Political activity of the Knights of Columbus

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Political activity of the Knights of Columbus concerns any involvement of the Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, to try to influence public and government policy. While the Knights of Columbus support political awareness and activity, United States councils are prohibited by tax laws from engaging in candidate endorsement and partisan political activity due to their non-profit status.[1]

A photograph of a placard at the March of Life that reads "Defend life" on the bottom with the emblem of the order in a blue band on top.
Tens of thousands of Knights of Columbus placards are handed out at the March For Life.

During the 20th century and especially the Cold War, the order had a history of anti-socialist, anti-communist crusades.[2] It also established the Commission on Religious Prejudices and the Knights of Columbus Historical Commission to combat racism.[3] It was supportive of trade unionism, and published the works of men including George Schuster, Samuel Flagg Bemis, Allan Nevins, and W. E. B. DuBois.[3][4]

More recently it has been active in defense of religious liberty,[5] promoting faithful citizenship,[6] and defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.[7] As part of their efforts to build what they see is a culture of life[8], those "who do not support the legal protection of unborn children, or who advocate the legalization of assisted suicide or euthanasia" cannot be invited to Knights of Columbus events, or have honors bestowed upon them.[9]

Regarding attempts to characterize the Knights' politics, the historian Christopher Kauffman has argued that "[i]f the Knights displayed a conservative tenor, it was not political conservatism but rather cultural conservatism."[10] Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt said that the Knights were both progressive, conservative, and neither.[11]


While the Knights of Columbus were active politically from an early date, in the years following the Second Vatican Council, as the "Catholic anti-defamation character" of the order began to diminish as Catholics became more accepted, the leadership "attempted to stimulate the membership to a greater awareness of the religious and moral issues confronting the Church."[12] That led to the creation of a "variety of new programs reflecting the proliferation of the new social ministries of the church."[13][12]

The 1960s was a time of transformation both within the church and within the larger society.[14] The civil rights movement was calling for greater legal rights for African Americans, and Lumen gentium renewed the universal call to holiness within the church. Responding to this, the Knights embraced "the challenge of authentic ecclesial and societal reform, while remaining faithful to timeless truths and traditional values."[14] In so doing, the order says, "the Knights transccneded the political divide."[14]

Political philosophy

As a non-profit charitable organization, the order is legally prohibited from endorsing political candidates in the United States, but is permitted to engage in issue-specific political campaigns. Its political activity is therefore limited to such campaigns, typically dealing with Catholic family and culture of life or insurance issues. Kauffman has described the Knights as "progressive on social issues but conservative on cultural issues,"[11] positions that are "a reflection of those expressed by the papacy and the majority of the American hierarchy."[15]

In their public policy efforts, and "in accord with the Catholic bishops, the Knights of Columbus has consistently maintained the Church's positions by promoting the building of a civilization of love, in which the law honors the dignity of every human being from natural conception to natural death."[16] They state that

In addition to performing charitable works, the Knights of Columbus encourages its members to meet their responsibilities as Catholic citizens and to become active in the political life of their local communities, to vote and to speak out on the public issues of the day. ... In the political realm, this means opening our public policy efforts and deliberations to the life of Christ and the teachings of the Church. In accord with our Bishops, the Knights of Columbus has consistently maintained positions that take these concerns into account. The order supports and promotes the social doctrine of the Church, including a robust vision of religious liberty that embraces religion's proper role in the private and public spheres.[17]

At the 1968 Supreme Convention, Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt posed the question of whether the Knights were conservative or liberal. He answered by saying that the order was "both progressive and conservative and we are neither."[11] The Knights' progressive credentials were rooted in their "efforts to shake the country free from any prejudice... to create conditions which will give every American a chance to obtain decent money... to eliminate poverty... [and to foster] interreligious dialogue and interracial understanding."[11] Their conservative efforts consisted of their promotion of a Judeo-Christian morality, anti-secularism, patriotism, and their loyalty to the pope and bishops.[11]


The leadership of the order has been, at times, both liberal and conservative. Martin H. Carmody and Luke E. Hart were both political conservatives. John J. Phelan was a Democratic politician prior to becoming Supreme Knight.[18] John E. Swift's "strong support for economic democracy and social-welfare legislation marks him as a fairly representative New Deal anti-communist,"[10] and Francis P. Matthews was a civil rights official and member of Harry Truman's cabinet. The current Supreme Knight, Carl A. Anderson, previously served in Ronald Reagan's White House. Following his service in the White House, Anderson served on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

War and peace issues

Shortly after entering the Second World War, the order established a War Activities Committee to keep track of all activities undertaken during the war.[19] They also, in January 1943, established a Peace Program Committee to develop a "program for shaping and educating public opinion to the end that Catholic principles and Catholic philosophy will be properly represented at the peace table at the conclusion of the present war."[20] The committee conferred with scholars, theologians, philosophers, and sociologists, and proposed a program adopted at the 1943 Supreme Convention.[21][22]

Shortly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq began, a new exhibit entitled "John Paul II: A Passion for Peace" opened at the Knights of Columbus museum.[23] In it were several artifacts on loan from the Vatican highlighting the work Pope John Paul II had made in the name of world peace.[23]

Cristero War

Following the Mexican Revolution, the new government began persecuting the church. To destroy the church's influence over the Mexican people, anti-clerical statutes were inserted into the Constitution, beginning a 10-year persecution of Catholics that resulted in the deaths of thousands, including several priests who were also knights of Columbus. Leaders of the order began speaking out against the Mexican government. Columbia, the official magazine of the Knights, published articles critical of the regime. After the November 1926 cover of Columbia portrayed Knights carrying a banner of liberty and warning of "The Red Peril of Mexico", the Mexican legislature banned both the order and the magazine throughout the country.[24]

In 1926, a delegation of Supreme Council officers met with President Calvin Coolidge to share with him their concerns about the persecution of Catholics in Mexico. The order subsequently launched a $1 million campaign to educate Americans about the attacks on Catholics and the church in the Cristero War.[25] The organization produced pamphlets in English and Spanish denouncing the anticlerical Mexican government and its policies. So much printed material was smuggled into Mexico that the government directed border guards be aware of women bringing Catholic propaganda into the country hidden in their clothes.[26][27] Twenty-five martyrs from the conflict would eventually be canonized, including six knights.[28][29]

Supreme Treasurer Daniel J. Callahan, a well known civic leader in Washington, convinced Senator William E. Borah to launch an investigation in 1935 into human rights violations in Mexico.[30] The Order was praised for their efforts by Pope Pius XI in his encyclical, Iniquis afflictisque.[14]

Labor and social justice issues

Pro-labor activities

In 1914, the order paid the salaries of David Goldstein, who was born Jewish but converted to Catholicism after reading the pro-labor papal encyclical Rerum novarum, and Peter W. Collins, the general secretary of the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, to lecture around North America.[31][14] The pair traveled more than 27,000 miles.[14] Local councils were instructed to open up the lectures to the public free of charge.[31] More than 2,000,000 people attended the lectures, and more than 800,000 questions were answered.[32]

In 1946, in his first address to the Supreme Convention as Supreme Knight, Swift proposed a new program eventually called The Knights of Columbus Crusade for the Preservation and Promotion of American Ideals.[33][14] It was similar to the 1943 Peace Program, except it highlighted Catholic philosophy and Catholic social teaching regarding the working man.[33] This was one part of a larger Catholic anti-communist effort.[34]

The Crusade listed the workingman's rights as including the right "to a job, to a family living wage, to collective bargaining and to strike, to Joint-Management, enroute to Joint Ownership of Industry."[35] Until joint ownership happened, workers were also entitled to all forms of social security, including unemployment, disability, and old-age insurance, according to the Crusade.[35] The Crusade's plan also listed 10 "Abuses of Unrestrained Capitalism".[36]

The Crusade officially launched in December 1946 and was endorsed by President Harry Truman.[37] By August 1948 over 1,300 local councils had established discussion groups based on the topics. As part of the Crusade, several hundred radio stations played segments produced by the order on the evils of communism and the harshness of life in Russia.[38] It also took out advertisements in newspapers and distributed copies of Fulton Sheen's Communism and the Conscience of the West.[39]

Social justice and anti-Communism

In the early 1920s, Supreme Knight James Flaherty gave speeches in which he "lashed out at the social irresponsibility of the moneyed classes."[40] During the Great Depression, when President Herbert Hoover established a Commission on Employment, Supreme Knight Martin Carmody wrote to him pledging the services of the Knights.[40] Carmody had already encouraged the 2,600 councils to have "strong and active employment committees."[40] By the end of July 1931, a total of 43,128 unemployed people had been placed into jobs, in addition to those placements made by local councils who were working under the auspices of other organizations.[40] In less than two years, the Order would provide more than 100,000 jobs.[14] In October of that year, Hoover appointed Carmody to the President's Organization for Unemployment Relief.[41]

The order launched a Crusade for Social Justice in 1938 as an outgrowth of their anti-communist efforts.[42] It was declared that "the public must be aroused to realize that only by the application of Christian principles, in private and public affairs, will there be eliminated, so far as humanly possible, the distress and suffering upon which these forces thrive."[42] Among the social justice issues the Supreme Council recommended local councils take on were a living wage, credit unions, and the cooperative and social responsibilities of employers, bankers, and property owners.[42] The Supreme Council also supplied local councils with a great deal of material to encourage members to study the social encyclicals.[42]

One of the first actions new Supreme Knight John E. Swift took in 1945 was to take out five full page newspaper advertisements warning of the dangers of communism.[14] In the early 1950s, the Supreme Convention adopted several anti-Communist resolutions.[43] However, Columbia magazine also published thinly veiled critiques of McCarthyism and the techniques of Senator Joseph McCarthy.[44]

In 1965, the Order co-sponsored a conference on human rights with the Archdiocese of Hartford at Yale University.[14] In collaboration with the John LaFarge Institute, the Knights worked on programs to promote social justice and ecumenical outreach in the 1960s.[14] At the end of the decade, in 1969, the Knights donated $75,000 to the U.S. Catholic Conference's Task Force on Urban Problems.[14]

Anti-discrimination efforts

In 2012, the Knights supported the US Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty.[14] The group addressed issues and challenges related to religious freedom and conscience in the United States.[14]

Religious and racial discrimination

From 1914 to 1917, the Knights of Columbus Commission on Religious Prejudice combated discrimination.[14][3] A similar organization, the Knights of Columbus Historical Commission, was created in 1921 to counter racial discrimination.[45][14] The group published books highlighting the contributions of Jewish-, African-, and German-Americans.[14]

During World War I, the Order established a series of "huts" to offer rest and recreational facilities for Allied servicemen under the banner of "Everyone Welcome, Everything Free." Civil rights activist and author Emmett Jay Scott praised the order, saying that "to its credit," and "unlike the other social welfare organizations operating in the war, it never drew the color line. ... The Negro soldier needs no other countersign than his khaki uniform to gain for him every advantage offered by the Knights service."[46]

In the 1960s, the Knights took steps to eliminate discrimination both within the Order and within society.[14] In the spring of 1963, Hart attended a conference at the White House led by Knight and President John F. Kennedy to discuss civil rights.[47][14]

Pierce v. Society of Sisters

After World War I, many native-born Americans had a revival of concerns about assimilation of immigrants and worries about "foreign" values; they wanted public schools to teach children to be American. Numerous states drafted laws designed to use schools to promote a common American culture, and in 1922, the voters of Oregon passed the Oregon Compulsory Education Act. The law was primarily aimed at eliminating parochial schools, including Catholic schools.[48][49] It was promoted by groups such as the Knights of Pythias, the Federation of Patriotic Societies, the Oregon Good Government League, the Orange Order, and the Ku Klux Klan.[50]

The Compulsory Education Act required almost all children in Oregon between eight and sixteen years of age to attend public school by 1926.[50] Roger Nash Baldwin, an associate director of the ACLU and a personal friend of then-Supreme Advocate and future Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart, offered to join forces with the Order to challenge the law. The Knights of Columbus pledged an immediate $10,000 to fight the law and any additional funds necessary to defeat it.[51]

The case became known as Pierce v. Society of Sisters, a seminal United States Supreme Court decision that significantly expanded coverage of the Due Process Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment. In a unanimous decision, the Court held that the act was unconstitutional and that parents, not the state, had the authority to educate children as they thought best.[52] It upheld the religious freedom of parents to educate their children in religious schools.


From the founding of the Order to roughly the time of World War I, "the Order's goals were most visibly expressed in its assertion of the social legitimacy and patriotic loyalty of Catholic immigrants."[53] During the Progressive Era, the Knights supported many Progressive policies, but rejected those who called for restricting immigration or those who advocated for Anglo-Saxon superiority.[54] This opposition to immigration restrictionists would continue through the middle of the 20th century.[55]

The 1921 establishment of the Knights of Columbus Historical Commission was driven by Edward F. McSweeney, a former Assistant Commissioner of Immigration at Ellis Island and pro-immigrant activist and author.[45] The goal of the Commission was to accurately present the role of immigrants, and particularly Catholics, in the founding and history of the United States.

On April 9, 2006, the board of directors commented on the "U.S. immigration policy [which] has become an intensely debated and divisive issue on both sides of the border between the U.S. and Mexico." They called

upon the President and the U.S. Congress to agree upon immigration legislation that not only gains control over the process of immigration, but also rejects any effort to criminalize those who provide humanitarian assistance to illegal immigrants, and provides these immigrants an avenue by which they can emerge from the shadows of society and seek legal residency and citizenship in the U.S.[56]

During Pope Francis' 2016 visit to Mexico, the pontiff visited Ciudad Juárez, on the U.S.- Mexican border. The Knights provided funding to the Diocese of Ciudad Juárez and to the Diocese of El Paso for the trip, which highlighted "the plight of migrants and the determination of the Church in the United States and Mexico to work together to help these individuals and families," as well as the need "for just immigration laws."[57]

The Order hailed the creation of an Arab Christian Council near Toronto as adding "new meaning to the international fraternal organization’s outreach and support of immigrant communities."[58] The council is largely made up of first-generation Canadians from Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Iraq.[58]

Other councils established for immigrant communities include one in Miami for Cuban exiles, and a Ukrainian council and a Vietnamese council in Toronto.[58] Many state councils have multicultural or diversity committees whose mission it is to support immigrant knights who do not speak the local language.[58]


At the request of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America, Supreme Knight Martin Carmody wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938 to support Jewish refugees seeking refuge in Palestine.[59] During the 2008 International Eucharistic Congress, a donation was made to Cardinal Marc Ouellet's foundation to support long-term programs to aid immigrants and refugees.[60]

During the Syrian and Iraqi Civil Wars, the Knights lobbied Congress to provide humanitarian relief to the victims of genocide perpetrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the Syrian civil war and the Iraqi Civil War.[61][62] in 2017, they praised the decision of the US government to provide direct U.S. aid to persecuted Christians in the Middle East who were suffering at the hands of the Islamic State.[63] They also led the effort to get the United States Department of State to declare the attrocities a genocide.[64]

At a Solidarity Dinner for the Washington-based group In Defense of Christians, Vice President Mike Pence singled out the Order for their "extraordinary work caring for the persecuted around the world."[63] Between 2014 and 2017, the Knights of Columbus Christian Refugee Relief Fund gave over 17 million for humanitarian relief work in the area.[63] That includes $2 million to rebuild the primarily Christian town of Karamles in Iraq.[63] At the end of 2017, the Knights and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops recognized a "Week of Awareness" for persecuted Christians.[63]

Cultural issues

Marriage and family life

As part of their public policy efforts, the Knights of Columbus "promotes the dignity and the irreplaceable value of the family founded on the Church's understanding of marriage as the faithful, exclusive, and lifelong union of one man and one woman joined in an intimate partnership of life and love."[17]

Since 2005, the Knights have given at least $14 million to legally define marriage as the union of one man and one woman in the United States.[65] In 2008, they were the largest single donor in support of California's Proposition 8.[66] In 2012, the Knights and its local councils contributed $1 million to support similar ballot campaigns in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington. In Massachusetts it led the drive to collect the 170,000 petition signatures to amend the Massachusetts Constitution to include this definition.[67][68]

In an unsuccessful 2005 attempt to stop the Canadian parliament from legalizing same-sex marriage with the Civil Marriage Act, the order funded a campaign that included 800,000 postcards encouraging members of parliament to reject the measure. As it was in the United States, this effort was criticized by some gay marriage supporters.[69]

The order also supports the church's teaching on divorce,[70][71][72][73][74] and has a number of initiatives to support and strengthen families as part of their Building the Domestic Church program.[75][76] They are also the sponsors of Fathers for Good, an initiative to support men "in becoming the best fathers they can be."[77]

Building a "culture of life"

As part of their commitment to building a what they regard as a "culture of life",[a] the Knights oppose any governmental action or policy that promotes abortion, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, euthanasia, assisted suicide, unjust wars, the death penalty, or other issues they regard as offenses against life.[9][78][79]

The Knights have consistently donated to pro-life causes, including millions annually to the recently established Ultrasound Initiative.

Ultrasound exams, which are medically necessary throughout pregnancy for a variety of diagnostic reasons, use ultrasound waves to scan a woman's abdomen, creating a picture or "sonogram" of the baby in her uterus. Without K of C support, most pregnancy care centers would be unable to purchase the ultrasound machines, each usually costing tens of thousands of dollars.[80]

The Knights believe that, by paying for the machines in hospitals throughout the United States and Canada, women will be better able to visualize their unborn child, and less likely to go through with an abortion.[81] The order also supports women in crisis pregnancies with alternatives to abortion, including adoption.[9]

They have also called for national healing and reconciliation following a series of violent mass murders including the Pulse nightclub massacre and 2015 San Bernardino attack.[82]


At the behest of the Knights, Congress appropriated $100,000 to construct the Columbus Fountain in front of Union Station in Washington, D.C. in 1912.[83][84] The Supreme Knight was made a member of the committee to erect it.[83][84]

Similar lobbying convinced many state legislatures to adopt October 12th as Columbus Day, and led to President Franklin D. Roosevelt's confirmation of Columbus Day as a federal holiday in 1937.[85][86][87][88] While they had long been active proponents of Catholic Social Teaching and its application to public policy, the efforts to honor Columbus marked the order's first efforts at direct lobbying of government officials on specific issues.[89]

Domestic policy

During the early part of the 20th century, both the Supreme and local councils found themselves in agreement with the principles of the Progressive movement.[90] Senator Albert J. Beveridge, an intellectual leader of the Progressive movement, was the featured speaker at "a grand patriotic demonstration" at Carnegie Hall in 1906, and James C. Monaghan, the Supreme Lecturer, frequently spoke out in favor of progressive causes in Columbiad and elsewhere.[90]

In 1954, lobbying by the order helped convince the US Congress to add the phrase "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance.[91] The order had been reciting the words since 1951, the first fraternal group to do so.[91] After signing the change into law, President Dwight Eisenhower wrote to Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart thanking the Knights for their "part in the movement to have the words 'under God' added to our Pledge of Allegiance."[92]

In the 1980s, the Knights supported an amendment to the United States Constitution permitting prayer in public school.[93] When president Ronald Reagan attempted to tax fraternal insurance companies such as the Knights of Columbus, then-Supreme Knight Virgil Dechant used White House connections to scuttle the effort.[94] In addition, local councils set up phone banks and letter writing campaigns to oppose the measure, which would have diminished the Knights' ability to make charitable contributions.[94]

Foreign policy

In the 1950s, rumors began circulating that Eisenhower would invite Josip Broz Tito, the dictator of Yugoslavia, to visit the United States.[95] In late 1956, Hart wired Eisenhower to express "amazement that he should consider inviting to this country the jailer of Cardinal [Aloysius] Stepinac, the tyrant of Yugoslavia, the persecutor of religion, and the accomplice of the murders of Budapest."[95] Shortly after the new year, Hart requested a meeting with Eisenhower but, as the president was traveling at the time, he met instead with Undersecretary of State Robert T. Murphy instead.[95] By the end of the month Eisenhower announced that Tito would not be visiting, and Hart declared victory.[96]

The Supreme Council adopted a resolution in 1969 endorsing the aims and justice of the Vietnam War, but as the war progressed Columbia magazine began to question the effectiveness of the United States' military effort.[97]



  1. ^ For more on this see, for example, Pope John Paul II's Evangelium vitae where he discusses issues pertaining to the sanctity of human life, including murder, abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment, and more.


  1. ^ Caplin; Drysdale (Winter 1999). "Voter Education vs. Partisan Politicking: What a 501(c)(3) Can and Cannot Do". The Grantsmanship Center Magazine. Los Angeles. Archived from the original on 15 April 2003. Retrieved 29 March 2018.
  2. ^ Kauffman 1982, pp. 364–365.
  3. ^ a b c Kauffman 1982, pp. 366–367.
  4. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 366.
  5. ^ "In Defense of Religious Liberty". Knights of Columbus. 133rd Supreme Convention Resolutions. Philadelphia: Supreme Council, Knights of Columbus. 4–6 August 2015. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  6. ^ "Resolution on Faithful Citizenship". Knights of Columbus. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 30 June 2013.
  7. ^ "Resolution on Defense of Marriage". Knights of Columbus. 123rd Supreme Convention Resolutions. Chicago: Supreme Council, Knights of Columbus. 4 August 2005. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  8. ^ "In Support of a Culture of Life". Knights of Columbus. 133rd Supreme Convention Resolutions. Philadelphia: Supreme Council, Knights of Columbus. 4–6 August 2016. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  9. ^ a b c "Building a Culture of Life". Knights of Columbus. 2017. Retrieved 23 January 2018.
  10. ^ a b Kauffman 1982, p. 367.
  11. ^ a b c d e Kauffman 1982, p. 405.
  12. ^ a b Roberts, Tom (15 May 2017). "Knights of Columbus' Financial Forms Show Wealth, Influence". National Catholic Reporter. Retrieved 18 January 2018.
  13. ^ Kauffman 1982.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s "A Growing Legacy". Columbia. Vol. 92, no. 8. April 2012. p. 2.
  15. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 415.
  16. ^ "Public Policy". Knights of Columbus. Retrieved 15 March 2018.
  17. ^ a b "Catholic Citizenship and Public Policy" (PDF). Knights of Columbus. Retrieved 18 January 2018.
  18. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 62.
  19. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 349.
  20. ^ Kauffman 1982, pp. 349–350.
  21. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 350.
  22. ^ "Peace Program Proposed by the Knights of Columbus" (PDF). Knights of Columbus. 19 August 1943. Retrieved 5 March 2018.[dead link]
  24. ^ Pelowski, Alton J. (June 2014). "Remembering Mr. Blue". Columbia. Knights of Columbia. Retrieved 30 March 2018.
  25. ^ "A Growing Legacy". Columbus. Knights of Columbus. Retrieved 28 June 2013.
  26. ^ Young 2015, pp. 108–109. sfn error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFYoung2015 (help)
  27. ^ Young, Julia G. (23 July 2015). "Smuggling for Christ the King". OUPblog. New York: Oxford University Press. Retrieved 30 March 2018.
  28. ^ "History of the Knights of Columbus: Priest Martyrs of Mexico" (PDF). Knights of Columbus. Retrieved 28 June 2013.
  29. ^ Meyer 1976.
  30. ^ Kauffman 1982, pp. 301–2.
  31. ^ a b Kauffman 1982, p. 178.
  32. ^ John B., Kennedy (12 March 1921), The K. of C. and Radicalism, America Press, pp. 498–499, retrieved 11 July 2018
  33. ^ a b Kauffman 1982, pp. 360–361.
  34. ^ Kazin 1995, p. 174.
  35. ^ a b Kauffman 1982, p. 361.
  36. ^ Kauffman 1982, pp. 361–362.
  37. ^ Kauffman 1982, pp. 362–363.
  38. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 363.
  39. ^ Ceplair 2011, p. 114.
  40. ^ a b c d Kauffman 1982, p. 320.
  41. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 321.
  42. ^ a b c d Kauffman 1982, p. 336.
  43. ^ Kauffman 1982, pp. 364–5.
  44. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 365.
  45. ^ a b Kauffman 1982, pp. 262–3.
  46. ^ Scott, Emmett Jay (1919), Scott's Official History of the American Negro in the World War, Homewood Press, pp. 407–408
  47. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 397.
  48. ^ 268 U.S. 510 (1925)
  49. ^ "Pierce v. Society of Sisters". University of Chicago Kent School of Law. Retrieved 28 June 2013.
  50. ^ a b Kauffman 1982, p. 282.
  51. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 283.
  52. ^ Alley, Robert S. (1999). The Constitution & Religion: Leading Supreme Court Cases on Church and State. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. pp. 41–44. ISBN 1-57392-703-1.
  53. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. xiii.
  54. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 167.
  55. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 373.
  56. ^ "Resolution on U.S. Immigration Policy". Knights of Columbus. 11 April 2006. Retrieved 28 June 2013.
  57. ^ Lori, William E. (1 July 2017). "The Forest and the Trees". Columbia. Retrieved 11 July 2018.
  58. ^ a b c d Mastromatteo, Mike (29 November 2011). "Many Cultures, One Faith". Columbia. Retrieved 11 July 2018.
  59. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 335.
  60. ^ "Congress reaches out to immigrants, refugees". Knights of Columbus. 23 June 2008. Retrieved 11 July 2018.
  61. ^ von Dohlen, Josephine (9 June 2017). "House OKs bill to aid genocide victims; Senate urged to act quickly on it". Catholic News Service. Retrieved 4 June 2018.
  62. ^ "Knights of Columbus". Open Secrets. Retrieved 12 July 2018.
  63. ^ a b c d e Catholic News Service (30 October 2017). "Knights of Columbus CEO praises plan for U.S. aid to persecuted Christians". America magazine. Retrieved 23 July 2018.
  64. ^ "Knights of Columbus praise increased US aid for persecuted Iraqis". Catholic News Agency. 17 January 2018. Retrieved 23 July 2018.
  65. ^ Roberts, Tom (15 May 2017). "Knights of Columbus' Financial Forms Show Wealth, Influence". National Catholic Reporter. Retrieved 18 January 2018.<
  66. ^ O'Loughlin, Michael (28 January 2014). "Report: Knights of Columbus Spends Millions to Fight LGBT Rights". Advocate.com. Here Publishing. Retrieved 29 March 2018.
  67. ^ Smith, Peter J. (6 July 2007). "Knights of Columbus Calls Pro-Gay 'Marriage' Knights 'Embarrassing'". LifeSite. Retrieved 6 March 2018.
  68. ^ Kurwitz, Darrin (12 March 2013). "Knights of Columbus: Standing on the Wrong Side of History, for a Change". The Huffington Post. Retrieved 6 March 2018.
  69. ^ Krauss, Clifford (31 January 2005). "Church Fights Gay Marriage Bill". The New York Times. Retrieved 28 June 2013.
  70. ^ Kaufman, Louis (18 August 1976). "Bishop Warns of Euthanasia". The Boston Globe. p. 20.
  71. ^ "Joseph Francis, State K.C. Head, Honored at Dinner". The Daily Boston Globe. 27 September 1946. p. 11.
  72. ^ Kauffman, p. 228.
  73. ^ Kauffman, p. 400.
  74. ^ Bauernschub 1949, pp. 62–63.
  75. ^ "CIS – Building the Domestic Church Series". Knights of Columbus. Retrieved 15 March 2018.
  76. ^ "Domestic Church". Knights of Columbus. Retrieved 15 March 2018.
  77. ^ "About Us". Knights of Columbus. Retrieved 15 March 2018.
  78. ^ "Knights of Columbus Resolution Defends 'Gift of Life'". Knights of Columbus. 3 August 2006. Retrieved 28 January 2018.
  79. ^ "Culture of Life". Retrieved 12 March 2018.
  80. ^ "Building a Culture of Life". Knights of Columbus. Retrieved 6 March 2018.
  81. ^ "Culture of Life". Knights of Columbus.
  82. ^ "Resolution 348 – National Healing and Reconciliation". Knights of Columbus. 2016. Retrieved 8 January 2018.
  83. ^ a b Kauffman 1982, p. 162.
  84. ^ a b Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 59–267, H.R. 13304, 34 Stat. 1413, enacted March 4, 1907
  85. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 164.
  86. ^ Sale, Kirkpatrick, "The Conquest of Paradise", p. 359, ISBN 0-333-57479-6
  87. ^ United States House of Representatives (April 30, 1934). "36 USC 107, ch. 184, 48 Stat. 657". United States Code. Office of the Law Revision Counsel. Archived from the original (Text) on October 19, 2012. Retrieved October 19, 2012.
  88. ^ American Memory (October 6, 2010). "Today in History: October 12". Today in History. Library of Congress (National Digital Library). Archived from the original on October 19, 2012. Retrieved October 19, 2012.
  89. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 230.
  90. ^ a b Kauffman 1982, p. 166.
  91. ^ a b Broadway, Bill (6 July 2002). "How 'Under God' Got in There". The Washington Post. Retrieved 4 June 2018.
  92. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 385.
  93. ^ Austin, Charles (16 August 1982). "Religious Right Growing Impatient with Reagan". The New York Times. p. A13. Retrieved 29 March 2018.
  94. ^ a b Franklin, James L.; Vaillancourt, Meg; Wen, Patricia (3 April 1995). "Fraternal Group Uses Clout to Safeguard Its Interests". The Boston Globe.
  95. ^ a b c Kauffman 1982, p. 386.
  96. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 387.
  97. ^ Kauffman 1982, p. 412.


Bauernschub, John P. (1949). Fifty Years of Columbianism in Maryland. Wildside Press (published 2008). ISBN 978-1-4344-7427-8.
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