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|[[Media:Orpheus and the Thracians wiki.ogg|'''1. Orpheus and the Thracians,''' read by Timothy Carter, music by Steve Gorn, compiled by Andrew Calimach]]


|Bibliography of reconstruction: [[Pindar]], ''Pythian Odes,'' 4.176 (462 BCEBC); Roman marble bas-relief, copy of a Greek original from the late 5th c. (c. 420 BCEBC); [[Aristophanes]], ''The Frogs'' 1032 (c. 400 BCEBC); [[Phanocles]], ''Erotes e Kaloi,'' 15 (3rd c. BCEBC); [[Apollonios Rhodios]], ''Argonautika,'' i.2 (c. 250 BCEBC); [[Apollodorus]], ''Library and Epitome'' 1.3.2 (140 BCEBC); [[Diodorus Siculus]], ''Histories'' I.23, I.96, III.65, IV.25 (1st c. BCEBC); [[Conon]], ''Narrations,'' 45 (50 - 1 BCEBC); [[Virgil]], ''Georgics,'' IV.456 (37 - 30 BCEBC); [[Horace]], ''Odes,'' I.12; ''Ars Poetica'' 391-407 (23 BCEBC); [[Ovid]], ''Metamorphoses'' X.1-85, XI.1-65 (8AD CE8); [[Seneca]], ''Hercules Furens'' 569 (1st c. CEAD); [[Hyginus]], ''Poetica Astronomica'' II.7 Lyre (2st c. CEAD); [[Pausanias (geographer)|Pausanias]], ''Description of Greece,'' 2.30.2, 9.30.4, 10.7.2 (AD 143 - 176 CE); Anonymous, ''The Clementine Homilies,'' Homily V Chapter XV.-Unnatural Lusts (c. 400AD CE400); Anonymous, ''Orphic Argonautica'' (5th c. CEAD); [[Stobaeus]], ''Anthologium'' (c. 450AD CE450); [[Second Vatican Mythographer]], 44. Orpheus

