List of South Park residents - Wikipedia

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This page is a list of residents in South Park. This does not include family members, school staff, the children, recurring characters or minor characters.

Big Gay Al


Big Gay Al is a stereotypical homosexual man known for his flamboyant and positive demeanor. For example, he almost always responds to the greeting "How are you?" with an upbeat "I'm super! Thanks for asking!" At one point in the show, he runs an animal farm for gay animals who have been rejected by homophobic pet owners. He temporarily adopted Sparky, Stan's gay dog, who had run away from home. Later on in the episode, his large shelter vanishes, but the various animals remained, and were adopted by their former owners who had missed them greatly. He later takes up the position of the leader of a scouting troop; however, the parents of the children are uneasy about a gay scout leader, and the club fires him. The boys rally to get him back, and Gloria Allred and others force the Scouts to reaccept him. He rejects this, saying he knows the Scout leaders are still good men, and since the scouts are a private club, they should have the right to exclude people if they chose to, just as he has the right to express himself as a gay man.

Big Gay Al eventually starts up a relationship with Mr. Slave, the former boyfriend of Mr. Garrison; the two broke up when the latter got a sex change. Soon after, Al and Slave become engaged. Mrs. Garrison swears she would stop gay marriage in "Follow That Egg!," because she wanted Mr. Slave back; when she failed, Al and Mr. Slave got married.

Dr. Alphonse Mephisto and Kevin

Mephisto (right) and Kevin (left)

Dr. Alphonse Mephisto is a stereotyped mad scientist, who specialises in genetic engineering, and is the father of Terrance. The character is an extended reference to Marlon Brando's portrayal of Dr. Moreau in the 1996 film version of The Island of Dr. Moreau. His name is a reference to Mephistopheles.

Like Dr. Moreau, Dr. Mephisto creates strange creatures with his talents- however his creations are things like animals with multiple sets of buttocks. Mephisto believes it is for the good of the Earth, and that one-assed animals are useless and must be destroyed. He even goes as far as presenting a "seven-assed Galapagos Turtle" in an attempt to win a Nobel Prize, but loses to Randy Marsh's "Unified Theory of Fart Thing." He also performs experiments ranging from simple DNA tests to creating a genetic clone of Stan Marsh for his son's project.

Kevin, Dr. Mephisto's assistant, is described "that little monkey guy" who was created as a failed attempt to make a famous pop star. He is silent, and mostly follows Mephisto around. Every month, Mephisto's brother attempts to shoot him. Dr. Mephisto is a member of the National Association of Marlon Brando Look-Alikes (NAMBLA). Whenever the people of South Park need something beyond the natural, they turn to him.

In addition to Brando as Moreau, Mephistopheles is based at least partially on former UCLA molecular biology professor, Roger Bohman. Both Trey Parker and Matt Stone visited his class based on a recommendation of a friend and they have admitted to Roger Bohman's more than passing resemblance to Mephistopheles.

Dr. Doctor

Dr. Doctor

Dr. Doctor, is the only (and incredibly superstitious) doctor in South Park and at Hells Pass Hospital. In one episode: he treats the kids of South Park after bullying. In his diagnosis, he uses the kids' slang terms to describe their injuries such as "second-degree titty twister." He was voiced by George Clooney in South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut

Mayor McDaniels

Mayor McDaniels

Mayor McDaniels is the acting mayor of South Park. She handles the various activities of town, always speaking outside of the town hall, and various complaints from the townsfolk. While acting as mayor, she often makes light of serious situations, dismissing them completely. She acts presumptuously, because, according to her, she attended Princeton University, and thinks South Park is a dump. She hates Barbrady as well, but is largely stuck with him; however, it is implied that they have had some secret, rather unusual liaisons together. She is always followed by her two sycophants, also known as aides. They make plans for which she inevitably takes credit. The one with a moustache is referred to as "Ted", and dies in a car crash in Night of the Living Homeless; "Johnson" is the other one.

Mr. Hankey

Mr. Hankey

In South Park, Mr. Hankey, the "Christmas Poo", voiced by Trey Parker, is a talking piece of human feces; a scatological counterpart to Santa Claus, but with the lighthearted flair of 1960s-era Rankin & Bass holiday specials. He emerges from the toilet bowl on Christmas Eve and brings presents to good boys and girls whose diet has been high in fiber. He is especially close to Kyle, consoling him during his Christmas-Hanukkah depression and generally appears to help the boys out with something or gives them advice. Mr. Hankey has appeared in at various Christmas episodes, and inspired an actual retail CD Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics in which he has his own theme song.

In his first appearance, he appeared anthropomorphic only to Kyle and Chef, symbolising that Mr. Hankey has to be believed in to exist, although he often leaves a trail behind that is attributed by the adults to antisocial behavior by Kyle. Due to his physical state, he can only emerge from the sewers during the Christmas season or he will dry up and die. John Kricfalusi, creator of Ren and Stimpy, threatened to sue Parker and Stone, claiming that Mr. Hankey is a facsimile of his character, Nutty the Nutmeg Poop. Trey Parker, who created Mr. Hankey, has denied it. Mr. Hankey was created, according to Trey Parker, because his father scared him into flushing the toilet as a young child or else suffer a bite from Mr. Hankey.

Ned Gerblansky

Ned Gerblansky (voiced by Trey Parker) and his best friend Jimbo Kern represent South Park's large population of stereotypical "hicks". They are obsessed with large trucks, beer, guns, explosions, and killing animals. They detest "liberals" and circumvent anti-hunting laws by yelling "it's coming right for us!" before shooting any animal, thereby justifying the kill as self-defense and later, after a court ruling, shooting the animals so as to "thin out their numbers".

Jimbo and Ned met while in the Vietnam War, where Jimbo was a helicopter pilot. During the war, Ned lost his right arm when a hand grenade exploded in his hand. Ned also lost his formerly mellifluous voice due to cancer, apparently caused by cigarette smoking, and is forced to speak with an electronic voicebox. Despite the fact that Ned lost one of his arms, he can still wield two-handed weapons, such as a flamethrower, and even an M249 SAW in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut.

Officer Barbrady


Officer Barbrady is a police officer who is extremely incompetent at what he does and is generally a bumbling oaf, incapable of solving any of the crimes he is charged to investigate. Voiced by Trey Parker, he even inadvertently helped Mr. Garrison attempt to kill Kathie Lee Gifford. For whatever reason, Mayor McDaniels still often summons him, probably because he is the only cop in South Park until season 7. Despite this he actually does keep the peace in South Park as shown in "Chickenlover" when shortly after he retired the city fell into chaos. Barbrady is likely near deaf; he wears a hearing aid and speaks in a loud, expressionless manner. In a few episodes, it has been implied that he and Mayor McDaniels are in a relationship even though in "Chickenlover" and "Spookyfish" Barbrady claims to have a wife. Officer Barbrady doesn't drink coffee, as seen in episode "Gnomes"; he instead prefers to get hit in the face by a cat swung by the tail. He also appears to be slightly overweight.

Barbrady was illiterate until Season Two's "Chickenlover" when Chickenlover made a plot to make him read by having sex with chickens. Barbrady was also sent to school to learn how to read by the Mayor. Chickenlover made Barbrady learn where he would strike next by reading the clues left at the crime scenes. When the arrest was finally made, Barbrady was thankful at first to Chickenlover but arrested him nonetheless for being a gallophile. Chickenlover then gave him the book "Atlas Shrugged" which Barbrady thought was "a load of crap" and made him realize reading is "a waste of his time".

Priest Maxi

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Priest Maxi

Priest Maxi, also known as Father Maxi, is a Catholic priest who serves as the mouthpiece for South Park's Christian community. His name is a reference to West Indian reggae singer, Maxi Priest. His personality seems somewhat flexible based on the needs of the show; often he is a narrow-minded and intolerant man who is convinced most people are going to be damned to Hell, often for trivial offenses. In one episode he bluntly claimed that Timmy would go to Hell, since Timmy cannot confess his sins, as he cannot speak anything fluently. Despite his character flaws, it was Priest Maxi who, in the episode Red Hot Catholic Love, unearthed the massive corruption behind the many church-related sexual assaults. He also forced the Catholic Church to stop letting priests molest young boys, even though he performed fornication, albeit with a woman, in a confession booth himself.

Though as a priest Maxi is supposed to be celibate, he does not seem to regularly practice this. Like most of the adults in South Park, he has had sex with Mrs. Cartman at some point in his life ("Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut"), and was once caught having sex with a woman named Mrs. Donovan in "Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?" In "Cripple Fight" he admitted to having once been homosexual but claims to be reformed; however he apparently once had a relationship with a man named Peterson whom he was supposed to be reforming of homosexuality.

Sergeant Louis Yates

Sergeant Yates, voiced by Trey Parker, is an inept Irish-American police officer. He plays the general role of an officer, taking part in various investigations and situations. When Michael Jackson, known as Mr. Jefferson, moves into South Park and it is revealed that Yates hates all black men wealthier than himself and frames them—as Mark Fuhrman was accused of doing to O.J. Simpson—but panics and becomes disillusioned when he realizes "Mr. Jefferson" is black despite his "white appearance."


Skeeter is a red-haired townsperson. He first appeared in the episode "Sexual Harassment Panda". He has a southern accent, and typically is portrayed as a redneck. He hangs out at the bar a great deal, where he greets newcomers by saying, "Hey! We don't take kindly to" whatever they are "around here." This is generally followed by the bartender replying, "Now, Skeeter, he/she/they ain't hurtin' nobody."

He is shown leading various mobs in different episodes, or otherwise appears as a background character or regular townee. His most notable appearances include leading the campaign to "Free Hat McCullough" in "Free Hat", and as a war supporter who sings in "I'm a Little Bit Country".

He appears in an updated form in the episode "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson", in which he chases after Randy Marsh for demeaning African-Americans.



Towelie, (also known as Toweleeeie or Stephen McTowelie), voiced by Vernon Chatman, is a talking "RG-400 Smart Towel" manufactured by Tynacorp, designed to automatically be able to adjust his absorbency level depending on the dampness of the surface he is used on. He is usually seen either giving towel-related advice to the citizens of South Park or, more often, getting high on marijuana. Towelie often falsely claims that drugs improve his memory and/or make him smarter. His major appearances include appearing in a self titled episode based around his origin, and in A Million Little Fibers, a parody where he writes a partly-fabricated memoir, which gets him into trouble with his fans. Towlie constantly reminds other characters to "Don't forget to bring a towel!", a possible reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

Tuong Lu Kim

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Tuong Lu Kim

Tuong Lu Kim, a.k.a. City Wok Guy, is a seemingly stereotypical Asian (Chinese) character, prone to mispronouncing the word "city" as "shitty". Voiced by Trey Parker, Tuong is also known for how he says other words, such as R's instead of L's. According to the DVD commentary on the episode Jared Has Aides, Tuong Lu Kim is based on an actual person. While working on their film Orgazmo, Parker and Matt Stone would phone a real life City Wok just to hear the man's voice. Tuong Lu Kim's main job is the owner of City Wok, a Chinese take away service. The shop doesn't seem to be very popular in town, and it hasn't been seen since season nine. He also operates the dangerous airline service City Airlines.