russia 22 March Crocus City Hall attack Four gunmen carried out a mass shooting, stabbing, and arson attack at the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast. Gunmen used incendiary devices to ignite a fire, which caused extensive damage, including the collapse of the concert hall's roof.[612][613][614] 145 551 Islamic State claimed responsibility[615][616][617][618][619]
Afghanistan 29 April A gunman attacked a Shiite mosque in Guzara, Herat Province with machine-gun fire, killing six people before fleeing the scene. 6 1 Islamic State claimed responsibility[620]
17 May 2024 Bamyan shooting Gunman attacked a group of Western tourists (Spaniards, Lithuanians, Norwegians, and Australians), alongside their Afghan guides, in the city of Bamyan, Bamyan Province with machine-gun fire, killing seven people (including four tourists), and wounding seven others (including three tourists) before fleeing the scene. 7 7 Islamic State claimed responsibility[621]
Lebanon 5 June 2024 Beirut US embassy shooting A Syrian national opened fire at the U.S. embassy in Beirut, wounding a security guard. The Lebanese Armed Forces responded to the attack, shooting the gunman twice and capturing him. 0 1 (+1) Local media reported that the perpetrator wore a vest with the words "Islamic State" in Arabic and the initials IS in English, suggesting that he may have been involved with the group.[622]
Syria 12 June Sixteen Syrian soldiers were killed by a minefield laid by ISIS. 16 0 Islamic State claimed responsibility[623]
Russia 16 June Rostov-on-Don pre-trial detention center hostage crisis 6 ISIS detainees, armed with knives, escaped their cells and took two Russian detention center employees/police officers hostage at a detention center in the city of Rostov-on-Don in Russia, and demanded a vehicle, weapons, and free passage. Russian security forces raided the center, killing 5 of them and capturing and wounding the sixth, and freeing the hostages. 0 (+5) 0 (+1) All 6 of the detainees had previously been arrested for being Islamic State members and plotting attacks for the group. Videos recorded by the attackers during the incident also showed at least 2 of them wearing Islamic State-style headbands, one of them holding an Islamic State flag, and they proclaimed their allegiance to the group.[624]
23 June 2024 Dagestan attacks Militants opened fire at a church and a synagogue in Derbent and another synagogue and a police station in Makhachkala. Six police officers and two militants were killed, while a priest in Derbent was also killed when his throat was slit.[625] 22 (+5) 45 Islamic State claimed responsibility via Al Naba, an ISIL-affiliated newspaper.[626][627]
Serbia 29 June 2024 attack on the Israeli embassy in Belgrade A Serbia Muslim convert opened fire with a crossbow at the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, wounding a security guard. The guard responded to the attack, shooting the gunman and killing him. 0 (+1) 1 The perpetrator pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and its leader Abu Hafs. Police also found IS-linked items at the attacker's home, including an IS flag.[628][629]
Oman 15 July 2024 Muscat mosque shooting 9 people (including the 3 attackers) were killed in a mass shooting at Imam Ali Mosque in Wadi Kabir, Muscat. 6 (+3) 30-50 Islamic State claimed responsibility.[630]
Afghanistan 11 August 2024 Kabul bus bombing An explosive was detonated on a bus carrying Hazaras in the commune of Dashte Barchi, Kabul, killing 1 civilian and injuring 11-13 others.[631] 1 11-13 Islamic State – Khorasan Province claims responsibility[632]
Russia 23 August Surovikino penal colony hostage crisis Four ISIS prisoners armed with knives took prison employees and inmates hostage at the IK-19 maximum security prison in Surovikino. They fatally stabbed nine people, including five employees and injured two other employees. The militants were later killed by snipers, ending the hostage crisis. 9 (+4) 2 Perpetrators claimed that they were ISIS militants and waved flags of the organization. The attackers also claimed they were acting in revenge for the detention of the Crocus City Hall attack perpetrators.[633][634]
Afghanistan 2 September 2024 Qala Bakhtiar bombing A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest outside a government building in the Qala Bakhtiar neighbourhood in the Afghanistan capital Kabul, killing six people and injuring thirteen others. 6 (+1) 13 Islamic State claimed responsibility.[635]
12 September 2024 Afghanistan bus shooting Gunmen opened fire at a group of Shiite civilians welcoming pilgrims from Karbala, Iraq, in Daykundi Province, killing at least 14. 14 6 Islamic State claimed responsibility[636]
Azerbaijan 14 September IS militants attack Azerbaijani security forces in Qusar District, northern Azerbaijan, killing 7 security personnel and injuring 1. 7 (+1) 1 Islamic State claimed responsibility via its weekly Al-Naba newsletter, 5 days later.[637][638]

See also


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  634. ^ "Islamic State claims Kabul blast citing Bagram base detentions". Reuters. 3 September 2024. Retrieved 3 September 2024.
  635. ^ "IS group claims deadly attack in central Afghanistan". France 24. 12 September 2024. Retrieved 12 September 2024.
  636. ^ "Backgrounder on The Islamic State and Jihadism in Azerbaijan".
  637. ^ "In First Recorded Fighting Activity in Azerbaijan, IS Reports Clash in Qusar District Inflicting 8 Casualties". SITE. 19 September 2024.

Notable members

Mugshot of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi by US armed forces while in detention at Camp Bucca in 2004
Other personnel

Designation as a terrorist organization

Country Date References
  United States 17 December 2004 [1]
  Australia 2 March 2005 [2]
  Canada 20 August 2012 [3]
  Saudi Arabia 7 March 2014 [4]
  United Kingdom 20 June 2014 [5]
  Indonesia 1 August 2014 [6]
  Israel 3 September 2014 [7]

Media sources worldwide have also called IS a terrorist organization.[8][9][10][11][12]

Conspiracy theories

Conspiracy theorists in the Middle East have advanced false rumors that the US is secretly behind the existence and emboldening of ISIS, as part of an attempt to further destabilize the Middle East. After the rumors gained viral status, the US embassy in Lebanon issued an official statement denying the allegations, calling them a complete fabrication.[13] Others are convinced that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is an Israeli Mossad agent and actor called "Simon Elliot". The rumors claim that NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal this connection. Snowden’s lawyer has called the story "a hoax".[14][15][16]

See also


  1. ^ The Islamic State was previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), alternately translated as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (referring to Greater Syria; Arabic: الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام ad-Dawlah l-ʾIslāmiyyah fīl-ʿIrāq wash-Shām). The group is also known by the Arabic acronym DAESH (Arabic: داعش Dāʿish). These names continue to be used colloquially.
  2. ^ According to classical Islamic sources, Hilf al-Mutayyabin was an oath of allegiance taken in pre-Islamic times by several clans of the Quraysh tribe, in which they undertook to protect the oppressed and the wronged. The name "oath of the scented ones" apparently derives from the fact that the participants sealed the oath by dipping their hands in perfume and then rubbing them over the Kaʻbah. This practice was later adopted by the Prophet Muhammad and incorporated into Islam.[85]
  3. ^ During this ceremony, the participants declared: "We swear by Allah...that we will strive to free the prisoners of their shackles, to end the oppression to which the Sunnis are being subjected by the malicious Shi'ites and by the occupying Crusaders, to assist the oppressed and restore their rights even at the price of our own lives ... to make Allah's word supreme in the world, and to restore the glory of Islam..."[85]
  4. ^ "Accordingly, the "Iraq and Shām" in the name of the Islamic State is henceforth removed from all official deliberations and communications, and the official name is the Islamic State from the date of this declaration."[102]


  1. ^ "Foreign Terrorist Organizations". Bureau of Counterterrorism. United States Department of State. Retrieved 28 July 2014.
  2. ^ "Listed terrorist organisations". Australian National Security. Retrieved 31 July 2014.
  3. ^ "Currently listed entities". Public Safety Canada. Retrieved 31 July 2014.
  4. ^ "Saudi Arabia designates Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group". Reuters. 7 March 2014. Retrieved 31 July 2014.
  5. ^ "Proscribed Terrorist Organisations" (PDF). Home Office. 20 June 2014. Retrieved 31 July 2014.
  6. ^ "BNPT Declares ISIS a Terrorist Organization". Tempo. 2 August 2014. Retrieved 4 August 2014.
  7. ^ Rieger, Sol (26 August 2014). "Israel Moves to Declare Support for ISIS Illegal as Photo of Groups Flag Appear". Jewish Political News and Updates. Retrieved 10 September 2014. Israel has already declared the group a 'terrorist organization,' and is now working on a move that would make any support for the group illegal in the Jewish State, the Justice Ministry told Fox News.
  8. ^ Cite error: The named reference ListerTop was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  9. ^ Cite error: The named reference McCoyTop was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  10. ^ Tran, Mark (11 June 2014). "Who are Isis? A terror group too extreme even for al-Qaida". The Guardian. Retrieved 11 June 2014.
  11. ^ Coughlin, Con; Whitehead, Tom (19 June 2014). "US should launch targeted military strikes on 'terrorist army' Isis, says General David Petraeus". The Telegraph. Retrieved 31 July 2014.
  12. ^ "Iraq religious leader supports liberation of Mosul, calls ISIS terrorists". Foreign Affairs Committee. National Council of Resistance of Iran. 13 June 2014. Retrieved 8 August 2014.
  13. ^ The US, IS and the conspiracy theory sweeping Lebanon. BBC
  14. ^ 'Password 360' Conspiracy Theories Linking CIA To Isis Actually Bring A Serious US Denial. Huffington Post
  15. ^ Inside jobs and Israeli stooges: why is the Muslim world in thrall to conspiracy theories?. Mehdi Hassan. The New Statesman
  16. ^ Why Iran Believes the Militant Group ISIS Is an American Plot. Andy Baker. The New York Times. July 19, 2014


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